The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 28, 1869, Image 4

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HE TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 28, 1869. AO“NT* FOR THE TKLKOHAPHi Thft .lowing gtntl«men are authorised to rocriv* money for os: esstcrt. Oi.. M. 15. C.unci:; Albaxt. Ga.. K. ill*. Ga.. H. Richardson . iUi.eaaroGr, G*., r. R. Warde'... M. Fryer; BcTi.nit, Ga., Hines .V PBAT. Gi.. . . .S. Powell ; iiAU'AO^ Q Ga.. S.* MnnUmmery: Erri rington; Fob* tth let. (h., J. O. i 'BOJf. Ga.. J. 31. £ Adams; Ellavii li. Sperry: Mr ckllo. Ft. A Ga.. W. V. F«»«t.Ga., Jam A Jobeor.; : sb; Talhovtoy. .. 1. R. S. D«vi« : Att^ .- a.. B. oddard : Ccth. J. M. Sim- II.LI - A. 1J. Yar- ; VOKT VAL II. ft.Jobn- . Ki■•k**; KxoxviLLr. i.vili.k. Ga.. J. A. S. 1 ruluck: Moxti- •: M ILLEDfJ* V1LLR, . Ga.. c. A. Greer. thviu.!:.Ga., John- .. J. Orillia; TntiM- i». 13 Central Kajl- * VTL!. P , Ga.. E. A. WM. HENRY WOODS, Cotton Factor i General Commission miek.ojhcant. BAT STREET, : : SAVANNAH, GA. liberally oo conairomenta for Bale in Sarannah, „. ... abipment to hia corrMpoodenta in Hew York and Liverpool. auri4 o3m* M KETCHUM. A_ L. HAirnLEDGE Of bew York. L_.:e of liartriJce A Neff KETCHUM & HARTRIDGE. PORT It EAST ROOM KXCIi.'MGX KTT1 DIXG SAVANNAH, GA., B. A. WISE & CO. St*>cks. Bo. ... Receive depr pel annum on Collections a town* of Oeon Will make Rice. etc., to oi pean correct or, ALr’D ntr. slh>*r : reeklj bsU xdc i.a this iu and Flor ranee* c: Ecxh&cge. : -y an a *«U j u invest j U» wards. j irincipaJ 1 ;elv . or t a ^abtieb R*Mirr:«o Moxkt t heye: tered Letter*, at oar rls must pav charge*. Co.. Ga. I Newton, Ga. | Savannah, Ga. COLQUITT & BAQGS. bebad; orc V hi^K^!; CoTtor« Factors & Genera! Commission If sect 07 ijaxpre** the - can send BrrrALO Hrxnvo.—Buffalo sh* plains must Be famous sport, unit writcrH arc alt Monchauscu' . Th i Ktory is .Sophie Tall ting on the , i the letter-! heroine of i CoIumbtiM, ! S,, BA Y STREET, SA VAN IT AH, GA. .after.: a tothi -ale of Cot:on. Lumber •••*. *I*er:.i sdvi*;,:* OO CV" ignmentg. EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A COTTON PLANT!” AND HERE IT IS Ohio, who was in the party of Gen. Cnntar, Lords Paget and Waterpark. and other swells. “Ten mile* of prarit; land," ‘‘had been ridden over wbe view halloo, nnd the entire p and scattered a herd of Bufi ; to the westward. Foremost the fleet courser of Mis until she found herself on bull. Full five miles of l, nays the Recount, hen Goa tar gave the e party charged upon iff aloes that appeared r>st in the wild dash T.illmadge bore her, the track of a huge he pravie the b-.y CLAKK & WILSON. Factors and Genera! Commission MERCHANTS, So. I STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE. •-1 VANN AH, GA. apurned Beneath hia heel old fellow' was reached. s Before the si. ,1ft of tho Two quick, we !l-direet- ed ahota from ft Colt's rei rolver, that Mi Snilie carried, Bronght the Biso n to a half. Tho biR ball settled slowly to his knees. Belloi rod and rolled over —dead. Her Blood was up. Quick ft« a flash, she wheeled a ml made for > l second quarry, another sharp pa Hop, three sb otfl, nnd the thing was over. Eighty Buffalo w«*ro alanght- BA T STREET, - JB-LitwralaJraerta a]jt22 dim JOSEPH TIK1017, i Produce in Store. F. ered in this day’s hunt. Guslar killed nine. Lord Paget six, and Lord Waterpark five, but it may bo easily imagined that Miss Tallmadge was the heroine of the day. ’ Sophie’s further exploits are sleeping