The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 23, 1869, Image 4

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THE TELEGRAPH. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 23, 186*. TK yOR TUB TELEOUAPHi wing gcr-tlemen are authorized to receive WH. HE WRY WOODS, Cotton Factor & General Commission MERCHANT. . R. W.rdell: Cl a 1: A LHA5T, fU., J X., II II. ■=*» „ klt.Oj . i A Goddard: Ccth. J - D*tio» f ' J. Q. Ada M. an Ki.lav DAT STREET, : : SA VAXXAII, GA. A gent, for rees^s soluble pacific GUANO. If prepared at &li timet to advance liberally on consignments for eale in Savannah, or for shipment to hi* correspondent* in New York and Liverpool. aagl4d3m* M. KETCHUM. Of New York. A. L. HAP.TRIDGE L ite of ilartridge k Neff KETCHUM & KARTRIDGE, on; Hawk .. II. Sneed. . siK'ijr, Oi., Jl. S. John- t x. W. Ricks; K?>»xtill . J. A. VOST2XKA8T EO ; BU7LDIX0. A rant: M a r:t au.vill r. <ia- J. A. -Sparry: Momr*i- « ••' • • W. S. Truiu.-k; Mdxti- r’i'.o Fla.. Th :na. Mn.m.<,r.vir.i.r, ilt** \V. T. C. n- in: iri. '»a., 0. A. Greer: Pxaar, 0 Ml . J oh.- , ii:. I Til viif.. G a .. .1 ii hr.- -.!.*OTTO», G«.. J. Callier; Tnoa- aSTTLLE. Oi.. J. K. B. Dari*: No,13C*»T*ALRlILr r T >«wg»nLH..CA n .a A. N ■wvmtT’S*^ WT W.' StiUinga: Geoxgx- to«v» II. C. Jert-Vi Bmi—■ MegmTlioWB A Cash. SKI Aver.*?: IMUirK A. W. Brown. SAVANNAH, GA., D« ALERS unej. Ecxhange, uf and sell lock*. Bond*, etc. Receive do;»orit.«, allowing f--cr r«r cent, intercut per annum on weekly balance* of Pand upward?. Collect ion? made in thi* city and all the irincipal town? of Georgia and Florida. Will make advance* on consignment* of Cotton ( -~rV:TA V.u T Satax- Rice, etc., to ourselves, or to oar Northern and Euro- TTnPrr^' iTE I’^aaBHSMSt “ n.. \r vr -.♦a!1«r:~i • fernac*- JOSEPH VISKOAK, JA5. B. PAXSjLUOKZ, J. ItCTLEPGK FIXEG IX. Parties B-iyirriso Mosey to us can send Postoffie© Money Orders. If hey can be had; or Cathin Regis tered LettMf. a: our risk. If sent by Express they mo*, pay charge*- JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO.. COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION Weekly Hewn me of Foreign Aflitlrs. PXtXPARZD FOR THE OKOSOIA TELZORAF1I. Great Britain.—A violent hurricane swept over Engbirafl and the whole European conti nent, disabling a great nnmber of vessels and injuring many seamen- # It is hardlr worth whilo to mention that the British press is still lecturing on the disgusting Stowe exploit. The London papers comment on the probabil ity of the recognition of Cuba by .the United Stales. Comparing the situation to that of England toward* the Confederacy in 18GI, which gave Girth to the Alabama question, they cannot find any enential difference between the two cases. England will welcome with mischievous joy the recognition of tho Cabans as belligerents by America, the latter thereby forfeiting her moral right of enforcing the Alabama claims. Geemuit.—The 14th of September, in honor of Alexander von Hnmboldt's centenary birth- dav, was celebrated by the whole German peo ple. In Berlin, a grand procession headed by bands of mnsio and waving bannors, paraded the atreots. North and Sonth, West and East wero represented by numerous deputies who had come from nil parts of the German Father- land to offer the tribute of gratitude at the shrine of tho illustrious dead. The national festival was concluded by laying the foundations for a monument to hia memory. In Konigsberg tho harmonious course of the day was unhappily interrupted by a fatal acci dent. Under the heavy pressure of an immense crowd tho broaat-wall of a bridge gave way, precipitating many into the