The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 23, 1865, Image 1
■ BOY KIX TtLEORAPM BOILOCTJQ , t ffcrrry ai ImM< St: 5IAC0N, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1865 OLD SERIES, NO. 1396.1 | NEW SERIES, NO. 193; 'NEW FIRM! ■fcTOTIl E—Hack Unc to Perry. Hack wm loti Kor: TilUT cn the initilol Um on from M.can tt cry TaredML ftnrtday aad Saturday for Perry. Ox., rtlonuos in riot* to emtrt »iUi Ckristna>! Chri * as! Christnas T. O. SIOOELT. M. L. SQUIZ*- *. F- Film. RIDGELY, SQUIER 4CO, COTTOX FACTORS, GENERA L PRODUCE rrV) KENT, In Stewart county, Georgia, a suttle- X meat of Lind containing twentr-threo hun dred {2300) acre*—fourteen hundred ’(1400) clear ed—-will triage from 1UW to 1^00 lbe. seed Cotton per acre. Two Settlements on the place—well improved; two Gin Houses; two Cotton Screws • with Grain Thra*li and Fans; eight good Near® Houses on one place, and five on the other. One hundred acre* email grain sowed. The Plantation well watered and In a healthy locality. There It t® tell on the settlement. If rented— 21 head Mules and Horace. 3 tin® Milch Cows. 12 head Dry Cattle, ltK) 14 Stock Hogs, 85 44 Pork * 4 1,000 bushel* Com, 1,200 44 Cotton Seed, 10,000 lbs. Fodder, .1 act Blacksmith Tools, Plows and Plow Gear, 1 Six-Horse Wagon and Harness, 1 yoke largo Oxen and Wagon. There are twdre grown Negroes on the placo that can be employed—one a No. 1 Blacksmith. TTJEii.iii;ag Will be on the maiket until the firft of Januarv, ISM, if not disposed of before that time. For information address 6pposit£ the lanier motsJr, SATURDAY MORNING, MCE! W OULD invite the attention of his customers and lbe-public, generally, to hi* large and well selected stock of Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Which be offers at very small .{drone* an CW. TII3 STOCK CONSISTS IX FABT OF Bleached Domestics, Brown Domestics, Prints, Ginghams, French and English Merinos, Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins, Thy bets. Opera and Fancy Flannels, De laines, Silk® in great Yaric- ty, Linens of all grades. lIoopsHrtt of all sizes and Bilim ml Skirt* *j Superior maie aud finish. Your special attention is called to my CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, WHIR* lOUWIlL TIRO TOT ULTOT •TTT.EJ', As also the NOUVEANTE LADIES' DATS, X BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE. A Splendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Soaps and other Toilet Articles, Veils, White and Fancy Goods, G lores, ' &c., *c„ Ac. Gentlemen 11111 find a good assortment of GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, a large lot ot Pocket Knives, tho fashionahlo Rug or Faney Blanket Satchels, and crerjthlegetic belonging to thD Une. To those vho hare not traded with me in former days I can only say, gire me a trial, while I am latlsfied that my old-cuatomera have but to read this to Insure roe tlielrrencwcd visits. Respectfully, K. M. BROWN, novl5-C:n __ Opposite the Lanier House. THEl MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE! Latest Arrivals from £he East. T HE undersigned, old citizens of Macon, beg leavo, In informing our old Southern friends of this city and vicinity, that, having received a xerj largo lot of DRY GOODS—consisting in La dies’ Fancy Drees Goods of all descriptions. Black and Fancy Silks, a large asr~* * - ,w * 41 Ladies* Dress and Cloak ’ fino White Linen in large AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Lanier House Building, MACON, GEORGIA. FURS WANTED. WILL pay foe MiukSkma, prime, 73 cent*, Oporesua Skins,primeT& eefoa. . . , Ceeu SfcSus, prime,30 cents, hearer. Otter, end Dae.- Skint accords: to N. K. BARNCM, - Dialer la Dry Good*. Triaugular BJoek, FINE A«UU trow ®T Cl*' For each squars of to® lines o. insortiou SI. und for oacb snUoq oents. On® square, ®ue weok '•... On# squaro, two weeks r. Ona square, three weeks *> Two squares, one week Two squares, two weeks Tw® squares, three weeks V. On® square, one month...»*••*—••• On® square, two month*..* * Onesquare, three months Ouq-fourth of a column, one month..,..