The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 18, 1869, Image 3

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r -. - L OCAL GOLXTIVIISr. A<Ivcrtisliitf In«I«‘X. C04I oa—A. I* Butts, A*ent. 0conr* Vbb County—O. P. Adam*. pntt'4 Astral Oil—Cb»a. Pratt. Sotioa Id Bankruptcy—Jamoa McPherson, Clerk, jjaet Boards Sdwol for Toons Ladies—Mr*. i<jm Lauren*. > proclamation—Rufus B. Bullock, GoTcmor. ■fog Georgia Paper Mill—M P. Kelloss- Ho— , Servant Wanted—Telegraph Office, tend to Bent—B. a Odom. 3 gbt Exchange oa New York— Pint National make! Macon. AdaiaWratcr’* Bala—C. A. Tbarpe. W. A. HOPSON & CO., FELLING under obligation* to their friends for the L'bcral patronage extended to them in the past, hare made tmuanal exertions to procure a stock of WINTER GOODS, will giro perfect aatiafaction to the public, and they Invito all to come and aee the reeulta of their labors. They have everything appertaining to a complete .lock of FOBEIGN axd DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS and NOTIONS; and whatever is aolil by other first class bouses th’ey bare, upon TEiurs that will give perfect satisfaction. wptlKf E. FEUCHTWANGER & CO. TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS BUYING at wholesale, W* to* to vay that our Fall Stock ia now coming in gum. consisting of all the latest and beat style* of dhy g- o o x> «: At tbs knraat market Tains—Jeans, Casaimerea, Haneys, Blankets, Flannels, DeLaines, Prints. Balmoral Skirts, Dress Goods, Notions, etc. etc All New Goods! paying on our reputation as doing a htraightfor- md basins*, we moat reapectfully solicit an in- naetioa of our stock. To ear patrons in the city we beg to announce that « OUR RETAIL STOCK! m now well aaaorted with the latest Fall Goods. E. FEUCHTWANGER * CO., •eptlB-tf Triangular Block. CITY affairs. SATUBDAY MORNING, SEPT. 18, 1869. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS FOB BALE BY It. W. HUNT &L CO., Druggists, No*. 82 and 84 Cherry Street, •srSl-tf MACON, KEOIUJIA. A aiotrua habit of body is absolutely essential to physical health and clearness of intellect. Nor a this all. Beauty of person cannot coexist with tn unnatural condition of the bowels. A free pas sage of the refuse matter of the system through theta natural waste pipes, is as necessary to the parity of the body as the free passage of the offal of the city through its sowers ia necessary to tbo health of its inhabitants. Indigestion is the primary cause of most of the diseases of the discharging organs, and one of Us most common results is constipation. This com plaint, besides being dangerous in itself, has many disagreeable concomitants—each as an unpleasant breath, a sallow akin, contaminated blood aud bile, hemorrhoids, headache, loss of memory, and gener al debility. Hostetler's Stomach Bitters remove all these evils tv removing their immediate cause in the digestive organa, and regulating the action of the intestine*. Tbs combination of properties in this celebrated preparation ia one of its chief merits. It is not merely a stimulant, or a tonic, or an anti-bilious agent, or s nervine,or a blood depurent, ora cathar tic, hut all these curative elements judicxraaly blend ed in one powerful restorative. It lends activity and vigor to the inert and enervated atomach, re lieves the alimentary canal of its obstructions, and givee tone to the membrane wlulch lines it, gently tunmlate* the liver, braoea the nerves, and cheers the animal spirits. No other remedy possesses such a variety of hygienic virtues. It is to these charao- trrMlca that it owes it prestige aa a household medi cine. Experience has proved that it la as harmless aa it ia efficacious, and hence it is as popular with the weaker sex aa with the stronger. Hostetler's Stomach Bitten ia sold in bottles on ly, and tho trade-mark blown in the glass and en graved on the label, with our steel engraved revenue •tamp over the cork, is the teat of genuineness, beware of counterfeits. Cure your chills with King of Chills. King of Chilis cures effectually and permanently. Better than qnlnine. King or Chills. Tho great malarial antidote, King of Chill*. CHOLERA-HOW TO CURE IT' At tbo commencement of the diarrhoea, which al ways precedes an attack of the cholera, take a tea spoon fill of tho Pain Killer in angar and water, (hot if convenient,) and then bathe freely the stomach tnd bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Tbould the diarrhea or cramps continue, repeat the dose every fifteen or twenty minntea till the patient is relieved. In extreme cate* two or more teaspoonfuls may he given at a dose. The Tain Killer, aa an internal remedy, has no final. In cases of summer complaint, dpspepsia, dysentery, astnma, it cures in one night, by taking it internally and bathing with it freely. Its action is like magic when externally applied to bad sores, haras, scalds and sprains. For tooth-ache don't fail to try it. In short it ia a Paiw KnrJta. Tho Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in Family Medicines. eeptS-eodlm The reliable. Dromgoole A Co.'a Buchu. Drumgoole A Co.’s iiocha I* the favorite. Gravel cured with Dromgoole A Co.'s Bnchn. Wa ask attention to the following testimonial hum Hon. A. II. Stephens aa to the efficacy of Sol omon*' Invigorating Bitter*: Liberty IT all. ) CtuwTORDTTLLE, Ga., August 14.1869.) Jfmn. A. A. Solomons A Co., Druggists, Savan nah, (ia. : OvmxuBf: Please send mo half a dozen bottles or your Bitten. I have been using them lately upon the recommendation of a friend, with decided benefit. 18 Siring tone to the digestive organs and general •Ut-tgfh to the avatem. Send by express, with value endoraed, C. 0. D. Yours respectfully, (Signed) Alxxaudkii II. Snnuots. angao-lm rarm Women.—A comparatively few Ladies monopolize the Beanty as well as the attention of Society. This ought not to be so, but it is; and will he while men are foolish, and tingle ont pretty faces for companions. This can all be changed by using Hagan's Magno- . lit Balm, which give* the Bloom of Youth and a Re- A hoed sparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, powerful and natural. No Lady need complain of a red, tanned, freckled or rustic Complexion who will invest IS cents in Ha- R»n's Magnolia Balm. Its effects arc truly winder* To preserve and dress the Hair use Lyon's Ka- tharion. scptSJeodAwlm Wmux’s Best Fmesd.