The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 12, 1869, Image 3

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LOCAL OOlLTTIvIlsr. Advert iwliig Index. Medical OoUpk'J of Georgia—L. A. Dugan, M. D. Dean of Faculty. Property for Sale—Johnston A I)urp. Jasper CcuntjJjOgala. Wanted—J. B. 0. Marion County Legale. Notion to Tax Tayere—F. M. Heath, T. 0. Wanted—Johi iston A Hare. Assignee's Salo—James Buchanan. Notice--LouisF. Anderson. Inhalation—Jae. A. Hunter, M. D. Georgia State Fair bulletin. A arottlAB habit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of intellect. Nor ia this all. Beauty of person cannot co-exist with an unnatural condition of the bowels. A free pas sage of tho refuse matter of the system through these natural waste pipes, is as necessary to the parity of the body as tho free paasago of tho offal of the city through its sewers is necessary to tho health of its inhabitants. i ia the primary canso of most of the i of tho discharging organs, and one of its : common res nits is constipation. This com- | i being dangerous in itBelf, has many disagreeable concomitants—such as an unpleasant breath, a sallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, bcadacho, loss of memory, and gener al debility. Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters remove all these evils by removing their immediate canso in the digestive organs, and regulating tbs action of the intestines. Tho combination of properties in this celebrated preparation is ono of its chief merits. It is not merely a stimulant, cjffip tonic, or an anti-bilious agent, or a nervine,or a blood depnrent, ora cathar tic, bnC\ll these curative elements judiciously blend ed In one powerful restorative. It lends activity and vigor to tho inert and enervated stomach, re lieves tbo alimentary canal of its obstructions, and gives tone to the membrane wlnich lines it, gently stimulates the liver, braces tho nerves, and choers tbo animal spirits. No other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues. It is to these charac teristics that it owes it prestige as a household medi cine. Experience has proved that it is as harmless aa it fa efficacious, end hence it b as popular with tbo weaker sex as with the stronger. Hostetler's Stomach Bitten b sold in bottles on ly, and the trade-mark blown in tho glass and en graved on the label, with our steel engraved revenue stamp over tbo cork, b the test of genuineness. Beware of counterfeits. SUCH BEAUTIES! THE PICK OF THE MARKET! UNAPPROACHABLE IN TINTS AND PRICES! S. WAIELBAUM, BR.O. <St CO. Have the pleasure of informing the Ladies that they havo purchased, and are now receiving and opening, the largest, best selected, and cheapest | stock of FALL DRF.HS GOODS SOLOMONS' BITTERS von sarjc bt Xi. W. HUNT <&. CO., Druggists, Nos. 83 and 84 Cherry Street, aafSl-tf MACON, GEORGIA. REDIVIVUS ! The S. S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON'S Original Boctheks Sootiiino Stout fob Cnuunm Tncnnxo, b again resusci tated ! It is a Corrigent of tho Bored disorders contingent upon this period; a grateful Carmina tive ; a nutritious Syrup ; and a gentle Anodyne, inducing calm and ref reeking repose, without the pernioioai and dbtresaing reactionary disturbance of the nervous system that results from the exhibi tion of most preparations—expressly made for chil dren. Its oso in Hie Southern States, as far back as 1863, established its reputation aa a Southern In stitution, and, sa a medicine unrivalled, and as bo- ing^ho bat and safest preparation for children teething, ensuring best to xothxbs and xrnsxs and relief and etrength to their infants. It is therefore so sew medicine, and needs no advertising whero it b beat known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter feits. It is manufactured only at Ike Laboratory of Conn, Toxpxnra A Hurd, members of and sno- oeasorstotbeold established SounmwDnro Hors* or Haiuux^ Rnuxv A Knomr, 141 Chambers street, New York, to whom all orders should bo ad dressed, and b for sale to the citizens of Maoon by Harris, Cut A Co. ; Ethridge A Davis, Eatonton, Ga., and all respectable Druggists. , septl-doodAwtf. Nothing else equals King of Chills. King of Chills cures old and young. Tbs planter’s best friend, King of Chills. A choap chill remedy. King of Chills. Ever brought to Macon, sparing neither time nor trouble in catering to their taste in so doing. ' Among them will bo found SILKS, of all shades and colors, EMPRESS CLOTHS, of all fashionable shades, j POIL d'CHEVItES, to suit the most critical taste, REPS, that will provo "just the tiling," Ox tut Track.—The engineers and laborers at the Laboratory are now at work on the track to be used for testing the speed and bottom of horses. It will be a circuit of a mile precisely; will lie well and be prepared in the best manner. The stand and amphithetre will occupy nearly a central posi tion inside the track, and from them a horse csr, be seen at any point while moving around it. The ar rangement for an ample supply of water is also being pnshed forward, and will, when completed, be sufficient to supply all demands for water that may be made. While on the grounds yesterday, wo noticed a pretty strong forco at work under the immediate supervision of Mr. Robert Cunningham, and in about a fortnight, wo think, he will have the race track completed, and a beautiful ono it will be. We were assured by an active and prominent member of tho Executive Committee who was present, that the work of preparation for the Fair will, from this time forward, be pushed along with all possible dis patch, and he expressed