The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 05, 1865, Image 1

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£j)f ft'.nnw fiaikj C'rlrppfi. '.EDJ [ft. BOYKIN. THE TELEGRAPH BUILDI’NC aer of Chtrr/ uf 9—omd Stteo MACOX, OHOBuIA. ITY BUSINESS CARDS. ATTOKM5VH. MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 178. / tfiHBJC JACKSON. Alton*** at Lav, Huron, \J Oa., oflee mpmlu Tort Oort over, offlrr of Utmt. JFc «.TS ooaa. <an» jicmo» ofk A BASS, Atloram at law, Miron, Oa., over Mix * Kirtland’a store. Will alts prompt attcntloo to all baatocaa entreated to tactr cava. T. O. HOLT, JB. J. r. BABB. oct7-3m* ■ f ' 4fc l'. VVIll I TI.K, Attorney. at Law, (ofllc Lao mw Pajrnc’i Halt.) Macon, Oa. iTx. WHITTLE. _ - " I me* i3U Hk M.ul IVHEA ! i N BREAD pool- j tile, it 1- UmA c qiurt, cq irncjM h ionic Mfp next to Conetr >. B. WHITTLE. AZUMEA! AZUMEA! AZUMEA! Hu paired to be The Bert ami Purest Baking Powder in U*a J. n. ZEILK sc co„ WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 'IMCOJ', GECKO 1A.^ Bole Agents in Utb State for the sale of I'KOF. .TlOU'tlV iiZUIlCA* fffr nffirfr^ large*i lot of thb excel* Ie;.» V. A S| F<J\\ L)K11, sod on =afclj recommend -!li for .U1 that it claims to be. Azu- PHf8ICLUT8 AND DRUGGISTS. W EMOVAL—Dr. B. A. While now occnpica two room* wear the MvaaytJNat o®re, next door to Dr. C. ft. H*ffaoSc<^bue be «a be faded nlsbt ordajr wbcWO^iweftubXMUy »1M«L fcU I fail ' H it. GEO. N.ttOlifES, liar removed bboOce from Brown'* Hotel to the Eut *ide or Third •tract, between Poplar and Ptam-wlxwe he can be band at aUbours, onleu profuutooally abeent. OCtMT . . .. n HH. SMITH A OWEN, office corner Walnut and 4lb street*, Dr. Ucbtfoot'* old ataipL n .R C. J. ROOSEVELT, (Homoeopath!-, ty 1 Office Malbarry at, Washington Block, over J. M. Bonntman’a Book Store. Rcaldence on WalnaL near Third alroeL nov2l-3m* TAR. W P. PARKER—residence and offlcc on D Mulberry street, (ntbeny Jeg^wbemhe may be (oppoatu Uie Medical Col- found at all hour*, day and _ nor 20d n R- I. L. U ARRIS tandem Me professional acr- Tlee* to Ibe public. (Office on Second street, over Knott Jc llowc*. sepI72m Emmett Blarkabear. of- I>nrmciANs.—Dr. J. - 1 Ore oTnrPayoe’*dni*atorc,rcaldeneeoo Utah atrret, near the aayluro for the Mind. sag IBfaa Dress Buttons .-iraj Irat :uanncr,"a* follows: to 1 . pound* of gour, mix liitoi:, 'J. llir.-f otdiimr} fa LaiMMpla of A .ID,*, add "Ail v attr, aiUi a little salt dtieolvcd Ho It --tint ; "it to mu * riouub uaoftxTcan be conmuletltly Sandltd, tvliicli I* generally a little Iom than one pfat of water to one quart of Soar. Do not knead it. Sbapc u very lightly, and iinme- AlaPACA HRAIDS. advantage* over yeaat or fennented 'bread; It cun be made and linked In one hour from the time <d i For txiniminp of every col flrat handlingUie floor; it will bqmobt and picas-’ ant to eat In four day* alter baking; it iaeaayaf ■’ “ “ ' snflcrii COME AT LAST. November S7th, 1865 I hare this Day Received by Express, HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, ELEGANT BL.YfAfcci.OAKS, « DRAB DO. Also an incxliaustable supply of •t COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ritWKTT A SNIDER, Wholesale Cotuuis- fj alon Merchants, and General Agenta, Second street, between Cherry and Poplar, Macon, Of— Prompt tierannal attention given to all consign ment*of nitn, produce. manufactures and other art irks of Merrlauidlae. Order* and ConalgomcnU aoBeltad from all part* of the country. Agent* far aevrral flrat dam Inauanes Companies. JEWELERS. T n. OTTO.—Wholesale and retail dealer In el . Watches, Jewelry, Watch Material-!, Gold Pans, Gold, Silver and 8tael Spectacles, Ac. At the old stand of J II A 8 8 Virgin, Cotton Avenue. Macon, Ga. Watches, Clock* and Jewelry, retired and warranted. fienhiic Machine* of all deeerip- ttona put ht order, to whleh Mr. P Ilcrtrll will at tend. , qf* ■ fllilWMEl P mjk J. HARTLEY, W.Vl < fi5S lute work • mau for Sidney B. Day; tontinnm to n ,«alr Watehu at preaent In Iho rloyf lion, .- Baildlag, oppoaltc Medical Cdlege, Moll oet3-3m . Mulberry street. digestion, excellent for peraocaauflerlnglrom dya- | BUGLE TRIMMING, pt-pdfl; retain* Ml the gluten, starch and .near I contained in, tbo Soar, mad therefore produce. 1 lb. 12 or. bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. flour, whilst yeast pro- dneu only,tilt. 9 or. of bread from 1 IK 4 ox. of flonrt thus obtaining about 27 lb*, more of bread from a barrel of flour, which, with the uvlng of yeast. Win about balance the cost of the Axurnca. Can be used for any of the following red pen, and ladies everywhere wiU be agreeably kurpiised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo sition doea not contain, a particle of Alum, Salx- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drug; hut is per fectly pure and healthy, and, us a culinary prepara tion, I* inialllble and Invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of-Baking Pow ders on exhibition:—the Axurnca, with several Others, was analyxed, and obtain'd the flrat prixe, a* the pm rat and best Raking powder known. A trial only la necessary. In be satisfied. A pajier is gtoejg with each box, wtthtall instrue- for making - ‘ * A'/.I MKA IIOU.S. AZL'MKA B1S( I I I . -4rtk * AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, ^/AZUMEA .l( HINNY CAKE, TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, t) Second atreet, two doora frum the corner'of Mulberry, kee|o constantly a well*«lbcted ossorfa ’ meat AUo, axperkmeed 'Ty-ATCIIE8 at d JEWELRY, Aieuao SIUUS'l.ia!!