only three nights in a bed, camping out all the rest of the time. An Awfttt, Sinner. — In Arkansas, Eld'*? Knapp, while baptizing converts at a revival meeting, advanced with a wiry, sharp eyed old chap into the water and asked the usual ques tion, whether there was any reason why the or dinance of baptism should not bo administered. After a pause, a tall, powerful looking chap, with an eye like a blaze, who was leaning on a long rifle, and quietly looking on, remarked : “Elder, I don’t want ter interfere in this yer business any, but I want to say that this is an old sinner you have got hold of, and I know that one dip won’t do him any good. If you want to get the sin out of him, you’ll have to anchor him out iu deep water over Light." The Decline of Liberia.—A Liberian news paper, dated July 2«th, declares that the Amer- ico-Liberian population are passing away. A correspondent in tho same journal allows one century for the annihilation of Liberian nation- j ality, unless the native element bo vigorously incorporated. It seems that, during forty y*ars, not twelve “civilized and evangelized native 1 wh. h. tjson. gentlemen" havo been produced. Tho equality doctrines of tho United States Congress have killed Liberia and blanted the hopes of “civilized and evangelized native gentlemen !" JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO.. COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION ME .'.CHANTS, BAY ST11F.ET, - - AAVAWAU, GA. T IBERAL ADVANCED m.daca Co-.ton r .n>in:wl I j In m or to oarOarreai dent, in New York and W. SIMS &C0, COTTOMT FACTORS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. SAVANNAH, OA. nr Cons'gr men*.?. solicit ad i RemiUanrt■§ made' promptly: Advances of Provisions Basting. Ties and i Rope made to persons tending ns Cation for *a!o. septlO-ds wfitn J. W. & f. A. Mel WIRE, Cox. St. Julies, Beta* and Jefferson Stkxkts, . SAVANNAH, GA. y ■pvEALERS in Groceries. Dry Good.*, Hardware, ! JL/ Wine/, Liquors, and Country Produce generally. th. w. coxnoK. Extraordinary at Bohll'i Ho tel.—A colored woman named Mary Stile, con fined in the county jail, was safely delivered yesterday morning oj£ a son nnd daughter. The daughter is as black as tho aco of spades, and the son is as whito as any one of the descend ants of the Puritans who landed nt Plymouth Rock a long time ago.—Sat. Republican. One Hundred Icederos.—Tho captain of the ship .Southampton, arrived at New York on Mon day from Tehuantepec, reports that between latitude .VJ and 50 S., longitude 46, he saw one hundred very largo icebergs. One was from seven to eight miles in length and from three to four hundred feet in height. A Wakhinoton letter aaya: “Secretary Bout- well intends to scour tho South—the excuse be ing an attendance at tho Georgia State Fair— the real purpose to forestall popular opinion among the Radicals in his favor. Ben. Butler will have something to say about all these move ments as soon ns Congress assembles. Ho has pretensions to the Presidency himself, I learn. Bout well will bo accompanied by tho great traveler, Mr. Delano." The Negroes in Cuba.