The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 11, 1869, Image 3

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LOCAL GOlLXTIVtISr. Adf erliNini; In«l<‘X. Plantation for Sale—Jas. A. Hill. Now Books—Havens «fc Brown. Auction! Auction !—Goo. II. Trait. Trend farSqlp—J. T. Sawtell. Cuthert, Ga CI ' r T^^ : g :FAI:R S-! BY SATURDAY MORNING, SEPT. 11. 18G0. From Washington. WAStnsGTGS. September lO.-Shermm assumes j , Secretary of War office to-morrow. I Revenue to-dav nearly $1,000,000. | Coanniseionors of the ports or Great Britain and | are adjusted claims irising from j The Hudson Bay Company pets ! VI , , , , | $100,000 against a claim of over four millions. The and magnificent Stock of Summer Goods AT COST. | and shriveled bolls upon it. whilst neariylu the I cufmo^oror Me” miU’o/^Tl ^ W« make this grand clearing ont sale to bo pre- | forms or squares have fallen off. Since the second ' CeC 0IDplnlf ' TELEGRAPH.! FINANCIAL AND COMMEBCIAL. Daily Review of the Market. A Sad Sioht. — In company with a couple of friends, we rode out yesterday afternoon j to sco Judge Knott's brag patch of ootton. and I we were really shocked at the havoc played with j the United State i it during tho last few weeks by the hot and dry ] t he Oregon treaty , weather. Not a stalk in his Moina acre patch can I We offer for 7:.*rty Dag< the wliolo of our largo j bo found with les W. A. HOPSON & CO mpan Q. , - I .... . • , I , , - — I required to releaeetotbeUnitedStateaallpo^Hee- ptrod for our I all Stock, w.uc.j viU l»o heavy, and we ®k in August it W; been Btcadilv declining, and snrv i c u r\ , , •mnantiw .Hr,.t,vn : it . ‘* U | »ory ngutfi belonging to them m Oregon and W atsh- anuauany a.t r&cp e. i we do not now believe it will yield much over a half TTe v i- h to do & lively trade. and increase the I of the cotton it promised in July la*t. There is no popularity of our establishment. ) rust or disease about the plants whatever-they are Tins stock is entirely new, and was bought at the j literally scorched to death by the burning ray" LOWEST CASH PRICES We use no deception to Bell our good what we say. Wo offer this STOCK. AT COST 1 And believe it is tho best opportunity ever offered to buyers to secure FRESH, FIRST-CLASS GOODS CHEAP. A REGULAR HABIT OF BODY Is absolutely essential to physical health and clear ness of intellect. Nor is this all. Beauty of per- soo cannot eo-exiat with unnatural condittOD at tbs bowels. A free passage of the refuse matter of the system through these natural waste-pipes is as nec essary to tho purity of tlio body as tho freo passage of the offal of a dty through Its sewers is necessary to the health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diamiflt of tho discharging organs, and one of its xnoat common rcenlta is constipation. This com plaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has many disagfteable concomitants—such as an unpleasant breath; a sallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of mom&ry, and gen eral debility. IIOSTKTTKR’S STOMACH BITTERS remove all tho sun. It wad really a sad eight to behold, and if Wo mean j cotton generally ha« Buffered thus we do not believe tho crop of Georgia will exceed that of last year, 20,000 bales, though tho area planted has been larger and better. Per contra, we rode from Judge Knott’s across to Mr. Guatin’s patch of cot ton—a glowing description of which, together with tho mode of cultivation, was given yesterday by our Senior. If our Euf&nla friends could see this patch of cotton now, we think they would admit that they laughed at ns out of the wrong side of their mouths, in July last. It would take both caterpillar and fro»t to reduce Guatin’s amount of cotton, in this patch, to the dimensions of either of the brag acres near Eufaula. We failed to find an imperfect or burnt boll of cotton in the patch, and each stalk is still producing fruit. Tho patch ia full of blooms and tho stalks look as green, vigorous and lux uriant &a they did five weeks ago, though they are much larger and more heavily fruit ed. Tho dry weather has not hurt this cotton in tho least, and Mr. G. is satisfied that the reason lies altogether in his mode of cultivation and tho quality of fertilizer used. He plowed deep, and used his ammoniated phosphate as a fer tilizer. The result must be highly gratifying to him, an 1 sill, nod .ht not. beptoductiro of much Rood to Ilia planting friends. If is a practical illus tration of his peculiar mode of cultivation, and the p such a variety of hygieniovirtues. It is to these characteristics that it owes its prestige as a household medirino. Experience has proved that it is ae harmless aa it is efficacious, and lienee it ia as popular with the weaker acx as with tho stronger. HOSTETTBR’B STOMACH BITTERS is sold in bottles only, and the trado-mark blown in tlio glasH ank engraved on the labs], with our steel engraved revenue stamp over the cork, is tho 'test of genu ineness. Beware of counterfeits. these evils by removing their immediate cause in the digestive organs, and regulating the action of the intestines. -Tho combination of properties in ,, . , .... this celebrated preparation is one of its chief mer- 1 hp< ' aka ’ ttaelf ~ «tuw^.“^^ l7a8 ^“ t ’ 0r K, tOn A 0r “ It must be a source of much gratification to those h ! 01 * ?