The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 28, 1865, Image 4

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ho rc« -** tea ling, and then lying Bent for by an Irishman who ler roll of the name building. :»'k« d the lawyer, ‘‘what do ist heard I wanted “Well, what do you w ant with roe f" •Ai* what «houId I want wi(l vou but to get me out of this r “Well, whet •re you here lor i" -Jmt tor iMir^Uryl befcree th.y roll it." H Aad vIm!Ii tibotatiMoy auainst vou “Oh! nivrr » bit at nil. Only J told t lie jnatfoe of the peace inys* If that I did ii ' “Well, if yon ImTc confitwed it, 1 don’t see but what you will have to stay here.’’ “An’ i* it that you aay ? Sure, now, and in the country I c.iine from »m-r a hit would they kape a body in jail on such trilling evi dence a* that T —A slave in the West Indies, .who had been married to another afarv r bv a missiona ry, ht the end of three weeks brought liis wife back to the clergyman, and desired him to take her back again. The clergyman asked what "wan the matter with her. “Why, mult, olic no good. 'The 1 *<>ok says •he obey mr. we no wsvsli my clothes. Slu- no do wliat I want her to do." The minialt-r said, “Bat the book says, you were to lake her for letter or for worse.” "Ye.. -I, but die ;• 11 wor.s*-, mid no bet ter. She hv 1 * too rnnch worse and' no*better •t •II.” —A fanner going to get hia grist ground at • mill, borrowed a Img of one of his neigh- bore. The poor man was knocked under the water-wheel, and the bag with him; he was drowned. When the melancholy news was brought to hia wife, she instantly exclaimed: “My gracious what a fuss there’ll be about that bag P “—“How many rods make an acre a father asked of his son, a fast urchin, as he came home one night from the town school. “Well, I don’t know, governor,” was the reply of the young hopeful, “but I guess you’d GINGHAMS, IfcCALICGS, BALMORALS, IIOOP SKI and everything belongin to a first cla*s Establishment. Dry {joods We would call especial attention to onr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT t la the most complete in the South—come and examine for yourself! Having three establishments, one at Nashville, one at Grillin and one in Macon, we have fai for brining goods enjoyed but by a few, and are determined TO BE UNDERSOLD BY NONE! COUNTRY MERCHANTS. E. FEUCHTWANGER, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON 'GA CONSTITUTION WATER is without doubt the only known remedy Yor DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS. * IRRITATION OF THE NECK op Tin: BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, AND ALL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cures from well-known persons from all parts of the country in circular, will be sent on addressing . MORGAN ALLEN, Agents. dcc!3-3m No. 4flCllrt street. New York- Wagou build] Our urrangem 59 College Street, Nashville, Tenn. purchases during the last three months, and br constantly wafehi I vantage, ofevery fluctuation, wc ore enabled to say thai v<* I'as c i it f” asked LARGEST, CHEAPEST & BEST' SELECTED STOCK -Rra, • hurricane” replied the traveler, poor Mi-* Prim is at last, .Mias Singleton “Oh, yes, |>oor critter; she couhln’t bear to bear how l>r. Sqafbba was sliding up to widow Wllnpole . so she jnst filled with grief, and sunk under it.” “Poor, nnfort'nnle nmtur!” said the old House Keeping Goods. f 1M1E subscribers are i«repared to furnish HO JL TELS and KA MIMES on rhort notice, will the above Goods, of the host makes, in Bleached and Brown Table Dama.-ks, Damask Napkins and Doylies Fancy bordered L Huckaback and Russia I>»: Bird Eye and Scotch Dtap« Linen Sheeting.* and Pillo< Irish Linen-, etc., fBMB HAPPY PAY#OP YOUTH The UiW« km radljdanced, June, «*»».. «jM I were young, . /.