About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1865)
THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH, OLD SERIES, NO. 1397.1 MACON, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 18$5. (NEW SERIES, NO. 198. CITY BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. ( tOBB A JACKSON, Attorneys at law Macon, Vj Us., office AporiteFost Office, ores office of K. A. Wllbo*, Third alrcat. norl-tes* nnu con. | ,un oacicaox. H OLT A BA8S, Attorneys at Uw. Macon, Ga. Office orcr MU A Kirtland’s store. Will jrire prampt attention to all business minuted to their care. octTSm*. T. a. BOLT, jr. J. r. miss. orrr Pant'a Drug Store, next to Coocer II ll,> Maccm, Ga. U S. WHTTrUC. P. B. WHITTLE. PHYSICIANS ANI) UltttiUlSTS. K | EMOVAL-Ur. B. A WlUtenow occupies two nona orrr the present post office, next door to Dr. C. H. Ilall'a office, when he can be loaadnlRht or dar when not professionally absent. oetl&tha. ~r- ' D R. GBO. K HOLMES, has reamed bis office fr m Brown's Hotel to the East aide of Third street, between Poplar and Plan—where be can lie found at all boars, unless prolcsslooallj absent. ocVn^f | A US. SMITH iOWKN, 1 ) ,iiul Hit streets, l)r. 1.1 office corner tfalant » alreeta. Dr. LlgbUboPa old aland. t K. C. 1. BOOBKVKLT, (Homocopsthlst). Office Mulberry at., Washington Block, oxer a. M. Boardroan’a Book Store. Residence on Wahml, near Third aUect. norfl 3m* R W. P. PARKER—residence and office on Mulberry atrect, (opposite the Medical Col ic here he may be found at all boara^ day and D1 D 1fist MIX & KIRTLAND NO 3 COTTON AVENUE, WHOLESALE d RETAIL HEALERS IN . BOOTS and SHOES, AVE on band and are conataatly receiving a fine assortment of Lanins', Gentlemens', Bovs' and Cniumxxs’ Boon and Shoes, of the beat description and the latest styles, which they offer is cheap aa they can be bought In the market. The attention of MERCHANTS la especially called to their JOBBING DEPARTMENT. Thanking their frienda for past favors, they re- apectfally solicit a continuance of the aamr. dec 17-!md-4tw* _ ; _ JEWELRY STO&E. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC., nave re-established their old and well known JEWELRY STORE and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at No. 6 Cotton Avenue, under tlie MasonicJIall. They Iiave Just received a select stock ol all classes and qualities of goods kept U their line, intlnding watches. Jewelry, Spectacles, Gold Pens, Clioice Cutlery, Port Mousies, Merscliaums, Coolie, Bnishes, Violins. Guitar and Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Guns and Tackle, Pdrcusaiou Caps, Msrbtes, Tope, China Dolls, Playing Cards, Dominos, Backgatmnon and Chess Men, l.ubin's genuine Extracts, Toilet :.UilShaving Son pa. norM-dgm D ULL HARRIS tenders his professional scr- vices b> the public. (Office on Second street, over Knott A nones. acpt7-3m COMMtBRION MERCHANTS. J EWETT * SNIDER, Wholesale Commis sion Merchants, and General Agents, Second street, between Cherry and Poplar, Macon, Ga.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ments or cotton, produce, manufactures and other ankles ot Merchandise. Orders and Consignments, solicited from all parts ef the country. Agents for several drat class Insurance Companies. ,Ktl.:im» JEWELERS. J ^ffi II. OTTO.—Wholesale and retail dealer in a Walclica, Jewelry, Watch Materials, Gold Pena, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, Ac. At Uic old stand of J II A S 8 Virgin, Cotton Avenue, Macon, Ga. * Watches, ClocksandJewelrT, repaired and warranted. 8ewlng Machines of all descrip tions put In order, to which Mr. P Hcrtell will at tend. noVJSBmt I) J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, fate work ( shun for Sidney B. Day, combine* to repair Watches at present in the Floyd House Building, opposite Medical College, Mulberry -treet. . rTAMES SUPPLE, Wat. i.maker, ami .leivellrr, eJ x<->ud street, twin!.. • >« firomML. comer ol Mulberry, keep* const antly ft well aeleeted at^ort- m.-nt ofilne Gold and Silver Watches aud Jewelry. and .ictwelry carefully repalretl by workmen. ‘ M*pt29-3m IflSCELI VfAOONP 1 DAILY te iVL Oflier. Job work« led on abort notice and i tunable n J. BLAKE, n* persona Savannah Foi’warding HOUSE. TFIE SUBSCRIBERS are paying particular at tention to the forwarding of Goods and Cotton through Savannah; and haring an agent in Augusta ofler uiMnrpasscd facilities for dispatch and econo We would also solicit consignments of Cotton or produce, for sale in Savannah. F. W. SIMS & CO. REFERENCES: Macon.—N. C. Munroc, J. D. Carhart, J. B. Roas Rolf, Sims «fe Co. Aincricus—Thomas Harrold. Savannah.—Brigham. Baldwin Jk Co. dec21-lm* GRIFFIN & CO., 58 & 60 Courtland Street, -e - YORK. .Manufacturers of AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENTS, and M A CIIIN E S. DEALERS IN SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS, par Trade Supplied. Send lor circular. novlS-3na Medical Xotlce. H AVING permanently located in the city or Macon, I ofler ny professional services to the citizt iih in the practice of McdiSChc, Surgery and Obstetrics; having had eighteen i 1.3) years experi- enee in the treatment of dta<-:iat> peculiar to the < Utice In Kateto piston ft I .aw to dec!2-lm* i building off Third street, ove «, next to Hardeman dt Spark’s C. B. EEITNER, M.D. Important to Teachers! Brownwood Institute. oo long and.