—It is said that tho negroes in Cuba are now becoming impatient of restraint. They claim to be free—tho revolu tionists having dsclured them so—and Cuba, under any eventual rule, will have her bitter done of turbulent Africanism to donl with. The Christian Advocate says that Rev. Mr. Richardson, of Washington, Ohio, is probably the oldest living American clergymen. Yet he appears by no means superannuated; for, al though one hundred and six years of age, ho walks five miles on Sunday nnd preaches a ser mon. It is reported that not enough whent will be raised this year iu Great Britain to suffice for the consumption of the people by T.VOojjmk) bushels. To supply this deficiency will cost about $100,000, in gold, to say nothing of other kinds of food required to be imported from abroad. It is said that the Czar lias chan .'< d his mind about removing tho Russian capital from Sr. Petersburg to Kioff. The Western Union .and Atlantic and Pacific States Telegraph Companies have consolidated. Tiie Louisville Journal chronicles, tho fact that martial law-lessness is still kept up at the South. TISON & GORDON,! COTTON FACTORS B. A. WISE & CO, Keep them constantly on hand, of all aizes. Also th, IRON WITCH, (tUEEN OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, ‘GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTIIER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you up * STOVE, handsomely furnished, and warrant it to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you can take your choice &monE four hundred, and thej will fill your waxon with Furniture to fit. A rood assortment of GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS,! Grate*, 96 Bay Street, SA VANNAH, - - - - GEORGIA. I Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or Coal) A large Stock of B AQOINO and HOPE or IRON TIES adricced on Crept. Liberal Caih adrance, made oo conaijnmeoti of! Cotton. Grateful for liberal patronare in tbe p«*t. a ccc- \ tioaanee of tbe m:;.e ie rcipocttally eoliehed. «ept2-(Uw6ai tasHKnrcc.-rr- HOUSE ■ FURNISHING GOODS Alw&jt on hand. nr Order loliclted and promptly filled. TERMS O AS XX DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP | havis smith. T H. P. WESTCOTT. P. McGLASDAN If K Arm of Sloan. Groover k Co. i, tbia day dia- aolred bj the withdrawal of A. M. Moan. The of the late Arm will b* aettled by therrmain- ina nartnrra, who are alone authoriied to tign in ilqaldatioo. A. M. PLO AX, • 0. P.ETPBBS. C. K. GROOVER, A. T. MACINTYRE. Paeannah, Ga.. Jnly 4.1869. COPAItTHSRSHIP. TIIE undrmcned barethia d y t need a eopart- .; r? hip for the transaction of a Cotton Factoraae and lener&l C»mmi>fion Bnainrea, under tho firm and tamo of Groover, titnbba A Co. Their beat attention fill be given to all bnaineea en'roj- l to tbeir e-ore. r. I; STiVh i>: U - } Savannah. A. T. M ACIN i Y RE, Tbomaarillo. julyS-«13m THlv ALABAMA GQLO LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, Homs Office, No. 34 St. Francis St., SMITH, WESTCOTT * CO. OFFER FOR SALK, A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles, Harness, Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Slioe Findings, Carriage Material Of every deecriptlon. MOU .33, A.Zj2X. Plantation for Sale. \\ T ILL lu> sold before tho . urt-hru** door inPer- » rv It ius'o-, r« u *tN, tin., on the I’ I K**T 'l U KS- DAY IV NtiVKMHKU next. tl..» PI.\N i’ATI‘»N br’onKing to fh^ o• tr*?«» ofGrr*rr,o Hill, doco fte i*d. The place ..t th’r'ccn hundred ft 11 i th-tt one «>f tho c-'tton plantn the S'fttc. It healthy, convenient to -ch«» !«• ar.d where «n iibutivl.'.nce of sic id> and reliable la' or can he obtained Ter . s-fUlf ci*h. h .If 12 months, rccurod byrao t- P'aro on I >ml. < ’n 'hr dn> follow if ir. will 1-e - Id on the t .