*s Arvi 'at iHi the v bovm, June, In Until the wlUraf cam*, Junr, Thai w were called to part. ^ How well I recollect, June, TIbm Inrt bright hours of Mar, W* culled the ftwceteM flowers, J urn*; Fair blossom’* of a day; The htria sang gentle at rain#, June, The golden »un«hin«- smiled. And happy were onr heart*, June. While treading Nature’* wild. We did not feel life’* gloom, Jane, At *ad and stern dlof, - All Nature tuiili-d June, Itdro'e •lull > are away; An t in tti<»-e kannjr hours, Jane, We only aaw the tight That MMMKhne# come* to cheer, June, And brighten earth • drear might. Bit time* haTe aadly changed, June That* pure bright hour* are fled, And 1 ran nal} mount’ June, That dajsao loved are dead , Bat In my aching heart, June, ftWfie’* mill a place for thee Thongh suffering made us pan, June, I’ll e’er Ik- true to thee BATES OF ADfERTlSIkG agreed rrmt »t cm^rxraa. For each square of ten line* or lr<*. for the first ia*«rti*n $1, and for each hnlr-re-jn-ot iuacrii©* 75 cant*. <>u« square, «m« .. ♦ 5 Oo« aquare. two * Ooc aouarr, tbrrr w»-rk* • - - ■ l- Two ,, |U „rr., .Hie L W Two ajiure», two week*...*......... *•* Two aquarea, three week*...... ^ On* square, one “ On* square, two One square, threi One fourth «*fa column, one month w- One fourth of a column, two moot nr 70 One-fourth of A column, three month* » One half of scotoma, one month Oiv-half.vf a column, two month* 100 One half of a column, three month* 12S Three-fourth* of a column, one month........ 80 Three fourth* of a column, tire month* 120 Three fourth* of a column, tlirrc month* I*W» Onecolnmu, one month H*» One column, two mouths 150 OiicfoluiiiD. tlirre month* Y**» AdvertUriu<‘Uta Inaerie.I at intervals to tre- charged a* new each insertion. • Advertiacments ordered to remain on any par titular page, to be charged a* m vr each insertion. The money for advertising considered due after first insertion WM. A RF.II) A CO., Of Macon Telegraph. 3 ROSE dr CO., Of Jour nal A Messenger. Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 5jO Hale* Gunny Bagging, 100 Toil* Hemp’ Rope. 25 Coil* Manilla Rope, rg) Bbl* Refined Sugar, 25 Sack- fcio CofLx, 20 Bbls Leaf I .a pi 50 K« rr Cut Nad 10t) Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxe* Assorted Candy, 40 BM- Butter Crackers, Wine, t igar*, dx. Brigham, Baldwin Go. C O MMI .S >• 1 OX V K Ii CIIA X TS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipment* to their friend* In New York or Liverpool. nov22-2in HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. CASHAET & CURD, Iron Front Store, Cherry street, Have in store end are receiving daily u full com plete stock of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Hue*, Chains, and Tool* of every dbcription. PLANTERS, CARPENTERS, MERCHANTS, M ACHJ.NTSTS, BUILDERS, BLACKSMITHS. Carriage and Wagon* Maker* can he supplied with everything in llu ir line. For Steam Saw Mill* a Full Assortment of Rl BBER AND LEATHER BELTINGS, OIBOl'LAR AND MILL SAV.S, And everything in their line. Wc are sathtied that with five Jrearp axperience and personal attention to business, we ean make it advantageous to the interest of purchaser* to buy of u*. Call at dcc2-1m CARIIART A CURD. [NEWTON & LA.WT0N Just Beceiied from lew York, “Cannon Ball- “No, sine PI “ kuvlii Balls, then • “CoiltDh Balls!’’ A Smart < mi i. —A father wa* winding up Ins watch, uhen he phufully sai.l to his little il.uigi,ier "Lilt me win.I your nose up.” “No. >ai«l the child, “I don't want mv no<c wound up; for I don't want it Jo run ail day.” A printer meddling with n verdict of a coroner a jury, struck out a comma after the Word “apoplexy,” making it read thus: “De ceased c ame to hi* death By excessive dpnk- ing, producing a|v-.plcxy ih the minds <M the •jury.” A man bottted of having eaten forty-nine hoi led t gvs. ' ** *A\ hv did you not cat one more and make • t fifty ;” a ked N.iimL Humph, do \ oil want a man to nuke a hog of bun s-If just for one . gg «•;: VNPM k Wc 1!. Charley, and what have you Been learning to-dav . 