The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 24, 1869, Image 3

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Ihne - *^** < * tar ' i 0L)ob t* l *‘“L e in Monro# Ooontjr-EJtan Daria, [jpjf<* * t* tf ^ _!##■* Baxter. for Trmd#-H. W. Uotfeofllet. j. f£ UCHTWANG7,R & CO. MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS ,CTI»° AT WHOLESALE. Ital OBT F«I1 Stock i* now oomlo* fa *”£**•/* <>>« lateat andbeMatyleaof PHY ooo:d»: , IMt ourkct v»Ia«—Jeans, Casaimere#, “ ** K«wt»# BUnketo, Flannels, DoLafaes, Skirt#, Drc## Good#, Notion#, etc., AH New Goods! ?jt*f«# 0Br repn** 1 * 00 “ dotoB E etraifthtfor- we mo#t respectfully aolidt nn to- ’*^ J ,afoor#toek. "do ptdoo* in Ui# city w# beg to announce W. A. HOPSON db CO. Arc no’v opening a enpcrb pfocfc of Fail and Winter Pry Goods! >ir It. A. If ; won write# to th ; m fr ,m New York a# follow#: “I have made a heavy combination here. V e have bought goods fa largo quantities of parties who were obliged to sell at great sacrifice an ! the majority of onr stock can be sold at price lower than those which prevailed before the war. "Those silk and wool Poplins cost the importers 65 cents—«#U them at 37)4 cents. Tha 8tcinback's yard wide Fnmitnre Prints cost to import 49 sell them at 25 cents. “And fa making the stock, always giro our tomers the advantage of what we save fa purchasing, no matter bow low the goods arc bought." septaa-tf CITY A.FFA.IRS. FBIDAY MORXfciG, SEPT. 24, 1869. OTTR retail stock; U Kserted with the latest Fall Goods. '* * E. PF.UCHTWANGEB A CO., ^Triangular Block. KING OF CHILLS ill form of chille and fever. £!!? Iwfaafter all else fails. , t I-ro chill# of «m C^rrery oilier X^Aillaef ewamp# and bayous c«-««v oilier and e^B I every third day chille. IHK FETEB AND AGUE SEASON. Ybn the leaves begin to change, remittent and vnaii«.t fevers make tbeir appearance. From the earth, bathed nightly fa heavy fna nsrvlies and swamps surcharged with wwtat. from the dying foliage of the woods, from cLontf pool# and sluggish streams, the son of s^a'cr evolve* donds of miasmatic vapor penl- ' » health and life. The body, deprivod by the Jgjac teoperatnre of Jnly and Angnatof much of a r+w and elasticity, is not in a proper plight to „,i milari*; and lienee all diseases that are pro- •wai bv a depraved condition of the atmosphere a jamcolwly prevalent fa tho fall. fan h nn reason why the hoaltli of thousands *#U be tho# sacrificed. A preparatory course of EOSTETIERS STOMACH BITTERS is a certain -.'jdwn against the epidemic# and endemic# .a,* •stnmn brings in its train. Let all dweller# a mbealthy localities, liable to eueh visitations, p, bred to the warning and advice conveyed fa rorimtieeraent, and they may bid defiance to fc fool exhalations which are now rising, night and htfrns the soil around them. No farmhouse fa had abonldbe without this invaluable exhila- m! «J invigorant at any period of the year, bnt ^nuDy in tlie fall. It ia not safe to go forth into fttrbiU. misty atmosphere of a September morning serening with the stomach unfortified by a tonic, ral of all tho tonics which medical chemistry has r# firen to the world, HOSTETTEU'S BITTERS vt almitted to bo the pnroat. tho moat wholesome nd the most beneficial. 1st all who desire to rscapo tha billion* attacks, towel complaint* and malarious fevers, taka the limits at least twice a day throngbont the nres- iet reason. It is as wholcaomo as it ia infallible, fad In the trado mark. “HOSTETTEU'S 8TOM- UM niTTKItS," engraver) on the label and em* loeflon the bottle, and their ravenuo stamp oov mng the cork, as counterfeits ami imitations Hur way np Lookout Mountain, tho place where aienrr w siirred by a thousand thrilling aaaoda- tm, ant whero the hravo boya of both armies met ml fMight hand to hand, where the blood of both tiuid and foe was minglod together and ran down ibe nuiintain-Bide in rivnlcta, ia a smooth-faced rock, upon wliich a |«mr, wounded soldier inscribed tbs following: “S. T.—1860—X.—Early in tho battle I was wsondel and carried to this spot liy two clever Tanks.' They bado me farewell, and as they sup pose), to die, for I was so weak from lose of blood that I could but faintly thank them for thoir kind ness. They left fa my canteen a part bottle of runTiTins Urmcaa, to which I owe my life, for it ■tnugthened me, and kept life within mo nntil help ans ami my wound was dressed. Ood bless them for their kindness, and for the Flantation Bitter#." Harm? Davanin, Company B, 10th Georgia. Humous Waron, superior to tiro licst Imported Grruian Cologne, and tor sale at half the price. 8ept 19 d cod.twlw The reliable, Dromgoolo A Co.’# Buchn. Kiurngoolo A Co.'s lluchu is tho favorite. Gravel cured with Dromgoolo A Co.'a Bucliu. Nu. Ltarr.uaM.rxt. Horn!— Hundreds of cases of vrufnla, in the worst stages, old eases of Syphilis that have defied tho skill of ominent Physicians, Khsomatios who have been sufferer# for year#, and the victim# of the injudicious use of Memory, havo been radically cured by TUTT8 8ABSAPA11ILLA AM) QUEEN'S DELIGHT. It ia the most power ful alterativo and blood purifier known). It ia pre scribed by very many Physicians. wptl'J-dAwlw Kean Rod Diarrhoea Remedy on had. R. D. R is not a hot astringent. »■ D. R cools and qnieta the inner man. “•„H> R luis no equal for children. Woiwi'a Burr>.—Dr. J. Bradileld's •• KV- •*fc/f««f<ihir," for sale by druggists everywhere, » beyond all donbt the beet emenagogue known to jbe medical profession. It ia no quack nostrum, «» * legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re commended and prescribed by the beet physician* ? ““ State. Suffering woman! do not let your tear* nor the prejudices of other# cause you to 1'0- nun in misery. Read Dr. Bradfidd's column, fol- '" h» adrii-e, and suffer no more. •epDJlrn Woods to MoTuom.—We have the pleasure of mmmucing the rovirol or Dr. Jeuaon's celebrated Ocdiane, S.iurAer* Soothing Syrup, which tliou- °* boutborn mother# and nurses havo exten- arcly nserl and justly extoUod for it# gentle ano- ^•luahtiea and nutritive support to infant life, “frifaung sleep is Induced, which is the animus of • healthy, vigorous child constitution. To secure <a* everything of a distressing influence upon the ajetem, so inimical to infant life, is di»- wued from the preparation. Mothers and nurses . ,*• will save your ovm rest, and tho lives of Jjw mfsnt charges. See advertisement “S. 18 8. SOLOMONS’ BITTERS for iuij BT *• HUNS? <St CO., Sruggists, No*. 