The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 03, 1869, Image 4

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THR r PFLF. GRAPH. SUNDAY MORNTNG, OCTOBER 3, 1869. fun 1111-: tklkoua ; rfjr.’ciotR *re authorised * M. n. C unc rt* : Alb a nt, Ga.. *• -a., ii ii. gw*tt«: .. . .. ;• Blakclt. Ga.. B, ii; n r V <ix ilir.ra X Goddard : CtJTH. . T. .’>• Powell * Ukmhoe. (Ia. w J. M. Si«- kT< >>ton, <}a.. J. Q. Adam*: F-llavillh nr.ifouicry; iirf aula, Ala., _T. L. Y*r- . A. H. fenced: Foit VaL* n. <*a.. II. S. Jobn- . Ki-k-; Kaoxvtlt.k, W. S. Truiuric: Monti- WH. HEW** WOODS, Cotton Factor & General Commission MERCHANT BAY STREET, : : HAY ASX All, GA. B. A. WISE & CO. A G GUANO. Is prepared at all times to advance ! liberally on consignments for sale in Savannah, or for ! shipment to bis correspondents in New York and Liverpool- auel4 d3m* M. KETCHUM. A. L. HABTRIDGE j Of New York. Lite of Hartridge A Neff KETCHTJM & HART RIDGE, XORTfeJtAST EOOM XXCHA*.)* ’tCTLTHWO. SAVANNAH, GA., D KALEH8 »ii Domestic ov.i r.»reim_ Ecxbange. | Gold. Silver and oncorrei.t M<mej. fet^eks. Bond?. c»c. Receive deposit*, allowing four f-cr per annum on weekly balances EVERT COTTON PLANTER SHOULD HAVE A id sell i Georgi: id Flo L interest I , I pnncipAl i Will make advances t n < ii ad Uttr *t r>ay chare t our risk. If sent br Ex; r«s they Negro Outrage in JeflVrson Cotinlj. Painful rumors reach in »<f :.ri outrage Lv a hand of law lean negroes, who . ..iim to he a Ku- • klnx hand, n^ar Stapletonnfore, in Jefferson j county. This hand, estimated at twenty-flve to | thirty'strong, entered on Saturday night Inat th COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cottor< Factors & General Commission 5TEROTANTR, HA 7 STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. COTTON PLANT!” 8*® lotion, Lam i Censignme of. fTo of a peaoaabla, quiet, unoffending citizen, almost bolplM, being in tba loot atagari rin«iimption a and took him from his bed from wife ercifnllv nblo r»nt h< larried him to a strip of way distant and there beat him leaving him on the ground as . S. Ferguisou, the unfortunate ol ms yet Mitflciently recovered to e an account of this diabolical ideed, wo learn that his physician i condition very critical, although pe. The supposed lender of this hand is a lawless negro hearing the name of Tom Little ; hut this is only a supposition, deduced from the fact that he has suddenly left the neigh borhood. It should ho stated, also, that the ne gro Little had been previously' in the employ of Mr. I'enpirHon, and that there had been a sharp dispute about the amount duo upon a balance of accounts. Little, when last heard from, was making his way in the direction of tho Central Kail road. Wo regret to learn of this disturbance in Jef ferson county, and hope yet that tho rumors that reach us nro highly colored, as lu toforo thero has been a good understanding between tho whites and the blacks and quiet and good order has almost universally prevailed, lint if oven only n part of what reaches us is true, tho citizens of Jefferson owe it to them- selves that this miscreant should he brought to justice and made to feel the penalties of the law. Wo hopo that he may ho arrested, tried and made to suffer the severest penalties of tho law.— C/iru7Ucl( m tnnl » nlinH. CLARK & WILSON, Factors and General Commission MERCxIANTS, No. 1 STODDARD'S LOWER RANGE. IiA Y STREET, .... SA VANN AH, GA. AirLiberal klfum made on Produce is Sto a 11*22 ilSm AND HERE IT IS JOSEPH F1NEGAN&CO.. COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAT STREET, - - SAVANNAH, GA. or to oar Correspondents in New York and Lirerpool. »ng5-dAw3a* r. or. Bias. J. r. whkatos. x. b. bbowb Stage Ghammku.