The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 14, 1865, Image 3

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mmmuUrn ifraup fclcgrapl; Public Sale of Stock, Crops, other oucaiwlfaa off Hfe.pW'wjuuBt of * tevcre wound recdredjn hulU* W. L. ' dot7 lc Mast Fnixxna. A CAUIJ. II. P. KtMfU o would reopcctfcllj^tafonk the ritl- «n' of Macou and tarroundintf country that be haa opened a new grocery store oo 3d street, oppo- site the Express office, imder the dear name ot REDDING A WELLS, where he will be happy to meet hie old Mends sod patrons, for be can assure them they can always find a choice stock of Family firoceries, freak Northern Butter, Coflscs,Cheese, Sagan, Potatoes, Onions and all articles needed by famUesand merchants la the Grocery trade. Oar Stock lauhoj*choice. GivcuaaealL dccT-Sw. NEW STORE, Second Street, next to Baptist Church, Macon, Ga. At my Plantation on Flint River, four miles South of Reynolds, on S. AY. R. R., mv entire plantation outfit, consl-tiug of Horses and Mules, Mares and Colts, Cattle,' C IHRONICLES of the Sehonberg-Cotta Family, ) Diary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan ; The Cripple of Antioch, Martyrs of Spain; Two Vocations. Mary, Handmaid of the Lord. The Ibote are all by Mrs. CidJlatES, a lady residing in the Sooth of England, and an Author whose talent for making Religioos history, a charming and attractive subject, rather than doll and prosy, has seldom or never been surpassed. The “Cotta Family,” embracing the time of Lather and the Reformation. “Kitty Trevylyan,” about the time of the Wesleys, are peculiarly interesting to young and old. beep, Corn, Fodder, Rice, Peas, Rye, Cotton Seed, Plantation and Blacksmith * Tool*, AVagons, Carriage and Buggv, two-horsc power Field . Threshers and Fans, Cotton Gin, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac, Acs, Ac. Sale to Continue from Day to Day until all is Sold. Persons from a distauoe can find accommodation on the place, or in the im- arid/ad theCMf Half /hr l*i, will <*** Jbcmrelrc* treuMe th* jarpat 'Ewrr p*h*c by heading the notice of the City. Tre**u- L uu4 lha tickom Md ear, to ha found la aaoiker colam n. a. w. Fnana k C#.-ihf*dverti**m**t of thia rLill rm, aatarpriain* firm may ba fcondin another coi- “ de ‘ ir *- Nrary ina g< u-ottarein moat of the neeeoune* and Id*W*°w loxurioaof Ufa. will do well to refer to it We .. . " taka pleasure in calling attention to tkie home, *“•*- T “® “7‘ for we know bnaineaa relatione with them will tlrng, each one racoir- .dvantagoona to our dlrtact reader,, kin or bar muaber ia dtad aat 1W mack. A good evereear, or former can get a capi- * P"* •• *h« proceed' u | , iia.tion by rafarrlng to tbo adrertiiement of » Ihooa who hare paid £. a. y hbot bended -WanTas." iwo to the Upper be- «.»— — • iMrrn»t. Council I*ro<*cc<lliitf®*. ►■am Rcoi'uut Muting, t laaaaalfBg of the Coon- Council Chamber, Dae. 13,1SC5. f oa lha iaaugaratma of I’raaoat Tko Mayor, Aid. Power*, DeLoschr, . Alter the board wae Blow, WaMaott baodall and (parka, tea of tart meeting eon Abaent—Aid. Mongbon, sad Adam*, committee* of old board Tbo minute, of the lait moating wcrc read and 5,000 SACKS CORN, IN STORE AND FOR SALE p.y colEngH of decora it the eleetkra to be bddasi the Ut Wednesday in January,. 18G4. noil4 te» gT Go to Bryant, Stratton & Co’t. Nashville l(a*iitai College for a thorough knowledge of Bookkeeping, Pcosmanship, Commercial Calcula tion®, Commercial, Law Partnership Settlement® and Business Forma and Practice etc- Send for Co!