*'* Iawir.il.lv known I.) t!.<- ptiMIq is now . .ft-■ reil for i: de. Kveiything Considered ’tln-Stlite. \\ it L a -inal/outlay for repair:-, evi-ry thing would in ruudhe-t-s fora !ir,t ehos Higt School Com,, i ted with it i* a line Cabinet o Minerals and Library.* It L not quite a uiilw Iron RIDGELY, S4IJIEK A CO., AOKNTS FOIl DODDS,. MACKEALS k URBAN’S, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. rpHKSS SATES ANI) LOCKS hays been llior- _L onglilv te>ted and their reputation i- such that the Tkeapira DepaktmRnt ul Washington and New York city use them in preference to an) otper. They are made exclusively of . iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. TilF. • Eureka and Excelsior Bank Bocks, or Vaults, Ex] C. G. CONNER &* BRO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, * —AXD— PURCHASING AGENTS, Third street, - - * - Macon, Georgia* \ \ y E offer oar semcea to the public, and will VV* give personal attention to all hnisiness en trusted to aa. We solicit consignments of goods of every de scription, particularly country produce. Goods stored at the usual rates in our large, se cure and well situated store house, opposite the Express office. tzmocKs: Messrs. Hardeman & Sparks, Harris & Robs, Ash er Ayres, J. B. Ross, and Rev. J. W. Burke. x Ayres, J. J jufy^LCm HENRY TONGS. JAMES YONOE. * (From Georgia.) HENRY YONGE & C0„ COM HISS ION MERCHANTS No. 11, Itroafl Street, Nor York, OOLICIT consignment.* of Cotton an other O articles, anrl orders for purchase of Goods. REFERENCES: Charles Day. Esq., T. R. Bloom, Esq., L C. Plant, Esq.', Macon, Georgia; Messrs. Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta. They‘bare bad large experience in pur chasing. K.mi.hoad Supplies of all descrip tions md'solidt orders from Railroad Com panies. nsvll-Gm* T..-, SfrTT»T < u. l. sqriEa. s. r. waimix. RIDGELY, SQUIER & GO., COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMSIISSION MERCHANTa Lanier IIo^mBullding, MACON Wmo R G I A . REFERENCES: T. R. Bloom, E. Wilcox, Gen. J. T. Croxton, Macon, Ga. Holmes & Patterson, Hopkins & Bro. New York. C. W. Bruner, Savannah. Tucker A Co., Louisville. ,.oct27-8m. Boyd & Gordon, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PRU GGISTS, i'HKKRY BT.j TWO DOORS BELOW TEI.KOKAPH Bl KLDINO. U AVE constantly on hand for sale a first-class stock of PURE DRUGS, . MEDICINES, PAINTS, OIL8, LIQUORS, GLASSWARE, WINES, FANCY ARTICLES, ETC. taxes. Bankers, Jewellers, ailed, and narties desiring greatly to their interest to purchase from us, ns we can sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight duly added, nov 11 dim RIDGELY, 8QUIER «fc CO. such artiolet. will lind i pay > For i! LaGr AWTREY, IjiGrii dee 1J ONOCMY. 2 (SECURITY .1 nsuraiace A gency, T* M. ROARDMAN is Agent I'nrtlio following fl • reliable Inburancb Comuanies. TltE LORILLARU FIRE INSURANCE CO., Rn^Wsnud l'amily .Ic*v*c*y Wagons FliOM CONCORD AND RRATTLKBORo. \ \ " K will si*'*ii have a supply of Buggies, To \> Kunilv \V ig.*ns and Harness mad • to orde at O *NT< )R D A N D III 1 ATT 1.Eli< )HO.c\ piwI v !«* Cash Capital ell MA N CO. HOTEL. t*> all purchasers. ;»nee can address us lcton), or at llawkir McDUKIT K, METROPOLITAN LATE CROWN’S, /> C. ThL 1* R. in *\ at. d rial Re lun.ished is now la perf« * t order for the reeejdion and ac- comnw'daLion of its old patrons. oetl-:»in ~~~*L S. HAKTRIDGE, COMMISSION AND KORAVARDINt MERCHANT. 92 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. •rofits annually divided, 75 This Company divides thr< >rofit& to the policy- holders in sc: crest, without any liability to the PAP $1,000,000 .$1,312,000 r et. to the dealers, quarter* of the net ■d. NORTH AMERICA FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF TUB CITY OF NEWTORK. Cash Assets $721,-103 50 Policy Holders participate in the Profits. Merchants, Physicians and Citizens, Are respectfully solicited to call and examine* our stock and prices before purtHiasing elsewhere, as we are determined not lobe undersold. N. B. Special atteuttou paid to Prescriptions and Order*. BOYD <fc GORDON. dev Id lm _ F O R S A LE . On& of the Mo^t Valuable Complete block, Bruit, GARDEN FARMS, In Georgia, with EF.g.tui Iinproveintinlr. uudersighed offer lorsale their bcautifblly JL improved Farm* of 145 Acre., more jar le?-s, one third ln-avily timbered, situated n half mil» from llii* Railroad Depot, in the vilhup? of Forsyth, CONSTITUTION L I FE SYRUP. COMPOSED OF IODIDE OF POTASSIUM, WITH THE COMPOUND CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF VALUABLE MEDICINAL ROOTS AND * KERBS. PREPARED BY . WILLIAM H. GREGG, M. D. Graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York; formerly Assist ant Physician in the Blackwell's Island Hospitals. