The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 12, 1865, Image 3

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STITUTION SIVXOS TOBT, JK. The controversy in the London paper* TOBY & OG-DEN, COMMISSION- MERCHANTS, COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. PREPARED BY ' WILLIAM H. QRECC, M. D. Gradual* of the College of Physiciant end Surgeons, New York ; formerly Assist- ant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals, , CONSTITUTION "LIFE STRI P ■as raoDccio a kstolctiox :x iirDicisx. What may seem almost Incredible is, that many dis eases hitherto considered mcurabie are fre quently cared in a fee days or weeks; and we cheer fully invite the inTeattnUons of the literal minded and scieotido to cures which hare no parallel at theprasent J *itiir:nit the pan five year, hare eonten.ied cln obsta£ es And oTercome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. rapidity of cuke. Some say, “Your cores are too quick,” whiles other doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only be "Cored by the -slow, recuperative process of ^This ia oW rwply: In heaUh, the body, tike a wrll- balanccd acne, is in a state of equilibrium. Bnl when, from any eauar, down, koes one »de of Utt scale, wc hare the (Acte of disease. What is requisite, la to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP NcnflherwtittoylD^mi^iHayfFt.^toalbywnrto PARALYSIS. It Is so unlsersaTy admitted that Ooxsmcrtox Lira Sracr is the onlv effective means of restorution in the various forme of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Ufe^irinc Power. , pvsrawA. . -a,—l , INSURANCE * REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office Jcwrit's Building Second st MACON, GEORGIA. Cub Advsucts made on COTTON AND CONSIGNMENTS, To our Friend* in Nnnr York. SIGHT OR TIME EXCHANGE J. H . BURKE & CO’S BiTBW STORE, Second Street, next to Baptist Church, Macon, Ga. FROM EUROPE. ■*' the nincnsiAX at foktlaxs—one dat'i arts*— pEornotTfrE gale cat the umm coast—esc .ire or *tephej«, the PEHIAMREAD nDTKL Portlaxo. Dee. s. 1868.—The steamship Hibernian, C'apt. Dutton, from Limpool st 1:S0 P. M. on the 23d, via Londonderry on tbc 21 tb of November, inired at this port at IHRONICLES of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, i Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan ; The Cripple of Antioch, Martyrs of Spain; ‘ Two Vocations. OH HEW YOKE Df SUMS TO SUIT Order, For SUGAR MOLASSES or WESTERN PRODUCE FILLED. Martyrs of Spain , Mary, Handmaid of the £ord. The above are all by Mrs. CABLES, a lady reading in the South of England, and b . Author whose talent for making Religious history a charming and attractive subject, rather than dull and prosy, has seldom or never been surpassed. The “Cotta Family,” embracing the time of Lnthcrand the Reformation. “Kitty Trevylyan,” about the timeot the Wesleys, are peculiarly interesting to yoong and old. ' ■ • Out in the World; Nothing but Money; What Came Afterwards. The Author of these three works, T. S. Arthur, though a prolific writer, is far from being second rate in his profession. His new works equal his earlier productions. St. Phillip, by the Author of Rutledge. Hugh Worthington, by Mrs. Holmes, Author ol Tempest and Sunshine, Ac. History of Julius Cassar, by Napoleon III. ' 1 * J . Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects, by Dr. J. 6. Holland, better known as “Timothy Titcomb.” ,u * Old Helmet, by the Author of Wide Wide World. Fire Insurance for $150,000 Taken on One Risk. RISK BY RAIL OR RIVER Through to New York taken as Low a* by any other Companies. AGENTS OF PHCF.hTX, MANHATTAN, INTER NATIONAL, HARMONEY AND CITIZENS FIRE A MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. NEW YORK LIFE, NEW YORK ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. 5,000 SACKS CORN, IN STORE, AN1) F hood in Ireland, wan mined from Ilia cell in priaoo this morning. No particulars are yet ; known ai to the time nr manner of bis escape. The constabulary in all parts if Ireland have been warned and i:.f< rnjed of,his escape: The Court of Queen’s Bench for Ireland has refused the Application to bare tbe Fenian ease* tried in some other place than Dublin. Tbe Court held that a fair and impartial trial conld l<* had in Dnblin. A fresh report of tbe cattle disease shows that it is on the increase in England, chiefly in Yorkshire, and on tbe decrease in Scot- Und. The Times says that specimens of virgin gold have been 'discovered in Tinstrcsm, in Cornwall. , r j - Arrest of Lien!. Jfatfit and Jefferson Davis Howell. Portland, Me.. Dec: 6,1885.