Niemen. Twenty- fonr bodies have been recovered. The panic on the Berlin exchango on the 27th of August, produced by a “baisse prononcec,” telegraphed from Paris was so great, that a spectacle has not been witnessed there since tho eventful year of 1848. Thousands stood crowded on the pavoment, the oarriage road and tho promenade in wild excitement moving to nnd fro like tho waving sea. Circulation was stoppod, and oven tho earriago of the King could only slowly make its way through tho agitated moss. Leopold von Ranke, the writer of “History of the Popes,” hsa discovered eighty-eight hitherto unknown letters of Frederio the Great, written botween 1735 and 1747, to Prince William of Orange, and hia wife Princess Anna, daughter of George IL A work of great importance for the history of art: “Mural paintings of tho buried Campancan cities,” by Dr. Holbig, has been published in Leipzig. It is a careful and minnto description of the best Pompeiian and Herculean frescoes, ncoompanied by an atlas of illustrations and dis sertations on the technical character of the an cient mural paintings by the artist Donner. Professor Max Mailer is translating, in an edition of eight volumes, the sacred hymns of tho Brahmins. Adelina Patti ia staying at Hombnrg. After next season the singer will be lost to the Royal Italian Opera in London, as she has signed a contract with her brother-in-law, Maurice Stra- kosh, for a tour in the UnitedjUtates and Cana da for one year, whereby sho will realize £40,. 000 or $200,000 in gold in eight months. Tho first steamer of tho now lino between Stettin, on tho Baltic, and New York, will leave tho latter city at an early date. Several hun dred persons have already aecured their passage ML board the Fulton, for New York; also a part of the return freight is engaged. Dr. Steinborg, the Physician-General to the Prussian navy, as a sequel to the Convention of Geneva and tho resolutions adopted by the Congress held in Berlin, in April last, has sug gested a yellow flag with a red cross as an in ternational signal of distress, both in times of pcaco and war. Ho observes that the excellent international oode of signals, recently adopted by France and England, works too slowly in cases of pressing need, while on the other hand, it is too expen sive for small ships. The Doctor also presented his proposition to tho French Government with the request of publishing it in tho Moniteur <!t la Flotte; in ordor to elicit the opinion of ex perienced French naval officers on tho subject. The Emperor of the French, promptly comply ing with this request, has already declared that France accepts tho suggested flag as on inter national signal of distress. There is reason to believe that tho other civilized nations will fob low this example. France.—Napoleon has recovered. He came to Paris from St Cloud and drovo, nccompained by tho Empross, over tho Boulevards. ■ Prince Napoleon is in Brussels. A pamphlet just published in Leipzig gives the secret articles of the convention of Mira- TVTE RCX3C A.JCTTS, DAY STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. T IBK*AL ADVANCES madeon Cotton consigned Jj tana - ~ MMB ' Liverpool. to o', or to our Corret poo deals in New^York and ALV’D H. COLQUITT, I SAMOS BAOOS. I BTOEH. COLQUITT. Baker Co.. Os. I Newton. Ga. I Savannah. Ga. COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors & General Commission MBXCHANTS, DAY STREET, 8A VANN AH, GA. S ! Sir Coasiioments solicited; Remit’anees made E raptiy; Advances of Provisions. Bagging. Ties and pe mada to persons rending as Cation for rale. ieptl6d*w6m Coa. St. Julios. Brtas aid Jirntasox Stcxxts. Ji.VVAX.YAII, GA., ' "VEALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, . J IVlces, Liquor*. and Country Produce generally. Highejt prices paid for Country Produce of all kinds, *uglS-dAw3m CLARK & WILSON, actors and General Commission MERCHANTS, No. 1 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE. DAY STREET, - - - - bAVANNAU, GA. COS wit. n. Tiaos. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 96 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. AGOING and ROPE nr IRON TIES advanced on J Crops. Liberal Cash advances made on consignments of Cotton. Grateful for liberal patronage in the past aoon- tinoanee of the same la respectfully solicited. i*pt2-d*w6m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP rnHECrmof 81oan, Groover A Co. is this day dis- .. solved by the withdrawal of A.M. Moan. The business or the late firm »111 be settled by the remain- n* partners, who are atone authorised to rign in lienidatlao. A.M. SLOAN. C. F. STUBBS. A. T* MMUNTYRE. Savannah. Oft.. July 4,18®. rnaro concluded between Napoleon and Maximil ian of Austria. According to article 2, the Emperor of Franco binds himself up to send twenty-five thousand troops to Mexico in the year 18CG, and another reinforcement of twenty thonsand in 1867,— When, therefore, France evacuated Mexico in 1866, Napoleon grossly violated his solemn pledge. . Spain.—Reinforcements amounting altogeth er to twenty-four thousand men will leave for Cuba. Admiral Topete shows a disposition to embark himself for tho colony. A committee has been appointed to deliberate on the question of abolishing slavery in Porto Rieo. Peaco seems to be ro-eatablishod throughout the land. Cheap literature is fast increasing in Spain. A new i>euny paper bearing the pleasant name of 4 *La Guiliotina,” has lately appeared. Italy.—The situation in Italy is growing worse every day. The financial calamity is increasing, and it will be difficult to negotiate a new loan which is inevitable. Russia.—Imitating France and Prussia, the Russian Government has decreed the formation of railway detachments in the Russian army. The members of this corps will be instructed in everything belonging to this department, so as to enable them to run trains as well as to repaix damaged tracks in times of war. The crop is gathered. The Southern pro vinces report a good yield, some of the Northern provinces complain of a great deficit It is rumored that Prince Carl of Roumania a near relation of the Prussian House of Hohen- zollem, contemplates asking a daughter of the Czar in marriage. Belgium.—The city of Antwerp, where Ru bens, Van Dyk, Teniers and Sneyders reigned supreme in the empire of painting, has buried one of her most distinguished sons, the greatest Flemish painter of our time, Baron Henn Jean Augustin Leys. Turkey.—Ismail Pasha has yielded to the successor of the prophet on all points, except in the matter of budget loans. The gTeat powers of Europe will bring strong pressure to bear upon Abdul Aziz against forcing the difference to extremity. Jarno. THE GEORGIA PAPER Carroll County, ©a., MILL .. —id old PAPKKS. order? s-licited lor WRAP PINO. MANILLA ami PRINT PAPER Mill, i.ure water. Hvo men. Prices low. Term* ca.-b All inquiries protnntl romntlv ar.jwered. Address M. P. ^CKi-LOUG. Pre<*. Co.. * Collez© Tempi©.*' Newnan, Ga. ]ST ew Hooks I |^RIDE*S FATE, (Mrs. SouthTrorth) price, $1 BRIDE’S FATE, (cloth) price 1 Han* Breitman’s Ballads, (cloth.) price...... 