The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 27, 1865, Image 3

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i jjc Bpatlg Ctltgraplj. CITY COLUMN. New Advertising I»dex. WM ^ffiPV vl n k o > jl a Male mad Horse .Stolen—Jam*-? Thweatt For Sale—E C finnuifs. Bee Uga! Notice. + r *S**T** s 'J*F**'\ For Keot-E U Lfhk. Sale of fiilifciM< Property—.tauter M Jones. For Stale—Jam** K King. To Machinist* and Laborer*—Ioli if H. Stubbs. Wesleyan Female < tollr-.-*—J M Bound I Notice to Shoemakers— Ninglelon <L llont ACar*l"> ! injM.rl.»n( ••- Win \ iMvi-.itj, Select School—MUs Kdm. Commission lUrdumU-Kri>U e A Roberta Notice to fttrippe r* of Cotton—E W Weller. • MO- l;« % ■ -I\« r — Wtigfi \ Al KHolt A No. 1 Cotton Plantation Wauled—P F Wiu-1 •low. Notice—Marc C Spear*. Wautad-G Rerwd. Prompt Forwarding—fieo O Freeman. Ralston Hall -Harry Watkins. HitJio»’»lliU. We tlniro to talk plainly I toovreUiaeoa, With regard t| (he manifest in- juatiee that ham been doa«* the talented and accomplished artiatea that a.s now performing at lUleton'a Hall. Their cm. rtamn.en -r.fiocd, rhaste, and arnusing, and merit the pat ronage ef the lw*t people. When Mr. and Mrs. Watkins Aral arrived in enr city, they not only deferred their entertainment on account ofthfl Christinas tree, bat volqnUrilj offered their] aenrieea which proved a great acquisition to the entertainment far the benefit of tbe orphans of our city. This flat alone, amide from the distin guished feputatiou of the artistes, should induce yur citireus tu patronize their entertainments.— When a circus or a traveling mountebank comes to Iowa everybody ami b»a wifi*, it sure to attend; bat when a gentleman and lady of lift reputation of Mr. and Mr-. Watkins, with ]kt formance* that are ref.ned in their character, and calculated to amiM the people without pan- dorlng to low and vitiated tastes, we find their audienoM are universally small, fa this because oar people prefer a clown aud a monkey to re- fiaed and intellectual amusements us Mr. and Mrs. Watkins now offer. Wo cannot believe tfcift ia the case. Theyyimply do nut know what a treat h offerr*d them. Our citizens have nn op portunity, which wi 11 prove the last, of evincing thair gratitude lo thesa ladies and genllernau for their services at (ha City Hall last Saturday evening. h#t them av ail themselves of it. Let avery young gentleman in town be sure and take hia sweetheart to night; afi.l if he has no sweet heart, let him take his mother and sisters, and our word for it, they will be afNeably enf/rtain* ed, and will not regret having taken our advice. Maven's Cos'rr.—Moat of the cases adjudica ted in this Court, in the past two day.-, were for drunkenness in its various forms—from its in- tipieqt maudlin stage to its noisy or coniah se tor Urination- In consideration of the gay and fes tive nature of the occasion, his Honor was in- dined to be lenient, and the majority went their devious ways rejoicing, on payment of the trou ble of lugging them up t.» tho Captain’s office. On Christmas day the following parties were up: The Urst parties arraigned were a lot of savory but not sweet*?iscented Africans, rejoicing in the names of Enun», Henry, Tom, Patience, Berry ar.d M^r»*»whom it looms had been jerked as the principals in a little bit <<? a stealing scrape And row. It Appears that they had »tl 1 imbibed pretty free'iy of mean whiskey, but, instead of its having the effect of making them each steal their own clothes, put some of them in tho" notion of nppropi iating tho wardrobe* of the others, end- ing in a free fight, in which clubs were trumps— the police coming in and'taking s hand, aud locking the whole crowd qp. $crry—a black berry of the pqrest water—was proven to have tU* leader in the whole illegal proceeding, i»nd wa* called on for $5 and costs, while Tom and Henry, a* aiders aud abottqj-*- vrero dis charged on flayinent of costs, # George, Bill and Peter, colored, were drunk and disorderly, and resisting the officer*. George paid $10 and costa, Bill~$5 and costs, while Peter was discharged. v Robert Murat to, a bearded and outlandish looking individual, from whoso language we were unable fb distinguish whether he was an Arab or Hottentot, Was up for filling his jug with more “sheet lightning” than he could conveniently carry, but ia consideration,of his**peing only von poor shoemaker,” and its being‘‘blue Monday,” urna only required tq p*J_costs. , Henry, colored, fur disorderly, conduct, wu taxed $5 and costs- B. Perkin, fcr firing his pistol on the streets, pleading ignersnee of the ordinance, was 1st off with the costa. . ... LnV Hick Ponnde, a f.m, ft., being dVer-impressed with hia importance of tcctyAf ju the bumnn scale, t udeavored to increaco hU avorttupoise by poor- iug down hia neck too much of distilled peach )>iice. thereby losing hia apd coming m violent contact rj|tfo th$ polices, who thereupon i V> un>au*4.hw deadweight in th r.nuth street pen for stray and unruly animal l he Mayor proceeded Mr lighten Pound’s pocket of one pound odd shillings—$5 and coats—to al- 1 w him n* run lighter hereafter. ? *" Henry Daniels and Ben Bowers—the Uttar we nupprAc. of “Joo