The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 05, 1869, Image 3

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x^' A > LOCAL COLXJlVClSr. Adrertlftlnff Index. J. C. Conklin, Merchant Tailor. Fre»b Arrival*—George M. Logan. J. W. Schofield. Attorney at Law. Bibb Postponed Sheriff * Sales—James Martin. Sheriff. ( Attention, Protection Fire Company, No. 1. Sheriff** Sale*—James Martin, Sheriff. For Salo at a Bargaiq—Turpin A Ogden. Bibb Legal Notice—C. T. Ward, Ordinary. London Store. THEY HAVE COME AT LAST. WHAT H \ S OOME P ONE THOUSAND of tt.cmo damifiod SUawla wtncij r.u- ■■ 1 .cell great ticjumcnt laat bcmoq all over tbo State of Georgia. And why ? Bccinae the damage ia to amall that it can hardly bo dctocted, and atill they are aold at onlr half the nanal price. J. EMANUEL. Wonder where I can get one of thoso damaged alia wla ? The London Store ia the place, and J. EMANUEL lathe name. The Loodoo Store ia atill open, and J. EMANUEL ia ready to eell to Ida old and new customers Goods at aneh prices which has always made the London Store a popular place amongst buyers. J. EMANUEL. Don't pass fay the LONDON STORE without com ing in to examine the stock and price, and yon will be anra to boy. J. EMANUEL. If yon want a lino BREAKFAST SHAWL at only onV dollar, call at the London Store. oct3-!f J. EMANUEL. VERY POPULAR f MACK BROTHERS 9 HEW FAHOY G00D8 AHD NOTION STORE. Thor have Among their latest arrivals : Tbo • ‘Accommodation Skirt,*’ justly called *o and Tory mnch liked by the Jadiee. L* Favorite and Boulevard Skirt. Thomson'* Glove Fitting Corset. Embroidered and Plain Corsets, a fall line. Woolen* for Children, a large assortment. Buttons and Gimp* of all color* and in endless variety. FLOP. DE MAYO AND LOVE AMONG THE ROSE. J , A New Perfume. Pearl Beads, Braids,, Beltings and hun dreds of other small articles, which the ladies are looking for every day. 63“ No trouble to show Goods st MACK BROTHERS', oct3-0t Second street, Damour’s block. 1000 YARDS GOOD CALICOES, at 10 eenta per yard. tOO yards latest stylo Dress Goods, at 35 cents per yard. 100 piece* yard wide Bleaching, at 12% cents per yard. A large assortment of Shirtings, lloxnespnns, Osnaburgs. Stripes, Checks, Kentucky and North Carolina Jeans, at manufacturer's pries*, at D. J. BAER'S, oet 8-3t Corner Cherry and Third Streets. NOW IS THE TIME To repair the inroads made upon the physical strength by the heated term which baa closed with September. The vitality that baa been oozing through the pores in tlio form of perspiration, for the last three months, requires to be replaced, as a preparative to tlio cold season which makes inch disastrous havoc with relaxed and untoned systems. The reserve of vigor with which the stoniest man com mences the summer campaign la drained ont of him at its dose, and nnlesa by some means he acquires a new stock of vital energy wherewith to encounter the shock of a colder season, be may droop and wither like the falling leave* whose life-Joieos are exhausted. If it la thus with the strong, how mnch more perilous ia the condition of the weak and ail ing. Their reason must suggest to them, more forcibly than these printed words, tbo nooeesity for invlgoration, and the world having dccidod, after an experience nf almost a quarter of a century, that nOSTETTElYS STOMACH BITTERS embrace each restorative properties as are not possessed by any tonic and alterative preparation in existence. The Importance of resorting to that great Renovator and Begdlator of the human machine, at this critical season ia obviona as the light of day. Let all who desire to eecapo an attack of chills and fever, bil lons remittent fever, dysentery, diarrheas, dyspep sia, rheumatism, hypochondria, or any other of the diseases of which the fall season is the prolific pa rent, have recourse promptly to thf* celebrated pre ventive and restorative. Bucnu. This wonderful medicine lias gained a world-wide fame for the cure of affections of the kidneys and bladder, and all who require it are in search of tlio best. Dromgoole A Co.'s Bnehti, prepared by reg ular physicians of Memphis, Tenn.. is recognized as the best and cheapest. I’rico 31. hold by druggists everywhere. SAVE 25 PER CENT AND BUY YOUR READY MADE CLOTHING AT D. J. BAER’S, CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS. I am offering at reduced prices, 200 Men's Black and Dark Blue Beaver Suits, latest style, mt £25.00 each, worth $40.00. 500 first quality Men's Caeeimere Business Suite, at $15.00 each. 100 Men's Black Dress Suits at a bargain. Boys' Clothing of all grades and qualities, at ae> tonish'ng low prices. 1000 Freedmcn Suita at $3.00 each. Merchants and Planters will do well to my stock before baying elsewhere, at D. J. BAER'S, oet 3-St Comer Cherry and Third streets. The New York Stel Their Entire Stock, oovgisrryG or SILKS, SATINS. MATERIALS FOR SUITS. CLOAKS, SACQCES, CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. VESTINGS. SHAWLS, WOOLEN GOODS, THE MARRIAGE RING. Essays on the Easons or Yocni. and tlio Foixrrs of Aou, in regard to Social Evils, with certain help for the erring and unfortunate. Bent In sealed let ter envelops*, free of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIAI ION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa. aept26-3m Do you shako f Use King of CMlh. King of ObiUs never fails to cure. Dumb and congestive chills cured with King of Chills. King of Chills is the malarial antidote. Words to Motuxrs.