| ». cuw*. S,.Bau det'a, under the Telegraph Printing House •comer Cherry and Second .trccU, Macon, Ga. 'amaasortraAMfldBBa : dono neatly and [work warranted, angll MISCELLANEOUS. M ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing Ollice. Job wtfrk of every description execu ted on short notice and lu good style. Term* roa- aonabia . ; angas > A J. llT.AKE, real estate agent, Macon, UA \JY". Persona having bouses far aale or rant, or persons wanting to rent house*, cannot Du bet ter milled than l.y calling* on me. From my long atparWnee In the rral eatate business, I am ^;rara.S'""" u “ ak, s.ri.ri;S'' Macon, Ga., 8ept. U», 1865-Uanl-tlO ■ ■» |. , m J. A D. UUii am now offering forardea JL a large lot of .^olc anil Upper Leather. Also, Train Oil by retail. Next door 10 Erprrtw ofllco, Macon, (ia nov»3m» A Fine Plantation Tor Sale. O NE of the beat plantation* lu Early county la ottered for safe. The place contains 13 or 1500 acres, 500 cleared. The place la .under good repair, with substantial building. Slid conveniences far a com nod cottoq iarm. l'leuty of good well and running wateroflthO place. • Males, bogs, cotra, aheep and goals, com, fod der, cotton seed, onta, rye, seed «otn and potato**, can be hadoutne place. Term*, Owe-bntffaah, balauoe In one and two yearn. Ik fafMkw lifar- - nation address 8. 8. 8T.VFFORD, novunott Blakely, Gcorrln. ■ora 11011 Blakely, Georgie. Springliill L-Xigli Scliool. rpiIE nMnsl, who i* *'Master ol Art* ol JL the I'nlv.wlly of Va., and wa* formerly Pro- faMOrof Malhematie* iuid Astronomy, in the Unl- verallvot Georgia, will oiwa,on Use 1st January next, a B.'unliic.-School for Boys, at hi* residence lU Hor.-ton connly, Ga. Address W. LcROY BROUN, M. A„ novas-eodlmt PerryJ Houston County, ice. CAKHAHT, WIIlTlPOnU* CO., WaxrFATt.'IiER* AND WI10I.KSALK DEALERS IX READY-MADE CTOTIUNG, MSI <f 333 Brvadxoy, Comer U'orfA St., X Y. T. r. CAtUlAnV, Hk-NkT SUAVER, ww. n. wamoRD, *■ tax wages**, A. T. BAVILTOX. p Q gy Offlcc of Psyan I Carhart in liquidation. novl4-eodCm ltiiggiesnud Family Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. TTTS will toon have a supply of Boogies, Top \ \ Mb Vaanfl and Harness made In «>rder at CON COR 15 AN D BRATTLE BORO, expieaaly for this market, and will warrant them to rtvc entire satisfaction to all purchasers. We will sell do work not mads expressly, to our Order. -Thoso from a distance can address us at Macon (to can W. C. Singleton), or at Htwkinsvillc, Ga. oatT-Sm McDUFFlE, MASON & CO. SCOTT, POWELL & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 3d Street, MACON, GA. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stock*, Bends, Gold, Silver, Bunk Notes,eke. **AAC STOTT, C. A. XtTTISC, A. O. FOWKLtJ Dor^S-lm* JEWELRY STORE. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC., Have re established their old and well known JF.WEI.RY STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS af \o. 6 Cotton Avenue, under the Masonic Hall. They have jus*, received a select stock of an classes andgualitics of goods kept la their line, iucleding Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Feu*. Choice Cutlery, Port Monaira, Merschaums, Combs, Brushes, Violins, Guitar and Violin String*, Double Barrel Sporting Guns and Tackle, Fercwssk.n Caps. Marties, Tope, China Dolls, Playing Caro*, Dominos, Backgammon and Chcsq Men, Lubin's genuine Extract'- Toilet and 8har ing Boapn. nov34-d3m AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA 1*1.1 M 1*1 1)1)1 No. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE. AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, ■ AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, aVZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK IiREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA (ft)LI) CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, aVZUMEA DOUOH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, * AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, pgr* Azukm.v is put uji for the retail trade in 1-4 lb. cans, at 25 eta., and in 1.2 11>. cans at 50 cents. Liberal Discount Made to Wholesale Purchasers. octtl)-2m J. II. ZEILIN & CO. NEW FIRM! 1ST E W Gr O O D S ! ! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and Jtetail! E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. f pUE undersigned beg leave to Inform the ladlc- JL of this city, eonntyand vicinity and tha pubs lie in general, that he lias now open and ready for soln at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN'S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, 6iic uf the Untedatod Stuckt ol Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In tip: Southern markets. The goods were select ed by Mr. KisSteis with great care; and as he is now in the New York market for the sole purpoee of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated.' I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, aud wilt be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of the Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, towest Market Prices. My ttoek consists In part of the following goods: Print*, • . i'l-J Printed Delaines, - All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, English and French Merinos, * Scotch and Vcnitiin Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black. DdLaincs, - . ? - * Alapneas, |t.~ Black Silks, . Merinos end Bombaxlncs, And many other good* belonging to the & S-e' ^ D E I* A R T N T A foil and complete assortment of Linen C. mbnc Ilandkerehicts Ladies’ Linen and Etabrolderrd Cuffs and Col lars, separate and in sets. White, Red and Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels,. Blan kets, *c., Ladle*’ Merino Vests, Table Linen, ■: Table Cloth, Towels, s- . Towelings, Napkins, Doylies Linen, - . And all other articles belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. We call the special attention of the ladles to onr CLOAK c AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, Both black ami wliitj, SONTAG8, - ,q . > NUBIAN, KID GLOVES, CORSETTES, A La Engenii. Besides ninny oilier novelties to which the nttent ion of the public. is.invitCd. nov!2 K T. CCLEMAN. For Sale. M y PLANTATION in the heart of the Cot region on Flint lUver, about 40 miles froi Macon, Ga., and 3% from Reynold’s Station, on t Columbus branch Of the Southwestern Railroad. It contains 1,000 acres, 000 bottom, 400 cleared, comfortable framed buildings for 40 hands, mid all the necessary ont-btUIdlngs in another yard for the erection of a dwelling, a young orchard ot select varieties, and vineyard, both bearing. The neigh borhood Is unexceptionable. Being disgusted with free negros, I . will sell place at one-fourth its intrinsic value. 1 n»Tg5-10tt ROBT. lt. HOWARD. Calhoun County Cotton Plantations FOR SALE.■■ T70R sale my plantations lying In Calhoun coun- I. ty, 12 miles southeast from Cuthbcrt and )0 mile* from Ward’s station on the S. IV. Railroad. The first contains 1GOO acres, 500of which ore clear ed and under a good fence. The improvements are good framed buildings, together with gin house and screw. This Is a edict place, with water in each field. Provisions, stock and plantation' tools can be bought with it, r , . . T -The second place contains 1500.acres 250, acres open land. Those wishing to buy had best apply early, aa I am determined to sell, and will give good bargain*. I win sell for part cash and take a Hen on the places for the balance. For further Infor mation apply to me at Cuthbert, or 8. P. Clayton; on the first place. nov2$-t5tbdec* SAMUEL CLAYTON Ells’ Saloon. T HE PLACE is now open to the public; every luxury which can be obtained fromany part ol the United States, will be served up in every style to please the most fastidious. Bevekages of all kinds, of the best, to cheer the SBsroxdino ; a hot Dinner to invigorate the inner man on a cold day, with a fine llavanna to puff away dull care. Do not hunger nor thirst, but gall on Ells, who has a plenty at Ida Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy your wants. With eighteen years of sneeessfnl experience in my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old lrtends for past favom, I hope to merit a continuance of their pat roil ago—and all others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished as low as any house in the city, for shipment or city Also Lemons by the fr?x Or dozen, ILK ells; nov8-lm COTTON NOTICE. C HARLES E DEXTER, late of the firm of Hall X Dealer, is prepared to make liberal CASH ADVANCES ON ALL COTTON CJDtifnod through him to the vrtll know n And re- •potable house of ti&rdoer, Dextcr&Co., of Sew York Knd Boston. nov 7-l» Cofcmbss, Gt., Not 8<118G3. NEW FIRM _ SING I K TON, HUN T A CO., opt'gsI'Ve' lanicR hou*se, , MACON, GEORGIA, XTOW have In store, and for sale, the largest and '-L1 best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, iu the South. Those wishing to bar, to sell again - will here find facilities iBh surpassed br any house south of CincinnaU, aa the entire stock lias been purchased, FOB CASH, from the manu- facturcrs in the cities oi'Scv 1 ork and Boston. A «rood supply ot TRUNKS AND UMBRELIiAS will also be kept en hand. I The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and bjwtdetattention to business,'to merit a liberal Portion of pnl.'.ic pafronag^ ^ ' W. C. SINGLETON, oc«-Cm T. J. HCNT. N OTI C E. Steamship Chase. C 10X8IGNEE8 or owners of Goods per Sfearn- / ship Chase, on voyage from New X ork, Octo ber 21, 1^66, will please present copies of invoice-: also, claims fur short deliverances and deductions w ^ ^ for damage,' if any; to the unden*urned, on or 'be- York Via n- n»piy VIRGINIA AND* TEN- 1 fo re tlle 15th day of December next, lor the pur- NE&sEE LINE: aiid guarrantrea through price •!»