The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 07, 1866, Image 1

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i..:".:.; Thoughts for/the Times.. ,P 301.
tion to perceive its merits,
is the work of a dear friend who died beyond
tlib sea. at once placed in a condition
to perceive all its beauties.
—Jtehgion associates,w3tfwillh»works.
Thehnmming-bird, a/he poises hiihsejf in
the viewless air and draws tire sweet nectar
from" the honeysuckle, isbeaufifal event’d the
untaught rustic, but far niorc_ so to one who
knows tfiatlhi/Father'iMiand <ravc symmetry
to thatHiny form, and painted its plumage
with that brilliant jfrecu, ahd* tipped "those
wing3 with gold and scarlet. *
Tliw-ycxing nvaixis-waUfo-^through a eto-
ver'tield.. Tlioggh he may be of' the - earth,
earthy, lie cannot fail to be pleasantly affected
by~tlTe'TragranCb'"fltrd ; "j!5)-gedusnCs5 of -tire"
waving, carpet, - and, the brilliancy of the
gems which tip each leaflet. But to the
thoughtful Christian that morning walk is a
source of far highcr pleasure. He views the
clover field os the work nf a divine Artist,
and <hat ; Artist-his'denrost-friend, lie-sees
how much it cost to spread_oitt that carpet
and stud it tvith- those gems. Stmshihe and
shower, ,neat and frost, and chemical forces,
rtnd 1 he mi vini. nf r*i}t\rA inllnifftlv mare skll-
—■what an expenditure of resources-was nee-’
cssary to produce, them.!. TJie, .ocean had to
fexhalc its-waters, and-sober-evening to con-
.dense them op the' leaf, and a ray of light
hdd td be sent--ai h(mdf6d fljflli6n.'
kindle! .up. its-.biilliancy^’Tl»s< jjiajff is •: not in
a mere common-place clover field. He is in
God’s studio, God’s laboratory for forming
objects of beauty. Will not his power--to.
'the following serinon was dclftcrodTijfln-
•dependerif Church; - Philadiiphih; -bpltty,
•John-Cbanifcera, Thanksgiving-day.*:
“Cob ye hot'ajsqeni {he slgns'of Ike itbncat.’%■
MaOxx xxi,3. X3 -
No man certainly ought to be: andd%Jn«
attentive spectator, of passing events-ih liis
- relation to-the signs of the-times:- .Compar
atively few of the great mass/ of'inen "think“
for themSelirei; hencethey are.theakives and
tlie .idupes .of others. . It is known to .the
world that -there are ho class of men on earth;
or any nation of men on earth, who. make'
j uidny arc carried. 1^ : tb'e:
few.-There are 1
who have i
general walksof i
tions, to think f "
ly enough for.themieltM,"afief'foiat^"frjnn'n
firm'convTctioiibf duty:' This is unfortunates
ly true. religjously nnd,.civilly, in this xonn-d
try. Jlbwmany, o£-lhe teeming millioos -bf-
-•the United. States-have eveyTsat-down and
carefulhv.iudicio'usly nndcalmly studied the
Constitution ? : iJe-ybaimppo-avoir in ater^
age, that one out of a thousand ever did it ?
How then can h^ftftei&w^e^P'tlie gov
ernment is administered justly or unjustly if
•he -doer-ibt knbw-’tBe rolc“In--winch-ifli 1
governed fsete or V : -;
The pa^t four or five^years.. hav
: among tlm most eventful periods inflic Worl ^
history; never Defore’ were such scenes wib
nessed aj haye bcoi. witnfssod upon .the .thea
tre of th» nation. The great experiment of
sclf-goyemmopt has .been nlrefchccE taits iit-
:most tension; we haxcb®n.-.on_-tlip:>vairjj£ of
TUin, and I ccnfess tlifttjnynnndbiMKltaatis-
fied that the slnp OfrStatfi.i^.cStiieJy.flndhc
lee-shore yet, nor is safcly^jnporjtd,^. TSffre
are signs in the political harysaj • wMclc to
our prospects -for cthe .fnturei .Jts-Lview it,
ourpresent condition is appalling.
Tlie jpQ&firhere.^pqfei cfethg-^lu©^
church, and"mated that iithe Bible had been
adhered to, .*H» .-Calamities uf^hia. country
'would.bave;beeU-nvmed. X PAnl T inJiisdetter
to Titus* ad vjgcd him.tft.obev themairistmtes..
to be ready,in good work, „
man. But who at the present
standard -? - Is that the -ebarae
gentle, WSfntg all meeknessT .1 ljavc.jno
reforeflde-to dCnomination£. What tio
about-the: blatant noise' We bear dn'fegar
maij.wiU'Qbeypthe^Canstitutidn and laws; if
he is a good
what name-yon pic
corns one. ns a citb
man doesJiis.dulJ^^ei^H
chart of the natipn, that is enopgh^^^^^H*
^ThereisHOTtgggnd wMebiChnit|
xliat is all that edfr-'
known»--.;;The..Baviflr.. snidmeiiA-new -com
mandment I -give nnto.-you,'that ye love one-
another;- -as-I bore lorved-y<ra~ttreii'- yiThlso
love one another.”-. Buty do ■wg.d.h it> - jPoeft.'
that mean wc are to kill each other and-wade
in each mtlier's hearts’ blood, to -place-each
other in opposition against thg . cannon’s
P 10 ?.^ <Wnt4hpi»i<ronpg.of thesford-d I There
is no religion in that. The true religion con
sists in a true love fqrTgpphing. It docs not
|array men on the battle-field, nor bring them
and your little children, and throw open the
cold miseries,of the,urorid.Upon-millions of
men, houseless, homeless and penniless?—
Ca P:i'SJfr?®ybjbbcjjeyetliat the standard of
piety is up to the requirements of the Scrip
We have at present thrown upon the
workl-tibinitjorinillions'-of human - beiiigs,-
wlfo-neVcr-lrad-iiny;cave bi'"anxietv'about tplfj
concUtioa ? I admit there is any .quantity of
sympathy, but that neither shelter^ feeds nor
clothes tliese upfortunate creaturns, vrho nre-
withourfiiendf or horara. They”arc" dying
by hundreds and.thousands, these veyy unfor
tunate negroes, who havo been cruelly and
unkindly treated in the way in which they
have been thrown upon-the-wnfld.- Tf-slave-
ry was to be got rid of in this country—if the
pebple hadwi^edat^-if.fihoHlibeve.lbeen
done gradually. Tlieir condition is deplorable
in the extrome r and the hot breath of-pesti
lence is sweeping over them-like the • sirocco
of-.lie jMfet£ - it U the duty of those who
brought them to this condition to provide
for them, for they nre mostly that portion of
the American people.;,whose . nnepstbrs .were,
chiefly concerned in bringing.. African slaves
to this country, and who reaped immense
fortuucsthereby; the inhabitants of tlie States
of itaiskchfutefteyi{|d "IthM^i j|t]«ndiEliouid
takW on re of these peopler iiowr • I do "not say
they injured the negro by bringing liim here;
I have an entirely -different view of the sub
ject. In their native Airica they were mere
ly animals; but here, thfciriminds were raised
from darkness and degradation and exposed
to thO. consoling influences of civilization-hint
Christianity. Was that doing him a wrong ?
