The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 07, 1865, Image 5

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, , Trr ._jr- F*~r\T TX'SX'KT' * CO*rt*e or Wx. Hrastvow*-—W« Mid in car Cl JL X • aXXN 1 . Jut that we .hoold endeavor to give the partie- jfesr Ainitiiiai Index. We «U the atteatfoa of our reader* tothe *d- l <4 Mr W. A. Half, la today. W«r ifUi Gallery—A J- BHili. . Seth H Gates far Tex Colleetof—Meaj friend*. /■ Uuj l«IM riaBtta;—N. A- Megratb | . g. et...-Willi- rafa Load. ' A Card-H O. Redding. . hcfaV-OiUn A C« CMkUajrvtorMom-A A. Wise —.. ... i Kffltad-®- *■ * C- MrMMrfelr-t. B. CUjtoo A Co. laaun ud Muniu Psram—Oae baa- M aad acraaty tre tboaaaail (ITS,000) aaaorted ctan, (rata the beat Imported Havana, to tba ‘ j-f domestic brand., for lak at ^boleaal* utrrMily V.O. ACofa **<* <w TW aocxR. Cherry AL, " Mbaiafi a Parana, A Co. have a large atock of i which they invite the ladies to their near double-col nmn ad irrtWaneat. for farther iafonaatioa. Mavra's Cacar —Quite a crowd wai ia attend- nan bafaen Ibis tribunal yesterday, tba colored ■fmliy in tbeaeceedant Tba »lafialated on by tba “judge -Hi. Honor: Jabs Mean a ratbar atyliah individual, of tba f.aerial enloe. waa op on a charge of en- # daaaariag to dauMraliaa (?) hi. colored brederen, by f ili1T’~f “pap .ball" far their refreshment, without consol ling tba City Clark. Tbi.unlAb- fal prafatypi of the “Father af the FaiO.rul," en- taaadun indignant demurrer to the charge, but aawofhia Ibiraty cuatooMra proved the aaUiagof tba gntaj~f~ by Woe. and ha waa called on to | Aa roon aa it became known that Herrington ulara of the eaeape and capture of thia seerotug ; loader of the gang of railroad robber., whoee ex- ■ atninalira we have endeavored to faithfully • chronic!/ ! l irat, aa to the memo, and manner of bia eacapa, : which partake a little if the marvelloua. It j aaema that, after reaching John Herrington'. • etore, officer Craig took no care of hi. prisoners, and refused repeatedly to lock them up; aeeing which, Wm. Herrington then fir.t conceived the idaaefeacaping*- leaving bis brother John in I canvaraatiott with the officer, he coolly proceed fed home, and aaada all bia preparation, for ' Bight—providing hhntelf with money and other little requisite.. Carting about la hi. mind aa to what route he abould taka to battle pursuit, should it bo made, be hit on the bold expedient of making the very company that had placed him in the clntchea of Ute law, serve aa th# means of extricating him from ita mcabea; In othor word., he reaolved to brare all, and set natty lootyasmyc on a freight train of the HouthK&Urn railroad, aa far as Fort Valley. That he .bould escape recognition on Iho part n< thw conductor or hands of this train aceiu. a metier of ij-ecial wonder. But so far hia vary hardihood aecma to have met with suc- eaea, and he arrived at Fort Valley without in terruption. . m Here bo seemed to have thought he had trav eled far enough on that train, and deliberately waited for the Columbus passenger train, which he took. Here, again, it see ms that ,hia good or evil genius befriended him, and he arrired at Cblumbns, without being questioned or molested, on Saturday evening. Thinking that no train would leave for Opelika the next morning, (Ban day,) he determined to foot it. To show the de termination and pluck of the man, we understood that he walked twenty-one miles in five hoars. After reaching Opelika, he halted and rested that night, and set nut afoot for West Points whither we will leave him .wendieg bit way. fine. f ftsu sad emtd. Jaha King, colored. w« up fir the same of- hfafalM he wanted inveral witnesses turn- ntatod Ike tba delete, tba emu wa. continued. Dave Will»u disorderly conduct—ease eon- Jehu—a ginger-bread colored youth—charged with ttoaliag money from a lady at the Planter*' ffi dab sane scat to the guard bouse, lobe “ball aad chained" for sixty day*. William ■■ a ywsng black man—accused of stealing a let ef hod clothes, wearing apparel, etc.—was tamed over to a magistrate's court, the effihnaw having Wan committed onl*ido corjK/ra' Maria Hatekiaga—a damsel whose visage waa III salty af aaaw.addla- sraa aocuaed of steal iag salver naan baa ewe of her fomala friends, and invading it ia “head kivering." The theft sraa pawned apen her, ud she sraa given tba chaise af Bit aad coats or ti days ia guardhouse, am bevel ud water. We believe aba paid. fitter Lawless ud Roach wera eecuicdof rutting and banting wood from the City Reserve. Tho Bid anaoeaaldaot be established, and the latter had permiraioa of Mayor. Both dis- Iffia Hogan—a miserable wreck of humanity I with disorderly conduct, was admon- I tel off in canaMomtioa of his pitiable A Maw Lor of dreaa cords ud tassels, ostrich ytel—. braids, bat ornaments, velvet trimming, della. teya. it, aayta found at the Hoveltt •man, fa II. Cotton Avenue, Mrs. Wall’s old toad. dec?—U« Gnsav Ivor, xmevt.—Messrs. Irwin and Whar ton, at the white store, have just received rhaieetetef family groceries, all fresh and nice, which they offer at cast Everybody abould go aad aapply thrmoelrca at cnee, aa no such in- dasaaarat has aver been offered onr eitisens be fore. dcc5-.1t. Mf*‘"*n« of the Boat complete establishments in thia city, and in the State, ia the house fur nishing store of Mr. B. A- Wur, whose advertise ment m in another column. Ua seJIs everything housekeepers cu desire in the way of tin ware, oawrksey. glass ware, ranges, stores, both for I cooking, plated ware, knives, forks buckets, brushes, brooms, Ac., Ac., ia end less vasiety. Give him a call and price deel-Stk Ftaxwonxs axdTots.—A large assortment at W. O. Engvlke A Co. Siov or vnx Comet, Cher ry at., Macon. Sec double column advertisement. Can at $1,35 nut 8r***t—W. A. Huff has re ceived daring the pest week many thousands of bubals of Western coca, which he is selling In quality at $1,25 per basbel, at his huge wholesale B r of 3d and Cherry, Rale- Also a huge supply of Western Irish ■ rates, by the barrel. > j A large supply of Ostrich Flowers, ornaments for hats, , to be had of 8. Peyser A Co. <.»