The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 24, 1865, Image 6

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omCTPr3wc^TnpSWp,i The Place to Buy Tobacco T HE annual meetinjr of the Stockholders of the - . Upson County Railroad Company, -will he ls al held in the town of TUomaston, at one of the rooms at the Court Hauae, onSatnrduy the SOtli day ol j Seymour’s Store, Cherry St. ttii-j month, to elect a Board of Director-, to man J age the bu-iue»o of the company for the year I860. It is earnestly requested that all the Stockholders attend, as business oi importance will be before the meeting. A. .T. WHITE, dec2-td President. Journal & Messenger copy. • TUEI MAMMOTH DRY GOODS STORE ! Latest Arrivals from the East. T HE undersigned, old citizens of Macon, beg leave,* in informing our old Southern friends of this city and vicinity, that, having received a very large lot of DUY GOODS—consisting in La dies’ Fancy Dress floods of all descriptions, Black and Fancy Silks, a large assortment of Notions and JLadiea’ Dress and Cloak Trimmings in general; fine White Linen in large quantities ; a good line of fine French and English Shawls; the latest style of Plain and Fancy Balmoral Skirts; Ladies’ TravelingBags,all styles and sizes; Ladies’and Misses’ Vests and Pants; and a full line of Ladies’ Shoes—larger tluui any other houso in Macon. We are also in receipt of a very large and well selected stock of Gents’ Rendy-inadc Clothin", sudi as line blaek Broadcloth Coats, black Doeskin Pants, Plain and Fancy Silk Vests, Cassimcre Suits, coarse Satinet Suits, and a regular line of Gents* Furnishing Goods not »urpaa*>able lu New York City. aj'U'SJti’ ? We are offering to the public to sell all goods witii a'very small advance, and, in fact, lower tliau any house in Macon. Standing In connection with a largo wholesale jobbing house in the East, we can, therefore, give the above inducements. We would; In conclusion, further call attention to our large and elegant supply of Goods, which were, selected with great care by.ourselves; and our long experience in this'market has qualified us to judge as tn the wants of the purchasing com munity. The patronage of all our old friends, as well as mauy of our new ones, is rcpoctfully solic ited* Purchasers should be particular to find our place—Damonr's Block, Second street, three doors from Boardinan’s Book Store. P. 8.—Country merchants will find it to their advantage to give us a call. •oct:i-8m , QLASEIt A ROSIN ‘ Joy to the World !” THK INTRODUCTION OF PERRY DAVIS’ PAINKILLER SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has relieved more Pain and caused more Refi) Joy thau any other one thing that can be named. IT IS A “BALM FOR EVERY WOUND, ’ OUR FIRST PnYSICIANS USE. And'recommend it* use: the Apothecary finds it firat among the mediciucB called for, and - the wholesale Druggist considers it a leading article of his trade. All the dealers in medicine speak alike in its favor ; and its ‘ reputation as a medi cine of great MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FULLY AND PERMA NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT IS THE GREAT F ai5aily AL edicine or Tax ass. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS. -COUGHS, ETC., ’ WEAK STOMACH, GENERAL DEBILITY, NURSING SORE MOUTH, * CANKER. LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, CRAMP AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ,., ,'" PAINTER’S COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, DIARRHOEA AND ' DYSENTERY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CERES FELONS, BOILS, AND OLD SORES, SEVERE BURNS AND SCALPS, CUTS, BRUISES, AND SPRAINS, SWELLING OF - THE JOINTS, RINGWORM AND TETTER, BROKEN BREAST, FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS, TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN THE FACE, NEURAL GIA AND RHEUMATISM. ir sale. ’ Call and you will find that yon can be suited in price and quality. * dec lG-lOt Tak< PAIN KILLER, internally should t»e adulterated with milk or water, and sweeten.-d with sugar, if fleered, or made into a syrup -vviUnnolnt-st. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, r» few drops on sugar, cajeu, will be more effective than anything else. Fur SOKE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief is imme diate, and cure positive. It should not he forgotten time the Pain Killer is equally as. good to take internally as to use externally. Each hotth- it. wrapped with full directions for its use. Sold by Druggists aud Med icine Dealers everywhere. dot 14-fcn The Latest Arrival. AT * - Turpin &’s J UST RECEIVED a large and well selected stock of Overcoats, Business and Dress Suits. Also, the latest styles of French, English and American (’a*almera, together with a fine assort ment of Gents Furnishing Goods, which we offer for sale to our friends and patro and to the public in general, at* the’ lowest prices, suitable to everybody’s means. Come and look Ifwedonot.suit you, no charge will be made for showing the Best and CheapMt the Market can Afford. Clothing made to order on short notice by Mohr. Rousne from Paris. TURPIN 6s IIURTZ. Triangular Block. GEO. B. TURPIH, | J. H.*IirRTZ dec2 • SHORTEST, m Cheapest and Quickest Route TO 2VBW YORK and BALTZMOKfi Bj* the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line, Through Receipts given by the Agents of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON to BALTIMORE $13,25; and NEW YORK $13,50 per bale on Cotton. Kate of Insurance cheaper than any other route. All packages should be stamped 8 T Co to facil itate transportation. THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. Y. G. RUST, no’vSl-3m Agen^ Albany, Georgia. JL.A N I > TO RENT. Stock etc. for Sale** W ILL be sold to the highest bidder, for cash, at my plantation iu Macon county, flyt miles fi'om YVinchester on the Southwestern Kail road, On Tuesday the ninth of January next, 40 mules, several good brood marcs and colts, about 100 pork bogs, a fine lot of breeding sowg and stock bogs, cattle, sheep. • wagons, carts, from ten thousand bushels com, about fifty thou sand pounds fodder, two thousand bushels new cotton Bced,about two thousand gallons Cuba cane and sorghmn syrnp, rice, oats, a large lot potatoes and all other articles and supplies necessary for a complete outfit for a farm. . At the same time and place about 1,550 acres of land in cultivation, 80 acres in wheat. If not previously sold, will be rented. Terms of rent on the day. Sale to continue from day to day. r.‘-Sw N. BASS SIMEON TOBT, JR. j. Monroe ooden. Willard’s Hotel) SYKES, CHADWICK & CO, PROPRIETORS, Washington, . i). a, Formerly of the Girard House, Philadel phia. > nov 10-Cm J. W. O’CONNOR 6L CO., MACON, ! GEORGIA. Office on Cherry St., between 3d aud 4th, R ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, and Agents for E. M. Bruce 6s CO., Augusta, Ga.; E. M. lfrucc, Morgan 6s Co., 'Apalachicola, Fla.; and Watts, Crane 6s Co., New York. Wc will receive and forward, upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct We will make liberal advances upon consignments of Coton to Watts, Crane 6s Co., New York, or W. C. Watts & Co., Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, Storage, Freights, «&c., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. Planters aud others will be afforded every facility in our power to send their Cotton to market, anil receive prompt return of sale. Mr. W. E. Clarke is our agent at Albany, Ga. v find will give all information to parties who desire Ids ser?ices in shipping or purchasing. Our per sonal attention given to the purchase and «alc of OoUftn. M i i j* « 1 i i NEW YORK - EXCHANGE FOR SALE. o» lS ;im - JXO. \Y. O'CONNOR CO. Macky, Beattie & Co. Shipping and General Commission Merchants 1 ::o:> «ST205 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. 2-0“ Cash advances made on -Consignments jo •. JUcky 6s Beattie, Philadelphia. . REFERENCES: Messrs. Chas. L. Colby.6s Co., Messrs Hunter & Gammed, Messrs. Bell 6s Christian, Savannah National Bank, Savannah; Messrs. Maude 6s Wright, Messrs. W. A. Ramsay 6s Co., Augusta; Messrs. Lord, Stone & Co., Boston; Messrs. John P. Boyle & Co., Messrs. Wallace 6s Browne, New York; Messrs. Macky 6s Beattie,Messrs. J. Gibson, Sons & Co., Philadelphia National Bank, First National Bank, Seventh National Bank, Robt. Steen, Esq., . Messrs. McCutcheon d: Collins, Philadelphia; Messrs. Clarke A Cunningham, M. A. Hamilton, Baltimore Particular attention given to the forward ing of goods for Northern markets. SUNDRIES. 