Newspaper Page Text
C'ijt Hlanra fiaihj Cdtgraplj
^Advertisinv ladex.
■MBi ■ , MarihalL
J® SUppero-JJIghttagato & Hngcr.
Select 8chooL #
City JUnUr« Sale—J. B. Cummins, Jtxr>ii»l.
Notice—Grier A Mutcnon.
Heddinc A Wells.
New York Time*—B. J. Raymond A Co., N. Y.
Oeenpetloo at your own home—Hopkins *
Brown, N. Y.
Committees for the New Year’s Supper for
the Poor.
Aj^Ter^r few responded to the call to meet it
tLe City Hall to make arrangements for * he sup"
per for the poor, the subscribed Committees were
-ppointed at a private meeting. TBe limited
time forbade previous consultation with the
parties* but it is hoped no one will decline to
serve, and that all will bestir themselves to so
licit contributions to-day, and appear promptly
at the JIall Monday morning
OHwaitoe of Indies.
Mrs. Bowdre,
V Powers,
Jaa Seymour,
, Clavtoo.
Re****—J- H. Edwards.
Mifos’sCovn.—In this court yesterday there
was a pretty fair sprinkling of saints and sinners*
but the cams present pretty considerable of a
mucktuM from day to day,though the comicalities
of some of them caused the audience to amUe
audibly r
Green—though blaek In complexion, and re
sorting to dark deeds fora living, was verdant
enough to leave bis old master's oollard patch
and endeavor to "pick upf* a precarious liveli
hood, by taking care of things that had lost their
lawful owners. In this city of ‘'Hardscrabble.’*—
Among a lot of other idlers, be was found in Mr.
Fitsgerald*s store, and still hung around*ol though
ordered out with the rest of the crowd. Ho Boom
ed to have a penchant for inspecting fancy soaps.
[This Reporter thinks a plentiful application of
a turpeutinous bland of tbo above article accom
panied with sand and a soft briok, would have
the effect of rendering his complexion, at least
two shades lighter, and remove the musky efflu
via emitted from the darkey.] But bia pretend
ed attention to the contents of the show case could
not blind Mr. FiUgerald to hia movements, and
op taking hold of Green, he found between two
and three dollar* in ehinplaetera, in the outside
pocket of bit sack coat, which ho h%d abstracted
from ths money drawer by reaching round the
corner of the counter- The spoils were taken
from him, and be was taken to the guard bouse*
On bis person were found a dangerous looking
knife and pistol. Green found the Mayor any
thing but verdant, though he endeavored to “soft
soap’* him, and he returned to the sanctuary,
from which he wae fetched, with the prospect of
toting iron for a coup.o of months therein, and
taking a fifteen minute seat in the "stocks”
Julia Howard, the fanciful cognomen of a
Stern ugly looking nigger washwoman, had been
working for "one white *oman for sixmonts, and
hadn't got nary red for her labor,” concluded to
compensate herself by taking possession of apor-
tion of the lady’s dry goods; done so, and gave
a portion of them to * young white giyl- For
her liberality In distributing other folka’ goods,
she was furnished with a complimentary ticket
to the Fourth street Managerie, where bread will
be furnished her for the next twenty-live days
in homeopathic doses, but water plentifully.
* An old lady with rather aeoicuA name, proved
herself to be no eow-ard, at least; for on a negro'
woman calling her a liar, pitched in with a vim,
and floored the darkey. For thus taking the law
into her own hands she was called on for costa
pharily Gaskins, an old lemou colored lady,
had been deserted by the “partner of her “Ltu-
kum” for some fairer or younger she, and fooling
rather lemonrholy thereat, concluded not to
maka an “eel-baakel” of her carcass, but drown
her sorrow in tho "flowing bowl,” and went
heavy on a decoction* of hen-fruit, und ."Pike'.'
Cincinnati Pain Killer.’' Tho effect of tho
lajnous compound were to make her knee-joints
• rather ahakoy—the eggs causing her to want to
leaf down, vrhilo tho fumes of the “Resolvent’
rather disordered her noddle, and made her
act in rather an unbecoming manner, uutil taken
in chargo by tjic police. Hit* Honor being be
nevolently inclined—though not for “Charity’!
sweet suke’*—discharged her on payfi
• Bur
sted her
kn.Ar h»», tla<
of the abov
Milo Freeman,'
Nathan Bass,
Jaa Armstrong,
WR Phillips,
O F Adams;
Peter Solomon,
T Hardeman, jr.
tee of a
Mayor Collins,
Mr. Joasey,
“ Boykin,
N A Megratb,
BA Wise,
H Horne,
A L Maxwell,
A P G Harris,
f illie Collins,
W Lockett,
E R S .
Will receives deposits, buy and sell exchange.
Specie, Bank notes, Government, Railroad, and
other securities. Make collections in any part of
the United States or Canadas.
Will make cash advances on cotton and other
produce in store, or consigned to Edward Fadel-
ford, Savannah. Scott, Zercga <£ Co., New York,
or our correspondent In Liverpool.
Operating on s large paid in capital, with the
long established credit of the members of this
firm, fhrnisbcs sufficient guarantee of safety in all
our business transactions.
Notes on all National Banks received at par.
