The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 23, 1869, Image 3

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iOCAL COX.XJlVClsr. E. EEUCHTW ANGER ft CO. Adrcrllulnc Index. McPherson, Clerk. ' W1X8W—°' H “ t rTfUot-R- w. 8tobl». l vnlksr HP*.—Cotton Paekara and Dealers l ntub of Looas Cotton. \ta*Tr*U!-l- W. Hunt 4 Co. ^ (y.ty Axricnltnrml Club—T. Maasentmx, lUukruptcy—Frank a HemaeUine, Ecg- *f%-i Landel-J. K- Hannan. Mala Institota for Salo-J. II. Maja. jjje-Tnrpin 4 Ofdn. j__'and Beatanrant - J. H. Benner. ”"^THE FEVER AND AGUE SEASON. ___ ^ leataa befin to change, remittent and **Lat f,ran make their appearance. From *“”^*,01 the earth, bathed nightly to heavy ^ {roomarabea and swamps anreharged with ***; (ma the dying foliage of the woods, from. ***": pool, and alnggiah stream*, the eon of il-Iberrrol™*dondaof miasmatievaporperil- "%b«*ltli and life. The body, deprired by the tcB p M ator* of Inly and August of much of WIU °t ,-3 .lastidtr, is not In a proper plight to ** • and hence all diseases that are pro- ^■abradeprarad condition of the atmosphere “**t rt j w ]arly prevalent to the fall. reason why the health of thousands v,2 bs tira* sacrificed. A preparatory conrae of gSygTTEB'8 STOMACH BITTEBS is a certain againat the epidemics and endemics brings in its train. Let all dwellers to mbssltby localities, liable to snch visitations, * bMd to tbs warning and adrioe conreyed to L, dfsrtisement, and they may bid defiance to ' fmlrrhalations which are now rising, night and 7* ' (n * t be soil sroond them. No farmhouse to •Jbad sbooldbo without this inTslnablo eihila- -Di ud inrigorant st any period of the year, but rinthefail. It ia not safe to go forth into TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS l BUYING AT WHOLESALE, We beg to *ay that oar Foil Stock U now coining in Store, confuting of all the late&t and best styles of DRY G-OODB! At the lowest market ralae—Jeans, Cae&imeree, Satinets, Kerseys, Blankets, Flannels, DeLaines, Prints, Balmoral Skirts, Dress Goods, Notions, etc., etc. All New Goods! Relying on our reputation as doing a straightfor ward btihineft*. wo most respectfully solicit an in. apcctica of our stock. To our patrons in the city we beg to announce that OTTH. RETAIL STOCK ia now well assorted with the latest Fall Goods. E. FF.CCHTWANGEB A CO., Beptl8-tf. Triangular Block. minty atmosphere of a September morning x (Teeing with the stomach unfortified by a tonic, . of til the tonics which medical chemistry haa ntprtO to the woild, HOSTETTEB’8 BITTERS „ alaitteJ to bo the poraat, the moat wholeaome itoj iks most beneficial. — Ut all wbo deaire to escape the billiona attacks, k*t! complaints and malariona fevers, taka the rmtBS st lesst twice a day throughout the prea- ... ii,on It ia aa wholesome sa it ia infallible. {"TtTthe trade mark. "H08TETTEB8 STOM ACH BITTERS," engraved on the label and em- taMd on the bottle, and tbelr revenue stamp OOT- ,nnlt the cork, as counterfeits and imitations sloond. ; 1 Tbs reliable, Dromgoolo A Co.'s Itochu. Piumgoole A Co 'a Bocbti ia the favorite, drerel cored with Dromgoolo A Co.’a Buchu. KEDIVIVUS! The S. S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSONS Original Sornra* Hoontiso gnvr fob Ctnutum TarrsDiO, la again resold- toted! It is a Corrlgent of the Hovel disorders (fetingent upon this period; a grateful Carmlna- rirr; a nutritioue Syrup; and a gentle Anodyne, adodng calm and ref reeking repose, without the pmldotu ahd distressing reactionary disturbance nf the nervous system that remits from the exhibi ts of most preparations—expressly made for ehil- im. Its use in the Southern States, as far back it 1S62, established its reputation as a Southern In- n.t,Hum. and, as a medicine unrivalled, and aa be ns the heel and eafeet preparation for children tuthlng, ensuring but to nomas and senega and rr/ie/snd etrrngth to their Infanta. It is therefore sew mr,Urine. and needs no advertising where it is best known. Every precaution haa been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter foil,. It ie manufactured only at the Laboratory e/Gotti, Tunnels* A Hcnn, members of and auo- mworetotheold eataUiahed Bonun Dura Horae or Hitman. IUer.IT A K men nr, 141 Chambers street. New York, to whom all orders should be ad- dmsed. and ia for sale to the dtixenn of Maoon by Hmuus, Cut A Co. ; Ethridge A Davis, Katonton, Ga, snil all respectable Druggists. septl-deodAwtf. SOLOMONS' BITTERS FOB tALS BY L. W. HUNT 6l CO., Druggists, Nos. 83 and 84 Cherry Street, BOfSI-tf MACON, C, KORC-1A. lbt Wise im Tike—How many are there wbo, Afflicted with aieoase In an incipient stage, delay from lime to time having recourse to some rente- dul agent, which would effectually arrest the fur ther progress of disease, and render the system impngnsldo to its insidious attacks. It la unfor tunately too true—there are thousands who sink Into an early grave—wherou at a trilling expense they might have lived to a good old aga. If there he reliance to be placed to medicine, and thousands of well attested oeaee establish beyond tiro possi bility of a doubt, the curative properties of any one rertinilsr remedy, then Hurley's Sarsaparilla and rotaeh is unquestionably the greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not, therefore, to use it, if Buffering from any of the ills which flesh la heir to.—Herald (Oabrstan, Kras.) July 11 tf W, A; HOFSODiT Ob CO. Axe now opening a superb stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods! Mr. W. A. Hopson writes to them from New York a* follows: “I have made a heavy combination hero. We have boeght goods to large quantities of parties who were obliged to sell at great sacrifices, and tbo majority of onr stock can be sold at prices lower than those which prevailed before the war. "Those silk and wool Poplins cost the importers 65 cents—sell them at 37% cents: The Steinback's yard wide Furnitnro Prints cost to import 40 cents— sail tham at 35 cants. "And in making the stock, always give onr cus tomers the advantage of what we save in purchasing, no matter bow low the goods are bought." septaa-tf Staxc nos Csdxb !