The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 03, 1865, Image 1

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die ftUnm JPnilij \I. B. DUMBLE, on and rmnim THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. TEV.EQRAPH BUILDI'NO . . '*'V ,r jof ,Lbt rfc «oJ Sa^oad JUC05, GEORGIA. CITY BDSINESS CARDS. QL1> SERIES, SO. 13964 MACON. GEORGIA, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 176. attorneys. / .OBB A JACKSON, Attontm «t L G*. oStee oppfiiUTott Otoe* **«. o^ *. A. iYifr »,Tbfr4 street n«|i M OLT * kUcov, $|j] °?2,3SUi£5 £*m**' to Kkn pfi tiwircare. T. O. HOLT, JR. art 7^* L. octUn J. r. BASS. ATK wfilrriS, A»tor«*r» Payne • Drag Stow, lo vu “ p. B. WHITTLE. PHYSICIANS ARP DKCUtHST*. K KMOVAL-Df. B. A WMUny roofos over tbc prciciit M g k* Aooftopr. c. y. i>?PsgSi^3£ profwrionny N»«nL adM d-^isrs^ n a a j. iwxjeKviii. i, £37ou novtl-wn* J if Boardman's Book Store Weitml, near Third »tre«t P. PABKER-rwMence ssstw'SAWsi: I) 1 Malberry lr*r,) "here" eight. __________ disigggFig COMMISSION MERCHANTS. jSfttAaww@a^= •irect, between Cherry And Pop 1 »r, JI»e< | ii, OiL— 53h» of MrethwdhTOrdcni end ComlRomeot. solicited from ell part, of »>« A ^ nU for several Sret elaaa Inaoranee Companies «>cU.Bra* - JEWELERS. I 1L OTTO.—Wholesale and retail dealer In J , Wateliex, Jewelry, Watch Materials, Gold ’roe, Gold, S.. \rer and iteel Spcctadea, A:c. At be old •land of J U A 8 8 Vlrtfi. Cotton Avenue Caron,Ga. Watchea,Cloekanml Jewelry, repaired ad warranted. Sewing Machine* of all dearrlp- lon» put In order, to which Mr. P Ilcrtcllwillat- PD ^ 1 noriJSZJmt > J. HARTLEY' WATCnMAKERj late work •nun for Sidney 1!. Day, continue* to repair • lehea at orcaent in the Floyd House Hnitdinyr, HXMite Medical Cellene, Malberry itreet. oct3-3m TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, I Second street, two door* from the comer of 1*0, Watebea and Jewelry carefully repaired liy tpcrieaead workmen. __aepl»4m_ ITATCHKS and JEWELRY, atCba*. S. Ban V det’a, under the Telegraph Printing House --- Cherry and Second streets, Macon, Ga. • ■ on band a large assortment of fine relry. Repairing done neatlv and All work warranted. SUX16-— epa constantly _ atebra and Jewel trurs RUtl ncnill J. »». j • ••*» ,d abort notice. All work warranted, auglu-m MISCELLANEOUS. M ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing Offlce. Job work of erery dcaeriptlon exccu led on abort notice and in good style. Terms rea n J. W.AKY., real estate agent, Macon, Ga. Lf, IVreona haring homes lor sale or rent, or pereoaa wanting to rent bouses, cannot bo hot ter suited than by calling on me. From my lom (I mart nun la the real estate business, I am Macao" Ga, Sept-1». ISflUjanl-W fji J. AD. LAN^M^g^fetta^»™rt« Train large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Also, Oil by retail. Next door to Express offlce. truck Oil at Powcrstrille, Gn. HE GEORGIA OIL Manufacturing Company are selling their Pea Nat, Land. Cotton Seed Castor OIL at a low figure. Call on them for r lubricator; and are prepared to 911 bills for abore mentioned Oils at the shortest notice. HI purchase Ground Peas and Palma Christ! 1, In anv iinantity. F. F. TABER, refill** Supl. A Fine Plantation for Sale. NF. of the beat plantation* In Early county la ottered for sale. The place contains 13 or i acim, 300 cleared. The place la under good ir, with substantial hull dings and convenience* i corn and cotton term. Plenty of gooq well running water on the place, nice, hogs, cows, sheep and goats, com, lod- cot ton seed, oats, rye, seed corn and potatoes, be had on the place. Terms, one-uidf cash, nee In one and two year*. For further lnfor- km address 8. & STAFFORD. rWlOtt Blakely. Georgia. Springliill iiigli iScliool. T HE undersigned, who la a Master of Arts of the University of Va., and wu* formerly Pro- fhasor of Mathematics and Astronomy, in the Uni- verelty ot Qeorgis, will open, on the 1st January next, a Boarding School for Boys, at his residence In llomton county. Ga. Address \V. LsROY BROUN, M. A., noTSS-eodlmt PerrT, Honaton Qounty, «a- CARIIART, WHITFORD A CO., MattrrATCMEItS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE CTOTHING, SSI ft 338 Brc*idteay, Corner Worth St^ N. 7. T. r. cauHajcT, bxskt suaran, urn. r. wniTTOBD, 3. n. vas waoxnix, L T. HAMILTON. j_jf* Office of Fayan A Carhart In liquidation, novM-eodfira Buggies and Family Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. W F. will soon have a supply of Buggies, T Family Wagons and Harness made to order at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO, cxnresslyfor market, and will warrant thorn to $rive entire taUafactioQ to all purchasers. We will sell no work not made expressly to our order. Those from a distance can address us at Macon {to care W. C. Singleton), or at Hawkinsvllle, Ga.' oetr-sm McDuffie, mason ft Co. AZUMEA! AZITMEA ! AZUMEA! Has proved to be The Bert and Purest Baking Powder in Use. J. II. ZEILIX ft CO., WH0LE8ALE & RETAIL DRU66I8T8, 31A CON, GEORGIA. Bole Agenta in this State .for tlic sale of PROF. MORRIS’ AZUMEA. lent YEAST POWDER, and can safely I It to the public for all that It claims to be. An race makes the finest WHEATEN BREAD possi ble. It i* made far