The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 14, 1865, Image 4
{Memphis & Charleston ■TOcCANN, ^mter aid (•BnMen Kt H AMT. ALHuora, ♦ Jo b^.v.c--**. ' -.u rn* imn. '/am. ia£r4wr omAinsalvae. Zr &Z3&Z' ■ UMAMndPS^inMlacH. „ JIttchell & Arantronf, PE0VEI05 4 OOKKISMOir MTBCHANTfl ASV.tSXxLEM IS I BACCINQt HOPE AMO LIQUORS, **• NO. 65, MAIN STBHET LOUISVILLE, ET. a pevskb. ^ N. am. THE BAZAAu OF MACOv/ ©- PEYSER &o O O „ Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, In COLEMAN & ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avenue, between Cherry and Mnltirtrr *n A Large and Complete Asaorment of Ladies TDress Goods SILKS. MERINOS, WOOL DrLAINS, EMPRESS OLOTII. EMBROIDERI « HAM.I. OF M'ilEDl'LE. On and after Wednesday, the Mb lost-, the traina a the Merabis and Charleston KaUroatf «H ran EASTWARD I RAINS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Z-.:D f>. m. 7£J0 p. a. 10:57 p. jo- 7:56 a. xa. MB p. a. WESTWARD TRAINS. . 10.00 ft. Lmf SUtowd 3 20 r> Arrive ftt Decatur f^7 J* _ Arrir« s&Z ~ Am re at Grand X;77 *• Afltftftjat Tin Comet-ink by jfl#F Route l» complete. ALL HAIL AND NO STAGING. Fare Leaa than by any other Route. Train, on JUretaalppt Central Railroad leave brand J an clioa on T a tads j s, TlmradaJ1 and Sat nr d Tndn» <m Mobile and Ohio Railroad UMlCor. hdh rot- Nortb»d South « Monday Wednm- OF NASHVILLE, Arrive at Dtcatar. Commission Merchant, HAVE opened a Branch Honse at McEVOX’S OLD STAND, on Mulber ry Street, opposite the Lanier House, where they aro prepared to sell clothing at the following low prices; Overcoats from $l- r > fo $50, Fine BlTc Cloth Suits, $20 to $00, Business Suits...... $18 to $40, Jeans Pants $3 50 to $4 00, Hats, finest fur, &c., $3 50 to $4 50. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Rio Cola.. - Java .affair* c'wfltt AUapb**, V, JlLIUiAl/. . II V/V/Ii IrKluVl il O, U.'ll IIUUU A IQ ' I II, I«.*l I»lit *| 11 LACES, RIBBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES. SOXTAG CLOAKS, SHAWLS, NUBIAS, IIOODS, BONNETS. GLOVES. HOSIERY, SHOES OF ALL KINDS ANI) DRESS HAT TRIMMINGS OF ALL VARIETIES. A LAKOK LOT OP NEXT DOOR TO J. B. ROSS & SONS, CHERRY ST. i. B. RZSCH, CEO. H. KEID. W. H. CXUSBOrBN. FRENCH & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Forwarding and Commission Merchants Wholesale Grocer*, Ac., CLARK STREET,.........NASHVILLE, TENN. Special attention paid to the sale or forwarding ■ip ** ft'arUt, t ■ -r*. MMftpied t r»ndi, J0 » Cacillea.JJ fn \ « Attain*, %• eftar dlDte, jr»-., /a(»T*ten. Si > r«n Awrkcti, d tea Broom*, i'4i7oK it wift eiaijttlaff «•«** tIJou**. TWO MILLION POUNDS SALT Gents Hats. Furnishing Goods, Hoc Skin, Broad Cloths, Votings, Oasaimero, Boots and Shoe*, and Ready Unde Clothing. The attcnUon ol the Ladies of Macon, and of Dealcan who visit the elty, U particular!, iavlird o this well selected stock of FANCT GOODS. The retail room wtU he found on the lonrur 'floor, and Isltorewill be attended by polite and experienced Clerks. The second floor 1. devoted fo thr whafr- ale trade. Give the MACON BAZAAR an early call. ». ri:v>i:ii a co. P. S —We also keep open st oar old atuid on Cherry street; east side, brtareen Second and Third, here we will be pleased at all tirnea to welcome our cnatomrra. decS-Itn ' If.