The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 05, 1869, Image 1

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BY OLISBY & REID, MACON. GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 5. 1S69. Groceries and Provii tion of tfaa size which thone excellent escukintu | attain here. Bat I was fortunate enough to no tice some statements on the potato question in the Tuxotara, and am luckily, for once, rrred the mortification off sending, as something of ft. show, what would be regarded as merely little j stringy slip*, when brought in competition with their mammoth competitors whose fame is in no danger of an early eclipse. - Lart week we had arm** exceedingly old weather for this latitude. ' .-** sun-ri^c one morning the mercury WM right degrees farimr the freezing p<*nt. The change was rery snd- Bnt tluse gallant horsemen, let us record their ntmiw: F;‘'' * ~ _ .... r' a-nI' i 1. Hunter JfeComb, Knight of Bandoleer. 2. G. W. Harrison, Knight of the Bayonet. 3. G. W. Hollinahed, Black Knight 4. J). E Ringland, Black Douglas. 5. B. N. Stubbs. Knight of the Golden Cross. C. S. G. DuBignon, Knight of the Lost Cause. 7. Thos. McComb, Knight of the Red Cross. , K B. Spauliling. Knight of the Silver Cross. 1 ELUm Hawkins. Knight of the Rising Star. 10. J. II. Orme, Knight of the Red Rose. 11. Joe Bowles, Knight of the White Rose. At a given signal, a knight came riding as it wen on the wings of the wind, swift and rapid; making a bold but nnsuceewefnl effort Then in swift ■bom—ion followed another and another. tlATUa or KTTBSCIOTTIGS : fcllir.TSKIirZifc; TiZZ; •m epe \!™\r.**V r **:•*«*»»■—ait mtba Bo ^ASvttTH WrrxLT TiLio**r»-aix ra-mth...... ^ . ^ 11ooSc-j» n <Jo 1> Urlntln JOHN W. O’COfl yy ould respectfully inform his frisads aad tba «Uii that ha has jut netivad a tp]ended aasortmeat of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS la bti lias, embracing ^ ^ ' mENCH and SNOLZSB BROADCLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, ; v e sTin g-s, FINE LIQUORS. WHISKY AND TAXES. « T -V DA Y’ 8 DI8PA TO2TE8. The Ogeechee Iarorrection. ,. j HAVASSAi, January 3._Afraiis on the Ogeechee ~Z Un ***<"»>»»h—*0ftes»«MW The white families froo Btyan cotmty are moT- »og into tiie dty, tmaseoBftt of the report of the trouble extending to that eownty.v’ Two companies of the lfith United States Infant- h«$> TISON & COTTON ONION SETS, Etc. iPKRIAL. R - EVERY PAPER DATED 1868 CROP. ADAMS, WASHBURN & CO., FA0T0BS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICEHa»8T0DDARI)’3LOWKR RANdK. Savannah, Georgia. tnt IN TOUKOjUiKM jt^RLTH roa wat thms THEY ABM SMUjnOKYKJt TTBIBG CHEAP Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OIIjS, utc. th!t»S?fafti5tti^ 0M Wood “ ^ * tor «* Il ‘» HEATH & REYNOLDS, WBOLCSALS ABB EITAIL DBALBKS IS FRESH FISH, SHAD & OYSTERS, g MERCER & ANDERSON, BANKERS akdCOMMIS! GIVE ME A CHANCE JJAVI eewleBtsrs id la arrive MOABKBVUUE MEAT, Bides aad BhoeMan, 5 TIERCES SUGAR-CUBED HAMS: | 4 CAR-LOADS TENNESSEE CORN: 1 CAR-LOADS KENTUCKY TIMOTHY HAY: 1 CAR-LOAD PRIME 8BBD 0AT#i . £0 SACKS FRESH WATKR^GROUHD HEAL; SOD fFKB EX. FAMILY k SUPERFINE FLOUR: 100 BUSHELSCH0I0EBRED RYE: U* SACKS WHEAT BEAR: *S BOXES TOBACCO. afdUTwaftt crate. 8HORTH, BRAN, rfSW COMMISSION GRITS, STOCK FEED, Eva JAMES R. RICE —w«.t?.« muQ50W ef all gnim, end nwwl asasrtiaaat of Family and Plantation Supplies. t. a tt v?sssFr* , ' k * Tl ~ u —* K MACON MILLS ELECTRIC SOAP! BRUNSWICK AND HAWHNSmLS KEROSENE OIL ABLAZE ! ~ TVS* 50 AO * STOVra WORK ■ • ,^?s OsTablished lmV - II' ABESDR0T1I BROS., Propria I 100*111 Beckman at., Mew York ON FIRE AND BURNING! Ohio River Conflagration in the Shade! ELLIS’ DRUG STORE DONE IT! QTARTFD that britht .cheap and aafs light ee In O •tarrwbaaa. and new rrepoae tsastl the CHEAPEST LOT OF LAMPS. IMPROVED CDIMNIES. VICKS. SHADES aad CARR ■var broosfct to tkia city. DARIEN AND D0CT0RT0WN. roedera, we will “COTTON PLAHT” COOK STOVE, PACIFIC GUAM COMPANY’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO! - CAPITAL Si,000.000. 