About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 30, 1865)
V •/ « * . r J - -% A. M. HOWLAND, Macon, Ga. K O W L A N D J. It. WALKER, Late Taylor County, Ga. & WALKER. • (SUCCESSORS TO A. M. ROWLAND * COA • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS, IN CHINA, GLASS AND -CROCKERY WARE. iWUlKUIiY 8TIIKET, (OppotUc J&m\r Jfn2> MA CON, QA. We would inform our friends and tlie old patrons of A. M. Rowland & Co., that we have on hand a large supply ol the finest French China, both Gilt and Plain, which we will sell in complete Dinner and Ten Seta, or by the piece. Wo hare also a large yariety of fancy Toilete Articles—GRANITE, COMMON WARES,*c. aorl-Cm SHAVER, I ^ 100,000! j Greenbacks, Produce ! N. A. Megrath, Ag’t I want more of the strove things and will exchange most any kindi of goods for cither. I not only have the usual amount of GROCERIES, hut ean offer the best assortment of: WINES, FISII. ORANGES, LIQUORS. MEATS, “ LEMONS, CIGARS, CHEESE, . APPLES' TOBACCO. ' CANNED VEGETABLES. NUTS, FRUITS, PRUNES, CANDIES, FIGS, « RAISINS, Ac., Ac., That has l«cn in our market for years. My assortment of BRANDT PEACHES, ' JELLIES. CHOICE PICKLES. BITTERS. WAJ.NUT CATSUP, EGGNOG, WHITE ONIONS. I>ORT AND MADERIA WINE, JOHN BULL SAUCE, CIIOW CHOWS, Ami all othei^ood things. Cannot l>o surpassed. Come and sec for yourselves. X. A. HEGRATII, Agent. decl ’.Vr Ells' Old Stand, opposite Lanier House. FRESH ARRIVALS. . New Grocery Store. NEW FIEM. ? O. DALY &, BROTHER At Bryant's Old Auction Room, Chegry St., Macon. 11 \\ I*. just roeeivial a large lot of Sugar-Cured I'ig Hams,Breakfast Bacon, Stewart A, 1>, ami C, Sugars, English lirenkfa.st ami CroetrTcns, Finest English Dairy Clieese PrtHie. (loslien llutter, Extra Eaniilv Flour, Fine "Winers. I.i< jnorr< mul Cigars, anil everything usually kept in :i First. Clnss RAJWfl.V <ik( >0KKY, too liiitnerous to mention, tit Wholeenli: and KetaJI. We are paying the highest firico fi>r Country Produce, siteh as ^.>ni.,.M*. .d, Eutlor. l'ggs, Jl.'Kni, Ilriyil Ft nit, etc., e|e. alec I -1 in'*. OUR PLACE. . . JUST OPENED ^ NEW WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. F=_ BRAINARD 8o 00_, put riccivctt tlu*. Ur^cft au<l fuu U*Uer prices |4ian n "i k of I.i<i«orw iti tliii 1im<1 nt nny other how which they ar« THEIl! EXTENSIVE STOCK CONSIST OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, . ROBINSON COT*NTY MOVnJ'.Ain'LA, / RYE, - - — IRISH • BOURBON. WHISKY. \ND ’SCOTOft BEST BRANDIBB f ■ ‘ -COGNAC, PEACH AND APPLE. ETO3DD.YLINID C3HST, J O*- BUM. STlLilj WIKTE3S, WT Ijrf& A T A W BA. GERM A N.SH EU it Y, CL A1 lETJ^N I) 11 PNG AIM A V, SPARKLING WINES,” . f, (> ft -G \V OKTII’S OHIO, JONES RENT I ' iC Y . CHAMPAGNES, 11 KIDS I Ok AND 1)1. iy LOT. Boilers' Bitters. Absinthe, Cnraeoa. 0 A Large :uid Select Stock of ■ mroin r i' , dn AGENT FOR THE SALE OF THE BEST CINCINNATI ALE. F. BRAIAARD & C O., No. 1 o'', ifulberrv street, near Lanier House. NEW YOKE STORE. Second Street, Triangular Block, MACON, - - - - - - - - GEORGIA., (NEXT DOOR TO K- C. GRANNISS',) BARG-AINS ! GOME AND SEE j OUR MOTTO; “QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS." 5. 