The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 28, 1865, Image 1

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0- £{]? 3ftaum Doity Ctltgra'pJ}.; CtlTUXI),) [J. B. DUMBLK. ! ioiio«njiin'»ui»» THE u=A$*©ik!3T ¥8.Td3TiAJ.-^sr-/i'l7;«^7£T4 Mf’iO.'IXlriSS •srjFSrif,? jttt’ TELEGRAPH BUILDING ;iTDtr of Cbarry and Second Stree nxeos, or.OROLA. <1TY BUSINESS CAUDS. ATTORNEYS. OLD SERIES, NO. 13964 MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1865. (NEW SERIES, NO. 171. A Z U 3.1 E A 1 AZXJME A AZUMEA! Hu proved to be C OBB A jacksos. Attorn**** »t Lew, Macon,• Roet and Purest Baking Powder in Use. Oa, office opposite Po.1 < »m. e office of I iuc — k. A. Wilcox, Third afreet. . oxer, office of natl-Sm* Jiwa HCtew H OLT A BASS, Attorney, at law, Moron, (la. Office oTer Mix A KlrtlsiiT*. (torr. Will (tee prompt attention to all bn.lne*. entrn.trd to T. O. HOLT, JK. 4. F. BASS. wttW N TSBKTS, Attorney, at law. Office In W*»h- T It *^jouln OC * t 00 ^® ul, ’ < ’ rr ^ St., over office o( X. A. NISBET. 4. A. NISBET. 4. T. NISBET. u^SM** _ _ L AMER A ANDERSON, attornejra at law, uf- l«« j, II. ZEILK A CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGI8T8, mac ox, Georgia. Sole Agent* in tliis State for the sale of PROF. MORRIS’ AZC3IEA. We hire received another large lot of this excel lent YEAST POWDER, and can ufelj recommend It to the public for all that it claims to be. Azu* mea maltu the fin eat WHEAT EN BREAD possi- Me. It 1* made In the simplest manner, a* follow*: Get one quart, equal to l’f pound, of floor, mix into it, 7* ip dry, three ordinary size tuaepounfals of Azonica, add aid water, with a little salt dissolved In It—sufficient to make a dough u soft as can lie conveniently handled, which is generally a little le*. Ilun one ptut of water to one quart of floor. Do not knead it. Slu|ic it very lightly, and imme diately lake in a quick oven, which must lie quite hot before you begin to mix. It tiua the following advantage, over yeast or fermented bread; il can lie made and lukcd in one hour from the time of first handling the flour; It will tic moist and pleas ant to cat In four days after baking; It la easy of digestion, excellent for persona suffering from dya- papsia; refainaall the gluten, starch and sugar w _ _ r PI Iffiji-where he can; contained .In the floor, and there fftre produce* 1 lb. tic found at all boors, unless professionally absent.' 4'i oz. bread from f ill. 4 oz. Hoar, whilst yeast pro- t, op stal east of Mr. N. C. Monroe’s, Macon, Ga. _ sag ^P3m A P. WHITTLE, Attorneys at LawTToffle over Payne's Drug Store, next to Concer P.’B. WHITTLE ■8“? 1 l*$.’whittle. PHYSICIANS AND DIll'GGISTX. EMOVAL-Dr B. A. White now occupies two rooms over the present post office, next door to I>r. C. IL Hall'* office, where be can tie -Si* or day whew not professionally absent. D R GEO. N. HOLMES, has removed hi* office ftpp Brown'* Hotel to the East ride of Third ucU-tf I xKst. SMITH A OWEN, office owner vWalunt I J and «tb streets. Dr. Ligfatfooi’a old *iund. wtfSn D R. C. 4. ROOflEYELT, illumooqisiu*t).' Office Mulberry «t., Washington Block, over J. M. Board man's Book Store. Residenor on Walnnt, near Third street. mwllJn* SBs Mulberry street, (opposite the Medieal Col ,) where he may tie funnd at alt hours, d.iy^and (Otflee on Second street, sepITQm IJIITSICIANS.-I»r. 4. Emmett Blaekslttrir, of- I Bos over Payne'sdrngstore,rr>kdeiieeon|H •’«*•«, near the asylum for the blind. lr ! i High 33 3m COMMISSION MERCHANTS. J EWETT A SNIDER. Wholesale Cuiatnis alon Mrrehants, and Genenl Agents, Second 1 street, between Cherry and Poplar. Macon, Ga.— ! Prompt personal attention given to all rowigii- | ment. of cotton, produce, nunofacl urea and other srtielrs of Merchandise. Order* and Consignments j solicited from all parts of the country. Agents | for several flrst class Inannmcn Companies. octl.Stn* W A. HL'KK, wholesale prod nee dealer, cor- j • tier Cherry and Third Itfects, under Rais- ! t fon'* 11*11. _ aug 33-tm ! HAWLY GROCERIES —N. A. Mcgnilli, agent, I; a few door* above Masonic Hall, Cotton ave-{ uae, dealer In groceries, crockcty and ttapla dry i JEWEL CHS. I> . J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, late work I snnn tirSidney B. 1HV, continues to repair Watches at present in the Floyd House Building, opposite Medical College, Xlullierry street. oetSAa " ' f AMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweler, fl Second street, two doors from the corner of Mnlto-rry; keep* constantly a well selected assort ment of flne Gold and Silver Watches and Jewtlty. Also, Wslche* and Jewelry carefully repaired by experienced workmen. acptty-tltn W ATCHES'and JEWELRY, atdtu*. fe Ban del’*, under the Telegraph Printing Hotue corner Cherry and Second streets, Macon, G*. keep* constantly on hand a large assortment of flne Watches and Jewelry. Repairing done n. atlv and cm short no tire. Aif work warranted, auglfl-m MISCELLANEOUS. E» K. «B L. OOULDLNG,Intelligence