The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 13, 1865, Image 3

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CONSTITUTION LIFE S YEIJP. COMPOSED OF ' IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE'COMPOUND CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND $ HERBS. PREPARED BT WILLIAM H. CRECC, M. D. Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; formerly Assist ant Physician in the Blackwell’s Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP BAS PRODICSD A HTTOLRIOX El BS01C1NX. TOBY & OGDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENTS, .Office Jewett"* Building Second st MACOX, GEORGIA. ^ Cub Advances made on COWON AND CONSIGNMENTS, To out Friends in New York. SIGHT OR TIME EXCHANGE ON NEW YOBS IN SUMS TO SUIT Orders For SUGAR MOLASSES or WESTERN PRODUCE FILLED. *etk - -i gsgraeMe for ttr riuaitjf Terr, their j generrl disevBlrnt and the "treat >T|in>lin«<* fckiek Urey mtrrtsio in regard lb a division of tart*. etc., either mean something or nothing, end it bedsores nil sensible men to to prepend ^Xfxkwwnrmty Ihit tnfy irrf" of the cite, it if true, here leas to apprehend on this aeare (Iran the people of the serrsun^iag eoon- l*y, tint, for the sake of ikoee living thns teeUer- t ed, we hope to see eome each eigenUetion per fected, We think thie aevepient would receive the mortiou of the military aathoritiee here, end i the aereaeery equipments, we suppose, could he NEW STORE, Second Street, next to Baptist Church, Macon, Ga. IL P. Kumu«™Un»^*dsi,iJli»pi*f ,i 'i teas id Macon and »umwndln£ eovntrj that be W opened a aewgrocciyrtorroa 3d street, oppo- site the Express other, voder the Ira war of REDDING ± WEILS, where be wIU be happy to meet bii old Mends and patrons, forhe can assure them they can always find a choice stock of Family Groceries, fresh Northern Batter, Coffees,Cheese, gapers. Potatoes. QnioasM ail articles weeded by femiltw and merchants la the Grocery trade. Oar «u%s hitherto consideredhopelessly incoraUeSsire* qnentW cored in a few days or weeks; sad we nhur lolly iariu the investigation* of the liberal minded and reientifle to cores which bars no parallel at the present During the past firs years we hare contended with obatsc es and orerooms opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. ♦ RAPIDITY OF CURE. 7* i ' Some say, “Your cures are too quick,” whiles other doubt their permanence, and think that diseases cam only be cured by the **slow, recuperative process of Nature.” - This hour reply: In health, the body, like a well- balanced *ca e, is tn a state of equilibrium. But when, from any causa, down goes one ?ido of the scale, wc have the effect* of disease. What is requisite, is to re store the normal balance of the scale. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Is a positive and specific remedy for all <Bscaecs orism tinting from an IMPURE STATE OF THE BLOOD, and tor a l (hereditary) Duxjuu transmitted from Paunt to PARALtSIS. It is so universal** admitted that Constitution Lire Sracr U the only effective means of reetoration in the various forms of Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. taoMESTIOS, WOQBT AT STOMACH, TLATCLXNCX. UTIR COM* rLAiNt, want or arrems, sad saurg, coasn- fATION, SILUOCANCAA. SCROFULA. STB CM A. KIM'S KVU, GLANDULAR SWELLING S, UTS IP ELIS, Cl- enunON, SALT UXO. This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling Ufo with unto'd misery, is, by all tfstuu medical remedies, incur- C fHRONICI.ES of the Schonberg-Cotta Family, ; Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan ; The Cripple of