The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 23, 1869, Image 1

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MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. KATES or SUMCBimoX: g H,HT lB»w«r«-f» *ne r—T^i ■ ■ , T TSt I'.Sirs—lor .11 month, , .... -t»T prnudaOn* Dollar ntoMi* B0i‘Witibr TnMun ir«Wggx lt Tn.r e g«of» W*»lt I*LEc.* A rn-one ssors WsEELT TiLtosarx—rtx «• Pmgmt* mhmmvf u Advance. Mt Book and dob „«r Printing ■isml by m»U With PostmsoUr'o oertifieat. From a Oorglnn on bis Travels. ffoeon o*d Western Railroad—Low Fare*— Atlanta- Inferior Hold*—7he Western and Atlantic Road—Louisville—Astonishing Pro- fnw— Trade—Price* of Product— Cincinnati -Spencer Route—Blau Suffrage Contention —Th* Women in Council—Orate a* Owl*— Politic* Can’t Sap. CntcmtATi, Onto, September 19, 1869. Editor* Telegraph : Thinking Umt you would fad teeepteble • tew lines from your old friend, tbs Doctor, I embrace a leisure hour to note Ism a few parages of public interest for the ptrtRd STfont numerous readers. t'sse or Henrietta Greer. h'lUort Telegraph : Haring read your article 10 00 j tho “ Ca “ of Henrietta Greer," being great- , * 00 I iy astonished at the statements therein made - i n’ aUtl bc,ieTin G ‘hst von hare, by being mkin- ' - 1 | formed as to the facts elicited on the trial, un intentionally misrepresented Governor Bollock, I propose as an act of justice to him, to present the case as disclosed by the official record on fi.e in this county. You say that “tho prisoner, according to her own account, tutlaintd ly the evidence, and repeated many times without ma terial variation to officers—to the Court—to one of our own editors and numerous other par ties—on msny occasions running throngh s period of several months—went out with her unfortunate little victim to gather lightwood for market, and whilo in the field conceited the idea of killing the child in order to get pottettion of a few cents which the latter had in her pocket. ' t iinglv -I.- Urn i: h.-rsev. ral fatal blows on I).- b**ad with the .<• the money, and came to town and tpent it in cake* and candu." If the official rtcord discloses the fact alleged in this ({notation, or if such an inference r«n R. drawn from the evidence, then I think the pris oner deserved death, and I do not hesitate to say that the Governor should not have granted liar A oascn/1 * - - i s ° MACON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 23, 1869. Bagging, Salt and Ties. THE GREAT I hit jour city a week ago to-day, per the , - — — )boon and Western railroad, which I found to mmul reprieve, much less a comnrata- *T». „„.i „,..ii.„t tlon of the sentence. But the evidence discloses be ia Its osual tie condition and manage- no such facts; nor does it show that such ad- amt. In* only objection I havo beard nrgod missions were made cither “to the eonrt, to one •pint tbs road is the high tariff still exacted °fyoarcditornortoanyothcrpersonwhatever.” from psmsngers. Other roads have found it to 8 v h °'! I th “ t ‘ b ® d *f e “ ed . vrM 6° in 8 °n b* tbsir intereetto rcduco their fares, andlhope the site o] the prisoner,’nnd not* “JUtlo child” that this wise policy will yet prevail with Col. by any means; that bnt one witness (and he the White. He will, in my opinion, make money for I brother of deceased) testified about any money; hiimadby a reduction of faro from $5.15 to 5“^ be states in the direct examination that “he Inducing double travel between Vteon and Atlanta. and that when deceased was found her pocket Atlanta is still rnshing ahead in all manner of turned wrong side out ” improvements, with one exception, and that is How. lot us examine this point: Oapt Simp- lb* times by a good deal. Tho “National” is who testifies that he examintil it earefaUT t after probably the best, but neither of the Atlanta Riving a minute description of its appearance, hotels can compare with the pnblio houses of f? 11 * *° corroborate tho very material fact as to **». Your city i. biemed in thi, rrapect as exSi^thlve all travelers know who have over stopped at overlooked, particularly at a moment when the Brown's, the Lanier and other houses. At At- character of the crime was undeveloped and the lute they want a hotel larger and superior to f ircnm *tanoes attending its commission un- md crowded travel throngh the former, and be- find any “cakes or candy,” or money in her pos- vtue, loo, of its being the capital of the great Marion, bnt did find somo trilling toys. State of Georgia. | H 3^“ will give tho prisoner the benefit CHILL I,\D FEVER EXPELLEE LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IT IS. IN FACT. A MOST WONDERFUL FEVER CXJRE, GUAIO. On account of thii Injtant Remedy makinr a LASTING AND PERMANENT CURE. WE ARB NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH OUR PATRONS WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARD FERTILIZERS, FOR THKIR Fall Crops, Turnips, Wheat, etc.: ADJOINING- PASSENGER DEPOT. MACONT, GEORGIA. NOTICE TO PLANTERS. J. S. SCHOFIELD, Proprietor. 