The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 07, 1869, Image 1

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THE VIA<’0IN DAILY TELEGRAPH. BY CLISBY & REID. MACON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 7. 1S69. No. 2889. The Georgia Telegranh Building, Macon, um of urnucarmoTt. Diav T«- Daht Tsl i ' <f n » r k i. r T k i fit —t i x in' t hr 2 ".w .th Wmii.y Tit:. t(.H» rH— one year .' WlIKLTTeLMUM—dx month* . 1 Payable altcay* u A dra».<•-."% i ISoolc and Job Prlntlm RMW) »« ffltt*. BobHUmm by m»il with Pottavt«r , « IVcfUIj’ Itr.Hnmc ol Forrl^n Afliilr*. pmim TDK THE OZOUU TZUOlUPn. Gnus. Bunn.—The Irish land tenure bill, to be introduced into the next session of Parlia ment, will probably contain a provision to the effect that every tenant shall receive an adequate compensation for any improvements he may have made on the propertr. Joseph Whitworth, tlio inventor of the Whit worth cannon, and William Fairbairn, the cele brated engineer, have been created baronets. Replying to a petition for an amnesty to the Fenians still imprisoned, Mr. Gladstone prom ised to lay the document before the Queen. Farther assemblies in favor of the same ob jects were held in Dublin, Roscommon and Cork. Jeffersqp Davis sailed for America on board the steamer Baltimore. Admiral Bir Robert Ilaynes, who had won his laurels in the battle of Kavarin, died 73 years old. Thirteen Caban refugees arrived by the steamer Congon in Queenstown. They had suc ceeded in making their escape from Fernando Pa, where tho Spanish authorities had exiled them. Charles Dickens opened tho sessions of the Midland Institution in Birmingham by an excel- e lent speech. After reviewing the history of tho institute he touched upon other topics. The present, he said, was 8 materialistic ago. His political creed could be summed up in two arti cles. His faith in tho people governing was in finitesimal ; his faith in the people governed was illimitable. Fbaxoc.—Though tho official journals an nounce, with emphasis, that tho Emperor has entirely recovered from bis recent spell, Napo leon is and will be an invalid, nis last drive over tho Boulevards bos renewed his sufferings. The carriage of the Emperor was only allowed to go a-pace, and the jockeys had tho utmost pains in reining the spirited horses, which are trained to a dashing trot or gallop. In fact, one of the jockeys had his bands so badly cut by the reins that be required medical assistance. The Emperor looks pale and emaciated; his hair has turned almost whito. Tho spectators were strangely moved when tbo ruler of France, who for the lost eighteen years lias made a great na tion of forty millions the instrument of his will passed by, a feeble tottering old man. For Na poleon can only roach his carriago by tho nid of a stick and leaning on the arm of his ralef de rhambre, Fleury. The papers discuss the nature of the Em peror’s siokneas “sans gene.” “Le Roved” pub. lishes a medical consultation cinnnating evi dently from the pen of a professional man. The writer oomes to the conclusion that tho death of Napoleon is only tho question of a few months, and at last, the article concludes, in one, threo, or at the utmost, six months, tho lamp, wanting oil, will be extinguished unless an nnforseen ac cident, which very often occurs in the conrso of a ohronie disease, extinguishes it qnite sudden ly. France must therefore be prepared to listen to a ‘‘De profundis” to be followed immediately by ytsTo Denm Landamus," unless * • • This as a specimen of tho tone of tho French press! Father Hjaeinthe baa gone to his parents to await thero the decision of tho council. It is rumored that four French Bishops will under take hia defence at Rome. Gnu amt.—The Prussian Lantag will be open ed on the fourth of October. Little transpires about tho new bills to be introduced. Tbe King devotes hia time to military reviows. He is at present in Pomerania. During the inanceavres of the second army corps there were seventy foreign officers of high _ rank in the Royal Staff, among them, twenty- f ftvo representatives of tbo British Empire. The military correspondent of tbo TimcA dwells on tbo many efficient improvement* introduced in tbe Prussian army since 180(5, and speaks in eulogistic term* of tbe liberal hospitality tbo King extended to hia seventy foreign guest*. A seminary baa been founded near Berlin to educate preachers and teachers for tbe German emigrants in North America. In honor of tbe Amerioan banner its bears tbo name of “Stern- enhaua,” (Star-house.) A new nnreesthetie, to be called “Chloralhy- drate,” has been discovered by Dr. Liebreich. Producing a more complete stAte of unconscious ness, while it does not induce feebleness or leav ing any bad effects behind, it is said to be su perior to ohloroform. Cbloralhydrate is absorbed And not inspired, thus differing from all other anmstbetica. At the meeting of tbo German Evangelical Kirebentag in Htattgartt, Dr. Schaff, of New York, as delegate of tbo American branch of tbo Evangelical Alliance, invited his German breth ren to the proposed meeting of the Alliance to be held in Now York. Alluding to tbe necessity of an intimate union between the evangelical Christians of tbe two hemispheres, be considered sueb an allianoe to be still more urgent in order to present & firm front to tbo Homan Council ana to the unbelief of tbo present times gener ally- Tho letter of Count do MontAlemhcrt, ad dressed to a German Congress