I have: always been a-true -friend totheuegro,-
and would have him treated with all kmd-
n.", ■ and humanity, and Christian sentiment,
inliis place, nnd noWhere else.--—
Another frightful .times, js.. the
dcmoraliaition of the country—robbery, mur
der, drunkenness, and ‘Sabbath - desecration.
Some say it is the result of increased popula
tion. but that cannot well be true, consider
ing we'have had a four' yeanf war'"in which
we lost considerably mqre than a million of
people. It extends to all classes. In legis-
latire bodics.ybn can easily eceomplish yotrr
object;.;you -then.' The -ballot-box;
about which .we.boast «o. jn'uch,-is :: rotten to
th.t* core,, and our. boasted- defense -is -little
more tlja.n ft.-fa/cc. You can buy.pien as yon
buy sheep in the market. Hunt! reds of thou-
sands of doUar^, yps, millions of dollars,.are
spent jn thegreat Presidential elections for
the purpose of buying American citizens to
vote as.-j^u wwh.them. A man who pn^ls Wbi-
self a IfepnbHeim requites-mi men to Vbifeliie
ticket he desires, or they lose their situations.
reeive-and enjoy bcaaty .be increased lr cooh
_ .yiont.Afanring,: y; _. - .. .
. ilatrimony prevalcht.'as; measles and
whooping cough, and seems to be twice as
contagious, Cupid," though ayouth.ofdoubt 1
fol paternity, was-yet -belieyeS - by '-well da- H
formedettuSents, to have been fhe son of ; WJJj
the.gbd jef.TVatjf andyye ; are disposedytp'be;'" r,,1r 1
lieve it, for as soon, as Alars fusisUcd bik: cautt.
paign, Cupid. obmmencod- his,dand has-been
prosecuting it with great vigor-cver -sinee.—
Alfliis.present"'fittfcj'.we: scaftdly.kriow'Stny'
one who hUbcr ttpl .vmy ri^engy m?jjdetr
of vcryahortly intends .to .da so.f cAnd. those
your way. No use denyin’ it. Bill, yonr foax
it licked sometimes, bnt I know what side
le oflds vnweotttl ThreB-tooflue tfKfcaifctefcai Sait
lake, an*"it mostly weilt that way. '' But you
.a^mbig.^^u^nnl l^tell^u we,
aun t ashamed of yon. Beecher says you fit
our jinersfls-aayg-Bcs; too.""' Thej? wer6 thar.-^
I’m a Copperhed, Bill, a regular double
Jtwisted sympathizer. Some-fbagnsajL yoiut:
fellers don't like Copperlieds. Let "’em go
ahead. I don’t care. I ain’t worshippin you.
Vvlio have-not-married, -hhd-^ld-'npt ; int«id:
ratelyjcbnducted, rn-e. .very.often..considered,
as synonymous terms;-indeed,-you-wil.l-often'
heat "crusty old bachelors,%trifibin -necessity;
aiuluot.Cbo.icc,.cliaracterize wedlock as.a «44
and its-partieipants nsbnilig thorstugldy
•e are notKlisposod-to-tako-thig-.yiew of
■Hatter; unless-uitr
on§j and Wen "the^rei
-fmewhat sinking," "as ev.ery.op.e must.aum
iDuring'-’tUeJjwarjXlfor .various causes, 11
principaVqf- wbidi-was.tlie'- difficulty of li
M. H irtg, ffiStrifironial alliances somewhat feil-6
|££j 4a S3T - C 4t i£a3*nis4«*l63fapi,
Accd and commented upon by politica^l
lists, tiiat where a mail’s utmost efforts are
t sufficient to support himself, he is. not
:ely to saddle himsfclf with a Tvife. J.Here is
a case, then" wliere love. yields’ to "common
sense, and is one of the few instances where,
itjdoes; fqrjf-thei
tible of comple’
tson tlmtlovi_
d the wiser'a
which is made','of
SweJtnbcrrgyS" ’
pf fbol3 wheirtmder. thc iirflncnce-of-the terfy
der-passfonr "^Wtr know-'msny-. men -in-flns';
wlip exhibited great wisdom and sagaei-
ty in all the affairs .el' life,- until iirvelvetl-in- il
lcjve transactions pthen'-they-mpde- asses' of
-themselves.- -.-—A7 .'. .vc...: ;;-. a r. > ; -"P.
There is kept in
.view in '-niiy.discusnion of this matrimonial
j 20 boxes Axes.
girfi !c gaaneq^i ssit
rAV*a,iijc ..
^Is vIctTmil
ria itie fool:
alldjaye,-taken .wivep tli ere yt
_ T tieufiniRtjlojriJinegs.
for. Tliis will be.unfortunate, but we see no
remedy for it save igpplygwny, .whiepwe arp-
pot prepared to advocate nor" society to "re
ceive. TCe-believe that it.ds the. apprehen-
^ean-call-himby t sion on.the part of.theladieaibat.tlie.gectle-
.grate men. Nary time. I know better and
-so do you. But yon*v» : _gbt-'a! i 6lg'-'ih«i!* :
Though, and your wimrnin’ is glorious. They
"don’t ware pants an’ address meeting,
. fUesdteLiat.gpi{t^efr.:tftpga isaEsreerriJ:
ful. I reckon they can hatemor'nis healthy,
but they can’t spare none for home. They
Sept so much after the FediW at ‘-the " stbifei
must be nigh run out. Well, haint they got
reason to hate ?' That’s what I want to know.
iWliatiic yumghagotoe-ilnr udth aB£ife"ea-.jlT j
n ? ain’t they a noosahee ? I reckon they
I’tmuch better’n they use Aft-Wa?.,.. Well,
>r critters,.I pity ’em. TEeyTniiTHuch*t5’
me if they, air lazy. They wasn’t -eddy-
:ed. They don’t know what freedom is.
•y- ksnib^ialaiperatiiciioirbc nhado Kuril,
onal Guvernors, nor Tax Kollectors, nor
Ih T about" making"’eni "cHyzens when they
I’t spell. Better give ’em somethin to eat,
" •iBg-’^Bhstcin^WcIF^iifr, T*«eken<
m don’t want ’em. Set ’em to'work, if
can; if they<joB’t-6tick> toit^maka-fein,
. musn’t be too harel on ’em, though,
ise you lock up every mother’s son of ’em
,t goes into the vagrant bizness, and give
shower-bath doses if they ain’t willin to
wbrk. That’ll fotch ’em, T ^ ~' T "
don’t take kindly to water,
vdry good, but it’s sometimes demorafizin 1 .
