The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 09, 1869, Image 1

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5&L 4 \k THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH. = I’.Y & REID. MACON, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 9. 1S69. No. 2891. ding, Macon, —sio 00 — a<» >oth. rur. 4 00 D’tha 2 00 300 bs—. 1 50 * i> Printing PonmMUr*i certificate Hball we bare the Collrgea In Macon ? ! Editor* 7digraph : Although I am neither a ! Baptist nor Presbyterian, still, as a citizen and ! tax payer, I respond most heartily to your arti- i cle in the Tcnzonanaof yesterday, and say ditto j Mr. Brick. Let us bar? in our midst, by all j means, not only the Mercer and Oglethorpe Col lege*, but if the Homan Catholics, Methodists and Episcopalians will each establish a college here, let the city give $50,000 to each of them, too. If we ever intend to reap the benefits which should inure to her by means of her being the geographical and railroad centre of the State, it is time our city authorities should wake up from their supineneas and inaction and go to work with more zeal and extended ideas as to the city. • TL^*system of railroads for Macon is now wll'flAb complete, and if the City Council could bnly catch and acton some of the inspiration whicJjj caused their predecessors to project and encourage these works, then, indeed, could we feel assured that the fortunes of M&con will be all she is entitled to ; but continue the present system of contracted views and inaction, the “penny-wise and pound-foolish'’ policy, and we shall be outstripped in the race, and notwith standing all our material advantages, left by the wayside. The two colleges proposed would doubtless bring each one hundred young men to be edn- cated ; these would Rpend annually at least five hundred dollars each, on an average, to say no thing of the amount spent by their parents and friends when visiting the city at the commence, fnents and other times, nor of the increased population so caused by the removal of the pro fessors, their families and other attaches of the colleges : bo that each yt'ir tho hundred thou sand dollars will bo returned to the merchants, mechanics, nnd other business men of Macon. This will enable all tho more easily to pay their taxes, even should they have to l>e increased somewhat; for one hundred thousand dollars, or any other sum, expended h«*re must permeate and l>enefit all classes—as well the poor as tho rich—as well the colored as the white man. I have, Messrs. Editors, very hnrriedly point ed out some of the advantages of having in Ma con all the colleges or other public institntions we can, leaving out of sight the duty of all to aid religion and education. I trust the question will l>e agitated, and, above all, that the City Council will act at once, for we are told the gods help those who help themselves. Surely it ih timo Macon should, in good earnest, put her shoulder to the wheel and do all that can be done, not only to advance her interests in a mere business and commercial point of viow, but whatever else will adorn our city and make it attractive and pleasant to dwell in. _____ W - Tho Suez (’anal. Fro- rJ,c Nrw York Her all.) A dispatch from Alexandria informs as that M. Lesseps has passed through the Suez Canal, in a steamer, from Port Said to Suez—that is, from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea—in fif teen hours. It is impossible to refnse to admit that M. Lease pt has Accomplished one of the greatest wonders of this, or, indeed, of any ago. Tho world laughed at him when ho commenced his undertaking. It was an impossibility; it never could bo accomplished. It was an old thought but it nover was a fact. The idea was as old as. nay, older, than tho Pharoahs; but the sands of tho desert had in every instance proved stronger than man. Such was tho language common at the time the canal was commenced. Such has been the l t iler from Savannah. P Savannah, Ga., October 0, 1809. . f t -" <,/ tut 7V frgraph .* .. . i here yesterday from Florida, and . • w momenta’observation convinced me t all branches of bnsineas ore in active ope- 4 ra!M»n. Savannah in indeed a live city, and in advanc ing more rapidly to wealth and commercial im portance than either of her Southern rivals. The receipt* of cotton thus far are in excess of the receipts at New Orleans even, and it is by no means improbable that the receipts for the current year will show a very rapid im provement in all that pertains to tho groat com mercial mart of your State. From all I can learn, cotton can be sold as advantageously here as it can in any market on this side of the At lantia Among tho cotton factors here are many skill ful iojasmen, who vie successfully with like t£.ifs in New York and Baltimore. In proof of this, I havo but to recite tho fact that tho firm of L. J. Gnilmartin A Co., as I am candid ly informed, sold a Urge lot of cotton yesterday morning for shipment to Europe for a small fraction more than tho snmo classification sold in New York. This significant commercial incident, I think, should be made public, in justice to tho Savan nah market, ns also to a commercial houso which ia gaining rapidly upon the confidence and pat ronage of tho planting community. It gives me plcftHtiro to enclonw> tho gen eral conruo of jour paper, -which