—Dr. J. Bradfield's “ Fe- Regulator" for tale by druggists everywhere, “beyond all doubt the best emeuagogue known to the medical profession. It is no quack noctrum, but a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re commended and prescribed by the best physicians ? the Slat*. Suffering woman! do not let your fear* nor the prejudice* of others cause yon to re- jnun in misery. Read Dr. Bradfield's column, fol low bn advice, and suffer no more. •SWlm English Female Bitten strengthens females. Husbands should buy E. F. B. for nick wives. J- F. U. brings health and induces happiness. Complaints peculiar to females cared with E. F. B. KING OF CHILLS Cana all forms of chills and fever. . Cores chiUa alter all also fails. Cun* chills at swamps and bayous. Cun* every other and every third day chills. BEAD THESE LINES AMD PONDER THEM WELL Yhe best tests of tho merits of mv proprietary Article is to ascertain what is thonglit'of it at home where U is manufactured. Such a test Lippmau's *7**fogo can well atand, aa to-day it is decidodly the favorite remedy for chilla and fever, dumb ague tnd other diaeattoa of a malarious origin, in the city of Savxnnaivvhero it ia prepared. Tho principal JjjSStete ©f the dty would aa much think of doing • •’ *v<toroil ui their atorea aa to bo without popular (end deservedly »o) remedy. It ia a Ttf^Uble preparation free from deleterious drugs. 1 a.*:« a*» a tonic upon the entire system, thereby invigorating the system, so much so as to enable it to throw off disease. Pyrafuge does not nauseate or sicken the patient, and can be taken by the moat delicate persona without fear. If should always be at hand, as chilla and fever creep upon na so Wealthily that we are not aware of ita approach tin- . til it i» upon ua. A word to the wise ia sufficient. W 5€satin>ih Morning Sett's. mav 2-tf KAYTON'S OIL OF LIFE cure* all achea and PAitia, aud ia the great remedy for Rheumatism and houralgia. KAYTOJTS PILLS cure Sick Headache and all Uiooa diseases. Executive Clejcenct.—The principal topic of conversation on tho streets yesterday morning, was the telegram published in this paper, from Gover nor Bullock to Sheriff Martin, in which it was an nounced that the sentence of death upon the negro murderess, Henrietta Greer, had been commuted to imprisonment for life. This whole community is justly indignant at this misapplied leniency of the Governor. Every one here has the details of the horrible murder perpetrated by Henrietta Greer, fresh in mind, and it is known that & more bratsl, cruel, inhuman and horrible murder was never com mitted. There la but one solitary mitigating cir cumstance connected with it, and that ia the imbe cility of tho mnrderess. She ia, apparently, tin con scious of the enormity of her crime, and indifferent to its awful penalty. To hang her would be very much like hanging a dog for killing his first sheep; yet, according to law and the testimony, Henrietta Greer forfeited her life, and the interposition of Executive clemency, in her behalf, was as unwar ranted, in our judgment, as it was unwise. The Governor, among other reasons for commot ing the punishment, alludes to the age and inexpe rience of the counsel for the accused. He ia mis taken. CoL L. N. Whittle, than whom thero are few abler or more experienced lawyers in the coun try, was the leading counsel, and was assisted by Mr. J. P. Fort, a young, but able member of the Macon Bar. But the combined talent of the Ameri can Bar could not have successfully defended the accused, for there was really no defence to make. Circumstantial evidence proved the crime upon her beyond the shadow of a donbt, and she has freely and frankly acknowledged it to more than a dozen parties who haTe called upon her in her cell. What ever other pardons you may liave granted, or Exe cutive clemency yon may have heretofore exercized. Governor, we are sure you have misapplied your high authority and power in this matter. Room State Aoarccxrcaai. Soctett, » September 17. 1869. f The Executive Committee met, and, on motion of Mr. S. Collins, the Mayor, Geo. 8. Obear, was called to the chair. The minntea of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Present—Messrs. Obear. Greer, Collins, Gas tin, Plant, Anderson, Winahip and CoL Whittle. Absent—Messrs. McBumey, Nutting and Lewis. The report of the Secretary and Treasurer was read, and, on motion of Mr. J. V. Greer, it was re ceived and ordered to be placed on the file. On motion of Sir. Greer, the Secretary was in structed to aee the Chairman on bis return and have a called meeting at aa early a day as possible. On motion of Mr. WbttUe, the Secretary was in structed to call on such gentlemen who have sub scribed (aa are willing to pay) for the seoood in stallment upon their subscriptions, as the work is now progressing rapidly and the money wiU be re quired to meet the weekly expenses On motion, the Committee adjourned. Tux W ext urn.—Yesterday was the warmest day we liavo bad during the last week. The atmosphere was decidedly mucilaginous. If a condensing a para tax had been in existence an exbanatleea sup ply of the adhesive might have been procured among the clerks and busy bodies in and about some of our large business bona os. In this eonnsetion wo might state that we acci dentally, yesterday, met up with the "oldest Inhabitant," who lire* not far from town—has votod for all the President* ever elected; has taken a glass or two of grog daily for seventy years; thinks nobody any great shakes that isn't ninety and upward*; enjoys his meals and an unlimited quantity of laxineaa every day—and ha says this is the longest and dnrest spell of weather be oversaw, and that the dost in the streets of Macon looms np Into th* magnificence of a first-class nniaanee. He's right. Discomfort and diagnst'aie doing a lively business in Macon about this time. Matos'* Oocet.—Two cases were on the docket and four offenders appeared in this Court yester day. The first case was nothing bat a plain, square, unpretending drunk, for which the unfortunate offender was fined 65. Tho other waa a case of stealing, against Isaac Forge, R. Hollingsworth and Moee Jackson, three chums of African deacent, who for the purpose of living as cheaply as possible, or more probably, upon what they could steal, were keeping bachelor's hall in an old shanty in the suburbs; and where, too, they did pretty much as they pleased, and when successful in their raids upon other people's chick en-coops and pig-pens, could enjoy their ill-gotten poultry and pork at leisure and with impunity. Things went on smoothly in this way until Thurs day last, when an effort was mado on their part to Increase their stock of fresh pork. So, watching their opportunity, they appropriated a fine and un suspecting hog belonging to a neighbor, and haring butchered it, hid it nnder the cabin to conceal their rascality, and where the fresh meat would not spoil so quick, for it was a cool, nice plaoo under there. When tho owner missed his porker, bo immediately reported tho case and his suspicion of the guilty parties to officers Plunkett and Ferrell, naming the three cronies above mentioned. So, on Thursday evening these officers dropped in upon them, and sore enough thero were tho traces of blood on tho ground leading under tho cabin, and, following them up to where they stopped, a dead bog was found. It is only necessary to state that the rogues were caught, and after a hearing of the case, tho Mayor sent the enterprising trio on the streets for thirty days, where they will be forced to earn what pork they get—at least for that length of time. Coal.