—The other day an old negro I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, coiled upon the Ordinarr of Bibb County to make a statement under oath. Raving tiiAt he had walked fifteen miles for the purpoee of doing eo, and be wanted the Ordinary, or hts clerk, to be very poiti- Weekly Review of the Market. color in taking down what be said, u the Angel of the Lord had Appeared to him. and instructed him to come to Maoon. and before an officer of the law. ewear to what the Angel Raid. The Ordinary told him (to get shut of him; that he woe not the officer to attend to matters of each grave import, and re- OFFICE DALLY TF.LEGRAPH. 1 September 22—Evening, 1869.) General Remarks.—The wholesale and jobbing trade of the city haa been unusually good the poet week and basineee in all departments quite active. We hear no more loud complainta about stringency in the money market, though the banks are very ferred him to the Supervisor of Revenue, and the j caution# and select in extending accommodation at colored prophet called at that gentleman's office, j the present high price of cotton. It ia possible that He fell into the hands of two clerks, wbo slowly somebody might get hurt, and in the kindest spirit took down his statements, and among others of a imaginable our bankers withhold accommodation strange and startling nature, one that the end of from thoce who might act rashly, if they had too all things was at hand, and the wrath of the Lord ; much money to invest in the fickle and fleecy staple, in the shape of a •■kormit,'* as be called it, with a ! Operations in etocks and bonds are so few and far mighty tail of fire and brimstone, was a coming, and to get a commission from the right man to go into all the world and preach the end of time. The clerks wrote down his statements and pat upon the document about seventeen seals, and de livered it. They farther duly commissioned him to preach what he had heard from the Angel; but he was between that we might say we have no market at alL All descriptions of this class of securities are weak with a declining tendency. Wo merely quote to be fashionable: EXCHANGE ON JCEW TORE. Buying U prem Selling % prem advised to keep quiet and say nothing of his grand I per m01 ^™ , ETAI13 . *!??^™~lX(ir2per cent miaaion until he should get to Alaska, and there, ^ n ' for the first time, thunder forth his startling revela- j Bering rates for Go'.J $1 S3 tions, and after doing so, then pass diagonally gelling Z..'V...1 38 the American continent, like the shadow of a total eclipse, and enter Cuba and tell the belliger ents over there they had both just as wen ground their arms, as they would all be hurt enough in a few days. With these instructions and his many sealed document the negro departed. We rely upon onr special artists and correspond ents in Alaska for correct and prompt reports and sketches of what transpires when old Sambo opens on them. He's going to "snatch" things generally, helweet and crooked! Stand from under! CHOLERA-HOW TO CUBE IT. At the commencement of the dianhcea, which al ways precedes an attack of tho cholera, take a tca- apoonfnl of the Fain Killer in sugar and water, (hot ir convenient.) and then bathe freely the stomach and bowels with the Pain Killer clear. Thonld the diarrhoea or cramps continue, repeat the does every fifteen or twenty minutes till the patient ia relieved. In extreme cases two or moro teaspoon fills may be given at a doae. The Pain Killer, as an intents] remedy, baa no equal. In cases of summer complaint, mtapevstia, dysentery, aatnms, it cores to one night, by taking it internally and bathing with it freely. Ita action ia like magic when externally applied to bad sores, barns, scalds and sprains. For tootb-sche don't fail to try it. In short it is a Paul Kiujeb. The Pain Killer ia sold by all dealers in Family Medicines. septS-eodlm J. A. WitXEtr & Co.—Please refer to the business card of these gentlemen which appears in another column, this morning. They are doing a cotton packing business, and deal in all kinds of loose cot ton, samples, pickings and waste, and pay the high est price for wool and hides. Also give their atten tion to “reconstructing" water-packed and mixed cottons. The firm are attentive, active and reliable gentlemen, and parties entrusting business to them may rely implicitly on whatever they say they will do. CITY AFFAIRS. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 28, 1869. Cure your chills with King of Chills. King of Chill* cure* effectually and permanently. ■letter than quinine. King of Chills. The great malarial antidote, King of Chills. Kn. DaarxiutiUDK. Hors!—Hundreds of cases of Scrofula, in the wont stages, old cases of Syphilis that havo defied the skill of eminent Physicians, Rheumatics who have been sufferers for years, and the victims of the injudicious uso of Mercury, have been radically cured by TUTTS 8ABSAPAKILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT. It ia the most power- fttl alterative and blood purifier known. It ia pro- Kribed by very many Physicians. _aept 19-dAwlw Veep Red Diarrhoea Remedy on had. K. u. R. is not a hot astringent. R. D. B. cools and quiets tlio inner man. R. D. It. has no equal for children. Pami Women.—A comparatively few Ladies monopolize the Beauty aa woll as the attention of Society. This ought not to be ao, but it ia; and will be while men aro foolish, and single out pretty faces for companions. This can all be changed by using Hagan's Magno lia Balm, which gives the Bloom of Youth and a Re fined sparkling Beauty to the Complexion, pleasing, powerful and natural. No Lady need complain of a red, tanned, freckled or rustic Complexion who will invest 75 cents to Ha gan a Magnolia Balm. Its effects are truly wonder- To preserve and dress the Hair use Lyon's Ka- u '“ion. aoptadeooAwlm A Gxnxbai. Bxsronz.