■ Ami si- vs Joihml.—Wdhava rueivnd from Patrick's Kewi Depot, Trianguiar Work, the December number of this journal which ia unusually interesting to all lovers af the science of phrenology. The'portrait of “Wind Tom,” will strike all who have seen that wiuiial prodigy, as very exact. The following ie tba table of contents: Daniel 8 Dickinson ; The Discussion on Phre nology; Besnty, Vigor, and Developement; Washington ud Caesar; Animal Types; More aleat tba Baae; Our New Dictionary of Phre- aalagy and Physiognomy; Studying the Face: So Two Faces Alike; A Kt* History of Civili- ■alien: Destiny el America; Indians in Amer ica ; The American Geographical and Statistical anisly; Horace Mann; Try Again; In the Pul pit; Gymnastic*; Expanding the Chest; Thy Same; Symmetry of character : The Christian aad tba Siaaor; Valedictory; A Happy Christ- nas; Pnuiaau: The Fenians; Anxiety; Inter- eating to the Lilli* Folk!; Death of Dr. Way- ‘ lOt ward nmtdai; Work t; Spidere; Literary Noli eat; An te Correspondent!; Publishers’ Depart ment ; What We Have Dona; Pianos, Melodcons and Sewing Mechinee given away; Blind Tom. Siu Count.—A large supply of all kinds of silk V of all colors and sixes. A fine stock of cords > to bo had of S. Peyser A Co. A. P. G. Hauls has one hundred half-barrels of Be/. Sea hia advertisement. had escaped, officer Tom Knight, with three other policemen, were set to work to trace out the route taken by the prisoner. After considerable trouble, thia waa hitoq, and on Sunday morning the pursuit opened, the officers taking the pas senger train for Columbus. On rtachin£'Columbus and making inquiries in certain quarters, the,officers found that the bird had been there and flown—whither they coaid hardly surmise. So here they deterrain ed to divide—one party taking the road to Union Springs, Ala., the other that to Opelika—Knight and his partner takinp the latter. On reaching Opelika, tha first certain signs of the fugitive sen discovered. Ton. got a very accurate de scription of Uerringtor from a youngster of only six years old, and also the route he had token. The chase having now become warm, Tern de. termined to let no grass grow under his heels until he had the quarry in view, he therefore took an engine that was going toward West Point. It was a risk, still it was worth the trial and the reanlt proved Tom's sagacity. Yon sec, be had an idea that Herrington, instead of going to Montgomery, was heading for Nashville, and to get there, would endeavor to reach West Point, and then either take tho buck track to Atlanta, to get on the direct route, or strike, across the country, and thus reach the Western and Atlantic railroad. On aped the engioe—many a mile ia passed, and yet no aign of the fugitive. Tom's hope, were rapidly sinking, when within a few miles of their goal thly espied what seemed a speck in the distance, bat which proved on a ncare r view, to be the form of a mau, slowly trudging along the railroad. After getting within a short distance, and being convinced that the pedes trian waa none other than Herrington. Tom Hastily bid himself in the tender for fear of be ing »egn and recognised by his prey, who would elude him. Little recked the pursued that the engine contained one who was destined soon to return him to. a felon’s cell. Tom allowed the engine to proceed, and on reaching West Point, called on tho post com mandant, wfio promptly furnishod him with a couple of guards, with whom he at once pro ceeded abont a mile out on the road, where they took stand in some bushes. They hadn t loug to wait, for the game soon hove In sight, and when opposite their ainbuseadc was pounced on and scoured. Herrington showed no.disposition to rc- silt; iu fact, seemed so taken aback and dum- founded at being overhauled, as to “wilt right down in bis boots.' The prisoner was safely brought back to Co. lumbus, where the pffity of officers once more united, and arrived here on the Columbns train last evening, and he was soon safely enseonecd within tho walls and gratings of the city police jail, where, we trust, ample measures have been taken to prevent any more “moonlight timings' by him, or “any other man.” Too much praise cannot be awarded Tom Knight and his confreres for the seal and untir ing energy displayed by them in this pursuit nd capture; but Jwe trust to see some more en during and substantial testimonial presented them, than these empty, but sincere, praises of] thlsLoeal. Connell Proceeding*. Rtorrur Meetdco. 4-. Council Chamber, Nor. 21,18G3. f t—The Mayor. Aid. Powers, DeLoache Groce, Westcott, aud Adams. Absent—Aid. Mon s hte, Sparks, and Goods!! Tha 'minutes of thelast meeting were fesdSnd enn firmed. BILL. | TJL&SLV. Wm. G. Hoge, 855; D. B. Woodruff, VMi Wm. Williamson, 815$ : A. K. Harman. fK- On motion Aid. DeLoacbe Jfrssierf, That the City Bonds, Nos. V3 and 94 as advertised by Mr. W. F. Williams as lost, be paid when he make, a bond satisfactory to the Council. P*s»cd. Sexton reported tLe interment* at Rom Hill and Oak BiJ?c Cemeteries during the month of November—white adults 23, children 9, colored 12. Total 45. The following named gentlemen were appoint ed commissioner* to enperintend the election on next Saturdays for Mayor and Aldermen, viz: B Roae, D Beed, E CGrannisa, A H Wycheand D II Adams, On motion Aid. Adams, 1tiM/lrcd, That the cum cf two hundred dollars be allowed Mr. Cooper for extra wrriers render ed the city, acting in only one capacity, of street overocer—but superintending pumps, building bridges. Ac.; saving the city au extra charge, which has heretofore been allowed for that cial purpose. UtJfolttdL further. That the thanks of this Coun cil be tendered Mr. Cooper for the prompt and faithful discharge of his duties, and that we cor dially recommend him to the kind consideration of our successors. Passed. A petition from the physicians of the city in reference to the election of “city physi cians,” was received and referred to the commit tee on finance. Council then adjourned. Rich. Crnn, 0. C. COMMERCIAL. Louisville Markets. lowuvnra to-. 