Bowers' L9ys”~*were hit ot spree, rather noisy, and wanted to fight an officer, the latUr drawing a kniCawith the mteution of of poor ‘per li■•email.'” But °1‘ WT0M pa3 ► ►v.cei, the meat chopper was knocked windward aud the «ay aud festive youths provided wit! brick matrass lopped by a mortar "kiverlid” the Fourth street palace of pleasure; from whence they were brought to pay—the first, coeta the Littei coala aud tine. Mike Cary, a jolly old »«»n of Erin, let hir cieutfrioinl W. get ahead of h(cn, no lqueh aa |0 addle his brain, and to cauac. him to g.» through a series of groand and lofty tumbling, being du- ^y sorry for tho •‘offence,’* was turne-1 I wife, on (Htyiug coats. T. A. Braswell, for tmelliug too often at the month of a jug of “dead shot,’ thereby disorder ing hi» brain pan aud demoralizing him geoer ally, went his way rejoicing, after settling the costa. uses wore disponed Strange, It » Grange to me, but why I cannot tall. Though it i* .-.urely Ire**. rL:it tu former limes, ! remember well. The sky w* 8 <-ta ar a „d t,| U6t When the gulden sun [>oured forth its rays With grand majestic splendor; But now it ?e<rms all rainy day* Have oii«* with cold I^. einber. It'* strange jo me, though it is so, The stars once shone so bright. When the waning moon passed gently o'er. But now it's cloudy every nigh^ Though the strangest thing to mo is, that— Which I never saw before. The cheapest, nicest goods are st ^ A. Be hour man’s dry goods store. . dec 37 Stood 1/ M a cox,* Dec. 23d, 18155. Air. and Jlrx Horry Walking, and Hiss Sha^ You will please accept our thanks for your gratuitous and very efficient the Christmas Tree Entertainment Friday night; and we know that you will join with os in tbe wish that the arnonnt secured by the use of your names, may he instrumental in relieving, to a Large extent, the wants of the indigent orphans in our midst. Wishing you a pleasant and prosperous time during your stay in our city, we are. Very lespectfully, yours. Mrs. Hconas, j Mrs. Boykix, | Mr*. P..WKKS, Mrs. Jossky, < J. W. Blbkk, - M.B. Whsrtos Managers. - Yeeforduy the foil. of; Officer Bjnra Scolt, necusezt iff malpractice tl»v performance of'duty—d»acbarging a prisoner under nrrezt -was houorabiy acquitted—the chart* proving unfounded. A well known olisen was up fcr discharging stikelion t hrisUnaa utghl: but pleading igco r.tnc* «ff tbe municipal law, was let off *>u pay ment of coat*. Anders*.u, a freed in An—whose fortune wo fhouia h'w Uj m t|.» vJ Ut. 1,1 .ccu^a al .(motifs at tb» mght wAt.-hmcn at the South-western depot. He tned UMtpuiu that it was only an accident and not design : that Ha borrowed the “wggpou” from a darkey chum, and in bis endeavor So uncock it, the (h*uuucr come Jt»va **ker slam,** followed by the c\plosic*n of the “ahreviated ahootiug the ball nearly “wipdiiig" ^e watchaapn, end *oag>uS »n Mr- Cu^ming’s boose, though fortu nately, doing no damage there. The Mayor ad vised him to let guns, or -sens of guns,” alone in future, aud by way of a reminder of hia sensible advice, called oo him fc< disburse about $8 in Tbe Day.—Christmas day opened gloomily enough, after a night of darkness and fog, but the bright rays of the sun soon disj^lled the dark clouds, and gave promise of a beautiful day. The air was spring-like—as soft as beau ty’s cheek and as balmy as the breath of an in fant—the sky cerulean. Every element—earth air and sky, gave indication of the advent of the Lord of Light—the Prinee of Peace. The day was Uihered in by music and theexplo sion of firearms and the miniature cannon of the juveniles, followed by the quaffing of egg-nog, flip and Tom and Jerry and other jollifying stim- ulautd. At an early hour the boys assembled on Cherry street, with their tooting horns, and soon the confectionary, toy, fire work and fancy stares were regularly besieged by the youngsters in nueLt of Christmas gifts, affd soon the ears of the dealers were tortured by the "fra, free, fro,” ofj those diabolical little wind instruments—the length of the delightful serenade being propor tioned to the alacrity displayed in complying with their demands and the amount of the largesse. It was high old fun to the boys, but migbty trying on tho nerves and temper of the shop keepers. • o of the churches Christmas is a high day, and solemn, yet joyful, ceremonies were gone through with at tho Catholic and Episco pal churches. The churches wero beautifully and tastefully decorated with,evergreens, and at the latter the beauty of the scene and hour, was enhanced by the singing of a Christmas hymn by the children of the congregation. ’Twas a harming sight, indeed, the children ranged upon the step3 of the altar—from the well-grown >y and girl down to the little wee toddler who uld scarcely gland Alone—and whose sweet young voices soqn blended in praises to Him whom it pleased to take the form of a little child, that he might bring tidings of great joy to it i-cursed world. A.t home and on the street, all seemed to be enjoy ing themselves—especially the dear chil dren, to many of whom it was, indeod, a "Merry Qhristmas,’* bo different to what the poor little things bad been Accustomed during the four