The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 30, 1869, Image 2
THE TELEGRAPH. BV CLISBV .t REID. Tiutotirn itii.di.vo, coavaa cHaaar a eacoap era. THURSDAY MORNING, SEPT. 80,18C9. '■ .-Mb. A. H. TUBBroTOX if onr general Travel- « authorized to transact any bnainesi f • - • >si<!c Conlpnlu. timn Pa-.. Teleflraph Resume of Foreign Affairs—Road—Commnaica tion from Sootharest Aeo:| X Better from Pot. n am—Item.. Fortmt Paot—The Baitoar OaM QhCS— The Slate Fair—Dongberty to damp on ffca Field—From ' ton.oe Connty. nr .Vw Era. The New Era i* muddling!! drains about the TauEoiiaPH to very little pappose. We are Democrats, and believe relimK/UKK the rovc- reignty of the States and thripeoplo thereol^ That is onr creed. That is the charter handed down to ns from the Fathers of American Re publican liberty. That is the true r-astrnction of the fundamental law. Rat we find ourselves in the bands of men who believe in nothing Rave n central despotism. They pnt the crea- tnro of the States to rule over their creators with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. We cannot help ourselves. We submit to what we cannot resist, lmt we make no pretence that wo love the infliction. On the contrary, if the time ever shall come, when the American people, armed to a sense of their danger shall once more raise the banner of State sovereignty and a Federal Government of limited and delegated powers, we promise onraelves to be among the foremost in the crowd for the restitution of all the safs-guards of Americsn freedom. The New Era stigmatises oar SByiiMwa insincerity. Where is Iks ixmkmmmttj tin pesos with the Wtast 0 a • jit and the Northern people. W*J| isubmit to tbs wrong ootil ihs ft ; ch<to apply tho nasedy. an tl if t> m.-ffy i» to bo applied under . .. • ms mid sanctions of the Constitution.— 1: :- no deception—there can be no insin- If the New Era chooses to push hit own in ferences from onr position, he must remember that they are simply bis own—not ours. We never committed ourselves to tho position that all past legislation under tho reconstruction acts must be null and void,or to anything of the kind. We are simply for the return of the Govern ment from its wanderings outside tho Constitu tion. We want tho monuments of civil liberty iGstored. We want to see the whole country remitted to the protection of law. If that bo an awkward and untonablo position—unworthy “a man so nble and usually consistent as tho Editor of the Tn.r.0turn," wo must stand or fall with it A Capital Idea. Southwest Georgia, in hia communication abont the State ltoad, dropa an excellent practi cal suggestion of how to build with small ex pense the extensions and sido connection* with the State Road which aro essentia] to maintain its value aa a property and to increaso its use fulness to the people. The State has upwards of four hundred convicts held to confinement, service and labor for crime, and the probabili ties are she will havo moro, rather than loss. Instead, therefore, of hiring those ont to con tractors nt a nominal sum, let her set these at work permanently—oxtending the connections of the Western and Atlantio Railway and pene tration regions of the State and contiguous terri tory with which it is for the manifest interest of the main trunk to connect, and which can afford a supporting traffic. In this way the State will maintain control and charge of tho convicts—can maintain tho necessary discipline, vigilance and caro for thorn—can disponso for many years with tho coat of building a now penitentiary or enlarging tho old one, and of the exponae of maintaining a largo number of convicts—can al ways profitably employ those unfortunates at a healthful out-of-door labor and steadily carry forward o grand and indispensable enterprise at n very moderate outlay. It is a good, sensible, practical idea—which wo aro certain will strike tho people with force and favor. We thank Southwest Georgia for it. First Gun from Brunswick. Wo publish to-day our first commercial adver tisement from the city of Brunswick—the be ginning of a long series- Tho TtLEORtni will print many of them—for in a very short time Brunswick is certainly destined to be an active and growing city. Nothing can prevent tho city from doing a heavy trade, and in the summer it will be a favorite seaboard retreat for tho people of the interior. Brunswick is on tbo salts, healthy, subjoct to nono of tho pestilontial vis itations which, unhappily, affect other Southern seaboard localities, and abounding in sea food and all the facilities for salt-water sports which are so necessary and healthful, and so keenly enjoyed by tbo people of tbo interior. Consequently, wo think Brunswick will havo a largo summer visiting population from the Southern interior, and in tho winter a similar population from the North, while her interior connections with Middle and Northern Georgia and tho Northwest, and with Southwestern Georgia and tho general Southwestern region, must certainly secure her a thriving trade. Spoaking particularly of onr solitary Bruns wick card, N. S. Fin-vet <t Co., it is a flourish ing house, as formidably supported as any one in tho Southern country. On or about the first of November this house will have a line of swift packets plying between Brunswick and New York, and, at an early day, a line of steamships will be established. Arrangements are being made to erect a cotton press in Branswick, and in a very short time her merchants will be able to offer every facility to shippers which is en joyed at any other ports; while the fact that goods and produce will be transferred immedi ately from ship to the cars, and vice versa, with out the smallest expense of drayage, and at the saving of two handlings, shcnld enable Brunswick to do forwarding very cheaply. Five Cottox.