«« of making the adjustment of the general av- perbale, TR BLOOM, At t Macon, ; crage m-vnai r.uuni * novT Sm Y G RtbT, Ag t Allany. nov29-td HUNTER«GAMMELL. And toy with couddcncc, wc will sell these arti cles at a DOWSX. FSXCS, Than anv other hou?c in the eitv and WARRANT the goods to be of the Beat and Rost Fashionable Nnuu- f a <rt it r e A. SPRINGER. Macon, G*. NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. Hats,’ Hats, Hats. Caps, Caps, Cap> Furs, Furs, Furs Prices to Suit Every Class or Buyer-s! B EING exclusively engageddn the above line of business, wc are able to sell lower than any body. We can show the finest goods now oflered South. Such as HATS, CAPS and Ladies’ FURS, and wc invite everybody to come and examine for themselves. To dealers we will make a liberal discount, that » IU enable them to make GOOD PROFITS. Wu haTC the Osly stock of FURS offeriug In Macon, aud wc guarantee them to be oa represen ted. Wo would also say to the LADIES that our arrangements are such that we can order any STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, WANTED. II, SUAW Si CO., nov291w Cherry Street. .Journal & Messenger copy. Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., Cherry sk, between Cotton Avenue and Second st. Macon, Ga. < DEALER*IX SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS,- CALF SKINS. Harness manufactured to order. decl-Sai Fire Insurance. E.C. GRAN HISS , General Insurance Agent, Macon. Represents EIGHTEEN Marine, Tire, Life uqt ACCIDENTAL Insurance Companies. And ia folly prepared to take risks upon the moat reasonable terms. - The capital Involved in the Companies I represent allows in^to take on any ONE RISK $250,000. Special attention given to the Insurance of cot ton and all other specie* of property. Ail losaes adjusted promptly. E. C. GRANNIS8, -* uov23-lm Agent, Macon, Ga. FURS WANTED. j I WILL pay for Mink Skin*, prime, 75 cent*, Opossum Skin*, prime 25 cents, Coon Skins, prime, 20 cents, Beaver, Otter, and Deer Skius according to val ue. N. K. BAKNUM, Dealer In Dry Goods, Triangular Block, nov 20-tm Macon. KIDGELY, SQUIER Sc CO., • AGENTS FOR DODDS, MACNEALS & URBAN’S, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. 'T'HESE SAFES AND LOCKS have been tlior- X otighly tested and their reputation Is such that the Treasury Departupnt at Washington and New Tork city use them In preference to any other. They arc made exclusively ol iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. THE ^ Eureka and Excelsior Sank Locks, For Vaults, Express Boxes, Banker!, Jeweller*, and Merchant*, arc unrivalled, and Darties desiring such article* will find It greatly to their interest to purchase from tts, as weean sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added, nov ll-3m RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO. IlOVI) Si GOUDOX, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Cherry St, 2 Doors below Telegraph Building, MACON, GEORGIA. _ receiving weekly additions to our stock of DRtus, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., and wc solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine our stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. TI0^^f0RDE^“ gW “ l ° PR ^ CK1P novl6-3m BOYD & GORDON. Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECHANDI3E GIVEN through from New York, to the' following points: Macon at 84 05 per 100 lbs AtRerieus at 5 50 per 100 lbs -Albany^ at....:..... 5 05 per 100 lbs Cuthbert at 5 77 per 100 lbs Enfaula at....’. ................ 5 90 per 100 lbs The Roads are now-in good worklng.order, and goods come through promptly. . v T.R. BLOOM, Agent, nov24-lm Slacon, Ga SPLENDID RESIDENCE FOR SALE AT AUCTION. W IIL be sold at the Auction Room 6f FIND LAY & KENRICK, on tlie FIRST TUES DAY in DECEMBER next, at 11 o’clock, A. M., that two story brick residence, on Boutli side Pine street, between New.and Spring streets, lately oc cupied by Dr Joel Branham. Sold by- order of the Superior Court, for partition and division among the heirs. The lot contains about three-fourths of an acre—house has 8 rooms, eaeli with fireplace —kitchen, 2 large rooms, 3 servants’ rooms, 4 fire places, stable, carriago bouse, corn crib, &c. _ TERMS—One half payable in ten dav*—balance in tiO days—good notes with approved security, or a mortgage on the premises. It W CUBBEDGE, 1 v n no i Wroo ( Macon, Nov: ECGRANNISS, II A KENRICK. ’65-tds C’oni’rs TINNEES! TINNERS WANTED! THEY MUST BE HAD!! Wages No Object! I will STEADY EMPLOYMENT —TO— TEN GOOD TINNERS, —AND— Pay tlie Best Wages. Apply at ray Factory, opposite the old Post Of- ... iy Factory, flee, or at my store on Cherry street. B. A. WISE, Cherry street Macon, Ga. LOOK AT THIS. 150 Bbls Extra Family and Superfine Flour, 200 do Salt, 25 Bales Gunny Bagging, 25 Coils Rope, In Store, 100 do do to arrive, j . i t 54 Bbls Sugar, various grades, 10 do do Crushed, 150 Boxes Tobacco, 2,00b lbs Smoking Tobacco, 50 Boxes Soap, . - •• 25 Kegs Sup. Carb. Soda, 50 do Nails, 134 Packages New Mackerel,' NosJ and 2;. Quarters, ltalvcs and bbls, 25 Kits No 1 Mackerel, 12 Cases Beat London Porter, 5 Bbls Apples, 20 Boxes ToilctSoap, 20 do Assorted Candy, 30 Cases