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP HAS PRODUCED A REVOLUTION IN MEDICINE. What may Beem almo-t incredible is, that many dis eases hitherto considered hopelessly incurable are fre quently cured iu a few day* or weeks; and we cheer fully >n\ito the investigations oftho liberal minded and scientific to cures which have no parallel at the present day. Di obetae were ever encountered by any reformers. ■ HAPIB1TT OK CURE. Seme say, “Youreures are too quick,’* whiles-other doubt their permanence, and think that diseases can ■Mrht'Cured by the “slow, recuperative proaees of This is our reply; In health, tha body, like a well- halanccd sca'e, is m a state of equilibrium. But when, from any cattse, down goer one side f the scale, wc hare the effects of disease. What is leauisitc.to r>e store the normal balance of the > dc. - -v^. CONSTITUTION UFK SYRUP la a fdmXiuand »pe<Mc~rem<■,i v for ..II di.--j.-ci oru:i- natins from an IMPURE STATE OK THE BLOOD, and for a I (hereditary) Dunuscs transmitted from Paarxt to PARALYSIS. It is so tmSrcrsaPv admitted that Ooxsnnme* Lira 6nur is the only effective means of restoration in the various forma or Paralysis, that we need not reiterate that it is emphatically the Great Life-giving Power. DYSPEPSIA. isnnocsnoa, wmgut ax stoxacu, vlavvlkxcx, uvaa cox ruiXT, want or ArrcriTE, bab aasaxa, coxsn- 1 SCROFULA. ^rmcxA, xcra’s avit, QiAXpciAX swiLuxus, uxnpius, CL- exaanox, salt inn, With incur- overcome opposition as herculean as GRAINING. MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING &C. Having on htmd all the necessary material to carry on the busmess, wc are prepared to give sat isfaction, both In execution and prices, to all who may iavor us with their orders. We will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description. VARNISH, OllZ- SPS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, * PUTTY, \ SANDPAPER, BRUSHES, &c.. &c. Orders Irom the country promptlv attended ta DRURY & TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Dunlap & Co., Cherry st, aug 12-12m* Macon, Ga. REFERENCESi W. B. Johnston, N. IL Beal. J. H. Zeilln & Co., -B. A. Wise, QMM* Dumbla, Laray Napier, W. This taint (hereditary and acquired.) filling life unto'd misery, is, by afi usual medical remedies, i RHEUMATISM. Damans,] lcxuago, xauaawu, scunca, oout, ticdolo- aaaox. If there is any disease in which the Covsrmmou Lira fivaor is a sovereign, it is, in Rheumatism and its kirt- drid affections. The most intense pains are almost in stantly alleviated—enormous swe lings are reduced. Cases, chronic, or vica lorn*, of twenty or forty years* standing, have been cared by ns. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Purges the system, entirejr, from all the evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, and curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce It hardens and secures the Teeth as firmly as ever] . CONSTITUTION LlfE STKCP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases ol the Skin, like . . Tw* - ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, And all other difficulties of this kind, which or both i ting object to them EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS. Plantation for Rent, .Acre.s. 1 -|AA ACRES cleared land, which 'willpjfo- • Ivl; ducc F.ivc Hundred IHile.s of Cot ton with ordinfcrv cultivation. There will also be sold to the party who rents the place: ‘ 20 Sirst-claSe Mule*., ► 5,000 bushels Corn, ^4,000 “ Cat ton Seed, - 11 Mares and ColU,* <MW» vjlOhcad Cattle, “ Sheep, 20 Milch Cows, ‘225 head Hogs, 100 of which are tcady for killing. 25,000 lbs. Fodder, 1,000 lbs. Iron, 23 acres Sugar Cane, which will produce 125 barrels of canc syrup, 2 Iron Sugar Mills, and 6 Boilers, Iron Gin and G)n Belting, Plantation Tools, Ploughs, Axes, Hoes, Plough Stocks, Four Wagons. 900 bushels 8weet Potatoes, and 1000 <( » Ground Peas in the ground, from Ik t Qxxnrirev V’.xnx-. x wliicli at least 1500 dollars can be realised,- IthardMU Spoegy^,^#. r jayCXfiS tothe renter.' The above described stock will he sold to the lessee at'such low rates, that the sale of the half of it will piay the rent of the farm *nd the whole mount of tlic purchase ot the stock The plantation is situated five miles from Albany. often making them h di« se vw and their friends. sou raicnes upon too romoie o»cc, depending up a diseased action of tbb Liver, nro very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A few bottles of Cojutitc- tiox Lit* Stscp will correct the secretion and remove the deposit, which is direotly under the skin. Diseases of the Liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizzi ness, Indigestion, Weak Stomach, or an u ceratod or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with taming or other unpleasant symptoms, win be reliovcd by the use of £& CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. As a General Blood- Purifying Agent, the Lira Strop stands unrivalled J>y vnjy>reparation in the world. THE RICH AND POOR Are iabl* to the same diseases. Nature and Science have made the Cojnmnmox Life Stkup for the benefit of all • PURE BLOOD Produces healthv men and women: and if the eonsti- ‘ ‘ ' “ * death is se near CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP IS THE POOR MAN’S FRIEND. AND THE RICH Sen kmBkx. WILLIAM II. GREGG) M. D., . Sole Proprietor, New York. MORGAN ALLEN, . ; V -’T * Wbelesale Druggists, Ageni OSVMB 4ft Cliff Mreet, New r York. Mouroe county, Georgia - THE DWELLING HO OUSE is of brick, two sl ight large roomef well finished, and fronts on the Railroad. Its proximity:ttAbft vil lage offers the very l^est facilities for school and Hmreli prit '•!