no doubt that all the pre parations which tho Committeo propose to mako will be completed in time for tho great exhibition. As the time approaches for this great affair, the interest of the people of the State and country seems to increase, and already tho proprietors of onr hotels are receiving daily application for rooms daring Fair week. A gentleman who came up from Eufaula on Friday last, and is well posted in the affairs of his section of Alabama and the senti ments of the people, told ns yesterday that five hundred persons from Enfaula and surrounding country would be here at the Fair. Every day we have indications that there will be in Macon at that time even a larger number of persons than we at first conjectured, and it behooves all of us to be patting our houses in order and making preparations for their reception. If every citizen will do the best he can toward making the Fair a grand and brilliant success, it will be such, and the fame of Macon and her people will be sounded throughout the length and breadth of the land, by the thousands of visitors when they return to their homes, in all quarters of the country. Onr reputation as a re fined, hospitable, and spirited people are at stake in this matter, and it must be fully and gloriously FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Du. Tun's Expectorant.—All who have used tlila invaluable medicine for coughs, colds asthma, spitting of blood, croup, inflammation of the lungs or chest, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, bron chitis, and all diseases of tho lungs, attest its use fulness. For lung affections it has no equal. septl3-dAwlw Keep Bed Diarr’irea Remedy on had. B. D. B. is not a hot astringent. It. D. B. cools and quiets tho inner man. ■ B. D. B. has no equal for children. We ask attention to tho following testimonial from Hon. A. H. Stephens as to the efficacy of Sol omons* Invigorating Bitten: J.inrp.TY Hall. 1 Crawtordviixe, Ga., August 14. 1869.) Meter*. A. A. Solomons A Co., Druggist*, Saean- nak, Ga.: Gentlemen : Please send mo half a dozen bottles of your Bitten. I have been using them lately upon the recommendation of a friend, withd«*7«I benefit, in giving tone to tho dlgeativo organs and general strength to tho system. Send by express, with value endorsed, 0. O. D. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Alexander H. Stephens. aufSo-lm ' KING OF CHILLS Corea all forms of chills and fever. Corea chills after all else fails. Corea chilla of swamps and bayous. Corea every other and every thud day chills. Woman’s Best Friend.—Dr. J. Bradfield's “ Fe male Regulator," for salo by druggists everywhere, is beyond all doubt the best cmcnagoguo known to the medical profession. It is no quack nostrum? but a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re commended and prescribed by tho best physicians in the State. Suffering woman! do not let yonr fears nor the prejudiies of others canso you to re main in misery. Bead Dr. Bradfield’s column, fol low his advice, and Buffer no more. - aop9-dlm With every other description of Dress Goods that our Lady friends may fancy. Indeed, our entire stock of FALL DRY GOODS We know cannot be excelled in quality or variety; while in cost, all wo have to say is, that, as hereto fore, wo will continue to sell at New Vork Store Prices, Which is guarantee enough that these goods will be sold *5? CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE. Heavy Business.—In order to meet the pressing demand for transportation, Mr. Hart P. Smith. Master of Transportation on the Southwestern Railroad, is now running four freight trains, instead of two, as heretofore. The reader can, therefore, form some ides of the immense business which this road ia now doing. This demand for transportation extends to all the railroads connected with Macon, and the business on each is now of extraordinary dimension. The Central and Macon and Western | roads are now bringing through very heavy freight bills each trip, and in order to meet tho emergency it was absolutely indispensable to double teems on the Southwestern road. . PROCURATION EXTR10RDIVARY To Wholesale Bayers! Country Merchants, Planters, and all who bay to sell again, can lay in their entire supplies AT LESS THAN NEW YOKK COST NOW. Our stock is the heaviest, best assorted, and cheap est wo havo ever offered them. Coll at tho NEW YOKK STORE, scpl2-3t Noe. 45 and 47 Second Street. Be Wise in Time.—How many are there who, afflicted with aiscaso in an incipient stage, delay from time to time having recourse to some reme dial agent, which would effectually arrest the fur ther progress of disease, and render tho system impregnable to its insidious attacks. It is unfor tunately too trne—there are thousands who sink into an early grave—whereas at a trifling expense they might havo iivod to a good old age. If there be reliance to be placed in medicine, and thousands of well attested cases establish beyond the possi bility of a doubt, tho curative properties of any ons particular remedy, then nuriey's Sarsaparilla and Potash is unquestionably tho greatest medicine ever Introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not, therefore, to use it, if suffering from any of tlio ills which flesh is heir to.