'ADSH'OI l.DOUGL rived at the spot in the city ealected for the combat. It was directly in front cf the roai- deftoe off B. K. Orme, Eaq. The ring was sos- pended opposite the front gate; thirty yards back was the head, and further back, seventy yards, was the starting point—whole distance to bia ran, one hundred yards; time, eight seconds; feats, cut the head and tierce the ring. As a singular fact, it may be mentioned that the cem etery stands in the rear and the penitentiary in front of the spot. It most not/however, be imag ined that, because the Knights fltu> from Death, therefore they do not prefer to die heroically, than to languish in inglorious chains and servi tude. Those well known citizens, Doctors White and Herty, and Lient. Mapp, were appointed Oh the blistering burning shame that so goods State House, just refitted and refurnished with every improvement at great expense, large anil ample grounds around, should be left silent and deserted, tom topsy-turvy in the nnnecessary eonfusion of moving. A movement of the folly and wicked extravagance of political schemers, who, through subtility and chicanery accom plished this wof il waste. Perish Georgia, perish the interests of nH her best citizens, if their vile schemes do not put money in their parse. At Baldwin oouniy has done one deed which ea rn tir. it to fnrni.h a Guano of the hi the, tr ala e at the lowest ponibla coat to eon, urn era, and the lushest m- Ureet of the Company U reeoamaed m thiapolu-y. The Company look, to larte exit,, .mail profit,, and a permanent trade for eompeaation on capital inreat- Dr. fit. Jnlian Ravenel. of Sooth Carolina,i. Scientif ic Director of the Company, which afford, a sore euaranteeof the continued excellence of the Guano. None rename onlesa branded with the name of JOHN No. 41 Second street, Shaw’a Block. versify in the old ruts,in which their grftnd sires drove, j—' fifV - tT ■ v In reading !l»- accounts of two and three bales to the acre, bv incurringlmt Httle additional ex pense. and taking into account your delightful climate, and the thousand and one other local advantages which surround you, one is almost tempted to look with disgust on the Brazos bot toms. (good for a bale tr, the acre every year, if no disaster occurs.) and sigh for the hills of Georgia and Alabama, considered by many here when they left them, ks exhausted almost be- •foqd thtyLMitte of recovery. - . i ' VAr i' a °coant8 in yourcol- '^^KsupTiur system -f cultivation in V and noting the result, I haz- ^*1 ^^^paying, for I folly believe its truth, ’ HBr never yet, on the rich bottom K*1 . ^^BlState, i>een a single acre cultivated •pP^xtanuer as to make it yield its very : ];ughwlH®f r ducti ve capacity. YSliere men realize n bale of .cotton or perhaps more to the acre, i^n iiW’Le sure they will 1 e at no extra labor )lieation, apply ompaov. For terms and mode of appii., > - X. A. HARDEE’to SON Sc CO., WN.H. WOODS. -•y* - ^ Areoti, Savannah, Qa. ... , ASHER AYRES. - ' * Agent, Macon, G&. JOHN 8. REESE k. C0„ .General Agentr, Balti- lore, Maryland. " a,i *n,. ' S.. ~ pMvWt peoially does her credit and which Bibb county would do well to follow. In the cold and silent graves of the cemetery repose the ashes of hundreds of nameless Confederate dead. A monument with the gimpl* inscription, “i'o the Unknown Dead,” marks their last bivmac. It