The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 28, 1865, Image 1
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. OH) SEMES, NO. 1397.! MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1805. CITY BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEY*. /~lOBB A JACK* lJ Ga., office oppo*Hc Vi K. A. Wilbov, Third dmft N, AMtiiti at law Macon ,t CBSk<W OT«C office of m.vlSm* J AM » JACtLM) n o! I .V RA.-.'*. AR.»r«H*>»atI.*w. Macou. Ga., iMttre om Mix A KutUml a *tom Will pit** prompt attention to alt busin*-** »-nt routed to their care. " oet7-3in*. *. •. »ot.T, It. 7* 1 Y BAS “ L r AP. WHITTLE, Attorney* »t Law. toffic over Payr.c’a Drag Store,- next to Co net r JJ,» Macon, Oi. „ .v nmrri i ■ h. k whittle. PHYSI.CIANH ASH I)KI <i«;lSTS. 'VAL—Dr. B. A. White Dow on ui.ii . two dm over tb«* present post ofli-e, next VHr to Dr. C. H- Hall .* offiee, when, he can be foBhd nixht or day when not professionally absent wflta « »K. CEO-I|Ci Mt.- h« removedl.isoffice from Hrowo'. Bow to the Kart eltle if Third ttreet, Jjrtween Pojtf.r »nd Hum—wl,er. « ,n b« fouud .1 *U WP’~0o. . ny fr&l I Cits SMITH i" tltl UN, opt-. I .pit r Walnut |^/ md 4th * ir« ns, pr. i igbti< »t o|<l d * r ?4- oetft-Srn R E J. ROOSY1L1 ■ s ilomoeopuihist» _ r Office Mulbrevj . J. M. Boardia&o’a Book Walnut, near Third street ifthington Block, < toideoce < Hor2t-3m* n il. W- P. rARKER—realdenca and j^R. T. L. HARRIS teudeniJtL prof .id office on Medical Col- hours. day and &yv . . Jaer- (OtBco on Second street, •mIT-Sid PQjf MISSION M ERf'll A NTS. lrKWETT^ tfNII^EK, WUh-nle Com mis* o «km Merchmit-, vud (iener il Agcim, Scroml, t.e|».i i. i.'bi-rrj nnd Po t .lar', mtQlh f/f— Prompt j.i i rout attemloa glrn to all oliplgp- inents of cotton, produce, manufactures and oilier articles of Mere handle. Order* aiuFConaignmenta solicited from all parts «f tlm country. Agents for several first cftM Insurant c Companies. fieU.SUi * OTE I.T1KS. H. OTTO.—Whotemle ami retell dealer in • Watchr., Jehelry Wank M.T riat., Uulil item. Gold, Silver fend Steel BMetfecte*, Ac. At iMfeMld Of j II .1* 8 S VI r[rln, Mien Avenue, cqo.Ga. Walutirt. ClOctaand Jewelry, rrjuln-d »ou warAnted. SpifW U MM of nil descrlp- luma put In ojrdaf, q uliii-li Mr. p Heit. i; v illat- D J. BABTL.ET. WATCmy.ra, late work XVatckas at pre-unit in the Flovd IloU- ie Building, M«*i|ji ul Celli •ga, Maibeny *• treeL Al-h.'V: tupl rorf C .Untlv a weU •elected t lie (.old and Siller Wateuea aud .to i. he. and Jewelry carefully repair ed «<>|ID1UH- reid'.’S MISt'KI.l.AStpoI'S, \ J At'ON lJAII. S’ TKLpti RAIMI Job Printing VJ 'Ultej. 4h»i MPli *|efjdtScrtpUpB taeru- t ed op abort noliee apd It) gu« J Tefliii rea ouabje ; M : " /ST J. BI AXK, tral wlale igetit, »I*tPn, Ga. u» I'eraoD* hat lug hottM, tur vain or rout, or wan tipg In nmt bom w, rautiul he licl. lor suited than Vr eallliis an me. From my long oxiiertunee in the md o tale bualnua, I jun t.etter pruwred to give MtUfaettoo than any other penottt Id tba city. ' G. J. BLARE. Macon. Gs-. Sept. ll», i8fo-tj-ml-fi« _ : ., r> J . a o. I AhB. V»~now flSiirlnff for eats a ' Urife lot eg tfoleljo.f IfpiaiP LJilttiet'. Also, 1 Oil by retail. Kext door to Krpresa otHee. tioTJ-Sm* Important to Teachers! Brownwood Institute- S O long and ao favorably known to the r.ubliw owing to the death of it. owner, Wm. Soiras, la aow offered for bale. Everything conaUlered, Uitagwoatd Srhoil rc.nn. eted- with It la * flue OhWnet pt Mineral. anA Library.. It l« not quite a mile firom tb« rorporate* of I-aGiacgc—contain* 45 urea Land, with a large Garden, Ortliard, Ac.. - Those wbo expoct to make touching a profcf aioa, would do well to come and examine the property. For farther Information apply to J. t. AATTWy, LaGrangc, Ga. . ^Qiwngc,' Pec. 8^ r j}ee ltM%> _ t»tag«lG*ait4F»>iiily Bertey W«son», ’FROM CONCOR& AND BRATTLBfcOHO. t ITK will soon bare a euprdy of Buggies, Top VV Family WWoikfl and ttarnoHS mauc-to order ,t CONCORD A NO BRA.TTLEBORO, expressly for r Gw market, and will warrant them td> jpve entire ^»ti-faction to oil purchasers, We .will *ell no u.M-k madt expressly to our order. Thoae ft*, ui a Jiatonce can address us at Maeon (to care W iSinijUtooV- or at HawkluarUlartia. 2rp MCDUFFIE, MASON & CO, METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BBOffS’S; 1 VosMngtcn^D. C. Hii* leading Hotel, RencrtiifKl end Refurnished - now in \Torfeet order fbf r the recaption and ac- eominndaiion of it* old patrons. octlr^hn “ A’ S. HABTBIDGE, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. MIX & RUTLAND NO. II COTTON AVENUE, WHOLESALE <t RETAIL DEALERS IN BOOTS and SHOES, H AVE on band and are tonrtanfly reeeiviuga line u,o,rtir.,-nt of Linixs', G«inTWIiWll*i Bora' and Ciulhw'-vs’ Hooti ami Shoes, of the beat deaeripUnn ami fbe latent nfylea; which they offer nr cheap nr they ran be bought in the market The attentiuii of MEWJHANT8 U eapeeiafly called to their JOBBING DEPAR i M E S T. Thanking their friend, tor put farora, they pe- apitllklTj m,licit a continuance