Itj mostly gets into the noosepapers and stays
ers^^I^rl<^s)X a M&G°S']^od of
for they ain’t much on rcadin’. I’ll bet
before Andy Johnson goes back to Tennessee
they’ll lam somethin’.- _He won’t
’em jnst-'rigR'^nuF fi#9et
your foax will take care of ’em, he’ll help
ydu. Give .’em votes. Shaw 1 he don’t want
ook at Jamakal Ain't fliem darkies been
long enuf to lam somethin ? Well, I rec-
tMn too. They’ve lamed & r^^an^utj JJITY B USINE'SS" 7 0"icRB'S;
men will shortly ran out, whjch, u»s.; given I
[such an impetus to marriages.of late, :Nol
lady likes .to Hye.A«d;dio.fin..Phi maidi cpii-
-soqaeatly^ojfersj^yqbwn snapped at since
the war which'would have Been rejected bad]
[men been more abundant . Qn.- the . pU>iKi
|baiwLthe.incentive .winch..has.operated, in
driYi»g.tlie:.meiL.tqjiMfjx.has; been the.fear, j
[eab'le pja^^i fiad^^^n abMrbed ‘tlie scarab
b]c and competition for the remaining'beaux
would becomfraoriiereeahd' ibifter Qiat no
| man could survive it.^'To esca"pV-8uch a
; thorn eii atiri
ipirt' tliat .clear'ce of qiufibn ‘and fore
sight .which. should enter, into.; evwy of.
tliiiiBlpertant-character.; " .•> ' -.J
j We -do not think; -in -view- of- the -great-scar-
efty^na, that it is fair for widows to mar"
ry a second time,"until"affthe'young maidens'
have- secnrc.d . husbands,. ;The, Legislature
ought to attend -fo ; this matter, and protect
the interests of the young ladies, for without
I the aid oflegal enactments, the widows are
pare to piajnhtrgrab game.'" They will there
fore-hare to-be restrained; by the strong arm
of the law-, as was done in the early colonial
history; of Virginia-, when, the:House- of Bur-
gesses paSafd an iict ofthc' veiy character -Ih-
diiile'q. -.Vf- w^' * found that ’ all" ;the~f. j?ptujg'
men.imported into .the. cblbnyv.wefe ftV J>npc..
icanght-by-the widows, bysuperior .wiles and
stratagems, without any chance being allow
ed to" the Modest:and retiringyeung maidens:
Iso the Legislatriro tqok j the matter in hapd, j
and will, .dp. so again.—ilicKmond
Jurisillclion Claimed by Northern Clergy-
■ men. " ' .'.
I The Chicago-Times is down on the preach-
cliersbflJie NorfB" for Mficious intermeddling
with everybody’s .affairs. -.It draws'ttje> fol-.
lefringprcfdrebftUe clergymen jpfPbJladeb
pbia, which-is mo-doubt general in.its appli-
caijon s. i 'l i ' 4 .1
The field now occupied by a large-number,
of the Pritestant clergy is • one of the -most
extended irt the "possession of'anj^prbfcssrotr.
’Let.m.enunVerate.^ few." of the more ".pfpmi-.
nent matters.of. which .so many .of. the cleigyl
now-assume eontrol;-; '- . 1 . ..u ....
Thfe-pnblication of newspapers on theSab-
bath,'; : ,7i'i' . .." . *"-;) '• "' r.T : *~'-
The running of street cars on tlie'SabliatK;
• The itbolisbmcnt. .of tli.eatrfs..gijd.operatic
perform.anpes; " “ "
The politics of their parishioners;
The hanging of Jeff JQnvds;
The extending, of sufihigenndsocial equali
ty to tlie-Hogro. A
; It mightbeaddcd : tiiat, in-a few.eases,-oi^
of tlip aubjecfr liiindlcd by tliCsC' gentlether
is the gosjiei.of.jiClirist.aud JJiui. lagcja^y
This, however, .occurs at such rare intervals
that it is cxeeptional, and does not really-be.
long to the subjects properly within fhe do"
ihnm of tvramPm clergymen. - -
j It -will be but a little.while before the con-
trbl^jf everytldngidll be.-.assuuwal by tliese
ipen, at ‘tlieir present rate of progress in
widening their, spheres, of.effort. t.It would
not bq surprising, if ten years hence, tljepijb-
Iic, body, soul, “boots and breeches,’’"'should
be “run” «»gyjccm>f the cler
ical persuasion. The sex of offspring; the
fulfillment of the. finer detailsUf/Lhiemarital
relations ;■ tlie charaeteristios of • the pustules
in-variola and its--larger relative,—these, and
pll similar.mattorsy.within-tlie next..decade,
just emerged from obscurity in New York
city. His first communication appears in a
late aueibef <i£ tha-ifotf jjpoljtim Req<^d, and
is adfiressed-'ftj the-' fthty : and-nalci{ft?d
Arp: • ft'
Ifr. Ahr, Esq-1 Georqy : Your a trump,
Bill, and though I ain’t far ahead in dollars,
I’ll bet on.yovL I’ve bin ready* sum pf your
letfe^'Boaiikfe’eftef ISpe-'Hbsifat.hflTv you
do sttng sftfiiebf tbWB ‘iMlfeVk’ that "fit with
Sherman! Some of ’em want to know mighty
Bad wliar you live, so’s they' kin send back
some funiture marked B. A. ’Taih’t thar’s.—
I seed a chap yesterday.with silver forx and.
khffef -’Ermwd-hf "once .' they-kuiij* Ifrom*
Georgy, for they wasgenuin. He wanted too
dollar son .’eiii; butlfd so® him bang’d fust;^
Nary stolen property for me, speshily from
Georgy.:;, (Its a.bully old. State. Geergiai3 f and
though It" did gi£ Iiekcdjit'ain’t'skeered. 'Til
bet on Qeorgia... .Virginnv ain’t bphjndnuth-.
er; • "WhaftTrc ftirnk-bf -Bob Iicc'4' 'Aiifi 'be'
a high old fighter? I tell you Bill, I hear
some.chaps talkin’ . so much: r.tba Ut.h dzt; ilidy;
liaked vour fellcr3 that.I git mad. Goll darn
'jTlien talkin’ aboujOld Virginny, aint.soyie.
foak proud of Stonewall - ‘Jackson and ’-Jetr] 2 . 2
Stuart ? Sam Hill 1 how them slashers did
fall on the Feds! No time for prayin’ there,
I telLypo.":,It:Sfatjestlhp.TU)! gifrunliiaSJi&i
vor. Thai part of" Yirginny whar they fit
gt^ntSnlf-MKui nnlliin 1 imi lonv-alo- Put -all
thje ■
.Sheridan kum down mighty heavy in the Val-
jlOO sacks Liverpool Salt.
250 kegs Nails, assorted s.izcs.
ffiftid^ffunsy.iBa^Bfo....... j
- 250 coils and half coils Hope.
