The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832, January 21, 1825, Image 1

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L -j:-:- -r- '' ‘T “ V’Oiv of the puiitieal evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are nut o wing to any uant of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” PRIESTLY A ■ - : : »■ --V-.-- ' . - N NEW SERIES.’...... V 01.% AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21, 1825. No. 60. - L . .. M Cjje Con£tttuttonali£t IS PUBLISHED EyBUdBkTUESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY W*. J. BUNCE, AUGUSTA, GA, •= — 11 .. . j.-3 . MEW FLOUR first quality Family Flour will be liAul <““*■2# ,ed this day from Stearn-Boat, Maid of Or cans, will be sold lows if taken t'ronrfj£| .. .• BUgg & Savage. • November 16 tOFFEE. " H'lT\Tfc CttfFKE (on fonsign- QJ-wJ tnant.yWMrTje disposed of on accommo dating terms by k * \ B. Picquet. November 96 44 U * * * FOR SAlp. On Consignment, by * . |t B> Picquet. November 39 45 3ust levelveA and. foe Sak(| HY . HORACE ELY, ' V IONG’ 1 - Expedition t.i the source V A Helera* liver •’ e, • ' Valley of the Shenandoah Conversations of Lord Kyron •lanuar.v 11 . 3t .57 A large aasartiuent ot Fresh JLW DECEIVED I'/tO.If THt, SHAKERS. ALSO — A sol’d I quantity of Fresn HOI’S, growth of 1824 BOH .SALE BY 11. B. & I). B. Haviland. January 11 . ■ 57 • 5,V)0V1 W eight i I P v’m.e BACON ton SALE. Arrt.T to • . Robert Jpi. Ware. Decembers _ * 46 1 r -j . , „ -• ■ •> , The te\ihscrlher B \ PENDING reside in ’New York; with a *. vies' lor 1 In: transaction of Commission Bus i its-s, in ail iU branches, jvdl t;-oJ grateful for ai y c i.r-ignmenN or orders,p'w.ih which he may be favored, assuring ins rieri's 'that his unrernitted attenii-m will be exerted to promote their inlet' cat. lie will be prepared 011 the receipt of any coii-igirnen s, or of the invoices with bills of la ding a id orders lor insurance, to make the cus ‘injury advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained •f Messrs. Mackenzie & Ponce, Augusta, or Ben jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketchum. Ocfnbee ■ 35 Fo\* 4’ Lhuvlft ton. Tim- NEW STEAM-BOAT, AUGUSTA. -\\TILL have quick despatch, for freight or pas '* s;>ge (bavmg very superior accommoda tions) Apply to . Egan & iVULauglilin, ■Tamil' ■’ 7 3t 56 BOX missxngT OOPPOSED to be taken by mistake from the O Wharf, about the lUh or I2tti of November, a Box of Shoes larded from Boat No. 14 —Mark ed A kE, Wood, or E.Wood Ik Co. Any person having it in his possession will confer a favor by informing the subscribers at their residence, or through this office, E. Wood iSf To. December 54 ( 52 OT Take Notice. f|THE Office of the Jerk of Council, soutli east A corner of the City-H ill, wdl be open from two to five o’clock, P. M. every day (Sundays ex cepted) during the month of January, instant, for the purpose of receiving the returns of the Tax able property, within the corporate limits of Hi- City of Augusta, and within three milfis thereof All persons interested will lake due notice there of. Geo. M. Walker, CVlc. January 7 56 FOR BALE] A LOT OF L AND, three miles from Augusta, containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of which is cleared and under good fence, the balance If nod Land., There is on the premises, a comfortable Dwelling House, which has lately undergone 1. thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, m. elegant Brick Pantry, Crib, Stables, Fodder and Carriage House, &c. all complete—a large yar well shaded; a handsome Orchard of Apple, Peach, Pear and Plum trees, a never f'aili 1 g spring of excellent water, within 80 yards of tin dwelling, and as healthy a situation as any in Rich mond County, The above will be so ( d a bargain, if early ap plication is made to JllO. C. Holcombe. January 18 59 I iTHOMAS S. METCALF, | thi| mat hod of informing his friends A alcf The pTiblTe generally, that be has just re-j ceivej, and?