- • • On® fourth of a column, two months Ondfourth of a column, three raoatht, Ono-half of a column, one month One-half of a column, two months..- One-lialf of a column, thre® months. Three-fourths of a column, one month Three-iourths of a column, two months.** Three-fourths of a coiuran, three months. • Onqcolumn, on* month Onq column, two months One column, three month* Advertisements inserted at inter?-* charged as new each insertion. Advertisements ordered to remain on ticuiar page, to be charged as new each ir Tlio money for advertising ctmaidercd d first insertion. _ WM. A REID A C i Of Macon Te* 8. ROSE A C Of Jonmal A \fr WATER FALL Soathtro Transportation Company DILL* LADING FOR MECHASDISE GIVEN throtgh Own New York to the following point*: Kacoa it M «5 per 100 lb* Americas *t 5 50 per 100 lb* Albany »i 5 65 per 100 lb* Cotbbert at 5 77 per 100 1U Eultnl* .t 5 90 per 100 lb* TP* Hr ids are bow In good working order, and good* etme tbroogh j^roro^tly. E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND Lunquesl’s New Photographic GALLERY. T HE undersigned beg leave to Inform the ladle- of this city, county and vicinity and the pubs lie in general, that he has now'opcn and ready for aale at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEIN'S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of tbs best xleeted Stocks of MIX & KIETLlWD NO. S COTTON AVENUE, \ WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALig j-y BOOTS and SHoA H AVE on band and are constantly receii, fine wsortnsent of Ladus’. Gkitlct., Bovs' and Cmunms* Boon and Snots, or' beat description and the latent style*, which 6 oiler aa cheap as they can b* bought in the mam The attentlan of MERCHANTS Is eapecial ri.A s. si TntlDTVf. TVVD A TITTfl 1 k’T ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. The goods were select ed by Mr. Eisstiix with great care; and as he Is now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I bare the advantage over all other merchant® woo aro not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to our stock ere- 2 week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to c public goods of the Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, rn«T tVainat ) E- c l. nnffiVELT, (Homo-opalMat), Office Malberty ft., Waabiaftoa Block, over M. Baastaao'a Booh Store. KneMeor* — 1MI, near Third afreet. wirtlAa* CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND KERBS. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. QREQC, M. D. Graduate of tha Collagt of Phyaielana and Surgeons, New York; formerly Aid ant Physician in tha Blackwall’s Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP has raoDccsD a aavourms tx kkdicixs. V.'iAt may stSn shnort incredible 1% thst manv die- case* hitlisrto conaiderod hopelewtdr ineurnbln are fre- qiiHuily curpd in a few d*y» or weeks; and wo cheor- fully invito the inreKt fntionN of tho libel®] mindort and 'Grnpral Insurance Agent, Macon. I Kepmrnt* EIGHTEEN Marine, Tin, Life and ACCIDENTAL ; Companies. ; And l* fatly prepared to take risks upon the roost ! reasonable terms. The capital Involved In tho Companies I represent snow® me to take on any ONE BISK 1250,000. ap.till attention given to the Insurance of cot ton and all other species at property. All Iomc* adjnstod promptly. K. C. GR ANN IBS, novfiPlm Agent, Macon, Ga. [EKUY TONGS. JAMES YOJCGE (From Georgia.) \ HENRY YONGE & CO., X MISSION MERCHANTS Xl Macon, I offer mr professional services to tho citizens in the practice of Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics; having had eighteen (18) years experi ence in the treatment of diseases peculiar to the Sonth. Office in Ralston's building on Third street, over Newton A Lawton’s, next to Hardeman <& Spark's. dccl2-lm*C. B. LE1TXEB, M. D. II, Broad Street, New York, T consignments of Cotton an other 13, and orders for purchase of Goods. REFERENCES: lay, Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq., L C. q.; Macon, Georgia; 31 wars. Phinizy d, Augusta, rave had large experience in pur- ^iiLROADSurriaiES of all