—We have the pleasure of annonndug the revival of Dr. Jeoaon’s celebrated medicine, Southern Soothing Syrup, which thou sands of Southern mothers and nureca hivo exten sively used and Justly extolled for ita gentle ano dyne qualities and nutritive support to infant life. Refreshing deep la induced, which ia tlio animua of a healthy, vigorous child constitution. To accuro this everything of a diatreaaing inlluenco upon the nervous system, so inimical to infant life, is dis carded from tbs preparation. Mothers and nurses uso it. It will savo your own rest, and tlio lives of your Infant charges. See advertisement "S. 18 B. 618." YOUR ITVER. If your liver ia torpid and your towels consti pated. take ono doeo of Dromgoole .t Co.'s Liver Pills, and they will act sowell and pleasantly you will have no others. They aro the beat purgative yon ever used. Be Wise is Time.—How many aro there who, afflicted with aiecaao in an incipient stage, delay from time to time having recourse to some reme dial agent, which would effectually arrest the fur ther progress of disease, aud render tlio system Impregnable to its insidious attacks. It is unfor tunately too true—there aro thousands who sink I .into an early gravo—whereas at a trilling expense they might-have lived to a good old age. If there 1 • by i .a. ■ .1 U. luedieme. and thousands j N£W YORK JOBBING PRICES. H.BMOVAL. GOLDSMITH & NUSSBAUM, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, CLOTmXO, BOOTS AND SHOES, AND GENTS' FURNI3HIXO GOODS, hate snores to The Hollingsworth Building, On Fourth street, Adams, Jones k Rey nolds’ Warehouse, whore they will be pleased to aee their old customers, as well aa new ones, to give them an opportunity to inspect one of tho finest and best selected stocks in the city. WHOLESALE BUYERS AND Country Merchants, Bear in Mind That great inducements are offered at this well known establishment, and be anr* lo give them a call while laying in your winter supplies. REMEMBER THE PLACE ! Opposite the new Planters' Warehouse, Hollings worth Bailding. GOLDSMITH k NUSSBAUM. 500 pair* of PANTS, at GOLDSMITH A NUSSBAUM'8, Hollingsworth Bailding. 300 COATS for Freedmcn and Laborers, st GOLDSMITH A NUSSBAUM’S, Hollingsworth Bailding. FURNISHING GOODS at Wholesale and Betail, at GOLDSMITH A NUSSB.VUM'S, Under Byingtoo's Hotel. A large stock of DOMESTICS always on hand, at oetl-Gt GOLDSMITH A XUSSBAUM'3. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, Silk Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons and Trimmings, Gloves. Hosiery and White Goods, CLOTHING AND GF.NTi' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with an unequalled line of New Paris and London Drees Goods, in which will be found Every Novelty of the Season! These Good* comprise the balance of oar Fall Im portation. and include also oar RECENT HEAVY PURCHASES AT AUCTION*. They wi11 Lo sold at VERY A i TRACTIVE PRICES! And the present i* an extraordinary opportunity of purchasing good, seasonable and staple articles at Great Bargain*. S. WAXELBAUM, BRO. <fc CO.. 45 and 47 Second street, Triangular block. Boots and Shoes for the Million AT D. J. BAER’S, CORNER CHERRY AND THIRD STREETS. I am offering 100 dozen Men** beat quality Calf akin Sewed Boot*, at €5.00 each, worth 87.00. 60 dozen Men** Kip Plantation Boots, at 82.50 each, worth 84.00. Boya’ and Youths* Boots of all qualities, at lowest price*. 200 dozen Mena’ Calfskin Gaiters, Balmoral* and Brogans, sewed and pegged, at astonishing low prices. 800 dozen Ladies* and Misses' Shoes of all grade*, at astonishing low prices. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. Merchants and Planters wOl do well to examino my stock, at D. J. BAER'S, oct 3-3t Comer Cherry and Third Streets. WASHINGTON, here all day. The Supreme Court assembled to-day—no qnoriua. present and adjourned to to-morrow. The order of business is as follows: First, argument of cases pending at the cloee of the former term. Next, those for which no days were assigned, and then the regular docket. Revenue from the Southern States is nearly fifty per cent, greater than last year. Boutwell speaks at Philadelphia to-night. Amos Kendall is gradually sinking. His mind is perfectly clear. The President has appointed Samuel Brown, Jr., Assessor Fourth Tennessee District, vice Tune. Virginia has paid 81,840,000 tax on manufactured tobacco, between March and September. The Northern train, duo at 5 o'clock, will not ar rive till midnight. Seizure of the**^tearner Cuba. Wilmington. Oct. 4.—The privateer Hornet alias nfo, ffOin Tfew York'f¥£h&6h>r IT TalterpTrom Philadelphia; schooner Althea, from Philadelphia; schooner J. S. Clarke, from Philadelphia. Sailed, steamer Key West, for Sew Pork ; bark Ik B. Wal ker, for Savannah; schooner E. M. Baxter, for Wil mington, X. C.; schooner Mary Collins, for Wilming ton, N. C.; schooner Joseph Logan, for Jacksonville. CITY BANKING COMPAQ OF MACON. CASH CAPITAL, : : : : 8200,000 C. A. SUITING. PlUIDIXT. otaacroae: W. lb JOHN.-TON. J.J. GRESHAM. File.—We regret to announce that a fire broke ont in the gin-house of CoL H. A. Clinch, near this place, on Wednesday last, about noon, which, spreading to a saw mill contiguous, en tirely consumed both buildings in a very short time, together with a gin and two and half bales of cotton. It is supposed a match was dropped into the cotton while being picked, which came in contact with the saws of the gin, igniting and doing the damage. The misfortune of Colonel C. is deeply lamented by his friends. Loss about $2000.—Hancock Journal. