The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 22, 1869, Image 2

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m THE TELEGRAPH. B-.' CLISBY & REID. TKLKdRAri! BEILDOrO. COBXlt* CIIKRRT * ftgCOND STS. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22, 1800. OiilHido C'onlcnlM. Fii:>t I’aox:.— Letter from tlie Chalybeate Springs—The Southwestern Railroad—Snnday- school Celebrations—Tho Great Comet. Fourth Pare.—Sales of Seed Cotton—The Rivals or tho Railroad War. CHRONIC CATARRH. In proceeding to a description of those diseases most frequent and fatal in their effects npon the Mr. Coleman's Dry Goods Store. Hr. S. Coleman has been making an impor tant addition and improvement to his popular Dry Goods Emporium, by -which he has nearly donblod its size. He has lengthened it in the rear, so as to pierce the contiguous block, and unite with the next store, fronting on Cherry street, by which means his store describes an el bow, or two aides of a square—and has two fronts, one on Second, and the other on Cherry street. The extension of his original store is covered with plate glass, which gives a fine light, and will be admirablo for the display of rich dress goods. Beyond this, broad arches, supported on iron columns, give entrance to the Cherry street store, which will bo devoted to woolen goods of ail descriptions. Both to- gether give him a hundred and fifty or sixty feet of length in store room on tho ground floor—very convenient and finely ventilated. In a short time it will be filled with new and rich goods, in anticipation of an unusually busy season. The Cabinet on the Test Oath in Yieoinia. The specials to tho Lonisville Courier-Journal from Washington, tho 18th, say that well-inform ed parties in that city are confident that Attor ney General Hoar will sustain Canby’s construc tion of the law in regard to the test oath in his forthcoming opinion, and decide that itmnst be administered to the members of the Virginia Legislature". Boutwell and Cresswell will sus tain Hoar, but Fish, Robeson, and Rawlins will oppose him, holding that the act of Congress does not require the test oath of the Virginia legislators. Cox is regarded as uncertain, though many claim that ho will coincide with Fish and Rawlins. It is also understood that Attorney General Hoar has not yet prepared any opinion, which ncconntsfortbe delnyin de finite Cabinet notion relative to this most im portant subject. National FnEEDitE-v's Savings and Trust Com pany.—Wo call attention to tho advertisement of tho Macon branch of this useful institution, which may be found in Hollingsworth Range, Poplar street. We sco it has now on deposit thirteen thousand dollars, belonging to three hundred depositors. Tho whites should advise and enconmgo tho negroes to aavo and accumu late their earnings in this bonk. Tho first step to a substantial improvement in the condition of these people will be shown in the accumula tion of property. This involves tho virtue of self-denial, prudence, forecasto and persever ing industry, and when the man begins to ac cumulate his little store, his self-respect and in terest in tho order and well-being of society wondorfully increaso. Few among these de positors, wo ventnro to say, will bo found among tho turbulent, idle, vicious and lnwless. Tho moral lessons and habits of accumulation and thrift aro far more valuable than the mero amount of savings. A Desi>ebate Riot in New Jebset—A desper ate riot occurred on Thursday, at Spring Hill Grove. The Emmett Guards of Jersey City had a pic-nic there, numbering fifteen hundred per sons. A rough insulted a Indy, and was knocked down by one of tho Guards. A general fight en sued. Tho roughs were largely in tho majority, making a desperate attack on tho Guards. Dur ing the meloo revolvers were drawn and knives and stones freely used. After a great effort the Emmetts succeeded in getting back to thoir barges, and put off. Bnying Spoil Cotton. Parties who buy seed cotton, ought in good faith to the community, to keep n record of their pnrehnses and to aim at reasonable assurance that they are not buying stolen property. Wo call attention to an article upon this subject on the fourth page of this edition. The nEAT.