Sardines, I will elose'ont any of the above articles at a IMPORTANT TO COTTON HOLDERS J. SIBLEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 6 'Warren Block, Augusta, Ga H AVE excellent CLOSE BRICK STORAGE ROOM for COTTON; will cither sell the same on commission, in Augusta, or make , LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on consignment* to Messrs. GUION & CO.: Liver pool, England, or t» Messrs. WILLIAMS & GUI ON, New York. They keep constantly on hand a fine assortment of Groceries suitable for the trade, such ad GUNNY BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, - COFFEE, SUGARS, BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, CHEESE, * BUTTER, WHISKIES, I AND 8EGARS. They also arc prepared to take Marino Risks, to oints and places in the Unit cd States and Europe, o the amount of $150,000 on any one good Ship, nd in Companies whose assets' ate over I5.00C 00 dollars. novSO-dGtwlt* COTTON SHED. W E ARE PREPARED to furnish Cotton Seed in any quantity. They arc of a superio kind of cotton and warranted fresh and good. Parties *t a distance can be furnished. Columbus, Ga., novO-lm. J R IVEY & CG Office of Empire Ikon & Coal Mining Co., „ Macon, Ga., 28th Nov. 1805. Stockholders whose Shares are not full paid, are hereby notified to pay an installment of Thirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st Jauuary next, and a further installment of Thirty per cent on or before 1st April, 18CG. By order of the Board of Directors. ED. L. STROHECKER, noy30-dlw-lawtlstcpril President. PAINTING. House, Sign & Ornamental Painting. GRAINING, ' MARBLING, GILDING; GLAZING. „ , PAPER HANGING &C. Having on hand all the necessary material to carry on the business, we aroprepared to give sat isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may lavor us with their orders. Wc will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description. VARNISH, OIL. SPS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SANDPAPER, BRUSHES, &C.. &c. Orders front the country promptly attended to. DRURY & TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Dunlap & Co., Cherry st, ang 1312m* Macon, Ga. hxxeuexces: W. B. Johnston, N. IL Beal, J. H. ZeRitrtk Co., B. A. Wise, Clsyland& Dnmblc, Leroy Napier, W. A. Huff. WHOLESALE. MILLINERY GOODS Wholesale Cloak Manufactory. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. W E arc pleased to stay to onr Mends south of the Ohio, that we have en* of the largest and best assorted stocks of - Millinery Goods This side of New York. We employ over one hundred and fifty girls in our Cloak Factory, 3,000 GALLONS j^SSORTED Whisky, Just received and for sale L. W. Rasdal, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Third street, under Ralston’s Hall, Macon, Ga. nov2g-dlm Notice. H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, 1 rmrsday and Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thomasrille, Ga.; also, for Bainbridgc every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, thus opening a regular communi cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. WRIGHT & HILL jy27-tf Proprietors. To Shippers over M. & -B. Railroad TO HAWKINSVILLE. BROWN & LAIDLER, MERCHANTS OF UAWKIKSVILhE, Will have a large and commodious three story bnildlng in which they will store at reasonable rates, all goods consigned to their care. MR. JNO. V. BRANTLY, Jit., Agent at the’ Terminus of road, will protuptly forward to os by careful and honest teamsters all goods intended for this market or to be shipped down the river. nov23-2w BROWN & LAIDLER. “ Joy to the World !” G-REAT BARGAIN! T OFFER fi, r sale my PLANTATION in Dougli- E& co ' 1 '» t y, Ga., eight miles East of Albany, contolnin-aa,.^,^ , ^ iu euUlv , tio f’ SL? ‘‘^vared within Ihc last seven years, and l-V) V"'* *°*ed down in small gram, ibe rral- p '* coi * commodious and good'; no- Trew-JUL"’ “"d ample to accommodate from IIU?.?. TO *', Hants, Shelters, Gin House and ^ Wat . crcJ . and universally acknowl edged to be one ol tlie Healthiest Places Com, Fodder, Mule*, S ever Ything necessary to car- tSiTplacc" 11 ’ cau ljou Sht if desired to eairy on Having dctermiqpd to transfer iny whole interest to North Carolina, where I now reside I will clve a Great Barmin In this place, aud will makefile terms to suit purchasers. . . . . THOMAS niLL. i ®7,A pply f. oon Agent, CapL John A. Da vis, Albany, Ga., who is authorized to sell and make titles. N OTICE. On the above described place will be sold ot pub lic, outcry, on Thursday, 7tU day of December next, (if not previously sold with the place,) 4.000 bushels Corn, 50,000 lbs. Fodder, 500 bushels (or more) of Cotton Seed, 40,000 lbs. Pork, 00 barrels Sugar Cane Syrup, 23 flue Mules, and one Horse. 85 head of Cattle, 200 head of Stoek Hogs, 3 fine Wagons and one Cart, 200 bushels Seed Oats, 50 bushels Wheat, 150 bushels Peas, 28 head Goats, Blacksmith Tools, oue Sugar Mill and 4 Kettles, Plantation Tools of every description, one Bu'nrv etc., etc. THOMAS HILL, or Capt. JOHN A. DAVIS, nov24 lOt ucj Agent, Albany, Ga. Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gunny Bagging. 