! 50’barreIs'Plaster'T , afis.'
r 6'barrels-potisb: - :u - ; -V--
' 20 eases Concentrated Potash-.'.
100..barrelsPrime.-.. . .- .
250 “ Family and Extra I’amily Flffl
100 ‘^s:f*F4hiily^c*p;st: anriT hoc
Shot, Powder ahd Caps.
f,i; Wmtt&h&g*** 1 ****
lejr, an’ Kilpatrick done some tall ridin’ d0Wfi<
^a^ro^is’ ^? RMS - We h ¥«^5?5!ifl3e‘S9Ita?nt of
^fBttSi‘"[SH ; oe’s and ’Blankets,’
•oats. They’re powerful on relapsm. An-
d J don’t go in for givin’ ’em votes, but work.
an’ labor, an’ if both aint right he’ll ^aise a
row. That’s all. Don’t you think loyalty is
a very fine wordj It sounds^-,
looks well in print. Our fbakkjfl rfgjt _
i) made it up when your foaks was : sece*
d^a., Everybody is used to it now, an’ it
kjodprommighty.slick^bcfe, If you want
jpiiilrtwiD pkt4t-ift-yetfrletters, jestjine
the Freedmen’s buro. Some of them col
li tlge chaps will teach you, for they know ev-
B’ lan«
jf y° a 1
In" hot baste, Lhave a powerful sight of lamin’ in Massa-
Cljusetts, but aint it healthy down ypunitay!
i Your talk about Andy uohasoigis frout*
glit. If I was down your we’d Take'
Imethin’. He ain’t the United States, nor
llr father. He ain’t goin’ to sell himself to
e SilifiK,^ ygta tfqtjfewahi to buy him.
dy Johnson aint for sail. He’s on the
ion track and if foax Toiler, he’ll bring
i in all right. But don’t hitch ,-on to rhis,
it tail. It’s mean, and lie (tjonlfivafiy i
|e aint done mor’n his duty, anfl he’s jest'
in to continoo that way, whether foax like
orii ” " ""
^Jl,.Andy means to do
ic riglit things but he aint working easy.-
cm infernal New England fellers is drag
on the traces ana ti^in.’ to-hold
:k. Then your foax is mj^lit]jC Spufiky,
d that riles him purty considerable. He
heap of trouble tryin to harmonize
, *md if the ekw#yty7meit{ Would only
l^t up on "himjest a liftleTie’d fina it easier.
Taint no use sayin’he’d orter do this or do
tjiat. He’s jest goin’ to do^-things, the-John
son way. I don’t believe in lu>]di^bail$ or.
the pardon, but he does, and there lie’s got
.me, for I ain’t in the business. Well, I spose
iiwjft be.-j#,rigbfe3?j .the:eud, font some
things moves moves mighty slow, an’*unless
•ypu shove ’em on .now and then, the’ll get
Pjft. YSB’vfi^gpk. mwu. Jr?ends.;dowiL this
way than you’ve heara of. Tuere’s Greeley.*
He’s jour friend, sure; but he can’t talkus.hs|,
.wants foV'He’smo"6nlyhorsein*theTribune
team. The other animals is rnulra, r*nd they.’v
■kicked tlie old than llirlf Bliftti."TBe"n there
-Beecher. He says he aint down on yon; but
ifl was you I .wouldn’t trust him. That
stock aint sound. TUere’s_-a heap of friends
In this sekshin which aiHV"goin to go back
-on you. You jist get on your dig and they’ll
"stand by you. They aint sdrry about slavery.
It wam’t nothin to t^ern^ and tfoey_aint,goin
tpcryaboutjit, Foax down tli5 way want to see
tiling fixed up, and I reckon they’d fix ’em if
they had a chance. Spose .youkurn here and
look round. Its a big place,' but you" wont
git loss. Fetch nlongsome of the little Arps
sand git some toj*!for ,’em. Call and s.e me
.when - joa" 'fchl'iit'liome. The editor’ll tell
you whar I,lib and send a boy to escort you.
‘ I hain’tgof no pianner pr silver plates ’cause
r wasn’t and ffijSiiefhVan's' bummers, but if
you’re sound on Bourbon, we’ll-do. Pve got
$ a^ vj s ®
“ Crushed.;;-.*Y waX of naseli nu ft j
Two to fbur-
4 ply Rubber Belting, from 'ft
frsa fonaicc
' iiiiof aaeilibsqzs Js-
25 bales Yams. ' ,
oSJ JoaJ .aeuJjiS ,b
25 -“ Macon Sheeting.
HI 90J29T9Si(I
! ±fc mjLWftfi miLt S-.00 ICw xsviZ oiJ
- 20 dozen Ames’ Spades and Shovels.
; 2 setts six Male Harness, (very superior,)
I .. d -.and a assortment t>fiHaj
v " ware; Drugs, HteHt1i!eti{cines,"&e
adftolo'iaijJjindsedifHI; ffi aezcS visa;- lo t:
.,’risd -Gandtesj jRafida^ -inlSrhnlftichalfi
[and quarter boxes; Nuts, Figs, Prunes,-—,
| Preserves, &c. Also a fine line
j of Carpets—rngraihpRiree-
I COOfoCPiy, Brussels and Stair.'-riqtO ;ii..Z
| .:emA3D>foKDiA;aazmNGs.
OurstoekofDRY GOODS is now complete,
hMi4re-ti®-^-tw-the trader njron FAYORABLE'
Fami 1^ :: £ Mn&M&.Uk&
or THE Agb." -
• T? nt #iw.
SORE. THROAT, - ^ a .J%
SUDDEN COLDS.” 3 = - °* ai V*
COUGHS, ETC., foaemsj ec
:IN ; MtEcSTOiDCCH,ti;.; r I£
h:pct DIARRIKEAANff "5—
^Sdfoj •» ,st
~ I ^MfuVK.saaw j a3^a
iTObTHiCHE; PAijsriS%m FACE7NE0i^?4 j
GIA AND RHEUMATIS336 x -- i-4:
And in feet,'
T AT ^ son.
Jms-^nTTn^fr PT- ruff
[*fc Lw,..Aracon,:Ga.