—Yesterday the heat was almost insupportable. The mercury on Mulberry street, at Loh's shop, was 103 at fivo o'clock, p. m. At Zoilin's it was 103, and 102 at six o’clock. The sun was teiriblo in its scorching might. Let us abolish kitchen fires, and cook our dinners by snnsbino. The Comet.—On our first pago will bo found an interesting article on comets in general, and, in particular, the great comet which is threat ening to knock this mundane sphere into seve ral small pieces and terrifying the pooph The Railroad Wail—Mr. J. M. Ahr, iu the Nownnn Herald, gives some well considered views upon the great railroad war, and tho probability of Macon’s becoming n way station on the railwnys. His communication will bo found on the 4th page. Mob Law in Illinois.— Cairo, August 19.— The negro Baldwin, who was arrested here, and confessed having ontraged Mrs. Benson, the wife of a clergyman near Paducah, was taken from the jail of that city yesterday beforo day light, by eighty armed men, and hung to a tree at tho cross-roads in tho suburbs, with a placard on his breast warning persons from cutting down the body. A Fcss in the Family.—Tho New York Times, in an editorial on Thursday, in which the separn tion of Lord Byron and wife is detailed, asserts that Mrs. Stowe’s narrative is entirely without foundation, and is a base slander. Mrs. Stowe alleges in her narrative, on the au thority of Lady Byron, that Lord B. was guilty of incest with his own sister. Savannah Cotton Statement. Our weekly report and tables, published else where, says the Republican of Friday, show the following facts: The receipts at all the ports to the latest dates are 2,035,823 bales, being 95,- 070 bales less than those of last year at the same time. There has been a decrease of 208,338 bales in the exports to foreign ports, while the shipments to domestic ports have increased 53,- 994 bales. The stocks on hand amount to 23,- 8C3 bales, against 55,494 bales last season, four bea]th and BtreDgth of and ' thcrefore ' fifths of which is held in New York. The re- tbe moet fraitfa! 8our0< * of Consumption, I com- ceipts at this port since the 1st of September mena» with Kasai Catarrh. In consequence of the last bAve been 339,007 bales upland and 0,425 ! almost fatal apathy of the profe* aion, this disease bales sea island, against 480,704 bales upland 1 has been the remote cause of consignment to an and 10,840 bales sea island last year to this date, untimely grave of more victims than Asiatic Cliol- showing a falling off in the receipts of 149,G3< era . f or j t performs as certainly, though more tard- bales and 1,415 bales sea island. About one- ^ aftcr vcare of menU1 anf -, lia ,, ud pbvBici j sixth of the whole crop thus far has been re- ; fiufrerin „ , hat CHOtEBA Accomplishes fa a few ceived in this city. The stock on hand in this j port at present is very small, being but 167bales , upland and 2 bales sea island, against 1,737 bales upland and 141 bales sea island last year. Tho receipts up to latest dates at the Texas ports were 144,542 bales; Mobile has received 226,- 2GO bales; Charleston has received 103,300 bales upland and 6,637 bales sea island. It thus ap pears that Savannah is a long way ahead. hours. * So long as the people remain ignorant of the canses which produce Consoimton, and of the symptoms which mark its first stealthy and insid ious approaches, we cannot hope that any timely steps will be adopted for its prevention. Consumption have several stages : it has a first, or forming stage ; a second or confirmed stage; and a third, or ulcerative stage. The lungs do not become immediately stuffed with tubercles, or cor- Thc Collon Crop ofGeorgla. A feeling of profound disappointment per vades the mass of Georgia cotton planters just 1 roded with foul ulcers, but only after months or now. Tho rnst has clean dissipated every