Office, r . have removed from fvtton Avenue to Fifth Street, near Psssengvr Depot, and opposite Scho field's Foundry. Servant* and laborer* famished; orders (or white labor filled •, Information given ot houses, land* and other real catate for rent or Ale. soTl'J-lm d o' isssj T AW on, Ga. G | J. BLAKE, real estate agent, Macon, • Persons having houses for sale, or rent, or person* w.rating to .rent, houses, cannot be bet ter suited than by railing on me. From my long experience In the real estate business, I am better i»r«*narvcl to giro *Att*ffectlon than anj other person fa thacity. JJ < O. J. BLAKE. Macon, On, Sept Hi. l»i.VtJanl-00 ffxTT'i ft. LAN’S* are now offering for sale a L # large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Abo, r -* il Next door to Spress offiee, Pota s h, ft CASKS POTASH, COOKING SODA. 90 Bores Suprr-rarbonic of Sods, In one pom TSeg. do ‘ do -\y C AND LBS. 3 BOXES STAR CANDLES, m •• TALLOW do SOAP, 3d BOXES COLGATE'S PALE FAMILY SOAP, MITCHELL A SMITHS, xriIJa Third Street. Struck Oil ut I’owerevIIlc, Gu. rn*HE GEORGIA OIL Mannfacturing Company i'gSSSai 3A&WS?m^r your lubricator; and are prepared to fill MUs for the above mentioned Oil* at the shortest notice. Will purchase Ground Peas and him Cliristi Seed, in anv quantity. F. F. TABER, DOT-Jll'-’t* Supt. duces only 1 lb. 0 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. of flour; thus obtaining alxiut 2711m. more of bread from a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the cost of the Azumea. Can la- nsed for any of tbe following rccipea, and ladies every where will be agreeably surprised with i ttc delU-lous productions. This excellent compo- sitiou doc* not contain a iiarticlc of Alum, Salle- ! rat us, or any kind of deleterious drug; hut is per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, is infallible mud invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Pow ders on exhibitionthe Azumea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained tbe first prize, as the finest and licrt Baking powder known. A trial only is necessary. In order to be satisfied. A paper is given with inch box, with full instruc tions for making AZUMEA ROLLS, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, i AZUMEA JOIINNV CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE. AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE. Tvzcmea currant cake, AZUMEA'POT PIE, ’ ^ J AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, 1 AZUMEA J/OAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, }g* Azvema is put up for tlie retail traile in 1-4 lb. cans, at 35 ct*., and in 1-2 lb. cans at 00 cents. , Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octlOvJm . J. II. ZEILIN & CO. Springliill ili^li ipcliool. T HE undersigned, who is a Master of Arts of the University of V*., and was formerly Pro- lessor of Mathematic* and Astronomy, In the Uni versity of Georgia, will open,' on the 1st Janaary next, a Boarding School for hoys, at his residence in Houston county, Ga. Address W. LcROY BROUN, M. A., ; nov38<odltyt ^orvy, Hynstop Pqnnty, Ga. A Fine Plantation for Sale. O NE of tic beat plantation.* in Early county to offered-fbr sale. Tim place contains IS or lSCOarre*, 500 cleared. The place to under good repair, with substantial buildings and convenience* •Wacom and cotton farm. Plenty of good.well and running wateron the place. Male*, hogx, cows, sheep and gents, com, fod der, cotton seed, tab, rye, seed com and potatoes, -on Is bad on the place; (Term*, one-half cash, ‘ - t and two Tears. F'or farther infor- 8.S.ST/ aov34-10tt . NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! NEW’ PRICES!!! Wholesale and Retail! E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. r pHE uudrrdgnud beg leave to inform the Udic- X of thU c-lty, county and vicinity and the puba lie In ^I'noral, that he ha9 now open and ready for *alc at the well known and populafr ok! stand of a; E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of the best HtltcUd Stocks oi Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select ed by Mr. Kjxsixix with great care; and as he Is now in tbe New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods,-and watching the best oppor tunities far buying, I have the advantage over all other merchant* who are not similarly situated. I shall reeetvv new additions foour stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to to* public goods of the ’ Rest Manufacture, Latest Styles, lowest Market Prices. My stock consists In part of the following good*;. Prints, Printed DeLaLnea, > All wool Delaiocs, Empress Cloth, Poll DeChevrea, English and French if Scotch and Yrnltian Solid, printed end Hgured Poplins, tilt ek DeLalaca, ! Atapocas, Black Silks, Merino* and Bombazines, And many other good* belonging to tbe DRESS DEPARTMENT A full and complete assortment of I-inwi CambtlC Hnndl'i»rph!pf« ( Ladies' Linen and Embroidered Cnfls and Col lars, separate and In