3VAA3ST a PACTDRE S CROSDALE’S SOPER 1TO CASK. BOV EVER OBSTINATE. CAN RE SIST ITS BEAL TS-OIVINO PROPERTIES. Tear senior has recently had personal knowl edge of the condition of the Stato road, under tbt management of that prince of railroad men, OoL E. Halbert, and I only desire to add my testimony to the superior ebaraetor of this State work. The road bed is solid and smooth, the eua Injurious and comfortable. The contrast between our road and other* in this direction is marked in favor of tho W. <L A. In paasing through Tennessee and Kentucky nothing of interest presented itself, till my ar rival at Louisville. I was astonished at the great improvements that have been made in that city within a year past The “Galt House,” a iplemlid Hotel stmetnre, has been completed and ia now open to travelers. A new railroad route, from Louisville to Covington opposite thii city, whiob, in its transit only takes five hpare, ia now in anooessful operation, enabling a eftiren of either eity to visit the other, tren ail business and return same day. This ia a great convenience, and ia properly appreciated by the business pnblio. Von know something of the liberal character of the merchants of Louisville heretofore. They are generally enterprising and wholenouled peo ple, and they are now, we are happy to say, reaping the reward of fair and honorable deal ing. An immense business is doing with the Xoulh and Southwest, so much so that, a few data since, the railway men were obliged to cry ‘‘Hold, enough!” for the present. The press ure was however temporary, as the river is now open to navigation and the rush per railroad wiU not he so Iflasvy. It would do your people good to witness the immense supply of all kinds of produce collect ed and expoeod far sale in Louisville. Every department (except that of tobacco and meat) ia well supplied. Wholesale dry goods houses til up Main and other streets, sad are now do ing a fine business. I have boon told by several Southern merchant*, that they can do better ttere. all things considered, than to prooeed to NewYprk. Louisville is also a great manatee- nfacturing place, and the oonntry around is pro- litain agricultural productions. Think of it Mr. Oliaby, a barrel of tho finest Irish potatoes poa ever saw, oan be bonght for $1, ont of the wagons, and $1 50 from dealers. Fruit of all kinds, is now in season, and in splendid condi- “® B - P««r», peaches, apples, plums, etc., are offered in profusion sod at extremely low rates. In short, in ail that makes Mfe desirable-good •ociety, ample supplies, healthful climate and raaineas facilities, no place presents greater In ducements than Louisville. I did not see our friends of the Press in Lou- taville but you know that they are “right side JP» riwayh. The Courier-Journal is too well known in the South to need a word of commen dation from me. 1 1 arrived here (Cincinnati), day before ye*, terday and am eared for by my exeellent host ofthe Spencer House, Captain H. H. Drown Md his accomplished assistant,& Johnson. Esq., ij® Utter formerly oonnected with tho Barnett this oity, for eleven years. This ia a magnificent House on tho comer of Broadway Md Front streets, with three Verandahs, and in rile far-famed Suspension Bridge £27 the Ohio, and also in front of the ateam- T* 1 jMding. A better House or of more am- f® accommodations oannot be found It has iwo hundred rooms and can lodge several hnn- dwd gues^ The table is all that can be dc- »r*d and the bed-rooms os oomfortable os they make them anywhere. To families and gentle- 1 commend tho . »* the n« plus ultra of a pnblio Honse. ********7’ Cincinnati was in a turmoil of “WMient. A State Suffrage Convention of dsmonng for woman s rights, was