years of blockade that kept Santa Claus confined to more hypoborean region. They wero wild with delight, and seemed never weary of admi ring the token of affection which the good Saint had left during the previous night To the piniso of the entire population bo it (laid, thero wr.s less excess and dissipation than wo have sv«n dn like occasions, and more favora- bje auspices. Even the darkies seemed to be enjoying, themselves in an orderly^ foanner, though some few of them were rather the worse from over .loses of pop-skull; yet on the whole, they demeaned themseives well. The night was a bright and glorious one—the moon shining in her resplendant glory—making it almost too light for the display of rockets, wheels, serpents, ete., with which the festivities were wound up . and aoou all retired, weary, yet satisfied, with this our first peaceful Christmas, after a four years’ saturnalia of blood, and with high hopes that our copiing Christmas will be ye» more joyful snd merry. Datjs’ Pais Killer has won for itself a repu tation unsurpassed in the history of medical preparations, ft is as well known in the trading ports of India and China in New York and Cincinnati;. aft<\ >Vi continually iacr asing de- n\and, where it has been longest kuown, ta one af its strongest recommendations and best ad vertisements. It began to be favorably kuown m A D., 18.VvflWd has ever siuce been gradually growing into public favor till, in thousands of families, it has come to be considered as tn arti cle of such necessity that they are never with out a supply of it to qpaort to in case of accident or sudden illness. It is not unfrequently said of it:—“ We would as soon. t\\nk of, kemg without Jtour in the koi^t4* without ]Uis Xillrh." It gives immediate relief in cases of sealds or burns, a- well as in the sudden attack of Diarrhoea, Dys entery, or other similar affections of the bowels; aud being entirely a vegetable preparation, it is as safe as it is reliable. The promptness and certainty with which it acts in relieving all kinds of pain, makes it eminently worthy »Vs pain*— PAIN KILLER—a name eas^y understood and not easily ff»rgotb:n. 8ec advertisement, dec*!-It. The CsMp***** T* 1 **-—Foyeer A Co., have an nimense stack of all kinds of goods suitable for the holidays. They have everything that can be used for Christmas gifts, and on account to the special aeason, will sell them *i rates whose cheapness will »urprlse ovary one who will cal a nd purchase. Their stock consists of embroid ered sud fancy haudkerchie;*. lace cuffs and collaro, Alexander’s beat Parisian kid gloves, la dies’ neckties of silk velvet, silk and •dher goods of th« lata*t stylos aod qualities. Their sjdeudid patterns of new aud elegant carpetings arc suit*- able for beautiful preseuts Generous husbands, especially, can surprise as welj as delight their wives by refitting their parlor floors with them. They propose to sell at from 20 ta ^0 per cent, less than usual rates 30 as to give every one an opportunity ta buy Christmas goods at S. Peyser A Co’ stare. d*e 21 6td Qcirr.— To the energetic efforts of the police 1 attributable the quiet and order of Chrijlmu.*' ad Christmas night. Did a fellow step beyond tbe bounds of decency and decorum—whether I4U black or white—he vrus, ta u»« a slang phrase, j “snatched bald headed.” The civil and military ! authorities Worked in unison all day, and the 1 B bar-rooms being aU closed at S P. M., the police and provost guard had no difficulty in disposing of the few inebriated and disorderly civilians and soldiers found out after that hour. We have heard itremarkedby several that it was theqaiet- est night they ’had ever experienced in Macon, ach ia our experience, and as such we mention SPECIAL NOTICES SCOTT. POWELI. & OO. A. 1ST K E R S . Will receive, deposits, buy and sell exchange colfcclh n J# Railroad, aud iu any {Kirt of 'UFKiCHTrcL Accidents.—In view of the terrible accidents daily aecurring, why will not all per sona insure themselves against injuries ? For the payment of a few dollars, anyone can in mu re himself the receipt of thousands, in case of an accident, or a certain sum each week while he is disabled; or Ny, paying a few cents, be can insure lor any railroad or steamboat trip. The National Life and Travelers* Insurance Company, No. 243, Broadway, Las its agencies all over the country, and will send-its tables to any who apply personally or by mail. Call ou E. C. Granniss, Agt, Triangle Block. Black M cle Stole*.— We call attention to the advertisement of a peculiarly marked mule, that was stolen from James Thweat. A liberal reward is offered for the recovery of the same.— The same party also offers for rent, on easy terms, a fine plantation in Houston county. It is situated within easy across to the Southwestern railroad, and offers & fine inducement to anyone proposing to plant the coming season. Ouk Mr.s. Petkolelm’s Oddities.