sets, •' ■ White, Red sndShaker Flannels, ,,, Plain and Taney Opera Flannels. * 'I Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Bfon ^ ' 0 UuUes' Merino Vests, Table Linen, Table Cloth, .Towels.. .'line To NTew Tork ▼IA Darien and Savannah. The completion of the Macon an J Brunswick Ran Road to HswUaxrille, and tho favorable boat able condition of the Ocmulgee River, now tinder this tbe cheapest and quickest route for the bus! ness of Macon and Central Georgia. Through Bills of Lading wilt be giTen alter the 15th Inst. All accommodations extended snd endeavors njade to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin <k Co., at Savannah Messrs. Nightingale A linger, at Darion; Asher Ayres, at Macoa.wIU act a* Agents. GEO. H. HAZLEHURST, Macon and Brunswick R. R. _nov4-lm Acting President. Fresh Arrivals. WE HAVE NOW IN STOKE, AND ARE DAII. RECEIVING, STOCKS OF CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES PRO VTSTOXf* A XV PRODUCE, Consisting of every thing to lie fonml in well regulated First Class Family Grocery AND PROVISION HOUSE. We have SODA 'CRACKERS, BUTTER, UIIF.ESE, PICKLES, » SAUCES, OYSTERS, RAISINS, STARCH, PEPPER, GINGER, SARDINES, A BAP SUGAR, MEAT., FLOUR, BACON, , LARD, CORN, GROUND PEAS, . . .SYRUP, AND ANYTHING ELSE YOU MAY CALL FOR IN OUR LINE. Our arrangements are perfected for scenting daily receipts of THE BEST MEAL To be bad in this market. Ground by Water Power, and we .shall have in store, in a few days, 100 Barrels Best Brand FLOUR to be found in tbe eonntry. Also 150 Bb!s. Hanwha Salt SOLE LEATHER AND KIP, p- andafew . :i Bales of* Cotton. ' i ; ,.i .. • ':'i b’JvVUl $ “ ♦ * y All of which will be disposed of Cheap lor Cash. We Wish it Distlaetlgr Understood! ni: That our Facilities for keeping our stock replen ... lshedsro . • EQUAL TO ANY HOUSE IN .THIS CITY, And would Invite the attention of the public to ' the fact tbatwe BUY and SELL ON COMMISSION. ALl. CASH orders will meet with prompt at teution, and satisfaction guaranteed. ■ ’it. NEWTON A LAWTON. Next door to Hardeman A Sparks’ Warehouse. uovl5-2w I,.,};.,}! For Sale. - M Y PLANTATION In the heart of the Cotton region on Flint River, about 40 mile* from Macon, Ga., and S}$ from RcynQld.’s Station, on the Colnmbns branch of the Southwestern Railroad. It contains 1,000 acres, 800 bottom, 400 cleared, comfortable framed buildings far 40 bands, and all tbe necessary out-buildings In another yard for tbe erection of a dwelling, a young orchard of select varieties, and vineyard, both bearing. Tbe neigh borhood is unexceptionable. .• Being disgusted with face negros, I will sell the place at one-fourth its intrinsic value. m>v25-10tt ROBT. R. HOWARD. Blakely, Gcoi Napkins, Doylies Haiti belonging to a * ' Baltimore a*nd Ohio;Number One D COTTON EXPRESS. T he Baltimore and omo railroad. in connection vrith JohnaoavlUc and Parkers- oaiw N^bville A NorthwesUm. Xi*h- vUie & ClULiUnoopk Western & Attsmic and Macoc A- Western RaUra*. Is prer^rd to trans fer cotton to New,York with a p*-oajrtneaa and expedition attorded t>r no other mote. Atnan* nti are brings Htoe by TrhiOT cotton will te Uken from Macon to JohmumTiUc without change of cars, and bat two fcrtweeu that point Macoo. For fnther information *pptr fO ' E. A WILCOX, Agent, Mseon. Ga. J ?. O’BHAUGHNESBT, Agent B. A O. R. E., Nashville, Tenn. novsr.lflt* And all other articles belonging to Goods Store. JCoS OT We call the aperial Attention of the ladies to our CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. Tf'i ili'lA 't M And sav with coufideoee, we wfll sell these arti cles at a ----- LOWER PRICE, Than any other bottle In the city and WARRANT the good* to be of the UC AvQCts f a e 1 k r e‘ Fire Insurance. E.C.GRANNISS. General Insurance Agent, Macon ■ ' . • • .- n .. u . •: Represents EIGHTEEN Marine, Fire, Life and ACCIDENTAL - • . Xii«LLran.ce Companies. And is fully prepared to. take risk* upon the most reasonable terms. The capital Involved In the Companies I represent allows me to take on any ONE RISK $250,000. , ■ . S f.fla Ir ■ ■ i Special attention given to the insurance of cot ton and all other species ef property. AU losses adjusted promptly. . ; , EC GRANNISS, uov33-lm Agent, Macon, Ga. JEWELRY STORE. - .■ - ,. E. J- JOHNSTON & CC„ .1 : i. • :.! . ju.ufaK'O I n..’ • Have re-established. tt«1r old aod well known JEWELRY STORF. and - WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at v '. ** * w ? v: ' ;°M:' ’ No. C Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic HalL r .ri They have just received a select‘stoek of ill including Watched; Jewelry, Spectades," Gold Pens, Choice Cutlery, Port Monaivs, Merschaums, Combs,' Brushes, ' Violins, Guitar mid Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Goo* and Tackle, Percussion Gaps, Marbles, Tops, China Dolls, Playing Card.