—From an advertisement in this paper it will be seen that our young and popular friend. A. L. Butts, is the agent at this- place for the ealo of the celebrated “Coal Creek Cosh” the best ever in troduced in this market. Mr. Butts is agent for tho firm of J. M. Born, Jr., A Co., of Atlanta, and will keep tho Macon market fully supplied during the season. Orders addressed to Mr. A. L. Batts, of Macon, or to the above named firm in Atlanta, will receive prompt attention. Staetltno.—We had occasion, yesterday, to drop in at J. H. Hertz & Co.'a clothing bouse on Cherry street, and were really startled at tho size and magnificence of tho stock of goods which tho firm are now opening. Heretofore it has taken abont ono column of tho Telegraph to show off Hertz’s stock; but if it is proposed to do this new stock justice, we expect soon to have an order for a whole side of tho paper. The stock is being ar ranged and put in order, and when that is done, look out competition, and stand from under. Pare goric won't savo von. New York Store —This widely known and popu lar Dry Goods House, on Second street. Triangular block, ia now literally packed with one of the largest and best assorted stocks S. Waxelbaum, Bro. A Co. have ever opened in Macon. Tbeso wholesale and retail houses are now in full blast, and it pays all their customers to call on them before purchasing. New Goods.—Messrs. E. Feutchwanger A Co., are now in receipt of a very elegant and extensive stock of ladies and gentlemen's fall and winter dress goods. The reputation of this house is so well known and establish ,-d that it is unnecessary to sav more than that the fall stock is now in store. The Ftedcei's Burn.—We are glad to learn that the Firemen's Braes Band is now organized, and it I may henceforth be considered one of the institu tions of Macon—an interesting, pleasant and vain- able insulation. Music not only soothes the feel ings bat lightens the toil* of life. A boy will ran around after two snare drums and a cracked fife half a day. and not dream of being tired; and grown men will walk their feet sore and think nothing of it, if they can listen to the strains of a dozen fellows blowing vociferously through an un limited quantity of brass. Nothing like music. Some people of a shallow style have a marvellous way of shoving themselves into poeiuon and repu tation. Like the owl they look propoundly wise ; but it is generally nothing but looks. Puncture them with the smallest pin and they collapse like the bubble. And yet this class is not without sagacity. To say yes, no, perhaps, it may be, no doubt, possibly, and similar imbecilities in however an automaton-like manner at the right time and in the right place, ia a great deal. It is only a straight forward, close-mouthed, persistent fool who can do it; and hs is entitled to no little credit. BY TELE GRAPff. From Washington. „ WaamxaToy, September 17.—Capt. E. McBarron Timoney, of Georgia, has been appointed Consul to Tumbz, Pern. Revenue to-day over half million dollars. Hoff has failed in two efforts to connect with Sec- re tary of the Navy, Robeson, to whom-be desired report orally regarding Cuba. It seems to bo understood that the treasury sales of gold and the purchase of bonds would last throughout October. Speculators are operating on this hypothesis. Delano forbids packages of smirking tobacco to weigh over one pound. Spinner certifies that certain Confederate secu rities, submitted to him by the Prussian Government are genuine, adding, however, that they are worth less. Their genuineness affects certain heavy law suits in Germany. Boat well’s catechism, which involves the biogra phy of all Treasury employees, was answered to-day. Several clerks, mala and female, resigned, rather than submit to the inquisition. Judge Advocate Clinton, relieved from duty in the Department of the South, is ordered to report for duty in the Fifth Military District. Judge Ad vocate Ooodfallow relieves Clinton. Omani Dudley, at Liverpool, reports infectious cattle; the disease first attacking the hoof, then the mouth from the licking of the hoof Animals of different species contract the disease from each other. Only a half of one million of gold, offered by the Government yesterday, was taken. Marian Harris, indicted at Macon, Ga, for pass ing counterfeit money, swears, as State's evidence, that Shuerman, the person on trial, took her to the house of H. M. Tamer, late post-master at Macon, Ga.. and left on her bed thirteen hundred dollars, tolling her that if tsked where she got so Urge s earn, to say the found it. Her attempt to pass a portion of this money caused lrcr arrest Shuer man told Mary Harris the money could be passed South, bat not North. Three negroes ere on the jury- " General Hews New Yoas, September 17 Judd's linseed Works on Cherry street, were burned last nigbt—loss two hundred thousand dollars. Cixcjsoatt, September 19.—The Democratic Con vention to-day nominated a ticket consisting of half Democrats and half Republicans. IlAiutnamo, Pens., September 17.—Gov. Geary Mu appointed a fall delegation to the Southern Commercial Convention at LonUrille, Ky., on the 12th of October. Union, N. J., September 17—Frederick Uranzert fatally subbed his two sons during a family quar rel. Santa Fe, September 17 The Indiana are killing women and children, and driving away much stock. Humus, September IT.—Waddy Thompson, ar rested with Perry Fuller for alleged revenue frauds, was token from the cars at Gallatin, Tenn.,en route for New Orleans, on Ilian corpus and brought to Memphis, bat released on the ground that revenue officers could only commit or bail, bat not send prisoners from State to Stats. Thompson was im mediately re-arrested, but afterwards released on bail. Sr. Louis, September 17.