The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 02, 1865, Image 1

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- claylaxd,) j f s. b. uuhbleJ; « r *• * / / i r”.. i 1 / j j BX>rro*s xhu rtsuimi 99691 ■P THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. TELEGRAPH BUILDING earner if Cherry fed Second fllrea * H*cqjr, CITY BDSjXESS CARDS.; ATTORNEYS. OLD .SPIES, SO, 1396, ( MACON, GEOKGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBERS, 1865. (NEW SERIES, NO. 175. C OBB A JACKSON, At! 0*-, Olfl< <: Opposite Post ( XJLWmlu,fwlhtA, ■ rOLT A HASS, Attorney, at Law, Macon fit Office «nr Mix A Klrtland's (tore. ! ToN ew York i ru '.- :~i 1 Darien and Savannah. The completion of the Macon and Brunswick toWi - <rf B eeo ji . J Boil Road to HavklnsTille, and the farorablc boat o«! 1 Tna Beat and Purest Baking Powder in TTw. «hle condition of the Ocmulgee Elver, now render mnil'xwi | £ .. „ ... . ,. n thU the eheapeat and quickest route for the fcnii- A Z UM E A- I AZUMEA! Y Z ^ ! Baa proved to be 3. H. ZEILIN A CO., (tvs prompt attention to at botinem entrusted to T. J. HOLT, JM. i.T. BAM. »t«il > Ifacon. (ia. l. x. wSrrhx. p. b. whittle. PHTSICIAXS AND DRUGGISTS. K ~ FmoVAL-Dt. B. A. While DOW occupies two roonm over the present port otBcc, next door to Dr. C. H. Hairs office, where beemnbo found night or day whan not professionally absent I ’alt GEG. XIlULMES, baa removed hie office U from Brow n'* Hotel to Hi* East aide of Third •treat, betwsrn PopUrand Hum- where be can bo « aadart in bonr*. nnlcss professionally absent. ortS-tf .1 - } >• . iSKS SMITH ft OWEN, office comer Walnut 1 J sad an. -ireota, Dr. Llglitfoot's old atand. r\H C. J. R008FAT.I.T, (HomoeopatbUt). 1J Office Mulberry «t., Washington Block, over J. M. Boardm..n', Hook More. Walnut, near Third street. D R. W. r. PARKER—residence and oOlcc on Mulberry street, (opposite the Medical Col- ) where he may be found at all hours, dnyand wii WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DRU6GI8T8, MACON, GEORGIA. Bole Agents in this State for the sole of |>KOt’. BOBRIP AZIJIKA. We have roceireJ another larjrc lot of this excel lent YEAST PuW DEK, and can safely recommend It to the pnhUc for all that It claims to be. Azu- mca make* the finest WHEATEN BREAD possi- ble. It is made in tie: simplest manner, as followa: Get one quart, equal to IX pounds of Hour, mix intoit,y.’ te<Dy, three ordinary »Uctea*rK)0nful5 of Axneacts add cold water, with a little lilt dissolved In It—«ancient to make a dough aa soft aa can be conveniently handled, which la generally a little Ici’ than one pint of water to one quart or flour. it- Shape It rery lightly, and Irnmc-, duteiy base |n a quick oven, which unlit, be quite i hot before y on begin to mix. It lent the following i advantages otct yeast or fermented Lread; it can ! lx- made and baked ia one hour from the time of tint handling the flour; it will be moiit and pleas- j ant to eat In four days after baking; it la easy of I digestion, excellent for persons suffering Irom dys- pspeia; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained in the flonr, and therefore produces 1 lb. 12 oz. bread from 1 lb. 1 ox. flonr, whilst vea.t pro duce! only 11!,. a oz. of bread from 1 lb’. 4 oz. of Jour; thus obtaining about 27 Ibi. more of bread from a barrel of flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the coat of the Azum^J PHYSICIANS.—Dr. J. Emmett Blaekahear of- 1 See over Payne'adrngatorr.rraidenceon High atroet, near the asylum for tbo blind. aug 23-3m nese of Macon and Central Gethgia. Through Bills of Lading will be given after the 15th Inst. All accommodations extended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Means. Btigkam, Baldwin A Co., a; Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale A Huger, at Darion; Asher Ayres,atftcon.wmg ^^hursT. Macon and Brunswick R. R., 6ov4-lm Acting President COMMISSION MERCHANTS. | EWETT A SNIDER, Wholesale Commis si aioa Merchants, and General Agent*, Second atroet, between i r and Poplar, Macon, Ga.— rromps personal attention given to dll consign- ' uenta of cottoo, produce, mannfacturcs and other articles of Mercbaadise. Orders and Consignments solicited from all parts uf the eountnc Agents for severs) first class Insurance oetl.Sa* JEWELERS. f n. OTTO.—Wholesale and retail dealer In *J a Watches, Jewelry, Watch Materials, Gold Pens. Gold, Sliver ami Steel Spectacles, Ac. At the old stand of J H AS 8 Virgin, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, repaired and warranted. Sewing Machines of all descrip- lloaa pat In order, to which Mr. P Ilcrtel! will it- tend. nov2823mt P J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, Ute work I. a man for Sidney B. Day, contlnnea to repair Watehea at present In the Floyd House Building, I Medical College, Mulberry street. TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, O Brcand atroet, two doors from th* comer of Mulberry, keeps constantly a well selected assort ment of fine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry. Also, Watehea and Jewelry carefully repaired by experirneed workmen. «ept28-3m W ATCHES and JEWELRY, at Ulus. S. Bau det’a, under the Telegraph Printing Honsc corner Chany and 8econd streets, Macon, Ga. keeps constantly on hand a large assortment .pf line Watehea and Jewelry. Repairing doue neatly and on abort notice. All work warranted, augln-tu ‘ MISCELLANEOUS. ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH JobPrtnting Oflke. Job work of every description execu ted an short notice and la goad style. Terms rca- ■»M» ang3S G J. BLAKE, real estate agent, Macon, Ga. • Persons having houses for sale or rent, or parsons wanting In rent houses, cannot be bet- tar salted than by railing on me. From my long experience in the real estate business, I am batter prepared to give satisfaction than any other person ta (he city. G. J. BLAKE. Macon, (is , Sept, lb, 196B-Qanl4» r P J. A D. LANE are now offering for sale a l a large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Also, Train Oil by retell. Next door to Express office, Macon. Ge.noT3-3m» Mrnck Oil at PowcrnvlHe, Ga 'PHE GEORGIA OIL Mannfactnriug Company 1 are selUnw their Pea Nut, Lard, Cotton Seed and Castor Oil, at a tow figure. Call on them for year lubricator: and are prepared to fill bills for the shore mentioned Oils at the ahortest notice. Will purchase Ground Peas and Palma Cbriatl fond. In any qmantlty. F. F. TABEK,* Sopt. be need for any of the following recipes, and Udiea everywhere will be agreeably snrpibed with the dcUclooa productions This excellent compo sition does not contain a ;.article of Alum, Salx- tatu*, or any kind of deleterious drug; tint Is per fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, la Infallible and Invaluable. At the Fair In Clncipnatl. there were a number of Baking Pow der* on exhibition >~the Azumea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, as the purest and beat Baking r-owder known. A trial only la necessary, In order to be satisfied. A paper Is given with each box, with fall Instruc tions for making AZUMEA ROLLS, AZUMEA HISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGO CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGOS. AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CUR.IANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, - AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, Gtf~ Azckma is put up for tlic retail trade in 1-4 lb. cans, at 25 cts., and in 1-2 lb. cans *t'50 cents. Liberal Diaoount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-2m J. H. ZEILIN & CG COME AT LAST. November 27th, 1865* I have thi* Day Beceiverl by Express, HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, ELEGANT BLACK CLOAKS, 14 DJtAB # DO. Also an incxlianstable mtpply of Dress Buttons NEW FIRM! . NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and Detail! A Fine Plaitation for Sale. O NE of the beat plantations in Early county ia offered for sale. The place contain. 13 IkuO arm, 300 cleared. The place i« under good repair, with anhatanUa) building* and convenicncm far a com aad cotton farm. Plenty of good well and running water on the place. Males, bog*, row*, sheep and goat*, corn, fod der, cot loo seed, oats, rye, reed corn and potatoes, can be had on the place. Terms, due-half cash, balance In one aad two veare. For further Infor mation addreaa 8. & STAFFORD. noVJt-lOtt Blakely, Georgia. Baltimore and Ohio COTTON EXPRESS: rpHE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD A in connection with Jotmsonville and Parkers- bnrg steamers, Nashville A Northwestern, Nash ville A Chattanooga. Western A Atlantic, and Macon A Western Railroad*, la prepared to truu- for cotton to New York with a promptness and expedition afforded by no other route. Arrange ment* are bring made by which cotton will be taken from Macon to Johnkonvllle without change of ear*, and but two changes between that point and New York. Through bills of lading given at For father information applv to E. JL WILCOX, J. F. O' .< H A CG HNES&Y, d«f* nt *■ * °‘ R -^ C “ hTU,f . Tenn. BnnieaandFamily Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. W E will toon have a supply of Buggies, Top Funilv Wagons and riames* made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, cxpreMly for this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all porehasers. Wc will sell no work not made expressly to onr order. Those from a distance cun address ua at Macon (tA care W. C. Singleton! or at Hawkinsvillc. Ga. oat7-3m McDUFFIE, MASON * CO. SCOTT. POWELL & CO., BANKERS * BROKERS, 34 Street, MACON, GA. Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, Bondi,UeM, Silver, Bank Notes, Ac. r;. - E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. rpRE undersigned beg leave to Inform the ladie- X of thi* city, county and vicinity and the pubs lie In general, that he has now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old atand of E. EINSTEIN'S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, OtJMOf the leaf *rf«frd Stocks of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Hn the Southern market*. The goods were select ed by Mr. Eisstein with great care; and as he k now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to onr stock evc- 2 week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to e public goods of the Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, lowesj Market Prices. My stock