—We have a sample of cotton grown from selected Peeler seed, by Mr. Ii. J. Thomas, of Houston, which is, we think, the prettiest upland cotton we ever saw—in all the attributes of silkiness, length and fineness of fibre and perfect cleanness. There is not a mote in it, and yet Mr. Thomas states it to be a fair sample from the bale. It was grown upon light sandy soil and ginned upon the Griswold Gin. We cannot say what price such cotton would command in the market, but will ascer tain. Southern F anyi and Home.—It will be seen from the advertisement that Messrs. John W. Burke A Co., proposo to issue, on the 15th of November, the first number of an agricultural journal, nnder this title and to be devoted to ag riculture, gardening and domestic economy.— Price $2.00. Fine Farm yoa Sale. —See advertisement of Ool. John B. Walker of farm in Bartow connty for sale. Description reliable and full. Price $20,000. _ We were indebted to Mr. A. Patterson, for a oopy of Sunday's New York Herald—timely, aa the mails failed on Tuesday. GEORGIA STATE FAIR. A Special Train Tor Invited Guccvs. Wo received yesterday morning, from C. P. Cn-vru, Esq., of Washington City, the following correspondence upon the Governor's proposition to send a special train to Lynchburg, Ya., to re ceive and convey invited guests to tho Stale Fair in Macon. Tho correspondence sufficiently ex plains itself. A few days ago, in apeaking of some editorial denunciations of the Governor's proposition, we took occasion to explain that the Executive Com mittee of the Stale Agricultural Society would hold their next regular meeting on the 7th day of October next, and would then consider and u.the course most agreeable to them- • igoednrivo to the success of the FHr la Tt at •slLi ■ • -nil proposition of tho While we eoafe** uaiadlrfe Erprised at the opposition —' '-B t ‘°° 1 '° a "small I portion of the prass to the j tra train for guests from Washington, consider it extreme?'- illiberal, narrow- and ill-judged, we 1. ive not the small eat diape ri- tion to obtrude our own views upon the Execu tive Committ< As GooTT'i i ns and citixenH of Macon, however, we hope that all which appertains to the man agement of the Fair will be devised and earned on in the most liberal, broad and comprehen sive spirit—that it shall not be asked whether a man is a Democrat a Radical or Conservative Republican, on the question whether all the courtesies due his position and character shall be extended — that' the exhibition shall bo planned and accomplished in entire indepen denee of. and snperionty to, all loeal, and partizan conaideratii tics and the ignored—and the moot 0KCT :■? and -’liberal hospitality prevail. Ti..- f£ the news- come among us with nattier. V- »nd purposes, Georgia e temper of the old High- flwho'displayed Ida own nlfawpMt and moral grandeur, by directing that the very best should be set before them. We have no fears that the people of Georgia or Macon will display a temper and spirit paltry, mean, revengeful, or in any way nnwortbv of themselves and this great occasion. IFc trust the State Fair wiU grand’y display the wealth of our toil—the geniality of our climate—the man hood, intelligence and eourtety of crur men—the grace, loveliness, deadly and refinement of our women—the enterprite and ingenuity of our art isans—the progress and atpirationt of our whole ddlixation, and the unanimous detire of emr en tire people to eultieate the arts, habits and tem per! of peace and national conciliation. Washi.voton, D. G., September 23, 1800 Col. Clis/iy, Editor Macon Telegraph : Dear Sib—I send you the enclosed corre spondence for publication in yonr columns, be lieving good will result therefrom. It is well known that a large corps of the most active and efficient representatives of the press of the conntry is concentrated at tho Federal Capital, and who would be pleased to pay a flying visit to Georgia during the progress of the State Fair in November next, but for the ex pense of the trip. Supposing the suggestions of the Governor, made through you, to tho Agri cultural Committee had been complied with, I took the liberty of suggesting to tho Governor the propriety of including tho members of the press in the generous offer which he had made. Hoping that the Executive Committee will find it expedient to accept of Gov. Bullock's kind offer, and that tho arrangements may be made in time to give all who may desire to at tend an opportunity to arrange thoir affairs to do so, I am, air, respectfully yours, 0. P. Cm.TER. Washincton, Sept. 1C, 1869. To His Excellency, Goo. R. B. Bullock, Atlanta, Georgia: 8ib—As one deeply interested in the material, social, and political prosperity of the people and State of Georgia; and with an earnest desire to see the ensuing State Agricultural Fair a com plete success, I most heartily seoond your wise and timely suggestion to send a special train of cars as fur as Lynchburg. Virginia, for the pur pose of conveying members of Congress and other distinguished gentlemen connected -with the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Depart ments of tho Federal Government, from that point to Macon and back dnring tho progress of your Fair in November next. In connection with your proposition, allow rao to suggest the propriety of extending your invi tation to tho representatives of the press of tho country. There aro many gentlemen of un questioned ability, enterprise and influence con nected with the press here and elsewhere, and to whomCoL D. W. Lewis, Secretary, etc., is extending invitatipns to be present at your Fair, and who would gladly comply with that invita tion, but for tho expenses attending a trip to and from Macon. Therefore, put those upon a foot ing with tho other distinguished guests invited, and whom you havo so