- lagopafwr, C^ric.^d™. ^ oet31-6m Xmliville, Term. Itcb! Itcu! iTcat—*caaT<.-n! Scbatcu! ScaaTcn!—Ak'hcatou'a Ointment will core the itch in 48 boon. * Also cure* salt rlnuir, ulcer*, chilblain*, and Ml eruption* of the skin. Erie* 50 cent*. For Mdky ofi drnggirt*. * By rending 00 cent* to Vciu A Fottxb, »ok agent*, 1TO Wa*h- tngton *bwrt, Boston, Mm**., A wUl be forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the L’nltcd sept 27-tlm mediate neighborhood. tlccl3-il5t C. B. HOWARD, 500 SACKS FRESH AVATKR-GROli ND MEAL Old Helmet, by the Author of Wide Wide World. FRESH ARRIVALS. New Grocery Store, jv-te w btrm. O- DALY 86 BROTHER A Large Supply of „ MISCELLANEOUS AND SUNDAY SCH00L BOOKS. Initial Stamping for Envelopes and Paper, done to order. Dec. 10—tf. ' The committee to whom haa bean referred the consideration of the beatand rapit humane poli cy to be adopted In relation to the poor of tbo eity, have had the aavne under consideration* and bag leave to make the following report: ^ fat. They deem it unwise, in the present con- 100 BAltREIS FAMILY Important tojeachers! Brownwood Institute- S O long and aofaTombly known to the public, owing to the death of it* owner, Wtt. John*, I* now offered for sale. Ererythlng considered, there I* not n more desirable reboot property lu the State. With a small outlay for repairs, every thing would be in readiness for a first-class High School. Connected with it is a fine Cabinet ol Mineral* and Library. It is not quite a mile from the corporate limit* of LaGrange—contains 45 acres Land, with a targe Garden, Orchard, Ac.— Those who expect to make teaching a profession, would do well to come and examine the property. For further Information apply to J. F. AWTRKY, LaGrange, Ga. LaGrange, Dec. 8, 1*0.7. dec 12-d2m A Complete Turnout FOR SALE. A FINE YOUNG KENTUCKY MARE—nat ural pacer—U both an excellent saddle and bu^gy animal. Alao a light fine buggy, but little used, with fine harness and everything necessary to make a fine turnout. I wish to sell for no oth er reason than that having recently removed to the city. I have no use for them. Apply at this office. dec!2-lw. n. T. SHAW. ditioa of the city, to incur the large expense of building end fitting up a city hospital, and ad- viee for the present, that the Mayor and Council procure only inch buildings as are suitable for small pox patients, and provide for the same proper medical attention, food, nurses, Ac. id. For the resident poor of the city, we advise the immediate employment of aornpetent physi cians U> attend the same, with a salary of — each. Mayor. SUM: dark and Treasurer, Hbief Marshal, 91M; Deputy, SIM*. Street Com- mimmmn. filse# > Clerk of Market, $iZ9: Guard It Keeper. S4M: Keeper of Magasina. $I4S; Bridge Keeper, : Capt of Police, J*3 per maath; LteateaaaU. |M; Policemen, M per At Bryant’s Old Auction Room, Cherry St., Macon. HAVE just received a large lot of Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Stewart A, B, and C, Sugars, English Breakfast and Green T eas, Finest English Dairy Cheese, Prime Goshen Butter, Extra Family Flour, Fine Wines, GOODS illy Flour, Fine AVines, Firet Class FAMILY l.iquors ahd Cigars, and everything usually kept GROCERY, too numerous to mention, at Wluilest... We are paying the highest price for Country Produce, such as Corn, Meal, Gutter, Eggs, Bacon, Dried Fruit, etc., etc. decl> -lm*. ista startMa, AM.rman Turpin We make thia recommendation because the number of this class of our population has largely Increased within the present year, many of whom arc the widows and orphans of those who have fallen on the battle field. A good sal ary paid to competent physicians will* insure prompt and careful attention to this class of our citisens. fid. By-declining to build ejid fit up at present a public hospital; which would probably cost the city ten thousand dollars, the Council may well afiord to twfjoj physicians at the salary named. tit_ r.. -ti... . i<L.