The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 30, 1865, Image 6

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\%mvc __ THE Ai, " Petraiqjp^Biniiany. HEAD QUABTEE8 AX SAVAHHAH, 5A CAPITAL STOCK.... NUMBER OPtfHARKS, each 0,«» JAR VALUE ...tMO WORKING FUND:.... «100,«» T IUC PROPERTY of the company combts in Leases for a .icro of twenty y< Leases for a term of twenty years with royalty or one-tenth ol the oil obtained. . These lands are hi fourteen .different locations In St. Clair add Walker counties, Alabama, cm- * bracing an a^ereffate of Elcrcn Hundred and Twenty (I.JMfaerejs. THESE LANDS All lie In the great Coal Fields of Alabama, and have been selected by a' practical, scientific Geol ogist, on account of the strong surface indications of Ft;trolenm,found thereon. gp Id order to secure a speedy dev’elopfement of this proi crty, the owners of the Lease, in organizing UnComi AammaWtnMt One Hundred Thousand Dollars with a guarantee of all the stockholders, that the. whole of t hit*, or so much of It ao may be necessary shall be-expended In developing and ijnprpving *OIJ! INTEREST of llic Company bv purchasing the wheat of Ma ehinciy, and employing the most experienced workmen to l»e obtained, and by prosecuting the work with the utmost dilligenco, under a.suitable Corps of OUlcers who shall be elected whenever a sufficient amount shall have been eubscri lied to the Working Fund to antboriee the commencement of the work. The Company have thought Jt advisable In distributing out their stock, to offer a limited amount to the citizens of Macon and vicinity. Therefore, will open a __ BOOK for SUBSCRIPTIONS, [ant for tbs Company, on Thursday (be 2Stb day December, 18*5, ami Is authorised to receive for j eriptii ibeil, t 1hc Cmnpanya limited amount of Snbseri fjf As soon ss Hiteamount is subscribed, ■Rliicii s set opart for Macon,' the Books will Unclosed. No subscription will be rvccirrd unless accom panied with the m#ney. E. C. GKANN1SS. decSt-lf. . Agent for Macon, (is. Prompt Forwarding, THROUGH SAVANNAH. Geo. C. Freeman! general, commission merchant and . FORWARDING AGENT, SAVANNAH, • W ILL give his personal attention to receiving and forwarding with promptness and econ omy . COTTON AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY Will also attend promptly to consignments of Colton ond other prodnee for sale. der27-lm ~VIRGINIA~ANT> TENNESSEE LIKE. rpHROUGrt re X Sonthero Ti _ rotes (o Baltimore and New York, at guaranta rote per hundred pounds ss per hale on Cotton, ■ I mcksgcs should lie stamped S.‘T. Co., to facilitate Transportation. Kate from New York to Macon tl.AS per hnmlred pounds. • THURSTON R. BLOOM, Agt. nt Macon, Y. fl. RUST, Agt. at Albany. novllGlm. . . Sale of. Perishable Properly, WITHIN FIVE MILES OF MONTEZUMA. W ILL bemld ou Thursday (lie-fth of January next, at the plantation oi Mr. Willism Har- rixin Macon counlv.all the Perishable Property belonging to the estate of -William F. Bcalle de ceased, consisting of Mnles, Hogs, Cattle, one Boggy Marc, Corn, fodder, Syrup, Peas, Sweet Potatoes, Household and Kitchen Form true, Plan tation Tools At., At. . ' - dec27-6tt JAMES M. JONES, by the Agents of the Company At freight ■ft ' teed DR. J. A. CLOPTON, 'OF HUNTSVILLE, ALA., W ILL he consulted In Albany.Ha, until Ihe first of February; ta.Mar,.:;, :.