The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 29, 1865, Image 6

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Second Street, Triangular Block, MACON (NEXT DOOR TO B. C. GRANNJ88’,) BARGAINS ! GOME AND SEE ! OUB MOTTO : “QUICK SALES AM) SMALL PROFITS, , at tbs lowes- NEW YORK STORE, 8. WAXELBAUM & BRO. FORMERLY OF AMERBCCS, GA Fifty Able bodied Honda, W ANTED to work oc my ptecutfoc mile* from Macon. i very healthy p' —liberal wage* riven, rayah c mouthjT.-wftojE rations. Apply ln.meute;*]j at my office cl«eS7-t£ ' T.K.0LOO1 SUaVER. v 8100 ’ 000! ! Greenbacks. Produce! A. SL ROWLAND, Macon, Ga. N. A. Megrath, Ag’t I want more of the above things and will exchange most an; kind of goods for either. I not only hav* the umal amount of GROCERIES, but can offer the beat assortment of: WINES. FISH. LIQUORS, MEATS. CIGARS, CHEESE, TOBACCO, CANNED VEGETABLES, FRUITS. PRUNES, FIGS. That ha* been in onr market for yean. My assortment of BRANDY PEACHES. CHOICE PICELES. WALNUT CATSUP. WHITE ONIONS. JOHN BULL SAUCE, And all other good thing*. Cannot Ho surpassed, ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES'. NUTS, CANDIES, RAISINS, Ac., Ac., deel ■TELLIES. BITTERS. EGG NOG. PORT AND MADERIA WINE, CHOW CHOWS, Come and aee for yourselves. X. A. MEGRATH, Agent. 'At Ella’ Old Stand, opposite Lanier House. FRESH ARRIVALS. S New Grocery Store. NEW FIRM. D_ DALY &o BROTHER At Bryant’s Old'ftuction Room, Cherry St., Macon. HAVE just received ajarge lot of Sugar-Cured Pig Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Stewart A, B, and C, Sugars, English Breakfast inu Green Teas, Finest English Dairy Cheese, Prime Goshen Butter, Extra Family Flour, Fine Wines, Liquors and CigarB, and everything usually kept in a Plrst Class FAMILY GROCERY, too numerous to menti' n, at Wholesale and Retail. We are paying the highest prioe fdlr' Country Produoe, such as Corn, Meal, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Dried Fruit, etc., etc. dec! ■ -Ira*. 1865! FOR CHRISTMAS. 1865! SIGN OF, THE ROCKET! T ”‘- W. G. ENGELKE & CO., " rewo,t - Segnr*, Candy, Pipe., CDEERY STEEET ' Km*, Tobacco VAC OS’, GEORGIA. _ CaReo, F A.NCY GOODS- HAVE in otore, an immense stock, and are receiving large supplies of Confectioneries Segars, Tobacco, Pipes and Fsncy Goods, A large stock of Dried Fruits, Canned Fruits Covo Oysters, Sardines, Pickles, Raisins, Nuts of all kinds, fresh. Oranges, Lemons, Apples, Candies of French ar.d their own manufacture, Soda and Butter Crackers. A splendid stuck of imported and domestic Segare, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. A large and elegant assortment of Meerschaum, Brior and China Pipes, which are offered at wholesale ana retail at the lowest prices in the market. ^ Toys! FIREWORKS! Toys! MR. S. DUNLAP. Agent for the largest manufacturing and importing establishment ot Fire Works and Toys in the Cnited Statca, offers great inducements to all classes ot retail dealers in the country, to purchase at whoteoeto and retail, and at extraordinary low rates. • ST" His wareroom* arc with W. S. Eugclke A Co., SIGN wise JtocKET. Cherry treat, Macon, Georgia. . . -Wl-dlm, OUR PLACE. JUST OPENED -A. ISTE'W WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. BRAINAFRD So 00« 3 Hava just received the largest and finest stock of Liquors in this eonntrtwhich they are selling at 1 letter prices than can be had at any other house in the tate. THEIR EXTENSIVE STOCK CONSIST OF FOREIGN MD DOMESTIC LIQUORS, MONONGAHELA, ROBINSO]; COUNTY BO UR >ON, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKY. BEST COGNAC, BEACH AND APPLE. KOUU-A.ISriD OUST. JAMAICA pa STILL WI3NTBS. PORT,CATAWBA GERMAN, SHERRY,CLARe-T AND HUNGARI sparkling ’arsnss, LONG WORTH’S OHIO, JONES’ KENTUCKY. CHAMPAGNES, HEIDSICK AND CL1QCOT. Bohers’ Bitters, Absinthe, Curacoa. A Large and Select Stock cf AGENT FOR TH F. SALE OF THE BEST CINCINNATI ALE. F. BRAIjVARD & CO., No. 1SS, Mulberry street, near Lacier House. noTSWto# J. R. WALKER, Late Taylor County, Ga. ROWLAND & WALKER. (SUCCESSORS TO A. M. ROWLAND* CO.i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS LHINA, GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE. SVLRERRT STREET, (Oppotile Lanur Routt) SAGOS, OA. We' would inform our friends and the old patrons of A- M. Rowland & Co., that we have on hand a large eupply of the finest French China, both Gilt and Plain, which we will sell in complete Dinner and Tea Sets, orby^he piece. We hare also a large variety of fancy Toilete Articles—GRANITE, COMMON WARES, Ac. novl-3m GOLDSMITH & NUSSBAUM, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Clothing