hold • °P*™ House, and a Political Conven- uonof Republicans and Democrats, to nominate wodidstes for the LegisUture and county of ^ bUst. The latter nomin- •tod a fusion ticket, or men of both parties, and ^former organized a State .Usociatton. I at- of tho latter, and was pro of a fair and reasonable presumption, the pos- aeasion of the toys can be accounted for as being purchased with the money she earned by her labor, subsequent to the commission of tho crime, which the testimony, corroborating her own assertions, shows that aho performed. The evidence nowhere shows that deceased was strnck from “behind, or on the back of the head; tho wonnda being inflicted on the head, breaking tho skull at the right temple. __Soveral pr°minent and legal gentlemen of tbte city differ with yon, whon yon Bay that pre- jndiee had no influence on the caae; they assert and it is notorious, that the public mind was much inflamed by the exaggerated reports of the affair; the press had thundered against her, and in pnblio opinion, her gnilt was established before she was bronght to trial. In this remark I do Dot intend to refleet upon the integrity of any one, bnt simply state my own sentiments wp to the time that I examined the evidence. ' ,“ m0 Rcntlemen assert that prisoner'- counsel labored under many disadvantages for making a successful defenco—among others, that they were pat upon trial with little or no time for preparation.'' Under these cirenm- atanoes is it possible that she oould have had the benefit of such a trial, as would have elicited all tho mitigating circumstances of her crime Again y<m say, “that the relative strength am fcaftgg««9»» ■"yj—v- pKMnt, and it must bo JdaSrfadS - ll] ■'■hl.lJ crim'nals fram just airi w*t the business of tho Convention was done in Mmuch order as if it were a Convention of V ’ uiascnhno persuasion. Mrs. Livermore, “ nc y S ; on ?. Dr. Mary Valker, Miss t— ® nd °lbere, so well known to the conn- P . .. strength and "I*® tb ® preclude the ides of a strug- The brother of deoeaeed testifies that the par ties were about the same age and size, so that the ides of a struggle is not at all precluded— on tho contrary, the confession of tho prisoner, which was introduced on her trial, and without which she could not have been convicted, states distinctly that deceased cursed and struck her with a stick; and, therefore, she, in the sadden best of passion, returned the blows with on axe. Her confession is the only direct evidenoo in tho cose; off tho bnlnnco is purely circumstantial. Iler confession nrnst be taken in its entirety— it oannot bo severed. The samo evidence which satisfies ns that Henrietta Greer slew Nancy Wright, should satisfy ns of the cirrmrmtance* of the slaying. Tho position being true, nnd, in the absence of other testimony to the contrary, the conclu sion wonld be inevitable that the crime commit ted was not murder but voluntary madaughter. So much, Messrs. Editors, for the main points made in your article. Now for the general facts in the case. The two girls were on perfect terms of social oquslity and intimacy—slept in the same room—worked daily together in partner ship ; they were friends up to the momont the first blow was struck. They were getting light- wood in an opon field in the day-timo ; had gone out together for this purpose ; tho place to nnd the object for which they had gone out were known to the family of the deceased; arriving there, they commenced work; deceased hands prisoner her comb to hold, who, negro-like, sticks it in her hair and in pulling it ont breaks it; this naturally incenses deceased, who abuses nnd then strikes prisoner with a stick; prisoner in return strikes deceased with an axe, which she holds in her hand and with which she is cutting lightwood, and kills her; leaves her lying there and runs off—so commenced and so ends the tragedy. Henrietta Greer did not attempt to conceal the body of her victim, and certainlv did not pre meditate murder; the evidence fait to thou that the did. Her confessions, while they bear the impress of truth, clearly establish her imbecil ity ; for, while she admits the crime, she tcils, simply and child-like, all the circumstances at tending its commission. With this view of. the case, withont attempt- T ' ing an argument, permit mo to ask if the facts presented would not awaken in the mind of any reasonable man, away from the influences which wonld affect tho community ia which the crime was committed, such reas'onable doubts as to tho nature of the crime as to recommend tho prisoner to mercy? I think they would, and am only surprised that the commutation was not more extended. I think Governor Bullock is — —ug-uuuuou -Bomen. \ 42*-,** 1 W* ° f the country, and' made q**chc«. Mrs, Dr. Walker wears the Bloomer w£ - ?,.T“ d iD “ ° rt bl ®<* frock-coat and bwbS her hair, in braids, down fort l2w. Het *^ ee w » nd sylph-like, Ki2£ra indications of personal beanty or ohser«27' »he was the “observed of all ,* nd ?