The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 14, 1869, Image 3

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LOCAL COLUMN. Ailve-rtiNlug Imlox. New Goode—L. H. Wing. Proclamation—By the Governor. Home Building end Loan Aseceiation— A. 'reeman, Secretary. Foe Sale—J. W. Burge. Wanted—Apply at thia office. AnotXAB habit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of intellect. Nor is this all. Beauty of persop cannot co-exist with an unnatural condition of tho bowels. A free pas sage of the refuse mailer of the system through 10 natural wasto pipes, is as necessary to the purity of tho body as tho free passage of tho offal of the dty through its sowers is necessary to tho health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is tho primary causo of most of tho diseases of the discharging organs, and one of its most common results la constipation. This com plaint, besides .being dangerous in itself, has many tlhagreeablo concomitants—such as an unpleasant breath, a sallow skin, contaminated blood and bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and gener al debihty. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters remove all these evils bv removing their immediate cause in the digestive organs, and regulating the action of the intestines. The combination of properties in this celebrated preparation to one of its chief merits.* It is not merely » stimulant, or a tonic, or an anti-bilious agent, or a nervine,or a blood depurent, or a cathar tic, but all these curative elements j udiaonely blend ed in one powerful restorativo. It lends activity and vigor to the inert and enervated stomach, re lieves the alimentary canal of Its obstructions, and gives tone to the membrane whdeh lines it, gently stimulates the liver, braces the nerves, and cheers the antral spirits. No other remedy poetesses such a variety of hygienio virtues. It to to these charac teristics that it owes it prestige as a household medi- rinc. Experience has proved that it to as harmless as it to ci&cadous, and hence it to as popular with tho weaker sex as with the stronger. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters to sold in bottlos on ly, and the trade-mark blown in the glass and en graved on the label, with our steel odgraved revenue stamp over the cork, to the test of genuineness. Beware of counterfeits. Cars yonr drills with King of Chills. King of Chills cares effectually and permanently. Better than quinine. King of ChUto. The great malarial antidote, King of Chills. CHOLERA-HOW TO CUBE IT. At the commencement of the diarrhoea, which al ways precedes an attack of the cholera, take a tea- spoonful of the Pain Killer in sugar and water, (hot if convenient,) and then bathe freely tho stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer dear. Thonld the iliarrbcra or cramps continue, repeat tbs dose every fifteen or twenty minutes till the patient to relieved. In extreme eases two or more tcaspoonfuls may bo given at a does. The Pain Killer, as an interna] remedy, has no wqnaL' In cases of aommer complaint, dpspepsia, dysentery, astnma, it cares in one night, by taking it internally and bathing with il freely. Its action is Uke magic when externally applied to bad sores, bums, scalds and sprains. For tooth-ache don't fail to try it. In short it to a Tent Tho Fain Killer to sold by all dealer* in Family Medicines. scpt8-eodlm Nothing else equals King of Chill*. King of Chills cures old and young. The planter’s beat friend. King of Chills. A cheap chill remedy, King of Chills. With dyspeptics everything to wrong. Food does not digest; sleep does not refresh; wine does not cheer | smiles do not gladden; music does not charm, nor can any other joy gladden the heart of tho miserable dyspeptic. Tou most get rid of it, or it will become seated and confirmed, and life will be -» burden and existence a enrso. Plantation Bittixs will do away with this. New life, strength, and energy will take possession of yon. Tho da mask will again bloom upon your check, and the lustor in yonr eye Kill again be as bright as in your healthiest, happiest, and most joyous days. Magnolia Warm—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half tho prioe. septl2-eod4wlw The reliable, Dromgoole 4 Co.’* Buchu. Dromgoolc 4 Co.’s Buchu to the favorite. Grave! cured with Dromgoole 4 Co.’s Buchu. U Bn. Ten’s Expeotoiunt.—All who have used this invaluable medldno for coughs, colds asthma, spitting of blood, croup, inflammation of tho longs or chest, hoarseness, difficulty of breathing, bron chitis, and all diseases of tbs lungs, attest its use fulness. For long affections it has no equal. scptl2-d4wlw Keep Rod Diarrhcca Remedy on had. R. D. It. to not a hot astringent. R. D. R. cools and quiets the inner man. It. D. R. has no equal for children. SUCH BEAUTIES ! THE PICK OF THE MARKET! UNAPPROACHABLE IN TINTS AND PRICES'. S. WAXELBAUM, BKO, 6l CO. navo the pleasure of informing the Ladies that they liavo purchased, and are now receiving and opening, tho largest, best selected, and cheapest stock of FALL DRESS GOODS Ever brought to 3facon, sparing neither time nor tronble in catering to tlieir taato in so doing. Among them will be found SILKS, of all shades and colors, EMPRESS CLOTHS, of all fashionable shades, POIL d’CHEYRES, to suit the most critical taate, REPS, that will prove “juat the thing,** With every other description of Dree* Goods that our Lady friends may fancy. Indeed, our entire stock of FALL DRY GOODS We know cannot be excelled in quality or variety; while in cost, all wo have to say is, that, as hereto fore, wo will contiuuo to sell at mew York Store Prices, Which is guarantee enough that thcao goods will bo sold CHEAPER THAN ANYWHERE ELSE. W* ask attention to the following testimonial from Hon. A. H. Stephens as to tho efficacy of Sol omons' Invigorating Bitten: Lmr.ttTY Hall. CoAwronnviLLE, Ga., August 11,1869.) J{tun. A. A. /Solomon* cfc Co., Druggists, Savan nah, Ga.: Gentluctx : Please tend mo bait a dozen bottles of your Bitter*. I have been using them lately upon the recommendation of a friend, with decided benefit, in giving tone to tho digostivo organs and general strength to tho system. Send by express, with value endorsed, O. O. D. Yours respectfully,' (Signed) Alexander H. Stephens. aug20-lm __ KING OF CHILLS Cone all forms of chills and fever. Cures chills after all else fails. Cures chills of swamps and bayous. Oftes every other and every third day chills. Woman’s Best Friend.