-.f ten days in Fcbroary. ' lie. Operates with perform success for PILES, FISTULA, FISSURES, ^pEUgRUfS^ POLY PUS, TUMORS, etc.* S. givtsf-to DISEASES of FEMALES. Also, pnts np Medi cines for BRONCHIAL, SCROFULOUS, £U TANEOUS, and FVPntUUC AJFVIit rrONS, ' etc. -* / / ; **•’*. Dr. C., nefera to many of U*e most respectable gentlemen of the medical profession, upon whom be has operated In Georgia, audh,r ireils of others In the State. * . i It jwrliciil.i-lT ;• <#•-»*!, fiut he " :r.t, nor had the t-jig inert accident ... r last trip 10 Georgia, »'L 'i thi Tviticni is not N o. ia .* AUmlnMratofV sale. /GEORGIA, Joses t O' dav hi Janiaavy Ont, will he sold at the Court House door in Cl ini on, in Mid county, within the lawful boars of tale, ADO acres of load, with dwel ling, oat bouses and fencing, In good-repair, thir teen miles from Ma n. adii'inl;*:: Hugh McKay’* plantation- Sold as the prop' r v if William Paul, deceased. Terms, 13 wMitii* credit, with two good securities. *- ■ JAMES IL BLOUNT, . - Adm'r de bends nou dcc!8-iflM* Cum tsalmsnto anir^ro. tL ML liAUin, A. GAJKB, P. fe|XUX of Macon, Go. of Macon. Go* of North Carolh BEARDEN & CO. C'< 'mmission T!<r<-]tai;r, 30 Beaver Street, new T IBERALadvai 14 b-ieco and Pn dcc2HSt» --‘V* t iiy Hanlial'* **isle. AX'ii.I.l, s„!d \ f t. !V>, .1 !uf LAND FOR-SALE. JAfetnlatiUtQijze»pLA.sclL . •'.Two-Hundred Acres O F GOOD RIVER LAND, (nearlyall bottom Hand) iff a high state of c~ % * * ^ — —m r “^qdMyOi; Also, 125 acres of river land. Also, half a mile.of. GoodPioc Land, adjoining laid one other tract, lying on the Sinochcchobce erect three, miles from Fort Gaines, Ga., containing 407 acres, 150 acres of which Is cleared, and In a high state oT cultivation; tt> acres of which ia fresh, seme good swamp land yet to clear. The placo is well improved with good dwellings, and a good well of water-situated on the road leading frpm Cnthbcrtto Fort Gaines. Also, one of the 'best improved and most central lots in the town of Fort Caines, Ga.. consisting of a large two-story dwelling house, large Doctor’s shop, kitchen, tore rood), negro houses, stables, barn, com-crib, car riage house, wagon shed ana harness room. The lot contains turce acres. Also one other tract of Pine Land, unimproved, containing 125 acres, near Fort Gaines. I will sell any or aU of the above lands, low for cash. Call on Dr. Wm. J. Johnson, of Fort Gaines, who will show tho premises. My address will be at Enfanla, AiR., after the.lst day of January next. FRED BURT Y, Baiubridgc, Ga., Ddc84-2aw2w. Agent. an. WKioutv. | w. i.. ksott. WRIGLEY & KNOTT, IMPOItTKltS AND DBA LENS - „ • rv Hardware and Cutlery, BUILDERS’ HARDWARE... Meclianics’ Tools Of all kinds. HOUSE FURNISHINGS, . WILLOW WAES. B u c. k e t s , Tubs, NEW STYLE MEAL SIFTEUS, At Wholesale-nntl Retail. Ralston's Range, Next to Express Office. MACON, GEORGIA, derh-dlm. • 9 .The Latest Arrival. Turpin & Hurtz’s J UST RECEIVED a large and well selected (tockof Orercoats, Bnalnessaitj Dress Suits. Also, the latest styles of Frcneb, Unrllsh and American Cassimerm, together with a flno assort ment of Gents Furnishing Goods, which