Newspaper Page Text
vT> * nox AuVv.
p|j i , ‘i A Sl' l“C 11 1• H !•••■ 11l
WfKLIVM J. lUlNl'l'i.
doivliliuin, d'
f. lf> .., ci rv I-. ,‘i ii,« • ■ >•<■•■■ i"'
4.1M11.1. Y- 1 ' ■ '"- 1
v , , lV , |> -Ml. a W -k. 'tu.- DMl.r.p.r
unii.m, i#
, , ~ ~, u.ltf .'oir !■> <>**■"
..1 *.l ;.tr- ■ !.<,;■ - I'Al i-
JU'v j ,1 . •» Imr* i"-f ' »?»!'•'■ i l *"
f"* N u e ibcraWtfl
,cu V.I '.VI. vr**> «■ "■
■ r . . ~r ..,i ....i•.-*««. v'-..
~ , . „ r -J, 1,, tow, )«> !»• .!«'•* •>"'•" ' *,
•’•■ ' ', i.i n( InIM I■ ■rr ' •"'••
' ■■■ ■
■ i > tv11«» • itic*• ol »«'■• •• 1 *’*
» 1 '■; pi;" 1 ' ; ,ix I; , , pmviiiu* !■>'• •») »
~r t ~of ■ nlpmiMr’y ■»«•' - •'«‘ l >» h<" "•»
... ..ihi.n* >1 i" mu,t !,b
‘ A'(.Of.»' V .!*»■• . . ,
, . , ~1 i,o |o lo Hit* 1 -O' loi '■ Itnsrr I>*
1 _ _ , n —T-.— —-
X vliuH -A \.vgVsUvVvv\v%
1,, M ...I \V. Inesday,
Mu !; K - IllUl.ll *:t4 tn.M
\ rs ,lotion re*|«**Hti . •>'-'»
dent, inl'ui •alllioil to (he "'«'*• l ul
im> ni vs-nis taplur- I by pi rules, "a* ■’»'
mil do! : y Mr. Ilugglcs
n„..c r’soiulions wen; offered by Mr. ‘
i,..11 I I !. HI Ik 1.1 a, t ' t)l i.ji'i' C 111 winch
permnm i. ■• ul |«‘i I'rl'J il l'‘ ,ul i
in iiiiproveiiient. i
.; Juhii. .■(W'l’sntn ■ i >ii. rt l.ilivi! lo au
thor iug lie 15'tuks to receive public lands 1
ul tl ■')• . VV . uIW M)l»c .i:- '
CiMsi.«B. iJt'diMCil lor ''o' . ro-'M* to lie n tile
r. j
len • ' ■
mlmi’k,, v ri.t- diiv-, situ •' oiler.ol, by Mr.’-
t >,, i i ( , |-,.l tin to toe elaiin of tlio repn;
siMit.i'lves ul ill.’ Marquis ilc ’iai.-nn IV'Ugi* '
fti I.l'. i dial e'on' ; o ■ ■nimitlei*) was ta- 1
k,-a liini il.-liaU 'l until .-cl aside by the,;
orders ol ♦u' da y. v
Thu bill for the seUlemertl of the Or«*u;<'». I
was then taken up, and (lo third sec tionj
, >lllllu laud to settlers i slriidccii out
I' •i, ’. ~ ii : ; ’l.e 'it do eu’ sol the i • ed-1
in; l dav. w,s ordered to I)' ■ •! tor a,
rim d ye.idiuj; If o lav ■
l, i> Mil i v,i atilt t»: W)' ( > ••■dial ■ arul j
I , , ~, i d( ■ I' l ir.res) to OetK-ral
J, 1., tie, was then lakt'M up.
\\ r. Sloatie, of < Ihio, moved to poH<|>,)ne ’
he bill to tl > oij-■ ■1 t ap )• int
o.oK .i i' to report a stalei ie..t ul til*' :
i ~i. ' ■,-,t- u.i V.-eh it '• as tout, led, ■
j : . I ,n vi ■ i ’ i strike out so much
, \\ ■ ■ n,i' nil as went to appoint a !
i,oui i>rlll ec, \\ ’.in Vi was ■:■ -j;alived. _ !
T -.U,, ,U! . .ill ", O i'll r» .'Oil. 11l ‘
; ;>rll ■ i. ," a• I “Jn... i. ■ ■ Uic . ’ jical.. i ,
lo 'V ol 'o I
\J i . Merrli' .of Ue. mum d it p 'pou
he : di imleli iiteU .