* CO. At lowest rates in this market. As we intend remaining;permanently in Macon, we offer our goods at the lowest prices, in order to establish a regular trade. Feeling confident that we can sell cheaper than any other honse in the city, wo respectfully ask a trial, to convince the citizens of Macon and vieinity, of the truth of onr assertions. Capt. WILL CARLOSS having associated himself with onr firm, will be pleased to see bis friends, and take pleasure in attending to their orders. ALBERT & BORK, McEvoy’s Old Stand, Opposite Lanier Honse, dec3-3ra Willard’s Hotel, ES, CHADWICK & CO. PROPRIETORS, THREE HUNDRED BARRELS OF ASSORTED LIQUORS. At su rented connection are made with , an the Nuhriile and Chattanooga Railroad. ! At CUattaooov* connection* are made with Km the Ea.tern Tennessee and Georgia, and I ern and Atlantic Railroad* for all parts of Gi S'iuU. and No tli j C. L. Asnpuo*, General Frc ■itotionalUt and H A Ecnd Mil to W. J. -flf County TTblakr, H Boor boo do do Rjtf do » Krrlifl*d Whiikr, A* Hf nn*-*K-y Brandy. < nerd. Dupuy A Co.’« Connie, frt-l# AppU Brandy, >*-ry did. \ , Peach do lo Sb«rry Wine, J Sot At DRY GOODS, A LARGE LOr OF UMBRELLAS, 300 PAIRS BLANKETS, WASBIKS TOSf . . , v . , . H. G, Formerly of fLe Girard House, Philadel phia. nor 10-Cm Geu’L Anirnata * ertlM-r, co Mar..; 1. BROADWAY Macon, Georgia. rry) REST, in Stewart county. Georgia, a a J. meot of Land containing twenty-three dred (S30(A acres—fourteen hundred (HM) 1 ed-owlll bring Irom MOO to UOO Iha. Seed C per acre. 'I... Settlementa on the place- tinprored, iwoGin Houea; two Cotton Sc with Grain lliruh and Fana; eight good • Hon.- * <m one place, and Are on the other, hundred a.m *n.all grain lowed. The Flanl n, II watered and In a healthy locality. There i- to sett oil the settlement. If rented ■] head Molea and Horaen, 5 hue Milch Cows, 12 bead Dry Cattle, 100 “ Stock Hog*, S5 " Pork “ UNPwpli«l< Ocon, « w~j < ' i 1,200 * CottonSeed, / 10,000 lbv. Fodder. U_, j . ‘ T net Rhrkamith Toots, Plow* and Plow Gear, 1 Six-Hone Wagon and Harness, I ydke large Oxen nnd Wagon. There ftre twelve crown Nccroce on the that can be employwP-oiift a >0.1 Blacksmit A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF WHOLE S A.L E . LARGE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS anlabed or unflaiibed, of any deacrtptlon, any kind of Machine work f SUGAR MILLS AND KETTLES Firework*, Candy, Yut«, Cakes W. G. ENGELKE & CO Scgars, Pipes, Tobacco, CHERRY STREET, YDIVfS’PAIN KILLER Jas- Van Valkenburgh, General Agent and Commission MERCHANT, Clurry Stmt, Xtar Cotton Atenve, Moron, 0a. MACON, GEORGIA "FOUR HUNDRED BARRELS, BEST BRANDS, AT LOWEST MARKET RATBS. 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. HAVE in store, an immense stock, and are receiving large sunplica of Confretiooerw' Segars, Tobacco, Pipes and Fancy Goods, A large stock of Dried Fruit*. Canned Fruit*. Cove Oysters, Sardines, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds, fresh. Oranges, Lemons, Apple*. Candies of French and their own manufacture. Soda and Butter Cracken, A splendid stock of imported and domestic Scgars, Smoking anti Chewing Tohnrro. A large and elegant assortment of Meerschaum, Brier and China Pipes, which are offered at wliolesnio and retail at the lowest prices in the market. W THIS AOt, By our heavy purchases daring the last three months, and by constantly watching the Eastern mar ket and taking advantage of every fluctuation, we are enabled to say that we hare now on hand, the A LARGE STOCK OF LAKGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST SELECTED STOCK SODA AND, POTASH AJ.M FOR EVERY WOUND, . FIRST rffv.-lt 1AXP L>E- * FIRES WORKS! Will be on the market until the firet of January, -*Sj, II not di ; - d of before that time. For Information aAdrcas W. L. JARRELL, Mjmm ^ Lmnpkin. titewart co.,Ga. ,rt.