-, Dominos. Backgammon and Che*. Men, inbin’s genuine Extracts, Toilet and Shaving .1 «. If a it 3 i— nov24-d2m Freight LYuuted For Darien. * j 3V1X. •-W_p- r - . * THE new, strong and wvti built Keel Boat, OG- MULGEE, ih charge of jA expericoced Pilot, will leave MaeoOHv Darien, m Tindvcttr »k of , jfcremhect.;4>l*.Boi4*ri«iBlaJtBlhemplnhg>or Through blit*'g'lading eh.-n at Beat anti Xfosl Fnahionublc ffanu- twelve days toDarlen. Fartieaablpflirg cotton to ‘ a Danot, Till do w alto ship by the abov* Boat, as It . (.Li la believed they can insure for lwAhtnfhry can on . ! the Boxes.; The Oaanlgeowil) return With freight from DorienUr Hawkdnsxille. For farther-infor- A- SPRINGER. mxtioa, apply to Carhxrt A Curd, or to J. M. Macon. Ga. ; Holmes on board the Boat, below the Centra Rall- * road Bridge. nov25-.1t* RIDGELY. SQUiT.p. & CO., BAVF ON HAND AND TOR SALE: Brandies, in Casks, Qr*. and Octaves. 7 Pare Monogahela Whisky, In Barrels, Choice Old Bonrbon Whisky, *• Jamaica Ram, in Keg*, Blackberry Brandy, In Barrels, “ Wine In Kegs, Pare 01d t Fort Wine, Sparkling Catawba, Hcidsick Champaiguc, Clioicc W11 Butter, in Keg., -Mackerel in Kits, ' 10 Dozen Wahoo Bitters, - 10,000 Havana Cigars, various brands, 10 Boxes Cheese, ' Pickles In wood and glass. All at lowest price for eosb, or in exchange tbr produce. _ nov24-lw. UGHTFOOT & J AGUES, S- *«- «» d TEG MB. JhS —AND— Commission Merchants, Third Street, Next to Expresc Office. O FFER AT LOWEST MARKET RATE8 A General assortment of Groceries, Wines, Liq uors, Crockcty, Tinware—comprising Flour all grades, Sugar all grades, Coffee, Green and Black Tea, Mackerel in Barrels Half-Barrels and Kits, Codfish, Dried Beef, Caudles—Sperm, Adamantine, Staraud Tallow, Soap, Soda, Cheese, Crackers—Soda, Boston, Oyster and Butter, Goshen Bnttcr,, Mustard, Yeast Powders, Cream Tartar, Almonds and Brazil Nuts, Raisins, Stick aiid Fancy Candies, Chocolate, Cocoa, Olive Oil, Sanees, Allspice, Grain and Ground Pepper, Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco, t Snuff in JarMand Bottles, Starch, Copperas, Blnc-slonc, Indigo, Powder, Shot, and Caps, Matches, Blacking, Wrapping Paper, Bagging, Rope ana Twine, Brogan Shoes, Axes, ; Osnabtirga, Sheetings, Yarns and Kerseys. FRENCH AND AMERICAN BRANDIES, Rye, Bourbon, Robertson county, Rectified and Com Whiskies. Champagne, Port, Madeiraaud Claret Wines. Bottled Uqnors of all kinds. Ale and Porter in Bottles, Newberry Ala In Barrels, Imported and Domestic Cigars. nov22-lw ----- i 11 j ~ B. Fye & Son, j Exchange Brokers, FORSYTH, GA. I Exchange on New York, and buy Gold and Sell, tnd Receive money on deposit. Prompt Attention given to Collection and Remittance promptly made. nov!9-8t* BOYD A GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Cherry St, 2 Doors below Telegraph Building. > MACON, GEORGIA. We are receiving weekly additions to our stuck »r DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, - OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., and we solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine our stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—-Special attention given to PBESCRIP TIONS and ORDERS. norlO-lm. BOYD 4; GORDON. SHORTEST, Cheapest and Quickest Route TO NSW YORK and BAX.TXXaOB.X2, By the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line. Through Receipt* given hg the Agent* of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY [From MACON to BALTIMORE *13,21; dml j NEW YORK *13,50 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. I AH packages should he stamped S T Co to facil- ; Rate ti-m-portation. THURSTON R. BLOOM, . Agent, Macon, Georgia. Y. G. RUST, nov21-3m Agent, Albany, Georgia. To Shippers over M. & B. Railroad TO IUWKl.\SVH,LE. BROWN & L AIDLER, MERCHANTS OF HAWKfSSVIM.E. Will have a large and commodious three story building in which they wlU stc;eat reasonable rate*, all goods consigned to 'heir care. ^ MR. JNO. u BR.VNTLT, J*., Agent at the ferminus of road, will promptly forward tfi os by careful and honest teamsters all goods intended for this market or to be shipped down the river. uov33-2w BROWN & &1 jt gailj Celegritji 1: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 28, 1S6A GREAT BARGAIN! I OFFER far sale my PLANTATION in Doogh- erty countv, Ga., eight miles East' of Albany, containing 3,215 acres, 1,500 acres in cultivation, all of It cleared within the last seven years, and 150 acres now sowed down in small grain. The resi dence on the place Is commodious and good; ne gro houses new, and ample to accommodate from SO to 100 negro*. Barns, Shelters, Gin House and Important to Shippers. ANOTHER GREAT INDUCEMENT BY ERWIN & HARDEE’S KIDGEI.Y, SQUIER * CO., AGENTS FOR DODDS, IWACNEALS & URBAN’S. ; CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. T HESE SAFES AND LOCKS bnvo been thor- onghly tested and their reputation is ouch that the Treastky Department at Washington find New York-<1ty use them in preference to any other. They are made exclusively of iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DA3IP PROOF. Bureba and Excelsior Bank Eocks, For