• .■■■ , w liil-.t th di-t mCe fnun* Macon, renderethe farm peculiarly valnable to.-any one uho would wij.li i" 'I** l»u iiu-.-s in that city; or rai-c lniil- ami v<-- tal l. :■■!• t!.-it nairlo t. The village afford* two* ! the best SCHOOLS in' the State, and flic soci tyi everything that in telligence and retincment could n>k, Prick.—Seven thousand, five hundred dollars. Twenty-five hundred dollars Cash. Balance paya ble in one and two years, with interest, and mort gage on the property r furtlit dcc!5-lm ulars address, ERWIN & HARDEE, Savannah, Georgia GEO. C. BUCHAKAN. ANDREW BUCHANAN. ANDREW BUCHANAN & CO., Grocers, Provision Dealers, Commission and Forwarding Merchants, N<*. 1 If. Main street, LOUISVILLE, - - KY Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bogging and Rope, promptly executed jy26 6m R. W. Ulf.ecker, Sec. COMMONWEALTH Geo. T. Haws, Sc JAS. W. OTIS, Pre: J. HOXTE, President. SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., OF ATHENS, OEOHQ1A. This old and deservedly popular Company, with its Capital In tact, continues to take ri.-k? on th« same liberal terms as heretofore. ASBURY HALL, Pres. Albon Chase, Sec. THE GEORGIA HOME FIRE INSURANCE CO., OP COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. Capital ~ $500,000 JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Pres D. F. Wiloox, Sec. m Risks on Cotton, Merchandize, Furniture or Buildings, taken in either of the above Companies at the most liberal rates. Losses promptly ad ded. < 2 Am J. M. BOARDMAN, Agent. O* a. dt a. W. LAMAR, Factors and Commission Merchants Forwarding & Shipping Agents NO. 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Advances made on Cotton in store, or for ship ment to our friends North or to Liverpool. B. XV. TOOK, I J. G. DAVl*. j A. P. TUCK. Chriatiai. Co. j Late with Pbclp?, Louisville, Ky. I Caldwell «!C Co. | Tuck, Davit) d? Co., Wholesale G rocers and Commission Merchants, Main stm t, between Eighth and Ninth streets, I>IUIsyiLi.K, Ky. Consicnment* Solicited aug 29-fftn -Tuo. T. Croxton, ATT0 RNEYAT LAW, A \^ILL pract.ee in the Federal Court* %nd give VV i*ersonal atU-ntiooeto business before the Court of Claims and Ei cutive Departments, at Washington. Office over tioarduian’* Book Store dec 23-tf A. T. CCNXIXOHAM R. J. LAKCOMB. D. G. PURSE. CUNNINGHAM, PURSE k CO., FACTORS, FORWARDING & GENERAL Commission Merchants, No. 4 Stoddard’s Lower Stores, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. REFER*'VC E3 : W. B. Johnson, Esq., President C. R. R. Macou, Ga, J. T. Boifenillet, Esq.,Treas. 3. VV. R. R. Ma con. Ga, Messrs. J. H. Zeilin A Co., Macon, Ga., J»*wett & Snider. Maccm, Ga. and to Savaanoh Merchants generally. dec24-3m Lost. O N Christmas day, a black and tan PL’P; had steel chain around his neck, and answers to the name of “NIGGER” A suitable reward will be paid on his delivery at Peter McHenry’s board ing house, on the corner of 5th and Cherry Sts. dec2T-5tt H W. WALKER jNXacon Maim i h. c ti i r ing~ ICE COMPANY’. Capital Stock - - S100,000. 2000 SHAKES AT 00 EACH! ONE HALF OPEN TO SUBSCRIPT I T'OK further particulars see circulars at Me . Roil, bim* Co.’s Macon, Ga..-who will ccive suhscriptious for stm-k. due 12-2m GIRARBEY BUJAC. T NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS. HE SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Com- re prepared to tin ®*P U Baltimore and N York via the GRLAJ r VIRGINIA ANJ) TEN NESSEE LINE, and gnarrantec u through pries per bale TR BLOOM, Ag’t Macon, nov7-3m Y G RUST, Ag’t Albany. Notice. H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival ot the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, 1 ..ursday and Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thomasvillc, Ga.; also, for Baiffbridge every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, thus opening a regular communi cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. WRIGHT & IIILL, jy27-tf Proprietors. ffOTICE—Hack line to Perry. Hack will leave Macon every Tuesday, I’Larsday and Saturday for Perry, Ga., returning in time to connect with j trains from Albany and Columbus—o’clock, P. M., | for Macon. oct81-3m* W. A. GRIFFIN * CO. I oct!2-8m • Z3T" The following unclaimed freight remaining in the office of the Southern Express Company at Macon, Ga., will be s it public outcry 30 day's after date, if not sooner called for. W. W. HULBEBT, Agent. Macoul Dec. 18. lSilo. I N Alderman, Spring 3ta. 1 bx; It C Allen. Ma con, 1 bx; J. A Anderson, Macon, 1 bx; W B Addi- son, Macon, I bx; W A Appling, Albany, 2 bales; J J Adam?, Macon,1 bx; L MBaggett, Macon, 1 bx; Lt TC Bates, 1st Rest Ga Vote, 1 bx; Jno Blouch et, Chattanooga, 1 l»; W IIBuckara, Macon, 1 bx; Jaa N Butts, Macon, 1 bx; Lt Geo Buckanan, Ma con, L bx; Jno T Brown, 45th Ga Regt, lbx; J R -1 Bcnnett,Macon,l col; Maj E A Buck,Atlanta, lbx; M L Beall, Macon, 1 bx; Mrs A B, Leacton, NC, 1 bale; J A Brown, Sta, S W R R, 1 tub; Capt J A Blakeney, Rock L-Iand barracks, III, 1 bx; T Bai ley, Miluer, 1 bx; W G Brooks, Macon. 