baa been ono of forbearance and conciliation towards the Government at Waabington. If we wonld not, by a acornfol wnpinenena, lose what benefit may be derived from a compliance with tbe term* of tho reconstruction law, vre willooutimic to accommodate ourselves to tho requirements of thst law. Everybody knows that the law was not of onr choice—that wo had no hnnd in mak ing it, and that nothing lint necesaity eonld chal lenge onr acquiescence in it. Hot when grown men niako up their minds to mako a virtue of necessity and to do what they have to do, it is ecrtainly better to do it manfully, at once, and witbont useless complaints and protests. Bnt I confesa I esnnot Bpprocialo anch a coarse on the part of those who dcclaro that they mean to obey. The singular attitude occupied by some of yonr nldo coteniporaries in connection with tbe subject—tho News and the Republican, of this oity, especially,—is that, while they announce their purpose to act in oonformity with tho law, they nse stronger ar guments agaim,t that course thnn are employed by those who have not acquiesced in it 1 think they absolutely discredit their own oonduct and hinder other pooplo from following their exam ple. What merit thoro may bo in anch n course may be apparent to others, bnt it altogether es capes my ken. Wo nhould obey the laws, set onr faces against all attempts to how dineord aud bad blood between tho two races, and await [ language held by many in spito of visible pro- onr redemption in tho awakening of ajuat and generous sentiment of tnio Americanism in tho hearts of the people of tho North nnd West As to the patience of submission, that highest duty 'f illed Upon the whites, tn-ro is no danger. I ' would only counsel that tho fortitude of endu rance ahonld spring from a senso of dignity and manhood and lio the inspiration of a noble duty. 1 re is a manly obodienco that compromises no principle, and thoro is a servile obedience that it Ixirn of fear nnd self-seeking. If wo hope f THE GREAT CHILL AND FBVBR BXPBLLBR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE IT IS. IS FACT. A MOST WONDERFUL FEVER CURE, On aeeount of thic Instant Kerned? making a LASTING AND PERMANENT CURE. NO CASK. BO W£ YER OBSTINATE. CAN RE SIST ITS BE A LTB-Ol VINO PROPERTIES. PYRAFUGE A CARD TO MERCHANTS AND PUNTERS! ad Appetite. Briars Color to the ( the Kxnaciated and Strength to the Feeble. the Cheeks ol QUB PAlal. WTOOBL ia arriving and being opened daily. As usual, it com prises everything kept in a first-clan WHOLESALE HOUSE, And we are prepared to offer inducements to the trade, which will injure their tale and give entire sat isfaction. Our Stook of DOMESTICS Is heavy and complete. An uocsual large Stock of CASSIMKKES, JEANS. 'North Carolina and Co- 1 am bus, G a., make.) KERSEYS. LINSEYS. FLAN NELS. DEL AI NS and DRESS GOODS Of every description. Oor Motion Department ell assorted and very i Proprietor of the Pyrafage challenger* every ease, no matter of how long standing, to try this Great Chill and Fever Cure, and then deny its wonderful curative properties. CLOTHING To suit all classes, and was manufactured to order. A heavy line of ASK FOR LIPPMAN’S PYRAFUGE. BOOTS & SHOES, H tTS AND OA PS, rut wuuirsain. i/| tu Manufacturer for the United States, by JACOB LIPPMAN, PROPRIETOR OF Lippman’s Wholesale Drug House, 8A VANN A IT, GA. | BLANKETS, of oil qualities, both in colored and white, and. in a word. w« have everything t» suit tbe trade of tho Country Merchant. Our GREAT Oil KAYTON’S OF" LI F E RKd Abb PAINS \Nn .\C HES, AND IS fi'KfUT XHKIMMI KEMKDY KAYTON’S PILLS S »lr!7-tf all B. redemption from tho North wo must avow th last. A sincere spirit of fratomity can novor warm toward* us in tho hoarta of tho North if show ourselves a <lo«pienLlo pooplo. I think, Messrs. Kditors, wo ahonld all give some attention to matters connected with tho immediaU development of onr indnstral ro- , , sources, and tho press shonld frequently urge I 11 for panted that tho opening’ of tho canal to- npon its reader* tho propriety of engaging to a I WBrd " tbe close of the year will be a complete mneh greater degree in manufactures of all KncC0SM - In of the Sultan, the dream of kiwV, and portray likewise tho many advan- I tho Gr oek oonquermr of tho world will bo re ul lages possessed by Georgia for engaging ane-! ue,i - Alexandria will become one of the grand- lenefnlljr in that branch o? industry.’ The con- i , st centres of commerce. It will do more than recover all tho splendor nnd prosperity which it and demonstrated success. Steadily M. Lesscps bns kept at the work. IIo has found money and men, in spite of all detractors, to carry on tho work. IIo has exh&nsted tho re- sonrees of art to find machinery suited to great emergencies. He has made nature herself his handmaid. Whoro no atone whs to bo had, he has taken Jensons from the monuments of the past and hn« converted tho deep heavy snb-soil into material which may prove as enduring as I ty • 0 t nv marble nr granite. Tho two seas have actually JDSffffinff, fc&lt 3,11(1 116S. mot and kissed each other, nnd there has beeu ' 00 0 no deluge. On tho contrary, a little steamer, with the engineer on board, has sailed from sea to sea in fifteen hours. It is a triumph to M. Leaseps ; it is a triumph to French engineering ; it is a ph to modem scionce. We may