The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 08, 1869, Image 3

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LOCAL OOLTJ^EIT. Advertising Index. Boardcra Wanted—J. J. Forsyth. A Proclamation—Governor Bullock. Administrator's Sale—Morgan Kemp, Adm’r. Jasper Sheriff’s Sale—B. T. Digby, D. Sheriff. Ocmulgeo Building and Loan Association. Exocutrix’a$alc—Mrs. W. D. A. Davis. Admr’x. For Rent—R. W. Stubbs. Testimony—Dr. J. A. Hunter. SBHEPEi j A REGULAR HABIT OF BODY Is absolutely essential to physical health and clear ness of intellect. Nor is this all. Beauty of per son cannot co-exist with unnatural condition of the bowels. A froo passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste-pipes is as nec essary to the purity of the body as the free passage of the offal of a city through its sewers is necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diseases of tho discharging organs, and one of its most commonJifresnlts is constipation. This com plaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has many disagreeable concomitants—such as an unpleasant breath: a sallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and gen eral debility. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS remove all those evils by removing their immediate cause in tho digestivo organs, and rcgnlating tho action of tho intestines. Tho combination of properties in this celebrated preparation is one of its chief mer its. It is not merely a stimulant, or a tonic, or an anti-bilious agent, or a nervine, or a blood depur- ont, or a cathartic, but all these curative elements Judiciously blended in one powerful restorative. It lends activity and vigor to the inert and enervated stomach, reliovca tho alimentary canal of its ob structions, and gives tono to tho membrano which lincs^it, gently stimulates tho liver, braces tho nerves, and cheers tho animal spirits. No other remedy possesses Buch a variety of hygienic virtues. It is to these characteristics that it owes its prestige as a household medicine. Experience has proved that it is as harmless as it is efficacious, and hence it is as popular with tho woaker sex as with the stronger. HOSTETTER'S 8TO>LACH BITTERS is Bold in bottles only, and tho tr&do-m&rk blown in tho glass ank engraved on tho labal, with our steel engraved rovonuo stamp over tho cork, is tho test of genu ineness. Bowaro of counterfeits. English Femalo Bitters strengthens females. Husbands should buy E. F. B. for sick wives. E. F. B. brings health and induces happiness. Complaints peculiar to females cured with E. F. B. Pretty Women*.—A comparatively few Ladies monopolize tho Beauty as well as tho attention of Society. This ought not to be so, but it is; and will bo wliilo men aro foolish, and singlo out pretty faces for companions. This can all bo changed by using Hagan's Magno lia Balm, which gives the Bloom of Youth and a Re fined sparkling Beauty to tho Complexion, pleasing, poworful and natural. No Lady neod complain of a red, tannod, freckled or rustic Complexion who will invest 75 cents in Ha gan’s Magnolia Balm. Its effects are truly wonder ful. To preserve and dress tho Hair uso Lyon’s Ka- tliarion. septSdeodAwlm Keep Rod Diarrhcra Remody on had. R. D. R. is not a hot astringent. R. D. R. cools and quiets the inner man. It. D. It. has no equal for children. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS FOR SALE BY L. Wo HUNT & CO., DKTJGG&ST3* MACON, GEORGIA. aug 31-tf Curo your chills with King of Chills. King of Chills cures effectually and permanently. Better than quinine. King of Chills. Tho great malarial antidote, King of Chills. Terris Improved Hair Dye—la admitted on all sides to he tho most simple and natural dyo ever invented; it is easily applied, does not stain tho skin, leaves the hair soft and glossy, and is instan taneous in its effect. Try it and yon will uso no other. . sept 5-dCt & wit W. A. HOPSON & CO. We offer for Thirty Day, the whole of ow Urge end magnificent Stock of Sommer Good* AT COST. We make thia grand clearing out sale to be pre pared for our Fall Stock, which wfll be heavy, and unusually attractive. We wish to do a lively trade, and increase the popularity of our establishment. This stock is entirely new, and was bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. We use no deception to eell our goods. We mean what wo say. We offer this STOCK AT COST! And believe it is tho best opportunity ever offered to buyers to secure FRESH, FIRST-CLASS GOODS CHEAP. VfE ask attention to the following testimonial from Hon. A H. Stephens as to the efficacy of Sol omons’ Invigorating Bitters: Libebtt Hall. 1 Crawtordville, Ga., August H. 18C9.J" iTnsrt. A. A. Solomon, <fc Co., Dr-ungixt,'Savan nah, Ga. : Geijtleaien' : Please Bend mo half a dozen bottles of yonr Bittern. I have been using them lately upon the recommendation of a friend, with decided benefit, in giving tone to the digestive organs and general strength to the system. . Send by express, with value endorsed, C. O. D. Yours respectfnlly, (Signed) Alexander H. Stephens. angJO-lm CITY AFFAIRS. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 8, 18C0. Season o» Meant.