Clay ion &
Rooni, opposite Freeman &, Rob-
■k.JAUKSaN.Altorac-ys-at. law MaconT-
“PP 05110 P®* 1 Office, over office of |
|E.]A Wilbox, Third street -. .. novt-3m* -I
nowEix cobb. | yi6iraifeoif'
rOLX alt ElRj^A4lors%8*t LAW; Mateh;6a.,
A Office over Mix & Kirtland’a store. Will
a- /i-prompt attention -to-sll-tmiinesrenlrasled in
«^ifjaphsUzd ■jiiSsa.gVjX I* <^J5*B*WV8riifc»i
Il * P - WHITTLE, Attorncys.-at-Law,'-faffle
Qtug/Store, next to Concer
-I k’- wm-rrijljp- vV - i:v/ p. b . whittle.
wrysicrAfirs and, DRuGtgisrfc .;
If citizens of Macen and,vicinity. Office 07er the
■Srepf Bowdru:& Anderson, where ho-may be
’ -dKrfJigttit-diy,- whai,not jirolesaiormllj; Cftr
JttTiightj It tile residence *rp.”E. Bowdre,
VRS. SMITH &'OWEN, office corner Walnut
tSm 4th s,rce ^>;35 ^0tSVStl old 8tand -
!.^Q. < ?9®iyRL T !..’.(Uornocopathist).
et -; W»shhS,oij Block*-over
M^Boardman’s, Book-S.tors,. .Residence on
J. A. _
TAB- t\. P. PARKER—rusidcucc and office on
-t'"Mulberry street, (opposite the Meilical'OoI-
) where he may be found at all hours, day and
L ■: h;~tf?:4°vaw
. .J^WELEBS/Lu./.i
T - H.-OTTO.—iWholesale- and retail dealer in
G -• atchrar --Jewelry-- Watch - Materials;’ Gold
Pen/, Gold; Silver and Steet'Spectacles,- &c: - At
the-old-standdf J-H'dtS S'Virgin;'Cotton-AYende,
Macon, Ga. \V at dies, Clocks and Jewelry, repaired
and warranted: • -Sewing-Machines" of 'ail -d&rio-
tipns put in-order, to which Mr. P Hertcll Win at-
Watches :
opposite 1
j ou resouna on courDon we Ji ao, rro got x jACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing
a fusf rate ffrtickl^, an ain’t a savm.ofi it._^ . ^ JML Office. Jolt work of every dcseription exeeu
•!' ' ""KespcetruTy youfs. ted on short notice and In good stylc.--Terms , rha-
shnahie , aue23
for ^
ily yours.
Bob Varkis.
jvill be. turned over to the regulation and .in:
spection. of these gentlemen,, and .they will as
ne uesires, or lose uieir siiuanons^ ^ chawe ^ f t J, em ^ tiey d Q now of
?M*Z •?»*' a E prpa ? !heJ,.®Kl .. > con S c L „ d annudenancr-c of'
that means "tiiat yon need have no hesitation
in offering him a bribe to do as yon wish: If-
we do not extricate ourselves from the whirl-
podl 'We fire go UP, end irretrievabljr ao. . W*
must be.carefui of -the- ahvumeter: -of the tm
we send to represent ws; hr thelaw-makbiras
farilhadexaiutlVft. aegarfruefits of the
ifria.,ta )bq,approached. - Tber-
t J*d#anL- • We-Bhouid-haver tneer of
Smi :i l
the Tpies,.cpj!scjences. and appurtenances pf
J.hpjr Jvcarfr. f„... ■, ;
Stray TffdtTanTS.— 1 To ' cenlfound wealthy
with'happiness is to ihistak'e" fhe mean's for
itlic end. You might as Well fancy tiiat a
!knife tmtl fork would give you an appetite.
jThe smallest compliment we receive from an-1
other confess nj^rc pleasure.tiian -the biggest
^ .to *urseJvesgiM&t msh-
J^i5 ul 9??i/ > 8!h° n 5.ia ohBged to
Have flfted^u^ tht ESf^ ejegln t^ly] e' t?dth ecW
. furniture. They have a splendid BAR, well stocked
with the best Liq^pra, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. Their
fine stock‘of Wine's, In bottles, will be sold lit the
most reasonable prices in the market
Offers to the public tjie finest ^ULof Faro to the
market.xBbc baatW-oik rfver OysUit aiValwn j-skept
on band, fresh, and can be bad in any quantity, at
the lowest market rates. - Families can be supplied
In jiny qtw»MtJ<W4vlCttbopt.4/*.lay.
Gem Saloon, under Floyd House,
nov24-3m ., ,, Macon, Georgia.
Jcompliuieijjwd^ayfto furs^Jve^M^iSt "fash- [ NOTICE TO fcOTTON SHIPPERS.
Dut. one is pbuced to i ! ... . .
4$ irpHs
d j -h -i ‘ X pany are prepared to issue through receipts
tmM MwirSll—i— .Jd-ii-jt. from Macon and Albany to BaltiuOt^ttWi-Mir
BSf-Ovnsr f5(»lo specie have- been eW !-*•*. jj* the GHSAT. VIRGINIA AND TEN-
riJan bssubaiJni laarxxE :aix_i£
bzzpzsZ* c *77cqi. • 3a ] ot *i'.7cc OYwd2w7-0a saarnzoS tzbz * •
JiasjtiS e"ramlia»d’2 saf to eissrcq
-And Caryyjjagvgg g..St^te3 / Maii-.
1L :
^NEW FTRMl :!i
shlps-lrotaPimamafpriian. Francisco,.touching qt
-ACAPCfrCO, — -
1st—IIENRY-OHAUNCKT(CaptainGray, connect-
\j!a v X caa ttzIS tiU’/T ,u-Q ^ n B with SACRAMEi}TO r G*pta}n Caveriy.
5^.ds£;!!c.CfS vd Sa;I.'S * ^ "
. r __in -Horner,--ejostefeeRng- -
.. with CONSTITUTION, Captain Farnsworth..
Dcpartures.OfJ®' jmd'.:
ith Steamers for South
Jitiutssaes ;=: rlst touch at ManzipffiJO'; v it.uHOii
J vsq .iiait-T bsi.-.t:
I N-Z qa:nl ;felS
---—<r vdna .«!« .qoos tatpr - f --v-ae-ae-First'Oabin... l'.~T-.."_:l“T“.;Vr.fi300'
| : eT nCS , i e J Ate -. J L:r;.: bieC’JT^e.,.. Ipp
.1 .. .
! .eJtsap ; aoac£ ,eJa-q .etiasiSC .
{ of Lt- .a?f .dpvsia -flc.OiS-rfuuiixg li
e to jnforw .tb$ laclie;{
vicinity, and. the pubs
old-stand of- ; t
Ei ^j^STO^’sl.'l®iANGt^LA.R;.JEtLOGK,]
| " ’ One of lha bek jrfeeted Stocks of .
; Staple and £an&;iDi^ Goods'
_ .t--j5— z■* * .-(innoa xanok.
In the Southeyn markets. The.goods .wereselect
ed BJMr.'EMaWHlf"With great eiire;'iia'd'as' Eels'
aow-kt-tbe Now York -market for the sole purpose
Jf; selecting goods, and watching the best opnoiv
tunities for buying. I have the advantage over all
Other merchants who are-Hot'frlmaaflysifvtated; -—
I shall, receive, new additionj. fo bur- stock, eve*.
. , A.discounLof-one quarter from isteamers’ rates
" tfllowed t’d second' cabin 'ahd. steeMgO'paSkengers
•With families. Also, an allowance of one quarter]
OH through rates to clergymen and: their families, j . . ...
" "“"§aa®89«aM*l«Sl iSpl QKIN G TOBACCO.