of the same dec 17-liad-4tw* , . Chiistmat.! ChriMmas! Chris (nias FOR THE LADIES. Another lot of FINE FURS!! Jqst received. Also WATER FALL HOODS! T ADii- 3, wc Invite you to caJI T. W- Free- u man' a and examine our stock of furs. We will take ”T< at plea r.r in 8lHMrin; r them. W> also invlu- aa examic^tir.n of the Water Fall Hood* th< nv»*: ■ I' 1 .1: r . |«j| u int* r. UtVf2w H. SITAW & CO. Journal A: Mi>'en^er copy. JEWELRY STORE. B J, JQHNSTON & CC., Hare re-eatabUabed tU-lr old atid well known JEWELRY STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at No. C Col ion Avenue, iith r the II.: Tl'cv liavt* ju-t r.v. i\. I • .ti! clsawca ^|}d njalitieu of ‘C(»odj» kept in their line, indudime Watches, .Jewelry, BpepUplee, Gold Pena Choice I utlcry. Port Ilojiaic*, Merachanm*. Ilriulioi. Violins, Guitar and Violin ijrs, Double Burn l Guns and Tackle, ur.Aon C’ai. Mir.Wea, 'I'ojh, China Dolls, Playlnj; ('ard*, Dominos, B.trk^aimuon and Chess Mi-n, LuhinL ^fnniiif, | i a-.iJ^liai in.: Soaps. Dor24-<12m Sayanui\h Forv/arjing HOUSE. THE M'BSt’RIBKRS »|*c paying particular at toition to the forwarding of iloodc* and pottaq through Snvann.tb, and having an ageist In Augusta offer unaiirposaed I'ai ilitlea foi d^patch and econo' ould also solicit coiim W. SIMS .V CO. GRIFFIN & CQ„ 58 & CO Courtlnnd Street,. NEW - YORK, Mwlhfartim rs .'tjKIt l I. l i I; II. i.Mpi.E- SIKNTS, uij . H At’IIOiES. DEALERS IS SEEI1S AND PF.RTtl.lZKItS. HT’TKiUR Huen-iEb. Semi tor circular. nor 18-3® Macon, I ofle citlsemt ip ii* pi Nedieul Joliet ently lo » to th.' _ ;Jke pf ku-uR inc, SAurger^ s IfikTir.g'liftd eighteen (18) jeithj expt ruatjnent of |>ecntfar to i ObalelridA in the South. Office Ralfetqn’:. t»ui!ding on Third htTeet, ovei NewfimA Loaf ton’s, next fo Hardeman ifc fipqik'ti deel2-lnr» C. B. LBITneK, M. 1). BHHililiV, N<|Uifcfll A CO., AGENTS FOIl DODDS, MACNEALS & URBAN'S, eELEBRATUD lire and Borglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. ' pHESK SAFES AND LOCKS have hero rthnr- JL oughlv tested and their rcjmtatlon is cqch tftat the Tfutisnqr Ubpautmext ut Atuabington and New York .-ity U£c them in preference to any other. Tb«-j are made exclusively ot iron tud BtecL 'thus renderijfjj them entirely* FIRE AND DA M.P P4pOFt ZSnreka and Egcelsior Sank Locks, : por Vai»lt3, Expre* Boxes, Eaukcr$> jewellers, tad Merdianta, are unrivalled, ahd o»rt«e» doeiring such articles will find it greatly to their interest to purchase from us, as wc can *oll at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added, nov ll-3m RIIXSELY, SQUI ER CO. Southern Tmnkportatiou Company BILLS LADING FOB MECHANDI3E GIVEN through from New York to. the following points: ' m . Macon at.... *4 G5 per 100 lba Aijhtk-us at 1 5 50 per 100 lbs Albany at 5 fiS per 1(>0 !!»:, Cutlibert atr...7:;.— 5 77 per 100 lba Eufitula at 5 00 per 100 lbs The Roads are now in good working order, aud goods come through promptly. T. R. BLOOM, Agent, jjov*24-lm Macon, Ga C. G. CONNER & BRP., COMMISSION MERCHANT^ -AKD- PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, .... Macon, Georgia. ‘VVT'E offer our services to the public, and will \\ give personal attention to all buiMness en trusted to U3. We eolicit consignments of goods of every 'de scription, particularly country produce. Goodr stored at the u-uni rates in our large, se cure and well situated 'store Loupe, opposite the Express office. * *' * 1 • - ‘ BTFERESCEfl: Boot Hardeman <fc Sparlcs, Harris & Ross, A^h' er Ayr?** J- B- and Key. J. W. Burke. ]uly20 Om HEKRY TOKCJt. JAMES Y0NO|\ (Fmn Georgia.) HENRY Y0NGE & CO., (I0UMI88I0N MERCHANTS No. 11, Krnud Street, Sow York, QOLIf'lT consignments of Cotton an other Q articles, and orders for purchase of Goods. REFERENCES; Charles Day, Esq., T. IL Blootn, Esq., I. C. Plant, Esq., Macon, Georgia; Messrs. Phinizy Sf Clayton, Augusta. They liayu ‘lia-l large experience in pur- eliasing Hau.koad SurruRs of all descrip tions niul solicit orders from Railroad Com panies. , , nuvll-Om* *r. o. uinoRi r. m. i.. squikk. * s. r. wauken. RiDGELY, SQUIER '& GO., pOTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS- Lqpler House fiuiljiug, , _ MACON, GEORGIA. Iw'F KIIESCES s T. It. Bloqm, R.r»’ilcox. Gen. J.T. Croxtou, bfqcqn, fiti. Ilolrnrtr* Patterson, U'Uikln-. ,v H:u- New York: C. W. Bruner, Sarannali. Tin ktr A Co., Louisville. yi^'WniH 'i nfliiw'i trr Boyd & Gordon, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRU GGISTS, fllKUltY ST., TWO POOU8 HUlW TELEGRAPH m^:z I't-RL DUrtl: »’\1NT-S LiyioRii, WINKS, HUII.DINU. \\ KOI (JINKS, *" OILS, GLASSWARE. FANCY AKTICI-KS, FTC. Mm*hauls, rhysif ians and liliieus, Am re pcetfully t-nnertcif to cn»» n.-t rxnnmic our stock and price* before purcliasipg daewheit;, as wc are Jeter mint'd nut lot*. mohrsi^J. N. B. Special attention p:u<! to Pre.-x hiptioxs aud Obdkhs. BOYD a^ (iO^DON. 4cc 16-1 m UlHiURT, WHITKtKD ,V UO„ MASUPATTRERD AXD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE CTOTHING, ;131 & 333 Broadway, Corner Worth St., N. Y. shew series,- no. m CONSTITUTION L I It' E S Y li u 1* . COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND HERBS. