The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 15, 1869, Image 4

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THE TELEGRAPH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 15 I8«9. AO£STK KOIl TIIK. TKLKVItAPli. 'h« fc-liowi:.? gentlemen are ao’h-.riied to recel 6. Pi Dnr*n oM : CCTH. Ada «d: }'• A. U. Yi i)kT VaL* S. Joho- aoa : ll InuHvtit • . a.. W. h . Rlaks: k voivill,. Ht ' .1 W Avan:: Htulturiui, Oi—J. A. >V. S. Ti-!orV.: ft ■ eiAaiM Mi(WMiibiuWH|| c|A.. V. T. r. nr: OcLamoura. 0».. C. A. Greer: Paaar. '3a. Jno.s. Jotu*n;SwiTnriu.r.Oa., Jobn- aon A Gonu'ch : TataoTTOU. G»„ J. Callier; Thom- AariLt r. Ga.. J. R.S. D.'.vii; So.ISCh.ytralP.ail- *oa». CW I. Davie: 8i*9XRSviu.k. Ga_ E. A. Sullivan: UomotM Oa.. B. T. Divbr: Sava;- vah. Oa. We. :•!. Sneed ;', Oa., E. L. Hanes: Nrerros, Ga„ W. W. StaJlinrr: Gloior- . II. C. Jordan: CoLrwara. Messrs. Thompson Pa ariaa Kzxtmaa Moser to c- ran tend Poet.ffice Monev Orders, If her can bo had; or Liah ia Retri,- tere 1 Rotter?, at oor riak. If lent by Expren they moat pay charges. Sumac. The best imported sumac is • product of Sicily, nnd other sections of Southern Europe. It is a thick set handsome shrub, and in its wild state grows to the average height of abont ten feet. It is very much improved by cultivation, and in' Spain, Portugal, and Italy ia extensively grown for domestic nse and for exportation. Until quite recently the quantity of Sicily su mac imported info the United States was very large. The bark, leaves, and flowers of the young shoots of this shrub are ground and used in tanning morocco and other kinds of leather ; but it is also used in the arts and for Tarions purposes. Tho shrub is valuable for its med ical properties, and tha berries are extensively nsed in decoction for malignanPfevers and in flammation of the throat. American snmac grows wild in all tho Atlan tic States from Maine to Florida, but until rer cently it was thought to be almost valueless fo- tanning. About the year 183C a shrewd Virginia tanner mado several experiments with the domestic ar ticle, and hecamo convinced that if gathered at the right time, and prepared in a proper man ner, it was nearly, if not quite equal to the averago of the imported. The nverago strength of tanning in the best Sicily sumac is sixteen per cent Tho very best imported yields twenty-five per cent. A. fair cargo of Amecioan, recently analyzed by an English chemist, yielded twenty per cent '1 be best native s-umao is grown in Virginia and Maryland, nnd it is thought under careful tillage this variety can bo made to yield about twenty-three per cent, of tannin. French amnio yields only seven per ~cenk tannin, and sells in the English msrkot at abont $13 p«r ton. Sicily sumac, yielding from six teen to twenty-five percent, tannin, sells at $75 to $140 per ton. American, yielding twenty per cent, tnnnin. brings about $90 per ton. The late rebellion developed many indnstries at the South, that before that event languished for want of enoonragement and material aid.— The people, tbongh suffering, were foroed to emply many sources of wealth in their section of country, that hod too long been neglected.— They seized with avidity upon tho snmao that grew wild and luxuriously in the Southern States, and under the impetus thus given to its development, it promises to becomes'leading nrtielo of export. One sioglo manufacturer pro duces six hundred tons per snDum, and a con siderable portion of this amonnt is sent to Eu rope, and Cuds n quick tale in the English mar kets. Domestic snmao is nsed extensively by onr own mannfaetnrers, and it enters very largely into the general consumption of dyers and tan ners. The high price of the foreign article (the best varieties of which are quoted at $150 to $155 per ton,) has caused a rapid diminution of its use, and tile selected Virginia ia fast taking the placn of Sicily, in manufactures, tho arts, nnd all othor uses to which the article is applied. Those agricnUnrista who live in s belt of laod lying along the.seaboard, and extending from New York to North Carolina, can, by the use of proper means, make snmac a very profitable crop. The cost and labor of its production is not groat, and it will yield amplo returns for tbe capital expended in its cultivation.