in regard to tho Council which I mentioned in my last resume, pt^M'lied in extenso. Tbe document con cludes by saying: “Allow mo to add ono word on the sense of humiliation which I feel, that to rey Germans of tho Khino it should have been left this time to take tho initiative in a demon stration which would have bo well become tbe antecedent! of Catholic France, as well as those convictions, which, during tho first half of the nineteenth century, won for us tho honor of in augurating religions liberty npon the continent. ” Whilo the ultramontane party desires to raise the Papal authority above all kings and repub- ucs on the globe, the clergy of Bohemia have drawn np an address, to be submitted to the Council, which advocates a restriction of the powers the Popo already possesses. The lengthy document contains the following re- xnarkablo passages: , “Tho Council shall not proclaim the infalli bility of tho Pope.” “Such a step would only give rise to ridicule among unbelievers, while for believers it is quit unnecessary, as their at tachment to the Homan See was never greater than at present.;’ And again: “Above all thing!*, the Church should show herself the friend and protectress of all those sciences which adorn and perfect mankind, rest ing well assured that nil truth comes from God, a. s. f.” The clouds lowering upon the “Consilium \ aticanum, by which name Clio has to inscribe it in the annals of history, are gathering fa*»t aiul thicK. On tho 31st of August, tho Ivirchen- in Stuttgart, mentioned above, adopted a declaration in reply to the Papal letter to the Protestants, visaing np by this fiery protest: ‘•AYe are resolved to dWend and preserve the great inheritance of the Reformation, and never again shall the Bible be buried under the proud towers of lofty cathedrals.” Italy.—The “Marches© Carlo di Ricci,” in Florence, belonging to the proudest and weal- tl.n st nobility of Italy and France, hud a mis understanding with 'his family. To fret his aristocratic relations of “pur sang,” he has turned shoe-black. In tho most fashionable •quires of the capital of Italy “il Conte" offers hwservices to polish patrician and plebian boots without distinction. To every one of his nu merous customers ho hands his **carte de visite,” adorned *ith*the Count’s coronet, always ad*d- ingtbe invitation of “calling again.” King Victor Emanuel and the "diplomatic corps will go to Venice to welcome the Empress Of the French on her way to the Orient. Father Ilyaciuthe is expected to be excom municated. The .Etna is in action again. A stream of lava nows from the crater. Austria—The Hnss festival was inaugurated in X rague by the performance at 11 a. m. of the ora torio “Hnss” m the Neustadter Theater. In the asternxm tho unveiling of the monument and commemorative slab on the site of the dwelling of John Hass, took place in the presence of an immense crowd of people. An address in hoa- or of the occasion was delivered by Sabina, fol lowed by a discourse from the evangelical preacher, Fleischer. The body of the martyr was burned at the stake, his ashes were strewn to the four winds that not an atom might be left to bear witness against Homan tyranny. Five centuries have passed away, and yet hia spirit still lives! And his form will walk through the coming centuries claiming our sympathies for him, who laid down hi* life in the great cause of light and truth. Spain*.—Hardly have a few weeks of compar ative quiet elapsed, when civil war is breaking out again in Spain. Republicanism has been spreading daring the last months, and the Re publicans have made all efforts to strengthen and perfect their organization. In the city of Saragossa, celebrated for her heroic resistance against Napoleon I, the historian Castelar, a member of the Cortes, delivered before an au dience of 20,000 people an infiamatory speech, urging death rather than monarchy. The Pres ident of tho Repnblican club of Tarragona was assassinated; and the popular voice pointed at the government as the secret instigator of the crime. When the volunteers of the same city were commanded to disarm, they refused to comply, and the order had to be enforced. In this excited state of affairs the volunteers of Barcelona were ordered to lay down their arms. Resistance was offered and in a short time five barricades were thrown up. Tho regular troops carried them by a bayonet charge and made 70 of their defenders prisoners. The people had 24 men killed and a large number wounded. The troops lost two commissioned officers and several private soldiers. General dissatisfaction prevails. The gov ernment intends to compel the bishops to take the oath of allegiance to the new constitution. Reinforcements left Cadiz for Cuba. Cuba.—The volunteers sent a deputation to the Captain-General DeRodas, asking to take the field for active service. DeRodan declined their offer. There is a rumor that General Jordan has proposed to surrender with his whole force, in consideration of a certain sum of money. The Captain-General is said to have haughtily re jected the proposition. Pobtcoal.—Tho King of Portugal denies having any views npon the .Spanish crown, and assert* that he will live and die a Portugese. Bento Rodriguez, patriarch of Li*l>on is dead. Tho yield of tho oil crop is very deficient. Also that of wine is little promising. Business is stagnant. Tcmnrr.