The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 29, 1869, Image 4

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WM. HENRY WOODS, Cotton Factor & General Commission | MERCHANT, BAT STREET, ; : SAVANNAH, GA. 1 A GE NT FOR REESE’S SOLUBLE PACIFIC j (il'ASO. I« prepared at alt times to odvanee liberally on consignments for sale in Savannah. or for j shipment to hi? correspondents in 5et York and Liverpool. _ au;14 a3m* M. KETCHUM. A. L. HABTRIDGE * Of New York. L ite cf H ^nn*ire & Ne” ; CASH DRUG STORi THE TELEGRAPH WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 29, 1869. AO*• vTH rOH THE TKLKOKAPHi fc* owing gentlemen are authorised to rw' *0'JTITCA3T ROOK CIC EVERY COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A LEAVING Kreeive d per annum Colleen* i town** of G< Will mni Rice. etc. ' ucAtj corros . A. Greei 0^.. John in*ar! Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery, FANCY GOODS, COLQUITT & BAGSS, Cottfci Factors & General Commission HSR CHAS5S, BA 7 STREET, 8A VANN All, GA. OPECIAL attention to the sale of Cotton t Lumber OurPrcHH News nml Prc^s A^enf. Of Into Revernl of tLn jonrnal* belonging to tho ‘'Southern Press A*.s.Jciation' hav© Lcen criticising tho ngent of the Southern Press at ‘Washington, and complaining of the news mat ter furnished by telegraph. The complaints are just, tho criticisms wrong. Major Barr we know to be a gentleman of energy and intelli gence. He is eminently Southern in feeling, having nerved gallantly' and faithfully in the Confederate army. He does the very beat that ho can, nnder the circumstances by which he is surrounded. He is the agent of the Southern Associated Press “eo nomine,’* and in that way alone. He was appointed by the New York As sociated Press, in paid by ibat association, holds hi* office by tenure of its pleasure, and is nn der the control and direction of its agents. The complaints against the news matter furnished the Southern Press are in many respects just and well founded. That cause exists for these complaints is the fault of tho Southern Press itself, Iu lack of unity places it at tho mercy of tho New York Associated Press, and that institution is not likely to regard complaints ooming from n quarter where there is no formidable strength made by a unanimity of fu)ntinicnt and action. After the meeting of the Southern Press Association in Mobile, in Feb ruary last, the qn»ntity and quality of news fur nished the papers of the association vastly im proved for a few weeks. We have reasons for stating that tho New York Associated Press was at that time in a humor to listen to the griev ances set forth by the Press Convention, and to remedy many if not all of them. Before the Committee raised by tho Convention had time to mature their plans and act upon them, sev eral of the most prominent and influential presses of tho association announced their en tire satisfaction with tho service of tho New York Associated Press, and declared their inten tion to stand by that body in tho matter of news service. This apparent lack of unity and har mony silenced any feArg that tho New York As sociated Press may have then entertained of losing valuable customerc, who paid promptly and heavily for services inferior :n quality and quantity furnished to others at ft less cost. Wo are not without reasonable hope that this matter of news service may yet bo greatly im proved. An effort will be made to have the complaints which have been urged remedied. LL orders rnt-ustrd to them will he filled promptly and with the greatest care, and at the CLARE & WILSON VERY LOWEST PRICES! Factors and Genera! Commission h urii sc'l only fur the better price-? than any J. II. Z El LIN A CO. We buy exclusively for monev down, and can gi other house in the State. ATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS RE SILVER AND PLATED TV ARE, TOILET SETS, WORKING BOXES. WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES. ArJ afullJico »f FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY and BRIDAL PRESENTS 'STCAXiL AND EXAMINE MY GOODS.