now take jr&ncli of industry. Tho con version of ootton by manufacturers into the | plainest, commonest and cheapest cloth doubt less trebles and quadruples its value. It only requires ono third, as I am informed, ns many hands to manufacture it ns it does to raise a cer tain amount of cotton. As Georgia raises the raw material in abundance, if her people act wiigly they can havo tho benefit of nil profits of both planting nnd manufacturing. Even now,the infant factories in yotir State nro making cotton cloth and yam cheaper than in New England. • m merchant* buy the cloth and yarns in Georgia, ship them North nnd then sell them at a profit to Southern merchants. What I haye •aid of cotton applies to factories of all kinds. It is tho duty of the people of the South to en courage ana patronizo factories which are es tablished in tho South. Money should not bo sent off to benefit other communities when it can be expended for the SAmo articles at home. A small amonnt of money kept in tho community will pay hundreds of debts and relieve hundreds of people. Money sent abroad is so much loss to the community. Tho municipal election takes place on Mon day next, and will result in the triumph of the Conservative or Seri von ticket, almost without a contest. Savannah has been fortunate in her municipal and commercial career since the war. Observer. FEARFUL CALAMITY. Boiler l.xplosion on lh«* lnrtlnnnpolh Fair Grotiml-Nineteen Killed nnd Onr Him. dretl Seriously Wounded. ^ Isnusupous, October 1.—A terrible accidRt (V .-.ri dat the State Fair this afternoon. Tho boiler ot Sinker Sc Co., of this city, exploded a . few minutes before four o’clock. There was an ^ immense crowd on the ground at the time of the accident, and it is difficult to get the particulars. OWn * wc * vo P^rsous were instantly ku.t tl, and the number wounded will probably woch one hundred. SECOND DISPATCH. Indianapolis, October l.-w-The accident at tho 1 .ur Grounds this afternoon, is tho most heart- tending that has over occurred in this vicinity, [ *ad hot oast a gloom over the entire city. The explosion occurred a few minutes before four ek, when tho grounds were crowded with visitor*. The boiler Was attached to a saw mill of Sinker dr Co., of this city, and had just been fired up for a test of speed with another sawing machine. Arrangement* were made to take it up as soon •• the trial was over. So far as can be ascertained to-night, there v> •-to nineteen persons killed. The excitement *Dd confusion to-night is so great that it is diffi cult to obtain a correct list of the wounded, but • ^tho number will reach nearly one hundred. Mu i °f the dead were removed to W. W. ^ . r s undertaker*a office, where an inquest w:.i 1 robab’.v be held to-morrow. Many of tho ■ i;*' are horribly mutilated and burned, and m sonu* cases will be almost impassible for their lr.< :. v :^. to recognize them. Many of the most \\ n !v wounded were conveyed to the Indiana Surgical Institute, the proprietors of which, as ®oon :tb they heard of the accident, tendered the JJ 5 © of the Institution for the wounded, and have been untiring in their efforts to alleviate tbs sufferings of the wounded. The scene at the fair ground after the acci dent waa most art rending. Many of the killed were torn in fragments. Of one faroiK. a mother and three children, me rnothi r w •.* killed and the two older chil dren h. . y scalded, while the youngest was my- j. . <• utIonian and lady walking together, the [:■ KViimu was killed an*d the lady unhurt. E\ rything is being done to alleviate the -u!!»*rings of the wonnded that can be done. It thought that several more of them will die. -t-c receipts of the Fair to-morrow will be given for the benefit of the wounded. lost by tho discovery of Vasco do Gama. Trade will revert to Its ancient channels. The cape will sink into decay. The coast of the Medit erranean will bristle with largo and flourishing cities. A voyage from New York, from Amster dam, from Liverpool, from Marseilles to India and tho far East will be accomplished in fewer weeks ri<7 the Suez Canal than mouths ri.i the tho Capo of Good Hope. It will multiply largely the means of commu nication and will enormonsly increase trade. Egypt, in fact,will recover more than her ancient importance ; she will again become the seat of the empire. The canal will attract Europeans and even Americans to its banks, the world’s wealth will find a new outlet, and it will not be wonderful if the ruler of Egypt, whoever he may l»e, soon dictates terms to the Turk. The truth is, tho Suez Canal will reclaim Egypt from bar barism. Civilization by it, lays claim to the land of tho Pharaohs, ono of tho first and grand est cradles of tho race, nnd through it rushes to develop the mighty resources of Asia. It is a grand success, and we must rejoice in it But it is also a great counter stroke to our Pacific Railroad. We have our isthmus. We must cut it out or lag behind. We are nearer Asia than any of tho commercial nations of Europe ; bnt wo lose our opportunity so long as the trade of the Atlantic States must seek Asia round Cape Horn. Let us cut the isthmus at once. Let ns have our Darien Canal. To us this is the lesson. From Lowndes touiitj. We clip the following from tho Valdosta South Georgia Times, of the 6th instant: The grape culture is destined to be ono of tho leading branches of industry in Lowndes coun ty. There are already numerous vineyard* r wing, and the wine press is at work. Mr. P. Gibson, one of our energetic planters, is growing grapes on an extensive scale, and will make a large quantity of wine. Hia vineyard, covers, we believe, seven acres of ground. This reminds one of Brittany. Who knows but our country may even rival the vine-clad hills of Italy and France ? It aeems probable that, in time, tho grape will be second only to cotton in producing the revenues of the coun try. Holding their Cotton.