-/ .Vi
i iiL’isJ: :i
i. \:/
!• mzktfMi'3Rx.i;clel«i ii
■ s.:..y.u:Vi ,v.-.T.,Vw^ "
My stock- coiislsta- in part of the follewing
O M-rik l i uf.'.f-M .TinT;
-/r / w...
Prints,. 1 >.!aii V7 f ne.A .
" Printed DeLaines,— - -
AlljroolDelaines,.ii a.
Empress Cloth,
! * “English 2
t jj u ^
French Mertntts,"
, ,YeffitiairEiffia£'i-'‘ - r ; - -
*• * •“•'s’ 1 7 ...
Alpacas,*. ,. , k
... ... • Merinos and Bo: ,
And-many ptheitgooda belongiugto tbs ,
. -a t...i valt
A full and completi assortment of- 1.
; Linen Cambiic Handkerchiefs,
, : Ladies’ Linen and. Embroidered Caffs and Col
lars, separate and in ■sets, ‘ 1 ' * ‘
1- White, Red and Shaker Flannels,-•
Plain, and. Fancy Opera Flannels,-
’ .BleachcdAnd. Brown Canton Flannels, Kan-.
kets.sfe&. t'--..1 li. v :..u ... ;!.!
Hosiery, a:.. :N4I J/ • i*.» •
Ladies’ Merino Vests,
Towels, 1, -. •
< • Napkins,
- . : Doylies Linen,
; Ami all -a i/iJ/iv :i.-
Niim^er : 0ife^ Diy Gti6ds“ Sidre.
We call the special.attention of the ladies to our'
-a! -- - ’
, : i % V,*e.- *. , •
• And say with.cdufiilehc?, wc .wUlfieU-tbese arti
cles at a '", , . f .....
Tlian any . other house In .the city and WARRANT*
the goods ta lie .of the y- r v--’ ** *
nett and* most Fashionable Manu-
4) i %S wV" W'v> X
I.i-^. 4t fac) o r£<•? ,
. : ^wTt '»bt>?;?*!'A.’.'^SPRDfGEKi -i j *5
• 'fruUiSti *1/ v :«Macon,-*Gtt; i *
: ioet 15-6m ;* ‘Vf? ^
Spiehdid Cotton Plantation,
X » lance lot of-8ole-and Upper JLeaUier ATra
T HROUGH receipti" given by the "Agents of the
Boulhcrn-Transportation Company at freieh*
rates to Baltimore and New York, at guaranteed
rate Rf r. huwbfd ponndaaa per bale on Cotton all
packages should be stamped S. T. Co., to facilitate
Transportation. Rato from New. York .to. Macon
W,GS per hujJlfed pehnfis.' - ; I ---' / :
TUmtSTOJClt. BLcfoM, Igt! at Macon,
• T. G. RUST, Agt. at Albany.
novl9:3m. { * *
Jjio. Tx Gv.o^tp.ix, ... ..
"TXTILL practice in the Federal Courts .and give
Y\ perdonal attentioneto business before the
Court of Claims and Ex cutivc Heiiartmeuts, at
Office over Dcardman’s Book Store.
dec23-tf . a. , t
ha.t Ji/a.%«.L-.ivS2
tmAJUBBIU COW VXASjr&s- “I t-i*
iUV 80 barrels Chinese Syrup,
- A. “ Cane Syrup,.
OUR miles and a half from Wooten’s Station,
Southwestern • Kailroady containing 1,900
acres, about l.HXrtllareil; well watered with
running 6treaiU8, has excellent. Baras,. Quarters,
ahd other spjjurteaaces Par s-firtt- dassf larnv: —A
log dwelling house containing G rooms—is one of
the best plantations In Siruthwestcrn Georgia; Be
ing a part of the celebrated Chehaw Tract. Ou
■tbe plaec there are about-4,508 bushels Corn, 25r-
009 lbs. Fodder, 300 bushels Cotton Seed, 21 head
fine Horses add* Moles, 80 Cattle, 150 8tock
Hogs;..iso Pork Hogs, several hundred btrehels-
Ground jjeaa, 40 Barrels Cuba Cane Syrup. 4
Wagonav^jHafiatiToolgJSaigar JHII and Bolt-
I'm ’ -V n ncsiled. on a. plaatultoir
ah ol WhieTTwill be sold at a great bargain, if ap-
phed for soon. TIB BLOOM,
“^0'2w — Macon, Ga.
Atlanta Intelligence copy lw and send bill
to this office. , . . ..
w -/u:„j|uuO0HUm:(k41VUUflUint»
deesfcifci -%»%? tdtle iasosas no ofotS it
i-Pounds 'Baggage allowed each
P Baggigefoujccixcd- on the dock I
•the day bgfore ^iuUngyjrom'Stfamboata, railroads,
and passcngcr6_whoprgierlo send fipwn early.
An experie.nced'' surgeon' on "Board. Medicine
[and^ j..* .v*
|“ A-8teamer witl be plocedAnthe-lino Januarylat,
RWii J&JXn from,Npw ,Qfleana^ to AfiPilWhUL via
IHtrantt. . K ^
■■•TltfkEt*; Or' fuVther Information,-
Office q* Euijire Ieox. Jt Coil Mixma Co., i
-- ! Maqon t .Ga, j; 23tbN9y. l865. )
Stockholders whostSharea are not full paid, arfl
notified to pay an installment of Thirty per
paid, are
. .. BBi . . . fhirtyper
ryiweek, and alwgyajprepgrefi tp. «hibit to ce ht on their Shares on or before 1st'January best,
the nnblic goodYof the" ".* .. ' Z J and a further installment ofThirty pef cent en or
BestMaa^ctnr&IafesLSIyles;: ; •;;;
... If j ~* ED. L. S1R0HECKER,
and., . . .. . nov29idlw-lttwtmapril • ■ • ftestdimt -
J. j ■'“;‘He‘ADy-ma;de cTOTamG,;; f
331 &Z2&Jiroadway, Copur. Worth St.,N. T.
fofiPBAB*,., ^V.... . . ., HBKBT SHAFER,
WM. H, WmTFOWj . _ 3. n- VAK WAOEXEU,
: I .-A^.X. .HASOLTOtJ, ..
Office pf Payan ACarhart in liquidation. .
nqylfcqodCm;;..,.,.. u
TBfe“Boston ToSt^3R)r;i866;; ;;
AS. always beep one of . the leading newspapers.
. ofNew England and one of the BEST JLEDIUM8
pf AbySbtising.
By increased, enteipriss- 4a- furnishing a lire -and.
readable AWnapcr.ana by th.e recent reduction
in. price,' the circulation of the Boston Rost has
been hugely-increased: ‘"l ad ..... .. ..
To Advcrtisera-few papers can offer equgl advan-
lages,. .either m.the..egtent.or,.foe oharacter.of ito
iradcra—North, South,-East and West'
Business Cards and Mercantile Advertisements
particularly solicited from South-and West.— .
| - ■■SuiKripiton-Ttntu; i ,«'i
Boston Poatj-Daily. ,-U.. ^/c./$lttperannaHn-•
i Semi-Weekly.... 4 “.
