The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 16, 1869, Image 2

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THE TELEGRAPH. BY CLISBY * REID. TtL»,»»r« MHLDixe. mxxiR ramt t.icoXD ars. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 10, 1800. Mr. A. H. Yarrixoton is our general Travel ing Agent, authorized to transact any Imsiness for us. Ontniilr ('ontenla. First I’aoe.—Crops in Houston—Letter from Cincinnati -TZLnnum Weekly Uesnmeof For eign Affairs. Forr.Tii Page- The Shipping Cist's Annual Crop Statement. TIic Colton Crop of ISttS OO. It will ho seen there is a wide discrepancy be tween the figures of the New York Shipping List and the Charleston Courier. Wo suppose the Courier is right. A visit to Savannah this week enables us to speak of the advancement of Georgia's Seaport City. Of course, there is not now the life there that exhibits Us elf in the midst of the busy sea son, Tint still trade has opened fairly, and the Bay looks ijuite lively. Many bnsiness men aro still absent, but thoy are hnrrying home. The decline in tho price of cotton this week de presses tho factors considerably, but wo trust it will soon touch l>ottom and then rebound. Should it do *o, everything will movo along briskly. Wo observe many houses for business being erected on the Bay, and in that pleasant portion of the city near the Park are many new, splen did and comfortable residences. Everything, in fact, indicates that Savannah is alive to her interests and constantly improves —evincing tho fact that, should we bnvo another fine seaport in Brunswick, thero will be ample Jmsiness for all, and Savannah will ever be a city of which Georgia may be prond. Hox. Geo. H. Pexdleton, in response to r call by n large number of his political friends, made a short speech last Saturday, leaning npon his crutches. He dissented from tho Re publican assertion that tho Union was restored, whilo Virginia, Mississippi and Texas are still nnder military government, and denied that tho great questions of liberty and nnion have been solved. Ho opposed tho adoption of tho fif teenth amendment bccauso it introduced a rad ical, material chango in our system of govern ment, and takes away from tho States, without their consent, tho essential element of a self- governing community, no reiterated his doc trine of tho payment of bonds with greenbacks, the abolishment of tho national banking sys tem, and n rigid economy in pnblio affairs, so ns to nid in redneing tho pnblio debt. - Never Pear.—Somo of the newspapers are talking about what tho planters shall do with their money this year. Wo dovonlly hopo the great body of oar planters wUl be able to pay nil thoir debts, and have u comfortable surplus left; lmt by the time they have bought and paid for their corn and meat and guano and mules, and n nico wnrdrobo for tho family, a comforta- blo carriage for mother, fittod up tho house, re plenished tho china—repaired the fences and stables and pnt everything in first rate order the halanco will not canso them many sleopless nights. F. W. Sims A Co.—Tho card of this old firm of Savnnnnh Factors and Commission Merchants will bo found in this issue. Thoy are well known for their energy in business and thorough knowl edge of everything pertaining to the trade in cotton, and their ample means to meet the wants of their customers. Ool. F. W. Sims re turned on Monday from New York, in fine health and working trim. Thoy are ready for all tho business of thoir old friends and as many more ns wish to give them a trial. Gem. We M. Wadley, President of tho Cen tral Railroad, who has keen spending tho sum mer North, to rocupernto his system so long suffering from a chronic disease, returned on Monday to Savannah. Wo wero glad to learn that ho was considerably improved, though tem porarily worsted by his trip outward. Wo sup pose that ho will at once assume control of the business of the Road with his usual energy and business tact, . ’Down to Fifteen and ct to Tuiuti-five.— We heard a gentleman predict yesterday that cotton would go down to fifteen cents daring tho wintor, and then riso to thirty-five in the spring. That would bo a lovely margin for buyers. Bnt wo apprehend no such fluctuations. Tho crop is too short—demand too eager—and everybody knows that with any possible yield it must fall far short of tho demands of spinners. The Income Tax-fto Inf n—Hly, The New York Herald, of the 128£*%fve8 a table showing the amount of income tax per capitum paid in most of the States. It is made from the official retains of 18fi8, a nd dis plays an extraordinary inequality. In Massa chusetts, the tax amounted to $4.12 per head : in Maine, 39 cents; in California, $5.31; in Nevada. $17.77; in West Virginia, 30 cents; Oregon, $ - . 