—JTrrald (Oaleeston, Texas.) July II tf Cure your chills with King of Chills. King of Chills cures effectually and permanently. Better than quinine. King Of Chills. The great malarial antidote, King of Chills. W. A. HOPSON & GO. We offor for Thirty Day* the whole of onr large and magnificent Stock of Summer Goods AT COST. Wo make this"grand clearing ontsaleto be pro- pared for our Fall Stock, which will be heavy, and unusually attractive. We wish to do a lively trade, and increase the popularity cf our establishment This stock is entirely new, and was bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. We use no deception to sell our goods. We mean what we say. Wo offer this STO CJ 23L AT O OS»T l And believe it is tlio best opportunity ever offered to buvers to scciiro FRESH, FIRST-CLASS GOODS CHEAT. Words to Mothers.—We have the pleasure of announcing the revival of Dr. Joueon’s celebrated medicine, Southern Soothing Syrup, which thou sands of Southern mothers and nurses havo exten sively used and justly extolled for its gentle ano dyne qualities and nutritive support to infant life. Refreshing sleep is induced, which is tho animus of a healthy, v igorous child constitution. To eecuro everything of a distressing influence upou the nervous system, bo inimical to infant life, is dis carded from the preparation. Mothers and nurses use it. It will save your own rest, and the lives of yonr infant charges. See advertisement “S. is S. 618.*’ ; English Female Bitters strengthens females. Husbands should buy E. F. B. for sick wives. E. F. B. brings health and induces happiness. Complaints peculiar to females cured with E. F. B. i:i: .u ■ rni'.si: lines and bonder them well The beet tests of tho merits of my proprietary article is to ascertain what is thought of it at home where it is manufactured. Suck a test Lippman s Pyrafngo can well stand, as to-day it is decidedly the favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague and diseases of a malarious origin, in tho city Of Savannah whoro it is prepared. Tlio principal druggists of the city would aa much think of doing without gastoroil in their stores as to bo without this pc ; all* (and deservedly so)' remedy. It is a vegetable preparation free from deleterious drugs, and a to as a tonic upon the entire system, thereby invigorating the system, so much so as to enable it to throw off disease. Pyrafngo does not nanscato or sicken tbo jiatient, and can be taken by the most delicate persons without fear. If should always be at hand, as chills and fever creep upon ns so stoalthilv that we are not aware of its approach un til it is upon us. A word to the wiso is sufficient.— s' ,.;i,iA Morning .Veto*. may 3-tf 1CAYTON S OIL OF LIFE cures all aches and pains, and is the great remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. KAYTON’S PILES core Sick Headache and all bilious diseases. O I T ■'ST AFFAIHS- SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1869. Divine Service To-Dat.—There will be service this morning and again at night at the usual bonis, in all the churches of the city. Rev. Dr. E. H. My ers will preach in Mulberry Street Methodist Church this morning at 10)4 o’clock. Night service at 714- Rev. Dr. Bonncll will preach the morning, and Dr. Myers tho night sermon, in the First Street . Methodist Church. i Rev. J. W. Burke preaches in the East Macon Church this morning at 10)4 o’clock. There will not be any Service in the Presbyterian church to-day. | | j A local editor in Southeastern Alabama desires to know of us if liquor which tastes like a torch light procession going down the throat ia good. It ! depends altogether, sir, upon tho object for which ; you drink it. Aa a glowing stimulant such a haver- j age is excellent. _ The present weather ia fully np to tho standard, ! if not a few per cent, above. Better could not be j desired. ^ | To the Readino Public.—Havens A Brown will bo open for vour special accommodation this mom- ling until ten'oclock. You will find on tlieir coun- I iers a very cboico and varied lot of literature from I which to make your selections. All the latest news and literary papers, magazines, and novels of the day just received. Call and supply yourselves. Activity in business is steadily on the increase in tliis market, and we think the trade of the week just closed will compare favorably with that of the corresponding week of any year in the history of Macon. Great Variety of Silver ware at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Second street. And why ia Milk of Violets admired above all other preparation* for blemishes of the skin ? Be cause the ladies agree unanimously that it is the onlv article of the kind really perfect. Sold by druggists and fancy goods dealers. V. W. Brinck- erhoff, N. Y., genera! agent. Call and Examine Watches and Diamonds at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Seoond street. Watches and Jewxlrt repaired at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Seoond street L O. O. F.—We are indebted to Col. John G. Deitz, Grand Secretary, tor tho proceedings of the B. W. Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia, atits an nual Communication held in Macon, August 4th, 1869. The pamphlet is Tciy handsomely gotten up and has just been issued from the printing he use of J. W. Burke A Co. Heavy Cotton Receipts.—The freight trains on the Southwestern Railroad, yesterday, brought through for Savannah 1108 bales of cotton, and for Maoon 319 bales. Total receipts of the road yes terday, 1427 bales. For the 11th of September, the foregoing receipts exoeed anything in the history of this road. No Amusement.