Dscsr & on Cherry street, up stairs, a
lew doors below the Telegraph Printing Office,
are prepared to do any job in plain and orna
mental sign painting that may be given them.—
They are skillful and competent, and from paint
ing a house down to lettering a sign-board, all
they ask is a trial. Lest we be thought inter
ested in the piosperity of the firm we will state
that Mr. T. is not the editorial Tripod of the
Telegraph; and that no one may object to
Mr. Drury, we inform the public that a fa
mous Bluff near Richmond, where certain iron-
olads got so badly beaten once, does not now, and
never did belong to him. His customers will
find that he does not play the Bluff game.
A. P. G. HARRIS has one hundred and fifty
barrels assorted sugars, best qualities, and at
low rates. Buyers who wish bargains will call
early at the store of A. P. G. DEBRIS.
dec SO $©dSt.*
Confederate and Federal Dead.—Mr. Doher
ty, the Government Sexton at Mobile, gives notice
that he has correct records of the names of Con
federate and Federal soldiers who have been in
terred in that vicinity previous to and since the
occupation of Mobile. Parties interested will
address John C. Doherty, Government Sexton,
corner Dearborn® and State streets, Mobile, Ala.
In this connection we will mention that Geo.
W. Echelberger, of Charlestown, Jefferson county,
Va., can give information relative to upwards of
eight hundred Confederate soldiers’ grayes^
which he identified and marked himself- A no
ble work and a noble man.
Confederate Officers is Canada.—A SPE C IA L NOTICES
recent letter from Tc jnto, Canada; gives the ■ ■ -
following interres*- : information concern- ;
ing the several Confederate officers: I met
here Gen. John C. TSreekinridgc. General ■
Causeland, Col. Ham- Gilmore, Major John g _A_ . jS. TC
Castleman. Capt. Hinds, and others who have
been officers in the armies of the Confeder
acy. General Breckinridge looks and is in
good health. It was represented daring the
war that lib hair had turned from jet black
tomlTery white. That was a mistake. A
few grey hairs arc perceptible about the
Jocks, that is all. Ho is keeping house in an
humble, retired way. He is much respected
by the citizens, and is invited to two or three
parties a week, at the residences of the first
families. He is a great walker, walking from
six to ten miles a day, while the weather per
mits such exercise. He is a hard student,
reading a great deal. I could not but think
that it is a misfortune that a gentleman of his
culture and interllect should be 'lost to his
country. A11 the gentlemen here from the
Confederate army conduct themselves with
great propriety, arxffisrc treated with respect
and attention by thWltizen.
The Free Masons to the Po?e.—Tho
Free Masons of Holland have addressed an
indignant letter to tho Pope, in which they
make the following strong averments:
That Masonry is above all religions and
philosophical systems, because it makes no
distinction of persons, and because its object
is to make humanity better and worthier.—
When a religion swerves from tho above
mentioned doctrine, and yet pronounces it
self to be s supreme truth, and the instru
ment in the bands of the people to further
the progress of civilization, we deem it our
duty to declare that such a religion places
itself beyond the pale of hnmanity : and tho
common sense or man should discard its
Pin’s Migxolu Whiskt.—One hundred and
fifty (150) barrels pike's Magnolia Whisky jnst
received. Dealers who are desirous of securing
a good supply of this brand of whiskey, will call
soon at the store of A. p. G. HARRIS,
dec 30 eod 3t.
Base Bali.—Game played by the Olympic on
Christmas day, 1805:
Outs It, 2d Outs. It
•ijlAllen, P 3
4 C Rogers,‘.1 B 5
2 Wing, 0 5
2 ;Bee,S S 2
2 F Rogers,3d B C
(J, Sullivan. L F 3
OnGustin, 2 B 2
0 Cook. RF ....1
2 Wright, L K.
M Rogers, C..
SingletonP 2
Emmell, S S 2
Collins, 1st B 4
Gresham, 2 B 3
Fort, 3 B 5
Niabet.L F 3
Norris.R F 4
Lockett, I -
She stated tl
3toil, a ttraeglmg negro Iroin tlio
und prowling around the f-uVli-
ul Depot, anil lodged in the guard
i *ei}t to jail'for twenty days, with
the stock? for fen minutes
s, another homeless country vaga-
W Rogers—Umpire and Scorer
Innings..2 3 15 6 7 3 9 Total
1st 6idc7'5~0 0 "O' 3^1 5 0 .2
2d Side, 212320175
The result of the above game was contrary to
general expectation^? the first aide appears the
better one. It is tfcp first whole game played
this seae^n, which prove* the necessity for thp
members being oit tho ground promptly at 2
o’clock, as they* aro searnostly requested to dQ
th< s afternoon.
2klovcments i.v Cotton.—Though but little cot
ton has changed hands legitimately this week,
it is generally believed that there has been co
siderable movement in the article, and parti
havo been found in possession, of-the staple t
poor Co buy one bale, let alonc^ several.
Night before last one bale was stolon from t
platform of the Southwestern Railroad, t.
icareely a night passes that one <*r more baers
Joes not change ownership. Somebody ig leaking
a good thing c
twenty dayi. a
nail colored bo\
killing time had
horhood of the c
his meat here
>f several stores i
vhich the back e
finding that hog*
nod in the neigh-
iich he was idling
tner, conceived he
vitheut th£ trouble
uuled his way hith-
■inali alley in rear
of the
o leai
but <
• by
Third, c
res ope
rivi t.; watch-
; in an hour
passage way,
—W© ha\
tho Fr
It is stated that Lieut. General Grant
will immediately make a tour of inspection
through the Southwestern States, extending
to the Rio Grande.
man of th>
« r two, he was again foun
*.nd sent to the guard hoc
was only seeking shelter for the night, ho wa
let off with costs.