<l lu ok ; the Apothecary flnda It .Si; the u«ftt inn called for, and jf>!t fata Drujr.iat couaider* it a ins article <? hla trldc. All . .ludtlrr* lo medicine apeak • i.kcla 1U Lvor; and It* reputation a* a medi cine oi fcreat TWO HUNDRED BOXES TOBACCO, IN THE CITY OF NASHVILLE. ONE HUNDRED HALF BARRELS SNUFF, ONE HUNDRED BOXES SOAP Our assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. IETUT .VXD VIRTUE IS FtT.LT AND TERMA- NkVfl V ESTABLISHED, A.VDITIS — v THE GREAT COUNTRY PRODUCE Wholesale and Retail Bealers in The highest rates paid for all manner of Country Produce. CHINA, GLASS AND QUEEN’S WARE We have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ Hats, &6, CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON nrntn Attended to. sales made with dispatch and returns promptly made. I keep a perfect supply of everything usually .sold in ft wholesale and retail Grocery ar Dry Goods store, and offer the articles for sale at low rates, that will render my store attra tive to buyers, and especially to those who wish to bny their stocks at one place. * ?| A. P. G. HARRIS. Cherry st,, between Second and Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. SUDDEN I'lLDs. . -• r pLloUgn. ETC, wv STOMACH, GENERAL DEBII.ITT, , NURNINO SORE MOUTH, ( ,KER UVER COMl’l.AINT. L- pr.'PErsiA ogufDHncsTio.v, Lvmf a.Ni> fain in ihk stomach Lbmwil comflain r», A large assortment of - SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS, HAND KERCHIEFS, GLOVE8, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, etc. We are selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to supply themselves with goods, we wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than they can obtain them at Lonisvilie or Cincinnati. Our large stock of Commission Merchants, 73 William street, New Y’ork. Otter their services to the Planters, Merchants and Cotton holders of Georgia. And refers by permission to Messrs. Erwin & Ilardce, Savannah, Ga. Piv-ulrnt National Bank at Savannah, Ga. E. A. Wilcox, Macon, Ga. ff, It. Darliton, Augusta, Go. MULBERRY STREET, MACON, CA. tSF’Great inducements are offered to Merchants to whom we will sell HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES nov29 Gm Has mostly been bought at auction, very cheap, and Jwill be sold at very small profits. Onr Clothing Department, Up Stairs, CROCKERY RY THE CRA TE OR SELECTED PIECES, A T REDUCED PRICKS. Greenbacks. Produce ! GOLD, SILVER. | $100,000! made up m the lateet styles and of the best material, holcsale and retail, at Gr. RICE & CO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. D.GOLDSMITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing ' HATS, CAPS &c, &c., AT THE MEW YORK STORE, SECOND ST., Tltava n v , t KI , 0 , H MACON, GEORGIA. \ Goods attention. D. E. Garrison ‘sduita Macon, Ga. : Ealaula, Ala. J. W. O'CONNOR & CO., MACON, GEORGIA. Office on Oherry St., between 3d and 4th. K ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, and Aeents for E. M. Bruce & CO.. An^Hsta, Oa.; E. M. Bruce, Morgan Jt Co., Apakclm-ola, Fla.; and Watt*, Crane & Co., New York. IIarle) * SlomiM'hic Bitters. ALL OTHER CONTAGIOUS DISEASES, I T'OR Debility, Loss ol Weakness, In difft '-lion or Dyspepsia, ft ant of action or. • Uvcr, Disordered Stomacb, tbcrc are no blttcia that can compara witU these in removing these distressing complain#. For sale or .can be had any drug store m the United StcttfB or from the proprietor, Louisville, Ky. t comer ScTcnth and GrecS streets, to whom all orders should be ad- i n HURLEV, RUDDLE & < O. *lffurlcjr’s tornaparillo. The undersigned lakes pleasure in offering one of the hugest ami ne.itea, stockaj..I Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and in fact everything Iwlonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Please call nnd examine iny Stock before pureliasing