generously offered to con vey there and back and they will go. Y'on will readily appreciate tho wide-spread infinenco these gentlemen of the press would havo, and therefore the more readily understand the motives of my suggestion. If in any way I can aid you in this, I am at yonr command. Very respectfully, your Excellency’s obedient servant, 0. P. Culver. ExecutiveDrrAnTirEN-T. State or Geoboia,^ Atlanta, Ga., September 20, 18G9. j C. P. Culcer, Esg.,Ml With street, Washington, D. C. : Deah Sib : In reply to your esteemed favor of the lGth inst, I am instructed by His Excel lency, the Governor, to say that his suggestions, made through Col. Clisby to the officers of the Agricultural Association, have not met with any formal response from them ; and ho is, there fore, indisposed to take any farther steps in the matter. The Governor does not desire to intrude upon the management, but will ever be ready to co operate with it, to the ond that the contem plated Fair may have a national complexion, and result with credit and benefit to the State at large. Yours respectfully, R. Paul Lester, Secretary Executive Department. artier in Crawford. Knoxville, Ga., September 23, 1669. Editors Telegraph: Perhaps the “ reliable gentleman" has already called at your office to give you the details of a horrible murder that was committed in this county on Saturday night last. However, I preferred to hear tho report NSW A9TBKKIBBKBVTS. ASSIGNEE’S SALE. Court of tho United Mates. I will sell to the higb- rft bidder, before the Court-hou*e door in the town of Irvinton, Ga., within the le*M hour* of sale, on the fir>t Tuesday in November Ilk'S, the following prop- . cry to-wit: A fine PLANTATION oa the west bank from ifco coroner's jury before I reported the • of the Oeonee river, in Wilkinson connty, Ga. con case. It appears from the testimony taken to- j H^^ont^e'itaeofthecStadRirimM^^^a day that a negro by the name of Boss Shnrley I or eight mi ! e* from i coial»b-ra. o , , , - | Also, a lot of-'lr acres of land lyirr on the south ride of tbo Central Rai'road. in WiikiDSon county. Ga . adjoining 1 ,r.d« of Jame* J Jack-on and otb Put ii u m on Accommodation Trains. 'We assume, as a matter of course, that the Railway companies will run trains during the Fair, whenever they can make money by it; and independently of considerations of profit, we think they will also be disposed to accommodate the people as much as they can without serious ly incommoding themselves. No doubt, they will be governed in their arrangements very much by the popular demand for extra trains, and it is therefore a good idea for the people to make known their wishes through the press, and through the Executive Committee of the Fair. As to what the Roads will actually engage to do in reference to accommodation trains, we think it should attract the attention of the Board of Management at their meeting on the 7th of October next, and that they should con sult with the officers of all the Railways leading into Macon and publish the result immediately thereafter for the information of the people.— It is desirable that the people should have time ly information on this point, in order to make personal arrangements to conform, and thus give the trains adequate business. In relation to arrangements for food supplies of all kinds, we trust they will be ample. was killed on Saturday night list at the house of one Sallie Walker, about seven miles from this place, and the jmy, after hearing the testi mony, decided that the said Boss Shnrley came to his death by a sbot from a pistol in the hands of an unknown person. Tho ball entered his bead, almest on the top part of it, and ranged down in the direction of his neck. There was no one present but tho said Sallie Walker (a most profligate and abandoned creature) and one George Tharpe, another negro, who ls now nowhere to be found. Sallie Walker, I under stand, contends that the negro shot himself; but it appears that the. jury paid bnt little attention statement or oath of a white woman that allow a parcel of drunken negroes to be — in her house when all honest people been asleep. Suspicion rests, of George Tharpe, the other negro, ' e country. ii. .-<■<! Treachery of Jfordan. yesterday alleging that Jordan ill ont the Cabans, is said to haw* b*cr; f ii .led upon official dispatches to le Herald of Sunday has the foUowkyj tf :;i Havana Havai: 1 >■; 'ember 25, 1869.—The officers of the w) :•.:•••#* to-day had on interview-with ^^^Sral De Bods*. and stated that they ten nnder them insisted on taking the for active service. The Captain-General , lied that he did not need their services. 'It is reported that General Jordan has writ ten a letter to Captain General De Rodas pro posing to surrender, with his whole oommand, upon being paid a certain sum of money, and that De Rodas refused the proposition. This rumor at Havana, coupled with the offi cial assurance at Washington, seems to warrant tho belief that Jordan has not disappointed the unfavorable conception of his character in tho South, and has really attempted the role of an other Arnold. 15 the property of Dr. William Tay- * the benefit of hi. creditor*. JOSEPH E. MURRAY. Arsignee. etc. FL'.VEKAL NOTICE. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Aaber Ayres, arc In- vitod to attend tho funeral of their eldest daughter, Anna, from Christ Church this (THURSDAY) af ternoon at 4 o’clock. Macos Teleoraph.—We have not received a enpv of this sterling journal in several weeks. What is the matter ?