The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, January 16, 1869, Image 1

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JTo.;i606. BT OLISBY & REID. MACON, .uaraa.UK. ■. • -.>• ; r .dtioMAKBiwa, itowYocfc. , .LutaefJtagtridtodNa*. KETOHUM ft HARTRIDQE, ssSt MACON, GA, BUT DO DQUBTFUl FERTILIZERS I COMMISSION MERCHANTS JONES, BAXTER & DAY, which vm given to it at Ifrpofotmditinn of the OorenmtnL Its withdrawal was a signal feature of the usurpation by Congress of nearly all the power of the Executive, by which AndnjgMptf naiati USuD^fenlier. um ton* Utter liuatffilj lt_ni< iitanj fiiwi^ii— date* the com mencement of ita present act of “ reconstruc tion” of file Executive Department from the condoakm of Mr. Johnsons term of office. General Grant will be President. Congress knows it, and to know ia to acquiesce. ' lO?~ . The minority in the Honae m this important rote ia nltra BadicaL The liberal* and the Democrat* combined. Thia ia significant At leaat on this question there has been a Grant party formed out of the two parties of the Honae. 'We do not sea but that pith reference to the abandonment of other measures that hare been employed to cripple Mr. Johnson the same kind of division may take place. And will not a few of such divisions stamp a dear impression npontha political cha racter of Congress V That just taken place uas upon a question of such import that alone it must go far to settle senti ments and combinations. The friends of Grant mnat feel strongly the opposition of so Urge a number of Radicals to the repeal of the tenure- of-office bill, while Gen. Grant can infer from it nothing leae than that they have by their votes declared a want of confidence in him. In aaying that General Grant will be Presi dent of the United States, I believe I may add that be means to be President of the union of *11 the States, including* thaaa now held under Military govatnment. lie is understood to have expressed himself to thi* .atedtf If General Grant, in pursuance of fhbr deshfe, Were to show a liberal policy towards the now prostrate South, and especially towards Virginia, a party would be formed in tbe South to support him which would be Ttottikable far its strength and har mony. The eoioalled Republican party at the Sonth, estimated by ita present numbers and standing, U as nothing compared to the political organization that might be so formed. The Virginia eummittee are still assiduously engaged in the proaeoutioa of the objects of their mission here. They continue to be receiv ed with ,marked courtesy, and are listened to 'wMhr apparent Interest 1 feel that I may say that ears which we had imagined were hopeless ly dosed to them have hearkened to their sug gestions and their remonstrances. Tbe political temperature is moderated, the ioe U melting, and spring-time will be followed by summer, I most earnestly lielieve. Whether my hopes are realized in the fullest degree or not, remains to be seen. I advise all to expect not a great deal—they may be dis appointed. But I will eay this, that the pres ence of this Virginia committee in this city now, is highly beneficial to us, and in doing a great dsal to soften bitter feelings, and inculcate kindly relations. They appear just as new pol icies are about to germinate, and new affinities LLOYDS * FOSTER. Now, as regards this matter, we are the cham pion of neither side of the question. We are under no obligations to take either side, except ao far as tbe cause of truth and the public in- |h»rests require it. We must say,- though, that [we think there ia an uncalled-for degree of ex- Mtement on the subject, and apprehensions felt | that are not justified by any peculiar character of the transaction. It was a trade on a gigantic scale, it is true, and somewhat calculated to star tle by its very magnitude; but we doubt if the very serious oonaequences anticipated by some of onr brethren of the press will ever be realized. We are as much opposed to monopoly sa tbe next one, and frankly canoed* that wa would prefer that the great lines of railroad in question should be separate and independent in their in terests and management. But stud, we esenet. say that we see anybody to blame in the trans action. Is Is H the city of Savannah ? Tbe stock was hem, she had a clear right to dispose of it, es pecially as she was in debt, heavily taxed, and Could get a good price for property that was yielding her nothing; and if her citizens are satisfied wo cannot see why others should com plain. Wa have hcard unripe* liasarftfso* ■Uon, and wo think non* arista.