Vaults, Expreaa Boxes, Banker*, Jewellers, and Merchants, are unrivalled, and uartiea desiring such articles will find it greatly to their intereit to purchase from us, as weean sell at manufacturers 1 prices, freight onlv added, nov ll-Sm RIDQELY, SQUIER & CO. Screw, Blacksmith Shop, and every description of buildings necessary on a Cotton Plantation. This place is well watered, and universally acknowl edged to be one of the Healthiest Places in Dougherty County. Corn, Fodder, Mules, Plantation Tools, and everything necessary to car- 3 'on a farm, con be bought if desired to entry on to place. Having determined to transfer my whole interest to North Carolina, where I now reside, I will give a Great Bargain in this place, and will make the terms to snlt purchasers. THOMAS HILI.. Apply soon to my Agent, Capt. John A. Da vis, Albany, Ga., who is authorized to sell and make titles'. NOTICE. On the above described place will be sold at pul), lie outcry, on Thursday, 7th day of December next, (if not previously sold with the place,) 4,000 bushels Corn, 50,000 lbs. Fodder, "500 bushels (or more) of Cotton Syed, 40,000 lbs. Pork, GO barrels Sugar Cane Syrup, 23 fine Mules, and one Horse, SI bead Of Cattle, 200 head of Stoek Hogs, 3 fine Wagons and onu Cart, 200 bushels Seed Oats, 50 bushels Wheat, 150 bushels Peas, 2S bead Goats, Blacksmith Tools, one Sugar Mill and 4 Kettles, Plantation Tools of every description, one Buggy, etc., etc. THOMAS IlILL, or Copt. JOHN A. DAVIS, nov34 Agent, Albany, Ga. LIKE OF FIRST-CLASS STEAMERS, Augusta and Savannah. SPLENDID RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT AUCTION. TFLIIL be sold at tbe Auction Boom of FIND- II LAY & KENRICK, on tbe FIRST TUES DAY Jn DECEMBER next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., that two story brick residence, on south side Pine street, between New and Spring streets, lately oc cupied by Dr Joel Branham. Sold by order of the Superior Court, for partition and ‘division .among the heirs. The lot contains about three-fourths of an acre—house lias 8 rooms, each with fireplace —kitchen, 2 large rooms, 8 servants’ rooms, 4 flre- “’icea, stable, carriage house, corn crib, &c. TERMS—-One half payable in ten days—balance CO days—good notes with approved security, or mortgage on tbe premises. J R W CUBBEDGE, i ' E C GRANNISS, '- Com’re II A KENRICK. ) Macon, Nov 23, *G5-tda ■ Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECHANDISE GIVEN through from N*w York to the following points: ' - • • • Macon at JJ .*4 65 per 100 lbs Americas at.. .'... 5 50 per 100 lbs Albany at........5 65 per 100 lbs Cnthbert at 5 77 per 100 lbs Eufaula at....'....... ,...5 90 per 100 lbs The Roads are now in good working order, and goods come through promptly. O' ■ ' T. R. BLOOM, Agent, . nov.M-lm •'* "• Mseon, Ga. Besides having redneed the rate of Freight FIFTY PER CENT, the Agent at Augtutabas made arrangements with Messrs JO- SIAH SIBLEY * SON8 to eff. et INSURANCE AT ONE-HALF PER CENT From Augusta to SAVunnali, BV STKA.MEHS I.XUB1, WM. O GIBBON'S AND AMAZON. tsr All consignments will kc promptly attend ed to. US' Parties shipping will please send to the Agent Tax Receipts, so that they may accompany shipment. WM B DAVISON, NorwSr* ErwInc * Hlrdcc ’* I,lne » Augusta. Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gunny Bagging, 100 Coils Ueinn Rope. 25 Coils Manilla Rope, 50 Bbls Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 30 Bbls Leif Lard, 50 Kegs Cut Nalls, 100 Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxes Aborted Candy, 40 }{ Bbls Butter Crocker*, Wine, Cigars, «&c. Brigliam, Baldwin ( -o. • COMMISSION MER CIIA NTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipment* to their friend* in New York or Liverpool. nov22-2m W. G. KENNEDY, Merchant Tailor, MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. I HAVE just received a splendid Stock of Goods in my line, from New York, and are now pre pared to make to order, all Garments for Gentle men’s wear, of th# best material and In the latest styles. Patronago is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, “ “ “ CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMEBES. SILK VELVET AND CAStlMERF. VESTINGS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS, novl-lm By the arrival of the steamer China, at Halifax, on the 31st, we have Li vet pool dates of the tlth, and Queenstown of the 12th.