—It has been a long while sinco we have had an entertainment or exhibition of any kind on onr theatrical boards, and now that the evenings are growing longer and the weatberia cool and pleasant, we shouldHke to patronize the drama for awhile. We want something, however, worthy of patronage; bat for the sake of Thespis and Orpliens deliver ns from each acting and singing this season as we had occasionally daring last fall and winter. Give ns something good, oh, yo devotees of the drama, and we shall give you good crowds, nightly in return. _ Messes. Havens A Brown, No. 46 Seoond street, have just received the following lato papers: Ap pleton’s Journal. New York Ledger, Fireside Com panion, Western World, Saturday Night and Polieo News. • - Mayor's Court.—Three eases were docketed in this Coart yesterday morning—two for disorderly conduct and ons three cornered fight The first case of dis. con. cost the offender 610, or he could steep it out in the guardhouse for ten dajB. The second customer for the same offence was find $5, which he paid and retired. The parties who were np for fighting had their case continued until Mon day, and the Court adjourned. Enouob fob all.—We notice that L. W. Hunt & Co., Druggists, Cherry street, liavo been receiving largo quantities of goods for two or three weeks past. Their store seems to be full. This is one of tho largest Drag establishments in the State. Their stock is sufficiently ample and varied to supply the wants of Middle and Southwestern Georgia. Lead ing articles, such as patent medicines, quinine, mor phine, paints, glass, etc., they sell at manufacturer’s prices. No country merchant or physician should go North to buy drags, etc., before giving Messrs. Hunt A Oo. a trial. State Tax Paters are requested to pay np by the Tax Collector. Bucs-Ete.—Benton, the Back-Eye man being out of poetry, employed our Local to write some. Af ter teasing ont whatlittlo capillary substance was left on the summit of his craniom he produced the following: ,V, ’ . Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep,. And don’t know where to find ’em: Let ’em alone and they'll come homo, And bring a Back-Eye Machine. There was an old woman, she lived in a shoe, She had so many children she didn’t know what"to do, Her trembles were tho awfnllest that ever were saw, So she bought her a Back-Eye Sowing Machine. There was a little man that had a little gun. With ballets made of lead, He bonght a Buck-Eye Sewing Machine That sewed with a doublo thread. Old Mother Hubbard, she went to tho enhbard To get her poor dog a bone, When she got there the cubbard was bare, So she give him a Buck-Eye Machine! When I was a single man I lived by my self, All the bread and cheese I got, I laid upon the shelf. But now I am a married man, I, I, I, I mean— My wife bothers me to death for a Buck-Eye Sewing Machine. Here the Local fainted, and we sent to John Griffin’s drag store for some paregoric to bring him back to life. A Physician whose skill can bo relied upon is a lessing to any community. This ia eminently true of Dr. Hunter, of Louisville, Kentucky, who treats all private and special diseases with unparalleled success. The Doctor has made private and chronic diseases the study of his life, and from his large practice, which extends throughout the whole of the great South and West, most have acquired great skill and treatment. Any one so desiring, by call ing at the doctor's office or sending a full statement of their disease by mail, will receive’ his opinion as to its nature, probabilities of a core, time required, expense, etc., free of charge. We doubt if anyphy sician in America, having so large a practice, makes so liberal an offer. Read what he says in his pam phlet. a work of forty pages, which should be in the hands of every young man in America. Sent to any addrees on receipt of two stamps, july 25-dAwtf Facts fof. the Ladies.—I purchased my Wheeler A Wilson machine July 10th, 18.17, and for the first six years used it constantly from morning until late in the evening on heavy cloth and Marseilles work, and the remainder of the time I have used it for family sewing, without repairs, and the machine is in so good condition that I would not exohange it for your latest number. It will wear a dozen years more with out repairing. I have used one needle nearly three years, and have some of the dozen needles that I received with the machine. Jersey City. Mrs. T. Edmonson. Daily Review of the Market. OFFICE DALLY TELEGRAPH. 1 Seitemeer 11—Evening, 1869.) Cotton.—Receipts to-day 3S9 bales ; sales 363 : shipped 296. The market opened with & better feeling among buyers this morning than there was yesterday, at 29 cents ; but the afternoon telegrams from New Y'ork announcing a decline in that market, checked oper ations here, and the market closed dull this evening at 28;-j cents for middlings. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1S69—bales.. 179 Received to-day 389 Received previously 2,996— 3,295 3,474 Sliipped to-day 296 Shipped previously 1,804— 2,100 Stock on hand this evening 1,374 Business was moderately brisk to-day, but was confined mostly to a retail trade. The condition of the money market has much im proved since Thursday last, and tho stringency of the last month seems to havo given way, and from this time forward we may expect to see trade and business generally more along smoothly and briskly. In groceries and provisions we have nothing new to report. The demand for com is rather limited; but the stock is light and the article generally scarce. It ia still stiff at 150 in any quantity for prime white. Bacon continues firm at the same price at which it has been selling for the month past. Baling material in good demand at unchanged prices. ^ LATKsr MARKETS I$Y TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New York, September 11. noon.