The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 02, 1869, Image 1

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BY CLISBY MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. REID. MA<ON. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 2. 1S69. No. 2885. The Georgia Telegraph Building, Macon. bater of D*UI T»: Kr.kArii—for r. n e year..,«_.. 510 fO Di’LT Tu.KomArH—for ri* month* 5 0; For *h«rtrr prn-. I* One Dollar per month, flmm WBXKLT Truouw—n:>« jeir. < * f#fo««ua7iri*WtEKtT TtLkc.mra—®ix m'th* 2 00 MaKVOTH WirKI*Y T*! * - .i: » r«—f, n< . S rr. tfatfVOTV U EKCLT TCLBOtarff—KOSthl. 1 M Pm**U nttnagw « I Adranrs. -fl Hook ond Job l*rl nf l n r 7**0y OHital at nuMiiii priM*. Remittances by mill with ?Mt .wur’> — ■I enr ritk. NU-el Kal In. At • time, hardly three yean ago, when the price of ateel rails was XI5 per toil, many of the leading engineers of the kingdom, in dis cussing Mr. Price Will isms' well known paper on Permanent Way, expressed their general concurrence in the policy of substituting steel in place of Iron rails, in all renewals upon lines of heary traffic. A little beforo that time the American railway companies were paying X24 14s. (#180 gold) for steel rails delivered, dnty paid, in New York. So convinced did they be come as to the advantages of steel over Iron, that the Pennsylvania Bailroad Company had purchased nearly 12,000 tons of steel rails np to the end of 1868, the Erie Company had bonght large quantities, the Hudson River Line, 144 miles-Keg, is being wholly relsid in steel, the Kew York snd Hew Hsvcn, 76 miles long, is being relsid in steel ss fast as renewals become necessary, and several other American compa nies have ahown, by their practice, that even at tho higher price of steel, they consider it cheap er, in the long ran, than iron. In the meantimo tho prico of steel rails has fallen as low as XII 10s. to XI2 per ton, without any corresponding decrease in the prico of iron. If steel at the higher price was preferable to > iron, it certainly ia ao at tbo lower price. The price of steel, irrespective of patent royalists, msy yet fall still lower, bat to defer its nse in expectation of sneh a fall would bo simply to Incur tbo greater wear and tear and greater or lea danger of iron in tbo meantimo. Should the prico of steel yet fall to nearly that of iron the former material wonld, no doubt, from its great and ineontostible advantages, bo preferred even on lines of moderate or little traffic, even where iron rails might, of themselves, last per haps fifteen or twenty yean. But npon that new extensive aggregate of lines on which iron rails last but from one to fivo years, the adop tion of ateel would l>o virtually compulsory. To-day, to-morrow—ievery day in this year and next—there will lie found portions of fine, here and there, which must be renewed at onee. Bailroad oompnnics are seldom, if ever, in too great a hnrry to renew rails. Nor should theso be renewed aa long as they are reasonably safe. Bat whon onco they begin to “go," to laminate, or to crash out at the ends, or at any point in their length, the process of final destruction la •wift ana sure. It is not only the business of a permanent way inspector to discover what rails are nnfit to remain longer in the line, but to de tect and keep his eye upon rails in an incipient stage of failure. There are alweys thousands of such rails in all old lines, and although they may often be trusted for a few months, more or leas, especially in summer, it ia akin to defying Providenoe to leave them in any advanced stage of deterioration, in the line at the beginning of winter. Benewed they roust be, and in renew ing them the engineer of any works will be guided by his own judgment whether to lay down iron or ateel. He will oonaidor the ques tion in regard not only to their relative first oost, but with regard also to the present and prospective trade, and with regard to the rela tive durability and safety of the two kinds of rails. If, in this foil consideration, steel ap- poarn to poaaeaa tho advantage, after allowing for ita present cost, no engineer would either defor his necessary renewals, or Uy down iron merely because ateel wonld possibly be 17a. Cd. or 20s. obesper nfter February next Tho probable future pries of ateel rails ia a question of mnch interest to railway companies. After February 10th next a royalty of from 17«. Cd. to 10a. per ton will eeaae to be levied on the manufacture of steel rails, and, if other condi tions remain the same, they will then be to that extent chonper than they are now. Further im provements may also tie made, although ateel master* see no chance of any at present; but any redaction in prioe, reuniting from suoh im provements wonld be wholly independent of the question of royalty, and it would he as easy to assume that corresponding improvements wonld be effected in the manufacture of ordinary iron, in which east iron and steel would still remain upon their present relative footing aa to coat Although suoh questions are to a great extent matters of forecast and judgment, there are rea sons of fair weight, which any man of business esn readily comprehend, why steel rails are not likely to be as mnch cheaper, after February next, aa the amount of tho royalty to lie then taken off. First, the prioe of ateel rails has al ready been brought as low as tho keenest eora- K tition has been able to bring it, and it is well own that thousands of tons have been made without profit Shonld railway companies or der mnch more freely after February next, tho inevitable effoot, aa proved by all experience, and inferable from the plainest principles of po litical economy, wonld lie to maintain or to in crease prices. In nearly all branches of trade, too, there has been long continued depression, and this, at last, appears to be passing away.