The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 14, 1869, Image 4

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Amkricus, Ga., M. B. Coun Richardson; Bahtksvim.e, Baitbrioo •, Oa., T. R. War M. Fryer;, Ga., Hi bkrt. Ga.. T. s. Powell : l). rnon? : Katoxtox. Ga.. J. C Ga., S. Mnnuromery ; El k ai r | , IHS valuable Medicine i. j r*r< ; -red L: V» C L exelnrivcly. and to be u?e«i by women oni is adapted e* pee i ally *o those c.i^es where the is disordered, and will cure any irregularity “ men?*?/’ except in ?urh ca«*3 ns rrquire a si: operation. As tLese las: are very rare, the Thom: ; Mili.lik.eville, Ga„ C. A. Greer: tiTu.UK. Ga.. John- J. CRllier; Th<»k- , 13 Cr-XTBAL Rail- Oak and Hemlock 8oie Leather. Female Regulator Moxtic: Is of almost universal application. In a fu Idem check of the “ monthly courses” from cold, trouble of mind or like cause, it acts like a charm, hy restor ing the discharge in eveir instance, thus relieving the lever, headache, prtia in the fcmall of the baek and "lower stomach/’flashes of heitt about the f «:c. chilly sensation?, burn-ng of the eyelids, and general re. t- lcs*nc«.?. Taken in time, all of these symptom? pass away immediately, without injury to the constitution. Frequently, hower-r, the proper remedy isrotap- p.ied in tirnc,the di: c v-o becomes chronic, and the foundation laid for r.umbrrlefs evils to the constitu tion f woman The next "turn" c ir.« ? around and j there i* no "show.*' or perhaps the white 4 " will ap pear. '1 n> re will oosomo oavuhMSSabout the womb, j nut serj lit us or none of the natural fluid escaping. sort of pre:nifh caste ab^ut the face, constant dull, aching pains in the bead, weight in the Jowerftornarh and back, with or without whites. \ a’pilatiops of the ' heart, pallor, exhaustion. indigestion, wearieerr.lan- * gor, aching across the Inins. h«s of appetite. pah> in , left breast. ti|htoeM aerora the chest, cough and fid- dine*e. If still allowed to goon. “ green e lekness" J will be fully develop* d; the h' .cb?'-'«na»':Wfe, 1 with loss of in emorT, diminished sensibility. «ick atom- I acb. dnu^piis. n » reUahr for food, loss of flesh, ia- j erc.ved fluttering of the heart, fwellir.gof the feet, lev* and body, and oseaGona] spitting o' hiooi. The slight ?T ►:? . t • .•:•«-hnrriei almost j to sofT cation. The skin Is flabby, atd ha? a “doughy I feel." " This is a rad picture, but It is the condition of thou- j sands of between the ages off ::cin and fury- ( fire. w!n> are brought to tbe sr«T« by ignorance. <r j neglect to taka the proper remedy. To a»l who are afflicted wi'h a'iy of the symptoms ; above mentioned, ill conn»ctior: with an irregularity i oftbo **:»onthly aioknevs," wc earner ly say, take ! KA’.f, OA. W Hanes; New town. H. C. Sc Buah. Now We Oficr for Sale the Following Property : No. 2. A body of 8000 aero? Timber Lands^n Oc- mulgee river, with Plantation of 50) acres, in Telfair county. No. 12. Beard's Bluff Place. 4B.U acres Timber Lands, nine miles above Doctor Town, on Altamaha river. No. 17. General Coffee Place, in TeRV.rbounty,5000 acres Timber Lands, on Ocmulgco river, with . Plants' v w a. No. 24. Place two miles from Ms*con. 340 acres. 40 of whtf'h is upland. 1^>0 cleared and 150 heaviest timbered wood-laud. No. 35. Farm five and a half miles from Macon, 450 ftcpes, extensive Orch-.rd* and Vineyards. No. 46. Pi.-mtati n ••n Chat tab ebe* river, 16 *1 acres, c.fwhich luiOare improved. No. 77. Plantation in Houston county. 