; i *•" •• "Weekly...:;.::" '2 <* *****
•BBT - Specimen copie< sent ofi applicatlon] ' “
i ,:REAXS, GREENE & CO:;'Publishes,
- ! “j V'T" 40’ and^42 (Congress street, Boston," itass-
jdecl3^2m'-" “
’ I 'HE snbscriher-beg
-L and the public,- th
High School.
leave to inform his friends
P ,„at he will opcn»tbe'above
institution ou the 15th-January ; and he solicits a
Uberalpatronagc. - Tuition per year on par basis.'
For Primary Class:.;: . L.'... .".V.:'.'..'. .'$20
For Second Class....'.;;.;;;.: ....... SO]
.For Classics'..".:;.
: w.‘ A.‘iiiELsbN*.
• is without doubt the only known remedy for
■ • - ualculus; "" , •
• ; :;i ■ ’'*®RAVEL, * : " V" r
!?*"••• ■ > t* V- or tus • "•a;—' -••• -••— •
: ... . * i. -vULADDEB.-
- ANDALi ’ -
1 61 • •• FE»A£felRR^lfiiAfirOT8. > --
. Certificates of cures- from well-known persons
from all.partiof the-country in-circular, -will be
senLou. ad dress log:./
. MORGAN &-ALLEN, Atiente,
... Na 48 Cliff street, New. York."
I Kolloc.-
HEREBY appoint Mr. A. SPRINGER..of. this
city, my lawful alterney, to collect all claims
aue me, and request all. those indebted to me by
oficount or note, to coihe forward and settle up
Without delay. On the first of January next, T
will tnnroveraU uupaid accounts and notes,-in the
hands of a lawyer for collection.
Institute. fox. Young Ladies,
ume its duties JANUARY 15, I860,
ns and particulars,;apply to Madtime
r to Judge A. H. Wyche, Macon, Ga.
’ins lie xiti bze .a»o& ssq is.
jfe&weeF'*' ^PowderfI
j,;;.. 2 os arc.; axistsxTLiiTliii:
.yftoexfS a-isL ^
j ;jaal,L;. RQj.BABIJELS. S. air ixS
I -:-:Uy hr.
• ; 180
j "ie DOTEN COLGGNES,-* ♦«!
: -50Q POUNDS STARCH,- s.v -Jl
wotiptt POUNDS
, !BiS .; ;i * r yKfpAW MU!.
I .. ..p^toegs-Bt a3i ;;J ^ ( - }
Messrs. S.- & J. Schepper,- N.-T-.i Messrx-WlArf"
JIcKinzie & Co„ Apalachicola, RlAi.Messrs,.Ep-.
rJdg, Hauscrd & Ce., Columbus, Ga.; MesSrai
upson & Jahnstonj-Eufaula, Ala:- -•••-
K.--A SOLOMON.. H-E.. rtMtBB.-
j ■ At 8iinp6pH ,fc JohngtOn?aQldBUBdL.! in:_,
jau2-6m» • ”
;;s ...i... p ROB SE CTU.S;..
/~\N or about the 15th of‘January,'T86S,’’ the'uh-'
U dersigned will begin the publication of a new
Weekly Paper, in the town of Hawkinsville, Ga.,
bearlngtheabove title.- •' - ----- ----
' The proprietors have becnJudueed to this enter
prise from a belief that the citizens of Pulaski and
adjoining counties require a TtocafneWspapeK"
which wifi faithfully represent and-proteev their;
interests, and that they will sustain ns in. the pro-
In pplit.iss, the. DISPATCH.will-maintain- a free
and independent co'iiree, with a view to the inter-
iSst of-tbe-pcople'of Georgia, ahff espteialTy to'tils
section .of.the State.. IVe .propose to-sustain a
manly and honorable acquiescence to all the legiti
mate consequences of the laid- revolution; will
-ehdorss .and support.the.Administration-In all-its
acts that subserve the interestsfof the people,but.
will Bevef"further tue personal or party interests
of [any special-individuals to the detfimCri t" of foe
public good.: r' 1 f-if,—
We have secured tho services of some of the beat
wtitersjn the htate,. Who. will .regularly contribute
to.its columns. Particular attention will be given
to Local Siidt'Foreign ‘ news, Markets, Literature,
Religion aniGeneral'Readlng, etc.';Th fiietl'evefy-'
Thing. that- will-Be- calculated:to make the DIS--
PATCHa,welcoin'eFamily Journal. -J
- The dtizens. of.tJiis and- surrounding, coiinlies
cap amply support a GOOD LOCAL PAPER, and-'
w? will not Sparc Shy‘means oreflorts to make it a
journal-worthy bP their-patronage’and support
The business men Of. Macon, especially, wiH find
•it to their nse the DISPATCH as a me
dium through which to- burfuees kno wn
in this section.
WEEKLY PAPER,second to none in the State;
and they intend, by inr earnest effort and close,
application* lo business, to es'tabiislifhe paper upon
a sure foundation, and make it Tt-Crcditable" organ
for the people; therefore, wc ask-the support
Of.all,.,., . a.a.U . • -if
[ j ... :
One copy, one year,'(inafivanw,)...*»>......$3.66,
One copy, six mouths, 2 00
One copy; three m'Obtbs,.'...-..,. 1 66'
Advertisemhnts iiissrted at' the"usual fates.'
-:7V •»•'• -WM."H. JA.MKSp^
--jj -D.-Wfl>. BQUEf.Y.-
Haw.kinsy.ille,.Ga., Dec-.2S,1S65. .-- : jan2-2w -
■g':. SEUBcrr: school" [
?• , - r |OB '.V
A.YR;'; HALL, Informs ids' patrons - that the'ex"
ill cruises of his .school,■■lecomcncu-Mondaj-
January 1st; 1S06. .Terms: .$5 00- per-month, fuc
51} cents extra. A few vacancies may be filled by.
early application. Mr. H. Is a graduate of the y
8.’ Naval "Academy. Refers to' present patrbus. "
1 •:.
A DARK BAT HORSE, nbout niito jcareDld, a
.£nton tl\t left -leg above tho.hQof.* -U
Macky, Beattie & Co
Shipping and General 0ommis3ion Merohanti 1
{; i S . .203.& 205..BAY STREET^’ -•
; : ;$4VA5fSAny __
Casli advaaccs-made on Consignments to
Macjkt & Beattie, *Plriladeljrfit^*‘•••
-• «€FERE*4QES^
Messrs. Chas. L. Colfey -A Co., Messrs Hu«tcr
Guraniell, Messrs. .Rail .«&. Qbristiuu t Savannah
National "Bank, Savannah; Messrs. Maude &
Wn^ht, >fcBsrs. "IV; AVRatilsay <t ‘Co M Augusta;
Messrs. Lord, Stone & Co., Boston; Messrs. 1, John
P. Boyle & .Co^ Messrs.,Waliace & Browne, New
York; Messrs. Macky & .Beattie. Messrs. J. Gibson,
Sons & Co.,- Philflidclphra National Bank, First
National- -Bank,' Seventh - National Bank; Rotrt.
