The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 20, 1865, Image 4

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w. MITCHELL, Tliiflirll iV \nihtnm; THE BAZAAR OF MACON Vt PEYSER 86 OO BAGGING, ROPE AND LIQUORS, KO.CS, MAIN MKTKT.»ri*S\NL».t\ Sonond Street. TmiigrUai Sleek CLOTHING, HATS UAB9N GEORGIA. B’urfai(Shin<r i vobrisjt KS«BSSgS e .*Jffi!: "dUy, thatbohaa re limm.-** .» Uf sod basatsociateilwitti him Mr IS. < •'Jr tier tho *tylo and finii ,.f E. S.ui!-tmn JB' They have taken the well knmui«f 1 •tand, « :i Cut! "• \\. , wlicrc tl»oj arc prrj*arcd to ftmii h ' :.v.v »rtiv If W'tl.i n v. ijH'l ,t . lluir wv\\ t*cl»vt«tl Motkol » ! • 1 FumDliiug (iootl.*, will l>«» ropl.-ri shipments of I be Best ami lat.-t rt\i. IkMI-Sb ^ |5>“ Journal <& lfc*64*ngrr copy, ml (ulvcrtscr. (NEXT DOOR TUli a GfU&n$S$ In COLEMAN <fc ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Arenas, between Cherry and Mulberry streets. A Large and Complete Aasorment of Ladies Dress Goods, SILKS, MKKIN'OS, WOOL DsLAINS, EMPRESS CLOTH, EMBROIDERIES, LACKS. RIBBONS, HATS. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES. SONTAGS, CLOAKS. SHAWTA NUBIAS, HOODS, BONNETS, OLOVES, HOSIERY, SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND DRESS HAT TRIMMINGS OF ALL VARIETIES. BARGAINS l GOME AND SEE 1 ‘ OUB SOTTO: "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PBOIJSSfi wr. ARE NOW PREPARED TO PUBNIAH E HATE 4CST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OY OF ALL KINDS, AT NORTHERN PRICES, WITH EXPENSES ADDED, WHICH RHA r»S. BLEACHED AND FNBLEAt GINGHAMS, TICKING, £.1. MERINOS, rOPUNST Del, AI NS. . ALPACA, ■ V V.MtStESS CLOTHS, SILKS, tt FLAWIUU. jam FlKAfllSKND IN THEIR ORDERS A8 UHT AS POSSIBLE, AMI DO 1,kith we-wili tell at NEW YOBK.PB1CES. Wc invite ouMYl.-uda and customer* in vuncim- I— ‘ ■ at Winter Stylo, FUflftUHO lowest rales in tbo M»rk< I a large stork of Cloth*, j.s.rnmtcu, Cents Hats. COTTON FACTOT Furnishing Goode, Broad Cloths, Vestings, Forwarding and Commission Merchant!' YVliolesnlo tirnrrn, An*., CLARK STREET NASHVILLE*T»NN Special attention paid to tlie aalc nr R>nrsol*a • of.otfon. _ _ JM^tMa 1 Willard’s Hotel SYKEg, CHADWICK At CO. I’ R O P It I E T O 11 S . GEO. R. CRUMP & CO. 2 ET, AUGUSTA, OA. Cassimeres, Boot* and Shoes, and Ready Made Clothing. nnv33-lm The att< ii« ion of the Indies of Macon, nod of Deal ears who visit the city, b pirtlmtariy invited .. ibis well m letted stock of FANCY GOODS. The retail room will be found on the lower floor, and iiitort will I*, attended by polite and experienced Clerks. The second floor is devoted *o the whole- ale Give the MACON BAZAAR an early call. *;<'r S. PEYSKR A: CO. p. S —We also keep open at oar old ittod on Cherry street, east side, between Second and Third, here we will be pleased at all times to welcome onr customers. dectHin * f 8. T. & CO. ijr^reaud Veil sorted *tocfr, wbleli will be sold cspcciHUv 0> the \vni)l*K8ALE the lowest MARKET MW Remember the Big Sign, NEW YORK STORE. 