—The cigar factory at CarlurvlUe, Illinois, with aixty thousand agars, ha# been seized for a violation of revenue laws. Denver, September 17 A dispatch says the Re publicans have a clear majority in the Colorado LegisUture. The Execntive Committee on the National Capitol removal in convention, resolved, where Governors refuse to appoint to a seat delegatee, they are ap pointed by members of Congress. IttcnnoXD, September 17.—Tho State Central Conservative Committee has adopted a resolution advising against the election of U. S. Senators at the meeting of tho Legislature October 5th. Foreign New*. Facia, September 17.—The Emperor appeared on tho street* yesterday. London, September 17.—Tbo Star, Radical organ, states that the difficulty between the United States and Spain on the Cuban question ia in a fair way of settlement. The rumor of a proclamation guaran teeing religions liberty and freedom of election will shortly bo issued by tho Spanish Government. It is a bettor omen, bat if reports of the conduct of the military government in Cuba are true, conces sions must be prefaced by one more essential, namely: that Cubans be permitted to live to enjoy them. The Georgia State Fair. This occasion bids fair to bo the grandest of tho kind ever before witnessed in the Sonth. The city of Macon, tlirongh able and energetic committees is sparing neither labor nor expense, in making all necessary arrangements. The people of tho Sonth nil seem anxious to exhibit what Aer of novelty or of interest they may have, while one of the Executive Committee re cently informed us, that ho was in daily Teceipt of letters from all parts of the Northern States, proposing articles of exhibition, expressing a desire to see the South, her enterprise, etc. The "Confederate Laboratory” could not havo been more convenient, if it had been built for the specific purpose of the fair, and the railroad running to its very door will afford all a chance to go out to the exhibition. It will be a grand affair, and all who can, should go to Macon on the IGth November next.—Bluff City Times. With dyspeptics everything is wrong. Food does not digest; sleep does not refresh; wine does not cheer; smiles do not gladden; music does not charm, nor can any other joy gladden the heart of the miserable dyspeptic. You must get rid of it, or it will become seated and confirmed, and life will be a burden and existence a curse. Plantation Betters will do away with this. New life, Btrength, and energy will take possession of you. The da mask will again bloom upon your cheek, and the luster in yonr eye will again be aa bright aa in yonr healthieat, happieet, and moat joyous days. Magnolia Water.—Superior to the beat imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. aeptl2-eodiwlw CON'SIGXKES 9. A W. R. R. Macon, September 17,1569. E C Corbitt: E P Winton: Jones. BAD: Schofield's Iron Work?: 8 H Davis: Porter A 11: H Henry: D Daly A B: J W O'Connor: G T Kope-s A Son?: John- *on, C A Co: T H Cheok A Co: W E Solomon: R H Lon*: J Valentine: Liffhtfoot A J: J K Rice: Seymour. T A Co: J W Burke A Co: B Berry: Lu Walker. W. A. Hopson A Co.—A large and beantifol stock of fall and winter goods can be found now at thia first class dry goods house, in the Triangular Block. Second street. The house enjoys a large and exten sive trade, and all customers are guaranteed satis faction as to the price and quality of goods. LANIER HOUSE. MACON, GA. COLLIER & BOYS, Pbofbijztobs. fbee OMNIBUS. ARRIVALS. SEPTEMBER 17.1869. J D Ossna. Kan*ai ■W W Paine, Sav A S Hamilton, Clinton J R (♦oolabv. do G M Bird. Jones co. F S Johnson. *r, Clinton Miss M B Tarrer, Ga Mrs Jonas A child, Qa J L Lampin, Ga J W Morehead, Mo S H W Smith. A J Northcote, England J B Slaughter. Mo H J Laumf rs. do E Taylor, Monroe co J R Banku, Columbus J B Russell, Baker co E R West. Md D Solomon Je wife, Ga J 8 Burn. Ga J G Grier. Forsyth Mrs M Edgeworth, Ga Cul S Hall, Ft Valley S Roberts, Ga FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL T Neal, Forsyth. Daily Review of the Market. OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. ) September 17—Evening, 1869.) Cottox.—Receipts to-day 640 bales ; sales 811; shipped 402. The market opened firm with a moderate de mand thia morning, at 25 cents for middling*, bat after the first morning reports from New York were received, the demand increased and prices advanced half a cent by noon. The afternoon dispatches from New York being still favorable, the market here be came very active and dosed thus this evening at 26 cents for middlings—being an advance of one cent on the day's operations. MACOX COTTOX 8TATTQCEXT. Stock on hand Sept 1, 1869—bales.. 179 Received to-day 640 Received previously 5,564— 6,224 _. 6,403 Shipped to-day. 462 Shipped previously 3,750— 4,212 Stock on hand this evening 2,191 Trade generally was moderately active to-day, and the sales will foot satisfactorily this evening. Dry goods merchants are still busy with their new stocks. The fall trade in this line can hardly be said to have opened yet. In the grocery and provision market we have still to note considerable activity. Prices for leading ar ticles being remarkably steady. Com is now v«y scarce and stiff at 1 50 for prime white. Bacon firm and stock light. No change in price. Cotton-baling material in good demand and sales heavy. Quotations unchanged. CITY BONKING COMPANY OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, DIRECTC W. B. JOHNSTON. J. J. GRESHAM. $200,000 rrQ3 Storkcf this Company is all owned in Macon A and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, the whole capital is guaranteed for the *ecurity of Depo-itors and Patrons. augl2-daw3mo PLANTERS LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets* Nrw You* September 17. noon.—Flour dull and 5@10 lower. Wheat dull and 2(23 lower. Com quiet but firm. Pork dull at SO 25. Lard quif t- Turpen tine drooping at 33. Rosin declining; strained 2 SO. Cotton firmer at 90^. _ _ Stocks weak and unsettled. Money eteadv at 7. SterUngr, long 8X; short SJ(. Gold, 36!<- lSCi 21>f. Tennessee*, ex-coupons 61: new 54)J. Virginian, ex-conpons 55?,; new 63X- Louisiana, old 72; levees 65)£: 8a, 8t!<. North Carolines, old 54; new 47. Sonth Carolines, new, 66. New York, September 17, evening.—Floor heavy, except for superfine, which ia extremely scarce; State and Western snperfine 5 607<G 25; Southern to fair extra 6 80@6 85. Wheat heavy and 2<34 lower; winter red Western 1 80(2X 53. Corn closed a shade easier, mixed Western 114(311C. Pork steady at 30 37*. Lard heavy and lower; kettle 1»X- Whisky lower; 115 offered: 116 asked. Rice firm bat quiet; Carolina 8j{. Sugar active. Coffee firm. Molasses doll. Turpentine 43 St43'^. Rosin 2 30(38 00. Freights uncharged. Cotton firmer bat closed quiet; sales 3200 bales at 30 )f Money active at 7. Sterling demoralized at 7W(2*. Gold weak at 96X- Bonds weak 21S(. Stocks bet ter. Southerns on last call were stronger. Bxlttworx. September 17.