\J; ! ,ivilius!iei, ul n 'ldsiaua I " ) (Uie
■■; t. .Mite flee who i (.olled the di n
■ ■ ■■■ th^ojfiriits ul ii. lie adioeafed at j
v!i I!■, i imsuii i'de i ■ >•> aud ji •, •• of t !j•
i|, :,■ ■ .iiioii. an ut iloPars an 1
s, hie e* leni-c in | isaessjun ol the coin - j
one * o such as would, it duly , 1
i h ui: m rupuluus, ul the justice ol j
not uulv what "as proposed by the)
ml . 'el, ei .ii >ub;e that aiuuimt.'
!«■• d'emul *e halt pay ul a,M y u',
, which uu prituipl.'S of eijuity, was!
ie tu (leiier,d l.<a I'hi hftlle, and w hich could 1
>BO,OOO ; to
•i >- ipplic. lufii’saed by Inm, (luring our.
le. . iiiuarv cuiilcst, wh i b anmuiil.e I at;
si ■ . in.OOO, ai In pi -• ml saci;
set '■ u He hoped tin. bill would pas* :
In ■ uioiidiaoiis vufe.
Mi. ,N’ !)., lie del mil consider the 'nil us I
mviil'. ma: ‘u prii etple that Congress was (
vuUnf'a i on. j) e. 1 ; sat io n under tb •
ot ,r bond. He i" m’.diTed that in die
lion niadOhm*" was a degre* ot indela aey
ediich would sine h the delicacv id anv hum
ui ble mind, and .t ul i yat him r was
propose* Ito call lr i.i ! If lo a . in
nearly aßectlnj; ditns dl. I, very ;m.n h
iuu >teil u tied ic .d he heard this 1 •, us-uu.
he would receive (he donation. Mr, M‘ll.
uus'eil tail tin il oiso would not attempt to,
ve-ii; ac wh it».uiiiotproved, and will
not; tint n would net descend to Iheinves-;
: ion ot lads which arc known to (ho
whole world, and arc interwoven with (.lie
mostiuiei stui and important, parts of our
own history.
Mr. Mangum, of ' ex|)iesscd hisdccji
re grot at the motion lo rcre.u nil, and hr i.
til v coiicu . i t*. 1 in the v lews of .M . M• i t .hi
He co .id have, wished tor the honor i>i ,; ,c
Vine Oitii name, and for the honor of (he
House that no Mich ntlaii as tins, should
have beam meditated.
Mr Herrick, of Vie. ruse to explain his
vie".- in imdlin;', tlm uiotum of ludelinite
post pon uient. He was willing to support
i,h bid, and v aid not oppose it when fai
1 Y bi tore the 11 oaso.
r. B i w tld regret to see th ■ ■ i .c House banlencil w iflimoii
,1, t ■.i.- sa' act. tie W U Will: lo p, ■
it against ,m oppo»dum which, il , i- •.
in. i ins t ope iic ! " lake a was a ! ... >g.
oar "*'.iiuiiy, «.n desirous a pc-,, me
the wnole. -al | ct to Mmnlav.
Mr. L amp tell was not oj |u,m'il io the
piincipl* ol the bill ■ ie w i . ia (~\ur ol
granting V, ,0,00'), to iieneral Hafay ■Me nd
V tbe pay ' a Major ( far I,f, H,.
did not iik i tu be taken by surpii-c, and
' wi slier, tin; .til postponed for u few days
I V m >;ion from 'li Tocke-* to lay the hi ! ’ ;
lon ’he table, for the p i■>, •■>•* of conciliating
a > on i u • vote, was i"-’ by i large nia
jontv M’ M .ci 1 \ r a. 0-e to corrobo
♦:r " <!*■• statements of Mr. Livingston. He
a- h- uu "f going much (m liter in the
■ (amount of die ,t ,nation, than •:,.*( of the bill.
jThe services of (i neral Lafayette in
rjvi,i ;a 'ie. l oan' is not i man eho breatties
iuiir .-ir in treads uor -uil, eli* i- not indebt
jed to him.
Mi ton- ot N. V uni of tl,e mym
le' on '.ml • I- ■. 1 a'ed the
| bill.