1 can; W T Bush, Macon, 1 bx; E M Bryne, Richmond, lbox; Mrs FCarter, Maqon, I bx. A H Cameron, Macon, I bx; W J Clements, Atlanta, 1 bx; Dr Cnstvr, 1 trk; W A Collins, Macon, 4 sks; Geo Comwcll, Ma con, 1 bbl; R J Cook, Griffin, I bx; H A Chadboum, Macon, 1 bx; Capt E A Cowan. Richmond, 1 box; W Denson. Macon, 1 bbl; W Downing, Macon, 1 can; J Duckworth, Richmond, lbx; Mra E A Fra ser, Macon, 1 bx; W II Friclcey, Grillln, 1 bx; W "Farrow, Petersburg, Vn, 1 bXyW M Findlay, Rich mond, 1 box; Greitz, Macon, 1 box; J B Griffin, Macon, 1 bx; Jno T Gibson, Lt Arr^ Petersburg* 1 bx; J S Howard, Lov<*jo3’’s, 1 bx; A K Holt, Ma cou, 1 bbl; Harden, xlacoff, 1 bale; W Harris, 5la- con, 1 bx; R LHusder, Macon, 1 can: II J Hays, Co K, o5th Rcgt, lbx; A Hutchinson, Macon, 1 bx; II Lilov, ArmyTenn, 1 bx; S Jones, Macon, lbx; Lt T (i Jones, A D C, Petersburg, 1 ox; Alex Kelly, Maeon, 1 box; J C Kelly, Macon, 1 bx; VV' N Kim brough, Macon, 1 bx; A G Lamar, Macou, 1 bx; II II Lovett, Macon, 1 bx; A Lockett. Macon, 1 bx; W C Lee, Petersburg, 1 bx; Gant F Malor con, 1 bx, F J Mason, Macon, 1 bx; Eli Mcnkins, Forsyth, 1 cun; Mr L T Miles, Macon 1 bx: Col It Morcton, Richmond, 1 bx: W M M-mloit, Mil!;1 bx, VV B Madison. Macon, 1 bx; H C O’Dom.cl, Macon, 1 bx; 8 K 1 *ri• ■ • ■. ::d S C, Chattanooga,*! bx: J C Pope, Macon. 2bbls; VV II PbilUpft, Macon, 1 jug; .1 Parrott, Macon, 1 bale sacks; CaptT W Pat ton, Macou, lbox; C II Phifer, Petersburg, 1 bx; CaptRayland, 1 bx; D Reeves, Macon, 1 bx; JnoD Rauder, Richmond, 1 bx; M S Reeves, Sav, 1 bx; W S Stiles, Macon, 1 bx; I) Stevens, Macon. 1 bx; J Stuckey, Atlanta, 1 bx; Shone & Crawford, Macon, 1 corn shelter; Robt W Stub!.-. Macon, ’. \. Dr J; C Smith, Macou, 1 bx; M Singertield, Macon, 1 bale; A J Stokes, Petersburg, 1 bx; 11 F Steel, Rich mond, 1 bx; VV* B Taylor, Macon, 1 bx; Andrew Temple, Macon, 1 bx; A K Watson, Macon, 1 bx; G D Wentworth, 2d Michigan, Macon, 1 Lx: J Wil ton. Macon, 1 bale, F Winchener, . Macon, 1 bbl; W M Williams, Richmond, 1 bx; Sidney Yopp, Mil- len, 1 bx; R W Allen, Lovejov’?, 1 bx; Wm Bnsh, Army Tenn, 1 bx; Dr J Humphrey, Macon, 1 bx; P Ingles, Macon, 1 sack * doclb-30d Law Card. THOMAS C. JOHNSON, LATE OF ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. ■ Attorney at Law. Claim and Real Estate Agent No. 50 Market eL, (up stairs.) PAINTING-. House, Sign & Ornamental Painting TTf TOULD invite the attention of hte YV and the public generally, to hte large and vifi afloat ml atortr/w Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods. Which ho offers at very small Aiiainctmt OnC Tire STOCK CONSISTS IX TAUT OT ' Bleached Domestics, Brown Domestics, Prints, * Ginghams, French and English Merinos; Alpacas, Mohair, Poplins, TUyhcts, ■ Opera and Fancy flannels. De laines, Silks in great varie ty, Linens of all grades. Hoepthirt* <jf all »Uca and Balmoral Skirt* *f Superior male audjtniik. Your special attention is called to my CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, WHEHB rou WILL FIND THB LATEST ATTI.ES, * As ateo the NOUVEANTE LADIES' BATS, A BEAUTVFCI. ARTICLK. A Splendid assortment of Dress Trimmings, Perfumery, Soaps and otlier Toilet Articles, Veils, White and . Fancy floods. Gloves, &c. Gentlemen will find fr good assortment of GEN TLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS, s large lotol Pocket Knives, the tsahlonablo Rug or Fancy Blanket Satchels, and everything else belonging to this line. To those who have not traded with me in former days I can only say, give me a trial, while I am satisfied that my old customers bare but to rmd this to insure me their renewed visits. Respect full)*, E. M. BROWN, uov!5-3m Opposite the Lanier House. lUCl! jwu jnauimn'u ••oauiUCU 11 VV IIIIUO IIUUI UIUUIIJ. and Dougherty county, on Newton Road; has a good iem- Dwelling House, with six rooms, vegetable garden, good stables, houses enough for workers ou plan tation. The plantation & complete in every re spect, and lias about 100 freedmen on it, who will probably be willing to remain and work it. For price t.nd further particulars apply to E. G. WILLING HAM, ox the plantation, or NEWTON.& LAWTON, Third st., Macon, Go., next door to Hardeman & Sparks* Warehouse. dec20-tJanl Public Sale of Valuable COTTON LANDS. WILL BE SOLI*, BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER from the Court of Ordinary, of Dougherty County, and under an agreement ol all the heirs at Law, ot the estate or THUS. H. MOUGHON, deceased, on the 1st Tuesday in January next, (the 2dinsL,) be fore the Court House door in Albany, Ga., all the Real Estate, belonging to the estate of Thos. H. Moughon, deceased, as follows: THE HOME PLACE, v About one thousand (1000) acre*, well improved, about six hundred (000) acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory land. LEE PLACE, About twelve hundred nnd fifty (1250) acre*.