— Shonld onr manufactures and commerce attain something like their former elasticity by next spring, as there ia reason to bolievo they may, the etfeet would be at onoo manifested in an in crease in the price of labor and materials snffi- cient to offset the abated royalty on steel rails, a royalty now amounting to from eight or nino per sent, of their oost—Engineering, June 4. Delegates to the State Fair. Eatostox, September 20, 18C9. Editor* 1 tie graph : Herewith please find list of delegates, from tho Planters’ Club of Put nam oounty, to the State Fair, in pursuance of invitation from tho Stato Agricultural Society: James A. Etheridge, President Henry D. Capers, Secretary. The Fire in Dismal Swamp. A gentleman who passed along up the Sea board road on a hand-car, and had an opportu nity to make a few observations, has been talk ing to ns. He witnessed great trees, thirty or i OT *7 feet, on fire up to the top, all their leaves and branches burning np rapidly, and then a PJ’“ °- w >nd toppling them over the same as they were but oat-straw; when, on looking at their roots, you would find the ground nnder- neath them completely burned out, and nothing remaining but coals and ashes. Largo holes are to tie observed all over the swamp completely burned out, and nothing remaining in or near them lint the charred tranks of trees. He stopped for some time between the twelfth and thirteenth mile posts, and had a good view of the surroundings. The fire has bnrnt the earth or peat np to the ditch-bank of tho railroad, and in some places as far as the eye could reach it looked like a great waterless lake, where form erly was dry land and vegetation. Great num bers of cattle and animals of all kinds have been destroyed by the fire, the bones of many of which can be seen from the road-track. These matters cannot be observed in passing along on the cars, as they go too rapidly for ob servation. It is his impression that nearly all the spaco burned out by the fire will be a lako from three to ten feet deep, as the earth or vegetable mould which formed terra Jirma in I the swamp is all bnrnt to Ashes. A singular feature was mentioned by him in regard to farms along tho Dismal Swamp. Smoke could be seen issuing from underneath the corn fields of tho farms, which led him to believe that their whole foundation wonld burn ont unless a heavy rain interfered to prevent it. This matter of the charred trees falling, owing to the earth being burned from under them, will account for a fact that there has al ways been more or less theorizing about. It has long been a matter of surmise with many bow it was that there were so many trees lying prostrate in the swamp, many cf them eight and ten feet below the surface, apparently uninjured. I has been a business with lumber-getters to dig these trees np heretofore. This tiro explains folly how they came in that condition. Long- continued droughts heretofore have enabled the yearly-recurring fires to bum their soil from un der them and lay them prostrate. It is said tho bottom of the great lako itself is covered by trees in tho same way, and it is the theory of some that the basin of the lake was cansea by l>eing burnt oat. If so, it appears it most have been from n greater and longer-continaed drought than this generation has witnessed. [Norfolk Day Book. Intxezstixo News and Relics nov the Sib Jomr Franklin Arctic Exmimoi.—Norwich, September 2G.—The whaling schooner Cornelia has arrived at Now London from Cumberland Inlet with three men belonging to Dr. C. F. Hall's expedition in search of Sir John Franklin. Dr. Hall is a passenger on the ship Ansell Gibbs, for New Bedford, lie h aa a number of articles belonging to Sir John Franklin, including spoons and a chronometer box. He was also successful in finding akeletons of many of his men and the remains of several of their boats. Skeletons and other relies were found at King William's Land. The Cornelia brought an anchor, found at tho extreme north, marked E. S., 1776, which is supposed to have belonged to the first explorers. Dr. Hall found a native who claims to know all about the party. Ho says tho ship was stove, and the crew took to their boats and went ashore, where their provisions were exhausted and they died from starvation. lee and snow prevented Dr. Hall from making fall explora tions. Ho will return next summer and further prosecute the search. The Ansell Gibbs will arrivo in a day or two. Vlrgfntn .Senators. Special Diepatek to Ike lyuekburt JtqwlhWl WaamxoTo*, September 27.—The Virginia senatorahip is warmly discussed. Bets are madn that John B. Baldwin and. Alexander Rives will oome to tho Spnato from Virginia. The latter gentleman has had his disabilities removed. The President wonld present his brother-in-law. Dr. Sharpe, and the husband of Mr. Douglas' widow. General Williams, but he does not take enough interest in the matter. THE GREAT CHILL L\i) FEVER EXFELLER A PROCLAMATION. a R E A T SOUTHERN PREPARATIONS!! 81000 HETVARD GEORGIA. By B. B. Bullock. Governor Of said State. 1 rj’HESE ARE the standard Family Medicines of ! X America. They are prescribed and used by the medical profession. They are preferred by every LIPPMAFS PYRAFUGE It IS. IN FACT. A MOST WONDZRIUL FEVER CURE, of this Iaitut Remedy makiaca LASTING AND PERMANENT CURE. IfU CASK, HOWEVER OBSTINATE. CAN RE SIST ITS NBA L TB-<31 VINO PROPERTIES. py r a. Fuem C-M'M on Appetite. Brian Color to the Cheek* et the Emaciated and Strength to the Feeble. Whiszir, 05:t!'.!information ha* been reeeivedat this Der artm at that a tsnrder wax committed in the town of Cartererille. eonnty of Bartow, in this State, on the 24th instant, npon the person of Richard Smith, as Is alleged, by ene Green Spencer, and that the slid Spencer has fled from justice: and. tVexams. The Sheriff of said eonnty of Bartow certifies to mo that he ha* exercised all diligence, and nsed every means in hi* power to apprehend the said Green Spencer, bat without avail: and that the cf, ferine of a satiable reward is essential as a means of makinc certain the arrest of the said Green Spencer. Now. therefore. I have thoacht proper to issue thaw my proclamation, hereby offet ins » reward of one thousand dollar* for the a pprehension and delivery of tho said Green Spencer, with evidence sufficient to eonvict, to the Sheriff of raid county of Bartow. And I do moreover eba-g* and require all officere ia thi* State, civil and military, to be visitant ia en- desvoring to apprehend the amid Green Spencer, in order that be may be broucht to trial for the offence with which ha ataude chirred. Given under my hand and the (net teal of the State at the Capitol in Atlanta.thi*Sthdayef September, ia the year of onr Lord, 19®. and of the Indepen dence ofthe Totted State* of America the ninety- fourth. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: Bavin G. Comae, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: TheaeiJ Speu-er is aboat *1 yean of ace. about five feet eieht or nine ioehe* bi(h. fair complexion, blue eye*, and weich* about 133 or ISO pounds. (eptSO-dStwlt R. D. Little. J. T. DeJaraette, i Henry Lawrence, m John a Beid, John T. Dennis, Willinm Little, A. S. Reid, Jr., Dr. N. S. Walker, Was. Y. Young, Thomas G. Lawson. Reuben B. Nisbet. Respectfully, Henut D. Caters, Secretary Planters’ Club. Interesting to the Disqualified. Tho Washington Republican, a quasi-official organ of tho Administration, announces in its issuo of yesterday that tho Attorney General of the United Statos' has received notice of an im portant decision which has recently been ren dered bv the Supremo Court of Louisiana. The decision is that when n person has taken an oath of offico before tho war to support tho Con stitution of tho United States, and during the war held nn ofitce in n Stato in rebellion which required him to take nn oath to support the Confederate States such n person cannot for this reason alone be s tid to have engaged in insurrection and rebellion against tho United Statos, or given aid nnd comfort to the enemies thereof, in tho meaning of section threo of tho (4 fourteenth amendment. The Republican adds—and this is some indi cation that the decision is not unfavorably re ceived nt Washington— “This decision will be found very important, and of large scope in reducing nnd limiting dis franchising clauses of the Constitution nnd acts of Congress.” Mr.s. H. Waimiesoer, n lady of high social position and mnch intelligence, from Hanover. Germany, has recently made a tonr of oKxervn- tiou through the South. Her purpose was to determine, in liebalf of herself and others, tho question of removal to America, and her im pressions are communicated in a letter to the Memphis Appeal, from which the following ex tract is taken: "The opinion entertained pre vious to my visit, that the Southern States were in munv respects far better adapted to the wants of my countrymen than the Northwest, has w 'oren fully confirmed, nnd I shall not fail to so / advise them of their interests in the matter, and to use whatever influence I may be able to ex ert, both among my friends in Germany as well os those in the States North and West of yours, in giving such directions to emigration." A OAnD TO llltuim AMI PUNTERS! 0UR FAXjXj btoob: 1* arrivinc and being opened daily. A* maxi, it com prise* everything kept ia a first-clan trad*. Ufacti on. Onr Stock of DOMESTICS I* heavy and oomplet*. An annual largo Stock of CASSIMKKKS, JKANS, (North Carolina nod Co lumbus. Ga.. make.) KKKSUVS. LINSEYS. FLAN- NKLS. DKLAINSand DRESS GOODS Of every description. Our Motion Department la well amort*! and very complete. CLOTHING To suit all classes, nn J was manufacture! to order, heavy lino of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BLANKETS, of all Qualities, both in colored and white, and. in a word, wo hart everything to suit tho trade of the Country Merchant. Our URdCERi MPARUHT added to. sad we expect to nil at a TOBACCO Is very choice and wa® purchased at 1©?® than Manu facturer's price?, which enables us to offer it low to our customer* OSN A R l' R O S, heavy and light, all grade® of SHEETINGS, YARNS of the different manufacturer® WmSKV, BRiXBY AXO WIXES. Plan ati"n Bitter? and Wolfe*® Schnapps. Sugar® of »11 grade?. Old Government Java. Cylon and Rio Coffee. HARDWARE aid Staple Drug-. Ragging, Tie®, Nail®. Iron, Flour in sa*k® and barrel®, Rice. Snuff Cigar®, Broom®, Bucket®. Scire®, etc. Oar Stock i- of ®uch a character that a Merchant or Planter can fill his entire memorandum with. We respectfully ask an examination, feeling assured we can please you and make it to your interest. J. B. BOSS Al SON, Wholesale Dealers. 96 Cherry and 55 Second St*. #eptl9-tf EVKRY IJOTTLK SOLD IS ACCOMPANIED BY A GUARANT2K OF ITS KFFICAOY. . Tho Proprietor of the Prrafuxe ch.llrnx*. every ease. BO matter of how ions etandimr. to try this Great am and Fever Cure, and th— deny it* wi.nd.rfal curative proportion. ASK FOB UP PM AN’S PYRAFUGE, Aa.l got rtf of that miserable di*. me. Chill, usd Favor. For rale, at whoirralm by tho Suit Manufacturer fur tho Unhe-l Stato*. by JACOB LIFPMAN, PROPRIETOR OF lippman’s Wholesale Drug House, 8A VANN AH, OA,. KAYTON’S O I I* OF LIFE CURES ALL PAINS AND ACHES. AND IH TIIK 6BK.4T JiHEIMiTM SKA EDI !! lUlkOO, Duuoanm, Moron. Ga. TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILL. < ‘ore- diaeaaoa of tho three and Stomao) TUTT’S KXPRCTUSAST. .1 ptavao: euro for Couch*. Colds, etc TTTT’KbAKSAPAKILLt A-QFEKV8BRIilGHi Tho Croat Alterative and Blood Purifier rims nip&uTfiD hair die. Warranted the be* dr. in a*. Thee* itandard I reparation* ore lor sal* by HARRIS, CLAY A CO^A^entr *prJ-d*»Lr ■BOHGIA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. H AVING fully organised our Company on a sure and permanent basis, and having the Comptrol ler's authority, wo pmonl to tbo Southern People what wabolior, to be one of tho safest acd be.