^5 itches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Short Wctice and Warranted »;Wml Attention pail to tbe MANUFACTURE and ENGRAVING of BADGES. RINGS. Etc. No. 1 STODDARD’S LOWER RANGE. DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISEASE, CHILLS, FEVER. JAUNDICE. Kte. For sale !■; any Quantity. The trade supplied at a very handsome discount for profit, by tho Proprie- or. £S. ZSXXtSBT CO., #* r t22 tf MACON, GA. joscra f:>eoax, j**. a. rimvou, J. aCTLKPGt r,S£GiS. JOSEPH FINEGAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BAT STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. T IBKHAL ADVANCES made on Cotton consigned J j to n« or to our Correspondents ia New York end Liverpool. engfi dAw3m* r. w. si ms. J. r. wn catos. v. *. scow* LAND AGENCY, To our Friends and Patrons ERNEST PESCHKE, practical watchmaker. MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, SAVANNAH. GA. AV r«u'rnnti »nlWt«d: Remifeneee mad. •romp'Jr: Adtr.ncol RrorLi a*.Burslnx.Tie,and prompUr: Adveneeeol Pro.Li n*. I!,rcln«.Timaad Itop. m.d. to pcmni leading n» Option far ill.. (•pt!6-dA«tai - •J. w. & f. A. JKclNTIBE, Com. Sr. Jcliex, Betas aid Jxrrxuox Striata. SAVANNAH, ti A., TNEALERS to Gr<-o«rltJ. Jjrr Good*. Hardwire, ' A / H'ine., Liquor,. lad Country Prod nee generally, i Hlrhcit price, paid for Gauntry Pr dace of ill kind). auiln-dAwSm Keep them constantly on hand, of all sizes. Also the NO. 1 SECOND STREET. ^LL KINDS AF SPECTACLE GLASSES FITTED AND ADJUSTED by an OPTIMETER. WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. 5Tamc Stoncils for Marking Xiinen Cut to Order. IRON WITCH, QUEEN'OF THE SOUTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, aprill-tf No. 2. A body of 8000 aero* Timber lands on Oc- mulace river, with Plantation of SOOaerw, in Telf iir county. No. 12. Be.rd’- Bluff Pine. 43(51 acre Timber Land., nine mile, above Doctor Town. on Altamaha river. No. 17. (Iener.l Coffee Plic-, in Telfaircoonty; WOO Bat «• bag oar brathsrn of Ihe Pnn to remem ber tbnt those who ahall mnko an effort in thia direction, will h»T0 greater chances of sncceas if it ahull appear that they are backed and ana- tained by the whole power and influence of the Southern Press Association. Thore are good nnd sufficient reason* why the effort referred lo has not yet beenmade. These it would be improper to make public it this time. It may not he amisa, however, to state that several journals belonging to the associa tion have exhibited nn indiSorenoe to the re solution of tho Into Convention, in relation to the payment of the regular annual assessment. It is a truism that neither diplomacy or war can bo successfully conducted without a treasury to draw on.—Columbus Sun. AND OTHER NOTED FAVORITE?. ires Timber Laud*, on Ocmulgee rivrr, with tantalum. I.ce two miles from Mr, eon, S40 Refer. 40 of TISON& GORDON, COTTON FACTORS FOR FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you up a STOVE handsomely furnished, and warrant It to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you no take your choice among roar hundred, and they will fill your wagon with Furniture to it. A good assortment of wbih is upl uvl. 150 #1 cared *.»J loO heaviest timbered wo«d-l»n«. No. 35. Farm five and a bell wile* from Macon. 