— Eight hundred acres in cultivation. .Weil improv ed. All Oak and Hickory Land. • BYRON PLACE, About twenty-five hnndrbdacres. Well improv ed. Fmirtcta hundred acre* in cultivation. All Oak and Hielory Land. ROYSTON PLACE, About twen ty-two h an dred acres. WctI i mprov- ed. Twelve hundred and fifty acres in cultivation. All Oak and Hickory Land. Terms—One-half Cash. Balance In one and two yeivr*, with interest and Mortgage on Land to se cure Notes. Ateo, commencing ou the third (3) of January, will bo sold on. each place, an ample amount of'Perishable Property, consisting of Mules, Com, Fodder, Hogs, Cattle, Plantation Tools, etc., etc. The terms of sale of Perishable Pn»iH»riy, CASH, and Lie sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. . ’ * JOSEPH A. DAVIS, Adrn’r. Albany, Ga., Dec.-10-—2w. Tnos. H. Mocquon. Houses for Sale LmupRlii, Georgiu, Apalacliirola, Florida. business, I offer for ^ale iu Lumpkin, Ga., lot of 4 acres, on which there te a first rate dwel ling bouse, containing 7 rooms, and all the neces sary outbuildings, which arc.in good repair. The property will be sold foe.Greenbacks, or exchanged for Cotton at the market price on the day of sale. I will also sell two lots iu Apalachicola, on which there are good dwelling bonees and sub- stantftd outbuilding-, and as Apalachicola will certainly rank u.- one of the first seaports on the Gulf, an opportunity Is offer* (l to capitali&ts others to obtain property at a price that will s ply remunerate them in the future. "Those dcslrou.-* to purchase the property in Apalachicola, will address E. M. Bruce ? Morgan Co., of tliat place, and for the Lumpkin property to E. B. Seymour, at that'place. dec!9-2w C. B. SEYMOUR. Montgome Notice. inf Mr. A. SI X city, my lawtul attorney, to collect ail claims due me, and request all those indebted to me by account or note, to come forward and settle up without delay. On the first of January next, I will tnrn over all unpaid accounts- and notes, in the hands of a lawyer for collection. decg-lm ^ ELIAS EINSTEIN. BRISCOE d tie GRAFFEXREID, Attorneys at Law, MELLEDGEVJLLF. GEORGIA. AFT ILL practice in and represent parties upon V ? briefs furnished before the Supreme Court, and in the Superior Courts of adjoining counties! Special attention given to the collection and for warding ot Executive warrants upon the civil es- tabltebineat. Poor School, Printing and Contingent Titles to Land investigated, Copy Grants fur nished. and information given generallr. T XT Ubfsr-nr * D D ... | Saddles and Harness. Little, Smith & Co., Cherry st., between Cotton Avenue and SecondsL Macon, Ga. DEALERS IN ! SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, - SHOE FINDINGS, CALF SKINS. Harness manufactured to order. decl;3m NOTICE. 'T'O RENT, in Stewart county, Georgia, a acttle- JL ment of Land containing twentv-three hun dred (2300) acre.-—fourteen hundred 71460) clear ed—will bring lrom 1000 Jo 1200 lbs. Seed Cotton per acre. Two Settlements on th$ place—well improved-, two Gin Houses; two Cotton 8crewa; with Grain Thrash and Fans; eight good Negro Houses on one place, and five on.the other. One hundred acres small grain sowed. The Plantation well watered and In a healthy locality. • There is to on the settlement, if rented— 21 head Mules and Hordes, 5-fine Milch Cows. 12 head Dry Cattle, 100 *’ Stock Hogs, 85 “ Pork “ 1.000 bushels Com. • 1.200 u Cotton Seed, 10.000 lbs. Fodder, 1 set Blacksmith Tools, Plows and Plow Gear, 1 Six-Horse Wagon and Harness, 1 yoke large Oxen and Wagon. There are twelve grown Negroes on the place that can be emx>loyed—one a No. 1 Blacksmith. Will.be on the market until the fim of January, lSfrfT, If not disposed of before that time. For information address W. Lo JARRELL Lumpkin, Stewart co., Ga. dec9-tJaol (care Chamberlin <fc BoyntOD.) E. M. BROWN, OPPOSITE THE LANIER ROUSE, This World was nil a Ficcliii" Show "He that darea these boots displace, Must meet Bombas tea face to face ! n This world was All a fleeting show, Each day throughout the seven! For mouths I knew not where *o go, To get a thought of Tlcaven! At last some spirit seemed to draw My footstep* to the STORE OF SHAW. « And there 1 Idunil u stock ot Shoe* Of Gaitcrp, Galrterettcs and Boots,. That charmed my soul, inspired my mute, . Like music from Angelic Lutes, To tell the truth, I never saw • A stock of 8hocs like MORGAN SHAW’S. The ladies are respectfully invited to call and ex amine my stock of cheap and serviceable, doable soled Boot* and Balmorals, for winter wear. Gents in want of a good bargain, need search no farther than the Boot and Shoe Emporium of MORGAN 8. SHAW, Corner Chenyand 3d Street, dcc21-2w “White Store.” The Latest and Most A4tractive Bill! 5Cljc §lailj (L clcgraplj. SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1 Damage to llnilroad Hriitgen* From the Atlanta Intrilignrer, Iffith.] Wtsim nit.l Ati.antic KAH.no.Mv—Wc learn from CoL lUugli, Bupcrintcmlent, that the heavy r»in» of Sunday -nlglit l i t canted a Hidden rise in tberlTcrton the line of this V roml, by which ronsidcrable dainue has been done to the railroad bridge*. The dis aster to the