- is now receiving a very large and , w , e " stock of 1 rs and if'Star Will favor him with their custom, thry: ■•d finujlim “ at home,” attending to hit own, miainess, flkdy and willing to supply them with any of Mte following articles, on the most reason-! able terms, for cash or prime city acceptances 1 100 IONS well assorted Sweede k Russia Iron' 12lJ,,hhds. prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar! 10« bags prime Green Coffee 3(J. hhds. prime Jamaica Coffee 50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging 50 dullest Ipnv Bagging, very cheap 50 do b-st Twill’d Sacking 50 coils Jfale Rope 200 bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands 200 do Philadelphia Whiskey 100 do Northern Hum ■ t 25 hhds. do do 20 do prime retailing Molasses 9 dp superior old Jamaica .turn ( 15 pipes do JTibanjl Gin ( , sdo do Cognac Brandy 1 1 pipe do (dd.fejjrt Wine • 5? I* Malaga and Sherry fc. 35 I ’ 4 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma ) t l * dsira T^fnes 20 bbls. (jest filler Vhnegar 0 d»v lri<fc i TV>iaioes . , TiO do /fee'll v 20(JJta>uiiciies Onions prime Northern Flour 25 half barrels do do 50 bbls. and boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar 50 ton cattie boxes fresh /Tyson lea 25 bags Pepper 20 do Spice Ginger k 25 boxes R uins 30 kegs No. 1 Richmond Tobacco 30 boxes Georgia Candles 3 1 do Spermaceti Candles 250 whole ano half boxes No, 1 So.ip 5u Keg.- bestDupoiiis Powder i 200 bag Shot, nsOorted 2500 I ' : : JJ\ r Lest) 2000 lbs, hoop and band Iron 3000 do German and blistered Steel _ 2000 do Share Moulds 8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Salt 2100 do Blown 1000 lbs superior Virginia /Tarns r 10.000 bsl.ogwood 30.000 Russia Qu.lis ,300 dozen Tumblerc 100 ca-.ks paiem Cut Nails, assorted 25 patent Ploughs an.l Paints 10 dozen Carolina /Ties 25 boxes Homes’ aiid While’s and Wliilte more’s Cards 100 box-s prime Cbeest * 20 casks do do 50 reams Wrapping Paper ' 20 casks Lime , 300 nests Dry 200 nesis boxes 20 bbls Shad 50 half barrels Shad * 200 bbL. No. 3 Mackerel 100 do. No. 1 do , 100 bait barrels No. Ido L ; 150 bbls No. 2 do 75 half barrels No 2do . 50 five gallon Hemajohns 09 boxes TTivana White Sugar 10 do do brown do 250 hall, quarter and tenth boxes superioi Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s brands. , November 5 .* 38 LUKE REED & CO. Have just recelced, an additional supply of <& OP KVtll Y nnscilip rlliN, . Which they offer at reduced prices. Country dealers are particularly invited to cull and ex diiuiie the above stock. —4.L80 kegs of choice Butter, lor (idde use, and a few half barrels Prime Fulton Market Beef. January 7 3’ f ’ 56, ; FLavtitu feeeAs. . , DD HHDS. Philadelphia WHISKEY, y FOR SALE BY 1 A. R. Gordon. December 28 61 5 i * 1 • ——■ - 1 ■ •■■ ~— l'l*e 11 brfitribi t’s H'VING united in the practice of' Law, under the firm of Juhan TV n ~) 1 respectfully tendgr tlieir services to tn“i ir.c-.dsi ’ and the public, to transact any business thm may I " )be entrusted to them, in the line • mir pi-1 I r Ij’ssinn, in the several Courts m Georgia t,nd r uth Carolina. I'heir offig ■is on the corner of | Edis and Washing,nn streets, whi re one of the firm may at ail times be found. M. B. Julian, J. M. 1 houi|)son. T»nn«rv 11 ~ L«ss\, ON the 12th inst. {'aidta mall tm of money)} F. Walker's Check for got), on the Bank o( Vi tg l ihia, dated the Dili in t, psyab eto bearer.— Ihe Public is cautioned not to trade h r th< Check Ti e tioder by leaving it with the sub scribers, Wil. be suhahly n uarib-fl, R, B. Duncan & Co. Jamtarv 14 5g I MOTl^lh. fjTOUND by a Negro Man, a sum of MONKY winch the owner can have by saii-faciordy • "escribing'he same, and g vii g the Negros sin able reward for his honesty \,|lv to Job Givsbam. Burke County, Jan. 11, 1825 3l j 58 | 4 SttAaSSla AT THE SinlN OF THE NKAnn*. fppnsi W)TIMe , IVould and the j ureff rt>. ready to attend to I their calf , for • . Frock ■ Dross Coats; ‘ Coatees,T f * Bi°; Coats, \ , Plaid and Caiimlet Cloaks, Ladies’ ( loaks, tajj, - Os the most fashionable kind. i Vests, Shir re, Cravats, Drawers, Elegant patent Suspenders, La Fayette Velvet Vesting, Which thy oil. r for airffe tins season, lower than ever—but (despising the principal of un del-selling) they would only have it understood hat they «'-■ not to bft wHfersold by any in