chewhsre, as I am sure you not leave the Store dissatisfied. i>. COI.DsniTII. oct27-Cm DISINFECTING SOLUTION ment, as owners may direct. We will make liberal advances upon consignments of Coton U Watts, Crane & Co., New York, or W. C. Watts & Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax. Storage, Freights, Ac., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. Planters, aud others will be afforded every facility in our power to send their Cotton to market, and r.vt i\c prompt return of sale. Mr. W. E. Clarke is our agent at Albany, Ga., and will give all information to parties who desire his services in shipping or purchasing. Our per sonal attention given lo the purchase and sale of Cotton. NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE. octS-3m JNO. W. O’CONNOR A CO. Chloride of Soda, »Ilf Great Blood Purifier, as a Spring and Sum- A mer Medicine, stands unrivaled, removes dll impurities from Hie blood, and gives lal Pulatlng llKALTir AND ffWTM Great Excitement!! HURLEY, RUDDLE «fc CO., Proprietors v Corner Seventh and Green streets, sefSLouisville, Ky. Hurlt-y*^ l*i>p»ilftr Worm Candy. a > tv - ! r 11 v s s;*eciflc.for Worms, and the Maeky, Beattie & Co. Shipping and General Commission Merchants' 203 A 205 BAT STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 1ST Cash advances made on ConslgamenU to Macet & Beattix, Philadelphia. REFERENCES: Messrs. Chas. L- Colby & Co., Messrs Hunter & GammcII, Messrs. Bell &, Christian, Savannah I r L, Z _h: Messrs. Maude & Wright, Messrs. W. A. Railway at Co., Augusta; , wtonc Co., Boston; Measrs. John P. Boyle & Co., Messrs. Wallace & Browne. Hew V Arl- • A tII an f 1 I .* V An New York Store! New York Store ! Where is the Best and Cheapest Place to Trade? .->• and .«>> palatable form to give to chil- t '• na*t surprising that it is fa*-t taking the »C «U other prsparatlous for worms—it being ily any child will take iL H l RLKY, RUDDLE & CO., Proprietors, - S-Tenthand Green street®, Louisville, Ky. WAXELBAUM & BRO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, It is superior to most all other preparations of this character, as we have taken great care to make it inTt vcrv conccrntratedTonn.^ Every house and place in the least danger from this contagion, (Small Pox) should l>e dis ■ ;* infected at once. & It decomposes the virus or peecant principle of all contagious diseases. It removes the dangerous effluvia of sickiooms, hospitals, prisons, manufactories, crowded places, baggag clothes, sewers, cess pools, sinks, privies, etc. It is labelled with full directions for use. Price one dollar per bottle/ • nov20-2w Is the question of the day. The answ' A. Sheuerman & Brother, C R ! FFIN & CO., & 60 Courtland Street, ^ i YORK. n*Afe - nf AGRICULTURAL IMFLE- National Bank, Savannah; Rein! ! Wright, Mann. W. A. Ramsay «fc Co^ Mesare. Lord, Stone & Co., Boston; Me P. Boyle <& Co., Messrs. Wallace ^ York; Messrs. Maeky <fc Beattie, M< Sons afc Co., J v -* , ~ National Banl Steen. E^q., Philadelphia; M. A- Hamilton, Particular attention given to the forward ing of goods for Northern mark eta. octSl-3m . Second Street, Triangular Block (NEXT DOOR TO E. C. GRANNI8S’,) The popular *rs. J. Gibson, L'Bamk, First t. Seventh National Bank, Robt. Messrs. McCntchcon A uollins, Messrs. Clarke *fc Cnnningkftm, DEALERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MACON M A CM, INKS. IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS. | Swrri.iED. Stud tor drrnlar. Have juat received, and are now opening who .'