pros- ycar8 0 f irritation, or slow insidious progress from pect of “ a bully crpp,’’ and knocked down an- j the ca tarrh to tho seated bronchitis, charac- ticipations from twenty-five to fifty per cent, j terizc(lbya mtlo hacking cough, slight pain in the YVo have heard mnch talk and speculation abont this rnst—whether, in truth, the plant is rusting or burning under the drought aDd the intensity of the solar heat. We think it must be a good deal of both. At all events, the disease saps the vitality of the plant at once. It wilts, droops, and frequently falls prone upon the bosom of Mother Earth. YYhat bolls are sufficiently ma tured, will open prematurely and develope their contents of rather inferior cotton, and then the account of that stalk is closed forever. Georgia will make as mnch cotton as she did last year, and that was a very scant crop. YVhothor she will do better, and if so, how much, is yet to be settled. Colton Tax Claims, YVe have seen a circular from YVashington, which states that it is now certain that the en tire Supreme Bench, with one exception, aro of opinion that the cotton tax was unconstitutional, and will have to be refunded. A case is to be made in Court next December, and is no doubt is felt abont tho nltimate resnlt. It is further said, that a company is being organized in Now York with a capital of five or ten millions to buy np these claims and that parties aro now selling them for a song when they are worth their face. Planters and others, who have paid this tax, are earnestly advised not to part with their claims for the present No doubt they will bo collected at the proper time, at a very moderate per centage. From Cranford. Knoxville, Ga., August 20,1869. Editors Telegraph: Reading the “local" of tho Journal and Messenger yesterday, “Horri ble Outrage by Negroes,” caused me to fall into tho reflection that tho piece was probably a sen sation article, not attributable, however, to tho Local. Tbe following facts will illustrate : Last week a man professing to have pursued a negro from Alabama, who, with another had attacked two sisteis and outraged them and cut the arm off one of them to avengo the loss of his own,caused by the father of tho girls, came to our county and excited mnch sympathy by tho relation of the above outrage, which hejocated in Alabama He obtained the loan of a citizen's mule to con tinue the pursuit, neither of which have been heard from sinco. | Now the last mentioned facts and tho “ hor rible outrage” are so near alike as to arouse at least a suspicion that something is rotten in Denmark. No. 1* is so accessible to Macon that there can bo no difficulty in having the facts verified. It is reronrkablo that two cases so distant, but so much alike in detail and description of pefpo- tion (for tho negro in Alabama is described ex actly as the one in “ horrible outrage”) should liavo occurred at the same time. Lost Mule. new Aovnmianants HOME AGAIN. T HE duties nf my Select School for Boys will be resumed Wednesday, September 1,18*9. Apply early, as the number of pupil* will contino to be lim ited. R. A. SCLATER, aug22-su&wed Principal. FOR SALE. 'J’HREE SECOND-HAND BILLIARD TABLES for sale. Apply to “The Georgia.” aue22-lm A. PATTERSON A CO. United States Internal Revenue, Collector’s Office, 2d District G a.. 1 Macon, August21, 1Sd9./ "VrOTICE is hereby given to those who have failed _L x to pay their taxes in accordance with law, that unless the same is paid on or before the 30th inst., I shall proceed to distrain and sell such personal prop erty or real estate such delinquents may be possessed of. sufficient to pay the amount duetbe United fatates. and all costs and expenses arising from such distraint and sale. aug22-lt CCBBEDGE & HAZLEHIBST, BANKERS & BROKERS, MACON, GA.. R eceive deposits, buy and sell ex change. GOLD. SILY LR. Mock”. Bonds and UncuiTcnt Funds. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS, Ba-Offico open at all hours of tho day, Lseptl-lyrl PHYSICIANS AND FAMILIES W ILL please remember that our trade will k® con- fined exclusively to the highest grade of Med icines. Chemicals. Medicinal Preparations of every kind, etc. All Patent Medicines will be kept, but we earnestly advice Uiatthg benot ^ Chemists and Pharmaceutists. Corner Cherry and Third streets, and Corner Fourth and Poplar streets, aug22-tf Macon. Ga. " TO PHYSICIANS: TITE have a large and well assorted Stock of the YV Solid ana Fluid Medicinal Extracts, and Sugar- Coated Pills, manufactured by II. Thayer & Co., and sell them by the Package, at nianufacturer’. ratcs. C-LABK AND YVlLSON, FaCTOBS AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, Savannah.—YVo direct attention to the card of this highly respecta ble house, among our advertisements, and com mend it to the confidence and patronage of our readers. ^ YVe have another communication from Knox ville abont the “horrible outrage,” repeating the facta alluded to yesterday. YVe have little donbt the whole story is a humbug set on foot by a rogue, originally in Crawford county. Drought.—There is a terrible cry abont drought in the Northern papers, and we believe it characterizes the season almost every where. Public Sale of Land in Coweta.—An execu tor's sale of a very valuable farm in Coweta is advertised in onr edition of to-day. chest, occasionalflashes, accelerated pulse, furred tongue and dyspepsia Then from bronchitis to the firet disposition of a Utile tubercular matter in a single globule, with more or less aggravation of all the previous symptoms, as tho deposits increase in quantity, supplanting tho healthy structure of tho lungs, when softening or ulceration takes place, festering and burrowing among tho delicate air cells, until the whole of the diseased inngs become reduced to a hopeless mass of disorganization, and that dread malady has reached its last and fatal stago. The error is too wide-spread among the people, and too general oven among physicians, to regard Consumption as a disease characterized not only by cough, but Purulent Expectoration, Hectic Fever, Night Sweats, Masting of Flesh and Loss of Strength ; in other words, to apply tho name Con sumption only to the last stago of tho disease.— YYero it otherwise, wo should not havo to listen with feelings of pity and sorrow to such expressions as fit is only a Catarrh,” “the disease is all in the throat,” or “it is only a slight bronchial affection.” Alas, how few realize tho fact that these diseases, unimportant as they aro generally looked npon, and Consumption, are all links in the same chain, and that there aro few who suffer from these affections who do not sooner or later fill a consumptive’s grave. Chronic Nasal Catarrh is generally the result of neglected and frequently repeated attacks of tho acute variety of this disease (which become practi cally known to most of us several times a year in the shape of a “cold in the head.”) After a long or shorter time the liabilities to at tacks of Acute Catarrh become increased, and the patient finds, aftcr it lias passed off, there remains a discharge of yellow Mucus. This is Chronic Catarrh in its most usual form. On examining the nostrils with a speculum, or instrument specially adapted to that purpose, wo find its lining mem- bran o more or less thickened—redder than in health, and often ulcerated. In the simplest form wo have merely an aocumuluation of yellow or straw-colored mucus in tho Posterior Marts above and behind the palate, which tbe patient “ hawks” out from time to time during tbe day. As tho disease advances, little points of ulceration ap pear fa tho mucous membrane, npon which the se cretion becomes luidonod, forming crusts, requir ing almost constant 11 picking” to keep it freo; and as these inspissated masses of muens are tom from the diseased surface of tho nose, they become irri tated and frequently bleed profusely. aug22-tf L. W. BUNT A CO . Druggists. QUININE. 