8. WAX6LBAUM ft BBO. FORMKULA WA!ABBICUS.OA. J. R. WALKER, Late Taylor County, Ga. wAsnrxaToK A. >1. ROWLAND, Macon, Ga. RICE & CO 59 College Street, Nashville, Term. Formerly of the Gimnl Honafr, Dhila.l.l pUia. i.nvlOttm FOVMIRY AM) M il IIIM MIOP AT DAWSON, GA. T HE endmiunrA wotddinr.'vm the i.vW.c tuai ■ bait prepared to fumirh, on (Met MKr (SUCCESSORS TO A. M. ROWLAND & CO.) f urchascs daring tlic last ilirco months, and by constantly watching the Eastern pijr* vantage of every fluctuation, we are enabled to say that we have now oniutd, ill.’, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS finished or g)UiM °f any fiesci i any kind of Machine work SUGAR MILLS ANDKK, Supplied to planters promptly and term*. t). < norflt-lm* -• LARGEST, CHEAPEST k BEST SELECTED STOCK FALL & WINTER DRY 6001W, GLASS AND CROCKERP WARE. TOBY & OGDEN, COMMISSION Mi: null ANTS. IN THE CITT OF NASHVILLE. MULDEIIUY STHEET, (OpponU Lanier Uoute) MACON, UA. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENT HV would inform onr friends and the old patrons of A. M. Rowland & Co., that tve have on hand* large supply of the finest French China,both Gilt and Plain, which we will sell in complete Dinner and Tea Seta, or by the piece. We have also n large variety of fancy Toilele Articles-GRANITE, COMMON WARE8.&C. novt-Sm 'TtF. : ‘,”a5 .<> >r}« > Our assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEW STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. fTa\e (Cfef received the largest and iincfl slock of Liquors in thi* country which they are telling at better price* than can he had at any other house ill the State. THF.m EXTENSIVE STOCK CONSIST OS AND DOMESTIC IiIQUORS, WOHONraAHELA. ROBINSON COTTNTY bye, BOURBON, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKY. SISSSJ*® 8 BRAKrDIK!6i v OOGNA0. PEACH AND APPLE. KCQX-iLi^ISTID C3-I3ST, JAMAICA BUM. -winirEsar. PORT*CATAWBA,GERMAN, SHERRY,CLARET AND HUNGARIAN; SPABELINQ WINES, L ON (i WO HTH’S OHIO, J I < 3 K V . v^; .. - / tfhrlWft To\ a/' n c li q r-o r • Hfllicrs’ Bitters, Absintlm, (^uniuoo, ' A Titrcu tn>‘l , i1, a .; a.:s« : *&.. “« r-* - AUWT FOR THE SALK OFTHRBRST CINCINNATI ATT • F. BRALVA«% No. 188, MtiHrciry Atreei, Hear I.nmor ITotiso* ‘ HAt OV, OBOKGII Qub Advances mailt COTTON AND CONSKi N M l-N'IU Wc have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts/ Ladies’ Hats, 4be„ -&C. SIGHT OR TIME EXl ITASGK ON NEW YORK IN BOMS TO SUIT Order.; For SUGAR MOLASSES or WESTERN moot i I ! U.KD ■A large assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA HOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, RIBBONS HAND- KERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS,etc. We are selling to country merchants coming to and passing through the city to supply tlicnisclve3 with goods, wc wish to say that we can sell them at lower rates than obtain thorn at Louisville or Cincinnati. Our large stock ef ’ Fireworks, Candy, Mats, Toys, Segurs, rilio*. W. G. ENGELKE & CO Fire Insurance for $150,000 CHERRY STREET, MAC ON, OEOHOIA HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Tobacco Una mostly been bought nt auction, very clienp, and Jwill bo sold at very small pr<*fU,? Our ilolhing Dcparlmeal, Dp Stairs, .Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made up in the latest styles andof ihebretmntcri.ql. : and will be offered at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail, at g. Woe & oo.’s, y- COLLEQK STREET, NA8HVILLC, ~TENM. sept 17-3m ■# Jr AGENWOf PiIIKNI.\, MASH \ I i NATIONA b, HARMON KV XNI) 11 AVI’, in storr, an immense stock, and are receiving large supplies of Confectioneries Si Tobacco, Pipes and Fancy Good*. A large stock of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits Cove Oyst. i .. Sardines, I’icklc*. Raisins, Nuts of all kinds, fresh. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Candies of French and their own manufacture, Soda and Butter Crackers. , A splendid stock of imported anil domestic Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. A Irk'ge nml elegant assortment of Meerschaum, Brier and China Pipes, which arc offered at wholesale and retail nt the lowest prices in the market. FIEEfc MARINE INSURMiOEOOM i’AXIEB. NEW YORK LIFE, NEW VJIHK A( c IhlNTAJ. FIREWORKS! Toy Plantation* in lb PnbfKf and Macon :mt| vacant propcit For pfirtioilur.-* ;i U»*-<’ r /-1 n\ MU. S. DliNLAF, Agcut for the largest manufacturing and importing estahlishment ol Tire Work* mid Toy* in the United States, offers great inducements to all classes ol retail dealet - m the country, to purchase at wholesale and retail, and at extraordinary lo.w rates. |ptf His warerooms are with W. S. Engclke & Co.. SIGN OF THE ROCKET, Cherry street, Macon, Georgia. dccl-dlm. J. W. O'CONNOR 4c CC MACOS,.*. ’ f. i i Offioe on Oherry St., between Sil and fJECKIVINti an.l Forwar.linv M*, JL Agent* for K. M HmreAK. Augu Vs. M. Btncf, Morgan ,V i'o., >|*. r.i'(t Wslt% Crane A. Co., N -r Yfik. Wholesale and Setail Dealer in OF NASHVILLE, * HAVE opened u l'nirtcli House at McEVOY’S OLD STAND, on Mullwr ry Stteei, opposiL: the Lanier House, where they tiro prepared to wdl clothing at the followin'* low prices: Overcoats from $15 to $50, Fine Bl’k Cloth Suite, $20 to Business Suits...... $18 to $40, Jeans Pants $3 50 to )>vt n<>, Hats, finest fur, &c., $3 50 to $4 60. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods Clothing hats, CAPS &c. f &Ci, •i teard Wttl prom|,! ‘IbMtleden > /farilii; ®tton to nmrkrt, »n*l SECOND ST., TKIANCEEAR BLOCK, AT THE Vl.W YORK STORE, in our power to f e receive prompt n t Mr. VV. K. Clark MACON, GEORGIA. i: n ■ ■ ' tonal attention pi Uolton. NEW YORK oct£-3ra ire. in offering one of tbe largest an«l neatest Storks of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS. Maeky, Beattie Sc Co. Shipping and General Commission Mcrnktnt* 203 A 30j BAY STREET, SATAVWII, < to* ato ativaiR.'* mac!.! on l mi*ir t i,-.'j(a i. M.cxr A I’.EVrriE, Philadetpl :!. ... t . very thing U longing t» « FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORK call ciml esauinu my Stock before purchasing elsewhere, as I am sure you will • the Store di*ati«8ed. D. GOLDSMITH. At lowest rates in this market. Aa we intend remaining permanently in Macon, wc ofl’er our goods at tko. (owest nrtcea, in order to establish a rcgnlar trade. Feeling confident that Wt can sell cheaper (linn any other lionae in the city, wc respectfully ask. a trial to convince the citizcnsof Mitcon and vicinity, of thotriflh of onr Aistrti'XTi*. Oapt WILL.CAIiLOSS having .associated liitnself with onr (irm. w.’il l*i pleased to see his frifcmls, and take pleasure in attending to their orders ALBERT & BORK, McKvoy’s Old Stand, Opposite Lanier Hoot), . Mcs*ra.Cl.;i--. I.. o.ibjr.' Gammell, Mrsars. Si i i National Bank, Panama] Wright, Mes r>. W. A R,, Meura. Lord,61. n i .. '!