—Flour steadier. Wheat 1(52 better. Corn 1 lower. Mess Fork 31 00. Lard dulL Turpentine firm at 43. Rosin quiet Freights firm. Cotton qoiet at 34. New Yoke. September 11,evening—Flour steadier. Wheat declined since noon. Com heavy; mixed Western 114(gl 17. Whisky decidedly higher at 1 25. Beef steady. Pork dull at 31 00. "Lard heavy: Freighted 0 ' Naval Stores and Groceries quiet. Money 6@7. Bank Statement very unfavorable. Specie decreased 82.500,000. Gold firmer; opened at 35)4, but advanced to 35)4 upon unfavorable ac count of the cotton crop, and closed at 35K@35)4. Exports of gold for the week 856,000. Governments scarce; a large German order on the market, at an advance of >4, failed to bring supplies equal to the demand; market, however, dosed quiet with the ad vance partially lost. State bonds dull. Tennessees, old 6154; new 53. Virginias, old 55. North Caroli- nas 47. Louisian as. old 70)4; new 65; leveea 65: 8s 84. Alabama £e 93, to 63. Georgia 6e 80; 7a 91. Cotton a shade lower, sales 8000 bales at 33h@34. Baltimore. September 11—Cotton dull at 34. Floor qnict and steady. Wheat firmer: receipts small; red 1 50{31 CO. Cora 1 25. Oats 63. Pork quiet. Bacon activo. Lard quiet Whisky active at 118. ^Virginias, old 4G)4; 1867s 50. North Carolinaa, Savannah, September 11 Cotton receipts 1659 bales; exports 1766; market opened with a moderate demand, bat during the day prices .softened down in conseqnenoe of advices from New York: middlings 30)4. Augusta, September 11 Cotton sales 234 bales; receipts 469; market quiet and prices easy; middlings 29)4(<£29$4. Charleston, September 11.—Cotton SAles -*25 bales; receipts 970; exports, coastwise 196; market quiet bat steady, middlings 31. Wilmington. September 11—Spirits Turpentine 39. Boain. nothing doing. Crude Turpentine 1 50 @3 00. Tar 2 50. Cotton, middlings 30)4. Louisville, September 11 Whisky 110. Pro visions quiet. Mess pork 33 25(333 50. Bacon, tbouldere 16; clear sides 19)4. Lari 20. Cincinnati, September 11 Whisky firmer at 1 09 (el 10. Mess Pork and Lard dull’ and nominal. Bacon, shoulders 15)4; sides 18)4. St. Lotus, September 11 Pork dull at S3 50® 33 75. Bacon buoyant; clear rib aide 19, rib sides 18)4. Lard dnll; tierco 18)4018)4. Mobile, September 11—Cotton, [nothing done; receipts 90 bales; exports 162. New Orleans, September 11 Colton receipts 547 bales; sales 370; exports, coastwise 2091; prices easier; middlings 31)4. Gold 34)4. Sterling 45«4. New York Sight )4 discount. - Flour lower; superfine 5 75; double extra 6 20; treble extra C 25. Bran 1 07)40110. Pork lower; mesa 35 00. Lard 90)4@21)4- Others unchanged. Foreign Markets. - London, September 11, noon Console 92)4. Bonds 83. Tallow 46a6d. Liverpool, September 11. noon.—Cotton firmer bat not higher; uplands 13)4;. Orleans 13)4. Liverpool, September 11, evening.—Cotton sales 10,000 bales; export and speculation 3000; uplands 13)4; Orleans 13)4; market dosed steady. Haves, September 11, noon Cotton firm; on spot 159. Paris, September 11, noon.—Bourse excited. Cotton Cut Off.—The Columbus Sun and Times says: There can be no doubt that the cotton crop of this section has been injured, probably to the extent of fifteen or twenty thousand bales. Sixty to sixty-five thousand bales are the limits of the estimated number of bales to be received at Columbus. Cotton along tho river is little affected, the weather being suited to it A rain would greatly add to the yield of the uplands. The continued drought is injuring all on the sandy lands. Buyers say this season's cotton is tho prettiest they have seen in a long period. Enough corn has been raised to supply hpme needs until Spring. Time will show. H'gh prices have had somethig to do with hurrying in cotton as well as the bolls opening rapidly. rp jp SIX GREAT REMEDIES OF THE AGE- HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC! NO AR8BNIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. Tho only remedy for Chills and Fever, or Ague and Fever, that is or can he depended upon, it HUR LEY'S AGUE TONIC. There hare been thousands cured by u*ing it who h»Ye tried the usual remedies without benefit. WORTHY or ATTEXYKOnr. To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley i I hereby certify that daring last year I was attack- el with the Ague whilst in Vicksburg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching home the disease returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered Qui nine in large doses— frequently as high as sixty grains per day, and which must have cost me nearly $100. I consulted Dr.fcmith, of Louiivillc, and found he prescribed quinine and arsenic combined, which I refused to take, preferring to let the disease take its course. I was almost bloodness, extre uely exhausted, and pronounced with enlarge Liver and Spleen. About this time the advertisement af Hurley’s Ague Ionic appeared in a city paper, and I determined to give it a trial. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred cases in which it acted with equally happy result*, and would certainly recommend it as preferable 13 tny other tonic before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Lorisvi LLr, Kt., June 15,1865. fiGORGIA HOME BAKE COIIPASY COLUMBUS, O* A COXSIGXKKS 91. dt W. R. R. Macon. September 11,1889. Johnson. C k Co; Seymour. T * Co; N R Norton: Rogers k B: J W Burke Jc Co; Rogers Sc Sons; J M Born; J Holmes Jk Co. COXSIGXES S. W. RAILROAD. Macon, September 11, 1869. Geo Jaekson: Jone« A Baxter; J Shannon; C Wiley; Rev D Will* Tho* King: L«aac House: Frank Pat rick: W Docdy; G T Rogers A Sons: \V B Johnson; J C.dlin? A Son; W M Brown: Hardeman A S; W A Reid; Adam?, J k R: S T A B I* Walker: Lawton A L: J 'V Burke: B M Brown; ii N Fils: G B : gg: Win- ship k C; K J Johnson; Rogers .t B: Frank Collin*: A Ayres; Carbart A C; J A Foster: J M Bowman; Thos Johnson; ecyuiour, T A Co; BSGoodyear. CUBBEBGE vt HAZLEHURST, BANKEKS & BR0KEK\ MA.CON, GA.. DECEIVE, deposits, buy and sell bs- 11 CHANGE. GOLD. SILVElt. Stock* Bondj and Uncnrrent Funds. 