1-HjteJte.yk.l Ctajr and similar brantl* W 85. >r a prime article, Willi ofty mo.t«rato wwripu. We quote new crop at #1 90. We quote o!<f wheat, prime article, at 73 25 (m 3 30; old red at $1 906*. quote superfine at |7 50fc8»: plain extn extra family llto 11 Bfcjeari iS; B. Clay brand*. MO; Woodlawnfll 25: fancy bram Corn—Receipts are limited and price* firm. We quote 5SMW tatToncrj; Also, trapping paper. scp!7-tf Mork Coods Recovhrbi*.—Officer Rye informs us that ho captured a lot of goods at the house of a man named Scott, living near Sandy Bottom, on the Houston road. This Scott is a brother of Wm. Scott, the man who was. concerned with Francis Jordan in the robbery if the trunk from the Southern Express Company, and whose arrest led to the detection of the railroad robbers.— William Scott is now the principal witness in this case. The goods are said to be of little value, and unlike those lost by # tha Southwestern rail road. 300 dozens of worsted braids of all colors and qualities; aUo Alpaca braid of \ all colors, at the store of S. Peyser&-Co. * v U U < L Tit Cowts—Wc notice that our city has been thvwouchly billed by the indefatigable agent of . Rceaicn. and Murray's, circus. A pecu liarity «>f the bills that makes them more attrac tive than any other we have seen, is in the fea ture that each b^U expresses specific acts which Mt* performed by each artist, whose portrait also Appears on each. Den Stone, the fine clown, and the * ther faxuuar namea, forming the combina tion. hare been favorably known to the patrons M the circus in the South for over fifteen years. < 9hey promiee to continue their utmost efforts to plea** ; that they will be successful, is guaran- Isnd by the encomiums of the prves everywhere Ihat they have exhibited. To-day, a free exhi- Bttj.m ef one of the most fearful feats ever per- * iermed in this country, will a be given outside the ^pauvfi*- ••♦‘fore the afternoon's performances r$iUmni win make leaps six- a^r fwt in til. air, flying as it were, from point ffte jvmt «.tk ease and safety. This solitary act is ike cost jlectruyiag u> Ike crowds that .itaMs it, of my ia Uu world. The qwrform- vela k. »ir*n every attorsoon and this wvk, on Cant Rous. S. Peyser A Co. have just received a large stock of oil cloths of the most fashionable pat terns. See new double column advertisement. Herri-soTox's Bmi After learning of tho capture of Win. Herrington, on Tuesday after noon, and beforr the adjournment of the Justice’, Court, Mr. Unnter asked that an order be issued for the close oonfiueiucut of Win. Herrington, until such time as their Honors conld hear argU' ment in regard to increasing tho amount of hia bail; which order was issued, aud the prisoner is IteteldtMMltkMk^ As II v. J J Cartits.—$10,COO worth of Carpets and Oil Cloth*, eneb aa Velvet, Brussels, 3-ply and Ingrain are now open. For sale by S. Peyser it Co. LADIES DEPOSITORY. ^ n suss st. e. surrir, Takes pleasure in informing her friends And the ladies generally that she has jnst Received a wall selected slock of Lsdies under clothing, nicely finished, }C ; "Best make corsets, ” . . Deep trimming And other little articles for ladies, also Cloaks and dresses made and trimmed in The latest styles. Room up stairs In Triangular block; Entrance on Cotton Avenue, next door to Messrs. Pugh’s and Lonquest's gallery. Siut Velvet Cloak* can be bad at low figures j efS. Peyser A Co. ling at from hOiO, aiu ka Included. liwley—Moderate request, and prlere jl« q "fisoSiao , “ rl * T1 “ n ' 1 '“ W@110: W l “ ,rleJr onto—The market ia liriu at our quotation*. W. quote laying in round lota nt 4*. a*-, and eclting at from 50 H Bras, etc.—We quota bran fltod5 V*r ton; shorts tSO *..*»; middling* sod sldprtoffs tii&a; oilcake **I^room*—Common 53 754,4 25 per doa; best Shaker at «C 25*6 50 per doz. , Bale Hope and Bag»injt—Tile market ui anmialcd aad price* arc firm. We quote bale roi»c at 17$; 1 band rope itt lCc; tM^ioE nt 31}4$;33c, according to '"t'fci^lc-fft'K^le ^t (Virmneil—We quote unbo ted (f-cd)at 75c, and bolted »t 90c per ....... Cheese—Demand very active, with a Ciur stock m tlie market and prices very firm at our figures, we quote Western Reserve nt ±!%c; Ohio Hamburg fcJU-'n 23c; Kngliflh dairy el 24.« 25c: pine apple SVgSSc; Holkrnd 725 per dozen. • ' Cundle Wiek—We quote «t 80Cg 90e.* _ ^ . Cotton Betting—In good dcmsnd. We quote bo. 1 at 50c and N&2at35(it40c. Flax batting 25c. Cotton Yarns-^The demand for cotton yarn.H contin ues active and prices continue firm. We quote Mnys- vilie, Gallatin. Eagle. Franklin, Covington, and other Standard yarna-No. 50J at 41«42; No. GtX) at 38<g 3pc J No. 700 at y fie. _ Coal—We quote Pittsburg firm at 32c; Pomeroy 28c. Boats are supplied with Pomeroy coal at reduced fi r ures. Pittsburg cost by bo*t load, without boats, 23j 125c. Nut coaLis retailetl at 76 per load. Fish—Weqniote No. 1 bbls $22, do half bids 711 50, <■ in kits 72 00S3: No. 2 in bbls 718 50fr If), do half bbls 79 50V? 10. do kits 72 60^2 75; No. 3 in bbls $14 50$£ half bbla 78 25^-8 50. in kits 72 40^2 50. Cod fish 10@> llO'Xc per II*. White fish, half bb s, 7S «VT« 0. i \ Groceries—The market is quiet and steady. We quote rcrushed sugar 20*4@21%c; granulated do 20!