4. ALLSN. HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF - * CALICOS, - BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED HOME8PUN8, GINGHAMS. - TICKING, DeLAINS. ALPACA, . MERINOS, POPLINS', EMPRESS CLOTHS, SILKS, etc., which we will tell at NEW-YORK PRICES. We invite onr friends and customers to examine our, largc stock. No trouble to show Rood?. Our new stock of latest Winter Styles. BASQUES, SACQUES, CIRCULARS and SHAWLS, arc for sale at the lowest rates In the Market. To prove which, wo challenge comparison. We have also a large stock of Cloths, Cuasimeres, Satinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Red, White and Gray Flannels, Bine, Pur ple, Magenta; Pink and other fosldojiablfi colors of fine French Opera Flannels. .* - •• TABLE LINEN, TOWELS, * ~ SHIRTING, LINEN, PILLOW CASING, SWISS, PLAID end JACONET MUSLIN, BISHOP LAWN and . BRILLIANTES. ^ Also, Balmorals, Hoop Skirts; 8oniPg0, Hoods, Gloves, Ladies Hose, Gents' half Hose, Undersliirtst Drawers, 200 pairs Woolen Blankets, at lowest prices. BOOTS AMD SHOES;, jaiffg iimLirell LsortcJ Btocit; which will he Hold especially to Uic WHOLESALE TRADE, at the lorn* Remember ’ tlie Big - Sign, NEW YORK STORE. 8. WAXELBAIJM & BRO. - • formerly of a^ibhicus, ga. 9ct 27 (Sin . • j. hat good AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE NEW FIRM, * ALLEN & HAYQOOD, COTTON AVENUE, MACON, GA. Wc will give our personal attention to all busl; ness entrusted to ou£c$re and make prompt re- tnms. Consignments sollaitd. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! NEW PRICES!!! Wholesale and Retail!! AT \ E. EINSTEIN’S OLD STAND. T HE undersigned beg leave to Inform the ladic of thla city, county and vicinity and the poba lie in general, that ho has now open and ready for tale at tin; well known and popnlar old stand of ■ W D. BANKS, ^MIRIAQE REPOSITORY. MA-OOK, GLKORGY LA, OPPOSITE-' CTtJI!JIlLEF/KT,l> HOUSE. • I a.i,i now jin otfrcjl to |tnmp to order nil mauner of work Ikdonging to Carriage anil AV.if.n 'adUtlea for rejmiring artifle* of Hie tamo cliardcteg; t llj I ; ir 111.-. -II ' PAINTING, .KEFAiamG Vn • l nil .v< ri.t .ii 1 IdiwlHaf V'cliicJe*'. patronage of tli^poople of Hr i i . Mini i t'. gb *• ilfi; ttftho ‘ ili -faetinn |3<no <• who,entrust job*, toour shjfpfl. i .U,, |,"„:”,d!o fid. nn.I ;£F£.o.£»£t:or • Furniture will lie the lone ntraU of I ■ can pnssildy be afforded. I will :tl- . und'Catrinuct wliich will tie sold nt Doth* I ,h*<*0 no: IIV III! run.I , , i'.SE 3ZZOE3IIV C3r in ifcc city. We unranfa/ lho ittmo,! :.li-,fnfction iV. I>. BANKS. tin; well known and popnl E. EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One or the 6at idetted Stoett ol Staple and Fancy Dry Goods . The good* were select- - great care; and a« he is In tho Southern markets, ed by Mr. Eikstxis with . H f now in the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the beat oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, and will he always prepared to exhibit to Best Manufacture. Latest Styles,, &xj» • f Lowest market Prices. My .lock consists In part of the following goods: l*rlnt«, l’rinted DcLalnca, All wool Delaines, Empress Cloth, Poll DcChcvrcs, English and French Merinos, Scotch and Vgjltlgn PlaidJ, * Solid, printul ana* figured Poplins, Black DcLalnca; Alapacas, Black Silks, Merino* and Bombazines, • i And many other goods belonging to the D It E H 8 B SP A R T SI E N T A full