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, X X. SHEA, MERCHANT TAILOR. THE HURLEY'S AGUE TONIC! COATS, PANTALOONS N0AB8MC ~ N0HERcnBT< SIX GREAT REMEDIES OF THE AO-E- Daily Review of the Market. Cuba, appeared off Smithville on Saturday evening with Caban colors flying. It has been definitely as certained that she has two hundred men and thirty officers aboard, the majority of the latter being cx- Confederaies. Her armament consists of eight heavy guns. Yesterday she anchored inside the bar and sent an engineer and purser to the city to se cure a supp'y of coal, that taken aboard off New York not being adapted to quick movements. Sus picions being soon aroused, the officers, after en gaging a supply cf coal, returned to the vessel with out making arrangements to get the coal aboard. They left tho city last night about twelve o'clock for Smithville, tLiriy-Sve miles below the city, in a small yawl. Collector of Customs Rumley chartered tho steam tug Alpha this morning at four o'clock, and having placed in tho hands of Deputy United States Mar shal a warrant issued by the United States Com missioner, placed him aboard of her with part of the Customs force, with orders to detain the priva teer until farther orders. Col. Frank, commander of the Unitod States troops posted at Smithville. is expected to co-operate with the Deputy Marshal and force if necessary. The Alpha has not yet re turned. Further intelligence will be telegraphed immediately on her arrival. The officers who visited I tbo city were very bold and confident, insisting that groceries; but we have no change to note in prices. OFFICE DAILY TELEGRAPH. \ October 4—Evening, ISC9.) Cotton*.—Receipts to-day 4S7 bales; sales 225; shipped 2S3. Tho market opened firm, with a good demand, this morning, at 24 cents, and continued thus until the usual noon dispatches were received, when prices advanced & half cent—the market closing firm at 24# cents for middlings. UACON-COTTON" STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept. 1,1S09—bales.. 179 Received to-day. * 487 Received previously 12,710—13,197 13,S7C Shipped to-day 2S3 Shipped previously 8,103— 8,S91 Stock on hand this evening 4.9S5 FKXJOHT ON COTTON FROM XACON. Freight, all rail to Savannah 80.55 9 100 Ibe Freight, sail Savannah to Boston....t* lb Freight, sail Savannah to Liverpool.9-lCd, and Id V lb by steam. Freight, through by rail and steam to New York 81.35 V 100 lbs Freight, through by rail and steam to Philadelphia 1.35 V 100 lbs Freight, through bv rail and steam to Baltimore 1.35 V 100 lbs Freight, through by rail and steam to Boston, via New York 1.70 V 100 lbs Trade was very good to-day. both in dry goods and VESTS Evory SECOND : rticlo si m j' Com by the cxr-loxJ is Belling at 1 £0 per boabel; retailing at 1 60. Bacon firm and unchanged. Other articles quiet at Saturday's figures. I,*TtST MARKETS 11V TSUWRAPB. Domestic Markets. Xtrw You, October 3, noon Southern securities are lower—especially North Carolina*. Tcnneseeee, ex-coupons 60X961: new 52%<<g52M. North Caro lines, ex-coupons, 49@50: new 43343V. South Carolina*, now C4}f(.iC5. Export of specie for the week $250,000. Gold closed at 29^- New You, October 4, noon. — Stocks steadv. I Money 6(37. Sterling, long 8}*; short 8}*. Gold 29V- I6C2s 19V. Teqpeasees, ox-eonpons, 64; COTTON new. 51}*. Virginias, ex-eoapons, 63; new, 57V- LouisUnaa, oM. 69: new, 65; levees, 65: 8s 82; ' Alabama 8s 90V: 5s 03. Georgia 6* 82V: 7* 89. I North Carolines, old 50; new 43. MADE TO MEASVRK. FROM the MOST VARIED HANDSOME MATERIAL. PRICES TO SUIT METERS. * No. 44 SECOND STREET, MACON, GA. auc29-tf LADII'S’ GRECIAN SENDS, OLOVE-VID BUTTON BOOTS AND SLIPPERS, Bronze and White Kid Slippers, rP.KBT.MACOa.GA. 1 with their Trad* Mask wa (the BESTQUAhlTY. PLANTKKS m.NKS. ■ ia all its u4 virimtj-. Uaviec no etronlatlen to protect, tho whole capital ia ruaractoed for tbo aociuity of Depositors and Patron,. an»12-daw;:mo FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON. —PaxsisaxT. ...Caaaiam. Corner Second and Cherry Streets. I \LSCOUNT. DEPOSIT AND COLLECTION. U Exrhansr Booth! and Fold. Liberal sdeanoeo medo e* ahiimeats of Cotton to any rood Northern or Curupees houter. Collect iur., promptly el tended It. there is no process by which a privateer can be legally detained. The event creates mnch excite ment The Cuba was seized by the Deputy U. 8. Marshal at Smithville at 12 Jt to-day, and brought up to the dty and anchored half a mile below. A number of offloers are now in the city, and poaitive in tbeir declarations that there ia no pretext under which the can be detained by the authorities any longer than necessary to hare an investigation in arma ment and crew. Tho Cuba ia a formidable veaael, and represented to have great speed. She is short of coal and proviaiona, and machinery considerably •1 -rat h The following is a complete list of officers; Com modore Fdward Higgins, Commander; Thomas L. Dorwin, Lieutenant Commander; David A. Telfair, Navigator officer and Lieutenant; C. W. Read. M m m H M m HH IJontenant * Dr Frcl J McVnltv finrernn ■ I n,I1 , T unchanged. Com dull and declining. Mess atrietly sCommimioD Bu-insm, and shsll five special Lieutenant, Dr. red. J. McNulty, Stugcon, p or £ nominll at so 35 Lard, barrels, 1S@18V. care and attsntieo to all buainc.-j entrusted to us. Eniiqno Yoliente, Paymaster; Prentiss Ingra- Freightsauiet. 4 I Weretnrneorsineere thaokito ourolj p.itrons fe bam. Captain of Marines and Privateer Secretary to the Commodore; Dr. E. W. Dnboise, Assistant Surgeon; D. D. Monroe, First Lieutenant Assistant Marines; Nicholas Esling, Master; R. Somers, En- XJErVIjETns : \ITE acain tender ynu our services as Cottun Fac- s TT tor* and Commission Merchant?, at our old Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and nomi- I stand on Third *trcet. and pledge ourselves to conduct Freights quiet. Cotton firm; middlings, 27V- Nxw You, October 4. evening—Cotton firmer, hot cloeing quiet; sale* 2800 bale* at 23. Floor heavy and lower; superfine State 5 55(95 80; . _ „ „ . „ . _ common to fair extra Southern 6 25(36 70. Wheat ■tgn; Henry 8. Coke, Ensign; A. M. Mason, En- heavy and X«*2c lower; red Western 142@1 44; H- aign; lb H. Gibson, F.n«ign ; Wm. D. Phillips, Mid- linois 128@1 35. Corn heavy and 233c lower; mix- ahipman; Antonio Man ex. Midshipman: T^nl. 1 cd Western 9&3101- w u ? ’. TT^ Governments heavy; 1862s 19V- Southerns ir- Frendt, Chief Engineer; Bobi. Graham, First A*> regular. Money easy at 7; some business at 6. aistant Engineer; John Lynch, First Assistant En- Sterling improved anil at 7*(@8V- Gold atcady at gineer; Wm. H. Robinson, First Assistant Engineer; 28K- Stock* closed atcady. James Dennison, Second Assistant Engineer; Ste- Bairmou, October 4.