Ilillery, a youthful “Blackbird,'’ for not onl
haring uis eye upon the meat of a railroader,
but watching his chance to “bag’’ it.
up with the evidence of his guilt in
haversack slung around hi? neck. For making
a fcog of himseif in this swinish way, he will be
curtailed of hia meat rations for twenty days at
lhe Castie of Indolence
Dennis Blodgett, a noble (?) scion of an amal
gamated stock, with two ether dark complected
boys, got on a bit of a bust, and made things
squat in that delectable perlieu, Bridge Row.-
They boldly entered the house of a white wo
man, and demanded lights for their cigars, and
on being requested to leave, grew indignant and
insinuated that a lady was no better than a
"canine of the female persuasion," and cursed
and ripped around generally. Dennis was the
only one captured, and faced the music to the
amount of $5 and cva<u . /
The Sci*i*er >or the Benefit or the Poor.—
We trust that our notable housewives, hotel and
restaurant keepers, will not lose sight of the
gastri ':.i:c entertainment gotten up by some of
our kind hearted ladies of Macon, the proceeds
of which are to be handed over to Mayor Collins
for distribution among the more de*tiii
poor list.** There aro now about fiftce;
women and children who are wholly, or in part,
dependedtupon public charity for the wherewith
to keep body and soul together. Let not their
claims be ignored, but let all who can, buy a
ticket to the supper next Monday night, wheth
they can attend or not, and the happy assurance
that it is more ••blessed to give than to rec<
will be theirs, indeed.
Carried BACC.—Clarke and hia pal, whose
name we have forgotten, have taken thei
parture for Griffin, escorted by officers cf tha;
city, where charges of robbery—ducking, chok
ing and other innocent ways of compelling
fellow to give up his money—are pending against
them. Their identification as the murderers of
Mr. Crew, of Atlanta, we believe could
fully established, and they w ill answer the lea
ser charges, which we hgpe will have the effect
c-f keeping them in limbo, to the benefit of the
us of ft weekly paper with the above title,
be published in the town of Hawkinsville, .
Jaski county, by James and Boullv. Wc cIh
fully recommend this enterprise to the good f
pie of Fulaski nhd the adjoining counties
worthy of their patronage. Messrs. James :
Bouliy have been for 3oine time in the employ
of this office, an*l we* have found them stead,
and reliable gentlemen, and as such wo “corn
mend them.
. 323l»Just received at the News Depot, Triangu
lar Block, lgte dates of Leslie’s Illustrated Week
ly, The Literary Companion, Saturday Reader.
N. Y. Weekly Review. Flag of Our Union. Sun
day Mercury, Army and Navy Journal, Waver-
ly Magazine,Catholic Wprld, for January : Met-
ropohtan Bank Note Reporter.
The Ordeal fof Wives ; a novel, by the author
of the hforala of Mayfair.
Macon Cotton Market.
OrncR or the Macon Daily TcLzasAfa. 1
Friday Evening, Dec. 29,18C5. J
Cotton.—We have to report a very dull market, with
but little cotton offering^ad few buyers in market.
Sales of the two days rej^Tfi bale?, at prices ranging
from 33 to 38 cents. The destruction of the bridges
on the State and Georgia railroads have bad a depress
ing influence on oar market, asjessening the means of
transportation, and hence the limited demand for the
staple. 0
. New York Market.
$6 W@9 for extra roOnd-hoop Ohio, and $9 10010 for
trade baand*.
Whisky lower at $123.
Wheat firm at $1 G3£l Gt for Chicago spring and $1C5
@1 84 for Milwaukee club.
Sugar quiet and steady; Cuba, l^c, -Molasses quiet
id steauv
pork quiet and steady At $28 1214023 37j$c for ra
and $24^PMi 00 for prime mess.' Beef firm at
new plain mess, and $11(314 for old do. Cotmeats are
unchanged, at ll(£12c for -shou^ler-* and 13<$16o for
hams. Bacon quiet. Dre^ed hogs in demand at lSUe.
hard firm at l&^lOMc.
Cheese dull at 14@19c. a
The New York Times of the fllst, speaking of tho
heavy cotton movements in that city, says: V4
The week’s exports of cotton from this port have been
nntuually extensive, having amounted to 18^'JO half*':
representing a currency value of $3,103,479. Included
in the exports have been to'Liverpool, 13^)97 boles, va!-
u v.l at $3,056^83; and to'Bremen, 499 bales, valued at
$l09,2Sf. The market closed briskly yesterday for all
desirable shipping grades, at firm prices on an esti
mated stock of all kinds available in this port, of $&,-
000 bales. The receipts at this port thus far this month
have been quite liberal, having amounted to 77.000 boles
making tlie total nrriTale hero-ounce Sept. 1st, 391,800
Cincinnati Market.
Cincinnati. Dec. 22, r. Flour quiot and unchanged.
Superfine, $C &0@7; extra State, $7 28@9; family and
fancy brands $9 «S$£11.
Wheat is dull at $1 M>£ 2 for prime old red, and $1 CO
@1 75 for the best cra<K-s of now red. Corn continues
■lull r.t :>‘v for i. w and 56c for shelled. Oits are dap
and price- heavier, clo-ing at 4-£g43c in the• elevator.
Kye unchanged and quiet at 78c for prime,
i.v.non Arm at iGiS&Jr*! for middling.