The rjuestii av es li.' " * i!■. ~o the dis
! ,1c! or :c in i* nil mo ’. *-, e.iiK vcie .i.i oega
-1 {lived, and the bi 11 vas by coir * m read f 11«
tuird tin,' , and pa.r.vul by the follow," -g
vote :
) - M --.r» \bbot, Adams, Alt*vat
. I V . \li" 'in* r of ’i no \Men, r,(
i I lb no. Allison, Arclu/r,
Il uley, i, ivlies. Ba ber, ol (hum. J*. V
f rbour, 1.8. Barbour, Bartlett, Bartley?
■ I Blair, s ••'■*<■ k. Breitl, I’rown,' KtUrn
il k1: 10 •bnh ! , C U:;,!)('! *, of
t ■ i ito', (’ irey, ("a >, - ■ Uik .iek,
(hdiliis, Conn l )', Cook, Craig, C jjlin
shield, Culpejiper, Ci-hman, !)..v fee,
I- I I 1,1 ! I, I! '.i; ~, l',»! LM.I v ,'fM it,-, of
l''on Kllis, Karndly, I'tu'<l, Fm,(, i ; onn
Kuiite, ui New-Vork 1 •'<»»... vtH. K iWiiid
' s( Kutler, (iiurison, (<atlm, U. ■:■: ,
■ i ■■■ , I;.,! I,i Han - Ha ••. •
Ho ipi.ill, II i, M i rick, ! 1 unari Hog
i»ton 11.,! umb , Hook Hiu iuu, Ingh .m
Ua, ks, Jenkins, .leonings, J. I'. Joln.emn, '
Kent, !. Itle! jv,"io a Lathi.",), Lawren e,
1 as, ! ii w lie !,, Letcher, L ' ti< lilving-toii, 1
Lock, Lo ,g. L'lMgfcliow, M‘ \i tluir, M
Dull;!• ' Keaii; il'k-e, M‘i\,iu M*|.'tn
ol Del Mui'ii ip v;ill M M.ikiev, i
tllli; ele , \! aii ■ u M 11 do 11 Miller,
M'< ■• ■!, ’ *',• : hii■ < ■mil, . 1 .Mil. Muor •, 1
of Mu ,<1 ' ■ il >r, Xai
.V ' a i'vvi ,oi, O'lJrien, Ol.a. llw. n, 1
I'.rte -ui). -iI i’enn. I lumer, ofN il. I’lum- 1
er, of Bon . j’uii,■■.••(• Ua, Uv ’tl, Itev
Holds, tin'll.., d-, 1< ■■ ■ .’launders. 8 milord,
>ha!j . Arthur ,-uiii'i: Vl v. Kulidl, fell.;]
S.tai i.u 'a ui !; , \ St p 11’a -oil, J. - .e- 1
plicnsuti Stewart, Stodd.rd, Bbirrs, Swan,!
laliafeiTo, L.ilmd, l.iibir, ten Kyck. :
I -st, I limupH tt, if lb .. Tt mipson, ol ,
H ~. I' i -’iii ,i, drucy, I r • lie. or, d
' V,i. Tih'iii, I, ; !i'ce, Vance, of N. C. Van, 1
>aluer, Va 11 . \\ i • VVarficbl, M •
1" edist o', Whipple. W hitnaan, W«.i:; , '
1 11 a m*, •
N.C James .Vdson, Henry ’.V ilson. Wit-p
son, of 8. C. VVolfi*, Wood, ‘,i 'i..>d»---Me.n
Speaker- I(' I.
Nays. Messrs. Beecher, Buck, Bur-!
b'lgll, CilUp'./e , (I Ol)io, C ill-, (•
(list ! Johnson, Lincoln, Livermore, M‘ "
|t .-y, iVLLean, of Oltia, M atson, Metc nle
•Pattei uu, of Oiiio, Uo-h, Scutf, Si.uiuc,!
■ '■• ling, rtm-iipmiu, of Kt*n. !■Mu, el S
■' * "•: , \ niton, lilU ie.wy,
W il«ou, ol (ihio 'i ngh',---aio.
W hen the y eas and nays had been called;
•in ■ ■-1 <I ' ■ peaker t os,', and ou rv
jing, that, having been precluded, by tliej
place he held. Inun ;lie e .pre.— ian of nisi
-entiment'. lu i ; ,ti:,n to eiliiei di
pleol the lurtß of the b .I, he reijiies'•.! o r
’ mse tlV'!t: lie m the peruiitled >
U» ‘ ive exp: ea-iul) tu in-, ie, ’ ,g, in .. laiiou ,
to I'.'lh, a« to • i'c . i v. .n w ith 11 •.i■ e of
jibe oihi i nembms- and leave hui'ing in .