°° d , dCPUr ' wh °’ >*« ourselves, have remained in Macon throughout the long, dun and d«y summer, to wit, Pf*^”*”** ■ 3 ' ness the present activity, life and bustle on our lm>dsaetiv%.^vigc to the inert and enervated principll lraaine88 BtrC ets. Third Btrcct wla UteraI _ stmetinns anile 8 ' * a imcn “Y c * na 0 1 “^ly jammed yesterday forenoon with cotton wagona, structions, and lives tone to Urn membrane winch and , ho warehousemen were busy as bee. witotheb hns. it, gently stimulates the liver, braces the | mstomi rs as were also the leading grocers and dry and cheers the animal .pints. No Other | gooda meMtaal , * the dty. At the different rmil- road freight depots tho activity is even greater than on tho streets. The Southwestern railroad is now earning money at the rate of fully $25,000 per week, nearly three times the amount earned at the same time last year. This increase of business extends to all tho roads radiating from, the dty, and is un precedented in their history. This is, of course, moat gratifying to all concerned, and evidences the fact that our people, under the splendid prices at which cotton ia now selling, will, in a few yean, be tho richest and most prosperous on the face of the globe. The planters of Georgia alone, will realize fiom the cotton crop of the present year about $10,000,000, to say nothing of the value of other crops. This magnificent sum is equal to the anan- al production of the richest goldmines of tho worid, and well may it bo asked, what will they do with it, now that the negro market baa been dosed to them forever ? They must seek an investment for their surplus money, but will they, aa we beard a planter aay not long since, invest it, aa he proposed to do, in cotton factories? Alas, we fear not. There ■seme to be a sort of silent war between the manu facturers and producers of ootton, and yet, until they unite on Southern soil and work together in harmony, the manufacturers of the new and old world will ever control the surplus capital of our people and. to a certain extent, the price of their cotton. Bat, it was not our purpose to discuss this sub ject st tho outset of this article, though it is inci dental to the present extraordinary activity in business. Everybody almost is making money, but the planters have been coining it this year, and if present prices art maintained in the ootton market, we ere a little curious to know what will become of the monoy. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS FOB HALT BT B. W. Hinvrs? <St COV Druggists, Nos. 82 and 81 Cherry Street, ancSl-tf MACON, GEORGIA. Nothing else equals King of Chills. King of Chills cures old and young. The planter's best friend, King of Chills. A cheap chill remedy, King of Chills. It-ths ladles but knew what thousands of them aro constantly relating to us, we candidly believe one-half of the weakness, prostration and distress experienced by thorn would vanish. James Marsh, Esq., 150 West 14th street, New York, says, “be baa three children, the first two aro weak and pnny, his wife having boon unable to nurse or attend them, but abo baa taken Flantattow Brrnms for the last two yean, and has a child now eighteen months old which she has nursed and reared her- self, «nd both are hearty, saucy and weU. The . article is invaluable to mothers,” etc. Such evidence might be con tinned for a volume. The beat evidanoo is to try them. They speak for themselves. Persona of sedentary habits troubled with weakness, lassitude, palpitation of tho heart, lack of appetite, distress after eating, torpid liver, constipation, diabetes, etc., will find speedy relief through these Bitters. Maosoua WiTta.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half tho prioo. sept 5-cod .V wlw. _ Keep Bed Diarrhma Remedy on had. R. D. It. is not a hot astringent. R. D. R. cools and quiets tho inner man. R. D. R. has no equal for children. Wa ask attention to the following from Hon. A. H. Stephens aa to the efficacy of Sol omons' Invigorating Bitters: LmxitTX Hau- 1 CaawroaDvnxa, Ga., August 14.1869. j Jfeun. A. A. Solomont <6 Co.. Dnggltt*, Savan nah, Ga.-: GmiTunnBt: Please send me half a dozen bottles of your Bitten. I have been using them lately upon the recommendation of a friend, with decided benefit, in giving tone to the digestivo organs and general strength to the system. Send by express, with value endorsed, O. O. D. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Aixxsjront H. Srarmas. ang20-lm __ KING OF CHILLS Curse all forms of chills and fever. Caras chills after all clso fails. Cows chills of swamps and bayons. :ry other and every third day clulls. ington Territories. By this decision a very long controversy which, on several occasions, threatened to dis turb the amicable relations of the two conn tries is closed. The proceedings cover three thousand five hundred pages of printed matter. FROM CUBA. Semi-official letters, via Key West, say Qucsada has sent three hundred men on a reconnoisance to wards Los Tnnis. The party was attacked, but succeeded in reaching the main body with a kies of 35 lolled and wounded. On the 18th inst., Valmascda attacked the Cubes position, first with artillery, but making little im pression. The infantry charge then followed. The Cubans reserved their fire for abort range and com pelled tho Spaniards to seek shelter behind their ar tillery. After three hours Valmaeeda attacked the position with his entire force, reported by deserters