2250 acre?, 14'%j acres open land. No. S2. Plantation in Decatur county, on Flint river, containing 1400 acres No. SO. Farm in Catoosa county, of 700 acres. No. 9i>. Farm in Cobb county, containing 50:»acres. No. 112. Farm and Mill property, five miles from Ma con. No. 113.A first-class Merchant Mill, near Gordon, ample water-power for Factory. No. 114. Choice Cott “ii Plantation, in Houston coun ty. cont lining 12C-j acres. county, containing 3340 acres. No. 122. Plantation in Clay county, adjoining Colton Hill, containing 1027a~res. JJo. 121.Twenty acres in Vineviilo—Market Gardens, Orchards and Vineyard?, with Cottage House. No.127.Plantation in Terrell county, containing 600 acre?, wi Many other Fiantalioas in Middle and Southwest ern Georgia not enumerated. • Also, valuablo Cotton Factory Property on the several livers, with water-power sufficient for an almost unlimited increase of Machinery. Also. 230.000 acres of Land, finely timbered with yellow pine, in the countie? originally Appling, con venient to the porta of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to rail and water carriage. One hundred and eleven thousand acres of Timbo- and Agricultural Land, in counties originally Irwin. Fifty-two thousand acres Yellow Pine Timber Land, ia Way no county. Sixty thousand acres of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tko line of rail road an A bend of the Suwannee river, in Columbia county. Bast Florida. lorty-cieht thousand acres of good Timber Land, in Middle Florida—an entire town-hip and contiguous sections—on the navigable stream of New river, which empties its waters at White Bluff—Dure Channel!, best port on the Gulf. Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 to 5CkiO acres each, of Timber Lands, convenient to ra ; ^ and water carriage to Savannah and Brunswick; good location for Steam Saw Mills. Two first-cinss New .Steam Saw Mills of Forty Ilorso Power each—everything complete. P l BTISM Ilf Monev Os terod Let! must pay AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES A fall line of WAGON HARNESS. Agents for ABBOTT. DOWNING «fc CO/S Celebrated id worthy of special attention. I n a Hair Pin to a bale of Dottiest i know they can “uit you. Call o: It is unusually heavy and selec a Fi-a Hook to a Grind Store, { In GOODS and PRICKS ' EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. marlfi-tf DR. J. BR&DFIF.LD’S FEMALE REGULATOR A few ounces taken, you w.:l at experience lig benefit, and with a little patience you will be fully rc*torc<l to health. This remedy ha? been extensively used for upward of twenty year? by many of the mo*t experienced and •uccc -ful phyririana In Georgia. No family should be with at two or three buttles. Wi r-'peat. that Dr. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR is prepared for wourx.mndto boused by women only. A trial i? all we a«k. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by 15RADFIELD A CO., Atlanta, Ga. reposo of EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A e, tbe under icnctl Drucpis!,. tnk, pleasure in mendinir t > the trad,. 1)L J-BniDniLDS clatir—believing it to boniood and rrdiiMo xdvfnr thr Him-it for which he recommend, It. \V. A. LANDSDKI.T,. Atlanta. <ia-. FEMBKIITON. WILi'.iS, TAYLOR k CO.. Atlanta, (la. W. n. T-AWSflKE, Atlanta. <H. W. ROOT A SON. Mari eta, Ga. BUTTS & BROTHER. augl9-d?m LIYEai’iMiL ASD L0MN1S GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY I CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD lSSVkR COTTON, tttkcBANWSM. STORES, D WJaUNBS. At*. HOUR tTNDERSIONED - HAVING BERN AP- J. POINTED Agent of the ab-«ve named popular and highly reanonaible Company, is preparod to ir-’ae policies on aa favorable term? a* other agencies in this city. 1. C. PLANT, Agent, eeptft-ly of Dr. Jotiah Bradfie'd, of this county, and. as a med ical man. pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all of the dis eases of lemaleu for which ho recommends it. WM.P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21,1563. THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO., Managers Southern Branch, CAitTinvTLLX, Ga. April 26.1:6?. will certify tb»t two member* of mylmmedia , after havirxr ruffrred for many year, fro run! irregularity, and harin, been treated will enefit by rarioua medical doctor,, were [tb completely etrad br one bottle of Dr. No. ZS St. Frar.cbstreet. Mobile. Ala.: No. and Broad rtrooti OFFICE ileatis: corner Marietta THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OF Life, Endowment, Joint life and Term Policies- Annuities, Etc, i^ONTINUES to treat all private disease?. Syphilis in all its forms. Gonorrhea. Gleet. Stricture. Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, nnd the effects ef murcury are completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weaker-?, resulting from self-abuse or other causes, oni which produce*tomo of the follow- Ash! • ••-. -.\0 i r.: i !.■ i i vt s; iu?'. constipation, aversion to society, unmanline?*, dread of future events, loss of memoir, indolence, nocturnal emission*, and finally prostration oftbo vital powers, can be -fully restored U health. Pertoos affi rte l with this, or any other delicate, intricate, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial. He neveMail*. TheDoctorpublishcs a medical circular that gives a full exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free at his office, or by mail for one stamp. Itgivesa clear deHntati <n of all the diseases and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, excesses, indulgences,exposure?, and im prudences in married or single life. Every sentence contains instruction to the afflicted. Lad enabling them to determine the precise nature of their com plaints. The establishment, comprising tea ample rooms, is central. When it is not convenient to visit the city, the Doctor's opinion can be obtained by giving a written g'atemeot of the case, and medicine- can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, however, a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal a-ton tiun is re quired, and fortho accommodation of such patients there are apartments connected wirb th-.* < f;ice that are provided with every requisite that is calculated tooromoterecovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescriptions are prepared in the Doctor’s own Laboratory, under bis personal Fu-crvi-ion. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail for two stamps. No matter who have failed, read what bo says. Office No. 1© Third street, between Green and Walnut streets, near the F< ?toffice. Louisville, Ky, Office hontB.3 x, u,, to 7 r. x.; Sundays. 10 a. >i„ to 12 M. july3 diwly And embraces the following liberal features: All policies non-forfeitabl grace allowed in payment of premiums; one-third of the premium may r< required. The Continental will, when desired. L.-ue WAR PERMITS, wi from policy in case of los*. That after threo annual payment? a loan wry 1 of whole amount Paid, in case o! * mbarrassroent to ineH. payments. NO RESTRICTION ON TRAVEL OR RESID1 NCR. Each policy ho’ Profits of the Company annually divided amorg Policy-holders. The po South is shown in the fact of thr'r having placed over 600 Pol cies on thi Branch, in the short timo of tix months, covering an insurance of over THOMAS. THOMPSON A CO., Office, corner Marietti , JAS. W. STRANG*, bottle. r , ’’’•S&mm.. L. W. HUNT A CO.. S. D. KVKRSTT, T. W. KLLIS, HARK IS. CLAY A CO. P.H. WRIGHT. II. J. I’ETEK. M^TiaKers Southern i : rimeh. i anil Broad rtreet?, Atlanta, Ga. »ep^5h*odtf J. R. HOY, Agent, Macon, Ga, COMPANY, Home Office, No. 34 St. Francis St. AXOX3NX,S. -A-X./V. OFFICFSS : C. H. THAMES, President. ITW.liOTT, I T. X, FOWLER, Vice PrcRlitent. j Secretary. Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the (fUEEiV OF THE SOUTH GOOD SAMARITAN, WITCH DIRECTOKS: C.*.THAMES. o(C. E. Th.mcj ACo. C. . BUTT, »! W,ish. Smith A Co. A I'. BUMi. „rA. P. Bu.hA.