| .or. 3}$ mile* from l’er’y, the MULKS, CATTLE. HO f J^, Stock of all kind . Fannin* Iin: lement- -r.i perisha ble properry of every de*eri. t > n belon.ins to said e>t%t«. Terms cosh The said sale# will be made for distribution amors the heirs. The place may be purch i ed at • rivate sole if desired. JAS A. HILL, A. F. HILL. TWO VALUABLE PLANTATIONS FOR SALE. ' from Ro e an i nue and one half K. K. Depot, oontMinin* e acre? of good land, a:.<3 QNE two mil two hundred -ud ee well improved. Thi* place was settled by Col. Wade S. Cothran, nnd the dwelling arid <*ut bouses are all rent. T' e dwelling is two stories and contains .-even large room*. A splendid well of water and elernnt orchard. This is one of the moil desirable residences near the city. The other place is on the Calhoun road, and fou miles from tho city : wm settled by Mr. John ManD and is well improved. Duelling contains soven comfortable rooms. This farm oontaiu* COO seres of land, and is well watered ; water can be brought to the house, through pines, from an elegant spring In saying that »bese two places are not surpassed in location, by any farms n^ar the city, I know that I do not exonerate. Both places in sUht of tbe Selma. Home a r d Dalton Railroad. The growing o op. stoc 1 * and farming implements will be sold with either place if de-in d. Both of the above places will be snld at public out cry. on the first Tuesday in October, if not disposed ol before that time. JOHN SCAN LIN. •ept2-dlaw4waw4L land foe, sale. X OFFER Waal, my VALUABLE PLANTATION in »I«wart county. G*.. ly.n, „n llannahatehie C>e-k. six taho >cheo Hi w^rds of f *ur hundred timbered—the retna-nder i of cultivation. .It t., finely w t n w.,tctcJ. and has one of the be-t mill seats in the country. A goo I mill is much needed in the n » ighhorhood J he plantation is in spie idid repair, good leccc* excellent outbuildings, with new g n-hou«e and screw. The soci-ty of the neighborhood is unexcep tionable. Churches. Sunday Schools, etc., are conve nient. Any party desiring a first-class plantation cm be suited. 1 will sell mule*, stock, agricultural imp'e- ments, a year's supply of corn and forage, if desired. Ti* Ie* perfect. Terms cash. Address me at Florence. W. A. J. MITCHELL. •ept24- dlawlmawlt* above Florence and three f om Chat * The place contains SS5 acres up- in the woods and finely * cleared a nd in a finest »te OFFICERS : C. Y3. THArAES, President. CARY W BUTT, I T. X. FOWLER, Vice Prciacnt. Secret*] BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS ASSETS, : : $300,000 IN GOLD ! ■ AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. DIRECTORS: O. 0.THAMES. O' C. K. 1 liamra .k Co. C. BUTT, o! Wal.'h. Smith Jt Co. A P. BUSH, of A. 1*. Itu'h ,fe Sons. \V. A. Bi CK, of iturk .v Tullcr. L. lilt'- U EH, ol L. Brewer A Co. JAMES CHALMERS, of Chalmers* Miller. J. C.CiiAMBKKLAIN, of Chntuberlaia A Cc. THUS. IIENKT. Sr. Boa. J AC II M AO t E. o! N. W. Terry & Co. A. I). M,-Cants, of M-rria G. f. vl, - A s. JEN N LVGo M I RPUY. of S. J. Murphy k Co. THUS. T..M1LLF.R. ofTh :oaj P. Mill-r A Co. H-'N AH \.\1 lIUKI Proa-dcui M.Jo.iB. JOHN II M AHSHA1.L. ol MurfhaT AConler. a (1. RICH \HLIS. of a (i Richards A sons. T. W. ol' S. of Sima, llarri.-on A Co. How. J. M-THuAISON, ol I h >x-,.n, Cockrell <fc Co, K J. YOU N G, of R. J. Y’ounw A Co, M. P. LEVY, ot M. P. Lev, A- Co. A. J. i USES. A. PR0-KAUKR, of A. Pr> skaucrACo. P. H. PEPPER, ofP. li. Pepper A Co. JN0* 1LGAKY, of J. 11. Gary A Co. MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. II. AND. BSON. M. I>. Dabney uerndon. m.d. ATTORNEYS: Messes. BOYLES A OVERALL. T**lr’ lr '‘I'D COMPANY possof.cs features and A lnaucomenta to destriBz In.