. jnomjdl v given, the Cleik called the Speak •
■*•'•*'■ iMiue, and lea vote was recorded *-. thej
elf.' niutive
j ;
Sawnvaii, January 3.
VuvVcß\ Vvmtv ‘ tr'liui.’.
By the mail last nig l t which did not ,r
rive until like eight o’clock, we iceeii 1,;
in extra, from our <.*> rosp,indent, th N. w
toil;, C.r/.i to, containing Livcrpum
(. I'lgence to the 6lh Nov. tuber, ami Lon
don to the creiiiii'.; u! die (th. They du
! not contain a: • adviia - fr ,m die ( mtineif
lain than I*-. , utd by tin- way of Havre,
;and id lueai o u,re des’itute.
We are v ed’ nl, in vv*• m, to perceive
t a rise 11 (•• ;lid h. - taken
f place m 1 > I'.i .Market,*-thus coyjirm
m„ uenrw If,IV! I ihe l"iluwing is
‘ the intelligence, to w hich vve rest r ;
Liverphot, \oo. 5,
I’ricfs. — liir.o, 15 to 18s —Flaxseed, A, for erusliing, P 5 to JO-- ■>..) ierci
• Iron Bark, id (in, 1-1 Lugwuud, {.’a"unea
jchy, 7 Ij to 8- \ nerican Tar, 1.1 *.| i
.j'l'tirpemini 9to 11- ; M -Ashes { s ia .
’ Ir. ilt Hot tu -•!) ;do i’-'.irl, da v’. ir.,;
!) ,w ed ('-• orgia, lit tu |u,| ; \ . (),
I fleans 8 tu 11 iob : J ~■..■. .
i leaf. -1- ( : 1 ■ I t, u~i {, i. 4
■ Vmet lean Flour, new, bond, ">» (id tu
f 23,4:it) hales Cotton had been sold at
I ,iv erpo.d, during the w eek end: ; |], .
• >dth ot Oetnli w at an adian, if 3 4 (y 1
1 1 •iv qualities. On the'ti:,, ,dt. C(,u,m
turther adv.ineed l ' (~ l--2 : , rlb.
, . t London. Nov, 4.
<"V■' ■' ’ c!:n-k. —This is a huj y,lav in
! liu ’ British Meek M uket. I’ll.' ‘ruminal
’’ prl* >of Consuls fur die 2Gth is 9.',; T'hen*!
1 v ■ foreign market
' •>* “i> t-ivo p eer !. ,g days. |'j le South!
America securities n, iutain (heir piire-.
1 Nl '- a*’ ■' ■ and ( lombiau;
’ Domls o’ 4 Spanish humls me ’lj. Fr.-mld
1,-uip is id , ptvni. !{entes i > yij. New
Neapnlitan scrip, I e ,m
JiONDON, NOV. 4. ;
: 1 I’ -c Bank of Messrs. Chambers & Son
>'■'i Bond- : Meet, London, has stoj j»fil pay
•■"• lit. i Link was established .>(■ v*mi ■
• •.:•(•••, un :it the firm of Birch. Chambers \
•il -bbs File calamity, it is stated, will be
.it read fu I, 1 1 1 ii m; principally upon trades
moti, Mr, (.numbers’ purchase and cnri
■ ;,- xion in the Opera I louse, I.ondon, are said
' Imve led to tae failure. Some persons in
i literary rid theatrical world, are ex
r,i - ' bo.;■ ■ ‘‘i ai couai
■' ’ tha l tile true cause ol,^h« = fiuW :
• i >se I; oin the immense -uotfad vancol m , |
-l n, -‘w speculation;' th ■ improved patent road
'• 1 onil to eclipse the plan of Mr, Me-.
Ad.iOl. ,
■n 1 «BWm»te individual was tried at
d I Bailey, n the 30th of October. He
icei to tin; liar with a slow but firm!
; >'■' ’ • ■!e appeared 'o be . bout 50. I! •wa
"' : upon die- Starve of h.r- i-.-.- on the’
, i 4 June, forged ade. , for the transfer ol|
■ with intent t > defraud t Banl i
' ! ! . 111 ■ I. He pleaded “not guil y"in ~
ton” of voice, lie was then - dgn d I
;a;mn Sf 'dhei (hat ;es, to all which ' . plea- ■<
• d ■ guiitvlt being i; ,ate ’ (hat h
nr pnso.ier w u s indispo-ed, Mr. .Ins-j
»e allowed J ll m to b■ j> ,ivi, 1■ ■! wit!, i
'A ' 1 ’> ■ rile Alt. i ney -general slated the I
hi pi'ion ilot -i dischargef i
", I l ' l duly, he said he was hound to ..