—Tho difficulties between tho Khe dive and Turkey are still pending. The Saltan insists that Ismail Pasha shall not contract any loan without hi* authorization. In tho meantime the European powers are endeavoring to bring the Suzerain and hia vas sal* to an understanding, and also the Italian government has instructed its ambassadors at tho foreign courts to uso their influence to that end. Twenty-five artists and learned men of North Germany, through tho North German Consul, have received an invitation from tho Viceroy to bo present at the opening of the Suez Canal. They will proceed to Fans, to start from thero with other guests for Egypt. The Khedive pays for everything. The North American ambassador declared to the Imperial Jlivan that tho United States could not take any*notice of tho Turkish law, forbid ding subjects of the Sultan from being natural ized abroad without his special permission. “Tho Union,” ho continued, 4 issued certificates of naturalisation without such a consent, and insisted on naturalized American* being re spected in Turkey.”, Tho Putnam County Fair. Tho editors of the Telegraph acknowledge tho receipt of a very kind and complimentary invitation from Secretary Capers to attend the Futnarn County Fair. One of our number will oertainly bo there. Tho editor of the Eatonton Press and Messenger publishes tho following no tice addressed to himself, to which wo beg to call the attention of exhibitors : Omci Board Directors,) Putnam Fair Company, y October 4, 18(59.) Dear Sir Please state, for the benefit of our friend* at homo, that I am receiving, by every mail, entries of stock from adjoining counties, and that in order to facilitate the bus iness of this office, it is very desirable that per sons having stock of any kind to exhibit at the approaching fair, should enter tho samo as soon as possible. The indications are that there will hi) n largo number of animals entered, and when we wish every ono to be provided for, the miller's rulo will havo to govern ns in distribu ting stall*. Very respectfully, II. D. Capers, Secretary. Tho Press and Messenger of the 5th instant says: Prom all sides wo hoar of persons coming to the Fair, to be held in Eatonton on the 2d of Novomber. Tho occasion promises to be ono of unusual interest, and will be tho means of bring ing together a largo number of the citizens of Middle Georgia. Tho Secretary informs us that inquiry is being m&do daily by persons wishing to exhibit articles. Many want to como here first, and if they stand the test of fair criticism, will then placo their articles on exhibition at Ma con. Wo loam that several distinguished gen tlemen from abroad ore expected to bo present, and that tho Directors of the Stato Fair, with their worthy Secretary, are to be prominent among them. This is just as it should be, and we trust our citizens will make the amplest provision in advance for their entertainment during their stay in our xnidsL Let us all get to work in real earnest, And put Eatonton in first rate order. Tiie Fair Grounds.—Throngh the energetic action of the President and Directors, the Fair Company are placing their grounds in first rate order, and ©very convenience will be completed for tho exhibitors and visitors by tho time the Fair comes off. Going Back on His Education.—Mr, James N is bet, of Macon, Georgia, was one of the or ators at a recent railroad barbecue near Chat tanooga, Tenn. A writer for the Cincinnati Commercial quotes him as follows: “I was educated," continued Mr. Nisbet, “in the Calhoun school. We must stop educating our children after that fashion now. I used to think it was right, but now I know it was wrong. We must have a new order of things, and keep pace with the world's progress.” [Ap plause.] We hope the son of Mr. Nisbet, now in our Legislature, will not go back, like his father, upon the true principles of government as enun ciated by Mr. Calhoun, and it is devoutly to be wished that Mr. Nisbet has no yonng children whom he may educate in the new school of Radical politics.—Crfutnbu* Sun and limes, Oct. 6th, James A. Nisbet, Esq., to whom reference is made, is not a citizen of Macon, but of Dade county, where he now is. He is in no respect a Radical, but is a Democrat of twenty years’ standing. The Sun and Times, wo think, has totally misconceived his remarks, which doubt less bore reference merely to secession, nullifi cation and those more advanced doctrines of the State Rights school, which Mr. Nisbet proposed, in the light of recent events, to waive in favor of a more national interpretation and policy. We say this, not as underwriting the idea, but simply in justice to an old friend, who is a hearty, thorough-going Democrat, and has ever stood ready with purse and pen to back the De mocracy. THE GREAT CHILL MB FEVER BXPBLLBR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IT IS. IS FACT. A MOST WONDERFUL CASH DRUG STORE. I Bagging, Salt and Ties. FEVER CURE, On nocAont of ikia Iaiust Kerned, isnkine s NO CASE. BOW EVER OBSTINATE. CAN RE SIST ITS BEAITB-OIV/XO PROPERTIES PYRAFUGE J. H. ZEILIN & CO, Have for aale a large Stock of Paints, Oils, Glass, Perfumery, FANCY GOODS. lasting and pbbmanbnt curb. ! Snnff, Garden Seed, MedicinalLipors ETC., ETC., ETC. A LL orders entrusted to them will be filled prompt! j and with the greatest care, and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES! We buy exclusively for cash and sell only for the money down, and can sire better price* than any other house in the State. J. H. ZEILIN h CO. SIMMONS’ LIVER RBGUL.tTOR The Great Remedy for DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISEASE. CHILLS. FEVER. JAUNDICE. Etc. For aale in any quantity. The trade supplied at a very handsome discount for profit, by the Proprie tor* J. H. ZBZZiZXr 6l CO., sept22-tf MACON. QA. i;i un. u wo. WB ARE SOW PREPARED TO FURNISH OCR PATRONS WITH THE FOLLOWING STANDARD FERTILIZERS, Pall Crops, Turnips, Wheal, etc.: CROSDALE’S HOCKER FEMALE COLLEGE, LEXINGTON', KT. T HE Firat S«sion of this Coll«o will begin on Monday. September », 1869. Amplo aceommo- dationa. with a larre and able Famity, for over three hundred scholar?. Term^ moderate. For particulars apply to jAis M. H0CK.EL, Proprietor. Or R. GRAHAM. A. M„ President. Bo,ED of Aotice — Robt. Milligan, Mote? E. bard, Jno. W. MetJarvey. S. B. Wilaes. W ANTED. EVERYWHERE. AGENTS.