dcacrip- n Slicifc order® from Railroad Com- n®vll-Cm* COMMISSION MERCHANTS. My atoek consists in i«art of the following pod®: rota. Printed DeLalnes, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Pwil DeCheyrtm English and French Merinos, Scotch and Vcnltian Plaids, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Hack DcLainea, Alapacas, Black Silks, Merinos and Bombazine®, And many other goods belonging to the H E keeps all grides, ar sale. Call aud you w mited la price and quality. ChaiV Plant! & Cla\ Thcj DODDS, MACiYEALS Si URBAN’S, tions ar panics. Turpixl & 1A-virtz J UST RECEIVED a large and w®ll telrrtcd fctoek of Overcoats, Busineas an<| Drca*8.ilU. Also, the latest stjla* of French, English aud American C'assimcrs, together with a floe o*oort- ment of Gents Furnishing Goods, which we offer for aale to o«r friends and patrona. and to the public In general, at the low**t price®, suitable to everybody’s mean*. Come and fook Ifwedonot suit yon, no charge will be made fov showing the Best and Ch®ap®st th® Market can Afford. Clothing made to order ®n short nolle* by Mom. Ronsse from Paris. TURPIN A RCRTZ. Triangular Block. •BO. B. TORPIK. | 1. R. HCkXS CELEBRATED S’or Sale. ,'E with a lot of three (S) or more tholce part ot tho town of Fort Aic necessary outbuildings. “wire property for Two Thousand ; ich less than Its value.' I K OTTO.—Wholeasl* and retail dealer In • Watches. Jewelry, Watch Maicrials. Gold ran., .J-4A, tsilvar and Steel Spectacles, Ac. At UrsM.uodef J UAtt Virgin, Cotton Avenue. Macon, tt*. Watches, Cork* and Jewelry, repaired •fh.i — Vwi>r MaclMnea of all dcactin- i!wm put la ord®r, to which Mr. P Uertcll will at- rc and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. 'DESK SAFES AND LOCKS biTe been thor- onghlv tested and their reputation Is such it the TnEAtruY Depajjtmekt at Washington « v.» v„j. -H« - *•— * feyence t<\ — Shawls; the latest Jalruoral Skirts; Ladies’ all ftVles and sizes; Ladies’ and and Rani®; and a full Hue of Ladies’ • than any other hono* in Mgcon. > in receipt of a very large *wi Y . cll selected stock of Gents’ Rcady-hiade Clothinr, such as fine black Broadcloth Coats, black Doeskin Pants, Plain and Fancy Silk Yeats, Caasitncro Suit®, coarse Satincl Suita, and a regular Uuc of Gouts* Fuiaishing Goods not surpassablo In Nevr York \?'o .are offering to the public to sell all good® with a very small advance, and, in fact, lower than any lioiifc’in Mik'iui. Standing in connection with a large wholesale jobbing house in tho East, we can, therefore, give the above ir.duceMcnta. We would, in conclusion, farther call attention to our large and elegant supply of Goods, which were selected with great care by ourselves; and our long experience in this market has qualified us to judge as to the wants of the purchasing com munity. The patronage of all our old friends, as well as many ot our mew ones, is rcpectfdQv solic ited- Purchasers should be particular to Und our place—Damour’a Block, Second street, three doors l'rojn Boardman’s Book Store. P. 8.—Country merchant* will find it to their advantage to give us a call. , oct33m - GLASER & ROSIN Savannah, Ga. and Birch db Snider, Savannah, Ga. Travelii Valley. A full and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ Linen and Embroidered Cuff* and Col lars, separate and in seta, - • - Missc*’ With it arc I will sell tt (2,000) dollari Apply to ii dcc5-2Cn omul* Conimiasion Merchants ST EDWARD C. LEORIEL & CO'S OLD STAND, Se?*od Stroat, one door from Cherry, MACON, OA. rovl-Sm* • ) J. hartley. WATCHMAKER, late work 1 .roaa forSidorj B. Dsy. eoutlaae. to reioir Wai-kaa at preaaat la th* 1 l»y<l Iloaae Building, •ppoaitr Mrhcal Oallrga, Ma'trwry atrret. any othrr. They are made cxchmivcl' and atrel, tbos rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. njtinr frera « ImKheSTAi’Z 8f ^eTlSSd "?d for altharadlurr) DinuU PARALYSIS. It la aaanlvmPT admitted that Coximr.