82 and 84 Cherry Street, a»»31-tf MACON, GEORGIA. THESE LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL loehetttrotaof the merits of my propriotary y?*Y* !j J° aeoertato what is thought of it at homo p«»ittsmanufactured. Such a test Lippman's V]««Re can well stand, as to^ay It to decidedly UA ^r2?f- r * ,1Md F fc* chill* and fever, dumb agno -"“Wdiseasoe of a malarions origin, fa tho city 14 “ prepared. The principal jvjWeto of the city wronld as much think of doing j^eetmatorOS fa their stores as to be without JM* powrlsr (and deservedly so) remedy. It is a ™j*t*Ms preparation free from deleterious drugs, t“~»«s as a tonic upon tho entire aywWm, thereby s. - a S.the system, so much so as to enable it „ “T“* disease. lVrafugo does not nauseate jjJ*® the patient, and can bo taken by the most JJ°^ts petaona without fear. If should' always be .** ehilla and fever creep upon us bo that we are not aware of its approach nn- y « ■ upon na. A word to the wiso ia sufficient.— Morning JVnts. may 2-tf StITOireoiL OF LIFE cures all aches and “ the great remedy for Rlx imn.m and vjJJJTONM PIIAS cure Sick Headache and all Too Ban.—We merely announced fa last Sunday's TtLr/.tarn the fact which we knew iU thousands of reader# wronld hail writh joy, that from and after the 18th instant, Sunday mail service wronld be per formed on the Southwestern Railroad. For making this simple announcement, tome wrretch fa Enfanla, fa utter disregard of tho writhes of the people fa Southwestern Georgia andfabtoowrn State; and fa supreme contempt, both of onr dignity and indigna tion. sneaked into theoOeeof the Euftula News, while the editor wra# out toying to find something to eat, and bribed one of tho printer# to publish a tirade of abuse upon the locals of the News and Tnr«»>m, merely because the General Govern ment, appreciative of their worth, dignity of char acter and influence, bad promptly and cheerfully complied writh their demands for such Sunday mail service, and granted them facilities for communi cating with each other and writh their readers every day fa tbs week. The reckless wrretch heads bis article—“Whatever to to be, will be.” and if there to a particle of merit fa it at all, U lie# fa its impudence and audacity.' He presume# to read us a lecture about the Holy Sabbath Day. and charges us with trespassing upon it# quiet domain with sundry locomotives, steam boats, stages, hack* and mail bags. With the tones of thunder and the fierceness of lightning we deny it: but even if it were true, it wronld not hurt the conscience of our pen and ink assassin. He to one of thoee lazy devils who, liko the baboon, ait# about on two bunions aa large as saucers, wishing every day wra# Sunday, so that he might have some excuse for Ills laziness. He don't like to see anything dene on Sunday, becanao be fears that he will be “roped in” gometime for a little work on that day. This is the secret of his hostility to all live, energetic peo ple. Fellows of his strip* have leas respect for the Sabbath than anybody else, and were never known to keep a day of fasting and prayer, union# from sheer lsrine— they bad got out of hog and hominy. They prate of piety and pray only for plenty to eat. Bat, not content with an assault upon onr morals, tho hypocritical “kuaa," wantonly, purposely and maliciously, seeks to potoon, corrupt and contam inate the very Mood fa our vein*, by asserting that tho local editor# of the Newr# and Tauumarn are brother#. We indignantly acorn to characterize the aspersion fa befitting language. There’# no HI ark blood under tbto skin. If there was and we knew where it lay concealed, a brace of leeches would be banging to the spot fa less tlisn two minutes. No, air! We’ve got a boy not twro feet high who wrin fight on that proposition. Come at us, then, fa any ships you like, ob, heartless wrretch! Ay, spiU oar blood If you will, hot don't rpotl It / S’ 4 **®* <d«> equals King of Chills. of Chills cures old and yoimg. Jbe planter'! best friend. King of Chills a cheap chill remedy, King ot Chills. Maron's Cockt.—The first case called in tbto Court yesterday was against four dashing damsels of the lucky oolor, named respectively and respect fully, Fannie Stroheeker, Bettis Htrohecker, Mary Carter and Jane Ryals. Fannie, like old cousin Bal ly Dillard, had gin a treat at her house, and while the affair wras going on a quarrel began whleh ended in a fight, and about that tirfio two policemen put fa an appearance and baggod the quartette mentionod. Fanny got the worst of it, and was lined 915 or guard-bonae fifteen days ; but af ter the Court adjourned, one or two mitigating cir cumstance#, not elicited during the trial, were laid before nia Honor, and he redncod the fine to only 95. This made Fanny feel mighty good, and she retired, eourtesying and smiling to th* Court and crowd fa the moat agreeable stylo imaginable. The next case called was against twro slovenly, dirty and trifling looking wenches named Mary Hol lis and Ophelia Oox. They were charged writh street-walking, and tho officer arresting them had barely finished his statement of the oaae before they were ordered to the guard house for thirty days on bread and water. Them's'tun, yor Honor, served them exactly right. . Harriet Holt, a miserable looking, bandage- headed negro girl, was tbon brought np aa a va grant. She was sent to tho hospital inetanter, and th* Court let itself down gently as the fall of a anow-flako fa a stream. Cnoer. Curran For tho last day or two tliere has not been one cent difference fa tho price of cot ton between the Macon and Savannah markets. Our buyer# are “toeing the mark” this season with their accustomed fairness and squareness. The following quotations are taken from the News, of yesterday, 23d: Liverpool Middlings 25J*@25« low Middlings 24H«2*X Good Ordinary 24 <§24K O.niox Sen#, Fall Cabbage Seeds, etc., just re ceived at the Old Wooden Drug Store of J. II. ZcilinACo. Also, a large stock of novelties—Moaquito Taper#, Hair Straigbtnen, Fly Paper and Bay Rum Hair Oil. If you want anything fresh, handsomo and genuine, call at tho Old Wooden Drug Store on the corner. A Risk Brass Band.—Mr. Huff baa recently pur chased a full set of brass instruments, and will hereafter have a band of music of hto own at fato velocipede rink fa tbto city- The fall and wrinter ex orcises at th* rink will open on Monday next, and its enterprising proprietor proposes to make the rink both a pleasant and profitable place of reaort, alike for todies and gentlemen. Drue cutis to tux. ComnxciAi. Convention.