— She encountered heavy weather on the pas sage. The news is interesting: Great Britain. A supplement to the London Gazette con tains further additional correspondence be tween Messrs. Adams and Russell, relative to the departure of cruisers for the Confederates front England. Russell repeats the argument that the British government acted up to prece dent, and supplies memoranda showing that steps were taken to prevent and punish breaches of neutrality. Every representa tion of the American minister was consider ed immediately, and referred, when necessary, to the law officers without delay. The following are the views of the London Time* and New* on the Alabama claims: It is impossible for the American govern ment to abandon the claims for the depreda tions of the Albanian, but it is quite possible for a government to yield nothing yet do nothing. We must prepare to bo told that the United States will abate no jot of its de mands, nnd will reserve the right "of enforcing them. But, still, when tho temper of the people is calmed, when commerce lias had tjn.e to renew the links which bind the na tions together, when the memories of war fade into tlie past, there will be little disposition to dwell on unfortunate but inevitable casual ties.—London Time*. We confidently dismiss the supposition Hint tlie Alabama claims con become a direct cause of xvar between the two countries, but trust that something will yet be done to bring the dispute to an early practical settlement, lor it is one which can in no other way be disposed of. It would be an eternal disgrace if both governments should ■ confess them selves unable to find any but a violent solu tion of Hicir differences; but there is a state of nominal pence which has many of the dis advantages of war.—Daily Xeics. Of the new ministry and their policy in re gard to America, we learn, the following: Earl Russel attended the Lord Mayor’s banquet on the 5th. In a speech he paid a tribute to the memory of Palmerston. Ad verting to the last reconstruction of the cab inet, ho said lie had received the fullest sup port from his colleagues, with the remarks on its policy that lie trusted tlie country would nllow time to consider the course they ought to pursue, and lie should abide by the principles of his life. The twvcnunent deemed it their duty to consnlt^np wishes of the people, nnd it would be for parliament to consider how for those wishes were based on justice. He thanked God the American war was over; nnd lie (rusted the republic, now freed from the sin of 1 slavery, would go on aiid prosper for centuries to come. The reception of Russell at the banquet was a practical reply to the detraction which had lately pursued the government. Russell's language could only lie used 'by men who feel (lie important measures expected of them, and are willing to encourage the hope.— Daily Netet. Tlie effect of the speech was rather an en couragement to Uic cause of reform.—Star. ^irr H!inra HOD; S3 Addrest, subscript, on- Monthly, s advertising,. Onasquaie, twahsUat* cries, ... - - clayland dumbly ' and Path w consequence of thi? awkward cL- ^ Tires engaged in acts ci war until' "the ’ of June. I was ignorant of the revirf ' fered by the Confederate- mdlhZZjSSr litcration of the government under VlhLki acted. I received the first inteliimir-lif .ul downfall of the Confederate. of August, from the British bark £rnZJ? and desisted immediately from furtW ^f' °f war until I could communicate with a Fur,* pe»n port, and learn if the intellim™* _ as j r ,, \ not s* n™ £ talcs told by American ship* were true l«i ‘.i 10 !i,al< ' mcn t of a British’ cap-* famldingcntly sought for a precedent Fn law-writers for guidance in the* future -ram trol, management, and final disposal of^2.' vessel, but found none. Finding the author ity-queationahle under which Iicted. |jJL mediately ceased cruising and shaped L. ««»fcrthe AO-Oc. Tdid not ferijuSh tied in destroying the vessel, but on thr con trary thought the ship should revert to^he American government I therefore — Liverpool to learn the news, and if wtoSout foundation, to surrender the ship, with th* guns, Mores and apparel compile, to E The Shenandoah was surrendered to tbe American Consul on the 10th, who took to,, mal possession, and placed her under Cap' tain Freedman and a crew of his own *elee- Hon, to convey the ship to New York. FRAXCE. tbe r 0tk upin ’ PrOCnrrnr died .« * Iia the Em P pp *» left Pari* rm_ ‘ roJ 1 Ji fo - r ^‘>mi>cigne. The Paris Bourse on the lOth xem tin,. Rente*closed68fr. 45c. ITALY.. ’ . The Italian Parliament had been un*. rogued nntil the 18th in*t. Tlie Kino i Kl tUe '*"*"%**. if.^ r “ ri8 Prr>tr an<l Trm l* state that the ^r« 0V .T ,nPnl b“ decided upon m»- k considerable reduction In thc'army. toasaat'af.' Vcnctin is P?’ ic y of Italy, any undemanding is impn*. • sihlc. The establishment of setHml intenia tional relations is douhtlees desirable, but any concession would involve do chaniro fa the Austrian policy on the VcnetiwTSwT Washington Hall Is still open to the public. Special arrangements have been made for tlie accommodation of mem here of the Legislatures. N. C- BARNETT. Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1865. nov!9-2w* * 7‘ | 100 BAHREIN SALT, Just received And tor sale by LLOYD & DRAPER. novl9-10t» , Marine and Inland Insurance, TOBY* & OGDEN, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE AGENTS JEWETTS BUILDING, SECOND ST., A RE prepared to insnre Cotton and Merchan gX disc, by River or Railroad, via Savannah, Al exandria, or Western Route, at tow rates.