• XV York; Mo-i*. Maeky & I!. Hons .!• IV tit •»_.! i. i . M« 1 - IfoMrt .V bdiatt, BaMutij:, M*ut)r J.tllhMu 8o»»* A Co., 1*1.iU National baok. Hn 8U*co, K j , M< . si I’liiiatl.-lpltiti; Mwi M. A. Hamilton, Ual FflTticuhsr atlrn ing of goods for K nltonal Hank. I6»l*! JutcbcoD tV f foil in kc A Cuuteigliaiii < )i to I lie fonrnr • m.irki t«. Mscoa, Qeonjit. NEWSTORE, Second Street, hezt to Baptist Church, Macon, Ga i Public* Sale of Stock, Orops^ DEVLIN & GO. Broadway, New York. c L O T II I N G ■ WHOLESALE'and BETAIl W E.OnmTRESP.ASON WITH A ».m STOCK OF ELEGANT CtOTBma AND FURNISHING GOOI in oar Rcady*Made Department. Uatt* also ftccnrcd the service* of Ur^t tlvc tlsls in onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Which is likewise supplied with the flncrtndh Fabric* of the HOME AND FOREIGN MARKETS. To tbo*c who wish to order by mail, win hr ft (CHRONICLES of th« 1 V Diary of Mrs. Kitty Martyrs of Spain; Mary, Han Th>' alnive are all by Mis. Cl Author whose talent ferisakja rather than Jail mil RMgj I— Tbe "Cotta family,” embracing tin Km of T nfbirr isil tbe^RcformWoa th«ltos«fi*s Wesleys, mu pecnliarly interesting; Out^n the World}; Nothing but Mosey ; Wha^Came Afterwards The Author of tkese. three weak*, T. 8. AsthuS, though a prolific writer, is far from being second rate is his protesmoa. Hi sew works eon*] hi* earlier production- St. Phillip, by the Anther of Bntledge. Hugh Worthington, by Mrs. Hohne*, Author of Tempest and Sunshine, Are. History of Julius Caesar, by Napoleoa III. Plain Talks on Familiar Subjoota, by Dr. J. O. Holland, better known a* i MTim/dltM TiftYMnK 11 ■* srg-Cctta Family, lyan ; The Cripple of Antiooh, Two Vocations. I will sell at public ontcry on MONDAY, DECEMBER 18TH, At my'Plaiitaiiou.on Flint lt\ycr, four miles South of Rcy nohls, on S- R*. R.B my entire pUantatimi outfit, consisting of Horses and Mnles^Marcs and. Cattle, dBKEL*^-' * Sheep, Corn, Fodder, Rice, Peas, Rye, Cotton Seed, Plantation and Blacksmith Tools, Wagons, Carriage and Buggy, two-horse power Field Threshers and Fans, Cotton Gin, Household and _ Kitchen Furniture, &c., &c., SaJu to Continue from Day to Day until all is Sold. Persons from n distance can fmd accommodation on llie place, Or in flic an-; “Timothy Titcomh." Old Helsaet, by the Author at Wide Wide World. SAMPLES OF GOOHH -tiorex for Measuring, which, i! i..r >wcd, will secure a fli in *!! < . DEVLIN A « IK cor. GrarSt., , v „ .. .. IN STORE AND TO ARRIVE. WAEUROOMS OPP. OLD POST OPFIOE mmc b. a. wise, A Large Supply of . MISCELLANEOUS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS Initial Stamping fbr Envelopes and Paper, done to order. Broadway Bro*riw*v’ cor. Warren 8» decl?-tl5t Use. 10—tf Macon, ga,