The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 03, 1869, Image 3

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local con.xj3s^:3sr. Advertising Index. Tryatmont of Bronchitis—Dr. Ja*. A. ITnnter. Chemists and riitrmxcctitists —FTsrris. Clxy A Co. f Press Making —Mrs. Pope and Mrs. Drury. Information Wanted—J. ,T. Clay. Propress Club—J. Dannenlstrp. Secretary. Attention. Yoons^merica Fire Co. No. 3. Oran Making -Mrs. J. B. King. Boarding ami Lodging—Mr*. J. W. Wood. Aaafctnee's Sale—Colnmliua 0. Brooks, Assignee, private Boarding—Mrs. J. C. Holmes. Legal Notircs-C. T. Ward. Ordinary. Attention, O.-mnlgoo Fire Co. No. X Lagal No tier $—W. P. Jordan. Admini*tratni a Bale—,S. A. Duffle, Adman'inx. Aitei n 'ii, Defiance Fire Co. No. 5. Bargain*—J. W. Fears. Notice for Isiave to Sell Land—Jot. D. Stewart, Administrator. Executor’* Bale—.S. F. Jonca, Executor. 5otioe—John F. Powell, Guardian. A CARD. Thankful for past favors, the undersigned mould respectfully cal! attention to hia I NEW 8T0CK OF GOOD8 FOB MEN'3 WEAB, Selected by him- enred the eerviee ‘If in NEW YORK. Ho also *e- The Mew York £tore now orrza Their Entire Stock, coxtarnsa or A IASZY CVSIBXi Who mill give strict attention to the Custom Depart- j j tnent, in all its details, and is folly prepared tomeet j 1 tho mialies of all mho mant I - **-1 4 Good Styles, Good Workmanship 1 SILKS, SATINS. materials for surra, CLOAKS, SACQUES. CITY AFFAIHS. SUNDAV WORMING, OCTOBER 3, I8C9. CLOTHS. C ASSIMERRS. VESTINGS. SHAWLS. At SEASONABLE PRICES London Store. THEY HAVE COME AT LAST WHAT II \S COME? ONF. THOUSAND of tliono damaged Shawls which canard such great excitement laat aeaaon all over the state of Georgia. And why ? Because the damage is so email that it can hardly be detected, and still they are sold at only half the usual price. J. EMANUEL. get one of thoee damaged Wonder where I s hauls t The London Store la the place, and J. EMANUEL is the name. The Loniftm Store it still open, and J. EMANUEL is ready to sell to hia old and new customers Goods at such prices which has always mado the London Store a popular place amongat buyers. J. EMANUEL. Don’t peas by the LONDON STORE without com ing in to examine the stock and price, and you will be suro to bay. J. EMANUEL. p If you want a flno BREAKFAST 8HAWL at only ono dollar, call at tbe London Store. octS-tf J. EMANUEL. 1000 YARDS GOOD CALICOES, at 10 eenta per yard. M0 yards latest style Dress Goods, at 25 cents per yard. 100 pleoea yard wide Bleaching, at 12Jtf cents per yard. A large assortment of Shirtings, Homespuns, Osnaburgt. Stripes, Checks, Kentucky and North Carolina Jeans, at manufacturer’s prices, at D. J. BAER'S, oct Ml Corner Cherry and Third Streets. NOW IS THE TIME To repair the inroads made upon the physical strength by the heated term which has closed with September. Tbe vitality that hia been oozing through the pone in the form of ]>enplration, for the list three months, requires to be replaced, as a . prrparatiro to the cold aeaaon which makes such disastrous havoc with relaxed and onioned system*. Tbe renerveof vigor with which tlieatouteetman com mence* tbe summer campaign is drained out of him at its close, and unless by some means he acquire* a new stock of vital energy wherewith to encounter X U, 0 •hock of a colder aeaaon, be may droop and wither like tiro falling leave* whose life-juloea are exhausted. If it is thus with tbe strong, how much more perilous la tbe condition of tbe weak and ail ing. Their reason must suggest to them, more forcibly than these printed words, the nocoauty for invigoration. and the world having docided, after an experience of almost a quarter of a century, that IIOSTETTEB’S STOMACH BITTERS embrace such reatoralTriaproperties as are not possessed by any tonic and alterative preparation in existence. Tho importance of resorting to that great Renovator and Regulator of the human machine, at this critical season i* obvious aa the light of day. Let all who desire to escape an attack of chill* and fever, bil ious remittent fever, dysentery, diarrheas, dyspep sia, rheumatism, hypochondria, or any other of the diaeaeea of which the fall season is tbe prolific pa rent, have rooourao promptly to this celebrated pre ventive and rcstorativo. BUCHU. This wonderful medirino has gained a world-wide for tbe cure of affections of tbe kidneys and Judder, and all who require It are in search of tho heat. Dromgoole A Co.'a Buchu, prepared by reg ular physicians of Memphis, Tenn., is recognized as the beet and cheapest. Price 91. Sold by druggists everywhere. Farm Women.—A comparatively few Ladies monopolise tho Beauty aa well aa the attention of Society. This ought not to be ao, but it is; and will be while men are foolish, and single out pretty faces for companion*. Tlii* can all bo changed by using Ilagan’s Magno lia ltalm, which gives tho Bloom of Youth and a Re fined *|iarkhng Beauty to tbe Complexion, pleatdng, powerful and natural. No Lady need complain of a red, tanned, freckled or raatio Complexion who will invest 75 cents in Ha gan'* Magnolia Balm. Its effects arc truly wonder- To preserve and dress tho Hair use Lyon'a Ka- tharion. , aepttklcoddwlm It CHOLERA—HOW TO CURE IT. At the commencement of tho diarrluva, which al ways precedes an attack of tlio cholera, take a tea- •■■oonral of the Pain Killer in nug&r and water, (hot if convenient,) and then bathe freely tbo stomach and bowels with tiro l’ain Killer dear. Tbookl tlio diarrhoea or cramp* continue, repeat the doee every fifteen or tw enty minutes till tlio patient is relieved. In extream^aaea two or moro toaepoonfnls may l>o Riven at a does. The Pain Killer, aa an internal remedy, baa no equal. In cases of eummor complaint, dpapenala, dysentery, aatnma, it cures in ono night, by taking it internally and bathing with it freely. Its action la like magic when externally applied tobadaorcs, burns, scalds and sprains. For tOoGi-aclie don't fail to try It. In short it is a Pain The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers In Family Modidne*. aeptS-codlm The Human Foiui Dime.