—The supply of cot ton coming in is very slim. It seems that everybody is holding on for higher prices. We hope they will not be disappointed. Sickles* Indignity to Stain.—A Washington pecial of the 3d instant to the Charleston News thus describes the dispatch of Minister Sickles that gave so much dissatisfaction to the Spanish government: The StAte Department has received official dispatches indorsing the text of Sickles' famous note to the Spanish government, concerning the purport of which there has been so much specu lation of late in the newspapers. The document proves to be quite as threaten ing in its character as it was asserted to be in the cable telegram. It declares that the Spanish cause in Cuba is hopeless; that the Spanish treasury is depleted; that the time is close at band when the government of the United States must succumb to popular opinion here *nd rec ognize tho independence of Cuba. Minister Sickles adds that the pending policy is an offer of negotiation with a view of ascer taining the real wishes of the Cuban people as whether they desire independence, annexation to the Union, or to remain a Spanish dependen cy. This government, he says, is willing to pur chase Cuba for a sum of money hereafter to be agreed upon, and he claims to be instructed by President Grant to insist that Spain most pros ecute the war on a humane basis. He concludes by saying: “I have written frankly, as a soldier should write to a military power.” TOBACCO I» very choice and wa* 1 urcba»ed at le*« than Manu facturer’s prieef, which enables uj to offer it low to ourco«toraer* { 08 R A BUROS. heavy and light, all grade* of , Slit KfIN<iS. Y^RNSof the different mxiiUtacturers | WHISKY, BRANDT WINES, Plan f ti m i't'.rc*- and NVoFcU Schnapps Sugar* of ; n 1 srrvtli'*. «•! i (({•vernsent Java, Cilon and Rio '• r. t VKDW ‘HK ai.*l St.iple I»n»KS Buxine. ! Tie*. NaiI.*, Ii<*n. Fl"ur in *a:ka nnd barrel*. Rice. M.ul Uizur-. 1 r- r >. Solve. 4 , eto. I Our St« ck i* ol -uch • character that a Merchant or j Planter can CI1 hi.« eMir* memorandum with. We : ropocrfully alk ti examination, feeling assured vre j c :> plMH you mm it to yoarinterest. j. b. bobs & sow, I Wholesale Dealen, 06 Cherry and 55 Seooml St*. | aaottfrtf • (ASH HR Hi STORK. tVE ARE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH OUR PATRONS WITH TUK FOLLOWING STANDARD FERTILIZERS, Fall Crops, Turnips, Wheat, etc.: CROSD ALE’S SUPERPHOSPHATE! FOR WHICH WB ARK THE SOLE AGENTS. PHOENIX, WILCOX, GIBBS ft CO.’S MANIPULATED GUANO, Land Plaster And Peruvian Guano. Certificate* as to the re*alt. loft year, in the Croodale’e Superphosphate, can be seen at o office, in the orifinol hand-writing of the parties who used it lost teojon. FLOUR, FLOOR, FLOOR. KENNEDY'S DIAMOND DUST. XXX and Ex tra FAMILY FLOUR. Theae brand* of Flour give general satisfaction and thero is no better anywhere- WHISKY. JOHN B. LEWIS’ CELEBRATED BOURBON WHISKY, wsmntad A No. 1, ud other grade, of Choice Whiaky of rarioai brands and prices. IN ADDITION TO THB ABOVE WE KEEP A GENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, noiXDura BACON, CORN, OATS, HAY, BTC., ETC-, ETC. J. LLOYD & SOX, Wholesale Groeen aad Comaiaaka Merchant*. J. II. ZEILIN & CO, Have for sale a large Stock of Paints, Oils. Glass. Perfumery, FANCY GOODS. SnulF, Garden Seed, Medicinal Liqnors ETC., ETC., ETC. k LL orders entrusted to them will be filled i i>rompily and with tho greatest core, and at the VERY LOWEST PRICES! We buy exclusively for cash and sell only for the money d >wn. and cun give better prices than any other Louse in the state. J- II. ZEILIN k CO. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR The Great Remedy for DYSPEPSIA. LIVER DISEASE. CHILLS. FEVER. JAUNDICE. Ete. For sole iu any quantity. The trade supplied at a very handsome discount for profit, by the Proprie tor? 1 J. a. znruxr <b co., fopt22 tf MACON. GA. CORNER OF MULBERRY AND SECOND STS- iTACOy, OA., B. B. EUSTON, Principal, T HIS College is open daily from 9 a. M-, to 9 r. M., throughout the entire year, and is now in success ful operation. For want of sufficient room to accom modate the gradual increase of Students, the Insti tution has been enlarged. During the vacation an opportunity will be afforded to boys from rehool of gaming a knowledge of Commercial Education. The period ot study is unlimited: cheap board; healthy city, and reasonable tuition fees are advant ages rendering it desirable for all to enter here. The Commercial Course constitutes Penmanship, Arithmetic, including Commercial Calculations and Book-keeping, each of which can be token np sep arately. Distinct Branches—Ornamental Penmanship, Pec Drawing and Flourishing. Literary Department—English Grammatical Course, ISO. For Circulars address Box 15, Macon, Go. 