was a farther source of gratification to note that, unike too many other monuments erected over our gallant soldier dead, this one hac the merit of being made by Southern friends ancl not by Northern foes, who moulded the bul let*, which let out their precious lives. Let the dead rest in peace ; but, really, we cannot see how Southern people can reconcile themselves to ]>ay, as it were, our Northern fritruU for the boon of erecting a monument over our gallant dead. In this, at least, if nothing else, it should be supposed oui people would patronize home enterprise. It raakes us shrug our shoulders whenever we look at the last resting place of some brave Confederate soldier and on the mar gin of the tombstone we see that, in spite of such marble-works as J. B. Artope <fc Son and others which we could mention, they had to go to the North to hive it done. Shame ! But the holidays are over, and home we must go. Bright eyes made our delay two days ’onger than we intended—and then we got to the depot just in time. A-mee-i-cus. Hills and Plantation For Sale, F i Sumter county. Oi, eight miles east of Ameri- 0U5. on Lime Creek. A Merchant Mill, having two sets of Corn Banners and one of wheat: in good order. Also, a Saw Mill, with Circular Saw. The Mills are driven by water, of which there is a good ■apply controlled by a No. 1 Dam. There are 1400 acres of good Land lying on both sides of tbe Creek. 4n0 acres cleared. mo*t of it under good fencing, and raid to be as productive as any in the county. The Mills and Plantations can be bought together or repirately. For further inforniatioD apply to J. A. ATWOOD. dccO lmo* Eatonton. (la. Corner of Mulberry and Second streets, above E. J. % Johnston k Co-’i Jewelry Store, k‘ v\ MACON, GA. *^ B. B. EUSTOX, - - - Principal. UTK OF DOLKSAK A»D J. V. BUOXll's COMMERCIAL COLLKCRS, XKV ORLEANS. FISKS’ PATENT METALIC CASES, knights to noUest deeds. And now, expecta tion is on tip-toe. The contest is nearly ready We cast our eyes down the road and take an earnest look at the chivalrous knights. There they are, one hundred yards off; eleven in number drawn off under the leadership of their gallant captain, Jas. H. Nichols. Their showy costumes, waving plumes and champing steeds, bewilder us whether this is the nineteenth century or not, and cause us to believe the old days of knight-errantry are revived with all its romantic spirit of adventure and deeds of dar ing ; love of arms and of the rewards of valor; devotion and love to the softer sex. The lost quality of the chivalric times, every Southron can proudly boast, is 3till retained here at least, in all its ancient glory and excellence. This College is open dnily from 9 a. m. to 9 r. M.. ami i* now in tacebcful operation. t -** Students enteral any time. No vacation.*. Time unlimited. Cheap board, healthy city, and its low taitioa fee. make it desirable for ell to enter here. The fall commercial coarse, viz: Penmanship, Book keeping, commercial calculations does not exceed $40. For particulars call or send for circular. Encourage asd patronise home institutions. OCtMf BOOTS AND 40 BBLS. ROBINSON COUNTY PURE CORN, 40 bbti. BOURBON WHISKY, 30 bbls. BYE WHISKY. 50 bbti. RECTIFIED-eh«ap, PORT. SHERRY and MADEIRA WINK. Ju»t being reteired, and for axle at bargain*. , _ SEYMOUR. TINSLEY k CO. , TONS AMMONIATED RAW BONK 1 SUPERPHOSPHATE. 350 tons Soluble Pacific Guano, HO tops Double Rectified Poudrette. JiiO tons Peruvian Guano. 100 tons Land Plaster, 100 tons Carolina Superphosphate, Orchard Clover and Lucemo Seed, for sale by AS HER AYRES. N.L.DBUBY, H0U8K, 8I6H A3TB 0BKA- MKJtTAL PAISTJKU, OVER LAWTON k LAWTON’S 4th Sr. Maoot, Ox iukrl-tf |' | [ 1 ri II i J , i