to be more than four tbonsand, whereof one-half are regulars. The Cuban force was about six thou sand, about four thousand well armed. The contest lasted abont five hours, when Yalmesada retreated to Los Tunis. Caban loss 72 killed, including sev eral officers, with 107 wounded severely, .150 slight ly, and 47 missing. Two hundred Spanish dead and wounded were left on the field. The Cubans cap tured 270 prisoners and 400 deserters. The desert ers report that Yalmesada had all his available force in tbs engagement, with 32 pieces of artillery, come heavy, and tiro regiments of cavalry. The Cabans had 13 pieoee of small calibre, and no effectively equipped cavalry. This battle is the first of importance since the OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. > Sefti mb£R 10—Evening, 1869.) Co ft ay.—Receipts to-day 560 bales ; sales 264 ; slapped 221. Tho market manifested a little more life to-day than yesterday, and buyers seemed to have recov ered a little from the t arc which the reports from the New York and Liverpool markets had produced on the day before. Wo quote the market as closing quiet this evening at 29 cents for middlings. jcacox oorroct etateuest. - | Stock on hand Sept. 1,1869—bales.. 179 Received to-day. .'...j 560 Received previously.' 2,316— 2,906 3,083 Shipped to-dav.. 221 Shipped previous Iy. 1,583— 1,801 Stock on hand this evening 1,251 Trade generally was pretty fair to-day, but it is still restricted a little by the scarcity of money, and confined mostly to the grocery and provision line. Com is scarce and stiff at 1 50. Bacon firm; shoulders 17j^@17){; clear rib sides »%<§21 : clear tides 21; hams 25. Bagging 28 7! 31 cents per yard. Iron rise 8% cents per pound. Other articles quiet and unchanged. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New York, September 10. noon—Flour steadier. Wheat lfa2 better. Com dull and 1 lower. Mess Pork 31 00. Lard quiet. Turpentine firm at 42){. Bosin, strained 2 3Vi210. Cotton steady at 31. Stocks weak and unsettled. Money 7 for currency to gold sterling. Sterling, long S’<;'ehort81.. Gold 35%. 1862s 21%. Tenncseees. ex-coupons 60%; new 52%. Yirginiaa, ex-coupcns 50%: new 59. Louisiana-, old 71; levees 66%: 8'a 84. North Car- ofinas, old 55: new 47. LAWTON & LAWT0S, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREET, -VACOX, GA. H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, and bavin? a nr. pie storage for all Cotton consigned to us, vre again tender our serxicej* to our friends and the public as C -t:on Factors and Warehouse men. Wo take this occasion to return our thanks to our patrons of the p.ns? season, and assure them that we shall en- aeavor in thi* future, as we have done in the prst, to secure for then the best prices that can )•<* obtained in Macon, which we deem, all things considered, one of the v*t- best co’ton markets. To those who have not u«. wv -imply r^tor to our i»nuer customer?, and promise to our best effort* to serve all who benefit of thtir business Our place of i is at the cld 5 LAWTON VALUABLE PLANTATION F'OFi SALE. O X F-int River. Crawford county, eight miles from Southwestern Railroad, containing 12vacres, 4o0 c>arf*t2andin high state ofeuki ration. An elegant cot- tug-* bon e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower Yard und good Water. The Land will nro.luee twenty to forty bushels cf Corn rer acre with good seasons. Will he ?oid with the Place, if desired, Stock of all kind? : Farming Utensils. Corn, Fodder, etc. Address A. W. GIBSON, Mac n, Ga., or S. F. An drrson. on the Place. ?ept7-tf GIBSON £ ANDERSON. NEW ARRIVALS. Iq boxes bellies. 10 boxes STAFFORD SIDES. 50 tiered MaenclU and Family HAMS, 25 barrels A SUGAR. 25 barrelsKxtraCSUGAR. 100 rolls HEMP-LEAF 'BAGGING. 5 Car Loads all sTiiles FLOUR. JOUriOV, CAMPBELL & CO. aag22-lm New Yoke, September 10. evening.—Flour, State and Western steadier, superfine to faner State 5 85 00; white wheat Western 5 65<a7 20; Southern a shade firmer; common to choice extra 6 C0@U 00. Wheat, white Southern 1 65@1 81, latter for extra. Com dull and 2(23 lower; mixed Weetem 116Y118. commencement and causes tnnM. rejoicing in the I Beef quiet Pork a shade firmer at 3100 n31 25. Cuban army. A letter from Havana atatesjliat the finnerttT^l^l^er^toonboMd. Groceries l Government exercises the most rigid eurveilanoe quiet Naval stores quiet — : i^aj^(“Ar&ssS;. s . i ss|IIar4lciiia!i & Sparks Cotton steady; sales 600 bales at 34. Baltimore. September 10.—Cotton dull at 34. Flour advanced 25; Howard street superfine 6 OOrtj 6 50. Wheat firmer and steady. Com scarce; white 1 25JU 28; yellow 1 21. Oat* 60(262. Rve 1 10® 1 15. Tork quiet. Bacon active. Lard 19%®20%. Whisky 111(2115. Virginias, old 46% bid; coupons, old 56% asked. Savaxsau, September 10.—Cotton receipts 1050 Gen. Leaca has been here some time, in the in ternet of the volunteers. Outrages increase fear fully, and are'of a character too revolting to be be haved. • _ . General News Knoirx, September 10.—Tho Commercial Con vention has adjourned. Among the resolutions adopted, the Convention demands a fall share of PREMIUM LIST. I N addition to tha premiums offered by the Execu tive Committee, at the approaching Mate Fair, we will cire the foll-wina, either in (late or currency, DAVIS SMITH. H. P. WESTCOTT. T. McGLASHAN SMITH, WESTCOTT * CO. OFFER FOR SALE, A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Sb-oe Findings, Carriage Material Of every description. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS AND CHILDREN S CARRIAGES. A full iino c , WAGON HARNESS. Agents for ABBOTT. DOWNING A CO.’S Celebratod CONCORD BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, *S~ EVERYTHING IN 0FR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. sept7-3m diplomatic appointment* and ulu aid from dries bale*; few sellers showed a disposition to mset the and towns on the Mfcaiseippi and it. tribuUriee, for * *° tbs establishment of an emigrant depot at New * ‘'““O' ** mukUings. Orleans. Alsu, another r««ta£u addng aeutoi- re^fptaae;^^" ^*»»»>».• dy for mail steamers from New Orleans to foreign market more active, hut ay be deeir*^ Best 10 Balsa Upland Cotton Beit 3 Bales Upland Cotton. Bert 1 Bale Upland Cotton-...—.... Bast 5 Balsa Long Stalls from creen Best IBale Lang Staple from areen -160 ports, and another favoring the removal of tho Na- tional npHiL Bo-tox, September 10.—Tho storm extended throughout New England. Many lives and vessels were lost and every description of veaselse dragged their anchors and drifted helplessly.' Tho schooners Ellen and Eliza were wrecked off Peak’s Island. Eleven lives were lost A mud dig ger in Portland Harbor was sunk but the crew was saved. The bell at Portland Jiead-Ught was blown over tho bank into the sea. New Youk, September 10.—An engine on the Erie Railroad exploded near Port Jarvis, killing four per- tten to be delivered at our Warebonse, ■fe Fair Grounds by ns free ... 10 to be tlio week 955; receipts 1433; Wnjfnvorox, September 10—Spirits Turpentine | 39. Rosin steady at 175@2 00. Crude Turpentine unchanged. Tar 2 50. Cotton, nothing doing. Lorisvnjx, September 10.—Whisky steady at 1 09. Provisions firmer. Mesa port 33 25: 33 SO. Bacon, shoulders 15%@1G; clear aides 19%@19%. Lard 20. CntcnwiTi, September 10 Whisky 1 08. Port 32 60. yfri ■ fbff ■ tret sported to and from the ewardtho HARDEMAN A SPARKS. au,31 lm St. Lotus, September 10.—Whisky firmer at 109 . @1 10. Pork quiet. Bacon firm; shoulders 15%; ■on*- ctfiEr aides 19. Lard 18%. Bostow, September 10.—It is reported that the Mobile, September 10,-Cotton sales 100 bales; paying teller of the Ninth National Bank la a de- receipts 316; exports 77; market dosed firm; low faulter in tho rum of one hundred and thirty thou- ntiddilmge »%; receipts for tbe week 976; exports, eanddoW comriwtoe 830; ede. 835; stock 1367. ^%7t%“uids“it,'Tmiti™1t uitnown" 1 Nrw Oileans, September 10.—Cotton receipts I w„ J “on Pl^.. sn7w« ^; 0 ght orhinThT 315; ex- I E unt daring th, war. I will sell the Pl»« A RUSH CHANCE To Get a Good Healthy Home. FOR SALE. /"\NB of tb* finest residences around Maeon. with a \J fins tbrse-sere Lot, end on* of ths finest,places for gardening round tb< ' bits and Fruits will net Fine Peaches, all kind' Motrin a, September 10—A planter named Burt, viuvriwiHa aiuur,.riper. Pears, kies, straw berries, ete. Th* dwelling is a fine nix-room one; there is a fine three-room Kitehea. imoks-bou?e end oet-houses, with Stable and a fins well of Water— good neighborhood and high and healthy-rnot more loan ten minutes’ walk from tha centre of the city, Iy limits. It is known s«-he W. W. d was bought of him by Mr. Hssle- -A planter named Burk, I gqg. r808 jpt, f or t ho week, gross 2692, net 2345; ex- 11 urit durlng th* war. I wilt sell <h* Plies for halt near Napoleon, Ark., was shot dead to-day, while ports, coastwise 1043; stock 2860; sales to-day 225; Cash, the balance In twelve or eighteen months. Any - - ■ — M * 1 -- 1 - 1 — * -*■- PI»ce l will sitting with Ids family. The eseseam is unknown. From Cuba. Hataxa. September W.—Leeca left this city for Saguawithabattmlionof volunUera400strong. The Spaniards put the Insurgent* to flight in Sevilla bay. Thirty rebels were killed in the skirmish near Riamon. <• •• • ' Foreign Hews- Herons, September 10.—Slight disturbances have safes'for thsweek'iiKO; market ’easier, prices un-| wDhingjo^see thi Ch Gcfid^3%. Storting 41%. Hay 28 00(330 00. Others unchanged. A Pxxn/>ue DzacxvT—On yesterday morning, I occurred here, owing to the removal of the volon- abont two o'clock, three young men who had been I tears from posts occupied sines the revolution.— keeping late hours, and, it .was thought, were not in j Several have been wounded, a condition to tako care of themselves, were pur-1 Lrontow, Septembe^P—'The Bishops of Bath and suaded to enter a second-story room on Cherry I Wells have resigned. street, where there was nothing softer than pine I Covstaxtixoitx, September 10—The frontier boards to sleep upon. Their kind and considerate I question between Turkey and Tenia ia settled. Tbs friend, after seeing one spread himself on a writing Viceroy of Egypt submits to the demands of the table, another on a bench, and a third on the floor, Sultan in all points except tho budget The greet 3ood k B: Scymoar. T k Co; Anderson .V ut'r; Ll<-yd Ahon: Dicke. 6 4 Co: J W : J K like; Lightfupt k J: C*rlUirt k C: V Woman’s Best Friehd.