450 a^te#, extensive Orchards an * Vin'•ywrd? No- 46. Pl*s»t*ri n •»!, Ch<«t»<no*»enew river, 1300 acres, of which 100 are improved. No. 77. Plantation in Houston county, 2250 acves. K> *j acres open land. ^ No. 82. PUnratfon «n Deca’ur county, on Flint river, containing !4lV» re* No. 89. Karm in < ato.'»sa county, of *00 a<VM. No. 90. Ftoi in C*ibb county, contain!-•* 50 acre*. No. 112. Farm ani Mill property, five miles from Ma con. No. 113. A first class Merchant Mill, near Gordon, ample wet* r-po«rer for Factory. No. 114. * boico Cott n PU tation, in Houston coun ty. containing 1885 acre*. No. 120. PHntation in Jones court?, containing 3340 No. 122. Plantation in Clay county, adjoining Cotton Hill. containins-l°27«i res. No. 124.Twenty acre- in ViurviHr—Market Oardona, Orchard? and Vineyard*. withCottsge House. No. 127. Plantation in Terrell county. coaUining 600 sorer, with fine improvement*. Grates, Box - Stoves and Parlor Stoves. 96 Bay Street, 8A VANN An, - - - - GEORGIA. H AGOING and ROPE nr IRON TIES advanced on Crot n. / ' Liberal Caah advances made on eoneirnmcnU of Cotton. Grateful for liberal patron nee in tbe pa*t, acon- tlnuane. of tha same is ratpeetfull? solidtnd. sept2-daw6tn (For Wood or Coal.) A largo Stock of HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS -Mr. Tbcopbilna Always on band. Order solicited and promptly filled. flvo degrees blacker than any blackbird that ever fluttered. Mr. White** peculiar forta is that of being a flint-rate witneaa to " stand” for a friend who happens to get In a tight. In the trial of a cage recently, in one of onr Justice’* Courts, in which a part? was charged with mak ing tray with somo stock, White was tho princi pal witness for tho defendant. He first swore that 14 doin stock was bought and paid for fore do defendant took cm away.” The prosecuting counsel, however, got White sorter wound np in a seurching cross-examination. White stood fire nt first, but finally swore that “dem stock took do cholera and went dead long ago; he saw era closo deir eye* in death; saw de brof leab deir body; saw do dogs nnd buzzards cum after dom ; do dogs howl and howl all night, and git fat on de dead pig*; and de buzzards soar roun and tite wid de dogs ober de c;ircass, an dey eat em np; dat was do last of dom pig*." It is needles* to say that White 1 * friend was bound over for trial by a higher coxtTt,—Montgomery Mail, A LSTtKB from a private source in Ouba states that jealousy, influenced by malignity or Spanish gold, has necessitated a reorganization of tho patriot army and compelled Cespedes to take command, General Joniin to be chief of staff. Two Dominicans, who were generals in tho patriot army, had been assassinated because they were foreiguers. This beginning may, it is feared, ond disastrously to the patriot cause. Many other Fianl#r|.in#i» Mi ld!© and Southwest ern Georg a not enntne »ted *]«o. valuable Cotton Factory Property on the several river*, with water-power tumoieot for an almost unlimited increase of Machinery. P. McGLASIlAN DAVIS SMITH. mDE firm of Sloan, Oroovar Jk Co. is thl* day dl*- JL solved hy th* withdrawal of A. M. Hoen. The business of the lute firm will be settled by the rermalii- ing partners, who are alone authorised to sign in IfclMltfo*. SMITH, WESTCOTT * GO Also. 23*>.