^@21'4c K ri dered do 20^(a21J4c; Cuba sugar at ' rto Rico sugar 1014^14^4c. yellow do, [choice, ; extra C sugar 19'' 19-}, . sugar 20*JUl4c; N. O. clarified nt 18Uc bythehbd; Nl O. yellow sugar If. o*16J^c in hhds and 18(j in bbls. Cof-1 fee, common 28U^i29c, fair 30^81c, prime 32c, choice! :i3e; Im'iguyra 32@.raJo; Java 50c. N. O. molasses P « 1 25; Eastern synip 65c$t71 35; fancy $1 GO to. • Gunpowder—Rifle 710&10 50, blasting $8<a9 per keg, Indian 79 5 •; fuse 71 per 100 feet. Hay—In moderate request, will* liberal receipts, and prices are unsettled. We quote selling from store at 7ir», and from the levee at 715 50. ■ Iron and Steel—Pig iron firm with light stocks. We luote hot blast at $57, cold blast $75 per ton; lwr lie; hoop (cooper's) 714&8c; sheet 7%@lt%c; boiler 9 (■’ 10c; nail rods I2@13c; castings G^r.Cl4c; Steel, cast 25(&28c; steel slabs 12J^; plow steel 14c. I.ime—Stc t«l> at $1 7*5 from store and*$l 80 on the levee per bbl. j Mann farturcvl Tobacco—Vixgin»—fine and fancy bright $1 35^.150, medium bright $1 lflfel 2a, fine twistl and roU $1 50.common, sound,71H110, common, oat of condition. 40«75e per pound. Kentucky—fine Wght $1 20(**1 35. medium bright 90c£*l, common 404*. 50c, bright Vx me end 10s 8N.190c per pound. Missouri— fine and fancy 71 *>6rl 83, light pressed $1 4a black sweet navy Us and lbs GSfc 73c, do do 10d and lbs 701 4l75c, do do damaged 50<3C0c per pound. Nails—Prices firm. We quote lOd to GOd $7 756*8. 8d 73 15g8 23; tkl $6 40g8 65; 4d 78 5038 75; 3d 7915 £925. m Oils—I.ard, Coal and Sperm—The market is steady!! We quote lard oil No. 1 at 72 S3fe2 3a No. 2 $1 75$(1 80, coal oil 77^t80c. tanucr's bank $1 55, lubricating 501 <a 95c, benzine 50fe55c, straits $1 CO, sperm $3^3 25 per gallon. i Paints, Oil and Turpentine—Empire lead $2, Clinton do 73 00, superior do $3 75, pure lead 74 25 per keg; I snow white sine 73 76* French zinc 76 per keg; turpen- tine 71 COfcl 70 per gall; yellow ochfe, 6^80. Spanish per lb; colors in oil range from 25&85c; lin- MVkVGTBt TO THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Interesting from Washinton. Vt -vsniNOTON, Nov. 4.—The conservative senators pronounce the president’s message sound to the core. He argues at considera ble length in favor of thi» police of recon struction. ^ He »»ys our relations with England and France were never satisfactory. Hu calls special attention to the recom mendation of Secretary McCullocb. WA6HI3CGTOX, Dec. ’3.—3Ir. Harlan, Secre tary of Interior, has commenced preparations to secure his election to the U. S. Senate pu indicates that lie intends to leave the Cabinet at no distant day. It lias been the impression here for some'time past that Mr. Harlan is the only memlier of the present cabinet not in full accord with the presi dent. Washington, Dee. 4.—The galleries ot the House were densely crowded at noon. Mr. McPherson, Clerk, proceeded to cull, as re quired l.y law, the roll of the member* elect. While it was beie“ called Mr. Maynard, of Tennessee, whose name had not been placed on the roll by Mr. McPherson, wanted to sun- |«est something, hut the Clerk refused to be interrupted. Alter tile call Was completed M/ Maynard again rose to speak, hut the Clerk ajrain ruled him out of order. One hundred aud seventy-five metnliers answered to their names. Mr. James Brooks, of Xcw York, made a speech characterizing the omission of names of members from Tennessee from the roll as unprecedented, unjust and totally un called for. If, he said, Mr. Maynard was not a loyal mat; from a Union and’ loval State then the President of the United'States was not a loyal man, hut an alien and a stranger. He charged that the adoption of resolutions excluding Southern members from this House by the Republican caucus was designed to he antagonistic to the President's forthcoming message. * The house took no action on the subject but under the operation of the previous ques tions proceeded to election of Spf>akor. Hon. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, and Hon. .Tames Brooks, ot New York, were put in nomina- m prime Article new crop buying mt 50c; selling from tion. Ktorc at Q0&65r.__Prime artiefoof old white corn is eeU- ^ ^ ^ called to order by Vice-President Foster. Itev. Air. Gray then offered up prayer. .. ^ r ' ^ 00 ' c i of Vermont, presented creden tials of Jjtikc P. HttUard, appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr, Collamer. New York, Dec. 4.—Advices from Valpa- iso, Chili, to tlie 1st ult., give a vivid pic ture of the excitement prevailing in Cliili in regard to Spanish aggression, in declaring the blockade of the Chilian ports Valparaiso, Coldera, Courellfd, Guagocan, Toino and ralcokuono. The Chilian government has ordered all the Spanish to Valparaiso, where they can be under the vigilance of the author lties. . transfer of Spanish property or assets ts forbidden. Foreigners in Chili arc deci ded in the support of the government. The diplomatic corps, residents in Santiago, have expressed their approval of the protest of Chili to Spain. The Germans in the province of Alocoma have voluntarily renounced all exemption trom taxes, to which, as foreigners, they have a right. Preparation for war are being vig orously carried on. Additional from tiie Hodse.—Tlie House [note then proceeded to vote, with the following resuP: Colfax 139, Brooks 35. Mr. Colfax was declared elected, and, amid applause, was conducted to the chair by Messrs. 