“ followed by the boys in the Yv‘\* nd J?«*ad even in the Assembly. sneak* 1 * R°J lUcs °f *he State I am not able to tomTl. * n y certainty. Pendleton; you GoreU-n-^ 1 ® ““didate of the Democracy ‘for certain u triads think "his success is v_ ““t I have my doubts about the matter yjMM are, of course, with him. He is a i gallant spirit—-every inch a man— bnm.TTT*. 1 ' of enlar Red views and a man of nuient talents and fine presence. It will bo a L-J*J“£h a man is “laid on the shelf when &atT!jr7 ar ® 80 mnch ne *ded in the Chair of * olOhio. Yours, etc., ' ——_ L ' F ' A - ^•Woss* Karr maintains that Sontac. Grisi to a-■- ln tbe * r heat davs were superior ~ n J angers of the present day. atoS2 ABTI ^f honored with a grand ball °. n Thnrsday evening, by Lieutenant (lr *dco-:^! l t s Ad ' V ’ St WhlCb Lht ' r,! were five hun- ^liau mail steamship Carnatio was wreck- h >rt time ago in the upper part ofthe Red or passengers and crew were saved, but merited punishment, or that he will, through fear of public censure, withhold the pardoning power, when, in his opinion, justice and hu manity demand its exerdlse. Bibb. PROVIDEXCE HIGH SCHOOL, T^OR GIRLS AND BOYS, near Pleasant Hill. Tal- JL bot county. Ga. The nextacAiion of this Institution will commence u c ine? Jay, September S, 186*.\ and continue Sixteen Meeks. Batca of tntUon for the te«aion: Prim.ur Department. $10; Classical Department. $20; Sur veying and Ciril Enfiiaecrinxr. extra. $10; Grammar Department. $15; Freneh. extra. $10; Mufie, Instru- ii'. on til. $25; \ ocal Music si permonth. Thecourse of Instruction embraces all that U contained in a epllesiate.course in our male and female oolle^ea.— Young men will be prepared for any class in colleee they may desire to enter; or, if they arefatiafied with »thorough collegiate course of instruction, without a diplonn, thev can finish their course here. The build- |p>S new, large and commodious, and is .-iluated at Church, one mile weet of Pleasant Hill. • ur.ty, iti < :,e the healthiest sections ot country in Middle Georgia. The community isknown larar.d wtdo for the high tone of its morality, and the rronnding pupils will be elevating in > The government is mild but firm, ul he allowed to rcma : n in the school ipncitly submit to such regulation* as n- 1 ! 7 J h ; nk n*ces.*ary to c-tabiish. Our i vKt. Ct V- 5 '°? s and Perfect Order.*’— e otiU.nM in the vicinity at $12 per month. W.JL'wijODAL’u' ■’} Principals. Rxxxaxxcxs. Hon. E II. Worrill. Major T. A Jirown. l> D. uorman, j .lbnton: Isaac ChencV J T. Uwen, D. G.Owen, S. B. Owen. 0. W Evans T tV Woodall.T. II. Mahone. Plc*sant Ilill * J * I) * aug2T-deod3mjtw their char ard can beobta , s . Inch «as very valuable, was entirely Another account states that • UT cs Vera lost : a number of w. A. RANSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, J8* ud S80 Broadway, HEW YORK PYRAFUGE Crsatwau Appetite. Brinca Color to the Cheeks oi the hmaciated and Strength to the Ek’ERT BOTTLE SOLD IS ACCOMPANfED BY A GDARANTsK OIT ITS EFFICACY. The Proprietor of the Pyrafajre challenges every case, do matter r>( how I >ni standing, to try this Great Chili and i fTeTcar^aadthTr deoy iu wonderful caratir. pro per tied. ASK FOR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE, And iw rid of that mbenbls disease. Chills and F e»tr. For sale, at wboleaale, by the Sole r ■ - Manufacturer (or the United Statea. by JACOB LIPPMAN, PROPRIETOR OP Lippman’s Wholesale Drug House, SAVANNAH, OA. PHOSPHATE! I I KAYTON’S - OF 1^ CURES ALL IFE PAINS AN I > ACHES. AND IS THE MUT RBEI/MiTIl REMEDY!! KAYTON’S PILLS aprlT-if EORaiA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. TAVINO fully organized ear Company on a rare i . **?!.hMU, and having the Coznptrol- ler* anther it y. we rreaeist to the Southern Pe^le what we believe tobeoue ofthe e^eit and beet Life InsuranceCompaoleeere*«Ub!bhed in the Sonth- ern Country, ft# Hone Ofice U in Macon. Georgia, where every dollar iavasted will remain in our midjt. 