-,, . Sracr is tho only effactlT* means of restoration ’ik Uio variow fbrmn or Paraljai*. that wo neorf notreiU»r“t a that it is emphatically tho Groat Lifo-giTing Power. DYSPEPSIA. xxsiouTtox, wkianT at stomach, flatulence, urn com- FLAIST, WANT OP ArPSTITS, BAS SBEATn, COBBTI- PATION, BILU0C9NESS. SCROFULA. BTECStA, UNO’S ITIt, OLANDCL-tE BWSLMNOR, EETSIPELAS, CL- CKEATIOX, SALT RNXl'M. This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling lifo with nato d itvsery, is, by all u^ual nitxlical rvmeaics, incur able. RHEUMATISM. flErntTIN,] LVMAAaO, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, *«CT, TICOOLO- RZACX. If tharo is any disease In which the CoHenteTioR L;»* Btrcp is a sovereign. It is in Khaumatism and it® kin- drtd affcetleea. The most intense pains are almost ia- ■ :»ntly alleriated—enormous awe lings aro redacad. Coses, chronic, or vlca lonv, of twenty or forty yeaia’ •W BBLS.PUlty-B WHiaKT, 50 do do\j R y d AMES Towclings, Napkins, Eureka and Excelsior Bank Lacks, For Vaults, Express Boxes, Bankers, Jewellers, and Merchants, are unrivalled, snd parties desiriDg such articles will find It greatly to their interest to purchase from ns, as we can sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added, nor ll-Oin RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO, Notice. H ACKS win leave Albany on arrival of the care fi !1 Macon, every Tuesday, 1 ..urtdsy snd Satunla--, for Tallshasied, FhL, via ThomaavOle, (,. forBalnbriags every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, thus opening a regular enmmuni- cstion to Bonthweatcrn Georgia and Florida. WRIGHT »fc HILL, Jy27-tf Proprietors. Doylies Linen, And all nlhor artlolM t-clouging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. Wo call the special attention of tlic ladies to onr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And say with confidence, wc will sell these arti cles at a LOWER PRICE, 8IIO R T F, fl T, Cheapest and Quidkr*>t Kent* .miscellaneous. 10 I1RI.S MA< ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing . Ofilce. Job wwvk of every description execn- »T SNUFFS. NEW YOU and lAITXMOU; By the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line. Through Receipt* giten by the Agents the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON to BALTIMORF. $1&8; and NEW YORK $in,. p )0 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. - All packages should be stamped 8 T Co to fsc.: Itstc tr*n*port«tion. TllURSTON R. BLOOM. Agent, Macon, Georg**. Y. G. RUST, L. Btel lm ■■ * “ * * **• - ECONOMY.] [SECURITY Insurance _A.gency, J M. BOARDMAN is Agent for the following . reliable Ixsubaxce Comfsnies. THE LOBILLARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., or run cut or xiw voi:k. Cash Capital 11,000,000 Assets 11.312,000 Profits annually divided, 75 per ct. to the dealers. Tills Company dividea three quarters -of the net profits to the policy holders in scrip, bearing In terest, without any liability to the insured. CARLISLE NORWOOD, I’rea. Jons C. Mills, See. NORTH AMERICA KIKE INSURANCE CO., • or THE CITV or SEW VOF.K. Cash Assets *721,468 50 Policy Holders participate in the Profits. JAS. W. OTIS, Pres. K. W. Bmucker, Sec. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO., or THE CITV or SEW TOEK. Cash Capital *230,000 J. IIOXIE, President Geo. T. Haws, See. * SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., or ATUEXS, OEOBOia. This ald aud DESERVEDLY rorcLaa Company, with its Capital in tset, continues to fake risks on the same liberal terms as heretofore. AHBURY HALL, Pres. Albox Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOjIFfTrE INSURANCE CO., t or COLUMBUS, OEORGIA. Hawsici »>J /V J. BLAKIC, real eatata agent, Maeon, Ga. \JT a Persona haviag honaea for aale or rent, or vareons srantiugto real hanaea, cannot be bet- re suited than by calling on me. From my long esnrrteace In tbarea) relate tmatneaa, I am barter orai .red to give aatla.’action than any other person in the city- O. J. BLAKE. Macao. Ga., Ssrpt. lit, lE8S-t)ani a» rsv J. A II. LANK erenow oOcriag for aale a I • large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Alio, Tr»u» rill by retail. Next door to Express office, Macon. Ga'nov2-3m» G- r. A O. W. XiAHIAK, Factors and I'ommission Merchants Forwarding & Shipping Agents NO. 