-cca. W A Bl < K. of Buck A Tuitrr. I, tlKKWKn.o: L. Brewer A Co- .1 AM KS OH A I,MKits, of t'hslmrrs A Miller. J. C. CHAM BR1U.AIN, of Chantberijia A Co. I HUS. HKNKV. Se. Hos.JAC I! MAGEE, o! N. W. Perry A Co. .A. i). Mi CANTS, of Morris ll. T nle- A Co. S. .1 KN NINOS MURPHY, of S. J. Murphy A Co. D. O.UKADY, l UOS. P. MILLKR. oflfcoms, P. Mill-r A Co. Ho* A He. .AM Ml KhOcil. l're< .loot M. A O.K. R. JOHN 11. MAKSHA1.L, ol A Conley. C. G. RICH AKDS. of ft G. Rchards A Scttr. T. \A . si MS, of Sim,. Harrison A Cc. Ho*. J. M. THOMSON, oi Thornton,Cockrell A Co, K .i. A 1 c ' \ i. of n. J. Y’.imt: A A' >. M. P. LEVY, ot M.P. Lery A Co. .• A.J. vo>KS. A. P R OS K A U HR. or A. Pr. sksner A Co. P. It. PKPPBC ofP. H. Pepper A Co. .1 NO. II. GARY, of J. H. Gary A Co. OTHER NOTED FAVORITE: EEN DOLLAKS they will putyou up s STOVE, haud9omely funtiihed, snd warrant it For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you can take your choice anrnnz four hundred, and they son with Furniture to 6t. A sood asrortment of Grates, Box - Stoves and Stoves. (For Wood or CoaL) A large Stock of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS MEDICAL EXAMINERS; \V. H. AND RS0N. M. D. DABNEY HERNDON. M. D. COTTON PresArve?-; and Whitens the 2?eeth! Savig-oi ates and Soothes the Gums I Cleans and Purifies Artificial Seeth! Purifies and Perfhtncs the Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! GINS Always oa hand. £3* Orders solicited and promptly filled. ATTORNEYS: IKS. BOYLES A OVERALL. e? features and II h Superior Article for Children ! IT IS WABEAXTED FREE from Injurious Ingredients! I T is scientifically prepared in accordance with the most valuable formulae known to the profession. It has been extensively used for several years, and is rocommer.'ied for general use by numerous Dentist and rhysicion? who have tested its merits, and who appreciate the_importance of proservieg the Teeth through life. Proprietor: A M. WILSON. Philadelphia For Fate by J. 11. L El LIN k CO.. Macon. Laboratory of Pharm.u: ? ut-c\l Y ajiD Axalytcai. Chewistby, V m,- . . .. Atlanta, (»e rgia.} This is to certify tnat T have examine Treg.U* Tea- berry Tooth Wa^h .and Tooth Powder. I find mein frea from sunstance* that would act injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Trego’* Preparations lagging—in Store and <o Arrive, bales Gunny Bagging, pounds Arrow Ties, bales Twine, hhds. C. R. Sides. 20 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, barrels Sugar—all grades, sacks Liverpool Salt, sacks Virginia Salt, barrels Flour—Superfine, Extra and sacks Coffee, sacks prime White Corn, bales jfacon Sheeting, june26-dd wtf Agent. Macon, Georgia WRIGHT & DOUGLASS, Attorneys; ED. SMITH M. D.. C. D.SMITH,M.D.. Examiners. DISSOLUTION 0? COPARTNERSHIP T HE firm of ^loar. Groover A Co. is thi* day solved by the withdrawal of A M. Moan bu9ine?s of the late firm will be settled by there’m tug partners, who aro alone authorized to *isi iKiaidatioti. A. M. FLOAN, U. F. STUBBS. C. E. GROOVER. ~ . „ A.T. MACINTYRE. Savannah, Qa., July -4,1859. kegs Sails, barrels Whisky, boxes Tobacco—all grades, half barrels White Fish, quarter barrels Mackerel—No. cases Sardines, boxes Soap, boxes Candies, boxes Crackers, boxes assorted Soda Crackers, boxes Stareh, 50 boxes Candy, id PORTER, ’oreign and I IY7TLL, practice in the United State T T Savannah and Atlanta, and in the rherever our services are desired. -•^“Collections solicited. is Courts, at citato Courts juh24-tf Masonic Supply Store. lempic. Cincinnati Ohio, have been refitted and refurnished for display and sale of Masonic and other Society Goods, hav ing established a successful business, the undersigned is prepared for extensive orders, and can send C. O. D or C. (». D on examination. Supplies for Lodges! Chapters and Commanderies, Masonic Carpets, Jew els, Collars, Diplomas, Pillars, Officers’ .Aprong. Full Templar outfits, $45 to $60. Also. Collars and Aprons. Knight? rf Pythias, Chapter Rooes, I. O. u. F. Jew els. Refers to prominent Masons in each State. a»gl4-iro JOHN P. CALDWELL* eases Pickles 50 cases Oysters, cases Potash, casks Ale and Porter—Imported. ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. LITER! AND SALE STABLES. THHB undorEism^d has taken charge of the well X known ** Chapman’s Livery Stables” in Macon, opposite the passenger shed, on Plum street, where he wiil conduct a general Livery Business in all its branches. Anything yon may want in the way of v. r -^vf po ^L io ?’ hy . £ OI ? e or “ml*, buggy, carriage or wf R ’ Wl 1 be furnished on short notice and at reason able rates. Drovers will find this an old and popular t0 depose of their stock. ft* 11 - 1 * s. H. HOLMES. Agent. [ jnlyllLSm] ifgA OX M AF.K-:. -iS -;v; ■. THE TELEGRAPH. TTTESDAT MORNING, SEPT. H, 1869. A.GE9ITN FOR THE TELEGAAPIll The follotritig Kentiemvn are authr-ri.e 1 to receive !: Ai.bant, Ga., E. * a., ii. H. Swatti; !1: Blakxlt. Ga.. B, » ak Goddard : Ctth. sox. Oa., J. M. Sim- Adam-: Ellavillk- a, Ala., A. I!. Yar- d: Fort DR. J. BRADFTELD S FEMALE REGULATOR! WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND! DAVIS SMITH. H. T. WESTCOTT. P. McGLASHAN SMITH, WESTCOTT it CO. OFFEE FOR SALE, A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles Execution ot Jons?* Watkins. The Savannah ItepnLlican of Saturday says : At :iO minutes after 9 o'clock a procession consisting of Rev. Father Hamilton and Rev. Father Targnerey, lxvt.h of the Roman Catholic /Church, who marebod m front, followed by the prisoner, guarded by the Sheriff and his officers. The prisoner was dressed in white, and hisarmi were securely pinioned. Daring the march from the jail to the scaffold the Priests recited in an audible voice, tho fiftieth psalm, Latin vnlgato version, commencing, t{ O, Lord have mercy on me according on to Thy great mercy.” The prisoner ascended the scaffold with a firm step, followed by his spiritual advisers. As soon uh tho prisoner has ascended the scaf fold, the front gate was thrown open, and the large assemblage on the outside of the walls per mitted to enter the enclosure, but owing to the enclosure of the scaffold on three sides, but a small portion of them were ablo to see tho pris- j oner or witness tho execution. The clergymen then proceeded with the ser vices prescribed by the Ritual of tho Roman Catholic Church for such solemn find awful oc casions, after which Rev. Father Hamilton turned to the sp< ctator* and said: **The un fortunate man (the prisoner; desires mo to say to you that ho firmly trusts that he is truly sorry for whatever sins lie may have committed, and he farther desires me to request, that upon his being launched into eternity yon will each offer up a prayer to Almighty Crod f< his soul." The rope was then adjusted upon his neck by the sheriff’s deputies, after which Sheriff Dooner informed him that if ho had anythingto say he now had an opportunity to speak. lie seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then saicn “I freely forgive and pray for ail—for my ene mies—and I freely forgive and pray for the man who, by swearing falsely, has brought me to my present position. Gentlemen, this is all I have to sav." The cap was then pulled over his eyes and the deputy sheriff left the scaffold. Tho sheriff then asked him if ho was ready ; ho replied in tho affirmative, tho drop fell nnd Jesse Watkins was launched into eternity. He fell between six and seven foefc, and died without a struggle. From th< Jtickmond Dispatch.) A. I»iv«‘ly Seeue. An Aneunt Freedman Collared b)f hi* Spouse— 7 he Penalty of following Polities. On Saturday morning, while on our rounds in search of the confounded item, wo were direct ed to a pertain locality by a young urchin who represented that an old negro woman was “beatm’ her husband to death.” We repaiied to tho spot, and there beheld a scene we!l worthy mtni of tho pencil of Elder. An elderly negro wo man, bedecked in her store clothes, and sur- rounded by her carpet-bat;, a red cloth tun- '} my datrto farni-h