1 he galaxy of name*, given U directors r»nd referee*. — 1 of itself of the fidelity with hich thU institution will bo managed. Tho capita] lf.suBel.nt to meet all losses in every continesuey. We earnestlr appeal to our citiiens everywhere to boild UP with ua thu structure for the beuefft of oar loved ones, our homes and our country. Hundreds of tbonsauds of dollars are yearly ab stracted from tho pockets of our reorle. and carried to foreica parts to enrich atranrere who have but lit lie sympathy for ns. van vo pot learn wisdom aad uso our means to oa- ich oarealvea and beautify our homes? FOR WHICH WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS. FHUNIZ, WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.’S MANIPULATED GUANO, Land Plaster And Peruvian Guano. °® I rS e *i®: V 1° th.rmajt, last year, in the uso of Creodaio s 8aoerpbo»pba:e. can bo seen at our office, in the orifioal bsnd-writincof the partim who u-ed It last FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR J. J. COIl Eli'S celt brat el brands of Flour, ia aoy quantity, warranted the BEST IN GEORGIA. KENNEDY'S DIAMOND DUST. XXX aad Ex traFAMIl.k FLOUR. Those hraads of Flour tiro seoeral aatiateetioa and there i» no better anywhere. LYNCHBURG. TENNESSEE MILLS-X X X Floor—too well known to eemmmd. WHISKY. wmauv 8 ' LEW .£T CELEBRATED^ BOURBON S2J5IX..""rraMd A No. I and other sradet of Cheieo Whisky of varions breads aad prices. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WE KEEP A OENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, BACON, CORN, OATS, HAY, SCHOFIELD’S PATENT COTTON PRESSES, SUGAR MILLS, GRIST MILLS, SAW MIT.T.S, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS. MACHINERY and CASTINGS of all kinds. ’ SCHOFIELD’S PATENT COTTON PRESS. THISPRESS mat commend Itedf to thocMton Planters of tho S uthern States for its durability, sim- fiT P L lcit Z: °f c-ostruetion, and aasew uh eaa he operated by either hand, horse, water or etcam power, tho ebanza frem one to the other betas effected in a few minntas. A treat adrantaze this Pram po.-se£es. U that it occupies for hand power oav a epaee cf fourteen feet square, and may be placed and operated In the i®, n r«;iT Mkmr eottonont oAehous. to bepnektd. It esn boused in nuy kind of weather; the Prose beinc in the honse, rainy days a-eno obstacle topackinr. as i« the case with JT^K!5i* C I®jL. A,l0t i* r » dv * au *« “v* k * n xon ret Sehoffeld's Press, yon have a Prea fur all time.-and one i r'i??y“. e k wi,h lh « 8ld wood «“ »eM*s.a n d most other iron screws and presses This Is evident from the feet that thescrew u iron, either wroncht or east, and the framesnreof wroozbt Iron, and no pert of the Press lUble to decay toucLo the cround. The frames may be “ado of t r® *!SS 0 ." H® Planters may purchase either the screw and nut alone, and put the frame and box Of wood to it themselrea. or may pnrehaee the screw, nut and iron frames, and put tho wooden box l < SL!?Y mxy Py 8 ***** p ,™* complete, with screw, nut. iron frames and box, makinc the most com plete Press in nse. Presses complete, at last named, are in more general use, and ztve rreat -ati-fsetion to do 1 u n“r th,m 'm wiil *vcnfrom tmttera ipmy possessionVParties in needof Citron Prises would ^reUin^itehMlfnT^orT* 1 " * ** * h ®' Ud f * Torm ® wllh ^Ir ord.r, they mxyre.y ahV.ViTSr^h^L’^^in'^o?^^ W “®"“® f «“ «-*• 1 «“ J. S. SCHOFIELD. ETC., ETC., ETC. HAND POWER PRESS. WE H AVE X0W IN STORE, AND ARE C0NTIN- L ALL\ RECEIVING, BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pare LEAF Xi ARD, Choice Magnolia and Family Qngar- Cured HAMS, These Hams are unsurpassed for soundness and deli- cacj of flavor. BURDICK BROTHERS. $3 Third street. Corn, Corn, Corn. We are in daily receipt of Sound Corn, whbh wo tell at as LOW PRICE as any house in Macon. BURDICK BROTHERS. Flour, Flour, Flour. V*ka*J>Vhin» stock; fre-h rrouml FROM NEW u YX Asl gruvioi—and cannot bo undersold. B1RD1CK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BEST KENTUCKY BAGGING, pound* to the yard, and tho most reliable eighs full 2U tide in uso Also, the favorito AYIITOW TIE- Hay, Oats, H2eal, Bran, Btc. Hay, Oats, Dlenl, Bran, Htc. Hay, Oats, Bffeal, Bran, Etc. Call and see ns; wo kn' w we can ploa^o you. BURDICK BROTH KKS, . , 63 Third st .