—Dr. J. Bradfield’s “ Fe male Regulator," for sale by druggists everywhere, to beyond all doubt tho beet cmenagogno known to the medical profession. It to no quack nostrum, hut a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re commended and prescribed by the best phyt ■ dans in tho State. Suffering woman! do not let your fears nor the prejudices of others causo you to re main in misery. Read Dr. Bradfield’s column, fol low his advice, and suffer no more. scpO-dlm■ PROCLAMATION EXTRAORDINARY To Wholesale Buyers! Country Merchants, Planters, and all who buy to soil again, can lay in their entire supplies AT LESS THAN NEW YORK COST NOW. Our stock is the heaviest, best assorted, and cheap est wo have over offerod them. Call at the WBW YORK STORE, Bepl2-.1t Non. 45 and 47 Second Stheet. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS TOR BALK BT 2i* W, HUNT &L CO., Druggists, Nos. 82 and 84 Cherry Street, BBtSl-tf wTX yi.\ro.\, gboroia. HOP j ON & GO. We offer for Thirty Dayn the whole of our largo and magnificent Stock of Slimmer Goods AT COST. Wo make thia grand clearing out sale to be pre pared for our Fall Stock, which will be heavy, and unusually attractive. We wish to do a lively trade, and increase the popularity of our establishment. This stock is entirely now, and was bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRICES. We use no deception to sell our goods. We mean what we eay. Wo offer this STOCK AT CC?ST! And believo it is tho best opportunity ever offered to buyers to secure FRESH, FIRST-CLASS GOODS CHEAP. CITY AFFAIBS. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 18C0. Pmcttt Women.—A. comparatively few Ladies monopolise the Beauty as well as the attention of Scs'ety. This ought not to be ao, but it is; and will b* while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces for companions. Thia pan all bo chargetTby using Hagan's Magno lia Palm, which gives tho Bloom of Youth .and a Re fined sparkling Beanty to the Complexion, pleading, powerful and natural. NoMpH tanned, freckled or rustic Complexion who will invest 75 cents in Ila • gut’s Magnolia Balm. Ita effects are truly womler- To preserve and dre tharion. the Hair use Lyon’a Ka- soptSdeod&wlm A Villain Caught.—On Saturday last, CoL Cum mings. Chief of Police, received a telegram from j Marshal J. B. Fair, of Mbledgeville, to arTe&t one | John O. Jackson, a white man, as soon as he reach- j ed this city on the Central train of that day, for committing a rape upon a white girl about ten years old, in Hancock county, near the road, and two miles this si Je of Sparta. Col. Cummings imme diately sent officers Foster and Hurley across tho river to get on the train before it reached the pas senger shed, to identify the villain and arrest him on the arrival of the train. A letter from Sheriff Rogers, of Hancock county, was also receiv ed, ordering the arrest of Jackson and minutely describing him : and, from the description given in thaS letter and the brief one in the telegram, the officers had no trouble in identifying the man. Ho a young man about seventeen or eighteen years old, red, busby hair, freckled face, five feet seven inches high, and weighs about 135 pounds. So soon as the train reached the passenger shed, officers Foster and Hurley nabbed the scoundrel, and enquired for bis name. He gave that of Hayne Dower. He had cut his hair off, to disguise liia appearance, after perpetrating tho crime. He had both & rifle and revolver in his possession, but was seized so suddenly that he had no opportunity to use either to effect an escape. Ho waa taken to tho guardhouse, and, after be ing placed imhis cell, waa asked if he knew why bo was arrested. He replied that be did. and acknowl edged hia crime, but tried to shield himself by say ing that it was two other men who so brutally mu tilated the little girl and not himself, and but for this, he would not have run away. Of course, thia is all a falsehood, and the age of the little girl proves it to be such. Officer Hurley left yesterday evening on the Cen tral road for Sparta, with the prisoner in irons, to turn him over to the Sheriff of Hancock. If the facts of the case as reported to us are true, we earnestly hope the diabolical wretch will be made to suffer the severest penalties of the law, and that, too, at the earliest possible day. Such inhu man and revolting crimes are too frequent in Georgia, and the perpetrators should, when caoght, meet with swift and condign punishment. Officers Hotter and Hurley deserve credit for the skill and promptness with which they acted in the above affair, and the authorities of Hancock should give each of them a suitable reward. BY TELEGRAPH. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, From Washington. Washington. September 13.