2 Hans Breilman’* B&llAds, (paper) price Lenori Casaloni. (cloth'' 1 For sale by HAVENS k BROWN, feptll-tf Booksellers and News Dealers. PECIAL attention to the eale of Cotton. Lumber and Liberal adranew on (VriUnmenta. apr9-tf j. r. wn EATON. X. B. BX0W5* F. W. S I M S & CO., COTTON FACTORS ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVAXNAII. GA. J. W- & C. A. McIXTIRE, A J-Libcral advances made on Produce in Store. auC-Oi Wit. W. GOSDOX. ISON & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS COFARTXSRSHXF. THE uaJrraiKned have this diy tormed a eopart- nenhly for the traaaa ' Cummlttion seme of Groover. Stn rT will be siveo to all bn.ine.-s entrusted to their esre. inlvS-dSm e transaction of a Cotton Kaetorace and mission Business, nnder the firm and ver. Stubbs M Co. Their beat attention II business entrusted to their esre. <\ 5r OTtiBBa? R ’ } Savannah, LT- MACINTYRE. ThomasvUIo. TH K ALABAMA davis smith. H. P. WM9TC0TT. P. McGLASHAK SMITH, WESTCOTT ft CO. OFFER FOR SALE, A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings, Carriage Material Of every description. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGOBS GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons: FTER the dheourapiD* events of th© twoyosrs ft, that have prevented us from srllinz Lands, feel warranted in invitins thos. their lands sold to *1»'© them with us. From into personal interview* with our asent* in the Northern cities, ar.d letter^ received from them, we are led to believe that there will be considerable immigration this way the coming fall with a view of purchasing lands. We have already effected some sa’es. Our Public Renter isopen to all. FREE OF COST, to register the lands they have for^ale, and inspection for those wishing to buy. Wo Offer for Sale tho Following Property : No. : AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. A full line of WAGON HARNESS. Asents for ABBOTT. DOWNING A CO.’S Celebrated CONCORD BUGGIES. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, * EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. A body of 8000 acres Timber Lands on Oo- mulgee river, with Plantation of ocVajre?, in Telfair county. No. 12. Beard’* Bluff Place, 4361. acres Timber Lanf*?. ^ - nine miles above Doctor Town, on Altamaha ■ rivor. No. 17. Gencrfll Coffee Place, in Telfair county, 8660 acre© Timber Land*, on Ocmulgec river, with l'lanta'iou. No. 24. Place two miles from Macon. 340acres. 40 X>t whi-h is upland. 150 cleared and DO heaviest timbered wood-land. No. 35, Farm five and & half miles from Macon. 450 acres, extensive Orchards and YineyaMs. No. 4G. Plantation on Chauahooelic.river, 1300acres, of which IC-O are improved. No- 77. Plantation in llonston ccnnty. 250 acres, IP.Oacreaopen land. No. 82. Plantation in Decatnr county, on Flint river, containing 1400 ,-res •No. 89. Farm in Catoosa county, of TOO acres. No. F-rm ip Cobbeounty. containing50.)acres. No. 112.1 arm and Mill property, five mile* from Ma- oon. Xo.ll3.A first-clv‘- Merchant Mill, near Gordon, _ ... ample water-power for Factory. No.114. Choice Cotton Plantation, in Houston ceun- county, containing 39(0 B. A. WISE & CO. EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A “COTTON PLANT!” AND HERE IT IS B. A. WISE & CO, Keep thorn constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the GOLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Office, No. 34 St. Francis St., MOBIZjF. A.L.A. 0. s. OFFICERS: THAMES, President. T. N, FOWLER, . Seevetary* ASSETS, : : $300,000 IN GOLD! DIRECTORS: C. E.THAMES, o!C, E. Thames A Co. C. tv. BUTT, o: Walsh, Smith Jt Co. A P. BUSH, of A. P. Bush A Sons. 4V. A. BUCK, of Huek Jt Taller. L. BRKWEK. ol L. Brewer A Co. JA.MKSCMAl.MKRS. of Chalmers A Miller. J. C. CHA.WUKRL.AIX, of Chamberlain A Co. THUS. 