—Madison Farm Journal. On enquiry at the mailing room the clerks say it is forwarded as usual, and we cannot therefore say what is the mutter. We clip the following from the Farm Journal : The unfortunate man. Booth, alluded to in our last issue as having been blown up in a well, near Rutledge, has since died. Mr. Jack Minton, an old man past three score years, was gored and seriously injured by a bull, at his farm near Rutledge, soma day last week. He is not expected to live. DIED, In Adrian, Michigan, on the 25th instant, Annie A., wife of J. H. SimtsoN, and daughter of Asher Ayres, of this citv. TfSW A2>VSB.?XBXmXSZr?3 STRAYED, T9R0M my lot. a MULE sad H0RSJ5. The Molelj Jl » Urge, dark bay, mare mule, *wennted in tneleft •boulder and roweled hut week. The horee hae rear* on bi« ehoolder. ranged from aeolUr. A liberal re ward will be paid to any one who will return them to my •table. J. A- HILL eeptSLlt HORSE FOR SALE. SADDLE and HARNESS HARRIS. CLAY k CO. A FINE. LAROE, HORSE for sals. Apply to KpOO-lt RETURI7 TICKETS. SOUTHWESTERN R. R. COM PANT. 1 OrncE, Macon. Ua.. September29.18W. ( T HE SALE OF RETURN TICKETS, on this Road, will be continued anti! December Ut. and no longer. •cpt30-dlw VIRGIL POWERS. Engineer and Superintendent BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. N. S. FINNEY & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, Receiving anil Forwarding Agent., TJUSINE^S AGENTS forth, Bruotwick and A1 D bin? Rail'oadCompany; Savannah and Florida Inland Steamboat Company: “ Anchor Line of Steamfthipe between New York and Liverpool. ADo Drawer* orsterlimt Bill* on Knetand. Ireland an t Scotland: and dealer, in Southern Seeuntie, and New York Exchange. own Advances niadr on CoBMrnntati of LI 3II>ER, COTTON and NAVAL STORKS. ’ „ , Freights eonrixaed to u, from New \ ork. to oil point, in the interior, will be promptly forwarded. stFEexacia: Henry Clew, k Co.. New Vork. Ilabney, Morgan k tin.. New York. Howland k An inwall. Morri, Ketehom, nptao-dSm AGRICULTURAL PAPER. Tie Southern Farm and Home. W E propof 6 to ta«ne on the 15th of November and on the 15th dfevery month thereafter, a paper of thirty-two page#, to bo devoted exclusively to AGJMCULTURB, HORTICULTURE AND MATTERS RELATINQ TO THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE. While we do not desire to disparate any of tho a*ri- cnltnral publication! which are now receivint public patronage, we do not believe that any of them exact- tv covers the around which we prnpoee to occupy. Wo intend to issue A FIRST CLASS PAPER, Both »• to matter and execution. We ehall employ the ben talent which the country afford* in every de partment, and we intend to rpare no pain* to make the paper a reliable authority to all seeking informa tion on everything relating to the Farm and the Household. Eminent practical agriculturist* will contribute ar ticles concerning the preparation and culture of the soil. Skilled Horticulturist* and Fruit-grower* will keep i ur reader* po«ted in regard to the tJarden and Orchard. Persons of acknowledge! *kill in the rais ing and care of stock will devote their attention to this important snhject. , ., The Domestic Department of tre Household. The Kitchen, the Larder, the Store renm. and tho Fowl- yard, with approved recipes in all branches of house wifery. shall be attended roearefully. We have made AMangemenU t- illustrate the text with appropriate wood Kogravines and while the greeter portion of the paper will be devoted to the instruction and bene fit of the heads of the house, the amusement of the Young People shall not be neglected The cover* ard a few pages at the end of earh num ber of the SOUTHERN FARM ANl> HOME will be received for adverti-eiuents, and will be a a most walushle medium for business men to commu nicate with the public. As we propose to issue a large edition of the first number, which wH be published the day previous to the commencement of the State Fair, we would invite our friend? an! patftoM to make early application for the limited -pace which we can set apart for adver tisements. Tsmcs—Circle coprl year. 8209: Three copies 1 year. $5 f0: Five cop I e* 1 year. $7?0: Single copy six months $1 O). Invariably ia adv^n^e. Addre?* J. W. BURKE A CO.. sept30-d2taw*w2w Micon, Ga. FOR SALE_AT $20,000. 320 AOB.EIS Rich and Well Improved. Land, In Old Caaa, now Bartow Connty, Georgia. QUPERI0R, large and well arranged dwelliog- O bouse and outbuildings. ^ Can be well seen on the road from Carter?vide to Stilesboro and Van Wert; located directly on Richland Creek, sir miles from Cartersville Depot, and in sight of the beautiful Etowah River. It is one o the mo«t accessible and valuable plants* tions awd improve cent* in Bartow county, or in Up per Georgia. The dwelling house ha* all the modern improve ments. and newly furnished; handsome yard, with beautiful evergreen?, vine* and shrubbery. Fine orchards of apples, penrs, peaches, cherries, figs and small frnits. a: d a good grapery. The land is rich and productive in corr, cotton, wheat, clover and tobaccThe fineat cotton land in the county. PRICE. S20.000—half cash. This valuable and desirable place *djoins the lauds of Major Howland. Wax. H. Lu-as, Charles T. and P. &. Sbeilm^n, a^d ne*r Col. Rynls. For further and full information, addre«* John b. walker. Madison, Morgan county, Georgia. sepw30-d4utwlt AUCTION! W ILL be ‘old. n 10 o’clock, in front of my sales room, on Saturday next- 1 Fine Pair of Large MULES. 4 years old—war ranted all r_h; in every particular. The Mules are well broke t > Single and Double Harness. Call and she them before the day of sale. GEO. H. PRATT. sept29-3t Auction House, 87 Cherry St. ASSIGNEE’S SAIE. B Y virtue of an ord^r from the Honorable District Court of thoCeit'd htate*, I will sell before th- Coart-house door, in tbe town of Isabella, Worth conntv, Ga^ to tbe highest bidder, for ca-h. on Tues day thePth day of November, 1909. tbe following pr >p- erty, to-wit: A Plantation (with tbe exception of. homestead of 55 acres) ia Worth county, G a., con tain in g ©CH acres, more cries*, of average quality of Pir-e Land, the same being Lot* No*. 