The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 12, 1869, Image 1

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MACON, GEORGIA. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 12. 1889. Drags and Medicines, CJaH NUwk—The Jlaeon and Brnu* wiA Railroad. ro*t the Saea*nsik Morning ,V<ne#.] " * 7T '' VI e publish in another column an article from Lmtxng Palalka—Handtcmu Orange Grate H/iieUuntn, Settledtn 1703—The Com rte of the HjUfgrLoU George— "*On the morning of the 18th December, 186?, Oept. BUnch»i-d and I chartered e little steamer for Dtmn slake. We^SBied to hurry on; hence cotud not "wait for Wednesday's boat, which runs regularly on that line. In leering Palaika, we pass, on the opposite shore, a -very handsome grore of of six hundred hearing orange trees in a high state of ctdtfra- tioa, tha crop of oranges, alone, in 18GC haring brought #4000, The land lyingadjacent, for a mile, Js cut up into small lots and held at $» to $50 per acre, tmimprored. ' I. , r 'S ^£2%^ Th* next point of interest is Kawlstown. set- Usd 'by Lord Bswles, of England, in 1703, for &e purpose of establiahing an Infirmary, is a benefactor, lew men exceeded in philanthropy this generous nobleman. Here on the banks off TO THE PLANTERS OF GEORGIA, I HAHTRUXjE, L*to of Hariri dg® k Neff. INSURED 1 ^ KOITBSXST tWM KXCBANOS IC1UD1XQ, -v ( savannah, ga* 7 T)?A,b, K K ; ,i. tl I^niwrtir andJForeira Xcxhanc,,' “ d “ ncarr * rt noatr- Buy and Alt Rereire dtpLitV allowinc ftur j rr cent, interr.t p,r Sanaa oo weekly talaaeee offftg ,„d apwanls. t'OtlrelMfeiBiaae in this c;ty and all tho urinciral towDMJf Georgia and Florida. Rico. etc., to oureelrw. orU^ar'S^onSern pean correepondents, *«f®> d«ah6m 'NDA T‘ 8 1)1 SPA T CUES BUT NO DOUBTFUL FERTIUZEBS! V 'Jl-aii*, sx. il. JSgntjoy jpXr a TIS0N & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS Soluble Pboepho Perurlaa, | HoneDutt, ONION ^£^4; Etc. JONES, BAXTER & DAY, EVERY PAPER DATED 1868 CROP. ;j - IfO. 96 BA r sriiSBTi OAVfiNNAH, OA. ADVANCES made on contizu- CaM * r - y - ~ ^ O * . (MUrlfr-<an.O,j OfGa. iSspS Ga 5f > ADAMS, WASHBURN & CO., FACTORS & COMMISSION MER0BA1TS, OFFICE NO. S STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE. _ Savannah, Georgia.^ rehooeejad city aeesptasee. LLOYDS* FOSTER, 7 BSMwsworUt’i Block. Cotton Itenne, Macon, 8a, HARRISON'S PLANT FERTILIZER. 700 Bags No. 1 Peruvian Guano, » ii. as , je t o . rbaraain.? 014 Wooden Dra * a °r* U *» x b. zazusr * co. MWMinnnKny liver reg- »» JtSBr , Brocks Co.. 6s,'. o. r. iTCBS-s, SEZgCda A.V. naciSTTsa 1, ■ Macoo.Ga. J* TUomuviUe.Ga. SLOAN, GROOVER A. CO., Cotton Factors and Commission MERCHANTS, A*.+STODDARD'S LOW SR NOR, BAY ST^ *V SAVANNAH, GA. T IBERAL ADVANCES ON COTTON 00N- Burial of Jno. H. Botto. Nova Scotia Land Plaster POWDER OF RAWBONE, JAPAN VARNISH. IRON VARNISH. DAMAR VARNISH. GUANO, GUANO. CHESAPEAKE GUANO, n satis pH, iabob akd'uokky. Ne.1. PERUVIAN. PACIFIC, BAKER A JARVIS 1 , FISH GUANO. r .Lu. BOMsHMU*. I will do your wa.hic* at half Brio. If you will far- niah ms with bobbins’ Electric Soap, ; *Plt clcan« the olothlMg more thoroughly. Wit make* them whiter. *#“It takci half the tabor, . d ^ . 49*AH only half the time, AND DOES NOT INJURB THE FINEST FABRIC •tory. We hare other lottert and ean cire the namM efmaaywbe wiUsetde wtthest it If H I* to bs had. bat we raoftr to rtro a UtUr from a man who la well . OLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL jrOVBSBOKO, OHO&OZA. nfp, General Howard’* opinion to the contra- ^twithaUnding, that the bureau is aUR a eaaity, and that it will be oqotiuned. The** riotio OtheOae dialiha to bo flanked out of Lroocnpatkm. TMjf determined to hold on to them withthete- ity of snapping tortlee. In addition to their uhr mhrlaa, «>e UApi dtingi firm the Loyal „Uewht JOHN W. O’CONNOR, Lstso^sod SuocMior to^ I ? ; ; H. HORNE & CO., Haa now <jd head a choice rdeoHon of GROCERIES L. HOLT. PACIFIC GLAXO C0MPAATS SOLUBLE PAGIFIG GUANO! a .. mfrjufli FINE LIQUORS S WHISKY AND TAXES.