— The City Council of Maoon, at thoir last meeting, appointed Hon. Thoe. Hardeman and J. B. Boss delegates to represent this city at the Commercial Convention, to be held in Louisville, Ky., on the 14th day of October, prox. In case cither should be unable to attend, they have the power to select an alternate. A Postal Freak.—The Atlanta New Era of yea- teiday has the followwfag: On the 23th day of July, a valuable letter wras marled from the Treasury Department at Washing ton to a gentleman fa this aty. The letter con tained a check for a large amount of money. The letter wras never received here, but the check was picked up fa the streets of Macon and sent to the gentleman for whom it was first intended, with fas name forged on the back of it. Tho money inclosed fa the same letter has not been heard from. There is a pond) sent direct from Washington to this post-office. Such being tho case, can any one an swer to tbo satisfaction of tho gentleman'how this check got to Macon ? Thera to a mystery about it which pozzies all the detcctivo skill at onr com mand, and we confess that wo are lost in a maze of wonderment in endeavoring to fathom snch a postal irregularity. We hope yet to have some light npon the subject. Buy Your Tickets ! Buy Your Tickets! Now, ladies and gentlemen, como to the Fair.; Buy a ticket in the Itoffio before yon go there: Come either by proxy, best como yourself, And sco that your ticket is not laid on the shelf. Don’t call it a humbug or swindle, yon lout. Or that it will go np the great spout; A success it will be, that you well know— Come and buy a ticket before they all go. I havo agents at work in all the great State, To keep it from coming to that very sad fate. I havo only five hundred to sell in onr Stato; Come and get your tickets oryou'll soon bo too late. Good news to many who will bo glad to hear That "Boifeoillot's Raffle” is put off till the Fair. On tho 20th of November, ’tis pnt off till then, On Saturday morning, at half-past ten. If a ticket you want, just call at my store, Or leave word at "this office," and 12 call at your door. The place of my business, I want you to know. Is where Capt. Flint kept his crockery store. The Superior Court convenes sgain this morning, and decisions on motions for one or two new trials | will be rendered. No DisconfrSATiGX.—The impression is quite etreng in some portion? of Southwestern Georgia, that Die Centra] anil Sonthweetem Railroads are disposed to discriminate acainst the Macon market to the advantage of the Savannah market. We have no evidence whatever that such is the fact, ar.d consequently we don't behove a word of it. Thus far this season we know that the Sonthwcstern Road has been conducting its bnsicess in a perfect ly fair and disinterested manner to both markets, and we do not believe it could or would injure the Macon trade one farthing if fa Us power to do aa The impress kin alluded to to, therefore, fa our judg ment wholly unfounded and unreasonable. BY TELEGRAPH. BvrsoToa's Hotel.—On and after the first of Oc tober this large and elegantly famished hotel, win be conducted fay Messrs. Sublet! A Byington. Mr. BaUett, as we remarked eomo weeks ago, is from Virginia, and to wen known to the traveling public aa one of the proprietors of tha celebrated Spotswood Hotel, at Richmond. He to a gentleman who has had great experience aa a landlord, and the city of Macon wfll prize him as one of her best hotel pro prietors. Mr. Charlie Byington, the other member of the firm, to so wen known to onr citizens that it is unnecessary to aay more than that they will be glad to learn that be still remains with a bonso whose reputation he has eo weU and worthily sustained. Horse Race.—There win bo a half mile dash for 9100 at the race track to-morrow afternoon, at 3 o'clock, between "Kate Speers” and a fast little sorrel mare, which her owner thinks is a jewel when dtocnaaftig horseflesh. We aliall see to-morrow whether dm can shine on our turf or not. Old Bo«r)s bail it an hto own way fa these parts yesterday, and throughout the day clouds of dust and trash were sweeping through the streets, blind ing everybody and soiling everything. No rain yet, and no prospects of any. . From Pike County. The BarneirriUo Gazette, of the 23d, says that city to improving. There is considerable build ing and a praiseworthy activity among the mer chants. Wo dip the following paragraphs from the Gazette: Weather, Chops, Etc.—Not withstanding the prospects for rein, spoken of in onr last issue, we are stiU having unprecedentedly dry wea ther, and we have come to the same conclusion with the man who signed thepledge—that “all signs fail in dry weather.” Wo are having the beat kind of weather for gathering crops, and our farmer# are making use of the opportunity. We have heard of several who have gathered a portion of their corn crop. They report it very good, but regret that the area planted was so small. Cotton to coming into market quite rapidly, and price#, aa a natural consequence, are declining. When will wo learn onr interest? Nearly all the mills in tho oountry have sus pended operations until it rains. The “oldest citizen” says that there has not been snch a dry spell at -this time of the year sinee tho fall of 1839, when it did not rain from the first of An- gnst until the middle of November. With much regret we announce the death of F. M. Grove, of Monroo county, who died on Tuesday morning, 20th instant, at hto residence. He was fonnd near the road on Bnnday evening last, aome four miles above Strouds Cross-Roads, bis head badly braised, and hto buggy not far from the same spot. It to supposed his horse ran away with him, threw him from the buggy, and the fall was snch as rendered him speech less ever afterward. Mr. N. Owen’s residence, about three' miles from town, on the road to Forsyth, was burned tost week and everything in it .destroyed. A subscription to being raised to assist Mr. Owen. We hope our citizens will respond liberally to thtoeall. A Search Tor Minernl Deposits. The Borne Courier of the 23d fast, say#: Colonel Hulbert, aa Superintendent of tbo Stato Road, ha# employed Rev. Charles Wallace Howard to make a thorough survey of the south ern slope of Lookout Mountain in search of iron, coal and petroleum oil. Mr. Howard left this city yesterday with two servants, a wagon and camp equippoge, and will commence the survey fa the neighborhood of Alpine, near the line of Chattooga county. Ga., and