—What sad liavoo Scrofula indicts on tbo human system. How Rheu matism distorts tlio framo. What misery tho in judicious uso of Calomel entails. How sad the Ulkcte of Syphilis transmitted from parent to child. Tmldyou avoid these terrible affliction-, fail not to use Dr. TUTT'3 SARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN’S DELIGHT. It penetrates every fibre of tlio sys tem, oven into tho bonce, and eradicates every trace of disease. oct 3-d.twlw Woman’s Best Fmend—Dr. J. Bradfield’s “ Fe- malt Rrjmlatar,” for sale by druggist* everywhere, is beyond all doubt tbo best emcnagoguo know n to the medical profession. It is no quack nostrum, ! but a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re- commcndod and pre-.ribed by tho best pliy-icians j in the State. Suffering woman! do not let your ; fears nor the prejudices of others caueoyou to re- t main in misery. Read Dr. Bradfield’s column, fol- j low hia advioe, and Buffer no more. eepS-dlm ’ , | sepi 2-cunt f Call and see the latest C. H. BAIRD, Cherry Street, Triangular Block. very popular: JIACK BROTHERS’ NEW FANCY GOODS AND NOTION STORE. They have among their latest arrival*: Tho “Accommodation Skirt,” JnaUy called ao and very much liked by the iadica. La Favorite and Boulevard Skirt. Thomaon’a Glove Fitting Corset. Embroidered and Plain Cora eta, a foil line. Woolens for Children, a large aeaortment. Quid Won.—So rapidly is the Brown House building being completed, that Messrs. J. H. Ander son A Co. have already taken possession of their new quarters there, and given them a business-like look. So Macon nov#a onward and upward. The other store-houses attached to the Hotel arc already ap- WOOLEN GOODS, : plied for. and November, with its influx of stran- ! gers and the local increase of business will make t the vicinity of the passenger depot liver than ever. We are pleaded to chronicle improvements of such i a fcubsitantial character in our dtv, and it au gurs well for the faith which our capitalists have in its future. Such energy, with the aid of capital, will at no distant day make us a city in fact as well as name; and if this is kept in view through the many changes which time must necessarily bring about they will contribute largely to make it so. In these changes let brick and mortar take the place of wood, and they yield in turn to iron and stone, until the entire business part of the dty shall be a solid and substantial type of the thorough-going, earnest men who occupy them. This spirit of en terprise on the part of our real estate owners will ex tend to and pervade every other business and pro fession, until wo shall be a thriving and active population. A few veers of prosperity will enable us not only ^ rTRACTIVE PRICES ! I *° ,tccom P^ £ ^ ibis, but enough can be spared from ' the surplus of our wealth to beautify and improve And the present is an extraordinary opportunity of • our business streets, which are wide enough to admit purchasing good, seasonable and staple articles at | of having email parks in the centre, extending the HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, Silk Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons and Trimmings, Gloves. Hosiery and White Goods, j CLOTHING AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with an unequalled line of New Paris and j London Dreps Good?, in which will be found Every Novelty of the Season! | These Goods comprise the balance of onr Fall Im- ! poriation, and include also our RECENT HEAVY PURCHASES AT AUCTION. They will be sold at Foitlgi Markets. London, October 2, noon.—Consols 23. Bonds tins 28a. Sugar firmer; afloat 2Ss6d(d,2Se9d. Liverpool, OStober 2, noon.—Cotton quiet; up lands 12%; Orleans 12%: sales 7000 bales. Liverpool. October 2, evening.—Cotton closed queit; uplands 12%; Orleans 12%: sales 8000 bales; export and speculation 2000. COXSIG.VKKS SI, A W. ft. R. Macon, October 2. 1869. W A Huff; Johnson. C A Co: J Holmes A Co; J*mes Harvey; Burdick. B £ Co: V Power?: Hardeman Lawton A L: Brown House; W A Rice; J W A Ern st rone. CITY BANKING COMPANY OF MACON. CASxi CAPITAL. 7 : : : 8200,000 GEORGM HOME lilMCE COIHPMY, COLUMBUS, <3- A . INCORPORATED 1850 Dir.xCToas XT. B. .10 UN .'TOM. J. J. GRESHAM. IV. S. HOLT, j. k. Junes. Bottom variety. I Gimps of all FLOB DE MAYO AND LOVE AMONG THE ROSE3, A New Perfume. Pearl Beads, Braids, Iln filings, Beltings and hun dreds of other small articles, which the ladies are looking for every day. CdJ" No tremble to show Goods at MACK BROTHERS’, octJWJt Second street. Damonr’a block. aEMOT7“^ X-J „ GOLDSMITH & NUSSBAUM, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, IIAV71 IlLMOVKIl JO The Hollingsworth Building, On Fourth street, opposite Adams, Jones & Rey nolds' Warehouse, whero they will be pleased to see their old customers, as well a* new ones, to give them an opportunity to inspect one of tbo finest and best selected stocks in tho citv. WHOLESALE BUYERS AND Country Merchant o, Bear in Mind That groat indaeements aro offered at this well known establishment, and be sure to give them a call while laying in your winter supplies. RF.MEMBEB THE PLACE ! Opposite tbe new Planters’ Warehouse, Hollings worth Building. GOLDSMITH A NUSSBAUM. 