-I100to $250 per month, male and female, to introduce the Genuine Improved Common Sense Family bew- inc Machine, underfeed and overfeed styles. Price only <1$. These machines will stitch, him, fell, tuck, bir d braid, cord, gather ami embroider* The cloth cannot be pulled apart even after every other stitch is cut. Every machine warranted five years. We will pay above salary or a commission from which twice ihe amount can be made. Address for terms to agents, etc., GKO. McEATHRON Jc CO.. Nashville. Tenn. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other par ties palming off worthies'* cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genu ine and practical machine manufactured. SUPERPHOSPHATE! THE ROSS MH.L.JSRBniSla: ' ing all kinds of materials. Every one send tor circu lar I o HENRY JACKSON. C< nsultirg Engineer. 9 Spruce Sr.. New \ork. TBE ALBANY LAV SCHOOL. FOR WHICH WE ARE THE SOLE AGENTS. The ifeho Law coma P H CE N I X, WILCOX, GIBBS & CO.’S MANIPULATED GUANO, It Loaches the itudents for tbe apply to ISAAC EDWARDS. Albany, N. Y. $150 to $250 pay. Salaries paid i scents everywhere selling our Patent Everlasting White Wire Clothe* Line*. Call at, or write for par- I ticulars to tho Girard Wire Mills. 2G1 North Third J Street. Philadelphia, Pa. THE HENDERSON LAND SALE. Postponement of Drawing to Dee. 28. ! Correspondence delicttn the Proprietor • nut the Commiuio Land Plaster Tb. Proprietor of the Pjrafuge challenges every case, no matter of how long standing, to try this irent Chill and Fever Cure, and th«r deny its wonderful curative properties. ASK FOR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE,| A-.', ge: n • i that miserable disease. Chill* and Fever. For rale, at wholesale, by tbe Sole Manufacturer for tbe United States, by JACOB LIPPMAX, NOTICE TO PLANTERS. BAM, HUH!' And Peruvian Guano. Certificates as to the result, last year, in the use of Crosdale's Superphosphate, can be reen at our office, in the original band-writing of the parties who u?ed it last iea«on. I Messrs. Dante nnd others, Commission* r* ap pointed by act of Kentucky Legislature: ■ Gx.vtlk¥EX—I regret that I am compelled to ask at your hands a postponement cf the drawing of prizes lathe Henderson county (Ky.» Land Sale. Although a great many tickets have been sold, a sufficient number have not boon disposed of to Justify i me a sale of my property without loss to me. unless I hold the uns Id tickets, which I do not intend to do. If you will give me until the 2Sth dav of December. 1S62.1 feel confident of disposing of all the tickets hy I that time. I am, gentlemen, verr respectfully, WILLIAM McCLAIN. FIksdeesoit, Kv., Aug. 24.1SG9. PROPRIETOR OF Lippman’s Wholesale Drug House, ! FLOUR, ILOUB, FLOUR. J. J. C0I1EN*S celebrate 1 brands of Flour, iu any | quantity, warranted tbe BEST IN GEORGIA. KENNEDY'S DIAMOND DUST. XXX and Ex rthnire Moirnnlia « tra FAMILY FLOUR. These brands of Flourgive unoicc Magnolia ana Tamil, -ugar- te ncr.l an 1 there :? no b.ttir anywhere. Cured HAMS, I.YNCHBi:Kr,. TKNNKS'Kk MILLS-XXX 1 „ ., , .... ! Flour— too well known to commend, i These Hams are unsurpassed for soundness and dell- j eary of flavor. j BACON SIDES AND SHOULDERS, Pure LBAF LAUD, The Washington Chronicle of Saturday says : “ The effort* that have been made to induce foreign emigration to the Southern States have been successful. An agent at present in Sweden has just forwarded a company numbering up wards of one hundred, whose destination is Water Valley, Miss. Many of them are mechanics, and hare secured employment in advanoe on the Mississippi railroads. The agent writes that he was only two weeks in effecting this party. He says that any number of valuable emigrants can be secured for the South there by sending over agents to make proper representation to them. They know but little about the South, and need information. But when they arrive at New York, without previous arrangements, it is almost im possible to divert them from the great current going westward. * ’ SA VANN AH, OA. KAYTON’S OIL OF FIFE! CURBS IU. Corn, Corn, Corn. I Wo ,ro in d.ilv mpiet of Soncd Corn, which i. Pall at U LOW FRICK a. ary hnuie in Marrn. BURDICK BROTHERS. PA I NS \ N T) A OH ES. AND 16 THE G8JMT RHEUM!TIC REMEDY !! J Flour, Flour, Flour. Weharo . lay*, (lock: fr»*h errand FROM NEW WHEAT—*a rradcj—med cannot be undersold. BURDICK BROTHERS. Bagging and Twine. BEST KENTUCKY BAGGING, weigh* fall 2Vi pounds to the yard, and the moft reliable article In use Also, the favorite A-nikOW. TIE* TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PULL Cure# disease* of tbe Liver mnd Stomach. TCTrS EXPECTORANT, • ;•> .xa cure fur Coughs, Colds, etc. TUTTBSAKS 1PAEIM-A * QUEEN'S DKLJGH1 The great Alterative end Blood Purifier TUTT’S IMPROVED HUK DTK. WHISKY. Jonv B. LEWIS’ CELEBRATED BOURBON WHISKY, warranted A No. 1. and other grade, of Choice Whisky of various brand, and price*. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE WE KEEP A QENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, tVCLCDIXO BACON, CORN, OATS, BAY, Bay, Hay, Bay, Oats, Oats, Oat-, Meal, Meal, Meal, Bran, Bran, Bran, Etc. Etc, Etc. Warranted the b«*t« iIo use* These standard preparations are lor sale by HARRIS. CLAY h CO.. Agents. w , J. II. ZEILIN ACO„ , Dtrouiart. Mar**n G* EonaiA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. H AVING fully organised our Ooopaay on a sure and permanent b.wi>, and having tbe ComiRrol- ler’s authority, we priseLt to the Southern People what we believe to be one of the *afe«t and best Life Insurance Companies ever established in the South ern Country. I he Home Office in in Macon. Go>rsia. where every dollar invented will remain in our midit. The galaxy of names, given as directors and referees, is a sufficient guarantee of itself of the fidelity with which this institution will be managed. The capita! is sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency.* We earnestly appeal to cur citizens everywhere to build up witn us this structure for the benefit of our loved ones, our homes and our country. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, and carried to foreign parts to enrich strangers wne have but lit tle sympathy for u*. Can we not learn wisdom and use our means to en rich ourselves and beautify our home? T Wc will try and place, in every locality, polite and efficient Agents to transact the business of the Com pany. And we cordially invite all desiring agencies in tbi? Company to call on the Officers, at the office building, near the Passenger Depot, in front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where ail matters of de tail will be cheerfully given- The profits will be entirely mutual after paying ?ii percent, to tbe Stockholder- for amount of Stock guaranteed. W. J. LAWTON. President. J. C. McBURNKY, Vice Preaident. R. J. Lio !< 7foot. Secretary. HOARD or DI1KCTORS : ASHER AYRES. Fertiliser, Macon. Ga- T. C. NISBET, Iron Founder, Macon. Ga. II. T. JOHNSON Johnson. Campbell k Co.. Whole sale Grocers, Macon. Ga. JACKSON DxLOACUE. Carriage Depository. Ma con. Ga. J. C. McBURNKY. Macon. Ga. W. J. LAW foX. Lawton A Lawton, Macon. Ga. DAVID T. SINGLETON. Planter, Eatonton. Ga. RICHARD IloBBS, of Cruger Jk Co.. Bankers. Al bany. Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN. Preset Georgia Home Insurance Company, Columbus. Ga. WALLACE CUMMING. Banker. Savannah, Ga. M. P- STOVALL. S’ovall A Butler. August*, Ga. F. ADAMS, Ca«bicr National Bank, Athens. Ga. T. M. FURLOW, Americas. Ga. KKrXRKXCZB: Harms A Howell, Wilmington, X_C Gen Augustus Young. Charlotte, N C Wm B wright. Fayetteville, N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsboro, N C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S Jas P Boyce, President Theological Institute, Green ville, b C R Furman, D D. Newberry Court House, S C JOB bargan. DD, Sumpter, S C S T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufaula, Kufaula, Ala Theodore Harris. President Louisville Insurance and Banking Company. Louisville, Kj Wm D Miller. Lynchburg, Va T C S Ferguson. Lynchburg* Va D H Baldwin A Co. New York Go 1th weight. Rice A Semple, Montgomery. Ala Ex-Gov J G Shorter. Eufaula, Ala L L Warren. President Falla City Motional Bank, Louisville. Ky Gordon, Owens A Stokes. Abbeville, Ala P H Pepper A Co. Mobile. Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery. Ala Hugh McColL Commissioner. New Orleans, La Wood, Low A Lud wigsen. New Orleans. La Noble A Brothers, Iron Works, Romo. Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannah. Ga Gen A H Colquitt. Baker County, Ga Thos H Willingham. Dougherty County. Ga James Callaway. Atlanta. Ga Col Lather J Glenn, Atlanta-Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury. N C ^ _ Mmj W M Robbins. Attoruey-at-Law. Salisbury, N C Col C F Low. Merchant. Lexingto*. N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant. GresMboro. M O Hon K G Reade. Supreme Court Judge, Roxboro, N C Hon C S Winstead. Roxboro, N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh. M C J P Dillingham, Newborn. N C Robert Thompson. Esq. Wholssi Hon John Jfeikin. Judge U 8 Court, Atlanta, Ga Call and see us: we know we can please you. BURDICK BROTHERS, 63 Third st., Macon. Ga, WHISKY. X X X X SOLD BY JNO-W. O'CONNOR HEAD! HEAD! M R. J. W. O’CONNOR—Dk* r >:k: In accordance with your requ««t I have made a rigid examina tion and aRa'ysis of th* sarntde of WUIbK Y yoa sent me, ?o!d by Liman A Co., of this city and rnarkel "Fine Old Monongahela Bye Whisky” X X X X I am happy to rt*te that it proves to be a perfectly pure article, absolutely free from everything foreign orinxenous. I cannot detect in it the slightest trace of any adulteration or impurity. Ke?pertfully, etc-. WM. E. A. AIKIN. if. D« etc., Professor Chemist and Pharmacy. Analytical and Consulting Chemist. University of Maryland, ore. Md., September 4. 