—The great scarcity of mousy in this market at the present time, whan large requirea to move tho rapidly incoming crop of cotton, is the subject of general complaint *mong all classes. Not only is the scarcity of money t source of much complaint, but it is paralyz ing and hampering trade in all branches of business, and producing a stagnation when there should be life, vigor and activity. The splendid price at which cotton is now selling, and the large sales, in propor tion to the offering stock, -which are made daily, should start an abundant flow of currency. But the trouble is. the banks have loaned out nearlv all of their capital, and until it is recalled they will not be able to extend that accommodation to cotton buyers which they are disposed, but have not the ability to do. We aro assured, however, that this state of things will not last much longer, and that there will be an ample supply of money here, in a few days, to meet all legitimate demands of trade. We bail its coming with delight, as we confidently anticipate the liveliest business season this fall and winter that Macon has experienced for many years. Her merchants are now receiving largo and magnificent stocks of goods, while many of them are building new business houses, and others enlarging and ren ovating their old ones for an extensive business. Already we notice strong indications of the opening of the fall and winter trade, and if there was only a sufficiency of money to meet the present demands, trade would bound along with extraordinary vigor and impulse. Heavy Cotton Receipts.—The Columbus freight train of yesterday morning brought through for Savannah 327 hales of cotton. The yesterday af ternoon’s Eufaula freight train brought up 383 bales for Savannah and 340 bales for Macon—making the receipts of the day stand: For Savannah 710 For Macon :Y 840 These are unprecedented shipments for the 7th of September. We arc glad to announce an improved etato of tho weather. Evidently things are working. Tho reliablo, Dromgoolo A; Co.’s Buchu. Dromgoolo A Co.’s Bucliu is tho favorite. Gravel cured with Dromgoolo A Co.’s Bnchu. CHOLERA—HOW TO CURE IT. At tho commencement of tho diarrhea, which al ways precedes an attack of the cholera, take & tea- epoonful of tho Pain Killer in sugar and water, (hot if convenient,') and then h&tho freely tho stomach and bowols with tho Pain Killer clear. Thould the diarrhoea or cramps continue, ropcat tho doso overy fifteen or twonty minutes till tho patient is relieved. In oxtremo canes two or more tcaspoonfnls may bo given at a dose. The Trim Killer, an an internal remedy, has no equal. In cases of summer complaint, dpapepsia, dysentery, astnma, it cures in ono night, by taking it internally and bathing with it freely. Reaction is liko magic when externally applied to bad soros, bums, scalds and sprains. For tootli-acho don’t fail to try it. In short it is a Pain Tho Tain Killer is sold by all dealers in Family Medicines. scptS-eodlm KING OF CHILLS Cures all forms of chills and fover. Cures chills after all else fails. £urcs chills of swamps and bayous. Cures every other and overy third day chills. .IIKDIYIYUS ! The S. S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON’S Original Southern- Sootiiino Srnur for Ciui-dren* Tkethtno, is again resusci tated! It is a Corrigcnt of the Bowel disorder* contingent upon thia period; a grateful Carmina tive; a nutritious Syrup ; and a gentle Anodyne, inducing calm and refreshing repose, without tho pernicious and distressing reactionary disturbance of tho nervous system that results from tho exhibi tion of most preparations—expressly made for chil- ,Jren. Its use in tho Southern States, as far back as 1862, established its reputation as a Southern In stitution, and, as a medicino unrivalled, and as be ing tho best and safest preparation for children teething, ensuring rest to mothers and NURSES and relief and strength to their infants. It is therefore no neic medicine^ and noeda no advertising where it is best known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter feits. It is manufactured t only at the Laboratory of Coitk, Tomtkins A Hurd, members of and suc cessors to the old established Southern Druo House of IIaural. Rislky A Kitcxekx, 141 Chambers street, New York, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. and is for sale to tho citizens of Macon by Harris, Clay A Co.; Ethridge A Davis, Eatonton, Ga., and all respectable Druggists. septl-deodAwtf. United States Commissioner's Court.—This Court convened at 10 o’clock yesterday—non. W. C. Morrill, presiding. Hon. John C. MHledge, U. 8. District Attorney; Deputy Marshal Cox; Maj. Watson, Hon. Hcmy S. Fitch, Judge Anderson, Col. John B. Weems, and other members of tho Macon Bar were present. On tho opening of the Conrt Commissioner Mor rill read tho following: Owing to the sad intelligence of the death of tho Hon. John A. Rawlins, Secretary of War, there will bo no public business in this Court to-day. But in orde»- to relieve those present, charged with viola tion of tho Neutrality Laws, by enlisting to servo in an insurrection against a people with whom tho United States are at peace, it will be sufficient for thia Conrt to state that its intention regarding these cases, is to releivo tho parties so charged on their giving bond in the sum of five hundred dollars to keep the pe&co in tho future, and to abstain, either directly or indirectly from violation of tho Neu trality Laws of tho United States. While this Conrt may sympathise in the sorrows and chivalrous spirit that induces any to assist those they believe aro oppressed, in so doing they cannot allow the violation of those laws, adopted by all na tions as being founded on those principles of equity which are supposed to govern all governments in their intercourse with each other. It is thereforo, Ordered : That those parties charged with being hired or retained to go beyond tho limits or juris diction of tho United States, with intent to enlist as soldiers in the service of a foreign colony, in insur rection against a government with whom tho United States are at peace, in giving the l>ond abovo de scribed, be released from arrest. The Marshal will give tho parties suen facilities as may bo thought proper to procure such bonds. Tho Commissioner tfilt bo in his office during tho day to receive and