—We have received several communications recently, from friends living to Bontbwestero Georgia and ip Southeastern Ala bama, requesting us to look after securing board and lodging for them during the coming fair, and report the result by letter. Even if we had the time to spare to look after the matter, we could not. Just yet, accomplish anything at the different hotels. (8ee the cards from tha Brown Home and Lanier Home.) An arrangement ia now in operation which, if the citizens of Macon will attend to, will give them no trouble to accommodate a vast number of persona wbo may fail to get accommodation at the hotels. The arrangement ia for each citizen wbo is willing to take one or more visitors daring the fair to call at tha office of the Agricultural Society, on Mul berry street, and register his or her name, and state what number of guests can be accommodated, and on what terms. By this means the great inconveni ence and difficulty of bunting np a place where board and lodging can be obtained will be obviated. Aa yet, therefore, we can give no definite response to any of onr friends on the subject; but we can safely say this much to one and all: The beet and moat extensive arrangements will be made, both by our hotels and citizens, for the accommodation of all who will be likely to attend the Fair, and no one need stay away under the mere impression that Macon will be unequal to the emergency. Last or THX Season We noticed on the corner of Second and Cbeny streets, yesterday, a wagon load of small watermelons—something we have not seen during the last three weeks. From their small size, pale and sickly-looking color, we should say they were the last of the season; at least we hope so, for nothing ia more unhealthy at this time of the year. We saw none bat a few polieemen eating the melons in question j but aa they can stand whatever they got to eat, we may look for no seri ous results. The proprietor of the wagon could not sell his melons, so be did the next beet thing, by giving t{iem to the guard Una of the dty. Tnx Cm.—No citizen of Macon ever saw her streets dustier, drier or moro disagreeable than they are at tho present time. But notwithstanding the condition of the streets, there ia a great deal of mesa bustle and stir going on, but in other specta we aro having a most distressingly doll and dry time. Nothing happens outside of commercial circles worth reporting. Needs RcrsnuNO Several places on the side walk between Second and Third streets, on the north aide of Cherry, should be attended to. We saw a man fall there yesterday by stumbling over the loose bricks and holes in the side-walk, and on the day before, a little girl fell at tho samo place, bruising her cheek and arm badly. The place, wo repeat, ought to be repaired, cither by the owner of the property, or by the authorities at his expenao. From "Washington. WsaniNOTON, September 22.—Grant and family returned last night. The Committee on Election goes to South Caroli na on tha 3d of November, to take evidence in elec tion cases. Coupons due to November will be redeemed at the rate of six per cent per annum. To relieve the small note famine, the Comptroller win receive large notes of their own issue from the National Banks, and give them in exchange smaller notes, with as little delay as possible. Revenue receipts to-day <300,000. The Treasury received <180,000 in fractional cor- , . , rency to-day. Stock on hmtd thi. evening Forty iron dads are now ready for sea. Serial numbers of packages must not change with a change of proprietors of distillation. Grant was at the State Department nearly all the afternoon. English Female Bitten strengthens females. Husbands should bay E. F. B. for sick wives. E- F. B. brings health and induces happiness. ^Complaints peculiar to females cured with E. F. B. Woman's Best Fsixnd Dr. J, Bradfield's “ Fe- 5*5 Regulator," tor sale by druggists everywhere, J* beyond all doubt the best emenagoguo known to {»• medical profession. It ia no quack nostrum, tot a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re- watmended and prescribed by the best physicians m the State. Suffering woman! do not let your •rsts nor the prejudices of others cause you to re- Jtoinin misery. Bead Dr. Bradfield's column, fol- «*w his advice, and suffer no more. wp'J-dlm READ THESE LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL best testa of the merits of my proprietary *™«e ia to ascertain what ia thought of it at homo •here it is manufactured. Such a tost Lippman’a Vtwtugeesn well stand, aa to-day it is decidedly toe favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague tod other diseases of a malarious origin, fa the citv or Siavannah where it is prepared. The principal “[Uggtsta of the city would as much think of doing ■"boat castor oil in their stores as to bo without “•popular(and deservedly eo) remedv. It is a •Jgriohle preparation free from deleterious drugs, tod acta aa a tonic upon the entire system, thereby JovtguroEng the system, so much so as Jo enable it J® throw off disease. Pyrafnge does not nauseate to rickau the patient, ami can bo taken by the most debate persona without fear. If should always be ~ baud, as chills and fever creep upon us so ■Malthuy that we aro not aware of its approach ni ~ “ ta upon us. A word to the wise is suflicient.- bdrannah Morning -Yeses. may HATTON'S OIL OF LIFE cures all aches and 5i-ra] X -im th ® S 16 * 1 rem9j J f o>' Rheumatism anil HATTON'S PILLS cure Sick Headache and all hilioas diseases. Nothing else equals King of Chills. King of Chi Hr cure# old and Young. The planter’s best friend, King of Chills. A cheap chill remedy, King of Chills. Lost on Stolen Watch.—Mr. 8. O. Hart, of Americas, Os., has lost or had stolen from him a gold watch, which he describes to an advertisement in this paper. Refer to it We would again state that the watch recovered from a thief by Judge Geo. M. Logan, was describ ed and identified by tho owner, Mr. Hill, and it was returned to him Ten Thousand ounces of Powers t Weightmaxi's Quinine, at L. W. Hunt A Co.'s Drug Store. Matron's Coen.—A case of disorderly conduct was docketed for investigation to this Court yester day, but it was dismissed, and, consequently, the reporter was left high and dry on a municipal sand bar, with not an item to satiate his hungry maw. Ten grosses Darby's Prophylactic Fluid, at L. W. Hunt A Co.'s Drug Store. Brilliant Bas and Restaurant.