—Cotton flat; low mid dlings nominally 28. Flour doll; low grades firm. Wheat steadv. Com active; white 1 23. Pork dull at 33 00(234 00. Bacon firm, demand heavy; shonldari HKWN- Whisky doll st 1 18(3119. Virginia*, old duR at 45. North Carolina*, new 46«Ud. SaTaNNAH, September 17.—Cotton receipt* 1287 bales; receipts for the week 8771; exports, coastwise 5747; sales 1200: stock 8676; there waa an animated demand to day for foreign and domestic shipments; the offering stock being small, transactions were re stricted: at the close of the market holders asked X more than waa paid at tbs opening; sales 400 bales at regular prices; market firm at 27% for middlings. August*. September 17 Cotton market firmer and more active; salee 738 bales; receipts 656 bales; stock 1470; middlings 26%&26%. Cnaaijnmm, September 17 Cotton salee 500 bales; receipts 961; exports, coastwise 916; market active; middlings 27. Wilmnotos. September 17.—Spirits Turpentine 39. Rosin 1 GOBI 75. Crude Turpentino 2 G(K23 00. Tar steady at 3 SO. Lonsvim:. September 17—Provisions unchanged. Whisky 1 20(31 21. Cincinnati, September 17.—Whisky unsettled; no demand; offered at 115. Mess Pork held at 32 00. Lard unsettled; no demand. Bacon, limited jobbing trade; shoulders 15%; sides 16**<318. sionnx. September 17.—Cotton closed quiet; middling* 27%; receipts 1007; exports 55; sales 250; receipts for the week 3168; exports, coastwise 8S3; sales 925; stock 3952. New Oir.iANa, September 17 Cotton receipts to day 323 bales: receipts for the week, gross 7134, net 6619: exports, coastwise 2091; stock 7865: sales to day 1450: for the week 3712; market active; mid dlings 29(329%. Gold 35V. Sterling 46%. New York Sight par. FlonrdnU; snperfine 5 95; doable extra 6 05; treble extra 6 15. Corn lower; white 1 02. Oats 61(362. Whisky 1 30. Others unchanged. Foreign Markets. London, September 17, noon.—Consols 92%. Bonds 82%. ■LrrzarooL, September 17, noon.—Cotton steady; uplands IS: Orleans 13%; sales 8000 bales; sales for the week 55,000; for export 17,000; on speculation 15,000; stock 460,000—73,000 American; stock afloat 445.000-6000 American. Red Western Wheat 9s8d. Pork 112s6d. Lard 75e6d.-~ Liverpool. September 17, afternoon.—Cotton sales will not exceed 7,000 bales. Yarns and Fabrics quiet. IiirzaroouSeptember 17, evening.—Cotton firmer but not higher. Havre, September 17, noon.—Cotton opened quiet ■Pauls. September 17, noon.—Bonne opens firm. Rentes 70f80e. Who Wauls a Home for 85 ? T WILL dispose of. BY BAFFLE, or any other Cur A mean* the committee may select, in tho city of Ma con, October 5th, or before it the Tickets are sold, the following t roperty. A receipt will be riven for the money to e^ch narshacer of * Ticket. If the Lottery taiU to come off the money will be returned: 1500 Tickets, at *5; 158 Prises. $7,500. lit Prixe. Lot and improvement, three-room dwell ing (new) double kitchen a nd necessary out-hou«e«. ralae 12.000 1M Prize. Lot and improvement, four-room dwelling...... — 1,600 3d Prize. Corner Lot, valued 1,200 lGold IVatcb. new w ^... ICO 2 Silver Watches, new. $59 each 100 50 Sewing Machines, $18 each...__ 900 40 Sewing Shuttle Machines. $25 1,000 1 Wheeler A Wilson Machine...... 60 S Hinkley Knitting Macbiner.rintle ncedle$9) 240 50 White Wire Clothes Lines, two hundred feet per line, at $6 900 v $7 500 Tickets will be sent on receipt of the money by ex press or money order. Address H. W. BOIFEUILLKT. At the Agency opposite Burke’s Book Store. Macon. Ga. We are personally acquainted with Mr. H. W. Boi- feuillet. and recorumen i him to the confidence ot the publie. as hi* Raffie will be fairly and honorably eon- d-e:ed by a Commit’ee of Gentlemen: Blun A Meyer. J. P. Collins. J. ll.Kstill. Savannah: W. Holt, President S. W. K. K.. Colonel Thomas Hardeman, W. A. Huffi Virgil Powers. Superinten dent S. W. R. R , Dr. J. Emmet BIacK?Mear. Secreta ry Grand L >dfre F. and A. M. t John T. Boifeuillet, Treasurer S. W. R. R.. Macon, Ga. Parties not wanting the article that falls to their number can tell tho same to the proprietor, at the whole*«le price. Leave orders at septt-eodiw T. W. FREEMAN’S. LADIES, LOOK HEBE. Y OU have been humbugged as long aa I intend you ■ shall be with these Buck-Eye blow-hurt*, and I have now a Machine that I guarantee for five yearj* Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. One hundred dollars that it ia superior to any cheap machine ever made. Single Machine $21 00 Half a dozen, each ...... 20 00 Liberal deduction to dabs of two or more. At T. W. Freeman’?, or my Agency opposite Burke’s Bools Store. Second Street. H. W. BOIFEUILLET. sept4-eo32w FASHIONABLE BARBER SHOP. rpHE undersiirned would most respectfully inform JL his numerous friends and customers that his NEW BARBER SHOP AND BATHING ROOMS Are now open. Haring fitted up my Establishment with all the latent improvements for the comfort and pleasure of my patrons, and thanking them heartily for the 1 beral patron *ge of the past. I hope to merit their favors in the future. Everything in the tonso- rial art. Shaving. Hair-Cutting. Shampooing. Dying Hair, Hair-Dressing, etc., is done in the best and latest styles. I have been successful with the pre paration which 1 have been using for retaining the color of the hair, or for bringing gray hair back to its former color, at the fame time keeping the hair free * om dandruff, and from all obnoxious scents. Twen- *-five respectable citizens of Macon can testify to ic efficacy of my preparation. Warm Baths, Cold Baths, and Shower Baths at all times. Particular attention is paid to Hair Cutting for Boys and Girls. ^ # M. l*OH, Lanier House Building, next to Post-office. augl5-tf MRS. EDWARD B. WHITE’S ENGLISH AND FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL FORTOUNG LADIES R EMOVED to No. 59 West Forty-second street, opposite Reservoir Park, New York City. Kkfeeencks: Bishop Potter, New York; Bishop Davis, s>outh Carolina ; Rev. W. T. Brastly. Atlanta, Ga.: Prof. Henry, Mnithsonian Institute; Gen- Wade Hampton. Sonth Carolina; W. w. Corcoran, Wash ington, D. C.; President Middleton. Charleston College; Prof. Davies. New York: W. Gilmore Simms, South Carolina; Prof Bartlatt. West Point Military Academy. auglS-d6taw6t FIRST NATIONAjJjANK OF MACON. it.