Antioch, Martyrs of Spain; Two Vocations. Mary, Handmaid of the Lord. The above ire all by Mrs. Charles, a lady residing in the South of England, and an Author whose ta^et for making Religions history a charming and attractive subject, rather than doll and prosy, has seldom or never been surpassed. The “Cotta Family, n embracing the time of Luther and the Reformation. “Kitty Trevylyan," about the time ol the Wesleys, are peculiarly interesting to young and old. , ' / f 1 ; \ Out in the World; Nothing but Money ; What Came Afterwards. The Author of these three works, T. S. Arthur, though »prolific writer, is far from being second rate in his profession. lib new works equal his earlier productions. ’ St. Phillip, by the Author of Rutledge. Hugh Worthington, by Mrs. Holmes, Author ul Tempest and Sunshine, tfcc. CORN, CORN Fire Insurance for $150,000 -r^spi, .. ; atjsihg)Vj| 4g;ja4tl.r J ibnlk™*ig- Uan«u.» a JD.gree.bIe nigkt waf Mfat of Afond.y, tohr.urr, for all who— businew ' compelled them to be oat. The rain aeemed to MM down almoat uaeeamsgiy from eaH, in the evening until towards morning, when it seemed to isbiita What woold have been taken as s matter of on arse by the -bore- of the armies of Virginia and Tennanaee. called forth nnalhamnt an the pert of tboM who once considered tbera- •elvce peeulierl, hleseed ms being relieved from picket to throw I hem eel vet on tbs driest tide'of a mod puddle, draw their single blanket atoond them, earl tnoosa ae.noly nn ehl campaigner ms ■leep, after a hard day's work. Bat old soldier* arc fast becoming .civilized, sadwnee more TatUag Si(o old accustomed habits STORE, AND FOR SALE BT 5,000 SACKS CORN, IN of Tax Collector of Bibb county, end Invite the snffregc* of elector. »t tbf K told on tlae let Wt*»4l* MJfafafr. lUfifofrtrtlfiH* Light l .TJsllt! Light! Petroleum OU, just received and for sale at the Drag Store of AM. BOYD. Hr Co to Bfyait, Stratton i Wt NtohvWe Business, College .fur a. thorough kuowla^f, of Bookkeeping, Puuinaneliip, Commercial CalcuU- tion*. Uommcrew; L*w Partnership Sottlemente and Bu.iMee Forms an» Practice etc. Set* forCof- icgcp^, * co . oetgl Cm Naebville, Tenia. Throughto New Yotfc taken aajxtvr as by any othei , J Companies, J AGENTS OF PH1ENIX, MANHATTAN, INTER NATIONAL, HARMONEY AND CITIZENS FISE& MARINE INSUBANCE COMPANIES. NF.W.YORK LIFE, NEW. YORK ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMPANIES. m, theragb whsrb we have happily pnaaed, ed to to ti iptoa, er if remembered, only emaeasMWIatafce akin, aad turn. to wklcb a( mt had m mart to keep ap appearapeee. if tba war, a man ww deemed fortunate if wed er aylr nf •• tatore. for then be was d baringhse family prwsded with a rail of History of Julius Ceesar, by Napoleon III. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects, by l)r. J. G. Holland, better known as oOO SACKS FRESH WATKR-GKOl'XD MEAL, in ‘Timothy Titcumb.” Old Helmet, by lire Author of Wide Wide World. unto d misery, is, by au tfsual medical remedies, incur- RHEUMATISM. [AKTMETIS,] LUMBAGO, KETKAUtA, SCIATICA, OOCT, flCDOLO- mcs. If there is any difease in which the Coxvtrnmov Lire Sr*cr is a sovereign, It I* in Rheumatism and its kin- Plantations in Houston. Jones, Bibb, Crawford, ulaski and Macon counties. Also, City Improved nd vacant property. For particulars apply to dccMm TOBY & OGDEN. „ ■ A Large Supply of MISCELLANEOUS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. Initial Stamping for Envelopes and Paper, done to order. Dec. id—tf. - ( t i: x ■ta to Wctom A Porrin, sole agent., 1J0 Wash- rti.n street, Boston, Moss., It will be forwarded HENRY YONOE. JAMES YONOE. (From Georgia.) HENRY Y0NGE & CO., C 0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS, So. 11, Broutl Street, New York, QOLICIT consignments of Cotton an other O articles, anil orders for purchase offlooits. 