—Lieut. Maf- flt, formerly an officer of tbe Alaliatna, and Jefferson Dari* Howell, came passenger* per the Hibernia, and were arrested in this city just as they Were starting on tbe train for Canada this afternoon. The only full andco^^K report* of the present Congress will lijPlplished by author ity in the Globe and Appendix, the official !>a|>er. It may lie bad of 3. R. Nile, adver tising agent, Scollay's Building. “It is only a few years since ltoliert Toombs boasted that be would yet call the roll of his slavt* on Bunker HilL” This paragraph is constantly traveling tbe rounds of the papers, notwithstanding Toomlis denied its truth, over bis own signature, six or. eight years ago in a letter to the htte Hon. B. K Hallet. the vagrant nagra, who is cmpdlri by tb# rea ving* «f hunger to stem], to satisfy his preuin; wants, the sentence to the pnv4 haute, Uw««h icy iw> f ir j ~' v Uli and chain,la relwf 600 SACKS FRESU WATER GROUND MEAL PLAIN r, WANT or AWTtTI, MAP MtXATH, CONST I- ■ acsoftiiAr' SIR CM A, XlNw’d SY1L. OLANDCAVK SWXLUXu*, UTSIPUAS, Ct- cuution, salt um. This taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling life with unto d misery, is, by all usual medical remedies, Incur- n RHEUMATISM. [AKTBKTU,] LCXSAQO, NKCMALQ1A, SCIATICA. OCCT, TXCBOLO- « UAoz. If there it any disease in which the Cossotvtiox Lira Slave is a sovereign. It b in Rheumatism and it* kin- drid affections. The most intense pains are almost in stantly alleviated—enormous awe-lings are reduced, ('jutea. chronic, or vies Ion*, of twenty or fortv veir*’ kin, irilh stellar and with pu—re. White izpansa la tita eity- it»Pff a *rr streets are very inad- Plantation* in Houston, Jones, Bibb, Crawfor ulaski and Macon countiea. Also, City improvt ad vacant property. For particulars apply to decS-lm TOBY A OGDEN. A Large Supply of MISCELLANEOUS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOHS. Initial Stamping for Envelopes and Paper, done to order. Dec. 10—tf. / /' rlwin are frivolous. Lord Clarendon maintains that the grievances are not of importance to justify such extreme measure* a* the sudden stoppage of the commerce Of the Bcptibllc anil the threat of a bombardim-m. Much mililet repriaab would have Injured redress, 1 while the nature of the reprisal) taken com pels Chili to refuse redrew. Lord Clarendon then points ont that the blockade affects other nations beside tbe belligerents, and therefore other goyeinmenta have a right to JAMES VO NOE. HENRY YOXGE. (From Georgia.) HENRY YONGE & C0„ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 100 BARRELS FAMILY, 100 “ EXTRA, IToa.r—a peai- ■h all vaxranU Cases, chronic, or vlca lonv, of twenty or forty years’ standing, have been cured by n*. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges tb* system, entirely, from stub* evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curias the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pain, which tbe use or Calomel is sure to produce It hardens Spongy Oumt, and secure* the Teeth as firmly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Kradieatcsjoot anil blanch, all Eruptive Diseases of ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, And til other dillleulties of this kind, which so much disfigure -the outward appearance of both males and' at hard la hew. (or tbe b*n*C‘. o( t» Jlty—rt*r* they weald pvwv* ast a horde* aw lb* city treas ury, us », but a rn^rea U <a—•. 1 S^lltaat this matter ..! pnreiding ’ada^Mte. for tyrant engaging U« attention «f 4be Legielotorr, »• trwt «• this suggeation receive tb* consideration of oar own iiatoodlaU representative*. A wnrk heasa is toneh Beaded in thineoaamwnlty. Tbepoliee nlnaad profitably at work, were w* provided with swath haw* an* a well regulat- .1 »y*toto of 1*- har. Let such an inatilntinn bn nuthorlaa^.hy tk# Legislature, and aar word forrit, fhe nioral* of the lower ehtsaaa *f Um totamnnlQ *o uld dertroa tnaurial ahang* (or lh* UtUv; whil. rwntnwad thieves and vagabond* would prove a snare* *f profit, rather than an ineahos on lh* Mat an'* Carer.