3Ier- rett and Brooks, when he returned thanks in a brief and eloquent speech. The speaker took the oath of office, and afterwards ad ministered it to the members, who were called up by delegation. A .resolution was then adopted declaring Mr. McPherson Clarke; Mr. Ordway, Scrgcant-at-Arms, Mr. Goodcnqw Doorkeeper, and Mr. Given Post master, until tlicir successors shall be duly qualified. The yeas and nays were ordered on the resolution with tlie following result: Yeas, 135;^iays, Q3. These officers of the house were then sworn in. Mr. Stevens, of Penn., offered a bill which was offered in the Republican caucus for ap pointment of committee to examine and re port whether any of the so-called Confederate States are entitled to representation in Con gress. Mr. Eldridge objected to the introduction of the bilL Mr. Stevens moved to suspend the rules. The motion was agreed to, and the bill was then introduced. Mr. Dawson moved to lay the bill on tho table. The House refused to lay the bill on the table. The bill as introduced by Mr. Stevens was then passed by the following vote: Yeas, 133; nays, 36. The House then adjourned. t bncon 22cbeef 24c; 1 shoulders 13c. Lard in tierces ; rough fatal Provisions—' steady. Wo quote clear sW shoulders 10c; breakfast green hams 17l4@18c ai At 22&23c; kegs 24**23. Rags—Demand good at 7c. Rice—Rangoon 10}£frrl2c; S. C. 12^ 13c. Seed—Clover at $9 25; timothy $4$fi4 25; Wuc grass T275&3; red top$2fe225; orchard “ 3I7S&3. Sheetings—Wc quote Great Western at 32c; Penn Mills and Anchor at 32c; Laurel Hill at 32c; Georgia sheetings 32c. Straw—We quote buying on the levee at 7U&12 per ton; selling from store at $15. Halt—Kanawha we qnote at 55@t0c, according to quantity. Turk’s Ia’and at 75c. Shot and Lfewl—Arc firm at bur quotations, quote shot $4 2^4 75, retail; lead, bar 15|£*916c, pig at 13015c. Starch—Wc quote Watt’s starch at 7T4€8}£c. Tallow—The market is firm at 13^(i 14c; run 8c perpound. lin Plata. Copper and B’ock Tin—The market is __ tire and prices art firm. The market is quite bare of roofing tin. We quote tin plate i c $17 50, do x x 321, do dx§22,dote 14x20bright 718 per box; ic rooting$17 50, i x do $2160 per box; copper sheet COc, do bottoms 70c, metalic bottoms 36c per lb; block tin by pig 50c; sine 20c. Tea—Gunpowder at $1 75<g2 25; Oolong $1@2 25 Young Hyson $140fc*. 6 Wool—We quote unwashed at 32&34c, tub washed at ^WjSsky—Prices are declining? We quote raw, new, at $2 26; rectified $3 18^223; new copper $2 40$?350; old capper $3467; new Bourbon 72 5C; old Bourbon 73 g#10; Trimble county whisky 72 75; rye whisky $2 50 LOC13TUAZ TOBACCO XAXKXT. 71 * ilh r *= Pickett varshou*e . Ninlii-st warehouse 1« 3 Boone warehouse 11 Louisville warehouse.... SJ j Tho market today wa* lower, *n<!* price* for* low node* and noa.lewnpt leaf show* a decline of SOe to *1 per loo pound*. Theroltowii * a- d range Tue*d», last; U *“'goStoSsrt* ** *f !5@ ? €0 - - ".“i'T- 8M*r. 000 “ common leal at. a, s Dv 13 “ medium leaf at ...UCOalS “ Rood leaf at... — — ffiffiot. vffiffil ffiffiffiffilffil Selection* si Goo.t cutiingat Heavy common lug* at •• good lug* at.../.A. ............... common leaf at 10 “ medium leaf at 12 * good leaf at JS 00^18 00 * doe leaf at J» 01421 00 fieteettoae at 23 00 * 35 00 Wa cmimerata the following *alee torlar, whieh show* the de'ah*of the market: » hrl.i* at 3 WX&* 00; 9 »t So 05 40; llattelOe* 90: HsIJrQTTS: 4at$S50«i«>: rati toe* 3 at tto -JS&10 T3:5 at *11 :5: 4 at tli(t It»; 4 at 413 :0*113 55; 7 at 1UQ1450; 4 at ti5©15 78: 1 at IIS te; 1 at *2125. square. night, DftCM Bittoxa* An immense >H0'Ju*t rccaivffid ai the News Depot, Triangu lar Block—Eclectic Magazine for Bee., Catholic World, for Dec., Temple Bar for Nov., Ballou's Monthly for Jan., Leslie's New Monthly for Jan^ Bradley's Monthly for Jan.. Yankee Notions for ordinary 4^ - Jan., Phunniast Phun for Dec., Budget of Fun for Jan., Comic Monthly for Dec., Leslie’s Holy- the nwuket, with only * mtlanlt Jsnifi far laana. TImbeataactin-.;m.i taken at tba ragnlar r»t«, '• p**r wn». “ * * “ aad in demao'l. with buyers at 1-10 at — — * on JatMtS. — JBe< _ Tha foOowiDg are the quotatiotu given by our bank- «« far gold, Mrar, nacorrent money aad «W>rerument Tf eh— j : t wm w * 11TIXC. 11112X0. 1,8 g Eastern Exchange par—1-106! ;prem A 30 Coupon, 117! .a- — VJ0 BonU*... w' - - • - 9 Demand Note* 1C, Government Voucher*, cit, 3 di dr - “ *8*7- «* anrfalh hT Ranking Cwapaav .90 Miilai ltat,Be««li„....rT...-s North Carolina Banka 20 Virginia Banks to Georgia and 8. Carolina Banks. .J! on dollar, on dollar, on dollar, on dollar. ^ - °n dollar. »90 on dollar. Tallahassee Market. Fu, lye. Cotton—Midd-ine S6@t3o, ' . to ■ - -apply al drres day Gift, Buntline's Osrn, Weakly Macoaine, The . 35o per doren. butter kiiaaoe. -weetootatoeiSBSis. CmriLEIUlT. ( V homioy *1 per bushel,corn- meal*!, fresh beef 64t*o. chicken* 50r per I Prayer by Rev. Mr. Gray. The following Senators were present:— Messrs. Anthony, Brown, Buckaleu, Chan dler, Clark, Conners, Cowan, Creswell, Dix on, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foote, Foster, Grimes, Guthrie, Homes, Howard, Howe, Johnson, Lane of Indiana, MeDougal, Mor gan, Norrell, Nesmith, Nye, Pomeroy, Ram say, Riddle, Salisbury, Sherman, Sorague, Stewart, Sumner, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Wade, Willey, Williams, Wilson and Wright. Credentials were received, and Mr. Pollard took the oath of allegiance. Mr. Wright presented the credentials of Mr. Stockton as Senator elect from New Jer sey. Mr. Cowan presented a protest against the reception of Mr. Stockton, signed by mem bers of the New Jersey Legislature, alleging Mr. Stockton did not receive a constitutional majority of votes which was necessary to his election ns Senator. The protest was order ed to lie laid upon the table for the present, and Mr. Stockton was duly sworn into office. Mr. Wade presented a bill to regulate the elective franchise in the District of Columbia. Tho bill provides that from and after its pas sage every male citizen of the United States, a resident of the District for six months, and was never convicted of an infamous crime, shall have the right of suffrage in the District. ■Section 2d imposes a penalty for interruption or interference of the right granted in the above bill. Ordered to be printed. Mr. Sumner introduced a bill to preserve tlie right of trial by jury, which provides that grand juries shall consist of one half of persons of African decent, in sections where one-sixth of the population are Africans, nnd the same proportion in petit jurors, where the matter relates to any injuries cnliictcd by a person not such decent, and rice