—Old lady Petroleum was told by a goesipping friend that a soldier of her acquaintance was killed. She wiped her tears on the sock she was knitting aud remarked: The poor, militioua critter! So lie was hurted on the sanitary field of garbage. I hope his kinfolks insured his domains, and that he will l>e deterred in an sarcophagus, with a putty conscription ou it, aud led away in some respired spot in some rurel seminary." '£$L- Old lady Petroleum, on hearing that Miss ottcu was married, remarked: "Well, I de late ! it is cures how airly these young felines nowadays rush into the oily bands of padlock.— I hopo she baint taken to mirage at too soon a period of her persistence." In Kuuuit—The thirty lota advertised for sale by Mayor Collins, are in Vineville, and not New Hope, as stated on Sunday. Should Vineville ncorpoiated with Macon; as is now being agitated, their value will be doubly enhanced. Best secure one early. GaocEitiKs at wholesale Oxly.—The adver tisement of J. W. Fears, £Co., in to-day’s paper, will be found'of special interest to those who wish to purchasa.their stocks at easy wholesale prices. The house of J. W. Fears, & Co. do ex clusively a wholesale business, and being one of the most reliablo grocery establishments in the South, buyers will fiu4 it largely to their advan tage to buy of them. Afraid to Ladgh.—Ladies sometimes jrepiea a their laughter to avoid repealing the discolora- tion'and imperfection of their teeth. Fair ones, we would advise you to try tho Fragrant Sozo- dont. It will remove, at once, all impurities, arrest the progress of decay, and whiten such parts as have already -become black by decay, and leave the breath as fragrant as a rose. dec27-3teod. j Specie, Bauk uotes, (i <i other securities. Mak j tbe 1’nited States or C; I Will make cash advances on cotton and otl»$r | produce iu store, orcou>igned to fcdward IVlel- I ford, Savanuitli. Scott, Zerega *t Co., New York, I or our corrc«|>ondeut in Liverpool. Operating on a large paid in capital, witji the Ibog established credit of the nu mbers, of this firm, furnishes sufficient guarantee of safety in all our busiucns transactions. Notes on all National Banks received at par. dec23-3tn. ££f~Goto Bryant, Btration & Co*fl. Nashville Busine&s College for a thorough knowledge of Bookkeeping, Pensmanship, Commercial Calcula tions, Commercial, Law Partnership Settlements and Business Forms and Practice etc. Send for Col lege paper, Circulars, etc. Address BRYANT, STRATTON A CO., oct21-6ni Nashville, Tenu. Itch ! Itch ! Itch !—Scratch ! Scratch ! Scratch!—Wheaton's Ointment will cure the itch iu 4S hours. Also cures salt rheum, ulcers, chilblaiHs, and all eruptions of the skin. Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending CO cents to Weeks «fc Potter, sole agents, 170 jVash ington street, Boston, Mass., It will bff forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United Sept 27-Gin Batchelor’# Hair Byo! The original and best in tiie world! Tbe only true and perfect liair dye. Harmless, reliable and instantaneous. Produces immediately a splendid black or natural brown, without injuring the hair or skin. Remedies tbe ill effects of bad dyes.— Sold by all druggists. The geuuine Is signed Wil liam A. Batchelor. ALsa, Regenerating Extract ot Milletieurs, for restoring and beautifying tbe hair. CHARLES BATCHELOR, augl5*ly New York. Sell* II. Gates tor Tax Collector. The name of this gentleman is announced by bis friends os a candidate for-Tax Collector o! Bibb •county. Election in January next. Ho is well qualified for tbe office, and is recom mended because of bis untitucss for many of the other occupations oi lif.-, on account of a :-. y«tc wound received in battle. dee7-te Many Frieeds A CARD. H. P. Keddin g would respectfully inform the citi- zensof Mueon and surrounding country'that be haa opened a new grocery store on 3d street, oppo site the Express office, under the firm name of REDDING & WELLS, where he will be happy to meet his old friends and patrons, for he can assure them they can al ways find a choice stock of Family Groceries, fresh Northern Butter, Coffees, Cheese, Sugars, Potatoes, Onions and all articles needed by familes and merchants in tlic Grocery trade. Our Stock is always choice. Give us a call. dcc7-2w.. A Rare Sight.—We have had seaf us for in spection a mammoth strawberry by Jas. Drnod, tbo gardner for Mrs Ralston. It will measure fully an inch either in length or breadth. It seems juicy and smells fragrantly, but we should dislike to oat it for fear of having a hankering for more. A quart of the same sort would not be .1 ta wony down, taken in cioant. , obukry.—The lesidcneo of Judge Cole was broken into on Christmas night, and * quantity of glassware and valuables stolen. It is thought the burglary was perpetrated by soino of the negroes formerly belonging to the Judge. Xgy- Wo woulff call attention of those peisons who wish to dispose of their plantations in South western Georgia, to tho advei tisenienr of P. F Winslow in to-day’s paper. Now is your time to lease or -.ell. S. PeicER, A Co., have silk con!*, plaiu and o all colors. Tinsels, plain .and colored worsted and alpaca braids and trimmings of alt kinds, to meet tne most fastidious, lor Christmas time. dec!9 6t LucilB.«—Thi. dith, rind voluu gold, suitable !