The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 08, 1869, Image 4

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THE TEtEGKAPH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 3, 18C9. AGENTS FOR THK TELEGRAPRi The following gentlemen are anthomed to receive money for u*: . Amerigcs, Ga., M. B. Council; Albaht, Ga., E. Richardson; Baikesvili.e, Ga., H. il. 6watts; Baiebeidgk, Qa.«T. R. Wardeil: Blaeelt. Ga..B. M. Fryer; Butler, Ga., Hines k Goddard: Cuth. beet,Ga„T. 8. Powell: Dawsoe. Ga~ J.M.Sim mon* : Eatoxtow, Ga., J. Q. Adams; Ellaville- Ga., 6. Montgomery ; Eukacla, Ala., A. H. YAr lington ; Forryth, Ga.. A- II. Sneed; Fort Val ley, Ga., J. G. Ussery ; Grifpix. Ga., II. S. John son; Hawk ins ytli.k, Ga., W. W. Kicks; Kkoiyill.e, Ga., J. W. Avant: Maeshallville, Ga.. J. A. Sperry; Mokteeuma. Ga., W.S. Trnluek; Moim- uello, Fla.. Thomas Simmons; Millrdgeville, Ga., W. T. Conn: Oglethorpe. Ga., C. A. Greer; Perry, Ga.. Jno.S. Joboon; Smithville. Ga., John- son AGoreuch: Talbotton'. Cailier; Thom- abtillr. Ga., J. R. S. Davis; No, 13 Central Rail road, Chaa. I, Davis; Sandersvillk, Ga., E. A. Snllivan; Monticello. Ga.. B. T. Dicby: Savan nah, Ga. Wm. M. Sneed; Jonesboro’, Ga., E. L. Hanes; Newton. Ga.. W. W. Stallings: George town. H.C. Jordan; Columbus, Messrs.Thompson k Bush, News Agents; Thomaston, A. W. Brown. Paeties Remitting Money to us can send Postoffice Money Orders, if hey can be had; or Cash in Recia- tered Letters, at our risk. If sent by Express they must pay chargee. 3 O’HOROIA MUTUM. FIRE AND LIFE IRSTOAHCE COMPANY. H AVING fully organized onr Company on a sure and permanent basis, and having the Comptrol ler’s authority, we present to the Southern People what we believe to be one of the safest and best Life A Smart Quaker. Mr. K , the Quaker president of a Penn- §ylvania railroad, during the confusion some years ago, called upon the W bank, with which the road kept a large regular account, and asked for an extension of part of its paper fall ing duo in a few days. The bank president de clined rather abruptly, saying in a rough tone to the functionary: “Mr. K , yonr paper must be paid at ma turity ; we cannot renew it.” “Very well,” onr qnaker friend replied and left the’bank. Bnfc he did not let the matter rest here. On "leaving the bank, he went quickly to the depot, and telegraphed to all agents and conductors on the road to reject the W bank: in a few hours the trains began to arrive, full of panic, and bringing news of the distrust of the W bank all along the line. Stockholders And de positors flocked to the bank qn&king with panic, inquiring thus : “What is the matter ? Is the bank broke ?” A little inquiry by the officers showed that the trouble originated in the rejection of the bills on the railroad. The president seized his hat and rushed down to the Quaker’s office, and came bursting in with the inquiry— “Mr. K , have you directed the refusal of cur currency by your agents ?” “Yes,” was the quiet reply. “Why is this ? It will ruin us.” ' “Well, friend L , I supposed the bank was going to fail, as it could not renew a little paper for ns this morning. " It is needless to say Mr. L renewed all the Quaker’s paper, and enlarged his line of dis count ; while the magic wires carried all around the road the sedative message : “The W bank is all right. Thee may take all its cur rency.” “Marly Us Twenty - seven Gents Worth.”— In Virginia, where tho law fixes the marriage fee at one dollar, there is a reminiscence of a couple who many years ago called on a parson and re* quested him to marry them. “Where is my fee? said the functionary. The parties who were to unite their fortunes did so at once, and found the joint amoum to ho twenty-seven cents. “ I can’t marry you for that sum,” said tho irate old gentleman. “A little bit of sarvice will go a long way,” suggested tho male applicant. “Ah ! no,” Raid tho parson, “you don’t pay for the size of the pill, but for the good you hope it will do yon.” The loss, intent on marring^, began to weep; but the parson was inexorable, and the couple turned sadly to depart. Just then a happy thought seemed to strike the forlorn maiden, and she turned and cried through her tears: “ Please, sir, if you can’t marry us full up. won’t you marry us twenty-seven cents’ worth? We can come for the rest some other time.” This was too much for the parson. Ho married them “ full np,” and they went on their way rejoicing. LoraEit.