The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 29, 1865, Image 6

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EL SAMUEL D. IRVIN. Sizeatl&f ti Ljoi 1 Irvin sal Irvin ft Bi'.H-. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. GEORGIA. Eal Estate Agent for Southwe*t«Tn Georgia. Prompt attention given tool) btulneu entrusted to his care. MtlUm NATIONAL LI F.E Travelers’ Insurance Company, OP NEW YORK. Office, HO. 343 BROADWAY. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL *500,000. DIRECTORS: Edward A. Jones, Orison Blunt, 8am ul J. Glasssv, Howell Smith, T. B. Van Boren, F. H Luznmus, Sylvester M. Beard, Wm. E. Prince, Robert Crowley, Sylvester Teats, Wm. Colt, Joseph Wlldr, J. C. Dlmmiek, A. A Low, Henry Clews, Cbas. Curtiss, Albert Wright,; Asher 8. Mills, John A leelin, W. H. Webb, H-P. Freeman, Henry J. Raymond, Nicholas E. Smith, Silas C. Herring, Jkmes K. Dow, Sam'l W. Trualow, Richard A. McCurdy. EDWARD A. JONES, President. WM. E. PRINCE, Vice-President. ’ ASHER S. MILLS, Secretary. F. B. VAN Bt'REN, Treasurer. S. Tears, M. D., Medical Examiner. E. H. Jpxxs, Superintendent of Agencies. E. F. Fotout, General Railway Agent. LIFE AND ENDOWMENT POLICIES Are leaned on the Mutual plan. All the profits lb this department are divided pro rata among the Policy Holders. All policies to be ineemtesta- hU alter live yean from date, and non-forfeitablc after two annual payments. A Loan of one-third of the amount of premiums will be made; also, thirty daya grace given in payment of premluns. GENERAL ACCIDENT POLICIES Arc granted covering accidents of all descriptions, including tbe travelers' risk. It issued Without Compsnsatlon, They provide for death, if caused by accident; but In esse of injury only, the Insured receives no com pensation. If granted With Com -ensation, Tbe full amount aaaured la payable to tlic family in cats of death caused by accident and occurring within three months from the date of injury. Or, in caae'of injury causing disability, the inaured re ceives a weekly compensation until he is able to attend to his business, such time not to exceed twenty-six weeks. The policy covers all forms ot Dislocations, Broken Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot Wounds, Bums and Scalds, Bites of Dags, Assaults by Burglars, Robbers, or Murderers, the action of Lightning or Son-Stroke, the effects ot Explosions, "Floods and Suffocation by Drowning or Choking, ana all other kind of accident Ten Dollars Secures a general Accident Policy for Two Thousand Dollars With a Weekly Compensation nl Ten Dollars. ^TRAVELERS’ INSURANCE1TICKETS, For any length of time, from one day to twelve months, are on sale at the various Railroad and Steamboat Ticket Offices and Agencies,; Marine Risks and Special Voyages. Policies arc granted insuring against death by accident while sailing in steamer or sailing vessels, also for special voyages. Foil Information, together with Tublcs of Kates, Ac., can be obtained at the Home Ofllco, or by ap plication to the State Agent. E. « GRANNISS Agent for Bibb County. J. C. McBURNEY, Tcn’l Agent for Georgia. WM. C. GODWIN, Americus. R. ROBS, Albany. S. S. STAFFORD, . Blakely. , ; K. G. MORRIS, Georgetown. R. COMPTON. , Griffin. R. W. JACQUES, Columbus, Insurance Agents desiring the appointment as Agent, can address the General Agent, J. C. McBuraey. scp22-3m For Sale or Item. 1 Offer two of the best PLANTATIONS la the State of Georgia, of their size. One oc cupied at present by Mrs. Chas. J. Williams, on Flint river, one mile from Everett Station. This K Isolation has about 400 acres in cultivation, ol ottom and upper land; baa a healthy location lor residence, and ample accommodations for hands necessary to cultivate the land, and a fine Apple and Peach Orchard. Tbe other is located on Flint river, three miles from Reynold’s Station; has bot tom land cleared sufficient to work SO bands, and has upland sufficient for all conveniences, aud am ple accommodations in the way of buildings. On «ech Plantation Is a supply of provisions, which will be sold to those who may rent, at a fair marked price. Also, farming utensils, mules, hogs anu For particulars, apply to ROBT. K. HOWARD, near Reynolds, or to me at Mobile. novlU-lOt. B. F. MARSHALL. FOB SALE* :tq t acres ofland. One hundred and fifty acres hi Cnl- 1 11 ration, remainder well, timbered- It i, cons le ered one ol the best Improved places in the coun- tv. First class Dwelling, seven rooms, six good Negro Cabins, Kitchen, Smoke House, &c. One of the very best Gin Hotuerand Cotton Presses, ig