.instantly in tlio fieiil 'vil'i DEVLIN & 00. Broadway, New York. CLOTHING Ever offered in thin market. Having selected the above stock with the g ticnlariv call the attention of Country Merchants aRd Whole&alo Buyers, to 8TOCK before purchasing, as t . . -• flte Buy ExclnsiYely for (;i*h. w« aid prepared to offer the citizena ol Macon, and the LADIES Cfneeiillv tonlah evtn the closest hnjer. Onr Stock Is complete and we ckiy coien tached to onr Store a - and Divisions Of DRY and FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS and SHOES, HATS, etc., in fact tliousands of other articles too numerous to mention, and which arc usually kept in a fir»*t- class house. . -Va-il -l* '■ We areno’t usedto blowing,^butsufficeifto say, that you will find our store full of the Beauties and Fashional of the Day, WJT. OPEN THE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT - CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS in onr J: * ■ ■ J ~ 1J ' Ready-Made Department. We have also secured the services of first-ela?- ar tUts in ocr -***i CUSTOM DEPABTMEHT. Which U likewise supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS. To those who wish to order by mail, trill be «snt (on application) SAMPLES OF GOODS. With Directions for Measuring, fthich, il correctly followed, will secure a fit in all eases. DEVLIN A CO. reason, j Broadway, cee. Grant Bt., ) v _ w 1 Broftdwav, cor. Warren Su, > N*w-Yo»x. aept23-3m Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Department, Which arc offered at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL at the LOWEST MARKET PRICE, BE8URE TO CALL AT TOE NEW YORK STORE AND SECURE A BA IK »«tv ^ 8. WAXELBAUM & BRO* cct 27 6m Hav*' just received the largest and finest stock of Liquora in this country which they are sclline at better prices tlian can be had at any other house in the State. THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK CONSIST OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, MONOXGAHELA, COUNTY Ryj; BOURBON, ’ IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKY. best brantdies. COGNAC, PEACH AND APPLE. G-IIST, JAMAICA RUM. STIIjLi wines. PORT, CATAWBA, GERMAN, SHERRY, CLARET AND HUNGARIAN, SPARKLING WINES, LONG WORTHS OHIO, JONES’ KENTUCKY. CHAMPAGNES, HEIDSirK A N'T) CLIQUOT. Bohers’ BiftSH, Absinthe, Curacoa. A Select Stock of and pe aliall sell CHEAPER than any other establishment in this vicinity. Just received a .splendid Jot of RUhcr.*, and some more of those nice Alpaca BralJ.i. in all desirable colors. Also another invoice of handsome C/Vri-s and Saryvcs. Ladies, come and See Them. We are always happy to «how our goods and solicit a careful examination of our stock be fore pnrrbtJising elsewhere. Respectfully, A. SHECERMANct BROTHER, nor next to J. M. Boardman’s Book Store, Mulberry .«t.,Macon, Ga. ! The Latest and Most ATTRACTIVE RILL'! CLOTHS, in Mack, do in color-. NMA\ VEI.OCHS, in all coin; j * tlu* handsomest gfKxls of t |CK CL(>TRA ( A SSIMEF.F CLOAKS, snnwwing in style ans yrt offerrcl BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. "'A 1 E. F. METCALFE & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING. MERCHANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries Bute^Cheeaf'. Ycnr. 4c., 4c„ Uxios S^prr. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FCRNISH £lM. BRUCE, MORGAN & co *i Colton factors an>€ommission Wer§hants OF ALL KINDS, i.T NORTHERN PRICES, WITH EXPENSES ADDED, WHICH SHAl BE AB REASONABLE AS POSSIBLE. PLANTERS WILL PLEASE SEND IN THEIR ORPBBS AS EARLI AS POSSIBLE, AS 0104 > GUANO AND FERTILIZERS ARE 8CAECE . GEO. B. GBtTICP ft CO n nov22 lm 209 BROAD STREET, AUGUST tBE BEST CINCINNATI ALE. BRAIN ARD & CO., Mulberry street, near Lanier House. Con sign man 1IVEN & CO.. JIc. W. L New Orteana. ; . * 1 iKpO TS HOtr.Bi