500 paira of TANTS, at GOLDSMITH A NUSSBAUM’8, Hollingsworth Building. 300 COATS for Froedmcn and Laborers, at GOLDOniH * NUSSBAUM’S. Hollingsworth Building. Great Bargains. S. WAIELBACM, BEO. A CO., 45 and 47 Second street. Triangular block. CJ“ Journal and Messenger copy. oct3-3t SAVE 25 PEE CENT AND BUY YOUR READY MADE CLOTHIAG AT D. J. BAER’S, CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS. I am offering at reduced prices, 200 Men’s Black and Dark Blue Beaver Suita, latest style, at $25.00 each, worth $40.00. 500 first quality Men's Ciaaimere Business Saits, at 915.00 each. 100 Men * Black Dress Suita at a bargain. Boys' Clothing of all grades and qualities, at as- tonish'ng low prices. 1000 Freedmen Suita at 93.00 each. Merchants and Planters will do well to examine my stock before baying elsewhere, at D. J. BAER’S, oct 3-31 Corner Cherry and Third atroeta. FURNISHING GOODS at Wholesale and Retail, at GOLDSMITH * NUSSBAUM’8; Under Byington’a Hotel. A largo stock of DOMESTICS always on liand, at ortl-Ct GOLDSMITH A NUSSBAUM’8. dozen MEN'S BLACK AND COLORED FUR HATS, at 92.00 each, ^rorth 93.50 each. 100 dozen Mena’ Black and Brown Bruah and Beaver Ilata, at $3.00 each, worth 95.00. 200 dozen Men's Black and Colored Wool Hats, at $4.50 per dozen. Always on hand a largo assortment of Boys' and Children’s Hats, at D. J. BAER'S, oct 3-3t Corner Cherry and Third Streets. W, JV. IIOPSON rib OO. Are now opening a superb stock of all nnrt Winter Dry Goods! Mr. W. A. Ilopscn write* to them from New York follows: “I have ma.lo a heavy combination hero. Wo havo bought goods in large quantities of parties who were obliged to sell at groat sacrifices, and the majority of our Btock can bo sold at prices lower than those which prevailed before tho war. *‘Those silk and wool Poplins cost the importers cents—sell them at 37% cents. Tho Stcinback’s yard wide Furniture Prints cost to import 40 cents— sell them at 25 cents. ‘And in making the stock, always give our ear ners tho advantage of what wo save in purchasing, matter how low the goods are bought.” iept22-tf SOLOMONS’ BITTERS TOTS. SALK LI L. W. HUNT <fc CO., Druggists, Nos. 82 and 84 Cherry Street, au^l-tf MAC().\, l.KOltGIA. COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. TDRANK S. HKSSELTINE. R<-ci»ter. will hold a P C u»t of Bankruptcy at Fort Valley, October 8th. Macon. *’ 9th. Americas, “ 11th. Guthbert* ** 12th and 12th. Albany. “ 15th. *opt23-tf The New York Store Would respectfully inform Country merchants AND RETAIL BUYERS, That, notwithstanding the great rush they have had lately upon their stock, they are still enabled to offer everything in the way of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WOOLEN GOODS, BLANKETS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTB, SHOES, TRUNKS, Etc., Etc., Etc., At price, which will compare favorably with NEW YORK JOBBING PRICES. Call and examine before purchasing. S WAXELRAUM, BBO. A OO., 45 and 47 Second street, Triangular block. CsT Bournal and Menenger copy. oct3-3t Bools and Shoes for Hie Million AT D. J. BAER’S, CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS. I am offering 100 dozen Men’s beat quality Calfskin Sewed Boot., at $5.00 each, worth $7.00. 60 dozen Men's Kip Plantation Boots, at $2.50 each, worth $4.00. Boy*' and Youth*' Boot, of all qualities, at lowest price.. 200 dozen Mens' Calfskin Gaiters, Balmorals and Brogans, sewed and pegged, at astonishing low prices. 300 dozen Ladies’ and Misses’ Shoe, of all grades, at astonishing low prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. Merchants and Planters will do well to examine my atock, at D. J. BAER'S, oct S-3t Comer Cheny and Third Streets. length of the squares and aa wide aa the width of the street may allow. These bordered with rows of trees and bedded with grass, will prove pleasant places in the heat and dust of cummer. To these, add water-works, public building*, etc., and wo will find ourselves by our own energy advanced to auch proportions as we would otherwise only reach after years of idle waiting. T HE Stock of this Company is all owned in Macon and vicinity. Having no circulation to protect, the whole capital is zuoranteed for the security of Depositors and Patron?. . aueii’-daw.’mo ’ Jn I>- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. pments of Cotton to It has xo XQcai* exclaimed a lady who, after using Milk of Violet, a abort time, pronounced it the only artido of the kind really perfect for pro ducing a most beautiful complexion. Sold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. V. W. Brinckcr- hoff, agent for United State*. The Clxhov Rtcoxxxxd.