—Away down South daring tho war there wan a utroJling company of nctorn doing n certain blood and thunder dramn in ono of tho little dead towns to bo found on tho lino of tho main railroad in Georgia. Id one of the scenoR of a littlo comedy which preceded tho tragedy the lover polled A nMJnd ont of tho pocket of his trousers and showed it to his bated rival, saying, “I tnck her ont to tho feer- ridgo, I hoped her in and sho gin me this as a memento." Tho effect on a party who harrd it was very convulsive. Afterward tbongh, in tho tragedy, this gifted Knight of the Baskin hod occasion, ns the Dnkc, to ho approached by a cortnin “Lord," and informed of tho death of tho father of the heroino of tho tragedy. Upon !icing (old his friend’s death he gulped down a sob nml said, “I knowed it, my Lord, and when sho died I was appointed her g.irdeon." Tho ef- foct may bo better Imagined than described.— An old play-goer who was present swore it was the richest thing ho bad ever heard in his life. F. W. SIMS & CO, FACTORS CASH mm STORE. USTEW GOODS! Eh < J. H. ZEILIN & CO. > M w w Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery, FANCY GOODS. Snnf Garden Seefl, Meiioinal LiQUDrs ETC,. ETC. . promptly anti with the greatest care, and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES! We buy exclusively for c.v- money down, and can give other house in the State. J. II. ZEILIN k CO. SIMMONS’ LIFER Riilll LlTOR The Great Remedy for DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISEASE. CHILLS, fivn, JAUNDICE. Etc. For sale ia any quantity. The trade fnppli.d at a Tery handsome diacount for rrofit, by tho Proprie tor?. J. XX. ZSXX.XMT & CO., «pt22 tf MACON, GA. Eh GQ P 00 V* U) M O O % u Ui JEWELRY and SILVER- W ABE EST X3 IjIH H 3VE ENT. THE LATEST STYLES OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, prRE SILVER AND PLATED WARE. TOILET SETS. WORKING BOXES. WRITIXG DESKS. PRESSINQ CASES. And a full line ef FANCY GOODS. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY and BRIDAL PRESENTS.’,*-. ■SirCALL AND EXAMINE SIY GOODS..gc, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired at Short Notice and Warranted. JW^pecia! attention paid to tho MANUFACTURE and ENGRAVING of BADGES, BINGS. Etc. GEORGIA COTTON GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS- SAVANNAH. CiA. Mif Conslcoments aolleltad; Remtt'ancea made promptly: Advance? of Proriaion?. Basrinir. Ties and Rope made to periona aendinc na Cctton for aale. >e[tlfi-da«6m J. w. & C. A. McIXTIHK, Cob. St. Jvljkx. Bbtax xno Jxppxbsox Stbexts. .SAVANNAH, GA., B. A. WISE & CO, Keep them constantly on band, of all sizes. Also the TAEALEILS in Grcoeriea. Dry Goodj, Hardware, .1 I Wine*. Liquora, and Country Produce generally. Tub signature to n valuable document In Alex andria, Va., was written wth pnrpleink, and, to the dismay of the possessor, it has faded entire ly away. A paper in that city accordingly con demns tho use of pnrple ink for legal docu ments, lint suggests that it would be highly ap propriate for lovu-lelters. The suggestion may i>o appreciated in Chicago. DR. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR! WOMAN’S BEST FRIEND i Mrdirine ii prepared for WOMEN i twcluMvelj. atid to bo weS by women only. It Uailiiptrtl wpwlallr «o thosoewea whiro the womb i.i dj«ordrred. nml will curn any irregularity in the '* men tea/* except in euch eases ns rrquire a surgical operation. As these last are very rare, the Female Regulator It of almost universal application. In a tultlen cheek of the ** monthly courses** from cold, trouble of mind or like cause, it ecu like a charm, by rcstor- f.arge in c tanec. thu.