consists in part of the following good*: H Flints, Printed DcLalnes, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, FoUDcChcvre*. English and French Merinos, Scotch and Venitian Plaids, , Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black DeLalncs, vs Alapaeas, Black Silk*, Merino* and Bombazines, And many other gooda belonging to the DRESS DEPARTMENT A foil and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladles' Linen and. Embroidered Cuffs and Col lars, separate and in set*. White, Red and Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blan ket*. Ac., Horiery, GloreaA'n"J 17111) fllJi TQIlURi . Ladies’ Merino V. I .UFiR '■ , Table Linen, TablcCloth, Towel*, % Toweling*, ■ “ Napkins, •Doylies Linen. And all other articles belonging to a ALPACA BRAIDS, For trimming of every eolor._ BUGLE TRIMMING, Both block and white, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, 1 KID GLOVES, CORSETTES, A La Eugenie. Besides many other noToltics to which the attention of the public is invited. S. T. COLEMAN. Fire Insurance. E. C. G R A N N I S S, General Insurance Agent, Macon. Represents EIGHTEEN Marine, Fire, Life and ACCIDENTAL Insurance Companies. -And b fully prepared to take risks upon the most reasonable terms. The capital involved In the Companies I represent allows me to take on any ONE RISK $250,000. Special attention given to the Insurance of cot ton and all other species »f property. All losses adjusted promptly. E.' C. GRANNI8S, nov23-lyn Agent, Macon, Ga. BOTH & GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Cherry St., 2 Doors below Telegraph Building. MACON, GEORGIA. DRUgST recc * T * n ® additions to onr stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS.' GLASSWARE, ETC., and wc solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICLANB, and PLANTERS, to call -and examine onr stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—Special attention given to PRESCRIP TION8 anti ORDERS. novlG-Sm BOYD & GORDON. Important to Shippers. FURS WANTED. I MTLL pay for Mink Skins, prime, 73 cents Oposwim Skins, prime 25 cent’, Coon Skins, prime, 20 cents, nnv £^f rtaD '7 Goods, Triangular Block, nov ^im \T on X nov!2 For Sale. M Y PLANTATION In the heart of the Cotton region on Flint RiVer, about 40 miles from Macon, Ga., and from Reynold’s Station, on the Colombo* branch of the Southwestern Railroad. , It contains 1,000 acres, 900 bottom, 400 cleared, comfortable framed buildings for 40 bands, and all the necessary out-buildings In another yard for the erection of a dwelling, a yonng orchard of select varieties, and vineyard, both bearing. Tlic neigh borhood ia unexceptionable. Bclngdisgnstcd with free negros, I will sell the place at one-fourth its intrinsic value. uev25-10tt ROBT. B. HOWARD. Calhoun County Cotton Plantations FOR SALE. plantation. J miles front Ward’* station ou the S. W. Railroad. The first coniainaldOO acres, 500 of which are clear ed and under a good fence. The improvements arc good framed buildings, togetherwithgin house and screw. This is a select place, with water In each field. Provisions, stock and plantation tools can be bought with It. The second plate contains 1500 acres 250, acres open land. Those wishing to buy had best app! early, as I am determined to sell, and wlU give gooi. bargain*. I will sell for part cash and take a lien on the places for the balance. For farther infor mation apply to me at Cnthbcrt, or S. P. Clayton, on the first place. nov2845thdee» SAMUEL CLAYTON. Ells’ Saloon. * . up ia every style to please the most fastidious. Beverages of all kinds, of the best, to cheer the desponding ; a hot Dinner to iVvieoRAtxthe imecmioaicold day, with a fine Uavannato puff away dull care. Do not HFNGEn nor thiret, but call on Ells, who has a plenty at his Old 8Und, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy your wants. With eighteen years of successful experience in my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old lricnds for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—and all others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished a^ low as any house in the city, for shipment or city use. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. novS-lm H. N. ELLS. CL A* srTTiNe, A. H. POWELL. JEWELRY STORE. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC.^ Have re-established their old and weff known JXWELRT STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at No. ff Cotton Avenue, ■offer the Masonic Hall. .) They have just received a select *toak of all i and qualiti<a of good* kept in their line, ! including Watehea, Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Yes*, Choice Cutlery, Fort Meaaice, Merschaums, Comte, Brmhoa, Violins, Guitar and Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Guns and Tackle, Percussion Caps, Marble*, Topa, China. Dolls, Frying Carda, Douiiaoa, Backgammon and Cheea Man, LuUn's genuine Extracts, Toilet and Sharing aori&-d2m Number One Dry Go»ds Store. We caU the special attention of the ladle* to oyr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And tay with coufidence, we win sell these arti cles at a “ lowzx raxes, Than any other house in the city and WARRANT the goods to be of the Best and Host Fashionable Hanu- f » e tffu p e . A. SPRINGER. Macon, <jj. Hats, Hats, Hats. Gaps, Caps, Caps. Furs, Furs, Furs. Prices to Suit Every Class of Buyers! B EING exclusively engaged in the above line of business, wc are able to sell lower than any body. We can show the finest goods now offered South. Such as HATS, CAPS and Ladies’ FURS, and we Invite everybody to come and examine for themselves. To dealers we will make a liberal discount, that win enable them to make GOOD PROFITS. We have the only stock or FURS offering in Macon, and we guarantee them to be as represen ted. We wonld also say to the LADIES that onr S^ n J5' ments * re 8nc “ that we can order any STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, WANTED. 