—ifeuri. Jeilin A Co., JfiiroH, Ga.: Gk.nti-foixk—Simmons' I-iv. r Regu lator lias been used in my family for many years with great success. I regard it as an invaluable family medicine, and tako pleasure in recomxncnd- it to tho public. Very respectfully. Rev. J. RUFUS FELDER. Jfotuton co. t Ga., Dtcembrr 22, 1553. Aa the regular local editor of this paper haa sloped for another State, we feel in honor bound for the part we have taken, in recommending him to this community aa a trustworthy gentleman, to settle ail bills which be may haTO contracted on the faith of his connection with ti*. We incline to the opinion that be has nude for the sevuo of former depreda tions, Eufaula, Alabama—and we commend him to the vigilance of that generous gentleman of the News, whom he has lately ao shamefully abused. We trust for tbe sake of peace, and that wo may give our undivided attention to our business, that he may return at mice, restore hia credit, and cepe- daily answer in person the threats, requests, chal- ;ca and love letters, which are awaiting him as local in tbe trash basket under our table. N. B.—We are perfectly responsible, however, for all collections, subscriptions and advertisements, which may be bad by him for us. Aqctdwxt.—We regret to learn that Mr. Robert Findlay met with a serious accident yesterday which threatens the loss of his band. While engaged in ginning cotton liia hand was caught in tbe machin ery and considerably mangled before be could extri cate himself. Frits Awrs. —The proprietor of tbo well known Art Gallery, Triangular Block, Mr. J. A. Pugh, is entering npon this season's business with bis usual rgy. He retained from New York and Philadel phia some two weeks ago, where be has been in qneet of everything new pertaining to his art. He laid in a large supply of beautiful gilt frames, new patterns and all sizes. Also, a great variety of Photograph Albums—all of which have arrived and ready for inspection. The Artist will, from the present time, give hia personal attention to tho wants of his patrons, and in future, as in the past, make a specialty of the better class of photogra phic productions. If yon want an extraordinarily fine likeness of yourself or any one else, call on J. A. Pugh. Cauobt.—Robert Napier, the negro who cut an other in Jones county, laat Saturday, was caught by officers Plunkett and Ferrill, on Bridge Row. Friday night. We understand a reward has been offered, and would advise tbe party to give handsomely, as these gentlemen have worked energetically to bring the offender to Justice. Ds. J. M. Boxxell will administer the sacrament in tho Mulberry Street Methodist Church, in placo of Rev. Dr. Key, who is unwell. By appointment of Hon. Geo. S. Obear, Mayor, an exhibition of a Fire Cltinguishcr will be mado in front of tbe City Hall on Monday afternoon at four o’clock. __ Hates* A Baowx's News Depot open until 10 o'clock this morning. Libera! advances ma-ie on ^tiir-i any good Northern or European house*. Collections promptly attended it. directors: U. L. Jewett. Vf m. T. Lichtfoot. G. H. Haxlehurst, W. H. Koa?, Win. B. Din*more, U. B. Plant. may3-6m* I. C. PLANT & SON Bankers and Brokers, O FFICE in the First National Bank BaUdiex, on Cherry itreet. rrcoml door from the comer of cevond itreet. n ill Buy Sieht and Time Exchange ■ n tbe North. Savannah, Augusta and other point*, make liberal advance* on Cotton In Store in Macon, or on ehiptcente of Cotton to good Northern or European home*, or on Bonds, Stock! or other good securities Will purchase sad sell BOXDS, STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER, sad make Investment* for parties as they may direct. may3 f as* ASSETS, UNDART 1, 1869, CAPITAL. a otso ,o o o. $444,462 92. THIS COMPANY. ON ENTERING ITS ELEVENTH YEAR OF BUSINESS, OFFERS THE FOL LOWING STATEMENT: Balance from January 1, 1S6S $133,134 70 Amount of Premiums received since the Company’s oreaniration $919,085 00 Amount of Dividends paid since the Company's organization 215,000 00 Amount of Losses paid since the Company’s organiiation 420,252 00 Cash Dividend declared February 6tb 8 per oent Scrip Dividend to holder? of partieij a'ii'K lVMeies 25 per cent The Scrip oflJvT (25 per cent.) is uow receivable ns Cash in payment ol premium*. WM. W. CARNES, Agent, Macon, Ga. OFFICE. SOUTHEAST CORNER THIRD AND CHERRY STS. F. M. COKES, JB JS K E R , AlfERICUB, GEORGIA, iy>K8 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS: LS Boy* a>,d Sell, Stock*. Bond,. Coin and Exchange MONEYS Invested as partita direct. COLLECTIONS promptly rexitted on days of ma turity, at lowert rate* of each aero. COTTON BOUGUT ON ORDER. f«p7-Cm* FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. I gave my horeo four doeea from the box of Cen tral City ConditioQ Powders I bought of you, and it cured mm sound and well of distemper. Four Central City Condition Fowera hsvo stopped the cholera among my chickens. None have died sinco tho first day I ueed it, and they are all doing finely. Teatimonials like the above are coming in, al though theec Condition Powers have not yet been before the public a week. They are prepared by L. V. Hunt A Co., Druggists, on Cheny street, and arc sold by all druggists. ENGLISH FEMAEE BITTERS Cures all femalo complaints; Cure* wife, daughter and mother. Cures cases pronounced incurable. Cores all irregular nterino actions, REDIVIVUS ! The S. S. S. of 1861, Or Dr. JEUSON’S Original Sonumx S4X>thi>*q Strut for Children Trethtno, is again resusci tated I It is a Corrigent of tho J>oircl disorders contingent upon this period; a grateful Carmina tive; a nutritious Syrup ; and a gentle Anodyne, inducing ealm and refreshing repose, without the pernicious and distressing reactionary disturbance J^D jIIE.'yK LIN ES AND PONDER THEM WELL J of tbo nervous system that results from the exhibi- iyo bust tents of the merits of my proprietary | tionof mo-' preparations—expressly made for chil- arii.