—’This establish ment, on Third street, has lately been refitted and fortiuhed in tip-top style, and to addition to his elegant bar of wines and liquors, tho proprietor has opened a first-class restaurant, and intends, during the fall and winter, to keep on band a supply of fresh oyfteis, fish, game, etc., which will bo served np on short notice and in the most palatable styles known to tho culinary art. If you would feed high, try Benner for awhile. BY TELEGRAPH. Baring rates for Silver... ...i 1 25 SeUling 1 30 RAHEOAS STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Railroad Stock HI Central Pailroui Bonds 97 Macon A Western Railroad Stock -. .138 Southwestern Railroad Stock 96% Soutvre.-tem Railroad 8—t* 100 Macon A Brunswick Stock.... 35 Macon A Brunswick Railroad Endorsed Bonds... 90 Georgia Railroad Stock ,...107 Georgia Railroad Bonds 101 Muscogee Railroad Bonds 90 Allan tic A Gulf Railroad Stock 37 Augusta A Waynesboro Railroad Stock 90 South Carolina Railroad Stock ' 45 Cotton States Life Insurance Stock *. 105 Cotton.—Receipts to-day 422 bales ; sales 332; shipped 427. Receipts for the week ending this evening, the above included, 2965 bales; sales 2597; shipments 2199—showing an increase to receipts for the past week over those of tho week before of 43 bales, and a decrease in salee of 775 bales. Receipts of new crop to date 8137 bales. The market during the week tinder review bas been quite irregular, bat the demand has been fair all the while. On Thursday last, the rapid decline in price was cheeked when it reached 25 cents, end on Frida; and np to noon on Saturday, prices ad vanced fully one cent; but at the dose of the mar ket on Saturday, prices again fell off a half cent, and since Monday the ruling prices for middlings bas been 25 cents, and it dosed at these figures this evening, with a very good feeling among buyers. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1869—bales.. 179 Received to-day 422 Received previously 7,517— 7,939 Mobile, September 22.—Cotton closed quiet with a fair demand among a few; sales 1490 bales: re ceipts 1(09; exports 292; middlings 26. New Orleans, September 22.—Cotton sales 1114 bales; receipts 4923; exports, coastwise 77; market unsettled: middbngs nominally S7%<S2S. Flour firmer, superfine 5 85; double extra 6 20: treble extra 6 35. Corn lower, white 100. Oats la. Bran 1 15. Pork 34 12- 9 Bacon firmer; shoulders 17%; dear rib rides 20%: clear sides 20%. Sugar 12% <914%. Molasses, reboiled 70. Whisky 1 22% erf 25. Coffee unchanged. Hav unsettled at 23 00 <s30 00. Gold 33% . Stoning IS. New York Sight partg % discount. Foreign Markets. London. September 22, noon.—Consols 92%. Bonds 83%'. Sugar quiet on spot and afloat. London, September 22, evening.—Consols 92%. Banda 82%'. Tallow 47s. Turpentine 26?9d. Liverpool, September 22, noon.—Cotton easier but not lower; uplands 12%%jl2%; Orleans 12%@ 12%; sales 7000 bales. Later.—Cotton firmer bnt not higher; sales S000 Breadstuff’s dull. Bacon GoeGd. Liverpool, September22, evening—Cotton irregu lar; uplands 12%@13%; Orleans 12%Q12%: sales 3000 bales; for export and on speculation 4000. Havre, September 22, noon.—Cotton opens quiet and dull on spot and afloat; on spot 152: afloat 145. LAWTON & LAWT0X, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREE1, MAC OS, 0.1. H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, j*dA bavin* arcj'le storage for nil Cotton consigned to as, we attain tender our>frvi ?e« t-> our friends and the publican Cotton Factor* and Warehouse men. Wo take this occasion to retnrn our thanks to our patross of the post se*A<hc, and assure them that T»e &hail cu- jeavor in the future, vre havo done in the post, to secure for them the best pr\<-e.4 that can be obtained in M aeon, which we deeui, all thine* considered, one of the very best cotton markets. To tboso who have not tried u.-. we frizcply refer * > our former customer*, and promise to u^c our best efforts to serve all who tire us the benefit of thrir business, bur place of business is at the old stand of LAWTON & LAWTON, scpO-dawlm Fourth street. CQNSlGsYEES M. A W. R. It. Mxcox. September 22,1SS9. J B Bow k Son: Seymour. T & Co: C W Cox: A* L | Batt?; A McKenna: J Valentino; J W O’Connor; J M *18 1 Born; Johnson, C A Co: O C Guilford: A Kreutz: J A Focten Carbart A C; Cheek A Co: J Holmes A Co: J W Burke ft Co: J K Riee: B F Ross: Glenn. W A C. Hardeman & Sparks, N tendering their service? asrain to their pHntine friends as WARE 110!’$K AND COMMl^D'N MERCHANTS, deem it wholly unnece^ary to make promises as to their willingness and ability to servo iem faithfully and advantaceously. Their long experience and the large patronage which has ever been extended the house, D proof conclusion that they deserve the confidence et the planting com munity, and by prompt and honest attention to their interest they intend to merit in the future, tho pat ronage so liberally given them in the past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low est Market Prices, and the usual facilities extended to those who entrust their business with ns. O. G. SPARKS. T. HARDEMAN. Jb. aug*2S-33m 8,118 Shipped to-dav.. 427 Shipped previously. 5,432— 5,379 2,239 GROCKR1K8 AND PROVISIONS. Trade in this line continues active for the and while we have no very heavy transactions to re port, yet the salee for the week ending this evening _ . . A . . , . will aggregate heavily. Ibices for Lading articles Tho Government of Untied Stales, learning ^ .tt-atly. with tbe exception of through parties wbo bad visited Spain, that ita me diation between Spain and Cuba would be accepted by Spain, till tract ed Minister Sickles to tender its friendly offices. Spain baa formally replied, thank ing tbe United States, bat dedining to enter into arrangements with tbe insurgents on tbe basis pro- posed. There ie no reason to believe that Spain invited other European powers to interfere in ita ooneerne regarding Cuba. Spain having declined mediation, there is nothing else proposed by our Government There are no war apprehensions Cora end Bacon. Corn is in limited demand, bat prices tend up ward. Bacon to-day, under the reports from the Western markets, was excited and prices went np fully a half cent per pound. We quote: BACON—Clear Sides (smoked).... 8 21%@ Sides (emoki CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000 DIE W. B. JOHNSTON. J. J. QRESliAM. ■ In all its J ^IIE Stuck uf this Company Is all owned in Macon . and vieinitj. Havinc no circulation to protect, e whole capital la (uarauteod for the teenrity of Depositors and Patrons. a—U-d*w3ao FIRST NATIONALJANK OF MACON. L C. PLANT. President. W. \Y. WK1QLKY — Cashier. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. M iscount, deposit and collection. Exchance Boucht and Sold. Liberal advances mode on shipment* of Cotton to any rood Northern or European houses. Collections promptly attended it. niascroES: 11. L. Jewett. Wm. T. Liehtfoot. G. II. Haslehurst. W. II. Koss. Wm. B. Dintmore, U. B. Plant. tnay3-6m*• L C. PLANT & SON,. Bankers and Brokers, QHICK in the First National Bank Building, on Cherry I corner of SecondstrieL^WHlIfiy 1 Ifflht'and Time®Kxehaace oa the North, Seseaneh, Ancusteand make liberal advances on Cotton In 6toi nr on shipments of Cotton to rood Northern or European, or on Bonds, Stocks or other cood securities Will purchase and sell BOTTDF, STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER, and make invest menu for parties as they may direct. mayjees* General News New Yoax, September 22.—Tbe Herald says the managers of the Methodist Book Concern deny the alleged embezzlement and threaten action for UbeL Tbe Arizona brings Panama dates to the 13th.— The commercial depression continue*. Several earthquakes have occurred along the Chilian coast. They were terribly severe at Arica. Forty quakes on the 19th. Tho people fearing another inunda- Uon from lh* soft deserted tho place. The yellow fever has again appeared at Piaaqua I CHEESE-Aieording to quality and Hej illines. Acucsta, Me., September 22.—Tbe Democrats gain one Senator and four members of tho House. Five districts not beard from Ptm.ADEi.rtnA, September 22.—A man had his eyes pot out by unknown parties; another was fa tally beaten by two ruffians, and a lieutenant of the police haa been arrested for terribly dubbing quiet Hams (country) .. Heme (eugar^tred) FORK—Mens Prime Meea BULK^EATH-Clear' Sides'. '.I”! Clear Rib Sides Shoulders COFFEE—Rio Laguayra Java % DRIED FRUIT, per pound BICE per pound TEA—Black Green BUTTER—Goshen Tennessee Yellow ■Onniiy.H 21 0 17%0t 23 0 36 00 <28 33 00 (.<3 SO 00 19% 19 15% %% 43 <a 22 21% 18 28 25 ' 50 I 00 10 12% ■J l!Q 11 1 50 0 2 00 2 00 0 2 50 40 0 52% 30 0 40 30 0 40 22%0 27 22%0 23 16 0 20 65 0 70% LARD— : 8UGAB—According to grade... MOLASSES—According to grade. FISH—Mackerel, bbls, No. 1, 2, 3. 15 00 024 00 Kite.........; 3 00 @5,00 Codfish per pound. 10 @ 12% SALT—Liverpool per sack 2 75 ® S (XT Virginia 7 2 50 WHISKY—Common Bye 1 20 @ 1 50 Fine 2 50 0 5 00 Corn 1 15 @ 1 35 Bourbon 3 50 & 5 00 Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, September 22.—Light- I ALE—Per dozen 3 00 0 4 00 nlng, today, killed Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, and TOBACCO—Low grades per pound 50 0 65 burned the bouse with a bed-ridden daughter. tkood.' ' ' 75 go CtacmtATi, September 22.—It is stated that Con- llrigbtTirginia..'.'.'.'."."f.’.''.' 85 0 1 00 gressmen Cary ia organizing workingmen's leagues Fancy ; 1 25 0 1 50 to opposition to tho fifteenth amendment. j FLOUR—Superfine per bbl 7 00 @ 7 50 Syracuse, N. Y., September 22.—The Democratic Convention was called to order by L. J. Tilden, | whose speech criticised Grant's journeying*, and deprecated the treatment of the South. He con demned the making of voter. regardleM of race , Mixed and White. 0 I 50 or colors. MEAL (<2 1 50 On.Cm, Pa., September 22.—The Standard Oil GRITS 0 1 70 Works are burning. Efforts to check the flames j g f \ $ are fruitless. „ FIELD PEAS 160 CuccntNATi, September 22.—Three boys and eev- | HAY—Northern.... 190 @200 Extra 9 00 @10 00 Famfly . 10 60 @1100 Fancy Family Brands 12 00 @18 00 New per barrel 11 00 GRAIN AND IIAY. I CORN—Yellow, Mixed and White. eral fnmo buildings were burned to-day. Worcester, September 22.—The Republicans ! havo re-nominated a State ticket. Tennesse Timothy. Herds Grass. T« 2 00 Fifty ounces of Morphine at L. W. Hunt 4 Co.’s Drugstore. Am Auctiom House.—One who attends an auction house occasionally, sometimes sees or hears a good thing. Not long since, we dropped into ono where a bureau was np for sale, which made a rather hand some appearance in front, and had alrogo, nice mir ror in it. Thera were two bidders—ono standing in front and the other behind tho bureau. After they had been running np tho article on each other for awhile, tho bidder in front went around to where his tormentor waa standing, and remarked: "You must want that piece of furniture very much, hut you don't know, perhaps, that your wife would not have it without a looking-glass." Instead of push ing his way around in the crowd to seo what he was buying, ha stopped bidding and lost tho bureau. Ho gave ltia waggish friend a good punch when ho dis covered how ha had been tricked. Never look on the dark side of a matter.. You can't see it n«ir eo well as on tbe other. Tem grosses Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, at L. W. Hunt 4 Co.'s Drug Store. Lon's.—Mankind, as a whole, has a natural ten dency to pry into; but those who would have a delightful time, this dusty and abominable weath er, should pry into Loh s bathing saloon and barber shop and get the benefits thereof. JForeign Kews. London, September 22.—The Spanish corrrespon- dent of the London Times, ears: ‘‘The diplomatic experience of Mr. Sickles ie limited, and probably insufficient to enable him to rightly estimate the value and effect of hie words. Doubtless he is much eurprised at the excitement they havo created, and it will be difficult for his Government to approve them.” La Patrice has Paroguan advices admitting a re verse bnt maintaining that Lopez is able and deter mined to continue the war. The Times says the Spanish havo found their ad vantage in a bold display of patriotism and national courage. They met imagined affront with immedi ate defiance, though their threatened adversary ia ten times more powerful than themselves. Sickles is manifestly alarmed at the result of his proceed ings, and has requested further instructions. Pend ing a reply from Washington, he desired to With draw his note. If thin is exactly the position of the cose, Spain owes it to her own fearlessness, which may savor of unreason, but does not partake of the nature of bravado. She declares that if driven to extremity, she will fight. No doubt sho will, but for her to gain advantage by doing so, is out of the question. But as matters stand, she would lose less than her adversary. America may fairly decline an easy victory on such unusual and partial terms. The people and Government of Spain have resolved not to part with Cuba without a struggle. The con test could only result in a sacrifice of Cuba, coupled with other but slighter losses. Sickles expected no such resistance os his note has provoked. Possibly in the face of such opposition, his proceedings may be qualified or repudiated by his Government. It is believed he exceeded his authority, and that Ameri ca is not responsible for his act. One hundred thousand dollars in gold was drawn to-day from the Bank of England, for New York. The prospects of the India cotton crops are good. Madrid, September 22.