00 ; New Hampshire, 7 Li cents ; Vermont, 47 cents: Rhode Island. $2.8* : Con necticut, $11.07 ; New York. $3.1*7 ; Pennsylva- Tbe CoUoa Crop or Last Year. The Charleston Courier of the the 14th. has the following npon this interesting topic : The mail yesterday afternoon brought the New York Shipping List of Saturday, 11th inst.. containing its Annual Statement of the Cotton Crop for the same period which our Statement covers. The footing npof the Statement of the Shipping List makes the total crop 2,200,.157 bales, which is 07,-1 2 bales below our total. The footing of the statement of the Shipping List was the snbject of general comment yester day among cotton factors in their counting- rooms, and on the street, it being almost uni- KBW ADVERTISEMENTS. nia, $1.10; Delaware, $1.1.7 : Maryland. $ 1.7.'.; i versally conceded that its total footing of the Baldwin County.—Tho Millodgovillo Re corder says : Tho valno cf property returned to tho Tax Receiver for this year amounts to $l,OS4,227. In 1887, $1,576,99!), a de crease of $482,772. Is old Baldwin on tho decline ? Next year we hopo for bettor things. The amount returned in 1SG0, when all was prosperity and pence, amounted to $3,321,382. n loa, to the county by tho effects of war, of $4,837,133. Tuf. Cotton Crop.—A very experienced planter who has been looking at tho crop in Houston, says he has never seen n more perfect failure in that county. Ho will pick a half less than he expected, and in his opinion tho whole cotton crop of Middle and Southwestern Georgia will bo gathered by the last of October. Florida Annexation.—In puisnanco to the proceedings which have already transpired for the annexation of West Florida to Alabama, tho - Governor of Florida has already issued his proclamation, ordering an election in the counties of West Florida, to ascertain tho feel ings of the people on the subject. Tho election comes off on the 2d of November. Kentucky, 02 cents; Missouri. 58 cents; Ohio, 82 cents; Indiana, -43 cents; Illinois, $1.19; Michigan, 96 cents : Wisconsin, 18 cents; Iowa, 41 cents; Minnesota, 58 cents; Kansas, 57 cents; showing an inequality which cannot be tho result of tho difference of personal income. Win, the Telegraph do ns the favor to pub lish tho articlo from the Chronicle and Sentinel from which it derived its statement that we, “prononneo the committee funetua officio, and challenge their right to meet, and question tho occasion.—Chronicle and Sentind, 14th. We wonld cheerfully publish that article, if we had it, inasmuch os we have not the smallest desire to pnt the Chronicle and Sentinel in any position it does not wish to occnpy. Onr para graph spoke of both the Augusta papers, and we perhaps erred in attributing to both a posi tion which was in part only applicable to one. Wo find the Colnmbns Sun of tho 14tb, has this upon the snbject: Some of the Press of the Stato assume the ground that tho Committee is fundue officio, among them the Chronicle and Sentinel, of which Gen. Wright, one of the members of the Commilteo, is the editor. In another animadversion in the Chronicle of the same date, we find the following: It has been freqnently asserted of late, in onr bearing, that the editor of the Teleobaph fa vored the acceptance of the original Recon struction Act of Congress, and that he advised the adoption of that policy by tho people of tho State. Wo respectfully ask whether this be trne. and if so whether the Teixorafs thinks. 1 the rejection of that policy by the Democratic party was wise and proper ? Unlike the Telegraph, the Chronicle and Sentinel has “invested something in personal hatred" toward those who have labored for tho destruction of the State Government and the degradation of onr people, and wo shall nevor see the day in which wo can forgive and frater- nizo with those who songht to betray and rnin ns. Well it is not true. We failed like most peo ple, in discerning the signs of tho times. But if we had known, in 1865, that tho ultra Radi cals in Congress would have taken advantage of our hesitation and delay to work np their party to imposing negro saffrago and all the other hard conditions we have since been compelled ] to accept, npon tho South, we would have en treated the peoplo to close up that controversy at once, on almost any terms, which would then have been demanded of ns. Finally, wo hope to see the day yet, when the people will return to Constitutional Gov ernment, and pnnish the Radical party for their sins and oppressions; and this hope we in-' dnlgo without personal malice or any desire to make onr paper the vehicle of that sentiment Letter from .Secretary Lewis. Office Geo roi a State Agmcttltceal 8oom , > Macon, Ga., September 15, 1869. > Dear iSir : Having heard much said, and seen no little written, about the cotton patch of Mr. Gustin, near this city, and having, in common with others the curiosity to sec it, the favorable opportunity was presented when Col. DnBignon called at this office on the 11th inst, and expressed tho desire to gratify a