-v 1* ;o ascertain w link tatliooglit of it at home | ({rrn jj 8 u?0 in tl)e Southern States, as far back Cures hystcru-s and chlorosis, Cure* diseases peculiar to females. J. F. Dsoxooou A < * >U by Dmggis ; Co., Proprietors, Memphis, Tenn. where it is manufactured. Such a test Lippman’a Pyrafnge can well stand, as to-day it is decidedly UNfbvorito remedy for chills and : ver, dumb ague and other diaeaeea of a malarioua origiri, in the city of Savannah where it i» prepared. Tho pundpal Arnggt*:* of the dty would as much tlank of doing without castor oil in their stores aa to bo without tl* popular (anMeee rvedlv ao) remedy. It is a vegetable preparation free ?roin deleterious drugs*. *’•> 1 ae!s on a tonic upon the entire nystexu, thereby ' T. 'rating tho ay*:cm. *o much t*o aa to enable it 1 throw t»iT diaeaae. Pyrafuge does not nauseate . n tho patient, and can be taken by the moet *ato persona without foar. If ehonld always l>e v.i.l, aa chills and fever creep upon na thily that we are not aware of its* approach mi- ■ w npon ns. A word to the wise is sufficient.— ’ALTON'S OIL OF LIFE ouref* all aches and and is the great remedy for Rheumatism and KAYTON'8 PILLS core Sick Headache and all oua diseases. tabli&hed its reputation as a Southern In- and, a** a medicine unrivalled, and as be- 1S62, stitut ing tho best and safest preparation for children teething, ensuring rest to mothers and nurses and relief and strength to their infants. It i» therefore no ncie medicine, and needs no advertising where it is best known. Every precaution has been taken to preserve and protect it from fraudulent counter feits. It is manufactured only at the Laboratory o f Coite, Tompkins A Hurd, members of and rao- IIaural. Risley A Kitchen, 141 Chambers street. New York, to whom all orders should be ad dressed. and is for sale to the citizens of Hacon by Harris. Clay A Co. ; Ethridge A Davis, Eatouton, Ga., and all respectable Druggists. scptl-deodAwtf. YOUR LITER. If your liver is torpid and your bowels consti pated, take ono dose of Dromgoole A Co.’s Liver Pills, and they will act so well and pleasantly you will have no others, you ever need. They are the best purgative Just Received.—Messrs. Havens A Brown, have just received at their News Depot, No. 46 Second street, tho following late Newspapers and Periodi cals: Leslie’s Wookly, New York Weekly, Staats Zeit- ung, Scientific American and Police Gazette, hcott's Monthly for October. THE MARRIAGE RING. Essays on the Errors or Youth, and tho Follies of Age, in regard to Social Evils, with certain help for tho erring and unfortunate. Sent in sealed let ter envelopes, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCLATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. sept26-3m Do you shake ? Use King of Chills. King of Chills never fails to cure. Dumb and congestive chills cured with King of Chills. King of Chiils is the malarial antidote. Words to Mothers.—We have the pleasure of announcing the revival of Dr. Jenson’s celebrated medicine. Southern Soothing Syrup, which thou sands of Southern mothers and nun>ca have exten sively used and j uatly extolled for its gentle ano dyne qualities and nutritive sapport to infant life. Refreshing sleep is induced, which is the animus of a healthy, vigorous child constitution. To secure j this everything of a distressing influence upon tbe j nervous system, so inimical to infant life, is dis- ! carded from the preparation. Mothers and nurses i use it. It will save your own rest, and the lives of i your infant chargee.* See advertisement “S. IS S. ! 61 S.” Bx Wise ln Time.—How many are there who. afflicted with aisemse in an incipient stage, delay from time to tune haring recourse to some reme- . Dlw _ . dial agent, which would effectually arrest tho fur- ’ors to the old established Southern Drug Hors** tber progress of disease, and render the system Impregnable to its insidious attacks. It is unfor tunately too true—there are thousands who sink into an early grave—whereas at a trifling expense they might have lived to a good old age. If there be reliance to be placed in medicine, and thousands of well attested cases establish beyond the possi bility of s doubt, the curative properties of any one particular remedy, then Harley’s Sarsaparilla and Potash is unquestionably the greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflicted communitv. Hesitate not, therefore, to use it, if Buffering from any of the ilia which flesh is heir to.—Herald ( Gairesfoa, Texas.) July 11 tf Daily Heyieiv of the Market. OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH, 1 October 2—Evening, 1869.) The market opened rather weak this morning at 214 cents; but after the noon New York reports were received thero was a better feeling among buyers, and for the rest of the day the demand was good at 24 oents—light offering stock. MACON COTTON STATEMENT. Received to-day 675 Shipped to-day 186 Stoat on hand this evening 4,956 FREIGHT ON COTTON FROM MACON. Freight, all rail to Savanna^ gQ.65 t* 100 lbs Freight, sail Savannah to Boston... .%c V lb Freight, sail Savannah to UvexpooLd-lGd, and Id V lb by steam. Freight, through by rail and steam to New York §1.35 V 100 lbs Freight, through by rail and steam to Philadelphia 1.35 t* 100 lbs Freight, through by rail and steam to Baltimore 1.35 ^ 100 lbs Freight, through by rail and steam to Boston, via'New York... . .. 