approve tho same. Hon. John C. Millcdgo then announced that ho had retained the professional services of Col. John B. Weems, on behalf of the Government, in what ever business might be brought beforo tho Court on this occasion, after which non. Henry S. Fitcli, (late U. S. District Attprney,') from Savannah, - by permission of tho Court, hereupon ‘introduced a motion to discharge. The Hon. District Attorney interrupted tbe«entletnsn and moved to dismiss | FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. the case against “Tlioa. Robinson,” the famale re- 1 emit, whose real name is Mattio F&yson Palmer. Mr. Fitch claimed tho discharge of the persons upon tho ground of an illegal arrest having been made, by the U. 8. Marshal, who arrested the par ties at tho Chewalla House, Enfaula, Ala., out of tho jurisdiction of this Court and out of tho State. Col. Weems differed from Mr. Fitch in his views, expressing his bolief that a warrant could ho eervod anywhere, if merely for commitment. Here the Marshal, still retaining tho custody of tho prisoners, adjourned tho Court till 10 o’clock this morning. Busy.—Business at tho different railroad freight depots is now pushing the clerks and employees to the full extent of their business capacities, whilst tho transportation on the different roads is barely sufficient to meet tho demands upon it. Extra freight trains havo been running on the South* j western railroad during the last few days, in order i to move forward the immense amount of freight brought through ou tho Central and Macon A West ern roads, in addition to tho largo amount of goods shipped south and west by tho Macon merchants. Great Variety of Silver ware at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Second street. ___ Words to Mothers.—We have the pleasure of announcing the revival of Dr. Jenson’s celebrated medicino, Southern Soothing Syrup, which thou sands of Southern mothers and nurses have exten sively used and justly extolled for its gentle ano dyne qualities and nutritive support to infant life. Refreshing sleep is induced, which is tho animus of a healthy, vigorous child constitution. To secure this everything of a distressing inflaenco upon the nervous system, so inimical to infant life, is dis carded from tho preparation. Mothers and nurses use it. It will save your own rest, and tho lives of your infant charges. See advertisement “S. 18 S. 618.” A Physician whose skill can be relied upon is a blessing to any community. This is eminently true of Dr. Hunter, of Louisville, Kentucky, who treats all private and special diseases with nnparallelcd success. The Doctor has made private and chronic dissascs the study of his life, and from liis large practice, which extends throughout the whole of tho great South and West, must have acquired great skill and treatment. Any one so desiring, by call ing at tho doctor's office or sending a full statement of their diseaso by mail, will receive liis opinion as to its natnre, probabilities of a cure, timo required, expense, etc., free of charge. Wo donbt if any phy sician in America, having so large a practice, makes so liberal an offer. Read what he Bays in his pam phlet, a work of forty pages, which Bhouldbe in tho hands of every young man in America. Bent to any address on receipt of two stamps, jnly 25-dAwtf It is said to be & common practice in Paris to hire poor people to attend fashionable churches, so that the preachers may say that they always have crowded houses. Two or three sous pay for a worshipper. Comparative Cotton Statement.—During tho first week in September. 1863, there wero received at this point 210 bales of the crop of that year, and of thia amount only 86 bales wore sold on a basis of 23 cents for middlings, tho market being dull all tho week. During the first week in September, 1869, tbero havo been roceived hero 1470 bales of tho new crop, and of tho amount 1120 bales have been Bold j Daily Review of the Market. OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH, l September?—Evening, I860.) Cotton.—Receipts to-day 235 bales ; sales 197; shipped 180. Tho market is wholly unchanged. Demand good and prices firm at 30 cents for middlings. Opera tions and prices are restricted by the scant supply of money. Trado gradually improves in this market, hut at present ia confined principally to groceries and plantation supplies. Corn continues stiff at 1 50 per bushel for primo white. Stock getting very light. Bacon firm; shoulders ; clear rib sides 2QW(7?21: clear sides 21<r?21)^; liam*, sugar-cured 25; country 23&25. Bagging.—Borneo 31 cents per yard, but, by tho bolt, can bo bought for about 30 cents; Kentucky hemp 2S cents per yard. Iron tics 8J£ cents per pound. Baling twine 25 cents per pound. Flour in fair demand at 89 OOtfi 13 00 per barrel; market well stocked. BY TELEGRAPH. From Washington. Washington, September 7.—Fenian arms and ammunition are being used by the Cubans. In consequence of the funeral on Thursday of Gen. Rawlins, the Department, except for necessa ry business, will be closed until Friday. Gov. Walker, with prominent Virginians will be present at the funeral. Troops will be called from adjacent posts to assist. Revenue to-day, $354,000. The private correspondence between the Revenue officials and members of Congress, it is said, fore shadows the increase of the whisky tar. Treasury Department, September 7, 1869. As a mark of respect to the memory of Hon. John A. Bawl ins, deceased, late Secretary of War, the Treasury will be closed, and the public works under the control of this Department suspended, and flags kept at half-mast during Thursday, the 9th instant— the day on which the obsequies of the deceased will be solemnized. Wm. A. Richardson. Acting Secretary. Peabody’s health is not much improved. Currency will hereafter be issued at the rate of one quarter of a million daily until the pressing wants are supplied. The Pennsylvania Disaster, Scranton, September 7.