■ an’s. splendid poem, by Owen Men irs of all other poets, in blue an r Christmas presents, ut J. k dec!9-5teod. LAND FOR SALE. Two-Hundred Acres O F GOOD RIVER LAND, (nearly all bottom Land) in a high state of cultivation, within half a mile of Fort Gaines, Ga. Also, 125 acres of Good Pine I .and, adjoining *aid river laud. Also, one other tract, lying on the Sinocheehobec crc<K, three miles from Fort Gaines, fix, containing 407 acres, 150 acres of which is cleared, and iu a high state of cultivation; CO acres of which is fresh, s**nie good swamp land yet to- clear. The place is well improved with gowd dwellings, and a good well of water—situated ou the road leading .from C’nthbert to Fort Gaines. Also, one of the best improved and most central lots in the town of Fort Caines, Ga., consisting of a large two story dwelling house, large Doctor’s shop, kitchen, tore room, negro houses, stables, barn, com-crib, car riage bouse, wagon shed and harness room. 'Die lot contains tnree acres. Also one other tract of Pine Land, uuimproved, containing 125 acres, near Fort Gaines. I will sell any or all of the above lands, low for cash. Call on Dr. Wni. J. Johnson, of Fort Gallics, who will show the premises. My address will Ik* at Hit fan la, Ala., after the 1st day of January next. FRED.BCRTY, Baiabridge, Ga., t>eo‘M-‘Jaw2w Agent. A. T. CUNNINGHAM. U. S. LAKCOMH. D. O. Pl’KsK. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE & CO., FACTORS, FORWARDING & GENERAL Commission Merchants, No. 4 Stoddard's Lower Stores, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. REFERENCES: W. B. Johnson, Esq., President C. R. R. Macon, Ga., J. T. Boifouillet, E*q.,Treas. S. W. K. K. Ma con, Ga., Messrs. J. 11. Zeilin & Co., Macon, Ga., Jewett .t Snider, Macon, Ga. and to Savannah Merchants generally. dac94-3ni January Election—Tax Collector. The friends ol JAMES P. SIMS authorize the announcement of his name ns a suitable candidate or Tax Collector of Bibb county, and invite the suffrages of electors at the clcctiou to be held on the 1st Wednesday in January, 1866. nov!4 te* $S£L.The place to buy Dolls, Toys, Candies, Fire Crackers,, and Poppers, Ac., &c., is at tho Notklty Store, No. 11, Cotton Avenue, a few doors above Mix A Kir Hand's. • dec 19 Ct NO PLACE LIKE IT ! NOW IS TIIE TIME TO SECURE A NICE HOUSE, And all things Necessary for Profit and Comfort. ILL RENT the place on which Stokes Wal ton resides, in Mitchell county, for one year. $3 50 per acre for the open laud; 1100 acres line River Land. Will Fell with it, 22 Mules, 00 Hogs, Costs and Calve*, 40 Pork Hogs, 150 Stock Hogs, .‘100 bushels Corn, 10,000 pound Fodder, 500 bushels Cotton Seed, Wagon, Cart, Harness, BluckHnith Tools and 2 Stills, and a complete outfit for farm- tag. he Dwelling House is New, well Plastered and finished in and out. A more comfortable House not to be seen in city 01 county. GIN HOUSE and all necessary out buildings in order. Apply soon and secure a bargain.* I am a min ute man, and will not delay. J. W. FEARS. J ournal and Messenger copy. dec24—3t Li it or Conmuxekjj iek S W R R, Dec. 26th, 1 Si' •- M A W R R Co. R Wi#.usb, (colored,) J W Fears A Cp, T J Wheeler, Withers A L, W E Davis, J Seomour, .Henderson A- Sbn. Lloyd A Draper, Bowdre A A, Harris & Ross^W A Huff, M E Pentecost, E 8 Lathrop, Charles Day, E H Lyuk, Rosa & Sou, W M Dunn. FINANCIAL AND (OMMtmiAl, a to-day, « Ur-dlpj*d Etfeiopima, druptffi. di*>r4«rly *8-1 rMi*tion officer, w« proven to fc»T« offered .uljth* pMsiTtnumactt of bfiaf tborou^hly uUed ttl limber, iu .'hirgeJ *3 for b»i»* ,oMd. Tribol *»d "W *lk.r, two jarutiia frulma, for fi ring crtdun on tb< ,lmu. poi4 F Fi»i,i«g*«chtr^td for tolcing » n.pon Vf. A Hoff’, Mffll, a«p, to okepofT tho effort, of » night* Aoboneh T. Fisw«lS«°. » procoooM jo*th, in ffowrinh- :„g hi, pi,toi to intimklhio » folio- rtrolLor, d- lovred it to fir* on Cherry rtroot, fcr which ho rros tired If mad coot,. Ovrtccor TH* Maco.n Daily T Tuasdsy Kvcwu^, Do- C.n t<j>.—But he tie Uisiues^ was <ione in 1 dealers legardio^ the t*elidays as j».-t ) being indisposed to pay over dgoroaot la^t«*-. k. But one sale was made that we could h*- w 1 tit t*. on the part of a bolder who was compelled to reali/.e to nveot other angagement»-^4i.»rt> 'fi’re bales middling, nt 37 cent*. Cotton in New York. Amount of cotton ahippad from New York for the 4 «k fitting Slat instant, 35,000 bulos; total stock in port at si Um time, t»lev. Savannah Market. SffTAXXAM, Doc. 2L—So chaiifi.* has occurred iu the pTi.r*r?> of dry good* since oar l**t rci»ort. A very fair focal lr*d« ho?* prerailed, and * fnir J*ri»snd from the interior. Theetock on hand is adequate.aud alt order*, whatever the deecripUoa of the gOods, c»o lie promptly 6Ue*l. We quote prints *4 » ta per v*rd; un- Menrhed shirting, 4-4.3^|o 36c per yard : Uoeched sttirt- "Soorgi* 1 iuuu(iholured goods eontiaue mncli BOOTS and SHOES. L. P t Strong A Son, Second street, next door t» Zeilin ami Co’s drugstore, have now iu stare, an dare receiving regularly, one of tho largest and most extensile assortments of select boots and shoes in the'South. Merchants from the country will find it to their interest to examine their stock, which com prises all the latest varieties and styles of boots and shoes, for men's, ladies' and children’s wear, at wholesale and retail prices, that will bo satis factory to every purchases. declo tf 2^*The friends of FRANK M. HEATH an nounce him as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb County. The loss of an arm in the war has unfitted him fofmanv kinds of employment, and as he is known to be well qualified in every res for the office of Tax Collector, it is hoped and be lieved that tbe people of the eountyavill general] upport him. declO-tde* fc*TWe aw • authorized to announce tlie name ( A. M. LOCKETT, ay a Cadidatc for Sheriff, with T. W BRANTLEY as Deputy, election in Jan next. dec2i— tde Bfteriii, Sherifl. . JAMES F. BARFIELD having resigned the office of Sheriff more than four year.