—Kentucky soldiers are here in full force to oust the bomb proofs. They have hard work and make slow progress in getting possession of any of the Kentucky Federal officers. Dispatches from all points report magnificent Humbold festivities. High officials think the Virginia Legislature can elect United States Senators previous to the State's regular admission into-the Union. Revenue to-day over a half million. The Express says late advices say half the cotton crop in Florida and Georgia has been destroyed by the caterpillar. The blank space in the new tobacco stampa mu»t be filled with the name of the manufacturer hereaf ter. Delano will hear arguments on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Daring these days Deputy Douglas will continue routine duties. The trial of Shureman, implicated with Turner, the negro ex-pestmaater of Macon, Ga., inc&un- ; terfeit money matters, commenced to-day. Saturday’s report of revenue seizures is quite heavy. Kentucky is the only State mentioned of the Southern States. It is understood here that the conservative Re publicans of Mississippi, in order to interfere as j httle as possible with cotton gathering, will not commence an active canvass until after the first of I November. The State Department is officially advised that I New York has ratified tho fifteenth amendment. I FROM CUBA. j Private letters from Sickles are sanguine that Spain will aell Cuba. Serrano la willing, but tho 1 Cabinet objects. j Admiral Hoff's report of the execution of two Americans, (one a telegrapher named Weytli,) cha racterizes them aa massacres. It appears from the report that such is the disturbed condition of the Daily Review of the Karket. ; OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. ) Septzmbeb 13—Evening, 1869. j Cotton.—Receipts to-day 530 bxlea ; sales 242; I shipped 277. The market opened this morning at 28 cents, at which it moved along quietly until the New York market was heard from, when operations were im mediately checked, and tho market closed dull this evening at 23 cents, nominal, for middlings. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1, 1S69—bales.. 179 lloceived to-day 530 Received previously 3.295— 2,825 4,004 Sliipped to-day 277 Shipped previously... 2,100—2,377 Stock on hand thia evening >*. 1,627 Trade, aa is almost always the case in this market on Monday, was dull to-day, and wo heard of no very heavy operations in any branch of business. Com and bacon are scarce and firm at Saturday's figures. ' Cotton-baling material active at tho following rates: Borneo bagging 31 cents retail; 30 cents whole sale ; Kentucky bagging 28}£ retail; 23 wholesale. Iron ties cents per pound. Flour is firmer and prices tend a little upward. We quote family per barrel §11; fancy §12 jl3. Other articles quiet. E. CARVER COMPANY r lMIK undersigned is Agent for the sale of this UNRIVALED GIN, commenced by E. CAR\ ER, at NAC1II Miss., marc than sixty ya the » been on District manufacture of which w*a o. and becamo the etady of South and West. It is be- LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New Yoee, September 13. noon.—Flour dull. Matos’s Const His Honor. Mayor Obear, had the lirliest session of his Court yesterday morning that wo liavo attended in a month. The docket was heavy and the attendance large. * The first case called was that threo cornered fight to which we alluded iuonrlasL The parties "called to taw,** were Abner White, but his skin was black ws a lamp of Butt’s Georgia coal; Mrs. White, hia neglected spouse, of the samo dusky hue: and Annio Barkley, a “prety yaller gal" and the prime cause of all tho tronble. Abner neglected tho duties of a faithful husband and paid too much attention to An nie. This aroused tho jealonsy and anger of hi* better half, and aha went and gave Annie a sound drubbing for disturbing her connubial peace, and distracting and attracting the affections of her way ward and wedded Abner. This nummary proceeding on her part aroused the ire of her recreant Abner, and be feathered in on Mtb. White and gavo her ‘ter dyvnl” for whipping his fairer and more fad- Hating Annie. Of course such a warfare could not he permitted within tho domain of His Honor, and the bclligcants together with the cores beUi, were all brought up by officer Wippler. An examination of the ease elicited the above facts and also the graver one that Abner had given Annie ten dollars to leave for Albany before tho trial came off, to pre vent her from testifying against him. She consent ed to tho arrangement but the trick was detected, and it cost Abner an additional ten dollars in Court. Abner wss fined 920 or twenty days in the guard house, and his belligerent and indignant sponso fined $10 or ten days. Annio ctmo out of to without a scratch. _ - jj Tho next was a case of vagrancy against a help less negro named BilL He was sent to tho hoepitaL The next was a rape case against Jno. O. Jack- eon—remanded for a warrant. . , | A case of disorderly conduct sept the offender to the guardhouse for ten days. Henry and Annie Pearson instead of going to church on Sunday as all good niggers do, concluded to stay at homo and fight out a little misunderstand ing between them. As Henry got the best of the fight ho was fined ten dollars and Annie was re leased. Jerry Williams tnd Lizzie Powell, two more pug nacious Hamites, who had rather fight and be fined on Monday, than to bo good niggers and attend church on Sunday, were in court, and both fined 210 apiece or ten days In the guardhouse. A ease of disorderly conduct against Jerry and Clarissa Williams was dismissed, and the Court ad journed after a long and stormy session. Wheat quiet Com 1(32 lower. Turpentine firm at 43. Eg sin firm; strained 2 S5<37 00. Freights very firm. Cotton 33K.J Stocks weak and dull. Money 7. Sterling, long 8**; short 8K- Gold 35.’J. 1862s 22%. Tennesseeu, ex-coupons 61; new 52 y'. Virginias, ex-coupone 55; new 5s)£. Louisiana*, old 72; new GS; levees 6G: 8s island, that the administration of justice, in many I S4. Alabama 8s 93; 5s 62. North Carolina?, old 55; his life. Thousands ha leived that This din has no superior in tho world for Simplicity, Strecgtij, Lightness of running, Speed, Durability, and the Beauty of the sample it produces, in fact in all the qualities required to constitute a Perfect Gin. A good stuck of No, 40, to and f " ‘vV <3*-X^T£3 *" and, and TO and ' Saw Gids ordered as wanted. DUPLICATES OF SAWS, GRATES. BRISTLES, BOXES ani every other pa-t efthe Gin kept at the Agency for sale, and can bo applied with the utmost facility on the plantation. Tlie Price is ©4 Per S-ATW", DELIVERED AT SHE STORE OF THE UNDERSIGNED. They also furnish to order, the "E. CARVER COMPANY ” PEELER GIN. which is e\ ecially adapted to ginning the Peeler and other varieties of long stapled upland cottons. No. HENRY L. JEWETT, 64 Second