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D. Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York ; formerly Assist* ant Physician in the Blackwell’s Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP HX3 PRODUCED A REVOLUTION* IN MEDJCIM*. What may ieejm almost incredible i->, timt mauy Ui**- eases hitherto considered hopelessly ; incurable are fre a few days or weeks; and we cheer- vf-.-t gation- of the iilrernl minded and i which have no parallel at the present <i« v - Luring the past fire year* we have contended with obstac cs and overcome opposition as herculean as were ever encountered by any reformers. RApIDIl V OF CURE. Some say, “Yourcures are too quick,*’ whiles other doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can only be cured Ly (he “slow, recuperative process of Nature ” *nu3 is our reply: In heslih, the l»ody, like a well- halaiK'cd sca*e, is in a state of equilibrium. But When, from any cause, down goes on? aide of the scale, wc have the effects ot disease. Wha* is requisite, is to re store the normal balance of the L v *\e. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRI/f ud| fully i Isapo ,7(1 ? re<htory) pdSKASta tran«o t ittcd from Parent to PARALYSIS !i |a niiiv, , \ •; ,i it, .’ . aiii ,, I h , SYaofristhuGuly emethe in. ;ms of tv deration iu the various forms of Paralysis, (halwe need urn reiterate that it ts emphatically the Great Lafo-giving Power. . DYSPEPSIA. np*«aqoB, weiaur at stouich, FUTrLtNcr, liveii com- PL4IXT, WANT Or AFPLTTtB, BAD B&tATH, COKTf!- -bii/■■»v • ♦ aOROFOtA. - » STRUMA, WSQ’S SVO, «U«KUI RWRUlMfla, Wy«rKU9, CV . CCRATIUS, SALT UHEL Vf. This taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling life With nnt«» d misery, in, by «U asoat uuvhcak remedies; incur able. ■ . l ■. RHEUMATISM. fARTHRTlS,} Il'My XJO, flU'lMD. 1 i, aftlTlCd, GOUT, ^(CpOU>-’ If there U any dweajui In Vnleb the Constitution lure i-iRtp isaBOTereh'n, It is in Ithcumatism and its kiu- »Irid affections. The most intense pains are almost »u- sUntly alleviate,!—enGnnoti.s (hr* lings ar» nslueod. Opsee, clironie, or rira loa-r, 4>t twenty or forty v«tra* standing. 1 n enr,-,H-y Ue. v n**fci rn TB »>' LIFE SYRUP • - 11 - - v - ’ < m*. eiitii e >. 111 'lit alt tin, . vil eft, ■( d Mei. ury. n ihovmu the tied Breulh, and citrine the Weak Joints and RfiawmaOO l*ains which tl»e osp of Cqi|StfnnROf life sVbup Eradicdlets root and branch', gli Eruptive Diseases ot the 8kin, like ' ULCERS, PIMPfcRS, BLOTCHES, Anda4loth#rt^ihlou|t|ertof di(5i kind, wlm-ii so much diMiifuro Ihe Outward app«.:iraiica\'uf both male;, and - FOR ALL fl GtMS < ib- rif.CKUATIVF. niSF.ASEa Either of tho‘No**i\ Throat. Tongue, Spiiie,* Forehead or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equa'. - Mdth Patches upon the feuiab- t.ico, depending upon a diseased action of the I,iv«-r, are very an plea saqt to the young wife and mother. \ (. w bai(J-.4 qf (AV|«TrrD- tjon Life»y»v? .»,il Go^rt^ t the .v, crviiou and remove Ihj-d,.po: it, wr.ipl. li .|iiv.;tlv lni'l. r U*. *kin. Diseases of tin* layer, mfiiig i,vp tu languor, Di**i- ness, Indigestion. Weak hu.mqoii. or an u cerntod or cancerous oondi*iop of tlii\t organ; feecoinpaui. A With burning of otiter •‘*yu«I'«uu» will Up relioved by the ijs« of ‘ • * CONSTITUTION LIKE SYRU1*. ' AnaOetiira! Blood- Purdy mu A*_r^nt, tin* I.irri .Svr. ci* stands unrivalled »^* nny preparation in the world. THE RICH AND I’OOR Are siable to the same di-o ;j»es. Nature and Velence have made Uio tVjNSTiTCTti'N Ijfe Stbli* for Uie benefit of all PUKE I’redtiee? he v’thf JQep qnd wan^n; qnd If the const tauoqla ncgtucte«I m iquth. diaegsp qnd early dgaAh t the re.-u t. Do not d< lay when the merits are n n. .. •li liaiid, aul n it hill the re:i- h of ()(>Sri'i rr! rit »\ life syrup li) TRU POOR MAN’S Fit JEN I». AND T1IE RICH JuVN'ri BLESsUNH. WILLIAM II. GKRUG, ill. !>., Sole Proprietor, New York. Wti H»le I»i CARII ART, h. wniTponp. HENRY SHAFEft, J. p. YAS WAQENEN, Hamilton. FOR One of the SALE. Most Valuable 92 B Street., SAVANNAH, BA. dims. AM.RXW BT-OHAN.H. KDREW BUCHANAN fc CO., srs, Provision Dealers, lixxion and Forwarding Merchants, No. 116 llainabwt, OUISVIIXE. KY Oniais for (IroMriw, ProrlskHW, Braiw* and Rope, promptly cxremled- jyJOflui R W. TUCK, [ J. G. DAYia, I A. T. TCC*. ChrLtiai* Co 1 Late with Phelpa, I^aiarille, ky. j CiklwcU d: CU. 1 Tuck, Darts St Cs., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Main street, between Eighth and Ninth atreete, Loeirvillb, Ky. CoMtifaMcata MiciUd aog aa^tm r m FOR SALE. A LOT OF LAND , ^AOSTAlNISG 10iy .to, lying in origin aJS/ ally 1 ac, .fl.! w: r.l. Stewan. no. Qnitman ■> siite of G.orgin, brioj »TOt Irolf lot No 2i,t dlrtrict. Tern. JOHN MULUN8 Jt decSl-l*r* " ONOCMT. [SEl.rillTrjK Insurance Agency, T M. BOARDMAN is Agent for the fn’llowin; t/ ^ relkU« Ixscrlncs Companies. THE LORIL^RP FIR? INSpitAXCE CO., OF TBIL£JTT OF XEW YORK. Cash Capital. - $ 1,000,000 Asset? 