49-PATRONIZE AND ENCOURAGE HOMS IN STITUTIONS, j*lyl4-3m McCLURE ft KNOX, PRODUCE BROKERS, CHATTAJSrOOQJL, TEtfN. A LL ORDERS PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO. (ost 2-1*0 SOUTHERN PREPARATIONS!! T HESE ARE the standard Family Medicines of America. They are prescribed and used by the medical profession. They are preferred by every mother and father. They immediately merit publio esteem and confidence of all who onee test their vir tues. They are prepared by physicians who are fully authorised by the Congress of the United States, ana are the result of a long bedside experie&ce. Being neither secrets nor patents, the medical profession have no hesitancy in giving them a fair trial and a hearty recommendation. diarrhea. T HOUSANDS of our fellow beings are annually consigned to untimely craves, and the dries groans of old and young are constantly crying aloud for rel ief from Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, etc. As a result of much scientific research and a long and faith ful bedside experience, we offer a remedy for all those Summer Complaints which is pleasant and never fail ing in iu effects. No mother should fail to have a supply of the RED DIARRHEA REMEDY, •uu eiiciura.*, tvircicu uu cumutovu kcuiuiui iu extensive medical experience, unique in finish and appearance, mild, pleasant and cooling to the stomach and never-failing in remedial effects, the unerring fioger of truth points to the Red Diarrhea Remedy as tbe boosted combination of the day for all forms of Diarrhea. Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Nausea, Vomit ing, Cramps, etc. Price, $1, or six bottles for 05. Sent to all parts of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggist*. J. P. DROMGOOLE k CO.. Props.. Memphis. Tenn. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. WHAT WILL THEY DO? They will restore fading female beauty, will paint the pale cheek, will hurl back the gathering storm that encircle.- your brow, will add brightness and lustre to your lifeless eye, will give brilliancy anil activity to your dull intellect, will strengthen and soothe your shattered nerves add tone, health end bouyoncy to your whole system. IIO TF WILL THEY DO ALL THIS? By arousing, regulating and restoring all sickly females to a healthy condition. By curing all those complaints peculiar to the temale sex. such as pain ful, suppressed or irregular Menstruation. Hysteria. Leucorrba?, Chlorosis. Proiaj sus Uteri, Ulceration and Irritability of the Womb. Pains in the side and back. Melancholy, Palpitation of the heart. Swim ming and Giddiness of the Head. Cold Feet and Hands, Nervousness. Si'*k Headache, u feeling of suffocation, indisposition to enter society, and nil those diseases arising fr»*m a deranged condition of the uterine sys tem, whetheraffecUng old or young, married or single. This compound is ncitrer fceret nor patent, but h prepared mud offered by the regular medical profession We hare hundreds similar to the following: /Vow an eminent Phytictan <\f Carroll CV>., Mi$t. % MestTL J. P. Dromgoole k Co.: A* your “English Female Bitters" i*ne<ther a secret nor a patent. I have frequently prescribed it for the various female complaints of our country, and always with the most satisfactory results. It is decidedly the in>*st valuable c ■uibination 1 have ever known fur the treatuicr t of those complaints peculiar to the female sex, old r young, and l do not hesitate to gira it a hearty re commendation. Iti astonishing cures have won for it many laurels ia Carroll county, an l l hope its efficiency may soon be heralded alt over tho countrv themedjcaJ profession an i the female community in-iy reap ir« advantages. G. W. VArsSKR, M. D .The English Female Bitters i» accurately and beau tifully put up in largo bottles, at $250 per bottle, or three bottles lor $o— one bottle la-ting ub«'ut two week*. Shipped to all parts of the country at receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE A CO.. Proprietors. Memphir, Teen. KIDNEY AND BLADDER Affection* are exceedingly common ar.d troublesome all <>\ or the country, and the public have b-nr lclt the i.roes-Mty <>f a remedy that could bo relied upon in all those affection*, and none arc better qualified to pre pare such a remedy than the physician himself. We have practiced mcdicino about twenty ycur*, and can safely say that we know of no combination to equal our fcxfrac! Bfarberry and lAucliu. It i* recommended to cure all deraugemects of tho Kidneys and Bladder, such *i» Grtvjji urinary De posit* of all kinds. Bloody or Milky Urine, frequent de«iro to urinate, pain in stnull of back, dull burning pain in region of bladder. Gout. Dropsy, Nervous Trembling. Melancholy, evil torch-.dings, effects of habits of diskipation or early abuse, lor* power and memory, and all thoso affection* requiring » prompt and decided DiurTtic, whether old nr y oulc. male or female. Price, $1, or six bottles ior *5. Shipped to all partg of the country on receipt of price. Sold by oil Druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE A CO., Proprietors, Memphis, Tenn. THE CHILL PUZZLE. S is * 111 * All ills • lli hills • 11 fh c h 1U a tllibefoh ills sllihcfofch ills s 11 ihr fogo fc h i l Is silihofogngofchills sllihcfogningofchills sllihcfogniKingofcbills sllihcfogningofchms sllihcfogngofchills sllihofogofe hills sllihcfofchi ID till hofob ill. * lli hch i 1 1 s slllbills s 11 i 11 * sills sis s The above will cure any rveof chills, oven of six months standing, without affecting the head, ears or nerves. It arouse* the stomach and liver, carries off tbe bile and effects permanent cure*. Iu the swamps of Arkansas, where the chilis are so common and *o difficult to care, they readily yield when treated with our King of Chills. Put up in large bottles at 21. or six bottles for $5.