1.70 V 100 lbs Exchange on New York was selling to-day at par; buying rates *4 discount. Business was brisk in all branches of trade to-day, and particularly ao in groceries and piovieions. Com is quiet and in limited demand at 1 50 by the car-load: retail 1 60. Bacon is stiff at the following rates and tends up ward : shoulders IS%; clear rib sides 22%; clear sides 23; hams 2o%. Light stock in market. Other articles same as yeeterday. LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Domestic Markets. New York, October 2, noon.—Flour 5 lower. Wheat dull and unchanged. Com dull and declining. Me*<a Pork nominally 31 25@3150. Lard dnlL Freights very firm. Cotton unchanged at 2T%; receipts for the week at all United States porta 54,628; exports, to Great Britain 7434. to the Continent 2379; stock on liand and on shipbord, not yet cleared. SO.654. • Stocks strong. Monev easv at 7. Sterling, long 8K; short 8%. Gold 30%. 1862b 19^. sees, ex-coupons C0%: new B2% asked. Virginias, ex-coupons 53; new 62%. Louie:an as. levees 62, 8s $U- .. Alabama 83 90V. Geo-gia 6* 7a 89. North Caro Unas, old 49; new 44. South Carolina*, new 69. New York, October 2. evening—Flour heavy and 10 lower; superfine State 5 65^5 90. Wheat closed steady. Cora, mixed Western I 00<ftl 03. Whisky a shade firmer at 1 22%. Mess Pork quiet and lower at 33 12)^(334 00. Beef quiet. Lard heavy; kettle 18)^* 19. Naval Stores and Groceries "quiet.— Freights a shade firmer. Cotton firmer; sales 417 bales at 27“£. Savannah, October 2.—Cotton receipts 1882 bales; exports 4694: market firm; middlings 25. Augusta, October 2.—Cotton firmer: Bales 390 bales; receipts 490: middlings 24J-£<3r249£ Charleston, October 2.—Cotton sales 325 bales: receipts 1187; exports, coastwise 2366; a moderate demand existed; middlings firm at 25. WnACNGTON, October 2. Spirits Turpentine steady at 40. Rosin steady at 1 60 for strained. Crude Turpentine 1 50*«2 50. Tar 2 SO. Cotton quiet; low middlings 24J-£@25. Cincinnati. October 2.—Whisky firm atl 15. Mess Pork dull: 32 25(5:32 50 offered. Bacon, shoulders 16*^(gl6>£: clear sides 20. Mobile, October 2.—Cotton market opened quiet and weak, but later in the day a good demand sprang up, closing firm: sales 1000 bales: receipts 1338; exports 958; middlings 27^. New Orleans. October 2.—Cotton active and firm er: sales 4000 bales: receipts 1585; exports, to Havre 1409, to Liverpool 3230, to New York 1826; middlings Flour dull; superfine 5 ~5(ato 76: double and teeble extra 6 10. Com in light supply; white 1 10(A1 12M* Oats 58(560. Bran I 20. Hay dull at 26 75@27 00. Mesa Pork 33 75. Bacon firmer: shoulders 17%. clear rib sides 21: clear sides 21%. Lard 19(cf21>J; Sugar 12% (sll%- Molasses, re boiled 70@80. Whisky 1 27%. Coffee prime, 16%<gl6%- Gold 3IK- Sterling aa*. New York Sight discount. T. J. PERKINS, BANKER, EUFAULA ALABAMA. LAJDIES’. GRECIAN BENDS, NOTICE TO PLANTERS. GLOVE-KID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, And every variety of Ladies,* Gentlemen*! and C dren’* BOOTS and SHOEb, SECOND STREET, MACON. GA. Every article stamped with their Trade Alar k war ranted to be of the BEST QUALITY. nep9-tf • Exchan Celt Alabama mod Geonria. Bank Notes and Cola bought and ~ * le points 1 •ent2f>*2<n WANTED, A GOOD COOK. Kon« need applr unless 1 •ommenJeJ. Applr at THIS OF! **pt!4-tf GEORGIA STATE FAIR BULLETIN CIB.CUI.AXIO?- 25.000. :y lit IX of t be rreat Southern Exposition of Aerfnltare and Meehsr.icj, to be held in Macon. Ga.. commenc- inc Norember fflih, IMP, will be issued for (ratnitiou* circulation within the State. Tho Bbllxtix will contain the Premium Li.-t Ro- vised—now first published complete—Krcutatious ef the Exhibition. Instructions to rxbibiiorr, OtBcer.of the various In iu'trial Associations ofGeoraie, Prs- naratioas tor the Fair—iocluiior tbe srraniemeuu made upon the FairUrounJ.nnJ by 1U tread*. Hotels, etc., for the convenience and aee .minmlntion of ex hibitors and visitors, sad the address of Bosrdinx Home* and eitisoa* that will bo prepared to entertain coetts—and articles upon every other subject in con nection with tbe Kitir deemed of iotorert to those amonx whom the ButLETlw will cireulsto— the pro ducers ot Georgia. Five thousand copies of the Brtirmt will be re served f r distribution upon the Fair Ground durinx Exhibition, and twenty thousand judiciously circula- tot lmm'dinte'v upon publication trorn tho office of Colonel D. VV. Lewis. Secretary of the State Acrieul tursl Society. No.®<i Mulberry street. Wholesale Merchants. Maonf .'tnrtrr, ami Dealers in Specialties have presented to them, in the enor mous edition ot the RuLLxrtx.a medium ofextendiuc their business which, in extensive circulation, was never before approached in this Mai. The space do vote i to advertisers is limited. Tho lollowinx aro tbo Advertixinx Kates: One Column (iS rquarct) 1100; Half Columa (14 square) (55; Quarter Column (7 square) 610: Lera spaeo per square. ! o Those desirous ol ovailinx themselves of ths Bol- lktix should forward their favors at once.addresied to If. PINK HAM. Macon, Oa. «<!