00LLE0TI0B3 MADE ON ALL ACCESSIBLE P0INT8. RR-Offi-. GI*5H all hoars of tho d,y. [jerU-lyrl 2STew Books! jgRIDE’S FATE. (Mrs. Sduthwortb) price. SI 75 ‘ L> BRIDE’S FATE, (doth) pries 150 Hans Breitman’s Ballads, (cloth.) price—. 200 Hans Breitman’s Ballads, (paper) price 75 Lcnori Casaloni, (cloth)..™.175 For sale by HAVENS A BROWN, septll-tf BiokreUen and News Dealers. The Thirty-Second Annual Session WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, IN MACON, GA. B EGINS OCTOBER4tb, ISC?. The Faculty is com plete ; the Instruction thorough: the Location remarkably healthful. Superior facilities afforded in The annual charge for regular Tuition and Board is sdlo- . For particulars ad ircss J. M. B0NNELL. gept3-cod till oct9 President. PATENT EIGHT FOR SALE. A LMOND’S celebrated patent spring BED BOTTOM—the best, cheapest, simplest and most dirablc Spring Bed Bottom ever invented. A sure fortune for an energetic furniture manufacturer. The Patent Kisht for the State of Georgia for sale on For full particular? address P. O. DRAWER 219. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY'. 1m aug 15-deod lm. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. "Y^TE are offering liberal terms to Planters or others for Cotton delivered in Macon, during the months of November, December or J an u ary next. augl4-3aw-lm E. A. WILCOX Sr CO. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD I HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA, IODIDE POTASH. Affections of the Hones, Habitual Cosltive- ness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys. Dlspepata, Kryslpelas, Female Irreg ularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles. Pul monary Diseases. Scrofula, or King's Evil, Syphilis, and all lmpurltle* or the Blood. . Louisville, April 4,1865. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what it is represented, and I believe it the most wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens could induce me to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the subject. My danghter has been afflicted with skin disease and stiffncsi of the joints for several years. I em ploy c<l-the principal physicians of the city and they could not cure her. I gave her your Sarsaparilla, not expecting it wou’d do much good, but to my great astonishment she rapidly got well, and thank God continues so. Usd shebeen taking any medicine I would not give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt of its medical qualities, ana thatttalnne cured her. [Signed,] LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring tho truth and honesty of this statement, will find mo at my residence, corner Ninth and Walnut streets, Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY* As this is real It s specific for Worms, and the best and most palatable form to give to children, it is not surprisinr that it is fart taking the place of all other preparations for worms—it being perfectly tasteless, ami any child will take 1L Messrs. James Ruddle A Co.—Gentlemen: It gives me great pleasure to say, after using all the other worm remedies known to me. with but partial suceeas to my children. I was advised to try Dr. T. A. Hurloy’s. and since using it, my children havo become well and healthy ; tbe children would eat it all the time, it is so pleasant, if we would let them. I bellevo It is ono of tbe best and safest remedies known, and as such, recommend it to one one and all. JAMES W. TRAVIS. Louistillb. Ky„ July 3.1868. ; Notice to Mothers. BE. r.aA33EOOK'3 INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Use in the future, only SlfABB00K'8. a combina tion quite np with tho advancement oftbeage.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action, efficient and reliable in all oases. Invaluable in tbe following dis- SUMMER COil PLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS. RESTIVENESS. TEETHING. Etc.. Etc. Gives health to tho child and rest to the mother. NsShville, Tint , February 12, 1668. James Ruddle d- Co., LouittOle, Ky.: When living in yonr city I used several bottles of Dr. Sea brook*. Infant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better after using it, than any other remedy I ever tried. I can say with confidence.itia the best medicine for children at present known. I wish you would get the Druggists hereto keep it. If any ouedoes, please let me know; if not. send me ono dozen by exprers. and I will nay for it at tho office here, tf rite me when you send it, and oblige MRS. SARAH L. RANDOLPH. INCORPOniiTED 1889. ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1869, CAPITAL, 0 3 0,00 O. $444,462 52. THIS COMPANY. ON ENTERING ITS ELEVENTH YEAR OF BUSINESS. OFFERS THE FOL LOWING STATEMENT: Balance from January 1. 1868.... mss\m $133,434 70 Amount of Premiums received since tbe Company’s organixation S919.0S5 00 Amount of Dividends paid since the Comp m.v’s organization....— 21o,000 00 Amount of Losses pai l since the Company’s organisation.... 