St,, Macon. Ga. LAWTON COTTON & l.AWTOL FACTORS R E A T new 47. New Yoax, September 13, evening—Flour a shade firmer for shipping grades: superfine State 5 OOfci G 20; Southern common to fair extra G 60 •> G U0; good to choice 6 95 n il 00. Wheat scarcely so firm, with a very moderate export demand; winter red Western 1 3' dl GO. Com dull and heavy; 2 Vi 3 lower. Pork __ . , .. . ... , dull and heavy, closing with sellers at 30 87 cash. The recent activity of the navy has no warlike Lard dull; ketde,19V@20. Whisky decidedly firm- instances, is impossible. The Central Cuban Junta has forwarded §20,000 in bonds of the Republic of Cuba to the Rawlins’ fund. The bonds sell on tho market at twenty-five cents on the dollar. Subscriptions of a dollar from each Cuban has been started for the earns fund. meaning. The vessels were becoming damaged by idleness, and to to proposed to use sailing vessels for ordinary duty, instead of steamers, as a matter of economy. WasnccoTOS, September 12—A Southern gentle man, visiting Cubs for the purpose of learning the true state of affaire for himself and friends, writes encouragingly from Cardenas, under date of Sep tember let, saying: “The revolution, I lionestlj believe, will succeed." Alluding to the outrages and destruction by tb* vohmnteere, the writer says: “If the war continues six months, the island trill be almost uninhabitable; even now, along the eastern coast, the people are on tho verge of starvation." Twenty cavalrymen are ordered to Virginia to en force the revenue laws. and unchanged. Sugari vith a good demand; Porto Rico 13>'^@1SK; ivado 11MQ13)^; Havana 12%. Coffee steady liei, Mnfssere qatotboi firm. Turpentine 43. Freights firm- flour, per steam . FOURTH STREET, HA COS, OA. H AVING thcrousfcly refitted nur Warehouse, and bavirr ample storage fur all Cotton eonsisned lo us. we azain tender ourservi ■■■ i.i . nrfriecdsand the publics- Cotton Factor* and Wurrhouve men. \Sc lake this nce.v-i.Mi to return • u-tf... • -:r i atro...- of the past «ea.-on, end a.-.-ure them that we.-hall en- jeavorin tbe future. aa we have done in the past, to —-fS.- secure for them the best prices Astern h* obtained 3,Thnri,,YhStK&E. SOSiTIliM PHEPIRITIONS!! Tire in Atlanta. Arusn, September 13.—There waa a large fire in this dty early on Sunday morning last, which horned eix one story brick stores on Marietta street, and the large building known aa the Norcrosa corner, comer of Marietta and Peaehtrco streets. The loaa to estimated at over #100,000. Insurance #58,00°. _ From Virginia. RiantovD, September 13.—Charles Whit llesy, the defeated Weiis candidate for Congress, in the Alex andria District, has been appointed by Gen. Canby, Attorney General vice Bowden, resigned. Oca oral News. Cabtusob, Ohio, September 13.—The elevated platform at the race gavo way and seriously injured seventeen men and women. New Oulua-ns, September 13.—Judge Louis Dent to here. Sataxxah, September 12 A heavy northeast gale to blowing. Tho Magnolia for Mew York, to detained in Tyboe Itoads. F..11.1. Female Bitters strengthens females. Husbands should buy E. F. B. for sick wives. E. F. B. brings health and induces happiness. j Complaint* peculiar to females cured wuliE. F. B. READTHESK LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL The best tcets of the merits or my proprietary article is to Uncertain what is thought of it at home where il I* manufactured. Such a test Lippman’e Pyugc can well stand, as to-dae it w decidedly tho favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague and other diseases of a malarious origin, in the city Of Savannah where it is prepared. The principal dmggtsta of the city would as much tliink of doing without castor oil in their stores as to be without thir popdtar (and deservedly so) remedy. It is a vegetable preparation free from, deleterious drugs, and a,-ts as a tunic upon the entire system, thereby invigorating the system, so much so as to enable it to -brow off disease. Pyrafugo does not nauseate or sicken the patient, and can be taken by the most ,h il >ate persons without fear. If should always be at hand, as chills and fever creep upon ns ao stealthily that we are not aware of its approach un to o is udoii ns. A word to the wise is sufficient.— n i "„nnah Stowing -Vet.w. _ may 2-tf K VYTON'S OIL OF LIFE cures all aches and p.y::.-. and is the great remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. KAYTON-rf FILLS cure Sick Headache and all b ilious diseases. Religious Meetinc*.—Wo havo inadvertently failed to mention, within tho last week, that a reli gious meeting has been going on. nightly, during that time, in the First Baptist church. Much reli gious feeling has been awakened and tho meetings will continue through tbo present week. Services are conducted by tbo Pastor, Rov. E. W. Warren. Mketixoof tiie Firemen's Band.—We are re quested to Btato that there will bo a meeting of the members of the Macon Fire Department's Brass Band at tho Engine Hall of No. 3, this evening at 8 o’clock. Prompt attendance is specially desired. Tue Autleton CirrncH Home.—Tho brick, lumber and other material for the "Appleton (Episcopal) Church Home," for the education of Orphan chil dren, is now accumulating upon the site for the building, on Colledgo street, and near St. Paul's church. Tito work will soon begin under the super intendence of the Architect, Mr. W. YYilson, of this city. At present but ono wing of the proposed edifice is to be erected, and it is to be put up with the ten thousand dollars donated for the purpose by Mr. Wm. H. Appleton, of New York,.'Jn tho wing now being constructed, the exercises of tbo institution will begin, and afterwards the centre or main build ing and the ether wing are to be built. The plan of the proposed building, as submitted to the Trustcce by the Architect, makes a very hand some and imposing appearance on paper and when carrie J out the edifice will be a splendid ornament to that portion of the city in winch it is situate. Tho institution, as wo remarked some time ago, is to be under the immidiate supervision and care of Rt. Rev. John W. Beckwith, Bishop of Georgia. Great Yariett of Silver ware at L. H. Wing’s, 48 Second street. Sai.e of Real Estate.