—All work is stopped in thia vicinity. Two men who ventured down to res cue those in the mine perished. The trains are bringing miners from all quarters free of charge to aid in rescuing the bodies whether dead or alive.— The widows and orphans will not be less than six hundred in number. The prolonged strikes, just closed, increases the destitutions. The men who descended the shaft found the doors at the bottom closed, and lost their lives while waiting below for implements with which to force the doors. They are supposed to have been closed by the miners to exclude the flames. Later.—The only hope for the safety of the two hundred and two men in Arondalo mine, lies in the probability that they may have shut themselves up in a remote part of the mine, away from the shaft. The death of those who descended the shaft to res cue them, was caused from foul air coming from the mine. From Cuba. Havana, September 7.—Foreign residents, princi pally Germans, are enlisting in tho reserve battal ions. Eeight hundred Insurgents surprised and re pulsed five hundred volunteers near Puerto Princi pe. Reinforcements were sent when the Cubans declined battle. On the 17th of August the Insur gents, several thousand strong, commanded by Queeada, President Cespedes being present, attacked Los Tnnis. Two hundred and fifty Cabans wero killed. Tho garrison, consisting of 450 troops, lost a hundred killed. The fight lasted nino hoars. CITY BANKING COHtPRNY OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, DIRSCTOK3: W. B. JOHNSTON, J. J. GRESHAM, Will do $200,000 all its T HE Stock of this Company is all owned in Macon and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, the whole capital is guaranteed for tho security of Depositors and Patrons. augl2-d*w3mo FIRST NSTIONALJANK OF MACON. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. D iscount, deposit and collection. Exchange Bought and Sold. Lihere 1 advances made on shipments of Cotton to any good Northern or European houses. Collections promptly attended it. directors : H.L. Jewett, Wm. T. Lichtfoot. G. H. Uai’ehurst, W. IL Ross, Wm. B. Din^more. U. B. Plant. may3-6m* I. C. PLANT STSOIL Bankers and Brokers, O FFICE in the First National Bank Building, on Cherry street, second door from the corner of Second street. Will Buy Sight and Time Exchange on the North. Savannah, Augusta and other points, make liberal advances on Cotton inStore in Macon, or on shipments of Cotton to good Northern or European houses, or on Bonds, Stocks or other good securities Will purchase and sell B02TDS, STOCKS; •' 'A GOLD, investments for parties SILVER, 3 they may direct. FASHIONABLE BARBER SHOP. rpiIE undersigned would most respectfully inform X his numerous friends and customers that his NEW BARBER SGttOp AND BATHING ROOMS Are now open. Having fitted up my Establishment with all the latent improvements for the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, and thanking them heartily for the 1 bcnxl patron gcof tho past, I hope to merit their favors in the future. Everything in tho tonso- rial art. Shaving. Hair-Cutting. Shampooing. Dying Hair, Hair-Dressing, etc., is done in the best and latest'Style*." I have been successful with tho pre paration which I have been u^ing for retaining the color of the hair, or for bringing gray hair back to its former color, at the rame time keeping the hair free from dandruff, and from all obnoxious scents. Twcn- tv-fivo respectable citizens of Macon c»n testify to the efficacy of my preparation. Warm Bath*, Cold Baths, and Shower Baths at all times. Particular attention is raid to Hair Cutting for Boys and Girls. * M. J.OII, DAVIS 8MITH. P. WESTCOTT. P. McGLASHAN SMITH, WlBTCOTT a CO. OFFER FOR SALS, A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles,Harness. Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings, Carriage Material Of overy description. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. A full lino of WAGON HARNESS. Ascnts for ABBOTT, DOWNING Jfc CO.’S Celebrated CONCORD BUGGIES. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. W EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. s»l>t7-3m augll^ TWO Lanier Homo Building, next to Post-office. tf VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. J. L. SHEA, STOVES, - ■ STOVES. MERCHANT TAILOR.I COATS, From Mobile. Mobile, September 7.—A 6uit for libel, in •which tho damages aro laid at $10,000, was entered to-day 1 two hundred «nd M»euty- Ere acres of good land, and and a summons eervod on CoL Mann, proprietor of " ** the He^ititor, for alleged defamation of character of one Putnam, a carpet-bagger, and superintendent of the public schools in this dty. The offense as charged is for the publication of a communication from a distinguished citizen charging Putnam with having been indicted for embezzlement. A like suit has been instituted against Col. Forsyth, of the Register, and author of the communication. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New Yokk. September 7. noon.—Flour 5(210 low er. Wheat dull and 2(^3 lower. Corn 1 better. Mess Pork nominal. Turpentine quiet at 42. Itoain quiet; good common 2 35; strainod 2 373^(32 40. Freights dull. Cotton heavy at 35. Stocks unsettled and feverish. Money active. a basis of 30 cents for middlings—tho mxrkot bo- Stcriing ^ „hort ',>>£. Gold3C" ; . 1888a ai<. T.