—Hi* Honor took bis real ye*- trnlay marntog. looking as freak and rney a* a newly alaatod candidal* should look, and wilh th* datanniaation UdUpenie equal justice to all earning bafor* hint. The (dlpwing ea*e. ware ''Jim and William, two *bony>ottnUd cqnettri- |br -letting out” their steed* at a pace, much to til* tireomfort and rti» of llfcgfind limb of-poor whit* trash" p*de*trlant, war# railed on tor fix and eosU seek, for their indulgence In this hamla** (t) amuremanL Three whil# ynuth.-l» f*fi*M*reU*^f.rwb«. parantn wn anppf*** thalr name*—war# up for rraatisg a disturbance In a bar room. From all w* could learn, wbtiky w*. the baa* of tb* row. In cusidwailcaWlV 1 ' 7*“®*' h !» w « lenient enough to discharge' tk»m on payment W oak We would advia* the youth, to keep out oTtach *er*pe* la fulur*. a* tb.y may not find the next offonee *o lighUy regarded. T Jim McGaa—no reUBoi of Barney—a* Ethio pian. with a Illbarnlan app*llatlon-wa* “folch- rd" ap with a round turn, for going into the dry gowiskaaiaess, at tbe crpen.e of one of hi* eol- ored aitUr*. 11# wn* eaugbt In poe**«lon of a dress, *ark. cap*, and a lot of oth.r SUPERFINE FLOUR, in more anti Car reJr No. 11, Broad Street, New York, SOLICIT consignments of Cotton an other D articles, and orders for purchase of Goods. REFERENCES, Charles Day, Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq., L C. Plant, Esq., JIacon,Georgia; Messrs. Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta. They have had large experience in pur chasing Railroad Supplies of all descrip tions and solicit orders from Railroad Com- nuvll-Gin* lias (lone the greatest possible harm to neutrals. It is also rumored that Admiral Pareja lias treated neutrals with needless barehnesa, ami the government of Spain is warned of tbe danger of such con duct. Lord Clarendon hopes that Spain will at ooco submit the dispute to arbitration.— The government of Her Most Catholic Maj- Either of the Nose, Threat, Tongue. Spine, Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved Us equal. Both Patches upon the female face, depending upon a diseased action or the Liver, are very unpleasant to th# young wife and toother. A few botfles of Uoxiotu- tie* Lira Stacr will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is directly under the skin. . Diseases of the Liver, eivins rise to languor, Diiai- ness. Indigestion. Weak Stomach, or an Ulcers**d or cancerous condition of that organ, Accompanied with burning or other unpleasant symptoms, will bo relieved GOODS 50 PER CENT 1,000 SACKS SEED OATS Forwleby pontes. Notice. I HEREBY appoint Mr. A. SPRINGER, of this city, my lawful attorney, to collect all claims due me, and request all those Indebted to me by account or note, to coma forward and settle up without delay. On thcTIret of January next, 1 will turn over all unpaid accounts and notes, In tbe bands of a lawyer for collection. dcc2-lm ELLAS EINSTEIN. ty cannot wish to destroy the property of i*ili for such small offenscu, ami it is not to expected that oilier great powers will be [moved at the fipectaclc. The British Gov- Jfacon Cotton Market. Mao*; l>*e. 1L—Not a tale of cotton wa* sold is oar malket today, lh* tad weather having effectually put a atop to outdoor operation*.. The newa from Liverpool,' to the 24th, of a further decline in that market, will have the effect of still further reducing price* here. Wa should no* ha aarpriaed should U cents la quoted a* the top of the market. , Intelligence per Hibernian. . The British Gov ernment ha* no doubt the government of BACON! BACON Hpnln will act with fairnes* and magnanimi ty. Meantime, Lord Clarendon calhr atten tion to the law of blockade, ami capccially MOUNT' ZION SKLEGT SCHOOL. 