the section, and almost new. Good Stables. Borns and Wheat. House. Good Orchards and Fish Ponds. The place Is well -watered, perfectly healthy, and delighuallv situated. W ill l>c sold at a sacritlce. by eany application to JOHSC. MANGHAM, On the place. or S. W. MANGHAM, - - nov3-ltn \r\ _ — / .Griffin, .Gs- . METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE browns., ■ in Washington, D. C. This leading Hotel, Renovated end Re-furnished Is now in perfhet order for the reception and ac- commodation of Its old patrons. octl-3m HOWARD HOUSE, EUFAULA, - ALABAMA. J, W. Howard, Proprietor. A LL the luxuries the market affords, stored up to order and at the shortest notice. acpl3-3m*' KTCBXKDII. BISHOP. wm, v. manor. R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS No. 36 .Vain St., (a few ioort Mow Columbia sept 22-Sm* Strut, Cincinnati. ' A-A-.iL- Important Change of Base. Thoundersigned respeettully aunonnee tatheir friends and the “rest of mankind,” that they have removed to the large and commodious brick Store on Cherry at., between 1st and 2d, occupied by A. P. G. Harris, where they will be pleased iu see their friends and all interested in an exclusively Commission House. We would also inform the merchants and business men of Georgia, that we have made arrangements and will open an office in Cincinnati, and will fill orders for Groceries, Drugs and Merchandise ot all descriptions at lowest market rates. Dr. W. M. Withers will make bis headquar ters in Cincinnati, and will give prompt per sonal attention to all orders for purchase of goods in that city, or Louisville, Ky. Special attention will be given to the purchase or sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Yarns, Sheetings, Shirtings, Dried Fruit, etc., iu either city. Goods consigned to onr care, win be promptly forwarded at lowest rates. Orders for goods in this market promptly tilled. WITHERS* LOUD Cotton Factors and Gco’i Com. Merchant*, Cherry 8L, between 1st and 2d Streets, novS-lm Macon, Georgia. WM. M. TISOX. WM. W. GORDON. TIS0N & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and FORWADING MERCHNTS. 1H5 Boy Street, Snvammli. Georgia. O FECIAL ATTENTION will be given to the sale O of Lumber. Rosin, Turpentine, *e. We- art; again at our old office, prepared for businaas. An experience in this dty of over eleven yean,and oar undivided attention to all business entrusted, iu- duces u» to hope lor a contirmiuee of the liberal patronage heretofore axtandad. octSLSm CLOTHING-, HATS AVD '< Furnishing Goods. T HE undersigned takes pleasure in announcing to his former customers, and the public gen erally, that he has resumed business in this city, and has associated with him Mr. B. C. Smith, un der the 6tyle and firm of E. Saulsbury * Co. They have taken the well known and central stand, on Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic Ilall, where they are prepared to furnish gentlemen with any article appertaining to their wardrobe. Their well selected stock of Clothing, Hats and Famishing Goods, win be replenished by weekly shipments of the best and latest styles. oct21-2m E. 8AULSBUKY. jggT Journal & Messenger copy, and send bill to advcrtscr. Public Sale of a Valuable Plantation, STOCK, CROPS, ETC. W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, on the 2nd Tuesday in December, 1865, for Cash, the Plantation belonging to the estate of William Lockett, dec’d, situated in Crawford county, and adjoining Ewcli Webb, John Dent and others—the place contains 1,500 acres, la well improved in aU respects, with accommodations for 35 hands, and is one of the best plantations in the county, either for cotton or grain. Also, all the Males, Horses, nogs, Cattle, Crops of all kinds, together with Wagons, Carts and farming and other utensils of all kinds. The sale will take place on the premises, com mencing at 10 o’clock, and will continue from dnv, today, nntill all the property is sold. Terms Cash. ’ '• BENJ. G. LOCKETT, Ex’r of oct28-tds WM. LOCKETT, Dec’d. For further information apply on the premises, or to L. N. Whittle, Macon, Ga. ECONOMY.] ; ' [SECURITY Ins-mraxice -A_gency, J M. BOARDMAN is Agent for the following • reliable IxatmxxOB Companils. THE LORILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., or THB CITT OF SEW YOEK. Cash Capital 81,000,000 Assets *1,312,000 Profits annually divided, 75 per cL to the dealers. This Company divides three quarters of the net profits to tbe policy holders in scrip, bearing in tcrest, withont any liability to the insured. CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. John* C. Miles, See. NORTH AMERICA ~FIRE INSURANCE CO., or tub ctrr or sew yore. Cash Assets $721,468 50 R. W. Bleecker, Sec. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO., or the errror sew tore. Cash Capital.. - $250,000 J. HOXIE, President. Glo. T. Haws, Sec. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE^)., OP ATHEXS, GEORGIA. This old aud deservedly POPI LAR Company, with Its Capitalin tact, continues to take risks on the same ltberafctcrms as heretofore. ASBURY HALT,, Pres Albox Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Capital ...$500,000 JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pres. D..F. Wiluox, Sec. Risks on Cotton, Merchandize, Furniture or Buildings, taken in either of the above Companies at the "most liberal rates. Los3rs promptly ad justed. ' i oct224Sra .1. M. BOARDMAN, Agent. KZJShY YQXOE, JAMBS YQXOE, T~ C. G. CONNER * BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PURCHASING AGENTS. Third street, - - - - Macon, Georgia. YTTE oiler onr services to the public, and will VV give personal attention to alTbulsincss en- tmstedto us. We solicit consignments of goods of; every de scription, particularly country produce. Goods stored at the usual rates In our large, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Express office. REFERENCES : Messrs. Hardeman * Sparks, Harris & Kos\ Ash er Ayres, J. B. Ross, and Rev. J. W. Burke. jnlyOMm 1 . T. o; RTDOELY. M. U 9QU1RR. 8. P. WARREN. RIDGELY, SQUIER &GO. f COTTON FACTORS,GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier Home Building,' MACON, GEORGIA. T. R. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J.T. Croxton, Macon.Ga. Holmes* Pattersou,HopkinsftBra New York. C. W. Bruner, Savannah. Tucker* Co., Louisville. . ... octST-Sm. * fW. TUCK. I J. G. DAVIS, I - A. 2. TUCK. IbrUtian Co. I Late with Phelps, I Louisville, Ky. 1 Caldwell*Co. I ( i •* . fj Zs V t * i ; ’ Tuck, Davis dfc Co., U Wholesale Grocers and Commission . Merchants, * 323 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Louisville, Ky. Consignments Solicited; sng29-6m J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. W ILL give his personal attention to the pur chase andshipment of COTTON. HE IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash. Advances On Cotton in store in Albany, Ga., for shipment to Messrs Nortox, Slaughter & Co., New York. Having bad many years experience in the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission business, he flatters himself that he can give entire satisfaction to parties entrusting their business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully refers to J. B. Roes * Son, Macon; T. H. Johnson, Alabany. oct29-2m A. S. HARTRTOE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. 9‘2 Bay Straet, SAVANNAH, GA. GEO. C. BUCHANAN. ANDREW BtJOlIANAN. ANDREW BUCHANAN & GO., Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, No. 116 Main street, LOUISVILLE, KY Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bagging and Rope, promptly executed. Jy26 6m Jas. Van Valkenburgk, General Agent and Commission MERCHANT, Cherry Street, Near Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. AGENT FOR WHEELER & WILSON’S Sewing Machines. W ITH many valuable improvements, and which have the reputation of being the best Sewing Machine in the United States. Persons having Wheeler* Wilson’s Machines can have them repaired, and all the new improvementt add ed, if desired. AGEXT FOR THE Florence Sewing Machines, Whichclaims superiority over all otbermichtnes; is the only machine having tho reversible feed- movement, and was awarded the highest premium, gold medal, at the late exhibition of the American Institute. COPY- OF REPORT OF COMMITTEE OX SEWtSO MA- CHIXES. The Florence Sewing Machine Company, for the best Family Sewing machine. Reasons: 1. Its simplicity and great range ot work. 2. Its malting fonr different stitchee, viz; the lock, not double lock, and double knot. 3d. The reversible feed motion operated by sim ply taming a thumb screw, enabling the operator to run the work from right to left, or left to right, and perfectly self fastening to the end of the seam. 4. The perfect finish and substantial manner is which the machine is made. 5. The rapidity of its working, and the quality of the work done. 0. Its self adjusting tension, &e., Ac. Agency far the American Tract Society. All the publications of the Society can be bad; single copies or libraries. Sunday schools can be supplied with libraries at low prices, and grants will be