1 nr w i OUNCES of QUININE—Powers k Weight- man’s manufacture. YYo are selling this in lots very reasonable. L. YV. HUNT A CO., aug22-tf Druggists. CLARK & WILSON. Factors and General Commission MERCHANTS, No. 1 STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE. BAT STREET, SAVAMMAH, GA. AB-Libera) advances made on Produce in Store. aug22-d3m SEED RYE AND BARLEY. 200 BUSHELS CH0ICE GEORGIA RYE. 150 busbels choice TESbEsSEE BARLEY■ In store and for sale by JONES, BAXTER A DAY’. aug21-3t* Cotton Avenue. THE BURIAL OF LATAHE! TTTE offer a few copies of this beautiful engraving. YY pronounced by the press to be the finest en graving published in America. Wo ask the attention of the public to this \Y URh. OF ART. Call aud see it. WE HAVE NO “ART GALLER r,” BUT WE DO SAY. THAT WE ARE SELLING "CROMOS” CHEAPER THAN ANT FIRM IN THIS PART OF THE STATE. Comment* on the Oil Painting from the Richmond Press, We have seen this beautiful oil painting from tho hand of our talented young artist. W. D. Washington. This work needs no praise from us. No one can look upon it without lingering to feast upon its beauties. Indeed, "hours forget their true admeasurement" in its contemplation. This painting was the subject of a poem from the gifted pen of John R. Thompson, and represents the burial of Capt. Latanc and tho reading of the burial service by a lady. The only males pres ent were the negroes who dug the grave. When this picture was on exhibition here, last year, it was visi ted by over four thousand persons, and none have pronounced it other than one of the most beautiful and highly meritorious productions of tha day. Send for Circular. For sale by aU g21-3t HAVENS & BROWi*. ANOTHER SCHOOL NOTICE. E ^m II. link is pleased to announce that ho will reopen hia School on Monday, August 30th, in a new and commodious room on his own lot, corner of Plum and Spring streets. The lot is well shaded, and fronts the beantifnl grove opposite Mr. P.E. Bowdro’s and others; and the scholars will have tho advantage of two ample play-grounds. A few girls will bo re ceived if desired. Tuition ffi per JI«nth, payable in advance, or promptly at tbe end of eaeh month. N. B. Mrs. Link will resume her Music Class Oc tober 1st. augl9-th,suatu2w* Observations on tlic Cotton Caterpil lar. Dougherty Co., Aug. 19, 1869. Editors Telegraph : For the benefit of your numorons readers, I propose to give my obser vation of tbe cotton caterpillar. I have watched their movements very closely this season. A dnsky yellowish white moth, with light green eyes, first makes its appearance in no very great numbers, lying still during tho day, active after sundown. Very shortly is seen a light green worm abont one and a half inches long when fnll grown. These worms feed upon the tender leaves of the cotton till they attain their fall size, which does not tako above two or three days; they then turn over a comer of a leaf up on themselves by means of a web. In one day a black shell forms over them from which they emerge in five days a fly or moth. From these the real caterpillar is bred in constantly increas ing numbers till they, by this process of genera tion, become so numerous as to destroy the crops. From their first appearance I have been hav ing the worms killed in the morning, and havo had many fires built in the fields at night, to at tract and bum the moths. I cannot yet say that I shall successfully combat their progress, I find the flies less numerous bnt the caterpillar on the increase; bnt this may be from eggs laid before my fires commenced to destroy the flies. I am satisfied that this is the only way to fight them. The flies come from the south, and may be seen in both com and cotton fields. The fires will do no good unless kept np for several weeks. Tho moth must be met with flames till the last of them aro destroyed. Last night I stood and watched numbers of them go into the flames and bnm themselves np. You may rely upon the foregoing statement as being the mode by which the caterpillar is produced. Farmer. Western & Atlantic Railroad, 1 Superintendent's Office, Atlanta, Ang. 20,1S69.) To Bis Excellency Rufus B. Bullock, Governor, Atlanta, Georgia: Sib—I have this day paid to