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Advances made on Cotton In store, or for ship ment toourfiiaoia North or to LlrerpooL dec721a THE GEM. E. W. THOMAS & CO. Than anv other lioune in the city and WARRANT tho goods to be of the 200 PRS WOOL BLAN Best mid Host Fashionable Mann- Have fitted up the GEM in elegant style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked with the best Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Their fine stock of Wines, in bottles, will be sold »t thu most reasonable price® in the market. THE EATING DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest Bill of Fare in the market. The best York river Oysters arc always kept on hand, fresh, and ean be had In any quantity, at the^owest market rates. Families Can be supplied in amT'quantity and without delay. E. W. THOMAS & Co., Gcxn Saloon, under Fioyd House, no vlM-3 in MITCIIEL & iTiis. Important tojeachers! Brownwood Institute* ay o tone and so favorably known to the public, O o. me to the death of il. ow«cr. We. Jr i.>-. t» now t.flbred far sale. Evnytblnc conaidcred, mere b act a more deatimblc school property In tba State. With a amaU dntUy for repairs crery- thlnr aould be In readier** for n firat-clasa High School. Coawctcd with It b a fine Cabinet ol Mine rate and Library. It li not quite a mile from tha corporate Itailta of Latirangr—contain* 45 acres land, with a Urge Garden, Orchard. Ac.— Those who expect to aukc teaching a profc.lon, would do well to come and cumin* the property. For forthar tatonnalloa appty U J. V. AWTKIV, LaGrange, Ga. LoGiangc. Dec. S, 1365. dec 12 d2m A. SPUINGEK, Alacon, Ga. Agcnj, Albany,Georgi LAJSTD TO liKN'l Stock etc. for Sale- Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gunny Bagging, 100 Coils Hemp Rope. 25 Coil* Manilla Rope, 50 Bbla Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 21 Bbla Leaf laird, SO Kegs Cut Naib, 100 Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxro Assorted Candy, 40 J4 Bbls Butter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, Ac. "Briglmm, Baldwin «fc Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAn, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends in New York or Liverpool. nov22-2m WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WHIG-LEY & KISFOTT. DRUGGI W ILL be Bold to the highest bidder, for r *< at mv plantation in Macon conntj, li miles from Winchester on the Southwest, m Rj road, on Tuesday the ninth of Janaarr next, mules, several good brood mares and cults, stx 100 nark hogs, a fine lot of breeding sows « stock hogs, cattle, sheep, wsgons, carts, fr eight to ten thousand bushels com, about fifty. *and pounds fodder, two thousand bn*b cotton seed,about two thousand rallor md sorghum sjrnp, ricr. oat*, a large ftBd all other articles and supplies tm complete outfit for a farm. At the same - place abont 1,550 ®crcs of land lu enltlvn acre* in wheat. If not previously hold, rented. Terms of rent on the dav. ?alc to com* d*v to day. ‘ X. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS CnEItBY ST., TWO DOOK8 BELOW BUILDING. Macon, Georgia^ H AVE constantly on band for sole a ; t-cluis stock of PURE DRUGS, PAINTS, LIQUORS, WINES, Hardware and Cutlery, j TUHLDERS’ HARDWARE. ^ Wecfranics’ Tools Uaook & Westerx Raileoad Office, I Macon, Ga., Dec. 1, 1865. f nnilE ANNUAL election Icr President and Dl- ractorsfir Ui*. niwsg year will be held st this nlKce onTuetlay 2d Mr of January I860. 