—A man lately went to the New York post olfice, and putting his month to the deliv ery box, cried out, “Louder !” The clerk sup posing the man to be deaf, and that he wished him to speak louder, asked him in a very loud tone the naino of tho person for whom he want ed tho letter? “Louder!” cried the man.— “What name?” yelled tho clerk.—“Louder!” again bawled tho man, who now suspected the clerk to bo deaf. Tho clerk took a long breath, and with all his might bawled out the same question: “What name?” This was done bo loudly that tho echo seemed to return from tho far off hills. The man started back in alarm, shouting to tho very top of his big lungs, “Loud er, sir—-Louder! I told yon Louder; my name is nothing else !“O ha! O ho!” said the clerk ; “your name is Louder, eh ? Didn’t think of that. Mr. Louder, here’s your letter.” • Jamie sat in the gallery, wide awake, when many wore slumbering around him. The cler gyman endeavored to awaken the attention of his hearers, by stating the fact, saying: “Yon see even, Jatnie Frazer, the idiot, does not fall asleep, as so many of yon are doing.” Jamie, not liking, perhaps to be thus designated, coolly replied : “An’ had’ na I been an idiot I wad ha w been sleepily too.” Mr. Joseph, the Coolie agent at Charleston, S. C., has received orders to supply nine thou sand laborers at once. One thousand, it is said, employed upon the Selma, Homo and Dalton railroad. Another thousand for Co lumbia. A colored woman recently leaped from a train of cars in Mississippi whilst it was going forty miles an hour. She fell on her head, but escaped unhurt. A law suit in New York has developed the fact that rag-pickers there make two to three dollars a day profit. A oentleman one day indiscreetly asked a lady how old she was. ‘ ‘Let me see. I was eighteen when I was married, and my husband was thirty ; now he is twice thirty, and that is sixty; so of course I am twice eighteen, that is thirty-six.” xxxx WHISKT, A NOTHER lot of this celebrated Whisky just re ceived t»-day. No brand hiu» given such uni versal satisfaction. Everybody is in love with it. It only needs to be tried once to be continued. All who love the good and pure, call for it. Jno. W. O’Connor is the sole Agent for Macon, G: No one else can get it. Beware ot counterfeits Various good brands of PURE RY K and CORN W HISKY LEMONS. 25 Boxes Messina Lemons—just received. JNO. W. O’CONNOR. july4-tf - — - every dollar invested will remain Thecalaxy of names, Riven as directors and referees, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of the fidelity with which this institution will be managed. The capital is sufficient to meet all b ases in every contingency. We earnestly appeal to our citizens everywhere to build up with us this structure for the benefit of our loved ones, our homes and our country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, and earned to foreign parts to cDrich .-traegers woo have but lit tle sympathy for us. Can we not learn wisdom and use our means to en rich ourselves and beautify our homes ? We will try and place, in every locality, polite and efficient Agents to transact the business of the Com pany. And we cordially invite all desiring agencies in thi° Company to call on the Officers, at the office building, near the Pas.-enger Depot, in front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all matters of de tail will be cheerfullv given- The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six percent, to the Stockholders for amount of Stock guaranteed. _ W. J. LAWTON. President. J. C. Me BURNEY, Vice President. R. J. Liohtfoot. Secretary. board of directors: ASHER AYRES. Fertilizer, Macon, Oa. T. C. NISBET. Iron Founder, Macon, Ga. H. T. JOHNSON Johnson, Campbell i Co., Whole sale Grocers, Ma.Ttn, <ia. JACKSON DeLOACUE, Carriage Depository, Ma con. Ga. J. C. McBl’KNF.Y. Macon. Ga. W. J. LAWTON, Lawton A Lawton. Macon, Ga. DAVID T. SINGLLT'jN. Planter, Eatonton, Ga. RICHARD HoBBS, of Cruger k Co., Bankers, Al bany. Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN, Pres’t Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. WALLACE CCMMING. Banker. Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL. S'ovali k Butler, Augusta, Ga. F. ADAMS, Cashier National Bank, Athens, Ga. T. M. FUR LOW. Americas. G a. references: Harries k Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen Augustus Young, Charlotte, N C Wm B Wright, Fayetteville. N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsboro, N C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S C_ Jas P Boyce. President Theological Institute, Green ville, 8 C R Furman, D D, Newberry Court House, S C JOB Dargan, D 1>, Sumpter, S C S T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaula, Kufaula. Ala Theodore Harris, President Louisville Insurance and Banking Company. Louisville, Ky Wm D Miller, Lynchburg. V* TCS Fergnson, Lynchburg, Va D II Baldwin k Co, New York (iolth weight. Rice k Semple, Montgomery, Ala Ex-Gov J G Shorter, Eufaula, Ala L L Warren, President Falls City National Bank, Louisville, Ky ... Gordon, Owens A Stokes. Abbeville, Ala P li Pepper A Co, Mobile, Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery, Ala Hugh McColl. Commissioner, New Orleans, La Wood, Low a Ludwig?en, New Orleans, La Noble .V Brothers, Iron Works, Rome, Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannah, Ga Gen A II Colquitt, Baker County. Ga Tho.^ U Willingham. Dougherty County, Ga James Callaway, Atlanta, Ga Col Luiber J Glenn, Atlanta, Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury. N C Maj W M Bobbins. Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C Col C F Low, Merchant. Lexington, N C .fame.- Sloan, Esq, Merchant, Greensboro, N C Hon KG Heade, Supreme Court Judge. Koxboro, N C Hon GS Winstead. Roxboro, N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N C J 1* Dillingham, Newbern. N C Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, Tennessee Hon John Erskin, Judge U S Court, Atlanta, Ga jefi-d&wtf THE ALABAMA GOLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Home Office, No. 34 St. Francis St., MOBILE. AI'jA. OFFICERS: C. B. THAMES, President. CAUYW. BUTT, I T. X. FOWLKR, Vkf President. | Secretary. ASSETS, : : $300,000 IN GOLD ! DIRECTORS: C. E.THAMES. ofC. E. Thames k Co. C. W. BUTT, of Walsh. Smith k Co. A P. BUSH, of A. P. Bu<h & Sons. W. A. DTCK, of Buck k Tuller. L. BKKWKK. ol L. Brewer k Co. JAM KS CH A LM KRS. of Chalmers k Miller. J. C. CH A M B ERLA IN. of Chamberlain k Co. THUS. HENRY. Sh. liov. JACOB MAG KE. of N. W. Perry A Co. A. G. M( CANTS, of Morris G. Towles A Co. S. JEN N INdS MURPHY, of S. J. Murphy k Co. D. 0. GRADY. THUS. P. MILLKR. of Thomas P. Miller k Co. Hox ABRAM MURDOCH. President M. k 0. R. R. JOHN 11. MARSHALL, of Marshall A Conley. C. G. RICHARDS, of C. G. Richards k Sons. T. W. SI MS. of Sims. Harrison k Co. Hon. J. M. THOMSON, of Thomson, Cockrell k Co, R. J. YOlINd, of R. J. Young & Co. M. P. LEVY, of M. P. Levy k Co. A. J. voSEs. ^ _ A. PROSK AUF.R, of A. Prcskauer k Co. P. II. PEPPER, of P. H. Pepper k Co. JNO. H.GARY, of J. H. Gary k Co. MEDICAL EXAMINERS; W. II. AND: RSON. M. D. DABNEY HERNDON. M. D. ATTORNEYS: Messrs. BOYLES k OVERALL. fpHIS GOLD COMPANY possesses features and Ji offers inducements to those desiring Insurance which can be found no where else. It is a Mutual Company, and it* Dividends are equally and im partially divided between tho Policy Holders. It issue* Policies payable only in AMERICAN GOLD C‘ 'IN, and upon all the most favorable modern plans of Insurance, thu* making Insurance certain and not depending upon the value of a Fluctuating Currency. Premiums may be paid in Gold or equivalent St*-AGENT:S WANTED throughout the State.— Apply to ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Offics-NEWNAN, GA. WRIGHT Jr DOUGLASS, .Attorney,; ED. SMITH. M. D.. C. D. SMI I’H.M.D., Examiners. State Supervisors to whom Reference Is Given i Messrs. Branch ±Sons. Augusta, da.: Mes.