—Cotton a shade hotter, phenKeamey Second Aaristant Engmeer; Joaquim l’o^rT Howard St. superiln. 6 00* Agniar, Second Assistant Engineer; Edward O. Tor- I 0 25. Wheat duU at 1 40(31 45. Corn, mixed West- alias, Second Assistant Engmeer: John Malloy, era. 1 00. Oats dull at 58(360. Rye 116*120. Mess Paymaster’s Clerk; W. J. Faherty, JIastor’s Mate. «•* W_00. Bacon firm; shoulders 17V@17V. | put favors and solicit a continu me-* of tha fame, si would reque-t Plantrrs fenrrally, to five u* a trial, aJ we make the sals of cotton a speciality. Shall be prepared to reader the ucua .-.ceomrcoda- tion JONATHAN fOLLTXB & 8U.V, COTTON VACTORS, Ialyl-dtw3in MACON, GA. u.TJLTw^\ U wVi£^'a;"*pi^L” t ' W " I Arrival of Filhbasters on the Florida Coast. Savsuab, October 4.— The Morning News has reports from Florid* of the arrival of the steamship The New York Store Would respectfully inform Country Merchants AND RETAIL BUYERS, That, notwithstanding tho great rush they baTS had lately upon tbeir stock, they are still enabled to offer everything in the way of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WOOLEN GOODS, BLANKETS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, Etc., Etc., Etc., At prices which will compare favorably with of well attested cases Ohtsblinh beyoiitl tin* j Ulitvof a doubt, tbo curative proportion of any ono particular remedy, Umh llurley’11 Sarsaparilla and rut ash is unquestionably the greatest medicine ever introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not, therefore, to nso it, if BuflVrmg fi\>m any of the ills which flesh is heir to.—Herwd (Omtmtzton, Texas.) July 11 tf Tin Hchan Form Divide.—What sad havoc Scrofula inflicts on the human system. How Rlieu- matUm distorts tho frame. What misery the in judicious use of Calomel entails. How sad the effects of Syphilis transmitted from parent to child. Would yon avoid those terriblo afflictions, fail not to use Dr. TUTTS SARSAPARILLA. AHD QUEEN S DELIGHT. It penetrates every fibre of the sys tem, even into the bones, and eradicates every trace Call and examine before purchasing. S WAXKLBAUM, BRO. & CO., 45 and 47 Second street, Triangular block. of disease. oct S-dAwl* Woman's Best Friend.—Dr. J. Bradfield's 44 FY- male JCegulator" for sale by druggists everywhere, is beyond all doubt the beet cmenagogno known tor; tho medical profession. It is no quack nostrum, but a legitimate prescription, purely vegetable, re commended and prescribed by tbo best physicians in tbo State. Suffering woman! do not let your fears nor the prejudices of others cause you to re main iu misery. Read Dr. Bradfield’s column, fol low his advice, and butler no more. bep9-dlm ENGLISH FEMALE LI ITERS Cures all female complaints; Cures wife, daughter and mother. Cures cases pronounced incurable, Cures all irregular uterine actions, Cures hysterics and chlorosis. Cures diseases peculiar to females. J. P. Dbomooole & Co., Proprietors, Memphis, Tt-un. Sold by Druggists. READ THESE LINES AND PONDER THEM WELL The beet tests of the merits of my proprietary article is to ascertain what is thought of it at home where it is manufactured. Such a test Uppman'a Pyrafuge can well stand, as to-day it is decidedly the favorite remedy for chills and fever, dumb ague and Other diseases of a malarious origin, in the city of Savannah where it is prepared. The principal druggtst* of the city would a* much think of doing castor oil in their ntoro* as to be without this prpolar (and deservedly so) remedy. It is a vegetable preparation free from deleterious drugs, and acts as a touic upon the entire system, thereby invigorating the system, ho much so as to enable it to throw off disease. Pyvafxige does not nauseate or sicken the patient, and can be taken by the most delicate persona without fear. If should' always bo at hand. a» chi.Is and fever creep upon us so stealthily that we are not aware of its approach un til it is upon us. A word to the wise is sufficient, SaraKt.a \ iforniiq Xews, may 2-tf KAY ION'S OIL OF LIFE cores all aches and pains, ami is the great remedy for Rheumatism and Neuralgia. RAYTON*S PILLS cure Sick Headache and all bilious diseases. 75 dozen MEN'S BLACK AND COLORED FUR HATS, at *2.00 each, worth 53.50 each. 100 dozen Mens* Black and Brown Brash and Beaver Hats, at $3.00 each, worth 85.00. 200 dozen Men's Black and Colored Wool Hats, at $4.50 per dozen. Always on hand a large assortment of Bovb* and Children's Hats, at D. J. BAER’S, oct 3 3t Corner Cherry and Third Streets. w, hopsoint c*5 co. Are now opening a enperb stock of Fall and Winter Dry floods! Mr. W. A. Hopson writes to them from New York as follows: “I have made a heavy combination hero. We have bought goods in largo quantities of parties who were obliged to sell at great sacrifices, and the majority of our stock can be sold at prices lower than those which prevailed before the war. “Those Hilk and wool Poplins cost the importers Go cents—sell them at 37>* cents. The Stciuback's yard wide Furniture Prints cost to import 40 cents— sell them at 25 cents. “And in making the stock, always give our cus tomers the advantage of what we save in purchasing, no matter how low the goods are bought." sept22-tf SOLOMONS’ BITTERS roR sale nr X.. W. HUNT & CO., Druggists, Nos. 82 and 84 Cherry Street, MACOS, GEORGIA* COURT OF BANKRUPTCY. F RANK