made to destitnte schools or individuals. Aar England Mutual Life Insurance ft*- ; pany. This company has been established twsnty-rwo years. And is tho oldest wholly Mutual Life In surance Company in the United States. It has a fund of $2,600,000 and has made distributions of surplus funds in cash, amounting to over $1,500,- 000. This company offers superior inducement to in sure for life or a term of years, gg* Call for a circular.nov IS Old Established House. JOHS JOXIS, < CKARL. H. WAT, Late Treas. State of Ga >' Savannah, Ga. JONES A WAY, Haverc-opened their office atNo. 98, Bay 8treet, opposite tho old stand, Savannah, Ga., for the tnuMaction of a “ # General Commission & Factorage IIUS1NE S, 8 . Particular attention paid to forwarding cotton and merchandise to and from tbs interior. References.—T W Chichester, Eaq., Augusta, Ga; IC Plant, Esq, Macon, Ga; J WWarren,Eaq, Coiambus, Ga, and any Bank or Merchant of Sa vannah. Ga. oct23-eodlm* . COTTON PRESSES. W l offer superior faculties for pressing and baling cotton at our world comer First and Cherry street. McManus & ce. F. S.—Our Mr. Jackson DzLoackz take* charge of tha Presses from this date, and will be pleased to bare a call from hit old cotton friends. MeM. & CO. tept2S-3m Maoky 3 Beattie & Co* Shipping and General Oommissigh^Mercliants 203 & 205 ^AY STREET, SAYASSAH, GEORGIA, Cash advances made on Consignments to Mackt & Beattie, Philadelphia. REFERENCES: Messrs. Chat. L. Colby * Co., Mcesrs Hants & Gammel!, Messrs. Bell & Christian, Savannah National Bank, Savannah; Messrs. Mando * Wright, Messrs. W. A. Ramsay * Co., Augusta; Messrs. Lord, Stoue * Co, Boston; Messrs. John P. Boyle & Co., Messrs. Wallace & Browne, New York; Messrs. Macky & Beattie, Messrs. J. Gibson, Sons & Co., Philadelphia National Bank, First National Bank, Seventh National Bank, Robt Steen, Eaq., Messrs. McCntcheon & Collins, Philadelphia; Messrs. Clarke & Cunningham, M. A. Hamilton, Baltimore. Particular attention given to the forward ing of goods for Northern markets. oct8l-3m ALLISONS & KIBEHIN - Cotton F Etlcts AXD General Commission Merchants, Not. 29,318> 33, So. Market St. Nashville, Tenn. Retes To—J. B. Rocs * Son, Macon, Ga.; J. H. Anderson * Son, Macon, Ga.; Fleming * Whcleas, Augusta, Go.: W. Hays Warren, Au. gnsta, Ga.; R. J. Lowry * So., Atlanta, Ga.; J. Rhodes Brown, Columbns, Ga.; W. 11. Smith Montgomsry, Ala. ocU-2m* DEVLIN & 00s ' Broadway, New York. C L O THIN G i it; W : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL E OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT * / CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS to our Ready-Made Department. Wa Lave also secured the services of first-class ar Hsta in onr i CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which is likewise supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS. To those who wish to order by mail, wilt be sent (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS, With Directions for Measuring, which, it correctly followed, will secure a fit In all case*. DEVLIN be V.O. Broadway, ecr. Grant St., • 1 v-_ v __ Broadway! ooix Warren St, f SXW.JatM. J. 6. FRENCH, GEO. H. REID, Vr\ H. CHADBOURN. FRENCH & CO., COTTON FACTORS, j . Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Grocers, Ac., CLARK STREET, ;...NASHVILLE,TENN. Special attention paid to the sals or forwarding of cotton. septl9-3m* S. G. WOOD A CO., Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Butter, Cheese, Flour, dco., &c,, No. 45 Union Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. sep21-3m»' Willard’s Hotel, SYKES, CHADWICK & CO., PROPRIETORS, WASHINGTON, . .' . D. C., Formerly of the Girard House, Philadel phia nov 10-6m FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP JAT DAWSON, GA. rpHE undersigned would inform the public that A ha is prepared to furnish, ou short notice, finished or unfinished, of any description, and do any kind of Machine xvork SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES Supplied to planters promptly and on reasonable terms. O.O. NELSON. nov21-lm* . Important to Cotton Shippers. T HE Cotton Warchouze located In this place immediately on the river, and at the tcrmlnuB of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be ship ped from Macon and other points on the Sonth- woatern Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— We will receive all cotton consigned to ns, at the railroad depot, dray It, and pnt It aboard ef the boats at one dollar per bale. Cotton shipper* upon investigation, will find ibis route the cheapest