«r*.Clisby .V Reid, Macon. Ga.; M*j. J. L- Calhoun. Newnsn, Ga.: J.U. James Banker, Atlanta, Ga.; J. II De- Votie, D. D.. Columbus Ga.: J. G. Westmoreland, M. D.. Atlanta. Ga.; J. E. Dent, Planter. Newnan. Ga.: L. M. Smith. I). L>., Oxford, Ga.; Hon. Wier Boyd. Dahlonega, Ga. aug!5-tf NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE, 1 Macon, Ga., August 27,1869. f r|HlE following Unclaimed Freight will bo sold at _L public outcry, at the Freight Warehouse ol the Company, in East Macon, on MONDAY'. September 20th at 11 o’clock a. m.. for the benefit of whom it may concern, and to pay charges thereon, unless removed by the consignees in meantine. viz : B. A. WISE & CO. EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A “COTTON PLANT!” AND HERE IT IS LIVERPOOL AND LONDON —and— GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD. INSORE COTTON. MERCHANDISE. STORES. DWELLINGS. Etc. T he undersigned having been ap- POINTED Agent of the above named popular and highly responsible Company, is prepared to issue policies on as favorable terms as other agencies in this oity. I. C. PLANT, Agent. septft-lv OLD POPLAR LOG, THE FINEST COPPER WHISKY MADE. WARRANTED TO BE PURE. AT $3 50 PER GALLON. N EUTRAL SPIRITS~ RAW, CORN. RECTIFIED. And, in fact, a large lot of all grades of Whiskies always on hand, at 53 TJITRD STREET\ L. W. RAH 1)AL, aug26-3m ark. Mrs. N. Derrict, J.C. Flynn, No mark. No mark, (B) M. P. C.. B. F. Ro-'s, N. Weed, No mark. No mark, No mark, R. Rice, A. Baum, No n ark. B. Eckard, No mark. No mark. No mark. No mark. No mark. No mark. John B. Lamar, No mark. No mark, No ma k. S. Griswold, S. A. Coates, ft. Collier. Chloe. Hamilton ARTICLE?. : 2 bbls. Plaster. 2 Cooking Stoves, 1 small Parlor Stove. i 1 Package Ham Boilers, 1 Package Glazed Doors. 1 hhd. h. Bottles. 4 old Cotton Planters. 1 Turning Lathe. , 1 bundle Btdstoads. 1 bundle Bed slats and Post. ! 1 bundle Bedsteads. 1 Corn Sheller. 1 Hand Cotton Gin, 1 Horse-Power 2 old Wagons, 1 do. Wagon-body. 1 Cotton Gin. 1 lot Gin Gearing. ; 1 bundle Bedsteads, 1 bdle. Sides and Slat*. 1 old Iron Safe. Pa* ts of Wagons. 1 old Beadstead. 1 1 Head and Foot-board. 1 Part of Horse-power. 1 Iron Roller. 1 large lot old Machinery. t» old Salt Pans, j 2 old Salt Boilers. J Wagon—new. 1 old Straw Cutter. 1 old Bellows. 2 old Stoves. 1 lot Cotton Machinery. 1 Empty Keg. 2 ?‘tS k w'°V on L Se » (1 - 1 old Wardrobe. aug29-td WILLIAM R0GER8. General Superintendent. now FnaxAEis seminary. This Institqtfan offers the accumulated advantages of ov*r 50 yea**’ successful operation. £v«ry facility is provided tor a thorough course of useful and ornamental education, under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teach ers. For circulars, apply to JOHN H. WILLARD. Troy. N. Y. aug21-d2m Macon & Augusta Railroad to., Augusta, July 9,1869. A CALL for Twenty Dollars per share, in addition to the Eighty percent, heretofore called, ig made upon the Stockholders of this Company, payable on the 10th of September, 1869, to the Treasurer of the Company. By order of the ^^^CONLKY —— Prerident. The attention of Stockholders is directed to the above call. It will doubtless be gratifying to the Stockholders to learn that a contract has been signed for finishing their road. A large force, which will be greatly increased in a few days, has .already been pla ed on the unfinished portion of the road, and the work of construction will be energetically prosecuted until the line is completed to Macon - It is earnestly desired* therefore, that every Stock holder will eon tribute his aid to the speedy comple tion of this work, by promptly responding to the call now made for the final instalment. . , „ J. A. S. MILLIGAN, julyll-wedafrl-tillSeptlOJ Sec’y and Treaa’r B. A. WISE & CO, Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also tho IRON WITCH, <tl KE\ OF 111II SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will pat you np a STOVE, handsomely furnished, and warrant it to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS yon can take your choice omoutc four hundred, and they will fill your wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Orates, Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or Coal.) A large Stock of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS Always on hand. Orders solicited and promptly filled. TER M S CASH. CHEAP FOR GASH. 500 rolls Hemp and Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrive, 10 bales Gnnnj Bagging, 16,000 pounds Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 hhds. C. K. Sides, 20 hlids. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Salt, 80 sacks Virginia Salt, 175 barrels Floor—Superfine, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime White Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Nails, 40 barrels Whisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No. 1, 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Caudles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes assorted Soda Crackers, 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 cases Pickles, 50 cases Oysters 50 cases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO. [ julyl6-3m] T. T. T. TREGO’S TEABERRY TOOTHWASh. Preserves and Whitens the Teeth 1 Invigorates and Soothes the Qmns! Cleans and Pnrifles Artificial Teeth! Purifies and Perftnnes the Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! Is a Superior Article for Children! IT IS WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients! I T is scientifically prepared in accordance with the most valuable formal® known to the profession. It has been extensively used for several years, and is rocommended for general use by numerous Dentist, and Physicians who have tested its merits, and who appreciate the importance of preserving the Teeth through lite. Pxoprietor: A. M. WILSON. Philadelrhia For sale by J. H. ZEILIN k CO.. Macon. Laboeatoet OF PhAEMACVUTTCAL amp Ajulytcal Chemistry, _ , , Atlanta, Georgia.. This is to eertllV that I have examine Trego’s Tea- berry Tooth Wash and Tooth Powder. I 6nd tuem free from substance* that would act injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Trego s Preparations to thee* in want of a superior dentnflee. mayl6-fim W. J. LAND, Chemist. - 1 rgi»J DRHlfflTER /CONTINUES to treat all private diseases, Syphilis " J in all its forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effects oi murenry are completely eradicated: Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, and which produces some of the follow ing effect*: As blotches,hodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unmanliuess, dread of future events, loss of memory, indolence, nocturnal emissions, and finally prostration of the vital powers, can be fully restored to health. Persons afflicted with this, or any other delicate, intricate, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial. He never fails. The Doctor publishes a medieal circular that gives a full exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free at his office, or by mail for one Stamp. It giyra a clear delineati -n of all the diseases and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, excesses, indulgences, exposures, and im prudences in married or single life. Kveiy sentence contains instruction to the afflicted, and enabling them to determine the precise nature of their com plaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, is central. When it is not convenient to visit the city, the Doctor’s opinion can be obtained by giving a written statement of tho case, and medicine? can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, however, a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal attention is re- S aired, and for the accommodation of such patients lore are apartments connected with the office that are provided with every requisite that is calculated to promote recovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor’s own Laboratory, under his personal supervision. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail for two stamps. rea A what he says. Office No. 183 Third street, between Green and Walnut streets, near the Postoffice. Louisville, Ky. Office hours.9 a. m„ to 7 p. m.; Sundays, 10 a. m., to 12 *• . july3-dawly P A^IISTTIIsra BT. L. DRUBY. House & Sign Painter, GILBKR, GLAZIER ASD PAPER HANGER OVER LAWTON it LAWTON’S. fourth street, MACON. GA. VERY VALUABLE PLANTATION'S AS A PREVENTIVE POR CHILLS, FEVER, Etc. WILL KEEP THE HANDS HEALTHY, SO THEY MAY LOSE NO VALUABLE TIME DURING THE BUSY SICKLY SEASON. T O BE taken in the place of Quinine or Bitters of any kind; the dose is small, and its virtue un doubted. 'It will be found cheaper and better than any other remedy for that purpose, and also as a gen eral Plantation and Family Medicine, it has no su perior. Tho malarious season is upon you. and you require some remedy other than Quinine, which distresses our head with pain, and sometimes destroys your -earing. Therefore, why not use the natural remedy of the country in which you live. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR Which is composed of leaves and herbs that are in digenous to this climate, and is the only natural rem edy or its diseases. Perfectly harmless in its effect, thoroughly reliable as a preventive, and a sure cure for LIVER DISEASE. CHILLS AND FEVER. CONSTIPATION. DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC DIARRUiEA. HEADACHE, Etc.. Etc. Send to your Druggist and get a package witnout fail. Price, $1. Manufactured only by or. xx. zzixnxnr & co„ julySO-tf MACON. GA. GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons: A FTER the discouraging events of the two years past, that have prevented us from selling Lands, we now feel warranted in inviting iho^o wishing their lands sold to pla-o them with us. From late personal interviews with our agents in the Northern cities, and letters received from them, wo are led to believe that there will bo considerable immigration this way the coming fall with a view of purchasing lands. We have already effected some sal*’?. Our Public Register isopen to all, FK.EE OF COST, to register the lands they have forsale, and inspection for those wishing to buy. We Oficr for Sale the Following- Property : No, 2. A body of 8000 acres Timber Lands on Oc- mutgee river, with Plantation of 50U acres, in Telfair county. No. 12.-Bcard’s Bluff Place, 4361 acres Timber Lands, nine miles above Doctor Town, on Altamaha river. No. 17. General Coffee Place, in Telfair county, 5000 acres Timber Lands, on Ocmulgee river, with * Plantation. No. 24. Place two miles from Macon, 340 acres. 40 of which is upland, 150 cleared and 150 heaviest timbered wood-land. No. 35, Farm five and a half miles from Macon, 450 acres, extensive Orchards and Vineyards. No. 46. Plantation on Chnttahoochee river, 1300 acres, of which lOuOare improved. No. 77. Plantation in Houston county, 2250 acres, 1400 acres open land. No. 82. Plantation in Decatur county, on Flint river, containing 1400 acres. No. 89. Farm in Catoosa county, of 700 acres. No. 90. Farm in Cobb county, containing 500 acres. No. 112. Farm and Mill property, five miles from Ma con. No. 113.A first-class Merchant Mill, near Gordon, ample water-power for Factory. No.114.Choice Cotton Plantation, in Houston coun ty, containing 1265 acres. No. 120. Plantation in Jones couLty, containing 3340 in're?. No. 122. Plantation in Clay county, adjoining Cotton Hill, containing 1027a«*res. No.I24.Twcnty acres in Vineville—Market Gardens, Orchards and Vineyards, with Cottage Hou^e. No. 127.Plantation in Terrell county, containing600 acre.', with fine improvements. Many other Plantations in Middle apd Southwest ern Georgia not enumerated. Also, valuable .Cotton Factory Property on the several rivers, with water-power sufficient for an almost unlimited increase of Machinery. Also, 230,000 acres of Land,, finely timbered with yellow pine, in the counties originally Appling, con venient to the ports of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to rail and water carriage. One hundred and eleven thousand acres of Timber and Agricultural Land, in counties oricinally Irwin. Fifty-two thousand acres Yellow Pine Timber Land, in Wayne county. - Sixty thousand acres of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tho lioe of railroad and bend of tho Suwannee river, in Columbia county. East Florida. Forty-eight thousand acres of good Timber Land, in Middle Florida—an entire township and contiguous sections—on the navigable stream of New river, which empties its waters at White Bluff—Dure ChAnnell, best port on tho Gulf. Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 to .WU acres each, of Timber Lands, convenient to rail and water carriage to Savannah and Brunswick; good location for Steam Saw Mills. Two first-class New Steam Saw Mills of Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. BUTTS & BROTHER. aug!9-d3m NOTICE TO PLANTERS. BACH. BVVOi!! WE HAVE NOW IN STORE. AND IRE CONTIN UALLY KECEIVINO. BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pure LEAF LARD, Choice Magnolia and Family Sugar- Cured HAMS. These Hams are unsurpassed for soundness and deli cacy of flavor. Corn, Corn, Corn. We are in daily receipt of Sound Corn, which we sell at as LU W PRICE as any house in Macon. BURDICK BROTHERS. Flour, Flour, Flour. We have a largo stock; fresh ground FROM NEW WHEAT—all grades—and cannot be undersold. BURDICK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BEST