Cherokee, Alabama. Judging from hto thorough scientific attain ments, and hto great lore for and devotion to geology and mineralogy, wo confidently hope for important resalt* from this survey. It to generally known that iron exists in the greatest abundance all through this section, and that bitnmfaoos coal crops out in many places, but it to not known thst the latter is fa vein# sufficiently thick and near cheap transportation to par for tho mining. Between the mouth of John's creek and Coosaville, fa this county. Mr., Howard thinks the indications of petroleum are quit# a# good aa anywhere fa the oil regions of l'cnnqgvania. . Front Terrell County. Wraths*—StiU dry and very warm. Just suited to the planter that has cotton fa the field ready for picking, but death on sugar cane, po tatoes, peas, turnips and gardens. The prospect for grtent, of any kind, to slim indeed. Im possible to get turnip seed to come up, and tho coliard leave# have tho appearance of having been prepared by the doctor# for the purpose of dressing blisters. Cotton Pictono.—One month more of favor able weather and the cotton crop will be gather ed, excepting an occasional field that to making a top crop. We notice in onr travels over this and Calhoun county, that fnUy two-thirds of the cotton to now open, and if we escape tho Sep tember storm the crop will be gathered in good order.—Da tenon Journal, 23d. Tm SntnatAN Trial.—A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia Press of the 20th says: In the Criminal Cduit, to-day, the trial of Shunnan (colored), on the'charge of abstracting unsigned notes from the Treasury, was contin ued. Experts testified to the similarity between the writing of tho signatures and the handwrit ing of the accused. At this point tho defence moved a discharge, on the ground that the in dictment was defective, and after argument, tho Judge announced that he would render hto deci sion on Monday. The Charleston and Savannah Road.—The Charleston New* says the contractors npon this Railroad have undertaken to complete it by the first of December next. The New# says: The brig Bradshaw, which arrived here on Monday, brought a large consignment of rail road iron for the track, and we learn that a sup ply amply sufficient to complete the road has been ordered to be shipped to Charleston and Savannah. A locomotive and construction train has been dispatched to tho Savannah end of the line via Augusts? and tho work of reconstruc tion will now be energetically pressed forward at both ends of tho gap. Good.—At the dfaner table at Patona, Ala., a gentleman of tho press, distinguished for his ur banity and amiability, having sampled n bottle of Scotch ole, recommended it very highly to the learned and pious Doctor Blank, who is also distinguished for politeness. “ This,” said the learned Doctor, (holding up a tumbler of bright, clear water,) “is the best ale fa the world." “Very good,” responded CoL C., “ for thtpur- post.t of navigation, but, as a beverage, I never hanker after it.” Of course this brought down the house.—Athene Southern Watehman. A highly dressed young LADY, evidently of Spani.-h t \:rn -ti-r.. entered a dentist's office it: Virginia City, Nevada, a few days ago, and wished tho doctor good morning fa very broken English. It was with difficulty that Dr. O. found what she wanted, bnt at last he learned that she desired her teeth filled. She was seated fa the operating chair, and parting a pair of rich and tempting lips, disclosed two rows of ivory-white and glistening teeth. Probes, punches, hooks and files came fato play, but a minute search faded to disclose even a speck of decay. The doctor couldn't understand it, and told her that she had no tooth which re quired filling, and none to be extracted. She couldn't understand much English, and the doc tor don't speak Spanish, and so the conversa tion grew lively by signs alone. Again did he search, bnt with no better success. At last she rushed from the office. In a few moments she returned, bringing a lady whose teeth glistened with gold which the doctor had inserted, and then the doctor understood that she wished him to boro holes in her teeth and fill them with gold, so she, too, could be in fashion. Of course the doctor declined the job, and she left very indignant at his obstinacy. A catiti was hung out of a dirty little oyster shop in Sandusky City, while the State Sabbath School Convention was in session in that place, which read: "(listers in every stile, coked to order. Friends of tho redemer will please i caul. ' From Washington- W*..*!Hi5GToy. September 23.—Under the caption j of ‘'Minister Sickles Sustained by the Adminbtra- 1 tian" the Chronicle rays with double leads: ‘•Those officers of the Cabinet who have nttered ; in opinion on the question, say that there is noth ing in the communication from Minister Sickles to j the Spanish Government to justify tho alarm that > the imperfect di^clofeurea of its contents Lave j created.’* And conclude*. “Secretary FLck declines , to make the note of Minister Sickles pubhc for pru dential reasons ; bo: it is regarded xa sxfe to e&y that there will be no euch thing done aa backing | down. It ia safe to reiterate that the State Depart ment apprehends no warlike results, and will favor the tender. Our good officer having been thankful ly declined by Spain, masterly inactivity will follow. Sickles' injudicious use of words alone is supposed to have caused the hubbub. Th© text of Sickles* note is not yet received. Bevenue receipts to-day 6357,000. L- F. Ward has been appointed special agent at hug© for th© Post-offio© Department The Supreme Coart meets on th© first of October. Mrs. Lacy Moorebesd Porter has been appointed Poet-mistress at Louisville. Judge Chase is here. The Sabine wats at Lisbon. September 4th. Sliuerman, charged while messenger of the Treas ury, with taking national notes and forging signa tures, and in whose transactions, Turner, ex-Post- maater of Macon, has been mentioned, was found guilty. There were three negroes on the jury. From Virginia. Bichhoxd, September 23.—R. T. Daniel, Chair man of the Conservative Stato Central Committee, publishes a canl this morning, stating that there is not even the color of troth in the newspaper state ment, that Gen. Canby ever intimated that the test oath would not be required, if he, Canby, could be made Senator. General News Wobcestec. Mass., September 23.—Stunner, in addressing the Convention regarding Spain and Chiba said the policy of the United States should bo atriet non-intervention except In the way Of good Augusta, September 23.