7 II. SHAW A CO., nortO-lw Cherry Street. Journal A Messenger copy. RIBGELY, 8QIIER * CO., AGENTS FOR DODDS, MACNEALS &*%RBAN’S, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, , ~ nk Locks, &c. ‘ 'i/SeA *“ Te bcen thor- , tested and their reputation is such ' I •> TtreASrar Departmest at Washington clt Y use Ihra in preference to ^« 5 ..oJte^ e ng n Sfm3^ 0< FIRE AND DA3IP PROOF. Bursts and Excelsior Bank Bocks, . a « Va ? lls l El 'P rc89 Boxes. Bankcre, Jewellers and Merchants, arennrivallcd, and oartles desirintr nnroh«i e r C ‘ W 11 flnd 14 £ reat fr to their Intent to priees^frdght “n’ly add^ SC “ nov U-Sm RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO. ANOTHER GREAT INDUCEMENT BY ERWIN & HARDEE’S LIME OF FIRST-CLASS STEAMERS, To Shippers over M. & B. Railroad TO lUWKIXSVILLF,. BROWN' & LAIDLEBT, MERCHANTS OP HAWK1NSVILLE. Will have a large and commodious tiiree atory bnlldlng in which they will ste.e at: reasonable rates, all goods consigned to their care. MR. JNO. K. BRANTLY, Jr., Agent at the Terminus of road, will promptly forward to ns by careful and honest teamsters ail goods intended for this market or to be shipped down the river. nov23-2w BROWN & LAIDLER. gnilj Cclfgrajjf. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1S85. SPLENDID RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT AUCTION. W ^vM^lAsctiO" Room of FIND- LAY-& KENRICK, on tbc FIRST TUFS- thaM D , ECE Jt I , B , ER next . at 11 o’clock, A. 1L, stOT brick residence, on south side Pine street, between New and Spring streets lately nc. enpied by Dr Joel Branhnm. Sold by order of the C °TK rt ’ , f0 . r l“ rtltIon division among the heirs. The lot contains abont three-fourths of an Acre—hooao has 8 rooms, each with fireplace —kitchen, 8 largerooms, J servants’ rooms, 4 flre- P TPti ho “ e ’ corn &C. in SF5~f~ 0ne . ll « 1 s payable in ten days-balance ' n , days—good notes with approved seenrity, or a mortgage on the premises. t J R W CUBBEDGE,) ECGRANNISS, i Com’re s, „ . HA KENRICK. ) Macon, Nov 32, ’C5-tds ' TINNERS! TINNERS WASTED! THEY MUST BE HAD!! Wages No Object! I will give STEADY EMPLOYMENT TEN GOOD TINNERS, -A>n- Pay the Best Wage*. fiee P i > . 1 I. 8 i?2. FaCt0 ' : ?,V 0 PP 05ltC 1110 0,11 Post Of- nee, or at my Store on Cherry street B. A. WISE, Cherry street, Macon, Ga. LOOK AT THIS. Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., Cherry st., between Cotton Avenue and Second st. Macon, G*. SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS, CALF SKINS. Harness mannfaetcred to order. deel-3m A GOOD CHANCE. I^ r 0 ?^*® res , c f Land Piano of Mann Jc Clark’* CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE, Livery Stable. T G. SEARS A C. T. FOSTER, have opened a , y a Lively Stable at Manly's old stand, Griffin, 7 Octaves, and Finely Carved Rosewood Oase, ** tK,are t0 fe ^ or f,lreial * I . . 150 Bbls Extra Family and Superfine Flour, 200 do Salt, 25 Bales Gunny Bagging, • 25 Coils Rope, in Store,. 100 do do to arrive, 50 Bbls Sugar, varions grades, 18 do do- Crushed, 150 Boxes Tobacco, 2,000 lbs Smoking Tobacco, 50 Boxes Soap, 25 Kegs Sup. Carb. Soda, 50 do Nails, 134 Packages New Mackerel, Nos 1 and 2, Quarters, halves and bbls, 25 Kits No 1 Mackerel, 12 Coses Best London Porter, 5 Bbls Apples, 20 Boxes Toilet Soap, 20 do Assorted Candy, 20 Cases Sardines, I will dose ont any of the above articles at a LOW FIGURE, as I am determined not to be nn- L , . . J. N. SEYMOUR. Sble and Upper Leather AT A REDUCED PRICE, Augusta and Savannah. Besides baying reduced the rate of Freight FIFTY PER CENT, the Agent a* Augusta has made arrangements with Messrs JO- SIAH SIBLEY &. SONS to effect INSURANCE AT ONE-HALF PER CENT From Augusta to .Savannah, BT STEAMERS LAVRA, WM. O OtBBONS AMD AMAXOtt. All consignments will he promptly attend- HY" Parties shipping will please send to the Agent Tax Receipts, so that they may accompany shipment. WM B DAVISON, Norl -X nt ® nv * ne Hardee’s Line, Augusta. Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECHANDISE GIVEN through from New York to the following points; Americas at 5 50 per 100 lbs Albany at 0 65 per 100 lbs Cuthbcrtat.. 