thi. certificate, with the hop.of brolla, and a crowd o« urchin* of all col- ors, hail an old, gray-lmirou darkey by the col- and *uppre*.?ttl xnattstrnattan has been puny under l»ir, and, while belaboring him with a tolerably I my own personal observation. Its effect tniuc!: , . V . . • • - « rrliil nn. nrrtll ma*lhi>rrrnfiiv h<>f r Oh, yes. you misty, stinkin’, black rascal; I got yon, is I? What you doin’ here, dal’s | what I want to know? (Whnck.) Come down j here to wo!a, did you? (Whack.) Absolnsher j come down here from Macklinbnrg six weeks ago to wote, and ain't bin back home since. (Whack.) Oil, ye s, you black scounelil; what you reckon I gwiuo to do all tho timo you gone, for meat, and meal for your c!uldren? Yon black rascal.” (Whack.) Old Man—“Lookhere, Hanna; b^rc, woman, hero; what you doing? (Whack) Don't talk to me in sich a disagreeable tone here whar all dese folks is.” Hannah—“Oh, never mind ’bout yon, you black rascal. (Whack.) I gwino gi' yon Billy. I know’d I’d eotch yon. You wan't satisfied wid stayin up home to woto ; you got to come down hero to wote, is you? (Whack.) Oh, yes, you black rascal; yon sooundil, you: what you reckon I gwino do all dis time ? Sot down at homo an wait for you? (Whack.) Dat I want gwino do no sieh thing; I tell you what I gwino do, you black scoundil—(Whack)—I gwine car ry you down hero to do Damsvillo depot whar de Damson cars is, and I gwine keep you till de cars goes to Macklinbnrg. (Whack.) Hear dat, don’t you ? (Whack.) 'Foro God, I so mad.— (Whack.) Look hero man—(whack—I could haul off nnd fail}* buss you open, I could.— (Whack.) You — (whack)—black—(whack V— rasenl—(whack)—yon. The old man was completely subdued and took everything very meekly, until a policeman came along and put an end to the quarrel by ordering them olY. The Florida Ckssion.—Wo remarked some days ago : “ There is no ground for the opinion that Florida is to be divided. West Florida is in favor of the cession, but Middle and East Florida are uncompromisingly opposed to it, and will vote it down both in the Legislature and before the people. It has to pass tx>th ordeals after getting the consent of the section to be ceded.” We desire to modify, if not correct, this opin ion. Since it was given wo have learned that 1 tho act specifying the terms on which tho ces- ' sion might take place provides for an affirmative I vote of the district to be ceded, and a subse- ] quent ratification “ by tho Legislature or—not | and—of the people”—making tho vote of either a final settlement of the question. In view of tho complexion of the Florida Legislature, if West Florida and Alabama can command money enough to buy it—and we doubt if ft very large sum will bo required— the cession may be re garded as a fixed fact. Wo hear there is great dissatisfaction in East and Middle Florida over the prospect of being thus swindled out of a large portion of their fair territory.—S irannah Republican. Evrky twinge of Napoleon’s rheumatism gives France a sleepless night. WHISKY. a NOTH ER lot of this celebrated Whisky just : ./V ceived tj-day. No brand ha.? given such u: versal satisfaction. Even body i* in love with iL only need* to be tried once to be continued. All w love the good anfi pure, call for it. ^Jno. W. O’Connor is the sole Agent for Macon, < No one else can get it. Beware of counterfeits. Various good brands of PURE RYE and CORN WHISKY OX HAND. With a full stock of BRANDY. GIN, RUM. CL \RET and other WINc LEMONS. 2S Boxes Messina Lemon?—just receh ?*d. J NO. W. O’CONNOR. Jaly4-tf r lu:TS GOLD COMPANY po?«e i offers inducement- to tbn.-e d which can be found no where els Company, nnd its Dividends arc partially divided between the Policy Holders. It issue? Policies payablo only in AMERICAN GOLD C ( >IN, and upon all the most favorable modern plans of Insurance, thu? making Insurance certain and not depending upon tho value of a Fluctuating t'nrrcncy. Premium? may he paid in Gold or equivalent. 