—Dr. J. Bmdfiold’s “ J >- male Regulator,” for sale by druggists everywhefb, is beyond all doubt the treat emenagoguo known to the medical profession. It is no quack nostrum, hut a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re- commondod and prescribed by the best physicians In tho State. Suffering woman! do not let your fears nor the prejudices of others cause you to re main in misery. Bead Dr. Bradficld'e column, fol low bis advioe, and suffer no more. sep9-dim Cure your chills with King of Chills. Whip of ChillH cures effectually and permanently. Better than quinine. King of Chills. The groat malarial antidote, King of Clulls. ■ Wottne to Morn***—Wo have tho pleasure of announcing tho revival of Dr. Jenson's celebrated medicine, Southern Soothing Syrup, which thou sands of Southern mothers and nurses have exten sively used and justly extolled for its gentle ano dyne qualities and nutritive support to infant life. Befreehingeb ' r is induced, which is the animus of * healthy, vigorous child constitution. To secure quietly withdrew, locked the door, and retired. In a: short while afterwards, ho thought ho would return and see bow his wayward wards were spending tho nigltt; and on entering the room he called each by name, but received no responso. It was quite dark, and he struck a light to see if all his friends were eloeping as soundly as they pretended, when to liia astonishment ho saw that not one of them was in the room. He knew he had locked them in and had in hie possession tho only key that opened the door. He hurried out in pursuit of tho mysterious fugi tives, hut failing to find them, lie called up the po liceman on that beat, to see if he knew anything of the whoreabouts of his friends. Ho was informed that in a few moments after he left the roomihe first time, three men had been seen issuing from the window, and had slipped down to the pavement by means of tbe tin pipe running down from tho gutter above. They came down it as nicely and smoothly as coons from the top of a sycamore tree, and scampered off. An examination of the pipe at daylight proved that bucIi a descent had been made ; for there were tho marks and scratches on (he pipe which tho tacks in their boots and their finger-nail had made. It was a perilous descent, which the mystified custodian docs not yet under stand, and which he swears no sober man would undertake. Cottos Receipts.—On Thursday last tho South western railroad brought through for Savannah 738 bales of cotton, and on yesterday, 669 bales—total for tho two days 1,407. From tho a&mo road Macon received on Thurs day, 101, bales and on yesterday 231—total 332. The receipts yesterday, at this point, ae win be seen by referring to our commercial column, were heavier than on any day, thus far, this season. powers will use every effort to prevent the Saltan from pushing matters to extremes. London, September 10.—The Morning Foet says the Pope U about making a great effort to convert the American negroes. Two hundred of them ere studying for the priesthood. Madeid, September 10—Tbe disturbances here have been quelled and the city and country is quiet. The proposition continuing Serrano's regency three years, is gaining ground. Pams, September 10.—Official papers an^funco the Emperor’s health as satisfactory. Tlio Empress will probably soon resume her eastern journey. Marine News. CtiAitusToN, September 10.—Sailed, steamer Sea Gull, Baltimore; brig M. C. Itosevelt, Boston; schooner Wenonab, Baltimore; schooner Virginia Doro, Wilmington. OUXSIQNKKS «. * W. K. H. Macon. September 10.1869. Wilburn h Gt Sons; Porter A H: Zsilin it Co T S Green: Good A B: Seymunr. T A Co; Anderson A Son; A L Hut H fititke A Co A Kice: Julian ar u; . — O. W. eneovoX. / ». yf. fivMOTO*. BYINGTOM’S HOTEL. (orromvi van rAimsii depot) MACON, GA. » TING TON BROS^T: : PROPRIETORS. ARRIVALS. SEPTEMBER 10.1860. CoKJKrndrirt. Mich P Nelifmn. M A W B. R '.Parry J_\V M.thowi. Ft Vnllpx Albany Cotton .Statement. Ai-bant, September 9, 1869. Received nt warehouses and depot for tho week 561 bales Received previously 433 “ Total receipts -^2?* ** Shipments to date ”5S * Stock on hand 313 “ •"[Neuw. A Fhtsiclan whose skill can be relied upon is a leasing to any community. This is eminently true of Dr. Hunter, of Louisville, Kentucky, who treats all private and special diseases with unparalleled success. The Doctor lias made private and chronic diseases the study of his life, end from his large practice, which extends throughout tho whole of the great South and West, must have acquired great skill and treatment. Any one so desiring, by call- Kets Found.—A bunch of fix or eight trunk and ; n g a t the doctor’s office or Bending a foil statement drawer keys, attached to a spring steel ring, was found by a negro man on Thursday afternoon, at tho corner of Fourth and Poplar streets. Tho owner can got them by calling at this office and pay ing two dollars—ono to the finder and one for this paragraph. Geeat Vakiett of Silver ware at L. H. Wing’s, IS Second street. “ Tiie Bride's Fate.”—This is tho title of Mrs. of their disease by mail, will receive his opinion as toils nature, probabilities of a cure, time required, expense, etc., fr» c of charge. W o doubt if any phy sician in America, having so largo a practice, makes so liberal an offer. Read what he says in liis pam phlet, a work of forty pages, which should be in the hands of every young man in America. Sent to any address on receipt of two stamps. july 25-dAwtf CHOLERA-HOW TO CURE IT. At tho commencement of the diarrha'a, which al- H Jlsce f will take pleasure in shoeing it to them. If net fold before the lat of Oc- NOTICE. Foreign Markets. London. Soptembcr 10, noon.