we offer fvr sale to onr friends and patrons, and to the public in general, at the lowest prices, Bttilabla to every body’s means. Come and look Ifwedonotsuit yon, no charge will be made for showing the Bast and Cheapest the Market can Affqrd. in our power to send C5T"Clothing made to order on short notice by Mons. 11 onsse from Paris. TURPIN «Jfc IIURTZ. Triangular Block. I j. ix. nuttTz 1ST 35 W FIRM SIXGIXTOV, IIIJXT A. CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOC ma^o'n.'ceorgia, hate in store, and for sale, the largest and l assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the Sonth. Those wishing to lmy, to sell again, will here find facilities not surpassed by any house south of Cincinnati, as the entire.stock kss been purchased, FOR CASn, from the manu facturers hi Ihe dries of New York and Boston. A good supply ol TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAB will also be kept on hand. The firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. -W. B. SINGLETON, IV. C. SINGLETON, SHORTEST, Cheapest anil Quickest Route TO NEW YORK and BALTIMORE, By the Great Virginia and Tennessee Line ThrtmgK Receipt) pi,sen bp the Agenta of the SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY From MACON Is BALTIMORE '*13,35; and NEW YORK $13,00 per bale on Cotton. Rate of Insurance cheaper Hum any other route. ‘All packages should be stamped ■ T Co to hull Rate transportation. THURSTONH. BLOOM, Agent, Macon, Georgia. Y.'G. RUST,. noriS-Sm AgenJ, Albany, Georgia. , I a. r. TUCK, [ps, Louisville, Ky. B. W. TUCK, ... I J. a. TIAVI3, Christian Co. Late with Phcl; , I Caldwell & Co. ( Truck, Davis & Co., Wholesale 0 r.ocers and Commission T _ Merchants, S22 Main street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, • ljOdsviLLR, Ky. * Consignments Solicited ang 29-6m oet4-3tn Y. J. HUNT. THE G-EM. E. W. TIIOUAS & VO., Have fitted up the GEM in elegant style with new fnrnUnre. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked with riiehest Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco, &e. Their fine smelt of Wines, in hottles, will be sold at the most rettsonalilc prices in the market. ^IIK F.A TTlfO DEPARTMENT Offers to the public the finest Bill of Fare in the market. The best York riverOystereareahreya kept on liaiid, fresh, and can bp had in any quantity, at hc^owpst market rates. Families can be supplied any quantity and ivitliont delay. E. W. THOMAS & Co., Gem Saloon, nndcr Fioyd Hoasc, novJKlm^ Maton, Georgia. For Sale. ONE OF THE MOST DESHIABLE LOTS In Hie City or Haeim, Sitnated on the EAST BIDE OF TATNALL SQUARE. With suitable dwellings and all necessary ont- siVEon tout,nt. i. vonnoe QODEN. TOBY & OG-DEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE AGENTS; Office .letvett’s BuildinjfSecont] st. UMOV, GUriHOIA. Cash ■Advance* made on COTTON AND CONSIGNMENTS, , To onr Friends in New York. SIGHT OR. TIME EXCHANGE ON new’ vobk in sums to suit Orders For SUGAR-MOL'ASSES or WESTERN PRODUCE FILLED. Fire Insurance for $150,000 i Taken on One Risk. RISK BY RAIL OR RIVER ThmoglQo New York taken as 1-ow as by any other Companies. .. • .AGENTS OF P1KENIX, MANHATTAN,-INTER NATIONA!., HARMONEY AND CITIZENS FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. NEW YORK LIFE, NEW YORK ACCIDENTAL JNSUliANOE 0O M1’ A N I ES. FOll SALE. Plantations in Ilonston, Jones, Bibl», Craw/ord. Pnlask! and Maqph Counties. Also, City improved and vacant property. For particular* apply to . decA-lm TOBY OGDEN. t»uildin3>»—excellent well of water, with ’'gidod stable. ’ - ► * . The size of the lot makes it very dusirable to any one who wishes a large lot In the city. Anyone wishing a bargain will do well to exam- ic rids l-lace. E. C. GRANNISS. For Sale A COMPLETE system of Cotton Machinery, XX. neatly new, consisting or the following : j tntuflf, J PICKER, 7 JJC inch self-e tripping Card*, 1 flail way Drawing Head, ^ 1 6 Coilcr Drawic ^ Frame. 1 20 Strand Speeder, t; BtuOtt Frames, 4 Inch Bobbin, 140 Spindles, Keel j, 1 Bench and one Bale Press. YORK, on ( etton, Wool, To- ncrallly. Couignincsts •!< promptly executed.- Hd, take o L»r stolon. *- oordmc to <■ City Hall, in ten six or seven yemrs r PolieF, supposed E Cl MMINf,, every article pcrtaiuinixto a Miil In foil operaiion, all boxed and delivered in New York for #12,OGO. • 0 Said Mar’iinery could not be had in less than 12 months, ifordered oftbt lmi!ders,Vnd atacOrtof •hoot ^18,000.^ Is -old low in coa^ennenco of t’>- expiratio: T A.MES k KIMi, dcdMw*. Patfr-rton, >'• w Jcner. I! ffl ’ar m KENT'S El ST INDIA COFFEE! fl EQUAL TO JAVA! (?) HALF THE PRICE y^oes Twice as Far Cccommended and fsed by All CLERGYMEN, PHYSICIANS imd Prafttsional Men oa the qhpapest, lieafthfisi and best beverage FOR SALE BY ALLflROCRRS IN THE NORTH ANDSOrriL .The Southern - Trade, to is specially adapted, supplied through flic New York City Wholesale Grocers, or direct from the Manufac tory, _ - i^S^Reade ISTEW RICHARD DAVIES, I'r«!»’r, And General Wholraale Dealer in Teas and Cofle*\ . dee0-3m JSO. W. O’COSXOU, ilacon, Ga. J. W. O f CO^NTOB «&. CO. MACON GEORGIA. OEoo on Cherry 8t,, between 3d and 4th. 1 > ECEiyiNG anil Forwarding Mcrchanls, and 1 Agents for E. JL Bniee & .00., Augusta, Ga.; E. Jr. liruce, Morgan & Co., Apaiichrcola, Fla.; and Watts, Crane 5t Co., Now York. Wc will receive and forward, upon reasonable terms, all Colton entrusted to onr care for ship: incut, ss owners maydirect. Wc willin ' Hi advances Upon consignments of Coton Crano & Co, New Y p ork, or W. C. _\Vstts & Co. Liverpool, England; pay Revenue Tax, Storage, Freights, Ac, on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatch. * — Planters and others will be afforded every fsoillty our power to send their Cotton to market^and rcjKlve prompt return of sale. Mr. .W. E. Olarko ’ Mr. ,w. E. our agent at Albany, Gi and will giro all information to parties who deal his services in shipping or purchasing. Our per sonal attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. NEW YORK EXCnANOE FOR SALE. octS thn , JNO. W. O’CONNOR A CO. FQORHEES & GARRISON, . Commission Merchants, 78 William street, New York. Offer their services to the Planters, Merchants and Cotton holders of Gcorgiil And refers by permission to Messrs. Erwin A Hardee, Savannah, Ga. President National Bank at Savannah, Gs. • E. A. Wilcox, Macon, Ga. W. B. Davison, Augusta, Ga. E. Remington A Son, ThomasvlUe, Ga. C. L. Robinson, Jacksonville, Fl?. C. K. Garrison, 73 William street, N.' Y. Ocean National Bank, New York. ‘ Merchants Exchange Nation Bank, New York. Any bnsiness fntrtisteipo ns will meet wit prompt and earefttl attention.