51. 81 and 104. in the Fifteenth District of said Worth county. ADo Lot No. 256 in tbe same county and tho Fourteenth Di s :ri-t. containing 450 acres, more or le*s. AJi uf nU Laud sold x* the property of Edwin Saulsbury. bankrupt, for th* benefit of hi* creditors. JOSEPH E. MURRAY. *ept30-dlaw3t Assignee, etc. CnifiEDSE A HAZLKnrKST, ! ! > A ' K k: i S & jj R 0 k f \ ; A OARX> TO MERCHANTS AND PLANTERS! T H p. SIX GREAT REMEDIES R 1 3EIVE DEPOSITS. BUY AND <ELL EX- JI1ANGE, GOLD. SILVER. ^tcckj^CoLds and I Uncurrent Funds. COLLECTIONS MADE ON ALI ACCESSIBLE ! POINTS. OF TCIIE dar*i/3ce open ut all hoars of the Jay. ROOSTS TO RENT. over the store of R. Waggenatein, on Cherry street, can be rested by applying to sept29 3t R. WAG 1ENSTSIN. In Bankruptcy. Is the District Cocet or the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter cf 1 r_ WOULFOLK, WALKER & CO.. > In Bl “ nptey ’ Bankrupts. J fT^HIS is to give notice that by an indenture, bear- JL ing date the 6fh day of August, A D., Tb6?. Jas. II. Wool folk, Joel A. Walker and John F. II-i for, (composing tbe late firm of Woolfolk, Walker A Co..) have conveyed ac i assigned all their estate and ef fects whatsoever to me, as Trustee, upon trust, for the benefit of all the errditon of the said James H. WeeIfoIk,JoeI A. Walker and John F. Hafer, and of tbe si id Woolfolk. Walker A Co.; and that said con veyance was duly executed according to the provi ft'oaa «f the 43! section ot an act of Congress, entitled **Ab Act to establish a uniform system of Bankruptcy throughout the United States, approved March 2, 1857." Dated at Macon, Ga., this 2Sth day of Fentembrr. A. D., 18®. JOSEPH E. MURRAY. sept20-dlaw3w Trustee. a p&ccz,A2aa.TXorr. #1000 REWARD G J!OR GIA! By R. B. Bollock, Governor of laid State. Wnaans. Ofici.l info-m»tun bu b?fn receiredat this Devartm nt that a murder mi committed in the town of Cartcrsvill?. tounty of Bartow, in this Stato. oa the 21th instant, upon tbo perron of Richard Smith. «• is alleg'd, by ,n« Qr.en Spencer, and that the laid Spencer ha* fled from Jnrtieo: and, Wbiica*. Tho Sheriff of eaid county ofBsrtow certifie* to me that ho ha* cxerelred alt diligence, and uted erery mesne in hi* power to apprehend the eaid Ureon Spencer, bat without a rail: and that the of fering of a tuitable rewerd ia earrntlal a» a mean* of making certain tbe armt of tbe said Green Spencer. Now, therefore. I have thought proper to little thia my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of one thoneand dollar* for tho apprehension and delivery of tho eaid Green Spencer, with evidence enffi -lent to convict, to the Sheriff of raid county of Bartow. And I do moreover cha-go and require all ofleen in thia State, civil and military, to be vigilant in on. dearoring to apprehe d tho taid Green Spencer, in order that he may bo brought to trial for the offence with which he stands charged. Given under my baud and the great teal of tho State at tho Capitol ia A Hants, thi* £Sth day of September, ia the year of our Lord. 1869. and of the Indepen dence of the United Stateeof America the ninety fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: Divio G. Corrtua. Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: Tho *aid Spencer is about 21 years ot age. about five feat eight or nino inches high, fair complexion, bine eye*, and weighs about 125 or 130 pound*. sept30-d3twlt A FROC&AZVZATIOrr. 81000 3FUDWARD 0x10x1014. By R. B. Bnllock, Governor of said Stato. WnamuAS. S. J. Bu*b. Coroner of Wilkinaon county, his reported to this Department, under date Septem ber 2id instant, that a murder was committed in said county of Wilkinson on the 13th instant, upon tho person of L. A. Golden, as is alleged, by one R. S. Nelson, and that tho laid Nelron hag fled from jus tice; and, WneaKAS. Tho said Coroner further report* to m° that the civil officer* of taid county of Wilkinron havo n*ed their ntmn*t exertions in apprebendingtbe murderer, but without jnecess; Now. therefore. I hire thought proper to i’sne this my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of Ono Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said R. N. Nelson, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of tbe said county of Wilkin son. And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this State, civil and military, to bo vigilant in cn dearoring to apprehend the said R. N. Nelson, in or der that he may bo brought to trial for the crime with whieh he stands ebarged. Given nnder my hand and thegreat seal of tho State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this 28th day of September, in thoyearofonrLord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty- Nine, and of tho Independence of tho United States of America, the Ninety- Fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By tho Governor: David 0. Comxo, Secre'srr ot State, DESCRIPTION: The eaid Nelson is abont 2S years of age, thin vlr- aged, light eomplexioned.haa red goatee and. mous tache, weich* about 125 pounds, and has lost two fingers off hia right hand. sept30-d3Uwlt A rROC&AZHCATXOTC. $1000 REWARD. GEORGIA. By R. B. Bullock, Governor of said State, Whereas, It has been r.ffietiilly communicated to this Department that on the nient of the 2iih Au:n?t ultimo. Dr. H. H. Harley wm - hot at and killed while engaged in writing, at his residence in \he county of Glynn, in this State, by a party or parties unknown and Whereas. The Foreman oF the G'and Jury of said county of Glynn certifies to me that no evidence suffi cient to warrant tbe arre*t of any party has come to tho knowledge of said body, and that it is their deftire as well as the ‘csire of all good citizens of Glynn coun ty to bring the murderer to justice ; and Whereas, The