1 hari.i'.v—Pneumatics, eran’ma. can l| tell you -III li ,'t «|o,|; . » If | T> u to put YOU ’ urnh.1 .. red i er, and exhaust the air, I all your wrinkl. would come out aa smooth 1 a* gran*pa > head 1 How are you. Smith ' slid Jones. itl» pretended not to know him, and an- j Furniture DimiTy, Marseilles Quilts, Bed Blanket*, Cotton 3h*'« tings and Pillow Cottona, L.-vTUROP A CO., Corner ot Congress and Whitaker Sts., Savannah, Ga. Orders Uft with Mer.ers. E. 3. Jaithrop A Co., of Macon, will l>e forwarded t*» us, and will meet with prompt attention for any portion of the. 3tatc.»m* LATIIROP A CO. Mule Taken l r p, A MULE caiiH 1 into the possession of a freed- tnan iu my. employment a few days ago, which there is reason to believe, was stolen. The owner can have the animal bv describing it, prov ing proj>.»rry, and paying for this advertisement and the keep and cost of the tnule, to said freed- JOSEPH ALLEN, swered he^Hatingiv “A'es, I Mipp..' ot i-otnoK>» M-n> htdy ..f allot her idvantage of me.” ; everybody has that’s and, dear!” asked one j bad state,” was the j ate is he in T* General Confusion. THE LARGEST I.OT OF FIREWORKS, EVER OFFERED FOR SALE IN MACON X. A. MF.GRATH, dec20-Ct Agent. Just Received % him. t, pray wh:.i kind ot •d the other Prworn.” o ox AWiitg.great crown gathered ...... .. g, nt!eraan,uniting ;i l*oy, said - ‘ ‘' liter-, anything goinggta r“ es sir.” was the nndy||ply. “There’s two tlung> ; om on; you're ioin’ on, and I'm goin'on.' % A rv:mt .tskul her mistrea^k hether she could oblige her hr going out on A particular KtUrnoon. as she was going to hanru party and wanted the loan of the drawing-**.>oj. * A ta>hionahlc, but ignorant lady, Was ile * irons of pundmving : si ' watch. The jeweller li.ov d her. among others, a wf beautiful one. remarking u t the >ame lime, that it went thirty-six hours. .¥ “In one day !” she asked' An Arkansas Butternut advertises that “Any gal w hat has cot acoflfeopot and skil- ot.and who knows how to take careof chil dreu. ’ can hear of a situation by applying to “the undersigned.” There are two directly op|K^n. rea.>ous why a man sometimes cannot get cre.;it; one ia, jKxu.ise he is no! know n ; the other, because he i>. | . —“Peter, you are such a bad boy. 1 t yon are not tit to sit in the company of gi*K h.\v?\) U the IxMich. Come up here and < '-it by nir. sir.' “I am or ib,- .rail oft. ,l«r,” as tbc fellow kuo when tu -^epinxl on one of the msnv emale street sweepers. 'Ve- lenowr a p-t»t many poisons who are kind to a fault." bat that is the only thing! they are kind to. - s j Brirtaja Young is indeed . Pillar of I oaic lake. Hk idea of w ives is Lots. . | 1,400 Pair AK.MY BROGANS. 10 Hales GEORGIA KERSEYS | *20 Bales No. 1 03NABURGS. 150 Kegs NAILS, . SO Cases SCUEIDAM Sl HNAl’FS, 100 Carea BRANDIES and WHISKIES, Together with ji full assortment of GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES, COATS and CAPS. Our stock is full and complete, and we are offering inducements to dealers. Examine our Stock ar i prices before pur chasing. J. B. ROSS A SON, Corner 2d *»d Cherry Streets. decl9-?t 10 Cosed Sardines ^different sizes, 50 Case* Cove Oysters, 1 aiul 2 lb Call: 5 Cases French Mustard, QO Bbls liny Mackeral, 50 Kits No. 1 Mackerel, 50 Boxes Scotch Herring, 10 Kegs Dutch Herring, 25 Bbls Sour Krout, 50 Boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candice, 75 Boxes assorted Cheese- 5 halt Chests Young Hyson and Oolong Tea 2 half Chats English Breakfast Tea* 10 Bbl White Fish. ALSO A FINE LOT OF WINES AND LIQUORS, CONSISTING!) F Heidsick aud Other Brands of Ohampaigne. OTARD BRANDY, HOLLAND GIN, GINGER BRANDY, GINGER WINE, GINGER SCHNAPPS, SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS, CLARET WINE, LONQON PORTER, COGNAC BftANDY, FRENCH BRANDY, BOURBON W HISKY, ETC., ETC., ETC. We are deUmtiiu-d to sell as cheap as t! elienpest Wholesale House in this city, and would respectfully suggest that persons de siring anything in out line would do well by giving us a