similar cu riosity. A call was made on Mr. J. V. Grier, whose kind liberality keeps n conveyance at all times st the service of tho Secretary, withont charge, for a conveyance, and in a very short timo the CoL and the Secretary were on the field of observation. CoL DnBignon embodiod tho result of his ob servation, in the remark, that there was no mis take akont the fact that hero was a piece of cot ton that throngh all tho vicissitudes of weather and drought had gone on to inability and tho development of a perfect plant withont tho loss of a form or boll, and the fact was that he was determined to understand how the thing teat done. I am exactly in the samo fix with CoL Dn Bignon. I have only to add, Mr. Editor, that in my humble judgment tho experiment of Mr. Gas- tin goes a step or two in advance of any thing yet reported towards developing the great ulti matum of cotton culture, to-wit: how much cotton oan be raised to the acre, and what is the least cost of labor and expenses which will achieve it. Permit one word more, and that is that tho sur face culture of Mr. Dickson, who I will ngreo is entitled to tho nom de plume of tho Napoleon of tho cotton field, has been pushed to extremes, and the shriveled cotton bolls and dried leaves of thousands of acres of dnmoged cotton fields attest too tmly and too sadly this truth. As ono of tho Vice Presidents of the Stalo Society, I feel sure you aro interested in all such facts as the above. Very respoctfnly, D. W. Lewis. To Mr. Josurn Clisbt, Vice-President Geor gia Agricultural Society. The Cession oi Culm. ‘'■Che Washington correspondent of the Lonis- vilie Courier-Journal says, on the llth, that a IotteiAras received from Madrid, from a well posted American tourist, who says that the prop osition made throngh special agent Forbes and Gen. Sickles for tho sale of Cuba to tho Cubans was substantially rejected soon after it was mado known to Regent Serrano, bat Sickles has ever since been endeavoring to havo the matter again considered in another shape, and has par tially succeeded. This he has followed np by representations that public sentiment has grown so rapidly in this country in favor of the recog nition of the independence of Caba that such recognition will soon follow, unless the island is disposed of by Spain for a consideration. This gentleman adds, however, that there is not one Spanish official in favor of the cession. crop was too low. We will not undertake now to point ont the seeming discrepancies, bnt will simply give the following totals, and leave the task of showing the errors, if any should exist, to other hands. The Shipping List gives as Total exports to foreign ports (less 2,973’balea Foreign cotton) 1,444,068 Taken for homo use North of the Poto mac and Ohio Rivers 821,924 Taken for home use South of the Poto mac and Ohio Rivers, and burnt 173,203 In Bankruptcy. Is trk District Court or thk Uhitei* States, i THK Si ETHERS DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. Matter of "J . r pilE raid Bankrupt havitie petitioned the Court . A to- a di-'charve from all hi* deht* rrnvahl** under ' tha Bankrupt Act of March 2«i. 1S67, notice hereby : jnven to all persons interested to appear on the Sth d*T of October, 1669. a* 9 o’clock, a. m., at Chamber of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy,at his office at tho Hotel in Fort Valiev. Ga.. and shot* cause wfcv the prayer of the said petition of the Bank rupt should not be praned. Dated a* Savannah, tieorsria. thi* 14th ^ay of Sep tember. »». jamks McPherson, cietk. scptI6-law3t CUBBEDGE & HAZLE9UBST, RANKERS & BROKERS, R MACON, GA.. LCKtVE DEPOSITS. BUY AND SELL EX CHANGE, GOLD. SILVER. Slocks. Bonds and Uraurrent Fund*. COLLECTIONS MADE ON AIL ACCESSIBLE POINTS. la Bankruptcy, la the District Coot of the Unites Stater, the Soetheex District or Gioigia. In the mutter of 7 WILLIAM BRYAN. Jr., -In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. N'o. 473. „ ~ , 2,439,795 Lift} Insurance in Great Britain. There is something like a panic amongst the holders of insurance policies in England. The sadden fall of one of the largest of the compa nies and tho terrible anxiety and distress it has occasioned, is one of the chief events of tho dull season, and one natural result of the dis cussion is tho quick growth of suspicion as to other societies. It is allowed that unlike most business, insurance may be reduced to a cer tainty and be so conducted that no accident within the calculation of ordinary badness men can, by possibility, affect the solvency of the company. Yet here is a company in which 22,- 800 persons have invested the savings of a life for the protection of their wives and children, suspending payment! If many other companies follow in the same route, it will not surprise ns if life insurance falls into the bauds of the State. Already one authority—a little given to senti