* relieving the mR. ... . .a Huall of the bock at.d >r •*tomaeh.** flosht s of hc»t about the face, chilly tons, hurn ngof the eyelids, and geueral ro»t- ss. Pakt u in time, all of these symi<tomfl puss immodiatofy, without injury to tho constitution. • r.Uy. howover, the proper remedy is not an- n limo, tho disoa-o becomes chronic, and the •lio «laid for nnmherleiw evils to the eosstitu- !'«nni.n ?benext**turn**ormesaround and is no •'show,” < r perhaps tho ** whites'* will ao- 7boro wUl he some nneasiness about too womb, ry little ernono of t::e natural fluid escaping, mi pi ex ion bco»Miu^ sallow, bowels swollen, a t ire, constant dull. urir. n. rraox. Wit. W. OOIOOV. TISON& GORDON, COTTON FACTORS GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 96 Bay Street, SAVANNAH, - - - - GEORGIA. JgAGGING sad ROPE or IRON TIES advanced on Qroj s. Liberal Cosh adranoes made on contignments of Cotton. j Grateful for liberal patronage In the past, a con tinuance of the sarao is respectfully solicited. sept2dswGm IRON WITCH, qUEEN OF THE SOOTH, DELTA, GOOD SAMARITAN, AND OTUER NOTED FAVORITES. FOR'FIFTEEN DOLLARS they will put you up n STOVE, handsomely furnished, and warrant ft to cook well. For ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS you can take your choice atnnD, four hundred, and they will fill your wagon with Furniture to (L A good aaMirtment of LAND AGENCY. To our Friends and Patrons past, that have prevented ua from selling Lands, we now feel warranted in inviting tho-r wishing their landa sold to plaae them with us. From late personal interviews with our agent, in the Northern cities, and letters received from them, we are led to believe that thore will bo considerable immigration this way the coming fall with a view of purchasing lands. tYe have already effected some,airs Our Public Register isopen to all. FREE (. _ H to register the lands they have for .-ale. and inspection for those wishing to buy. ERNEST PESCHKE, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, iC I MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, Ic. and inspection NO. 1 SECOND STREET. We Ofler for Sale the Pollowing A LL KIKI)3 AK specta clk glasses fitted and adjusted i,y .m optimetkii. watciiks Property : No. 2. A body of 8000 acre. Timber Landa on Oo mnlgee river, with Plantation of SQOacre,, in Tel fair county. No. 12. Beard's Bluff Place, 1361 seres Timber Lands, nine mile, above Doctor Town, on Altamaba river. No. 17. General Coffee Place, in Telfair county, 5000 | acres Timber Lands, on Ocmolgee river, with Plantation. No. 2t. Place two mile* from Maoon, 340 acre,. 40 of and JEWELRY repaired and warranted. Name Stencils for XMCarbing Xiinen Ont to Order. aprill-tf Grates, Box-Stoves and Parlor Stoves, (For Wood or CoaL) A largo Stock of HOUSE - FURNISHING GOODS Always on hand. nr Order solicited and promptly filled. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP TBR.MS OASH DAVIS SMITH. II. P. WE3TCOTT. P. McQLASHAN rpiIE firm of Sloan, Groover & Oo. 1, this day dl,- 1 solved by the withdrawal of A. M. Sloan. The ng partners, who are alone aul iiquidatto A. M. 8LOAN, C.F. STUBBS, C. K. GROOVER. A.T. MACINTYRB Savannah, Ga.. July 4,1809. CCPAA3K3nSHIP. TnE undersigned havethi, d.y formed a eopart n<rshit> for the tnuuaotiouof a Cotton Factorage ar.d Gencr .l Coinmimion Bu-ineU, under the firm and name of Groover. HtuhU A Co. Their best attention will be given to tUI business entrustcl to their eare. C. K. GROOVER, <. F. STUBRS. f Savannah, A. T. MACINTYRE, Thumaiville. lulyfi-dSm TH !