llieii- 1 of business. c j r / 3 a final yII 57 f } MKENZIE & Have removed that Conn in r iioom % to TfVinrtH s<de Si ore. -where day have just received amlji are now opening, - A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF British, FrenclL ItlMia & domestic Which they off r for sal - a' moderate prices, fi r Cash or Product:, nr on such terms as will amt the convenience of the "purchaser, for ap oved paper. November 5 I7t 38 scofiFl dTplugl PS & DRAPERS AjVJ) TAILORS HAVING formed a connection wnli Mr. llowai d, late of Baltimore, have Removed heir Establishment to .Vo. 88, Broadway,'corner ol Wall-Street, where their Bubii)€h« will in future be conducted under the firm of ' SCOFIELD, PHELPS k /TOWARD. .As?w York T:> , 1893 7 \VILViF.I.M VI. EHAJV, Uenews the tender oj /iis services in the COMMISSION AND STO fid ii E fi UMIA'ESS, TO HIS fHIMUS AM) TBK PUBLIC. HIS VVA'ISE side Hroad’wrPef, jJufiJSpjeiidy for the re. cenlinfi (if i O winch liberal when re Any business may be favoured, COM nisswv BUSINESS. TV\e Subscriber, HAVING engaged VVahkii -usss iiklSt ;hks, in t lie ujiper part of 'lda city, off. rs bis services as a general COM MISSION MBItCHAN I’,—Persons who may place merchandise or produce under his care, may safely rely on every possible exertion being used, to give genet- d saiialacl'on. Hama APKinne. SpHtemher 28 *27 Vicul VtLsb Potatoes, IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg, AFL Hampers real Retinal Rotate s, wi.icli will be sob! hi lots lo suit families, by apply ing immediately at Jacob Moise’s. M’K nzic ,4 Hemlock's Row. Heoi.rnber 28 , • THOMAS G. HALL, Carriage AVukcr. nWING laken the nhups r. cen-ly occupied ny Mr. Ja nes I.ynes, intends carrving on jtlu-business in all ns vari. n branches! Irom 'ln Inig exper.eiice ,t the North, he fl-.iter: . himself, that he wiil b ' able to give general ss jtislacfinn to such, as wdl favour lorn with a call in jtiie R'pairing Line. Ail favours will be thank jt'd'y received and punctually executed. ' __expects soon 10 receive from Hie Northern I Maoufactnries, a compl.-te assortment of Carriages, j LJ GIGS and CARRIAGES built to order. For Sale. 8 Uigs, 3 Sul keys, 3 Carriages. November .5 jr 'alo.nzb day, Coach-Maker , keep consianiiy on hand, and for Sale, I* at Mr. Loxostrket’s I.iv ry s- hie. AN ASS OR T.y/EJYT OF (Baiis o .■, ' (CT Orders for GIGs or C ARRIAGES from tin North, will be promptly attended to and work a r anted. N. B.—Repairing done at the shortest notice. ’ N • vemher 30 45 - —■ • —— l A Large Assortment of JUVENILE /{'WHS, T»r hale at this Office, HAIR RESTORVfIVE. And Preservative- Vegetable Cerate. r!IE important discoveiy of a vegetable sub stance, capable >1 restoring and preserving the hair, Was accidently made by an individual who has ut itber the capacity nor the disposition to practice deception or fraud. The fullest ie bance may be placed on the efficacy and power id the Vegetable Cerate, not only in restoring and preventing the falling off of the hair, but iu .producing Hie greatest lustre and liveliness-of it -imaginable ,- and the public inuv rest assin-td that its effects will be clearly manifested in the con rat of a short time by the renewal and v gorons growth of the hair, and by ellV-ctuully ptevent mg its coming out or falling off. The Vegel/bie C' rale. tends to resuscitate and excite Hie eiu-r gu-s of the capillary vessels, which constitute ( '!iose organs that secrete the mailer forming the bai>-; these, like many other organs of the ani mal body, which have been in a state of dorman cy or disease, -may be restored to their’healthy action, and perform all those functions assigned them by nature. 1 he proprietor being aware of the numerous 'specifics palmed on the public, and desirous that .Ho pi 'sent article may not stiff-r, rests its me rits 011 the ( fleet it has produced on hundreds of I persons, both male and female, and found to he jibe only thing in restoring and preventing the ■hair from cuming out of Hie beads of those who have.used it, and sll dial is asked as it relates to lj* ,e of its eff ct, is a lair ti lal. 1 people 1 with bald heads, must rest as aimiyi' g a few boxes of the above ' 1 *.