said Foreman of said Grand Jury, in accordance with a resolution of that body, suggest* the offering of a suitable reward as a means of insur ing tho arrest of the assassin or assassins of the said Dr. H. H. Harley ; Now, therefore, ia order to vindicate the majesty of the law and the sacredners of homaa life, and in order the more certa : nty to bring to tpeedy trial and pun ishment tho guilty party or parties, I. Rufus B. Bul lock. Governor and Commander-in-Chief < f tbe Army and Na^y of this State and the Militia thereof* have thought proper to Dsne this, my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the person or persons engaged in the perpetration of this atrocious murder as horcinbefo'C recited, with evilence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of s*id county of Glynn; And I do moreover charge and require all officers in this f tate, civil and military, to be vigilant n endeav oring to arprehend the raid party or parties, in order that they may be brought to trial and puni-bmeot. Given nnder my hand and the great £*eal of the State, at the Capi ol, in the city of Atlanta, this 28th day of September, in the year cf our Lord cne thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and of the Inde pendence of the United States of America, the nine ty-fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: David G, Cottixo, Secretary of State. gept3d-d3twlt Ur ha applied for selling apart and valuation of homestead: ani 1 wi l pas- upon tho same at 10" o’clock, a. m., on the 4th day of October. 18 9. at my office C. T. WARD, Ordinary. asp>.3G-dlUwlt For Rent THE HOUSE now occupied by Col. J. ^B. Cum- i. ming. Five rooms, large kitchen, stable, car riage house and good i Apply to ■ept29-3t *j6h>STON i DURE, Beal Estate Agent*. A BOX OF BOOKS, over B. A. Wise’s Crockery Store, on Mulberry 5‘reet, then occupied by Col, Jcfcn B. Weems aa a LawOffi^- Any information, left at tbis office, of the*am© will oblige THE OWNER, •ept® tf PROPOSALS W ILL tlE RECEIVED FOR THE EXCAVA- TION for the site, and for the materials and bnildins of the basement of the Court House, accord ing to plans and specifications Apply to J. M. BOARDMAN. sept29-tf Chairman Building Committee. Receiving and to Arrive, A VERT large and selects ock rf DRUGS, Medi cine.*. ChemicaV.?. Druggists* Sundries. £c.. f-e lectad in person by our Mr. Clay from fir?t-oJa.*s Drug and Chemical hou«e* in Philadelphia and N* w York. No eon^rn in the State can sell RELIABLE GOODS CHEAPER than wc can. Call *nd examine tor your selves. HARRIS. CLAY CO . corner Cherry and Third, and Fourth and Poplar lepCS-tf Streets, Macoa, Ga. On Consignment, BALES BORNEO BAGGINO. 20 M««eon. September 2$tb, 1 GEO M. LOGAN. *ept29-2w FOR SALE, R^i DESIRABLE II0U3F and LOT, on Oik street. _ between Fourth snd Fifth, near Southwestern aiiroad. Apply ta >ept28 3t TURPIN * OGDEN. Rea! Estate Atent*. SITUATION WANTED. A COMPETENT and trustworthy man, who can keep books or attend to almost any branch of mer cantile affairs-“«8able and willing to work, and it wril acqnianted with the people of Southwestern Georg**, want* employment of *ome kind. Address Box 141, Moron Post office. sept28 Iw SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNG MAV. of experience and steady bu.«l no** habit*, wants a situation in a mercantile house. Apply at sopt2t-tf THIS OFFICE. WANTED, A GOOD COOK. Nono need ap cntnaeadel. Apply at feptll-tf WINDSOR HILL PROPERTY A N elegant four-room House on Windsor Hill for s le. with three acres of good Land under culti vation—fronting two street*. Could be exrily con verted into three one-acre Lot*. Possession given October lit. Apply to otrRR *ept2l-lw Real Estate Acents. FOR SALE CHEAP. i \NE PAIR OF FINE STttiSn CARRIAGE ORSES, and ono eamhinatiou HORSE, (ssddlo and ^MpOfi tf** FREEMAN-S8TABLR L03T OR STOLEN, A DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH made by D. B Nichols *Co, Savannah. Ga . No. 7!)19. with the initials “S. G. II.” ongravad on tho outsi to. Address S. G. HART, ■opt23-lw . Amencus. Gn. NE W _ ROUTE NORTH . THE ST. LOUIS, Iron Monntain anfl Sonffiem Railway Is now open for bosiners from COLUMBUS, KY,, TO ST, LOUIS; Halting tbe QUICKEST. SAFEST ami only ALL RAIL ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS Passengers taking this Route AVOID ONE CHANGE OF CARS and a Tcdi us River Transfer of 20 Miles, and arrive in tt. Louis 4 1-2 HOURS Trains loam Colombo*, upon tho arriral i train* on tbo Mobile and Ohio Railroad W. R. ALLEN, sopt29- General Ticket Agent. GEORGIA STATE FAIR BULLETIN ciRCuna-xionr 25,000. A BOUT the 6m week in October. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAN D COPIES of a large fonrpaze Bul letix of «be great Southern Exposition of Agriculture and Mechan ic*, to be held in Msc >n, Oa.. commenc ing November ltitb. 1SG9, will be issued for gratuitous circulation within the P’tato. The Bruins will contain the Premium L»*t Re vised—-now first published complete—Regulations of the Exhibition, Instructions to (exhibitors. Officers of the varioas Industrial As*neiations of Georgia, Pro parations for the Fair—inelu ring the arrangements ravie upon the Fair Ground, and by Ha 1 road.*, Hotels, etc., for the convenience and acc mmodation of ex hibitor* and visitors, and the address of Boarding Houses and citizens that will be prepared to entertain gnests—a r >d articles upon every other subject in con nection with the Fair deemed of interest to those arrongwbom the Bullstix will circulate—tbe pro ducers of Georgia. Five thoosat.d copies of the Bulletin' will be re- ■erved for distribution opon the Fair Ground during Exhibition, and twenty thousand judiciously circula te«immediately upon publication from the office of Colonel D. W. Lewi9, Secretary of the Slate Agricul tural Society, No. 66 Mulberry street. Wholesale Merchants, Manufacturers, ond Dealers in Specialties hare presented to them, in the enor mous edition ot tbe Bulls r iN. a medium of extending their business which, in extensive cir u! at ion. was never before ap- roached in this Mate. The space de votei to advertisers is limited. The following are the Advertising Hates: One Column 08 rquares) $100; Half Column (14 rqaarcs) $55; Quarter Column (7 squares) $30: Less sp»"e per square, $5. Tho‘ed*»»reu* of availing themselves of »ho Bur.