5 77 per 100 lbs Eufaula at 5 00 per 100 lbs The Roads are now in good working order, and goods come through promptly. T. R. BLOOM, Agent, nov24-lm Macon, Gat GREAT BARGAIN! I OFFER for sale my PLANTATION in Dough erty county, Ga., d£ht miles East of Albany, containing 2,315 acres, 1,500 acres in cultivation, all of it cleared within the last seven yean, and 150 acre* now sowed down in small grain. The resi dence on the place te commodious and good; ne gro houses new, and ample to accommodate from SO to 100 negros. Bam*, Shelter?, Gin House and Screw, Blacksmith Shop, and every description of buildings necessary on a Cotton Plantation. This place is well watered, and universally acknowl edged toir^ onc ol the Healthiest Places In Dougherty Connty. Corn, Fodder, Mules. Plantation Tools, and everything necessaiy to car- S on a farm, can be bought If desired to cany on e place. IlaTlng determined to transfer my whole interest i North Caroliv ' where I Dow reside, I wilt give a Great Bargain l '-is place, and will make the terms to salt putt' *s. . , \«- THOMAS HILL. , Apply soon. r Agent, CapL JohnA. Da vis, Albany, Ga., wo > Is authorized to sell aud make titles. NOTICE. On the above described place will be sold at pub lic outcry, on Tlivrsday, 7tli day of December next, (if not previously sold with the place,) 4.000 bushels Corn, 50,000 lbs. Fodder, 500 bushels (or more) of Cotton Seed, 40,000 lbs. Pork, 00 barrels Sugar Cane Syrup, 23 fine Mules, and one Horse. 85 head of Cattle, 200 head ofStoek Hogs, 3 fine "'-“Misand one Cart, 200 bushels Seed Out*. 50 els Wheat, 150 bushels Peas, 28 head Goats Blacksmith Tools, one Sugar Mill and 4 Kettles! Plantation Tools of every description, one Buggy, etc., etc. .THOMAS IlILL, or _ Capt. JOHN A. DAVIS,' nov24 lOt Agent, Albany, Ga. Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant, 50 Bales Gunny Bagging, 100 Coils Hemp Rop? 25 Coils Manilla Rope, 50 Bbls Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 Bbls Leaf Lard, 50 Kegs Cut Nails, . 100 Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 40 % Bbls Butter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, Ac. Brigliam, Baldwin <fc Co. C 0 MMISSION MER CIIA N TS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends In New 1 ork or Liverpool. novtii g^~Tke "West India squadron b to be in creased by adding six war vessels, and b to be under command of Commodore Palmer. The war steamers Rhode Island and Swarta are two of the vessels which have been se lected. They will keep watch over the af fair* in the Gulf of Mexico. W. C. KENNEDY, Merchant Tailor, MULBERRY ST., 3IACON, GA. HAVE just received a splendid Stock of Go n my line, from New York, and are now pre pared to make to order, all Garments for Gentle men s wear, of th« best material and in the latest styles. Patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, “ “ “ CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERE8. SILK VELVET AND CASHMERE NESTINGS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, , GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS, novl-lm Washington Hall Is still open to the public. Special arrangements have been made for the accommodation of mem bers of the Legislatures. N. C. BARNETT. MlUedgcville, Ga., Nov. 20th, 1865. nov!9-2w* CLOTHING. "Winship & Callaway’s STOCK OP FIXE . READY MADE CLOTHING Ia more complete now than it ha» been any time daring this season. They have received Filly fine Macon at. $4 65 per 100 lbs heaT 7 BEAVER OVER COAT3, and a large lot of A—--*- * ■ r fine br* u “- — w - •*—*—“•* * IMPORTANT TO COTTON HOLDERS J. SIBLEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 6 "Warren. Block, Augu sta, Ga H AVE excellent CLOSE BRICK STORAGE ROOM for COTTON; will-either sell the same ou commission, in Augusta, or make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on consignments to Messrs. GCION A CO., Liver pool, England, or ts Messrs. WILLIAMS & GUI- ON, New York. They keep constantly on band afine assortment of Groceries suitable for the trade, sucli as GUNNY BAGGING, . ROPE, TWINE, BACON. LARD. COFFEE, SUGARS, MACKEREL, CHEESE, BUTTER, WHISKIES, AND SEGARS. They also arc prepared to take Marine Risks, to oints and places In the Unit ed States and Europe. ° the amount °f $150,000 on any one good Ship ndin Companies whose assets-, are over 15,000- 00 dollars #w. ,^_ > nov30-d6twlt* COTTON SEED, \\T Y : ARE PREPARED to famish Cotton Seed I-Jnrf They are of a snperio kind or cotton and warranted fresh and good. Parties at a distance can be famished. Colombo*, Ga., novfi-lin. J R IVEY A CG J. N. SEYMOUR’S. CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, Macox, Nov. 29, isos. For tale by »0v284t* E. J. JOHNBTOX ft CO. No 6 Cotton Arenac % “v52'„ , , ! A TRAIN will leave here on Sunday next, at 8 • _ Conveyance* furnished to any point ia the j XX. a. u. for MiUedgeville. roracr. A share of patronage is repectfolly so- G. W. SCATTERGOOD - 1 nev 7-eodl» novJtKt* Ase’t Snpt. Omen or Exmt Iron & Coat. Mesixo Co., Macon, Ga., 38th Nov. 1865. ) Stockholders whose Shares are not "full paid, are hereby notified to pay an installment of Thirtvper cent on their Shares on or before 1st Jaunarv next. andafartherinstallmentofThirtyper cent"ea or before 1st April, 1866. By order of the Board of Directors. . ED. L. STKOHECKER, nov29-dlw-lawtlatapril President. HOUSE AND LOTTO RENT. ~ A SPLENDID BESIDENCE On Tatnall square six rooms, pantry, dressing room and closets’ necessary out buildings, two acre lot and very rich 1 gardem Apply to DK. J. D. SMITH, or IV 36-dlw* WM.H.P.OSS 1 fine business suits during this week. WINSHIP A CALLAWAY. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We have a large stock for the wholesale trade and will make It to the interest or the Merchants In the surrounding conntry to bny their Clotlilngof us. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY nov26-10t E. THE GEM. W. THOMAS & CO.. Have fitted np the GEM in elegant style with new foraiturc. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked with the best Liqnors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Their fine stock of Wines, in bottles, will be sold at the most reasonable prices in the market. THE EATING DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest BUI of Fare in the market. The best York riverOystersarealwayskept on hand, fresh, and eaa be had in any quantity, at thejowest market rates. Famines can be supplied in any quantity and without delay. E. W. THOMAS ft Co., Gem Saloon, under Floyd House, nov34-3m * ifacon, Georgia. SHORTEST, Cheapest *nd Quickest Route TO 9TSW YORK and BAITZKORfi, By the Great Virginia and Tennessee.Line. Through Receipts given by the Agents of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON to BALTIMORE $13.25; and NEW YORK $13,50 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. All packages should be stamped S T Co to fo’cil Rate transportation. THURSTON B. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. Y. G. RUST, nov21-3m Agent. Albany, Georgia. Execution at Montreal. From the Montreal Herald.] Yesterday the wretched criminal, Barreau, suffered the extreme penalty of the law. The circumstances attending the crime of which lie was guilty are these: In May last Stanislaus Barreau, who had been brought up wjth, and partly adopted l>v Mi. Moqutn, of Laprairic, left here on n Sat urday evening, on pretext of going after game. ' At Laprairio he slept in a barn all ni watching until tho male members of the qum family had left, and as soon as he saw them proceed to church, he went to the house. There were two servants, Maria Louise Sauvage and Delima Duquette, the former of whom had nursed him through a dangerous illness, and on this occasion sup plied laini with the food of which she thought he stood in need, nis mind, apparently bent upon tho committal of tho crime of which he was afterward found guilty, seemed to de prive him of all appetite of the food which was set before him; for, after swallowing a few morsels of it, he declared himself unable [to eat. Distracted by the thoughts of the brutal crime whiclt he was about to perpetrate, lie appears to have been utterly undecided as to the course he would follow, and once or twice rose to leave thchousc. ’ Working him self up to desperation, he made a slight H mark of Marie Louise Sauvage tlic pretext of shooting her, which he did delibemtelv. She having retreated to the bedroom, lie followed here, and there accomplished two of the foulest murders on record, that of a woman who had nursed him through a long aud dangerous illness, and a little innocent yet unconscious of its existence. Not satisfied with this bloody tragedy he next attempted to destroy all evidence of his guilt by killing Delima Duquette, a young girl between thirteen and fourteen, nudanim fant which she had in arms. Deceived bv the feigned death of Jhe girl, and believing himself to be secure from detection, he robbed the house of tho money which he knew Mr. totSeplaq^L 8 and > sctt >ng fire The condemned had his last sacrament about midnight, and went to bed about two o clock. Ho slept soundly till six. Four nuns then took the place of the priest. Abont nine a. m. Rev. Mr. Viliencuve, with eight nuns, arrived. Mass for the dying was cele brated in the corridor next to his cell, which was fitted up as a chapel. At a quarter to ten, the reporters were admitted to see him Nuns were discovered kneeling, and he was sitting, and his fingers were playing ner vously with his handkerchief. In reply to a question from Father Ville- neuve.dte replied, with a smile of melancholy 'resignation, that as theJSaviour had died, for hint, so he was ready now to die, and he trusted that the scaffold might prove to be to him a ladder to heaven, SUBSCRIPTION . Ytarly. (.tEvsriably in ajrazes.) »1S IX Quarterly, k (sj Monthly, 1 00 ADVERTISING i One square, twelve line* or Its*, tingle Insert" $1 00; each subsequent insertion 50 ceuta. Address, CLAYLAND ft DUMBLK, Editors and Publisher*. inhite*?? !