11KNKY. Sr. Ho*. JAC"B M All SB. oi N. W. Perry A Co. A. G. McCANTS, of Morris 6. Towle- A Co. S. J KN N INGs M l RPU Y. of S. J. Murphy A Co. IRON WITCH, QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they wiU put you np a STOVE, handsomely fnrniihed, and warrant it to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS yoa can take yonr choice among four hnndred, and they will fill yonr wagon with Furniture to fit. A good assortment of Grates, Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or CoaL) A large Stock of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS Always on hand. A?* Orders solicited and promptly filled. D. O. GRADY. THUS. P. M IL.I.KR. of Thnmas P. Miller A Co. Ho*. AH AM MURDOCH. Pree deotM.AO.R.R. JOHN H. MARSHALL, of Marshall A Conley. C. 0. RICHARDS, of C. G. Richards A Sons. T. W. M MS. of Sim*. Harri.-on A Co. Ho*. J. M.THOMSON, of Thom.-oa.CockrcU A Co, R. J. TOP Nfl. of R. J. Young A Co. M. P. LEVY, of M. P. Levy A Co. A. J. atosbs. A. PROSK ACER, of A. Prcskauer A Co. P. H. PEPPER. ofP. H. Pepper A Co. JNO. H. GARY, of J. H. Gary A Oo. MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. H. ANDERSON. M. P. DABNEY HERNDON. M. D. ATTORNEYS: MKS3KS. BOYLES A OVERALL. 'T'flIS GOLD COMPANY possesses features and JL .offers inducements to these desiring In-urance which can be found no where else- It is a Mutual Company-end its Dividends are rqually and im partially divided between the Policy Holder?. It issues Policies payable only in AMKRICAN GOLD rr* and up0 J 1 a11 Ike most favorable modern plans of insurance, thu? making Insurance certain and not depending upon the value of a Fluctuating Currency. Hold or equivalent. ^^AGENTis WANTED throuehout the State.— Apply to ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Office—NEWNAN, GA. WRIQHT A DOUGLASS. Attorneys; ED. SMITH M.D..C. D.SMITH,M.D..Examiners. State Supervisor* to whom Reference it Messrs. Branch k Sons. Aurusta, Ga.: Messrs.Clisby k Reid, Macon, Ga.: M*j- J. L- Calhoun. Newnan, Ga-: J. H. James, Banker, Atlanta. Ga.; J. H De Votie. D. D.. Columbus, Ga-; J. G. Westmoreland, M. D.. Atlanta, Ga.; J. K. Dent, Planter. Newnan, Ga.: L. M- Smith. D. D., Oxford, Ga.; Hon. XVier Royd, Dahlonega. Ga. auglvtf LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS over. I am pret ared. at all times, to fill orders for those, as well as all the smaller styles of Photo- paph Likenesses. I am making a specialty of the better class of Pictures, and those wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH, Artist, Triangular Block, n*79-et Maeon Ga. T £3 n M S OAS H. CHEAP FOR GASH. 500 rolls Hemp and Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrife, 10 bales Gnnny Bagging, 16,000 pounds Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 hhds, C. K. Sides, 20 hhds. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Salt, 80 sacks Tirginia Salt, 175 barrels Flour—Superfine, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime White Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Nails, 40 barrels Whisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Candles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes assorted Soda Crackers, 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 eases Pickles, 50 cases Oysters, 50 eases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. 