the simplest manner, a* follows: Get one quart, equal to IX pounds of floor, mix into It, {wife dry. three ordinary alae teaspoonfols of Azurnea, add aid water, with a little salt dissolved In It—iSiflet. ip so mako a dough aa soft u qan be tonvcnkmly mndl,*d, nhUU la generally aAUttle leas than one pint of water to one quart of flour. Do not knead it Shape It very lightly, and Imme diately bake |n a quick oven, which must be quite hot before y 0 n begin td mix. It baa the foUowing advantages over yeast or fermented bread; It can be made and baked In one hour from the time of first handling the floor; It wUl be moist and pleas ant to eat in four days after baking; It la easy ol digestion, excellent for pervocs auttering from dys pepsia; retains all the glntCn, starch and angar contained In the flour, and therefore produces lib. 13 ox. bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. flour, whilst yeast pro duces only 1 lb. 9 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. of floor; thus obtaining about 27lbs. more of bread from a barrel or flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the coat of the Azumea. Can lie used for any of the following recipe*, and ladles everywhere will be agreeably surprised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo sition does not contain a particle of Alum, Sahe- ratua, or any kind of deleterious drug; but is per- fecUy pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara tion, Is Infallible and invaluable. At the Fair in CincinnaU, there were a number of Baking Pow ders on exhlblUon:—the Azumea, with several other*, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, aa the purest and best Baking Powder known. A trial only Is necessary, In order to be satisfied. A paper la giren with each box, with foil Instruc tions for making AZUMEA ROLLS, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, , AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE,*' AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGOS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, - AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZU.MEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, AZU5IEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUOn NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, jgy Azuema Bput tip for tlie retail trade in 1-4 lb. cans, nt 25 cts., and in l-2 lb. cans at 50 cento Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octl0-2tn J. H. ZEILIN & CO. NEW FIRM! To New York ▼lA Darien and Savannah. The completion of the Macon and Brunswick Rail Road to HawklnavUle, and the favorable boat able eoodltlotf of the Octnnlgee River, now render thta the cheapest and quickest route for the busi ness of Macon and Central Georgia. Through Bills of Lading will be gives after the 13th Inst All accommodations extended and endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dla- pfrtfhq Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin ft Co., at Savannah Mewra. Ayres, at . Nightingale* Hnger, at Darion* Asher at aeon, wULaet ^gtZLEHCRST, norf-lm Haeon and Brunswick R. K., Afctlng President COME AT LUST. November 27th, 1865- I have this Day Received by Express, HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, ELEGANT BLACK CLOAKS, DRAB DO. Also an inexhanstable supply of Dress Brit to n s ALPACA BRAIDS, For trimming of every color. BUGLE TRIMMING, Both black and white, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, , KID GLOVES, CORSETTES, A La Eugenie. Besides many other novelties to which the attention of the public is invited. nov!2 S. T. COLEMAN. For Sale. M Y PLANTATION in the heart of the Cotton region on Flint River, about 40 miles from Macon, Ga., and from Reynold’s Station, on the Diambus branch of the Southwestern Railroad. It contains 1,000 acres, 000 bottom, 400 cleared, comfortable framed buildings for 40 bands, and all the necessary ont-bulldlngs in another yard for the erection of-a dwelling, a young orchard ot select varieties, and vineyard, both bearing. The neigh borhood Is unexceptionable. Bclngdisgneted with free negros, t will sell the place at one-fourth its Intrinsic value. S nev35-10tt KOBT. R. HOWARD. 1ST E W GOODS!.! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and Retail! AT Calhonu County Cotton Plantations FOR SALE. F IR sale my plantations lying in Calhoun coun ty, 13 miles southeast from Cnthbcrt and 10 miles from Ward’s station on the S. W. Railroad. The first contains 1600 acres, 500of which are clear ed and under a good fence. The improvements are good framed buddings, together with gin house and screw. This Is a select place, with water in each field. Provisions, stock and plantation tools can be bought with it. The second place contains 1500 acres 230, acres open land. Those wishing to buy had best apply early, as I am determined to sell, and will give good bargains. I will sell for part cash and take a lien „ _ _ on the places for the balance. For further Infor- E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND.' jnaUonapply tomeat Cuthbert, «r S. P. daytou, on the first place. SAMUEL CLAYTON. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform the ladie- of this city, county and Ticinity and the pubs lie In gcnrral, that he has now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of E EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of the best selected Stocks ol Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select ed by Mr. Eixsteix with great care; and as he Is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I bare the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions toonr stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, Ells’ Saloon.. JTMIE PLACE is now open to the pnblle; every A luxury which can be obtained from any part ol the United States, will be served up in every style to please the most iastidions. Beverages of all kinds, of the best, to cheer the desposdixo; a hot Dinxer to invigorate the inner man on a cold day, with a fine Havannato puff away dnllcare. Do notnvxGER nor thirst, hut call on Ells, who has a plenty at his Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy yonr wants. With eighteen years of successful experience In my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old friends for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—andall others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished as low as any house In the city, for shipment or city nee. Also Lemons by the box or dozen. novS-lm . H. N. ELLS. SCOTT, POWELL & CO,, BANKERS i BROKERS, 3d Street, MACON, GA. Dealer* In Foreign *nd Domeetic^uxchange, Stocks, BontU, Gold, Sliver, Bank Note*, &c. tme 5COTT, C. x. NTTTINO. JL II. POWELL.' • Tin* JEWELRY STORE. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC., Have re established their eld and well known JEWELRY STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at Mo. « Cotton Avenue, endcr the Meronle Hall. They have just rcccHed a select stock of all claMtt and qualities of sood* kept In their lint, inducing Watckea, Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Fens, Choice Cutlery, Port Menai**, Mmehauma, Comb*, Bruahe*, Violins, Guitar and Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Gun* and Tackle, Percussion Caps, Marble*, Top*, China Doll*, PUytag Card*, Domino*, Backgammon and Che** Mra. Lubiu’i geauiae Extract?. Toilet and Sharing Soaps. nor94-d2ni Lowest Market Prices. My stock consists In part t-f the following pm: Print*, „ Printed DeLalnes, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Poil DeChevrcs, English and French Merinos, scotch and Venltian Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black DeLalnes, AUpacas, Black Silks, Merino* and Bombazines, And many other goods belonging to the D RESS DEPARTMENT Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ Linen and Embroidered Cuffs and Col* lars, separate and in sets. White, Red and Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton fawHi, Blan kets, Ac., Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies’ Merino Vests, Table I.inon. Table Cloth. Towel*, Toweling?, Napkins, Doylies Linen, And all other articles belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. Wc cell the .pedal attention of the ladles to oar CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And say with confidence, we will sell these arth des at a uvn pjLXOB, Than any other boose in the city and WARRANT the goods to be of the Beat and Boat Fashionable Mann* faellic A. SPRINGER, Macon, Ga. ocl 15 Cm Piano of Mann 4ft Clark’s CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE, Hats, Hats, Hats. Caps, Caps, Cap>. Furs, Furs, Furs. Prices to Suit Every VHass of Buyers! B EING exclusively engaged in the above line of business, we are able to sell lower than any body. We can show the finestgoods now offered South. Such as HATS, CAPS and Ladies’ FURS, and we Invite everybody to come and examine for themselves. To dealers we will make a liberal will enable theta tomakeGOOB PI lddMqn invis int, that We have the only stock or FURS offering in Macon, and we guarantee them to be as represen ted. We would also say to the LADIES that onr arrangements arc such that wc can order any STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, WANTED. II. SHAW 4ft CO., Fire Insurance. E.C.GRANNISS, General Insurance Agent, Macon. Rpprcsmta EIGHTEEN Marine, Firr, Life and ACCIDENTAL . Insurance Companies. And la fully prepared to take risks upon the most reasonable terms. The capital involved In the Companies I represent allows me to take on any ONE BISK $250,000. Special attention given to the Insurance of cot ton and all other specie* of property. All losses adjusted promptly. E. C. GRANNISS, novas-lm Agent, Macon, Ga. BOYD 4ft GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Drnggists, Oherry St, 2 Boors below Telegraph Building. MACON. GEORGIA. D Weree receiving weekly additions to our stock of MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., and we solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine onr stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.