41.312,000 Proflta annually divided, 7T* |>:r ct. to the dealers. This Company divides three quarters of the net profits to the policy holders in scrip, hearing iu- terest, without any liability tc» the insured. * CARLISLE NORWOOD, Pres. Johx C. Muxs, See, NORTH AMERICA FIKK INSURANCE CO., OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Cub Anuta *TJ1,*W 50 Policy Holders participate in the Profit?. JAB. W. OTIS, Pres. R. W. Slebcker, See. COMMONWEALTH FIRE INSURANCE CO., . OF TBK U1TT or NEW YORK. Cash Capital *350,000 1IOX1F, PresideoL tiKO. T- HAW», Sec. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF ATHENS, GEORGIA. Thin old and wsertrdly popular Company, with its Capital la tact, continue* to lab. risks on the some liberal tenna as heretofore ASBURY HALL, i*res. Albcoi Chase, Bee. THE GEORGIA HOMEFIRE INSURANCE CO., OF tX)l.LMBU», GKORG1A. Capitol. * ....... jmjom JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Prea. D. F. Winoox, Sec. * ' •'*-•' " Risks on Cotton, Mercbaudite, Furniture or Buildings, token in either ot the above Companies at the most liberal rates. i<otae» promptly ati- lasted. oct2£3fn J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent. Drsirable Praperty For Sale in Gordon. F lUR DWKI.UNGS, with ootbuUding, w.lls oichanla. ptnUo*. Ac., fronting on Central railroad, at Gordon, f or ,«rt icnlars apiJy to deSl-l». TuBr A oriUEN a- 3. Ac U. W. LAMAR, FuUrx u4 Comuissioa Mtrcbaata Forwarding & Shipping Agents NO. ft} BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA Advances mode on Cotton in store, or for ship ment to our friend* North or to Jjverpool. dec;3tn Complete Stock, Fruit, ANT) GARDEN FARMS, In Georgia, with Elegant Improvements. T HE undersigned o^i sale the!y. v beautifully improved Farm, ot 145 Acres, more or less, ofie third heavily timbered, situated a half mile from tin* Railroad Depot, in the village of Forsyth, Monroe county, G^oruix THE DWELLING HOUSE js of briek, two sto ries, with eight large rooms, well finished, and fronts on the Railroad. Its proximity to the vil lage offers the very best facilities for school and church privileges, whilst the distance from .Macon, renders the farm peculiarly valuable to any one who would wish to dp business in that city; or raise fruits and vegetables for that market. The village uffbrda two of the best Schools is the State, aud the society is everything that in telligence and refinement could ask, I'KiCE.—Seven thousand five buudred dollars. Tweuty-five hundred dollars Cash. Balance paya ble in one and two years, with interest, and mort gage on the property. For farther particulars address, ERWIN & U Aft BEE, declaim Savannah, Georgia. JVfacon Manufacturing ICE COMPANY. Capital Stock - - $100,000. 2008 # SHAKES AT $5 00 EACH! ONE UAW -OPEN TO EUB8CKIPT OR farther particulars see circulars at Me Sims A Co.’s Macon, Ga., who will > for stock. GIRARBEY Ac BUJAC. NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. ((•linwing uniiaimed livight remaiuihg in the office of the Southern V'xproo Company at Macon, Ga-, will iiC »» a puhlie outcry HO day-, afterdate, if uot >oonor c-.tiled tci W. W. HI LBERT, Arent. M*eon, Dec. I«, UKo. I N Alderman, Spring Stu, 1 bx: R C Mu- con, 1 l>x; J A Audereon. Maoon, \ lix; W B Addi son, Macon, 1 bx; V\ A Appluig, Albany, 2 bales; J J Ada»us,Nfacou,l bx; L M Bag:;* tt, Macon, 1 t-\; Lt TO Bates, 1st Rcgt <ia, l hx; .Juo Bloqch et, Chattanooga, 1 bx; W H BueUiuu, Macon, 1 h.v; Jas N Butt-s, Macon, 1 L\; Lt Geo Buckanan, Ma con, 1 bx; Juo T Brown, i'nh Ga Regt, 1 bx: J It Bennett,Macon,1 col; Mai EA Bpck,Atlanta, 1 bx: M L Beall, Macon, 1 bx: Mrs A B, Leaeton, N C, l bale; J A Brown, Sta, 8 W U K, 1 tub; Capt A A Blakeney, Rock Island barracks, III, 1 bx; T Iiai- ley, Milner, 1 bx; W G Brooks, Macon. 1 can: \V T Bush, Macon, 1 bx; E M Brync, RiehyponvL \ box; F Garter, Macon, 1 bx.’A II C4\ueron,Aiacon, 1 bx; W J Clements, Aflqata,') bx; Dr Custer, 1 trk; \V A Collips, Macon, i Geo Cornwell, Ma con, l’bBl; K .1 Cook, Griffin, I bx; II A Chadbonru, Macon, 1 bx; Capt E A Cowan, Richmond, 1 box; W Denson, Macon, 1 bbi; W Downing, Alacon, 1 can: J Duckworth T Richmond, i bx; Mrs K A Fra ser, Macon, 1 bx: VY H Friekev, (iriffin, 1 bx; \V Farrow, Petersburg, Va, 1 bx; W M Findlay, Ricb- Ynond, 1 boX; tlreitz, Macon, 1 box; J B Griffin, Macon, i bx; Juo T Gibson, Lt Art, Petersburg, 1 bx; J S Howard, Lovejoy’s. I nx, A ft Ilolt, Ma- cou, 1 bbl: Harden, Mae.On, i bale; \V Harris, Ma con, 1 bx; R L Hustler, Macon, 1 can; H J Hay*, Co K, B5th Kpgt, 1 bx; A Hut(fhinson, Macon, l hx; II L Hay, Anny Tcuu, l bx; S Jones, Macon, 1 bx; Lt T G Jones, A D C, Petersburg, 1 bx; Alex Kelly, Macon, I box; J C Kelly, Macon, 1 l»x; W N Kim brougb, Macon, 1 bx; A G Lamar, Macon, 1 bx; II H Lovett, Macon, 1 bx; A Lockett, Macon, 1 t v; W C Lee, Petersburg, l b\; Capt F Malone, Ma con, 1 bv, F J Mason, Moron. 