— Sent to all parts of the country on receipt of price. Sold by all Druggists. J. P. DROMGOOLE & CO., PROPRIETORS, MEMPHIS. TENN. L. W. HUNT k CO., ang4-law General Agents. Macon, Ga. CENTRAL CITY CONDITION POWDERS! HORSES, MULES, CATTLE HOGS, POULTRY. L. W. HUNT & CO., DRUGGISTS, CHERRY 9TREET, - - UACQX, HA., 8 OXsS PROPRIETORS. ! A RELIABLE MKDICTNE FOR ALL DISEASES INCIDENT TO STOCK OF ANY KIND. j JL the fact that they arc composed of medicines that have laxa’ ive. tonic and alterative properties. The us© of them improve the wind.strengthcns the appetite and digestive apparatus, ar. 1 gives to the animal a tine, smooth and glossy skin, thus improving tho appear ance, vigor atid spirit, which has been reduced by overwork or disca>e. These Powder* w.II strengthen the stomach and intestines, cleanse them from offen sive matter, and bring them to a healthy state. They .treasure preventive ot Lung Fever, and a certain remedy for all disease* incident to tbo llorsc, such as Glanders, Yellow Watcr,Di«tcmper, Founder. Heaves, Slavering. Cwagbs, Fever.Lo svf Appetite and Vital Energy, otc. PACIFIC HAH STEAMSHIP CO.’S THROUGH LIRE TO CALIFORNIA, carara aits jafav, TOUCHING AT MEXICAN PORTS. AND CAR RYING THB U. 8. MAIL. Through to Calitbrnla In Twenty-two Days. Coirocenxo cm tbb Fa- 01770 WITS THl COLORADO, Steamships oh th» Aniimc: AT,ASKS, ( ARIZONA, i ~ ~ HENRY CHAUNCEY, - CONSTITUTION. NEW YORK, - - - - GOLDEN CITY, OCEAN QUEEN, - - - SACRAMENTO, NORTHERN LIGHT, - GOLDEN AGE. COSTARICA, - MONTANA. One ofthe aboTO lsrce and splendid Steuuhlp, will lesve Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal Street, at twelve o'clock, noon, on the lit, and Hth, of ever; month (except when those Sate* fall on Snndav, and then on the precedinc Saturday), for ASPIN WALL, connecting, via Panama Railway, with one of the Company's Steamships from Panama for SAN FRAN CISCO, touching at ACAPULCO. Departures of the 1st connects at Panama with Steamers for SOUTH PACIFIC and CENTRAL AMERICAN^PORTS. Those of the 1st touch at , for‘japan'and CHINA.—Steamer CHINA, leaving ban Francisco October 4th, 1369, for Japan and China. Un° Hundred Pound* of Baggage allowed to eaoh adult. Baggage-Masters accompany baggage through, and attend ladies and children without male protec tory. Baggage received on the dock tho day before sailing, from Steamboats, Railroads, and passenger* who prefer to send down earl An experienced Surgeon board. Medicine and attendance free. For Freight or Passenge Tickets, or farther infer* motion, apply at the Company's Ticket Office, on the r CANAL STREET, NORTH RIVER, NEW YORK. inayl0-ly* F. R. BABY Agent. DIRDCTIONi LUNG FEVER.—When you find that jr.ur hon-e** appetite is not good, and he appear* dull and etu- pid. standing hack from the ttough, wiih hi* head down, etc., be ha* strong symptom* of Lung Fever. Give one powder morning and night, in wot food, which, if used in time, will effect a cure in a few day?. For poor and low-spirited nnimal*. Or e powder a dav, in wet food, will havo ths ino«t beneficial effect, infusing a new «pirit into the horse tt-** glossy skin. When distemper prevail borhood. give one powder three time?. spring purifier, give the powder twice a wsrok. Central City Condition Powders FOR MILCH C0W$. By u<-ual experiment, it has becu prwvcn th.*t these Powders wrtl increase the quantity ■ f Milk and Cream 20 per cent., uid make the Butter firm and sweet. In I fattening cattle, it give? them an appetite, loosens i their hide, and makes them thrive much faster. Dosa for Cows—Hall a powder in slop*. FOR HOGS. For all disease* of Swine, such a? Cough*. I lot r? in ! the Lung?, and ninro particularly i;i Jlrg Cholera, these Powder* are invaluable. The> will also cure Mange, and promote the growth ot stunted i i Dose f<»r ILpcd—Half a powder cncc a day. in swill orwetfood. If th© Ch' lera is In the neighborhood, give half a p *wdcr twice a week. FOR POULTRY. These Powde-s ure a certain preventive gapes, cholera, and other ditfe*?**# in Chicken . Tutke ■<, Ducks, etc., and will improve tho cot.duKu of all CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY, Howard and Berlc* Sts., Philadelphia, made by Sutton, with 13 boilers. 40-inch diameter, 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, 18-inch Cylinder, four feet stroke, made by Sutton, with 3 boilers. 36-inch diameter, 38 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 42-inch, 6, 8 and 10 treadles, 1, 2, 3 and 4 Shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms. 42 and 45-inch, 12 and 24 Har ness. 3 and 2 Boxes. Pick and Pick, and also 4 Boxes. (56x431st Breaker,) Mule ISet Woolen Card*< 48x48 2d " >420 Spindles, (40x42 Condenser. 11%-in. gauge. (40x42 l*t Breaker.) Mule 1 Set Woolec Cards< 36x42 2d “ >240 Spindle*. (.30x42 Condenser. ) 1^-in. gauge. (60x48(st Break cr, 1 Mule* 2 Set Woolen Card* ^ 48x 48 2d “ >432 Spindles, (.48x48 Condenser. ) 1%-in. gauge, 2 Mules360 Spindles eacb,2V£-inch gauge. 