- * ,nov25-3t CLOTHING. ~ Winship & Callaway’s stock or rise READY MADE CLOTHING Is more complete now than it has been any time during this season. They have received Fitly fine heavy BEAVER OVER COATS, and a large lot ' fine business suits during this week. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. G IT A N 0, G U A N 0, GUANO, To .The Planters of Georgia. ohizirl WE^RK NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH d i'Jv ..iui-. •:! in 1 »... . - / ( i i GUANQ AND FERTILIZERS SIL OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICE*, WITR EXPENSES ADDED, WHICH SHALL BE AS REASONABLE AS POSSIBLE. ; ! ' 1 * ' ^ PLANTERS WILL PLEASE SEND TN THEIR ORDERS AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, AS GOOD GUANO AND VF.IiTrU7.ERr ARE SCARCE. GEO. B. CRUMP & CO., nov23-lm 209 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. « We have a large stock for the wholesale trade and will moke it to the interest of the Merchants in thesmTomdlmg coHntr^to^btry tbefarCtoU^ n *nov2«10t SCOTT, POWELL & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 3d Street, MACON, GA. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, Bonct, Gold, 8ilver, Bank Notes, Ac. ISAAC SCOTT, • C. A. NUTTING, A. H. POWELL. nov2d-lm* TWO FIRST CLASS MULES. Apply to J. H. COX, At the well known wholesale establishment ot J. W. Fears A Co. nov2fi-l PnbUc*Sale of Government Property at OLD ARMORY, MACON. GA. X WILL sell to the highest bidder, for cash, a X large lot of horses, mules, wagons, ambulances and drav.-, harness,' blacksmith tools, saddler's* tools, spades, plcife, shovels and other miscellane ous property. ' Sole to commence at 8 o’clock, a. m., Wednesday, Not. 20th, and continue until all the property is sold. This is positively the last sale, and those wishing. to purchase should come early, as the best property will be sold firkt. By order of Col. C. K. Smith, Jb., Chief Q. M. Dep’t. of Georgia. W. A. RANKIN. nov24-5t Capt. and A. Q. M. MORE CHANGES. It is reported that Milner Gibson had been offered tho post of First Lord of tho Admi ralty, nnd Hint the Duke of Romerset would be Secretary of War. The commission for tbe trial of the Fenians opens on the 27th at Dublin: The Fenians had applied to the Court of Queen's Bench for tion, austhia. The General Corretpondmaa that by order of the Emperor all neenaitT for passports on the Auitrian frontier will ernv Washington Item*. From Washington dispatches of the “ail we extract the following: A dispatch to the World says the prisoner who was recently brought from the South under mysterious circumstances, and incar cerated in Old Capitol prison, is Major ofri a £ C r? 1 in Fl . orida - He was in cfaune of the Salislmry prison while the mortStv among the Union prisoners was greatest. ? Postmaster General Dennison has eoo,- l ilcted his report, and it is now ready for dis tribution. The report exhibits the di-tun. H 1 * ycrj VJSVennsonSkNL neports from nearly all the State- where Frccdmen s Bureans have been eatebfi.licd state that there is considerable suffering p^rbi>!iSiStt?BSS£^^2 tucky, mention one hundred achoola for eoL ored children and destitute refugees in*, tire operation. These schools are supported bv different benevolent association- hut therare placed under the auspices of Gen. Fkdt 'The total numlier of scholars in attendance in -viv ternber was twelve thousand four hundred am. criminal information eighty-three, and the number against the proprietors of the Freedman’« hundred and eighty. teacher*, Journal lor publishing Archbishop Cullen's pastoral; the publication being likely to prejudice the Fenians at the approaching trial. John Denovan, son of tho late eminent Irish antiquarian, had been committed for trial on a charge of treason. Bail was refused. He had been giving lectures to the Fenians on “The Use of the Rifle.” We gather the annexed intelligence in reference to the surrender of tho late rebel steamer, Shenandoah, to the American gov ernment, and the unconditional liberation of her captain and crew by the British authorL ties, together with Capt. Waddell’s letter to Earl Russell. Wc are informed that tho order for parole was received by Capt. Payntcr, of the Done gal, early in the afternoon, and that immedi ately after, it was communicated to Captain Waddell. Capt. Waddell then came ashore, and had an interview with some Southern gentlemen, after which he returned to his ship and paid off and discharged the crew. At seven o'clock the men left the Shenandoah in the Rock Ferry company’s steamer Bee, and at eight o'clock they were landed upon the George’s landing stage. But few specta tors were present to witness the arrival of the crew so renowned lor their exploits, owing, doubtless, to the fact that their parole was not known even to themselves until a short time before their landing. Each of them brought on shore a large quantity of luggage, and they appeared to have no