'v- MILO S. FREEMAN, deois-tdc. Secretary andTreasnreil FANCY AUTICLEAETC. Haggle, and Family Jcr-oy Wngoni, FROM CONCORD AND RRATTLEBORO. k\YE will toon have a supply of Buggies, Top ‘ r Wagon, end ll«r:imade to order I AND liR.VITLEUOKO, expressly for and will warrant them to giro entire aatblartloD to all parehaacre. We will tell no weak not mads expreaaly to our order. Thoae from a Jbtaaee eaa addreaa ns at Macon (to core W. C. Slogiatoo), or at HawklnsviUr, Ga. oatvnT mcduffie, mason & co. Merchants, Physicians ai Are respectfully eolieitcd to oti our block and prices before purehn a* w are determined not to be v*d> rtoi N. B. Special attention paid to COTTON SHIPPED at CONI THROUGH TO NEW YORK AT Thirteen Dollars Per Bale INCLUDING EXPENSES OF TRANSHIPMENT AT DAPalEN. O UR Senior partner Mr. Jns. R. Butts having been to New York, has made arrangement* for a line of packets to ply between that city and Darien, so as to enable us to receive Cotton on board our Boxesand to give Bills of Lading through to New York. He also succeeded in making arrangements lor INSURANCE on Cotton shipped by onr Boxes frojn Macon and Lendings below, through to New lork at three per cent, premium. Wc superintend and build anr own Boxes, at tend personally to. their loading, employ expe rienced hands to man them, competent and care ful pilots to take charge of them, and having had thirty-five years experience In the basinet*, ask for a continuance of the liberal patronage wc have so far received. Wc have thus far sent off eighteen Box»s, all of which have safely arrived. We have not lout a Box uor a bale of Cotton. dcc7-2w BUTTS & BROTHER. Nashville k Chattanooga Railroad. r i raremgera for the North tmd West Express train leaves Chattanooga 640 a. h.. connect ing at Nashville with Northwestern Railroad for JohnsonTille and point* on Tennessee river, Padu cah, Cairo, aud St. Louis, and Louisville and Nash ville Railroad. Fare Irom Chattanooga to Nashville $ 7 75. •• •“ “Cairo 10 75. “ •• •• “ St. Louis........ 2275 Passengers leaving Atlanta on the evening train on W.&A. R. R. connect with this train. Freight is now received and forwarded on quick time very moderate rates. WM. P. INNEi, Gen’l. Sup’L J. W. BROWN, Gen’l. Passenger Agent. octlSAm. USE FURNISHINGS Capital.. NEW YEAR’S SUPPER! FOR THEBENEFIT OFTBE POOR OF MACON To taka place at the CITY HALL BOYD&VORDON. aud Ordkks. dec 15-lm FOR One of the Most Variable JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pres. D. F. Wilcox, See. Risks on Cotton, Merchandize, Furniture < Buildings, taken in cither of (he above Companh at the most liberal rates. Losses promptly ai justed. oct23-3m J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent. S&TT, POWELL & CO.. BANKERS & BROKERS 0. w. TUCK, | J. O. DAVIS, I A. P. TUCK. Christian Co. I Late with Phelps. Louisville, Ky. I Caldwell*Co. | STYLE MEAL SIFTERS, ,t Wholesale aud Retail. 3d Street, MACON, GA. fore la Faredga sr.d Rramtie Exchange, Block*, Banda, GoU, Hirer, Rank Notre, Ac. tc aoorr, r. *. xrrrtxo, a. n. rowsu. **vjn in complete Stock, Fmit, Monday Mght, January 1st. ^T^RE LADIES of Maeon a:«, rarmytij rrqatrtad X t4 make generous coniributinrvs for tm* ot>- jcct ? #nd to ftend provlalone of all kind* already footed, to the City Hall, myeerr** Mr>Tfda> »on> Inc January 1st. Merchants who have it In their power, srr yo~ litcly requested to contribute such things u they may tbink will be needed. The funds raised will be tnmed over to th* Mayor ot the speetal benefit of the city poor; uA It is hopcd*J»e eutertalument will be Ubcrsli? pat ronized. MRS. V. POWERS. ) MRS. JOSHEY. Manama Tuck, Davis & Co. liov?3-3u) Wholesale Grocers and Commission . - Merclmnta, 323 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, Louisville, Ky. Consignments Solicited GARDEN FARft Ralston’: Range Next to Express Office. METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN’S, la Georgia, with Elegant Improvements T HE undersigned offer for sale their becntifaV improved Farm, ol 145 Acres, more or less , one third heavily timbered, situated a half null from the Railroad Depot, in the village of ForsythA Monroe county, Georgia. ) THE DWELLING HOUSE is of brick, two sto ries, with eight large rooms, well finished, and ironta on the Railroad. Its proximity to the vil lage offers the very best facilities for school and church privileges, whilst the distance from Macon, renders the Jarm peculiarly valuable to any one who would wish to do business in that city; or raise lrults and vegetables for that market. Tho village affords two of the best Schools nr the Stats, and the society Is everything that In telligence and refinement cocld ask, Pities.