and most expedlous of any dther route to New York from Macon. We re- spectfitily solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Onr long experience in that line will enable us to make purchases to the best advantage to tbosewho favor us with their orders. We hare nowin operation a new Iron Screw Presa. R.G. HOP.RIB&CO., Georgetown. kniwiosi Ren &' Seymour, J. W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Eaq., all agents on 8. W. R. R. aug94>m W. J. OARBETT, YOUXO OARXXTTj GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND Wholesale Dealers m Country Produoe' SECOND nOOR FEOU UAtOCTTO WITT., 1 ; : Deoatur Street, , i Atlanta, > - - - , . . . Georgia. MTEEIXCE3, FUnizy * Clayton, Auguata; J. L. VUlaloaga, avannah; J. W. Faers * Co., Macon; R. L. Mott, Solum bus; Col. A P. Wright, ThomuvUle; W. L. Cigh, Madison, Ga.;Wm. C. Ray, Montgomery; Ha.; McGruder, Tsylor&Robtrts.Biimaorr, Md ; AltsU * Inman, N.Y. ’ V00RHEE8 A GARRISON; ', CbmtnissloU Metkhfints, iii Wtitlam street, New York. Offer their services to the Planters, Merchants and Cotton holders of Georgia. ■mission to lavannab.-G. Savaanab; E. A. WUcox, Macon, Ga. -L. - W. B. Davison, Augusta, Ga. ■ ' , E. Remington & Son, ThomaaviUr.-O*. C. L. Robinson, Jacksonville, Fla. - C. K. Garrison. 73 William street, N. Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. Merchant! Exchange Nation Bank, N#W York. Any business entrusted to us will meet with prompt and careful attention. B. F. Voorhees. D. E. Garrison sep8-4m l. R. LANIXR. WM. PStLIiipS. H. O. SEXLET LANIER, PHILLIPS & CO. {Late ef Nashville, TWrtfA Wholesale Grocers \ A21D Commission Merchants, No, 32 Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. We invite the attention of onr old friends and tha Trade generally to our large and well assorted Stock of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES now In Store and receivixg daily, and which we re offerinz at the very lowest prices. Our facilities and business connections are each that we feel assured we can afford entire satisfac tlon in every instance, and those entrusting us with their orders, can rely upon receiving the goods upon as favorable term* and at as low rates at if they were present buying in persou. uov3-lm LANIER, PHILLIPS * CO. GRIFFIN & CO., 58 & 60 Courtland Street, NEW YORK. Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, and MACHINES. DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. E5T Traps Suptliid. Send for circular. novl8-3m JOHN J. McCANN, Wholesale Grocer and Commission MERCHANT. Dealer In Wine«, Liquors, Cigars, TOBACCO, No. 35, South Side Broadway, NashtiUe, Tenn. 50 HHDS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, 25 Hda do Porto Rico Sugar, 20 do do Cnba8ugar, 50 Barrels Crushed and Powdered Sugar, 20 do Granulated Sugar, 100 do. A andB Coffee Sugars, 20 do C extra assorted Brands, 200 do Yellow Sugar, 400 Begs Rio Coffee, 20 Mate Java Coffee, 20 do Lagnira Coffee, 10 Bags Ginger, 30 Bags Allspice, 20 Bagi Pepper, 20 Barrels Mackerel, 50 V bbla do SOOKits do. 100 Boxes Soap, . . 50 do Starch, 100,000 Cigars, assorted brands, 100 Boxes Candles, 100 Boxes Raisins, 60 Cases Sardines, 250 Cases Oysters, 100 Dozen Buckets, 200 Dozen Brooms, 50 Nests Tube, Together with everything usually kept in Whole sale Grocery Bouse. LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Robertson County Whisky, 60; do Bourbon do do ■ £0 do Ryo do 135 do Rectified Whisky, 5 Cask* Hennessey Brandy, 5 do Otard. Dnpuy * Co.’s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, vary old, 19 do Peach do . 5 do qherryWTne, In store and for tale at NO. *8 5, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. icpt!5 Sm K. M. MURCHISON, J. T. MURRAY, New York. Re MURBAT, z>. r. uvRcmsoy. Wilmington, K. C. Murchison & Murray, Commission Merchants, 188 Trout St., New York. A LL consignments to ns aro Insured from point X\. of shipment, whether advice of shipment is received or not. Liberal advances made on consignments when desired. Onr personal attention given to the sale of cotton. nov» Ini Law Card. ' THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF 8T. LOUIS, MISSOURI. AKorstf at Law. Calm and Reel Estate Agsnt No. 50 Markctst.,(upstairs.) / ■netlMm Montgomsrr. Ala. VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE LINE. T HROUGH receipt* given by tha AgenUof Southern Transportation Company at frt rate* to Baltimore and. New York, at guarani rat* per hundred poundson Cottoy packages shonld be lumpedB.T. Co., to ft Transportation. Rate from New York to novlMm-