-uraoce ctiw-h or., ha f, u:.d no where else. ltisa.Mutu„l ,‘mprt .v. rl it- Dividend* are --lusllv ai.d im- piru. ly divided letweeu the Policy lloldera. It tMUe< loltct-g payab'o only in AMI RICAN GOLD C 1 N. and upon all the most favorahle modern plan? ot I n*u, «nce. tnu- making Insurance certain an i not den. ndm* upon the value of a Flu.mating Currency. Premium* may he paid to Gold or oouivalent WAGENTS WANTED throughout the Mate- Apply to ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Office—NEWNAN, GA. WivIQHT Jk DOUGLASS. Attorney?: FT) SMITH At. D.. C. D.sairrt. M. D.. Kxaminem. • State Supervisors to whom Referexxcs is Given • Messr?. Branch Jk Song Aurusta. f*a.: Messrw.Clijhy k Reid. Macon. Ga : M *j J. L. Calhoun. Newm-n Ga.: J. H.Jaaats. Barker. Atlanta. Ga-; J. H De V-'otie, D D.. Folumbus. Go.; J- G. VVestmorela:d, M. D.. Atlnnta. Ga.; J K. Dent, Plar.ter Newnan, Ga.: M Smith, 1). D„ Oxford, Go.; Hon. Wier Bojd, Dahlonega. Ga. »ugl5 tf LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS A RE evidences of a high state ofculture the world over. I am pre ared. at all time.*, to fill order* for those, os well as All the smaller style** of Photo graph Lik.-De.vses. I «m making a specialty of tbe better class of Pictures, and tLoje wonting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH. Artist, Triangular Bloat. Macon Go. A full line of WAGON HARNESS. Agent* for ABBOTT, DOWNING k CO/S Celebrated CONCORD BUGGIES, CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, MO- EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. «ert7-3m CHEAP FOR GASH. 500 rolls Hemp and Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrive, 10 bales Gunny Bagging, 16,000 pounds Arrow Ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 hhds. C. K. Sides, 20 hhds. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Saif, 80 sacks Virginia Salt, 175 barrels Flour—Superfine, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime White Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Sails, 40 barrels Whisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No. 1, 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Candles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes assorted Soda Crackers, 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 cases Pickles, 50 cases Oysters, 50 eases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. CASH DRII0 STORK. ISTIETW GOODS I J. H. ZHILIN & CO.. » a large Stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery.! FANCY GOODS, Sniff, Garden Seed, Medicinal Lipors; ETC., ETC., ETC. EH A W w & Ol 0 OV CQ M Q O 3 u GO M to them will be filled j s greatest care, and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES! We buy exclusively for eash and te.l onlv f :r tbe money down, and can give beiit-r { rices t"un any other house in the State. J- II. ZB I LIN ± CO. SlllS’Ii RBGBMTOI! Tho Great Remedy for DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISK ASK. CHILLS, FEVBR. JAUNDICE. Etc. Tor axle in any quantity. Tbe trade r upplied at a very handsome discount for profit, by the Proprie tors. J. H. ZSILIjXT & CO., *eit22-tf MACON. OA. JEWELRYand SILVER-WARE NSTABIjIS II 3VT E3VT. THE LATEST STYLES OF WATCHES. pURE ; JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, ILVER AND PLATED AY ARE, TOILET >ETi. WORKING BOXES. WRITING DESKS. DRESSING CASES V A,,d » fa " lic ® FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY and BRIDAL PRESENTS. O'CALL AND EXAMINE MY GOODS. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Short Notice and Warranted iJ 10 the MANUFACTURE an l ENGRAVING of BADGES. RINGS, Etc. GEORGIA LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons: V FTER the discouraging events of the two years past, that have prevented u* from *» iiing Lands, we now feel warranted in inviting thoie wishing their lands sold to pla'e them with us. From late personal interviews with our agents in the Northern cities, and letter* received from them, we are led to believe that there will be considerable immigration thi«way the coming (all with a view of purchasing lands. We hare already effected some sales. OurPublic Kegi*ter is open to all. FRBE OF COST, to register th»* lands they have for ale, and inspection ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTH AI, AV ATCII ,AI A KICK, MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, tor th'^e « i-hi:. to buy. We Ofier NO. 1 SECOND STREE T. ^LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJ! for Sale tho rollowin^ I fed JF.WKLRY reraira-l U<! w.rrantevL Property : apTill-tf »OPTIM1CTKR. WATCHES Name Stencils for arlarkins 1 Xiinen Cut to Order. t ty, containing 3340 ALL OP WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. L jnlyl6-3m] xeox reaxaxxi seminaxy, T his Institution offer* the acenmuiated advantages of over 60 years’ successful operation. Every facility is provided 'or a thorough coarse of a _ useful and ornamental education, under the direction JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & i Troy* N. Y. augZl-d2m No. 2. A body of 8000 acre< Timber ! ends on Oc- xnulgee river, with Plantation of 500acre**, in Te!f«ir county. No. 12. Beard’- Bluff Place, 47»l acre.* Timber Lasds, nine miles above Doetor Town, on Altamaha river. No. 17. General Coffee Place, in Tel fair county, 5000 acres Timber Lauds, on Ocmulgee river, with Plantation. No. 24. Place two miles from M*coo, 340a*cres, 40 of whi^b is upland. 150 cleared and 160 heaviest timbered wood-land. No. 35, Farm five and a half mile* from Maeon. 450 arres, extenrive Orchards aa-i Vteeyordt No. 45. PI an tati n m, Ch*tiato*>chcr river, 1300 acres, nfwhich 104)are improved. No. 77, Plantation in ll -u-'on county, 2250 acre.*, 1400 acres open land. No. 82. Plantation in Drcaur county, on Flint river, co- taining 1400 h res No. 80. Farm in « at-M,ea county, of 700 a**res. No. 90. F<rm in Cobb county, containing 50* acres. No. 112. Farm and Mill property, five miles from Ma con. No. 113.A fir<t-ela*f Merchant Mill, near Gordon, ample wat- r-power for Factory. No. 114. ‘ hoicc Cott n l*l»- tation, in Houston coun ty. containing 12G5»crc*. No. 120 PNutation in Jones cou acres. No. 122. PI*nrati*n in Clay county, adjoining Cotton Hill, containing 1'37a. res. No.l24.Twenty acre* in Vtneville—Market Gardens, Orchard* and Vineyards, with Cottage IIou*e. No. 127. Plantation in Terrell county, con tain log GOO acres, with fine Improvements. Ma»y other Plantations in Middle and Southwest ern Goorg-a not enumerated al»o. valuable Uotton Factory Property on tbe several rivers, with water-power sufficient for an almost ardimited increase of Machinery. Also. 230.003 aco-* of Land fi- elv timbered with yellow pin**, in the countie* originally Applirg, con- vo ient to the ports of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to rail and water carriage. 