term, and prejudice against such African race is made a ground.of challenge and exclusion froin such juries. The bill was ordered to lie printed. ”*• T ~ . I Mr. Sumner introduced n bill prescribing an oath to maintain a republican form of government to States in rebellion, as follows: I do hereby swear that I will at all times hereafter use my best endeavors to maintain a republican form of government in the State of which I am an inhabitant, and in the Union of thc.United States, and I will at all times recognize the indissoluble unity of the Republic, and wil) always discountenance and recart any endeavors’ to break away or secede from the Union, that I will give my Influence and act at all times to sustain the National credit, that I will always discoun tenance and resist any attempt, directly or indirectly, to repudiate or protract cither in any part or in any way, any debt which was contracted in the United States, in subduing tlie rebellion or the obligations assumed to the Union soldiers, and that I will always discountenance and resist any law making any distinctions of color or race, and will al ways strive to maintain a State Government loyal to the Union, where all men shall en joy equal protection aud equal rights. Such oath shall be preserved, and if falsely taken, such person shall be guilty of petjury, and in addition to the general penalty for that crime Mr. Scinner offered a bill to enforce the constitutional amendment by punishing anv attempt to control the services of any person contrary to this provision, by a fine of not ex ceeding $1000 and imprisonment. Mr. Stunner introduced a bill to tjivf the right of suffrage to persons of color in the District of Columbia, which was ordered printed. Mr. Sunnier introduced a rc»olution propo sing to amend the constitution so as to make voters, instead of population, the basis of representation in Congress. Mr. Sumner introduced a resolution declara tory of the adoption of the .constitutional amendment abolishing slavery, Mr. Sumner introduced a series of resolu tions declaratory of the duty of Congress, espe cially in respect to loyal ciiizens of the States lately in rebellion. Mr. Brown gave notice of a bill to author ize the construction of a bridge across the river at St. Louis, also a bill to reimburse the State of Missouri for expenses in calling out and equipping militia. Mr. Harris introduced a bill to regulate tlie judiciary system of the United States. Mr. Foot moved the adoption of an order that the Senate meet every day at 12 o’clock, which was carried. Mr. Wilson introduced a biiLlo maintain the freedom of the inhabitants declared to lie in insurrection, which was ordered printed at half past 12. The Senate then took a recess until 1 o'clock, when it assembled, and directed the Clerk to inform the House of its organization. Adjourned. Washington, Dec. 4.—There is some talk of a change in the presiding officer of the sen ate, in place of Foster, of Connecticut. Tlie Southern members have given up all hope of admission immediately, if at all. Most of them leave to-morrow for tlieir homes. The president's message is lengthy nnd highly important. Tlie president takes a decided stand -in reference to foreign affairs, and is almost bel- jigerent in tone. Our claims on England for indemnity are to be sustained, and European aggression upon onreontinent is firmlv pro tested against. The secretary of the treasury recommends 'a policy of judicious contraction as a means towards the return to specie payment. Foreisn News. The steamship Scotia,which left Liverpool on the 18tli inst., and Queenstown on the af ternoon of the 19th, arrived at this port on Wednesday, with two days later news. Mr. Dudley, tlie United States consul nt Liver pool. had decided to ^end tlie Shenandoah to New York, and tlie vessel was expected to leave the Mersey on the 21st. The investiga tion into the charges against James Stephens, tlie Fenian head centre of Ireland, was con cluded on the 17th inst., when he was com mitted for trial. Mr. Stephens appeared without counsel, and made a defiant speech before the magis trates, in which he refused to recognize the existence of British law in Ireland, and defi ed any punishment they might inflict upon him. It is stated that piles of documentary evidence were found in liis possesion, rcveal- ing the secrets of tlie organization, and the political objects designed to be reached by tlie order. • An influential meeting of merchants and ship-owners, interested in the South Ameri can Pacific Coast trade, was held at Liverpool on the 17th instant, at which the conduct of Spam was strongly denounced for its bucca neering spirit and general want of political morality. It was stated that blockade run ners had been fitted out at Liverpool, and that one or more of them would sail on the same day the Scotia left. Tlie news from the Continent has but few features of general interest. An Imperial de cree had been issued reducing the French army by abapt 40,000 men. The suppression of the rebellion in Algeria was said to-be pro gressing _favorably. The Paris Patrie asserts that Spain will not regret the mediation of a third power in her affair with Chili. The purpose of further territorial modifications m the map of Europe, attributed by certain journals to the Emperor Napoleon, is dis tinctly disclaimed in an article published in La France, which says that France doeffiffiot seek any territorial aggrandizement forTTer- sclf, nor does she desire in any way whatever to reconstruct the map of Europe. Iu the London stock market, consols arc reported at eighty-nine and one quarter aud eighty- nine and three-eighths, and American five- twenties at sixty-three and one-lialf and sixty-four. 83BT” From the Atlanta New Em we learu that tlie murderers of Mr. James R. Crew, have been arrested and lodged in jail, with ample evidence to convict them. There are three