- ago to light riueiplcs advocated by many who would not fight lor them, (which he opposed himself,) h numerous friends now announce his name, as undulate with the expectation of his being rc-elec- ed. dec24 tde* Journal A Messenger copy and send bill to this office. *-*/“ We art^autiiorkied to announce the name of \. I!. ROSS, as a candidate tor re-election as Clerk of the Superior court. Election iu January t Iec24 tde 4 a I i 0 n a I Bank Notes. YfOTES OF ALL THE NATIONAL BANKS, .1 (whether reported broken or not,) received at PAR in payment and on deposit by this Bank. I. C. PLANT, Prest. First National Bank of Macon. Macon, Ga., Dec. 24—2t* LUMBER! LUMBER!! 20,0000 FEET of Lumber for t al sell Only on eommiasioi 11 at low tig 11 res. Leave your orders at tl ture Warehouse of Fears What ton »<: Cherrv 6treet. dec24—3t M B. WHART So and buy yoor d«*27-6td_ tUM 1(vxj.yN 0Aitaix.—A huge stack ot U»a choicest eiothing and at lower rates than ever, have juat arrived at Sun Hyman** atom a* Cherry street. All elaases of forniehing g+°ds, hats, shirts, iflk underclothing, heaver on •ockfohandkerchiefs, naanrted colmred pants, varieties, and all kinds of oast*, inciudig the finest class of dress coats to tin roughest kerseys A lot of trunks afpriees to suit every cla«. Foi at rates to snit everrt*ody. hoys' hate at S01 Hmix’s. Max 1x0 a Rais*-—Th# notorious Clarence Edgeworth w*e arrested by Lieut. Fryo on Mon day, having in hia possesaion a team, wagon and three bale* of cotton, which jte was suspect ed of having stolen. He was locked up, and the cotton and team taken in charge by tho police. 3Vo hales of the cotton has since been identified by the owner, and the other bale, wagon and team afeaeld for ownership- Who do they be long to J. M. Boasuman has for sale, the moat beauii ful and choice editions of Bnlwer’s Scott**, sad Cooper’s for holiday presents. Also juvenile hooka 0 aU kinds, including Abbott’s histories and others. From hia large selection of elegant photograph albums beautiful Christmas presents earn he sands- dsdWlsci £1 to »«*• pwr y»d ; dieetin^s H 33 to a at Sfc* per jnr ■* ? per yard IS very geod demand. V $3 per yard; ymu, foe ■ T *TI*e money market is very UgiiC fanuikers sod Or ok. declimcg to operate except in Snt-c asa paper. Ttw gold snarket presents no utnr feature-. I*, ia demand. We qooUtbe hoyisx rate for gold per cent, premium; Mfling a* « to49 premium. Therc- {vjniQ a dotuand tar s&ver haivea aod datlara. We quote the buying rata for ailrer at 4A per oenL preur at 43 per cent, prenaiouj. At the ctaffe of «ar !nat weekly review, ou ISth inaL, the cot*00 market was in a very unsettled 1 by telegraphic advices mhoomim an aJ- Liverpool market. Most holders withdrew ttanr stacks,and lew domestic purchasers were willing to pay toe rate Amended by holders. During the present week (here has been a very fair demand, lag mo * the cotton pordMMd has. been on Liverpool **<" We notice no inatsrk* change in the current prices lfiraUM f “ : report* and gireThe foClos.og quotsUon? rate at the oioeo ot Uiuoe-s ycatardsy, ..4NH § folios i aptands and IfO sea Islands, Tlioexport- ismc period have been 1 524 bale* ialands; leaving ou hand sod on shipboard. anwc v^rWean-ai j. a. Mi-Man( Clerk of the In •id to ince tbe name of for re-election ( Lion in Janu ilcc24-td. Late D. Oi. E B. Latini>p, I-' i Jaa. ll Snider<1 Savannah, G; E. S. Lathrop & Co., OBMBKAL Commission Mercliants AT EDWARD C. LFJ1RIEL A C’O’3 OLD STAND, Secqpd Street, one d«»m from Cberiy, MACON, GA. mtI-Sui* CLOTHING AND FURNISHING C O O D S , i the lowes market prices. Their Stock •>! BOYS’ CLOTH ING ia complete, comprising inauy choice and new styles. dec*A>—lr* E. THE GEM. IV. THO.W4* A IO. ^ud l*sea isifcnds; kATiug. not cteered. a »toek af IWfl bale? of uptands, and l.fe.2 do. of 9*p island. Tb»* is a much larger sta- k il*ea was aubcipeaed, but a cc nsiderable portion ef it is on ship board, sad will be cleared daring the coming fortnight. All the livers are now in good boating order, and afcan dent facilities exist to transport to this port with dispatch. py Texas, it is reported, is not ia as good condition as baa been supposed. One splen did farm of 1,000 acres, containing two tene afnt‘ i gin houses, Ac., Ac., sold for $1,000 cash. No money in circulation. The poorer people will be in almost a stnte of destitution p axing tbe next year, until crops mature. |y* It depends upon the temper of tbe South, whether the peace upon which the country has how entered, shall be enduring, . . SSttRTED ^Tusky, just reevied and for sale or be broken and dispersed by tbe earthquake by f / and the whirlwind ol fraternal strife.