—Special attention gfren to PRESCRIP TIONS and ORDERS. novl6-3m BOYD & GORDON. Important to Shippers. FURS WANTED. I WILL pay for Mink Skins, prime, 75 cents, Opossum Skins, prime 25 cents, ’ Coon Skins, prime, 30 cents, Beaver, Otter, and Deer Skins according to val- n< ‘‘ tv , , tv c N. K.BARNUM, Dealer in Diy Goods, Triangular Block, nov 26-lm vr, RIDGEL.Y, SQUIER 4fc CO., AGENTS FOR DODDS, MACNEALS & URBAN’S, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. ^P.VOCKa-liavc been thor- .771, .a gh iL tested “ d u ‘elr reputation is such that the 1 KCAsrnr Department at Washington Sr < 5n W Yo -£ c!ty mc th° m in preference to an Y other. They are made exclusively of iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely y n FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. THE Eureka and Excelsior Bank Bocks, ' Express Boxes, Bankers, Jewellers and Merchants, are nnrkralled, and narties dcsirine such articles will find It greatly to their interest to purchase from ns, as we can sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added, nov 11-Sm BIDGELY, SQUIER & CO. SPLENDID RESIDENCE FOR SALE AJ AUCTION. W IIL be sold at the Auction Room of FIND- LAY&KENRICK, on the FIRST TUBS- wax in DECEMBER next, at 11 o’clock, A. JL, that two story brick residence, on south side Pine street, between New and Spring streets, lately oc cupied by Dr Joel Branham. Sold by order of the Snperior eourt, for partition and division among the heir*. The lot contains about three-fourths of an acre—house haa 8 rooms, each with fireplace —kitchen, 2 laigc rooms, 3 servants’ room*, 4 fire places, stable, carriage house, com crib, 4&c. TERMS—One half payable in ten day*—balance in GO days—good notes with approved security, or a mortgage on the premises. R W CUBBEDGE,) EC GRANNISS, J- Com’rs „ ^ IIA KENRICK. ( Macon, Nov 22, ’65-tda TINNERS! TINNERS WANTED! THEY 3IUST BE HAD !! Wages No Object! I will give STEADY EMPLOYMENT —TO— TEN GOOD TINNERS, —akd— Pay the Best Wages. Apply at my Factory, opposite the old Post Of fice, or at my Store on Cherry street. B. A. WISE, Cherry street, owe. Macon, Ga. LOOK AT THIS. nov29-lw Journal ft Messenger copy. Cherry Street. Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., Cherry at., between Cotton Avenne and Second et. Macon, Ga. . IIXALTH5 IN SADL4S3 AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS,’ CALF SKINS. Harness manufactured to order. A GOOD CHANCE. - I OFFER my Tan Yard and 202% acres of Land for sale; adjoining the whole length of Itm fdr- poration of Lnmpkin, east; 80 acres cleared and 13) acres in the woods. J. G. SINGEKL Livery Stable. J G. SEARS ft C. T. FOSTER, have opened a e Livery Stable at Maulv’t oia .Md, GriMn, ... a nroay it sit hours to feed or furnish 7 Octaves, and Rady Carved Bosewood Oaae, | juries. I *3F* Conveyances furnished to any point la the For sale by E. J. JOHNSTON ft CO. j country. A share of patronage is repectfoUT ao- • novfiSMt* ‘ No 6 Cotton Avenue. * liclted.” 007 7-ecdln 150 Bbls Extra Family and Superfine Flour, 300 do Salt, 25 Bales Gunny Bagging, 25 Coils Rope, In Store, 100 do do to arrive, 5# Bbls Sugar, rations grades, 10 do do Crushed, ISO Boxes Tobacco, 2,000 lbs Smoking Tobacco, 30 Boxes Soap, » 25 KegB Snp. Curb. Soda, , 50 do Nalls, 134 Packages New Mackerel, Nos 1 and 2, Quarters, halves and bbls, 25 Kits No 1 Mackerel, 12 Cases Best London Porter, 5 Bbls Apples, 20 Boxes Toilet Soap, 30 do Assorted Candy, 20 Cases Sardines, I will close out any of the above articles at a LOW FIGURE, as I am determined not to be un dersold. J. N. SEYMOUR. Sole and Tipper Leather AT A REirUCED PRICE, J. N. SEYMOUR’S. nov30-6t CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, Macox, Nov. 29. 1803. J A TRAIN will leave here on Sunday next, at S a. X- for MilledgeviUe. G. W. SCATTERGOOD, nov*)-3t* • Ass’t Supt. ANOTHER GREAT INDUCEMENT BY ERWIN & HARDEE’S LINE OF FIRS T- CLASS STEAMERS, Augusta and Savannah. Besides having reduced the rate of Freight FIFTY PER CENT, the Agent a* Augusta has made arrangements with Messrs JO- SIAIf SIBLEY ft SON8 to effect INSURANCE AT ONE-HALF PER CENT From Augusta to Savanuali, ST STEAMERS X.1URA, WM. O GIBBONS AND AMAZON. ESP"Parties shipping will please send to the Agent Tax Receipts, so that they may accompany shipment. WMB DAVTSON, Agent Erwine & Hardee’s Line, Augusta. Nov19-3w To Shippers over M. & B. Railroad TO HAWJKIXSVILLK. BROWN & LAIDLER, MERCHANTS OF HAWKINSVII.I.E, Will have a large and commodious three story bnilding in which they will store at reasonable rates, all goods consigned to their care. MR. JNO. F. BRANTLY, J*., Agent at the ferminus of road, will promptly forward to ns by careful and honest teamsters all goods intendtd for this market or to be shipped down the river. nov23-3w BROWN ft LAIDLER. GREAT BARGAIN! I OFFER for sale my PLANTATION iu Dough erty county, Ga., eight miles East of Albany, containing 2,215 acres, 1 0,500 acres in cultivation, all of It cleared within the last seven years, and 150 acres now sowed down In small grain. The resi dence on the place is commodious and good; ne gro houses new, and ample to accommodate from 80 to 100 negros. Bants, Shelters, Gin House and Screw, Blacksmith Shop, and every description of buildings necessary on a Cotton Plantation. This place is well watered, and universally acknowl edged to be one ot the Healthiest Places PROSPECTUS. “THE GEORGIAN. Such is the title of a new Daily, Wcekhi and Tri-weekly paper, to bo established in the citv ot ■ Macon, Georgia, the Brat number of which will bo issued early in January, ISM, havinr for fra editors, J. S. Sneed and Sand. Boykin, anil for its business manager, Mr. Ha*. A. Reid. In addition, able and truthful correspondents will be employed in most of the leading cities of the Union, ana at the Federal and State capitals, during tho sessions of Congress and tho Lcgisla- tore. Scvoral of the best political and literary writer* of tho South havo been engaged,and will furnish the readers of The Georgian with regular contributions. Among these wc are pleased to anuounco tho name of “P. W. A.,’’ whoso able and interesting correspondence, in tho Savannah Republican, during tho late war, was so itnivcr •any road and admired. Stylo of tho Paper, The Georgian la designed to meet a general, rather than h local want, and tho Proprietors intend that it shall be, in nil respects, a news paper of the Frasr Class. It will be founded on an ample cash capital, and neither labor nor ex pense will be withheld to give it a front rank among the News and Litcrarv Journals of the South. political Character. In Politics, The Georgian wi\i maintain a man ly and bonajide acquiescence in all the legitimate consequences of the war, with the right, howev- er—one never denied even to criminals—to pro test against injustice and unnecessary hardship. neanniesi r laces Regarding the restoration of Georgia to h£ In Dougherty County. Corn, Fodder, Mnles, former position in the Union, as of vital Import- Plantation Tools, and everything necessary to car- ance to aU her interests, it will promptly sun. S on a farm, can be bought If desired to cairy on ,— *- - - - 1 - e place. Having determined to transfer n»y whole interest to North Carolina, where I now reside, I will give . give a Great Bargain in this place, and will make the terms to suit purchasers. . THOMAS HILL. 1ST Apply soon to my Agent, Capt John A. Da vis, Albany, Ga., who Is authorized to sell and make titles. NOTICE. On the above described place will be sold at pub lic outcry, on Thursday, Ttli day of December next, (if not previously sold with the place,) 4,000 bushels Corn, 30,000 lbs. Fodder, 500 bnshcls (or more) of Cotton Seed, 40,000 lbs. Pork, 00 barrels Sugar Cane Syrup, 23 fine Mules, and one Horse, 85 head of Cattle, 200 head or Stock Hogs, 3 fine Wagons and one Cart, 200 bnshels Seed Oats, 50 bnshcls Wheat, 150 bushelB Peas, 28 head Goats, Blacksmith Tools, one Sugar Mill und 4 Kettles, Plantation Tools of every description, one Buggv, etc., etc. . THOMAS HILL, or Capt. JOHN A. DAVIS, nov34 lOt Agent, Albany, Ga. Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECHANDISE GIVEN through from New York to the foUowing points: Macon at ; $4 65 per 100 lbs Americas at 5 50 per 100 lbs Albany at 5 65 per 100 lbs Cntbbert at 5 77 per 100 lbs Enfhula at 5 90 per 100 lbs The Roads are now in good working order, and goods come through promptly. T. R. BLOOM, Agent, nov24-lin Macon, Gal IMPORTANT TO COTTON HOLDERS J. SIBLEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 6 Warren Block, Augu sta, Ga H AVE cxceUent CLOSE BRICK STORAGE ROOM for COTTON; will either sell the same on commission, in Augusta, or make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on consignments to Messrs. GUION ft CO., Liver pool, England, or t» Messrs. WILLIAMS ft GUI ON, New York. They keep constantly onliand afine assortment of Groceries suitable for the trade, sneb as GUNNY BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, COFFEE, SUGARS, BACON, LARD, .MACKEREL, CHEESE, • BUTTER, WHISKIES, AND SEGARS. They also are prepared to take Marine Risks, to oints and places in the Unit cd States and Europe, o the amount of $150,000 on any one good Ship, nd in Companies whose assets-, are over 15,000,- 00 dollars. novfiO-dfltwit* COTTON SEED. tTTE ARE PREPARED tofomish Cotton Seed V > in any quantity. They are of a soperio kind of cotton and warranted fresh and good. Partie* at a distance ran be furnished. Oolombus, Ga.. novS-lm. J R IVEY ft CO Omen or Empire Ibos ft Coal Mixing Co., 1 Macon, Ga., 2Sth Not. 1803. j Stockholders whose Shares are not fnU paid, are hereby notified to pay an Installment of Thirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st Jaunsry next, and afnrther Installment of Thirty per cent on or before 1st April, I860. By order of the Board of Directors. ED. L. STEOHECKER, nov29-dlw-lawtIstapril President. HOUSE AND LOT TO RENT. A SPLENDID RESIDENCE on TatnsU square, six rooms, pantry, dressing room and closets, necessary out buildings, two acre lot and very rich —»— DR. J. D. SMITH, or WM. H. ROSS Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gnnnv Bagging, 100 CoUs Hemp Rope? . 