100 BARRELS FAMILY stantlv alleviated—enormous swe lings ere reduced. I'.emt ohronir hr vln lnBf. nftWMltv OT fortv VPirS* mail, free ot |><teU^e, to un| pert of the Uuitad »cpt EXTRA, W*l?,-W® arcoff fit the handle again, is*tend of ■Ifafctfig U the text. In the dearth of more In t maiijMElaiir tXe w« atifer furniahes ah woex- 4ai:kti» U ‘ ffiem^^and. fcom the looks of the tfitden hlifre, at this writing, will afford the •toR a»4 shad WlIy roat (which io hy Busy U ba Ure style m by Noah SUPERFi N E KLOU li, in ator.- and tor sale liv W. A.1IIIKF. . foandation for more comment. Ml i Rkeistimo as OrriCKn.—Jas. Woml, a necro kSifing a shop on the upper portion of Cotton Avenue, bad been summoned one day last week as a witness in 4 raaa before the Major, bat failed | > attend* and two ofodx police officers proeee«ied SALE! T HE SUBSCRIBER oRciV for tala' bU private Iveldi nccend tbe Drug Store studied, n tlic town of Forsyth. Tbc house fronts 100 fort op the Plant, Esq., Macon, Georgia; Messrs: Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta. They have had large experience in pur chasing H.uuioap Supplies of all descrip- tious and solicit orders from Railroad Com- n«vll-0m* place. The Drug Store la in tliu same building, and the premises extend 200 feet back. On tlic, lot U an caecllent well of water, together with all ncc- eaaary ontballdingv. A fine garden lot containing one acre, immediately adjoining, with stables, corn crib, etc., will be included ip llie sale- t For terms, which will be BJepU, a^ply let A. SNEED. r i^calp. no remedy ha* ever proved its oqua*. Motli latches upon the fctnalo lace, depending upon diseased adion of the Liver, are very unpleasant to io young wife anti mother. A few bottles of Cosutitc- GOODS .50 PER CENT 1,000 SACKS SEED OATS yFor sale by panics. ig riso to Iesnguor, Dixxi- can^erousTcondition of thiit organ. accomj^auied^^wiUi X CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood-Purifying Agent, the Lire Srmvr stands unrivalled by sny preparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Arc kil >1* to the same diseases. Nature and Science have made the Constitution Lire Stair for the benefit of all. PURE BLOOD Produces liealthv men and women; and if the consti tution is neglected in youth, disease and early death is the result. Do not delay when the means are so near Diseases of Uie Liver, giving . ww lira ig ■ i mi . ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an u'ccratcd or cancerous condition of that ergon, accompanied with burning er other unpleasant symptoms, will be relieved ( : f Notice. *> ' '' HEREBY appoint Mr. A. SPRINGER, of this city, my lawful attorney, to collect all claims ■fa itnatoal uniqn. due me’, and request all those indebted to me by account or note, to come forward and settle up Notice to Depositors. \\TV. will receive all National Bank Bill* on dc- Office 2d etrect, formerly occupied by N. C. Man roc. dccll-St* BACON 1 dec2-lm MOUNT ZION SELECT SCHOOL. BACON SIDES For sale by POUNDS CHOICE T HE next Session Will commence on the second Monday of January. Board and Tnitiou, Spriug Session $T* A ” ” ‘ in Specie or its c< lights, towels an advtiuce. auary. uoara ana iuiuou. 