Groceries quiet. r . *** 1
Whisky Irregular, hales at $? 25, duty paid. And $2 29
Hoi;- firmer, but not qn ntably higher; dieted, $10 69
ii-10 75. liccotpts number head.
Provision* ure firmer. Mess pork closed tw-tivo at
5i>. Bulk meats c«*blinne nominal at llV$c,14V£c,
and hi’ for shoulders, *jdes and clear sides. Groeu
moat.-* lfavo advanced to 9c fur ahcalders, llj^c forsidcH,
and 1 for hams. Lard is higher,• dosing at 17c
for prime city.
Gold 1-1%
Cincinniti, Dec. 23.—Flour unchanged and qnist.
Wheat quiet at $1 0 -^1 75 for. No. 1 new red and $1 93
j j n cosd demandat
dull and
Commission Merchants.
Advances on Cotton and other produce shipped to
the ebove house, made by J. DeLoach and J. S.
Office at “Dixie Works” Cotton Frets, Macon,
a. dec23-lw
Journal & Messenger copy and present bill to J.
8. Pope.
I am authorized to sell
Two-Hundred Acres
L all t
, 125 a
Good Pine Land, adjoining said river land. Also,
one other tract, lying on the Sinocheehobec creek,
three miles from Fort Gaines, Ga., containing 407
acres, 150 acres of which U cleared, and in a high
state of cultivation; 60 acres of which is fresh,
seme good swamp land yet to clear. The place is
well improved with good dwellings, and a good
well of water—situated on the road leading from
Cuthbert to Fert Gaines. Also, one of the beat
improved and most central lots in the town of
Fort Caines, Ga.. consisting of a large two-story
dwelling house, lffge Doctor's shop, kitchen, tore
room, negro houses, stables, barn, corn-crib, car
riage noose, wagon abed and harness room. The
lot contains tnree acres. Also one other tract of
Pine Land, unimproved, containing 125 acres, near
Fort Gaines. I will tell any or all of the above
land*, low for csth.
Call on Dr. Wm. J. Johnson, of Fort Gaines,
who will show the premises.
My address will be at Eufaula, Ala. .after the 1st
day of January next FRED BURTY,
Bainbridge, Ga., Dec24-2aw2w. Agent
Special Notice to the Ladies.
Those living in the city who propose sitting for
their “Carte De Vlslte,” will please send word or
call and make appointments, in order that -they
may not be disappointed after visiting the Gallery
by finding others ahead of them.
Honrs lor operating for Adulta from 9 a. m. to
4 p. it., for Children from 9 a. if. 2 p. m.
dec2S-St* A J. RIDDLE, P. A
To the Voters of Bibb County.
The name of J. JOSEPH HODGES announced
as a candidate for Sheriff ot'BiM. - \ at tbs en
suing election, and if elected WILEY M. RUS*
SELL and PAT. CROWN will be hia deputies.
Teacher Wanted.
The Trustees of Cotton Hill Male and Female
Scminery, are desirous of employing a first class
Teacher, to take charge of the Institution the re
maining year. The past hiatoiy of the institution
will warrant a gentleman of thorough attainments
in taking charge of it, having numbered from one
hundred, to one hundred and fifty pupils. The
village of Cotton Hill is situated five miles from
Morris' Station, Southwestern Railroad, is healthy
and affords ample accommodations for boarders,
on reasonable terms. Any one wishing the situa
tion will please make application immediately in
person ta the trustees.
dec28-St* MARK W. SHIVERS, S. B. T.
t at $1 (
' in poi
ml 53j for shelled.
11V* . . . • H! 75 ' f r ! :
e old red.
Lard i
$3T“ Go to Bryant, Stratton & Co'a. Nashville
Business College for a thorough knowledge of
Bookkeeping, Pensmanship, Commercial Calcular
tions, Commercial, Law Partnership Settlements
and Business Forms and Practice etc. Send for Col
lege paper, Circulars, etc. Address
oct21-6m Nashville, Tenn.
Itch! Itcii! Itch!—Scratch ! Scratch!
Scratch!—Wheaton’s Ointment will cure the
itch In 48 hours. Also cures salt rheum, ulcers,
chilblains, and all eruptions of the skin. Pricq 50
cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending
cents to Waxes & Potter, sole agents, 170 Wash
ington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded
by mall; free of postage, to auy part of the United
sept 27-6m
- Batchelor** Hair I>yo!
The original and beet in the world 1 1ftie only
true and perfect hair dye. Harmless, reliable and
instantaneous. Produces Immediately a splendid
black or natural brown, without injuring the hair
or skin. Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes.—
Sold by all druggists. The genuine is signed Wil
liam A. Batchelor. Also, Regenerating Extract ot
t < .ring and beautifying the hair.
augl5-ly N>W York.
Seth II. Gates tor Collector.
The name c*f this gentleman is announced by his
friepds as a candidate for Tax Collector oi Bibb
county. Election in January next
He is well qualified for the office, and is reaora-
mended because of his unfitness for many of the
other occupations of life, ou account of a severe
wound received in battle.
dec7-tu - Mart Frieeds
II. P. ReeTdin a would respectfully inform the citi
zens of Macon and surrounding country that he
has opened a new grocery store on 3d street, oppo
site the Express office, under the firm name of
REDDING ifc WELLS, where ho will be happy to
meet Ills old friends and patrons, for he can assure
them they can always find a choice stock of Family
Gmetrics, fresh Northern Batter, Coffees, Cheese,
Sugars, Potatoes, Onions and all articles needed
by famlles and merchants in the Grocery trade. Our
Stock is-always choice. Give Us a call.
dcc7-2w. ■
_ .ME between Augusta and Savannah reduced
X to 1#K hour*. Fare $12>£. Staging only 22
miles, all in day-light both ways.