lack of money —facts which appeared to attest that their long cruise has not been unrewarded. The news of their arrival soon spread, and crowds of persons collecting on the stage, formed themselves into groups around the sailors and endeavored to draw them into conversa tion. These attempts, however, rarely suc ceeded, and when twy did, it was evident that the men spoke rather to evade curiosity than to satisfy it The men, indeed, appeared to be themselves quite in tlie dark as to their position, nnd though under the impression that they had done with the She nandoah for good and all, appeared to labor under u fear of committing themselves or their officers by some rash statement. Some of them eagerly questioned the bystanders as to what the English people thought of the She nandoah, anil two or three of them expressed the greatest surprise that the officers of that vessel should even have been suspected of pursuing their work of destruction with a knowledge of the termination of the war. The men though exhibiting a marked reti cence on matters connected with the discipline of the ship, speak freely of circumstances | |yj |yj £Q|j^y£LY Itd tiic Shenandoah to terminate her privateering career, namely, the meeting with the ship Barracoota, which the crew are unan imous in alleging as the first source through which reliable information was received of the termination of the war. Many of the crew of the Shenandoah are Liverpool men, anil these immediately on be ing landed drove off to their homes. The men declare that they are at perfect liberty to do what they choose, and that their discharge is unconditional. At all events, they have been paid off in American dollars, and many of them will no doubt to-day be on their way to other parts of the country.—Liccrpool Courier. - ■ 7 a Captain Waddell in a letter to Earl Russel, which is published, says: “In obedience to orders I found myself in the Arctic and Ochotsk seas, far removed from the ordinary channels of commerce, and Reports from Appomattox county, Va_ ,, n °, ble Wndnc * of freia.g denfa/ A frcc ' ,mcn on part of old r«T- The war department has decided that no ,vU1 Gc cntertaincu unless the claimant has heretofore been re. r K mzed on his company rolls as such. Veteran negro soldiers, appjling for bounty, should state whether they were mustered " ‘ or before April lath, 18€1. Ex-Governor Cummings, Buchanan's Terri Utab ’ ;it «*> troa-ury °f drawing the tj ancc of salary due lum. H e has taken all the oatli9, been pardoned, and expects to •!*•» to draw his salary and return to Georgia. ' A dispatch from Washington to the World tfJra„(^i C0Dtract . w ? s concluded jf-terdaj by Gen. feoboyer, minister of the Colombian government, 6y which Col. a A. Gilbert ann President Forrest, two officers of tbe U m coast survey, enter the service of the Colom bian government for the purpose of making th ® Hagdclinn river, with thr view ol deepening iu channel at the mouth and overcoming two falls some distance above by which 810 miles of navigation will be ^ cured. ° ct 21.—Commodore Mur ray of thcU. S. steamer St. Cloud, report*, this morning the arrival of tlie ram Stone wall at the Washington Navy Yard Th. only incident he had to reportvrao the sink- ingofa coal schooner which ran eeroa the bow of the Ram off Smith's Point in Cht-sa C ak Bay. The_ night being dark, it may vc been an accident, bnt to all appraranrr i tec schooner purposely cncountcrd her fate. There was an unavoidable delay in brincrins* the Ram away from Havana, -owing to d- rangement of her machinery. W Cincinnati Gazette -ara the atitemrr; of the Southern States legal'debts prior to the war, plac« them at one hundred and fif ty millions. The most of these l end. held InEnropc, and tiic prospect of tlie pnv ment, even of the interest, is small indeed Of these, bonds *20.000,000 !«long to Mi* i^?';'^ 9 ’ 0 ^' 0000 to Xorll ‘ * srolina, *5,.j00,000 to Louisiana, and *66 000 OOO to Virginia Gov. Brownlow ha« innued a pr>>clttiiiat»on appointing a day of thank^iving and prarer It is the duty of the people of Tennessee. -is Halter, io pmv. btU politi cally they have about little U, thankful for as any people on the continent That should do their praying now and b«- thunkfui after the next general election. Does it Mean Anything ?—A very signifi cant movement has been ina<lc by the Gov ernment as regards Mexican affaire. All of the regular cavalr} r , except the <letju''hmentt stationed in New Orleans and elsewhere, h/vV * been ordered to report to General Sheridan, on the Rio Grande, ami will l>c aligned t<» duty un<ler General Merritt, in San Antonio. The 2nd and 3rd regiments of regular cara! ry are now in Indiana, the 4th in Tenmwoc; anrl the 1st and 8th in Ncvv Orl»*ax»s. ET A young man named Theodo Rt-edcr, aged 19 year* died in Coluii Ohio, recently from tbe effects of dj" too much whisky. He drank on a two pounds of whisky in one drinking the last six ounces he I siblc and died iu a few hour*.