*«*«* 0 ,ctt *r rmne itmt place, ?Tniepmdmce ia no atithor- he jailor, of which ity; in the second plan-, if the French tiov- the following is a translation: 31b. Payette : When you shall have receiv ed this letter I shall have departed from this life, and. ended on earth the tragic scene of my sad existence. There will then remain of me to posterity only a souvenir of terror and dread. I know that there exists the melan choly heritage which reserves to the unhappy prisoner the echo ofa life stained as mine has been; but since I have repented of my gins I die with confidence, awaiting a favorable sen tence from the mercy of God, who made him- self my Saviour before he became my judcc Now,<hat by my blood I have paid to human justiv j what I owed it, let me acquit mvsclf to you ofthe more grateful duty of expressing gratitudo for your charitable cares, which at all times have softened the rigors of my posi tion. I also wish especially to thank Madame Payette, who never refused to share with you the generosity which you showed toward the most whctclied of prisoners. Accept, both of you, the tribute of my heart, and believe in its profound gratitude toward yourself. Stanislaus Barbeau. At a quarter past ten his room was entered and he was pinioned by the hangman,' muf fled, and blackened—priests and nuns mean while kneeling and praying. IIi s confessor exhorted him to trust in God and manifest no weakness. His arms being fastened behind, and the rope being round his neck, with tlic knot be hind his left car, all rose, and aa tho melan choly procession marched through the yard to tlic gallows, the priests ancl nuns again repeated the prayers for the dying. The condemned, from tlic time of leaving tlie, jail door till lie reached the gallows! never lifted his eyes. His face was slightly flushed. Moving up thc-steps lie stumbled, but soon recovered himself. He walked and ascended with a firm step with his confessor beside him. The rope was at once attitched" to the gal lows, and almost in n moment down went the drop. In three minutes Barreau was no more. He exhibited not the least signs of life from the time he dropped. The vast multitude was silent as death at the time. There wa3 no sound but the tolling of the bell. The sun shone brilliantly. The body hung for twenty minutes, during which medical students viewed the neck, ic. Barreau was young, and, on going to meet death with his face all shaven and rather fleshy cheeks, he seemed like a boy. His unhappy wife is young, intelligent, ami handsome. She visited him for the last time on Monday evening. His mother still lives, mmm ■ Tobacco, Tobacco. 46S BOXES AND HALF BOXES jCliewing Tobacco, All Grades Just received by decl-3t* JEWETT ft SNIDER. Death op a Distinguished French Law yer.—Mr. Dupin,.^the Procurer-General (at torney-general) of France, died recentlv. at an advanced age. Hchad a high reputation for legal talent, and was a man of much lit erary fame. In 1815 he was a member of the Chamber of Deputies. While so situated he opposed the succession of tlic Duke dcReicb- stadt, the son of Napoleon, and subsequently defended Slarsltal Ncy, in company with Bcrrycr. He defended the poet Berangcr, in 1821, and the Journal ties Debats in 1830. His exertions, principally, gave the crown to the Duke of Orleans, and he was made attor ney-general as a recompense, with a seat in Louis Philippe’s cabinet. He was President of the Chamber of Deputies from 1822 to 1840, and in 1848 strove to stand for the Or leans family. He changed his policy when he saw its inutility, and became president of the Legislative Assembly. He retained liis post after the coup d’etat until 1832, when the Orleans estates were confiscated, but was reinstated in 1857. He has been a verv volu minous author, chiefly upon legal and polit ical subjects. Decease or a Pbima Donna.—Madame Caradori Allan, celebrated as a prima donna and the Grisi of her dav, has died iu Europe in the Goth year of her Age. Some twenty! years ago the name of Madame Caradori was, familiar as a household world in the fashion-! ‘"enty-six deer, and another- psnfof able cicles of American society, especially in “ ante f 8 I 4n ^ thirty-four dog*, secured New York, Baltimore and Washington." -d'pSe^ri Speech by Earl Russell. At the banquet given by the Lord Mayor of Loudon, Earl Russell made a brief speech, in which he thus referred to America: For the last few years, on occasion, iik- the present, we have had to lament the civil war which devastated the United State, t America. That war is_ happily now at tu end, ami that great republic, having freed herself from the guilt and stain of slavery, I trust will now coutinuc in freedom amt rospetity for years and centuries to come.— heb, at least, I believe, is the wish of En- jlishmcn. I believe there are none but Vicndly feelings entertained toward that mighty republic. But, my Lord Mayor and gentlemen, reverting to the situation of Her Majesty’s government, while it is l'.tr from my wish to call for any premature expres sion of confidence, I trust I may appeal against premature declarations of want of confidence. With regard to principlea, I can only say, ray Lord Major, that, for myself, I cannot abandon Qtoee priaaphs which for twenty years, come *V eal, come woe, recommended me to the confidem c of the citizens of this great metropolis. I shall always reflect with pride on the con nection that existed between us. I shall not. for my part, forget tho old acquaintance which I then made, uor shall I forget tho principles I then declared to the people ot this great city, and which they sanctioned with their approbation. But, my Lord and gentlemen, that is another part of practical politics. Besides the principles that are to Jc adopted, there is tho application of those principles—which is a question always ot . events and circumstances, of time and op portunity. It would be rash nnd unwar rantable in me, were I now to enter upon any question as to the measures which ibe Gov ernment may think proper