^ B. F. VooRnERS. D. J-VGarrisoh scp8-4m SUNDRIES. , F AMILY Floor of Choice qualify in barrels, Rk> and old Java Coffee, - - y ' Fine Green and Black Tea, Superior Cuba Cane Syrup, by the Bill, Ohtffc;uac Brandy on drauglft or In Cnsca, Ohriburhon Whisky in Cases, Sfhkdoui Schnapps, qi* and pints; Star Candles, Soap and Starch r Hope, Bagging and Twine, Irish rotators,*Peach-blow, * Powder, Shot and Caps," Tobacco, dm? and medium, Salt, Rice and Iron, . Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Indigo, Letter Paper and Envelopes, etc. etc. AT.SO Leading articles of Dry Goods aud Pomeatica, uuprising Prints, Bleached Sheeting*, Fianncls, Pantaloon Stuffs, Osnaburgs, etc. etc. Which \\r ».H- i- for mh- at mnvkut i rif -. (IrcHI-lmt POWDKE & ANDERSON. — Important to C'ottoii SIiippcTM, T HE Cotton IVareliousc located in IW» place immediately on.tb/J river, and at tlic terminii.s of flic Southwestern Railroad .and convenient to said road, can shelter all cotton that may be pliin- pedfrom Maion and other noints on the South western Railroad via Apaiaclncola to New York.— Wc will receive all cotton consigned to us. at the railroad depot,*; dray IL aud pat it aboard of the boats at one dollar per Dale. , Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest anff most expcdlqus of any athcr rotito to New York from Macon. Wc re spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Our long experience in that llrie will enable us to make purebases to the best advantage to those who favor iw with their orders, O .. We have nowin operation a new Iron Screw Press. * . - ' . < . v • R. G. MORRIS & CO., • . Georgetown. References—Ross Seymour, J.- W. Fears, Virgil Powers, Esq., all agents on S. W. R. K. aug 9-5m * • * • )/jjStreet*^3Cr Y ORK. Willard’s Hotel, SYKES, CHADWICK «?c CO., P It O P R I J*; T O 11 S , WAfUUXGTOTf, ... . . , . D. C., Formerly of the Girard blouse, Philadet-. pliia. no.v 10-Gm For Sale—A IIopsc siihI Lot. A HOUSE and Lot ., cODsMtez of : . the Ro Cottage . . •- «-f I.titJ and cut the city limit*. Apply to me jston road for ivilh fiV rooms, buildings near llS0N& GORUON, CoKon Factors. Commission and ' 3 > '' A A W-uhrane FORWADIH© MEECXIVTS, Buggicnaad Fondly .I<-r>t y lVngon fH> Bay Street, SavannaXi. Georgia. I QPXCiAL ATTF.N HOT will hi givm to O of Lmabcr. Baaiii, Turpentine, again at our old office;.prepared for bn>in- ex, . •• !K‘f in this city ofovert lt-Ven years. , id J attention to all bu>inr>' mini ■s ns to hope for a coutiiinance of tbt ofijtre heretofore extended. oct Tor & FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBOBO. *"* I \\TE v31 *r»on have a supply of Buggies, 1 ’ YV FamQy Wagons »nd Furness nude to oidi s at CONCORD AND BRATTLEBOBO, expressly f. ' An | this market, acd will warrant thmi to irivc cntii °. Hr j rati-taution to all pwebasers. We will scli n f.