—[Wor- * *L. W. RasdAL center Palladium.} Han't the temper of thn Whdl^alc and BeiaB Grocer, Thkn street, under North something to do ? Rihtcu’i Hall, Macon, Ga. notSwin; Have ntb-d up tbe GEM AnVtegaut style with new furniture. They have a splendid BAB, well htoeked with the best Liquors, Cigar?, Tobacco, Ac. Their fine stock of Wines, iu bottles, will be eold at the most reasonable prices in the mark*. THE EATING DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest Bill Sf Fare in market. The best York river Ovst.-rsArc-always on band, fresh, and ean be had in aiy quantity, 11 ihejlowest market rates. Families fcanTx* supplied in any quantity and without delav. * — E. W. THOMAi A Co., Gem Saloon, under Floyd Hou.-e, no\'24-:>m Georgia. THE ALABAMA Petroleum Compny. HEAD QUARTERS AT SAVANNAH, GA. CAPITAL STOCK..7.....f... 1*00,000 NUMBER OF SHARES, each gj. 2,000 PA K VALUE «***. $ 100 WORKING FUND.:If.rf. A‘......; G...$1004)00 fT'HE KOPERTT of the company consists lu 1 Ueasis for a term ol tweutv years with a royally of one-tenth ol the oil ObtailMfl. Thejje lands are in fourteen different locations in St. Clair and Walker counties, Alabama, nu bracing an aggregate of Eleven Hundred and Tweuty (1,120) aeififi. THESE LANDS have been select ogiat, on account of Petroleum foi In vyderto bit- property, the oh the Company, hu fluid CQPalat of it Coal Field a of Aliiham.-i, and d by a practical, m-ieutitle Geol of ihc ityoug surface Indications nd theu-on. re a needy 4cvelo)>cment of this ier.s 01 the Lease, in organizing e consented to make the w oi k ing On? Hundred Thousand Dollars, with a guarantee of all the whole of this, or so much < j-hall be expended in dev OIL INTER KST of the Company by purchasing tin chinery, aud 1 employ ing tin mo "W orking Fund to authorise the commencement of the woik. The Company have thought it advisable iu distributing BOOK for SUBSCRIPTIONS, day tin ed to r id i; subscribed, \vl Books will be elo : vedred uiifi-.-> ace K. ft GRANNT.S8, Agent fo Mi Piles, Pis tula,, Strict nies, P0I3 |»us, Tumors, Urns, Fissures, Hare-Lip, &c. s 1 September IstkL he removei F.m (for Mrs We.-ley Park. diseases « he will mei Tumc a* I *erfectly of the Ti The path Co., Bagging and Rope. \ LA] 4 Gu Dr. J. A. CLOPTON Lanier Home, in Maco rnary, iN>5. Refers to ble gentlemen of the whom be lias operated 1 South. He never lost a to happen. £59“* Ladies will b<- v tyMiny of the rm ladies of the State have been his patients. dec23-lw. many of the most i< pectu- Medical Profession, upon n Georgia, and all the States nitient, nor had an accident ?itcd at thf-ir houses. •fllthy and intcllgetit E FEMALE UNIVERSITY. FORSYTH,OA., tlS6«. T |l,s excellent institution has entem) ntwo Us I lfithanniver- ary. Thr VaeultT is folly Ized, and the btiildimrs are mdfikota,; a thorwucli repair. Everything necessary lor the cwmfart and menu] improvement ol the pupil.-, will fo Bh«al ly furnished. All we ask la a fair trial. OFFICER*. Rev. A die! ShCTWOodL D. D., PtNL Rv Hou. J. T. Crowder, YicePrea. Mai. J. T. Stephen-, Secretary ti A Cuban in.-. Treasurer. FACU ltt. 1.. riwm l Natural i r of Mitlwillfa Kk Hxan T Aar Ai-lkn D. Cash* PRIMARY DEBAR IMP NT. . K. A. I.AMRM MUSIC DKPAR 1 11 ENT 1'. William Finnrn, l4inci|«l J M. Pahkkh, As istant BOARDING DEPARTMENT Lilly Tck.nkk, Matron, «n phIUiwMo lad ill have charge of the Hiwirdinr IVpartmem The Spring Term will ta of January, iStX,, „nd end • luiv 18th SELECT SCHOOL FOR BOYS A 3SID GlRLS M R. HAIJL, Informs his patrons that the ex ercises of his school, Monday. January Irt, l^V. Tmut - i„..ntli 1 lull 50 cents extra. A few* vacancies may be tilled by eorlv application. Mr. EL is a graduate of tbe IL S. Naval Academy. Rfifets to present patrons dcc21 —2\v * Valuable Lots for Sale7 H I R T Y L O I S , vr »00 usts mm •• For furtln-r inioruulion Midrrasttttf ■Wtnlwv fit the Faeiiltv. or B««|fl of Tllltt Forsyth. !.!,!>.. 1%, Iwri fTTlflttf The Boston Post. Ibr IS66, IKStABLISIlKD NEARLY 1 < *K TT YU ill. I I AS aluj)* ta >«4tWlesdhur ih«.\+t*i Of Al»VKKTlMVi Bv inun-a.*.«Hl entei pri»«' in far* rends file A..' p»|^r, »ml t*v llr in pi 1. < , the . 11. uUlioli ol the been Urgt ly Incrrs^-d. To Advert i»ers few rs . 4» « higes, either iii the extent or llu readers—North, Smith, Kart and BiDiiiesa Card*, and liar-wrid. p.utieulmly aoltail. d from 2kmttiaml West. Subscription T*rmt: Boston Post, Daily .110 i-^r ammntm - ." mi WeekIr ... 4 m Weekly 9 •• l^T S[ei inn li Copn wilt on H|>|>lu ilidt, HEALS, GREENE Jt CO., !*uld>4*«n^ 40 and 42 Congress street, irtOf Bltnikels, Klankrta. 11 Bales BLANKETS, 650 PATH. ► ' Wliite and O-roy. For sale cheap by feelMF jmTTA SMDEH. Plantations for Sale. offer for tala tba followtag Plintrlion*, intlttart County, Georgia. “THE RACKLEY PLACE,” ,ARGK LOT OF a any and Kentucky Bagging, Machine Rope, and Baling Twine, sale at lees than then sale purchaser**. ALSO, Sugars, ket price to w fiule- Syrup, Keraeys. firil'9, Cows for Eokley Farm. WANTED TWENTY-FIVE COWS, aud YOUNG CALVES, FOR MY DAIRY FARM Want none but Good Stock. id farther part h ula i- will laid out eting it, and the indi.