to introduce. I will only say this, that they must l>c meas ures not of yesterday, but of to-day; that each year has its own wants, tho country has from time to time its own wishes; nnd it is the duty of the Government of the country to consider those wants and those wishes in the measures that they may bring forward for the consider ation ot Parliament. With these observations I have only to say further that, devoting our selves to the consideration of the courso we shall pursue, wc shall be content to abide by the verdict of the country. If our measures arc wise and calculated to promote the inter ests of the country, wc shall be proud to re ceive its confidence; but if tlicv are not ao calculated, we shall bow to the judgment ot tho country with respect. EST" The Courier ties Elat* Unis, the ac credited organ of Napoleon, - makes tho fol lowing bellicose response to the appointment of General Logan at Minister to the Re public of Mexico. The French Government, it declares, has borne many little provocations, bnt will not sell its honor cheaply if called in to the ring. Having recounted the provoca tions and forbearance ofthe imperial govern ment, that paper Asks: “In return for all these concessions ami this long patience what have they obtained t No reciprocal good offices, and one is obliged to acknowledge with bitterness that the descend ants of Washington have acted with as bad grace to the descendants of Lafayette and Rocbambcnu as would have done the English with their traditional'ill-will against France. “Many of our confreres make a great noise over the correspondence of VIndependence Beige, according to which France is on the eve of withdrawing her troops from Mexico. eminent had entertained this project, the tor tuous policy and last provocation of Mr. Se- wnrd would suffice to suspend its execution. Wc have said a hundred times that the best way to effect the evacuation of Mexico by the French troops is to recognize the Empire; to menace it is to prolong their departure indefi nitely.” Rumors of War. The Louisville Journal of the 24th says: “Th6rc is in our city a rumor to which we confess that we attach some importance though it does not come to us from any source authorized to give information. It u that a most tremendous quantity of powder has accumulated, and ia still rapidly accumula ting at Cairo, and that commissary's, quar termaster’s and medical stores are gathering there fora hundred thousand men. The ru mor we speak of says that the stores hsTc been ordered South, but that the powder, so far ns is known, remains for the present at Cairo.” " There is an unwelcome disposition pre valent to magnify every rumor of war, and something ol this is seen in the above. It maybe there is a large accumulation of mili tary stores at Cairo, as the government had a vast quantity on hand when the war closed, and cannot transport somcofthem to various parts for safe keeping without justly incur ring suspicion of belligerent intentions. It is incredible that the authorities are se riously contemplating the expulsion of Maxi milian from Mexico by the arms of the Uni ted States. The way to keep him there ' is for us to make warlike demonstrations in that direction. Articles, known to have had Imperial inspiration, have appeared ia the papers of PariSj.annojncing the specuy with drawal of French troops from Mexico. If wc wish to detain them in the country wc can do it by ordering them off the continent Thfire is reason to think they will go if « e do not molest them. They certainly will not go, while the power of France can maintain them, if wc threaten them with expulsion. If the French leave Mexico, and Maximil ian can keep up his throne there, it is not our business to overthrow it. However, it is not likely that he can maintain it after the withdrawal of tbc French, and there is little doubt that all wc have to do to see MstU. affairs cleared up, the French eqgperor’i dream over, the empire departed like a visit u, and the republic, in as good form as the misers blc people can keep*it, restored, is to stand hack, mind our own business, and behold the working of the logic of events.—Cin (' . mercial. TnE Murder in Richmond—The Rich mond papers publish accounts ofthe murder of It. F. Kirby, by his wife, in it market of that city. The Whig says; “It seems that for some time part sheji- been in a state of great excitement, prSSued by the suspicion ot her husband's in fide to her, and that on Montlav she came tof determination to kill both" him and thel man she suspected as his paramour- thstroro that day she procured a pistol, had ’it loaded? and went on Tuesday to her husband’s place of business, at the second market, and <5*>ih woma^of the moat riohmt habit ofdrinking, and did the h^LTd^d coolly and deliberately.” “wus ticca Kirby was a fishmonger, about fifty ve4 -. ad old resident of Rir*h»v^ . Mr?. Kirby was arrested immediately 6°f?cr the murder, and is described as having l**n sIu r w mC b m a ^ ° f c deep pefand^rro™ She was his second wife. The coront rendered a verdice of wilful murder her, and she was committed to jail. 1!t ViBoixiV-The VinrtultA Brc talking about the deer huntinir now very succe?£fully In the mountains of tiieJ _ e la eight <&>/%