10,000 POUNDS CHOICE BACON SIDES Fo T HE next Session will commence on the second ,’ r onday of Jammy. Board and Tuition, Spring Session 8150; Fall Session 8100, to be paid in Specie or its equivalent. Student* will furnish light*, towels and bed linen. Expenses must be paid In advance. TO. J. NORTHREN, dec 18w Rector. F. FEUCHTWANGER & CO. The fund* continued to exhibit increased firmness. American securities continued firm. Gold «u flowing largely into the Bank of England, and on the 23-1 u!u the rate of discount was reduced from seven to six per cent. Sattcrthwah’s Circular, of the evening of the &!d, •ays: The market for American securities has sliown less activity daring tbe past week than for some time pant, the demand for five twenties on continental account Iiaving almost ceased for the presen*, though the latest nuotations. 63%feC33£ show only a fractional alteration Irani last week. .LI HUnoi* and Erie shares were both neglected until the arrival of the City of Boston, when a demand sprang up for Kriem on which they improved stout one dollar per share, closing at £&* W/ A . Illinois shares advanced slightly in svmpailiy, and at the last were quoted at« Eockaway for Sale. A XO. 1 ROCK AW AY, nearly ucw. Can be used either for one or two horses. Also Doable Harness. Apply to H. REICHERT, Mulberry St., declO-St* next to Med. College. WOULD respectfully inform their old friends and customers, the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that'thryhaVejnst returned from tbc Eastern Markets with one of the LARGEST, FINEST AND CHEAPEST 0 10,000 NEW COMFORTS-OR BED QUILTS—C WANTED TO BUY. SIO.OOO IN' GOLD. Stock of Dry Goods, Shawls and Cloaks, CUBBEDGE, CALDWELL & CO. Bankers and Brokers, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, which they ofler to their old Iricud* and cnitomcra, and the public at huge at - He will reduce hi* army to 600,000, and per- hap* to 500,000, ami It may h<k even below that figure. Butauppoae war comca on. how long do you think it will take torc-enroll these men ( Not* fortnight The French arc bo fond of war that there it never, at first, at all events any difficulty in filling U P the rank*. Tite truth'is, that Europe lias Icarnod a useful lesson from America. We have seen how soon nm.ica can lie formed in case of need, and why, therefore, should armies always lie kept on a war footing/ The budget of GEO. TV. IIARDIE, MACON, GEORGIA. /“hFFICE, SECOND STREET, formerly occupied Tj byN.C. Munroc. Tbe undersigned have this day associated them selves in the Banking and Brokerage business, and hope td secure the liberal patronage which has been bestowed on the senior partner. R. AY. CUBBEDGE, O. A. CALDWELL, dcc!0-2t WM. HAZLEHURST, O' S. A. O. W. IAMAR, Factors and Commission Merchants Forwarding & Shipping Agents NO. 93 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Advances made on Cotton in store, or for ship ment to onr friends North or to Liverpool. decT-Sm GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 1000 BARRELS VIRGINIA SALT for Having bought for cash, under the last heavy decline of Good*, we can aasuro our customer* we ran sell them -Though th# day opened gloom- Taa »»****#.—Though th* day opened gloom- ily.yoillto •oo» divpawad ihef«>g andcloudf, UiriuT out warn, .id cheerful!/. Notwlth- standing th# dimpne*. of tb* ground, the attand- HM at our varioua ehurehaa wa* large end at- teutiva to th# relearn tervic** of the hour. In Uia altarnoon, th* *ty agate bat mania Ml, «ho«gh th* air w*. horeiW. Tha night ret la murkily. About midnight.on* of the heaviest rain rtorwi. emumnfed thal-w* hav, ftfr fviinMMd—11 o*»«W not be halted raih, prop- •el* • peaking—but teemed a general eollapre or h^aUag upoftlie cloud. »hat, hare been gattwr- tag is foaereal i-mp for the r*»t wecli, c h#l a reaeeal direharge ol their watery content*. Ton* If water mut have fallen while the norm luted, tha elreete and gutter* were overflowed, and ave- rvthir t niovabla tet afloat. Tha thunder roared and growled, and th* lightning d**hed v^idly 1, on th* whole, it wae Jmt *ucb a night u to' eaure' mm to draw the bed clothing cloeer about him. aad attar *n lavaluntary Iff'yw KENT’S EAST INDIA COFFEE! n. EQUAL TO JAVA! J, if) HALF THE PRICE! fci Goes Twice as Far Becommended and Used by All! CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS end Professional Men os the cheapest, healthiest and best beverage in the world! V . FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS IN THE NORTH AND sjOI-TH. 