—Seven thousand fire hundred dollars. Twenty-five hundred dollars Cash. Balance paya- ble in one and two years, with interest, and mort gage on the property. For farther particulars address, ^ ERWIN & HARDEE, declaim Savannah, Georgia. \ MACXa, GEORGIA. decff-dlt^ \ KENT^YeAStW'DIA COFFEE! ? Eq6aLTO JAVA! A Tj HALF TIlivpRICE! ikG-oes Twic&as Far !g 'recommended and \scd by All! JMEN, PHYSICIAN and Profession! hc»!l!,.va« B d bet bevmg Maimfaotmring ICE COMPANY. HaalUa-jfaa, D. C. TU* lreffim Hotel, Renovated rndRc-farnl-hed la now la perfect order for the recaption and ae- ... .. . oell-Sm roamodatioo of It* old patron,. I :N-“S U R A N C E , „ Bichard Cord, Agent- Security Iasnnoce Oompaay, Sew Vork. T3 prepared to take'riakaooCotiou.Merchandbe, 1 FonJtare or BaUdlag*. Al>o oa Cotton or Mvrchandiae, la trenail bo- laara Macon aad Ntw York. dcclifit* Capital Stock - - $100,000. 2000 SHARES AT $5 00 EACH I ONE HALF OPEN TO SUBSCRIPTION. aare. F IR farther particular* aee circulars at Me ro- Roff, Sims & Co.’* Maeon, Ga., who will ealve rnbscriptiooa for atoek. decl3-2m G1RARBKY A BUJAC- ATTEATIOX C: G. CONNER & BRO., COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, _ a —axis-* . j PURCHASING AGENTS, Third struct, .... Maeon, Georgia. TTTE offer our service* to the public, and will YY live poreonal attention to all hairiness cn- trusted to us. We solicit consignments of goods of every de scription, particularly country produce. Goods stored at the usual rates in our large, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Express office. RErUZXCE!: Messrs. Hardeman A Sparks, Harris * Raw, Ash er Ayres, J. B. Boss, ana Rev. J. W. Burke. • COTTON PLANTEKS! M. B. WHARTON, Wholesale and Retail LUMBER 1 Commission Merchant, { Removal, Remov HERRINGTOM * R|< Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Mannfo R espectfully announce, tW t moved Ueir ware room snd the Nesbit Foundry, to :; ir corn „ ?. r V Poplar streets, opposite CStooi] c Tnev will keep on hsndl «3^i'“ r £. 1 ' manufaciured articles In their nU < a STILLS, COPPER KE .Tfig, Tlrt STOVE PIPES, ETC., *rc They «re she prepared to pfemptiv till , SHEETING, ROOFING«dBUK45 t N extent. Taros resrtonsble, aid ail work, In the most dorkmsnlik. OFFER FOR RENT MY PLANTATION, on Hog Creek, in Houston county, containing about 300 Acre® Good Lime Land* NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. »H€ SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com pany arc prepared to issue through receipt* asarwiMS se* usE - “WSES2 jsrsar kOvT-Sm Y G BUST, Ag’t All«any. Abont Twelve Hundied scree of whieh la cleared and under good fence. On the Plantation Is a good framed DWELLING IIOUSE, comfortable framed hoasc* for laborers, two Gin Ilonses and Screws, and all other build ings necessary for a Plantation. I will sell o* said Plantation to the highest bid der, on Public Sale of Valuable isrp-^r yor! ^Cl AIiD DAVIES, AHd Gene Awbc saie Dcalcr | n XcM , AIICII 8TKEET, ARRAVGFn Yari, I am prepared all lumber sonable comnu*- .. c . National Banking WEDNESDAY, THE (20tb) TWENTIETH jxst 20 good Mules, 70 or 80 head Stock Cattle, 200 or more Stock Hogs, 150 Meat Hog?, 8000 Bushels Corn, 1000 “ Cotton Seed, for planting, iori » r*-.* the Conrt of Ordinary, of Dougherty County, and under an agreement of all the heirs at Law, of the estate of THOS. H. MOUGHON, deceased, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, (the Sdinst.,) be fore the Court House door in Albany, Ga., all the Real Estate, belonging to the estate of The®. 1L Mougbor., deceased, as fallows THE HOME PLACE, Abont one thousand (1000) acres, well improved, about six hundred (600) acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory land. LEE PLACE, Abont twelve hundred and fifty (1250) acres.