_ Citiiens who will be prepared to reccirc KU"-t* durinc the Fair, will confer a favor by lesviex their address at the office of Cot. Lcwia. or through the Post-offiee with tho Publisher. septl2-tf EXECUTOR’S SALE. SPLENDID PLANTATION In IVIonrcc County, of an order of the Court of f county, will be sold on tbe first '•He PLANTERS COTTON UEALiKFtftl : W E again tender you our servioe aa Cotton Fac tor* and Commission .Merchants, at our old stand on Third street, and ptedre ourselves to conduct strictly a Commission Business, and shall give special rare and attention to alt business entrusted to us. We return our sincere thanks to our old patrons for past favors and solicit a continuance of the same, and would request l'lantrn generally, to give us a trial, as we make tbe sale of eotton a speciality. Shall be prepares! to reader tbe usus' accommoda- .I0NATIIAS C0LL1S5 ii SON, COTTON FACTORS, Iuly4-daw3m MACON, GA. Ilardcniitn & Sparks, MERCHANTS, deem it wholly unnecessary to mako promises as to their willinmars and abiiity to serve them faithfully and advantageously. Their long experirnoeand the large patronage which bus ever been extended the bouse, is proof conclusive that they dr serve the confidence of tbe planting com munity. and by prompt and honest attention to their interest they intend to merit in thefntnre, therat- onaas ao liberally riven them in the past. OKDKRtS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at tow- !*t Market Prieas, and the usual facilities extended ■6 ' buslne,* with us. O. Q. HPAHKS. T. 11 Alt DEM AN. Jit. JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST. ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS \X^OULD respectfully m to tbe Cotton Planter* of Tv Southwestern ami Middle Georgia, whom it ba* been their pleasure to eerve the part aeaaon so satis factorily. that they will find them fully prepared aa{ ready to receive, store, chip or cell to the very brat advantage, all Cotton consigned to them daring the enrol n veeae on; while to th* so who have not be eto- fnretneda*. we would say we know we can please you. We offer the usual accommoda ion to ourpatrnnt" on their growing crop*, and vQ tako pleasure in fill- ins their order* foreupplies promptly and it lowest market rate*. Call and see na at the PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE. Opposite Brown** and ByingtonV Hotel*. luly3-dAw4m j BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pure XiBAr LARD, Choice ntaguolia and Pamilp Qugar- Cured HAMS, T!i '*e llama are unsurpassed for aoundiicM and deli- cacy of flavor. Corn, Corn, Corn. We are in dally receipt of Sound Corn, which wo sell at a>- LfiiV PRICE n* any house in Macon. BURDICK BROTHERS. Flour, Flour, Flour. We havo a largo stock; fre?h ground FROM NEW WHEAT—all grade*—.and cannot be undersold. BURDICK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BRST KENTUCKY BAGGING. wel,h* full 2K pound* ti the yard, ai id tho most reliablnarti •loin uso Al? \ the favoi it. ATinOW TIH- Hay, Oats, BScal, Bran, ate. Hay, Oats, Meal, Bran, ate. Hay, Oats, Meal, Bran, ate. Call and sceua; we know we cun ptonso you. BURDICK BBOTHKRB, A ThirU st.. 'lacin, (1 iuly9-tf ■ SPALDING SEMINARY. MMIE rTOCKIIOLDEKS JL to ennounm that tL< ployed the REV. W. C. WILKES A *uoc*'.-*fu! teacher, kc chnrjteofthe nhove i-.»: ■ted by RBV. A. JCJDSON C.’HKVEnS. And other*, in the Literary Depdrtu PROF. BENJ. F CLARK Y.virtue of ani orde^^jhe Court, of Ordlwg^of jsedoor in aaid county .within the legal hour* of *a!e, the plan tation whereon Aquilla Cheney lived at hie death, containing teveo hundred men*, more or lee*. It lie* between Yellow Creek and Tobefofkrc. and adjoins the land* of Thomas Dewberry. William K. Hardin and Battle. Iti* one of the u.u*t defir!blc * Ian*a- tions in Middle Georgii—with k< <»J impcortiimente. prodaeUve lan t, and convenient to n ark«t. church and school*. It lies eight mile* -oath of For?;th. Title* unquestionable. Tvrnu eo*h. Sold a* tbe property ot Aquilla Cheney. la’c »'f said county, de- ceajed. Also, will be *o 1.1 on the next •: iy. (Wtdnt-eday) on the plantation, four fine mule?, two wagon*£ (two- hor?e and fix-horse.) and Lame;*, and the crop of corn, fodder, and cotton, et?., jrrown thi< year. Also, agin and all the perishable property remaining un sold. Sold as the property of «aid rheney’* estate. A. J. CHKNBY. txecutor. Pleasant Hill P. 0., Talbot co. t Ga. aeptl5-td Brilliant Bar and Restaurant, 45 Third Street, Macon, tin. J m a. SENN£K, Proprietor. N addition to tho elegant CAR kept at this hon.*e, 1 the proprietor has lately fitted up a FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT, where his patron* ran obtain meals at all hour*. Freah oyfierf, fi.^h and came «erved up on .“hort notice and in the bc*t.’ , tyle. None hut the choicest wines and liquor* kept at this Bar. scpt23-lm NOTICE. Opficx Satakvah. Gsims & North Alabama f RalLEOlD CoMPAKT. > Griffin. Ga.. September 2, l v*9. J P URSUANT to a resolution adopted by the Presi dent and Board of Directors of the >avannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad Company, at Griffin. Ga.. August5,18d9.notice i? hereby jtiveu that an installment often per cent, oa the unp.aid capital stock of this Company is required to c paid at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer, at Griffin, Ga., on tbe first day of October next. Stockholder* at Newnan and vicinity are author ized to r»av their installments to George E. Smith, Newnan. Ga. MILO S. FREEMAN, sept^-tf Secretary and Treasurer. DR. EMERSON HAS T RETURNED PROVIDENCE IIIGH SCHOOL, F OR GIRLS AND BOYS, near Pleasant Hill. Tal bot county, Ga- The next session of thi* Institution frill commence Wednesday, September 8, !Sd9, and continue Sixteen Weeks. Rates of tuition for the geifion: Frirnary Department. SI0; Classical Department S20: Sur veying: and Civtt Engineering, extra, $10; Gnmmar Department. ?:.3; French, extra. $'.0; Mu.