-t Life Insurance Companies ovo* established in the South ern Country. Tho Homo Office I* in Macon. Georgia, where every dollar invested will remain in our midst. Tbocalaxy of name*, civen as directors and referee*. Is a sufficient cuarantee of itself of tho fidelity with which this institution will bo managod. The capital is sufficient to meet all loasee in every eonttacwocy. We earnestly appeal to onr eitixen, everywhere to build up with n> thi* structure for the benefit of our loved ones, onr home, and onr country. Hundred, of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pocket* of oar peonle. and earned to foreicn parts to enrich straccers who have but lit tle sympathy for us. Can we not learn wisdom and use onr mean* to en rich ourselves and beautify onr home* T We will try and place, io every locality, polite and efficient Areata to transact the bmine.s cf the Com pany. And we cordially invite all deeirinc axenries in this Company to call on tho Offieere. at the offico buildirr. near the Passencer Depot, in frontof the two hotels, oo Fourth street, where sdl matter* of de tail will be cheerfully riven- The profits will bo entirely mntnal after rsyinc six percent, to tho Stockholders for amount of Stock gBUUtMd. VT. J. LAWTON. Prudent. J. a McBURNKY, Vice Provident. R. J. LiQBTTOOT. Secretary. BOARD 07 DIRECTORS : ASHER AYRE5, Fertilizer, M»con. Gb. tale Grocers, Macon, Gr. JACKSON DeLOACHE, Carriage Dcpositoit. Mr- ooq.Gr. J. a McBORNKY. Macon. Gr. W. J. LAWTON. LRwton & Lawton. Macon, Gr. DAVID T. SINGLETON. Planter. ERtonton. Gr. RICHARD HOBBS, of Crnger i Co., BRnkers. Al* bany, Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN, Prog’t Georffa Home Insurance Company, Columbus. Ga. WALLACE CUMMlNgI Banker. Savannah, Or. M. P. STOVALL. S'ovall A Butler, August i, Ga. ADAMS. Cashier National Bank. Athens. Ga. M. FURLOW. Amcriccs, 6n. umnrcn: Harms & Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen Augustus Young. Charlotte, N C Wm B Wright, Fayetteville, N C Jno C Slocum, Goldrboro. N C Wm M Lawton, CharIr®ton, S C Jas P Boyce. President Theological Institute, Green* ville. S C R Furman. D D. Newberry Court Hou®e, S C JOB Dargan, D I», Sumpter, S 0 S TAikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaula, Eufaula, Ala Theodore Harris, President Louisvill© Insurance and Banking Company. Louisville, Ky Wm D Miller, Lynchburg, Va T C S Ferguson, Lynchburg, Va D H Baldwin k Co. New York Golthweight, Rice k Semple, Montgomery. Ala Ex-Gor J G Shorter, Eufaula, Ala L L Warren. President Fall® City National Bank, Louisville. Ky Gordon, Owens k Stokes, Abbeville, Ala P H Pepper k Co, Mobile. Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery, .Ala Hugh McColl, Commissioner, New Orleans, La Wood, Low k Ludwigsen, New Orleans. La Noble k Brothers, Iron Work®, Rome, Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannah. Ga Gee A II Colquitt, Baker County. Ga Thos H Willingham. Dougherty County. Ga James Calls way, Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Glenn, Atlanta, Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury. NC Mai W M Robbins. Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury. N C Col C P Low, Merehaat. Lexington. N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant, Greensboro, N C Hon K G Read©, Supreme Court Judge, Roxboro, N C Hon C S Winstead. Koxboro, N C . B P Williamson. Wholesale Grocer. Raleigh, N C J P Dillingham. Newbern, N C Robert Thompson, Esq, Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, Tennessee Hon John Rnkim Judge TJ 8 Court. Atlanta. Ga je*-dAwtf mother and father. They immediately merit public esteem and confidence cf all who once test their vir tue®. They are prepared by physicians who are fully authorized by the Congress of the United State®, and are the result of a long bedside experience. Being neither secrets nor patents, the medical profession have no hesitancy in giving them a fair trial and a hearty recommendation. DIARRHEA. T HOUSANDS of our fellow beinsa are annually consicnafi to untimely graves, an! the drier arose* of old and yonne are constantly cryin* aloud for relief from Diarrhea. Cholera Morbns. etc. A* a result of much scientific research and alone and faith ful bedside experience, we effer a remedy tor all those Summer Complaints which ia pleasant and never fail- int ia its effects. No mother should fail to havo a supply of the RED DIARRHEA REMEDY, Prepared with artistic beauty, with ehemieal purity and exactness, selected and combined according to extensive medical experience, unique in finish and appearance, mild, pleasant and coating to the stomach nnl never-failing in remedial effects, the unerring finger of truth points to the Red Diarrhea Remedy &*• the boasted combination of the day for all forms of Diarrhea. Cholera, Cholera Morbu®, Nausea. Vomit- i c. Cramp®, ft-*. Pr: •<*. S.. r^ix bottle® It r $•'. Sent to all parts of tho country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DR0MQ00LE & CO.. Prop® . Memphis. Tenn. HOCKER FEMALE COLLEGE, LEXINGTON, KY. T HE First Session of this College will begin on Monday. September 20. IS®. Amnio accommo- dations, with a large and able b acuity. *or over three hundred scholar*. Term® moderate. For P* j .pplyo iiocKi . i pwr - cfor> Or R. GRAHAM. A. M-. President. Board of *\dvick —Robt. Milligan. Mo®es E. c>ara, Jud. W. McGarvey. B. WilKCJ. H. r ANTED, EVERYWHKKF. AGEN*TS.-«1<0to ff $£30 per month, male and female, to introduce the Gcnuino Improved Common Family ^ew- in<r Machine, underfeed and overfeed style®. I r»ce only $1S. These machine® will stitch, him, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, gather and embroider* The cloth cannot be palled apart even after every other stitch is cut. Every machine warranted five years. »'c will pay abovo salary or a commission from which twice the amount can be made. Address far terms to agents, etc., GEO. McKATHRON A CO., Nashville. Tenn. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed uron >*v other par ties palming off worthies® cast-iron machine®, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is tho only genu ine snd practical machine manufactured. THE ROSS MILLeJasstTla: ing all kinds of materials. Every one send for circu lar to HENRY JACKSON, Consulting Engineer,9Spru:oSf.. New York. THE ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. r PlIE Course for > I Tuesday of >ep The School i® th t Law as a Science common law practice. a rnocuAnTATioicr. SIOOO 1FU3WA-R33 0330HGXA. By B. B. Bullock, Governor of laid State. Wnxawas, S. J. Buih, Coroner ol Wilkinson eounty, hie reported to tVi Department, under date Septem ber m instant, that* murder wii committed In laid county of Wilkinson on th* 13th instant, npon thn person of T.. A. Colder, ns i* alleged, by one K. X. Neltoc. and that the said Sel'on h«s tied from Jos tle* ; and, Ifaiiiu, Th* said Co-oner further reports to mo that the civil officers of *ai-l eonnty of Wilkiosoa have nsed tbeir utmost