1S62. Baltii If you wish PURE WHISKY call on JNO W. O'CONNOR, fseptH-tn He has got it. NEW ROUTE NORTH. THE ST. LOUIS, Iron Mountainanfl Sonthern Railway Is now open for bu-iners from COLUMBUS, KY., TO ST. LOUIS; Hsklngthe QUICKEST. SAFEST and only ALL KAIL ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS! Passengers taking this Route AVOID ONE CHANGE OF CARS and a Tedious River Transfer of 20 Miles, and arrive ia St. Louis 4 1-2 HOURS Is Advance or axy Other Ko*d. , upon the arrival of Railroad W. R. ALLEN. General Ticket Agent. :ibu- HBDJR.Y WARD BEECH E B’S SERM0XS IX PLYMOUTH PULPIT Are being read by people cf every class and denomi nation all over this country and Europe. They are full of vital, beautiful religious thought and feeling. Plymouth Pulpitis published weekly, and contains Mr. Beecher's Sermon? and Pravcr?, in form suitable for preservation and binding. For sale by all news dealer?. Price 10c. # Yearly subscriptions received b' the publisher?, $d. giving two handsome volume? of over 40U paxes each. Half yearly, $1 75. A new and ?uperb Steel Portrait of Mr. Beecher presented to all yearly subscriber?. Extraordinary offer! PLYMOUTH PULPIT (13.) and THE CHURCH UNION ($2 50) an Unsec- tariao. Independent. Christian Journal—10 page?, cut and ?titched. clearly printed, ably edited—sent tome address for 52 weeks for four dollars. Special induce ments to canvassers and those retting un dub?. Speci men copies, pot-taco free. f«<r 5c. J* B. FORD CO., Publishers. Park Row. New York. OLD POPLAR LOG, THE FINEST C0PPE2 WHISKY MADE WARRANTED TO BB PURE, AT 93 SO PEB GALLON. N eutral bpirits- RAW, CORK. RECTIFIED. And, ia &et, a large lot of all trade, of Wluekiee elwaje on hand, at 53 THIRD STREET, h. W. SASBU. ETC., ETC., ETC. J. LLOYD & SOX, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants. I»ug25-d6m ' * ‘. Reply of (he Commisi Tho UDdorfigned.commiFsioners to r uers. a an ago the Hen derson Land Sale, regret to annonneo to tho public that a s ifficient number of tickets have not been dis posed of to justify the proprietor in allowing a trans fer of tho property on the first of September; and they hsvt concluded to postpone tho drawing until the !4btli day of December, 1809. A laree number of tickets have been sold, and wo entertain no but little doubt that all will bo -1iri oso i of by tho time fixed above. We think we are acting in the interests of ticket holders iu peeking to have none others than thoso who havo purchased tickets, share in the drawing. Should the drawing take place now, the proprietor would be compelled, in order to save himrclf from less, to take his chance in thadraw- ing with tbo unsold tickets. This ho docs not desire to do, nor do wo desire that ho should do it. The postponement i* for a short time only, and as tho possession ot .tho farms cannot bo surrendered— being rented out for tho present year, nor tho rout orllected until tho 1ft of Jnnusry next, it can make but tittle difference with tho*^ who are so fortunate as to win whether they succeed on tho 1ft of Septem ber. or the 2Sth day cf December. Ib69. The owner of the property will bold no tickets, nnd wo trust tboio who naro them will wait cheerfully for thetimoGxrd by us—for there will positively bo no further postponement* Tho money arising from tho sale of tickets D in tho bank, to our credit, and tho owner of tbo property canaot in any way use or a ntrol it until after tho draw ing and tbo transfer of property. The ir.crrasme interest In tho scheme, and tho confidence tr.or ifwted throughout tho country in its fairness, justify us In tho opinion that tbe scheme will certainly bo a great succetn. i>. banks. WM. S. HOLLOWAY. RO. T. GLASS. W.S. ELAM, GRANT GREEN, Commi-sioncrs. An opportunity is now offered for thoso who wore disappointed in getting tickets before September 1ft. to secure them now. ThoSchemoi* rmulariy chartered by the Kentucky Legislature, and tbo interests of ticket holders fulty.proleHed b*t laic. It Is also en dorsed by Qov. Stevenson, and U. b. Senator* Davis and MeCreery. and over two hundred of tho leading citiaenr of Kentucky. There are 511 prites in all; c «pita! prise 1150,010, and smallest prizo $30 00; tick eta only $500. Securethcmrf tour rearestdubagent or ot dither of tbo following authorize! financial agents, who will also furnish circular?. $end money at their risk only by express (prepaid) P. O. order, reg istered letter, or bank draff. AGEXTS. L H LYfVtS,Cash*r Farmers Bank. Henderson. Ky. RB ALEXANDER, Commercial Bank. Lcui?ville.Ky JOHN CHATHAM. l*rc?. Bank. Hopkinsville, Ky. JAS L DALLAM, Commercial Bank. Paducah, Ky. B G THOMAS. Cashier, Lexington, Ky. W BTYLER, Cashier Deposit B'k. 0w osboro. Ky. ?opt!5-lf PACIFIC NAIL STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LIRE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AWS J AT AST. TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING THE U. S. MAIL. Tlirou to California In Twenty-two Days* Steamships ok the Ookkuottko ok the Pa- AtlANTXO ; GOTO WITH THS ilUZONA, } COLORADO, HENRY CHATJNCEY, - CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK, - - - - GOLDEN CITY, OCEAN QUEEN, - - - SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN LIGHT, - GOLDEN AGE. COSTARICA, - - - - MONTANA. One of tho above large and splendid Steamships will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal Street, at twelve o’clock, noon, on the 1st, and 11th, of every month (except when those dates fall on Sunday, ana then on the preceding Saturday), for ASPIN WALL, connecting, via Panama Railway, with one of the Company’s Steamship? from Panama for SAN FRAN- CISCO, touching at ACAPULCO. Departures of the 1st connects at Panama with Steamer? for SOUTH PACIFIC and CENTRAL AMERICAN PORTS. Thoee of the 1ft touch at MANZANILLO. , for japan AND CHINA.