—Consols 82%. I Orricc SaVAXNan, Groms A Noeth Alabama 1 Bonds83%. '■ I Railio.d Comeaux. > LrvEBreon,. September 9, noon.—Ootton opened I Griffis, Da-. September 2.18t-9. 1 dull; uplands 11%; Orleans 13%<alS%. "PURSUANT to armolution adopted by the Pre*i- ■ T*. . ... . - .. ... I L dent and Board of Directors of th* bavannsh; , . September 9, evemng—Cotton sales 0r ;»- in and North Alabama Railroad Company, at 5,000 bales; export and speculation 2,009; uplands Uriffin. (ta..AnEtutS, 1869, notice is hereby xi»ea that .... ... an installment of ten percent, on th* unpaid capital rtoeltof thl« Company ia require 1 to to raid at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer, at Griffin. Ga. on tbe first day of October next. StoekhoU- 3%; market dulL holders at Newnan and vicinity ar* author ised to pay their installments to George K. Smith. Newnan. Ga. MILO 8. FREr MAN. septa-tf Secretary and Tt Nelicaa. i ms - w M-aSL— ick. Amcrtcna Mrs Warren. Albany Ji_ Hi du Jll Wallao*. Dooly eo A Bivins, do W 6 I.ivinzdon Atlanta J T Brown, do GW Frasier, Reynolds Col J Brown, do ,W K Warren A lady. Ga C K Crocker, do B W Crocker, city C L Varner, Ft Valley ; 11 G Mcbtncr. Ga *. R P Cantrell. Ga W A Wiyins. Twig?! eo E M Perry, Butler W M Whitehurst. Ga E McNair: Pulaski oo M Smith. Albany Maj E It Ksell A lady. Ga Miss EialL Ga A ii Bixhtower, Atlanta 11 Sttvenx. Baldwin Co ..... AT Mithal, Ga £ L Collier. U* W Houser. Ft Valley J M Leaotrut. do G A Reufroe. Butler R Bee?. t-U W T Varxrant, Ga J n Allen. Houston eo Mi a W Allen, do U U White, do Mrs Bivins, d J Pool, Houston co Miss F Jennings. Ge J V Jarrett. Ga M llsrrabon, dty G If tjiapwr. Ga Dr R V Tinker. Ala CsptT J Massey, Ga DGsmmagr Ga J J Murpb. Ga A H Draper. Ft Valley CITY BANNING COMPANY OP’ MACi >N. CAfei! CAPITAL, : : : : §200,000 DixscToaer W. B. JOHNSTON, J.J. GRESHAM. W. S. nOLT. J. E. JONES. rpil R Strvk of ibis Comjnny is all ownod in Macon A and vlcinltv. Having no circulr.tton to protect, tho whole capital i? ffnaranteed for the eocunty of Dppo-«Uor* and Patro'a*. auflS-dawSmo ' this everything of a dUtressto* influ. :;co upon the Emma D. E. N. Southworth’e le*t novel, pranouaced waTs) prccc dca an attack of the cholera, take a tea- nervoua svstem, eo inimical to infant life, is dts- i ) 1V ,i u , press and critics of the day to bo the best - - - nervous system, ■■ carted from the preparation. Mothers and nur use it. It will save your own rest, and tho lives r infant chargee. See advertisement “S. 1; re- 1 English Female Bitters strengthens females. Hu-bai . is should buv E. F. B. for sick wives. —'i and induces happiness, r females cured with E. F. B. -E. F. B. brings 1 Complaints pec r s i production which has emenated from this graceful °f an d gifted authoress. It is a beautifully bound S. volume, and can bo obtained at tho book and nows — ! depot of Havens & Brown. I From the beginning to tiro ending of this most charming and interesting story, the reader* atien T tion is completely absorbed, andonco engaged with HHH the book, ono cannot lay it down until it has been RKAD THESE LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL I roa(1 _ Th0 ia j 10s „ .(1 be charmed with it, and, we The beat tests of the merits of my proprietary | (Ur0 ;{ rocct rvith a most extensive ealo. •riiplf* to n^cortAm fbil id tliouglit of it &t homo j ,,r * “ . _ . . T where it is manufactured. Such a test Lippm&u’s Caix and Examine Watclies and Diamonds at L Pyrafr-e can well stand, as to-day it ia decidedly H. Wing's, 13 Second street, the favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague and other diseases of a malarious origin, m the city of Savannah where it is prepared. The principal druggists of the City would as much think of doing without cn-t .roil in their stores as to be without this ; pr.lar (and deservedly so) remedy. It is a v.-g. ..' !e preparation freo from deleterious drags, and acts a.- a tonic upon tlio entire system, thereby invigorating th* syotem. so much «o aa to enable it to throw off disease. Pyrafnge does not nauseate or si ken the patient, and can be taken by Hie most delicate persons without fear. If should always be at hand, as chills and fever creep upon us eo gteu'.t'.uly tlmt we are not aware of ite approach un til - upon us. A word to the wise is sufficient.— S„‘ i,at* MorningS,-im. may 2 tf HATTON'S OIL OF I.IFF, cures ail aches and paj K , :l „d* in the great remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. Mayor’s Court.—A fight between two negroes was all that engage<l the attention of this Court yes terday. The culpable party was find v’5 and tbe Court adjourned. We might state iu this connection that the morale of the city are unusually good at this time, an l the Mayor's docket has not contained a halt dozen en tries during the last week. sterday, wasn't it: KAYTOyS PILLS cure Sick Headache and all bilious diseases. Nice weather ; Tiie dest is deeper on the streets, and higher i the air, at tho present time in Macon, than at an time within the last two moutlis. Audios.