•: ALABAMA of c vith or tho head. [htinthc erstom hltes, polpitatioua of the udiKestion, weariness, lon- •s tho loins, lor* of appetite, pain in no-?* acr-'NS the chest, cough nn«l gid- ailow.J to goon, “green slsknos*' doped; the hodtlacne beenmes severe ^ry,di minified 4»en-ih;lity,rekftom- no relish for food, loss of tle*b, in- gc»f the hrnrf, swelling of the feet, itl occasional .-pitting ot blood. tF.*rt causes harried breathing almost fhe skin is Habby t sca has a “doughy I of thou- > by ignorance, I r uthly ft any of the symptoms on with an irregularity o earnestly ray, rake DR. J. BRADFI^SDS iE EEGrULAriJR rflt. restored to hesltl will at onco experience its i patience you will be fully ly used for upward >st experienced and No family ?hould j has been exter of twenty yours by many of th ?*ucee«*ful physicians in Gcor he without two or three bottle Wa repeat, that Da. J. lUlADFIELD’S FEMALF REGULATOR i* prepared for woMi.x.and to be u*co by women only. A trial i retl i nil i ul noU >k. any quantity, by BUADFIELD .V- T ESTIMON1A LS. >Vc, tho undersigned Druggists, take pleasure ir amending fo the Uado, Dr. J.Biadfield'SFemaU lori.AToR—believing it to boa good and reliable vtedy for thodi.*eft.-e for which he recommends it, \v. A. LANDSDKLL, Atlanta. Ga.. 1‘EMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR A CO.. Atlanta, Ga. W. O. LAWSHKE. Atlanta. Ga. W. ROOT £ feOX, Marietta, Ga. GOLD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. - Home Office, He. 34 St. Francis St., MOX3 -JL.XlI. J1Y.L./Y. OFFICEUS : O. S. THAMES, 3?rc->idont. T. .VFUWLKIt, Secretary. ASSETS, ; : $300,000 IN GOLD! DIRECTOBS: C. E.THAMES, ofC. E. Tlisuics .tCo. C. W. r>U FT, of Walsh. Smith A Co. A P.BUSII. of A. P. Itu-h A fons. W. A. BiTK. of Buck .V Tuller. L. I1UI.WEK, o! L Brewer A Co. JAMES Cri ALMKR'-. of ('haimers A Miller. J. C. CHAMBERLAIN, ef Chamberlain j, Co. TllOS HENRY.8a. llus. JAC>iB MAGEE, o! N. W.Pony* Co. A. tl. McCANTS. ol Merri, G. Towles Jfc Co. S. JENNINGS MU KPHT.«f 8. J. Murphy A Co. D. O. GRADY. I'HOS. 1>. .MILLER, ofThomrj P. Miller A Co. Hon AD . A M MURDOCH. President M..fc 0. K.R. JOHN II. MARSHALL, of Marshall A Conley. <'. (1. RICH A RDS. of C. G. Richards J: Irons, T. W. >1 tlS. of Sims, llarrison A Co. Host. J. 31. THOMSON, of Thomson,Cockrell ,t Co. K. J. Yt'CNG. of R. J. YpUBg * Co. M. P. LEVY’, of M. P. Levy A Co. A. J. ' OAK.-. A. PROSK AUER, of A. Frcskauer ,fc Co. P. 11. PEPPER. ofP. 11. Pepper A Co. JNO. H. GARY, of J. U. Gary A Co. SMITH, WESTCOTT *.CO. OFFER FOR SALE. A HEAVY ASSORTMENT OF Saddles. Harness. Bridles Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings, Carriage Material CUM which No. 35. Farm* seres, extensive Orchard, and Vineyards. No. 46. Plantation on Chattahoochee river, 1300 at ofwhieh 1000are improved. whiehtagnpUnd^ 150eleared and 150heaviest Farm five and a half miles from Macon, 450 j NEW YORK. acres. No. 77. Plantation in Houston county, 2250 acres, 1400 acre, open land. No. S2. Plantation in Decatur county, on Flint river, containing 1400 acre, No. 89. Farm in CatOoM county, of 700 acre,. No. 90. Farm in Cobb county, containing Mo acres. ho. ;v. rarra in t-ouo cuudit. cuntainina out* acres. No. 112. Farm and Mill property, five mile, from Ma con. No. 113.A first-class Merchant Mill, near Gordon, ample wat-r-power for Factory. No. 114. Choice Cotton Plantation, in Houston coun ty. containing 1265 acres. No. 120. Plantation in Jones coutly, containing 3340 (=1-4 Plantation in Clay county, adjoining Cotton Hill, containing 1027 