*h »n; j work not u>ad« expressly to our order Tlx* liberal j f, n , m a distance can address us at Macon (to cai * rn f W. C. binzletoo), or at Hawkiusville, (ia, * oct7- :?ir, ~ Mf-ni'FVTP v MONROE FEMALE UNIMITL FOnSYTHjOA., *B6C. rpms excellent institution has entered npon its JL IGtli anniversary. The Faculty is fully organ ized, and the buildings arc undergoing a inorongh repufi Everything necessary lor the comfort and mental Improvement of tlie pupils, will he liberal ly furnished. All we ask is a lair trial. OF FI( ER • Rev. Adiel Sherwood; D. A4 , Pres. Board Trustee*. Hoik J. T, Crowder, Vico Pre*. Maj. J. T. Stepjieds, Secretary “ ** G. A. Cabanfas, Treasurer. t !>. CASt»LEU,-A. M.j Profe.'-or of Ancient Language- i Languages and Ghetniftrj PRIMARY DEPARTMENT E \ j &NIEIL AfUSIC DEPARTMENT. BOARDING OTPARTMEN'I. LT TrRXEK, Matron, an estimable lady ve charge of tlic Boarding Department. A.. P, Gc® WHOLESALE AND UtWAIW GROCERIES, DRY GOC ImM " ’ AND u m s ’ S31SA ^ l 1 *. SKXT.OOOR TO J. B. BOSS & SONS, CHERRY sV TWO MILIjION POUND8 £)\ K«**lvitts Jailv, a fjirge Stock of j, R O. C E R 1 15 6 THKRK KUKJWBO KiRRSLS OF ASBOKTBO 33'irLTST aOODS, A. LaIUtH uyi OF UMBAHLJaAH; 300 I’AiHS LilVANHl •V -B O O 1 A N U S H ( ) b) . ■ . a" COHPLHte assorWent ok /" !. *StraAR, COffFSB, TEA. FOWl m*kfl)RRl) RAJUfflxi. BI^T lUiANl)S*AT LOWEB’T'MARKEY IjUTl BACON FISH, RAMS. Ai ' 'i.i ■ :*'X - * ‘ ' w \ LyREJ: ffEOOK OK SODA AND POTASH, 'Ba.jggirig and Rx>pe, TWO I40XW •POBACXMf, OMI nP5CI>RBD U \ ■ L3 SlfWF, HPNOKPJi C'O © N T.R 1 Pit O I) IMJB TJic lilgl;-:J riitBt psid fcr ail rtknnVr of C«>iintry ■ , CONBi^NMENtci OF fJOTTOF \t ii.ji-.i to. ihiIc* made with rJh sm i ’ 1 ’ »•' ‘ , ' : - ' I kcc^va perfect wpply everythin* ?r : “ * ! " ^ ' ■*' Dry ^IoocIb irtorv.*, nnd tlio art*' tive lo lmyew», a«(i tn f*«. »wish < Otierry *t.. HARRIS. it, Maror. O*. Great Excitement ! AY here is the i test an/1 Oheapost iaw» ran la !>• qu->*t)ioa ** A. ^iipuiepinan & Brn^Sier mcduffie, mason <fc co. Tho F-pringTerm will begin on Monday theJSUi of .Lmuarv, iS^JO, and ena on Commencement Da July lSth! “ EXPENSES. Board, WAfliiug and Fuel, per term.......f 120 00 Tuition, in College, * 4 “ .! 36 00 M 1 - ■ . ■ ti Pi .1,0, (,, t';e lA 00 Tuition in Primary Classes, SIS to 24 00 Use ol Piano 9 00 French, orSi-anish, or Italian, cacti I 1 ? (V Pupil' will funii'Ii thnr own eandlesiind towcla, or, forSISO, on a gold lfa.'-i.-;, we will furnish board, washing, candles, music, ancient and modem lan guage*, furnish school book.«, *lates and pencils, and Hhect inu>lc. Payabivinvanhlyin ydyanev. * * For further information addre- any nn mher <A tin- Faculty, <*r Board of Tni-lccs. Fdrsyth, da., Dec. 15, l>OY ^ dcclG-lmj New Style of Revolver. MEUVt'iy ,i nno.-y, fire arms co. ■ * Front l.oadicx, Mrtaltio Cflrtridzf 1 , Fiv.- Xliooter Rfvolvrr. A inn p it. nt ami tint artn-ie nf (he ki-nl evir off i- 1 for snrvit<■ A fiitI liipply jint r.ceivcl anti tor -a|-- t.; dec27-2w WKIGLEV & KNOTT W noLESALE AN I > !TET A Hi LT Keg'iments. Brig’udefo and Divisions < >f dr r thousands e I.t rASCY GOOD?. 0.01 HI other articles too atitruran* to Realities and Easliions of tin* -h ill fell CMAKER than s»: ■ 1 >ay, ^ik-nriiR'I.t «f Jf<Wre>, ana 5-.,rnc ra'ri- of r.i< A If- an«th(T i»T«rt of (fo«.m 1 -A fruy All* W" ar- I P,r<- * ' liH m puichasing Ladla*, come and See Then 'ojii it 2 f\ f — f., ■; v A HHELEHMAN M Jj- VIW i • ' Rook