—Mercantile Journal. The I.nst Cotton Crop — 2,200,557 Bales. By a special telegram to Tbe Nows, pub lished in nnother column, it appears that tho to tal cotton crop of 18G8-’G9, according to the New York Shipping and Commercial List, is 2,2G0,557 bales. This statement will, we are sure, greatly surpriso all who ere interested in onr groat staple, as it falls far below the lowest cstimato up to tho present time by those who are accustomed to give much attention to cot ton statistics. Tho New York Shipping nnd Commercial List's crop statements hsvo for many years been accepted ns tho authority by which tho actual amonnt of the crop ahonld bo determined, nnd we do not desire prematnrely to question the correctness of its figures in tho present instance. We feci bound to say, how- over, that such dissatisfaction was expressed last year, at tho unusual nnd largo additions made by tho Shipping List to the actual receipts nt tho ports, and by which tho crop of 18G7-68 waa mado largely to exceed the estimates of other well informed authorities. It seems pass ing strango that the same journal should, this year, havo mado tho crop so ranch smaller than everybody anticipated. Wo shall await the re ceipt of the fall details of tbe estimate, and may have more to say upon tho subject, should wo see roasmiable cause to doubt their accuracy. [Charleston New. Apilit! to Cmosoh's.—Tho Empress has de creed that high puffs and frizottes shall no long er exist. Tho long chatelaine braids, looped at tho back of tlie head and falling to tho should ers, are hereafter the style. There is an evi dent trace of the changes in tbe Empress* sen timents in these modes of hair dressing and the fashions which follow them. In her brilliant prime she emulated tho splendors nnd frivoli ties of Maria Antoinott’s e >nrt ond the minnu- dtriesot Ls Valleries and Pompadour. In her pensive and graceful decline she reverts to the stately and exclusive manners of the ancient chatelaines. These suit the hoopless skirt of flowing velvet or poult, tbe cavalier plume nnd the wide brimmed tint, tho embroidered gaunt let and the drooping braids. Ooe will no long er recognize the fashion of the demi monde and of kings' favorites in the allurement of coquet tish puffs and long crimpcl tresses, in the dress fluttering with ribbonsaud b5w» and light with boullions; a quieter, more decorous ana aristo cratic style, none tho less costly, has its advent with the chatelaine braids. GBORaiA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE adMPA^Y. H AVING fully orranixnd our Company on a sure permanent ba*>ip. and having the Comptrol ler* authority, we pf sent to the southern People U we b«l eve to be oue of the *»f«t and bc«t Lite Ifi'orunce Companie* eve c«'abii?bed in tbe South ern 0*u try. The Borne 0Cic*» i- in Macon. Gc mi*. , • h-ire every dollar inve-ted will remnin in our midst. 1 T 'rs galaxy u! i.eoie.. given a. director, ma r-:ereep if C puffictn! guarantee <>f ltfelfol the fidelity with - ttai-- o r:it utior, will be ::: ■ i. * Tec c-ipitel . isjufficie:.: to meet all L-a-t, i- etc-} e ntingeney. | 111 Mntatt appeal to our c: ter everywhere to bud'i up v. eh u-thi? structure e-r the besefi: four lov.rt• r : cur > . . Hundred* of thouaicdr of dollars are yearly ab stract- d from the pockets of onr people, and carried to fonder, pirn to corich strangers wno have bet lit tle s; u.p-tby for as. Can we not learn wisdom and use onr mcaai to en rich our-elves and beautify onrl.omeaT We will try and place, in every locality, politeand efficient Agents to transact the badness of theCom- pa-iy. And we cordially invite all desiring arenric* in this Company to call on the Officers, at the office building, near the Passenger Depot, in front of tbe two hc.tuts. on Fourth street, where all matters of de tail will be cheerfnllv given. The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six per cent, to the Stockholders for amonnt of Sleek cnaranteed. W. J LAWTON, President. „ . J. c. McBUKNKY. Vice President R. J. LtsitTrooT. Secretary. EOABD OF DlggCTOKS ! ASIIEH AYREa. Fertiliser, Msecs. Oa. T. C. N rsBEr. Iron Founder. Macon, Ga. U. T. JOHNSON Johnson, Campbell A Co.. Whole- -. _.**!