'The Southern Trade, to which it is specially adapted, supplied through the New York City Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufac tory* $s£=»Reade ftjlstreet* 1 ^^ NEW YORE. RICHARD DAVIES, Prop’r. And General Wholesale Dealer In Teas and Coffee. dec9-3m THE VERRY BEST CLASS O.E GOODS, ket cloving flrmar, with an upward temlency. The total atock la port ia 3T0.UW I«les, including ft*,uU) halo* of American. Brcadbtufla—Tha market h* dull, wilh a declining ten l*rovuiona— 1 Tha market ia dull and unaetlled. L . Loxmx, Jtov. S4.—Cunaola closed at for S7'weekly return of the Bank of England ah ws an inrrcaM of £t»SJOOO. American 8tocka—United States Five-twenties, M\C\ f... . t.. III;.,.;. I’.ntfl ohavao Vl/.evl- COTTON S] The French troop* are leaving Rome, hat the Papacy ia in no danger. Victor Emanuel j* plctfgetl to Napoleon not to permit any movement agaiiSrt tha Eternal City—at least, not for the present The Italian Parliament baa arecmlital, awl they are going to attempt a tremendous rcvolntiun. They are going to «lo for Exytade wliat Henry VIII did for England. All the temporalitcs of the Church arc lO, be under tho control of tbe Italian Government; and even the ItaUaa dioceses are to be rcformnl without consulting His Holiness. This is a more deadly blow than the loss of territory. It is the heaviest blow that has been dealt at Popery since tbe days' of Luther. The Fenian trials will soon come on, anil the sooner the better. -The most absurd ru mors are circulating. One is that the Fenians have a design to take the lives of the infnrm- crs. Of course such rumors arc utterly false, Cheaper than they can he Bought South of the Ohio COTTON SHIPPED 5,000 BUSIII-0Hg3j| Our Mr. FEUCHTWANGER, well known to the citizens of Moron and vicinity, g Ivors when amongst yon, begs leave to assure all, that be is now prepared to show ND CHEAPER GOODS THAN EVER! THROUGH TO NEW YORK AT Thirteen Dollars Per Bale INCLUDING EXPENSES OF TRANSHIPMENT AT DARIEN. • " O UR Senior partner Mr. Jas. R. Butta having been to Now York, has made arrangements for a Hue of packets to ply between that city and Darien, ao as to enable us to receive Cotton on beard onrBoxcsand to give Bills ofLadlngthroueli to New York. He also succeeded In making arrangements for INSURANCE on Cotton shipped by our Boxes from Macon and Landings below, through to New York at three per cent, premium. We superintend find build our own Boxes, at tend personally to their loading, employ expe- rienced hands to man them, competent and care ful pilot* to take charge of them, and having had ience in the business, ask for DELAINES, GINGHAMS, « CALICOS, BALMORALS, nd everything belongin to a first das* Dry 0oods Establishment We would call especial attention to our 1ST AILS, iIf 300 KEGS NAILS—ALL SIZ1 HOOP SKIRTS, tore wanderer, eipated to it. fury. Mam Carta* Rosa***—We bar, heard tome of the particular* of th* ahelraction or whole- eato carrying away aoma n b *fn,*£..??? ftore Dyka’a station, on 1110 Macon and Brom wich rood, which amount to about thje; The cotta* belonged to the railroad, and tree In rhartoaf a watchman. Ona Bight last .weak a part* of men dieguioaJ. rod* up to th* •uuSa; quietly raptured the watchman, who was taka* a sheet distance into the woods where be waa toll aad.r guard t th* r**t of th* party then returned to th* atotioo and laadeU the cot top oa wagon.. Which they had br^ight.for tkat pur- pa**, aad carried it oft The watchman wae then released—hie captor, feltouiag tha wagon. Tho' the partie* coalmining this outrage are sreBee- ted, yet, upto this lima, wa have aot heard of •rvaet* having been made. A rewerdofM* OT,OAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, hut they naturally prejudice the public against the prisoners: The indictments of the Crown are very cleverly framed. Tho prisoner* are not charged with treason, tint treason-felony, an offense created and defined by act of Parliament. A conviction for treason-felony does not require so much evi dence as it does to insure a conviction for treason. Sir ltoliert Peel has resigned his office as Irish Secretary. It was time he did. so. He ia rather a jolly fellow in his way, but rather 3 domineering. Wien Lord Palmerston told that Sir RoN-rt Peel hod got into water, he replied: “Oh, Peel is always in hot water; it ta his natural element.