* Our Mayor and Council may har* mode * mistake, whathsror not time will prove, bat risky shrewd men tMAk they have acted wisely. Is the Southwestern or Control Road culpable in tho matter? Upon the legality of the trans action, we have nothing to say, aa we are pre sumed not to havo on opinion that ia worth any thing to the public; Imt it is very clear that if they have no right to bny stocks in other roods, every leading road in Georgia and the Month is in part drlittu. There is probably not one of them that has not invested money in other lines with the view of msMng them tributary to its interests, nor have we ever before seen the, heavens and earth Omni together upoa the hsp^ pening of such transactions. In thia case, it WHS a dear dictate of policy on the part of the (Southwestern end Central to make the trade, and the injunction alleged to have been filed by stockholders of the former does not change the opinion that nineteen-twentieths of the stock holders will vote to confirm it; for it was a good -11 al 1J a mx a WANDO FERTILIZER. '('HR Waado Mlaiag mat Manulaataria* Company 1ZKR.** which th* oxporteuea ef the past ssasoa hat Mosad to be oaeofth* moot valuable (a. oormarkot. It has tor itt bass the Material* from the Phosphate Bed* of the Company on Ashlar Elver, and U pre pared at thsir works st tbs ADAMS, WASHBURN ft 00., FAOTOM A 0010088109 MEBOHAITB, OFFICE HO. S STODDARD'S LOWER BANG*. Savannah, CteorfU. ■mom -ro P- - — * ■ ' U illl in this city. [a ardor to sasrsnts* Its aatformUy blah standard, th* Company ha* ■ with tho dialiafalahod CbomUt.U lr, who emrcfally saslrto* alt th* lather material ooiahaiidby thaO tflLIZKR. hofor* Is - — ■— ... — — ,i i —1-—/ i* raaolvrd to mob* article which aill prove 10 be > Complete Mas sad civ* to tire satisfaction. Far terms, eirealan sad other information, APPLY TO pud, Jr-, who carefully ml and other material m and tho prepared PERT fmeals. Too Company! iMAV.aftoomftooq Cotton Fftetonand Commission MERpaANTS, Ho.« SXODDARVSLO WMBBANQf. BA T 97m : lATANMfl, «aLv'i L aod rir* satire satisfaction WM. €. DUKE'* k 19., Agent*, Ho. 1 Sooth Atlantic Wharf, CHARLESTON, & C. jaaU-Saa* EVERT PAPER DATED 1868 CROP. HARRISON'S PLANT FERTILIZER. To laser* that tbs Boads are Fresh and Reliahl*. J. . U. ZBILIN A CO. hare adopted th* plan of datinc Ihsir Moods. SIND IN YUUB OHDEBREARLY If you want them THEY ABB SEtUSO KVERYXUllfU CHEAP Drags, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, OXZsS, MTO. ^ta-DonH foreot^the Old Wooden Drue Stars, Itfc ***** 7.hUesxustaoo. ^Are^HCPEIBTOBSofSniMOHS' LIVER REG- ELECTRIC CHESAPEAKE GUANO, this meson *60 per toe. tor th* parpos* rfte- trodaciet it to the Piasters of Georgia sad Florida, aod asmt oorasstly dmiroto bar* it preotifolly tested alnnatido of other wall known Phosphates and Fartil- here. I fmlassnred that a fair, impartial trial wUI ooastae* lb* most skoptieal ot lU superior fertilitin* qualities ia th* fret, as wall ns soearins crops, both m tonetirity sad durability. ». R, 0ARRIS0N. to Ales. Uarrimin. dll Commote* at.. Phil*.. Proprietor aod Maantaetoror. Orders rrepoetfnlly solicited, aad say information firm by addressing SLOAN, GROOVER A CO. Pnetor* aad Commission Merchants. Savannah, da. A (oats for th* ml* of Harrison’s Plant Foriilimr la Florida. Southern and Middl, Gooraia. apPrlN, dollvsrad in Auras to. Oa, UB per ton.'W* If. & BRYSON. Factor and Oommimiea Merchant^ Aaentihrtheuleof HarrisooVPlant"Fartfhrarin Northern Gooraia aad sapor Sooth Carolina. l»n7-.teio *1*1118 article needs so recommendation when it has bmaaood. Th* follewiag tetter from oaooftho moot res poet *d ci tiaras of Monro* county, Mb th* wbol* story. Wohsv*other letter*aadeos (troth* namss of many who will sot do withoat It If It is to be bad. whs te well booor and feelings ot their constituents roqnirod the Legislature to proceed with the regular bon nes* of tbe seoainri without regard to the wishes of Radical Congressmen or the effect which such legislation might have upon the action of Coo- grem. If, however. General Grant intimates a wish that all legislation be suspended until be gets the machinery of his administration in good working order we believe that members wmbeat consult tbe wishes of their constituents by a prompt and cheerful compliance with such re quest. We take much encouragement from thia re ported desire of