« iL. ir.w.. i... GOODS 50 PER CENT LESS 1,000 SACKS SEED OATS For *ale by COTTON SHIPPED J. a Caaeiage, Cktaf MaratuL a Jakarta*, beputy HarakaL Jana B. Cooper, SapretaloaJrat Stre.U. Than. K01*1.1, Jr., Krepre of Goar.l Iloare. Ita.U faH. Keeper of Magaainrt L. Mwyaarff. Ctark of Markai. K-.U. Oaaaiaffcaia, Kaaper of Bridge. 1 K. Ifaraaan, Kaapar of Camatariaa. Jo*. A. Simpaoa, Cap*, of Folice. S'* 1 LtaoU«»ata of r.lire. THROUGH TO NEW YORK AT Thirteen Dollars Per Bale INCLUDING EXPENSES OF TRANSHIPMENT AT DARIEN. 0 UR Senior partner Mr. Jas. R. ButU havlcc been to New York, ha* made arrangement* lor a iine of packet* to ply between that city and Darien, tota to enable na to receive Cotton on board oimBoxcsand to give Bills of Ladlngthrough He also succeeded in making arrangements for INSURANCE on Cotton sbi PI >ed by ouf Boxes from Macon and Landings below, through to New York at three per cent, premium. We superintend and build eur own Boxes, at tend personally to their loading, employ expe- rinnri'fl hnnria tn vnort llinm .A WOOLEN BLANKETS, FAMILY SOAP, STAR CANDLES We further advise that the Mayor bo instruct ed to contract with some reliable druggist to furnish medicines and suebotber articles as may be prescribed for the poor by the pbysieians cra- ” “ All of which SOLE LEATHER, } KIP LEATHER, HARNESS LEATHER, SMOKING TOBACCO, Look at This! * A NY GENTLEMAN who wishes to engage in the profitable business of Cotton-makiug an other year can either buy or rent my plantation on Spring Creek, in Early county, containing 1450 acres, about400 acres or open land, most of it fresh; all under good repair; new buildings, <fcc., the place having been settled within the last three years; healthy and good cotton-growing lands. I will also sell on the place all the stock, consist ing of Mules, Wagons, Plantation Tools, &c. Also, Corn, Seed Potatoes, Sugar Cane, Cotton Seed, Hogs and Cattle. 1 want oce-lialf cash, the balance I will give one year's time on. Will sell a bargain In the whole if called upon before tbc 15th of December. Call on S. 8. STAFFORD. Blakely, Ga., or J. C. MeBURNEY, Macon, Ga. declS-dlawJlw BACON SIDES F POUNDS CHOICE ployed by the Mayor and Council, ia respeetftillly submitted. F. FEUCHTWANGER & CO, Council then adjourned until to-morrow even- »g at 7 o’clock. R. Crap,* C. C. KILLICKINICK, ZARVONA, WOULD respectfully inform their old friends and customers, the citizens of Macon and vicinity, that they have just returned from the Eastern Markets with one of thy* LARGEST, FINEST AND CHEAPEST AND OTHER BRANDS. CHEWING TOBACCO BOXES AND HALF BOXES, \ ETC., ETt For sale by declO-Gt .Macon Cotton Market. Owner or rnt itutr Touairn, i Weitowdu Evening, Dec. 13,1805. j Cottoa—'Though the weather interfered somewhat with business in the early pert of the day, seme seventy- five teles changed hands, at prices ranging from 33 to 33 rent*—the latter figure for strict middling. We heard of two bales bringing 8T cents, l»nt they were of extra fineness. Augusta Market. Acatsra, Dec. II.