exertions in apprehending th* murderer, hut without snore*sr Now, therefore. I have thought proper to 1-suethii my proclamation, hereby offering a reward of One Thousand Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said K. N. Nelson, with evidence sufficient to eonvict. to the Sheriff of tlio said county of Wilkin- ■on. And Id. moreover cbtrge nnd require ell officer* in thl« State, civil and military, to h* vigilant in en deavoring to apprehend tbo said R. X. Nelson, in or der that he may be brought to trial for the crime with which ho stands charged. (liven under my hand and thngrent real of th* State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this tSth day of September, in the year of our L*-rd Eighteen II undred and Sixty- Nine, and of the Independence of tho United State* of America, the Ninety-Fourth. RUFU3 II. BUM.0CK. Governor. By tho Govoroot: Dsvin <). Com so, Secretary of State. DESCRIPTION: The said Nelson is aboat X years of a*e, thin vis- aged. light comptexioned,h.s red goats* and mous tache, weighs about 123 pounds, and ha* Inst two flaxen off bis right band. sct-tSO dStawlt ©. rRocnAraATzenr. $1000 REWARD. GEOHGIA. By A B. Bollock, Governor of said State. Wntaiaa. It has been officially communicated to this Department that oa th* night ofth* 24th August ultimo. Dr. H. H. Harley was shot at and killed while enraged in writing, at hi* residence ia the county of Glynmin thlsState. by aparty or parties unknown; and Wncunis. Th* Foreman of the Grand Jury of laid county of Glynn certifies to me that no evidence suffi cient to warrant the arrest of any party has come to the knowledge ofs^id body; and that it is their desire as well a* the desire of all good citizens of Ulynn eoun ty to bring the murderer to Justice; sad W his ass. The eaid Foreman of said Grand Jury, in accordance with a tecdution of that body, suggest* th* efhring of a suitable reward as a means of insur ing the *rr**t of the assassin or asnasios ofth* said Dr. H. H. Harley; Now, therefore, in order to vindicate tho majesty of the law and the saeredaees of human life, and in order th* more certainly to bring to speedy trial *nd pun ishment th, guilty party or parties. I. Rufus B. Bul lock. Governor and Commander-in-Chiefofthe Army and Navy ol thi* ijtatn aad the Militia thereof, havo thought proper to irsue thi*. my Procismation, hereby offering a reward of 0a* Thousand Dollars for th* apprehension and delivery of th* person or persons engaged ia the perpetration of this atrocious murder a* hereinbefore recited, with evidence sufficient to convict, to the Sheriff of said eounty of Glynn: And I do moreover charge and require all officere in this Stato, civil and military, to be vigilant In endeav oring to apprehend th* amid party or parties, in order that they may be brought to trial and punishment. Given under my hand and the great Seal of tho State at tho Capitol, in th* city of Atlanta, this 2Sth day of September, in the year of onr Lord one thousand eight hundred and aixty-nin*. and of tho Inde pendence of the United State* of America, the nine ty-fourth. . RUFUS B. BULLOCK. Governor. By the Governor: David G. Cottuo. Secretary of State. sept30-<13twlt BE.. KICECATJ’S GOLDEN REMEDIES. _ time, health snd money. One Thousand Dollars Reward for any ease of dis- casein say stage which they fail to cure. Dr. Richan’s Golden Balsam. No. 1, euresUIcen, Ul cerated Sore Throat aad Month. Sore Bros, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions. Copper Colored Blotches. Sere ness of tbo Scalp, Scrofula, etc- is the greatest Reno vator. Alterative and Blood Purifier known, remove* all diseases from the system, and leave* the blood pure and healthy. Dr. Richau’s Golden Balsam, No. 2. cures Mercurial Affections, Rhe-om.'.;i-m in all its forms, whether from mercury or othetrcaw***: giro* immediate relief ia ail cases. No dieting aooeasary. I bay* thousand* of Cvrtifi-atei rruvir c the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Prioe ofeither No. 1 or No. 2. So per bottle, or two bottles for $9. Dr. Kichsu’aGoldenAntidote.asafe.fpeody.pleas- aod aad radical cure for ail Uricair Derangements, accompanied with fall directions. Price. S3 per bot tle. Dr. Richau’s Golden Eiixird’Amour.aradieal care forNerrons or General Debility, in old or young: itr.- arting energy with wonderful effect. Price, Jo per ■ottic or two bottles for SO. On ro-eipt of price, these remedies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all corres pondents. None genuine without the of "Dr. Richau’s Golden heme-iie*. D. B. Richards, sole pro prietor,” blown in glass r f bottles. Address DR. D. B. RICHARDS. No. 22$ Yarick st.. New York. Office hours, from 9 a- u., to 9 r. n. Circularsfent julyl-dly Direct Trade with Europe- J.H. ASHBRIDGE. J. S. HUTTON, Of Nox Orleans. OfMacon. Ga. J. H. ASHBRIDGE & CO., Commission Merchants GENERAL PURCHASING AGEATS, LIYESPOOL. ASHBRIDGE\ SMITH & CONew Orleans. Consignments Solicited. Particular attention given to the sale of South ern Land® to European Capitalist® and intending Im migrants. 13- Order® (or Foreign Goods executed on best possible terms. mayl-lawlj ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. WHAT WILL THEY DOT They will restore fading female beauty, will paint ths pal* cheek, will hurl back tbe gathering storm that encircles your brow, will add brightness and lustre to yourlireiore eye. will give brilliancy and activity to your dull iaulieet. will strengthen and soothe your shattered nerves, add tone, health and bouyaaey to your whole system. HOW WILL THEY DO ALL THISt females <0 a healthy condition, uj curing all complaint* peculiar to the temala sea, such as pain ful, suppressed or irregular Menstruation. Hysteria. Leucorrboe. Chlorosis. Prolapsus Uteri, Ulceration and Irritability uf th* Womb. Pain* in the side and back. Melancholy, Palpitation of the heart. Swim ming and Giddiness of tbe Head, Cold Feet and Hand.