*' Sir Robert’* successor i» Sir. Chichester Fortes- .cue. 1 Do you want fo know Mr. Fnrtcscue'p qualifications for the important office I He has been for seven years under Secretary of State tor the colonies, and in that capacity has done nothing worthy of praise or blame, lie has a large income, and gives capital din- m» and magnificent entertainments He also married a indy much in favor with the Whigs. Ilis wife is the daughter of Brahum, the crlehratcd tenor. Her first husband was Capt. Waldcgrave. Her second was Lord SUGAR AND C It Is the most complete in the South—come and examine for yourself! IlaYini' •**"**“ «**aMlalnni»nt« fins nt ^IfutTitrllli-. miff at (writfln undo for brio;. a continuance of far received. : Wa have tints far sent off eighteen Boxve, all of which hn* ttfekHtomUfororereMnlm Box nor a baleoi dec7-2w U1- three establishments, one at Nashville, one at Grilfin undone in Macon, we nave 1st tging goods enjoyed but by a few, and are determined TO BE UNDERSOLD BY NONE! COUNTRY MERCHANTS, A word to yon. Coll on us— examine our goods and prices before buying elsewhere,and if we i suit you, and convince you that it is your interest to deal with ns, we will tak* pleasure In sh owii elsewhere. A word to the wise U sufficient. A coll and trial is all we ask. 5; tXI i J j E. FEUCHTWANGER, 25 SACKS PRIME RIO COFF E, 'l •5 BARRELS A, B, and C SUGARS for* WOOLEN BLANKETS, BUTTS * BROTHER. FAMILY SOAP, FOR SALE. S. W. R. R. BONDS, MACON CITY BONDS, Sueora—1 be market is steady: sales 250 hhda. Cuba masdorodo at 13$Uc, and iOboxes Havana at 14c. Molast>es is ouitu P«r iroieuiu i? steady; solas iCOObtl* crude at 41@41^c; STAR CANDLES' KIP LEATHER, at 4Sc. '** Candles are firm at rtgtSc for rperm, and teg He for patent. Sale* 3UJ boxes adMi^nune at'JGc.. Hop- are in moderate dmntud tor home consumption at lftgtOc for ISM crop, aad for l!ti crop. Naval afore, aro firm at ttrtHfcllO for apirit..tnr- Hay ia ateady, with a tor dvmand at COftSSe for new. Tobacco ia firm at Tetoc for Kentucky. Tea ia quiet, but Urm. itoro *A» half cheat, green. 1,1..i do oolongs and CO do roueboag^ all on private t *Wooi ia dun, heavy aad drooping. 8ato. 9SJJ0D lb. doateatic lleecee at t&OOc for Stoo and Weatern. TRIA NGl lAR EKCK, MACON, G A HARNESS LEATHER, BAGGING AND SMOKING TOBACCO, A. WISE By CEO. AV. IIARDIE, decl0-3t Broker and Com. Melcbant. 25 BALES GUNNY BAGGING, 1 100 COILS RICHARDSON’S GREEN t KILLICKINICK, ZARVONA, Stolen. F ROM the reaidrncc of John Wood8, in Monroe county, on the night of the 7th inst., A MOUSE-COLORED MULE, dark, with a stripe over Ida shoulder, though dim; about five feet high, eight year* old, with eome mark* of gear about him. I will pay Twenty-lire Dollar* for hh delivery at Greer A Mastereon's In Macon. declO-ij. JOHN WOODS. af aar aaevgati* afitoara. gusavav MiataaW.—If. any an# entartalned ANDOTnER BRANDS. CHEWING TOBACCO tha Man that the heavy shower of Sunday night had axhaaoted th* .apply of water ia th* cii- terut o/ haaven. they c.qUd have been .qatokly, dtodhaaed of that error hy tokiag 14 HefiiSt real* ia th* haaatifal outpouring that greeted tha city yaatevday alUraooa. Though not rel- iehed by meat af folke—c.peeially Reporters, aadrawr like thaaa ehowere will have th* etfoet af tafoing th* vivar aad reUing the many awtoaa haxe* afi>at that hare been tied ap at t*- lism ytisls om Uol ilmsi. ^ , Xsv w Prmarrr or Kxo«uuksk— Some one iAris4 oa eitrsaw a ftsr nights ap) into tbc Xf>«* Depot s f oar frtc»«i Patrick, bat fount! lift fe»4 j»t Htothe wron.k place if was Ibetr abject The only things taken were a lot al potetofe stamps and a lew portmouaics. Tbe tktmi wuH have been an ignafantbrute L> ignore tha piles or light and choice UUratort* with which tha shelves of tho depot arc always filled. Hxxtx Trnauu—We savr a Federal.soldier r«t a pretty heavy fall on Sunday before dark. He was proceeding down Third street, his horse inn pretty lively “lope,** when in taming Mul berry street the animal stumbled and fell, throw ing hia rider over his head. The man slowly picked himscH vp *ad walked art limping, while another midis? mounted and rode off the balky hma IWraad a few scratches and braises, the sub racolwd no material injury. l>nu«*—The office «f the United >lsif» Atiraor Ui Wa removed from Third street to the store of X. A. Megratl*. on < Mulberry street, opposite the Lanier House.