-nnoa- From Virginia. Richmond, Sept. 7—Samuel Collier, of Baltimore, accepted to-day, tho challenge of Charles Doherty, of this city, for a prize fight, to take place in Vir ginia. Several distinguished citizens of Richmond will go to Washington to attend the funeral of Secretary Rawlins. The insurance on tho fire last night foots up $86,000. The bulk of it being in Virginia Compa nies. A telegram to the Dispatch from Farmvillo, an nounces tho burning of tho Presbyterian Femalo Academy, with furniture, library, etc. Foreign News. Paths, Sept 7.—'Tho Journal Officiale, to-day, con tradicts tho alarming rumors of the Emperor’s health, saying the Emperor attends to his affairs daily. Ho has suffered some from rheumatism, hut at no time has his condition been such as to cause the least anxiety. Sessions of the Senate have closed. London, Sept. 7.—Alexandria dispatches report tho cotton crop in tho interior of Egypt excellent, both in quality and quantity. Madrid, September 7.—The troops havo defeated thirty Carlists under Eatartus near Genoa. Eatartus escaped. This is the last Carlist band known to ho on Spanish soiL General News. Chicago, September 7,—Highwaymen robbed Wells, Fargo & Co.’s coach at Malvade station, Utah Territory, of $40,000. Tho passengers wero unmo lested. ; > 1 Marine News. Savannah, September 7.—Arrived, steamer Virgo, from New York. Charleston, September 7.— Arrived, steamer Champaign, from New York. Sailed; steamer Charleston, for New York ; steamer Saragosa, for Now York; steamer Lillie, for Now York; steamer Prometheus, for Philadelphia; steamer Falcon, for i Baltimore. O NE # two miles from Romo an 4 one and one-half miles froraS., R. & D. H. R. Depot, containing ilwi ■nyril well improved. This place was settled by Col. Wade S. Cothran, and the dwelling and out-bouses Are all Tho dwelling is two stories and contains >evt*n largo room#. A spleudid well of water and elegant orchard. This is cue of the most desirable residences near tho city. Tho other idaco ia on tho Calhonn road, and fou miles from the city; was settled by Mr. John Mann veil - improved. Dwelling siat|iaa nw‘ comfortabl© rooms. This farm contains ICO acres of land, and la well watered: water can bo brought to tho house, through pines, from an elegant spring In saying that these two places aro not Surpassed in location, by any farms near the city. I know that I do not exagerate. Both places in sight of the Selma, K .me and Dalton Railroad. Tho growing crop, stock and farming implements will be sold with either place if dedred. Both of the above places will be sold at public out cry. on the first Tuesday in October, if not disposed of IM BPIVI TV tit. JOHN SCANLIN. SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, SA VANNA1J, GA. rpHE Thirteenth Annual Coarse of Lectures in this X Institution will commence on the First Monday in November next, and continue four months. Preliminary Lectures, which will bo free, will com mence on the 18th of October next. FACUCTY * R. D. ARNOLD. M. D., Profcs«or of Theory and Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. P. M. KoLLOCK, M. D , Professor of Obstetrics, Diseases of Women and Children, and Clinical Mid wifery. Professor Adjunct—TIIOS. SMITH, M. D. W. G. BULLOCH, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Surgery and Cliuical Surgery. Professor Adjunct—THOS. J. CHARLTON, M. D. J. B. RKaU, M. D., Professor ot Materia Medics and Therapeutics. Professor Adjunct—R. J. NUNN, M. D. JURLtU HARkISS. M. D.. Professor of Physi ology. Professor Adjunct—J. G. THOMAS.' M. D., Lectur er on Pathology. W. R. WARING, M, D., Professor of Anatomy. W. M. CHARTERS. M. D . Profit r -r of Chemistry. • Professor Adjunct—W. II. ELLIOTT, M. D Hon. SOLOMON COHEN will lecture on Medical Juri.tpru R. P. MYKRS, M. D., Demonstrator. E. T. ROGERS, M. D.. Assistant Demonstrator and Curator. - J flf Clinici at th* Hospital. Also, provision made for attendance on Midwifery cases. Requisites ffir graduation tho same as in all regu larly chartered College* of good standing. For further particulars address W. G. BULLOCH. M. D., Dean, or THOS. SMITH. M. D.. an cl-law 2m Secretary. PANTALOONS "VESTS MADKTO MEASURE. FROM tho MOST VARIED HANDSOME MATERIAL PRICES TO SUIT BUYERS. No. 44 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. au,I9-tr 300 OF THK MOST IMPROVED PATTERNS OFFICE AND PARLOR STOVES, GRATES, Etc . NAILS, AXES, TRACE CHAINS. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY, TIN AND WOOD-WARE. A LARUE STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Planters and Dealers are reque.-ted to call and see our Stock before purchasing. We don't propose t9 undersell every house, but will give v bargains to thoso that want Goods in lots. a. 7. & H. B. OLIVER. Hardeman k Sparks, X t. ndoring their services nsrrrin to their planting friends as WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MKROllAN IS. deem it wholly unnecessary to make promises as to thoir willingne a and ability to t-erve them faithfully and advantageously. Their long experlenceand tho large patronage which has ever been extended thohou^o, is proof conclusive that they deserve the c of tho planting com munity. and by prompt and honest attontion to their interest they intend to merit in trie future, tho pat ronage so liberally piven thorn in the past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low est Market Prices, and the usual facilities extended to thoso who entrust their business with us. •'PA HK A B VERY large, fresh and well assorted Stock of everything in our line of bu-iness. Our intention being to extend and increase our business, we aro offering great inducements to all cl is-cs of buyers. Prompt and careful attention given to orders. L. W. HUNT A CO., sept5-tf 82 and 84 Cherry Street. T. UAULEM a5.