—Sheriff Martin sold lateiy the Nancy Williams place, on McIntyre street, be yond the Macon and Western road, for ^900. and also four acres of land on the Columbus road, about three miles out, for £125. The sale of the brick store in East Macon which was offerod for tale the other day, was bid in at $1500. ^ Call and Examine Watches and Diamonds at L. H. Wing's, 48 Second street. Lawton «t Lawton.—We were in error the other dav in giving tho initials of a member of thia firm. The firm of Lawton & Lawton is composed of W. J. and Dr. J. S. Lawton. Maj. R. F. Lawton is tho efficient financial agent of the concern, but not a member of tho firm. Watches and Jewelry repaired at L. H. Wing's, 48 Second street. Cotton Receipts. —There were received yesterday by the Southwestern railroad from Cnlumbns and points west, 514 bales of cotton for Savannah, and from the Southwestern road proper 427 bales for Savannah, and 327 for Macon, making receipts of the day stand: For Savannah. 941 For Maccn 327 Total recepta 1,268 A largo portion of the cotton which now passes thoragh to Savannah is from the Central and South ern portions of Alabama, and ia sent to Savannah for shipment to New York. Tho cotton received by the Southwestern road, proper, ia generally about equally divided between the Macon and Savannah markets for storage and sale. N. B.—Hereafter wo shall give these statements semi-weekly instead of daily, as the labor of pre paring them ia much greater than one who is not conversant with the matter would suppose. Struck and Saved Ilia Baggage. — Mr. John Dougherty, Baggagemaster on the Southwestern Railroad, as ho came by Oglethorpe yesterday, took aboard a very interesting lot of baggage, in tho shape of sundry trunks and band-boxes, belonging to Mies Eliza Stubbs, and turned over to Comlnctor Dasher the fair and fascinating owner, until the train readied Fort Valley, where tho said John Dougherty, instead of proceeding to the dinner- house, pitched out after Justice Love, and, securing the services of that loveable dignitary, the two pro ceeded to the McAffee House, where John’s intend ed was in waiting, and in comfonnity with both law and Gospel, the said John Dougherty and Miss Eliza Stubbs were united in the holy estate of mat rimony. The.wbys and wherefores the happy couple did not marry in Oglethorpe, it ie unnecessary to state,- and is nobody’s business; but everybody who knows John will join us in the heartiest congratulation. Triplets.—A colored woman living near the Ma con & Brunswick railroad machine shop, in the city, gave birth to threo children yesterday—two boys and one girl. They were all bom alive; but from tho fact that no one was present at the time, one of the boys and girl died before another woman, who soon discovered her condition, could secure medical aid and assistance. The prolific mother is named Mary Ann Drake. Egyptian Cotton Crop.—The Columbus En quirer says, concerning the growing cotton crop of Egypt’ Advices from Alexandria to the 14th of August state that “ the Nile continues to rise steadily, and the belief is that the navigation of the canal will in a few' days be opened lor large boats, when abundant supplies of produce may be looked fox. About the growing crop of cot ton, it is as yet too early in the season to form an opinion of any value; but it may be mentioned that the rising of the Nile is satisfactory, and that the cotton plants thus far look strong and healthy.” Gen. Sickles has caused great excitement in Spain bv notifying the government that public opinion’in the "United Slates will shortly compel the recognition of the Cuban insurgents. The papers urge the dispatch of troops to the island, whose loss, it is argued, cimnot be afforded at any cost, “Wat dab Bib el, he Say.”—We overheard the following colloquy between a negro preacher and a few of his “bredren “Well,” says one, “wat do dar Bibel say about it i Well, dar iffbel say—dar Bibel say—day Bibel, he say, ‘Be shore yon right, den go ahead, dat wathe say—now mind dat,” replied the preacher. W e Vft 'S2 >S popnlation of Atlanta, claimed by the newspapers to be forty thousand, has siiomerea down under an actual census to a little over twenty-five thousand.—Sar. Republican . Stutttsg improves the fair as well as the fowl. . foreign News. Madrid, September IS.—The King of Italy save hia son shall never mount the Spanish throne except by the unanimous call of Constituent Chambers. A commission has been appointed to consider the alteration of the colonial penal code, administrative reforms, and the abolition of slavery in Porto Bico. Bureaus, September 13.—Belgium declines join- ^ mg with BoTaria in tho support of the Prince Ho- benzoleon’a policy respecting the (Ecumenical Coun cil. The Government has determined to send no official delegates to the Council. Pams, September 13.—Prim is here. Madrid, September 12.—Sixteen thousand troops are ready to sail for Cuba. er at 1 30. Rico firm, with muscovado and qnict. Rosin 2 30(38 00. Cotton decidedly lower; tales 700 hales at S3333X. ■ Money closed easier at 5@7. Sterling dull at S)^. Gold S5?f. Stocks generally steady. Governments steady; 1862s 22. Baltimore. September 13—Cotton quiet at 33X1 Flour In good demand: Howard street sr.pcrflno 6 00@6 69. Wheat firm and higher; red 1 5^31 70. Oats 60(363. Fork dull. Bacon active and firm. Whisky firm and scarce; held at 125. Virginias, old 45 bid. Savannah. September 13 Cotton receipts 1402 bales; in consequence of want of freight room by steamers, the cotton market is dull and declining: transactions light, being limited to foreign orders; middlings 23; £ @30. Acgcsta, September 13.—Colton sales 464 bales; receipts 400; market more active, but prices declined X; middlings 29. Charleston, September 13.—Cotton sales 200 bales; receipts 672; fair demand, but market easier, middlings 30. Wiuhnotos, September 13.