Passengers should leave Macon by M. & W. R.‘
R. night train, rest second night at Augusta.—
Leave Augusta 6 a. m , arrive at Savannah same
day at 10’-^ p. u. . GEO. W. ADAMS,
c2S-3tw2w* Gen'l. Sup’t. C. R. R.
January Election-Tax Collector.
The friends of JAMES P. SIMS authorize the
announcement of his name as a suitable candidate
of Tax Collector of Bibb county, nud invite the
suffrages of electors at the election to be held on
the 1st Wednesday iu January, 1866. ,nov!4 te*
Petroleum Company.
NUMBER OF SHARES, each 3,000
It. H. WK10LEY.
Hardware and Cutlery,
Mechanics’ Tools
Of nil kinds.
Bnokets, Tubs,
•At Wholesale and Detail.
Ralston's Range, Next to Express Office.
W E have just received the following Goods,
which we will . .
Sell Low tQ the Trade.
ISO bbfr'.'Vjour, assarted brands,
190 colls G. L. Kop’c,
rpilE PROPERTY of the compeny
X Lessee for s term of twenty years with s
royalty ef one-tenth ot the oil obtained.
These lands are In fourteen different locations
in St. Clair and Walker counties, Alabama, em
bracing an aggregate of Kieren Hundred «nd
Twenty (1,130) acres.
All lie in the great Cool Fields of Alabama, and
have been selected by s practical, scientific Geol
ogist, on account of the strong surface indications
of Petroleum found thereon.
In order to secure a speedy developement of this
property, the owners or the Lease, in organizing
the Company, have consented to make the working
fund consist of
One nnndrcd Thousand Dollars,
with a guarantee of all the stockholders, that the
whole of this, or so much of it as may bo necessary
shall be expended in developing and improving
of the Company by purchasing the beat of Ma
chinery, and employing the most experienced
workmen to be obtained, and by prosecuting the
work with the utmost dilltgence, under a suitable
Corps of Officers who shall be elected whenever %
sufficient amount shall have been subscribed to the
"Working Fund
to authorise the commencement of the werk. The
Company hare advisable In distributing
out their stock, to offer a limited amount to the
citizens of Macon and mcinlty. Therefore, will
open a
at the office of E. C. Grannies, who will act as
Agent for the Company, on Thursday the 2Sth day
or December, 1865, and is authorised to receive fo
the Company a limited amount of Subscriptions, r
t3T As soon as the amount Is subscribed, whic
is set apart for Macon, the Books will be closed.
No subscription will be received*unless accom
panied with tne money.
E. C. GRANN188,
dec24-tf. Agent for Macon, Ga.
1ST E w
UH^hlMMflL Ami vhktat tal
sell again, will here find facilities Mla«r|
any bouse south of Cincinnati, as tha mmL-
kaa been purchsst vt, >*»•}'. < ASH, Ami Am i
facturer* in th»* cities of New York •:.«! H.-r
A giH>d supply ot TRUKKIiXDffifln^
will also be kept on hand.
The firm hopes, by constantly ra,
by strict attention to baslncs*, to anttl a AmI
portion of public pstronsge
W. R. 8IN<;LKTO!f,
w. c. iwrwHiiTfrn
oct4-3m T. J. HUNT.
E. IV. THOWAS & to.,
H,re fitted np the GEM 'll Tlm.i iljl, wkkMW
furniture. They here » .plendld BAR. »»«■ »<lul
with the best Llquon, Clg*r>, Tsh.ce o. Ac. 1M>
fine stock of Wines, In bottles, will W saM M IW
most ressonsble price* la the msrkci.
Offers to the puttie the
market. The best York rirerOy
on bend, fresh, an "
the(lowcst market
in any quantity and without
saw always
In tbo City or Macon.
With suitable dwellings indill nenwr sm
buildings—excellent well of sense, wkh gnsd
The size of tha lot makes it xmj 4
any one who wUhca a large lot la the city.
Any one wishing a bargain w 111 4. wrsUUnan
ine this place. E. C. GRANNIsn
373St- . . ^
Piles, Fistula,
Striclurcs, Polypus, Tumors, Wens,
Fissures, Hare-Lip, &c.
O I-ECIAL ATTENTION given to -u-eiM. q)
O females, fortbo bcucllt of whom, he will men-
Hop-, that In September 1S63, he removed a Tumor
from*Brs (for Mrs. Wesley Psrkcr, ot Ath
ens, Ga.) ms large o* an Infant's head, measuring
seven Inches and a half in length, and the patient
was perfectly well ina few days, and thcro his been
no return of the Tumor. The patient gave me lib
erty to refer to her case.