-Steamer CHINA, leaving San Francisco October 4th, 1869, fbr Japan and China. One Hundred Pounds of Baggage allowed to eaeh adult. IWgage-Masters accompany baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protec- tor?. Baggage received on the dock the day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passenger! who prefer to send down earl An experienced Surgeon board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenge Tickets, or farther infar* ination. apply at the Company’s Ticket Office, on the 5 harf KooT or CANAL STREET, NORTH RIVER, NEW YORK. mayl0-ly* F. R. BABY Agent. lOSADALIS! r rnE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH 1 1 Restorer, purifios tbe blood and ourea , Scrofula,Syphilis. Skin Diseases, Rheuma tism. Diseases of Women, and all Chronio Affections of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Recommended by the Medical Faculty and many thousands of our best citizens. Read the testimony of Phyricians and patients who have used Kosadalia: send for our Rosadalis Guido to Health Book,or Alma nac tor this year, which we publish for gratuitous distribution: it will give you much valuable information: Dr. R. W. Carr, of Baltimore, says—I lake picture in recommending your Kosa- dalis as a very powerful alterativo. I have seon it used in two cases with happy result?: one in a ea?e of secondary syphilis, in which the mitient pronounced himself cared after having taken five bottles of your inedicino. The other is a case of scrofula of long standing, which is rapidly improving under it? use, and the indica tions are that tho patient will soon recover. I have carefully examined the formulm by which your Rosadalis is made, and find it an excellent compound of alterative in gredients. Dr- Sparks, of Nicholasville, Ky.. says he hummed Rosadahrin case? of Scrofula and Secondary Syphilis* with satisfactory re- sulra—.v? a cleaner of tho Pioo.l I know no better remedy. Samuel G. MoFftddcn, ot Murfreesboro. Tenn., ?a.vs: 1 have used seven bottles of Rosadalis, and am entirely cured of Rheumatism: send ino four bottle?, ns 1 wish it for ui brother, who ha? Scrofulous Sore Kye?. Beniamin Bochtol.of Lima, Ohio, write?: I havo suffered for twenty years with an inveterate eruption over w»y whole be short time since l purchased a hot Ropadali? an 1 it offcctc 1 \ perfect eu )dy; i* £1 O -A- D A li I 8 IS rOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Exchange Place, Dr*. C’icfi TRH OO’S TKIBERRY TOOTIlWASh. Preserves and Whitens the Zeeth 1 Invigorates and Soothes tho Sums 1 Cleans and Purifies Artificial Teeth! Purifies and Perfumes the Breath! Prevents Accumulation of Tartar 1 Is a Superior Article for Children! IT IS WARRANTED FREE From Injurious Ingredients! I T is scientifically prepared in accordance with the most valuable formula; known to the profession. It ha? been extensively used for several year?, and is rocommended for general u»e by numerous Dentirt. and Physicians who have tested it? merit?, nnd who appreciate tbe importance of preserving the Teeth through lile. Proprietor: A. M. "WILSON. Philalelrhia For sale by J. 11. ZEILIN Jc CO., Macon. Liborjltoby op PhaRXASVCT'C'L "j AXD AXiLYTCAI. ChRXISTRY, # > Atlanta, Georgia.; This is to certify that I have examine Trego’? Tea- berry Tooth Wash and Tooth Powder. I find tnem free from substances that would act injuriously upon the Teeth, and can recommend Trego’? Preparations to those in want of a superior dentrifice. may!6-6m W. J. LAND. Chemist. W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND. VIRGINIA, Corner of Seventh and Canal Streets. WANTED AGENT* to sell SERVICE A1 BOAT in the SUMTER and ALABAMA, by ADMIRAL RAPHAEL SKMMKS. copies folddto first four months. It ia a most graphic anil thrilling description of the adventures of this commander and hi? comrade.-, written by 8emures hiimelf, and every body take? it without solicitation, no matter what their politic-. Wa will faro If h tbe names of agent?, who have made unward? of $300 per month net, with this book. Solaoniy by eub-cription —- A exclusive territory given to good agents. Addr* BR. WHITTIER. A REGULAR graduate of medicine, as diploma at office will show, h:i? been longer engaged n tho treatment of Venereal, Sexual and Private Difca.°c?. than any other physician in St. Louis.. Syphil;?. Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Stricture, Orchitis Hernia and Rupture; all Urinary Diseases and >yphilitlo or Mercurial Afflictions of tbe Throat, skin or Bone?, are treated with unparalleled suc- Spermatorxbaj, Sexual Debility and Impotcncy j tne refult ofieif-lbtue in youth, sexual excess in mature years, or other causes, and which produce some of the following effect?: a? nocturnal emi«w- ion?, blotches, debility, dizziness, dimne?. j of sight, confusion of idea.-, evil forbodings, aversion to so oty of females, los.* of memory and sexual power, id rendering marriage improper, are permanently cured. Dr. Whittier publishes a Medical Pamphlet rela ting to venereal direa-e? and the disastrous and varied consequence? of self-abuse, that will be sent to any address, in a scaled envelope, for two -tamp?. Many physicians introduce patients to tbe doctor after reading his medical pamphlet. # Com munication confidential. A friendly talk will coat you nothing. Office central, yet retired—No. 61T St. Charles st. SLLouis. Mo. Hour?; 0, a. a. to 7, p. m.; Sun- *. 