150; Fall Session *100, to be paid juivalfcnt. Studtaita will furuiah d bed linen. Expenses must be WM. J. NORTIIREN, Rhetor. RENT’SlEASTlNblA COFFEE! n EQUAL TO JAVA! '] \y) HALF THE PRICE! (V. SaG-oes Twice as Far RccoDinicBdcd and Used by All! CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS and Professional F. FEUCHTWANGER & CO. Brownwood Institute- OOlong and so favorably known to the public, O owing to the death of ita owner, Wm. Jouxs,. la now offered for sale. Even t lung considered, there b not a motf desirable lehool 1 property in tbc 8Utc. With a small outlay for repairs, every thing would be in readiness fof a first-class nigh School. Connected with it is a fine Cabinet oi Minerals and Library. It is not quite a mile from the corporate limits of LaGraugc—contains 45 kerus Jeuml, with a large Garden, Orchard, Ac.— Those who cx|M‘ct to make AfmHg kfffMMi would do mfn to comC and examine the projierty. For further iufonnation apply to J. F. AWTUkY, LaGrange, Ga. LaGrange, Dec. S, 1805. dec l*ird2m CORN, ” CORN.*' ' 'lJUIMF. ARTICLE, arrivlns end for eels by SEYMOUR As TINSLEY. M f OETABI2' NEW COMFORTS—08 BED QUILTS—for «k by ^OUiD respectfully fnform tlieir old friends and customers, the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that they have Jnst returned from the Eastern Markets with one of the LARGEST, FINEST AND CHEAPEST S/i- 'G3 10,000 tely surrounded by waterborne of themwero ORrdhyU^ vLi rains, find yKt Mug nfwd «Hit while wo were present. Several WANTED TO BUY. S10,000 IjST GOLD, p«»1 . boxes «r« now ready for cargoes, aud will load, it is thought, to-day, so as to take advantage of the piwvcut Seals' i>fUif .riT,*f,:ryU*r, are in vari- ewa Slain bf-eriinpIcfiAn. Wo learn that all c<>Uim boxes tic.1 up below, have taken their de|Kirtara. , ^ Tan Cnaisuiss Btonii ron van OartUxty We wen not aware, when we threw out •ugge- tiona looking to tho getting np of n Christmas Tree, ete, for tho benefit of the poor orphana in •nr midst, that (he initiatory st,ps ip this lamia. ..... I.. ml atrlnw La.) 1 ,aan lolrnn 1, or \fra I Tax okas Stock of Dry Goods, Shawls and Cioaks, Men as tbe cheapest, healthiest and best beverage in the world! FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS IN THE NORTH • vnaniTTir ^ EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, which they oiler Io tlieir obi Iricnds and customers, and the public a( targe at , GEO. IV. IIARDIE. AND SOUTH. 1' The Southern Trade, to which It is specially adapted, supplied through the New York City Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufac tory, fl^Reade I^Street^sjr NEW YORK. RICHARD DAVIES^JProp’r. And General Wholesale Dealer in Teas and Coffee. decIMim dce9-3t a- B. A. a. W. LAMAR, Factors and Commission Merchants Forwarding & Shipping Agents NO. 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Advances made on Cotton in store, or for 6hip- for sale by’ inOO BARRELS VIRGINIA SALT 6REATLY REDUCED PRICES, Y^XTRA QUALITY GEORGIA MADE, KER- ftsafiBofn dccl 1-C SEYMOUR & TINSLEY. dccll-C Havinglionght for cash, under the last heavy decline of Goods; we.ean assure our enstomers we can sell them , Lost Note. A LL persons are hereby cautioned agaiu.-t tra- XJl ding for a Note, given by Bowdre * Ander son, at one day afterdate, payable to B. H. Ruth erford or order, lor eleven hundred and thirty-live dollars and seventy-two cents, (illSi 73,) and da ted on or abont the 14th November, ISO... Said Note bavir.u been lost or mislaid, aud has this day been fully paid offunddiachwgwl by said Bowdre & Anderaon. JOHN II. RUTHERFORD, decl’J-’ltt Exec, to B. IL Ratherford Dec’d. THE VERY BEST CLASS 0 GOODS, ment to our friends North or to Liverpool. dcc7-3m / COTTON COTTON SHIPPED Cheaper than they can be Bought South of the Ohio ! OurSMr. FEUCHTWANGER, well known to the ajtizrn* of Malon and vicinity, grateftil for favora whan amongst yon, bres leave to assure all, that he la now prepared to show them BET AND CHEAPER GOODS THAN EVER! Come and see our stock of SILKS, „„ , ,• |GINGHAMS, ! . , '! 