N. L. Angier, Esq., Treasurer of the State of Georgia, twenty- five thousand dollars, (§25,000) for the month of July, 1869, from the earnings of the YYestem & Atlantic Railroad. I am, Governor, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, E. Hulbsbt, Supt. The worst of the unhealthy season has passed in Cuba, and the sickness among the unaccli- mated is decreasing. FUNERAL NOTICE. Tbe friends and acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Callaway, are respectfully invited to attend tho funeral of their infant son, Eddie E., at their resi dence on the comer of Second and Plumb streets, this (SUNDAY) afternoon at 5 o’clock. OZ-SHO. Is only an advanced stage of Canonic Catarrh when the ulceration of tbe mucous membrane has become extensive and tho bones of tho nose in volved in the disease. Tho discharges in this case are pnrnlent, or of a yellowish or greenish color, frequently tinged with blood, with an odor generally more or less disagreeable, or intolerably offensive. In the language of Dr. G. B. Wood, of Philadelphia, “ This form of disease is ono of the most obstinate and disagreeable affections which the physician has to encounter. In some instances the breath of the patient is so revoltingly offensive as almost to iso late him from society, and render him an object of disgust even to himself.” This form of tho disease generally occurs in stmmons, scrofulous and un healthy constitutions. When the health is injured and tho vitality of tho system is broken down by dissipation and virions habits, tho blood becomes impure, and all local diseases are liable to assnmo an aggravated character. Dr. JAMES A. HUNTER, No 70 Mulberry St., : : : !HA(M, GA., AUGUST 22, 1869. NEW ARRIVALS. jg BOXES BELLIES. 10 boxes STAFFORD SIDES, 50 tierces Magnolia and Family HAMS, 25 barrels A SUGAR, 25 barrels Extra C SUGAR, 100 rolls HEMP-LEAF BAGGING. 5 Car Loads all grades FLOUR. JOHNSON. CAMPBELL * CO. ■SS'Journal and Messenger copy. aug22-lm VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE, B Y virtue of the last will and testament of Win. Beadles, late of Coweta county, deceased, will be sold on the bt Tuesday in October next, before the Court-house door, in the city of Nownan. laid coun ty, within the local hoars of sale, the following prop erty, vix: 900 ACRES OF LAND, ALL IN ONE BODY, Lying from four to six miles east of Newnan, White Oak Creek, and composed of four lots and a half. On tho premises is a number one Dwelling House, Gin-house and other necessary outbuildings. There are on the tract about 200 acres of Wood-land, besides 150 acres of Swamp Laud, which is also very well timbered. 3Ir. J. II. Graham will show tho premises to any ono wishing to purchase. The above land can be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. Terms cash. W. b. BEADLES, J. II. GRAHAM. HU. BREWSTER. aug22-law-td Executors. Judge Dent.—In view of Judge Dent's re cent letter to Secretary Boutwell, Forney de clares that Dent has gone over body and soul to the copperheads. Humor says that the President visits Newport nest Monday and Tuesday as a guest of es-Gov- ernor Morgan. Weather and Crops in Clay.—Last week the weather was very pleasant and cool until Sun day, when it appeared to have changed sudden ly, since then we have had some warm days, it is very warm at the time of writing. Since our last report we have heard but l'ttle, relative to crops, fanners,however,complain of dry weath er, and rust on their cotton.