\ Jc. JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS I of G. S. JONES. JONES & BAXTER, ing active with a good demand all tho week. W; there ever before in any two consocutivo years, such a difference in tlie opening of tho Macon cotton market? We think not. A medal, of tho timo of Charles I, of Eng-1 land, was recently sold in London at auction for $1,725. It represents tho bust of the Kin Smith, Westoott A Co.—Tlicso enterprising and extensive dealers in Saddles. Harness, Leather, Shoemakers’ Material, and also in Buggies, Carriages READ THESE LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL The best tests of the merits of my proprietary article is to ascertain what is thought of it at home where it is manufactured. Such & test Lippman’a Pyrafuge can well stand, as to-day it is decidedly the favorite remedy for dulls and fever, dumb ague and other diseases of a malarious origin, in the city of Savanuih where it U prepared. The principal druRi;t*ts of tho city would as much think of doing without castor oil iu their stores as to bo without this popular (and deserredly so) remody. It is a vegetiMe preparation free from deleterious drugs, and acts as a tonic upon the entire system, thereby invigorating the system, so much so as to enable it to throw off diseaso. Dyrafuge does not nauseate or sicken tho patient, and can be taken by the most delicate persons without fear. If should always be at hand, as chills and fever creep upon ns bo stealthily that we are not aware of its approach un til it is upon ns. A word to the wise is sufficient— Savannah Morning .Vew». • wee*, ex-coupons, 61 Uj; new, 52. Virginias, ex- j conjwnH. 55 j: new 58. Louisiana*, old, 70; levees 66: 8’s 84. Alabama 8’s 03: 5s 62. Georgia 6’fl84^4; 7s 01. North Carolina*, old, 55}new, 48. _ _ ; New York, September 7, evening.—Floor, State I bareheaded, with long hair and wearing a Jan superfine to fancy 5 90.i<7 10: buperfino to choieo | Dyke collar. It is stated to l»e the medal given ! white wheat Western 5 S0<a7 30: Southern dull and ; as a souvenir by the monarch to Bishop Jnxon declining; common to choice extra 6 60-«jll 00. a f ew moments before his execution on the scaf- i Wheat steady at noon’s decline. Corn Bcarce: mixed fold at Whitehall. ; Western 120 dl 2*2. Beef steady. Mess pork dull . and 'Wagons of tho best make and finish, arc now in and lower at 31 50'dSl 75. Lard quiet and eteadv; I At J 0 ' a11 8 Bluff. Ark., the negroes have h kettle Whisky heavy at 1 10(?112. mostly j formed a society called ‘‘The Band, on tho at 1 10. Groceries and Naval Stores quiet. Freights j idea of community of property, etc., extending unchanged. ^ | even to their wives, provided a fair trade be Cotton a shade lower; eales 500 hales at '.M/i. made. Their mode of worship consists of a Governments dull; lb62s 22)/. Southerns irregu- — - - - lar. Monev active at 7. Sterling weaker at 8%. Gold quiet at 36;/. Stocks feverish. Baltimore, September 7.—Cotton quiet 34’-/. Flour quiet. Wheat firmer; prime to choice red 1 55m1 6o. Com firm at 1 le." 1 20. Mess Pork quiet. Bacon firm; shoulders 16)/. Whisky 112. Virginias, old 4S; 1866s 54; 1867s 50)/; coupons, old 55)/ bid. SiViksan. September 7.—Cotton receipts S06 bales; sales 125; exports 804; middlings 31>/(«32: market oasier, money stringency limiting operations to small lots. Avgusta. September 7.—Cotton sales 215 bales; receipts 290; middlings nominally 31)/; market closed heavy, with prices in favor of buyers; new cotton coming in freely. CnARl-F-STOS.September 7.—Cotton sales 120 bales; receipts 488; exports, coastwise 250; middlings 32)/; c. w. BTIVGTOX. fair demand, with prices partially declined Si- WmaNOToN, September 7.—Spirits Turpentine, nothing doing: no stock. Rosin quiet at 1 75t 1 80. Crude 'Turpentine quiet at 2 40(n 3 00. Tar firmer at 2 45. I/gtsvtt.t.f. September 7.—Whisky 1 03. Pro visions quiet. Mess pork 34 00/;Gt 50. Bacon, shoulders 16^16)/; dear sides 19)/. Lard 20. Cincinnati. September 7.—Whisky unsettled: large lots 1 05: small lots 1 03. Mess pork dull at 32 50: generally held at 32 75. Bacon firm; shoul ders 15)/. clear rib sides 16)/. Lard held at 19)/. Mobile, September 7.—Cotton sales 175 bales; receipts 240: low middlings 30; market dosed firm. receipt of a largo and splendid stock of goods to w hicb wo call the attention of dealers and tho trade generally. As to the price and quality of goods, there ia no house in Georgia, in thia lino of busi ness, which can offer a enstomer superior induce ments. Call and seo them when you desire anything in their line, and wo guarantee they will suit you in every particular. CoMTLntENTAET TO Dtt. HUNTER FROM CITIZENS or Atlanta.—A card highly complimentary in its character, signed by several prominent citizens of Atlanta who have been under Dr. Hunter's care for disease of tho hoad, throat or lungs, will bo found in another column. Its perusal will, no doubt, prove interesting to those afflicted with diseases of these organs as it is unquestionable evidence that Dr. Hunter possesses tho skill and ability to treat these affections successfully. Auction Sale of Groceries.—Tho family grocer ies of tho lato M. M. Davis, will be sold to the high est bidder, in his store-room on Mulberry street, on Friday next. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. Re fer to the advertisement. Plantation for Sale.—Attention is called to the valuable plantation on the Flint river in Crawford county, which is advertised for sale in this paper. It is one of the best plantations in the State, well improved, well watered, and tho land highly pro ductive. Address A, W. Gibson, Maoon, Ga., or S. F. Anderson, on the place. Call and Examine Watches aad Diamonds at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Second street. ^ Jfst Received.