25 Coils Manilla Rope, 50 Bbls Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 Bbls Leaf Lard, 50 Kegs Cut Nails, 100 Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 40 Bbls Batter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, &c. Brigham, Baldwin & Co. C 0 M3IISSION 31 ER CHA N TS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends in New York or Liverpool ♦ nov22-2m W. C. KENNEDY, Merchant Tailor, MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. I HAVE just received a splendid Stock of Goods in my line, from New York, and are now pre pared to make to order, aU Garments for Gentle men’s wear, of the best material and In the latest styles. Patronage is solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. BLACK AND BLUE BROAD CLOTH, “ ' “ “ CASTORS. DOESKINS. PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMERES. SILK VELVET AND CASHMERF. VESTINGS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HOSE, NECK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, LINEN BOSOMS, SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HATS AND UMBRELLAS, novl-lm Washington Hall I* still open to the public. Special arrangements have been made for the accommodation of mem bers of the Legislatures. N. C. BARNETT, Mllledgeville, Ga., Nov. 20th, 18G5. nov!9-2w* CLOTHING. Winship & Callaway’s STOCK OP PISE READY MADE CLOTniNG Is more complete now than it has been any tim< daring this season. They have received Killy Ac heavy BEAVER OVER COATS, and a large lot of fine business suits during this week. WINSHIP ft CALLAWAY. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We have a large stock for the wholesale trade and will make it to the interest of the Merchants in the surrounding country to bny their Clothing of us. WINSHIP ft CALLAWAY. nov26-10t THE GEM. E. W. THOMAS & UO., Have fitted np the GEM in elegant style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAR, well stoeked with the best Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, ftc. Their fine stock orWines, in bottles, will be sold at the most reasonable prices in the market. THE EATING DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest Bill ot Fare in the market. The be6tYorkriverOystersarealways kept on hand, fresh, and can be had in any quantity, at thejlowcst market rates. Families can be supplied in any quantity and withontdelay. E. W. THOMAS & Co., Gem Saloon, under Floyd House, nov24-3m Macon, Georgia. SHORTEST, Cheapest and Quickest Route TO NEW TOES and SAZ>T23UCOB.E y By the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line, Through Receipts given by the Agent* of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON to BALTIMORE *13,25; and NEW TORK *13,50 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. All packages shonld be stamped S T Co to (sell itate transportation. . 1 THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. • Y. G. RUST, nov21-3ro Agent, Albany, Georgia. Tobacco, Tobacco. 468 BOXES AND HALF BOIES Chewing Tobacco, AU Grades Just received by lccl*3t’ JEWETT ft SNIDER. port all constitutional requirements, on the part of the Administration at Washington, looking to that end; and when perfect peace is restored, its best efforts will be given for a revival of the bet ter days of the Republie. Holding that protection and loyalty—kind guardianship and filial love—are reciprocal du ties in national affairs; and that there can be no real existence of tho latter without tho former, our support and affection for the Federal Gov ernment shall keep oven pace with fra regard for tho Rights of the People. Leading Feature. The leading featurein The Georgian will be its devotion to the rights, interests and feelings of Georgia and her stricken sister States: wo would lift them up from the valley of humiliation, ex hort them to a forgetfulness of the Past, except :ts glories, and nerve their arms for the arduous struggles of the future. Commercial Department. The Commercial Department of The Georgian will receive special attention. Daily reports will bo given of all tho leading markets of the Union, together with a full weekly review of the local market; while, on the arrival of every steamer, European political and commercial account* will be given. In this respect we hope to offer such dvanUgeaaa will make The Georgian an indis- pensable visitorto tho counting room of every merchant and tradesman. * Education, Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts will be fostered as the true sources of all Nation al and individual prosperity. A Journal for tho Family. The Georgian will be eminently a Conservative Journal. Nothing immoral or otherwise perni cious will be admitted to its columns; whilst its daily contents will be so deveraified as to makeit a welcome and useful visitorin overy household. The entire material of the office will be new and of the latest style. The Georgian will be printed in a large and beautiful.sheet, with clear and legible type, and, n the pointof appearaneo will have no superior. TERMSi Daily Paper per Month.... $ j oo “ “ Three months 3 00 “ “ Six months a 00 “ One year 13 on Tri-Weekly One year 7 00 Weekly 4 00 Advertisements at the usual rates. Z&r Payments, in all cases must be made in advance. _ store copying or noticing this prospec- tu swill confer a favor, which will be reciproca ted when opportunity serves. „ WM. A. REID A CO. Macon, Ga., Nov. 29th, 1865. [OFFICIAL.] PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR ''EXECUTIVE OFFICE, Provisional Gov’t, of Georgia. _ Mllledgeville, Nov. 21,1865. | Whereas the late Convention did ordain, that the Provisional Governor shonld provide for the forma tion of one or more Militia or Volunteer com panies in each of the counties of