—Mr. Pratt lias attractive sale at his auction house this morning at ten advertisement for particulars. i clock. Pee the Watches and Jeweekt repaired at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Sdoond etreet. poonful of tho Tain Killer in sugar and water, (hot if convenient,) and then bathe freely the stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Thould the diarrhcea or cramps continue, repeat the dose every fifteen or twenty minutes tiR the patient is relieved. In extreme cases two or more teaepoonfols may be given at a dose. The Tain Killer, aa an internal remedy, has no equal. In cases of summer complaint, dpspepsii, dvsentery, astnma, it cures in one night, by taking it internally ai»* bathing with it freely. Its action is like magic when externally applied to bad sores, bums, scalds and sprains. For tooth-acho don't fail to try it. In short it is a Paix The Tain Killer ia sold by all dealers in Family Medicines. scptH-eodlm Pitzm: Women—A comparatively few Ladies monopolize the Beauty as well as tho attention of Society This ought not to be to, but it is: and w ill be while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces for companions. This can all be changed by using Hagan s Magno lia Balm, which gives tlio Bloom of Youth and a Re fined sparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, powerful and natural. No Lady need complain of a red. tanned, rev c I or rustic Complexion who will invest 75 cents in Ha gan’s Magnolia Balm. Its effects aro truly wonder- To preserve and dress tho Hair use Lyon s Ka- tharion. ecptSdeodAwlm FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. n ISCOl'NT. DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION. Exchange Bought and Bold? □ ale on shipments of Cotton to r European houses. !y attended it. DItSCiaat: ^ E. L. Jewett. Wm. T. Li*htloo», G. II. Haxleburst. W. H. Ron. Wm. B. biasmore. Ii. B. Plant. m I. c. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, Liberal advunw: any rood Northern Collections pr mi Second street, on th? North. 5 make liberal aJv or on shipment European ’ BOXI Tim National i.-t, recond dooi Wit! Bay Sight Bank Bcil Ur-g, on rom the comer of d Time Exchange annah, Angusta and other rointa. ce^ on Cotton in Store in Macon, f Ccfon to co->d Northern or • r or. Bonds. Stocks or other good Will purchase and Pell STOCKS, GOLD. STL YEP*, nve-tmenu for parlies aa they may direct. Direct Trade with. Europe- J. H. ASHBRIDGU. J n, S ;, !II:TI l ?■' f, Oi Now Orleans. Of Jlacon, Ga. J. H. ASEBRIBGE & C0J Commission Merchants GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS, LIVERPOOL. ASHBRTDGE, SMITH & CO., Ncic Orleans. Consignments Solicited. *3- Particular attention given to the sale of South ern Lands to European Capitaland intending Im migrants. US-Orders lor foreign Goods executed on best possible terms. mayl-lawly LIVERPOOL AMI LOSIWA ' —A»U— 4 * GLOBE INSURANCE fQMPANT I CAPITAL. DVEH SKVENTEEN MTU.P tv DOLLARS. GOLD llfSUHK tfOTluS. MfkrtlASDlSK. .^TOHEK DVT EL LISPS. Ete. r|i n g UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP- tho abovs-nsmsl i-nt-ilar tny.i? rrorared to i ue as other sceueles In this I. O. PLANT, A rent. GEOR&IA. MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. and permanent —- I I Ier*« authority, we nroment to tba Sootherp Pmle what we believe to be one of the aafest and best Life Insurance Companies cte* eatablished in the £outji- eru Country. The Home Of ice is In Macon, Georgia, where every dollar inreated will remain in our midst. The galaxy of names, given aa directors and referee/, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of tho fidelity with which this institution will be manage i. Tbe capital is sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency. We earnestlv appeal to our citizens everywhere to build op with us this structure for the benefit of our loved ones, our home* and our country. . , Hundreds of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, and earned to foreign parts to enrieb strangers who have bnt lit tle sympathy for us. _ J . Can we not Jearn wifdom and use <mr means to en rich ourselves and beautify our homes ? We will try and place, in everi locality, polite and efficient A rents to transact the bn.siness of the Com pany. Andwg c rdially invito all desiring agencies in this Company to call on the Officers, at tbe office building, near the Passenger Depot, ia front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all matters of de tail will be cheerfully given- The profits will be entirely mutual afterPaylnz six per cent, to the Stockholders for amount of Stock guaranteed. W. J LAWTON. President. J. a McBURNKY. Vice President. R. J. Liobtxoot. Secretary. so aau or romiCToas: ASHER AYRES, Fertilixer. Mseon, Ga. T. C. NIB BET, Iron Founder. Maeon, Ga. H. T. JOHNSON Jchnson. Campbell A Co- Whole sale Grover-. Ma-m.Oa _ „ JACKSON DzLOA' il H.'Cemaxe Depository. Ms eon. Ga. J. C. MctsiiKNKY. Mseon.Ga. W. J. LAWTON. Lawton it Lawton, Macon. Ga. DAVID T. SINGLETON, Planter, Eat-onton. Ga. RICHARD HOBBS. ofCrcesrA Cix. B inkers, Ai- bany. Ga. . . DB. JAMES F. BOZEMAN, Pres't Georgia. Home Insurance Company, Coinmbn*. Ga. WALLACE CuMMlNG. Banker. Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL. Stovall k Butler, Augusti, 8a. F. ADAMS. CShierNational Bank, Athens. Ga. T. M. FURLOW, Americus, KSrKRF.SCES .