' h v 1 i 1 elf to a bare red it !of lads. 1i I
l v taße "i-.cio the prisoner was allowed no
' ' 1 ’' ‘ (; I ’ i■' a i ill his I. „alt WOO it; be ! ,
-*-**• l Jf «><. the greatest impropriety il he were y
to imln go iii .my ihisi a rail ms 1 ending to e\ , t
■ ' *i<‘ ■ 'it prism V. i, , M , |i,. , |,
• • '■ o • j. .i l ni >• .- die na ,k i>g ...... t . of
1 ' '•> Si racev & Co. .winch wi- establish- ~
' d about limey wais io, Ml. i ,n ,t!ero.'s s
ia, ier was i .km: laio me Sinn n account >" v
I** 4 * know lodge of bit king usiti In 1-
11 • 'ii i email died on so , woo had >
been a ■-nlidomi.,l cle.!: in the banking-|„
”! us ''id mad ix-romi versed in die con „
' ' >l ! " * ; ■ ’ ba. !;. -ut •v> dud It i, aiul do n
pi ju :i tol the h i'i. dm i ved chief c
; up- Crto'ii. In ;. ;,, a la y, named (
' .... - ter of th
,e was possessed of I -lot), three v
: ■. pow et of attorney had p
by whit It /500 ) (if tliiu stuck liad .
j -'d. Ihe lady’s name was s
*' r »as \ ell rs those of two clerks in the|
’ ■ ' ■ * H-a (.•,), as witnesses to the!
( ” i necessary that the date at
' 11 the h* ! vases cutcfl, and also some | J
' ll f 1 1 ar., d .m'V'l be vvt tten by the
. ■ tii-o;:. to ~ ion it, > 11 length.! j
e hand writing o > j
. 1 ■ * ■ 1 gt. tid, h Wev•bo i ro-L
1 ' 1 ■ com i document o' a.. tsst'exira
l ' ' . >'..i! "• h would id,ii the ill 1
i * i ’ ' f) I*
; ' ' ' • ' ' •'• >• ' -uid a L.ui. Wli o in;|
'• o ■i, ~.s pifemi t-s in ’ortTer-l.
~.■ 1 >" :l icd, and, nv means of aj'
: ‘ • '• 'a Ins w;i»c!» efi ins, a
• ■■ w ■ ; .rued 'w , it there .as
• ’ d.» '’’ -
''• ‘ rj •$ eir-g n . a , mi.;'
jtramc.- J: con < ji. (. One ca-o 1
uas ;.mll| t< iff a lab d, ant! in th: ~ ’
l' a, !Hl . i-\l; aordfi. ,ry die i nn.o . ,d,u, ;'
i-o . >(,u;n by I e p siii -r ■. n-.vii hand As-s
g Humber ot sums in (he Slocks,
*" I’m .m -l: of i MiO,)/. will the own , •
■ names attached to me . .m -\o sums, tl i> ’
!';■■■ - i he. f 11 11
* * * 1 ’ : ■.; cr e d
; house, 1 have l-n . d .-lowers ot attornev.p
I .inti I liave sold nut the ah' ,■ 'Uim- without
Mm knowledge of my pa inns. I kept up
■ 1 - •■ ■ ■ , i
“ L •; tier st. ;M ly 7, lot o.’’
'mi timi i ids extru-iitlnui i y postscript,
- writing . the pijsonet :
Me i ink bej.:!!) hi si to refuse
s i.’id to (•. t ia cyedit .
iiu;t shall smart for if. “11. K.”
It was extrtoitiinnrv, continued the At-i
'torney <i Mit ral, that though this docui|ienii
uas wni ien s-i Ir b,u k a iS ! (~ no cirefini ■
s'-in ■ s ~,i.d 1 have in lui. cd tii- prisoner fo'
Mlesf .iy it
- erat vsime'ses wn- men called, -- ’
I'm o evid nee merely supported t!i state \
nnt id le oruey General Vd ;
'witness: s Irm c iocludt Mi Justice I’etke’
said, ‘ lie- Faniilleio\, (lie case for the
osecii ! o'ii I, nig cltiS( ■ , n you have any
■ thing (a -iv now is your time.” The pn
S'mer thei said, “ With viu' Lortlshiii’s
permission 1 wish to say a few words.” lie
■ then io..k nit his papers, put on his glasses,
ind itsa with great < mijmsure, but with
ut- sic-, : ■ feeling, to the, lollowitig etfect
••Id not -pc ; ■ free himself
c-.nquy wln lie ... i brought no
•■I in n-eif, yet lie trusted that a correct
■: - eio d it lads w aid entitle him at,
least 'o cniiimis-n.a: i n, imi remove the'
I jirejndiccs whuh a- ' have bt . . excited!