—Messrs. Havens A Brown have just received at their News Depot, No. 46 Second street, the following late Newspapers and Period- icalu: Harper's Weekly, Hearth and Home, New York Mercury, Leslie's Zeitung, Scottish American, Lon don News, Sporting Timed and Day’s DoingB. Peterson’s Magazine, for October. COTTON AVEM i; GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DKAT.KRS IN PRODUCE, PROVISIONS STAPLE GROCER IPS, I FERTILIZERS, Litne, Pla-tcr and Cement. Agents . for the Cn^wadi Ah* hum a) Limo Company. Sole Agcv.ts for the State of Genreia for the tale of the Celebrated ChrK f nut Grove Whi»ky. •optl-lm* uthwcitern and Middle Georgia, whom it has heir pleasure to serve the pa-t reason so patia- J. S. BAXTER, j factorily. thaMbev will find them fully prepared ao< "i«ly to receive, store, ship or sell to tho very btat 1 vantage, all Cotton consigned to them during the • ming seAFon : while to th<>M; who have not he eto- ' 1 say we know we can please i you Yondou dance around a stump upon ■which a snake's head has been placed at the same time chanting after peculiar African style. —Andrew Johnson has gone to Red Sulphur Springs, Macon county, Term., for his health. Leonide Leblanc, one of the leading Parisian demi-mondaines, is said to be worth oyer a mil lion francs. may 2-tf PAYTON'S OIL OF LIFE cures all schsa snd psins, And is the great remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. HATTON'S PILLS cure Sick Headache and all bilious diseases. Pefpek.—An enraged woman on the other side of the river, yesterday, cowhided an eighteen year old strippling until his hide would not hold shavings. He won’t do so no more—stake bottom dollar on that- |M Watches and Jewelri repaired at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Second street. Nothing else equals King of Chills. King of Chills cores old and young. The planter’s best friend. King of Chills. A cheap chill remedy, King of Chilis. Foreign Markets. London. September 7, noon. — Consols 92%. American securities flat; Bonds 82;/. _ Sogar firm both on spot and afloat. Common Rosin 5s9d. London, September 7, evening. — Consols 93. American securities firmer, bonds 83. Sugar buoyant on spot and afloat. Ltveepool, September 7. noon.—Cotton sales 5000 bales; nplands 13%@13%; Orleans 13)/; mar ket dull. Corn 30s. Liverpool. September 7, afternoon.—Cotton dub; uplands IS)/: Orleans 13%<S13)/. Yarns and Fabrics heavy. Pork buoyant at 9s. Breads tuff a duU. Liverpool, Septemter 7, eYenmg.^Cotton sales 5 ooo bales; export and speculation 2,000, nplands Bod Western WheM ^P^S^omber 7, noon.-Bourso excited, bat firm. Rentes 70f35c- Paris, September 7, evening—Bourse closed flat; Rentes 70f35c. _ - nf cv ffr Later.—Bourse flatter. Rentes 70f28c- Hater, September 7, evening.—Cotton on spot; quiet afloat: tree ordinaire, on spot FxuoDroM. September 7.—Bonds closed active 86%. CONSIGSKES M. *• W. R. R. Macov, Ssptember 7.1569. Cheek A Co: J W Burke & Co: Carhart & C: Sey mour, T A Co: J R Rice: Good & Son; Lawton 4L; W Huff: A McKenna: Johnson. C A Co; Tnoke. C A Co; G T Rogers X Sons; L W Hunt X Co; D X J; Light- foot X J. G. W. BYIRGTO*. BYINGTON’S HOTEL. (OPPOSITE THK PASSKSGER DEPOT) MACON, GA. B YIXG TON BROS., .* : : PROPRIETORS ARRIVALS. SEPTEMBER 7.1S69. R Woodall X family. Ga J C Slappey, Ga J M. Greaves. Ft Valley W Allen. Cool Spring A R R«xar. Ga Dr H M Weeden X family, P W Visteher. Ga Eufaula C L Vising. Mnrshalvillo W M T Williams, Ga R J Redding, Ga A H Charlton, Sar W E Collier, Albany J D Stenson, Say C L Varner, Houston co Cart J Varner, Ga G Walker. Longstreet T J Carter Perry R M Rogers, city D Johnson. Abbeville J R Shaw & lady. Ga Mrs G Collier, Albany Wm C Harvard. Laurens A T Mithal, Ga W W Glover, Twiggs co * u V..IC, x caaj Wm J Gallimore, Ga J H Rav. Ga ME Solomon. Twigrs co J W My rick. Bibb co Dr B L Ross. Ft Valley Dr A T Hunter, do Col J R Coombs. Ga J A Cary. Jasper co RT Napier. Houston co T M Haralson. Atlanta D B Fredrick. Ga J H Ketner, Atlanta J B Lews, Dooly co B G .Morgan, Ky W B Hudson. Ky J W Wells, Oglethorpe W W Fiewellen. Ga G M Fcagin. Houston co L J De Lama ter, city J T Merklth, Cool Spring. T HIS brand of LEAD is warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refunded. Try it! Prove it! L. W. HUNT & CO., auk£“J-2tawdAw3m Agentfor Maoon. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY, Howard and Berks Ht*.', Philadelphia. 1 BEAM ENGINE. 22-inch cylinder, four foot stroke, 1 made by Sutton, w ith 13 boilers. 40-inch diameter, 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, lS-inch Cylinder, four feet stroke, made by Sutton, with 3 boilers, 36-inch diameter, 38 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 42-inch, 6. 8 and 10 treadles, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Shuttles. . 25 Crompton Looms. 42 and 45-mcn, 12 and 24 Har ness, 3 and 2 Boxes. Pick and Pick, and also 4 Boxes. (56x431st Breaker.) Mule 1 Set Woolen Cards •< 48x43 2d ** >420 Spindles, (40x42 Condenser. ) \%-\n. gauge. { 40x421st i-reaker,*) Mule 1 Set Woolen Cards s 36x42 2d ** f240 Spindles, (.30x42 Condenser. ) 1%-m. gauge. I 60x48 IstBreaker, ( Mules 2 Set Woolen Cardan 48x48 2d “ >432 Spindles, (48x48 Condenser. ) 1%-rn. gauge. 2 Mules360 Spindles each, 2*4-inch gauge. 1 Sargent’s Burr Picker, large size, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY. FOR COARSE YARNS. I Willow. Hodson’s make, large sixe, Speeder 36 inch. two-Beaters. . . _ . , 4 Cotton Cards, 36-in2h, self Strippers and Grinder, 50 ineh traverse. _ „ ^ 1 Drawing Frame, four Coders. Du afford a Draw ing Frame, six Coilers. 1 Condenser, feeder. 24 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frames, 2-inch Rings,168 Spindles each. 1 “ - IK-inch “ 180 “ With Shafting, Belting, etc., complete to run the cotton machinery. Warping Mills, by hand and power. 