420,252 00 Cash Dividend declared February oth S per cent Scrip Dividend to holders of participating Policies 25 per coat The Scrip ofl867 (25 per cent) is novr receivable as Cash in payment ot premium?. WM. W. CASHES, Agent, Macon, Ga.H mar7-lawtf OFFICE. SOUTHEAST CORNER TniRD AND CHERRY STS. CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000 DIEZCTOIS: W.B. JOHNSTON. J.J. GRESHAM. W. S. HOLT. J.E. JONES. T HE Stock of this Company ia all owned in Macou and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, the whole capital is guaranteed for the security of Depositors and Patrons. angl2-daw3mo FIRST NATIONMJANK OF MACON. I. C. PLANT.. President. W. W. WRIGLKV Csshikr. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. TkISOOUNT, DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION. J J Exchange Bought and Sold. Liberal advance! made on shipment! of Cotton to any good Northern or European boom*. Collections promptly attended it. nttiuTORS: H.L. Jewett, Wm. T. Llchtfoot, G. H. Hulebnrat. W. II. Hoea. Wm. B. Dintmoro, H. B. Plant. mayS-Gm* , ' Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liter, or Disordered Stomach. There are no Bitter? that compare with these in re moving these distressing complaints. For sale orcan be bad at any drug store in the United States, or from the Proprietors, JAMES RUDDLE Sc CO„ Louisville, Ky. To Jas. Ruddle c£ Co., Louisville, Ky.: GssTGpfX.v; This is to certify that I havo been for yean? a suUcrer, and have tried all the tonics I have heard of or ?een advertised, with little or ro relief from any of them. I heard your Hurley Bitters high ly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to my surprise and joy, be fore I finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly believe that on one or two occasions it was the means of saving and prolonging my life. 1 con scientiously recommend them to all sufferers as the best Bitters known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and have no other. You can use this as you think proper, it it will bcneCt others. Yours truly, etc., JOHN W. DIXS0N. Locisyilli, Ky., December 10,1868. sa. SEASROOE’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya. This elegant combination possesses ail the tonic properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeable taste and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of these valuable medicines. It should be taken in all cases when a gentle tonic im pression is required after convalesence from Fevers or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing irregular ities peculiar to females. No female should be with out it. if liable to such diseases, for nothing can well take its place. JAMES HUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, LABORATORY NO. 41 BULLITT STREET, LouisviUe, Ky. I. C. PLANT & SON. Bankers and Brokers, Sacood atreat. Will Buy Sight and Time Exchange on the North, Savannah,'Angurta and other pointa, make liberal advance* on Cotton inStore in Macon, or on ibipmenU or Cotton to good Northern or European bnuiea, or on Bondi, Stocks or other good securities Will purchase and sell BONDS, STOCKS, COLD, SILVER, and make investments for parlies as tbay may direct. may3 6m* F. M. COKER, BAN'KER, AMERICUS, * GEORGIA, T\OES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; JL/Bnya and Sella Stocks. Bonds, Coin and Exchange MONEYS invested ss parties direct. COLLECTIONS promptly ravitted on days of ma turity, at loweatrausof exchange. COTTON BOUOUT ON ORDER. I»ep7 Em* LANIER HOUSE, MACON, qjSORGIA. r K0 the numerous applicants for rooms during the A Fair, the Proprietors of this House in reply, state that they have declined to make engagements, but will place its fullest capacity in readiness to rcoeive and welcome their patrons. Applications made a day or two prior to occupancy of rooms, will be entertained. septlO-1 w Euston’s Commercial College, * Corner Mulberry and Seconi Streets, Macon, Ga. *|*HE EVENING SESSION of this Institution re- 1 opens, from 7 to 9, on MONDAY, September 13tb. Ihoso desirous of entering will pleaso make applica tion, at tho office of the College, any day dufirg tho week between 9 a. m. and 1 r. m., and from 3 to 5 p. m. sept4-tf NEW GOODS. CROP HERRINGS—extra quality. NEW CROP MACKEREL. BLUE an 1 WHITE FISn, % A large lot of Fancy and Assorted CANDIES, Dcmarara and New Orleans SUGARS. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY A CO. ang29- tf LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, nnd having ample storago for all Cotton consigned to us. we again tender ourservicos to our friends and tho public ns Cotton Factors nnd Warehouse men. W’o take this occasion to return our thanks to our patrons of the pnst teasoQ, and assure them that we shall en deavor in the future, as we have done in tho past, to cure !'•»r ihem tho best prices that can he obtained in Macon, which we deem, all things considered, ono «if the very r>- cotton markets. To those who have not tried tiwe 'imply refer t" our former customers, and promise to use our boat efforts to servo all who give us the benefit of their business. Our place of business is at the old stand of LAWTON A LAWTON. scp9-d&wlm Fourth street. Hardeman k Sparks, TN tendering their services again to their planting I friends as WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, deem it whMly unnecessary to make promises « to their willingnefs and ability to serve them faithfully and advantageously. Their long experience and tho large patronage wh ieh has •■ver i" . extended the hoime, i< proof conclusive that they deserve the confidence of tho planting com munity. and prompt and honest attention to their interest thov intend to merit in tho future, the pat ronage so liberally given them in tho past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low- r ■ 'Pi- and the usual i u-ilPies extended to thoso who entrust their business with us. O. G. SPARKS. * T. HARDEMAN. Jr. aug28-d3m