o.igaiis him by (he cenei nianaer in vehicle
b e puiiin prints Ind falsely described thei
, , cei.'s i t lilt . J! “ | oceeded to give a
■itslory cl tie bun iig house from us loun-j
(ii i. M .Vn In into the concern!
: in I din, he ua. only M 2 y oars of age, andl
•f id the house deeply embarrassed t>v i
the large advances which hud been made tin
minder-. In 1 81 >i, the bankruptcy of
di ■’ f 5c 1 o. ; -i a loss to tiie housi
dMh >•/. In i >l4, 15, and 10, the
bn ai e ls called ii; - n , in t oiisetjuence of the
.i.c-c-M.i'ions. ;ii b inding to produce J?ll)U,-
e old y in I ns id av rtmg irrenat - 1
in c iv' s> Li 1• . • the most responsible i
•it Tie' partners died, and the einbarrass
ii>\ -,« 1 1 the hulls ware increased bv beiiT' l
c u ion t rci d his cat ital. Vlurm ■
a ll this tine -m; house was without resou- ,
ee? rxcipt those fur irhirh lie nan now re-i
ponniblf. He was in a statu of the most 1 ,
ntolerahlc ..itsfress and distraction. He!
eceived in relief from his partners ; he
had no person to look to hut himself, and j
luring the whole period pi the umicu rass-j
uieuts id widt h lie had spoken, no inquiry\
had been mode ns to the manner in tvhir.hl
hr had niurasrd In au>.fai.\ the faiUr.'* ere- 1
(lit of fhe.Ji Mi .jti icey h:]d qai'.iet! ] v i-ui ' • ami gone to FryMce, leaving!
hum exposed to the cor .mpitmcg-. Having
irnn, detailed ibc netessinesmt thigdrin, he;
jinnv most solemnly declared, that all tin l
, m.tncxj which he had r>-allied wan applied j
so/ehj to the purposes of supporting he
tahUshnienl. This fact the bt .files would |
•how. l?v that alone the hou.-u wa.. saved I
from bankruptcy. Tm >of his - tnt 1 d
Joverdra'vn >.oo*l, lie again comniai.y
'ed 1 * i cue! slaC'iiients: v. nidi the pressi
hail put (mill against )iim It was well!
.k-c.wn to those who wen acijuamted with;
; .- lubiis and character, that, so l.u timid
'being guilty of the crimes and profligacy al-j
llegetl ii”ili.isi him, lie had never - ntertaifi-:
ied a'i idea of one of them, five In coticlm '
miou, ft- etpresaed Ins con!idenc< that the'
jury would give his case an impartial and'
merciful consideration. |,
'The Jury, idler retiring about twenty:
miniTs, rctu ned,and (many of them muihjj
. I n d; g-;v. a yerdict ot Guilty ol Utter-p
inz. - |i
Tin Conn cl for the prosecution consult
i d mi'-’thei for some minutes, after whichh
M • ' - l itn■ intimate ;to tiie prisoner,!
lit i'. ym-rney General din not think ■! ! o -n mu, Tiito eg more indict- '
• (i v. not no his pain fid hit f ”
promo’, e the lenience of the law, In
Chi i-.tia.i uiagisirate lie wa- bound
vise him to prepare for his
■ not >mpossible that mercy s' .1 !"* |
■mended to him in this -, irld, bur .''as-'' .
a) sc many anil uch fret) • ;it c suin-pi
■• • same olfenc ' mie. In- o'-'
ii tii kit was most improvable. H ini” at
i lon,, then for .to make!;- peace-
'lie. pi'.oner raised.' his (clasped hand-*!
with iat energy (owardn his iietvrt, and t
bowed to the, bench. He Was led out sup-|t
ported by two persons, quite ieeblc, avidd
scarce!; Mile to move his limbs.