—Chattahoochee Mirror. GEO. B. TURPIN. J. MONROE OGDEN. TURPIN & OGDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Beal Estate & Insurance Agents, A RE offering for sale several very desirable Dwell ings Building Lots and Plantations. Also. Saw and Grist Mills and a large amount of Timber Lands. Parties wishing to sell or lease Real Estate are invi ted to place it in their hand?. They make no charge unless a sale is made- , Parties wishing to purchase or rent are invited to examine fheirlist. '' r , Agents for Phoenix, Lorillard, Manhattan, Citixens , International and Washington Fire Insurance Com panies of New York, and Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London. Mutual Life insurance Company of New York— Assets over $32,000.00u. Manhattan Life Insurance Company of New York— Assets over $5,000,000. jel8-3m SPECIAL NOTICE. Dr. Hunter can he con suited at his office in Macon, No. 70 Mul berry street, (opposite Lanier House) npon all diseases of the Head, Throat and Lungs, em bracing Chronic Catarrh and Ozaena, Bronchitis, Asthma, Con sumption, loss or impairment of hearing or sight, etc. THE NATIONAL FREEDMAN’S SAVINGS — AND— TRUST COMPANY, CHARTERED BY CONGRESS, CHX&TKR SIOSKD BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Established to Benefit Depositors. _ Twenty-five thousand dollar* interest p*iu year. Interest at fivo per cent, per annum, paid in March, July and November. MONEY DRAWN WHEN CALLED FOR. Drafts drawn on Jay. Cook & Co., New York. T1IE MACON BRANCH has been established nine months and has now on deposit THIRTEEN THOU SAND DOLLARS, belonging to three hundred de positors. THIS NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK is located on Poplar street, in Hollingsworth's Block. Open every aay from 9 a. m.. to 2 p. m.. to receive and pay money. Open to receive deposits Saturday nights from 6 to 8. T. G. STEWARD. Cashier. W. P. GOODALL. Chairman Advisory Committee. aug22-lawdaw3m AL PRO CD AM ATI ON. &E OR.G4Z A.. By E. E. Bullock, Governor of said State. Whereas. Official information has been received at this Department, that a murder was committed in the county of Telfair, on tho22d day of July, 1869, upon tho body of Jcsepli T. Rawlin3 by John K. Brown, and that tho said Brown has fled from justice, I havo thought proper, therefore, to is3uo this, my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Two Hun dred Dollars-for the apprehension and delivery of tho said Brown, with proof sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Brown, in order that ho may be brought to trial for the offensowith which he stands charged. Given under my hand and tho great sea! of the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 19th day of August, in the year of onr Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty- Nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, _ . _ Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cottino, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: The said Brown is 38 years of age, 5 feet 10 or II inches high, dark complexion, dark hair, bine eyes spare built, weighs about 165 pounds, wore large whiskers and mustache, when last seen; is rather assuming in his manners. aug22-d3twlt NOTICE. „ T HE Committee of the New Catholic Church in coarse of erection, fa the city of. Atlanta, woald inform the public of Macon that the CORN LR STONE WILL BE LAID with imposing ceremony by theBt. Rev. Bishop Verot.on Wednesday. September 1, IS69. after which tho Sermon will be preaohed by Rev. A. J. Ryan. The railroads having kindly consented to reduee the faro to one-half for the round trip, persons living at a distance are kindly invited to attend. YV. DOWLING. an,20-3t Secretary. IF 1 YOTJ WANT CORN AND BACON, WAGONS AND BUGGIES, "W. SEND YOUR ORDERS TO TO OUR FRIENDS ait PATRONS. W E havo tried for four years to ran our establish ment on the CREDIT SYSTEM, and-fonnd oat. by sad experience, that it is ataiinre: conse quently, from this date we are compelled to require CASH for all Goods in our line. We shall continue to keep on hand, NEWSPAPERS. PICTORIAL PAPERS. MAGAZINES. NOVELS. N0YT.ETTE8, DIME NOVELS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. PLAYING CARDS, PICTURE FRAMES, etc., ete.. And everything kept in a First-class Bookstore and News Depot. Thankful for the patronage in tho past, wo remain. Very respectfully. HAVENS A BROWN. P.S. The above has no reference to thirty Jays cus tomers. who do pay their bills. H. k B. aug20 6t SELECT SCHOOL. T HE undersigned^, to dispense with the services of an assistant, and to enabte him to give each pupil