PLANTERS AND COTTOIST UEAIjISRB: W E again tender you our services aa Cotton Fac tors and Commission Merchants, at our old stand on Third street, and pledge oarteltm to conduct strictly a Commission Business, and shall give special n I :itren f ion to :i 11 '• • *’ < cut rust id to us. We return our fdneero thanks to ournid patrons tor past favors and solicit a continuance of the same, and wonld request Planters”'generally, to give us a trial, as wo mako the saJo of cotton a urcciality. Shall be prepared to render tbe usua accommoda- J0XATIUY COLLINS A SOX, COTTON FACTORS, OLD POPLAR LOG, THE PIHEST COPPESI7HISKY MADE WARRANTED TO BE PURE. AT $3 50 PER GALLON. -VTEUTRAL SPIRITS — IN RAW, CORN, RECTIFIED, And,.in fact, a large lot cf all grades of Whiskies always on hand, at 53 THIRD STREET, L. W. KASDAL. SCOTT & BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 61 CARONDELET S1REET, NEW ORLEANS. QPECIAL attention to purchasing Merchandise on O order. Cotton bought for Shipment, or held for local speculation. eep9-lw* ATTENTION, TAX-PAYERS. A LL persons owning or having charge of property in the city and those subject to Poll and Read Tax, are requested to come forward and settle. The city being very much in need of money, lam instruct- elto notify parties that a very short time will be given. I trust all will come forward without delay and assist me in paying demands sept2-3w aying demands against the city. CUAS. J. WILLIAMSON, C. T. DIVIDEND No. 31. Southwestern Railroad Company. I Macon, Ga., August 12,1S69. J A DIVIDEND of Four Dollars per Share on the Capi al Stock of this Company, aa held on the 31st ultimo, has thi^day been declared by the Board of Director?, payable on and after the 19th instant in United States currency. The United States Revenue Tax will be paid by this Company. Stockholders in Savannah will receive their Dividends at Central Railroad Bank. JNO. T. BOIFEl ILLET, auel3-lm Secretary and Treasurer. All tbe above Goods for sale by I*. W. BUNT Sl OO., Macon, Ga*. and all Druggists. auglO-suJtth VALUABLE PLANTATION i*oh s O N Flint River, Crawford county, eight miles from Southwestern Railroad, containing 1200acre?, 450 cleared and in high state of cultivation. An cl egan t cot tage hou e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower Yard and good Water. The Land will produce twenty to forty bushels of Corn per acre with good seasons. Will be sold with the Place, if desired. Stock of &]» kinds : Farming Utensils. Corn, Fodder, etc. Address A. W. GIBSON, Macon, Ga., or S. F. An derson, on the Place. sept7-tf GIBSON k ANDERSON. DR. EMERSON HAS RETURNED rpo MACON and will resume the practice of Dent- J. iat!7 at once. auglT-tilloctlO JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS \\T 0ULD respectfully say to TT Southwestern andMiddl been their pleasure to serve the past season so satis factorily, that they will find them fully prepared an< ready to receive, store, ship or sell to the very best advantage, all Cotton consigned to thorn during tho coming season; while to the so who have not ho ao- foro tried us, we would say we know we can please you. We offer tho usual accommoda. ion to our patrons on their growing crop?, and wil take pleasure in fill ing their orders for supplies promptly ar.d at lowest market rates. Call and see us at the PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE, ^ Oddosi LADIES' GRECIAN BENDS, GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, And every variety of Ladies,* Gentlemen’s and Chil dren’s BOOTS and SHOES, SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. Every article stamped with their Trade Mark war ranted to be of the BEST QUALITY. aapO-tf ■- G. S* JONES. J. S. BAXTER. JONES & BAXTER, COTTON AVENUE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PRODUCE, PROVISIONS AND STAPLE GROCERIES, T FERTILIZER', Lime,Plaster and Cement. Agents for the Cnewacla .Alabama) Lime Company. Sole Agents for the State of Georgia for tbo sale of the Celebrated Chestnut Grove Whisky. gcptl-Im* To the Stockholders of the ZMEacon &. Augusta Railroad Company. r PHE attention of Stockholders ia and near Macon L is called to the Installment of 20.per cent, called for on September 10th, 1S69, and they are urged to call at our office and provide for this Installment and others past due, as wc have positive instructions to sue all who do not make prompt settlements. WHITTLE k GUSTIN, Attorneys at Law. MACON k AUGUSTA RAILROAD CO..) Augusta, July 9, 1869. / A call for Twenty Dollars per share, in addition to the Eighty per Cent, heretofore called. 13 made upon the Stockholders of thi* Company payable on the20th of September, 1869. to the Treasurer ot the Company. By order of the Board. B. CONLEY. septl-lOt President. PAINTING. N. L. DRURY. s Housb & Sign Fainter, UILDKR, GLAZIKIt ASD PAPER HASGKR OVER LAWTON A LAWTON’S, FOURTH STREET, janU-t/ MACON, GA. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A v LECTURES, as delivered a .Tx. tee Xew Y ork Museum of Anatomy, embracing the subjects: How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Maturity and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The Cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and .Nervous diseases accounted for; Marriage Philosophi- Considered, etc. These lectures will be forward-* ed on receipt of four stamps, by addressing Secretary Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, 74 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.*prf»-ly FOR SALE. ipHREE SECOND-HAND BILLIARD TABLES for sale. Apply to “The Georgia." aug22-lm A. PATTERSON A CO*.