V ; Fauntlerov mi being led back, to I
pi 1 son, was dreadfully depressed, lie was '
permitted to occupy the same apartments | s
which he had tpiitted ivfore his trial and, I
- i- cary to custom, was but slightly manac-|(
led. * j 1
Go Puesday, the Court proceeded to call j*
up ai'. the p is iners on whom sentence of
Meath was mbe pronounced. Mr, Faualle
rov remained ,it the side of the Dock,
. Mr. Fauntlcroy then said he ha few
vvaMila to otter vvhv sentence of death should
-M*i, )1.»....i'1r..(;L .Ltul p, i CWC-dud 1(1 T'llll .1
paper, the parpuri ofwhidi was, to i uploie,
the t leim in y of his M ijesty, which he; '.intbl not be denied him. if all ti.l
circa a-s antes us tliir. case could be made.
•" :i to the Lice. -Hewac wdl: ■ to die,'
ami n:i!v tic-iied to avoid 1 ■ omiui., .
end or- at count of his family.
The Recorder th n passed sentences on
all ih c prisoners, imi stated tha , although
they n,|M,t mu hove uiiv i.qie for merev, yet
il any thing occ iructl,'in any one ot tiie!
cases, it could be carefully and anxiously ;
submitted to his Majesty,
Friy ate letters from Panama of the 20th'
ol Oct. received at Bo>, ton, state, that in an |
action er the battle ol Juni). between Holi
vai anil Canterac the former was compelled;
-o re:real with dreadful havoc. Bulimic, it. is !
added, liad diree horses killed underbuy—I
ids fm ue was 61400--that of C anterac, dou
>1 Bolivar had retired :o Guayaquil to
i ecogmze Ida to res
I Phe mummy which has been exhibiting
pa New k, was agreeably to public no-!
Mice, unclosed on the llth inst. bv Dr-,
.vlott, Stevens and Arkerly, and several
i. tlier gcntlcuiua m (he facuDy, who it is 1
expected, will give a yen interesting state- 1
iiiuni to the. public, Ai! cavil and scepli
sikm is completely put at rest, on the sub
juct of flu reality of the mummy. Thei
D uly Advertiser says, (hat on placing the!
laxly on the table, H appeared to he wrap 1
ped iu a countless number of folds of linen, j
which, by age, had been firmly matted to-;
gel her : but upon placing the knife at thei
head, and vvith diflicMtv cutting a straight
dine to the feet, the casement was easily
-eparated from the ho ly, which was found
>" be in a hard Idack and perfectly drv state.
Ml the bones, flesh and skin, were found to
be as hard .is common wood ; the arms.,
{bunds and lingers, were in quite a perfect!
;state, and in a natural position by ti": -ide
i the body. A large quantity of glutinous
-übstancc was found within the body,which
on iturning was of an agreeable odeue. No
| Moubt can now remain that the mum nr i \-l
jhibited, was entombed three thous.i. 1 years
j ago ; and by the pains taken in embafiuiigl
it, that il was the body of a fern alt of no in
(considerable importance.
! _ _ —C/OV3 —
fho I>. legation of Chickasaw Indians,
which had been at Washington city for ai
short time past, left that place on tiie 23d
uli. in the Western stage, on their return!
Dw id Larto- has been reelected a Sc-j
| mi toi from Mis- mri, f. r the ter in of six vears'
ifrom the 4th of March next,
* ■ i *
'• ■ ift i■■ od that u a ii j
au m, gel up ui this .place a memorial to
r 5 :! ' UT,;V *- ;ilnst “ F‘ " sum of
I B ”'** at auction in and other nort'i-
V7r“ eb * l ° ullid '• "onder
ilu^diseovenei-- not the whole of (he
jiiccuimnated difficulties and embarrassment*
.i' :! I”V' ,miian t ß ' tn,liels :intl hjaiiufactur
lei:- of our country, have been . I earl > rta
■*ce * 1 ; ,la practical ,Vt
pmhject, p. ..per diffidence.
Sto-it, ,j! the evils cuiof>hiue.‘d of, are imk, d
id by my qunfk sighted people
i; '' :,t aiictwn must of course c.v
1 that the i
• HO I
: 'F
,yrat.y, 1 i|, ufhm the bufC* ' ■■■] „y ie ’
V 1 ’ ,9; I “ i “ifrchandi/e vs 'o belong to
simple ones of the v*/li t 4 / uu |d r M ice
m such«|)ro(t:c(ion tainted ,ra
yler- in articles when er ofi > s »i,y | lu
urv But since filing, .4 qualities, an
prices mupt varyj atffl&l'lie well to i u -v,
every man to the exercise of his own md
menr, which, disciplined by experience uT
II most cast 9, ‘ford the be c c
against unfair practices in commerce, f! ,
more the subject is ag. bed, tfie louder «•>'
h;'ro.tho -.lie,, anil buyer. t nucti.o
•rm ii.i nemies of me Tar if.