‘.I: Call and jadre for yourself. .IMPERIAL RYE.od OLDOOPPER- • ISTII.I.KD .STAR BRASD, bum Whluklrt. Hand unrivaled, aa to quality and price. HhOttnUORirSIBKY * w ********* *** 7-r. Illarrlura, but one xuild aaflahamATir'22'» «™Vn‘3*e?J itiam, t.oct. Gravel, Paint. Heart, Pain In the Aide, ns, they should' be continuoutly 1, to change the diseased action of DontJoryet that on the lx t of January next a Tax t Ton Per Ceat., per aallon.on Whisky will iro into tfeet. He has. e&e.a «ne stock of Irirh Potatoes, bealod pyk. Fulton Market Beef, Soar Kront. ,otse. Butter, hursrs. Coffees and Teas. Apples, trances. Lemons. Choelate. Horae Radish, Malaga irapee.CramberrieF. Kni-ins, Currants and Craeketa. <>.; FIRE-WORKS. i A large and varied assortment. . - ! ■■/!}§£.£'%: JN0.W. O'OONKOR. W. A. BAUSON, a.r. *A*»ON ns BU S W. 61 /T ■ BOBT. H. SOTO. ' W. A. RANSOM & CO., ir^ T _^vl(iflrt(pt*r«ri and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOE! 384 and 386 Bro*dvrny, ffKW YORK Snlyg^tf FERTILIZERS. TONS A JIM0KIATED RAW BONK »ton,So.. M .Pac iS So 8PI103PnATK - 100 toea Double Rectified Pcudreue. Island I find the ladies do r11 the offices of the honse, there being no servants to hire, con- sequent!^ all aocopfc tho situation vritis com* plaisanoe. Everybody appeared happy and con tented, expecting one day, to realize all their hopes. V*. yf ■ f . Orange-growing is the specialty here, aa else where in East Florida. I observed the finest banana I had seen, in Mr. H.’h orchard. It was six feet high, being planted last spring. At a certain season of the year this plant dies down; but it comes up very soon, with many stalks. In this respect it resembles the asparagus. The next place I examined was situated a mil e and a half from the lake, high, on a pine level, with undulating lands on either side, belonging to Mr. W. R. Weston, formerly of Dawson, Ga. Mr. W. is an excellent young man who removed here from Indian River last spring, and has cer- He has five threads, and dyed of many lovely colors; and them fte shawl merchants give out the yam to their spinners, with minute instructions regard ing the pattern and quality. The poor ooetand. or weaver, gats so more than seven or eight pice per day for the exquisite fabric, which an empress, perhaps, will wear. But then a really fine Cashmere will occupy a shop of three or four workers a whole twel in lariMli The plain Cashmeres are woven with a thin, long shuttle alone; the richest are made with wooden nee dles ; a distinct needle for e-rery shade or color; a quarter of an inch of such a shawl will take three “oostands " a whole day to complete it. Ladies ought to know that sometimes, to expe dite the manufacture, the Cashmeres make the article in separata pieces, which they sew to gether with such wonderful dexterity that in Paris or London many a shawl is bought for £100, which is not worth half its price. The weavers work the wrong side uppermost, with Jk. colored paper before them for guides; never theless. they attain the most beautiful accuracy. It is this mode of working that puzzled all the imitators in. Lyons, Kismes and Paisley. The true Cashmere is indeed s delightful artide— so tight, and yet bo warm, besides displaying a 6qeml harmony of tints, which it haa taken three or fonr thousand years to teach the weav ers ; for its design is as old as the Arians. There fore, it must needs be imitated; the French FISKS’ PATENT METALIC CASES, 20 TONS OF FISH GUANO. 