-i-,Instru mental, $**^5; Yucal Music Si perm/nth. Thecourse of instruction embraced ail that i* contained in S collegiate course in our male and female colleges.— Young men will be prepared for any class in college they may desire to enter : or, if they are satisfied with a thorough collegiate course of inttruction, without a diploma, they can finish their rourgtr here. The build ing is new, large and commodious, and is fituated at Providence Church, one mile weft of Pleasant Hill. Talbot county, in one of the healthiest sections ot country in Middle Georgia. The community is known far and wide for the high tone of it£ morality, and tbe aMociations surrounding pupils will be elevating in their character. The government is mild but firm, and no pupil will be allowed to remain in the school wha will not implicitly submit to such regulations a* the teachers may think necessary to establish. Our motto is. “Perfect Lessons and Perfect Order.”— Board can be obtained in the vicinity at 512 per month. G. W. MAXSON, A.B-1 r> • . . W. H. WuODALL, / Principals. RBrKKKXcKs.—Hon. E. H. Worrill, Major T. A. Brown, O. D. Gorman. Talbotton : Isaac Cheney, *T. T. Owen, D. G. Owen, S. B. Owen, G. W. Evans. J. D. Woodall. T. H. Mahone, Pleasant Hill. MK27-deod3m*w L1WT0Y & LAWTON, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREm, MACON, OA. H AVING thoroughly refitted our Warehouse, and having ample storage for all Cotton consigned to us. we again tender ourservircs to ourfriendsand the public aa Cotton Factors and Warehouse mer. Wo take this occasion to return our thanks to our patrons of the past season, and assure them we shall ca- jravor in the future. a3 we have done in tbe i* »st, to secure for them the beat prices that can be obtained in Macon, which we deem, all things <• >/. sidtred. one of the very best cotton markets. To those who have not tried u*. we simply refer to our fi.rraer customers, and promise tonseour best effort* to serve all who give u« the benefit of th . oufiaet* i* at the old stand of LAW! *ep3-d*wlm ne£s. Our place of COAL. COAL! 1000 TONS ON HAND Mum cal Dep r-i of Teacher* I who have so: ■ rtment, altogether vhi .’h we can heart- and daughters to . ! tho her f >r Fernnle THE FALL SESSION THIRTY DAYS, of the noted CC.4L <1HKK COAL! 19) per cent, saved by uaiDg it. For ( ing. Furnace.*, Gas and 1 rates. Cook- g unequalled. LUMP COAL, Mr. A L. BUTTS, Agent, in charge of Yard, will attend order, or if left at office of BUTTS 4 BRQ., will be promptly filled. Tkew3 cash. For furher information address A. L. BUTTS. A gen’. Macon, Ga., Or. J. M. BORN, Jk., k CO., Atlanta. Ga. seplS-eod2m MILL, THE GEORGIA PAPER Carroll County, Oa., W ILL pay Cash for RAGS, ROPE. BAGGING. and old PAPERS. Orders solicited lor W RAP PING. MANILLA and PRINT PAPER. . New Mill, pure water, live men. Prices low. Terras cash. , , All inquiries promptly answered. Address inqui £ KBLL OGG. Pres. Co., ‘'College Temple,” septl8-3m Newnan, Ga. t&ov ratfoiB ssauvaKV. This Institution offers the accumulated advantages of oyer 60 years’ successful operation. Every facility is provided for a thorough course of useffll and ornamental education, under the direction of* corps of more than twenty professors and teach ers. For eirealars, apply to JOHN H. WJLLARD, Troy. N. Y. aui2-d2m WILL BEGIN ON Holiday, the 4!h of October, Ar.d clo.?eon the 23d of December. Tuition Fees for Fall Session. $1050, $12 00, $13 50. ar.d 518 0*). according to the advancement of the pupil* French and other Modern Language?, each $12 00; Muficon the Piano, Harp or Guitar, $20: use of In strument $3 00; Contingent expenses $100; Board, exclusive of washing, $15 00 per month. For further inf‘*rn2a f ion address the Principal, or either of the subscriber? at Monteruma. Ga. I. G. CURVES. Prefit Stockholders of Seminary. J. R. Battle, secretary. ? ept24,26.20 oct3&wit BRUNSWICK,”‘GEORGIA.' N. S. FINNEY & CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, Receiving and. Forwarding Agenti f B USINESS AGENTS for the Brunswick and Al bany Railroad Company; Savannah and Florida Inland Steamboat Company : “ Anchor Line of Steamships between New York and Liverpool. Also. Drawers of Sterling Bills on England, Ireland and Scotland: and dealers in Southern Securities and New York Exchange. . t T nknun Advances made on Consignments of LUMBER, COTTON and NAVAL STORES. Freights consigned to us from New York, to all points in the interior, will be promptly forwarded. REFERENCES: Henry Clews Sc Co., N ev Y ork. Dabney, Morgan Sc Co., New York. Howland Sc Aspinwall, M Morris Ketchum, nept.3rt-eod.3m WHISKY. XX. XX SOLD BY JNO-W. O'CONNOR USAD! READ! 4[R. J. W. O'CONNOR—Dear Sir: In accordance with your request I have made a rigid examina tion and analysis of the sample of WHISKY you sent me. sold by Ulman £ Co., of this city and marked “Fine Old Monongahela Rye Whisky,” X X X X I am happy to *t*te that it prove* to be a perfectly pure article, absolutely free from everything foreign or ingenou*. I cannot detect in it the slightest trace of any adulteration or impurity. Respectfully, etc., WM. K. A. AIKIN, M. D„ etc., Professor Chemist and Pharmacy, Analytical and Consulting Chemist. _ University of Maryland. Baltimore. MtL, September 4, 1869. If you wish PURE WHISKY call on JNO. W. O'CONNOR, [aept2I-tfl He haa got it.