—Spirits Turpentine nothing doing. Ilosin quiet. Crude Turpentine 2 60 @3 00. Tar 2 60. Louisville, September 13.—Provisions firm. Mess pork S3 00(333 60. Bacon, shoulders 18; clear sides Cincinnati, September 13.—Whisky higher; 115 offered. St. Louis, September 13.—Pork doll at S3 60. Bacon steady; shoulders 15X@155f; clear sides 18X@10. Lard, nothing doing. Whisky 115. Morile, September 13.—Cotton sales 100 bales; receipts 1068;exports 21; middlings 30. New Oaleans. September 13—Cotton receipts GC0 balee; sales 20; market dnlb middlings SIX- Markets all dull and nominal daring the day; very little business dono. Gold 34X- Sterling 4G. Now York Sight X (Re discount. Foreign Markets. London, September 13, noon.—Consols 92X- Bonds 83),. Tallow 4Gs3d.. Sugar on spot dull at 40s; afloat qnieL September IS. noon.—Cotton sale* 8000 bales, market quiet; uplands 12X; Orleans 12X Breadstuffs firm. Coro 29«6d. | Liverpool. September 13, afternoon.—Cotton dull; sales will not exceed 7000 bales. Pork Ills. Havre, September 13, noon.—Cotton opens flat at IBB. j Havre, September 13. evening.—Cotton quiet at 158, both on spot and afloat. | Paris, September 13, noon.—Bourse firm. Rentes 71176c. >• J- Pabb, September 18, evening.—Bourse excited. ■I'Ul.S.: ARL 'iio standard Fa’t.Uy iledieinet o 1 A;a ri .i. 11.-y : r preMrlhi'd an i used by the medical i:-. ! ■-ion. Tie. are preferred by e-’ery n tberaud father TI:-v i-nraediately merit public nd confidence "f allwio once test their Tir- . . . who arc fully (V:. T- ■- , t ;be l'nit p d State?, and r>erienee. Beina die*l nrofesrion in Macon, which we deem, all third cosridered. one j '.AL ,Ll r ,, u if u } ; of the very best cotton markcti. To thoro who have SB-Jg.h nor' Datcntj' th not tried us. w. simply refer to our former cuatomers. no hShan?y Vrivtos t .c and promise to use our best elurts to servo all who . SSreeJmmmemHrion • aiveue tho benefit <.f their buwnM.L Cur placo of he...ty buiiaess is at tho old of LAWTON & LAWTON. tri;»l and £ «ep9-J*T»lta Fourth street. N t* cdericff their service* a£ain t*. th*fir pl»ntinv J friends ss WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION I MERCHANTS, deem it wholly unusoeewy to mako .promises as *»lheir wiilingnets and sbilitj to servo ■them faithfully and advantajtoowly. i H H Hardeman & DIARRHEA nro annually and the dying tly crying aloud U0USAND3 of our fellt consign*.! to untimely groans ot old an l young ;ne t r relief frota Diorrhon. Ch< . re-ult of much grit* .ritiu research anil a lor g and faith- ^■1, | ful bedjido experience, wo offer a remedy! those % Thcirlongexperien?''.'. -1 the large patronage which I 8 u miner O iittwl... i.N*-^int.»ndneiYurtail- bas over been extended the boose. & proof conclusive j ‘a- »*» lU sSect*, N * er should ail t<> have a •.hat they deserve the confidence of Ibo planting com- J supply o* too , munity, and by prompt and honest attention to their interest tbrr intend to merit in the future, the rat-. renatre no libera’ly rivpn th**ra in the past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low est Market Prices, and the ueusl taciUtieii extended to those who entrust their businc*-* with u*. 0. G. SPARKS. T. HARDEMAN. J*. auc2S-d3m RED DIARRHEA REMEDY, PLANTEKS COTTON DEAIjEIiB : W E again tender you our aerriees aa Cotton Fac tor. and Commiarion Merchant*, at onr old atand ou Third rtreet. and pledge ourrelve* to couduet strictly a Cnmmifrion Bu2inc<?,and shall give rpceial care and attention to all burioesa entrusted tons. We return our rineero thank, to onr old patrons for past favors and solicit a eontinnanee of the tame, and would reqnert Flantrra generally, to give us a trial, as we mske the sale ofootton a Speciality. Shall be prepared to render tbeucua aeeommoda- tion. JO.YATHA.V COLLIN'S .t SOY, COTTON FACTORS, iulyl-daw3m MACON. OA.' JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS TffrOULD respectfully say tn the Cotton Plsuterj of YY a v 'oothweitcrn and Middle Georgia, whom it ha* been their pleasure to serve the p**t season so satis factorily. that they will find them fully prepared au{ ready to receive, store, ship or sell to the very b* st advantage, all Cotton consigned to them during the coming season; while to these who have net he eto- fore tried n». we would say we know we can please yon. We offer tho usual aeeommoda ion tojour pattons on their growirr crop?, and wil take pleasure in fill ing their order* fsupplies promptly and eflowjggt market rate*. Call and se^ oa at the PLANTERS’ WAREHOUSE. Opposite Brown*# and ByingtonV Hotels, jply>-dAw4m - ’ . . ~ " Marine News. Savannah, September 13. — Arrived, steamer r.apidan, New York: ship Tiger, New Port, Eng land; brig Hampden, New York; reports loes of sail* and rigging in the gale of the 8tb. CONSIG.VKKS SS. <fc IV. R. U. Macon, September 13.1869. Johnson, C & Co; Seymour. T k Co; Burdick Brea; Wilburn a G: Carbart .V Ci J Holme* A Co: J A Nyl- eon: T C Hood A B: J Valentine; HurkoG A O': Rogers .t B; Lloyd Je son; Flanderi k Son: R A Huff. C. W. S rtXOToN. «. W. STIXOTON. BYINGTON’S HOTEL. (or:rosiTi thk passkkgk* Dirot) . MACON, GA. STINOTON DROS~: : PROPRIETORS. ARRIVALS. BEPTKMBER 13.1860. any kMf J R Hornsdy. t?a H A Joyner. Oconee J F Turner, Fla A II Draper. Houston M A Gauton, Eufaula Wm J Mnith. city E 15 McCrarey.Ga 11 A Nunn, a a:erica* R Hunter, GsJ J M BatemcD, Ga L Wertheimnr, N Y J n Field,- city UT Brown. Ga A P Greer. Albany O D Gorman. Ga M B Edwards. Ga J J Dasher, Ga (» \V Fr.izier. -'i'. K Chapman, jr, Ala Mis- L llan 1-. ■» W 11 Woods. Ga J II .Kihuson, Ga J Myrick. £<ir»bco il G Leaier. do Mrs At Jones. M r.roe c L L Richardson, Ga L M Felton, (ia Miss U Felton* Ga J II Griffin A* lady, Ga J E Bray, Ala Dr Hunter, Albany II C Fryer, Blakely J G Lidy. Ga J Baja*. Sar^B T Glover, Twisgs eo A R Smith. Sav G Kendrick, A Hants J L liowelJ Jt lady. Ark TJ r lint, city JHUisrridLfia. O W Tift. Ga > T ff J Sax*»n. Taylor eo Dr J M Dugger, do M Yuno, Utah TJ Mvsey.Ga. S Lip man, Forsyth •KA Richard#,Ga W J Anderson, jr. Ga W W Pool. S Vs R K ‘ D W Mts -oj. fla J B Allen, Hoa>tme*> W Wrnmpelmerx. Ky Col W J Acdprson, Ga F F Coulter, city Mr Hum Hon, Americas Mi«s Hamilton, do ► T F Wi..ker. Lonrstreet ' J*rof B B Euiton; Ga W 11 filtM & wife, Ga T M Furlow J: lady. Ga tJ W Toole, Morgan K D Mineral, do T G Hspuenge. Augusta Maj W D Williams, Oa Wm J Underwood, Ky CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. CAbil CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000 MSSCTOtl: W. B. JOHNSTON. W. S. HOLT. J. J. ORESHAM. J. E- JOSKS. ter Will do a General liar,Hag Business in all its Detaile.