12 to 2. r. m. IS brand of LEAD is warranted. Satisfaction A guaranteed or the money refunded. Try it! Prove it! L. W. HUNT & CO.. au«:29-2tawdAw3m Agents for Macon. WM. E. TANNER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, boilers, bridge bolts and castings, IRON AND BRASS WORK. SON ud WOODEN TRUCKS for Cars. IM- _ PROVED MACHINERY of all kind* built and repaired. Also, Agent tin tb* Southern State* tox Slate’s Patent Sttse& Ore Breater t. X BROWN, JEg’t, Pt4-d*irly No. 62 Second «U M*eon. G*. P A 11ST T I ISTGt. n. L DRURY. J§£2e*Hous8 & Sign Painter, 6TLBKB, GLAZIER AXD PAPER HA9GXB OVER LAWTON A LAWTON’S. FOURTH STREET, PHILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE. A NEW COURSE OF LECTURES, s* delivered * A the New York Mu*eum of Anatoo-.r. embracing the subject*: How to Lire and Wbat to Lire for: Youth. Maturity and Old Are: Manhood Generali; Reviewed; Tbe Cause of Indigestion; Flatulence nnd Nerron* Diseases accounted for: Marriape Philosopbi- ~ii. Considered, etc. These lectures will be forward ed on receipt of four stamps, by addressing Secretary Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, 74 West Baltimore Street. Baltimore. Md. »pr6-ly lllves S C'Os, Proprietors. For sale by 7. XX. Xr.XX.ZS7 <fc to DKHUNTER />0NTl.VUES to treat all j»! * J in all it? forms. Gnnon n«try disc iHea.-c?, >yph»li? lect. Stricture, Orchitis, and all urinary di-r«.-c , nnd tho effect? ot murcury nro ooinplci. y eradicated; spermatorrhea or Seminal Wcakner?, resulting from fclf-abuso or other causes, and which nroduoes some of the follow ing effect?: As blotcheu. bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society, unman line??, dread of future event?. Io?? of memory, indolence, nocturnal emifi i •n-'. and finally prostration of tho vital powers, can be fully reetorod to health. Persons afffieted with this, or any other delicate, intricato, or long standing constitutional complaint, should give the Doctor a trial. He never fail* The Doctor publishes a medical circular that gives a full exposition of venereal and private diseases, that on be i) ld freo at hi* office, or by mail for one stamp. It gives a clear del inflation of all the diseases and condition? resulting from the infringement of tbe excesses, indulgence?, exposure?, end im- rude ontaitv? instruct!) hem to determine tb opir . Efery i to tho afflicted, and enabling precue naturo of their com- oropriring ton ample ( rooms, not convenient to visit the t be obtained by giving tten statement of the case, and medicine? can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, however, a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, while in others, daily personal attention is re quired, and for tbo accommodation of guch patients taere are apartments connected with the office that are provided with every requisite that i? calculated to promote recovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescription? are prepared in the Doctor’s own Laboratory, under hi? personal supervision. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail lor two stamps. No matter who havo failed, read what he Bay?. Office No. 183 Third street, between Green and Walnut streets, near the Postoffice. Louisville, Ky. Office hour?. 0 a. u„ to 7 P. u.; Sundays, 10 a. w.. to 12 m. july3-dawly CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. NO CBANOEo/ CARS BETWEEN SA VANNA U A COURT A AND MONTGOMERY. ALA. XEAxaroETATio* Office C. R. R-. i Savskfah. Ga.. Aosrnst 14. UrA.J kN AND AFTER£L'NDAY, 16th ihbt.. PA6KEN r.nac Augusta Millodgevill Connect! rg itfc train that leaves Ap- r u38 P. 8:58 p. 1 LOO r. DOWN DAY TRAIN. M&COtU ....~.7:00 a. i Savannah.-^ - Auguste ; Connecting with train that leaves Ac & _ up "night train Augusta •••“ Connecting w»ih trains tnat leave DOWN NIGHT TRAIN. Macon —6:25 p. t Savannah - Augusta.. Milledgevilie 5:IG . 3:13 . 4:30 r. m. Eatonton v 2:40 p u. Connecting with train that leaves Au gusta at - - 9*-33 r. u A. M. Trains from Savannah and Augusta, and r. if. Train from Macon, connect with Miliedgevillt Train at Gordon daily. Sundays excepted. 49rP. M. Train from Savannah connects with through Mail Train on South Carolina Railroad, and r. m. Train from Savannah and Augusta with Trains on Southwestern and Moscogee Railroads. r [Signed] ^' au*15-tf A BABE INVESTMENT. T OFFER for sale my Steam Saw Mill situated Sa Montgomery county, Texas, and about 14 miles from either Cypress or Hockley Railroad Depot o the H. and T. C. R. R.. consisting cf abont four thou sand acres of the best Pine—well watered with Dwel ing-houacs, Workshops. Stables, etc., etc., thereo One 40-horse power Engine, all in running order, a all tools and implements necessary. Titles warranted and terms liberal. For furt'u< * particulars address the owner, F. STEUSSY. Hockly P. 0.. Harris county. Texas, Or P H. MOSER, Real Estate and Land Agent, Galveston, Texas. jo3-6m LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. T HE undersigned has taken charge of the well known ** Chapman's Livery Stables” in Macon, opposite the passenger shed, on Plum street, where he will conduct a general Livery Business in all its branches. Anything you may want in the way of transportation, by horse or mule, buggy, carriage or hack, will be furnished on short notice and at reason able rates. Drovers will find this an old and popular stand at which to dispose of their stock, febll-ly B. H. HOLMES. Agent.