ment, it is true—exclaims, “Compulsory life in surance in proportion to income, guaranteed and controlled by the State—there ono day will be fonnd tho substitute for all forms of direct taxation.” Set. notice of Executor’s Sale of a fino Farm in Upper Georgia. Mr. J. M. Falton is the Executor. The place is properly described, and is ono of tho most desirablo in that section of Goorgia. CoLrxnsrs, as we see by the Enquirer, was blessed with a delightful shower yesterday even ing. That is more than Macon can say for her self. Bnt for the past few days tho clouds have threatened a storm. Verbal reports from Southwestern Georgia lead us to believe that the cotton crop will be ranch shorter than is generally believed. We shall not be surprised to hear that the great body of the planters will themselves be surprised at the suddenness with which they will come to the end of their picking. Low Far*.—The railroad throngh fare from New York to Chicago is to be reduced to ten dollars. Tho distance is, we believe, about twelve hundred miles. The Savannah Republican, of Sunday, says that tho wholesale merchants of that city have already sold more goods during the past week than they had sold np to Christmas day during the last season. Student Selected.—The Augusta Typograph ical Union, yesterday, selected Edwin E. Lew. a deserving yonth connected with this office, to the scholarship offered by Washington, (Va.,) College.—Augusta Constitutionuliat. A Lively Jnslicc in Louisiana The Planters’ Banner tells of a lively occur rence in ot Mary's Parish, displaying the vigor and learning of a negro Justice of the Peace, one John Fields. Field issued a warrant and placed it in the hands of a negro. The docu ment read as follows : “This. is. to citte. fy. that i. the undarcincL Jnstis. of. the. Peace. O Pint, and in Ponr. John.. A Star, to. A-rest, the body, of Henre Evens, and, Bring, hit, Be-four, me John Fields J Peace. Word 4 (S. M.)” Evans treated the missive with contempt, and thereupon, Fields, with a posse of twelve ne groes, surrounded Evans’ house at midnight and opened fire npon it. The house was rid dled with balls, but fortunately the assailants shot too high and none of the family were hurt. As soon as Evans could find his gun and am munition, in the dark, he returned the fire with some effect, nnd the party took French leave; but upon being arrested next day it was found to have been a judicial proceeding in form and manner as statod. From Brunswick. The Seaport Appeal of the 11 th says the old road bed of the Brunswick & Albany Road has been cleared and graded for thirty miles from Brunswick. Some culverts and bridges com pleted, cross-ties delivered for seven miles and within a few weeks will be delivered for the whole distance. Six platform cars have been received, and a locomotive was expected on that day. Eleven hundred tons of railroad iron havo been shipped, and the work is going for ward with all possible dispatch. FUNERAL NOTICE. Tho friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Peter U. Bone, are invited to attend the funeral of their little daughter, Annie, from the comer of Jefferson and Monroe afreets, at 4 o'clock this evening. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS GEO. B. TURPIN. J. MONROE OGDEN. TURPIN & OGDEN, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENTS, MACON. GEORGIA. A RE offering for rale several very daiirablc Dwell* ins*. Building Lo*.* and Plantationr. Aim, Saw and Grist Mill* and a large amount of Timber Jr. l’artic* wishing to cell or lease Reil Estate are invi ted to place it in taeir hand*. They make no charge unless a rale is made. Partier wishing to purchase or rent are invited to examine their lift. Agents forPhmix. Lorillrrd. Manhattan. Citiienr'. International and Washington Fire Insurance Com panies of New York, and Imperial Fire Insurance Company of London. Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York— Assets over *32,000.000. Manhattan Life Insurance Com cany of New York— Arae'r over *3 000.000. jel6-3m ATTENTION f Officers Macon Fire Department Y OU are hereby requested to attend n called meet ing. on FRIDAY EVENING. 17th insunt. nt 8 o'clock, nt the Ball of Protection sire Company. No. 1. The presence ot every officer is earnestly desired. L. C. RICKS. Chief M. F. D. . R. W. Stubbs, Secretary M. F. D. septl8-2t AUCTION. T WILL sell in front of my salrs-room. Friday L morning, at 10 o'clock, one splendid BAY MAKE, seven years old; warranted all right. GEO. H. PRATT. teptl6-lt 87 Cherry street FOB SALE CHEAP. QNE PAIR OP FINE 8TYLISH CARRIAGE HORSES, and one combination IIORSE, (saddle and harness.) Apply nt septic tf FREEMAN’S STABLE. J. r. WHKATON. N. B. BROWN, F. W. S I M S & C O., COTTON FACTORS — AX D — GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS) savannah, ga. Consignments solicited; Remittances made promptly: Advances of Provisions. Baggin?. Ves and ltope made to persons sendiog ns Cotton for calc. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE.—By virtue of an or der from the Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold, on the lit Tuesday in November next, before tho Oourt-houaodoorin Cartersville, Go.. within the legal hours of solo, the Plantation formerly occupied by Dr. Robert H. Patton, situated in OLD CABS COUNTY, on tho Western and Atlantic Railroad, two miles west of CASS STATION. This is one of the best upland Plantations in the county—contains about three hundred and fifty acres, two hundred of which are cleared. Tbo soil is good, the location is healthy, within two miles of two post-offices and three ehorebes. and in the mi j»t of g • > l neighbors. On the place is a comfortable frame Dwelling containing nine rooms; also. Kitchen, Servant's House. Cribs, Stables, etc. The undersigned being authorized by the heirs to sell the above property at PRIVATE SALE, can be inquired of at ATLANTA, for price, etc. 'Xho premises will be shown to parties desiring to purchase, by William B. Patton, who is residing on the same. JULIUS M. PATTOtt, Adm’r of Rob't H. Patton, Cumtettamcntoannijco. septlG-d cawJb w3t* Zn bankruptcy. Ix the District Court or tiie United States, for the Southern* District or Georgia. In the matter of I In Bankruptcy. GABRIEL R. COLEY—Bankrupt j No. 494. rpHE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for L a discharge from all bis debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1S67. notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the 9th day of October. 18o9, at 11 o'clock, a. at Chambers of said District Court before Frank S. Ucs?cltine, Esq- one ofthe Registers of said Conrt in Bankruptcy at his officr.Brown’a Hotel in Macon.Ga-.and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not t>e granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors will be held at th els a me time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 14 th day of September, 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. septl6-lt Clerk. Xa Bankruptcy. Is tiie District Court of the United States for the Southern District op Georgia. In the matter of \ In Bankruptcy. JACOB MORRISr-BankrupL j No. 493. rpHE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for JL a discharge lrom all his debts provable under the Bankrnpt Act ot March 2J. 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the 9tn day of October. 1569. at 11 o'clock, a. sc., at Chambers of sai 1 I»i.*triut Court, before >. ile-seiJinc. E* ... one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at hi3 office at Brown's Hotel, in Macon. Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the said retition of the Bank rnpt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga.. this llth day of September, 1869. james mcpherson, septI6-lt Clerk. Xn Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, *or the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of \ In Bankruptcy.. JOHN J. WATKINS-Bankrupt. J No. 438. ritHE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for JL a discharge lrom all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the9:h day of October. 1S69. at 11 o’clock, a. m.. at Chambers of said District Court, bef ire Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., ono of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at hi? office at Brown’s Hotel in Macon. Ga., and show cause why the prayer ofthe said Bankrupt should not bo granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings af Creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga- this llth day ofSeptember, i860. James McPherson. septl6-lt Clerk. Xn Bankruptcy. In the District Court op the United States for Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) GEORGE W. W. C. SNELL. ,-In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. J > No. 497. T^HE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for JL a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1S67, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the 9th day of October. 1869. at 9 o'clock a. if., at Chambers ofsaid District Cour before Frank S. Hesseltine, E*q., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at Brown’s Hotel, in Macon, Ga., andubow caucc why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should”not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of Creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated atSavannah, Ga., this 14th d«y of September, 1869. james McPherson. septl6-lt Clerk. T HE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Coart for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the Sth day •f October, 1869, at 9 o’clock a. at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. He5?eltine. Esq., one of tho Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at the Hotel in Fort Valley. Ga..ard show cause why the prayer ofthe said petition of thi Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notv. j is given that the second and third meetings of creditors, will be held at the same timo and place. Date! at Savannah, Georgia, this 14th day ofSep tember. 