100 Coils Hemp Rowf 25 Coils Manilla Rope, . 50 Bbls Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 Bbls Leaf Lard, 50 Kegs Cut Nalls, 100 Boxes Tobacco, ' 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 40 % Bbls Butter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, &c. Brigham, Baldwin & Co. c o 3nr is sion mer cha x ts, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends In New York or Liverpool. nov22-2m Tins TCTRODrCTTON OP PERRY DAVIS’PAIN KILLER, SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has relieved more Palu and caused more Real Jov than any other one thing that can be named. IT IS A “BALM FOR EVERY WOUND, ’ OUR FIRST PHTSICLINS USE. And recommend it* use; the- Apothecary finds It first among the medicines called for, and the wholcaale Druggist consider* It a lending article oj his trade. All the dealers In medicine speak •like In Its favor; and Its reputation aa a mrdi- cine oi great MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FULLY AND PERMA NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT IS THE GREAT Family Medicine OF THE AOE. CLOTHING. 'Winship <fo Callaway’s STOCK OF FINE READY MADE .CLOTHING Is more complete now than It has been any time during this season. They have received Filtv fine heavy BEAVER OVER COATS, and a large lot of fine business suits during this week. WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE. We have a large stock for the wholesale trade and will moke it to the interest of the Merchants in thesurroundingcountry to buy tlicirClotliingof us. „ WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. nov2(!-10t THE GEM. W. THOMAS &. UO. 13. Have fitted up the GEM in elegant style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked with the best Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Their fine stock of Wines, In bottles, will be sold at the most reasonable prices in the market. THE EATING DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest Bill of Fare in the market. The best York rivcrOystcrsarealwayskept on hand, fresh, and can be had in any quantity, at tlicjlowest market rates. Families can he supplied in any quantity and without delay. E. W. THOMAS & Co., Gem Saloon, under Floyd nousc, nov24-3m .. Macon, Georgia. SHORTEST, , Cheapest and Quickest Route TO NEW YORK and BALTIMORE, By the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line. Through Receipt* given l>y the Agent» of the LOW FIGURE, as 1 am determined not to be itn- _. _ / Pig Copper, T 1 i*sue tlirbu Haiti J. N- SEYMOUR. Sole and Upper Leather AT A DEDUCED PRICE, Taibe OA uC!jfUU;j i J. N. SEYMOUR’S. A GOOD CHANCE. I OFFER my Tan Yard and 202J£ acres of Laud tor salt-; adjoining the u it..!. U-ngth of tiu. 1 cor poration of Lumpkin, cast; SO acres cleared and 130 acres in the woods. J. G. SINGER. novl9-lm • , And we are confident that our styles and price* will compare favorably withany house in America. SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Respectfully, From MACON to BALTIMORE 113,25: and nov 17-tJl OTIS & CO. NEW YORK *13,50 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. All packages should be stamped S T Co to facil itate transportation. _ TnURSTON R. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. • Y. G. BUST, uov21-3m Agent, Albany, Georgia. T HE MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE! Latest Arrivals from the Erist. T HE undersigned, old citizens of Macon, beg leave, in informing our old Southern friends of this city and vicinity, that, having received a very large lot of DRY GOODS—consisting in La dies’ Fancy Dress Goods of all description:*, Black and Fancy Silks, a large assortment of Notions and Ladies’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings in general; tine White Linen in large quantities; a good line of line French and English Shawls; the latest style of Plain and Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies’ Traveling Bags, all styles and sizes; Ladies* and Misses’ Vests aud Pants; aud a full line of Ladies’ Shoes—larger than auy other house iu Macon. We are also in receipt of_a very large and well selected stock of Gents’ Ready-made Clothing, l/d.3 b DlCCl, such as fine black Broadcloth Coats, black Doeskin Pants, Plain andFancy SilkYc^U, dassimcreSnlts. coarse Satinet Suits, and a regular line of Gents’ Salt, Yunrishing Goods not surpas-able in New York We are offering to the public to sell all goods with a very small advance, and, in fact, lower than any house in Macon. Standing in connection with a large wholesale ' jobbing house in the East, wc can, therefore, give ! the above inducement:;. - IRON. BAR IRON, ASSORTED 250 BARRELSSALT Star Candles, Bar Soapi I the above Inducements. .... JPJ.. ■ We would, in conclusion, further call attention at the .-hortest notice. Prices For sale by M I T C H E L & SMITHS* nov 2G(1-Ct—oct 31-3m IAvcry Stable. J G. SEARS * C. T. FOSTER, have opened a a Livery Stable at Manly’s old stand, Griffin, Ga., and are ready at all hours to feed or furnish Conveyances furnished to any point in the country. A .