—Business lias not been no active for the last three days. The river is still in bootable condition, and goods are dai y arriving. Cot’an—There is no demand for the staple. Consid- *• *■ *-* ite heavy. Planters a pUca of security NEW COMFORTS-OR BED QUILTS—f .,- I 10,000 ed. IVe have not lost a a. BUTTS & BROTHER. Stock of Dry Goods, Shawls and Oloaks, Cut* in Nar.-ln Tuesday** %lition we in- dwlged •» min remarks showing the inefficiency mi the modes’punishment es now provided by war pres eat code of police lews. Since then two eeaes have been before the Mayor, a statement ef which, we think, will serve to strengthen what we then said : Three negroes have been up for hog steeling, end were let off on payment of $10 end rests each. New, to say that these darkies were punished by the infiictiow of these light fines, would be -telling an untruth.- They were aimply compelled to diagerge a pert of their ill. HANDSOME FURNITURE FOB SALE. MAHOGANY PARLOR SETT, consisting of 2 Tete-n-Tctc Sofas, 2 Reception Chairs, 6 Parlor Chairs, 1 Marble-Top Centre Tabic, 1 What-Not, 2 Corner Shelves. BED ROOM SETT. 1 Mahogany French Bedstead, CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. T. W, FREEMAN, Has just received the Largest Assortment of FRENCH CANDIES, To be found in the city. FIG PASTE, CREAM DROPS, GUM DROPS, SnAUTERVES, BURNT ALMONDS, FIG DROPS, CREAM BONBONS MITCHEL & SMITHS. EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, which they ofler to their old lriends aud customers, and the public at large at # Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Etc., B Y FINDLAY & KEKRICK, On Friday, Deccnibcr 15, at 10 A, M. De Lairits, Prints, Flannels, Docsklu Casslmere*, Pants Stuffs, Boots and Shoes, Shirts, (Cotton, Merino and Wool,) Hoop Skirts, Hosiery, Buttons, Combs, (round, fine and tuck, Pins, Shoe Thread, Note, Cap and Letter Paper. GREATLY REDUGED PRICES, 1000 BARRELS VIRGINIA SALT for sale 1 wisely, Imnsing roitoti Having bought for cash, uniter the last heavy decline of Goods, we can assure our customers we can sell them - • '. . 1 *• Marble-Top Bureau, 1 “ Washstand, 1 Black Walnut Wardrobe. A11 aa good as new. dccl2-3 I. R. BRANHAM. THE VERY BEST CLASS Ob' GOODS. COTTON Gltr.JV.Il DU.T DUiAP. CREAM ALMONDS, LOZNGES, •MIXED CANDIES, PEARLS, ABAKAN DROPS, And all other varieties of FRENCH AND PLAIN CANDIES, Put up In plain and ornamental boxes of ten to one pounds each. A large assortment of Stick Candles. TWENTY BOXES LEMONS, JELLIES, PRESERVES and PICKLES, In great variety. • WINES, LIQUORS AND BRANDIES, Layer Raiains, English Walnuts, Almonds, COCOA AND BRAZIL NUTS, HAVANA ORANGES Buckwheat Flour, Sngar, Cheese, Butter, Sardine*, . Lobsters, Oysters and Mackerel. All Natural Fruits in Cans, and an infinite variety of other articles. A targe stock of FIREWORK8 will be re ceived to-morrow. dcclO-lw. HkoaU tko Mayor, however, adopt the only' ftkrr mod* of left him, and send the tktaf to tko guard house for thirty or eixty Jay*— whit* it ia no aorioo* detriment to tbo Jtrkey— only interfering with kl* legitimate koine** for the lias* Mag—it tin n positive loa* uttacily. In ooltay far bio keeping while n pr»"'r. The Mayor, thornfar*. rf th* two ev* ehoeoe. the kart, and thoo*-bog fanciers" r e turned 1 se to prey again upon tbo cnmnv uit ?- Xow.jnrtre tong as Ut* r* ,<,nt exl*t», jnrt re long will crime ohtr» •“ “ w,t - Cheaper than they can be Bought South of the Ohio vwouiia . * CMMiticrrir*—117 psr bW. Oaflbw Ri«S NfiMc; Javs, QC Ckmi—Si 90s kImmm, barm<, M Unr-n. 9 « 1 »; fcag d^hs, MtintPt-d. fUil 50; *r>o^l cotton Hark’* II; Brooks,fl 15; Wi l*rugd *n l Mudiriocs—!Uu$ : rolotnel. 