the State, to act as a police force, to suppress violence, to preserve order and to aid the civil officers in the enforce ment of the laws, under such regulations as mh-ht be consistent with the laws of the United States— Now therefore, I, James Johnson, Provisional Governor of the State, do hereby authorize and re quest the people of this State, to organize, accord- to law, in each of the counties of the State, a volunteer company, for the purpose of aiding the civil authorities in the exeention of law and the suppression of violence. And it *s hereby farther declared, that auch companies, when so formed and organized, shall be auxiliaty and subordinate to the civil officers; that they snail arrest no person, and search u* 1 * house of no person, without a legal warant regu larly issued by some magistrate having authority, and shall In no case inflict any punishment except by tho judgment and direction of a duly qualified civil ofilcer, having jurisdiction Of the offense. And whereas. It is desirable to have uniformity in command, and that there should be r.o conflict between the military authorities of the State and United States, It is farther declared,'that said com panies, when formed within their respective coun ties, shall be nnder the control and subject to the military commanders ot the United States, com manding the District; and for a violation of these regulations, and for any other offemo committed, shall be tried and punished according to the rales prescribed for the government * the army of the United States. Given under my band and Seal lot the Executive Department at MilledgcvUlej on this the 21st day of November, A. D., 1865. _ JAMES JOHNSON, nov22-2w Provisional Governor of Ga. The New Era, Atlanta; Savannah Republican, Colnmbns Enquirer and At liens Watchman, will publish the above two weekgT Linen Goods House Keeping Goods ± TELS and FAMILIES on short notice, with the above Geods, of the best makes, In Bleached and Brown Table Damasks, “ *’ “ Cloths, Damask Napkins and Doylies Fancy bordered Linen Towels, .Huckaback and Rossis Diapers, Bird Eye and Scotch Diapers, Linen Sheetings and Pillow Linens, Irish Linens, etc., ALSO Furniture Dimity, • Marseilles Quilt?, Bed Blankets, Colton Shorting? and Pillow Cottons, LnTnROP&CO., Corner of Congress and Whitaker Sts., Savannah, Ga. Orders left with Messre. E. S. Lathrop & Co., of Macon, will he forwarded to os, and will meet with prompt attention for any portion of the State, decl-codlm* " LATHROP ft CO. INFORMATION WANTED. T HE undersigned desire to communicate wlthT. W. - Brevard, late Comptroller of public ac counts of Florida. He will please notify ua of his whereabouts. NEWTON <fc LATCTON, decl-St _ Macon, Ga. Tallahassee Floridian and Pentmd copy and send bill to this office. waktkd, B OARD in autUrti/smlly fora gentleman and wife. The beat o refereacesgrren. Apply t» 3 J. Allen, Cotton Jrenue, Macon, G». aecl-3t „ ). 3ffinnin Jntltj C’rlFgrapfj subscription • fi- 00 Monthlv, 5 00 ADVERTISING, Ono square, twelvo lines or lew. tl^i., fl 00; each subiequent insertion 50 cent* 5e4 ‘** # Address, CLATLAND ft DUMB! E <L(je ^at(i) Ofgraph. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER -—~ Dnc of the rnort flcndi-ili outrages we have ever been called upon to recorj was pcrpctratetl in this city at an early hour on Wednesday ovening. The victim was Mr. J. IL Crew, one of our oldest, l>cst and moat prominent citizens. At the dose of hi* du- ttes os general ticket agent nt the car ahed. It? *!• ^urning to his boardin:; home Mar !>**• —the residence of Mr. golommr- wlida- he was violently assaulted by men aa yet unknown. Hi present condition is pre- canous indeed; so much so, that he la unable to give any information of tho unfortunate ® CV F C U err inflicted upon his head ftactyrmg,ih - skull i , onc’plS and rendering him, ft j.. tupposed, almost instantly insensible and Iu Ipfe-s. Tim out- rage was perpetrated in from of Mr Solo- mon s house, about 9 o’dock. A bar of iron ““ ££ length was found upon the spot, and is believed to have been tho instru ment used by the villains. Mr. Crew was fonnd by Sir. Solomon near his front gate, staggering around In auch an unusual way ns to attract attention. On ep- )reaching him, it was discovered that he had been roughljr handled. His pockets were tom out, winch furnished evidence that rob bery was the object had in viewPby his amil- ants. wo learn that no money or valuables were taken from his person—that in the hnrrv they failed even to get his watch. Mr. Crewh xisition as general ticket agent is such as to nduce the belief that he habitually carried nbout hint large sums of money, and to cel possession of which we very much fear the valuable lifo of a good man has been aacri- liccd. Tho occurrence is deeply regretted by Ins numerous friends, and it is hoped no efforts will be spared to bring to justico the vilo perpetrators of an outrage that has shocked the entire community.