1 Sargent's Burr Picker, large site, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY, FOR COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hodaon'a make, large riie, Spe*d*r 36 inch, two Beaters. 4 Cotton Card*, 36-inch, self Strippers and Grinder, 50 inch traverse, 1 Drawing Frame, four Coilers, Dumford's Draw ing Frame, six Coilers. 1 Condenser, feeder. 24 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frame*. 2-inch RiDg*,168 Spindles each. 1 - “ 1‘4-inch “ 180 " With Shafting, Belting, etc., complete to run the cotton machinery. Warping Mills, by hand and power. 1 Balling Machine, for candle wick, etc. 50,000 Bobbins. Jar Will take part COTTON in trade. §ep27-eod3m LAND FOR SALE IN UOXROM CO BNT T. Tine Water Power for Mills, on tbe Xobeiofkee Creek, known as Chap man's old Mills, in tbe Twelfth District. November, in Forsyth, Ga.. 950 acres of land, more .j less—being the place lately owned by Baldwin Davis—lying ten miles from Forsyth, south; three miles from the Montpelier Springs, and six mile* from the Macon and Western Railroad. Good im- S rovemcatnon the place and good land*. On the place rat-rate water power for factories or merchant*' mills of any kind; good rook wall where the mill once stood: adjoining Calvin Battles', Mrs. Cotton** plantation. Peter Jones and others. Sold for distribution of the legatees of Baldwin Dario* estate, late of said coun ty. Teams each. _ . BLIZA DAVIS, Executrix MptM-td ot old Mt*u. MHUNTER Z^IONTIVUF.S to treat all private diseases, .Syphilis y in all it# forms. Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture. Orchitis, and all urinary diseases, and tho effects of taurcurynro completely eradicated; Spermatorrhea orfeeminal Weakness, resulting from self-abuse or 0 faer causes, and which nroduces feme of the follow ing effect-;: As blotches, bodily weakness, indigestion, constipation, aversion to society^ unmanliness, dread of tuturo event*, loss of memory, indolence, rocturnal emisMons, and finally prostration ot the vital powers, esn be fully restored to health. Persons afflicted with this, or any other delicate, intricate, or lone standing constitutional complaint, should give tbe Doctor a trial. He never fail#. Tbo Doctor publishes a medical circular that giro* a tull exposition of venereal and private diseases, that can be had free at his office, or by mail for one stamp. It gives a clear delineation ot all tho disease* and conditions resulting from the infringement of the moral laws, exoesses. indulgences, exposures, and im prudences In married or single life. Every sentence contain* instruction to tbo afflicted, nnd enabling tnem 4 o determine tho precise nature of their com plaints. T ho establishment, comprising ten ample rooms, is central. \V h«n it is not convenient to visit the city, the Doctor's opinion can be obtained by giving a written itatouicnt of the case, and medicines can be forwarded by mail or express. In some instances, tp wevor. a personal examination is absolutely neces sary, jv.iilo in others, daily personal attention isrs- suired, and for tho accommodation of such patients there aro npurtiuents connected with tho office that are • n>vided with every requirim that is calculated to pi uinotc recovery, including medicated vapor baths. All prescriptions aro prepared in tho Doctor'* own Laboratory, under hi* personal supervision. Medi cal pamphlet at office free or by mail lor two stamp*. No matter who havo failed, rea l what he say*. nfhco .No. Ivl Third street, between Green and dV alnut street*, near tbo P< stoffico. Louisville, Ky. Office hours. 9 x. u„ to 7 r. u.; Sundays, 10 a. u., to 13 X. iulyd dawiy ids of fowls. -On Do T 3 J 1 of dough, and led to n brood <•( twenty-five chi* k- ens everyday. Fc-r grown fowls, give tvneo the quan tity. These Powder* arc offered to the public with antee of reliability tnd practic l u to all classes who have stock of any kind, i o even ono. we ssy give them a trial. Tho meuayspent fortht m will be as good an investment as you ever made. Pot up in boxes of ton powders each. Prico, Fifty Cents per box. The trade supplied on liberal terms. None genuine without our written i»ig§ature. L. W. HUNT 6l CO., sept28-tf Druggists. Macon. (Ia. a soHaiA MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. H A\'ING fully organised f-ur Company on a sure a»d pcrmanonl basis, and having tbe Comptrol ler's authority, we pr. .-cmt to the Southern People what we believe to be one of the safe.*!.and be-t Lile Insurance Companies eve’ established in the South ern Country. The Home Offico i-? in Macon, Georgia, where every dollar invested will remain in our midst. The galaxy of name*, given as director* and referee-, is a sufficient guarantee <d itself of tbe fidelity witn which this institution will be managed. The capita! is sufficient to meet all losses in every contingency. We earnest!