18©. sepUe-lt JAMES McPHERSON. Clerk. Xn Bankruptcy. Is tbk District Coc»t of th* Ukitto States, roa the Southern District of Geossia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM BRYAN. V In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. I So. 472. T HE said Bankrnpt haring petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prorable underthe Bankrupt Aetof March 2nd. 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the Sth day of October. 1869. at 9 o'clock, a. h.. at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine. Esq., one of the Register, of laid Court in Bankrupt cy. at his office at too Hotel in Fort Valley. Ga.. and show esnse why th, prayer of the said petitioner the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga.. this llth day of Septesa- JAMES McPHBRSON. Clerk. sept!6-law3t Xn Bankruptcy. In the District Court of thr Uarrin States, for thr Southern District of Gioroia. In tha matter of the late \ In Bankruptcy AMOS K. WARD-Bankrnpt J No. 433. rjtHE Attorney for said Bankrupt having petitioned L tho Court for the said Bankrupt's discharge from all hti debts provable under the Binkrnpt Aetof >ta(eh 2d. 1867, node, is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 12th day of October, 1869. at 4 o'clock, r. ¥., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one cf the Regis ters of said Court in Bankruptcy, at theoffieeof Hood A Kiddoo, in Amerieus.Ga., and show cause whv the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not bo granted. Dated at Savannah, da., this 14th day of Septem ber, 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. Clerk. •eptl6-Taw2t Xn Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United Stater, for thk South krn District or Gkokgia. In the matter of 1 GEORGE M. T. PERRYMAN. VIn Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. No. 453. WHEvaid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for L a discharge from all bis debt* provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd. 1867, notieo is hereby given to all persons in tore* ted to appear on the llth day of October. 1869. at 9 o'clock, a. m.. at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltine, E#q.. one of the Registers of said Court in Bankrupt cy, at the office of Hood & Kiddoo. in Cuthbert. Ga.. and *how cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther no tice is given t**at the second and third meetings of creditor#, will be heKl at the came time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga.. this 14th day of Septem ber. 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. Clerk. sepll6-lt In Bankruptcy. In the matter of > In Bankruptcy. MICHAEL J. RICH. Bankrupt, j . No. 504. rpilE said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for 1. a discharge from all hi* debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 12th day of October. 1869. at 4 o'clock, r. M., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine. Esq., one of the Registers of s«id Court in Bsnkrupt- cj , at the office of Hood A Kiddoo, in Cuthbert. Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the sai<f petition of tbe.Banknipt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors, will be hold at the same time and place. Dated atSavannah, Ga., this 14th day of Septem ber. 1869. JAMES McPHERSON, Clerk. aeptl6-lt Xn Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho tnatterof lln Bankruptcy. CALVIN BRYAN-Bankrupt. / No. 362. qUIE said Bankrnpt having petitioned the Conrt for L a di’charge from all his debts provable under tha Bankrupt Aet of March 2nd. 1867. notice is hereby S ivcn to all persons interested to appear on the 12th ay of October. 1869. at 4 o’clock, r. M., at Chambers of said Dis'riet Court, bofore Frank S. Pcsseltino, Esq., one of the Reviitera of said Court in Bankrupt cy. at th. office of Hood A Kiddoo, at Cuthbert. Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition or the Bankrnpt should not be grant'd. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savor,nab. Ga.. this 14th day of Septem ber. 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. Clerk. septl6-lt Xn Bankruptcy. In thk District Court or the United States, fob the Southern District of Gkoigia. In the matter ot lln Bankruptcy. rpHB said Bankrupt having petitioned tho Court for 1. % discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd. 1867. notice is hereby S iven to all persons Interested to appear on the 9th ay of October, 1869, at 11 o'clock, a. M.. at Chambers ofsaid District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine. Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankrupt cy. at hit office at Brown's Hotel in Macon. Ga., and •how cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of credi tors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 14th day of Septem ber. 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. Clerk. sept15-lt Xn Bankruptcy. In the matter of WM. M. DAVIS, Bankrupt. riiHE said bankrupt having petitioned the Court for J_ a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1S67, notice is hereby given to all perrons interested to appear on the 8th day of October, 1869. at 9 o'clock, a. m.. at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at the Hotel in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show canse why tho prayer of the said petition of the bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 14th day of Septem ber, 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. sept!6-law3t Clerk. Zn Bankruptcy. In thk District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of > In Bankruptcy. WILIAM HARRISON—Bankrupt/ No. 502. rnlJE said bankrupt having petitioned the Court for 1. a discharge from all his debts provable underthe Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1S67. notice is hereby given to oil persons interested to appear on the 13th day of October,. 1S69, at 9 o’clock, a. at Chambers-of said District* Court, before Franks. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of flood & Kiddoo. in Cuthbert, Ga. and show cause why the prayer ofthe said petition eftbe Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 14th day of Septem ber, 1869. JAMES McPHERSON. septl6-!t Clerk. Zn Bankruptcy. In thr District Court of thk United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 In Bankruptcy. JNO. M. L. RANDLE—Bankrupt. / No. 455. rpHE said bankrupt having petitioned the Court for JL a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the 13thtlay of October, 1869, at 9 o’clock, a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office ft Hood k Kiudoo, in Cuthberr. <« : . and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time aDd place. Dated atSavannah,Ga.. thisl4thdaj*ofSeptember, 1S69. JAMES McPHERSON. sept!6-lt Clerk. Zn Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for. the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 In Bankruptcy. HORACE POWERS-Bankrupt. / No. 558. nnHE said bankrupt having petitioned the Court for X a discharge from all hi3 debits provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby giv en to all persons interested to appear on the 12th day of October, I860, at 4 o'clock, p. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Conrt in Bankruptcy, at the office of Hood i Kiddoo, in Cuthbert, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition ofthe Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga.. this 14th day of September. 1869. JAMES McPHERS *N, septlo 2t Clerk. p E0RGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—Benjamin G. Bur- VJT nett has applied for exemption or personalty- and I will pass upon the same on the 27th of Septem ber. 1869, a; 10 o'clock, a. n„ at my office. septI6-2t C. T. WARD, Ordinary. KBCHANICS’ Building and Loan Association. f jPIlE Annual Meeting of the Mechanics* Building L and Loan Association will be held at their rooms FRIDAY EVENING. 17th instant, at 8 o’clock; at which time there will be an election of officers forthe enduing year, and report of the Treasurer for tho rast year. Monthly meeting at same time and place. Please make payments early. LOUIS F. ANDERSON, icptlf-U Secretary. FOR SALE, A GOOD HARNESS and SADDLE HORSE. 7 yesrs old ; perfectly sound; good traveler; high- spirited, but safe. Inquire of R. B. WATSON. Office over Adams, Jonc3 & Reynolds’ Warehouse. septl5 3t* FOR SALE, M Y HOUSE # AND LOT. on Spring street. Houso contains eight rooms, bath room, good kitchen, stable, excellent water, and healthy location. septlS-lt J. U. ZEILIN. Warning to City Tax Payers! T HE TIME for closing the Tax Book and issuing ■ executions is rapidly approaching, hence all who have failed to settle must do so, if they desire tonvoid trouble and expense. The city is very much in need of funds, consequent ly no one must expect indulgence.* CHAS. J. WILLIAMSON, sept 15-fit Clerk and Treasurer. FOR SALE, ff^HE HOUSE and LOT on the corner of Cherry and X 4th streets, opposite McKlroy’s two-story building. For further particulars apply at the se P 7-lm* TELEGRAPH OFFICE. FOR SALE. A PAIR OF GOOD MELE3 and an excellent SADDLE and HARNESS MARE, cheap for cash. Apply to J. 4V. BURGE. geptl4-3t» ' East Macon. WANTED, A GOOD COOK. None need appl? unless veil re commended. Apply at THIS OFFICE. • G eorgia, jones couNTY.-o«Di»*aY's or- Yirg.'SAin Corxrv, at Chaubeks. September 18. 