—A difficulty occurred fa Oolnmbia, on Sunday,*betweeo a planter named Baker and a party of negroes, fa which Km. Jones (negro) was killed. The published account repre sents Baker as baring acted fa self-defence. Omaha, September 23.—Report# from Fort Buford represent the Indian# aa hostile and fa large num bers. Tbeir outrage# qpntinpo fa Montana. PHiLanELrnu, September 23.—Capt. Leonard, the famous counterfeiter, has been arrested. A large amount of well executed bill# were found on his person and premises. St. Louis, September 23.—Gen. Sheridan and Senator Tlmiman, of Otato, with party, are here, en rento tor Vera Cruz. Foreign News. Maurii*. September 23—Piorrod ha# fled from Tanagla. Serrano has gone to the Alhambra Baths. Prim baa returned and a Cabinet Conncil has re solved to use every effort to sere Cube. Pams. September 24.—The papers attach great importance to Fattier Hyacfathu' letter. Burlingame's embassy and the lYrnch Ministry havo arranged for improved relations between China and France, on a basis of mutual conciliations. London, Ontario, September 23.—At an immense celebration in honor of Prince Autlrar, an American flag which hsd been bung among the decoration* was pulled down and tom to pieces. Much excite ment prevailed. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Daily Review of the Market. OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. 1 SuvaMss* 23—Evening, 18G9. f Cottoz.—Receipts to-day 429 bales ; sale# 204; ■hipped 182. The market moved along very quietly to-day with a moderate demand. Holders are no longer rushing matter#, and the anxiety to sell is not so strong as it waa a few days since. The demand to-day was confined mostly to tho better grades of cotton. IVe quote inferior and ordinary cotton Irregular; mid dlings 25; strict middlings 25)*. MACOS COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on band Sept. 1,18G9—bales.. 170 Received to-day '.' 429 of petroleum arof Received previously 7,339— 8,363 8,547 Shipped to-day. 182 Shipped previously 1 5,879— £,061 Stock on hand tfaa evening 2,4.-1 Trade generally was rather dull to-day anil we have nothing of interest to report in any branch of the market. Cora ia strong at 1 50 and prices look sharply np- waid. Bacon ia still a little excited and prices tend up ward. We quote: shoulders 17j«818; clear rib aide# 219—: clear aides 31)4922; hams 25. Flour la firm and a shade higher on all grade#. Cotton-baling material fa fair demand and un changed. LATKST MARKETS «* TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New Yoas, September 23. noon.—Floor drooping. Wheat dull and nominally unchanged. Cora a shade firmer. Mesa Pork doll 3162)4. Lard quiet. Tur pentine quiet at 4244(343. Roam dull; common 2 50; strained 2 3092 35. Cotton quiet at 28tf. Stocks Tery feverish. Money very close at 7. Sterling, long 7: short 7)4. Gold 13 20);. Tennessee*, ex-coupons 01)4; new 54)4. Virginias, ox-coupon* 65)4; new 58. Others not called. Small notes command 2@2)4 premium. New Yout, September 23. evening—Flour strODglv favor# buyers; common to fair extra 6 454(6 80: good to choice Southern 6 85(310 50. Wheat opened with holders asking higher rates but dosed at about yes terday's prices; winter red Western 15091 55; Illi nois 1 47*4<tf 1 51. Cora closed dull and unchanged; mixed Western 1109114. He*# Pork quiet and a shade easier st 316009162)4. Lard a shade firmer: kettle 19(319)4. Whisky firm at 125(31 27);. Biee unchanged. Sugar dull. Coffee fairly active; Ho- 1 apses unchanged. Turpentine 4214943. Rosin 3 00 98 00. Freights to Liverpool lowei: cotton, per ttteaxn. a shade better and closed firm. Cotton firmer but quiet; sales 1400 bale# at 29. 1862a 22(322)4- Southerns dull. Tennessee* Cl-f; new 4L Georgia# S3. Virginias 54)4; new 58. North Carolina* 50)4; new 46)4. Louisian as 70: levees 64)4. Money very stringent all day with 344(4)4 com mission. Sterling exceedingly dull, declining sud denly at close to 4)4. Gold'fluctuated from 41 to 44)4. closing at 43)4(343)4. Stocks weak and dc- ciining. dosing unsettled end excited. Baltimore, September 23.—Cotton dull at 23. Flour dull and weak. Wheat firmer: prime to cboioe 1459157. Cora dull; white 1 25(31 30. Oats G09G2. Rice dull. Pork and Bacon active and ad vancing. Whisky 117(3118. Virginias, old 45)4 bid. Augusta, September 23.—Cotton market firmer and more active; sales 560 bales; receipts 620; mid dlings 25)i&25)4. Charleston, September 23.—Cotton sales <00 bales; receipts 1664; exports, coastwise 70; market active and firmer; middlings 2626)4. Wilmington, September 36.—Spirits Turpentine 40@40J4. Rosin dull; No. 2 2 00. Crude Turnentine steady at 2 50(33 00. Cotton steady at 25 for middlings. Louisville. September 23—Provisions firm. Mess Pork S3 00933 50. Bacon, shoulders 16)4; clear sides 19)4. Whisky 1 12(3113. Cincinnati, September 23.—Whisky excited: held at 115. Mess Pork dull at 32 00. Laid neglected; offered at 17)4- Bacon firm; shoulders 16; sides 19 919)4- Moeile, September 23.—Cotton closed easy; sales 200 bales; receipts 521; exports 327; middlings 26. New Orleans, September 23.—Cotton sales 1967 bales; receipts 1294; market more active but prices irregular; middlings 27)4(327)4. Flour firmer: superfine 5 85; double extra 6 20: treble extra 6 35. Com lower; white 100. Oats 55. Bran 115. Pork 34 12)4 Bacon firmer; shoulders 17)4; clear rib sides 20)4; clear sides 21. Sugar 12)4@14)4. Molasses, reboiled 70. Whisky 1 22)4 1 25. Coffee unchanged. Hav 27 00. Lard 19(3 21)4- Gold 39)4. Sterling nominal. New York Sight par. Conncil Proreedinpi. REGULAR MEETING. »_ Council Coameeb. September 21, 1809. l Present—Tho Mayor : Aldermen Sparks. West- cott. Roes. Crockett, Turpin and Grier. Absent—Aldermen Harris and Ijghtfool. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. Clerk of Market reported fees to date. $26.43. Committee on Public Property report favorably on petition of A. B. Small, asking for a duplicato deed to lot 1, square 73. referred last meeting. Report adopted and the Clerk instructed to issue the deed. Committee on Street Encroachments report favorably on petition of E. H. Link, asking for the privilege of placing hU fence on a line with Mr. Hines, on Plum, and that of Mr. Dunlap, on Spring street, subject to removal by Council at any time. Adopted. T1TT-T ft TirmiFrD Moughon A Stubbs, J. V. Grier, J. T. Barfield, Porter A Hudgens, G. F. A H. E. OliTor, T. W. Ellis, (1) A. K. Harman, O. P. Finney, William Holmes, (2) Hospital Attendants, Bartium A Hen drix, (2). Reports of Surgeon of Hospital and City Physi cian were read and filed. ( Petition of E. C. Grannies, asking for the privilege of laying a pipe from his premises to tho cistern in front of the Parsonage, on Piret street, was read, and laid over for farther action. On motion, Hon. Thoe- Hardeman and CoL J. B. Boos were appointed delegatee to represent the city in the Commercial Convention to be held at Louis ville, Ky., with power to select an alternate, should either be unable to attend. Petition of J. J. Flanders, asking for the privilege of erecting a wooden shed on lot 7, square 29; and that of D. Abraham, a wooden shelter on lot 4, square 40, were referred to Committee on Fire De partment. Communication of Messrs. W. It. Nelson A Co., fa reference to pavements, was received and refer red to the Committee on Streets. On motion of Alderman Turpin, a committee of three were appointed by the Chair, to whom was referred the petition of T. J. Lane and others, con cerning encroachment on Orange street, fronting tho residence of W. A. Hoff, Esq. Aldermen Turpin, Roes and Crockett were ap pointed that Committee. On motion, Conncil adjourned to meet again this day two week# at 7)4 r. m. CHARLES J. WILLIAMSON, C. C. COKSiaXKKS «. A XV. It. R. Macox, September 23,1S6S. Dr K n Myers; Jooes A B: A Waanaek; II L Jewett: W R Phillip?; J Uolmes A (!<■: J fichall: Rtusell A 1'; I - " L»tal: J A Nelson; E Price; W A Half: A L ! M lio-n; Eeymoar. T A Co; Rogers A J naor; Ctliby A H: tiood A B; Johnson. C A Co; Lawton k L: J W Burke A Co; C Anderson; Carbart AC; W D Williams: H NElis.^ COSS1GNES S. XV. RAILROAD. Macon. September 23, 1869. Rotere Aik Dr W U Clay: T C Nirbet: J M Cox: J Holme? A Cm Frank Patrick: Russell A Peter; Tho. Kinr: Seymour, t A Oe: W .M llrowm J A Fos ter: track Collie.*: XvlnaSp A I'jGPA H E Oliver: L P SUon* A Suns; 111. Jewett; T ft Freeman A Co: N 0 r ltocees; Hardeman AS; ltV. 11 — dell; Collins A S: J H Cherry A Co: Adorns. J A R: W A Hopson: Lawron A 1.: 8Neil: J M Bowman: Henry Clarke: Miron A B K R: 8 Waxelbsum A Bro; John- run. C A Co. EITY BANKING COMPANY OF MAOON . CASH CAPITAL, 3200,000 DtkSCToas: W. B. JOHNSTON. J.J.ORE8UAM, tral 8t«ek of this Company is at! osned m Macon A and vieinltv. Ilavinz no circulation « protect, tha whole capital D susrsnteed for th" rrcurity of Depositors and Patrons. augl2-daw3mo FIRST MONAIJP OF MACON. I C. PLANT Patstparr. W, W. WKIOLKY. CaamsB. Corner Second and Cbcrry Streets. n ISOOUNT. DEPOSIT ANDCOLLECTI0N. Kzchanze Boueht an t Sold. Liberal advances mode on ehiements uf Cotton to any good Northern or European houser. Collections promptly attended it. H. L. Jewett, Wt> T. i. : .*ht8wl*. (1. II. Buzlehurst. W. 11. lie?*. War. B.1fIn?morn. II. !!. Plant. nia; I. C. PLANT & SON. Bankers and Brokers, QFFIC3 in the First National Ji- GE0RGIA ST4TEFAIR BULLETIN CIB-CULATIOIf 25,000. A linl’T the f.ivt week in October, TWF.N -l ^ THOUSAND COPIES «fa litre* four-raze Bul letin* of'he great Southern Exposition of Agriculture and Mccnario#. to be- hell ; n M-u- >n. injr November lo’h. *»:1 bo i:\«ueJ f«'-r cr./uitioa? circulation wi»hin the State. Tho Bulletin wi:i *">Dtain tho Premium Li ! Ry~ vised—now fir-t published complete— Regulation;* of the Exhibition. Instructions to Kxhibitor.-, Officer?of the various In-u trial Aa^ciationa of Georgia. Pre parations lor the Lair—inducing the arrangements mvde upon the Fair Ground, and by K.^ lro&d*. Hotel?, hibitor'! and visitor?, and the address of Boarding Houses and oufsens tl at will be prepared tocutcrtain f:uc ; ts—and article* upon every other subject in con nection vrith the Fair deemed of interest to tho«e atEongvhom the Bulletin* will circulate—the pro ducers i f Georgia. . , _ Five thousand copies oftbe Belletiv will be re served for distribution upon the Fair Croopd during Exhibition, and twenty thou^.mJ jndict usly circular tei imu , . , 'diat? , v uron publication from tho office o. Colonel I>. W. Lewis, Secretary r f the State Agnciil tural Society. No. 66 Mulberry street. Wholesale Merchant*. Y nr-ufeetnrerf. a DcalerN in Specialties hare presented to them, n ;..?cn r- mous edition ot the Bullejix, a medium ©f extending their business which, in extensive circulation, wan never before approached in thi» Ftato. The rpxcc de • rotei to advertisers is limited. The following are the Advertising Kates: One Column (28 rquxrea^ $100; Half Column (14 rquarc?) $oo; Quarter Column (7 S'juarcs' SS0; Less space per square, Jo. ThojeilrnirpujofavaUipir themselves of the Bcl- LzriN should forward their favors at cnce.nddretted to N. FINK U AM. Macon. Ga. Cirizcn* who will be prepared to receive pucris durins the Fair, will confer a favor by leavir* their address at the office of Cou Lewis, or through the Poet-office with the Publisher. septl2-tf jildirr, it, #ee#ed door froaf the corner of Second(tseet. Will Buy Sizht and Time Exchance on th# North. Savannah, Aucusta ana other points, make liberal advonee* on Cotton inStore in Maeon, »r on abipmeaL- >.r Cotton to cood Northern or European houre*. or on Bond*. Stock# or other coed •eenriti##. XVill purchase and fell BONDS, STOCKS, a OLD, SJL VEIL and mskc ibv extineat# tor partiae a# they may direct. li«r»lf?. ZHEJfJLZ-M— F. H. COKER, BAN Ki^R, AJTEUrCVS,.........I... .GEORGIA, TV>ia A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS: lJBuy# and Sell# Stocks. Bond#, Coin and Excbanro MONEYS invested as parties direct. COLLECTIONS promptly rexitted on days of ma turity, at lowest rates of exchanf e. COTTON BOUGHT ON ORDER. f«cp7-*m* LADIKS’ GRECIAN BENDS, GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, And every variety of Ladies,’ Gentlemen’# »nd Chil dren’s ROOTS and SHOES. AT > SECOND STREET, MACON. Q.\. ■Every article slampid with their Trade Mark war- : ;;.■. : .. . ■■■< VI m. sei.9-tf ‘ ~ W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canll Streets. LAUDS! LAUDS! T)ERS0N3 wishing to dispoee of their Land*, cither A Plantations or Wild Lands, would do well to con* fer with either Co). D. W. Lewis. Secretary of the Suite <• grieultursl Society, or myself, as we havo very superior facilities for Felling during the prefeat Fall and Winter. The State Agricultural Society being in direct correspondence with e'l State and local Socie ties North and We«t, and through them with the members oftheso societies, notifying them that the of fice of this State Agricultural Society if a medium through which lands can be purchased. It is to thin office that persona attending the Fair from beyond the limits of the State first apply for information and to make purchases. Person?., therefore, wishing to eell would do well perhaps to i>U<*e their land* in my hands. sept2S>2tawda wl m HARMAN, Real -Rotate Agcur, Macon, Ga. CHEESE. og BOXES NEW EXTRA CREAM CHEESE. 