S. HKSSELTINE. RegUter. will hold i Court of Bankruptcy at Fort Valley, October Stb. Macon. ** 0t b. America#. ** II th. Cuthbert, “ 12:lx 13th. Albany, ** 15tb. geptw-tf troy rosiaiiii ibmuvav.y. Ihia Institution offers the accumulated advaa’acee of over 50 years' succes>tul operation. Every facility i# provided tor a thorough cour #e of aaeful and ornamental education, under the dire ition of a oorpa of more than twenty professors and teach er*. For circular*, apply to JOHN H. WILLA.RD, Troy, N. Y. au*21-42nt I. C. PLANT & SON. .Bankers and Brokers, XFFICB In th. Flr*t Ssti^n.l Buk BalMlnc. on * (Imt. -reo.H d ‘"T from lh. mwr of SttondMiHt. Will Bu hirht m4 Time Kxehanc on th. North. Swuub, Autmn sod other nointa. aakelib.r.1 .dnumw on Cotton in Store in Muni, or on ihi.mMit. of Cmttom to tomi finthm or Xarono*. bioireo, or «» Bonds. Stork* or other rood iNuntire Will i'*reb*M and Nil BONDS, STOCKS, GOLD, ‘ SILVER. and m*k. larMUuMt, fur portiw u tbej may direct. tnxj3 Cm* T. J. PERKINS, B A N K E R, EC PA ULA \LABA\TA. tf Exrhuire, Bank No tea and Coin boscht end Mid. Collr-tiom made on .11 Moenibl. rninu In AUbaat aadUMnie. wtB-2* GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, FOB THE BENEFIT OF THE Orphans’ Home and Free School. Draws daily in public in Balaton’s Hall Block, Third street, op stairs, Macon, Georgia. The following were the drawn numbers, in tho Supplementary Scheme, October 4; EVENING DRAWING-CLASS No. 474. 3, 30.10, 37, 51, 47, 13, 52, GO, GJ, 77, 43,27- * Thirteen Drawn Numbers. oct 4-lt CITY AFFAIRS. TUESDAY MORNING, OOTOBEtt 5, 1SC9. ApoLoomc.—Tho city editor of tho TTLxenarn haa boon absent for the last few days, attending to private business affairs, and hie department of tbo paper, therefore, has suffered some neglect. Ho is now sgain at his post, and will mako amends by in creasing his labors for awhile. Pjltott Fiax Exnxomsuxn.—This miehine was exhibited yeeterdxy afternoon. The result was most satisfactory. In the absence of the Mayor, Colonel W. K. deGraffenriod was appointed Chairman, and who gave tho following certificate. The Extin guisher is most effective in incipient fires: "We take pleasure in stating that we witnessed tho experiments of Mr. T. H. Morgan with Bab cock's Patent Fire Extinguisher, this afternoon, in front of the City Hall, and that he succeeded in ex tinguishing four large fires in a very short time, and in our opinion, the machine performed in every re spect aa Mr. Morgan represents it.” W. K. DEGBArrtLviuxD, Chairman. L. W. Hot. A. McCallie. W. J. Lawton. D. C. Griftix. VmoiL Powers. Southwestern Railroad Co. Alabama at Fcrnandina on Friday night from Now j sales 460; receipts 670. Lard 19010}*. Whisky firm at 12201 22}*. Virginias, old 45; coupons, old, 49; new 51 bid. Savaxsan, October 4.—Cotton receipt* 2080 bales; market dull; middlings 23}*; sales 508 bales. Augusta, October 4.—Cotton opened firm at 25 for middling, bat closed weak and }*@}*e lower; York, with five hundred men, including sixty offi cers. for the Cuban expedition now rendezvousing on the gulf coast. Tho men were immediately put aboard the cars and sent to Cedar Keys where steamers await them. Two hundred men arrived at Baldwin, Florida, from Savannah, on Saturday night. They are supposed to be a portion of a com mand now organizing in Middle Georgia. Fearful Storms and Floods. Balttxokx, October 4.—The loss by a terrific flood last night, is nearly a quarter of a m llion dollars. FoXTXias Moxnox, October 4.—A heavy north easter prevailed last night. Nxw Yoke, October 4.—A heavy galo and torrents of rain at daylight this morning. The tide is very high. PHiutDEifnia, October 4.—Tbo Schnylkfll River has risen ten feet and mnch Ckablzstox, October 4.—Cotton firmer and ad vanced }*6W*° 1 Halo 425 bales; middlings 25}*Q 25%; receipts 1010. JUDGE OF US BY THE PAST, ADAMS, JONES & REYNOLDS U 70ULD respectfully ny to the Cotton Flantert of 8oathwestern *n<l Aiiddlo U*orfUw when It b«a been tbeir pleasure to serve the imvt tca&H* so rutis- fkctorilf, that they will find them fully prepared an{ reedy to reeelve. store, ship or sell to the very hr it advantage, nil Cotton consigned to them during the foming season; while totbcie who have not be cto- fore tried ur, we would sey we kaow wee . > plewe you. We offer the usual aceommoda ion to our patron* on tbeir rrowin* crop#, and wil take pleasure in fill PERFECTLY RELIABLE. Ihe only remedy for Chilli and Fever, or Atveuid Fever, that is or can be depended upon, U HUR- LEY’S AGUE TONIC. There have been thousand* cured by urim? it who have tried the usaal remedies without benefit. WORTHY Or ATTB28TIOV. T) Dr. Thos. A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during laat year I waa attack ed with the Ague whilst in Vicksbura, Miss., and used several popular medicine* with but temporary relief. On reaching home tho disease returned in a worse type, if possible, when my medical attendant ordered Qui nine in largo doses— frequently as high as *ix»y c:rnins per day. and which must have cost mo nearly 1 C'H suited Dr. fcmith, of Louisville, aud found be prescribed quinine and arsenio combined, which I refused to take, preferring to let the disease take ita course. I vras almost bloodne?*, extremejy exhausted. a*>d pronounced with enlarge Liver and Spleen. About this time tho advertisement of Hurley’s Ague Tonic appeared in a city paper, and I determined to give it atria!. I did so, and have no reason to regret it. t'ne bottle restored me completely, andsincc that time I have seen nearly a hundred cn-«rs in which it acted with equally hap'>y results, and would certainly recommend it a- preferable to any other tonic before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Locisviu.*, Ky„ June 15.1S05. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD! HURLEY’S SAR.-APARILLA, IODIDE POTASH. Affection* of (tie Hone*, IUbUual (Okllire- iim«, Debility, Dlaeoaea of tli** Kidney*. m*l>ep«lH, Kryalpelns, Femnle Irreg- ulnrtt lew* Fistula, all Skin DUcnirS) Liver Conijilnini, Indlftr«tton f Pile*. Pul monary OUcnMr*. Scrofula, or King'- Kvlt, Syphilis, ami all ImpurltD* ox ttie lS!ood. Lo aparilln Hurley’* 8ai I bclio.vo it thMU. jp public. A^othing under the h totayio without proof of th kind; therefore! fpeak will the subject. My daughter has bc-n aHli anditiffooMof tl ployed the principal p hylic In I3VII.LK, April 4, lrt»>5. it it i.s rej'rcsented, and ul medicine before tU nivens could iuiluce mo »• strongest ami surest ir.idy and p-itivedyon th ski nl )ch: could not cure not expecting it w< aatonUhmeut she c t i nu* • II would not give thi the only remedy ' medical qualities, Jd.7 ell. . J and they four Sarsaparilla, d, but to my great ‘ ' ik God Heine 1 ur Sarsaparilla, doubt Any person requl m statement, will find me nt and Walnut street.*, Loui th-.: it alone cured her. Ll’KR HKVNdLnP., g Ihe truth and honesty of tins, corner Ninth HURLEY’S POPULAR C »NDY. A, thit 1, t all- Crude Turpemino unchanged. Tar steady at 2 80. Cotton steadv at 24'*(<r25 for low middlings. LocwvnxB. October 4.—Provisions firm. Mess Pork 32 00. Bacon, shoulders 17; clear sides 20}*. Whisky 115. Cixccwati, October 4.—Whisky 1 17. Mess Pork unchanged. Lard unsettled at 16,,. Bacon held firmly; shoulders 16}*; clear sides 20; demand light. Mobile, October4.—Cotton is in fair demand and closed firm: sales 700 bales; receipts 1639; ex ports 184; middling, 24}*@24}*., NewOkleacw, October 4.—Cotton firmer; sales 3550 bales; middlings 21}*@25; receipts 7580. Flour dull at 5 75ur 6 27. Com tinner; white 112. Oats 59&60. Bran 1 20. Mess Pork 33 75. Bacon firm; shoulders 17}*; clear rib sides21; clear sides nronertv hai been de- 2l *i h * m8 Lard firm at 19(tf21}*. Sugar property nas Dcen ue- Molasses, roboiled 62V<a75. Wliisky stroyed. 1 27}*. Coffee qniot and unchanged. Freights im- Doveb Plains. N. Y., October 4—The Harlem Liverpool 11-lGd; Havre 1J*C; New York railroad track above Milicrton, is all washed away. (told 31. Sterling 38}*. New York Sight x dis- Tbe bridges at Copake and Ghent are gone. [ count. Pom Jabto, October 4.- The storm was very Foreign’Markets. ' revere, a he river i. twenty feet higher than on noon.-Consois 93}* Bond. Friday. The wires aro interrupted. No reports be- $*v. yond Deposit Liyxispool. October 4, noon.—Cotton steady; np- Wasmsoros, October 4.—Tho Northern train due lands 12}* ^Orleans 12}*. at day light, arrived at nine o’clock. From Virginia. RicnwoND, October 3.—Abont fifty members of j tho Legislature have arrived. Very few, if any, are committed to candidates for Senators, and all seem to be waiting for a caucus to determine matters. Tbs names chiefly mentioned by the Walker men to-night for Senators, are Franklin Steams, Gen. Robert Williams and Lieut. Governor John F. Lewis. A caucus of Walker men will be held to-morrow night, to nominate for officers of Legislature. Ste- phaneas Tomer and John B. Crenshaw, are spoken of for speakers of the House. The Senatorial election will not take place until the end of next week. A heavy storm here all dav. „ . , . _ , _ ... ieg their order* ffranoplies promptlv »nd mt Inwest Wilmisotos, October 4.—Spirit* Turpentine firm market rate,. Call and nc ut at the at 41. Rosin quiet at 1 75(33 75 for No. 2 and No. 1. I tee mii PLASTERS’ WARKHOISE. Opposite Brows’, and Brington’i Hotels. iuIyS-dAwim Lateb.—Cotton firmer; sales 10,000 bales. Hans Beeitmann Aeoct Town—Is the title of a pamphlet containing many popular Dutch songs and ballads, by Charles G. Leland, so well known to the public as the most humorous of all the ‘•Dutch" poets. There ia net a stanza in the little work be fore us that is not laughter-provoking, and those who like fan will be greatly pleased with it. Messrs. Havens k Brown have it. Clothing for All.—It will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, that Mr. J. C. Conklin, Merchant Tailor, gives notice that he is prepared to fit everybody and the rest of mankind with a few Chinese thrown in. All young men who contem plate doing anything seriotu this season, would do well to try him. He also offers good inducements to parties out of the dty. Pasties moving in different parts of the dty can have their papers left at their booses by leaving di rections at this office. Jcst Received.—Messrs. Havens k Brown, have just received at their News Depot, No. 46 Second street, the following late Newspapers and Periodi cals : Harper's Weekly, Leslie's Zeitnng. London News, Waverlv Magazine, Hearth aud Home, Tuif. Held and Farm, Day'* Doings, Spotting Timas, Budget of Fun, Yankee Notions, Chimney Corner, (monthly port.) XIX th Century for October. From Louisiana. New Orleans, October 3.—The work excavating for the New Orleans Ship Island Canal, waa com menced yesterday, about a mile above C&rrolton. Mr. Pratt. President, dug the first dirt and delivered a brief address. Speeches were made by Got. War- mouth, Lieut. Governor Dunn and others. A con tract haa been made with the dredging company to excavate the Canal from Mississippi River to Chef Menteur. Political Storms in Spain. Madrid, October 4.—Insurrectionary movements are maintained at different points. The Republican volunteer forces have collected in the cities of Mad rid. Barcelona and elsewhere, for the purpose of rescuing prisoners. The telegraph lines are cut. A train carrying Government dispatches was stopped. Much alarm exists at Bejar, where the populace is much excited and unruly. Republican deputies to the Cortez have organize counter-revolutionary Democratic bands in Hersea and Martaado. Theee bands have been defeated at Martasdo. Serious events may occur at any moment, but Madrid, for the time, remains quiet. General Hews. Philadelphia, October!.