* 1 appeal to • ur cititens everywhere to build up with um this structure for the benefit of our loved ones, our home." and our country. Hundred* of thousands of dollars are yearly ab stracted from the pockets of our people, aud carried to foreign part< to enrich strangers who have but lit tle sympathy for u*. Can we not learn wisdom and use our means to en rich ourselves and beautify our homes ? We will try and place, in every locality, polite and efficient Agents to transact the business ot the Com pany. And wo cordially invite all desiring agencio# in this Company to cal! on the Officers, at the office building, near the Passenger Depot, in front of the two hotels, on Fourth street, where all matters of de tail will be cheerfully given. The profits will be entirely mutual after paying six percent, to the Stockholders for amount of Stock guaranteed. W. J. LAWTON, President. J. C. McBURNEY, Vico President. R. J. Ltostvoot, Secretary. BOARD OF DIRECTORS : ASHER AYRES, Fertilixer, Macon, Ga. T. C. NISBET, Iron Founder, Macon, Ga. H. T. JOHNSON Johnson, Campbell k Co.. Whole sale Grocers. Macon. Ga. JACKSON DiLOACHE, Carriage Depository. Ma- J. 0. McBUKNEY. Macon, Ga. W. .J. LAWTON, taw.on * Lawton, Macon, Ga DAVID T. SINGLETON. Planter. Eatonton. Ga. RICHARD HOBBS, of Cruger A Co.. Bankers, Al bany, Ga. DR. JAMES F. BOZEMAN, Pres't Georgia Hume Insurance Company, Columbus, Ga. WALLACE GUMMING, Banker, Savannah, Ga. M. P. STOVALL. Stovall «k Butler, Augusta, Ga. 1 F. ADAMS, Cashier National Bank. Athens. Ga. T. M. FURLOW. America.', «a. } BKFERKNCS3: Harrifs k Howell, Wilmington, N C Gen Aago?tus Young, Charlotte, N C Wm B wright, Fayetteville, N C Jno C Slocum, Goldsh ^ro, N C Wm M Lawton, Charleston, S C Jas P Boyce. President Theological Institute. Green- I ville, S C R Furman. D D, Newberry Court Hoc.-o, S C JOB Dargan, D I», Sumpter, S C 8 T Aikin, Knoxville. Tenn Jno McNabb, President Eastern Bank of Eufanla. Eafaula, Ala Theodore Harris, President Louisville Insurance and Banking Company, Louisville, Ky Wm D Miller. Lynchburg, Ya T C S Ferguson. Lynchburg, Va D H Baldwin k Co, New York Go 1thweight. Rice k Semple, Montgomery. Ala Ex-Gov J G Shorter. Eafaula, Ala L L Warren, President Falls City National Bank, Louisville, Ky Gordon, Owens k Stokes, Abbeville, Ala P H Pepper k Co, Mobile, Ala Josiah Morris, Banker. Montgomery. Ala Hugh McCoIl, Commissioner, New Orleans, La Wood, Low k Ludwigsen, NeWOrleans. La Noble k Brothers, Iron Works, Rome. Ga Gen A R Lawton. Savannah. Ga Gen AH Colquitt. Baker County, Ga Thos H Willingham. Dougherty County. Ga James Callaway, Atlanta, Ga Col Luther J Glenn. Atlanta, Ga Dr T W Keen. Salisbury, N C Maj W M Robbins, Attorney-at-Law, Salisbury, N C Col C W Low, Merchant, Lexington, N C James Sloan, Esq, Merchant. Greensboro, N C Hon B G Reade, Supreme Court Judge, Roxboro, N C Hon C 8 Winstead. Roxboro, N C B P Williamson, Wholesale Grocer, Raleigh, N C J P DUHnghana. Ncwbern, N C Robert Thompson. Esq. Wholesale Grocer, Nashville, Tennessee Hen John Enkin. Judge U S Court. Atlanta, Ga frt-dJcwtf R 0! S A D A L I S OSADALIS! rnE GREAT AMERICAN HEALTH I Restorer. i.uriMs. th« blood and cures . ... ufim- of Women, nnd oil Chronic Affections o', the Blood, Liver and Ki ineys. Hccommendo i by the Medical Faculty and many thousand* of o U r bc«t citizens. Head the testimony of Ph\s'cUi:fi and patients * ’ * “ *ad*lis; send foi i:il:s Guido to !lo iltli Air ;-r thi«* year, v» hi.-f, of publish iioiw dietributiou ; it wi-l give; for which 2. roftib Tin >ik< 'i'h t “ppy remit*: i-fary »yphil s, in r.'iunced himself u five bottles of case of ••lients. which is rapidly its mo, and the indica- ■ patient will ^non recover, f examined tho formulm !>s *.dalis i? made, and find inpt und of alterative in Dr. Si*arks, of Nicholasville. Ky.., h•-» u :o i Rnsadalis in esses of Scrofula and boundary Syphilis with satisfactory ro- -ults-.n a cleaner of ihe lil-.od 1 know no better remedy. Samuel G. McPadden, of Murfreesboro, feno., says: 1 have u^cd ^eveti bottle-* of Hosndali*, end am entirely cured of Khcuinatlrm: sen*! ine four bottles, ns I wish it tor iu brother, who ha* .Scrofulous .Sore Eye*. Beniamin Bechtol.of Lima,<>hio, writes: I have suffered for twenty y»**rs with an inveterato eruption over uty whole body; a -hort time since 1 purchased a bottle o< Rosadali* and it effected a f-crfeet cure. ROSA DAL. X IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Drs. Clemente, Rives A Co., Proprietor*. For Bale by J. a. Z23X2iXlt 4l CO inl.S-tf W. E. TANNER. ALEX. DELANEY METROPOLITAN WORKS RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Csmer of Ssvsnth and Canal Street*. LIYERY AMD 8ALB 8TABLES. rpHB andmiciMd ku taken cb.irye of tbo well X known - Chapman’, Livery Stable,” in Macon, opposite tbo paisenger abed, on Plom street, where he w>u oonduct a Eeneral Livery Basin era in all ita branehee. Anythin, yon may want in the way of transportation, by horse or mule. bony, carriage or hack, will be fhrniahed on abort notice and at reason able rates. Drovers will find this an old and popular stand at which to diapoea of their stock. <5bll-ly 8. H. H0UCS8, Amt. WM. £. TANKER & CO., Stationary & Portable Engines, BOILERS, BRIDGE BOLTS AND CASTINGS, LEON AND BRASS WORK. TEON and WOODEN TRUCKS for Car*. IM- 1 PROVED MACHINERY of all kinds built and repaired. Also, A rent sin the Southern States for B-K. BJLOWBT, A?’1 eepu-dewly No. 62 Second tL, Maeon OLD POPLAR LOG THE POTEST COPPER WHISKY MADE WARRANTED TO BE PURE. AT $3 50 PER GALLON. XTEUTRAL SPIRITS— LN RAW. CORN. RECTIPTE And, in fact, a large let of all trade* of Whisk always on hand, at s* THIRD STREET, i. ▼. KASSAlb