call. decSI-janl. NEWTON & LAWTON. National Banking AND INSURANCE CO., OF SAINT LOVIS, MISSOURI. Cornelius Vookhis, President. Franci* McFaul, | AuousTrs Baum, Cashier. Ass’t Cash’r *& Sec’ty. TOBY A OGDEN, deel4-lm. Agents, Macon, Ga. OUR STORE IS AGAIN OPEN. NEW GOODS BUT THE OLD FIRM ! GOODS 50 PER CENT LESS THAN Tin IMIR MRK ail O' SINUS Till! V F. FEUCHTWANGER & CO., WOU1.D r«isi»ectfuUy inform their old friend* ami customer*, the citizens of Macon and vicioity, that they have just returned from the Eastern Markets with one ofthc LARGEST, FINEST AND CHEAPEST * Stock of Dry Goods, Shawls and Cloaks, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, which they ofler to their old friends and customers, and the public *t large at GREATLY REDUGED PRICES. ^ Having bought for cash, uuder the lust heavy decline of Good-, weeau* assure our customc. Hi we can sell them THE VERY BEST GLASS OF GOODS, ' Cheaper than they can be Bought South of the Ohio Our Mr. FEUCHTWANGER, well known to the citizens of Macon and vicinity, grateful for past favors when amongst vombegn lesrvetu assure all, that he is now prepared to show them BETTER AND CHEAPER GOODS THAN EVER! Come and see onr stock of SILKS, 40; Mules! IVLules ! AH young and large, fur bale to the highest bid der, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2ttth inst., be ginning at i- o’clock precisely, at the Taylor plan tation. called “Peru,” in Early county, 6 miles east ol Blakely, on the Albany road, 28 miles below Cut libert. L*?“|TERMS, 12 months credit, on approved security. Alsp, 1,000 bushels of fine Cotton Seed, Wagon, T«»ols, Cattle, 100 fat hogs, Ac. The place is easy to reach, and now is the time to get !ir>t quality stock at fair cash prices. 1 his is a fancy lot of Mules, picked out of the best Kentucky droves byCapt. Richard D. B. Tay lor just before his death. CATHARINE TAYLOR, * L> C. BAEP.OW, jEJra. Our assortment ot BLACK AND C0LG1JED SILKS. FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, POPLINS, MOH.YILS, LUSTRES, AND OTHER NEYV STYLES OF DRY GOODS, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. \Yc have the latest styles of Cloaks, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies’ Hats, &,c J( &c A large assortment of SWISS, MULL, INDIA BOOK, EDGINGS, INSERTIONS, LACES, IUBB6N3 HAND- KERCH DBFS; GLOVES, HOSIERY. NOTIONS, ete. We arc selling to country merchants coming to n»<l passing through the city to supply themselves with goods, wc wish to say tlmt we can sell them at lower raten than they ca: obtain them at Louisyilic or Cincinnati. Our large stock of HATS AND BOOTS AND SHOES Has mostly been bought at auction, v<yy cheap, and will be sold at very small profits. Onr Clothing Department, Up Stairs, Consists of every article of Men’s Wear made up m the latest styles and of the best material, and will be otfered at the lowest prices, wholesale and ifctuil, at k m. lift fill IIA ; W. BURKE & CO., •ec-Aiul Slreel. .Vest to UnplM i'hurcli, .tlneon, Lcorgia, Are receiving a Huo Stock of Goods, adiplfd for CHRISTMAS I'liKSKlWGf consisting oi Pliotograpli Albums, In great variety, varying io price from $1,00 to $30 Persons, Copies of Fine Engravings, Richly bound Bibles, Prayer Books, And a largo varge variety of JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS! SIIMI VV SCHOOL A\ll HISCELLA\r.«H * m i dir* mm ir nnn,,l, Wo bavo • L.r^o and elegant a- wrlmout GOLD PEltSs! Wo have also on band a complete assortment of all kinds and dbsoe of ENVELOPES! Give us a call, anJ examine our line Stock of Books, Stationery,Xc W. D. “BANKS, , u. sc. ItEPOSITORV.! M A^C( ) N. GEORGIA, OPPOSITE STPBHLKFIKM> HOIJSIL » pul up to order all manner of work belonging to Oarriagu .m.t the best of taeiiitioa for repairing articles of the .same char.u t»-i upleie for SMITH WOliK, sept 17-din G. EICE! & CO.’S, COLLEGE STREET, NASHVILLE, TENN. Daily Messenger copy. ACard. M RS. M. A. HOWLAND vould