— Eight hundred acres In cultivation. Well improv ed. All Oak and Hickory Land. BYRON PLACE, About twenty-fire hundred acre*. Well improv ed. Fenrtcen hundred acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory Land. ROYSTON PLACE, About tv. t nty-two hundred acre*. W ell improv ed. Twelve hundred and fifty acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory Land. Terms—One-half Cash. Balance in one and two years, with interest and Mortgage on Land to se cure M-o mn»mmrin::on the third <3) of A. S. HARTRIDGE, INSURANCE CO, Bowdre & A^erson, Grocers au* 1 ^ni mission Mercliants . . MACOX, G A. . v«r Prompt attention given to the Sale and pur chase of Cotton and Country Produce gener ally. *dcclfi-4in* Lumb ■ intrreat ' COMMISSION AND FORWARDING A It & CATRDl ost Sk, ^Cherry itrcct, and areireiv- . r«n torn ardware, ren,^. r i u M . C h«!n« *j(Cri.lon. J “ Costor Beans, Peas, Rye, Rice, stc., etc. J Sell o arfSirtKi A good sett Smith’s Tools, Plantation Tools of every description, Several good Wagons, One large Syrup Mill, with three rollers And every other artielc usually found on a well fixed Plantation, My Agcut, Mr. Marshall, on tha Plantation, will take pleasnre in showing iL Perry, I>cc. H am SA2?UEI-JtEL.DER. December *ih, npHE fallowing Goods have jnst Heen reesived X and Mre offered at low figurts ; EMPRESS CLOTHS, in Mftrk. ' OTTO 31 a: MERCiUtfTS, V MlSllNISTS\ | fltlLDEKS). , I V blac\mitus. Oirrioge and Wagons MaUrs bn l>e sup® c d with ererything in their line. \ 'i For Steam Saw Mills jt. Fuliytssortmc^>f - - »I'RS, W All rnloj-ii the handsr)m»wt*kooda ot BLACK CLOTH & CAS8IMERE CLOAKS, surpn^ng in »ty!c any yet offered PLAID POPLINS, PLACE REP SILKS, I figured delaines, CONSTITUTION "WATER is without doubt the only known remedy for DIABETES, • ‘ . CALCULUS, U PAVEL,— . BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or TUB BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of curt® from well-known persons from all of the country in circular, will be sent on oddrrsiiug MORGAN A ALLEN, Agents, dtcli-Sa: No. 4» CUff atrect. New York. a caatia®. aNDfcStv arciKSAH. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., cers, Provisisn Dealers, nmission and Forwarding Worchant®, No. 1IC Main strsel, mux. - r ** for Crocvrire. PruvUiona, Bacr-ee and ..roiaMiv arootri ;jS»#ro lK-twccn Cottou Avruim aiid Scecnd »t. Macon, Ga. ! Cherry st. their !foi tfc®i w»Uj fife T ®w iisiitobmfoti.' fr ke tttafe®® vf pv.7*|i • tsaiu) Alules! tSLules I in OK FIFTY MULES, tha BX>*‘ and 4U finest plantation lot EVER SOLD IN GEORGIA. *r ▼ jur.g and large, for sale to the Li,;best bid der, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28th Inst, be- giurJnj at 13 o’clock prccisclv, at the T. ylor pian- taliv*n called “Peru,” in Early county, 6 mileseaat ol Liakoly, on the Albany road, 26 K CcUtbcrt.' Muvouox. lllkd sding; The Cost on Past, fer ISoo, [ established keaixy forty ykaes, YT AS always been one ei the leading cc^opspcrs fl of Nerir Esglaadoad on® of the best mkbcpxs Of A *TKHTLU*Q. Sr htwrsrd emtorprU® to fimsishtor a *Sv« aad •eatlabb-. Aww-pzpw, cud by then?cau;jedoctiec to pr>% '.te. ol toe Bootoa Post Kao, » BRISCOE d dr GRAFFESREID, Attorney® at l^iiw ipproved .GEORGIA. \o. G Cotton A*enne. ihuAltoia. Florida. W TTJ- practice la and repreaewt port it* upon brief* furnished before the Supreme Court, and iu the Superior Courts of eoantica. Spr-eiai attention give® to thecoiiectiwu and tor- Wfoiuto^ of Executive warrants uuon the civil cs- UMlfohment, Poor School, Printing and Contingent Fund. I I TlLies to U*4 iaruaiigated. Copy Grunt* tut- ; aiautd, infornautioa given gcoendiy. L. H. Buiaooz B. B. na GaarrrxwtiD, ■ dcc5-Im* J Pro*, ChswotJ Curtcry. Port Maaelc*, Hersdauau, j ahj, Brufotw*, Vtojii-fo, Guitar sud VuJin \ Doutoc Ih rei S]«orttog Gaa> and Tsckis, ! foruMU Caps Mart**, Tups China lk>*U, hijia* Cardre, bswiaa*, Baukgsiaan*— and Che** Mew, LuW®’* granift® Extract®, Toilet onASbax log botm dto Omosor E*rt*a Laos A COaz. Mi.®«no C*. j Hi# Cafri LUSK) ATTORNEYS. :K»ON. Attnt'Tt it Law, Xacoa, Lttooak. MUfoMbfoatm, aBaaaC rt.ri .treat. mvKo' Mwtucgta. JAMES JACSSQ* 11°^ lS-. ittwwn at Law, Xacoa, 0*., re Vlx Jk, ilitlaar* atore. Will •tattoo all taatarea aatraatod to