-Macon. Ga, PB.IC23 TOR HAND POWHR: Wroutht Iron Screw Press, complete |175 001 WrOozht Iron Screw. «0 00! Oeat Iren Screw-. Wrought Iron Screw, with Iron Frames...—;. ..—too 00 —i. 70 CO J. LLOYD & SOY, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. LurCS-dSm > transact ( ordial y inv |e call on HPKIHtP Pawcnrer Depot, i P* n 7; Aud we cordially invite all desirinc arenciee io this Company to call on the OBcrra. at the office the ... „c.r, „„ i»»,cnrer irepot. in front of the ft? «o Fourth street, where ell matters of de- tsil will be cheerfully dream .The profits win be enti six per cent, to the Stockholders for amount oi (uaraateed. entirely mutual after paylnr f Stock W. J. LAWTON. President. J. a'McBURNKV. Vice PrisidenL B. J. Ltchtfoot, Secretary. BOARD OP DIRECTOR*: ^ er **l’ ll ®r. Macon, Ga. S* & ^ ou oder, Macon. Ga. • T. JOH NSON Johnson, Campbell Jt Co.. Wholo- MltuywL MaBia,6ft. JACKSON DiLOACUE, Carriage Depository, Ma con. Ga. C. McBORNKY. .Macon. Ga. _ • * Lawton. Macon, Ga. 2A)rfPtAk SINGLETON. Planter, Eatonton, Ga. RICH ARD IlOBBS, of Crngcr A Co^ Bankers, Al- K -"v. Ga. V .a.-1ES F. BOZEMAN, Pres't Georgia Home In>urance Company, Columbus. Ga. vT A p A VJ 1 ' ^G. Banker. Savannah. Ga. * A h a A ??> t,e 0 Augusta. Ga. AtLn '- 0i - nranaoai: Harrips Jk Howell, Wilmington, K C Ausustu* Young. Charlotte, N C w - — B M right. Fayetteville. NC Jno C Slocum. Goldsboro. N C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S C ^*vil!e C ^ iBstitnte, Green- Furman. D D. Newberry Court House, S C O B L>argan. D 1>, Sumpter, S C T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaula. Eufaula, Ala Theodore Harri«. President Louisville Insurance and www -rrtP.T,* n * P°®r»n7. Louisville. Ky Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Ya CS Ferguson. Lynchburg. Va II Baldwin i Co. New York Golthweight. Rice A Semple, Montgomery, Ala Ex-Gov J G shorter, Eufaula, Ala L Warren. President Falls City National Bank. Louisville, Ky Gordon, Owens A Stokes. Abbeville, Ala P H Penoer A Co, Mobile. Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery, Ala Hugh Me Co 11. CommissioneriNew Orleans, La Wood, Low A Ludwigsen, New Orleans. La Noble A Brothers, Iron Works, Rome, Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannabt Ga ^ Gen A H Colquitt, Baker County, Ga Thos H Willingham. Dougherty County, Ga James Callaway. Atlanta, Ga C°1 Luther J Glenn, Atlanta. Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury, N C Robbins, Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C Col C F Low, Merchant. Lexington. N C James Sloan. Esq, Merchant. Greensboro, N C Hon K G Reade. Supreme Court Judge. Roxboro, N C Hon C vS M instead. Roxboro. N C P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh. N C P Dillingham. Newbera. SC Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville Tennessee Hon John Ejskin. Judge U S Court, Atlanta. Ga J. It, SHEA) MFRCHANT TAILOR. COATS, PANTALOONS VESTS MADE TO MEASURE. FROM th. MOST VARIED HORSE POWER PRESS. HANDSOME MATERIAL PRICES TO SUIT BUYERS. No. 44 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. auz29-tf W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANET METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Streets. TUTFS VEGETABLE LIVER PILL Cures diausw of th. Liver rad Stomach. TUTT’S KIPXCT0BAKT, A pleasant cure for Couchs. Colds, ate. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA A QUERY’S DILIGH1 Tho rreat Alterative and Blood Purifier TUTT’S IXPBOTID HAIR DTK, Warranted tho bestdyo in use* Thooo standard preparations are tor sale by HARRIS, CLAY A CO- Aronta. npiS-dawly i.:. f i 1 ". 1 rilw! ? rt : tr ' 11 may DO put up ettlier with or w ®‘ “ < S?U. ot bre *\’ 4nJ . wil1 never need repair*, as is the case with wood, ln putting them and *1' llih i nent ' ,b *ff d® not differ from tho Hand Power oalv in pitch of thread of screw and dinerent kind of levers for working. One hone can pack five to eight bill. lr -■ • FOR PRICE Wrought Iron Screw Press, complete... Wrought Iron Screw, with Iron Frames This Press to ran by water power, for which I ft I era pack five to eight hundred pounds on this Presv. HORSE powjbr: —$175 001 Wrought Iron Screw , ft go 00 150 00 ] Ca< t Iron Screw 70 00 the necessary additional machinery $50 extra. SCHOFIELD’S SUGAR CANE MILLS AND KETTLES. othe^ I th 3 . e n < l a ue, 1 iil Ii J ?aT ^i l ® en *SS. lonlt njaJ b3r * he vane-growers of Georgia to need any recommendation tu?nli h pTrtiSiT.n!i nr MM?