respectfully in form b«*r friends aud former patron?, that after a retirement of twA years from hu?inr**, she has rwumedpt, at the room adjoining her rvsi deaee, on Wain at street, (for the present ) where she i* prepared to offer an eiegant and well select ed stock of .Millinery goods, of the latest styles, Look at This! V NY GENTLEMAN .who wishes to engage in the profitable business of Cottae-malung an other year can either bay or rent mj plantation on Spring Creek, iu Early county, containing 1150 acres, abosUOl) acres of oJkoi laud, most of it fresh; all under eood repair; new buildings, Ac., the place baring been settled within the last three years; healthy and good cotton-growing lands. I will also sell on the place all the stock, consist ing of Mules, Wagons, Plantation Tools, Ac. Also, Corn, Seed Potatoes, Sugar Cane, Cotton Seed, Hogs and Cattle. 1 want one-half cash, the balance I will give otic year's time on. Will sell a bareain in the whole ii called upon before the 15th of December. Call on A S. STAFFORD. Blakely, Ga., or J. C. McBKRNET. Waco- f '~ dccl2-dlaw'dw New Clothing Store. ALBERT & BORK OF NASHVILLE, 11 A\ E upeued a Branch House at McEVOY’S OLD STAND, on Mulber ry Street, oppewite the Lanier House, where they are prepared to sell clothing at the lollowing low prices: Overcoats from $15 to $50, Pine BFk Cloth Suits,. $20 to $60, Business Suits $18 to $40, Jeans Pants $3 50 to $4 00, Hats, finest fur, Ac., $3 50 to $4 50. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GENT’S FURNISHING GOODS, At lowest rates in this market. As we intend remaining permanently in Macon, we offer onr goods at the [owest prices, in order to establish a regular trade. Peeling confident that we can sell cheaper than any other house in the city, we respectfully ask a trial, to convince the citizens of Macon and vicinity, of the truth of onr assertions. Capt. WILL CARL OSS having associated himself with our firm, will be pleased to see hia friends, and take pleasure in attending to their orders. PAINTING, TRIMMING, REPAIRING \ij«l all work n ijiiiml on ail kind of Vehicles I solicit the jtatroiiu<'c of tlicyx-ople ot I In-; i I promise (.j yivo ilfp utmost sarisfjwtioii to those who entrust jobs to our shops. I also am prepared to yum fall ana Repair Furniture At the shortest, notice. Prices will be tin-lowest that can possibly bii tt<for<jtal. I will al wav." keep on IuokJ, l«>r sale, a supply of Busies Carrtfi^fitj’w hich w ill l*e r ohl .p HOHSE3 SHOBIINCi Iltmirst Stitisfai IV. I). BANKS Oojy !>y (fie most espencncert workmen in the city. We cnftraStce the utmost «atSrfactiot in tins particului. . FOR SALE AT W. A. HUFF’S ■' Vv" ’ ’ * ’ GRA N EMPORIUM. 2,OHO Sacks Corn at $1,25 per Bushel, in lots of 500 Bushels, i ,000 Sacks Oats, 500 -BarrreJs Flour, 200 Kegs Nails, * 20 Barrels prime Leaf Lard, 10,000 Pounds Choice Bacon Sid, r ♦ . 100 Kegs Soda, 50 Barrels Cane Syrup. 25 Barrels .Sorghum Syrup, 6,000 Bushels Cotton Seed. dec3-3m ALBERT A BORK, McEvoy s Old Stand, Opposite Lanier House, Macon, Georgia. December 21-7t Lost. /-AN FRIDAY NICHT, an nnopeuvd letter,ad- ' ' drrwnt toMr. A. H. Any one re- will l„: ffratefally thanked, by attlce. c. W. DEMING. tlce2». CLOTHING AND FURNISHING goods, I L- JOKES At Co., are in recelnt rert o n,arket ll ii' r * tOC nk.'' 1 ‘ i<l ‘ ^I*' at the lowcs TSJ I u «r SKr k of BOYS’ < LOTH complete, comprising many choir,■. and new at -‘e“' d*eS0-lw*. SELECT M IIOOI. boysand girl VIK. HALL, infnniu l„» |,strum, that tl, ercutes of hi* school, icccinence Mon January Inf, lSf». Tenna : $5 00 poi nionth. 50 cents extra A few vacancies may 1m- i,ik- early application. .Mr. It is a grudiutle of th b. Naval Academy. lUfcre to present I-a Irons dee 24—2w* Macom a Wksteun Railroad On Macon, Ga., Dec. 1 r piIE ANNUAL election ter PnwiUcut X rector*for the ensning -ar thU office on Tuesday 2d dav de?10-tde. t»f Jamiary MlLO S. FREEMAN, QecreUry and Trmuri