^fS'LEr==agp Corner Second and Cherry Streets. D iscount, deposit and collection. Exchange Bought and Sold. Liberal advances made on shipments of Cotton to any good Northern or European nooses. Collections promptly attended it. directors: D. L. Jewett. Wm. T. Lishtfoot, G.H. U&xlehurst, W. II. Ross. Wm. B. Binziccrc. H. B. Plant, may" -6m* I. C. PLANT & SON. Bankers and Brokers, O FFICE in the First National Bank Bnildinr. on Cherry street. eeconJ door from the corner of Second street. 'Will Buy 8icht and Time Exchange on the North. 6avannah. Auaurta and other roints, make liberal advances on Cotton inStore in Macon, or on fhipments of Cotton to (food Northern or European hooiee. or on Bonds. Stocks or other good securities. Will rnrehaso and aell BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, SILTED. and nvk« investments for parties aa they may direct. may3 6m* F. M. COKER, B 2S K E R, AMERTCUS, GEORGIA, TNOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; IJBuji aud Sells Stock,, Bonds. Coin and Exchange MONEYS invested as parties direct. COLLECTIONS promptly remitted on daji of oa- turity. at lowest rates of exchange. COTTON BOUGHT ON ORD EB. (««p7-6m* FR0YIDEXCE HIGH SCHOOL, T?0R GIRLS AND BOYS, near Pleasant Hill. Tal JL' hot county. Ua. The next session of this Institution will commencs Wednesday, September 8.186:1. and continue bixteen Weeks. Bates of teitios for the samion: Primary Department. *11); Classical Department. *20: Sur veying and Civil Ensiueerinc. extra. *10; Grammar Department, *15: French, extra. *10; Music. Instru mental. *25: Vocal Music *1 per month. Theeourec of instruetion embraces all that is contained in n collexiate course in our male and romale colie,en.— Younctuen will be prepared for any class in collrrc they miy desire to enter: or. if they aresa: *'*1 with » thoroech collegiate coarse of instruction, without a diploma, they can Oniihtheirennrseherc. The build ing is new. large and commodieoi. and is situated at Providence Church, one mile welt nf Pleasant Hill, Talbot county, in one of the healthiest sections ot country in Middle Georgia. The community It known far and wide for he high tone of its morality, and the amoeiationa surrounding pupils will beolevatina in their character. The government it mild but firm, and no pupil will be allowed to remain in the school who will not implicitly submit go inch regulations as the tracher* may think ■eensesy to establish. Our motto is. "Perfect Lessons and Perfect Ordtr.”— Board can be obtained in the vicinity at *12 per month. G. W. MASSON, A. B-l ... \r. H. WOODALL. / Principals. RsrtsrxcKs.- lion. E. II. Worrlll, Major T. A. Brown. O. D. Gorman' Talbot ton: Isngc Cheney, J. T. l.wen. D. G. < iwen. >. B. Owen. G. W. Evans. J. D. Woodall. T. II. Mahons. Pleasant Hill. ang37-dood*m*w r PII IS brand of LEAD is wabsastsd. Satisfaction I guaranteed or tho money refunded. Try it I ProTe it 1 L. W. HUNT A CO.. aug29-2t*wdAw3m A*r> ts for Macon. Euston’s Commercial College. Corner JJulberry and Second Streets, Macon, Oa. rpHE EVENING SESSION of thia Institution ro- 1 opens, from 7 to 9.on MONDAY, September I3f>. Those desirous of enterin* will please make applica tion, at the office of tbo College, any day during the week between V a. n. and I r. a., and from 3tn 5 r. a. »ept4-tf VALUABLE ~ PLANTATION FOR SA.X.T3. O N Fdat River, Crawford county, eigkt mile from fioethwestern Railroad, centaiuing 1200acres. 450 elraredsnd in high state ofcultivation. An o'ecantcot- tage hou e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower Yard and good Water. Tho Lsnd will produce twenty to forty bushels of Corn per acre with good seasons. Will be sold with the Place, if desired. Stock of all kinds: Farming Utensils. Corn, Fodder, etc. Address A. W. GIBBON. .Mac o. Ga.. or St F. Ax- dibsox. on the Place. »cpt7-tf GIBSON & ANDERSON. Plantation for Sale. W ILL he sold before th© 'ourt-hcu«e door tn Per ry Houston county, Ga., on the FIRhT TUES DAY IN NOVEMBER next, th© PLANTATION belonging to the estate of Groeno Hill, deceased. The place consists of thirteen hundred acre?, well watered and well improved in every particular, and Is noted u one of the best cotton plantations in that section of the State. It is healthy, convenient to rchocls and churche«. and good fociety.and it situated in a section nheru an abundance of eteidy and reliable labor can be obtained. Terms—Half cash, half 12 months, secured by mort gage on land. On the day following, will he sold on the place. ?•}/• miles from Per»r f the MULES, CATTLE, HOGS, Stock of all kind*. Farming Implements and rcrisha- blc property of every description belonging to said extate. Terms cash. The said sales will bo made for distribution among the heirs. Tho place may be purchased at private sale if desired. JAS. A. HILL. A. F. HILL. Executors of the last will and ieftament sept-11-d2tawawtd of Green Hill, dec’d. ASSIGNEE’S SALE. W ILL he sold before the Court-hou«e door in the city of Cuthbert, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in October next, between the legal boars of sale, the following property, to-wit: One Dwelling-house and Lot in the city of Cuthbert. containing two acre?, more or le •. Also, corner Lot on north side of Public Square (00) fixty feet front by 020) one hundred and twenty feet back, known as the Powers Lot. Also, (15) fifteen acres, more or le=s. in the city of Cuthbert in that portion known as Villa- nova. with four tenement houses with two rooms each. tiold as the property of Horace Powers. Bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditor*. JAMES BUCHANAN. sept!2 dlaw3w Assignee. W. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, S84 tad 1^9 Broadway. NEW YORK *uly23-tf VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. B Y virtue of the last will and testament of Wm. Beadles, late of Coweta county, deceased, will be sold on the 1-t Tuesday in October next, before the Court-hou?e dcor, in the city of Newnan. faid coun ty, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, viz: 900 ACRES OF LAND, ALL IN ONE BODY, Lying from four to *ix miles east of Newnan, White Oak Creek, and composed of fourlots and a half. On the premises is a number one Dwelling Hou?e, Gin-house and other necessary outbuildings. There are on the tract about 2U0 acres of Wood-land, besides 150 acres of Swamp Land, which is also very well timbered. Mr. J. H. Graham will show the premises to any one wishiDgto purchase. The above land can be sold in parcels to suit purchasers. Terms cash. W. 8. BEADLES. J. H. GRAHAM. HU. BREWSTER, aug22-law-td Executors. A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.