of them—all negroes. MARRIED. On the evening of the 30th November, at the residence of Mr. W. E. Davis, of Sumter county, by the Rev. Geo. H. Colt, Mr. John W. Cox, of Macon, Ga., and Miss Mary S. Davis, of Savan nah, Ga. [The editor acknowledges gratefully the recep tion of a piece of beautiful bridal cake, and with the Poet hopes that there shall “No jealousy their dawn of love o’ereast, Nor blasted be their wedded days with strife— Each day seem more dciglitfnl than the last To the fond husband and the faithful wife.”] SPECIAL NOTICES. Seth H. Gates tor Tax Collector. The name of this gentleman is announced by his friends as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb county. Election in January next. He Is well qualified for the office, and Is recoin-* mended because of his unfitness for many of the other occupations of life, on account of a severe wound received In battle. dec7-tc Many Frieeds. A CARD. H. O. Redding would respect fully Inform the citi zens of Macop and surrounding country that he has opened a new grocery store on 3d street, oppo site the Express office, under the firm name of REDDING & WELLS, where he will bebappy to meet his old friends and patrons, forhc can assure them they can always findn choice stock of Family Groceries, fresh Northern Butter, Coffees, Cheese, Sugars, Potato**, Onions and all articles needed by familcs and merchants in the Grocery trade. Onr Stock Is always choice. Give ns a call. dcc7-2w. Macon, Not. 30,1863. O N and after the first dav of January, I860, our charge for Storage of Cotton will be One Dol lar per bale per month. J. H. WOOLFOLK, HARDEMAN & SPARKS, HARRIS & ROSS, STONE, ROSSTON AND MURRAY’S BIRCUS. *3* m • $ ie* & W e POSITIVELY THE Largest Establishment IX THIS COUNTRY! REORGANIZATION FOR A GRAND SOUTHERN TOUR FOR SEASON OF 18f>5-0. WILL EXHIBIT AT MACOX, POSITIVELY FOR Three Days Only, ON COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Thursday, Friday aud Saturday, Dec. 7, 8 and 9 Afternoon and Evening. The Managers would res pectJWly state that In the selection ot Artists for the Alliance, it has been the Proprietors 1 desire to secure such a vari ety that no patron shall fail to find in It much that will instruct the mind and en chain the attention. TIIE BRILLIANT Ulster CELEBRITIES which adorn this Fnmed Circus, arc unparalleled in their several specialties. ' The magnificent SCENES ARENA are enriched and beautified by Paraphernalia AND SUPERB MUSIC. MESSES. STO.\E, Eosston & Murray, having banished the antique style,and reached perfection in this organization, offer no stale or exhausted acts. New Featuresand Fresh Novelties never before introduced to the public. Attached to this combina tion arc PROF. Hutch ingson’s TRAINED DO Gr S, AND Den. Stone’s COMIC MULES, Qabe and Hite, Will Bhow how much live lier they arc than all other Comic Mules, Trick Mules, Funny Mules, Dancing Mules, or any other quaint Mules known to fame for being queer In their con duct. New Clothing Store. ALBERT & BORK, OF NASHVILLE, . rvsfreef Ks^theLuntorTr 0 “ l OLD STAND, on Mnlbc- at the following low prices: l>n3C ’ Where tLoy aro P re P nrcd <® ^' 1! clothing Overcoats from $15 to $50, Fine Bl’k Cloth Suits, $20 to *(M>, Easiness Suits $18 to $40, Jeans Pants $3 50 to $4 00, Hats, finest fur, Ac., $3 50 to $4 50. ' ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. At lowest rates in this market. As we intend training permanently iff Macon, we offer onr VioL at H. • {owest prices, ,n order to establish a regular trade. Feeling co. iiTl, , ,U, . can sell cheaper than any other house in the city, we respectfully nsk trill to convince the citizens ot Macon and v einity. of the troth . ’ Capt. WILL CARLOSS having associa.e/hhnseTt' whi.^.T ‘ Sr^71,.- pleased to see his friends, and take pleasure in attending to their order ALBERT & BORK, McEvoy’s Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, . Macon, Georgia. dec3-3tn ONION SETS AND ONION BUTTONS, BOTH RED AND WHITE AT ELLIS’ DRUG STORE. 50,000 Pounds Leather. 60 Boxes Florida Leaf Tobacco. For Sale Cheap by , • T. R. BLOOM. dccS-Ot. MOUNT ZION SELECT SCHOOL. T n v„“ r / t3c ^ lo . n * ln co,nmc nee on the second A- Monday of January. Board and Tallinn fn P qZ?“ ,i0 . nJI5 9: Session WTtotalSwi or , lt ® c T nl '-Aient. Student* will funiiah &dWv£ ro “ dbCd **P“~ _ WM. J. NORTHREN, dccl3w» Rector. Notice. _ nt Mr. A. S. iuv\uc>n. ui uns city, my lawful attorney, to collect all claims due me, and request all those indebted to me by account or note, ta come forward and settle ud without delay. On the first of January next, I will turn over all unpaid accounts and notes, In the hands of a lawyer for collection. dcc2-lm ' ELIAS EINSTEIN. GROCERIES, ■A. t Retail, A Full Assortment on Hand H AVE this day opened on SECOND FLOOR, a large lot of CARPETING, SHADES, OIL CLOTH8, E VELVET RUGS. We buy direct from the Manufacturers, and therefore can offer inducements to the trade, as Well as to those buying for their own use. Wc will fit and put up Shades, cut* make and lay Carpeting and OH Cloths. Those living at a distance, who bring size, or plan of rooms, can have their Carpets ent to fit, without extra charge. dec6-3t* E. S. LATHROP & CO. BRICK, BRICK, BRICK. T f ? r delivery THREE nUN- -L DRED THOUSAND well burned BRICK.