—The ShifflerHose Com pany were attacked. The police is said to have led the attack and eeveral were hurt—all right. Foreign News. Vienna, October 4.—La Press© publishes Paris advices that Napoleon hopes to announce at the meeting of the Senate and Corps Legislatiff, a gen eral and simultaneous disarmament of the European powers. London, October 4.— A person at Kings Hos pital has been identified as either Kelly or Deary, one of the Fenians rescued at Manchester. Police are guarding the prisons to prevent another rescue. Marine New*. New Yore. October 3.—Arrived, coasters Clyde, Hatteras and Sherman. Savannah, October 4.—Arrived, bark George Dnskee, from Darien; steamer Enchantress and Schooner Saxon, from New York. Charleston, October 4. — Arrived, steamer Munntonia, from New York; schooner A. P. Cron- CONSIGNKKS Jl. A W. It. It. Macon, October 4, 13&K W A Rice; Johnson. C Jt Co; E Price; J Holmes Sc Co: W A Huff; Rocer*’ Sons;SeymourT Sc Co; Li*ht- foot A J; A Krcuti; Rogers Sc B: Primdl S: B: T 1 Lace; J K Itice; Brook*. J St Co: A L Butt*; J W Burke A Co; Mrs A F Sherwood; R .** Norton; Dunn A B; Wrialey A K: D A Bents; R F Woodruff: J Valentino; Cliaby Sc R: II W Boifeuillet; Jones All; JB Roes Sc Son; LW Hasdai; II F Anderson; J?mitb, W Sc Co. F. M. COKER, banker; AMERICU8, GEORGIA, D oes a general banking business: Buys and Sells Stocks. Bonds, Coin and Exchange MONEYS invested as parties direct. COLLECTIONS promptly rexitted on days of ma turity. at lowe«f rates of exchange. COTTON BOUGHT ON OBD fcK. fsep7-*m* WANTED, A GOOD COOK. None need i commenlei. Apply at ECPtl4-tf" lAWTOH & liAWTOS, COTTON FACTORS FOURTH STREET, MACON, GA. U AVISO thoroaably reflUtd our Warehouse, nnl havinf a rplo *tor*fe for all Cotton conruned to us. we again lender ourservices toourfricidsitml the public as Cotton Factors and Warehou-o men We late ihii occasion to return our thank, to our patross of ibe p«ft eea«ou, and assure them that we shall on- icavorln the future, as we have ti me In tho past, to secure lor them the best prices that r *a b* obtained in Macao* which wo deem, ail thing* considered, one of the very best cotton markets. To thofo who have not tried us. we rimply refer to our former cu*tomers, and promilf tou-rour beat efforts to servo *11 who tire us the benefit of their t»u*incf*. Uur place of business is at tbo old stand of LAWTON Sc LAWTON, lepd-dawlu Fourth street. Hardeman & Sparks, MERCHANTS, deem it wholly uonccesfary to make promises a* to tbeir williognc. s c.nd ability toeerve them faithfully and advantageously. Theirlonjf * xperi' n* -r. i the large puir*rja>e which ht? ever b‘*« n i«* 1 thr \ <m h. m proof conclusive •hat they deserve the confidence of the planting com munity. and by prompt and honc-t attention to their interest they intend to merit in toe future, the pat ronage so liberally given them in the past. ORDERS FOR SUPPLIES promptly filled at low- en Market Prices, and the usual Mciii i<* •x cn lfd to those who entrust their busice*-* with u?*. O. G. SPARKS. T. HARDEMAN, Js. aus2S-d3m J. A. WALKER. J. E. GRAYBILL. J. A. WALKER & CO., r OTTON PACK KRS a:.d Dealer, in all kir.di of Loose Cotton, Samples. Pickings and Waste, re spectfully tender their service* to the basinets com munity generally, and especially to the Ware house Merchants of tho city. Particular attention paid to "rec-ms'ructin*” water-paeke i and mixed The highest market price pari for ’>V ocl and Hides. rept23-lm * GEORGIA, STATE FAIR BULLETIN CIH.CTTXATIOU BOUT th. Er-t week in Oc'.obr 25,000. TWENTY-FIVE levin of »he treat Southern Expo* men of Agriculture and Mechanics, to be held in Macon. Go., commenc ing November l*:h, 18*39. will be issued for cratuitioos circulation within the State. The Bclletin wil! contain the Premium LLt Re vised—now first published complete—Regulations of the Exhibition, Instructions to Exhibitors, Officers of the various Industrial Assc.ciations of Georgia, Pre parations for the Fair—including the arrangements made upon the Fair Ground, and by Radroads, Hotels, etc., for the convenience and accommodation of ex»* hibitors and visitors, and the address of Boarding Houses and citizen? t^.a* vr\\'. be p r c-r ire : to er tertain guests—acd articles upon every other subject in con nection with tho Fair deemed of interest to those among whom tho Bulletin will circulate—the pro ducers of Georgia. Five thousand copies of the Bulletin will be re served for distribution upon the Fair Ground during Exhibition, and twenty thousand judiciously circula- tel immediate'? upon publication from the office of Colonel D. W. Lewis. Secretary of the State Agricul tural Society, No. 66 Mulberry street. Wholesale Merchants. Manufacturers, aud Dealers in Specialties bare presented to them, in the enor mous edition ot the Bulls tin. a medium of extending their business which, in extensive circulation, was never before api roached in this State. The space de voted to advertisers is limited. The following are tho Advertising itate* : One Column (_8 squire« > $190; llalf Column (14 squares) $5-5; Quarter Column (7 squares) 830; Le^s spa'-e per square. $.0. Tho?e desirous of availing themselves of th3 Bul letin should forward their favors a? once.addressed to X. PINK 11AM. Macon, Ga. tAo Citizens who will be prepared to receive guests during the Fair, will confer a favor by leaving their address at the office of Col. Lewis, or through the Post-office with the Publisher. septl2-tf Brilliant Bar and Restaurant, 45 Third Street, Macon, Go* X. H. BENNER, Proprietor. I N addition to the elegant BAR kept at this house, the proprietor has lately fitted up a FIRS f-CLASS RESTAURANT, where his patrons can obtain meals at all hours. Fresh oyster*, fish and game served up on short notice and in the best style. 