-Imre of patronage is rcperitally so licited.' nov 7-eo<llm were stlected with great care by ourselves i and our long experience in this market ha* qualified us tb judge as to the wants of the purchasing com munity. The patronage of alt onr old friends, as well as many of our new ones, Is rcpeetfully solic ited- Purchasers should be particular to find our place—Damouris Block, Second street, three doors from Board man’s Book Store. ..... ... p. 8. Country merchants will find it to their advantage to give us a call. oct3-3m GLASER & ROSIN House- Servants. HOUSE SERVANTS WANTED AT ONCE, By IL J. LAMAR, dec2-2t Vineville. ’MKtir nmtaNtu.v iTcnnis SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS. COUGHS, ETC., WEAK STOMACn, GENERAL DEBILITY, NURSING SORE MOUTH, - CANKER, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION CRAMP AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH ’ BOWRL COMPLAINTS, ’ 'PAINTER’S COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, f, DIARRIKEA AND DYSENTERY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES FELONS, BOILS, AND OLD SORES, SEVERE BURNS AND SCALDS, CUTS, BRUISES AND SPRAINS, SWELLING OF THE JOINTS, RINGWORM AND TETTER, BROKEN BREAST, FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS. TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN THE FACE, NEURAL GIA AND RHEUMATISM. PAIN KILLER, inte ™ aJ 'y should be adulterated with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired or aid 1 BRONCiBtFs*! 11 f Fora COUGH SORE THROAT, gargle uJ?tE£toSfth a mlrtora l£M!£;S r ’ ^ thc ^ Uefb K.^is’equally JT&Irate use externally. Eaeli bottle is wrannedTritlftoll directions for its use. Sold by DraggSt* anil Med icine Dealers everywhere. h ■ nov 14-0m Co-Partnership Notice, I HAVE THIS DAY associated wltli mein business Mr A R Tinsley. „ „ JAMES SEYMOUR. Macon, Ga., Nov., lStli, 1865 JAMES SEYMOUR.} {». B. TINSLEY SEYMOUR & TINSLEY Commission Merchants, CHERRY STREET, MACON, GA 'T'ENDER THEIR services to their frtenda, and and Ke' e “^ C dra°eripfon, Cnt80 ' Qr00erieS ^■Particular attention riven ’to tbc purchase and Shipping of cotton, cotton goods, etc* rrarty.flflmhhb In advance.) I Quartern, M on t hly, UII21! ’.II! II ADVERTISING s Uiiea or lc#?. tingle l II 00; meQsufefceqmitiu.-rtionSOtOif* Address, WM. A. KKID A l|t §)ai(5 (Ttlcgrapli. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER Iflflfl. AVherk’s the White Man’s BcrbauI— According to tlie addreas of thfl State Tcorii- era Association of Tcnncflaee, there are 89,- 000 adults in the State who can neither read nor write and 300,000 children without-W1. advantages. It seem* that one quarter of the adults arc totally illiterate. Uamr to the Last.—Four penitentiary convicts, on their way to the depot at St, Louis en rente for Jefferson City, were per mitted to stop at a coffee stand in the Center Market to take a hut cup of coffee. After drinking the juice of tho berry, one of them presented a dollar bill to pay the skot The coffee man mistook tlie bill for a five, and gave the convict four dollars more' change than he was entitled to; the prisoner picket ed tho insult, and on getting into the pm told his companions, and they had a hearty laugbt at Mic expense of the merchant. The vendor of chickory and bnrioy juics soon discovered his mistake, and reshing to the train met officer Gazolo, and called or him to arrest tlie swindler. Gttxolo told him tfe men were already in custody, and he could bring suit for tho recovery of his four dollar* when the convict retumod. The Best Jcimirs or Human Nature.— That Lavatcr and Spurzhein are not ** relia ble gentlemen” is evident to any one, who lias noticed tho following peculiarities that refers to the marked features of their aasnm- ed scientific rules. Men with dimples on their chins arc often without a particle of be ncvoicnce, and others with drooping aemsare of a kindly and generous nature. Yet phys iognomy insists that a dimpled chin and* tender heart are always associated, and that a nose with a downward tendency is the speci ality of a skinflit. Wc have a friend, the bridge of whose proboscis is of a marvelous width, who cannot recognize the land marks of a rente that he'has traveled a dozen times, and another with huge protu berances behind his cars, who wonld not hurt a fly. According to Spurricm, the for mer ought to have a wonderful memory for localities, and tho latter a decided taste for murder. With due deference to the two great philosophers, we would much rather be guided by the instinct* of a bright little three year old in forming a judgement of hu man character than by their scientific rakn. When children “take” to a man, vou may lie sure there is something good in him, while, on the other hand, tho individual who b a bug-bear to liodics is pretty sure to be on bet ter terms with the angels of the lower home than with those who move in the higher cir cles. As soon as a child can walk alone, it begins to be a pychologist, and by the time it is six years old, it shows more wisdom in tho selection of its grown-up friends than most of us exhibit at maturity. As reason advances, wc Combat, tbc dislikes for which