-putablc.-^ .v of M;io>n, Ga. or <.f.\ortbi\irolii BEARDEN & CO. Commission HVLerclianl 20 Beaver Street, new - • • • •'••• T XBKRAL sdvu L and Pr ,da P r YOHK. it. n, wool, r.i Consignment# ptly <•> * < ut.*d Apply cither to 1 dec24-2t. r J VV Fo: - J A. CARTER AUCTION AND COMMISSION H0USK NEW FIRM, ALLEN & HAYGOOD, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA VIRGINIA AND TENNESSEE LINE. T HROUGH nvrii fiy Ihc Agents of the Southern 'fian^porutiou Ctmqmuy at freight rates to Baltimore aud New York, al guaranteed rate per hundred pounds as p* r fiale on Cotton, all packages should fie stamped S. T.X’o., to facilitate Transportation., Rate from New York to Macon $4,6S per hundred j>ouud.- THUK8TON R. BLOOM, Agt. AMaeOtL Y. G. RUST, Agt. at Albany. ' *noflt#-8m. For Sale or Rent. T WO Cotton Plantaf joes in Laurens count? l»a. Also, Coru, Cotton Seed, Alnie-, oxen, Stock, Cattle^noze, and Wagons, Carts, Ac. Apply at Thomas’ Cross Koadc, or to F. H. Rowe, ublin, Laurens county Ga / If not sold or rented prior to ft coo d Monday iu January next, they wUl be offered at public sale at ’ " “ m County, on that I. C. PLANT, Late of Nashville, Tenn. Latent fiville. If If. .V It. M. IIKARUCN, Lute «>f Mrt. ■»!,, G : HAKBIS, GAINES & CO., WHULKSALK GIUK'KRS, 70 Beaver Street, New York. Keep constant I v on litmd, all kiuda ft *.r*c Litpiorn. Begars,'Tobacco, Fruit. Ac Fro attention given to order dec.* I ?w*. W HICH lira « and coutsins 1250 acres, 200 ot whin, cleared. Tbeothc{ contain* 1,000 a«t»#, 4*«1 1 . lies upon the Notrhwa) ere. k Both ]iUntatiom; arc known t« be outiwen aJwptcd !• the culture .»f* oftan la fi -I. they mm drat 1 lie • South-W• rt. rn4 that roliimend* them t>> Htr dc-irc to plant cotton Mr L. Jolley, who will show them upon application V \ apply to me, or addre** no %\ tin* j !«• • JOHN A OOlflBL duol5-l0t* .fiiKtirtu*. lia. KENT S EAST INDIA COFFEE ! n EQUAL TO JAVAI (▼]’ HALF THE T’lUCF,' feaGoes Twice -as Far BfCttftmifRtlrd and I >e 4 b> ill! > th. rl.l! Lost. •d letter, ad- \i.v one r»- thank, d. fi> Look at This! FOR SALE BY Al.l. GR«K F.HS IN IMF M*Tff * AND Sol' III Tho southern Trade, t.. it fc * »*jty >«d»pleJ. >uppfied till.High th' Now ( Its Wliolusalc t«roicre, «*i -tn ii !. ' 1.- M . fen WS^-Reade | j],StreeT NEW YORK. RIC I«.4HI> 1*4% li:*. IT«*ti r, Aud General Whole,ale Dealer iu Tea* and < Yiftn. deC*>.‘^m E. M. BROWN. OPPOSITE TH E I. 4 SI E It // O VS E t \ WOULD Invite tbo attentimi «•< fi.^- >V and th.* public generally, t*» fi»* larr*: *i*4 well aefoeted stock «.f Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Which be off- A i wishes to engage in of Cotton making »n rent my plantation on inly, containing 14ot' Mug Thomas’ Cross Roads, in^Laor tee for Business, . 6,000 Wanted O NE of the befit cbauces for iuvcet.meut iu tba 8tate of Georgia'is now offered to any one having the above amonat. It is a tiret-claas bust ness, and could be turned to a profitable account by a stauwch ijeadiisg Union man. For further particulars apply to POLITICIAN, decl»-3t* Griffin, Ga. •. half rarb, the fialanc. ’ n ,( on. Will m II a bargain in H. i Ih-lore the loth of Dec* uiIk-i S. H. STAFFORD, Blakelv J. t McBUKNEY.- M■«.:...* Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., ttd Hecofid «?. SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS, CALF SKINS Harness manufactured to order. deel-Sm For Hale—A House and Lot. A HOUSE and Lot on the Houston rood fm atie, consisting of a Cottage with six room* res of laud and necessary the city limits. Apply to me. dee® A. A Macon <fe Westeh'. Raii.i »ut buildings LOCHRANK T I rectors for the ensuing year will be held a this office on Tuesday 2d dav of January ISCfi. MILO 8. FREEMAN, deol5-tde. Secretary and TreasurerJ Blcacln-tl Ifi.m^ti. Dnivvn Domcrttax, hint* (tiiioliMin^. Fn-m h tin*I Knj^Hslt Mrriaov Alpacas Mohair, l'opiiuts, 'n.O.cta. Opera ali.l Fancy Flauncta. Ih- 1 lines, Silkf iu prmt vane ty, Liiwns <*f»lI gntflf! If’tcfmkir/s of all sires and Bofm.:r,il M n oj Su)>rru»r moke on>I finA Tour hp*N*iat aUrution i» * alb • I i.» un CLOAK AND 8HAWL DEPARTMENT, *. U*R* NUU VII I NT i: i \ n / / I TH t .taing*, Article, Veil* &«•., Ac . Ac Gcnttaunu will find s g«aal a x>rtiu« nl of 4.-1 • TLRMEMJUKNIHIIING <idoD«. - lar.o I t • Pocket KniW the b»<- Kn- or F«m.y Blanket Satcht fo, and v\*.■i'ything * G< ta lon^ini; t » this line ^ To who ftave«ot traded »*»Ui iue in iorrurr days I can only say, gifs tue a trud, ahilv l an. ftatisfied that my old cuAtomcr# have finl i<. rea l thU to insure mo their renewed rfidt*. Respectfully, E. M. BRuW.V. no\T5-3«» Opposite the I^anier Houoe. SAMUEL D. IBVIN, attorney a T I. A w ALBANY OeOK(!U. Heal Estate Agent tor SouUiw.-*t«m 0.-..rri* Prompt attention given to*ll busittesanitrurted lo fi-ear. ».oJ4- Jno. T. Croxton, ATTO ENEYAT LAW, ■1 1 TiLI. I'racti.c m I lie Mwal * *ur|. «i.J m,, \\ perfonal attention to fiu-.ncf» fiiiorc ifi.- Court of Claims and Extenti»e DcpartmcnU. Washington. Office ovir noardmau's Book Stoic, dec 23-tf