“6» T HE Stock of this Company is all owned in Macon and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, the whole eapitsl is unaranteed for the aecurity ot Depositors and Patrons. saiU-4avtog ’ FIRST NATIONAL RANK OF MACON. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. O IS COUNT, DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION. Exchange Bought and Said. Liberal advances made on ?iurinenta of Cotton to Any good Northern or European house?. Collections promptly attended ic. DIRECTORS: IL L. Jewett, Wm. T. Liehtfoot.G. H. Hazlehuxst, W. H. Ross, Wm. B. Diitfraore, H. f*. Plant. maj3-€m* . ^ ^ L C. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, /T\FFICE in the First Natiur.'.l Rank Building, on Cherrj* ■street, second do- r from the corner of Second street. Will Buy bight and Time Exchange on the North. Savannah, Augusta and other point?, make liberal advarce#on Cotton inStore in Macon, or on -hii ment' of Cotton to good Northern or European hou.-o?. or on Bonds. Stocks or other good LANIER HOUSE. MACON, GA. COLLXEE & BOYS, - PnomtreroEs. FREE OMNIBUS. ARRIVALS. SEPTEMBER 13. I860. H C Saunders. Ga L M Lamar. Crawford eo A U Kenan. Jlilledse-. lllc J >1 Lolljn, Augujta C DuUigson, do it ill ; ! and i BONDS. STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER, and make iuviwvmunt* Ibr parties xs.thcy may direct. F. M. COKER, BANKER, AMERICUS, J. GEORGIA, D oes a general banking business: Buy? and beils Stock*. Bonds, Coin and Exchange MONEYS invested as parties direct. LAJDIJBS 9 GRECIAN BENDS, GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, Pr« pared with artistic beauty, with chemical purity iud exactnes«. selected and combined according to extensive medical experience, ui i-tue in finish and appearance, mild,ploiuant*nd cooling to the stomach and never-f.iilin<r in remedial effect*, tho unerring :i ... < f truth i ;n!x t - the lied Hiarrhea Remedy aa the boasted combination of the day fur nil forma of l»iarrhe 1, Ch 1-r i. Cholera Morbus, Nausea, Vomit ing, Cramps, etc. Price, $1, or six bottles for $5. Sent to all parts of the country ou receipt of prico. Sold by nil Drug«?i?t*. J. P. DROMGOOLE .V CO.. Props. Mem phi.*. Tenn. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. WHAT WILL TIIF.Y DO? They will restore fading female beauty, will paint the pale cheek, will hurl back th* gatherinc storm that encircles your brow, will ud l hrijjhtncps and lustre to yourlltelttfs eye. will give brilliancy and activity to your dull intellect, will arengthen and soothe your shattered nerve? add tone, health and buuysucy to jour whole a ye tern. HOW WILL TURY DO ALL THIS? By arousing, regelating and restoring rU sickly females re a healthy condition. By curing all those complaints peculiar to the femah- ex. such .h paiu- ful, auppre sed or irregular Alerulrti it 1 n. Hysteria, Leucorrhoe, Chlorosis, hrwsi rot 1 fori, I ieuration apd Irritability of the Womb, Pa n* in tho side and book. Melancholy, Palpitation of the heart, .Swim ming and Giddiness of the Head, Cold Feet and Handy, Nervousness. .SIck Ilo l..oh-\ afeett c < t i-uffocation, indisposition to en'.cr *• < leiy. and all thosedireasea arising from a deranced eon rlon of the u'erine syp- Um, whether affecting old or } out.g. mat ried or rinule. Thia compound is neit er tei-ret r.< r patent, but i^ prepared and offered by the r* *utwrV.cdfeal profession We have hui.dredsvimilar to tho ftdiowiop: From an eminent Phytic!, a *>/ Carroll (<) , Mitt. ■ cwri. J, P. Daosioooi.K A* Co.; As your "Kuslieh Femato Bitters'* is nether n .•ncre* n->r ■ ]*ateat, I hare frequently prescribcdit for »various female complaints of ouroouotry. and ; i .v . • with tho most satUSXctovy results. 1 ti# decidedly th*- in.-t valuable combination (have ever kmbwp. I> r the treatment nt* those complaints p.-t ui -.r . the fi iaale sex, old or joung, ar.d I do no: hesitate to fiv< it a hearty re- cominendAtion. -toniahiriK cuts have won for it fnany laurel- riatroll county, and I hope its efficiency Bay soon be h raldod all over th^ country ■ f’ * • -j f«:n i!ocommunity . ‘*V. \ - - EK. M. I) The tn^d-h Feru&le Bittersaeaurately and hcau- tifkJl/ put up in larfebottle . st iJoOper bottle, or three bottle* for iu—vao bottle lasting about two week . Shipped to all part - of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Dru?gi»U J. 1*. DROMGOOLK & (' J., Proprietors. Merni ?. Te KIDNEY AND BLADDER pare such a i — have practiced medi ’in J ; fafelyaay that wc kno the phj r*of ip nelf. >ir j , and can ion to equal SECOND STREET. M A CON. GA. Erery article • tamped with their Trade Mark war ranted to be of tbe BEST QUALITY. Hardeman & Smirks' PREMIUM LIST. Extract Bearberrv and Kuchu. It \s rtcjmuicnded to cure all Kidney? an.l Bladder, such n.- po-its < t all kiislp. Bloody or > desire to urinate, pain in su pain in region of bladder. . ... Trembrin-'. Melancholy, evil forebodinfr^. effect! habits of dhtipition m early abuse, lose of power and incimry. and all tip-se HiTeotions requiring a prompt and decided Diuretic, whether old or yourg, tcalo or fetualu. Price, SI, or s-x bottles tor $5. Shipped to all part-’ of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggist?. P. DROMGOOLE & C0-. Proprietors, derangements of tho Grav'd. Urinary De- ilky L-rine. frequent _ of P ick, dull burning out, Drop-y, Nervous r N addition to the premiums offered by tho Execu tive Committee, at the approaching Ftate Fair, rt! lowing, cither in i late or currency, l elected, ono fron t;»nn»h, Augu.