*, Nervousness. Sick Headache, a feeling of suffocation. Indisposition to enter society, and all those diseases arisinr from a deranged condition of the uterine sys tem, whether affecting old or young, married or single. This 00mpound is neither secret nor patent, but is prepared and offered by the regular medical profession W* hare hundreds similar to the following: Prom as eminent PAytseioa of Carroll Oo., iliet. Messrs. J. P. Daouoooui A Co.: As your "English Female Bitters” is neither a secret nur a patent. I have frequently prescribed it for tbe rat ioue female complaint* of onr country, and always with the mutt satisfactory results. It is decidedly the most valuable combination 1 hay* ever known for th* treatment of those complaints peculiar to tbe female***. old or young, and l do not hesitate to give it a hearty re commend stion. Its setooisbins euro* have won for it many laurels io Carroll eounty, and 1 hope ita efficiency may soon be heralded all over th* country that th* medical profession and the female community may reap its advantage*. G. W. YAbSEK, M. D The English Female Bittere is aceorately aad beau tifullypnt up in large bottler, at 32 M per bottle, or three bottles for 16—on* bottle taxing about two week*. Shipped to all parts of tho country oa receipt of prico. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DHOMGO0LE A CO.. Proprietors, Memphis. Ter n. KIDNEY AND BLADDER Affections ere ezooodinsly common and troublesome all over the country, end the public have long lelt tbs necessinr of a remedy that could be relied upon in all those affection*, and none are better qualified to pre pare sneh a remedy than the physician himself. We have practiced medieine about twenty year*, and can Safely say that we know of no combination to equal onr Extract Bcarbcrry and Buciiu. It ia reeomoiended to cart nil derantemcctj of the Kidney* end Bladder, »ach m Gnttrel, Urinary De pot! t« of all kind®, liluody or Milky Urine, frequent desire to urinate, pain in eraell of back, dull burning rain in region of bladder. Gout; Dropsy, .Nervous Tremblimr. Melancholy, eril foreboding*, effect* of bebit* ol disripation or early abase, lore of power end memory, and all thoie affections req»* ; ring » prompt end decided Diuretic, whether old 01 wut*»\ male or female. Price. II, or fix bottle* for febipped to ell parts of the country on receipt of price. &dd by all Druggiit®. J. P. DR0MG00LE * CO.. Proprietor*. Memphis, Tenn. THE CHILL PUZZLE. ■ is sills ■ Hills ellihiile • 11ibo b i 11• • llibefc hills • llihefofchills ■ Illhefogofehili* ■ llihefogngofchills sllihnfogninrofohills sliihefogniKingofohiils sllihefogn ingofehiils sllihefogngofohitis s 11 i h cf ogofo h ills sllihefofehills •111 befell ilia all ihchil Is • JllhiUs ■ Hills sills sis ■ -The above will enremay eaae of ehilla. even of six months standing, without affecting the head, rare or nerves. It arouses tbe stomach att-i liver, carries off tbe bile and effects permanent cores. In tbe swamps of Arkansas, where tho ehilla are n> common and so difficult to cure, they readily yield when treated with our King of Chills. Fnt up in large bottles at SI, or ri* bottles for $5.— Sent to all parts of tho country on receipt of price. Bold by all Druggists. J. P. DBOMGOOLE * CO., rtoraitTona, MEMPHIS. TENN. L. IV. nUNT A CO.. aud-law General Agents. Macon. Go. .ch year commences on tbe first mber, and continue? nine months, rghly organised, it t -1*:h>- and prepares its students for tbo ice. For circular? apply to Isaac kdwards, Albany, N. Y. S150 to S250,,;. S^riiM'din^t: etrer.t® everywhere selling our Patent Everlasting IFAOt Wire Clothes Line*. Cvll »t, or write for par ticulars to the Girard Wire Mill®. 2G1 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The undo derson that W.E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Street*. WM. E. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, SAW TVTTT.T.W BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, IRON AND BRASS WORK. I RON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Care. IM PROVED MACHINERY of all kinds built and repaired. Alio, Agent sin tbs Southern States for Blab’s Patent Stene & Ore Breater a* XL. BROWN, Ag-’t, fcept4-d*wly No. 62 Second at., Macon. Ga. W. A. RANSOM ft GO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, S8« tad SRS Broadway, IIW YORK lufcr*-tf THE HENDERSON LAND SALE. Postponement of Drawing to Dec. 28. Correzpondene* between 'he Proprietor .rf the C-jministioncr.i. Meter*. Dude anti others, Commissionert ap pointed by act of Kent'.i e/cy Legielature: Gkxtlkuxx—1 regret that I am compelled to esk at your hands a postponement of the drawing of prise* In the Henderson county (By.) Land Sale. Although a great many tickets have been sold, a sufficient number have not been disposed of to justify men sale of my property without lose to me. nalc*s I hid.I th* unsold ticket!, which I do not intend to do. If you will give me until the 28th dav of December, 1809.1 feel confident of disposing of all the ticket* by that time. Iam. gentlemen, very respectfully. WILLIAM McOLAIN. Havnxaaog. Kv„ Aug. 24.18S9. Reply of the Commmioiur* e undersigned,commissioners to manage tlr* Hen- in l and Bale, regret to announce to the pnhlio a t iffieient number of tieketa have not been dis posed of to justify ths prooristor In allowing a trans fer ofth* property on the first of SeptemW: snd they heve concluded to postpone the drawin* until th* t48thday of December. IbGO. A large number of ticket* have been sold, and wo entertain no bat little donbt that all will bedisrosei of by th* time fixed above. We think we ere acting in the interests of ticket bolder* in sfeking to have none others than those who have purchased tickets, share in the drawing. Should the drawing take plneo now, the proprietor would be compelled, in order to save himrelf from loss, to take hit chance in thedraw- ing with th* unsold tickets. This he doe? not desire to do, ncr do wo desire that he should do lu The postponement ie for * short time only, and es the posienloa ot the farms cannot bo surrendered— being rented ont fbr tbe nrosent year, nor the rent collected until tbe 1st of January nezt,itosn make kut little difference with those who are so fortunato aa to win whether they succeed on the 1st of Septem ber. orthe 28tb dav of December, M69. Tbe owner or the property will hold ao tickets, and we trust thos* who have them will wait cheerfully