KENTUCKY BAGGING, weighs full 2K pounds to the yard, and the most reliable article in use Also, the favorite AHROW TIE- Hay, Oats, Meal, Bran, Stc. Hay, Oats, Meal, Bran, Btc. Hay, Oats, Meal, Bran, Etc. Call and see us; we know we can please you. BURDICK BROTHERS, . . u , 63 Third st., If aeon, Ga, DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP T HE firm of Sloan, Groover A Co. is this day dis solved by the withdrawal of A. M. Sloan. The pusiness of the late firm will be settled by the remain- ipg partners, who are alone authorized to sign in liquidation. A. M. SLOAN, O. E. STUBBS. C. E. GROOVER, A. T. MACINI YRE. Savannah, Ga., July 4. J869. OOFAB.SHXm.SHXF. THE undersigned have this day formed a copart nership for the transaction of a Cotton Factorage mid Sff.&SK.S.TO BtsasSM* b o'T3{5S^£ s l , “' C. F, STUBBS f Savannah. . A.T.MA july8-d3m BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, STEEL, IRON, AND MANT OTHER ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE HOUSE, ARE INFORMED THAT THE SPRING STOCK J. B. ROSS & SOS, of’offering ^theUv^MuidPo SPUING DRY GOODS, In GOODS and PRICES wo know they can suit you. Call on J. B. ROSS & SON. " martfi-tf Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, etc.. Mason. Georgia. CITIITTLLIFE I8SUMCE N E W YORK o t==d t=d oa oa c_a S==5 P=i t-3 oa t=> E—• GO THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO., Managers Southern Branch. OFFICE: No. 23 St. Francis street. Mobile. Ala.; No. 14 Carondclet street. New Orleans: corner Marietta and Broad streets. Atlanta, Ga. POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY 1. 1869, $15,270: AMOUNT INSURED, ?40 000,0001 PAYING AN AN NUL PREMIUM of 13.500.000: ASSETS OVER $3,500 Ono : DI\IDENDS DECLARED JANUARY 13,1869. 40 PER CENT. * . ’ THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OF Life, Endowment,. Joint Life and Term Policies* Annuities, Etc. u And embraces tho following liberal features: All policies non-forfeitable and incontestable: thirty days’ grace allowed in payment of premiums; one-third of the premium may remain unpaid as a Loan : do notes required. The Continental will, when desired, issue WAR PERMITS, without extra charge or deduction from policy in case of los*. That after threo annual payments a loan may be obtaiued of at least four-fifths of whole amount paid, in case of embarrassment to meet, payments. NO RESTRICTION ON TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE. Each policy holder has a voice in the elections ; Profits of the Company annually divided among Policy-holders. Tho popularity of this Company in the South is shown in the fact of their having placed over 600 Pol ciea on their books, through the Southern Branch, in the short time of six months, covering an insurance of over $2,250,000. THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO^ Managers Southern Branch. Office, corner Marietta and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ga. aug3-d3m J* R- HOY, Agent, Macon, 6a. COTTON GINS. Gullet’s Steel Brush Cotton Grins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins. S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine, worthy tho attention of Planters. Circulars, giving testimonials in great numbers from persons well known, furnished on application. Samples on exhibition atW. A. HUFF’S, corner Cherry and Third Street*. Address june26-dAwtf F. S. JOHNSON, Agent. Macon, Georgia. COTTON GINS. DO YOU WANT A GOOD OITY ? ONE THAT WILL MAKE AS Gooi Cotton, Son Lifter, Gin Faster, than any Gin now ilf use, And one that gave universal satisfaction last year. Then BUY THE GRISWOLD GIN, MANUFACTURED BY o. W. MASSEY, NEAR MACON. GA. PRESIDENT AGENTS CARHART & CURD, Macon, «a-, where Samples may be 6 «en. ju1y20-2m - ERNEST PESCKKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICL NO. 1 SECOND STREET. ^LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED b, an OPTIMETER. WA1 and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. apriii-tf Wame StencUg for Marking, linen Cut to Order. MRS. B 1 . DTCSS'AU HAB 0PENED - and ia constantly receiving, ths latest NOVELTIES in MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS. TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, POINT LACES, EMBROIDERIES, etc. *• 88 KULBEBBT ST., EICON, 61.