and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, ladies’ Linen and Embroidered Cuffs and COL lira, separate and In acts. White, lied and Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blan Rets, Ac., , Hosiery, s Glove*, Ladies’ Merino Vests, ST Table Linen, — Table Cloth. • . . Towels,* «. : - 8 *>• . r» iBN pojiict Linen, And all other articles >«!onging to a Number’Ono Dry Goods Store. Wc dll llic fjieclal attention of the ladles to our CLOAK AND 8HA>VL*DEPARTMENT, And mjt with confidence, we will aell Uh-mj Art cles at a ■ ■ * LOWBE pki;;e, -i I nl WAltKAf 1 Personal v .. «. i. in.ifi . Ih!’. j* i^hmdof Sii., id AUKV-. laikt. til -rratifyh!».• other, NAU LllTLK, * • CONSTITUTION V"ATI.U- i It ft IT AT ION ( BLAI F >: M AI s F. IK K KG U LA I: ITI». < . rtiii-TiD - » ! v in - from wi»U-kn<>\» ! uni all 1*1 J! of tlf .■ >:u. 1 j m clnyj.. Another Select School. ., n it. LINK M'iltofir t Vj. Mm,,...; 1 :t school for ho VS and ... in M1 An Solendid CStton Plantation, l;t)l*U mile amt .. !• it fro.,. W... ■ *. Statjon. i TMIOrAASDS r S««tbw«.ter*, Ihiilr...!.;. , . r l.'GO I N OCCUPATION AT YOUR OWN HOMES, ili« a hui.Jn.il doUari Lost. For Sale. to,be of the ltc«l anil Mnit I'nkliluridhle Maim f a t; 1 11 r tf, '* .“/Wi —'wr. + I *fV. " A. SPHINCUB. M «^>n, ' \h-t ii Cm STRAVVBEilRI PLANTS BV MAIL We will h nd by mall, paldfi;. e idei* .‘'i nl.'-d. bon> Alban; :TH*da Onr 1 rbttUwrtat. i Joy to the World !” TUB INTRODUCTION' CjF PERRY DUVIS'PaiN KILLER. TO THE SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Hw relieved more Pain and caused more Real Joy than any. other one thins that ean ba named. IT IS A “BALM FOR EVERY WOUND/ OUR FIRST PnY8ICIAX8 USE. And recommend Ita use; tho Apothecary finds it first among the medicines called for, and the uholcaalc Druggist considers it a leading article of his trade. All the ikalera In medicine speak alike In its favor; audita reputation aa a medi cine of great MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FULLY AND PERMA NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT IS THE GREAT Family" Metlicine •or SHI AGI. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CORKS* SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS, COUGHBrETC., WEAK STOMACH, GENERAL DEBILITY, NURSING SORE MOUTII, CANKER, LIVElt COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, CRAMP AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, PAINTER’S COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, DIAWUKEA AND DYSENTERY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CORES FELONS, BOILS, AND OLD 80RKS, SF.VEUK BURNS AND SCALDS, CUTS, BRU IS ES, AND STRAINS, SWELLING OF THE JOINTS, RINGWORM AND TETTER, BROKEN 11 UK A ST, FROSTED FEET AND G1IILBLAINS, TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN T1IE FACE, NEURAL GIA ^ND RHEUMATISM. PAIN KILLER, Taken IntcrnaUy should be adulterated with milk _: water, and awcetcncdwllh sugar. If desired, <n* made into* ayrap with mtdawer. Fora COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten,* will he more rftcctirc than anything else. For SORE Ti I BOAT, gargle the tttffit with a mlxtnn of l’ain Killer and xvatcr, and the relief la Imme diate, and euro jMiattivc.