for the time fixed by ns—for tl.ere ..111 positively basso further postponement. The money arising from the sal* of tickets Is io the bank, to enr credit, and the owner *f the property canaot in any way use or c ntrol it nntil after the drawing and thetransferof property. The ircreasinc interest in tbe scheme, and the confidence txamfeted throughout the country in ita fairness, justify us in the opinion that tbe scheme will certainly bo a groat snecee*. D. BANKS. WM. 8. HOLLOWAY. RO. T. GLASS. W. S. ELAM, GRANT GREEN. Comml-sioners. An opportunity is now offered for thos* who were disappqintcd in getting tickets before September 1st, toseenfethem now. Tbe Scheme is regularly chartered by tbo Kontneky Legislature, and the interests of ticket holders fully protected by late. It ie also en dorsed by Gov. Stereuroo. and U. 8. Senators Davis aud MoOreery, and over two hundred of the loading eitlten? of Kentucky. There are 511 prises In sail r capital prise8150.(WO. and smallest prise490CO; tick ets only 8600. Secure them of tour nearest club agent, or of either of the following authorise I financial agents, who will also furnish eiren'ars. Send money at t heir risk only by express (prepaid) P. O. order, reg istcred letter, or bank draft. sugars. L II LYNE. Caib’r Farmers Bank. Uenderron. Ky. KI1A LEX.ANDEii, Commercial Bink, Louisville. Ky JOHN C LATH Ail, Pres. Bank. Kopkln-vilte. Ky. JAS L DALLAM, Commercial Bank. Paducah, Ky. B O TIIO.M AS. Cashier. Lexington. Ky. W U TYLER. Cashier Deposit B’k. Oweeeboro. Ky. septlS-tf PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.'S THROUGH LIRE TO CALIFORNIA, C3IMA XLXTO JAPAN, TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING THE U. S. MAIL. : s t.rouKli to California in Twenty-two Days. Srr i\TKTTm« ON Til?: Atlantic : ALASKA, i ARIZONA, i~~ HENRY CHAUNCEY, NEW YORK, - - - OCEAN QUEEN, - - NORTHERN LIGHT, COSTARICA, - - One of the above large and splendid Steamship* will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal Street, at twelve o'clock, noon, on the 1st, and 11th, of every month (except when those date® fall on Sundav. ana then on the preceding Saturday), for ASPINWALL, connecting, via Panama Railway, with one of the Company’s Steamships from Panama for SAN FRAN CISCO. touching at ACAPULCO. Departure® of the 1st connects at Panama with Steamers far <0UTU PACIFIC and CENTRAL AMERICAN PORTS. Those of the 1st rouch at MANZANILLO. FOR JAPAN AND CHINA—Steamer CHINA, leaving San Francisco October 4th, 1869, for Japan and China. One Hundred Pounds of Baccajre allowed to each adult. Baggage-Masters accompany baggage through, and attend ladies and children without undo protec tor®. Baggage received on tho dock tho day before *rtiling, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passenger* who prefer to ®enddown carl An experienced Surgeon hoard. Medicine and attendance free For Freight or Pa*®engo Ticket®, or further infor- mation, apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the M harf foot or CANAL STREET. NORTH RIVER. NEW YORK. Bttyl'My* F. R. BABY Agent CoxNacnxo on the Pa cific WITH TOT COLORADO, - CONSTITUTION, - GOLDEN CITY, - SACRAMENTO, - GOLDEN AGE, - MONTANA. WANTED AGENTS to sell SERVICE AFLOAT ia the SUMTER and ALABAMA, by ADMIRAL RAPHAEL SEMMES. 30,000 eoi.its told during tho first four months. It is a most graphic and thrilling description of the adventures of this oommandcr and his ooinrade*. written by Simmes himself, and every body takas it without solicitation, no matter whit their politics. We will furoish tbe names of over 125 agents, who have made upwards of JdOO per month net. with this book. Sold only by subscription, and exolnaive territory given to good agent,. Address F. L DIBBLE i CO., f'.S Mnin st.. Louisville. Ky. DR. WHITTIER. n tbe treatment of \ cnereal, .Sexual and Prlv.ite Disease®, than any other physician in St, Looi*. Sypbili*. Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Stricture, Orchiti® Hernia and Rupture; all Urinary Di<ea*e* and Syphilitic or Mercurial Afflictions of the Throat. Skin or Bone*, .are treated with unparalleled inn matureyear*, or othar cause®, and which produce ®omc of the following effect®: as nocturnal emi«a- fan®, blotche®, debility, dizrinee?. dimness of sight, confusion of idea®, evil forboding®, aversion to so ciety of female®, loss of memory and sexual power, and rendering marriage improper, are permanently cured. Dr. Whittier publishes a Medical Pamphlet rela ting t'» venereal dDea-e® and the disastrous and varied consequences of self-abuse, that will be sent to any address, in a seated envelope, for two ■•tamp*. Many physician® introduce patient® to the doctor after reading hi® medical pamphlet. Com munication confidential. A friendly talk wilicost you nothing. Office central, yet retired- X -. 617 St. Charles -d. St. Lorn®. Mo. Hours: 9. a. N. to 7, p. m.; bun- dam, 12to“ lOSADALIS: 'DUE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH L Restorer, purifies tbe blood and ourcs Scrofula, Syphilis. SKin Disease®, Rheuma tism. Diseases of Women, and nil Chronic Affection* of the Blood, Liver and Kidney®. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousand® of our best citizen®. Rend the testimony of Physicians and patient? who have used Kosadalts: send for our Rosa lalis Guide to Health Book,or Alum na** i «r thi-- your, which we publish far gratuitous distribution: it will give you mnch valuable information: Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, say*—-I takopleasuro in recommending your hosa- dalis as a very powerful Hltcrative. I have seen it used in two case? with happy results: one m > i*h■*** ot secondary syphilis, in which tho patient pronounced himself cured after having taken five bottle* of V’Mr Tiio-ticir.ri. Tho other i? a case of scrofula of long standing, which ia rapidly improving under its u?o, and tho indioa- I tions are that tho patient will soon recover. I hnvo carefully examined the formula by which your Koudali* i* made, and find ! it an oxeellent compound ofaltcmive iu- itrodient*. Dr. Spark®, of Nicholaaville. Ky,. says be ha* used Rosadalisin ca®c® of Scrofula and j Secondary Syphilis with satisfactory