4A^A(»ENTr* WANTED throughou: the ritnte.— Apply to ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Office—NEWNAN, GA. JXO. U. SHORTKR. ^ rs SHORTER & PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MACON, G A. A RASE CHANCE To Get a Good Healthy Home. for sale. O NE of th* finest resi icnces arouml Macon, with a fine tbre*-*ero Lm. and one „f the fine.t places lor carden.n. round the city. The Carden of Yeceta- Mes and t rutts will nearly pay for it in *wo year? Fine Peaches, all kind.Mirapes. Pear-. Figs, ,-tr.w- berne?, etc. The dwcihrgr is a fire F*x-r.*om one- there is a fine three-r* om Kitchen. Swoke-hou«e and out-hou?c?. with Stable and a fine well ©f water- good neighborhood and high and healthy—not more than ten minutes’ walk from the centre cf the city and just outside city limits. It is known the W. w* Waguon Place, and was bought of him by Mr. Hazlo- fcur?t daring the war. I wili sell »he Pltcetor eui.p Cash, the balance in twelve or eighteen months. Any one wi?hing to see tbe Place I will take pleasure in showing it to them. If not sold before the 1st ot' Oc tober it will be rented, H. N. ELLS. tept2-2w GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons : A FTER the discouraging events of the two years past, that have prevented u? from selling Lanas, ■we now feel warranted in inviting those^ wishing their lands sold to *da-e them with u.«. From late personal interview? with our agents in the Northern cities, and Irtter-i received from them, we are led to believe that there will be considerable immigration this way the coming fall with a view of purchasing land?. We have already effected some sale.?. Our Public Register isopen to all. FREE OF COST, to register the lands they ha’ e for^ale, and inspection for those wishing to buy. W. A. XAXBOM,. x. P. RAX80M, UAEIU8 V. GSXB SORT. R. BOYD. W, A. RANSOM & CO., M«rafaohir«8 and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES IjUTSe-t?* 1 588 Bromdw *F, J»KW YORK COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND BUYER* boots, shoes, hats, groceries, tobacco. HARDWARE, STEEL, IRON, AND many other articles usually kept IN a FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE HOUSE, are informed that the SPRING STOCK B. ROSS & SOI, SPRING DRY GOODS, Indeed, they are prepared to furnish from J. B. ROSS & SON, oceries. Dry Good?, etc., Macon, Georgia. N E W YORK C_D !=; e^=i CO £=>• E—i CO t=> CTT5 era tr=S CO POLICIES-ISSUED TO JULY 1. mCTD: AMOUNT INSURED. * 40 UAOOO; PAYING AN AN- SI !. PREMIUM ■: ■ WKISoVi 1 fip .:c « ■ DIVIDENDS DECLARED JANUARY 13,1SC9,10 PER CENT. DO ~\TOXJ OOO J> GIN ? ONE THAT WILL MAKE AS Gob3 Cotton, Rra LijMer, Gio Faster, to aaj Gin are jj nse, Ar.d on. that *av> vinir.rrM .atisfaction lo.-.t j-ejr. The. BUY THE GRISWOLD GIN, MAVI-FACTUIU’D by o. W. MASSEY, V UAH :vt A C O N. G>A. •*ar-RESIDENX AGENTS OtRHART & CURD, Jtacun t;» = , , ’ “““"i 1fK *> where bamples may be seen. jnte20--m Gullet’s Steel Brush Cotton Gins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins,,, i S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable ra-.-hir.o, worthy the attention of Planters. ff C ‘ r -‘ ubrs - testimonials in groat number ■ from persons troll known, furnished on application. Sample, on exhibition atW. A. HUFF’S, corner Cherry and Third Streets. Address ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, M NO. 1 SECOND STKEBT A™- F SPEOTAC « MASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER. WATCHES ' | anu JEIVEbRY repaired and warranted. B?ame Stencils far Marking- Linen Cut to Order. ? m;rs. f. dessau HAS OPENED. AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. TEE LATEST * NOVELTIES in MILLINERY; i 4 DRESS GOODS 1 TEIMMIUQS, GLOVES, POiNT LACES, EMEB0ID1BIES, etc. «~A11 order? promptly attended to. 68 MULBERRY ST., MACON, Gi=