wc can assign no rational foundation, and of ten school ourselves out of them. Bat infant likes and dislikes, although spontaneous and reasonless, are rarely unjust, and whoever pins his faith upon the sleeves of a man from whom children instinctively recoil, is more bold -than wise. Babies are blessed with a wonderful insight into the disposition of their oldcrs. LATHKOF & GO. Successors to Henry Latiuiop & Co. Established Since 1837. Corner .of dongreet nnd Wkitnler Street*, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS. WOULD invite tlie attention of Merchants and families visiting tills city to their Stock of Goods now in Stqrc, and arriving weekly, nov 11 cod2m* NEW CARRIAGE REPOSITORY! MACON, GEORGIA. Opposite Stubblefield House. AM NOW prepared to put up to order all manner of work belonging to Carriage and Wagon building. . I offer the best ef facilities for repairing articles of the bu me character Onr ar rangement* arc complete for SMITHWORK, Painting, Trimming, Repairing and all work required on all kind of vehicles. I i>o- icitrt the patronage of the people of this city, and promise to give the utmoftt hutiftfoction to those who entrust jobs to OUT shops. I also am prepared to varnish and REP.AIR FURNITURE 111 be the lowest to our large and elegant supply of Good.-, which- that can pos.-ibly be afforded. I will always keep cm hand, lor sale, a good snpjAj of Buggies anil ~ iages, which will be sola at low figures. EC orse Shoeing done by the most experienced workmen iu the city- Wc guarantee the utmobt hatisfaction in thi;* par. ticular. W. D. BANKS. aovl3-2tawlm. WANTED. | ‘ GOOD CABINET MAKERS, GOOD CARPENTERS, "Jt^ONE other need apply. GRENVILLE (VOOD. Hum hi. v Gibls.—The editor of the ■ land Herald having been tolerably profuse ia his compliments to the pretty girls of Cleve land, lias oecn requested to say a good thing in behalf of homely ones and he docs it thus: First—The homely girls of Cleveland are in n hopeless minority, Imtthey mean wclL .Second—They go to chrwch • very Sunday, and arc fond of Uieir meals. They had r..tber have their meals regularly than a new I >onne*. Third—They understand their business ax. i ■ wear No. IC gaiters. Fourth—They are bright, intelligent, de void of low jealousy, fond of music; daoceat Garrett's Hall as though it w.ts tbc chief aim of life, and always go in when it raina. Fifth—They always thank tho gentlemen forgiving them scats in the street can: never flirt with the boys—bccaur**.- it is out of their line—and keep out of the fir 1 * Sixth—They never have half a do. sprigs keep.tig company with them. Seventh vtiey wash their own handker chiefs, iron tlicir own collars and dam their own stockings. Eighth—They never wear waterfalls that weigh over one hundred and fifty pound- .nd have neither “rats” nor other animals in their hair. Ninth—^They don’t cull the roung and other trash, “perfectly splendid.’’ Tenth—They never cat between nw als. Eleventh—They arc all going to - i 'mar ried. Twelfth—They will all marry wclL Thirteenth—Their children will n.j hrisht and shining lights in tlie world. Fourteenth—'They won’t kci p idrcd ,.j r |, till their husbands can afford them. ’ Fifteenth—They sleep under mosquito bar* when convenient. Sixteenth—They can make cefltt and rut cakes nnd can do chamber work. Seventeenth—They arc O. K- Eiglitcenth—They are homely, but c i j, rusalcm. Twentieth—They perspire when the t i„ r mometer is at 94 in tbc siuule, and wear gor ed waistn. Twenty-first — Young gentleman d-m t squeeze them by the hand and they Uke nuts. % Twenty-second—They sing" *Be»uufi-l Dreamer,” and use Sozodont. correspondent of one changes thus bewails the custom introduced on some of the railisouds of separating thn ln^e from the female passenger* : That sorting out of the flock;, putting the ribbons in oue/:ur whiMkew in an other, while it fails to bcnfcljt the ribt»onii. is a positive dStSngc to the whiskera, When ' is not a positive slander. Pen a»en up gether, and if they <lo not behave like catth-. r . it will )>e in spite of the pen. Ladies sprink led through the cars keep tin entire train ii|-‘. on its honor, give it a human, bornc-iike look, refine travel, and elevate the car from a c» m- mon carrier to an educator. •* To have known a fine woman is a liberal education,” is an old English utterance good enough fp£ a proverb. But thi- segregating fashion barbarous, and worthy of the Turks. Axothku Cottok C>sn.—Wc .w it state<l says the St. Louis Republican, that General Curtis when he occupied Helena, in 1S62, captured twenty-three hundred bales of cot ton belonging to General Pillow, then of ti»e confederate service. These were confiscated, and, as was supposed turned over to the offi cers of the United States Treasury. Sinor General Pillow obtained bis pardon, howev er it has been ascertained that theGovctncm- ment ha» never received Imy Ijenefit from this cotton oj>eration. and it i» inferred that General Curtis knot* * something of the mm- ner of its disposal. General Pillow has insti tuted proceedings against General Curtis for the missing cotton, or its equivakni in cur rency * ^