1869. — Notice is hereby siren that John Whidby has applied to me lor exemption of personalty and setting apart and ralnation of home stead; and I will pass upon the same, at this office, on the 30th day of tbu month, at 10 o'clock, a, u. Given nnder my hand officially. R. T. ROSS, sept!5-2t Ordinary. /"GEORGIA—BIBB C0UNTY.-B. F. C. Benner V3T has applied for exemption of personalty and setting apart and valuation of Homestead: and I will pass npon the same at 10 o'clock. A. S„ on the 25th day of September, 1869. at my office. C. T. WARD, Ordinary. teptl5-2t Solomons 9 Bitters. I'll E trade supplied at manufacturer's rrices. L. W. HUNT A Co.. sepdO-tf Druggists. Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid. T HE trade supplied at the manufacturer’s prices. L. W. HUNT A CO.. septlO-tf Druggists. Carbolic Salve. A REMEDY for Ringworm#. Tetter#. Old Sore#. Ulcer#, etc. L. W. HUNT & CO.. septUMf Druggists. BOARDERS WANTED. OOD ACCOMMODATION can be given to six or U eight Gentlemen or Ladies, in a private family, on reasonable terms. Apply on First Street, oppoaita the Ocmulgee Engine House, to aapt8-2w*J. J. FORSYTH. DE. EMERSON HAS KETUHAED NEW ARRIVALS. Jg BOXES BELLIES. 10 boxes STAFFORD SIDES. 50 tierces Magnolia and Family HAMS, 25 barrels A SUGAR, 25 barrels Extra C SUGAR, 100 rolls HEMP-LEAF BAGGING. 5 Car Loads all grades FLOUR. J0HKS0V, CAMPBELL A C«. LANIER HOUSE, MACON, GEORGIA. r l'0 the numerous applicants for rooms during tho 1 Fair, the Proprietors of this House in reply, state that they have declined to make engagements, but will place its fullest capacity in readiness to receive and welcome their patrons. Applications made a dav or two prior to occupancy of rooms, will be entertained. septlO-lw LADIES’ GRECIAN BENDS, GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, And every variety of Lndie?,’ Gentlemen’s and Chil dren's BOOTS and SHOES, AT SECOND STREET. MACON, GA. Every article stamped with their Trade Mark war ranted to be ofthe BEST QUALITY. sepO-tf ’ GEORGIA STATE FAIR BULLETINT. SEE CIRCULARS. SPECIAL DEALERS FN SELECT DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. etC " eU ” HARRIS. CLAY A CO.. Chemists and Pharmaceutists, Corner Cherry and Third streets, and „ Comer Fourth and P plar streets, septS-tf Macon. Ga. FOR SALE. ^HREE SECOND-HAND BILLIARD TABLES for sale. Apply to "The Georgia.” aug22-lm A. PATTERSON A CO. TSTew Books ! J^RIDE’S FATE, (Mr3. Southworth) price, $175 BRIDE’S FATE, (cloth) price 1 50 Hans Breitoian’s Ballads, (cloth.) price 200 Hans Breitman’s Ballads, (paper) price...... 75 Lenori Casaloni, (cloth) 1 75 For sale by HAVENS k BROWN, septll-tf Booksellers and News Dealers. W. A. HUFF, DEALER IN WAGONS and BUGGIES. C l R C U L A R. Messrs. ASA MILLER & SON HAVE REMOVED FROM BRATTLEBORO, VT., TO NEW HAVEN, CONN.. AND IN CONNEC TION with Messrs. D. k L. D. WILC0XS0N, will contin'uo the manufacture of CARRIAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THE FAVORITE STYLE OF BRATTLEBORO BUGGY Introduced by Mr. ASA MILLER, and so long identified with his name, will continue to bo a specialty. A careful selection of material, faithful workmanship, and a practical oxporionce of forty years, enable us to offer to purchasers, Carriages of the first class. All orders addressed to tho undersignod will meet with prompt attention. ASA MILLER Ac CO., 127 PARK STREET, NEW HAVEN, CONN. SPECIAL NOTICE. IT having been asserted that we have made no BRATTLEBORO BUGGIES sinco tho war, wo here state in connection with tho above Circular, nnd wo ask our old friends and customers to remember it—that thr.jjJh sadlv demoralized by tho war, wo still live, and aro trying to get "reconstructed.” To this end wo removed our business in April, 1967, to New llavcn, Connecticut., and since that timo have been constantly engneed in tho manufacture of our specialty, tho well known BRATTLEBORO BUGGY. Mr. W. A. HUFF is our Acrcnt and has tho exclusive sale of our work in Macon. Ga. If you want a genu* lue ASA MILLER BRATTLEBORO BUGGY, goto Mr. 1IUFF, and ho will supply you. If you wanton imitation go elsewhcro. ASA MILLER. SIDNEY XHXXIiLEB.. ASA MILLER & CO. BRATTLEBORO BUGGIES!! From the above it will be seen that the only way to secure a genuine ASA MILEER or BKATTEEBORO BUSHY, is by calling on W. A. HUFF. Xf yon want a WOODRUFF WAGON ; an ALVORD WAGON f a BUFFALO WAGON, or a genuine CONCORD WAGON, you must send your orders to W. A. HUFF. CARRIAGES and buggies. Xf yon want a fine CARRIAGE or a splendid BUGGY, of zny kind and style, at a price ranging from RISO to $400 for Buggies, and from 9425 to $1500 for Carriages, yon can be accommodated and pleased by calling on W. A. HUFF. COEN ME BACON; The public at large and the people living in Middle Georgia p artico- larly, will not forget that a Barge Stock of CORN, BACON, OATS, BAR, BARD, SALT, BAGGING and TIES, SV» 1trP ‘ V SUGAR, and COFFEE, can always be fonnd at the store of W. A. HUFF* joiy23-8taw till oct 1