1 bx; Eli Mciikins, Forsyth, 1 can; Mr L T Mil. . Macon 1 bx; Col K Moreton, Richmond, 1 bx; \Y M Monfort. MUicn, 1 hx, W B Madison, Macon, l bx; H C O’Donnei, Macon, 1 hx- S R Price, U<1 M C. Chattanooga, 1 bx; J C Pope, Macon, 2 Uhls: W 11 Phillips, Macon, 1 jug; J rarrott, Macon, l hale sseks; Capt T NY Pat ton, Macon, 1 box; C H*Phifer, Petersburg, 1 bv; Capt. Itayland, 1 bx; D lt**e\e», Macon, 1 bx; Jno l> Kander, Richmond, 1 h\; M 8 Reeves, Sav, 1 hx; NY 8 Stiles, Macon, 1 hx; D Stevens, Macon. 1 hx; J Stuckey, Atlanta, 1 hx; Shone A Crawford, Macon, 1 coru shelter, Robt W Stubby Macon, 1 Iflc; Dr B C Smith, Mocou, 1 bx; M Singerfield, Macon, 1 bale; A J Stokes, Petersburg, 1 bx; B F Steel, Rich mond, 1 bx; W B Taylor, Macon, 1 hx; Audrew Temple, Macon, 1 bx; A R Wat-on, Macon, 1 bx; G D Wentworth. 3d Michigan, Macon, 1 l«x: J Wil ton. Macon, 1 hale, F Windicm r, Macon, 1 bbl; NY M William-*, Richmond, J bx: Sidney Yopp, Mil len, 1 hx; R W Allen, Lov**J.,yV, 1 »e«; Win Bush, Army Tenn, 1 hx; Dr J iiumplirey, Macon, 1 hx; P Ingles, Mar*»n, 1 sack dccl’J-MOd Law Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF ST. LOUTH, MtSBQUHI. Attorney at Law. Claim and K»-al Kt-tate Agent No. 50 Market si., (Tip stairs.) PAINTING. House, Sign & Ornamental Painllug GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, - „ . PAPER HANGING At . Havuig ou btuul all the uece.v<ary material tv> gJTOg Gn* bUhljTCHS. \\y ar«* prepared to give sal i."taction, both in execution and prices, to all who max favor us with their order*,. Pll U‘;v»|ULo ktejionWand and fqrwle, mixed t aims ot every descifsiwiL . VARNISH, OlL, SP3. TURPENTINE BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SAND PAPER, | #rfc. . BRUSHES, Ac., Ac. Orders from the country promptly attended to DRURY ,v TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Duulap A Co Cherry st., aug 12-L’n.v Macon, G-\ REFERENCES: W. R Johnston, X if. R«;l. J. H. Zoilin vt Co., B A Wise, ». liyLoulJ; Durnble, Leroy Napier, W. EXTRAORDINARY IHDUCfMEHTS, Plantation for Rent, 1,250 .\ nres. 1,100 as ton with ordinary eulliva be sold to the party who r» r Marea aud Colts, fiOhvyacaUk*; 21 “ Sheep, 30 Milch.Cows, 225 head Hogs, 100 of Nvlih U ■affitar ’ aj agres Sugar Cane, which will produce V-> barrels of earn- syrup, iLm ru tiiv * 2 Iroii Sugar Mills.uml 1* Roden, Iron Gin and (On Rv lfing, Plautatiau Topls x Pioughs, Axca t lloes. Plough E'liir NN^^^s. ' * ‘.•00 bushels Sweet Potatoes, aud lpW “ , Ground FSa-s in tin ground, from Wuwftat least ly** dollar cun be realized, \\iu be gi\en to Hitt naib r. The above described stock wftj bo aold to the lessee at such low rules, thut the talc of (lie hall of it will rniy tqo tv-utpf the tariu and the white apiuunt w the purchase ol the stock ^ T The plantation is situated fi|f fifiS from AUmny, Dougherty cpuuty, op \cv. Kin Road ; liaaugdod Dwelling IIowm*, wUU vK rooms, yegotahle gurdcu, gotvlsttttjca, houses enough for \vorkere»ou plaii- lutiau, Thu plantation i- lontjrtele in e\« ry i« - speet, and has about 100 Ireedmcn on it, who \\ iif probably be Wilting to remain and work it. For price and furl her particular'. :*nnl\ )o E. ti. WILLINGHAM, o.i (by plantation, or . NENYTON A LAWTON, TIM *fci Mwou, G.i., m*xt door lo Hardeman A Sparks’ Wan bume. dee*.‘t» t.lanl Public Sale of Valuable COTTON LANDS. VV ILL BE SOLD; BY VIRTUE.OF AN ORDER from the Court Of Onlinaiy, of Dougherty County, and under un agreement ol all the hel» at L»i\v, (U the estate of TIIOS. II. MDD^HON, deca'.i-etl, on the 1st Tuesday in Jauuar>' jc <i, (flic 2d ioat. f ) !*••- fore the Court ilo.T^e dopy in -Mbanyi Ga., all thr Real K tutc, hcMUigiu:'; to tlu .>tate ol lie II Moggliwi), deeeuseif, a- follow; THE HOME PLACE, About uuu thousand (UHX))'acres, well improved, about six hundred (COO) acre s in cultivation. All Oak uml Hiekorv land. LEE PLACE, About twelve hundred a Eight hundred acres in cult cd. All Oak and Hickory BYRON PLACE, About twenty-five hmuln ‘ V-mnccn liundr ;d> : id ilicko • Land. ROYbMJN PLACE, About twenty-two Jiuudri ed. Twelve hundred and fi All Oak and Hickory Land. Teems— On e-lialf Cash, years, with interest and M cure Notes. Atfu, co^umei January, will he; t ol4 on ainov,ht ut FerisbubK* Property, Mules', ^ octl3-Sm Office or Empire Ikon Montgomery. Ala. C-»ai. Mining Co., t T HE SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com pony are prepared to issue through receipts from Macon and Albany to Baltimore and New York via the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN- . , NKSSEE LINE, and guarrantee a through priew rS hJ^rd nf TV.r., per bale TR BLOOM, Ag’t Macon, | By order of the BoardofDim nor7-3m Y G RUST, Ag’t Albany. Stockholders whose Shares are not full paid, are hereby notified to pay an installin*-ut of Tliirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st Jauuary next, and a further installment of Thirty per tent on or tors. ED. L. STROIIECKER, nov29-dlw-lawtI»t april President. Fodder, flogs, Cattl. ools, etc., etc, Ttie terms of sale <*f Perishulde ropvrty, 0ASII, and luc sale to cnniinue irom ay to day until all is sold. JOSEPH A. DAVIS, Adin’r. Albany, Ga., Dec. Tiio.