acres. No. 124.Twenty acres in Vineville—Market Gardens, Orchards and Vineyards, with Cottage House. No. 127.Plantation in Terrell county, containing 600 | acres, with fine improvements. Many other Plantation, in .Middle and Ronthwest- irn Georgia not enumerated. Prq P=5 E3= i-=J erty on the several rivers, with water-nower refficient for almost unlimited increase of Machinery. Also. 230.000 acres of Land, finch- timbered with yellow pine, in the counties orisinatly Appling, con venient to tbo ports of Savannah and Brunswick, con- tiguous to rail and water carriage. One hundred and eleven thousand acres of Timber and Agricnltnral Land, in counties originally Irwin. Fifty-two thousand acres Yellow Pino Timber Land, in Wayne county. Sixty thousand acres of good Timbered and Agri cultural Land, on the line of railroad and bend of the Suwannee river, in Columbia county. East Florida. Forty-eight thousand acres of good Timber Land, in Middle Florida—an entire township and contiguous sections—on thonavigahlestreamof Newriver. which E—i 02 era t=d 02 CO <=o Rflpwi' THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO., Managers Southern Branch. sections—on thenavigahle stream of Newriver. which empties its witers at White Bluff—Dure Channell. best port on the Gulf.' Also, contiguous tracts of 4000 to 5000 acres each, of Timber Lands, convenient to rail and water carriage to Savannah and Brunswick; good location for Steam Saw Mills Two first-class Now Steam Saw Mills of Forty Horse Power each—everything complete. OFFICE: No. 23 Rt. Francis street. Mobile. Ala.; No. 14 Carondclet street. New Orleans; c mer hlarietta and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ga. POLICIES ISSUED TO JULY 1, 1869, 315,270; AMOUNT INSURED. 1403)00,000; PAYIN’’# AN AN NUL PREMIUM of 83,500,000: ASSETS C ’ . . -JOVE R 83..V 11000; I) IVIDKNILS DECI.A RED JANUARY 13,38*19, 40 PER CENT. THIS COMPANY ISSUES ALL KINDS OF butts & brother. Life, Endowment, Joint Life and Term Policies^ Annuities, Etc., Of every description. BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, WAGONS "S ASTRAL OIL i CHANGE OF LAMPS Illuminating Oil—Strictly ricala—W31 not Explode— Agrees higher than is nequalled fop Bril- AND CHILDREN’S CARRIAGES. A full line of WAGON HARNESS. Agents for ABBOTT, DOWNING A CO.’S Celebrated CONCORD BUGGIES. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS, «- EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE PROMPTLY MADE TO ORDER. CHEAP FOR GASH. MEDICAL EXAMINERS: W. Ii. ANDYRSON. M. D. DABNEY HERNDON. M. D. ATTORNEYS: Messrs. BOYLES A OVERALL. Static of Gxosou, Troup County. This is to eertitv that 1 have evami of Dr. Josiah Bradfiold. of this county, ioal nj'tn. i>ronounce ii to be a oo In tne treatm vhich h ■a.-es of females for ' Thi^ December 21, IS J tho recipe id. as a ment ion of njedi- ,t of .ill of the dia monds ^|\H18 GOLD COMPANY possesses features and J- offers inducements to the?e desiring Insurance wuich can be found no where else. It is a Mutual V/Ompany, and its Dividends are equally and im partially divided between the Policv Holders. It issues 1 olicies payable only in AMERICAN GOLD I’r Up fi? ^lltke.®o.«t favorable modern plans of Insurance, thuF making Insurance certain and not depending upon the value of a Fluctuating Currency. jr^*A ti RvrfflwA ftl? 1(1 or , e Q uivn l e Dt. . AapAGENTfe nANTBD throughout the State.