1 Balling Machine, for candle wick, etc. 50,000 Bobbins. _ 49~Wiil take part C0TT02* m trade. janeZ7-eod3m LANIER HOUSE. MACON, GA. COLLIEB <fc BOYS, PrtOFErcroBS. FREE OMNIBUS. ARBIVALS. SEPTEMBER 7.1869. J H Meeks. Jones co G H Hancock, G» R Johnson, sr, Clinton J H Blount, do I Hardeman, do Mrs F B Shackelford. Ga J P Fort. Ga R A Tooty, Griffin J Chaoman, Twiggs CO „ W J Morrissey, jr. Ga R T Kobb, lady X child, Eufaula. R V Smith. Butts co # J T Merith. Cool Spring E C Bowers, Ga J S Wise, Atlanta B G Lockett, Albany Mrs B D Irwin, Griffin A 8 Hamilton. Clinton J S Persons. Ga Y G Rust. Albany C Cooper. Allant» FOR SALE. Three Hundred Acre?, good Dwelling and all i sary outbuildings. Applytt*,. FOR TURNIPS, Etc. QUANO IN SACKS OR BARRELS. For Bale by auglO-dlm APHER AYRES. W. A. RAXSOIC,... W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, IM UHl S8S Biudvn, IJCtf TORE tolr23-tf Hardeman & Sparks’ PREMIUM LIST. I M addition to the premium* offered by the Execu tive Committee, at the approaching bt&te Fair, wc will give the fallowing, cither inflate or currency, as may be desired. Best 10 Bales Upland Cotton -f60 Best 5 Bales Upland Cotton 30 Best 1 Bale Upland Cotton 10 Best 5 Bales Long Staple from green seed 40 Best 1 Bale Long Staple from green seed 10 The cotton to be delivered at our Warehouse, to be transported to and from the Fair Grounds by us free of charge. Five judges will be selected, one from each of the following cities: Savannah, Augusta, Columbus. Albany and Macon, who shall determine upon and award the same. HARDEMAN X SPARKS. aug31-lm REAL ESTATE AGENCY AMERICUS, G-A., CALLAWAY & WHEELER. W E are Buying. Selims or Renting Land, lying in tha Cotton producing portion of Georgia. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed in every instance to all parties. We bow offer for sale several Farms, and a few for Rent or Lease. Attention given to the disposition of City Property. Labor secured for those desiring i»- . Confer with us irow, for many are wishing to sell and as many to invest. _ . . _ If you will leave a plan and description of your place with us we will exhibit to land hunters free of ch * rg ®’ G. M. WHEELER. MERKEL CALLAWAY. Attorney at Law. iuly28-<Uwl2t IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. l^yrE are offering liberal terms to Planters or others for Cotton delivered in Macon, during the months of November. December or January next. augl4-3aw-lm B. A. WILCOX k CO. We offer the usual accommoda ion to our patrons >•, their growing crops, and wil Jake pleasure in fill- ng their order- tor supplies promptly and at lowest narkc! rale*-. Call and see us at the PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, Opposite Brown's and Byington's Hotels, iuly : di wlm PLANTERS COTTON T9EAL.E371S 3 w a:.;tin tender you our services as Cotton Fac tor' and Commission Merchants, at our old <n Third .-tree?, and pledge ourselves to conduct ■ a Commission Business, and t-ball give special i I attention to all business entrusted to us. (•turn cur -inc.ere thank"to ouro'd patrons for licit a continuance of tho same, and generally, to give ut-.a trial. We past favor* and wou IdjTe^u <v t e HbaM he prepared ofcotto endcr the Irty. necomrnoda JONATHAN COLLINS A SON. COTTON FACTORS, A B.AB.B CHANCE To Set a Good Healthy .Home. FOR SALE. O NE of the finest residences around Macon, with a fine three-aore Lot, and on« of the finest places for gardening round the city, The garden of Vegeta bles and Fruits will nearly pay for it in two years. Fine Peaches, all kinds Grapes, Pear?, Figs, Mraw- berrie?, etc. The dwelling is a fine six-room one; there is a fine three-r^om Kitchen. Smoke-house and out-houses, with Stable and a fine well of water— good neighborhood &nd high and healthy—not more than ten minutes' walk from tho centre of the city, and just outside city limits. It is known asthe W. W. Waenon Place, and was bought of him by Mr. Hazle- turst during the war. I will sell the Place for halp cash, the balance in twelve or eighteen months. Any one wishing to see the Place I will take pleasure in showing it to them. If not sold before the 1st of Oc tober it will be rented, H. N. ELLS. ser»t2-2w To the Stockholders of the Macon A Augusta Railroad Company. 1 'HE attention of Stockholders in and near Macon is called to the Installment of 20 per cent, called for on September 10th, 1869, and they are urged to call at our office and provide for this Installment and others past due, as we have positive instructions to sue all who do not make_prompt settlements. WHITTLE X GU8TIN. Attorneys at Law. MACON X AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO.,) Augusta, July 9.1869. / A call for Twenty Dollars per share, in addition to the Eighty per Cent, heretofore called, is made upon the Stockhffders^of this Company payable on the 10th of September, 1869. to the Treasurer of the Company. By order of the Board. B. CONLEY. septl-lOt President. LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS over. I am prepared, at all times, to fill ordera for those, aa well a, all the smaller style, of Photo graph Likenesee,. I am making a specialty of the better class of Pictures, and those wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH. Artist. _ Triangular Block, mavQ-ct Macon Ga. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. T HE undersigned hag taken charge of the well known “ Chapman's Livery Stables" in Macon, opposite the passenger shed t on Plnm street, where he will conduct a general Livery Business in all its brandies. Anything yon may want in- the way of transportation, by horse or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on abort notice and at reason able rates. Drovers will find this an old and popular stand at which to dispose of their stock, febll-ly 8. H. HOLMES. Agent.