—A treaty of commerce between England and Spain is about completed. The first action of the Cortes on re-assembling will be the election of a King. Thus far the King of Portugal is the favorite. Prom Cuba. Havana, September 22.—The Directors of the AUnra Bank offer the Government their profits while the rebellion lasts. They have already paid thirty thousand dollars. The Spaniards killed sixteen rebels near Evemci- jodo. Marine Mews. Savjlxnxh. September 22.—Arrived, steamships Montgomery and Magnolia, New York. Chjlrle8Tox, September 22.—Arrived, steamship k J. W. E verm an, Philadelphia. F. M. COKER, BAN K ER, AMERICAS, GEORGIA, TV>ES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS; Bars and Sells Stoeka. Bondi, Coin end Exchange MONEYS Inreatcd u parties direct. COLLECTIONS promptly renitted on days of ma turity. at lowest rates or oxehange. COTTON BOUGHT ON ORD ER. («p7-€m« FOR SALE CHEAP. QNE PAIR OF FINE STYLISH CARRIAGE HORSES, and one combination HORSE, (>sddlo and FREEMAN’S STABLE. G. S. JONES. J. S. BAXTER. JONES & BAXTER, COTTON AVENUE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DIALERS IK PRODUCE, PROVISIONS AND bTAl'LE GlUiCERlhS, F M ERTILIZKR'. Lime, Planter and Cement. Agents for* tbo Cnew.cla .Alabama) Lima Company, Sola Agsntsfor the State of Grorgie for tha ralo of tbo Celebrated Chestnut Grore IVhiiky. eeptl-lm* jyo. c. shorter. a. v. fkesoss SHORTER ft PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, it A CON, G A., W ILL practice in the United States Courts, at Savannah and Atlanta, and in the State Courts DOMKSTICS. Domestics—3-4 per yard 12% SmRTCict—7-8 per yard 1S%@ 14 4-4 15 @ 15% ThttrjjNn—Heavy Brown per yard 18 @20 Heavy Geonti* Stripes 18 @91 Osmabubgs—No. 1,8 ox 22 @22% No. 2, 7 ox 19 « 21 Richmond 19 Milledgovffle, No. 1 22 . Flint Hirer. No. 1 .94 SHAiiEY^-Cuthbert, per yard 30 BSGGtSG, TIKK AND TWINK. BAGGING—Borneo, 2% lbs. per yard.. 31 Kentucky Boll. 9% “ “ “ 27 023% BALING TWINE, per ponnd. 25 IRON TIES—At row, per pound _8 LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New Yorx, September 22. noon—Flour 5@10 lower. Wheat unchanged. Cora a shade firmer. Mesa Pork quiet 31 75. Lard dull. Turpentine 43. Roein quiet; common 2 25: strained 2 30(32 35. Freights quiet. Cotton heavy at 23%. Stocks and Monev terribly excited. Sterling, long 7%; abort 7%. Gold 37%. lS62a21%. New York, September 22, evening.—Flour heavy; euperfme State 6 0006 15; common to fair extra Southern 5 4506 80. Wheat rather heavy. Corn a shade firmer, mixed Western 1090113. Mesa Pork 31 75. Lard heavy; kettle 18%@19%. Whisky firm er, ranging from 116 to 121. Turpentine 43@44. Rosin 2 3008 00. Freights drooping. Cotton opened heavy and declining, but closed firm at 23%. Money active to dose at 7 for currency to gold, with commission. Sterling weaker, dosing at 7. Gold greatly excited by warlike rumors and the ef forts of clique operations; an immense business was done and the rate ran np to 41%, at which it dosed active and strong. Stocks, after violentfluctuations, hinging on the Central and Hudson, dosed feverish and unsettled. Governments heavy in consequence of the financial exdtement; 1362s 21%. Southerns lower. Tennessee* 61%: new 0i. Virginias 51: new 58%. North Carolina*, old 51%: new 47%. Baltoiork, September 22.—Cotton nominally 2S. Flour weak and quiet. Wheat doll and lowet; prime red 1 55. Com dull at 1 250130. Mess Pork 33 00(333 50. Bacon firm and active. Whiskv brisk at 1150115%. Virginias, old 45%; 1866s 53: 1867s 50. North Carolinas, old 50 bid. Savaksah, September 22.—Cotton receipts 2306 bales; market firm; middlings 25%. ArorsTA. September 22.—Cotton market firmer and prices better; sales 440 bales; receipts 520; mid dlings 25%@25%. Chabikstox, September 22.—Cotton sales 700 bales; receipts 1459; market active but easier, mid dlings 26. Wtt wrvr.Tnv September 22.—Spirits Turpentine 39%. Rosin qniet at 2 0005 50 for No. 2 to extra pile. Crude Turpentine 2 50(33 00. Cotton further declined; middlings 25%. Louisville, September 22—Provisions firm. Mess Pork 33 00. li33 50. Bacon, shoulders 16%; clear aides 19%. Lard 20. CrscrsNATi. September 22.—Whisky higher at 115. Mesa Pork doll at 32 00. Lard dull; offered at 17%. Bacon, shoulders 14%(315; sides 19019%. Com dull, supply large; quoted at 9801 00. NOTICE. OrrtcR SavAsyiH, Otims 4 North Alabama { KaILROXD CnuFAXY, GriGn, Go.. September 2,1M, P URSUANT to a resolution adopted by the Pres! dent and Board of Directors of tho Savannah, lirifin and North Alabama Railroad Company, at (,'riSn, Ua., Angtut5,1869, notie*is hereby given that an installment often percent, oa the unpaid capital ■took of this Company ia required to i • paid at tbe office of the Secretary and Treasurer, at uriffio, Ga on tbe first day of October next. Stockholders at Newnan and vicinity are author ised to pay their installments to George B. Smith. Newnan. Ua. MILO S. FEE KM AX. m sept5-tf Secretary and Treasurer. VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR. SALE. O N F^nt Rvrer.Crawford county, eight miles from Southwestern Hail road, containing 1200 acre?, 450 cleared and in high state of cultiration. An elegant cot tage hou e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower Yardandffood Water. The Land will produce twenty to forty bushels of Com per acre wita good