18; cunphor, fl»« »>; qninino. $160 por o«; rhut Our Mr. FEUCIITWANGER, well known to the citizens of Macon and vicinity, gratefu favors when amongst you, bt^s leave to assure all, that he is now /iremred to show them AND CHEAPER GOODS THAN EVER! Come and see our stock of SILKS, DELAINES, GINGHAMS, CALICOS, BALMOPkALS, and everything belongin to a first class Dry (joods Establishment. Wc would call especial attention to our CONSTITUTION WATER Is without doubt the only known remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF TUE NECK OF TUB BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, • CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, . AND ALI. FEMALE IRREGULARITIES.- Certificate* of cure* from well-known persons from all part* of the country In circular, will be scut on addresilne MORGAN * ALLEN, Agent*, decl2-Sm No. 40 Cliff street, New York. ptrAXiLsS, iUXTaxx 800 KEGS NAILS—AI/L is 7.F.3 for m!,- b HOOP SKIRTS, ne, 11 30per gnUon; twiner’* oil, $3 per wliite *a. ape fe; sodmlfie; ervam tartar, 4fi£50e. pSC-lSaekera^rmMa. % l*Wm $10; No. 1.U bbl.-, It; No. 3, H bN*, $13; % Wa, No. 1, ih 50&9; So. 1, k*.$40t; >o. 3. kits, 659: herrings, $1 35 per box; nMhh, Up per fe; -wlmon, $7 503'J per kit. Factory Good*-J P . «c; 4-i. 31c; drills, 33c; osna- btr,ffelfSe; No. 14yarn*,$4 3per hnncli. Flmir—Auyusta mill*, $15^30; superfine, $14 50; 1am- ^Fodder—12 30 per hundred, linger—Sfc prr lb. (hiapowder—sur per lb. Iron—Swcfle*, l$019c per lb; North Carolina, 15c the red. bn mired, and G>re mode, of puni.h- meat tied, and crime •»** nlmeat unknown in tki* community. «» thore more competent to judge of Ui* legielntora—give it Ikoir Whole and u- l ‘viJ*d attention, and wn feel •etlettad that n p ,r * eSrienl code for the rap- prreeiew of the T ** complained of will be ,peedi- ly deviaed n*‘ ndoptad. ... Covbt.—Judge, officer*. *peetator*, and ..fiefro reamed to fcel the effeete of the di-innl gloomy weather, and little animation wu ^kihited ia thi* court yeeterdny. Bat two flM were di.preed of j Chula*, n colored indi- ,p*ial. wu arereod of "gathering in- n gentle, rton'e rbickea*. daring the rain itorm of Sunday night, hot th. evidence wu conflicting, and »» the chug* could not be frilly lUheUnlUted, ho weal hi* way r.jiieing altar eettKng the <**l*. Paul—e lemon colored American of African '•cent, acting u porter, or honee *erv*nt, in a down-town boarding koare, wu flmad to have -picked ap- a valise, to which he ha j no legal right—and wu called on for an explanation.— declO-tdrt J. W. O’Connor & Co. CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT. SUGAR AND COF *t Is the most complete in the South—come and examine for yourself! Havirnr three establishments, one at Nashville, one at Griffin and one in Macon, we have facilities for bringing goods enjoyed but by a few, find are determined TO BE UNDERSOLD BY NONE! COUNTRY MERCHANTS, A word to you. Call on us— examine our goods and prices before buying elsewhere,and if wc cannot raityou, aud convince you that it is your interest to deal with us, we will take pleasure in showing yon elsewhere. A word to the wise Is sufficient. A call and trial is all w,e ask. U. S. Revenue Cotton Brokers. 