^ e fttstored with all its ' fi I ? ,) C|l*l*tftV -0 f the above valuable ‘ jn- agents through the United . otatesTor the sale of it, and also in Europe. Directions. I he V egetable Cerate being perfectly inuo- cent, may be plentifully applied, night and morn ing, and rubbed bard into Hie pores ot the head with Hie fi gers, without apprehension of dan ger. In addition to its other value, it beautifi -s ' the hair and whiskers. N, B. G-ntlemen ihat are bald, after using it - lor some weeks, will find a smail fibre ot hair (growing on the place that is bald . they vvijl con- j tinue it tor about ten days after its appearance,L then they will shave their hair cl ise off where ill) I is afl -cted, after that it will receive its natural and t i vigorous growth. And those wlio have the misfortune of loosing 1 their bnr by sickness, tbeLDerate will rertore 1 > j them in a very little tih>|| a full and beautiful , bead of hair, as it is beyond all doubts that it is < Hie only thing that has ever been discovered in ( this country, or perhaps 4n any ot tier. A constant supply for sal -by R. B. be D. (r. ilaviland, > ’ i „ Agents far Georgia , January 14 ' 53 . ( TO ■R.'-'.VT. ! MTILL the first October next, the Dwelling House ai present occupied 1 by the subscriber. For term* apply to IV ill. Alaukie. , tnunry 11 3t 57 I ' TO RENT, I . 7 * One Tenement in the Lpng I Yellow Range ot Buildings, n-xt dour above the c sign ol the " Asiatic Lenitive," in "Cotton Range,” 1 c utiimed —Also, several l eiu-menta of one story • each,with two rooms, recently io Hie possession o( I 1 Vlr. Ansley, aqd a convenient Warehouse in tig 1 rear, wiuen been recently reps red and tin- I lot enclosed w-ftb a < ’ cice. f ■'nr terms, upph to Mr. Janito Hai ig the absence ot the subscriber. v / ""E. F. Campliell. , January > 56 h TO RENT. From the fu st October next, A I liree '-Stores ami a Dwelling t House, upper end soinh side Broad- 1 Street, adjoining Egan & M'Laugh- ( bn’s, viz : —file Store occupied by ! 1). Henry k Co. the Store occupied by Mils k | Alden—aiid the tw . ston Frame House ami Storell adjoining the same—the bouse is well calculated I'm a private family or boarding House—having at, ! excellent Brick Kitchen, The Stores are all most < desirably situated lor the Grocery- Business. Apply to William H. Egan. Sci'tember 17 u 24 FOR HALE OR TO RENT. 'IPUK unej i.ied lease and improvements on IL the Lot known as the Littlemari’s Garden, situated on Fdlis-Sireet, near the corner of Ceil , tre-Streel—having all the conveniences for car-, t-ying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be- , sides an Oven, Dryhouse, Ac. There is also an | Ice House in good order, where 15 or 18 tons 01 Ice can be secured for summer use. The whole j will In: shewn by application on the premises.— For terms apply to , B. Houser. < August 10 ig NOTICE. \LL persons who have anv demands against the estate of Wdlbam Bacon, deceased, of against Hie estate of Mrs. Lucy G, Bacon, de ‘ ceased, are requested to present them to the 1 subscriber, or in his absence, to William W. Holt. Henry Hull, Jldm’r. ' January 7 • 4l . 56 N otice. ,a\ LL person, to whom the esta’e of John mJ XvA Lachis, deceased, !-■ indebted, are requesle ' '(i present their accounts within the time piv icribed by law, and those who are indebted ti i laid estate, are requested to make immediate pay ' neat to u Peter Bennoch, ddin’r. j July 23. r g PWBMSHBTJUD .Snd for Sale at this Office, By ihe Cross, Dozen or Single, THE Georgia & SouU\-Caro\ina Ss Ha m Ss « ® B a FOIt THK VKAU OK OUK LORD &SS<§3 CO.YJULYIjVG— The motion of the Sun mid Moon, The true places and aspects of the Planets, The rising and setting of the Sun, Phe rising, setting and southing of the Moon, The sign of the Zodiac she is in at Noon, The rising, selling and southing of the most conspicuous Planets amt fixed Stars, Eclipses of the Sun and Moon, Moon’s Phases, AISO Ihe Feadts and Festivals observed by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Uni- ’ ted States of America. Together with Ihe usual Entertaining Mailer. THK ASTROWtiMTCAI PAUT 111 ROBERT GRIER. November 