Dr. J. A. CLOPTON may be consulted at the
Lanier House, In Macon, the Orst ten days in Feb
ruary, 1888. Refers to many of the moat respecta
ble gentlemen of the Medical Profession, upon
whom he has operated In Georgia, and all the States
- He never lost a patient, nor had an accident
Hf Ladles will be visited at their house*.
jHTM*nj of the most wealthy and Intcllgent
Valuable Lots for Sale.
in the Tillage of Vinevllle, Just beyond the cor
porate limit*, and to the right of the Vinevllle
road, are offered for eale. The Iota will average an
acre each. Some of them are beautiful sites lor
surbm-ban residences, others would make excellent
dec24 5
IfO-Tko place to buy Dotas, Tors, bales Bogging,
'ire Cracker.-., and Toppers, Ac., Ac., ia at th
Tallahassee Market.
e, Dec. 30.—Cut ton—Ordinary to strict mid
I cent5. Very little offering.
Augusta Market*
ec. 24.—The o<*:ton market was not aetiv<
Lrcii.c,—Thi? rf^lemlid poem, by Oiven Mere
dith. and volumes of all other poets, in blue and
gold, suitable for Christmas presente, at J.
Mobile had
iSL-Tae largest shipment of dour ever recei
ed in M*con hftsjust been placed in store by
P. G Harris* fifteen (IS) car loads* amounting
over six hundred barrels cho.ce and best brands
of Su Louis. Cincinnati and Louisville flour, for
sale at the lowest rates in the market^tfthe erhol-
sale and retail store af A. P- G. HARRIS,
dec 30 eod 3u
nd foi
Montgomery Market*
:ry Die. a moderate i
idling-*, 4K^42c
List of 0. £[• Freight .
St^cd at owner’s risk at the office of Souther
Express Company, Macon, December 28th.
Sports.—The “gay and festives” of
high old time on Christmas day,
mmencing with a half mile race, for all saddle
rses, followed by a cock tight, and ending
with^ chase after a greased pig.
To tlic Voters of Bibb County*
There appears to be a strong disposition cn the
part of some small wire-pullers in the county to
prejudice voters at the January election against
the claims of Solomon K. Johnson for the offi'
Tax Collector, on the ground that some of his
»rs ;yje soldier's—wounded soldiers it may
, if The mere fact that a man must have
been a soldier, is to be urged in the future as the
controlling qualification for office, then, indeed
have we misunderstood the spirit, intent and mean
ing of our civil and political institutions, as well
the best mode of securing and preserving com
petent. fit and efficient functionaries in the several
departments of our government. But, in this in
stance* we have fitness and competency combined
in Solomon R. Johnson, with all the attributes of
a prompt patriot and tried old soldier, as his record
will show. Mr. Johnson is one of only four sur
viving soldiers in Bibb county who served in.the
Creek war of 1836—and when Gov. Brown called
out the militia over 45 years of age, Solomon R.
Johnson responded promptly, and was In the bat
tles around Atlanta and at Jonesboro. Qe had
only two sons at the commencement of the late
unfortunate family Jar with the North—both of
them entered the Confederate gervice as volun
teers—one of them fell at Gettysburg, and sleeps
the sleep that knows no waking; the other re
ceived a severe wound ou the head, that may yet
endanger the integrity of hia brain. So wo per
ceive that Mr. Johnson presents as good a record
on the war sensation as any of his opponents can
furnish; besides, he la an old citizen, who, since
the war, to left dependent upon his own exertions
for the support of himself and family. We trust
he will be elected to the office of Tax Collector at
the forthcoming election.
Mrs. J. B. Robert
G. Mallory
F.C. Watte
M. J. Bear
IlunV- •
II. S. Isbell.
1 pkE
1 box
l M
i lemi John
I trunk
?. 1 keg
20 bbls
Gfi boxes
eltv Stobe, No. i I, Cotton Avenue, a few
doors above Mix & lvirtlahd’s.
Jcc 19 6(
H J. Hoffman
W. II. Barnes
G. K. Hi-eland 1
S. Mallory 1
Herrington & R 5
E. B. Mack 1
Nussbaum *fc G 1
C. Burke 1
S. Emanuel 1
l box
L. P. Strong Sox, Second street, next door
to Zeilin and Ck/s drugstore, have now jn store,
an dare receiving regularly, one of the largest
and most extensile assortments of select boots
a nd es in the South.
Merchants from the country will'find it to
their interest to examine their stock, which com
prises all the latest varieties and styles of boot®
and shoes, for men's, fadies' and children’s wear,
at wholesale and retail prices, that will be satis
factory to every purchases. *decI6 tf
The friends of_ FRANK M. HEATH an
nounce him as a candidate for Tax Collector of
Bibb Count}’. The loss of an arm in the war has
unfitted him'for many kinds of employment, and
as he i6 krfbwn to be well qualified in every res
for the office of Tax Collector, it is hoped aud be
lieved that the people of tlic county will generally
support him. decl9-tdc*
-13f We ar«*authorized 4o announce the name of
A. M. LOCKETT, as a Cadldate for Sheriff, with
T. W. BRANTLEY as Deputy, election in January
next. dec24—tdc
200 boxes Tobacco, assorted grades,
Granulated, Crushed, Powdered, A, B, C, and
Brown.- - f
100 packages New No. I Large Mackerel in kijts, |
quarter and lialf bbls.
5 casks London PoHor,
of Macon, Ga. of Macon, «u of North Carolina
Commission IVTei'chants
20 Beaver-Street,
new YORK.
L IBERAL advancespiade on Cotton, Wool, To
bacco and Produce generality. Consignments
solicited’ Orders for goods promptly executed.