25 SACKS PRIME RIO COFF E, 25 BARRELS A, B, anil CSUGARS t. Medical Notice. AVING permanently located Wc arc now prepared to Weigh and Tag all cot ton ready lor shipment from this city, with U. S. We will also furnish a shipper ■ -- ■ — '-j •wflicu iti tivy ui XX Macon, I offer my professional services to the citizens in the practice or Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics; having had eighteen (IS) year!experi ence In the treatment of disease* peculiar to the south. . . Office in Ralston’s building on Third street, over Newton & Lawton’s, nex t, to Hardeman A Spark’s, declaim* c. B. LEITNER, M. D. crenue Brand, with invoices of Cotton weighed, upon which the Collector will grant permits, thus saving the ship per much time and expense. A11 applications must be registered at our office. No attention will be given to any application, when the cotton is not ready for shipping. dec!3-6t • JNO. W. O’CONNOR & CO. BAGGING A B. A. WISE 25 BALES GUNNY BAGGING 100 COILS RICHARDSON’S <* 100 Bushels COTTON SEED, Crop of 1865, aid* th* gat* of th* premise*. It ream* tho va il*. h.tanged to on* of the employee* of the cir ca* lately performing here, and wn* overlooked In the harry of their departure at an euly hour *a the morning. After finding It, Tan!, instead ..f taking it into the konre.\*. he kept until c :,.,..cJ. gave it for nfo-keeping to * colored Woman, la a neighboring lot. in whore po**c**ion It ... found by a gentleman accidentally. Tho woman had made no effort to conceal it. Wo wore hugely tickled at tho denunciation* -hjo colored woman, previou* to tho trial. L»- Spieoe—Uotc*. Wc per fa cinnamon. 75c; pimento. New Auction Firm. HIE undersigned have this day associated tliem- X selves together as partners, for the purpose of carrying on a general Auction and -Commission Business, under the firm name of JOHNSON, DEMPSEY & CO. They will also carry on, in connection with their Auction and Commission business, a general LAND AG-ENCY and Real Estate Brokerage. They hope by promptness and close attention to business, to raent a share of patronage. F. W. JOHNSON, -I- M. DEMPSEY, dec 13-d2tt A. S. ECHOLS. NEWTON k. LAWTON. A Residence for Sale. I OFFER FOR SALE MY RESIDENCE, lore- ted near Tat nail Square, one of the most desira ble location* near Macon, just out of the city limits, convenient to church and schools. Tlje lot contains three acres of ground, with a fine col lection of fruit tries and garden. The house lies seven rooms, five fireplaces, together with out buildings, and a fine well of water. A bargain U offered in the above place. For farther informa tion apply to the subscriber on the place. R. G. HICKMAN, or J. C. C. BURNETT, &t R. B. Clayton’s Auction Store. decI2-Gt*. LARD! LAR yew York Market. ,nw. 8.—Coaoo—Tbv market i *lc* aft 4S#»5fe for middlings. 15 BARRELS CHOICE LEAF 1. COLLECTOR’S OFFICE, Division*, 2d Dt*., G*, - Maoon, Dec. 12,1S65. } Notice to cotton shipper*, Railroad companies, Steamboat Box ovrncra and Teamsters, all cotton Is required to have a Metalic Tax Stamp inserted in eacli Bale, to denote the payment of Internal Revenue Tax, any cotton fonnd in transit leaving this district with the intent of evading the Rcvc- new law, will be seized and condemned according to law. All parties having eotton to ship will please register their application. for Jbe ehipment of cotton, so that their cotton can be tagged in tarn. J. C. MeBURNEY, deel-'J Collector. U. 8. Internal R relnmn. that^mitire rf that body to whom m refe~*<l snggertton of the physicians of *\lreha.h*lsotl«kr%.]