Aryl ii -cmi J , r . is
(f)e n>, ;; iUat ra r I
‘ • .’-pi m.-lpfe i ; ry nmnouLi.t I
liial usei, o *<:v.v-atuiii flic one i: i in.le.
[ l;t ' idei w iai ih: t ve»,-> ■
‘ r > ! w •: .JU •; inks, of
lllilttl ■
Iv -itert i line fir: ■>; has n
’ v published snvcciil (mm letter in \]
f I i
bring the Federalists into popularity, and
to tilt;.rove Air IVe-ddem Monroe’s” asset- •
tnm e i niin leaders amongst them we ■
tain', if with momtidrical Mr,
H rpei • is once, to list a backwoods phrase;
iaj <i Republican ’ and wor a suit otj
patch Iho spi tl ettertol
simplicity in his politicks* she good pe )*.
pic of South Carolina belie r-d i , Ins-sin
(' if and ti Med liim to Congress, where
he vas soo distinguished as a Federalist
■d the first water ; after which, his very,
iiiime became -t-'in - t.i hi constilr.ents, Init
that he tinl noljnuch care f«>r,having estab
lished his fortunes risen here, Acctirtlin;:
to his own account, lie is now tl; ware, a-’ -
mirer of -Harris, u (huy Olh, ,s
; willing to break a lance in defence oii iha
Hartford Convention, and intends ng dn to
obtain a seat ;:i Congrei» if the good peo-. ■
jh-ot M >!,im! win be kind tc tis wishes.-I '
* ii- ,0 v oinch he seeks j} f -nni- .
> Mr. Veditm would say, twofo!: ,
: ; pr .'inolc Interna! hupro • ■ tr.u'. , '
; "id 01(0 to If'■Ml In colon l..ini:
With tto di : »
vstem, we would no oinmeml
I'ts application to his own head and heart;
dtnd .- to (lie la.-t, we presume h- will rii-1-
y coast <
the inhospitable Hayti ;>s the locus pei
\tive of his dingy fr i nds. !!,- will p ro b; .
M-ly pi'tife* tlie w.’i-Js i t Russia in whir
counti v he has tr aveled, nod where if sane,
speaks tth, C- w Sag w i I
the autocrat himself, who desired to -
Mo ■' if of the Generals mil if
j against the great Napoleon. It is possibly
that his Czarish majesty might
(o place him at the head of the Coi av amt
Ito bestow upon him a body guard if Cos
tracks to whom he might impart his dj-cc e
■ ''ics in internal impiovemciUs, with nreat.
.ad\uiilage. '■ i
Our readers have seen that Congrqs- ha?
granted to General La Favktte, 8200,000 ' I
hind a Towfxship of 23,040 acres of Land, |
How so munificent an offering will b re 1
:reived by this great man lemains t - tie
:known ; but there can be no doubt that his
| conduct in this respect, us in all others,
will but increase our adiriiration.anil e iteem
'of his character.
; Appointmtuin by the Governor. —Tife;.- j
r.i-xa r.C lloj.x, tube Judge of the Superior '
Cnurt> ui the Southern Circuit, in the roout
n( Thom--.s W. Harris, resigned.
It. A. Biiall, to be Solicitor in the room <
of T G. !1 out, promoted.
I t)ur sanguine expectations of the con
'elusion of a treaty with the Creek Indians,
iby which aI: i part, if not the whole, of j
finie territory which they occupy within our 1
'limits, was expected to hive been acquired, Q
'.tie at end. The Commissioners have re- 3
uinierl, wit 1 ,iut having been to etfeU s
y thing. I’he Indians, if report be true
' were operated on by an influence which the I
\ omtnis could not centr'd, and c-rna,
tl: g from rmarter ■ ,< disposition tc
thwart the view# of the Government was i
least to im e been exper -ml. Jiecordei
Execution.- Perez Anthony, convicted
■t murder on (he high seas, in the spring of
|1823, ha# been executed at Boston. A nu- I
jmerous collection of people assembled to
I witness the awful scene, ar r' are stated to
'have conducted themselves with great pro-/ (
jirief \