1, JEWELRY and SILVER-WARE AT.T, OF WHICH *WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. No-122-i’UBtatton in CUy county, adjoining Cotton Hill. contaminglhST ,-rcs. No.l24.Twenty acre* in Vinvvillc—Market Gardena, Orchard* and Vineyard?, with Cottage liana*. No. 127. Plantation in Terrell county, containing 600 scree, with fine improvement*. Many other Plantations in Middle and Southwest ern Georgia not enumerated. Also, valuable Cotton Factory Property on the several river*, with water-power saficisat for an almost unlimited increase of Machinery. Alro, 230,000 acre* of Land, finely timbered with yellow pine, in the eonntie- originally Applieg, eon- ve'.ient to the porta of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to rail and water earriago. One hundred and eleven thonsand aeree of Timber and AgricnUnral Land, in oonntiee oririnaUy Irwin. Fifty two thousand acres Yellow Pine Timber Land, in Warn, county. Sixty thousand mere, of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tho line of railroad and herd of the Snwannoe river, in Columbia county. East Florida. »orty-eieht thousand acre? of good Timber Land. iMldditoFr *■ in Middle Florida—an entire town-hip and ooptignooa sections—on ihenevitableaireamot New river, wnieh empties it* w-tera nt White Bluff— Dure Channell. ben port on the Gulf. Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 to SOOOacre* each, of Timber Lauds, convenient to rail and water carriage to Savannah end Brunswick; KOiVl location for Steam Saw Mill? Two first-class New Steam Caw Mills of Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. augl9-d3m BUTTS & BROTHER. T. ESTABIilSHMESTT. THE LATEST STYLES OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS pURE‘SILVER AND PLATED WARE, TOILET SETS, * WORKING BOXES. WRITING DESKS. DRESSING CAS IS. And a full lino of FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY and BRIDAL PRESENT ■STCALL AND EXAMINE MY GOODS, jg. Watches, Clocks and Jcwclry Repaired at Short Notico and Warrants ^Special attention paid to the MANUFACTURE and ENGRAVING of BADGES. RINGS. TREGO’S TBABBBH! TOOTIIttUh. Preserves and Whitens the Teeth 1 Invigorates and Soothes tho Onms! Cleans and Pnriflcs Artificial Tooth I Purifies and Pcrfnme* tho Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! Xs a Superior Article for Children! IT IS WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients! T Is scientifically prepared In accordance with the _ most valuable formal* known to the profession, thas been extensively used for several years, and U MBW WQII 0*1*11^4*01/ uom KIIIM /CMP. OUU U rocommended for tenCtal use by nouieront Dentist. . . * Iflj tested ’ preserving the Teeth through lite. Pi «o r! h, A M - zwmfeteL: Libokatort op PhaHMOVUT'O.L T axd Axai.ttcal Cbehistst, > Atlanta, Georgia.) This is to orrtify that I have examine TregV. Tea- berry Tooth Wash and Tooth Powder. I find taem free from substance* thu; would aet injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Trevu’a Preparations to those in want of a superior dentriEee. W.J.LANI mayl6 6m S’D. Chemist, DR. UXOHAtT'3 GOLDEN REMEDIES. A SK for no other, take no other, and you will save time, health and money. One Thousand Dollars Reward for any eaaa of d!i- easeio any stage which they fail to cure. Dr. Riohau’a Oo!d.n Balsam. No. 1. rorcsUlccr?. Ul- neu of the Scalp. Kernfula, etc., it the greatest Reno vator. Altera! ivo and Blood Purifier known, remove, all disease* from the system, end leeves the blocd pur* and healthy Dr Riehau't Golden Balaam, No. 2. cam Mercurial Affection?, Rheumatism in all it- firms, whether from mercury or other causes; gives immediate relief in ail eases. No dieting necessary. I have thou-and* of Certificates proving tho miraculous cure* effected by these Remedies. Pi ice of either N o. 1 or No. 2,15 per bottle, or two bottle* for <9. Dr. •'lehan’s Golden Aotidote, a safe, speedy, pleas- and and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with fail direction?. Frice. S3 per bot tle. Dr. Riehau’s Golden Elixird’Amonr.aradiealcare for Xervou3 or General Debility, in old or young; im parting energy with womlertul effect. Price, So per bottle or >wo bottle* for {9. On re-eiptof price, the.