*' E p “ 1 t np l ° tb# h«t style and of best quality of iron, and each Mill iningfor themselves' 2 M * Ca “ b ® fornl,h8d ’ tho bMt . hy reading mo their orders, or calling and exam- Eightceen in?h C.ino Millj..,. Futeen inch Cane .Mills ... P KICKS. SYRUP KETTLES «n S 1 !! 00 - !9k*-", 0 . D . M gallon. 60 gallon- 80Gallon, 1(X) gallnw [T Sll ,,,,,,, GIN GEAR. I feet HlS atZ: Z\S BoI “ - 4 2 & K SS SI? and Bolts 8 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts "on 00 8 feet Gin Gear and Pinion lg 00 9 feet Gin Gear, with Gudgeons and Bolts 28 50 9 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts 22 00 9 feet Gin Gear and Pinion~..^.~-.^~. j 20 75 aug3-eod*w2m 10 feet Gin Gear, with Bolts 15 00 10 f«ct Gin Gear and Pinion 23 50 i cet 9l n 5 ear ’ with GmdJeons and Bolts..'.*.**” 37 56 e*: l eet Gear, wi’h Bolts 33 50 12 feet Qia Gear and Pinion 27 25 WM. E. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, SA.W MIXsXsS, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. I RON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM PROVED MACHINERY of aU kinds built and repaired. Also, Agent sin the Southern States for Blake’s Patent Stone & Ore Breater H. R. BROWN, Ag’t, repU-dswly N». 62 Second st- Macon, Os. CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND STS., JtA CON, G A , B. B. EUSTON, Principal, Late of Dolbear and J. W. Blackuian’d Commercial Colleger. New Orlean?. r PHIS College is open daily from 9 a. m., to 9 p. at., JL 'throughout the entire year, and is nowjn success ful operation. For want of sufficient room to accom modate the gradual increase of Students, the Insti tution has been enlarged. During the vacation an opportunity will be afforded to boys from school of gaming a knowledge of Commercial Education. The period of study is unlimited: cheap board- healthy city, and reasonable tuition fees are advanU ! ages rendering it desirable for all to enter here. ; The Commercial Course constitutes Penmanship. I Arithmetic, tnclnding Commercial Calculations and Book-keeping, each of which can be taken up sep- I Drewfe,dFuiriAW* ,n ' DU1 Pcamansh,I) ' P * n Litiwary Department-RngiUh Grammatical Course, *50. For Circulars address Box 15, Macon, (la. g»-PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE HOME IN- 6TITUTI0NS. jalyU-Sm PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN, TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING TIIE U. S. MAIL. Through to California In Twetitj-two llaye. Steamships on thx Ocodtectino on tux Pa- Ati*antic: omo with the ALASKA, ) ARIZONA, \ ~ ~ - ~ COLORADO, HENRY CHAUNOEY, - CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK, - - - - GOLDEN CITY OCEAN QUEEN, - - - SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN LIGHT, GOLDEN AGE COSTA RICA, — — — — MONTANA. One oftheahevo tare? and splendid Steamships will leave l*icr No. 43 North Itiver, foot of Canal Street, at tweivo o’clock, noun, on the 1st. nnd Uth of every v- -ttfc ,evert whet, tl...-e d..te.« fall on San.lav, and then on tho precedingSatu:day), for ASPINU'ALL, :n.-. Panama Kailnay, with "tie ofthe n—n.- rwrhp ■- ' v FltA N - ClhCO. tonchlng at ACAPULCO. Departures of the 1st conneets at Panama with yfflBfff.fS,JyQUTU PACIFIC and CENTRAL manzaL A illo? RTS - Th0,B ° r ,h ® ut ,JU ‘ h »• FOR JAPAN AND PniN’A.-Fteamer CHINA, an'ifchl S * n lrranci,c,> <l « tob »' r Mb, lv-jo. for Japan Hundred Pounds of Ua , .s s!lo«.-d to each nanit; ImggagorMastmsaeenmV,m ha.1e« through, a : attend ladies and children without tualo protec- tdff. Btiggnge received on the dnel tho day before tailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passengers who prefer to send down earl An experteti.-e-i surgeo- board. Medicine and free • — Forlreightor Pa.wente Tith,:orftjrther infor- matioa, apply at the ComMnr'a Tie!., t . ifiee no the NEW^ORK' CANAb KORTH filVER, ' F. R. BA V Agont. DRHUITEB Orchitis, and all urinary ditea.and t mareury ar.