^. H. Moj gihln. Houses for Sale ILiimttldn, fttdfjsia, Apalacliicnla, Florida. E. M. BROWN, OPPOSITE THE I IS IRR „ „ , ss< \\rOm* '"' ite riio :tl trillion of hU . iistomeni * andthepnWte generally, to his large and well selected stock of Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Wlii.-li Ui- offers at v.-rv Mnall Aimntwiii tw. I IlH STiH'K CONSISTS IN PART OK m<’u,cUvil Brown Domestics, Pnuts Oiuyltams, French and English Merinos, Alpa, ij. Mohair, Poplins. Thvhets, Opera ami Faun Flannels, De hiinos. Silks in great voir. ty. Linens c.faU grades. Hovp'Hrt* of oJJ sha and S't tr.'s Svjicrior mote tour s|iecial attention is cailed to my CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, WHUK^Val- WILL FIND TUE L VTF.ST STYLES As also the -V0 UVEANTE LA D I k's- HA TS, A SRAUVirfEL ART H i. F A Spu lb Utf assortment of Di e s Trimuiings, Perfumery, Soups and other T<diet Articles, Veils, White mi l Fancy Goods, Gloves, Ac., Ac Ac Gt ulk-uuMi will find ii go Tl.KM hNN l'T’iiNLdl IN *5.-L.-I kitix. , tbf »n>b Blank, t S:itch.*L, aud ever (lib* line lb tin. e wbuLatv.n.t traded with it...;- \ v :Vn only ..ay, give me a trial, I uahOi-iincnt of (1EN- G<KIDS, a large luW4 uabli- R. W .1* Kamy UlUgeUe Iwhmgiug to ttilr ..Id . • tilt lm v edVU-ibv K M. BROWN, to the Limit r Hcum Re.xpccttullv, ioyl5-5m^ - SAMUEL Ik IRVIN, A r T IH|N E V A T L A \\ . Ai-il\NY. (iEO«(j)A: -t no. T 1 . (’voxLoti, A T T 0 RN E Y A T L A W, Coilit ol Claim, nod }■' \\ a bm: t Offico o ccutive Dcparlinenta, at Book Store. Saddles and Harness. Littie, Smith & Co., SADDLES AND HARNESS ; SADDLF AND flAKNKfiS HARDWARE, . CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, l.EATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FUNDINGS, CALF SKINS. Uaruc..-> ■AMKtared to order. decl-2m This World nos all a fleeting Shoo ‘He dares these boots displace, Must meet Bombastes fao» to faoe!” This world was all a Heeling show, Em-hday throughout the seven! For iiniutlis l knew uo»wh« iv U» go, »•- • • ! .! I hong. Ill Ot ileavt i.! Ml:. - )Ui»e It seeiuedto draw . \i\ i tot In: STOKE OF SHAW. A The bulit found a etuck ol Shoe- s, Gairtcrettea and Boot-, cd my roul, inspired iny mure, ie Angelie Lliter., null, I never i aw f Shoes like MORGAN SHAW’ all an B EING desirous of chH(\gi»g vuy location And business, I offer fo.r sale in Lumpkin, Ga., a lot of^apre*, on which there «3 a first rate dwel ling house, containing 7 rooms, and all the neces sary outbuildings, which are iu good repair. The property will he cold for Greenbacks, or exchanged for Cotton at the market price on the dav of sale. I will uiso sell two lots .in ApalacliicoliJ. on which there are good dw elling houses and -nb- stantial outbuildings, and as- Apalachicola will certainly rank as one o^Lbe first seaport: on the Gulf, an opportunity is^rered t<> capindi-i «»r others to obtain property at a price that will am ply remunerate ttieui in the future. Those dcsirou> fo purchase the pioperty iu Apalachicola, will E. M. Bruce, Mm-gun .x Co., of that place, and for flic Lumpkin property to E. B. Seymour, at that place. decIftSw C. B. SEV MOU K. NOTIOE . rpo RENT, ip Stewart county', Georgia, a settle- _L inent of Land containing twenty-three hun dred (2300; aeren—fourteen hundred (140f»i ed—will bring Irom 1000 to tJ«0 lb,. Set per acre. Two Settlements ou the pi improved; two ((in Ho ) Grain Th^h and Fan* »««■ pfctcf, and tii .11 waterexl and iu a healthy localit\ Tin h to ell . 21 head Mule., nii.i IL.r-c,, 5 fine Milch Cows, 12 head Drv Cattle. 100 “ SLx k Hog». 35 “ P«*rk 1,000 hush eft Corih 1,200 - Cotton Seed, 10,000 l!»s. Fotlder, 1 set Blacksmith T«»c»ls, Plows ami Plow Gear, 1 Six-Horse Wagon and Han 1 yoke large Oxen and Wagon There are twelve grown Negroes m that can b<* employed—ou*- a No. 1 Bhi Xotice. H ACKS will leave Albany on arr'real of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, for Taliabaewe, Fla., via fhomasvjUe, Ga.; al»o, for Bainhridge every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, thus opening a regular communi cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. wfelGHT & HILL, jjtJ7-tf Proprietors. N OTICE—Hack line to Perry. Hack will leave Fort Valley on the arrival of the care from Macon every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Perry, Ga. returning in time to connect with traina from Albany and Columbus—o’clock, P. M., lor Macon. oc\Sl-3m* W. A, GRIFFIN 4 CO. * on the market until tlu- lir.-t of January. Tt not disposed of before that time. For information addro- W. L. JARRELL, Lumpkin, SU.vvart co M Ga. dec9-Uanl {care Chamberlin A Boynton.) ! Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. )d West Express »pt ettully invited t :im,u»e my stmk *»f cheap and j.ervieeable, double r,<ihd Roots and Balmoral.