— Penons wishing to purchase will apply to n T» lf or at E. C. Grannlss’ where they will find T ck -ts and also direction how to find my Brick-e v i — No Bricks will be delivered without Ticket* Macon, Dec 3, Ct* WM. O. HOGE. PllO CL AM ATION. nr jaues Johnson, pko. governor or oeokoia, Executive Office, MUledgevilc, Dec. 4th, 1805. Whereas, an election ordered and directed by the Convention, to be holdcn for seven members, to represent the State of Georgia In the House of Rep resentatives, of the Congress of the United States, for two years from the 4th of March, A. D. 1SC5, was so held on the 15th of November, A D. 1865. Now, therefore, I, James Johnson, Provisional Governor, having counted the votes by the returns made to this office, do declare, that the Hon. Solo mon Cohen, recelvcnthc largest vote In the 1st Congressional District—Hon. Phillip Cook, in the C TXT X> D QTfV ' k 2nd—Hon. Hugh Buchanan, In the 3d—Hon. E. OlUv. Is, G. Cabanlss, In the 4th—Hon. J. D. Mathew s, In the 5th—Hon. J. IL Christy, In the 6th, and the Hon. Vf. T. Wofford, in the 7th. nd I do further declare, that as at present ad vised, no certificates will be issued. Given under my hand and the Seal of the Execu tive Department, the day, and year, above mentioned. By the Governor: JAMES JOHNSON, Pro. Gov. of Ga. L. H. Briscoe, Secretary. P. 8.—Columbus Enquirer and Savannah Re publican, will Insert one time. On Consignment, Rope, Bagging, Sugar. -i -j ** COILS Extra Machine Rope, HO 50 Rolls Kentucky Bagging, 20 Bale* Gunny Bagging. also: The Dwelling House nearly opposite the Baptist Church, In connection with the dwelling home and lot now occupied by Mr. Jiu. S. Pope. Also, the Brick Store In East Macon, known as Nelson’s Store. Apply to decd-Ct SEYMOUR & TINSLEY. A Valuable Farm in Upper Georgia FOR SALE. “fjA ACRES OF LAND lying onthc Oostananla »JU v river. In Gordon county, !}J< miles above Calhoun, and 2)£ miles below Kcsaca, near the W., 240 acres of which are No. 1 river land. Two settlements, good onthonsc*, well watered, &e. Also, 350 aeres of valley land, S miles from Calhouu, lies well, well watered, good bouse, all necessary outbuildings, Ac. Also, several Talua- hie tm-dne-h lots in the town of Calhouu. Terms, one half casb, the balance on 12 months credit 1 wish to sell In the next two or three weeks. Ad dress me at Calhoun. Refer to R. J. Cothron or J. Ingles, Macon. dedO-Ct* JAS. A. WILLIAMS. AUCTION SALE, - BY FINDLAY & KEN RICK, ON FRIDAY, AT II, A. 3f. WITHOUT RESERVE. be shall forfeit bis rights to hold office. This 4-0 BOURBON WHISKY, 6 was ordered printed ° M_8b0YC proor - Wttrrantcd pnn '' Public attention is called to the GRAND . Free Exhibition ‘THE GYMNASTIC MIRACLE OF Aeronautic Oscillation, OR FLYING- IN THE AIR, By the Intrepid PancratUt, Signor Ferdinand, TBS tOWaB ov TIIE WORLD. For Sale. 1,500 BU8HELS COTTON 8F.F.D, Boyd’s Pr< lific, new crop. ALSO 1,000 BUSHELS CORN. dec0*3t RIDGELY, 8QLTER.V CO. . Auction Sales, BY FINDLAY A KENRKK, Thit Morning at 10 o'clock. S BUREAUS, 1 LOUNGE, 1 CRIE, 1 PIECE NEW CARPET, '18}< yd*. 1 DINING TABLE, 1 PARLOR TABLE, t SAFE, 10 BAGS IRISH POT AT 08, - . 2 WATCIIFA, andmanyothcrartldr. dfdVlt This splendid Gratuitous Exhibition will be giv en adjacent to the Stone, Koaston A Murray's Cir- [ - cua Pavilion every day, at half past I o'clock p. m. ADMISSION; First Class Scats tl 00 Children : 50 | rpAKEN UP by the subscriber, a la^s MUIE, Public Sale. W ILL bo sold at the plantation of J. B. Wiley deceased, ncarEnfaula, Ala,ou Wedneada'v, cutn instant, at public outcry 30 HEAD OF MULES, 100 HEAD OF CATTLE, 10,000 BUSHELS OF CORN, 200 HEAD OF HOGS, 0 WAGONS, a large lot of PLOWS and — PLANTATION TOOLS. BLACKSMITH aud CAKPF.NTER8 TOOLS. FODDER, COTTON SEED, HOUSEHOLD and Kitchen Furniture and many other thinga hx.n-di ou ^ mention. Sale positive and will commence L. M. WILEY. GMPURUG"! COOPERING! I HEREBY notify all tho citizens of Macon and vicinity that I have opened a COOPER SHOP, and Is prepared to repair Tubs and Bucket*; W.-if Buckets and Kegs made and repaired. I w ill da Coopering at stores or residences, or at my * bop. at short notice. My shop Is at Mrs. KNIGHTS, on Third street, near Wood's Factory. dec5-d3* EDMUND J. GRANT. Just Received. J* 100 Colls Best Hemp Rope, 01 Pieces Kentucky Bagging, 18 Half Pieces Kentucky Bagging, For sale by _ d«53t ' JEWETT A SNIDER. On Hand and for Sale. SEVEN BBLS. CHOICE NEW CANE SYRUP. de<-5-3t RIDGELY, SQUIER A CC). 13 Shares For sale by dec5-3* O. W. HARDIE. For Sale. A RESIDENCE with a lot of three (3) or acre?, In a choice part ol the town of Valley. With It are all the necessary outbuilding*. I will »*;11 the entire property for Two Tli * (2,000) dollars—much lean than it* value. Apply to M. L. GREEN in my afoence. tlec5*20d A. W.‘ FERSO For Sale to close fonsigumrt. G Firkins prime W. R. Batter, G Boxes Hamburg Cheeae, 10 Cases Choice Pickles, 25 Bbls Old Bourbon and Monogahela Whisk; 10Cases Old Bourbon Whinky, dec5-3t RIDGELY, BQUIF.K fa CO. Stolen, F UO>f my stables, near ttu- Bnmzwlck Dep^', In thU city, on the night of th* 4th ;»-? A DARK BAY MARK, about 8 or 9 years old. 8he ha* a nart un<i< i hr: breatd, near where the zaddlB girth *orkv A liberal reward will be paid If di Hrerrd to me W. II ELLIRON, d«6»l* flttha store of II N EiU.vco COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, U.MTKO STATKM IkTEKNAJ. Rfc\ k Iftt Division, 2d District, Georgia. Mac ok, Dec. ( ie Aaaeasor having returned to ir.t * !i i-oiy* assessed for Licence**, etc,, for ib« cjj Bibb and Monro**. ♦ .r pzrtic* urr hj that the Llecn^s w» ow ready fg hat they are required to vlthin ten J. Cj docdlOt nux'OK >k QKArt'rsRy.ih, L$v> r A MULE, A MUfeE. Colored Gallery 50 1 Door* open at 2 and 6 o’clock p. m. ! FORSYTH, Monday, December 11th. I GRIFFIN, Tuesday, December 12th, ' ATLANTA, Wed. aad Thus., 13 fa 14. dec5-5t 1 in good order. From circomataaeea attending >i*csptnrr, I,ap pose that he waa stolen. Owner will please cose forward, prove property and pay charge*. _ . W. L. ROBERT. decC-St Ga Attorney* V.Ll.EDGBViLLE (iMJKUiA W ILL practice in -nd rep™*™! p*rtU upon briefs furnished before the Haprems Court, and In the SupMior Courts of adjoining counbre. Special attention given to the collection «Dd Tor - warolng ot Executive warrant. opoD the civil <-*• tablUbtnent, Poor School, Priming and Contingent *'ltUe» to Land Investigated, Copy Grant/, far nished, and Information given gcnerall) L. H. Bbiscsz B - B DiUitarvx«wii; deeC-lm*