* Harrifs k Howell, Wilmington, N_C Gen Auruitua Young, Charlotte. N C Wm B Wright. Fayetteville. N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsboro, N C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S C m J&3 P Boyce, President Theological Institute, Green ville, SC _ R Fnr:nat», D D. Newberry Coart House, S C JOB Dargan, DD, Sumpter, £> C S T Aikin, Knoxville, Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaula, Eufaula, Ala * % Theodore liarric. President Louisville Insurance and Banking Company, Louisville. Ey Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Ya TCS Ferguson, LyDchbnrg. Va D II Baldwin tk^Co. New York Gclthweight, Rice k Semple, Montgomery, Ala Ex-<^ov J G Snorter. Eufaula, Ala L L Warren, President Falls City Natior al Bank, Louisville, Ky Gordon, Uwens A Stokfs, Abbeville, ~ la P >i Pepper k Co, Mobile, Ala Josiah Morris, Banker, Montgomery, A1* liunh MoColl, CoinmUsioner, Nesv Orleans; La Wood, Low k Lud^igsen, New Orleani, La Noble k Brothers, Iron W'orkf, Rome, «v& Gen A R Lawton, Savannah, Ga Gen A 11 Colquitt. Baker County, Ga Tho? H Willingham, Dougherty County, Ga James Callaway. Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Glenn. Atlanta, Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury, N C Maj W M Robbing, Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C Col C F Low, Merchant. Lexington, N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant. Greensboro, N C Hon K G Keade, Supreme Court Judge, Koxboro, N C Hon C S Winstead. Koxboro, N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N C J P Dillirigham, Newbern, N C Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, Tennessee Hon John Erskin, Judge U S Court, Atlanta, Ga jed-dAwtf CHEAP FOR GASH. 500 rolls and Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrive, 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 16,000 puniids Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 Itiids. €. R. Sides, 20 hhds. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed llanis, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Salt, 80 sucks Virginia Salt. 175 barrels Flour—- s nperfme, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime Wkito Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Nails, 40 barrels AVbisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No. I, 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Candles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes a'-sorted Soda Crackers, . ' 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 cases Pickles, 50 cases Oysters, 50 cases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL <& CO. J. L. SHLAj MERCHANT TAILOR. COATS, PANTALOONS VESTS MADE TO MEASURE. FR0JI the MOST VARIED HANDSOME MATERIAL. PRICES TO SUIT BUYERS. No- 44 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. «nx29-tf. CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND 8T3, 31A CO F, Cf A , B. B. EUSTON, Principal flMllS College is open daily from 9 a. if., to 9 p. m., JL throughout the entire year.jvnd ia now in Fucceaa- ful operation, her want of sufficient room co accom modate the gradual increa/e cf Students, tho insti tution hu been enlarged. Durir g the vacation an opportunity will be afforded to boys from school of gaining a knowledge of Commercial Education. Tbe period ol study i*» unlimited: cheap board: healthy city, and reasonable tuition fees are advant- asres rendering it desirable for all to enter here. The Commercial Course constitutes Penmanship, Arithmetic, including Commercial Calculations and Book-keeping, each of which can be taken up sep arately. Distinct Branches—Ornamental Penmanship, Pen Drawing and Flourishing. Literary Department—EngILb Grammatical Course, $s0. For Circulars address Box 15, Macon, Ga. ^-PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE HOME IN STITUTIONS. jaiyU-Sm WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —DEALKB IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, TOILET ARTICLES, PAINTS, OILS. WINDOW GLASS, GAEDK.Y SEEDS, FLOWER SEEDS, ETC. gRANHAM’S CELEBRATED^ RMULAT0R PAYNE’S FEVER AND AGUE TONIC AND AGUE PILL.S. GEORGE PAYNE. Druggist and Apothecary, ar-:22-euid6m Macon. Ga. LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS A RE evidences of a high itate of culture the world over* 1 am prepared, at ail times, to fill orders for those, as well aa all the smaller styles of Photo graph Likenesses. I am making a specialty of the better class of Pictures, and tLope wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH. Artist, Triangular Block, may9-et Macon Ga. STOVES. - - STOVES. 300 OF TilK MOST IMPROVED PATTERNS OFFICE AND PARLOR S T O Y E S, GRATEi. Etc., NAILS. AXES. TRACE CHAINS. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLERY. TIN AND WOOD-WARE. A LARGE STOCK OF HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Planter* and Dealers are requested to call and see our Stock before purchasing. We don’t propose to undersell every house, but will give bargains to tbo?c that want Gooda in lot*. G. r. Ol IX. XL OLIVER. NOTICE TO PLANTERS. BACflil BACH!! BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pure LEAP ItARB, Choice Magnolia and Family Sugar- Cared BAMS. Corn, Corn, Corn. BURDICK BROTHERS. Flour, Flour, Flour. BURDICK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BEST KENTUCKY BAGGING, weighs full 2Va, pounds to the yard, and the most reliable article in use Also, the favorite Armow TIB- Bay, Oats, XMCeai, Bran, Etc. Ray, Oats, Meal, Bran, Etc. Ray, Oat3, SCeal, Bran, Etc. Call and soe aa;ac know we can please you. BURDICK BBOTH5K8, 63 Third et., Mason, Ga, )uly9-tf FOE SALE. FJIHREE SECOND-HAND BILLIARD TABLES for *ale. Apply to “The Georgia.” aug22-lm A. PATTERSON k CO.