-, tor winter wear. Gent: fit want of a good bargain, need re arch no farther than the Boot and Shoe Emporium ot MORGAN S. SHAW, Owner < henymid dd Street, d.eJl-jw “White store.” SALE OF PROPERTY OE 0ABRU6E MANUFACTORY. ’ITT'ILL be sold before the Court Home door in \\ Entonton, on the 1st Tuesday iu February next, the copartnership property ot Marshall X Riee, Catriage* Manufacturers, conglstiler «»i Two complete gets of BlacksmitlyToels, aking Carr re Trinrimings, Ac. made known on day of rale dcc21-law till 1st tneaday it. feb. TO DEBTORS OF MARSHALL A: RICE. / t/ iME forward and settle I \y i- about to be wound up l and settle forthwith. S5id fit B. RICE. Survivor. leeCl dLiw (ill 1st tue; day in febt Police. ( HEREBY appoint Mr. A. SPRINGER, of this city, iny lawful attorney', to collect all claims due me, and request all those iiidebteil to me by account or note, to corne forward and settle ut» without del:.v. On the tir.-t of January next, f will turn over all un[*aid accounts and notch, in t‘ hands of a lawyer for collection, deeg-lm ELIAS EINSTEIN !\ o T 11; i:. I >!BB COUNTY, (iEORGIA —The Grand and IViit Juror- of Panel No. 2, who were snut- m-uied fo apiMural I be Superior Court on the TIL M outlay November last, are, by order of Cot reipijreil to »m- and apoear at the Superior Com t on SE<>>N1> MONDAY' in January next, at ten oVIocJc, A. M. All parlies at inbieht will tak j. a. McManus, Deputy Clerk. de a It A FFEN UK ID, fdigvapift DjKKMBEB SS, 1S05. ..■If “ ■ ^'' u>( JndiclWj C'nmmittcr are aw;, in w ilh tl.crccom- iih luiatioiTO of the Ihv.i.h nt, providin K for the liol.lint. ofWoflfcait (rout in Richmond, wliitll Court ii i, .utpucte,) will hive the trial YfJelTereoii Davis. L>kh i. Hint -A complete t tem will be .short 1\ inttoJuce.l in the mad houses of France. Strait waistcoats and all the other instruments hitherto used, arc to bo abolished, and the patients will live together, mil be constantly occupied at soiho useful work. The experiment has been tried at the lunatic asylum at Blois with i/rent success. mr ti ply to inq the Freed hat the G upiod <iov, none other State for tli tfi- further t emption la w • im*h as t ret ary "t tlic Interior, in re- t Gen. Howard, decides that Bureau cimnot hold, aud ment cannot set aside, unoc-' tcut t *ud in Fl >rida or any or benefit of treedmen. M the homestead aud ^ applicable to fYrcd- . . hms of paopie. . - The Tkvdk i.k Pum. \!)i;i i iiia.—Ni»w that nail l;u’ililies are I-. ing mpidly extended to' *11 parts of the U im| lhat the m rchants of our eitv should have rape me- limn ot making known their bminess, 1 and hus seeurin;; to themselves that trade with the South which they enjoyed licfnre the war. A means to produce this U*nclit to the com mercial interest of Philadelphia la furnisheii in BrowRefit Semi-Annual Trade Circular* twenty-live thousand copies of which are cir culated every six months throughout lht> Southern Stat*and Stair* tloimg business with Philadelphia, each Circular hein;r ail- * dressed, prc-iwhl, to individual parlie».-PAi?- mhlphia Pirns . • Thus these shrewd descendants of the Qua ke) s not only xvidi to come iu for a share of Southern trude, hut they insist bn doing their own advertising, thus getting ull the money from abroad thnt they can aud keeping all they get. That is, generally speaking, a safe rule; but wc doubt, if it will work success, fully in the matter of advertising. A surer Nvay for the Philadelphia DHiriinati t«» make known their business at the So)tth, is to ad vertise in .Kntthern nrtr*}«rj*rr*. One g*Mxl Southern ucwspa]Mfr is worth ten ateum)>oat loads of Trade Circulars a» a means ot com^ )))unicating with the business men of tlio South. Nobody reads » circular; everybody reads thu newKpa|M*n*. ■ 1 Our ltelntiuii* with the Negro- Prom the Louisville Journal.] politics ought to be excluded from the- *p)e*t)ou of negro ialmr in tbc Smith. Thia • juestion interests vitally not simply the blacks and the whites of the South, but it interests, the North and the Government. It is inti mately connected w ith the national revenue, and with the commercial and manufacturing interests of the whole eountry. The pr< duc- tion of the gf' .it staj)le dtppnd* mainly upjn its solution, and with tlii> staple the prosper ity of every industrial villa e, ol'e\. ry farmer and every mereliaut and manutacturer. East and West, is w rapped up. Fiir/heimore,up on the wise or unwise -...[utlou m than indus trial promein in the South I irg. ly ilepend, we firmly believe, tin* future peart*, piupefe. ity, and safety of tin* two races in that im mense area of country heretofore known usthc ‘lave States. It concern* not h th. material than the moral welfare *>f both races. It comes home to every mans income, and to. every man's an.1 every woinaM md every chihl's repose, li involve, lor* < m .it extent, the developm. nt oft hr phv-ncnl resources ami the moral proore* of H,ei« fv tl,.. h..t t t . South. In;* word, there 1 no interest wliich this gicat qmstion of Ijeedmln'.