- letix should forward their favors at onc*».addrcssed to N. PINK tl AM. Macon, Ga. Ciritens who will be prepared to receive guests during tb« Fair, will confer a favor by leavi g their <tddro* at tb«* office of Con. Lewis, or through the Post-office with the Pablisber. sept!2-tf NOTICE, TAX-PATERS OF BIBB 00. T 'llE BOOKS are now open for the collecting of f*tate and County Taxes for 1889. All are notified 1 com**, both white a d coloied. Those that hare no property are notified to come and pay their Poll Tax—only one dollar. The law makes it a du’y for the T x Collector to notify em ployers to hold the taxes, which i•* a very unpleasant duty for me. I hope you will all come and pay your own taxes. . , I hope all employers will notify toeiuiioii and freed men. that o*u read, will read this to their color. F. M. HEATH, Tax Collector for Bibbeo.,Ga. septfiC dftsljg - FOR SALE, rf»HR 110USE and LOT on the corner of Cherry and i «»h Ftreots. opposite MoV lroy’s two-etory building. For farther particulars api lv at the _ _ sepTlm* TELEGRAPH" OFFICE. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. F RANI p. HK^'ELTrNE. Reriricr, -Bill hold a C«»u*t of Bankruptcy at Fo-t Valley, Oc ober fob. Macon, “ Pth. America?, ** IDh. Cuthbert, 44 1‘2'h and 13th. Albany, ** 15th. sept-3-tf Hilliard Male Institute for Sale. T^HE Tru*tees offor the building known as the Hil- X iiard Mrie Institute, Incited at Forsttb. Oa.. wi»b ten acre* ol land attached, for sale. No bo'ter openingin Middle Geo-gia fora forge and fl uri>hir. * School! Now occupied with sixty scholar?, and the inducements offered will sreur® for any p irchaier who desires to teach A pplcndid investment. Apply to JAS If. MAYS, fept23 till Oct 14 Prrsident Board. J. A. WALKER. J. E. GRAYBILL. J. A. WALKER & CO., C OTTON PACKERS ard Dealers in all kinds of Loose Cotton. Sample*. Pickings and .Wa*te, re spectfully tender their services to the business com munity generally, and especi Hy to the .are house Merchants of th-city, particular attention paid to ‘reconstructing” water-packel ana ® ix ®d ’sottonj. Tbe hiuhe^tmarket price patd for wool and Hides. geptl3-lm MBS. BAILEY’S SCHOOL, QN Walnut Street, corner of Third, will be opened on Monday, October 4th. sept24-4t 24-a$-30*oct $ j QUR Jtf* jLm Xi B T O C TT • is arriving and being op?ned daily. As usual, it com- 1 prises erc r ytbing kept in a fir*t-clasa WHOLESALE SOUSE, And wo aro prepared to offer inducements to the trade, which will insure their sale aedgivo entire sat isfaction. Our Stock of DO NESTI C S Is heavy and complete. An uncsuRl largo Stock of CASSIMKttES, JEANS. (North Carolina and Co- Iambus. Ga.. make.) KERSEYS, LINSEYS, FLAN NELS. DELAINS and DEESS GOODS Of every description. Our \otio» Department Is well assorted and very complete. CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BLANKETS, of all qualities, both in colored ami white. »n>i. in a word, we have every thine ta suit the trade of tbo Conntrj Merchant. Onr AQS. HURLEY'S AGUE TONIC! NO ARSENIC—NO MERCURY. PERFECTLY RELU.BLE. The only remedy for Chills ani Fever o- Are. „ i ?S>\?rA x ?SUl. 0 LA , K bt ‘ depended odob i.Ttnn WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. TTiot. A. Hurley; iIoo“ S I P |aB' i .5!“n?^^S! l ";, h ?If. »« «»rl? he prc?ci refused t n u so, and have no reason t-> rcsrbiir issagarBaS^gaaSSi .. JAMES MARTIN. Entianr. Locisvitta, Kt., Jon, IS, 186S. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! USE na* been larrely added to, and wo export to soil at a small martin. Onr Stock of TOBACCO Is very choice and was purchased at less than Mann faetnrer's prices, which enable* ns to offer it low to onr customer*. f»8N ABUROS, heavy and lUht, all irradea of SUKUriNUS. YARNS of the differentmannfacturers WHISKY, BRANDT AND WINBS, Plan ation Bittera and WolVl ‘■’chnapr*, Sncare of all trade*. Old Government Java. .Cylon and Rio Coffee. HARDWARE a'd SUpIo Drufq Batyinv, Tie*. Nail*. Iron. Floor in »a-k* and barrel*. Rice. Snuff. Citar*. Broom*. Bneket*. Scire?, etc. Onr Stock i« of fuch a character that a Merchant nr Planter can fill hi* entire memorandum with. Wo respectfully aak an examination, fee line a-suroi we can please yon and make it to yonr interest. or. B. UOS8&L sow, Wholesale Dealers. 96 Cherry and 55 Second St*, septld tf CENTRAL CITY CONDITION POWDERS! HORSES, MULES, CATTLE HOGS. POULTRY. Iu W. HUNT & CO., DRUGGISTS, CBERHT STREET, MAC OF, GA., sons moPRiaToas. A RELIABLE MEDICINE FOR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO STOCK OF ANY KIND. r PHE chief superiority or th* 1 ® P 0 „ w f d * ! L"S’nM f ihft I the fact that they are composed of medicines that have laxa ive.tonieand al'erativepropertirS. Thcnse of them improve tho wind.strenethenjtheap^tue and dieertive aocarata*. an t aives to the animata One. smooth and etoaay ekin. thus improvini the api'rar_ anee. vigor and spirit, which baa been reduced by overwork or di?ea-c. These PowJ.r? will tr-ngthen the stomach and intestinr*. cleanre t-emfrom offen- -ivc matter, and bring them to * healthy *hi- e ' are a ;uro prev r n'ive ot l.anc Fever, and a cert.^n Energy, o :c. DIXLB CTIOS3! LUNG FEVER.