Gen. Grant, and behave, that if his wishes are cheerfully and generously oam- plied with, it will go far to strengthen turn in what we believe to be hia earnest desire ■ -the restoration of cordial, fraternal feeling between the two sections estranged by the late war. . A Co-orzaanva Bctumo Socrrrr in J?eW York, composed of five hundred members, is established, under the following plan of opera tions : Every member takes two shares at $ 1000 each, upon which he pays $1 * week. At th* end of every month #2000 is tone collected, whan the mambora draw lots for the privilege of using the money in bribing * house. The winner then has th* funds loaned to him for the pur- poo*, and gives the society a mortgage upon the building for the amount. Until the house be comes finished, he pays at the rata of five per cent., or $10a month, and after completion, at the rate of ten per cent, or $20 * month, to ward liquidating th* debt, dm from interoat. When trie 2000 become* thus returned, the mort gage ia released, and th* borrower own* the house. If a member wishes * larger loan than #2000, aay#SOOO, ha pay* subscription* in pro portion, any #2 SO a weak, from the tain* of ids bet we prefer to tfvs a tetter froi aad favorably knowa by almost everybody ia Bibb aad Monroe counties. Bach a man ia Dr. LEROY one, all things considered. „ The losses of the purchasing roods in the brief apace of two yonrn, from competition with the'Atlantia and Gulf, would bo sufficient in amount to pay fur the ontire purchase, even at the high S rico agreed upon. Was it than not wto* i them to bny, and than identify to some extent-their interests with those of an in stitution that wan inflicting npon them such se rious damage. They did in thia case just aa any prudent man, Or any other inntitation, would havo done. A compromise was found impossi ble, on ineradicable differences of opinion exist ed with regard to the districts of country that were naturally Gibutary to their respective rondn. We condemn no one for thiscompetion, 'far each management wua cdufeudiag fur the In- Monos Coca Tv Ga„ December 25, 1ML MK88RB. JONES, BAXTER A DAY. Oimmi; In reply to yoar inquiry. I tab* piast er* In rariOK my experience with tho CHESAPEAKE PHOSPHATE. I bought of yoa last sprier, baa boon very favorable, I mod OK) two hand red poonds npon (K) three-fourths of an sera, third year’s now groaad. applets* it ia tho drill. rowaCthreo Mot snort, sixteen taahoa laths drill, on which I bad five thou sand aeveuhaadrad stalks of oottaa. From this. I gathered (INI) sightsoo hundred mad twraty-foar poonds of cotton. Th# last of Augmst, tha worm com mitted rrest ravaga* in It, destroying all of th* late srep. Had it not boas fur tho worm I the*Id have mads at tea* oao-thtrd more oa the land. I aoa eh ser ially rmmwtli It to Plantar* as a Fertiliser for oot- too. iirnsserially, j _ _ (Signal! L. HOLT. BHAUBH VARNISH. COACH VARNSIII. COPAL VARNISH. are about changing old party relations. A hap- S f time to call the representative mind to con dor the question of restoring Virginia to tho Union, npon the broad basis ot equality and justice, which can alone restore harmony and prosperity. A Itrmorlialilr Narrative — Terrible JAPAN VARNISH. IRON VARNISH, DAKAR VARNIBU. GUANO, GUANO. T AM prepared to furnish the following Fertilisers, throughout tho season, ia may quantity: Ho. 1. PERUVIAN, PACIFIC. BAKER A JARVIS*. FISH GUANO. BONE and MEAT. I shall hoops full stock on hand at alt Um*s,and will always sail at tholoweat market Dries, far cash o Th* London Telegraph any*: Fiction and fact are equally outdone by the almost incredible narrative related in the log of the Dutch vessel ” J '• * * 1 tarrived in Cork har- It seems that a Leo- wan injurious to noth, and a serious sacrifice to all who depended upon them for a living or in ter* at upon their, capital. The freights from competing point* hod come to be almost a posi tive oipxnso to the oompanios, and the nole ob ject of the arrangement, ao for as we know and IieUeve, was the cotebUahment of a reasonably paying tariff of rate* for tho two lines. To this the publio will not object, for it ia jnat and will ing to see Uie railroads, as wen aa every other publio- and private interest, do a living bu siness. This neither road has been doing, owing to the rntursm uamnetitiem referred to, and just here onr friends of the Msecm Txixaurii will find an answer to their argu ment on the Atlantic and Gulf road—one quite aa ’’unfortunate" for themselves as they t]—***y FURNITURE VARNISH, CARRIAGE VARNISH. FLOWING VARNIBU. bor from South America. don sailor, Rogers by name, ridpped on board tho Finnechina at Bueno* Ayres as a foremast hand upon her voyage to Cork. Captain Hotze, tho Hollander in command, had in hia cabin a large sum of money. The fact was well known, ana Bogan determined to obtain the coin at tbe prioe, if necessary, of wholesale murder. The WALTfift A. WOOD'S T* *» H X Z Vi. PACIFIC CVAKO COMPANY’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO! POLISHING VARNISH. ASPLATUH VARNISH, LRATHBR VARNISH. •bin's company was rather short, consisting only heaidaa Inc solitary pirate—of captain, first and second mate, cook ana three seamen. On the fourth day out from Buenos Ayres, whan five of three seven men were on deck, Rodgers put his astonishing villainy into execution. The first mate was standing in th* open gangway when Bogan, with a midden thrust, pushed the poor fellow into tha sea. The cook, hearing the cries of the drowning man, and most likely think, HIGH SCHOOL thought theirs was for no. They must recollect, top, that tho Gulf rood baa not yet been com pleted, and not expect of it before the work is done and its business relations with distant points established, to do what no other road in the South baa done before it. The stockholders * think it will psy now, and ao do we. It has had many obstacles to qnoqunter in IK progress, and upon tha whole weIhinkItaehergctiePreaident, repayments. It is assarted that lota, ia abun dance can be had on tbs outskirts ot Brooklyn for #200, and a good frame building can be erected for $1800. Another society is estab lished on a different faaaia. When #2000 is col lected, tbe sum is put up at auction to tha mem- bea, who hid for the use ot it, anmetrina* pay ing aa mud as $700 premium. Tbe buyer gives a mortgage far the original sum and tha premium, -ana pay* back the aggregate In ten Both lathi* and ForeignCountries, Amsag which is THE HIGHEST PRIZE! ot into the water by accident, ran with a rope to throw to the mate. burthen has who had qieanwhile, got hold of an ax, and brandished it furiously. The unarmed Dutchman retreated before the murderous wretch, and jumped down the com panion just as the commander, alarmed by tbs outcry, was hurrying upon deck. Th* two men cams into collision ana fell, and white Captain Hotze and his aeoond mate were rolling upon the cabin floor together, Rogers clapped down tbs hatch over tha ladder and put the pin into the staple. Thus Ohm were three of the ship’s JOHN W. O’CONNOR, SELF-RAISING FLOUR, no erne will be more ready to eemdenm tain our- calves. We may add on thia point that both roads have formidable competitors in other lines, and consequently an interest not to Set ■ axaotingly toward the public. Wa would also taka occasion to say just here that while some are pleased to denounce tbe Central Railroad os a “grinding monopoly,” and ita charges exorbitant, withthe very best of management it has not paid a legitimate divi dend to tbe stockholders since the war. Ita re ports show that almost the entire HwaimA to be rebuilt, both wood and iron, swl in a wmiiuw not as they would have it be' but in accordance with the condition of its finances. Dividends . havo been paid to appease the clamors of needy L stockholders, thousands of widows and orphans .among them, bnt it was done at thJcott of nec-' ■ Marry repairs. Bnt one depot baa been retanitt, land one repaired on the entire line of the reod. ■tom Savannah to Macon. p We have said this much, not with the view to ^controversy, for we think such matters should be ■ffiaeuseed dispassionately, bnt simply to show ■that there is no real occasion for me immense Bo-do that has been made in the matter, and es pecially for the acrimony in which boom have Hndulged while writing on the subject. We do Bnt believe that the serious coosequenoes ax>- Eprehended will follow; at leastittt not fair to [ take it for granted in advance. I. In conclusion, ire would simply say, in repfy GROCERIES FINE LiaUOBS, WHISKY AND TAXES. 20 TONS OF FISH GUAH0. TALL sees If you waat aay- Every on* knows it th* best fmtilisar *■ tho morksC LITTLE, SMITH A CT). 1 (and ho iutends to keep) tho finoot and Cannot ho-JZF&fffSZ* CUSirta thaanay otbagflao Whisky ia a* Call aad judsefor yourself. His HXTRA IMn^ALUrBrnd OLD CO As ins itSlim' WhUkteTf«u| l ft?i&alad PERUVIAN GUANO. ' His COMMON WHI terereri-teranyth E.ASDAL W