- *.md freed- women’s labor doe--not all. rr It i-. loo im portant to be mixed up w ith iiien lv politic^ coiiMideratirins ami partisan * iie<-. md the ma ought, v* fr<>w ;i up • i r. mpt t<* prostitute an ■ eonomi ti |» intere-tsot society m ill of its phuri**, fo the m ' ■ less and ignorant pbl The President, sevt ted that the great pr four millions of *l.iu can become incorpf ami become ind-ustri members of it, is our which the country is and Gen. Grant L. c*\ the same idea.dor lie instam e*’, clot al months ago. intima- to *. lutl.r r three or i suddenly ‘ mancipated ‘Rtofl inti, cur -rotety. us and ?clf-supporunc involved in doubt, but owcaller 1 upon to solve; dently imprc^-d wiUt “* expr nd vie. te or d c will be f trov ppreheu- I it) mnnv the coloretl d the worst lUUXiOE train leaves Chattauooira fi 40 ; mg at Naakvillc with Northwcateni Railroad lor | Johnsonville and jtoiats on TeniKW-p river, Padu- ! call, Cairo, and St. Louis, and Louisville and Nasli- ! vilie Railroad. COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, ) Istehvai. Rev., Dtvi3io?;. 2d Dis , Ga., \ Macon, Dee, 12, 1%5. j Notice to cotton aluppers. Railroad compauit Steamboat Boxowmeraauid Teamatcre, ail cotton ! Fare frr>m Chattanooga to Nashville, ia required to have a Metalic Tax Stamp inserted j “ )) 4l “ Sf 1 'Louts ‘23 7T» in each Bale, to denote the payment of Internal j pMsenKppi leaTin!? AtlaoU on the Vveoin S trrUo Revenue Tax, any cotton found in transit leaving j on ^ ^ ^ connect with this train. Freight this district vrilh the tent’of evading the Reve-| to now received and forwarded on quick titcc very moderate rate) new law, will be seized and condemned according to law. Al! parties having cotton to ship will please register their application for the shipment of cotton, so that their cotton can be tagged iu tarn. J. C. McBURNEY, dec!3 Collector. WM. P. INN1U. Gen’l. Siip’t. J. W. BROWN, Gen’l. Paesenger Agent. Aitoraejit ut Law, MILLKDGEVTLLE, GEORGIA. W IIJ- practice in and represent parties upon briefs furnished before the Supreme Court, and in the Superior Conrta of adjoining counties. Kpccui attention given to the collection and for- a.irrtiug ol Executive warrants u|»on the civil e«- tablislimenf, Poor School, Printing and Contingent Fund. ^ Titles to I^and investigated, Copy Grants fur nished, and information given generally. ■ L. Ii. Buiimx>z B. Gsirmtunn. dectUrn* Wesleyan Female College. rpiIE exarciaea ol the second term will begin on A Monday, Lt January, ISfai. dec37eod:ttt J. M. BONNEU^ Pre-a. Chance for Business, ,O0O Wanted ( vNE ot tiic. I>est chances for investment in tha / State of Georgia, i* now offered to any one having the above amount. It in a first class busi uess, and could be turned to a profitable account by a staunch leading Union MAN. For further particular)) apply to POLITICIAN, decmii* GriiSn, Ga. IdlcncHs anil vie enemies of tliis race, and he is the L^*t and truest friend of the freed peojm* who shall dca most to prevent them from falling into ‘itch habits, w ho shall do mo ,t to develop* and strengthen in them the practices of industry and virtue, ot self-eontrol, -elf-reliariee, and provisions for the future- not in respect, to a few of tlie more intelligent freed people, with whom there will be no difficulty, biit in re- spect to the emancipated massea at large amt of both ‘ex. . The chief difficulty will be with tlic naturally viriouy insolent, and lazy, and these will constitute, no incon idorablc portion ol the whole. Preventive measures must iieei -ariiy lie lioth encouraging and represreiv«*. The freed man must be supplied with motive- to indu- try: ^±- lift llti .WjXffffbtv son and property, have a right to . liter the courts to exact justice Irom his employer, whether bladfc or w hite, as well u .h f*,r ail oth can be imJpfrjUie more industrious he an ill I*.*, cecity fwit, and the Ixmefits which he will derive^Nmi it materially ami morally. Our ini(iAdittsion is that it wtl! !k- the l»e>t to throw lii|» entirely upon his own resource*, like any other freeman. If contract)) arc made w iih .^im to feed and clothe him without re- fereticejto his labor, he will occasionally, per- Iihjw oftwa, feign sickness or trifle. At any rate a portion fit the stimulus to industry will U: want R;. S«d the effect will 1m j*emicious. No one rule c&n, be devised. Imwevcr, of uni versal applicability. The essence of every agreement ought to be justice, mutual respou Eibility. and motives to industry an ' j-xmI conduct. This will l»e lor the l»est interoffi of Itotli parties, and tile law-making and law-enforcing power should see that ln>th parties carry out faithfully their contract and respis t each other's rights. And then there must lx* repression idle nens, ami vice, and vagnmcy*muBt te|tprre. ed ami punished. If motives industry and rewards fail in their cffts-U— a* they some times will—the fr-jir of punisbme&t must come in to deter from laziness or crime or to vindicate the laws by adequate inflictions - for the mutual protection of both whites and blacks. .JJ jl^f in a game of cards a good deal de pends on good play, and good play t>a a good deal.