0ALL Kxjnifjoawani w-~ Every on. koowiit is the best fertilizer cu the market. ^' ' <-! LITTLE. SMITH * CO. PERUVIAN GUANO. - JPor Dtecase* «f (be Throat amt Lungs, ««ch M Coogha, CoI4», Whooping ( Cough, Broachitlfl, Asthma, pS® -'Ic ui CoMDiaptioiL Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, has anythin* won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Through a Ion* aeries of years, and among most of the races of men ft has risen higher and higher in. their estima tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affections of the longs ana throat, have made it known as a re liable protector again .-t them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can he given for incipient consumption, and the dan gerous affections of the throat and kings.»As a pro vision against sadden attacks of Croup, it should be kept on hand in every fanny, and indeed as all are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption, is thought in curable, still great numbers of cases where trie dis ease seemed settled, hare been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec- toral they subside and disappear. Singers axiA Public Speakers find great pro tection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taldng the Cherry Pectoral, in Email and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that it is un necessary to publish the certificates of them bere, or do more than assure the public that its qualities are fully maintained. Prepared by JHtwaJ. C. AXBB & CQ, f ItOWlSIiZt, MASS. ®? Id „ b & L 'nT' \P°- J - H - ZEILIN k CO., and all the praggfetf in M*eon. Also, all druariati *nd dealers in Medicine everywhere. j an5-d3ta w&w4m UPEBIORTO ALL OTHER INVENTIONS, a 1 full assortment kept constantly on hand ; a*»o. perior Coffins of Rosewood. Mahogany, Vi alnut, rfaran* ImitrtiM, in Tj L . . "TText to Lanier Honse. ~ Macon, Oa. LAND PLASTER, tainly a fine prospect for a fortune, acres of orange stumpe, all bndding out He has a young man with him and a colored boy, his former servant, who went with him through the wax. Henry certainly appreciates his former young master to have left Georgia for this quiet and retired spot, Mr. Weston joined our party, and on the morn ing after our arrival we proceeded to explore some lands lower down on the Lake. We found a long grove of wild oranges, in rather low, wet grounds, growing to perfection. Tho trees were loaded with hitter-sweets. We measured a cy press tree, near this ground, thirty feet in cir cumference and ten feet in diameter. There can be no doubt but this country is fine ly adapted to stock raising. Mr. Braddock, owns over three thousand head of cattle on Dunn's Lake. Stock cartJe are worth about $7 per head. Game is abundant in East Florida—the finest shooting and hunting grounds in America. For this purpose, and health, many people of the Northern States visit Florida in the winter. Oooasicwai. oct24-(>i W K ARK NOW OBTAINING OUR SUPPLIES of No. 1 Perariao Goano direct from th® ship® or warehouse® of the arent of th® Peruvian Govern ment in this city, every bs* being branded by the sworn Inspector of the State, and personal attention being liven to the selection of cargoes richest in ammonia and driest in condition. The experience of the most prominent planters proves that a mixture of one hundred pounds of pure Peruvian Guano. Dissolved Bones and Plaster, ac cording to the formula