-e remedies will bethipped to any place. Prompt attenti n paid to all corres pondents. None genuine without the name of “Dr. Riehau’s Goidea Rcmedie-. D B. Richard?, sole pro prietor.” blown in glass of bottles. Address • DR. D. B. RICH ARDS. No. 228 Varick st„ New York. Office hour?, from 9 *. u.. to 9 p. u. Circulars sent Julj4-dly lOSAD ALIS! j 1 Restorer. pnriGes the blood and cures ‘ Scrofula, Syphilis. Skin Disease?, Hhennia- I ti«ra. Diseased of "WomeD. and all Chronic : Affections of the Bloxl. Liver and Kidnejs. Recomnaentlc i by the Faculty and many thousands of our beat ciiixen?. Read i the testimony of Physics-ins and patients who have u?ed aondtl’i: send for our Rosodalis Guide to Health Book, or Alma- , nac far thi* year, whici>’wc -publish lor gratuirona distribution: it will give you • much valuable information: ! Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says—I take pleasure in rcccirrmf-ndiri? your Ho?a- dtlis ss a very powerful alterative. I have ?een it used in t vv*j ca--es with happy r^ult.-: one ir. a cru-e of gccondary *ypfcilis. in ■ which the patient pronounced himself ; cured after liavinir taken five bottles^of ! your medicine. The other is a cn'j of I scrofula of lone standing, which is rapidly improving under its use, and tho indica tion* are that the patient will soon recover. ' I have carefully examined the formulae by which ynar Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative in gredients. w Dr- Sparks, of Nicholasviile. Ky.. says b * j ha3 u?ed Rosadalis in case? of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory re- j suits—-a* a cleaner of the Blood I know no better remedy. ; Samuel G. McFadden, of Murfreesboro. Tenn., says: I have used seven bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; ( send me four bottle?, as I wish it for m 1 brother, who has Scrofulous Fore Eye?. Beniamin Bechtol, of Lima. Ohio, writes: I havo suffered for twenty years with an : inveterate eruption over my whole body: » short time since I purchased a bottle of Rosadalia and it effected a perfect cure. JEIOS A 33 AXi I s IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ! «a.Laboratory, No. 61 Exchange Place. I Baltimore. [juijie-to] JOHNSON, CAMPBELL A CO. Dra. Clements, Rives £b Co., Proprietors. For sale by j. h, zsiam & to julyS-tf ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, NO. 1 SECOND STREET. A I*L KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED bj> an 0PTLMBTER. WATCHJ3 ami JEWELRY repaire-1 and warranted. Name StSncils for YiTarbingr Xilncn Cut to Order- CONTISEIIIR LIFE IISDEUCE COBPASY NEW YORK. PLh s-=l CO E-4 CO t=> 1 —3 *13 era !=a co tJirta THOMAS, THOMPSON & €0., Managers Southern Branch. OFFICB: No. 23 St. Francis street, Mobil*. Ala; No. 14 Ctrondetot street. New Orleens; < and Broad streets. Atlanta. Ga. POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY L If69, f15.270: AMOUNT INSURED. *40.000.000; PAYING AN AH- NUL PREMIUM ot SJ.500,000: ASSEl'S OVER *3.500 0UU: DIVIDENDS DECLARED JANUARY 13. I860.40 PER ClENT. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OS Life, Endowment, Joint Life anil Term Policies^ Annuities, Etc., And embraces the following liberal feature 3 . All policies non-forfeitable and Incontestable; thirty fiiyi* zraco allowed in payment of premiums; one-third of tho prcrainm may remain unpaid •• a Lota:nenettl required. The Continental will, when ©sired, issoe WAR PERMITS, without extra cherve or dsdoctioa from policy in case of los«. That after three annual payment? a loan may be obtained of at least foer-fiftti ° f NO°R^K l Icfl*^!SffTRWKL i OK , BSlDb , Nck’*SoS t pt*I«. holder hoi a voice in th, elociloas; lo r u•?h tt is f sL h o e .s o i?? ,p t a h n . , fa" n on 1 P,ir di hi d vtogra Branch, in the short time of rig months, covering an innranc* of ovar *2.250,000. THGMAS, THOMPSON A CO.. Mancears Southern Pranoh. Office, corner .Marietta and Broad street*. Atlanta, Q*. J. R. HOY, Agent, Macon, Ga. COTTON GINS. Gullet’s Steel Brush Cotton Gins» DanT Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins, S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine* worthy the attefitlon of Planters. «7- Circulars, giving testimonials in great numbers from persons well known. fnrni'beJ on application. Samples on exhibition atW. A. HUFF’S, comer Cherry and Third Streets. Addreaa F. S. JOHNSON, iuneSMAwlf *—«■ MlC0D ' (W ‘ ^ MRS. K. DESSAU HAS OPENED, AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. THE LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY. . DRE?S GOODS TRIMMINGS, GLOVES. POINT LACES, EKESOIDERIES, etc. 4S~A11 orders promptly attended to. apr2-d*w m 68 MULBERRY ST., MACON, GA. savannah medical college; gardciiiaii & Sparks* SAVANNAH, GA. T HE Thirteenth Annual Course of hectares In thu j Institution willcimmence on the hirst Alcn-ay . in November Dext, and continue f^ar mf'Uins. Preliminary Lectures, which will be free, will com- | mence on the 18th of October next. PREMIUM LIST. FACULTT l R.D. ARNOLD. M. D.. Profcs.or of.Theo-y and Practice of Medicine, and Clinical Medicine. P. M. K 1 11.LOCK. M. D . Proles? .r „! Di a ^a?es of Women and Chi»dren, hri ‘ Mil Professor Adjunct—THOS. ITU, M. D . W.G. BULLOCH. M. D., Prohor of Pnnc.plcs ; and Practice o» Surgery and Clini'-al >urtfcr>. Professor Adju ct-THOS J. • IlARLLOa. M *?• J. B. RBaD, M. D., Professor ot Materia .u . .a and Therapeufics. ^ Professor Adjunct—K. J. T. Is N, M- II. J URIAH UAKKISS. M. D„ Professor of Poy.- Professor Adjanct—J. G. THOMAS, M- D., T.e^to er on Pathology. W. R WAKiNG, M.D.. Professor of Ar,atomy. W. M. CHARTERS. M. D . Profe.sorofCuemis.ry. Professor Adjunct—W Ii. KUI-IOrT, M.l l Hon. SOLOMON COHEN will lectnre on Moo. il Jori-pru ‘ence. R P MYERS, M. D..Demonstrator. E T. ROGERS, M. D., Assistant Dcmonftri'.or and Cura ot. , r Clinic* St th- Ho.pitel Also, provision mode D- tance on Midwifery ca- fN atiditionto the premiums offered bj the bi«« 1 live Committee, at. the aohroactung we will ciro the fojlomng, either in tlate or earren as may bo desired. Bert 10 Bales Upland Cotton.. lieit Best 5 Bales Upland Cotton Bei-t 1 Bale Upland Cotton Best 5 Biles Long Staple from zre Br:t 1 Bale Long Staple from green i C ° t c d. D t o° and 'fr * j m Vh e 938£S$S&*" °*Fivej«dge9 will be selected, one ! Albany^Md ^ ***' l^tcrmlneipoa i: award the same. r.d HARDEMAN A: SPARKS l1v31 In PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. R-qu adua larly chartered C*Heee- of a* oi Fta* ■'JD-?- T r . r : For further particulars ad Jr* ss 11. (?. LlLL-t.., M.D..Deao.or TU0 3. SMITH. M. D.. augl-law2iu Secretary. nd What Youth ■’Matnritir and Old A ,* e! .,V'. , . h putuV.n«(*4 Reviewed : The Ccuse of Indigestion. phiIo««»ph** Nervous Di-ea-e?acc unfed for. M imagera T &. cally fonddered. efo. The-e Secretary t of *our stamps, by adore. u ;* D ^,,; Tril Tt ed n re -eint of four ftamps. o> Baltimtf Baltimore Museum of Anatomy. U ^ apr^-ly Street, Baltimore, Ml.