Chattahoochee bridge waa canned by the Riving away of the pontoon bridge a snort distance above it. An accumulation of floating timber againat the pontoon became ■0 great that ita fattening* were sundered, precipitating the immense mas* against the trestle work of the railroad bridge below. The crash was irrrsistable, and two of the treaties were carried away, with the most of the bridge ot the third span. The soma diaaster occurred to the Oeata- nanla bridge, near Resaca. The Government had erected a bridge some distance above, which was of so frail a diameter at to lie easi ly swept awsy by the swollen stream, carry ing away in its pass»gc_bro apona of the railroad bridge. * The £nj>eriatcnda(mr states .to us that lie hail i vide repeated effort* to have tin-sir obstructions removed; that he had proffered to pay doable their vnlnatien ( tO the Govrrmncnt, in order to rtinore them and thus avoid the above disasters, the com ing of which »a* patent to every mind. It was the intention of the Superintendent to replace at an. early day the nlmvc bridge, with the Howe Truro Bridge. This will now be done at the earliest t*r.ictirublr< moment, there being on the spot bridge timU r, iron anti all necessary material*. A large and ef ficient corps of mechanics will at once lx-col lected and placed upon the work, and it is hoped but a short period will elapse ere the regular business of the road will be routined. It cannot be positively ascertained until the water subsides, what damage has bees sus tained by other bridges on the road. In thn meantime, it is expected that the mail act- rice will be resumed in a few dayi; or if not regulary carried, no effort will lie spared to get them through with aa little delay aa pos sible. • December Sill, 1SK5, T HE following Goods have just been received and are offered at low figures OTTOMAN VELOUR3, in all colors, tbs handsomest goods of the season. BLACK CLOTH AND CASSIMEKE CLOAKS, surpassing In style any yet offered. PLAID POPLINS, BLACK ItEP SILKS, FIGURED DELAINES, COLORED REP SILKS BOMBAZINES AND ALPACA8, SEA ISLAND HOMESPUN, &cf To bo brief, my stock Is complete, and I Invite th ■ public to come and iuspcct. No house can or ■|all undersell me. 80, reader, think of tliat be fore von tnakayoar purchases. 8. T. COLEMAN? Removal, Removal! HERRINGTON & RICKS; Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron Manniactaren. the Nesbit Foundry, to the comer of Fourth ami Poplar streets opposite Catholic Church. They will keep on hand a complelc it—ortmcnl of manufactured articles in their line, ruch as STILLS, COPPER KETTLES, TIN WARE, 8TOVE PIPES, ETC., ETC. * They are ateo prepared to promptly fill orders for SHEETING, ROOFING and GUTTERING, any extent. Terms reabonable, and all work wmr- uanted to bo executed in the most workmanlike manner. ocUS-tJl-. The University of North Carolina. T HE instructions at this Institution have not been suspended during the la Ita Departments and Proleaaore they were eix years aero. The next session will brain on Friday, January 12th, and close on the flrat Thursday in Jl 13G0. - Tbe expenses for board, tuition, <Sce., amount to about $225. Further particulars can be obtained from the President of the University Hon. DAYID L. SWAIN. LL. D. de<19-lw* Chapel Hill, N. C. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. CARHART & CURD. Iron Front Store, Clierry street, iviner dailv a full < Wesleyan Female College. ^pHE exercises ot the second term will begin on X Monday, 1st January. IS6C. dec27eod'3tt J. M. BONNELL, Pre*.£ SAMUEL D. IBVIN, Succe* ior to « »i ~ i * * L i w 1; ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY. GEORGIA. a bap Real Estate Agent for Southwestern Georg | Prompt attention given to all business entrusted tecare. norli- Nashville k Chattanooga Railroad. t^N&t-hville with Northwestern Railroad for Johnsonville and points on Tence#w«ee river, Padu cah, Cairo, and 8t. Louis, and Louisville and Nash ville Railroad. Fare from Chattanooga to Nashville........! 7 75. “ “ *• “Cairo 19 73. “ “ “ u SL Louis 22 75 Passengers leaving Atlanta on the evening train on W. <£ A. R. R. connect with this train. Freight is now received and forwarded on quick time very moderate nu* - WM. P. INNEfc, Gen’L Sup’L 4. »v noAT,r v Gen’L Pass octl8-3m. Have in store and arc rcceivin , plete stock of Hardware, Iron,Steel, Hoes, Chain' and Tools of every discriptioii. PLANTERS, CARPENTERS, - MERCHANTS, MACHINISTS. BUILDERS, BLACKSMITHS. Carriage and Wagons Makers can be supplied with everything in their line. For Steens Saw Mills a Full Assortment of RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTINGS, CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS. And everything in their line. We are'&atifefied that with five year- experience and personal attention to business, wc can make it advantageous to the interest of purchasers to buy Thrbk Rkm ahk vui.t: Widows,—A New York correspondent writes as follows: Hounding the Fifth Avenue Hotel rower, a few days ago, I met, just at the Broadway crossing of Fifth Avenue, the tall, handsome and stately widow of John J. Crittcndea. She was looking in splendid health, wm tnlg- nificently dressed, and attracted the attention of many who did not know her l>y l»cr per sonal appearance. Mrs. Crittenden is still a- well preserved woman. Bhc had hardly disappeared down Broad way, before I was surprised to see another distinguished lady paw* in the opposite direc tion, going up Fifth Avenue. She was not so well preserved, nor so young, hut still a notice able lady. 8He was once the wife of Daniel % Webster. As this* lady went up Fifth Ave- nue, n no less distinguished Indy passed down the street in lier carriage.’ Mrs. Gen. Philip Kearney tlipt was, .a magnificent woman in respect, to appearance, with much natural beauty and a good deal that was artificial.— Gen. Kearney, it will l>e remembered, left two widows—each of whom was designated in hia will aa lps wife. This was his second wife,for merly a Miss Maxwell, daughter of a former collector of this port, and a distinguished mer chant. The first Mrs. Kearney was Mis** IHaaa Cuthbert Ballitt, of Louisville, Ky., sister of the present Collector of the port of New Or leans, an estimable lady. While: h>! waa liv ing, Kearney saw and admired Miss Maxwell, .and she admired him. The two went to Eu rope together, and, after being gone about a year, during which a suit fot divorce from the first Mr.u Keamcy^raa prmvctHcd, and 1 by some mean, they returned and married. When Kearnev was killed, ate m;i> left to hi* second wife, with • provision of $so,ouo to Mn. KmnMv, an Hullitt, and the same* sum to eaclLof her children. Mrs. Kearney, uae Maxwell, is liv ing here in firm style, "lie is said to Ijc very charitable, and takes great interest in the welfare of soldiers and their families.'* She i « * a beautiful woman still, and much courted and admired. Gen. Sickles Nonelitskd.—We learn from Charleston, 8. C., that on a recent oc casion, Gen. fiiHdci, of tlic Federal army, accompanied Ex-Governor Aiken of South Carolina, on a visit to his Sen Island planta tion, oq Jehoose Island, to assist in pomad ing his former slaves to^ettter into lapor con tracts for tlic ensuing year. Tliej found the negroes totallyjinwilling, however, to enter such an .arrangement, as indeed, thqy are throughout the South generally. The proai nent difficulty in their minds, was the hope and the expectation, that the government would divide out lands among them. Our informant reports the following colloquy as taking place between Gen. Siyklea and oat of the “head men’’ on tbe plantation. It speaks very well for African logic: “Gen’l, can’t you send to tlie yobf rnaaent and ask 'am to let aa bay de Ian’, on' we * pay (or de Ian’ in two years; an’ if i for 'uni, den let de gobernment ta back.** . . . , The general replied that ment was impossible; that the land l cot belong to the gnT*niliniif,>1to O^. Aiken, their former master,who,as everybody kww, was a very kind master, and who maid p»r them good w ages. The reply waa: “Well, mass Gen’l. din wc uic to Mon* to mo6ser; an' dm the gobernment take us from moascr, an’gib n» free: Den cant d- uob- emment do desamewid <le ian' f Gen. Sickles was. of course, unable to -i-ny the consistency of the reasoning, alilcn a!~o showed that the negro had a clear id* c of T he enormous spoliation of proja-rte which tin South ha- suffered. His mistake w... in ex pecting to find no limit to it. short • ->u- entire destitution.—NaehrUU lb*; ■ ■ — “Si" acc2-lm CARHART & CURD. CONSTITUTION WATER is vrithoat doabt the only know n remedy for DIABETES, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSITS, IRRITATION OF THE NECK or THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, a5DILL FEMALE IRREGULARITIES. Certificates of cares from well-known persons from all parts of the country In circular, will be -eut on addressing MORGAN <fc ALLEN, Acents. decl2-3m _ No. *10 Clifl fltrtet, New York. A UECRE.v.Ng Georgian.— Wilminjrton Joubth>« i< men A. II. H. Damon, a native o a citizen of Georgia, who m:» incr the war in behalf of Kc ConfederSe array. Wc hav him. lie* ma<lc two spccche* and in both of tlte-ni In- dem ke-f*. anrl lauded the Confi.df; eloquent mariur. But wl.:» jct the Hon. (T) Kentucky, bat le speeches dur* ituckiawi in the not forgotten in Fayette*Pie; tmeed the Yaa- tie* In the moat is he now do- <!ng ftpeochc'i in Boston, in which he i% pandering to Ma- chu.-ett* j r— judicc, l>y denouncing •- d • n - of cowards and scoundrel*.** XI*i - man I)aw - son -ought office at the hands of th.- C*.ni, d erntc acthoritic-w with a degree *»f < ner^y r n«i diligence almost unapproachable ? .* lie- failed in lii--cheim »• ambition, and h«- now goes to Boston and abuses the }H.*opk am< .nffft whom he Wa- bred and born, and who fllie-l his pockets with rontributior- as they tltovy/if,) for the Kentucky soldier- Mr Dawson will be affectionately retiu-mix’red by hte fellow citizens ot the booth.-- R < * Dispatch, i; >!:u ’pas been gren i fiiL'iit of five nona from’ An OfotaNt thn I Good Shepherd. One of them fell fat fitting lour made good their escape. There are two hundred aud twenty ty thousand dollars, used oa tbe New. York Central Railroad.. 1I ~ . ~ ‘ __ »