— Apriy to WM, P. BKaSLKY, M. I>. April Cartkusvillk. fl This will certify that two members of my iinmei—.w family, after having suffered for many years from menstrual irregularity, and having been treated with out benefit by various nicsiical doctors, were at length completely curd by one bottle of Dr. J. Bradfield*# Female Legulutor.” I therefore deem it mv duty to famish this certificate, with the hope of drawii.g the atienion of sutfering womankind to the merits of a medicine whose power in curing irregular and sup- i under iny own ailed **Wc pressed inen.stru ttion has bee i y penon*! observation. Its eflect on such < wonderful, and well may the remedy b< man's Best Friend.*’ Y*or» reepeetfolly. JAS. W. STRAY(7^ JOSt* Price, f I M jw?r bottl A . For salo at Proprietor’s |»ric**« by .i. H. ZErLTY .fc CO . L. \r. HUNT A Co.,' S 1> EVKKB1T. T. W. KLLLS. HARRIS. CLAY A CO.. P. Jl. WRIGHT. ssptS-eodtf K. J. PETER. ISAAC S. BOYD, General Agent for Georgia. Office—NEWNAN, GA. \YliIGfIT Sc DOUGLASS, Attorneys; KD SMITH M. D.. C. D.SMirtf.M.D., Exabiino'rs. ' Reference la Messrs. Branch»% Sons. A u rust a. Go.: Messrs.ClUby & Reid, Macon. Ga.: Maj. J. L. Calhoun. Newniin Ga.: J. LI. James, Banker. Atlanta, Ga.; J. U £) e * Votie, D D., Columbus, Ga-: J- G. WeitmorelaDd, M. D.. Atlanta. Ga.: J. K. Dent, Planter. Newnan. Ga.: L. M J*mith, I). D.. Oxford, Ga.: JUon. Wier Boyd, Dahlcnega, (<a. *ug1 Vtf LIFE-SIZE FAMILY PORTRAITS A BE evidences of a high stale of culture the world over. I am pro. oro<i. at All times, to BU orders for those, as well as all the smaller styles of Photo STftph Likenesses. I am making a specialty of the better class of Pictures.and those wanting something superior will find it to their interest to call on J. A. PUGH, Artist, . _ Triangular Block, Macon da. 500 roli.s Hemp am! Flax Bagging—in Store and to Arrive, 10 bales tsiiiniy Bagging, 16,000 pounds Arrow ties, 10 bales Twine, 150 hhds. G. K. Side*. 20 hhds. Shoulders, 10 tierces superior Canvassed Hams, 75 barrels Sugar—all grades, 250 sacks Liverpool Salt, SO sacks Virginia Sait, 175 barrel> Floor—Superfine, Extra and Family 25 sacks Coffee, 600 sacks prime White Corn, 20 bales Macon Sheeting, 200 kegs Nails, 40 barrels Whisky, 50 boxes Tobacco—all grades, 25 half barrels White Fish, 10 quarter barrels Mackerel—No. 1, 30 cases Sardines, 150 boxes Soap, 50 boxes Candles, 50 boxes Crackers, 25 boxes assorted Soda Crackers, 25 boxes Starch, 50 boxes Candy, 50 cases Pickles, 50 cases Oysters, 50 cases Potash, 20 casks Ale and Porter—Imported. And ombraccs the following liberal features: All policies non-forfeitablo and incontestable; thirty daya* grace allowed in paymentof premium*; one-third of the premium may remain unpai I >.s a I.-:n: no notes required. Tho Continental will, when desired, ieeuo WAR PERMITS, without extra charge or ilcduction from policy in ca*c of lost. That after three annual payments a loan may be obtained of at leaft four-fifths of whole amount paid, in case of embarrassment to meet payments. NO RESTRICTION ON TRAVKL OR RESIDENCE. Each policy holder hss a roice in the elections ; Profits of the Company annually divided among Policy-holders. The popularity of this Company in the South is shown in the fact of their having placed over 600 Pol cies on their books, through the Southern Branch, in the short time of six months, covering an insurance of over $2,250,000. THOMAS, THOMPSON & CO., Managers Southern Branch. Office, corner Marietta and Broad streets, Atlanta, Ga. aug3-d3m J. R. HOY, Agent, Macon, Gn. COTTON GINS. Grnllet’s Steel Brush Cotton G-ins, Dan’l Pratt’s Eureka and. Swinging Front Gins, S. Z. Hall’s Cotton Gin Feeder. A new and valuable machine, worthy the attention of Planters. Circulars, giving testimonials in great numbers from persons well known, furnished on application* Samples on exhibition atW. A. HUFF’S, comer Cherry t ui Third Streets. Addre.