—When yon find that yonr hon-e.’ oppetite ia not good, and he appears dull ®aJ etu- pid. standing hack trom 'he trough, wp down. etc-, he ha* etrong symptom, of Long 1Fevo. Give one powder morning and nig if. .in wet looo. which, ifojedin time, will effect a rare in a rewoays. For poor and low-spirited ,nim»l o e Powder a day. in wet f.od. will nave the mod heuehcial eBeck inforing a new spirit toto thehorreai d prodncmir a rlo<sy Iffhi When distemper prevail- In the ne ** D b .rbood. give one pow 'er three tunes a week. Aa a epring purifier, giro the powder twice a wees* . Central City Condition Powders FOR MILCH rOWS. their hide, ami makes tbemtM»® a 9 j!;,, Du3g roa Cows—Haifa powder in si pe. FOR HOG'S. tetfrfSJSKaSftklgayg., Dose F .r. Hooa-HaJf®g; e n .;./borbood. et food. If the Choler* ,a ,n tce n - - ce a HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA, IODIDE POTASH. A fleet Ions of i lie Hours. UnbUaal Positive, nest, Debility, DUentea of th» Xvtdneya, Kry»l|)eltt M , Female Irrezr- * ulnrltlrst I'lk-ulR, nil Skin DUenirt) Lfvrr Completm, lndlgeitlnn, Piles. Pul monary DUeaiei, Scrofula, or King** l£vll, Sypblll^ aml«aU Impurities of (tie Dtood. LimaviiLi. April 4,1165. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what it ia represented, and I believe it the moat wonderful medicine betoretke pnblie. Nothing nnder the heareoe eoutd induce me to aay *o without proor of tho strongest an.l surs-t kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively on tho imbjort. My daughter has been afflicted with skin disesso and stiffneae of the Joints for several yean. I em ployed tho principal physician* of tho city and they conld not cure her. I gave her your Sarsaparilla, not expecting it wou'd do much good, bnt to my great astonishment she rapidly got well, and thank God continues so. Had she been taking any mediriue I would not give this eer< ificate: but your Sarsaparilla, tho only remedy employed, leavea no doubt cf iu medical qualities, and that it alone cored ber. [Signed,] LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiting the truth and honerty of Ibis statement, will find meat my residence, corner NIoth and Walnut streets, Louisvilio. j.. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. _ . is a l. . ... and most palatable form to give to children, it if not surprising that it is fast taking tbo place of all other preparation" for worm*—it being perfectly tasteless, and any child will take it. AIe*srs. James Buddie Ji Co.—GentJemen: It five* me great pleasure to say* after using all the other worm remedies known to me, with but partial success to my. ^ children. I wa* ndvired to try J>r. T. A. Harley a. ^ and since using it, my children have become well 1 ▼ and healthy ; the children would cat it all the tune, it is so pies rant, if we would let them. I beliero It Is one of the best and safest remedies known, and a* such, recommend it to LociaviLLX. Kt., July 3,18SS. Notice to Mothers. SR. SBABROOK'S INFANT SOOTHING SYBDP. Use in the future, only SKABROOK’S. a combina tion quite up with the advancement of th* axe.— Pleasant to take, barmle?* in iiametion. efficient and reliable in ail easts. Invaluable in the following dis- i: SUMMER COMPLAINTS. IRREGULARITIES OF THE BOWELS. RESTIVENESS. TEEMING. Etc.. Etc. Glvea health to the child and reat to the mother. XaStmLlK. Tg*s. February W >*■ James Ruddle db Co., LouitviUe, Ky.: it to uo uiy vuiiu uii’i. —.-. . - T - after using it. than any.other remedy l erertned. I»n say with confi« the best medicine for children at present known. IwUhyou would gettheDruygirta here to keep it If any onedoe*. pfeaae I« tne knew. if not. tend me one dozen by exprew, and I will P>y for it at the office here. W rite me when you send it, and oblige MBS. SABAH L. RANDOLPH. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debility, Lou of Appetite, Weakness, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liter, or Disordered Stomach. gjteaSS5sss^5as^»S be h ad at any drngrtoro in the United StallO0° tf ' the Proprietor*. J AMEo » UDD ^.£ T Vg™ K y. ToJas. Ruddle & Co., Louisville, Ky.: GgvTigwxs: This is to certify that I have been for »rsa sifierVr. and have trled.U thtUmitsl b»« ; reir^j icard from any ly spoken before foreYfinished ouo bottle. I a tagreat deal better, and firmly believe that on one ortw« oroajioif ita- the means of savin sr and JN«mctl1g m scientioufly recommend thgm toaDgj beet Bittern known, andadvist abe,n alw-j * fo •« » Dr. T. A. Uurfoy’s. and h^ve no othcr. I oa c^o uw this as you think proper, if it will benefit others. Your* truly, etc.. rnmavTt.i.g- Kt.. December 1 JTOHN W. DIXS9S. OR, SEaSKOCE’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Irc$ and Calisaya. debtlitatm* ities peculif ”* >r-. - . , oat it, if iia Chicken'. Turkey?. I it? fda; condition of all wder on' is in th< .. _ bah a powder twice a week- FOR POUXiTB. Y * The<e Powde-s are a certain sreyemtive ^Eare^i cholera, and other di.«en?cs in Duck?, ere., and will improve kinds of fo^ia. , , mireul wirh a These Powder* are offered »<*• fZlu -jtee of reliability and pra-v-cal ■ e e v oce we Wvf&srr.,’^ te <-VSP*" ' ,i “ >e as toon an investment aa you ever „? d | Auts elegant coni ii * properties ofPeruvis disasreeable t»£te an or in other preparatu It should b- press' p.'«e--aes utt tbe tome n Bark Ind Iron, withouttbe d bad effects of e ther, ■*f the^e valua ill c -;uired after con Ji,«ea s e-, or ip th to fetniiles. Nc jedicinea. -ale&vce from, I ,. e diatrcpato»l9Wjf female ?h'-uld he 11 •s for nothing can wen Cent* per box. ie The t e rad P e supnicd oD liberal terms. v„», j-enuine witho it onr written signature. sept2$-tf Zs. w. HtTWT & CO., DruggtsU. Macon. Ga. JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETOR-'. LABOKATORY NO. 41 BULLITT STREET. Louisville, Kv.^ All the above Good? for e by z,. W. SXTTJXT dL CO., Macon. Go-, “d all DreiT-u. auglO-suAth