— AH interested will make a note of It, and govern fihewntolves accordingly. BOXES AND HALF BOXES, LARD ! LARD!! brother of hA first huslmnd. Her third wa* the lion, Mr. Ilareomli, the *<m of the late Archhisliop of York. Her fourth IiusInuxI is Mr. Chichester Fortescuc. Such are Mr. Fortcscuc'a qualifications. You may not deem, him very high, lmt I think he will make a lietter Irish tk'cretnry than Sir Rolicrt Feel. lie will* keep out of mischief, For sale by dcclfoCt MITCIIEL & SMITHS. 15 BARRELS CHOICE LEAF LARD Having added largely to my ttock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., BY FINDLAY & KENRICK, Ou Fridiiy, Hutmber 15, at 10 A, M. IV I-nines, Prints. OFIannela, Doeskin Caselmeret, Ponte Stuffs, Boot, and Shoes, ® Shirts, (Cotton, Merino and Wool,) Hoop Skirts, Hosiery. Bnttons, ■’ Combe, (round, fine and tuck, Pins, Shoe Thread, • Note, Cap and Letter Paper. Together with almost every article usually- kept In aD>7 Goods Store. Tbe above will be Mid by tbe package and piece. City and country Dealer* and Merchant* will find It to tbeir interest to attend this Sale. decHMdat I - y: .... : , PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES PATENT MEDICINES, New York on that day, was detained until the next day. The ship Calhoun was driven in collision with the steamship City of Boston in the River Mersey, and went aground, whore she mrediKd until the next tide, when she was floated into her dock without damage. Much damage had been sustained on the Wri»h coast by the gale. More vesacla had Item driven ashore there than for many years past. An emigrant vessel for Australia was among the numlK * * ’ Oj p,-reon» on hoard. 10,000 BUSHELS CORN 100 BARRELS CORN SYRU NEW AND ELEGANT TOILF.T ARTICLES, 100,000 POUNDS GOOD FOD® 100 BALES GOOD COTTON. M 1000 BUSHELS FRESH MEAlJj 100 BARRELS SORGHKM Si"!] 5,000 BUSHELS GROUND PEa! I feel confident in a.-=uring tbc public that tbe quality, style uud prices of these goods cannot fail to give entire hath faction. W. 8. ELLIS, Triangular Block, decHMJl* Cor. Cherry St. and Cot- Av. Memphis Market. . i, 3 r. Cotton— 1 Tbe morning New No live* w ere test. Much damage bad also been done on the land as well as upon the sea by tbe gale. A letter is published ftont Consul Dudley in the Liverpool pa|tei* regarding the cottoii supply in America. Mr. Dudley appends a letter addressed to him on the 27th of Octo l>cr by Secretary McCulloch, who rays that ?re gloomy at 50c, ami tl*« market rit, aoarcvhr any soles being mode, to tiding? bj rite wicoxaer new dna. on to either lAif or »fH to Mhy inh Be noon udinjc* showed abetter mar- a*. ret I _ - ..kaa^ CHISTMAS HOLIDAYS. T. W, FREEMAN, Has just received the Largest Assortment of FRENCH CANDIES, To be found in the city. wet in Xe-wYork at He. T). i- produced a mere cheer- fill IjMwwMifipIBed fihwilnla- wiiq iBt|| all the bolder* reporting -No transaction*. A barer, who wa* mecuooed to u* mm tho chicf operator of tho dav. informed n* that forty bale* wa* the extent of hi* puchaMt. There being no to indicate market rate*, we ‘ emit ejnotatiooc. The foUowinc »ale* were rvpertad to aa: 11 Laleo at 97. aad • at 3se. repacked; 19 at 99. and 01 at 40a, low middling: 25 at 40r. ntiddUbg; 16T at 4tr, of which about 50 l<a!c» were middling. t»o ■mall Into otrici. and the remainder imJ iliag. with a snurtl rortioa of strict amenz |t: at 43r, strict nua- C at ME and 5 at 45c, good midd iag. tJ- - -I Near Orleaas Market* Nxw Ouxiss, Dee. 5a—On sre*—wt of rainy wether, very ha e bcame>.» has bMdoiog. and the market » rer>' dull, at price* ISat quoted. '- * T_ Ordmazy. Otv-Ok-: good ordinary. 448&46e:-maldfiiir. 44^48: good nuddiag. 51c. Stale.- principally und«r too** fi|turca.g^ * Nxw CWULAst'De.'L Bo»«niw^ has been «*ee«»iTeiy doll. Tbe cotton market is unchanged since lA-t re port. except rciddimg. whiefa can he quoted tore.)is. Firo-tors a-#.* higher, which chock* active operation* Sales only moderate. , Asfiiu Market* ^ Acs or a. Dee. Cotton—Tbe market continue* unn- ' •uail) doll, in consequence of ah*eh tborc are no sale« of moment to note. The few aales made were effected at 43 cent* for good middling, and 40 cent* fur mui- G^d—Ttto demand for gold >« active at 146. Brok rs baying at 14T, and selling at 148. and cannot supply the Konde—otd (roorm Kaiirnad Bond* «oW to-day a* sOr. City of Augusta noo l-. o*r. avuai Oty of.