-: F. $. june26-d£wtf JOHNSON, Agent. Macon, Geer T HIS brand of LEAD is warranted. Satisfaction guaranteed or the money refanded. Try it! Prove it 1 L» W. HUNT & CO., MRS. BY DESSACJ HAS OPENED. AND IS CONSTANTLY R1X35TVETO. TBS CAT": NOVELTIES in MILLINERY* jjiv l S GOODS TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, POINT LACES- EMEBQIDERXES, etc. 68 MULBERRY §T„ MACON, 6A. *3~A11 orders promptly attended to. apr2-dJiw m Agents for Macon. CHATHAM MACHINERY A5ENCY, Howard and Berk* Sta., Philadelphia. made by Sutton, with 13 boilers, 40-inch diameter, 45 feet long. 1 V. ALL OP WHICH WE OFFER AT VERY LOW FIGURES, L jnly!6Sm] JOHNSON, CAMPBELL & CO. 1 Beam Engine, 18-inch Cylinder, fonr feet stroke, made by Sutton, with 3 boilers, 36 inch diameter, 38 feet long. , ,, . 40 Roller Looms, 42-inch, 6, 8 and 10 treadles, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms. 42 and 45-inch, 12 and 24 Har ness, 3 ana 2 Boxes, Pick and Pick, and also 4 Boxes. f 56x481st Breaker.) Mule ISct Woolen Cards-. 48x48 2d “ >420 Spindle*. (40x42 Condenser- ) 1%-in. gauge. ('40x421st iireaker.) .Mule lSet Woolen Cards-| 36x42 2d ** >240 Spindles, (Wx42 Condenser. ) 12£-in. gauge. (60x481 ft Breaker,) Mules 2Set Woolen Card3A 4Sx482d ** >432 Spindles* (.48x48 Condenser, j 1%-in. gauge. 2 Mules360 Spindles each, inch gauge. I Sargent's Burr Pieker, large size, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY. FOR COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow. Hodson’a make, large sixe. Speeder 36 inch, two Beaten. . . ^ . , 4 Cotton Cords, 38-ineh, self Strtppen and Grinder, 50 inch traverse. • _ . _ 1 Drawing Frame, fonr Coilors, Dumford’s Draw- 3 Spinning Fr»m«*. 2-Inch Rlnys.lM Spindles each. X “ ** 174-inch 180 With Shading. Belting, etc., Complete to run the cotton macblwery- Warping Mills, by hand and power. I Balling Machine, for candle wick, etc. 50,000 Bobbins. 4V*Will take port COTTON in trade. sep27-eodSxs | Dr* J. O. McKELLAB? OFFICE ON THIRD STREET, XVI CSTV EA3VIX BtriLniW®. I n° Ai i' j JL/ notic 1 DENTAL the shortest t reasonable figures. Cases from ceive prompt attention. aprlbt CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND STS MA CON, G A , B. B. EUSTON, Principal, Late of Dolbear and 3. W. Blackman’s Commercial ■PAINTING- Colleges. New Orleans. N. L. DRURY. House i Sign Painter, T HIS College is open daily from 9 . throughout the entire year, and is now in success A YD PA PICK IIiyGKR ful operation. For want of sufficient room to accom modate the gradual increase of StudeDts, the^ IntU- Sttion has been enlarged. During the vacation an opportunity will be afforded to boys from school ot gaining a knowledge of Commercial Education. The period of study is unlimited: cheap ooaru, healthy city, and reasonable tuition fees are advant ages rendering it desirable for ail to enter ■here. The Commercial Course constitutes I enmanscip, including Commercial Calculations ana eilOKR. fiMXIRR OVER LAWTON S: LAWTON'S fourth street, MACON, oa. PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIA6B. NEW COURSE OF LECTURES, ss i of Anatomy. emorM'"* and What to Lir' • l«e; Manhood O'rerafiJ ws 0 ." . A Literary Department-Englisb Grammatical Course, j Nervous Duoasesaccounted^tor.^xatt ^ ^ fonraj tsO. YarOiroulsni address dot 15. Macos, Oa. i eally Considared •"“•The*? ^ddrssring Secretar7 ■PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAOE HOME IN- atomy. Tf TT-«! B^tjmor. I Street, Baltimore. Md. Flatulence tK* > r '-^£fSP ardiw jqly H-3m STITUTIONS. ( h