hi« individual attention, will receive THIRTY PU PILS ONLY, for the next scholastic year, commenc ing on Monday, September Gt''. Applications for ad mission should be mado at once. Terms per Month, payable Monthly: For ad vanced pupils, $10; for others. $8. aug!9-6t BENJ. M. POLUILL. SCHOOL FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. ,N THE 1st day of September, I will reopen my Wain jf nnpaBHiP MHR . School at the house situated on the South ride of .. alnut Street, between First and New Streets. Tho location is central, high, and healthy. Thanking my patrons for past favors, I solicit a continuance of those favors. For further information, apnly to J. II. Ixgraham at First National Bank, till 23d August. Terms—Six dollars per month in advance, for all studies, including classics. \V. B. HALL. augl5-su-tu-thur-tillseptl* FOR TURNIPS, Etc. Q.UAN0 IN SACKS OR BARRELS. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. "Yy"E are offering liberal terms to Planters or others for Cotton delivered in Macon, during the months of November. December or January next. aug!4-3aw-lm E. A. WILCOX & CO. DIVIDEND No. 31. Southwestern Railroad ConpAxr. > Macon, Ga., August 12,1869. J A DIVIDEND of Four Dollars per Share on the Capi al Stock of this Company, as held on the 31st ultimo, has this day been declared by the Board of Directors, payable on and after the 19th instant in United States currency.. The United States Revenue Tax will be paid by this Company. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Dividends at Central Kailroad Bank. JNO. T. BOIFEUILLET. augl3*lm Secretary and Treasurer. TROY FHIVIAIiE SBMINARY. This Institution offers tho accumulated advantages of over 50 years’ successful operation. Every facility is provided lor a thorough course of useful and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teach ers. For circulars, apply to JOHN fl. WILLARD. Troy, N. Y. aug21-d2m TICKETS FOR ONE FARE. South westkrx Railroad Offiok.- 1 Macon, Gu., August 10.1S69.J O N and after tho 15th fast. RETURN TICKETS. to and from either terminus or Station on this Road, can be purchased for ONE FARE, said Tickets good till October 1st and no longer. „ _ VIRGIL POWERS. augl7-6t Engineer and Superintendent. TYLER SOUTHALL. W1I. B. HOSES. aoTr'wrr a t,-r. **. oo., General Purchasing AND COMMISSION AGENTS, BROWN HOUSE BLOCK. - — Postoffice Box 141 aug3-lm MACON, GEORGIA. JTJST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF F. Smith has applied for the Gaardianshipof the persons and property of Eueenia D. and Smithie J. Howell, orphans of Hillery Howell. A1! persona interested are notified to file their ob jections to the same within the time prescribed by law. Witness my hand officially August 19.1S69. _ _ JAS. M. LOWE. aug2i-w30d Ordinary. DR. EMERSON BAS RETURNED fJO MACON and will resume the practice of Dent istry at once. augir-tilloctlO Seed Gotton, Seed Cotton P ARTIES desiring to sell their Seed Cotton can procure for it the TIP TOP CASH MARKET PRI i. at the Ginning and Packing Department of angle eod-dgwtf FINDLAY IRON WORKS. FOR RENT, F ROM 1st OCTOBER, THE FLINT HOUSE cen trally located and convenient to business’ For terms and particulars, apply to the undersigned, at Southwestern Railroad Depot. ’ aug5-eodl2t B. W. BURDELL. TENNESSEE FLOUR, of all Grades, BAC0X, C0KX AXD OATS. ALSO, SUGAR, COFFEE, SALT, TOBACCO, etc. Forsale, Cheap for Cash, by GOOD k BOSTICK. aug6 tf • &S Third street. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN MGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PERFUMERY, BRUSHES. TOILET ARTICLES. PAINTS. OILS. WINDOW GLASS, GABBK.T SEEDS, FLOWER SEEDS, ETC. TJRANHAM’S CELEBRATED PAYNE'S FEVER ANDAGUETONKI^aNDAGU^ GEORGE PAYNE. »Pr22-.od6m Druggtst and ApotWary^ M ^ C O 1ST, UiT Gt » C/2 m m Jh'P a % H 11 > t" 1 ► H GO H HH O fed GO fed O Q w H H Hr o o > V* o cl HH cn <1 HH t- 1 tr* fed o- HH o l—H fed O fed W IF YOU WANT H c| m Q M i-3 « f-l S2j Q t?d M htf tel GO CORN AND BACON, SEND YOtJR ORDERS TO W. A. HUFF, Chattanooga, Tenn.