—Atlanta In telligencer. Hon JoiiK Bkli—This gentleman, ao di»- tinguished before the war in the politics of the country, is residing quietly at Xnshville A gentleman who haj a longjntorvi'v wilh him two or three days ago, informs us his once erect form is considerably bowed and his physical energy much impaired, the result, no doubt, less of tho mere influences of the four jrears nnd a half of time that hare passed since the beginning ol the war than of the cares and anxieties and troubles and mental conflicts that he has unhappily experienced. Nevertheless his intellectual vigor is represented to be as great as it ever was, and we all know that it was very Brest Mr. Bell talks freely and tallu well, lie says that lie has been much and cruelly mis represented, and that, if all the facts in rela tion to his course were known, he would be far less censured than he is. He wishes to be truly understood by his countiymen, and wc shall probablv soon receive a full letter from him; and, if so, wc shall publish it with great pleasure. Wc bnvo felt unkindly and almost bitterly toward him, but we would willingly do him no less than the most entire justice. lie talks like a patriot, and wc do not question his perfect sincerity. He has sworn allegiance to th(^federal government and received pardon, and wedonot doubt his unswerving fidelity to the obligations he has assumed.—Louisville Journal. Mexican.—^The New York Merab}, of 23tli has dates from the City of Mexico to tho 8th _5Hr- Post masters, generally, arc .requested to t - 1 ° Several ad di- act as agents, for which service they toll receive victonesoycr the republicans are a liberal per-centage. t claimed by tho imperialists in the State of Editors copying or noticing this nrosnec- Oajaca and Michoacan. It is said (he* the latter lias been nearly cleared of republicans and.guerillas, a force of six hundred of them having, according to the reports, recently met with a severe defeat there. In the State of Guanajuato, General Guzman and aparty un der him are reported to have been completely annihilated, which means, we suppose, that those who were made prisoners were immedi ately shot, in aoeordancc with Maximilian's decree. No allusion is made to an intention of withdrawing theimpcrial troopsfrom their frontier positions, of which we have hereto fore had reports, nor is any reference made to tho rumored imperial evacuation in the North ern Mexican States, it being asserted in Sono ra and Sinaloa the condition ofaffairs remains unchanged. It is added that an imperial force, supposed to be intended to operate against the republicans in tho latter State, is assemb ling nt Acapulco. The Empress, Charlotte, left the capital on the 6th inst., on her long irojected visit to Yucatan. Ex-Prerident oaga has been exiled by 31aximilian’s govern ment, and has arrived at Havana on his way to France. 11 JSensational.—To show the animus of par ies, wh* are doing their best to creat<- di- cord and fan the embers of discontent, we extract the following from a Philadelphia paper, which is steadily and •urreptiously opposing the president's policy, and obstruct ing the approach of the era of good feeling: “Dr. Maddox, the Confederate surgeon w ho assassinated Major Dixon, United States army jaymaster, in Alexandria, lias been released iy the civil judge on the plea that his wife was sick, and that he had been informed th; t Dixon was a dangerous man, ami he, conse quently, had a right to murder him- thus seeming to infer that because Dixon went into the Union army, and Maddox into the Confederate service, it became all right for the former to be slain without a moment's notice.” Dr. Maddox never was in the Confederate army; and on the examination in-fore the magistrate, the proof was so clear that Major Dixon made the attack, that Maddox was at once acquitted.—■Kdkmond Times. Tiie Meeting of CoNor.K«s.—Washington dispatches of the 28th ulL, contain the follow ing in reference to the approaching sw-sion of Congress: “A few additional members of Congress ar rived to-d..y, including Senator Trumbull, of Illinois. No delay in the organization of the House is anticip, ‘cd. It is conai-'-.—-' that there is nothing in ■ noliti mli^* K ' ct w hicii ^=to.«tisfartion T, , Prpapcct. noire on nt s rnemagft imTth.. the heads of the d<- mcated to Congress cannot be reconciled l of President and Coi therefore, is that th- H~ Monday, and the Pro.-id accompanying reports ol partments will be comm on Tnesday. Mr. Colfax for Speaker, and Mr. McPh*r son for Clerk, seem to have the field to them selves so far. No-one here, so far as can i»e ascertained, believes that any members elect from the Confederate State”, with the excep tion perhaps, of those from Tennessee anti Arkansas, will be permitted to take part in the organization of the House. Bloody-Minded.—The Tennessee senate has passed a resolution declaring that Jeffer son Davis, J. M. Mason. R, M. T. Hunter Robert Toombs, flowed Cobb, John Slidell and Robert E. Lee, are worthy of death, and not fit_ objects of national clemencv. ' Tin resolution was passed by a vote of five to one The Louisville Journal says if it were sub mitted to the people of Tennessee, or of the United States, it would be rejected bv a rote of ten to one. HT The following are the members rf congress elect from Alabama : 1st district—C. C. Langdon, of Mobile. 2d—G. F. Freeman, of Lowndes. 3d—Cullen A. Battle, of Macon. ■4th—Jos. W. Taylor, of Greene. 5th—B. T. Pope, of St. Clair.