1 , CALICOS,' BALMORALS. and cverytlilng bclongin to a first class Dry Goods Establishment. We would coll especial attention to onr 6,000 BUSHELS SUPERIOR COTTON 1 WOOLEN BLANKETS, THROUGH TO NEW YORK AT Thirteen Dollars Per Bale INCLUDING EXPENSES OF TRANSHIPMENT AT DARIEN. O UR Senior partner Mr. Jos. R. Butts having been to New York, has made arrangements for a line of packets to ply between that city and Darien, bo as to enable us to receive Cotton on board our Boxes and to give Bills of Lading through to New York. He also'succeeded in making arrangements for INSURANCE on Cotton shipped by our Boxes from Macon and Landings below, through to New York at three per cent, premium. Wc superintend and build^our own Boxes, at- FAMILY SOAP, STAR CANDLES* A Complete Turnout roll SALE. A FINE YOUNG KENTUCKY MJlKE-nal oral pacer—is both an excellent saddle an buggy animal. Also a light fine buggy, but littl used, with fine harness and everything neccssar city, I have no nve tbrthcm. Apply »t this offict I! T fiTTAW SOLE LEATHER, KIP LEATHER • , HARNESS LEATHER SjroKING TOBACCO, jrraLlCKINICK, ZARVONA, AND OTOER BRANDS. CHEWING TOBACCO, BOXES AND HALF BOXES, IJhJLT.jiS, ,KTAIL 300 KEGS NAILS—ALL SIZES for sale by , HOOP SKIRTS, dccliMw. Look at This! ,4 VT GENTLEMAN who wishes to cnaige in A Hie profitable hnAnffis of CoUsmokkng an other yar can either buy or rent my plantation cn Spring Vrcek. in Early county, containing 1450 aerea, ab*nt 400 aerea of open land, most of it fresh; all node* goodVepoir; new buildings^<fcc., the. * Baits* Post.—We invite attention to the ad- vcrtiactnent ofthi* »tcrling sheet. It i* one of ear beet and most readable exrhangea; witty, ,pirit tenon TtSt Dox'r tJanmUrsan.—1. Why ia it that the street lam pa on Mulberry atnet, from Pr. Stroheeker’a honse. np the hill, are net lit these dark night*. That thia ia a aeriona incon venience we can testify. tend personally to their loading, employ expe rienced hands to man them, competent and care ful pilots to take charge of them, and having had thlrly-fire years experience in the business, ask for far received. Wo bavc thns far sent off cisbteen Box.., all of CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. n, competent, anu care- )f them^and having had a continuance of the liberal patronage we’liavc so SUGAR AND It is the moat complete In the Sonth—eome and examine for yourself! Harinc three cstaMtshiffent*, one at NoshvQle, one at Griflin and one in Macq for bringing goods enjoyed but by a few, and are' determined TO BE UNDERS—' COUNTRY MERCHANTS, A word to you. Call‘"A^Slth^'we s*^ nd r!5$M^u-ffie u i r |L t : r F yfi ^ ** ■ —-J—J* ^ E. FEUCHTWANGER, .:iUto -S. R.J‘ Ci - TRIA .^Hl'’TICCK. MACON,GA , webavc facilities BY NONE! which b»vc safely arrived. Wo bavc not lost a Box nor a bale or Cotton. dec7-2w BUTTS * BROTHER. 