10 Firkin# Tztra Fine GOSn KN BU ITER. 10 Barrel# POTATOES. 500 lb#. Now CODPISn. 5 Barrel#ONI .'S3. 300 CABBAGE*. In store and for site by H. N. KLLS. Mulb«rry St., Maeon, Ga. #epU9-l« WHI_8KY, X X X X SOLD BY JNO.W. O'CONNOR HEAD ! SlEAXJ 1 M r. J. W. O’CONNOR—Data Sib: Tn accordance with your reqa# 11 have raadu a ricid examina- and analysii of the #ami>le of WHibKl you aent me. sold by Uliaau A Co., of this city and marked “Fine Did Monongaheia Rye Whisky," X X XX happy ti» 4 to that itprorw tobs a pcrfaetly pure arti ahvjlutrly tree tfnm every thinx foreicn orincennna. I cannot detect in it tho #nznte#t trace of any adulteration or impurity. Re#P*rtful!y, etc- vTM. k. a: AIKIN. M. P„ ete- Profemor Chemist and Pharmacy, Analytical and Consultinz Chemist, University of Maryland. Baltimore. Md„ September A 1809. If yon wi»h PURE WHISKY call on JNO. W. O’CONNOR, (rental -tfj Ho has got it. NOTICE TO PLANTERS. MpniKOMt WE 0 A VB NOW IN STORE, AND IRK CONTIN UAL LV RECEIVING, BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pure IiSAF BARR, Choice aXagnoiia and Pamil . Sugar- Cured HA 888, Tli#'0 Hum* are unrurpamod ftr soundovrsund dtii- cacy of flavor. it . KDICK BROTHLKS. Third etrewt Corn, Corn, Corn. Wc arc in daily receipt of Sound Corn, which we tell at aa LOW PRICE as any hour* in Macon. BURDICK BROTHERS. Foreign Markets. Loarocar, September 23, noon.—Consols SS£. Bonds 82}*. Liyebpool, September 23, noon.—Cotton quiet; uplands 12%@12>£; Orleans 12$£@125£: ealea 7000 bales. Breadatuffa quiet. Com 30a. I#atek.—Cotton unchanged. Meaa Pork 112a. Tallow 47s3d. Liverpool. September 23, evening.—Cotton up lands Orleans 12}^: sales 8000 bales: for < ;x- port and on speculation 3000. Havue. September 23, noon,—Cotton opens de< di ning: on spot 1 48; afloat 142. Paris, September 23, noon.—Bourse dull. Rent ea 70f75e. WM. E. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, SA.W MXTjXiS, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. I RON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM PROVED MACHINERY of all kinds built and repaired. Also, Agent rin the Southern States for Blake’s Patent Steee & Ore Breaker H. XL BROWN, Ag’t, I sept4-d*wly No. 62 Second st, Macon, Ga. Flour, Flour, Flour. We have a largo iti ck; fresh ground FROM NEW WHEAT—all erode'—and cannot be undersold. BURDICK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BtWT KENTUCKY BAGGING, weighs full 2)4 pound# to the yai d. and the mo.-1 reliable article in tu* Alro, the favorite ja.RR.OW TIE- In Bankruptcy. Call and #ee us; wo know we can please you. BURDICK BROTHERS. 63 Third #t rMacon, Ga, W A. RANSOM & CO. Manufacturer# i BOOTS AND SHOES, 384 SiiS Broadwkf. SKU VOItK } In Bankrnptcy. In the District Court of thk United States# the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of JOHN G. 111TE—Bankrupt. N OTICE idi hereby civco that tho final meeting of the Creditor? in this ca?e will be held at tho Ho tel. in Fort Yal'cy, October S, 18^9. at V o'clock, a. m. And farther notice i?*,*ivcn that 1 have filed my final account?, and on thru day will apply for ft discharge from all liability rs Assignee of the K>tate of .<aid Bankrupt. J. A. HOLT7.CLAW. Perry, 16th September, 1S&?.—2t A^ijmec. In Bankruptcy. Is Till District Court of thk Usitxd Status for the Sorr'iX x.v District of Gsoroia. \?ILLL\M°BRVAN—Bankrupt. ) In Eankru P t "y. N OTICE i? hereby given that the final meeting of tho Creditor? in this cr*«e. wall the Hotel in Fort Valley. October S, Do; 1 , at ^ o’clock a. m. And farther notice i? given that l have tiled my final ac counts, and on that day will apply {ora discharge from nil liability a-- Assignee of the K«tate of raid Bankrupt. J. A. llOLTZCLAW. Perry, l :th September. 1S.*A—2t Assignee. lu Banliruptcy. In ihh District Court of thf. Tnitko States, for the Southfk\- P.stkict or Georgia. In themattcr ot WILLIAM M. DAVIS, Bankrupt J ln D-'nkruptcy. N 'OTICE i-» hereby civcn that tho final meeting of tho Creditors in this case, will be hold at the Ho tel in Fort Valley, Octobers, lSf'O. nt9o’clock a. u. And furthernotice is given that I have filed my final accounts, an ! on that day will apply {ora discharge from all liability aa Assignee of tho Potato of said Bankrupt. J. A. llOLTZCLAW, Berry, 10th September, ISO’.'.—2t Assignee. In Banbrnptcy. Is Tits District Court of thk Usitkd States, for thk Southern District or Georgia. In the matter cf 1 In BankruDtov JOHN H* HOSE—Bankrupt. ) ln 1>allKru Ptiiy "VTOTICE i< hereby riven that tho final meeting of tho Creditors in this case, will bo held at the Ho tel in Fort Valley, Oetobcr $, 1S69, atO o’c’ock a. m. And farther notire is given that I have filed ray final accounts, on that day will apply for a discharge from all liability aa Assigneo of tho Estate of the said Bankrupt. J. A. llOLTZCLAW. Berry, lfith September, 1869.—2t Assignee. In Bankruptcy In thr District Court of thk United States, for thk Southern District of Georgia. In tbe matter of I STEPHEN’ K.SMITII—Bankrupt.j In Bankruptcy. ■\T0TICE i* hereby given that the final meeting of JLi the Creditors in this case, will be held at the Ho- tel in Fort Valley, October ft, 1869, at 9 o’clock a. n. And further notice i* given that I havo filed my final account?, and on that day will apply for a discharge from all liability ns Assignee of tho Estate of said Bankrupt. J. A. llOLTZCLAW. Perry, 16th September, 1869,-21 AF?ignce. v In Bankruptcy. In Bankruptcy. Ix tiir District Court or thk Usitrd Status for SOCTHZRX DlSTRIUT OF (iKORGU. In the matter of ) JOHN T. LUMPKIN. M Bankrupt. J 'I’O Wnoa it Mat Concern : Notice is hereby i aWea that a thir.t Ecncral rucctiny ofcrcilitur* for tbeinreoaaanameU in the 27th *cction<'f the Bank rupt Aat of 18C7, before Frank S. Ucaeltiac, Kcci«- tcrin B.'inkruptcr. oa tho 12th tl iv of October. IS®, in Amoricu*.Oa.. attholawcflicoof Hawkins J: Burke, at 9 o'clock, a. if. Dat«l at America*, tho 17th day ot September, 1869. BKNJ. P. I10I.I.1S. feptl9-d-t A*sitruee. i'li Backiuptcy, Inth* Diaratcr Cooat of the Unite* State?, fur TBS Southern IliSTittCT