-'n hball determ P John-on. Clinton J U Blount, do R J Fergerson, city J Power*, do J 11 Field, do R D Bowen. N O W D Ramsey, city J Harman, do .uta x>ii .uiv.--, v-ji Mit^ Ga Mrs M A Whitehurst. Ga Mrs K C Grecr. Gr. ^V II Williams, Sav M S D Irwin, city J B Ross, Ga B B W_ 11 J N Shinholster, Ga W J Holland, do J RJohnson. Sav J K GooDby, Clinton K M Chaltendou, Md A Peyrer. city Mrs E J M L Davis, Albany Mn> J T Thomaa, Forsyth Mrs A A Davi?, do Direct Trade with Europe- J. H. ASHBHIDGE. J S HUTTON. Of New Orleans. Of Mneon. (la. J. H. ASHBRIDGE & CO., Commission Merchants GENERAL PURCHASING AGENTS, liteep ool. ASHBRIDGE, SMITH<fc CO., Netc Orleans. Consignments Solicited- «- Particular aUention given to the sale of South ern Land* to European Capitalists and intending im migrants. sa.Order* for Foreign Goods executed on best possible tarma- mayl-Uwly COTTON LOCGHI ON ORDER. [fiep"-6in* FASHIONABLE BARBER SHOP. NEW BARBER SHOP AND BATHING ROOMS Are now open. Having fitted up my Establishment with all the late*t improvement? for the comfort and pleasure ' f my patrons, and thanking them heartily for the l.beral patron’ ge of the pa.»t. I hope to merit their favors in the future. Everything in the tonso- rial art. Shaving, Hair-Cutting, ^brempooing. Dying Hair, Hair-Dressing, etc., done in the beat and latent style*. I have been successful with the pre paration which I have been using for retaining the color of the hair, or for bringing gray hair back to it3 former color, at the .«ame time keeping tbe hair free from dandruff, and from all obnoxious scents. Twen ty-five respectable eitiien? ot Macou cm testily to the efficacy of my preparation. Warm Baths. Cold Baths, and Shower Baths at all times. Particular attention is paid to Hair Cutting for Boys and (iirls. # M. J.OU, Lanier House Building, next to Post-office. aug!5-tf IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. 'Yy E are offering liberal terms to Planters or others for Cotton delivered in Macon, during the months of November. December or January next. aug!4-3aw-lm E. A. WILCOX A CO. wc will give the as may be desired Belt 10 Bales Upland Cotton Best & Bales 1 i Cottas —. — ^ - * VJ i’.e-t 1 i: lie r,d»!. 1 G-’tt t V Best 5Bi!es Long Staple from gree’i ”d._ 40 Bast 1 iialc Long Staple from grecr. .■ s eed..— 10 The cotton to be delivered at our Warehouse, to be transported lo and iru*n the Fair Groonds by us iree each of the C'llnrobu?, ie upon and iwvttvun,. HARDEMAN A 8PARKS. au?31 Irn To the Stockholders of the ME aeon &. Ang-asta Railroad Company. 'VIIE attention of ^Lockholdera in and near Macon , l is called to the Installment of -0 per cent, called i for on September lOtfe, 2869, and they are urged to ! call at our office and provide for this Installment and | othere pyst iue, as we have positive instructions to i sue all who do net make prompt settlement?. WHITTLE it GUSTIN. i Attorneys at Law. MACON dc AUGUSTA RAILROAD C0..\ At’GrsTA, July 9. 1869. > A call for Twenty Dollars per share, in addition to the Eighty per Cent, heretoiore called, is made upon the Stockh' lders of tbi-* Company payable on the 10th of September, 1S69. to the Treasurer ot the Company. By order of the Board. B. CONLEY, sep tl - K»t President. PAINTING. N. L. DRURY. House & Sign Painter, GILHKK. GLAZISK A\9 P.4FF.R K4S6KB OVER LAWTON & LAWTON’S. fourth street. ropne ophi?, Te THE CHILL PUZZLE. 9 1 9 9 HIS a Hill S Hi h ill s all ill chills allihofc hills a 1 1 i h cfofch i 11 a sllihcfogofehllls -llibofogngofehiliji r 1 I i b cfogn i n g o fch ill • t 11 i h c f o g f • i K i n g o f c h i 1 1 * sllihcfogn i u g o f c h i 1 1 8 sllihcfogn go fc hills 9 llihcfogofch ills a 11 ihcfofc h i U a * gllihcfchill- s 11 i h c b i 11 s wllihilis s 1 1 i 1 Is sills sis s The above will cure any care.of chills, even of six months standing, without affecting the head, ears or nerves. It urou.^es tho stomach and liver, carries off the bile and effects permanent cures. In the swamps of Arkan«as, where the chills are eo common and eo difficult to cure, they readily yield when treated with our King of Chill?. Put ux» in large bottles at 81, or six bottles for $5.— Sent to all part? of the country on of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., PROPaiKTORH, MEMPHIS. TFNN. . L. W. HUNT at CO., aug4-law General Agents, Macon, Ga. DIVIDEND No. 31. " Southwestern Railroad Company. ATTENTION, irsons owning Capi al Stock of this Company, as held on the :il?t ultimo, ha? this day been declared by the Board of Director?, payable on and after the 19th instant in United States currency. The United States Revenue Tax will be paid by this Company. Stockholders in .. . v n . Savannah will receive their Dividends at Central MACON, GA. Kailr >ad Bunk. JN ■>. T. B0IFEU1LLKT, I auzld-lm Secretary and Treasurer. TAX-PAYERS having charge of property „ . PHILOSOPHY OF KARBIA6E. teS,yiS“..ISl3? a BSS'BSSKSSHSs 11 be ^ ^ Miclav Keviewwl: ThVcause'oflndtsMt A in t&e city and those Tax. are requested city being very muon iu unco u. . eito notify parties that a very abort given I trust all will come forward witho Ld assist me in PtortnjA. mamtoa^ rtthe^ty. ^ aept2-3w . — ered a , _--- -eutn of Anatomy, embracing theaabjects: How to Live and What to Live for: Y oath. Maturity^ltd Oid^ Age; Manhood Generally u >. ^ ; Flatulence and Easton’s Commercial College, Corner Mulberry and Second Streets, Macon, Ga. rpHB EVENING SESSION of this Institution re- JL opens, from" to 9,on MONDAY, September 13th. Those desirous of entering will please make applies- ^ tion, at the office of the College, any day during the 1 for sale. Apply to ’’The Georgia.” week between 9 x. m. and 1 p. m., and from 3to 5 p. it. ! aepfc4-tf Nervous Diseases accounted for: Marriage Philosophi cally Considered, etc. The«e lectures will be forward ed on receint of four stamps, by addreaaing Secretary Baltimore Museum of Anatomy. 74 Wea: Baltimore Street. Baltimore, Md. apr6-ly FOR SALE. I fJIHREE SECOND-HAND BILLIARD TABLES A. PATTERSON k CO. il