1 7'AMILY Flour of Choice quality in barrels, . Rio and old Java Coffee, Fine Green aud Black Tea, Superior Cuba Cane Syrnp, by the Bid, Ola Cognac Brandy on draught or in Cases, Old Bfeirbon Whisky in Cases, Schiedam Schnapps, qtr> and pints, Star Caudles, Soap and Starch, Rope, Bagging and Twine, Irish Potatoes, Peach-blow, Powder, Shot and Caps, Tobacco, line and medium, Salt, Rice and Iron, Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Indigo, Letter Paper and Envelopes, etc. etc. ALSO Leading articles of Dry Goods and Domestics, comprising Prints, Bleached Sheetings, Flannels. Pantaloon Stuffs, Osnaburgs, etc. etc. Which wo offer for enlo at market prices. declG-lmt BOWDRE 6s ANDERSON. TOBY & OGDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. WHOLESALE MILLINERY GOODS INSURANCE £ REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Office Jewett’s Building Second st. MACON, GEORGIA. Cash Advances made on COTTON AND CONSIGNMENTS, To our Friends in New York. JSIGHT OR TIME EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK IN SUMS TO SUIT - Orders For SUGAR MOLASSES or WESTERN PRODUCE FILLED. Fire Insurance for $150,000 Taken on One Risk. RISK BY RAIL OR RIVER J, L, SHEA, SreORd St., Opposite Masonic Hall New and Large Stock oi CUtfci, Cassiaier<* aid Yrstiags. 1 RESPECTFULLY announce to ruy friends, customers aid the public gene rally, that not withstanding my recent heavy laics' in the ship ment of my goods, I Lave promptly reuewed the invoices and liave received* a large stock of \tr. fine and select roods. Consisting of CLOTHS,, „ _. <5E * T3 r™- Virgil Powers, W R R. NIbHIIVt. (,*.ODS of nil qualifies i.jttern= and. ... Q AGENTS OF PH01SIX.1U.NUATTAN, INTER NATIONAL, HARMONEV and citizens FIRE& MARISE tStlU RANGE COMPANIES. NEW YORK LIFE, NEW YORK ACCIDENTAL INSURA NCE COM PAN i ES. JbOJR SALE. Plantations iu Houston, ^nes, Bibb, Crawinid, Pwla-ki and Macon counties. Also, City improved aud vacant pr»»perty. For particulars applv to dec5-lni TOBY & OGDEN' ~ tr r I m portaii t to Cotton Shipper!*. npIIB Cotton Warehouse located in this place J. .immediately on the river, aud at the termhroa of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenien said rpad, can shelter all cotton that may l>e ship ped ftoni Macon and other points on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— We will receive all cotton consigned to ns, at tL railroad depot, dr»y it, and put it aboard of th j boats at one dollar per bale. j Cotton shippers uobu investigation, will find i this route the cheapest and most expedions of any [other route to New York from Macon. Wc rc- [ spectfolly solicit order* for the purchase of cotton, j Our long experience in tlht line will enable us to \ make purchases to the best advantage to those who R. G. MORRIS <fc CO., Georgetown. Ross tk Seymour, J. w. Rears, J. M. CCtOPER, - stock con.o-l. of FINE CLHTIIS OF ALL COI. OKS sod 311ADES, EDORON CLOTH, CHIN CHILLAS, BROWN and DAHLIA CASSTMERS, , cashmeres, grenadine, silk, velvet J Auction & CommiBsioii Merchant •Wi ai other «r VESTINGS, to which. I AI.BANV, GEOKGU. t wish to rtll espiciH mention. a= tni stock tin. * , - Wn equihed in qn-ny Mid a.jic in Mncon. | U ILL *.y« hu pernoMl rttenUon to the par- Thankful for the fevers of rons lor many years msLI i lion to ploa»e them in file : rjnlirance of their fevors. Pkuse call and examine my stock. decf9-dltn J numerous pat hall aw. «niy cxer- fature. and solicit a Far (UtlB-A UmmaM M. A HOUSE and Lot on the Houston road for sole, consisting of a Cottage with six rooms, 29 acres of land and necessary out buildings near the city limit*. Apply to me. dac9 A. A. LOCHRANZ. chase and shipment of COTTON J3E IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash Advances On Cotton hi store in Albany, Ga., for shipment to Messrs Norton, 8LAnnrraK & Co., New York. Having had many years experience in the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Cm—if n Ion business, be flatters iiiiui. it that be can pye entile satisfaction to parties entnatiwr their boainess to him. ORDERS AND eSSSIGNMENTB SOLICITED. ReepArtfaRy ntaa to 3. B. Baa * Son, Macon; T. H. " • Wholesale Cloak Manufactory, louisville, Kentucky. W £ are pleased to say to our friends south ol the Ohio, that we have one of the largest and best assorted stocks of Millinery Goods This side of New York. Wo employ over one hundred and fitly girls in our » Cloak factory, Aud we are confident that our styles and pr will compare favorably with any house in America. Respectful lv, novlTljl. OTIS & CO. VOOUHPftS & GAR R ISON, Commission Merchants, 73 William street. New York. Oiler tlieir services to the Planters, Merchants juitl Cot Ion honkers of Georgia Anri refers l»v permission to Meaars. Erwin & Hardee, Savannah, Ga.' President National Bank ut Savannah, Ga. F.. A. Wilcox', Macon, Ga W. B. Davison, Augusta, Ga. E. Remington .v Son, Thoinasville, Ga. C. L. RoblnMm, Jacksonville, Fla. G. K. Garrison, 73 William -treet, N. Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. Mrtfcdiants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. Any*biHinesa entrusted to us will meet with prompt and.careful attention. B. F. VoorhSes. D. E. Gabriso: sep8-4ni T WM. H. WHON. WM. W. GOBI T1SON & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and FORWAniXf; MERCHNT8, 96 Bay Street, Savannah, Georgia. S PECIAL ATTENTIOlfcwiM be the sale of Lantber, Rosin, Tnrpentine, &c. Wc again at our old oilir.e, pared for business, experience- in this city <•! over eleven years,and undivided attention to all business entrusted, in duces us to hope for a continuance of the iilcral patronage heretofore extended. octgy-Jm B. F. Bruton A Co.’ WAREHOUSE, Bambndga, Georgia. Is open f«w the Storage of Cotton and Goods. WATCHMEN ARE KEPT ON THE YARDS, Day and Night. ~ Orders for the purchase or sale of COTTON promptly attended to. . 5T Cotton will be Shipped for sale, to Apa lachicola, New Orleans, New York or Liverpool. $-flr The attention of Cotton Holders in Mitch- eliyBaker and Miller Coantiee, is coiled to this place, as a Shipping point poM^Micg maav ad- A. S’ G. HARRIS, AVIIOLESALI] AND RETAIL*! GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND Commission Merchant, NEXT DOOR TO J. 13.-ROSS £ SONS, CIIERRA’ ST. TWO MILLION S 3 OUl\DS SALT. Receiving daily, a Large Stock ol' GROCERIES, - . ; - THREE HUNDRED BARRELS OF ASSORTED LIQUORS. DRY OOODS, A LAltGE LOT OF-UMBRELLAS, 300 FAIRS BLANKETS, 8 O O r JL S A. iNi JJ B Jbd O ji) to , A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA • FLOUR, FOUR HUNDRED'BARRELS, REST BRANDS, AT LOWEST MARKET RATES. BACON. BU8LT. LIAMS. .A LARGE STOCK OF SODA AND POTASH, Bagging and Rope, ’ TWO HUNDRED BOXES TOBACCO, ONE HUNDRED HALF BARRELS SNUFF, ' v e * ONE HUNDRED BOXES EOA U COU N T li Y P ii O I) U C E, ratus for nil manner of Country Pvoiluce. CONSIGNMENTS OF COTTON Attended to. tales made witii dif|>atcli :n>-1 returns - promptly mndr. I keep a perfect supply of everythin^ usually sohl in a wholc^Uc an«l retail Grocery um«1 Dry Hoods store, and olfer tl)e aftlfcles for '.ilo at low iHlt-s. tliatVill louder my eloivettr i<- tivc to buyers, nnd esjicrially t.> tlu> <■ jflinAvisli b> buy tln-ij- ,loeks at oue^dacf. A. M s . G. HARRIS. nov2»nm ‘ (’berry I , twu-n Second and Cotton Avenue, Maeon, lb Great Excitement! ! AYliere is.tiie Best and Cheapest J’lace to Tmde'( Is the , '«iu ■ ti*u <-t thcriay. The’answer is at A. Mlietiermaii A Brother, Tl,.: popular WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS. who are con; taut lv ■% i '- Regiments, Brigades and Divisions • © Of DRYTiml FANC Y GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOT’S and SHOES, HATS, etc., i„ f a < thousands of other articles too numerous to menlion, and which are u.-ualh kept in •» hj-.t class house. We are not used to blowing, but suffice it t«> say. that you will finrl our store lull of thr Beauties and Fashions of the Day, m -..ri we shall sell CHEAPER than any other establishment in this vicinity. Ju-t receiver! splendid lot of and some more of tli^se nice AIpnr.j Braid*, in all desirable color A loo another invoice of handsome Cloaks and frr/cgve*. 5 A Ladies, come and See Them. " are always huppy to »hor.’ onr goods and solicit :i careful examination of our stock I .. fora purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, K A. 8HECERMAN & BROTHER. dot Se-3m next to J. M. Boardman’s Book Store, Mulberry at.,Macon Ga