< the rtty. asking far tbn e*tabliihm«at of a city J jre’redsou** 11 *” drt! ** ** * krepitaL that tha financial condition of tho tress-1 . Cor* are dull, lot pretty Ira ary woo id not warrant tho outlay aoeoaaary to I re*Jal2?.' I, ASS?J#re!5»ad'” oroet and tarnish • •aitablo building. It is I Oau wre* trmor far amount recommended, though, that oneh building, bo I UKtadi ^ preearod for a email ; ox hospital, aad provide ! -i proper ntedieal attoadance, nareee, food, etc.— { flfel 3 Th* nood of sack on iattitutioa is evident to nlL ! .Gwr «*otk I* timer. Sole far acarcolp a day pome* hot that the Mayor i* , rrorirtoa* rrek wo. firmer, ealtafi oa to dispowof saudi pox patieata-mooi 1?^! of them belonging to traaolent negro population, «fler Fobrerre. (s: 5a. Capital Stock - - $100,000. 2000 SOARES AT 00 EACH! ONE nALF OPEN TO SUBSCRIPTION. 100,000 POUNDS GOOD FODDER 100 BALES GOOD COTTON.. j - ,| 1000 BUSHELS FRKS1I MEAL 100 BARRELS SORDID M SYRUP r, 000 BUSHELS GROl'>gS PEAS j )R further particulars see circnlars at Messrs. ! ’ Rolf, Sims A Co.’s Macon, Ga., who will i iive sultscriptions for stock. decl3-2m GIRARBEY & BUJAC. It is in Rheum*:ism and it* fcin- > mo«t intern* pain* are almost ia- normoc« wt-linp «• reduced. n i.tai • iP foriv \rtra' FOR SALE AT BOIFEUllLET'S MILL. oft went j or forty year*’ ( BUSH. Fresh Ground Meal, ;ju0 busliels Chop Corn, 300 3*,^ Teas and Corn, 1000 “ Prime White Com, ;xw “ Bolted Grits, 2000 Gnnny Sacks, 1 set Mill Gearing, 13-1 tf II. VV. BOIFEUI nc\ A ACP.ES GOOD COTTON LAND, eleven i mV/ miles from Clayton, and sixteen miles from Eufaal*o Ala. Al/out 500 acres in cultivation, 300 of whicli is fresh. The piece is leu l, well watered, :uut healthy. With the place will be sold: Six mule*, ail the cattlo and hot;?, three wagons, all the plantation tools, including set of black-»mith tools, etc., etc. PRICE S10 PER ACRE IN GREENBACKS, including all the above articles. The prorKiir will rant forfJ,GU0or*‘J,500. Apply to THOMAS JORDAN. on the place, , W. J. BRANNON BKO., Kufauia, Ala., or C. W. JONES, Clayton, Ala. tar. i J * Lost Paiiprs.SIemorandum Boofc.ic, i L OST, on Tua'day evening the 12th in*t., in thi* | eity,-tfa* pardons <;f B. B. Hamilton and B. A. j x.- . j * «- *ra — valueless except to j n finding them, to- • >ok and some Lct- l oblige irreatly by i theSkiOrelika ^^|3HLjLwL. JK ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, And all other dificultie^ of thi* kind, which *-«* much »I..-L*:ure the outwArd »pf«eaninc*- of both male* «r..l ft inxif».often making them a to them >e uj tUtal U«*ir friends. ^ FOR ALL FORMS OF ULCERATIVE DISEASES Ei:l>or ofthe Nose. TUroat, Tongue. Forehead or remedy has ever proved its equ.4’. Moth Patches upon the female face, depending epos a focnon of the Liver. *re very to the voting wife and mother. A few bottles of Cevmfc- TJos'LxrxSixrv will correct the secret es wid nniuvc tha deposit, vMdi ia directly and* : the -kin. Diseases of the liven rimfWM to LaOtrinc. Dizzi- aess, lndigestjon. W«aK8taMdt> or on n oersted f»r cane* roai cosdit><*A of that orjsar.. with >*ur:. n; or oth^r r.r.rlea.«Ant exrrr*toni'. wifi be relieved by the use of CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRtDP. A* a General Blood- Purify injc A^ent. fLe Lirs Stwxt stands uarivaUed by \ny yvepaatioo ia tlje world- THE RICH AND POOR Are iofcle to the same diseases. Nature »iwl Science Jiare made the Coxrnrmos lm Stkkp for the bec*«fit of off. PURE BLOOD Produces hejJihv meu and women; aud if the consti tution is cegteeted is youth. disease, and early death i* the rrsu t. Do not delay when the means are so near at l*ond, and within the reach W adl. — CONSTITUTION LIFE 8TJU.’f - .. i lit THE POOR MAN’S FRIEND. gjn> TBS TOOK MAX’S BLESSIXtt- WILUlffi H- 6UECC, Sole Proprietor, Hrcr Talk. MORGAN & ALUS ' ttMortTW-.