« ST It iliould not l>e forgotten that flic Pain Killer U equally ns good In take Internally as to uae externally. Each, bottle is wrapped with full directions Tor it* use. Sold by Druggists anil Med - icino Dealers everywhere. nov l*-0hi The Boston Post, for 18G6, [ESTABLISHED NEARLY FORTY YEAR!, H AS'always t«*cn one ol the leading newspepen of New England snd one of the bust untunes uf AnvnitTisiMl. _ By Increased enterprise in furunhlng a live and readable A'nra-paper, and by the recent reduction In price, the .elreyl.lion ot the Boston Poet In* been largely mepeased. * - *. To Advertise** few papers can offer equal adran- "iccharact.T of Hs ^ I Weak I -,^3lerearrine Adverlisdpenls l«rtleulsriy eollcll. <1 from Sooth and Wet. . A'iih«erlpfton Ttrpi* : Boston Poat, Daily ....SlOficronnuni Semi-Weekly.... 4 “ Weekly.'. 3 •• f ST Specimen copies sent on application. BKAI.H, GIIHENi; (XL, I'ltblisbcra, • - 40 and 43 Congress street, Boston, Mass. drc18-2in. Culloden Higli School. ) | 1H1 subserlber liegs leave to Inform his friend. J. mid the pill,lie. that tic wlU.opcn the al„.ie lostllutlnn in: Hi. lfith January; and be sollell.n III,end patronsgi*. Tallinn per yevron |iar basis. For Primary Clai*S.‘ v .t For Seen:..I < i .-a..; .'XI For Qj MbSw i 40 decSMUwfiw* W. A. MELSOjf. . NOTICE TO TRAVELERS. fpIMI. .1 loll Business Cards and Mercantile i Augnsla and Savannah redne .1 i. Fare *. Staging only 33 a. M., arrive atSavannali aame GEO. W. ADAMS, * ' Gen'L Sup'L R. H. I Macky, Beattie & Co* . Shipping anil Or aural Csmtaiteioa M< ■■ ;hanU' ■Mi fc HAY STREET, xiv.nv.lll, GEOUGI *.. Gain if r it Bkattis, philndc! REFEREMOC8: . L Colby at Co., r >ra. -Bell A Christ! flavtimah; Miwri Z w. A. Hajnrtj A i Triomj*li<’ de t»a WiL-n. - Alb.^iv «-<l. and iuclu etii - The Ju OF 1J9 MO.V1 DE^IKAiiLB 1-O'i > En ihc* Cify of Ifut oti. EAST SIDE ITEREiiV -e I iT: O n j rt] lctU* N FRIDAY NIGHT, an uuo^ -rd to Mrs. A. K lVmiutf. Any one re- *dd letter vnli Lc gratefully tiiankvd, l-v it nt this office C W DEMING. ' • dec-4 To Cotton Shippers. Jmil * iM - d , cottou from I>arit-n dires t to 2 J»*w^ ac« ->unf or , t* xk at one rent per pound. i williont d« u\ «» NIGHTINGALE *1- HUGER. rSMuH Darien, Ga r ATX ALL SQUARE, n^t* mul all necosarr !>(antv, yield, j is the mo.-l vn w any Jchowledu Fortlie a J||1oiilU2rfst(f cdliin;’) wc paid U,t- hi^hcat {JtTfC ever J>aiil for rnuberry; (ioldcn Seeded i- the b<:*t curly, an inuin♦£*• White the best white; Russell,Trioinph > (sand and Wilson are invaluabl ' Our catalogue-, giving de*»cripi for I •unda* nd othrrde^Iruhle ijual- trawberr>’ OfHi|i— is ]-: F 1 I R M T A CO., m\<;lkto:v, i:i o v p o s i 'i'i: la i j; it u o l : MACON, GEORGIA, WY. 3 JecC-ln , . r 0 . these and | arietics, and fblwUng much valua- j nnation to growers of strau berries, will j “VTOW 1*1.% la store, and tot sale, (he fan>r*t and to all apnlicauls enclosimr 10 cents. j XV Ixvt a-->ri i ’ . i OGTd,SHOI^, AM» .J. KNOX, Box 153, tIATri, in the .••••nt I - . rittsbur^. Pa. j sellMpun, Will bAv hi d :. I r.ii/Tion^csdulh of Cimini:.*t . » i ;ci-.t.re • ‘ 1 G has Iklij purchased, FOR CAM!, fiom f • i facturers in the cities of Nt w V-.. ami 1** ton. \ -.-od tupi lyof 'TRUNKS AND l MiilcLI.LA. SAMfTEL D. Ifi VIN, • SM>r to Lyon A Irvin and Irvin A: I T T O li X Vj V A X L A ALRANV. f.huRfiiA. A 4 j!l fllrril ! The lirto !.* . l*y c >aU l»ui>iut*sk entrusted iff, and i.bt : •!