^vonnah Coupons of oil loads are in deiaaad. i Maktte Market. \ Momu, Dec. C—Tha denmisd tw4sy waa caofiatd u> 1 fir* Uoyrs. and am receipt af deswri news, tha n^.I tot .foiro^a!— <lcc7-tilll6dee. Saddles and Harness. from the best information he could obtain he estimated the old cotton in the Southern States tit for market at the time of the cap- tun* of Savannah did not exceed one million of lodes. Macon, Xor. 30,1865. -st day of January, 1SG6, our ;e cf Cotton will be One Dol- J. H. WOOLFOLK, HARDEMAN & SPARKS, HARRIS & RO&S. J. If. ANDERSON & SON, GAINES A CO. MACON. rpiILs c* FIG PASTE, CREAM DROPS, GUM DROPS, BHAUTEKVES, • : / !: .1 ^ . BURNT ALMONDS, FIG DROPS, CREAM BONBONS, CREAM ALMONDS, LOZNGE8, MIXED CANDIES, c - PEARLS, ARAKAN DROPS, .'i r«*c*ivr.t at the News Depot. Triangu lar BiorA—Fresh dates of Harper's and Leslie’* W. vrkl^. Police Gaaette, R«mnd Table, TW Nato-n. X. T. Independent. X. Y. Weekly, X. Y.Stafita ZoMung, Buntline *'Own. Literary Cotapaaiow. Pelcrfow for Jan., Flag of our Vnion. Wide W«fHd, Catholic World for Dec., and many othtn . This year’s crop, he adds, will pnlhmmj not exceed 300,000 bales. Mr. Dud ley says that when recently in America he made most anxious inquiries on the subject, and he e • i mates the p re eat amount of cotton on hand at little over seven hundred thousand 1 ale*, including the new crop. A crowded reform meeting had been held at Bradford. The mayor preskied. W. E. Foster, M, ami other influential men took part in the proceedings. )tesolotion> in fa vor of reform were adopted unanimously, and i onhdence that reform would be port of the new ministerial programme was expressed by st! the speakers. The substance of the reso lutions will l>c embodied in a memorial, and presented to Earl Krsse 1. Cherry st, letwees Cotton Aveui Macon, Go. A Valuable Farm In Upper Georgia P O It SALE. SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, ?PA ACRES OF LAND 1 vin£ ootha OoaUnoula »)OU river, in Gordon county, *iji niii*^ above Calhoun, and 2), miles below Resaca, near the W. 41 K. K., 240 acres of which are No. 1 river land. Two settlements, pood outhouses, well watered, Ac. Also, U50 acres of valley land, 6 miles from Calhoun, lies well, well watered, good house, all neceaaary outbuilding, Ac. Alio, several valua ble businos lots in the town of Calhoun. Terms, one half ca-U. the balance on 12 months credit. 1 wish to sell in the next two or thr?e week*. Ad dress me at Calhoun. Refer to R. J. Cothrun or J. Ingles, MacoB. ded<MR* JAS. A. WILLIAMS. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, • Tas CtTMLtr V»HU.a”—Tki* ii the title of oa <vU nutiid^l celfriic monthly.published in X. York, the Dev. number of which we have re- reitd from Patrick. From a casual glance at iu well filled pages, we should think it woaJd prjTe of much inUre«t to all good Catholics, and Utf tK*ru*al of the general reader. LEATHER GW ALL KIN] SHOE itiiiti!- t ur-.d to And all other varietlca oi FRKyCII AXB PLAIN CANDIK Haruci Public Sale Put up in plain and ornamental boxes of ten to one pounds each. A large assortment of Stick Candies. T W £ X TV BOXES LEMONS, JELLIES, PRESERVES and PICKLES, Iu great variety. WINES. Lkit'OKS AND BRA'B|||| Liiyi-t* Ifoi-in-. Enttli.-h, COCOA AND BRAZIL PLANTATION. It 19 state.I that precautions have been taken at Pigrron Hoosc. Fort Dublin, to prevent an; surprise by member* of the Fenian Brotherhood. It t* also aaaerteU that the InUtoarj viaar dUtnd there has arisen ont oTtWroiaap rnreaad into the adminirtra- tioa of lUs *rj Bb Uitvh Bose, aad tea Iha.fart, that tha httlk: tMaaaid Uvintr at • V. Caaf Axai L.Ji CAKIjt HI. WHITFOKD A CO. VXD WnoLESAI.E DKAI.KKB STORE ARRIVE ' ftSffl (]»LD POS IE CTOTHING, Corner Worth St., .V. Y. g^We oak attention to the odvertiremeE* for a oitoatiao a* guverneee. aad ran eonsrieniouaJy rtocoamend the applirant Xovtcs to DaroeiToao.—Meeera. CuhUdge, CahlwwU. k Cak, will racaivp hilD .pi all MlMfiftl hil* om deposit or otherw>ee, al par. Orleans........ Mobile .VV.V.V.V.'.IV.V.*. «d Upland*