4 . None but the choicest wines and liquors keptot this Bor, sept23-lm TAMABLE PLANTATION Fort saijS. O N F int River, Crawford coun'y, eight miles from Southwestern Railroad, containing I20Uacres, 450 eiear< d and in high stateofcultivation. An e'vgant cot- tage hou e with six large rooms and beautiful Flower Yard and good Water, f be Land will produce twenty to forty bushels of Corn per acre with good .-cigons. Will be sold with the Place, if desired, Stock of all kind* ; Farming Utensils. C<*rn, Fodder, et''. Address A. W. GIBSON, Macon, Ga., or S. F. An- dehson. on the Place. sept7-tf . GIBSON & ANDERSON. >.ri! p 1. t .1..: ‘ • I!. 1 f(» 1 surprising that it is u: f t •, k i preparations for worms - i» and any child will fake i*. Messrs. James Ruddle A ( me great pleasure to say, wife remedies known to rue, with children. 1 m* advised to and sinco using it. my (hi and healthy : Ihe children w is so pleasant, if wo wouli it bone of the best and salt as sueh, recommend it LOUI8VILT.K. K y.. Ju ould eat it ail (ho time, d let them. I bid lev ,.«* remedies known. • ,• nd nil. I \M1> W. TRAVIS. Notice to Mothers. J»R. f»B ,7 3B.O&2I S IHFA-aT S00! KING SYRUP. tion quite ui» Pleasant to ta’- rcliablo in all ( turo, only SI- ivith the adt e, harmless ii S. a coiubina of the age.-* d. efficient and : foliowinj; dis- SCMMEK COMPLAINTS. 1 KREUULAhITl KS OF THE BOWELS. RESTIVHNKSS. TEETHING. Eic., Etc. (tlves health to the child ar:d rest to ‘he m« ther. NaHHVII. Janies Ruddle. <£ Co. NOTICE MPANY, j* OrricsSavisnah, Griffin Sc North Ala Railroad Com Griffin, Ga., September 2, IV P URSUANT to a resolution adopted by the Presi dent and Board of Directors of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad Company, at Griffin. Ga., Augusta, 1S6D, notice is hereby given th&t an installment often per cent, on the unpaid capital stock of this Company is required to be paid at the office of the Secretary and Treasurer, at Griffin, Oa., on the first day of October next. Stockholders at Newnan and vicinity are author ized to pay their installmentr to George E. Smith, Newnan. Ga. MILO S. FREEMAN, eepta-tf Secretary and Treasurer. THE GEORGIA PAPER MILL, Carroll County, Ga., WILL pay Co?h fnr RAGS. ROPE. RAGGING. ?T and old PAPERS. Urders*olicsted lor WRAP PING, MANILLA and PRINT PAPER. New Mil!, pure water, live men. Prices low. Terms cash. , . , , All inquiries promptly answered. Address t> u k i Pr*« fn septl8-3n KELLOGG. Pres. Co.. * College Temple," Newnan. JSO. U. 8HOETKR. A. W. PERSONS- SHORTER & PERSONS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, HA CON, G A., W ILL practice in the United Slates Courts, at Savannah and Atlanta, and in the State Courts wherever our services are desired. ^^Collections solicited. iul*24-tf hereby take notice that I have applied to the Commissioner of Pensions for a re-issue of Land war rant 93.44L originally issued to Eliza Jones, of said county, and sold by said Eliza Jones to me, the origi nal warrant for the same having been lost septl8-law6w O, F. ADAMS. , , February 12.t *08. Louisville, Kij.: When liviug in your city I med several bottlceof Dr. beabro.k's Infant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child more good, and it would rest better after using it. than any other remedy I ever tried. lean say with confidencc.itis the best medicine forchildren at present known. I wish y/11 would gettke Druggists hereto kc**p it. If any one does, please let me know ; ne dozen by exprevf, and I will pay for it at the office here. i\ rite me when you e-end it, aud oblige MRv. I-AKAII L. RANDOLPH. Hurley’s Stomach Bitters, For Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weak firm, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, Want Of Action of the Liver, or Disordered Stomach. There are no Bittere that compare with the*.e in re moving theto din resting complaint*. For salo or can be had at any drug store in the United Rtates. or from the Proprietor.-, JAMES RUDDLE Sc CO., Louisville, Ky. To Jae. Raddle & Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen : This is to certify that I have been for yeare a rufferer, and have tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen advertised, with little or no relief from any of them. I heard your Hurler Bitters high ly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and, to rny surprise and joy, be fore I finished one bottle, I felt a great deal better, and firmly believe that on one or two occasions it was the means of saving and prolonging my life. I con scientiously recommend them to all sufferers a* the best Eitter-i known, and advise them always to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s, and have no other. You can use tui3 as yo 1 think proper, if it will benefit others. Yours truly, etc., JOHN W. DIXSON. Louisville, Ky., December 10,1868. DR. SDADROOE’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya. This elegant combination possesses ail the tonic properties of Peruvian Bark and Iron, without the disagreeable taste and bad effects of either, separately or in other preparations, of theee valuable medicines. It should be taken in all cases when a gentle tonic im pression is required after convalesence from Fevers or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing irregular ttie* peculiar to female.;. No female should be with- out it, if liable to such diseases, for nothing can well take its place. JAMES RUDDLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, LABORATOEY NO. 41 BULLITT STREET, Louisville, Xy. All the above Goods for tale br Zu W. BUST * oa., . . Macon, Ga.. and *11 Dractiau. anclO-iuAth