50 bags Cofle<
) packa
» Green
un!L Black Tc
. Sheriff, Shcr
Mr. JAMES F. BARFIELD having resign
Freeman & E
Mr?. M. C. Lcgare
Pugh tfc Longuest
J. M. Seav
^ K. Knecland
Mrs. B. Stovall
J. N. Go O'
S Napier
W. Eichclburge
1 bundle
1 box
:t -
2 bbls
. 1 pci
1 bo
For Coroner.
The undersigned offers himself os a candidate
foi Coroner ol Bibb county, and respectfully so
licits tbr suffrages of hto fellow citizens.
dec30-4tt J. B. M. ELLISON
lOfiCales Gunny Bagging,
40 COils Green-Leaf Rope,
100 Kegs Nails Assorted Sizes,
100 Cheese. English Dairy,
30 Barrels Mackerel,
20 Cases Cove Oysters,
IsJ Barrejs Virginia Salt,
100 Barrels Flour, Various Grades,
6 Dozen Well Buckets,
.'i000 Lbs. Iron.
Just received and for sale by
dec2h-3t* J. H. ANDERSON 4: SON.'
d the
j office of Sheriff more than four years ago to fight J
j for principles advocated by many who would not J
tight for tnem, < which ha jpppoae&Jjliii' <•. f. > hi
I numerous friends now announce hto name, as a
* | candidate with the expectation of his being re-eice-
j ted. dec24-tdc*
' Journal & Messenger copy and send bill to this
| office. m
| ^r Wc are authorized to announce the name of
I A. B. ROSS, as a candidate for re-election as Clerk
j of"the Superior court. Election in Januarynext.
d< c24-td<
j J2T We are authorized to announce the name of
I J. A. MeMANUS, as a candidate for re-election a
Clerk of the Inferior court Election in January
next dec24-tde
A TWO STORY DWELLING with eight rooms,
Kitchen, Smokehouse and Dwelling supplied
*J0 boxes Prune?,
50 drums Fresh Figs,
10 bbls. assdrted Nuts,
30 cases Pickles,
25 cases Old Brandy,
25 cases Bourbon Whisky,
50 cases Scheidam Schnapps,
Bacon Sides and Shoulders,
5 cask* Potash,
cases and 75 kegs Carb. Soda,
TTTILL be consulted in Albany, Ga., nntjl the
VV first of February; In Macon, the first ten
days In February.
Ho operate* with perfect success for PILES*
I’US, TUMORS, etc. Special attention given to
DISEASES of FEMALES. Also, pats up Medi
Dr. C., refers to many o( the most respectable
gentlemen of th© medical profession, upon whom
he has operated in Georgia, and hundreds of others
In the Sate.
He wishes it particularly understood, that he
never lost a patient, nor bad the slightest accident
i to happen. TbtowUl be hto tost trip to Georgia.
' except upon special visits,’when the patient 1s not
1 able to travel. PARISH IIOTELj No. 13L
‘ dec29-lw*
thout delay.
xm. aafirr Flay* Haw..
For Sale.
For Sale
nearly new, coo
e following
stem *-f t
listing or tL
inch eelt-stripi ii-.g t atiD,
Railway Drawing Head,
fi Colter Draw ing Frame,
20 Strand Speeder,
Danforth Frames, -I inch
Reels, 1 Bench aud one Rate
Grinding Frame, Vices, etc., etc.
Together with Shafting, Hanger*, Bolts, 1
Belting, Cans and Bobbin*. In fort, er*ry article I
■ Itfoiilmtl* aMai Iwfon qpBtmhrn, all bawd —4
delivered in Sew York for fffiLOOOl
I Sold MsshlMiy could not to hod Us kw thaa 12
months, if ordered of the builder*, sad at a coot of
about *18,000. Is sold low la cowemem-e of U»c
expiration of a lease. JAMES K. KING,
|dcc27-lw».Pittms*. New Jtnry.
Prompt Forwarding,
G-eo. C. Freeman,
W ILL giTckla paraonal atteailoa to raualalaai
and forwarding with praaptacaa aai aaaa
Will alto attend promptly to l
Cotton and other produce f*r ■ '
A No. I
Cotton Plantation Wanted.
1 wish to lease or purchase a plantation of,
at most, six hundred (M0) acres
cleared Cotton Land, situated in Sonthweat
Communications and persons wilt find .me
at Lanier House, Macon.
dcc2T-3tt E. F, WINSLOW
T HROUGH rocelpu trim] ).,th* Agmuafthe
Southern Transportation Cump-v m
rates to Baltimore and New York, at guaranteed
rat© per hundred pounds os per boh- on Cotton, all
packages should be stamped 8. T. Co., to forliitete
Transportation. Rate from New Torn to
$4,03 per hundred pounds.
Y. G. RUST, AgL at Albany.
Chesnut Grove Whisky.
| And for sale by
dcc28-3t*. Cotton Avenue.
10 kegs G<
» Butter.
10 bags Pepper,
5 bbls. Ginger,
5 bags Spice.
5 bbls. Copperas,
20 cases Mustard,
20 cases Spabish Indigo.
I A AAA choice New Boron, Hants,
lU^vUv Sides and 8honlders in store and for
•ale bv
AdminUtrutor’H Sale.
EORGIA, Joxes CocifiTT.—On the first Taea*
\JT day iu Jauuary next, will be sold at the Court
H - • Ih r in f lu t-»n n : untv, within the
lawful hours of sale, GOO aeres of land, with dwel
ling, outhouses and tencintr, in good repair^thir
teen miles from Macon, adjoining Hugh McKay’i
plantation* .Sold us the jiropcrty of William Paul
deceased. Terms, 12 months credit, with tw<
rood securities.