and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS &c., &C., AT THE SEW YORK STORE, SECOND ST., TRIANGULAR BLOCK. MACON, GEORGIA. The undersigned takes pleasure in offisring one of the largest nod neatest Stocks of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, and in fact everything belonging to a FIRST CLASS CLOTHING STORE. Please call and examine iny Stock before purchasing elsewhere, aa I am euro you will not leave the Store dissatisfied. GOLDSMITH & NUSSBAUM. oct37*6m FOB BENT. No. 1 Plantation, IS BAKER OOVNTT, <7.4., -f n MILES from Albany, on the. Newton toad, 1M containing .Eight Hundred Acres. seven hundred and mtj (750) cleared and enclosed, There is on the place a good dwelling house, gin house and screw, with all the necessary out-build - fora plantation. U lo reduce two hundred and fifty bale* ot Cot ton. lor further particular* apply to NEWTON & LAWTON, Next door to Hardeman & Sparks’ Warehouae. Kf* Atlanta New Era and Noahrm* Manner my until Jan. 1st, and scud Mil to N. d L for collection, dec 20-t jsnl School for Boys and Girls. CORNER OF SECOND AND OAS aTMtRT*, MACON, GA, First Monday In January, 1*06. A LL branches ol the English Language taught, together wtth Latin and too Higher Mathe matics. Terms: Seven Dollars per month in ad vance. B. D. WADE. Refers to Messrs. L. & P. Whlttia, Macon, Qa^ 8. Boykin, Editor Telegraph. docSS-eodtf B. JAOSSOJr. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE NEW FIRM, ALLEN & HAYGOOD, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA Wo will give our personal attention to ah busi ness entrusted to onr car* and ask* prompt re turn. Consignments toileted.d»cfe&n THE BAZAAR OF MACON. S_ PEYSER &o "WTaolesale and ^Retail Dealers lit D B T G- O O D S , to .COLEMAN <£: ROSS’ old stand on Cotton Avcuua, botwoen Cherfy and Mulbcrry’-otxcets. A Large and Complete Assorment of Laadies Dress &oods^ SILKS, MERINOS, WOOL DeLAINS, EMPRESS CLOTH, EMBROIDERIES., LACES, RIBBONS, HATS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLUMES, 80NTAGS. CLOAKS, SHAWLS. NUBIAS, HOODS, BONNETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SHOES OF ALL KINDS AND DRESS HAT , TRIMMINGS OF ALL VARIETIES. A LAMPS LOT OF Oil Clotlis and CaiTpets Gent* Hats. OF ALL PATTERN Furniahing Good*, Bt " irosd Cloths, CaMimores, Boots and Shoes, and Ready Made Clothing. Boo Skiu, Vwtings, Satinet*, Tho attention of toa Ladles of Macon, and of Dealoara who the ettv. la DartlctJariv tnrltad tothla well selected atock of FANCY G00D3. The retail room will be found on the lower floor and W&SMS T, ™ d wh^^Ubcp^W.lHS» 0 ^^XreSr e c?sfoSS; ““ d ' e2 - ln ‘ A P. A CO. NEW FIRM! jST E ~W GOOD S’! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and .Retail!! AT E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform the ladle* of this city, county and vicinity and the pubs £c In general, that he has now open and ready for ta’e at the well known and popular old stand of E. .EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, Ono of the best selected Stock* ot Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern markets. Tho good* were select ed by Mr. JSusnxBiw with greet care: and aa h» la i tow in the New York market for the aolo purr-j,, o ' selecting good*, and watching the beet oppor tunities for buying, 1 have the advantago or or all oth er merchanta who are not almllarly Bltuated. I ah*U receive new^addltlona to our atock eve ry * »ek, and will be always pronarcd to othlbit to the n obllc aoode of tho Bes t Manufacture. Latest Styles, AJfP Lowest 3&arkoft Yrices. >lv vtrek e outlaw In .part..o' .ft? foil owing goods iw Prints, _ t , Printed PcLaincs, All t?ool Delalnca, Em press Cloth, ' IV)11 DoChevre*, English and French Sfsrinos, Scotch and V«ultl*n PlaldS, n,aekD 0 L^£ ,ld ' Pt “ nd *** Atayacas, Black SillU, Merinos acd Bo tubaetne* And many other goods belonging t<» tho ’ ‘DRESS DEPARTMENT A full and comrteto aasortmaot of Linen Cambric Handkerchief^ White, Red and Shaker Flannels. Plain and Fancy Opora Flannels, Bleached and Brown G kota, dfcc., r* Flannels, i Canton liinnols, Bluf Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies* Mormo Veata, Table Linen, Table Cloth, « Towels, Towelinmi, Ntpuna, And alt other article* Ndongte^’re’^* ttnM ’- Number One Dry Goods Store. We cell the special attention of the tedits to our CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT Aud.sty with confidence* we wIU w»J there trtl- wwia razes, Than any other house in the city and WAXR toe goods to be of the Beet and Most Fast lonable Mn facturo. 1