€00 acres of band fi ely timbered with yellow piuc in tbe counties or smally Appling, cou- ve- ieut to tb® ports of Savannah and Brunswick, con tiguous to r*«l and water carriage. On« hundred and eleven th*>umnd acres of TiraVe* and Agricultural Land, in counties originally irwin. Fifty two thousand acres Yellow Pine Timber Land, in Wayne county. . , , ... Sixty thousand airea of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on tbe lioe of railroad and ber-d of the Suwannee river, in Columbia county. East Florida. Forty-eight thousand acre* of e«k4 Timber Land. In Middle Florida—an entire township and contiguous •ecth-ns—on the navi* able s r am ot New river, wnich empties its w.ters at White Bluff—Dure Channel), best port on the GuK Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 A. M. SLOAN. U.FT8TrBBS C. K. GROOVER. A. T. MAC!NT Y OFFER FOR SALE. A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Savannah. Qa.. July 4,1889. TIIO.ilAS, THOHPSO.Y & CO., Managers Sontliern Branch. OFFICE: No 23 St. Franria atreet. Mobil*. Ala ; No 14 Carondolot atreot. New Orleans; oj:n« Marietta aotl Broad atroctr. Atlanta, Qa. POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY L 1169. 113,270: AMOUNT INSURED. ?4n.OOO.OCO: PAYING AN AN NUL PREMIUM of *3.500.0..: ASSETS OVER? :,!/0 Dug; DIVIDENDS DECLARED JANUARY 13,1869. 10 PERCENT. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OF Life, Endowment, Joint Life and Term Policies. Annuities, Etc., And embraces tbe following libernl features: ATI policies non-forfeitable oml incontestable: thirty day*’ grace allowed in payment of premiums; one-third of the premium may remain unpaid nn a Loan: no notes required. The Continental will, when desired, issue WAR PERMITS, without extra charge or deduction from poiioy in case of los«. That after three annual payments a loan irny bo obtained of at least four-filtbi of whole amount p.iid. in case ot embarrassment to meet payments. NO RESTRICTION ON TRAVFL OR RpSIDHNCE. Each policy holder ha* a voice in tbe elections; Profits of the Company annually divided among Policy-holders. The popularity of this Company in the* South is shown in the fact of their having placed over 600 Pol cies on their books, through tho Southern. Branch, in the short timo of six months, covering an ineurance of over £2,250,000. THOMAS. THOMPSON A CO.. Managers Southern Branch. Office, corner Marietta and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ga* aut:3-d3m J* HOY, AgCllt. MitCOll, flft CCPASLTWX3RSHIP. TIIE undersigned have tbit d*y formed a eopart- nersbip for the trmnsMcrionof« Wto»i Factorage and General Commission Business, under the firm and name of Gronver, Mubb? A Co. Their beat attention will he given to all business entrusted to their eare. t\ E. tiHuOVhli, l SAVannlkh r. f STUBBS. joavannan. A.T, MACINIY RE, Thomasville. Two first-c?ass New Steam Saw Mills of Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather. July8-d3m BUTTS & BROTHER. I'HK ALABAMA GOLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Home Office, Ho. 34 St. Francis St., Of ever, dccrlptloo. WHISKY X X X X SOLD BY JNO-W. O’CONNOR OFFICERS : O. S. THABISS, President. CARY IV BUTT, I T. X. FOWLER, Vice President. | Secretary. COTTON GINS Gullet’s Steel Brush Cotton Gins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and Swinging Front Gins. S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine, worthy t he attention of Planter,. Circulars, eivin-- teitimonials in greit nnmbor, from person, well known, forai-hed on application. Samples on exhibition atVT. A. HUEY’S, corner Cherry and Third Streets. Ad Ire - DIRECTOHS: C. E.THAMES, o:C. U. fhamesAOo. C. tv. BUTT, of Walsh. S-nith A Co. A P.BU'H.ofA P. Ru-li A Sons. W. A. BUCK, of Buck .v fuller. L. BKhWEtt.otL Hr ewer A Co. J AM KS Oil ALMBR 1 -. of Chalmers A Miller. J. Q. OH A MBKRUAIN. of Chamberlain A Co. THUS. HENRY. Sr. Hov. JAC"B M AG. E. of K. AY. Pc-ry A Co. A. U. McCAS rS. o( M .r.isG. To«le- A Co. S. JENM.NU' Ml KfHY.of S. J. MorphyACo. D. 0. GRADY. I HUS. P. MILLER, of Thomas P. Mill-rA Co. Hus AH o .tt MURDOCH. Pra. dent M.AaBLK. JOHN I! M A RSH ALL. of Marshall AConley. O. il. RICH A * DS. of tl. G. R-ehard, A Sons. T. \V. si tiS. of Sim*, llarri-on A Co. Ilos. J. M. THOMSON, of Ih< m«on.Cockrell A Co, R J. YOUNG, of R. J. Younx A Co. M. P LEVY, of M. P. Levy A Co. A. J. i u>K~. A. PRO-K AUER, of A. Prsskauer A Co. P. U. PEPPER. ofP. H. Pepper A Co. JNO. H.GAKY, of j. 11. Gary A Co. [a: In aeeorifanre * a rip ■! examiaa • II IsK t Yu, sent A full lino of WAGON HARNESS. Agent, for ABBOTT. DOWNING Jc CO.’S Celebrated l ihave jomonTGHAranmoss, 4^ EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDE] I am h.V'py to n te that it proves to b** a perfectly ore urnc r, fth-r lately tree from everything fore hr rineenous lean; ot deiect in it tho hlightcat trace f any adulterati n >r impurity. Respect fully i etc-. WM K. A. A IK IN. >[. D.. etc., Profrs-or Chemist and Ph.vrmicy, Analytical an 1 Consulting Chemist, University o: Maryland. Baltimore, MJ., Scrtc T nber4, If you wish PURE W11 ISK Y call ©n — JNO. W.O’CONNOR. f*ept21-tfj Ue has got it. Agent, Macon, Georgia* june26-dJtwtf RECEIVING. THE LATEST NOVELTIES in MILLINERY, JE>RE5S GOODS TBIMMI'TGS, GLOVES, POINT LACES. etc, ^^piSlv tr:m,Uy attended to. 68 MULBERRY ST., M.4C0N, GA, HAS OPENED. AND IS CO N ST A’ -in Store and to Arrive, roll* Hemp and Flax Bagging- bales Ganny Bagging, pounds Arrow Ties, bales Twine, hhds. C. K. Sides, 20 hhds. Shoulders, tierces superior Canvassed Hams, barrels ?<ugar—all grades, sack< l.ivcrpool Salt, sacks Virginia Salt. barrel* Floor—Superfine, Extra and Family sarks CnflVe, sacks prime White Corn, bales Macon Sheeting, kegs Sails, barrels Wlii.»ky, b ! xes 7'obacco—all grades. half barrels While Fi'h, quarter barrels ..Mackerel—No. 1, cases Sardines. boxes Soap, boxes Candles, boxes Crackers. boxes assorted Soda Crackers, boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, cases Pickle*, 50 cases Oysters, eases Potash, casks Ale and Porter—Imported. AT.T. OF WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES. OLD POPLAR LOG, THE FINEST COPPER WH'SKY MADE. warranted to be pure. AT $3 50 PER GALLON. N eutral spirits- , . RAW. CORN. RECTIFIED. And, in fuel, a larso lot of all cradu of Whiskies always on hand, at 53 THIRD STREET, L. W. RASDAL. i»ug?t>-3m MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W, H. AND RbON, M. l». DABNEY HERNDON. M. D. ATTORNEYS: Mrssrs. BOYLES A OVERALL. pnis GOLD COMPANY poaovea features and 1 .offers inducement' to the.-e desiring In.*-urjince wbicb can bf* found no where else, it i* a Mutual i oinpany, and it* Dividends are equally and im- parii-t ly dlvMeil between tbe Policy Holders. I» isAiv Policies payable only ^n AM KRICAN GOLD G IN. and upon all the most favorable modern plans of Insurance, ttau* making Insurance certain ant not defending upon the valu- of a Huetootiog • urrency. Pretniutn* may be pn*d in Gold or equivalent »• A <1 P\Tn Wl V’TDD .1 1-1 * .1 "'tatft. MACHINERY AGENCY, :1 Dertc* *:a., Pliiladelphln. iE 22 inch cylinder four foot stroke, n. with 13 botlers. 40 inch diameter, fonr feet stroke, * diameter, 38 GHATHA' 18-lneh Cy with 3 boilci 36’inch dianeter, and 10treadle*rL2r • inch. 12 and 24 Har sh, and alfo-Shoxu. ;akcr 1 VJu,e •• ’ >420 S'. indlW'.- n«er. j 1%-in. gauge. >aker 'I Mule 1240 Spied**, nser. il^-in-MOge. j-ker,| *I: n . c iu. - V-C2 Spindles* ps-er. ) 1%-ir.gaugc- Apply to A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE.—By virtue of an or der fr «m the Ordinary of Bvrtow coaoty. wil 1 be •old, on the l*t Tuesday jn >ovctnber next. hefHrq the I’ourt bouse door in ^arteraville, G^., within tli* legal hour* of sale the Plant*' ion formerly •ceupi» d by Dr. Robert H. Patton, situated in OLD CA»' COUNTY, on the Wesvrn and Atlantic Railroad, two miles west of CASS feTATION. This oneo* tbe best upland Plantations in th*» county—contain* about three hundred »nd fi tv acre*, two rututted vf wh ; cb are cleared. The soil is gootl. the location is healthy, within two miles of two nost offices ar.d three ehurvhes and in 'he midst of good a-iabbors. On the pl«c« is a comfir *h e frame Dwelling cont.vnin« nine rooms; aLo, Kitchen, Servant’s House, Cribs, Mablct. etc. M’ne undersigned being enthorited by the heirs to •ell »be above property «t PRIVATE SALE, caa be inquired ot at ATL A NT '. tor price c’c. I h o premi.'rs will he >bown to parties desiring to purchnae, by Willi4m B. Patron, who is residing on tbe same. _ JULIUS W. PA r To .a. Adm’r of Rob t TI. Pattor, Oum tt*tai.,cnto entnijro. •opllC-d 1 a w»t e 3l^ Loom?, 41 General Agent for Georgia. 0ffic3—NEWNAN, GA. WftfGnT 4 DOUUUSS. Attornvyj;Fn SMITH .M. D.. c. KsBiril. M. D.. Kiim,non. State Supervisors to whom Reference to Given 1 Messrs. Branch A Sons Augusta, Oa.: Messrs.Cli*bv k Reid. Si aeon. Ga : Msj. J. L. Calhoun. Newn^n Gm-: J H.Jaae*, Banker, Atlanta, Ga.; J . II De Votie. D D.. Columbus, Ga-: J- G. West morel a* d. M. D., Atlanta. Ga : J K. t‘enf. Planter Newuan. He.: L \1 Smith, D. b., Oxford, Go.; Hon. Wier Povd. Dahlonego. Ga. *agl5 tf CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND ST£ 21A CON, GA , B. B. EUSTON, Principa Late of Dolbear and J. W. Blackman'* Commcrci Colleges. New Orlenn?. Prevents Accumulation cf Tartar Is a Superior Article for Children Woolen From injurious Ingredients! T UTS Colleee is open d«*ily from 9 a. U-. *o>9 throu/h-.ut the entire year, and tfriow tn su ful operation. h<»r want of sufTu-ifnt ro-'in t* «• m^date the gradual increa?** offender*.a. the ration bns been *nldrg*d D'iri’g to® vaca-.* opportunity will he affordetl to o-*'* from_ gaming a knowledge ofCotumerciuI F ducuttor.. The peri d o- -tudy is on»i*/.;»e : chear h healthy city, ar.d r^a-onable tuition lee.-a^c u age- rendering it de-irable .or «li to a - • '* uiercial Course constitute* Pennu. . including Commercial { •«Jcu r, lag, each of which can he taken ui Branches*—Orr.ament&l Pe:.manc'hip d Flnarishtng. ^ . . n Jepart nent—Erg'isb Grammatical - ircu'ars address Boy 15. Macon. Ga. INIZE AND ENCOURAGE liOMi bTITUTIONS. july!4-3m SB TABBSL . t Speeder 36 and Grinder* ford's f T is scientifieaJJy preoared in accordance with tbe L most valu«W*e fo'mu : re known to the protes-io •. It ha- beeu exteosive'.y uiu-tl f- rtev^ral yea.*, and is rocornmended for ten**ral u?e by numerous Daoti^t vnd Ph't*iciar> who have te-te*» its merits, and who appreciate the importance of preserving the leetb thr«iueh life Proprtet r: A M. WIL?0'*. PbiU»el hi*; For sale by o. h. ZEIUN A CJ., Macon. Laboratory op Phirh'^utcm. ) a.nd AirarTi* Cbesistrt,_ V Atlanta, Ge rgtx. 1 This is to certify that I have ^ntpint Trego’* 7ea berry Tootb Wish and Too»b Powder. I find toem free trom substances thar would ac r injuriously upon tbe Teeth, and can recommend Trego’s Preparations to those in wont of a superior dentrifice. - - — W. J. LAND. Chemist. FAMILY PORTRAITS Dr. J. D. McKKLLAK, OFFICE ON THIRD STREET, IN OITYBANK BtJILDITJO, B O ANY »nd .11 DENTAL the ihortwt notice and at reaiunable fixuree. Cates from etutry will reoeive prompt attention. apr!6t ■4rithmet’, Kook-keei arately. A RE evidences of a high state of culture the world over. I am pre ared. at all time?, to fill orders for tho0e, a# well as all the ?rauller style? of Photo graph Likenesses. I im making a sp*-cialty of the better class of Pictures, and tLose wanting something superior will find it to their interest te call on J. A. PUGH, Artist, Triangular Blew. ill fake part COTTON in •eod3m l julylf-tm] moylfi-6m