• Grocers. Macon. Ga. JACKSON DiLOACIlK, C. rriage Depository, Ma con. Ga. J. C. McBItBNEY. Macon. Ga. W. J. l.AWTON, Lawton a Lawton. Macon. Ga. DAVID T. SISGLEToN. Planter, Batontoo. Ga. RICHARD HOBBS, of Cruger A Co., Bankers, Al bany. Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN. Pres’t Georgia Home In-nrance Company, Colombo?. Ga. WALLACE CL MMING. Banker. Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL. S'ovall A Butler, Annate, Os. F. ADAMS. Cosbies National Bank. Athens. Ga. T. M. FUItLOW. America*. Oa. _ airuaucES: Harsh? A Howell. Wilmiuctou. N C Gen Ausu/tus Young. Charlotte. N C Wm B Wright. Fayetteville. N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsboro, h C Wm M Lawton, Charleston. SC Ja? P Boros. President Theological Institute, Green ville. s c R Forman. D D. Newberry Court House, S C JOB Dargan, D 1*. Sumpter, d C I T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn oo Me',abb. President Eastern Bank of Eafauls, Kufaula, Ala Theodore Uerri., President Louiarille Insurance and Banking Company. Louisville, Ky Wm D Miller. L, nehbur*. Vn Ti S Ferguson. Lynebbao. Va D II Baldwin A Co. New York Golthveight, hice A eemple. Montgomery. Ala Ex-Uor J G shorter. Kufanla, Ala l. L Warren. Pr-sident Falla City National Bank, Louisville, Ky Gordon, Gwen? A Stokes. Abbeville, Ala P II Pepper J Co. Mobile. Ala Joaiah Morris. Bauker Montgomery. Ala Hush McColL CommirsioncriNew Orleans. La Wood, Low A Lad win., to. New Orleans. La Noble A Brothers, Iron Works, Rome. Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannah. Ga Gen A II Colquitt. Baker County. Ga Tbntll Willingham Dougherty County,Oa James Callaway. Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Gfrnn. Atlanta, Ga DrT W Keen Salisbury. N C Mai w M Robbins. Atiorney-at- Law. Salisbury. N C Col C P Low, Merchant. I.exineton. N C Jamea Sloan. Km. Merchant Greensboro, N C . Hon KG Kesde. Supreme Court Judge. ltoxboro.NC Hon C S Winstead. Koxbnrn. N C R P Williamson. Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, K C J P Dills- gharn. Newbern. N C Robert Tbompeon. Keq, W holesale Grocer, Naabriile, Teuueeaee Hon John Enkiu, Judge U S Court. Atlanta. Ga led .lAwtf Fatin’ Paint—The white pat upon railway companies, in accident cases, by coroners' juries. xxxx WHISKY. A NOTHER lot of tMscflebnted WM#kyjust re ©oivod ts-day. No brand has given sacb uni ver$\\ siitistaciion. Kvonb*»dy is in lovo wuh it. I only reeds to be tried i»nce tn bo eootinaed. All who love the tcooii and i>ure, call for it. Jno. W. O’Connor is the 3oIe Ajrent for Mneon, Oa. No one else c«n uet it. Bow ire of counterfeit*. Various good brpn-is of PURE RYE and CORN WHISKY LEMONS. 25 Boxes Messina Lemon*—ju«t. received. , , JNO. W. O’CONNOR. a rars caArrczi To Get a Good healthy Home FOR. SALE. Fine Peaches, nil km-1*. (irape*. l’ear-' Kiff- ' tr iw berries, etc. Tho d-sllirg I, » lli-r^m there is a fine ihrer-r'om Kitchen, smoke heme outhouses, with Subl- „ n j a fine “el? of Sate^ good neighborhoo 1 and h-jrh and healthv—not m 're tn*n ten minutes’ wnlk from the centre of the ciiv anojuft out«ide etty limits. It i« known a«*he \Y. \v Waanon Place, an i was bought of him by Mr. Hat hurst during the war, I will sell the PUceior s*.. Cash, the balance in twelve or eighteen months. An> one wi-hing to see tbe Plice I will take pleasure in •bowing it to them. If not sold before the 1st of Oc tober it will be rented, H. N. ELLS. •ept2-2w SrfllTH, WESTCOTT * CO. OFFER FOR SALE. A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Sh.oe Findings, Carriage Material Of every description. BU6IHES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. A fall line of WAGON HARNESS, Agents for ABBOTT. DOWNING A CO.’S Celebrated CONCORD BUGGIES. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, •W EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. ser»7-3m B. A. WISE & CO. .THE ALABAMA GOLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Home Office, No. 34 St. Francis St., MOEiXjE. JAEiA.. OFFICERS : C. E. THAMES, President. T. K. FOWLER, Secretary, ASSETS, : : $300^000 IN GOLD! DIRECTORS: C. K. THAMES, afC. E. Thames A Co. C. BUTT, of Walsh. Smith A Co. A P. BUSH, of A. P. Bu-h A Sons. W. A. BIlfK. of Buck A Taller. L. BRKWEK.ol L Brewer A Co. JAMKS CHALMERS, of Chalmers A Miller. J. C. CHAMBK1U.AIN, of Chamberlain * Co. THOS. IIKNRV.Si. Hog. JAC«B MAGEE, ol N. W. Parry A Co. A. G. MrCANTS. of Morris O. Towlos A Co. S. JENNINGS MURPHY, of S. J. Murphy A Co. I). 