-—Win be sold, for cash, before the Court - House door, at Vienna, in Dooly county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale. 4j5 acres of land, belonging to the estate of Jas: Hightower, deceased. The same being lots of land Nos. 255 and 256. in the 7th district of Dooly county. JAMES M. PENNY. Adm’r. of James Hightower, deceased. sept!5-td* cotton n» i W E again tender you our services as Cotton Fac- tors and Commission Merchants, at our old stand on Third street, and pledge ourselves to conduct stnctly a Commission Business, and shall give specisl care and attention to all business entrusted to us. We return our sincere thanks to our old patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of the same, and would request Planters generally, to give u.« a trial, as we make the ?&!e of cotton a speciality. Shall be prepared to reader the usual aecommoda- J0XATHA5 COLLINS A SON, COTTOS FACTORS, 1 uly4-daw3m MACON, QA. «fP*» JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS been their pleasure to serve the past season so satis factorilj, that they will find them fully prepared an< ready to receive, store, ship or sell to the very best advantage, all Cotton consigned to them during the coming season ; while to those who have not hereto fore tried us, we would say we know we can please you. \S e offer the usual accommoda’ion to our patrons on their growing crops, and wil take pleasure in fill ing their orders for supplies promptly and at lowest market rates. Call and see us at the PL.ANTERS’ warehouse, LAWTON & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREEi, MACON, GA. H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, and having ample storage for all Cotton consigned to us, we again tender ourscrvice* to our friends and the publican Cotton Factors and Warehouse men. We take this occasion to return our thanks to our patrons of the rast sca*on, and assure them that vre shall en deavor in tho future. as we have done in tho past, to secure for them th© b«et prices that cun be obtained in Macon, which we decru, all things considered, on© of th© very best cotton markets. To those who bavo not tried us. w© simply refer to our former customers, and promise to use our best efforts to rerve all who girous the benefit of their bnsiners. Gur place of business is at tho old stand of LAWTON A LAWTON. sep9 d*wlm Fourth street. J. L. SHEA, MERCHANT TAILOR. COATS, FANTAL00NS AXD VESTS MADE TO MEASURE. FROM the MOST VARIED HANDSOME MATERIAL PRICES TO SUIT BUYERS. No. 44 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. VERY VALUABLE PLAN’TATION'I lliirilcniiin & Sparks, YN tendering their services again to tb<ir planting L friends as WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, deem It wholly unnecessary to mako promises as to their willingness and ability to serve them faithfully and advantageously. Tbcirlongcxperienceand too large patronage which has ©v©r been extended the bouse. U proof conclusive that they drservo th© confidence of the planting com munity. and by prompt and honest attention to their interest tbev intend to merit in the future, the pat ronage so liberally given them in tho past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low est Market Prices, and the usual facilities extended to thoso who entrust their busices* with us. O. G. SPARKS. T. llAUDKMAN. Jb. Hardeman & Sparks’ PREMIUM 5,1ST. I N addition to the premiums offered by tho Execu tive ComaiItee. at the approaching State Fair, we will give tho fallowing, either in r late or currency, as may be desired. Best 10 Bales Upland Cotton 460 Best 5 Bales Upland Cotton. 90 Be#t 1 Bale Upland Cotton.. 10 Beet 5 Bales Long Btaide from green seed.40 Best 1 Bale Long Staple from green sted»»£~-. 10 The cotton to be delivered at our Warehouse, to be trarsported to snd from the Fair Grounds by us freo of charge. Five judges will be selected, one from each of the following cities: Savannahs Augusta, Columbus. Albany and Macon, who shall determine upon and award the ram-*. HARDEMAN A SP4RK8. au 31 lm J. F. VHKATOX. K. n. BROWN* AS a PREVKXTtVR go F. W. SIMS & CO, COTTON rAcxo&s — AND — GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH. GA. nr Consign menu solicited; Remittances made promptly ; Advances ot Provisions. Bagging. Ties and Rope made tn persons sending us Cstton for sale. septl6d4w6m • REAL ESTATE AGENCY AMERIOO&, GA., CALLAWAY & WHEELER. \ 4T E are Buying, Helling or Rcoting Lands lying in 1 » the Cotton producing portion of Georgia. Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed in every instance to all parties. We now offer fir sale several Farms, and a few for Rent or Lease. Attention given to the disposition of i ity Property. Labor rccured fur thnso desiring it. Confer with us mow, for many are wishing to i>ell and a* many to invest. If you will leaves plan and description of your place with u* we will exhibit to land hunter* free of charge. G. M. WHEELER MEKREL CALLAWAY. Attorney at Law. july26-dawl2t TWO VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. O NE two miles from Rome an 1 ono and one half miles fromS., R. & D K. K. Depot, containing two hundred *cd *©*©oty-five actesof good land, and well improved. Thh place was settled by Col. Wade 8. Cothran, and tho dwelling and out houses are all rest. The dwelling is two stories and contains -even large room*. A splendid well of water and elegant orchard. This is one cf the most desirable residences near the city. The other place is <m the Calhoun Toad, ard fou miles from the city; wm settled by Mr. John Mann and is well improved. Dwelling contains seven comfortable rooms. Tbi3 farm contains 200 acres of land, and is well watered: water can bo brought to the house, through pines, from en elegant spring In saying that these two places are not surpassed in location, by any farms n»ar the city, I know that I do not exagerate. Both places in eight of the Selma, Rome acd Dalton Railroad. The growing crop, stock and farming implements will be sold with cither place if desired. Both of the above places will be sdd at public out cry, on th© first Tuesday in October, if not disposed of before that time. JOHN SCAIKUM. sept2-dlaw4w&w4t. Z LIFE-SIZE F \M Y PC) i GAITS A RE evidences of a high plate of culture tho world over. I am prer ared. at all times, to fill orders for those^ w well as all the smaller styles of Photo graph Likenesses. I am making a specialty of the better claa* of Pictures, and tLope wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH, Artist, Triangular Block, mv 9-et Macon Ga. CHILLS, FEVER,- Etc, WILL KEEP TIIE HANDS HEALTHY, SO THEY MAY LOSE NO VALUABLE TIME DURING THE BUSY SICKLY SEASON. MV) BB token in tho i.Uco of Quinine or Bitursof JL sny kir.,1: thodosu Is mall, und its virtue un- doubted. It will bo found cheaper and better than any other remedy for that purpop**, and also as a gen eral Plantation and Family Medicine, it has no su perior. The malarious seas'-n in upon you, and you require some remedy other than Quinine, which distresses '• •' h.