- cotnplet-'y eradicated: M r ..atorrnea orbemin.l tveakneee/iwealtlrr from -eif-ahuse or o.her causes, and which nrodutwr tomool thefollow- iacchecte; As blotches, V dywe.k-e-. ; n li-entior, con»tipjiion,aver,t, n t-, i • i , u. mat,lim-s. dread ofnt'.ure event*, loss of meioury, :nd mr. . r. turnai Missions, T.d fioally prorWiffirae$steairlt-1 , oners e, ,?u?;. r " lly r ”* tBrod lo Pei .:t;Ii.-tod '■nh tnw. or eny other d. iicat I tr. .t, r long standing c.iUiitHtt ., .al ct.tnpUirit, shr.uid give the Doctur a trial. Ue ... A: rail-. ThoU etor pnhlisnePSmedieU circular thm gives a fuUexposition ol vet ercalaud that can h.. had freest his «.ti, or Ly mail fi r .-ue stamp I' tf.'-a .-le:.r .'-til.-,r, n ... ..II the ,li<ea*e* and conditions resnltinz from the infrit.geuunt ofthe m >rnl laws cxccss-s,indulge ICS in philis cturo, :cts of ntenpe prudence* in .1 irried or single life, hvcryi cont.-uo* instruction to th« Rfllictcd. nnd enabling them to determine the j>rectic 1 ituro of their com- pUints. ^ r> The establishment, comprising ten ample rooms. If central. W b-n it i« out conveiiient t.. visit the city. the Doctor’s opini. .. ran be . r .ired by giving n written B'stt'.lent oflheease, and m.-di-it.e- can ba turw.irded oy mail or feXWftss. in Rome :autunccs. however, a personaj exainination is nbpolutely neces sary, while in others, daily j»cr?onal attention isro- euired, and for the accommodation of nuch patients there are apartmenfs connected with the office that ^re provided with every requisite that is calculated to promote recovery, including w-c ii Mt< J vapor baths. All prescriptions are prepared in tho Doctor's own Laboratory, under hi? personal ru : or b ion. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail for two stamps. have failed, read what ho nays. Ihird street, between Green and He, Ky. No Office No. Walnut street*, near tho P' i hours. 9 a. m„ to 7 1 CHANGE OFJCiiEBCLE. NO CHANG Hof CA HS BETWEENSA VANN A II AVGUSTA AND MONTGOMERY. ALA. ' TasNSPoaTsTIot: Ovvicn C. it. R.. 1 0 », SsvxxaAH.Gi.. August 14,1868.J N AND AFTER SUNDAY', lf.TH i.nbt., PA88KN GER Trains on the Georgia Central Railroad will run as follows: UP DAY TRAIN. „ , , JsKlYS. A RRIV1. Savannah .*&..A:00 a. u. Maeoc 6.40 H i 1 ™* 1 -.-; 5:38 r. U. MillcdgeviJio 8:58 r. u. Eatonton 11:00 r. m. Connecting with train that leaves Au gusta at 15 a. if DOWN DAY TRAIN. Macon.... 7 : oo x . m. Savannah fi : 30 r. m. AugUSta Z'P* m w Connecti&g with train that leaves Au- crusta at , • UP NIGHT TRAIN. Savannah —7:20 r. m. Macon 6:55 a. Augusta.^ - 3:13 a. m Connecting with trains that leave Au gusta at 933 ?. if DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Macon —6:25 f. m. Savannah 5:1C a*, m Augusta 3:13 A . M Milledgeviile ^...4:30 f. v. Eatonton 2:40 p. n. Connecting with train that leaves Au gusta at ■*y*A. M. Trains from Savannah and Augusta, and p. h. Train from Macon, connect with Milledoeville Train at Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. , *5rP. M. Train from Savannah connects with through Mail Train on Sonth Carolina Railroad, and p. m. Train from Savannah and Augusta with Trains on Sonth western and Mascogee Railroads. [Signed] WM. ROGERS, General Superintendent. MlglS-g? A EARS INVESTMENT. .._ 8:45 a. u 9-^3 r. u r OFFER for sal* U Moutgt-tuery c..: ■ y Steam taw Mill sitnatnd in . - - —ty, Texas, and about 14 miles either Cypres, or Hook ley Railroad Depot of J *.* y- f*- ”v..consisting of about four thou- well watered with Dwell- hies, etc., etc., thereon. JOM&imGHATCmCLOSS, Sole Asmis inNtMYirkror J S.P. COATS, if Parity, DB. EMERSON HAS RETURNED r MACON and wiU resume the practice of Dent istry st once. »u*17-tilloctl0 sand acres of ihe beet Pl icg-houses. Workshops. • pow , er Ec « : lne. all tr running order, and ^ L. ^ an<A implements necessarv. wnwi-l” warra °ted and terms liberal. For further particulars address the owner, rj , , ^ ^ F. STEUS8Y, Or P tr >focjv , u k, iT county. Texas, Qriv^ton, TerL : ^ bstatc aBd Laod Jn t|5? t ' liveryandsale stables. r PHE undersigned has taken charge of the well A known Chapman’s Livery Stables" in Macon, opposite the passenger shed, on Finn street, where he will conduct a general Livery Business in all its branches. Anything you may want in the way of transportation, by hone or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on short notice and At reason able rates. Drovers will find this an old and popular stand at which to dispoee of their stock, febll-ly s. H. HOLMES. Agent.