0.GRADY. THUS. P. MILLER, of Thomas P. Miller A Co. Hog. AH..AM MURDOCH.PrordentM.AO.R.R. JOHN H. MARSHALL, of Marshall AConlej. C. G. RICH AKDS. ofG. Riehards A Sons. T. W. Si MS, of Sims, llarriron A Co. Hog. J. M.THOMSON, ol Thomson,Cockrell A Co, R. J. YOUNG, oflt. J.'Young A Co. M. P. LEVY, oi M. P. Lory A Co. A. J. VOSES. A. V'ROSK AUER, of A. Prrskauor A Co. P. II. PEPPER, of P. H. Pepper A Co. JNO. 11. OAKY, of J. 11. Gary A Co. MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. U. AND . RSON. M. P. DABNEY HERNDON, M. D. ATTORNEYS: Masses. BOYLES A OVERALL. T UTS GOLD COMPANY posa«>re> features and offers inducements to thoro desiring Insurance which can be found no where else. ltisaMutusl Company, and its Dividends are .qually ar.d im partially divided between the Police Holden. It issue? p.dieirs payable only in AM I RICAN GOLD C -IN. and upra all the most favorable modern plans of Insursnee. thu- making Insurance certain an I not depending upon thu value of • Fluctuating« urreney. Premium* tnly he paid in Gold or equivalent *a-AOBNTS WASTED throughout the State.— Aprlyte ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Offico—NEWNAN, GA. WRIOIIT A DOUGLASS, Attorneys: ED. SMITH. M. D.. C. D.S diril.M. D„ Examiners. State Supervisors to whom Krfcrenre Is Given $ Mown. Branch * Sons *ucu«ta, Oa.: Mei«r». Cli-by t Kcui. .'liMhin. G» : M J. J. I,. Calhoun Nc*wn -n. Qs.: J U.Jsme*. Bu.ker. A’lsnta. G*.; J. H De Votie, D C)., <\>iun»l>Q9 v J G. wtAaonlv d, M. D., Atlanta. G.i ; J K. Ucot. Planter Neman, (ia.: L M Smith. D. Oxford. Ga.; Hon. Wirr Povd. DAhlonega. Ga. anglS tf EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A “COTTON PLANT!” AND HERE IT IS GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons : A FTER the discouraging events of the two year? past, that have prevented us from selling Lands, we now feel warranted in invitinr those wishing their lands sold to pla'e them with us. From late personal interviews with our agents m the Northern cities, and letter* received from them, we are led to believe that there^ will be considerable immigration this way the comimr fall with a view of purchasing lands. We have already effected some sales. Our Public Register is open to all, FREE OF COST, to register the lands they have foriile, and inspection for those wishing to buy. We Ofier for Sale tho Following- Property : No. 2. A body of 8000 acres Timber Lands on Oc- malgee river, with Plantation of 500 acres, in Telfair county. No. 12. Beard’* Bluff Place, 4361 acres Timber Lands, nine miles above Doctor Town, on Altamaha river. No. 17. General Coffee Place, in Telfair county, 5000 acres Timber Lands, on Ocmulgee river, with Plantation. No. 24. Place twx> miles from Macon. 340 acres. 40 of which is upland. 150 cleared and 150 heaviest timbered wood-land. No. 35. Farm five and a half miles from Macon, 450 acres, extensive Orchards and Vineyards. No. 46. Plantation on Chattahoochee river, 1300 acres. of which lt>0are improved. No. 77. Plantation in Houston county, 2250 acres, acres open land. No. 82. Plantation in Decatur county, on Flint river, containing 1400 acres. No. 89. Farm in t'atoosa county, of 700 acres. No. 90. Farm in Cobb county, containing 50f* acres. No. 112. Fkrm and Mill property, five miles from Ma con. No. 113.A first-class Merchant Mill, near Gordon. ample water-power for Factory. No. 114. choice Cotton Piautation, in Houston coun ty. containing 1265 acres. No. 120. Plantation in Jones county, containing 3340 acres. No. 122. Plantation in Clay county, adjoining Cotton Bill* containing 1^27 acres. No.l24.Twenty acre-* in Vineville—Market Gardens, Orchard? and Vineyards, with Cottage House. No. 127.Plantation in Terrell county, containing 600 acres, with fine improvements* Many other Plantations in Middle and Southwest ern Georgia not enumerated. Also, valuable Cotton Factory Property on the several rivers, with water-power sufficient for an almost unlimited increase of Machinery- Also. 230.W0 .acres of Land, finely timbered with yellow pine, in the counties originally Appling, con- ve' ient to the ports of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to rail and water carnage. One hundred and eleven thousand acres of Timber and Agricultural Land, in counties originally Irwin. Fifty two thousand acre* Yellow Pice Timber Land, in Wayne county. Sixty thousand acres of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tbe line of railroad and herd of the Snwannoe river, in Columbia county. East Florida. horty-cight thousand acres of good Timber Land, in Middle Florida—an entire township and contiguous sections—on the navigable stream of New river, which empties its waters at White Bluff—Dure Channel!, best port on the Gulf. Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 to 50U) acres each, of Timber Lauds, convenient to rail and water carriage to Savannah and Brunswick good location for Steam Saw Mills. Two first-class New Steam Saw Mills of Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. BUTTS & BROTHER. augl9-d3m PROCLAMATION. SlOOO HEWAHI> georgiaT By It. B. Bullock, Governor of said State. Wintil, Reliable information has been received at this Department, that on the night of the 22d of August, ultimo. Dr. Thomas 17. Butler and his wife were shot at and seriously wounded, at their residence ia Spaldirg county, in this Sute, by a party or parties r.known: a*.d that on the night of tho 2Sth August, ultimo, John P. Lovett, a citizen of Spalding county, waa also .-'not at and seriously wounded by some person or persons unknown, while sitting in the piazza of his residence in said county of Spalding; and Wherea?, it i* alleged that one Lewis Travis, a no torious outlawand who l» now an ercaped prisoner from palding county j ail, under a charge of felony, is the pirrctrator of these crimes; and it being represented t> me that the civil officers of said county of Spald- idghavc u«ed every means in their power to appre- h? d the fni 1 L-wis Travis, but without avail: Now, therefore, I have thought proper to issue this ray proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thousand Dollar? for the apprehension and delivery of the said Lewis Travis, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said county of Spalding. And I do moreover chsrse and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to be vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend the said Lewis Traris, in or der that he may be brought to trial for the crimes with which he stand* charged. Given under ray hand and the great seal of tho State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 11th day of Sept., in the year of cur Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty- Nine. and of the Independence of the United States of America the Ninety-Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cottino. Secretary of State. sep!4 d3twlt B. A. WISE & CO., Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the IRON WITCH, <tUEEN OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you up a STOVE, hand,omcljr fnrnlihed, and warrant it to conk well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you ran take your choice among four hundred, and they will <11 your wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Grates, Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or Coal.) A large Stock of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS Always on hand. Orders solicited and promptly filled. TEB.MS CASH. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. r PHE unde-signed baa taken charge of the well L known ** Chapman’s Livery Stables” in Macon, opposite the pas-enger shed, on Plum street, where be «rill con »uct a general Livery Business in all its ^ranches. Anything you may want in the way t i tr Jins porta’ion, by horse or mule, boggy, carriage cr Qacx, will be furni.-hed on short notice and at reasor- J ates *t_.Djovers will find this an old and popular 3t 5 wix at i wlllc ^ t0 dispose of their stock. fBbu ' lT S. H. HOLMES. Azant. CHEAP FOR GASH. 500 rolls Hemp and Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrive, 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 16,000 pounds Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 hhds. C. R. Sides, 20 hhds. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Salt, SO sacks Virginia Sait, 175 barrels Flour—^perSne, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime White Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Nails, 40 barrels Whisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No. 1, 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Caudles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes assorted Soda Crackers, 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 e&*es Pickles, 50 cases Oysters, 50 eases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. ALL OF WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. t W «.] JOHNSON. CAMPBELL &, CO. LIYEHrOOL AMI l.OMIIH —AJtD— GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY! CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD. UfSURB COTTON MERCHANDISE. STORES. D WELL1NGS. Etc. T HE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP POINTED Agent of the ahoy, named popular and highly responsible Company, is prepared to issue policies on aa favorable terms as othersgenciea In this city. I. C. PLANT, Agent, ■optft-ly DR.ITOTER r\OSTOTUES to treat all private diseases. Syphilis 1 J in all iu forms. Gonorrhea. Gleet, Jatr cture. Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effects of murcury are completely eradicated: Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, resulting from *elf-aba?e or other causes, and which produces some of tbe follow ing effect-: As blotches, bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unmanliness, dread of future events, loss of memoir, indolence, nocturnal cmisMon?. and finally prostration of the vital powers. c*n bo fully restored to health. Perrons afflicted with this, or any other delieate. intricate, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial. He never fails. Tbe Doctor publishes a medical circular that gives a fall exposition of venereal and private dir ea^e?, that can be had free at his office, or by mail for one stamp. It gives a clear delineati *n of all the diseases and conditions resulting from tho infringement of the moral laws, excesses, indulgences, exposure?, and im prudences in married or single life. Everv sentence ■'••ntai:;- iri5’ru<-ti to tii** affiiered. and enabling them to determine the precise nature of their com- plaints. The establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, i» central. Warn it is not eoaveaient t>. vi.dt the city, tho Doctor’s opinion can be obtained by giving a written statement of the case, and medicine* can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, however, a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal attention is re quired, and for the accommodation of such patients there are apartments connected with tho office that are provided with every requisite that is calculated t prr mote recovery, including me iicatc 1 vapor bath?. All prescriptions aro prepared in the Doctor's own Laboratory* under his personal supervision. Modi- c'll pamphlet at office free or by mail tor two stamps. No matter who have failed, read what ho says. Office No. 183 Third street, between Green and Walnut streeta. near the P« stomce. Louisville. Ky. Office hours. 9 a. if., to 7 r. u.; Sundays. 10 4. if., to 12 M. july3-d* wly T. T. TBLEIGO’S TBABERRY TOOTHWASh Preserves and Whitens the Teeth! Invigorates and Soothes the Guns! Cleans and Purifies Artificial Teeth! Purifies and Perfumes the Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! Zs a Superior Article for Children! IT IS WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients! I T is scientifically prepared in accordance with the most valuable formulae known to the profession. Ithas been extensively used for several years, and is rocommended for general u*e by numerous Denti.-t and Physicians who have tested its merits, and who appreciate tbe importance of preserving the Teeth through Hie. Pioprietor: A. M. WILSON. PhilaJelrhia For sale by J. H. ZEl LIN & CO., Maoon. r OP PHAXIfSC»UT'0*L 'l > Axalytcai. Chemistry, > Atlanta, Georgia. J This ia to certify thatlhaveexamineTrego’dT.ea- herry Tooth Wash and Tooth Powder. X find tnem free from su^tances that would act injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Treeo’d Preparations to those in want of a superior dentrifice. maylS 6m W. J. LAND, Chemist. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP T HE firm of Sloan, Groover A Co. is this day dis solved by the withdrawal of A. M. Hoan. The business of the late firm will be settled by the remain ing partners,.who are alone authorized to sign in liquidation. A. M. SLOAN, a F. STl BBS, C. E. GROOVER. A.T. MACINTYRE. Savannah, Ga., July 4,1869. COPARTVBUSH1P, THE undersigned have this d*y formed a copart nership for the transaction of a Cotton Factorage and General Commission Business, under tbe firm and name of Groover, Stubbs A Co. Their best attention will be given to all business entrusted to their eare. C. E. GROOVER, \c ayrnriT ^y, O. F. STUBBS. |Savannah, A.T. MACINTYRE, Thomasville. july8-d3m COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND BUYERS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, GROCERIES, TOBACCO. HARDWARE, STEEL, IRON, AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE HOUSE, ARE INFORMED THAT THE SPRING STOCK J. B. ROSS & SOS. J TS NOW COMPLETE. AND IS THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED OF ANY THEY BAVR 1 ever had the pleasure of offering to the buyers of Middle and Southwestern Georgia. In a SPRING DRY GOODS, It is unusually heavy and select and worthy of special attention. Indeed, thoy are prepared to furnish from a Fish Hook to a Grind Stone, from a Hair Pin to a hale of Domestics. “ In GOODS and PRICES we know they can suit you. Call on J. B. ROSS 6c SON, v marl6-tf Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Dry Goods, etc., Macon, Georgia. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, S8«nmd88SBroudw»r, IEW YORK lulyJS-tf CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY NEW yore: CO }=; 0=5 OO fc=> E-t oa ►-d (=3 era t=d oa oa <3 mm THOMAS, TH0MPS0X & CO., Managers Southern Branch. OFFICE: No. 23 St. Francii street. Mobile. Ala.; No. 14 Carondelot street, New Orleans; oorner Maristts and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ua. POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY L 1869, ?15.270; AMOUNT INSURED. *10.000.000: PAYIN'! AN AN NUL PREMIUM of $3,500,000: AsSK ISOVKR *3.500 OUO: DIVIDENDS DECLARED JANUARY 13,1869.40 PER CENT. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OF Life, Endowment, Joint Life and Term Policies' Annuities, Etc., - And embraees tho following liberal feature,: All policies nnn-forfeitablo and Incontestable: thirtrdsrs’ grace allowed in payment ot premiums; one-third of lb« premium may remain unpaid ms a Loan: no notes required. The C mtinrntal will, when desired, issue WAR PERMITS, without extra chsrgeor deduction from polior in car, of loss. That aftar three annual payments a loan may bo obtained of at least four-fifths of whole amountpaid. in ease ol rmharrassu^nt to mert payments. NO REhTKICTIOll ON TRAVEL OR RESIDENCE. Each policy holder has a voice in the election.: Profit, of the Company annually divided among Policy-holders. Tbo popularity of this Company in the “ * ‘ ' tbwr books, through the Southern 250,000. THOMAS, THOMPSON A CO.. Managers Southern franc!.. Office, corner Marietta and Brood streets, Atlanta, Ga- J. R. HOY, Agent. Macon, Ga. COTTON GINS. DO YOU WANT A GOOD GIN? ONE THAT WILL 3IAKB AS GooS Cotton, Ban Liihter, Gia Faster, iaa any Gia now ia ase, And ono t£at gave univorsal satisfaction last year. Then BUY THE GRISWOLD GIN, MANUFACTURED BY O. W. MASSEY) NEAR MACON. GA. M ^-RESIDENT AGENTS CAItHART dt- CURD, Macon, Ga*, where Samples may be seea. in1y20-?m COTTON GINS. Gullet’s Steel Brash Cotton Gins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins, S. Z. Ha^je Cotton Gin Feeder. valuable machine, worthy the attention of Planters* MBT Circulars, givingjestimoniala in great numbers from persons well known, furnished on application. Samples on exhibit*Su atW. A. HUFF’S, corner Cherry ar.<l Third Streets. Address F. 3. JOHNSON, june26-diwtf Asent. Macon. Georgia- ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. A LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER- WATCH® and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. Name Stencils for aSarhing- Linen Cut to Order- , Mins. U 1 . I ) E S 8 A-tT HAS OPENED, AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. TEE LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY, DRESS GOODS TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, POINT LACES, EMBROIDERIES, etc. 49*AU orders promptly attended to. apr2-daw m 68 MULBERRY ST„ MACON, 6A