seasons. Will be sold with the Place, if desired. Stock of all kinds; Farming Utensils, Com, Fodder, etc. Address A. W. GIBSON, Mac^n, Go., or S. F. As derson. on the Place. sept7-tf GIBSON Sc. ANDERSON. LIVERPOOL A5D L0M)0\ —AXD— GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD HfSURB COTTON. hFrCBANDISE^STOBBS, DWELLINGS. Etc. rpHE UNDERSIGNED - HAVING BEEN AP JL. POINTED Agent of the above named popular and highly rrapocvible Company. i« prepared to Issue polieia* on a* favorable termini other agencies in this dty. I- c. PLANT. Axe gepts-lv PAINTING. N. L. DRURY. ^j^SwHouse & Sign Painter 6ILQKR, GLiZISK AID P1FKB HANGER OVER LAWTON 4 LAWTON’S, FOURTH STREET. . jainl4-tf MACON, GA. 7B.OY FSXfiALS S35MINA&7, Ibis Institution offers the accumulated advantages of over 50 years* successful operation. Kvery facility i3 provided lor a thorough course of useful and ornamental education* under the direction of a corps of more than twenty professors and teach ers. For circulars, apply to JOHN II. WILLAliD, Troy, N. Y. aug21-d2rn OLD POPLAR LOG THE FINEST COPPER WHISKY MADE WARRANTED TO BE PURE, AT $3 50 PER GALLON. N eutral spirits- RAW, CORN, RECTIFIED, And, in fact, a large lot of all grades of Whiskiee always on hand, at 63 THIRD STREET, L. W. BASDAL. THE JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS Southwestern andJliddlotiC''rti*.whomithas been their pleasure to serve the j>e.«t reason so satis factorily. that they will find them fully prepared an( ready to receive. More, ship or sell to the very best advantage, all Cottoa coi-rigned to them daring the coming season; while to who have not hereto fore tried ns. we would eey we know we can please yon. We offer the usual aecommoda ion to our patrons on their growing crape, and wtt sake pleasure in fill ing their orders for supplies promptly aud at lowest market rates. Call and see os at th* PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. Opposite Brown’s and ByingtonV Hotels.' InlyS-dAwtm SIX GREAT REMEDIES OF THE AGE- HURLEYS AGUE TONIC! NO ARSENIC—NO MERCERY. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. Tho only remedy fv«r Chill? and Fever, or Ague and Fever, that is or cm be depended upon, is HUR LEY’S AGUE TOXIC. There have been thousands cured by using it who have tried the usx*l remedies without benefit. WORTHY OF ATSBNSIOV. To Dr. Thos. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during last year I waa attack ed with the Ague whilst in Vicksburg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reacninghome thedisease returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered Qui nine in largo doses—frequently as high as sixty grain,* per day. and which must have cost me nearly 1 consulted Dr.^mith. of Louisville, and found he prescribed quinine and arsenic combined, which I refused to take, preferring to let tho disease take its course. I was almost bloodne?-'. extremely exhausted, and j ronounced with cnlargo Liver and Spleen. About this time tho advertisement of Hurley’s Ague Tonic appeared in a city raper, and I determined to give it a trial. 1 did so, and have no reason to regret it. Ono bottle restored mo completely, and since that time I havo seen nearly a hundred cases in which it acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend it as preferable to any other tonic before tho public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Locisvillx, Ky., June 15,1865. PLANTERS OOTTOIN DEAXiEItB : W E again tender you our rorviee* as Cotton Fac tors and Commission Merchants, at onr old stand on Third street, andplsdga ourselves to eondnot strictly a Commission Business, and shall give special care and attention to all business entrusted to us. Wo retnrn onr sincere thanksto onr old patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of the same, and would request Planters generally, to giro us a trial, as we make the sale of cotton a speciality. Shall bo prepared to render tbo nsna‘ accommoda tion. JONATHAN COLLIN'S As SON, COTTON FACTORS, y«-dawSm MACON. GA. GEORGIA STATE FAIR BULLETIN CIIACULATIOW 25,000. ROUT thefiret week to October. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND COPIES of a largo four-page Bul- Lmff of tho mat Sou thorn XxnooHkoa of Agriculture and Meehacioe, to bo bold in Macon. Go., commenc ing November lfith, 1869. will bo iotuod for gratuitous circulation within the b'tate. The Bclletis will contain the Premium List Re vised—now first published complete— Regulations of the Exhibition. Instruction* to Exhibitors, Offieersof tho various Industrial Aasneiationa of Georgia, Pre parations lor the Fair—including tho arrangements made upon tho FalrUronnd.and by Railroads. Hotels, •!o.. for the convenience and acc-rnmndatlon of ex hibitors and vlsUota, and tho address nf Boarding Houses and eitizona that will bo prepared to entertain guests—and articles upon every other rubjeet in con nection with the Fair deemed of interest to those among whom the But um will elrenlate—the rro- docers ot Georgia. tiro thousand oopies of the BiLLZTt* will be re vved for distribution open tbe Fair Ground daring Exhibition, and twenty thousand judiciously circula ted immediately upon publication from the office of Colonel I). W. Lewis. Secretary of the State Agricul tural Society. No. 66 Mulberry street. Wholesale Merchants. Manufacturers, and Dealers in Specialties have presented to them, in the enor mous edition ot tbaBuLLgtttr.amedinm of extending their business which, in extensive circulation, wos never before aprroaehedin this State. The space de vote! to advertisers is limited. The following aro tbs Advertising Rates: One Column (t8 squares) tin); Half Column (14 squares) 156; Quarter Column !7 squares) 00: Lon space per square, 95. Those deairous of availing themselves of the iii't.- Lrrtw should forward their favors at onee.addrorred to N. PINKUAM. Macon, Ga. W%- Citizraswho will be prepared to receive guests during the Fair, will confer a favor by leaving their address at the office of Oil. Lewis, or through tho Post-offico with tho Publisher. septl2-tf LADIES’ GRECIAN BENDS, GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze anti White Kid Slippers, And every variety of Ladies,’ Gentlemen’s and Chil- - dten’s BOOTS and SUOKc. AT SECOND STREET. MACON. GA. Every article stamped with their Trade Mark war ranted to be of.the BEST QUALITY. sep9-tf . 