re- i suit*—m a cleaner of the Blood 1 know no better remedy. t Samuel G. McFaddon, of Murfreesboro, Tenn., saya: I have used ceren bottle® of Rosadali®, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism; •end mo four bottles, a* I wish it for m brother, who has Scrofulous Sore Eye?. Beniamin Bechtol, of Lima, Ohio, writes: I have suffered for twenty year? with an inveterate eruption over my whole body: » ; short timo since I purchased a bottle of I Roi&dalis and it effected a perfect cure. HOSyLDAXiIl IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Dri. ClemcMi*. Ktvesft Co., Proprietor®. For sale by j. k. wrLirar & to >uly8-tf _ ... form?, Gonorrhea, Gleet, stricture, Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and the effect* of murcuryore completely eradicated: Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, resulting from ®elf~abu*e or other causes, aud which produces ®ome of the follow ing effect*: A* blotches, bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unmnnlincss, dread of future events, loss of wemoiy, indoicncc, nocturnal emission?, and finally prostration of the vital power®. Can be fully restored to health. Persona afflicted with thi*, or any other delicate, intricate, or long standing conutitutional complaint, should give tbo Doctor a trial. He never fail®. The Doctor publishes a medical circular that, give® a. full exposition of venereal and private dis case®, that can bo hod free at his office, or by for « ne stamp. It give® a dear delineation ot ;•!! the diseases and conditions resulting from the ififriocement of tho moral lawi, excess'*®, indulgence*.exposure . and im prudences in married or single life. Every beotonce contains (attraction to the afflicted, and enabling them to determine tbe precise nature of their com- plainu. The establishment, compririnc ten ample room®, is central. V. hrn it is not convenient to visit tho city, the Doctor’® opinion can bo obtained by giving a written statement of the case, and medicines can be forwarded by mall or express. Is iomc instance®, however, a personal examination is absolutely nccc®- mut, while in othor*. dally personal attention isre- quired.and for the accommodation of ‘•uchifentient® there are apartment* connected with the oOje that j rovi Jed with every re/iuibiic .that is eaicnlated to promote recovery, including medicated vapor bath®. All prcM-riptions arc prepared in the Doctor’® own Laboratory, under hi? personal fu*_ervi?ion. Medi ci 1 pamphlet at office free or by mail for two stamps. ~o matter who have failed, read what ho pays. Office No. 1S3 Third Ktrcet, between Green aud Walnut street*, near the Peetoffice. Louisville, Ky. Office hoar?.91. M„to 7 r. m.; .Sunday®, 10 a. ¥., to 12 m. july:i-d*wly T. TREGO TEABERRV TOOTBWASi). Preserves aad Whitens the Teeth! Invigorates and Soothes the Gnms l Cleans and Vnrifies Artificial Teeth! Pnrifies and Perfumes the Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar ! Is a Superior Article for Children! IT IS WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients 1 TT is scientifically prepared in accordance with the J. most valuable formulae known to tne profession. It has been extensively nsed for several years, and is recommended for general use by numerous Dentist, and Physicians who have tested its merits, and who appreciate tbe importance of preserving the Teeth th F?SSriit«: A. M. WILSON. Philadelphia ISrSale by J. H. ZEILIN A CO.. Macon. Laboratory nr Pharmaceutical ) asd Akalytcal Chxmistry, V Atlanta, Georgia.) This i® to certify that I have examine Trego’® Tea- berry Tooth Wuh and Tooth Powder. I find tnem free from substance* that would act injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Trego’s Preparations to those in want of a superior deutnfiee. mayl&*6m W. J. LAND, Chemist. CHANGE OFJCIIEDM. NO OB A NOE of CA ns BETWEEN SA VANNA 11 .1 CO US TA AN1) MONTOOUSll Y. A I, A. Transportstion Orficb C. R. R . I Savannah. Ga.. August 14, 18f>8. ( O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 10th inst., PASS JEN GER Trains on the Georgfa Centra! Railroad will run aa follows: UP DAY TRAIN. LXAV&. ARRi7X. Savannah a. u. Maoon 6:40 v. m Augusta - 5:38 p. if. MifiedgovtUe 6:58 p. u. Eaton ton — 21:00 ?. v. Connecting with train that leaves Au gusta at 15 a. M DOWN DAY TRAIN. Macon 7:00 a. if. Savannah—.. 5uJ0 p. m. Augusta 5:38 r. u. Connecting with train that leaves Au gusta at — — UP NIGHT TRAIN. Savannah... —7:20 r. a. Augusta - — Connecting with trains that leave Aa- ^ ^ DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Augusta , ^ Wifiedgeville £3? p - M - Eatontou : .••••-:40 p. u. Connecting with train tnat leaves Au gust* at 8:45 a. u 9:33 p. m &13 A. M 9:33 p. u — .x. guata, and if. Train from Macon, connect with Milledgeville Train at Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. M. Train from Savannah connect* with through Mail Train on South Carolina Railroad, aad p. h. Train from Savannah and Augusta with Train* on Southwestern and Muscogee Railroads. [Signed] WM. ROGERS. General Superintendent. *ngI5-tf A BASE INVESTMENT. [ OFFER forsale my Steam 8aw Mill situated in Montgomery county, Texas, and about 14 milee from either Cypres? or Hockley Railroad Depot o the H. and T. C. R. R.. consisting of about four thou sand acre® of the beat Pine—well watered with Dwel ing-housea. Workshops. Stables, etc., etc., thereo One 40-horse power Engine, all in running order, a ■ all tools and implement® necessary. Title® warranted and terms liberal. For forth particular address the owner, F. STEUSSY. A _ Hockly P. 0- Harris county. Texas. Or P H. MOSER, Real Estate and Land Agent, Galveston, Texas. ju3-6m LIVERY INS SALE STABLES. T HE undersigned has taken charge of the weU known “ Chapman’® Livery Stables” in Macon, opposite the pa*£enger shed, on Plnm street, where he will eonduct a general Livery Business in all it* branches. Anything you may want in the way of transportation, by horse or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on short notice and at reaaon- able rates. Drover® will find thi* an old and popular stand at which to dispose of their stock, febll-ly S. H. HOLMES, Agent. se? emetine.