Adm’r dc bonis non
dccl3-wC0d* Cum teatamento annexo.
Sale of Peri>hablc Properl}.
XXTILL be told on Thursday the 4th of Januinr
YY next, at the plantation ot Mr. WtllUm Har
ris, in Macon county, all the PerisluM-
bMffitftlitdiili Of WlltiM* V. rafo de
ceased, conslitiug of Mules. Hog*q Cat:;-*, ooe
Buggj’Mare, Corn, Fodder, Syrup, P.a**, Boost
Potatoes, Household and Kitchen Furnltur»» PIms-
tation Tools Ac.. Ac.
dec27-6tf JAMES M. JONES.
New Style of Revolver.
Patent Front Loading, Metallic < arttidge.
Fire Shooter Bnalm.
. A new patent and the brut article et' Ota
kind ever offered for service.
A full supply justreceived and for i!eby
doc27-2w WRIGLEY 4 KNOTT
Notice to Shippers of Cotton.
r RaIU KuAf*.
House for Rent
- ith gas in every room; good situation for board-
; ing house, close to the business part of the city,
i Possession 1st of January next.
at the Store of Gunn a Lake.
Macon, Ga-,Dec. 29,1865—3t
List *f Consignees per S. W. Railroad.
• Macon, Dec. 27, 1865, J
j G®o Lovin, J B Cobb, Kent Nixon. Isaac (cold,) j
A Lagerquist, W E Davis, Alex Fort, J H An-
j dersou, A Son, Newton A Lawton, W A Huff, I
■ Gaines. A Co., Hardeman and Sparks. Aaher I Ralston's Hall, Macon, Ga.
i Ayres, McCalli© A Jones. *
To Racbinisto and Laborers.
\ 1 /"ANTED, for the ensuing year, two FIRST
V\ CLASS Sawyers and thirty good and steady
laborers to work a sett of Mills. None but the
moot Skilful and Experienced Sawyers need apply.
To such liberal wager wjjl be paid and dwelling
house furnished. Apply at once to
‘ Macoi, Dec. 26th, 1765. df*c27-lw*
R,ooo gallons For Sale.
A SSORTED Whtokv, just received and for sale MORE MONEl TO BE MADE THAN RAISING
by ‘ COTTON.
Hi. W. Rasdal, T^HE Brickyard in Ea?t 3Iacon, with Machines
Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Third street, under *“ ~ *‘
25 cases Candy.
50 cases Candles.
A large lot ot 4, 6 and 8 inch Rubber Belting,
10 boxes Horse Shoe Nails, 100 kegs Cut Noil*,
Spades, Shovels, Iron assorted.
A fall assortment of Hardware and Drugs.
Our Dry Good* Department to complete, and we
only ask an examination oi our stock to insure
sales. Wc do not expect to be undersold in the j
4 NEAT aud comfortable dwelling, with four
i xV. rooms and kitchen.
I Possession given 1st January.
Applv to the subscriber.
dec2$-3t* O. F. ADAMS.
Jour. And Mess, copy and charge Telegraph.
Culloden High SchooL
rpHE subscriber begs leave to inform hi$ friends
.1. and the public, that he will open the above
institution on the 15th January; and he solicits a
liberal patronage. Tuition per year on par basis.
For Primary Class $20
i For Second Cla*s 30
^ For Classics...; 40
| dec29-dlaw5w* W. A. NELSON.
Macos* A WxrrxnN
Macox, Ga
O WING to lh© washing away •
chee bridge, shippers of cottec n.-»t r;ti «•-
give us the authority to change via Aagtatft or for
them to take charge of the Cotton no* • V '©n
and Atlanta Intended to ga to NashriUVor via
Alexandria. The following are the ohippetn:
J McDonald, Cuthbert; CMMcGu.&Gx;
C E Dexter, Columbus ; Stafford B A Co., Bame*-
Barrett A Co.. “ "rille;
A D Btamps, Dawson; T H Callaway. Orffita:
B Bishop, Macon; MD Smith A ~o., Griffin;
W H maton, “ R A Robe ra, Griffin;
8 Merrett, T H Shephard, Mam;
II AodemouA Son, L A Lamer, Macon;
Macon; T R Bloom, Macon;
G W Robinson, Mac©n.
dec27-3t ' ‘ '
-| Formerly nsedby the Can tonCo^per Mining Com
dec 2S-lm Cor. Second and Cherry sU. (I-aDFi r-rjT-Hn T
Journal & Mesienger copy. aec3S-8t*. (,£0. H. HAJLEHl EST.
W ILL resume the exercise* of hi- > :
boys on the 1st day of January
Tuition and fod per acboiaatic month $8 *«.—
Parents will promote the interett of tho,: *• : •
presenting the® f“ * u “
» the first d*y of the T*
For Saif.
T HE TWO Story Six Room* li-/.
and Lot, with improvements there- n, :r
comer of First and Oak st rest*, at prevent occupied
by the Rev. Mr. Z. W. Warren, (.a* throughout
the houae.
Lot contains one half acre,*morc or « .
extended fronta on each street. ' m :
an excellent well of water eq-.Ll •
Apply to the bub6criber at the office : :1.« 3s^u*
Western Railroad company.
dee2Wt, ‘ JNO. T. 30IFEULLET.
0T Journal A Messenger copy.