-; l 44,Mi I'.iin, ;md >«.invtii U es de-troys your hearing. Tnerefore. why not u»o tho natural remedy of the country in which you live, MTOW LIIM RMLiTOR 4''h:. hi> i-n iim',; . : h- ri- thatnrein- djlttWl to this climato and i•* tiic only natural rem- O'ly "r it. i’erh rtly Larmiers in its oBeet. thoroughly reliuhlo aa n preventive, and a sure our. for LI VKR DISK (SB. CIliLLS AND FKVEU, CONST[I‘ATItiX, DYSPKPSIA. CHKOmC DIAHltnOSA. IIKADACHB. Kte.. Kto. Bend to your DruKyiet anil art a pneka-te mtnout fail. .Manufactured only !,y or. u. suiLirv & co., iuly»4-lf MACOV. OA. CVBOHa.TA MUTUAL FIRE 6HD LIFE INSURANCE COMP At. Y. I.J AVING folly organised • ur Cow p .ny < u a uure Ifi ami permanent and having the Cotnptrol- ler’s. authority, wo pc sent to the >.wuh. n People what tv«j! el cve to be one of the ff.ifrM ;«i:d host Life . ' -v f t vu ■ - the Soutb- ''--I I!.- H.'I. •< »•!'.. j t. : r.. Georgia, where every dollar inre ted will r»u, ii. in ■ ur midst. Ihegalaxy ol nam<*.«. g'Ten :»s lirtvr r- und referee*. ‘V J 1 1 ‘ <iar u,!. , ■ • - ,** .' rM . vrith which this mrTitutio- will he m.iii: l« j. T io capital is sufficieut to meet nil l'« «. in . v contingency. Weeafwe.'tlr "•*- - build up with u« this loved ones, our homes Hundred* of thoi.H stracted from th« i •• to foreign parts i; eni tie sympathy for u.-. Can wen-it learn wri/dom aad useoui rich ourroltrcH nnd beautify our homes V We will try ..-.d place, in every locality, polite and it ► ; 1,.* business ot the Com- P any. And we cordial ;. invi»« all desiring agencies in Ibis* Company to call on tho Officers, at the office building, neap the Pae.-cngcr Depot, ia (rout of the two ho*f*Is, on Fourth street, where nil matte rs of de tail will be cheerful I v given The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six percent, to the - 'cckhuhb rs for amount of Stock " Inr tho bent-fit of our lol I an are yearly ab- our people, and carried iiigoiw who have butlit- s to en- ed. . _ . __ W. J. LAWTON. Prr-ident. ^ J. C. McBUHNRY. Yioo President. U. J. Ltoptjoot, Secretary. ROAED OV PIRKCTOK?: ASIIER AYRES. Fertilizer. Macon. Ua. T. a NISBE1. Iron Founder, Macon, Ga. T. JOHNSON Johnson. Campbell A Co.. Whole- NEW GOODS. CROP HERUINGS-extra quality. NEW CROP MACKEREL. BLUE and WHITE FISH, A large lot of Fancy acd Assorted CANDIES. Demarara and New Orleans SUGARS. SEYMOUR. TINSLEY k CO. ang29-tf JNO. C. BHORTla. A. W. PERSONS. SHORTER & PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, JfA CON; GA., X\f ILL practice in the United States Courts, at V T Savannah and Atlanta, and in the State Courts wherever our services are derired. . ^Collections solicited. 5uU24-tx Depository, rn Bank of Eufaula, t'utance and Iroccrs, Mat.„ „ j \ckson Deloach l\ Ca con. 9a. J. C. MoBimVSY. Macon. Ga. W. J. LAWTON. Lawton A Lawton, Macon, Ga. DAVID T. SINGLETON, Planter. Lat-nton, Ga. RICHARD IIUBBS, of Cruger A C.».. Bankers, Al bany, Ga. DR. JAMES F. ITZKM/iN, Pres't Georgia Home Insurance Company,Columbus. Ga. WALLACE CUMMING. Banker, Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL, Stovall A Butler, Augusta, Ga. F. ADAMS, Cashier National Bank, Athens. Ga. T. M. POaLOW, America.- 1 , Oa. REFERENCES .* Harrus Jc Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen Augustus Young, Charlotte, N C Wm B Wright, Fayetteville, N C JnoC Slocum, Goldsboro, N C Wm M Lawton. Charleston, S C Jas P Boyce. President Theological Institute, Green ville, 8 C R Furman, D D, Newberry Court House, SC* J O li Dargan, D 1>, Sumpter, S C S T Aikin, Knoxville. Tonn Jno McNabb, President Ea Eufaula, Ala Theodore Harris President L« ui- Banking Company, Louisvi.._, Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Va T O S Ferguson, Lynchburg, Va D II Baldwin A Co, New York Golthwcight, Kice A Semple, Montgomery. Ala Ex-Got J (4 Shorter, Eufaula, Ala L L Warren. President Falls City National Bank, Louisville. Ky Gordon, Owens A Stokes, Abbeville, Ala P II Penper A Co, Mobile, Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery, Ala Hugh McColl, Commissioner, New Orleans, La Wood, Low A Ludwigsen, New Orleans. La Noble A Brothers, Iron Works, Rome, Ga Gen A R Lawton, Savannah, Ga Gen A H Colquitt. Baker County, Ga Thos II Willingham. Dougherty County, Ga James Callaway, Atlanta. Ga Col Luther J Glenn, Atlanta, Ga DrT W Keen. Salisbury, N C Maj W M Robbins. Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C Col C F Low, zMerchant. Lexington, N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant. Greensboro, N C Hon K G Reade. Supreme Court Judge, Roxboro, N C Hon C S Winstead. Roxboro, N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N C J P Dillingham, Newbern, N C Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer,Nashville, Tennessee Hon John Erskin, Judge U S Court, Atlanta. Ga je6-dAwtf TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLt Cure, disease, of the Liver and Stomaeh. TUTT’S EXPECT0RA.KT, A pleasant cure for Couchs. Colds, etc. TUTT’S SABSAPABIIil A & QUEER’S DELIGHT, The ?reat Alterative and Blood Purifier TUTT’S IMPB0TED HAIR DTK, ‘ Warranted the best dye in use- These standard preparations are tor sale by HARRIS. CLAY k CO- *prS-d*wly J. H. Z FILIN A CO. Dkdggists, Macon, 3*. Q. S. JONES. J. s. BAXTER. JONES & BAXTER, COTTON AVENUE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IS 7 PRODUCE, PROVISIONS AXD STAPLE GROCERIES, F ERTILIZERS, Lime, Planter and Cement. Agent* for the Cnewacla Alabama) Lime Company S' J le Asontj for the State of Georgia for the rale of the Celebrated Chestnut Grove Whisky, septl-lm* NOTICE. Opfice Savannah, Guifpin A North Alabama 1 ^ „ Railroad Compart, J. P tttj CTT . Griffin. Ga.. September 2,1869. A UF.SU ANT to a resolution adopted by the Presi dent and Board of Directors of the Savannah. st r ?£ n aD( * North Alabama Railroad Company, at Unmo, Ga., August5,1869, notice is hereby given that an installment of ten per cent, on tho unpaid capital stoek of this Company ia required to be l toidattk* office of the Secretary and Treasurer, at Griffin, Ga.. on the first day of October ne^t. . Stockholders at Newnan and vicinity are author ized to pay their installments to George B. Smith Newnan, Ga. MILO B. FRKfcALAN, aept5-tf Secretary and Treasurer,