25 SACKS PRIME RIO COFF E, oOfri 25 BARRELS A, B, and C SUGARS for sale by * \! For sale by dccUMlt in Mow ot fa*Wfoi. b> abondras a alyle to which they have bee— - The thick oast of the -Eranira'* period is much I wl.wwIbywrafiytWdd ttoA*H»hAaa. lemon - n itoM* than the waterfalL Tho eoiD ordinarily W vfiewrdfovaal* by tho hairdressers are nsnally > re fore, kre * » A AUr re rA || FOR SALE. S. W.R. R. BONDS, MACON CITY BONDS, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., BY FINDLAY & KENRICK, On Friday, December 15, at 10 Ay M. DeLaincs, Prints, Flannels, r r < a Doeskin Caaaimcres, *■ ^ ^ §f\ Pants'Stulls, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, (Cotton, Merino and Wool,) noop 8kirts, Hosiery, Buttons, Coittba, (round, fine and tuck, \ 1 1 Pine, Shoe Thread, Note, Cap and Letter Paper. Together with almost every article usually kept in a Dry Goods Sto^ JIT Macon Cotton Market*« \j 0 » A V/ R "Ornre«f inbmT TmciAra.) Taasday Cvaninf, Dee. 15. f Conor.—The market opennl weak and languid, and sea he hand firmly a pew the bead. This coil i ,-n— eoaily to daw* ever, tat requires the hand of the haie-dreraor.. , ky for-tto to^a *, mO(a made with thdnaUral Eau-Tanlit that ia iranfocrent. a awiteh of falsa hair can be | Thev are read* of atari hair foatawed to a wire, of ttoahapaaf aaoatrieh frether, ami Rightly | rarted or triaaad. What iu papofatity -*ftl to fiam wm tojadgml of. tot. whea Uatefnlly > T.a,t) —T to a very becoming onrament. Pmawravs sjmTiMX—.V lance moment ai- ~T n Tig —Ssoa or rwa Caarr, Cbcr- BAGG1NG AND By GEO. W. IIARDIE, declO-31 Erokcr and Com. Merchant. 25, BALES GUNNY BAGGING, 100 COILS RICHARDSON’S GREEN LEA 1> Iti euumehreamioklo ptrete WawalTfortber develep- meat,. Sosos dsolers soem to think the derline i»t tsmasnay. while others angora still further felt B"t ■piv raxirai ka.tL..«ti rffifilipiLid lir. arce!; at the Stolen. 'ROM the reaidince of John Wood*, In Monroe county, on the night ot the ?th lnt»t., A MOUSE-COLORED MULE, •k, with a it ripe overbid *houlder, though dim; .is !>uuuiult, im»u”ii unu; ght years old, with some Dollars for his delivery i Macon. JOHN WOODS. LARD ! LARD!! LA advert*) ^5 BARRELS CHOICE LEAF LARTf W pnw*. HVtaO* jswptvre-re- a . rV ~S mm te to that pries* win ..trance .luring the next sixty Jays. _ . 1 j tares* sflraasaf—atvners slaci ssruosa t, IfC. I'nlsnd. Sealshml. t>om- lly Hirer 4AM ID H Dwltotara' Ida la 1C The above'will be b^Id bv the package aud piece. City and country Dealers and M*Tchants will find jt to thel r interest to attend this Sale. dcclO-tdaf . A Valuable Farm In t-pper Georgia Ilaving added largely to my stock of PURE DRUGS. MEDICINES, PATENT 3IEDICINES. ' CONSTITUTION water Is without doubt tbe only toiorrn remedy f DIABETES, RELIABLE GARDEN SEEDS, 10,000 BUSHELS CORN Xf‘f\ ACRES OF LAND lying onthe Ootfanaula OUv river, iu Gordon county, miles above Calhoun, and 2\i miles below fasti, near the W. <K A K. R. , 340 acres of which are No. 1 river land. Two settlement*, good outhouses, well watered, Ac. Also, 350 acres of valley land, C miles from Calhoun, lies well, well watered, good house, all necessary outbuildings, Ac. Also, several valua ble business lots In the town of Calhoun. Terms, one half cash, the balance on 13 months credit I wish to sell in the next two or three weeks. Ad dress me at Calhoun. Refer to R. J. Cotbron or J. Ingles, Macon. dedti-fit* JAS. A WILLIAMS. C.VKH VKT, AVUITFOKD A CO., JCASCF.vmiEJIS AND WHOLES ALE DEALERS IX HEADY-^LVDEjC'rOTIirXG, ttl & 3S3 Broadiray, Comer Worth-SL, N. Y.' rf*! .bricknvsr^a i i.sirt, IRRITATION OF THE NKGK TiV) O* TBE \ •e BLADDER- INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. CATARRHOF THE BLfiBDEAvQ j FEMALE IV.REC.U LaSTTIES. Certificates of cures from weU-known pe^oo* frous sit parts of the country In circular, will be *^.addremk^ RGAv>S;A1L1;v Agent*. 7* decUte No. 40 Cliff street. New York. NEW CARRIAGE REPOSiJORf*! and Nathan, two fifi atealiag <lav. a Bed aw tor *!