-. t , noriD-Sm 4S .Smopimr. ISO M*» at fi$3 5cWt5I. waa doll snd an-ettfed at 2i^35c f< r Western . Mate. for Oraafre county * was qurwt. bat w, ll held at 1 lie for OhiOr IT ' IA * IW- l**r toetorv RUbk. ”Tbe -i-erulotive movement iu Rio has Iwcb "1, and the additional vole* are ^019 ba?-, ex rawick* on the *poi^l4Vr. koJJ. m tond : 3.«« Wfilwr*- *'V Stoat• Raari. to arrive.* at 14We, j^*t <800 Iwgs ex Stephano, to arrive. M>^c, -We hear cf no btisinos dour. Nominal qnota- * cold- to arrive and on the >pot. *• '.*1 nti.kmoal . .1.. .t PL. I* it *o?■—-They any-that oa* of tho lateat Urehioaa with th* lafiire i* wearing long endt of aarrow ribboa aroQn-1 the nock. Few of, tko ^. toinitiotod know tho aignifieance of the tame. %">*•? wear the end* banging in front, it si’.lie niton* that Ik* lady ia married: tho right ahonl- tag.-; Jr:; that tbo ia encaged :d.»n tho haoV. that *he , ■■ ha* a -foliar" c m. ug to *o>- her. butahe UaVea- A gaged; over the loft .boulder, it mean* -Feliera, i •eon* follow me." If *he do** not wear any, it mean* that th* it engaged, aad don't with to have nay thing to do with “any other follow." Surra Cun ia at tho XoreLTr Store, No. 11, Cotton Aronoo, * doom above Pay no’* Drug Store, with lot*of doll*, toy*, fire-cracker*, iorpodov*. candle*, etc., etc. They are received directly from, flu Importer by G. H. Baird, Agent. Please cm- and examine good, and price* before Wood. A* there paper the panic, named, an; •gatherwttb a Mcmorar ter., lost at the same ti leaving them at Jndgc . decl3-d2lt To close Consignment. 12 BBLS. JfITCHELL’S SUPERIOR Old ' Bourbon “Wlii-sky ' ■ AT ?d*00. dec Kbdltt JEWETT A-SNIDER IAOD1.ES ANDrilARNESS, The Boston Post, for 1866, [ESTABLISHED NEARLY FOPTY YEA] n AS always been one ol the of New England atfl^na of vl AnvxitTHiNG. ^11 t;nt , readabbt i in rm*^. the 1 ' XttPh lar”ehT t vitM|: * Ilarne* l-1f- 13* hC for fair to rrfininp. Tliere were only a few hl»d?« noM. bat wc Data 90® boxes llaTx&a at 14’ ^c. Kedned anehanped. Tobacco—The demand is fair, without change in price*. Sales. IH hhda at lOiaile; U cooes *ced4e«f at 6^13c; 30 bt4a Havana on private terms. Whisky wat jinn, with retail -soles at xT3ST ^ rrvightawarateat, active, hut rates well supported To Liverpool. U.000 tMishel* a heat at td : 400 uales eotu.a at flout, 1<* Cfai, and per «learner. T 090 l-Uehcia wheat at 7-i: 500 bales cottoa at To Ant werp. WB barrel* petroteam oa private imra, ml to Lootion, 50 hhd« to 1 low at 17* 6d. de<-14 It* I TAKE Pi trODe Of-, tacbooi fixtuf -President at STORE AND TO ARP.] B »er tltat cvir fiicgcstjona m regard to good pare- |henu have been taken by some ol our mer- ebahu. at least. The sidewalk in front of Da rn tur’i block, on Second street* ia being nicely paved with brick. This is a n.ove in th* right dira.'tion, aud now that the good work haa been started, we hope to see it move os, until all of tegrbusineac streets, at least, can boast of good IfH^^ioao pavements. Livxaeouto Not. 15— Evxxiae —The aal«« of cotton to day wen 7 040 bale*, m- tuding 3ut00 to apecabucrjt aad exporters. Market quiet and unchanged. Hrcadi-tujts ujoci.-.t. r ' /.J ProMaicos quiet and steal}, ex*wpt bacon, which is easier. Tallow ia fiat. lysxDow, Jfor. 8— Evnrrxt.—Consols clog*od at for money. Illinois Central shares, Eric shores, 5cqjt: ; 1.8. FiTe-twenne-, 64 l 464*4. CSMat .yMjrm \ x : M •. rl., vfi'4S wm Base—ter- - a v.. • 1, RariJt C rSkw'a Ms «*4 *