0n« hundro l and eleven thoos tod acres of Timbo- and Agricultural Land, in counties originally Irwin. Fifty two thousand acres Yellow Pine Timber Land, in Wayne county. irixty thousand acre# of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tbe line of railroad and bet d of the Suwannee river, in Columbia county. East Florida. i*orty-eight tbousar d arre* of good Timber Land. in Middle Florida—an entire township and contiguous secti**ns—on the navi. nhle sir »sn of New river, » nich empties its w.ter* at White Bluff—Dure Ohannell. best port on the Gulf. Also, contiguous tract.* of 4000 to 50.0 acre* each, of Ti nber Lands, CDoreniiDt to rail and water carriage to Savannah and Brunswick; good location for Steam ^aw Mill* Two first-ciar* New Steam Saw Millaof Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. NEW Y OR K ■ PLn i—) Px£l sj i—5 CO E—• CO t=3 BUTTS & BROTHER. T. TR.SGO TGABERRV TOOTHWASh. Preserves and Whitens the Teeth ] Invigorates and Soothes the Gods ! Cleans and Purifies Artificial Teeth! Purifies and Perfumes the Sreath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! Is a Superior Article for Children! IT IS "WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients! I T ia scientifically prepared in accordance with tbe most valuable formula? known to the prolea.-ion. [tha* been extensively used f*r several years, and is rocotomended for general use by numerous Dentist and Physicians who have tested its merits, and who appreciate tbe importance of preserving the Teeth through life Proprietor; A-M. WILSO' 7 , PhPa’ri hit For sale by J. 11, ZEIi.IN & CJ., Macon. Laboratory op Phieiocttc l ) A.ND As*l?t. a Chk^i.*trt, > Atlanta, He rgn. * This is to certify that T have examine Tri g •’.* 7 ea berry Tooth Wash and Tooth Powder. I fir'd toem free from substances that wouTfl mc injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recmniend Treg**’.- PreparatiMns those *n w-int of a superior dentrifice. nayl6 fim W. J. L a XI). Chemist. so THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO., Managers Soatlicrn Ilrancli. OFFICE: No. 23 St Francis street Mobil*. Ala.: No and Broad street street. New Orleans: c irner Marietta POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY 1. W®, 515,270; AMOUNT INSURED. liO000.000: PAYING AN AN NUL PREMIUM of Sttioo.OOO: A.-SEIS iiVEK Si.wottxi; DIVIDENDS DECLARED A ‘ JANUARY 13, IS®, 40 PER CENT. , THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS Of Life, Endowment, Joint Life and Term Policies. Annuities, Etc., And embraces the followir.5 liberal features: All policic3 non-forfeitablo and incontestable; thirty days’ grace allowed in payment o? premiums; one-third of the premium may remain unpaid - 1 a Loan: no notes required* The C »ntinf ntal will, when desired, i?. a ue WAB PERMITS, wirhnnt extra charge or deduction from policy in ca>c of ]oa*. That after three annual payment* a loon mny be obtained of a* Ie .*t f tiur-fifths cf whole xmour^rtaid. in ^150 of tmbnrraFsmrnt ?o mo* r payments. NO REhTKIOTION ON TRAVhL OK KBSIBWfCE. Each policy holder has av-.i^ein tho elections; Pr-.fits of the Company annually divided amnrg Pollcy-bolderp. Tho popularity of this Company in the vSouth is shown in the fact of their having placed over 600 Pol oies on their tv ok.s through tho .Southern Branch, in the short time of six months, covering an insurance of over $2,250,000. THOMAS. THOMPSON k CO.. Managers Southern Pranch. Ofilcc, corner Marietta and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ga. nmh J- B, HOY, Agent, Macon, Ga. LAND FOB SALE IN. MONROE COUNTY. Fine Wat r Po-ocer for IVTills, on the Tobesofkee ’tr-’eli, known as Chap man’s old Mi Is, ia the Twelftn Dist. ict. nvemher, in F<: r 1 ?s being the Dari.