of Mr. David Dickson, is equal in effect to doable tbe quantity of any manufactured article sold. In consequence of larre quantities of adulterated Guano having been told as genuine Peruvian, *»e guarantee the parity of every pound shipped by us, and refer to the many prominent planters who ob tain their supplies through our asrency. JOHN MKRRYMAN k CO- 69 West Fayette st.. Baltimore, Md. J. W. BLOUNT, Arent. at Maeon, Ga. The sales of her eed, and her bna£. doubt, realized sat is ALL THE WORLD AND -A HIS FAMILY ARK M ARRYING somebody else, leave to call the attention of all such to the thryfati get some of that MERCHANT TAILOR, XhfliiNehS v W-h makes its adv, ct i'r. i.»y, wil I trust. prove an exception to tbe old prove* connected with that day, and remit in being an auspicious one to Texas, (for ahe needs it) to your rofldois and the entire Jfcion, for I trtst all will deserve a propitious Par Fois. ^ make their warp and weft of the genuine goat's wool, and faithfully copy the figures and hues of the original. Bat they cannot, with all their machinery and manifold shuttles, match the brown fingers of the Asiatic; and the Paris Cashmeres show on the reverse side cut ends of yarn, which the veritable shawl never betrays. Lyon fabricates an extraordinary imitation, it is*true, of the oriental article, cut with such pains and cost that the price is scarcely lower than that of the genuine Srinuggur square. Could we but have the Kushbegi’s goat wool brought into the Punjaub at a cheap rate of cost, the patient, humble spinners of India would beat Europe hollow, with all Europe’s in genuity. We have no machine that will go for two pence a day; for that price the Umritsur spinner’s toes and fingers will work all the year round, turning out in a place like a third-rate cow-shed, a gorgeous blaze of color, ‘^bright as sunlight to look at”—so the traders tell us—and I “warm as sunshine to wear.” No. 44 Second ftreet, Sbaw's Block. SELF-RAISING FLOUR, Which la e*pecially made for their bene&t. To Merchants we would say that the LIVERPOOL A5D LOXDOA —ASP— GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY! CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD S HE COTTON UERCBAltDISE. STORES. cation m Iowa.—The Constitu- uires that in the State Universi- 1 5 >e admitted to all the classes and pBMfHrii on the same terms as men. organbed. In the [‘artnieut women fonr thirty-two ie freshman class, seventeen per ^phomore vnd seven per cent, of I s * There aie no females in the or in the law department, which laat September. Tht medical de- not go into operation until Sep- ABS STILL G KINDIS G AWA REFERENCES: David Dickson, Hon. T. J. Smith, Col. Thoe, M. Turner. A. J. Lane, John T. Berry, Hancock county, Ga.: Editor “Southern Cultivator.” Athens. Ga.; K. A. £ J. A.Nisbet, Macon. Ga.; J-M-Gray, Clinton, G*^ Hollis 8. Bexar. Henderson, Ga.; M. D. Jones, Mid- rille, Ga_i A. Livingston. Covington, Gil; F. A. Jones. Midrille, Ga.; Rev. G. G. Smith. Ousleys, Os ; Ste- g heu D. Heard, James T. Gardner. Augusta, Ga.; P. [. Behn, B. C. Wade k Co.. Savannah. Gju; Wm. Dev ries. President Md. Agr. Society, Baltimore; John S. Gittincs. President Chesapeake Bank; Charles Good win.Cj sahier Franklin Bonk; Editors of “Maryland And will furuhh Flonr. of all grades, at the LOWEST RATES. BLEDSOR k CO. DWkLuSGVtU. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- POINTED Ageutof the above named popular 1 highly responsible Company, is prepared to issue ieieson aa favorable terms aa other agencies in this h I. C. PLANT. Agent. S HOP over Bertel’s Machine Shop, next to Preeby- teriaa Church. novlS-tf