19 42 fP HE Waynesborough Academy, will open un der the Rectorship of Mr. WII.LIAM H. loii jL, : UIS ,'! ! V the iirHt Monday in January’ 1825, where w.ll be taught the Classics general ly. and all the branches of an English Education, I’his Institution is confidently recommended to the patronage of the public and the friends of Literature. R. E. Kroiliiax, President of the Po ivil oj Commissioners, January 4 T m 55 iilcai\ftn\y. IT is with pleasure and confidence that the ' I rualees ol tins Institution, present its cla nis on this occasion, for ihe support and patronage of an enlightened public. Although endowed more liberally perhaps than any oyier county school in the s'ate, yet its fund# having been unproductive lor several years past biyng mostly vested in slate bank stuck, die-academy has been much clogged in its operation. Ilu board have not been able to i fier an adequate inducement to engage the servi. ces of a Hector, who combined qualifications and character, that would insure success to the semin. ary. I bis bar we ar. happy to stale is removed and we congra'nlale die ( ,community in bavi.irr procured lor the ensuing year, the Rev.‘Thomas doubling, formerly of Liberty county, a gentle man whose scholarship and general character are too notorious tobvquire the feeble tribute fit our ; praise, Mr. (Joii)ding will superintend bothschools | —los personal -ej vices and attention hjflvcver wol ne principally bestowed on the female de partment. In the male academy he will be ussis ted by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who lias some experience m teaching—and who is re commended as unexcejui (liable in talents and morals. lo tfu.e we lisve to add, local inducements, such as health, dheapness of bpard. Ike. and perhaps it would not be thought supei(ljous to tiufgev', that irfasrnuch as most of ihe imp u-tatlt elutions are transferred directly to the peoplnAit would become duub y necessary to minds, for noirdfli stands on alir ttiei' basis ll>m this, that in proportion as we give • o th*4»rnple powfer, we sho« f also give them knowledge. On the practical avloption of this principle dt pends the preservation of our repub lican institutions. Juseph Henry 'Lumpkin, . , , , , •Secretary . d/ The Editors of the Cunstitulionnliit, Augusta, awl Uepublican, Savannah, will publish the above, awl fit want their accounts lo Lexington for pai malt■ J. 11. L. lanuary 18 (£3* The Trustees of the Pres hytenan Church in this City, beg leave to notify tlie I'ew-llulders therein, that the annual Assess nie.iii on the I’ews in said Church, is payable Semi-annually in advance ; that it, lo say, one half pin aide on ihe first of January, and one half on l first of Juty, in each and every yetir. As the Church is in debt, and as repans to the (Steeple and other parts of the budding have be- ' come i.nlispensible, they consider it ibeirduty tt> rtqm ,1 (il all concerned, a prompt payment to Mr. Warner, the collector for the Board, of the first ha f of me current year’s Assessment, which became due on the first instant. Jig order of the■ Hoard of Trustees. A. (Jamlieltl, Sitc’ry, January 14 2t gy* 'i'he Lancastrian Free School, will again be opened on MONDAY, the IBlh but. and the Board of Managers cordially invite the return rtf those Scholars who have heretofore been educated at this institution, as well as of all others who choose to embrace the advantages of instruction free of expence, Q CT I’upils will also be thankfully, received from Parents who are disposed to pay at three dollars per Quarter. October 12 gj FRENCH TUITION. A FEW young Ladies will he admitted lo a new course of Tuition of the French Language at the residence of the subscriber, familiar con.’ vernation will be introduced which by the assist mce of his daughters, the subscriber flatters him" sell the acquirement of that useful 1 anguage will h“ more speedily and more accurately obtained t uition three times a week from nine to eleven ■ o’clock, A. M. J- B. Lafitte. November 30 45 CIENTEEL Residents, or Sojourners, maybe I accommodated with Board and Lodging next door above Dr. Turpin’s, Broad-street. J. B. Lafitte. November 30 43