-—1> ir*g ten m from the Mo from tbe Macon n 1 rents on tbe m tbe first Tuesday in ryin. <*a.. 9 0 cres "f land, more t l tc** lately < woe 1 by Kaldwin i-e* from For-vth, sou h : three »n’pelier 5pr ngs. and six mile* d Weste r n Railroad. Good im- ■lac^.tnd good lands. ri n toe place -rate water powe* for factories or ti erchant.-*’ mill.* ofanv k *nd : * ood r *ck w^ll where the tail 1 one-* st"od; adjninir g Cal via B+ttle.’, Mrs. Cotton'.* plantation. Peter .lone* «ndothera Sold U.r distribution of the legatees ol Baldwin Davia’ estate, late of taid coun- r . Terms casn. ELIZA DAVIS, Executrix sep*24-td' of said estate. COTTON GINS ? Gullet’s Steel Brush Ootton Gins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins, S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine, worthy tfc* attention f Planters. OUT* Circulars, giving testimonials in great numbers from persons well known, furnished . n appHeatit n. Samples on exhibition atYV. A. HUFF’S, corner Cherry and Third Streets. Address F. S. JOHNSON. MIRS. IT. I) ESSAD HAS OPENED. AND IS CONSTANTLY RECEIVIN' m NOVELTIES MILLINERY, DKF.SS GOODS TRIMMINGS, GLOVE . POINT LACES, BBIEPOIDERIZS, etc. 88 MULBERRY ST., MAC ON, SA. b promptly attended SAVANNAH MEDICAL COLLEGE, SAY ANN All, GA. r PHE rh s rfeen?b i In titution will c m - ex the 18th « .vhi<*L wi.l be free, \ CORNER OF MULBERRY MA CONi G A , B. B. EUSTON, Principal, ar and J. W. Blackman’? Cc C-jlicges, New Orleans. L•, to 9 ?* M.. . in euc-:e?5 m to accom- 'V- , i thmn^h .ut the entire yea ful operation. I*or want of puffieient room t m'xlafe the gradual iDcrea?f of Students, ti tation has been enlarg'd Duri’g the vac opportunity will be afforded to b«js from gaining a knowledge of Commercial tducatic The peri d o* ^tudy ii« untimite 5 : cheat healthy city, and r*a.*onable tuirion fee* age* rendering it desirable for all to enter he Tbe Commercial Course constitute* Pent Arithmet'C. inclu iing Commercial J’nlcuiat Book-keei'ing, each of which can be taker aratefy. D’stmct Branches—Ornamental Penas Drawing and Flourishing. _ . Literar> Department—English Grammatical Coarse, $80 For Circulars address Box 15. Macon. Ga. PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE HOME IN-j M. I).. Dean! STITUTIONS. J»Iyl4-3m 1 &ugl-law2m FACl'LTYt R. T> ARYOLT*. M. D., Profes or of Theory and P; c ic< of Medicine, and* iini'*al Medicine P M K* iA.< CK, M. D , Professor * f Obstetric?. ; Hi * a*e? of \V. tnen and Chi dren. and Clinical Mid wifery. prote«o- A junc'-TBOS. SMITH, M. D W G. BULL 1 " U. M. D., Pro<es-or of Principle* and Pr if ie*- “ Surgery and Clinical Surgery. Pr fersor Adja ct-THOS J. HaKLTON, M D. J. B. KE - i», .»!. D , Professor of Materia Medics ar.d Therapeu*ie«. Profe-sor Adjunct—NUNN, M. D. JCUInii HAKKISS, M. 1).. Professor of Pbysi- ,ool of unship. Lip, Pen i Professor Adjunct-J. G. TIIOMAS, M. D., Lectur er on Pathology. w. p W A K1 V0, 7«f. D., Profespor of Anatomy. W. M CHARTERS. M. D , Prof^»sor of Chemistry. Protej-sor Adjunct—W. H. ELLIOTT. M. D H* n. SOLOMON COHEN wiil lecture on Medical. Juri-pru ^ence. It P. N! Y KRS, M. D., Demonstrator. E. T. ROGERS. M. IX, Assistant Demonstrator and Cura-or. Ciinic^ at th'* Hospital. Al?o, provision made for att^n-’ance on Midwifery ca>es. R«*quirites for gradua’ir n »he same as in all regu larly chartered Colleges of good standing. For farther particulars address W. G. BULLOCH*,