Steen, Esq^ ^ .Mcsart.,. McCutcheon.. «SL. Collins,
Philadelphia; Messrs. Clarke & Cunningham,
M. A. Hamilton, Baltimore.
. Particular attention given to the forward
ing of good* for Northern markets.
I ldeo^fc‘ ^ J ‘5
J, B. CUMMING, Marshal].
t zccs;:zr. jfr zcxfU ^ ui WM
Commission: Merchants,
zzszat mum
;;Fo.reign;.gaO|im«sti6 : .Iiqao.nk-:.. *
\.~ N.tofAj^fiigniaeniS tffCbNSii; policitarff' upon ^
which liberal advances-will-beniade.-- --
“ Southern Merchants visiting our city are r5-*
7 ja'n2-3m ’
| - • ' L - ^
'HITundersfeica'Kas eetibllslaed a BOARDING '
* 8GHOOD FOR -B 0 Y- 8,- at v C h arlo ttesvHl^y'Vrr-"-
^n. Tbe present Se^).on..-nri.ll v cl,ope .Jnm?
b. Boys are thoroughly .prepared for the Uni-
■ slty-ODVirginia,- *or;the • practical business cf
Fartlcnlar attention lijpidd to aii English studiM,
W rRiiig-aud'-Book-Keeping,- -- ■ - - -- -
Thp.bchi}ollft.Qaiiy reachedjrom all. parte bfdhe
countiy." "
■jS*irj-fttteiftioirispaidto the comfort-of tht»e
*r.„A .. «nardere in.ih« School. D ... .
cor Session Of ten nmntlis, payable
„ n-adranee,-(ih.5pcrie ortt* equivalent,),.al $i.25..pei;.jmonth,. is. the only
cr particulars and - circulars, apply to ” "
.aais'JWnSON G. N. CARR"..
jan---w _ _ Cbar■lottcsville. Va.
G^^ESND, ~~
0--o:tE'4; 'O -n.'f--A'V- e n u e ,
irarmfacturer ; and -Dealer ln'
is -in: ti-yajA ~Ji intwisrt
| ascription-of Saddles and Harnes,,
j * - afid5^*®“h.C0U ! i?ii-' s ' ; l li P : ‘> Blansets,'
... Halit rat CbafnR.-Rfl'ddTehrct-a
w. Carriage
iHmmmpippv! „. iwete^^^r
... ; ' Haffira,' Cham's,"Sa'ddlettrees;
i— —■-•udmoei-ottfcr *
' i .ciassee-oFGbods - in -the Sad- - - -
" RtflfrixUilMo-WhichtheATTENTION.'
All sizes LEATHER BELTING made to.
: t^frJJSt bt i5lfies»JlSUfiactedpn.Sat9r4ay.
Jan2-2w .a.nii4 A '
TJEST-Steel Ftotvs.-ail 'sizcs;-'Approved Cast-
.AJ- FiowS)-8hevcl8 s -40.GuUivat-ors. Harrows, <vo.
Fresh-aud-reliable-G-irdeu Seeds, in boxes of 100
•200 papers .each, varieties, for dealers, at
hoi csale or.ptt.eojiHniBsioctJo .dealers.
^■Orders promptly attended to and filled with
jan2-6t-*‘-*■- ■ Bbx l57; Nashville, lW.D
R. R.cBXXRDKN, —Av-SAINES, O. liiNKrx, -
|- qf Macon, Ga. of Macon, Ga. ofN'orlh Carolina
sf Aj^peN & co.
Commissioxi ATerchants
H--20; BeaverStreet,
NEW -. ... - YORK.
T IBERAL advahees made on Cotton; Wool; To-
JLr baecasndProduce-geueralHy. Consignments
soRcited:..Orders for goods promptly executed.
' 'dec31-12t*. .
Ciiy Jlarslml’s Sale.
LL be’sold in front, of City' Hall, on 9th
,,, Ja"n.',"abay‘mare Mule, six or'seven years
old, taken upbyone of the CityFolicc, supposed
to be stolen. ... _.... ... : - ' jMP 'i. T
Sold.accQrding tocity. ordinances ,
ai,.:... II - j:b. cumming:
decSO^t. - I _'; .. . ’ Marshal.^,"
BRGWSTS..IRON,.. BUILDING,| PbiladelpHli, -.,
[ >
.^.,;,Are..authoiC!zedjto .
Oontract for AdYertisuig.m our Papar.-
deo f-l-tf n.:l
- - To Contractors.
P ROPOSAXS are mvitedforbuildiug the in
ry of the Oconee River Bridge, on the**"
tlie Macon and Angu- fe Railroad, three mile
.of. MilledgeyUfce, and -for ihesnper6tructun
Bame, .cpn^istiujp of three.spans of one *
and forty feet each. •
“ Also lor tliirfecn hundred feet of trestling i
ferent points oh the Road.
1 ~ - >-* - ^GEO.-H. HABLEHURS^f -
dec81-2vr - - * Chief Engines
Another Select Set
E ' H7 LINK will Open a school for BOYS-ii
•' GIRLS on- Monday,- 8th January, in lint j
thonyVhou«e,-ncarColloge, -
Any branches taught that may be defiired^: ..
Tuition s? per month, payable monthly 1
Vancer **• "
‘ Mrs. Link will take a few music sehola!
same place. * - * de
T IME' between Aogiista and Savannah reduced
to-16j^ hours'. "Fare Staging only 52
miles, *aR in day-light both ways:
Passengers should- leave Alueon by M. Jk W. R.
R. night train, rest eecond night at Aucuata.—r-
Leave Augusta 6 a.' m.; arrive at Savannah same
day at 10^- v. m. GEO. W. ADAMS,
• dcc3S-8twgw» v Snp’t. C. K. R.
NOTICE. r - - -J iii*
A LARGE and new - supply-of well assorted
v Lumber for sale,, with .some nice, carriage* -to
ld. low for cash, at
dec30-l\v* GRIER & MASTERSON’S!
-For Sato—A House and Lot.
A HOUSE and Lot oq the Houston road for
sale, consisting of a Cottage with six rooms,
29 acres of land and necessary, out buildings near
thecttylh^a. Apply to me. • ,
. | ..... ■ JxoENTS FOR
1 " 1. ..qELEBftAXFD.
Fire and. Burglar Pi
. Bank Locks, 4K’i
T hese safes andlocs
oughly. tested .and theirj.
that the Treasubt Pepuhc^^
and New York city use _
any other. They are raad*^
and stesl, thus rendering th* /\C
FIRE A^D DAond j
Snreka and
” (For Vaults, = "
and Merchacu
parehaso 1