or GtOSfti. In tho matter of J WIL1.IAM II. TALTON. |-In Baakreptci. Bankrupt. j "VT0TI3E is hereby pivon that Hie final nu'ctinir of lx tho creditor# in this case will be held at the Hotel, ia Fort Valley, on the 3th of October, 188SI, nt 9 o’clock, a. M. Anil further notice is Riven that I have filed my final accounts, and < n tint day will ap ply for a discharge from all liability a? Aaairnoc ol tho estate of said Bankrupt. J. A. HOLTZ 1 .LAW, P#nry.Ga. September 16.1- '. A* septl9 d2t Hay, Oats, SCtoal, Bran. Etc. Hay, Oats, Bttcal, Bran, Etc. Hay, Oats, .lUcal, Bran, Etc. OLD POPLAR LOG, THE FINEST COPPER WHISKY MADE. WARRANTED TO BE PURE, AT $3 50 PER GALLON. XTEUTRAL SPIRITS- IN RAW, CORN, RECTIFIED, And, in fact, a large lot . of all grade# of Whiskies always on band, at 53 THIRD STREET, L. W. HASDAI. DR. J. BR&DFIELD S lit IfllAffS BEST FRIEND! '4’UIS valusble Medicine is t>rc|.»re l for WOMEN i.. exclusively, and tp be ueeu l»y tiomcn only. It Is Adapted especially «o tho»e en»e» ti’hcro tho woml» is disordered, and will cur© nny irregournty in the **tnenx<»." except In *uch eoMter require a etugical operation. Art theie luBt aro very rare, tho Femiile IlcgBlator la of &lmc5l unlvo'^al application. In a in I den check of the ••monthly e©nr*e* M from <«»ld, trouble of mind or Ilk© eaiMrw it acts liko uch;:r:u. ly 'isior- iocthe dUeharxe iu every ioeUoo©# ttns relieving the fever, headache, pslu Ml tho email < f the back and ••lower«toinnch, M |la«nryof In .»(.h»ntthef4ee.ehUly eenmtionrt. hurrumr of tbe uyeM l 3 . and re. ; l- lcssucs.-. i aken in time. :A‘ • f Ihtve yyniMom- poM- away unmedUt«j£ without it Jury to the constitution. Frequently, hnwever, tho proper remedy isnotnp- pliedin time, tho diEeare becomes ©hronto and tho foundation laid for numberlvMe*il»to the constitu tion of woman Tha next **tum” comts around and them Uno •*»how. ,, or perhaps the ** whites" will nn- C ear. There will beeome unaotincre about the womb, tit very little ornono of the natural fluid escaping. The complexion becomes aallow. bowels swollen, a sort of greenish caete about the face, constant dull, aching painn ia tho head, weight in tho lower atom a«»h and back, with or without white?, palpitations of tho heart, pallor, exhaust Ion,' mdltoitiofa. wearing a . lan- gor, aching across the loin*, loss ot appetite, pain in left breast, tightoe*! aeror* the chest, cough nnd gid- dinest. It still allowed to goon, “green visimers” will he fully developed; the headache becomes pevere. with loss of memory, diminished sensibility. ?. ok stom ach, dyspepsia, no relieh for food, Iops of flolb. In creased fluttering of the heart, swelling of the foot, laaaood body. an«l occasional valuing ot blood. The nlirhtfst effort causerfhurried breathing almost to puffocatioa. The skin is flabby, and has a ‘‘doughy f *TMs I, a tad picture, but it is the condition of thou sands of women between the ngca of fifteen aDd forty- live. who arc brought to the grave by ignorance, or neglect to take the proper remedy. To ail who aro afflicted with any of the symptoms above mentioned, in connection with an irregularity of tho “monthly sickness,” wc earnestly pay, take DXU J. 2SB.AZ»;PX‘£XiX>’8 FEMALE REGULATOR, A few ounces taken, you will at once experience its benefit, and with a little patienco you will be fully restore! to health. This remedy has been extensively used for upward of twenty, years by many of the meet experienced ami succe-'pful physicians in Georgia. No family should be without two or three bottle*. We repeat, that I)b. J. BRADFIBLDT? FEMALK REGULATOR is prepared for won v.s, and to be uned by women only. A trial is all wc a«k. Prepared and sold in any quantity, by BRADF1EU) A i <>., Atlanta, Ga# P AINITING-. N- L. DRURY. House Sign Painter, filfuHK. fUZUB AND PAP2B BfNOZS L AWTftN * LA '."TON’S. F ; H STREET. iaaK-tf jkXi • ~ MACON-GA. Jl'O. C. SHDBTER. !• W. PERSONS- SHORTER & PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, ha coy, ga., "WILL practice in the United States Court*, at VV Savannah and Atlanta, and in the fctute Court* wherever onr service* are dmred. 4^*Cnl!ectior‘3 solicited. jul; If SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL --FOR— . YOUNG- Xj^L Z3Z2SB, Charleston, S. C., S ESSION commences October 4th. All the accom plishment of a polite education taught. Send for circular*. Address Mrs. JOHN LAURENS, Principal; gcpt!8-d2taw4w TEST I'M ON IA1 Wc, the undersigned Druggipt^, take pleasure ia commending to the trade. Dr. J.Bbadfikld’h r kmalk KEGULATOR—believing it to be a good and reliable remedy lor thcdi.*ca><; for wliich he recommends it. * W. A. LANDS DELL, Atlanta. <»a., PEMBERTON, WILSON. TAYLOR & CO.. Atlanta, Ga. W. O. LAWSHEE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOT & SON. Marietta. Ga. State of Gf.orou, Troup County. ... This is to certify that I have examined the recipe of Dr. JoEixh Brad field, of this county, and, as a med ical man, pronounce it to be a combination of medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all of tho dis eases of females for which he recommends it. * WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. This December 21,1868. Cabtkesyillk, Ga., April 20, 1869. This will certify that two members of my immediate family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and having been treated with out benefit by various medical doctors, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfield'a “Female Regulator." I therefore deem it iny duty to furnish this certificate, with the hope of drawing the attenion of tuffering womankind to tho merits of a medicine whoso power in curing irregular and sup pressed menstruation has been proven under my own personal observation. Its efiect on such cases is truly wonderful, and well may the remedy be called “Wo rn in’s Best Friend. - ’ Yours respectfully. JAS. W. STRANGE. Price. SI SO per totlle. For f ale at Proprietor'*' price * by J. Jl. ZETLIN k CO.. L. W. HUNT k CO., S. D EVKREIT. T. W. KLLIS. HARRIS. CLAY * CO.. P. Jl. WRIGHT, septO-eodtf II. J. PETER. LIVERPOOL ASD LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY I CAPITAL, OVER SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS, GOLD. JKSURB COTTON. itEliCHANDISE. STORES, DWELLINGS. Etc. nil II K UNDERSIGNED! - HAVING BKEN AP- J. POINTED A gent of the above named popular and highly responsible Company, : s prepared to issue policies on aa farorable terms as other agencies in this city. i. C. PLANT* Agent. septS-ly