• and reato aaeh. ’ - 31 fiftwsdamfoj'ctopt Retort, for taking I— Itata of aa -warte’s- Meek packet btok rawtalaiagm tod the NEW AND ELEGANT TOILET ARTICLES, 100,000 POUNDS GOOD FODDK1 100 BALES GOOD COTTON. 1000 BUSHELS FRESH MEAL, 100 BARRELS SORGHUM SVRUJ 5.000 BUSHELS GROUND PEAS . quality, style and prices of these goods cannot fail a—i .t “‘Action, W. S. ELLIS, Triangular Block, Cor. Cherry St. nnd Cot. Av. dccKWt* CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. T. W, FREEMAN, lias jiu?t received the Largest Assortment of FRENCH CANDIES, - v_ To he found in the city. FIG PASTE, CREAM DROPS, GUM DROPS, SUAUTERVES, rJ S SfKNT ALMONDS, * FIG DROPS. CREAM BONBONS, I CREAM ALMONDS, LOZNGEfc. MIXED CANDIES, PEARL*, ABAKAN DROPS, decT-tilllCdcc. Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., vktck T. Hamilton. MACON, * rpHIS e»ubIUht JL remodctafV nor expoae^K gp^Pfficc *>i Pa jut «fc Carhart in liqnidatioB. !Ovl4-eod*i)n Emm- • -- — Clierry st., bet’ Gold and Silver. l> D R. W. P. PARKER, i eeneral Agent for tl GIFT DISTRIBUTION of Watches, elegai Jtfwclrv, Gold ami Silver Ware, etc., ete., at oi dollar each, WITHOUT REGARD TO VALU, and not to be paid for until you know what it is For further infomndiou Please call and sec him address him. Post office, Box 93, Macon, Ga. ADDLES AND T1AKNK: Stubblefield House. Opposite 1 AM NOW prepared manaer of work bclo; Wagon building- I oCir ' put up t>* order ng to Carriage a tv-4 v( faailititti. • thar»ct*r Our SMITITWORK, Aud all other varieties of Ciaciaaati Market. CijcixjiAn. Dee. 9.—Flour dull and prim eatireiv ■miojil- W Leal qui^t. $1 70 for prime old red. and SI tut bcv. Cora fltifiuuutM daiL >v .a elerator*. fr* liv. and pr>ee- Iflfrar. not qpoteHe u over TOr. Norn- K douig m tduler. Hopn dull aud lover. ■ >-*. are*) ttnsM rau*« to rec>ute erteot nom.nal; regular N-ker* *r« n.»f htirmf; « ktnall lot of pound* »tp- ■C* nfM lor S10 net; n**'0|»u -iZh- Th« prof i>»on uirka io dull aud un.-teule.). uukksnt r*. rfiOkeult i*. sue <juoUtioo*. Me?- pork i* lover. It ia orfort-d v it hunt Ivirerw. »irss- n kuitu are ia no de- ,foC<l fot lw'rt - ; filioulder- hu-1 nidreii irr nointniU nt 9c, [ »rek. 12 . Hulk m««t49 beUl at U'yilV tor UrmLl. r«. Od tot filfire . -dn of rtear ha«o«t fotete- 1 *\' [ hr nev anti 21^ for oLl. I^rd h*. declined to Italn. Cottov dull ur«i.aritff dull. WnUkv -steady t$2 36. ttv4.U4*vrlii. Aifmta Market. Ai'iiiitt. Dec. 9.—Co turn—The market eunuoore doll nd uncitanced. — Gda-Tbt nharket ku dal! to-day. Brokers an: buy- a« at 1C and *viU«gr at 14U, FRENCH AND PLAIN CAND IE T HE nndersiirned, who is a Master of Art.* o! the University wf Vsl, and was formerly Pro fessor of Mathematics and Astronomy, in the Uni versity of Georgia, will open, on the at January , next, *a Boarding Sc2kk>1 lor boy*, at hi* residence iu iloui-ton couuty, Ga. Address \V. LeROY BROUN. M. A.. norirCfKUiut Perry, Houston CountyaGa. Pub] I'LAXTA .1 boxes of ten to sort ment of Stick Put np in plain and ornamei obc ponnds each. A large Candies. ible benefit T W E X TV BOXES L E M O N S JELLIES, PRESERVES and PICKJ.E8, In great variety. •f the bank ttabiiiu tether er ubliahment ,1 prosperity- at the shortest notice. Prices will be the lowest that cuu potaaiMv be afforded. I will always keep on hand, for sale, « good snppl* of Buggh^ and Carriages, which will L»r mold at i#w figatea. Horse Sliooig- done by the most experienced workmen in the city^ We guarantee tbe ut most satisfaction in^tlu^gar. aovlS-SUwlm. WINES, TJQC^KS AN IN STORE ANX) Jb at the News I>ey*.t, Tri- • Lady's Book, for January, K Scientific American, N - . Nary Journal, Waverly ***.T*.*5* a mM if I r * * 1 L. S.i,