25 CHEESE. BOXES NKW EXTRA CREAM CHEESE, 10 Firkins Tatra Floe GOSHEN BUTTER, 10 Barrels POTATOES. 500 Its. New CODFISH, 5 Barrels ONIONS, 200 CABBAGES. In store and for ssle by . H. N. ELLS. Mulberry St.. Macon, Ga. septl9-lw WHISKY. X X X X SOLD BY JNO-W. O'CONNOR H.SAD! ILEAI3! M R. J. W. O’CONNOR—Dkab Sib: Tn accordance with your reque-11 have made a rigid examina tion and analysis of tbe sample of WUIbKY yoa tent me. sold by Ulman Sc Co., of this city and marked “Fine Old Monongaliela Rye Whisky,” X X X X I am happy to ft te that it proves to be a perfectly pure article, absolutely free from every tbieg foreign oringenous. I cannot detect in it tbe slightest trace of any adulteration or imparity. Respectfully, etc- WM. It A. AIKIN, M. D.. etc., Profes«or Chemist and Pharmacy, Analytical and Consulting Chemist. • University of Maryland. Baltimore, Md., September 4, IS#*. If you wish PURE WHISKY call on JNO.W. O’CONNOR. [sept21-tf] He has got it. ASTRAL OIL [-NO CHANGE OF LASH’S ; Oil—Strictly [f—■‘Willnot Explode— Banc 3050. Smdfrc circulars, Wz&i f eptl8-eod6m PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! USE HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA, IODIDE POTASH. Affections oftlie Hones, HnblrunlCoiltlve- neas, Debility, UtienacB of f lie Kidneys. Dlapepila, KryilpeUfi, Female Irreg ularities, Klstuln, all Skin Dlaceiei) Liver Complaint, Imllgeatlon, Piles, Pul monary DUettbrH, Scrofula, or King's XCvll, SyplklllH. nnct oil ImpurltSe* of tbe Blood. Louisville, April i. 1865. Ifarlsy’* Sarsaparilla is vrbat it is represented, and I believe it the most wondcrlul medicine beforotbe ; .1 '.ill irr th-> *.« . \ . induce me totayao without proof of the strongest and suroet kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on the subject. My daughter bos been afflicted with skin disease and atiflV.esJ of the joints for several years. 1 em ployed the principal physicians of tho city and they could not cure her. I gave her your Sarsaparilla, not expecting it would do much good, but to my great astonishment she rapidly got well, and thunk God continue? so. Had sho been taking any medicinal wouldBOt give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt of ila medical qualities, ana that it alone cured her. [Signed,] LUKB REYNOLDS. Any person requiring M bwtli nmt honet-ty ot this statement, will find mo at my residonce, corner Ninth and Walnut streets. Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Aa this ia really a specific fur Worm?, and the Wt and most palatable form to give to children, it i? not Gentlemen; It give* me great plc.isure to say, tho other worm remedies known to me, with hot p i rtial sucee.-sdo tuy children. 1 was advired to try Dr. T. A. Harley's, and eince using It, my children become well andhealthy ; the children would cat it .11 th. Urn*, it is to pleasant, if we would let them. I believe it is one oftibe beet and scf-.o remciie-- known, and as such, recommend it l' one on. > nd all. JAMES W. TRAVffi. Lopibvili.s. Kt.. July 3.1868. Notice to Mothers. SX. PEAimOOK’B INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Use In tho future, only SEABROOK’S. a combina tion quite up with the advancement oftheage.— Pleasant to take, harmless in its action. «*fflcient and reliable in all cases. Invaluable in the following dis- 8UMMER COMPLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS, RESTIVENESS. TEETHING. Etc., Etc. Olves health to the child and rest to the mother. NsanviLLi., Tenn . February 12,1-»68. James Ruddle & Co., LouistUXe, Ky.: When living in your city I used several bottles of Dr. Seabrook's Infant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rent better alter tiring it. than any other remedy I ever tried. I can pay with is the best medicine for children at present known. I wish you would get the Itruggiets beret', keep it. If any one doe?, please let me know ; if not, tend me one dozen by express, and I will pay for it at the office here. Write me when you send it, and oblige MRS. SARAH L. RANDOLPH. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liver, or Disordered Stomach. There are no Bitter* that compare with these in re moving the«e distressing complaints. For sale orcan be had at any drug store in tho United States, or from the Proprietor?, JAMES RUDDLE Sc CO., Louisville, Ky. To Jas. Ruddle <& Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen : This is to certify that I have been for years a sufferer, and have tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen advertised, with little or no relief from any of them. I heard your Hurley Bitters high ly spoken and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to my surprise and joy, be fore I finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly believe that on one or two occasions it waa the means of saving and prolonging my life. I con scientiously recommend them to all sufferers as the best Bitter* known, and advise them always to aek for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and have no other. You can use this as you think proper, if it will benefit others. Yours truly, etc., JOHN W. dixson; Louisville, kt., December 10.1868. BR. SEABROOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Galisaya. Thi? elegant combination possesses ail the tonio properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeable taste and bad effects of either, separately , of these valuable medicines, cases when a gentle tonic iot- ; convaleeence from Fevers or i n th°?e distressing irregular- No female should be with in other preparation It should be taken in al tsion is required afu debilitating disease?, or i peculiar to female! Of* J* D> McKELLAR, OFFICE ON THIRD STREET, nr CITY BAZTK BUILDinro, D O ANY and all DENTAL WORK, at the shortest notice and at reasonable figures. Cases from the country will receive prompt attention. apr!6t- JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, LABORATORY NO. 41 BULLITT STREET, Louisville, Ky. All the above Goods for sole by j.. w. Hunt 6L co., Macon, Ga«, and all Druggists. auglO-suJkth